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Goode and Schroeder, Inc - 1959-06-04
THi8 AGaEMMTD made and entered into as of the Y 0 of0190by and ©'f CITE OF HOTIHGTON BEACH, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called Goode & $chrod-°•-.er, Inc. 14045 Century Blvd. Santa Ana,. California Hereinafter o&Ucd CITY COAMCTOR WHFIWASs thr3 City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,, County of Orangep State of California, pursu=t to at.atutee in e-ach cases made and providedp defy and regularly caused a m-nice to be pui liahedp calling for bids for labor, materiaiA tools and equipment for the oontruo ion aA p1mt nixed sw facing of a boachfrout wervioe road In said City of Huntington BeaohF California, said work to be const;nlcted sr --hording to p1ma. specifications and special T.mvieions for name on file in the office of the City weer and adopted by the City Council of said City of Huntington Beach on the _li L day of � 19_,52,,_ 9 to which said p3 aus p specifications and special provisions reference in hereby madep and by such re;L'er- once they are wade a part of thin contract as if herein e+-t out in fullp and WBERFASp the City Council at a regular meeting thereof and at the tim and place appointed therefor opened the bids submitted by the respective bidders for the construction and completion of the above mentioned worc, and after oareful Consideration of all bids submitted the City Coinwil awarded the contract therefor to the Contractor therein named at the prioess set forth iu its bid, it being the lowest -.nd best bid received by the said City Council, NOW TEIERVX p in oonsideration of the covenants and agreemunte herein, oontainedp being cb3ne and performed by the pextiee hereto, it is hereby uiMeed as follows s In 1. The Contractorq under the direotion and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach9 acting ea its agent: she'll and will prarlde all raterialo and perform all work mentioned in :he specifications and speoial•provisione or ahown on the plane for the construction of the work herein - above referred to and more particularly set out in said plane, specifications and special provision, except as hereinafter stated. 2, f +f? alteration or addition shall be made in the work shown or dee. scribed by the drawinge, specificatiors or special provisionno No extra work shall be performed or paid For unless the City of Huntington Beach sha.11 have issued, prior to the beginning thereof, its written order therefor, 3- SIMU=22s The Contractor shall gave his personal attention U% the fulfillment of this contract. ire sub -contractors are engaged on the work, they will be recognized only as employees of the Contractor., WA no sub-Oontraotor shall under any oircw©sUncea relieve the Contractor or surety of their liabilities and obligations under this contract9 and all tranaotiona with the City Couaoil ahsll b* through the Contractor herein named° 4e MZZ&IAO A r&per: The Contractor, at its own cost and cberges shall wish the necessary Appliances, implemmtep tools., molds, ways and means, and all neoesaary conveniences for the trenafer of tho material to its proper plaice in the work, and said City shall - not bb held responsible for the care or protec- tion of any material or parts of the work,, except an in the specifications or special provisions expressly providedo 50 _',,, 3hou:d it appear that the work herein con- teuplsted, or any of the matters relative thereto., are not sufficiently detailed or explained in said specification or opeoial provision$9 the Contractor shall apply to the City Enginew for suoh further explanations as may be necessary and shall conform to the name as part of this contract, so far as may be consistent with the original specifications, and special provisions, G, p BMS Op'WM: The work is to be oommenoed within 10 daye after approval of the contract as to form, by the City Attorney •�f said City and ine-to be diligentlty prosecuted to completion in such order and moaner of progmas as the City sneer say from time to time prescribe, 70 CI A '14F L If any pennon employed by the Cont=ctor shall appear to the City Engineer to be :inec-ppetent or to act in a disorderly or improper manner9 he shall be discharged immediately on the requisition of said. City 2, sera and such perEo:.: shall not again be employed on the woke Ctj MPEUTIOU OF CONT AC Whanarer the Contractor is not present on MW port of the work where it n ay be desired to give directiont orders will be givafl b;( the City Engineer and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman who may have charge of the p=ticular Rork in reference to which the orders are given. 91iRUPi"C OR _SflLy,CY,7o'il� a If the Gontreagar should be adjudged bankrupt,, or if it should make a gw wzal assignment for the bmwfit of creditors„ or if a receiver should be appointed on account of hie insolvencyp or if Contractor should pexsistentiy or repeatedly refuses or should fail, except in canes for xhioh extsnaioh of time is provided$, to supply enough properly skil. led workmen or proper mateinelss p or if he should fail to make prompt payment for mater3.al or labor, or persistently dioregard lexas ordinances or the instructions of the City) or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the contract, then the City upon the certificate of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beeoh that sufficient cause exiets to justify such actions may without pre jte-loe to any other idZht or remedys and after giving the Contractor fi.ftean (15) days written notioeg terminate the employment of Contraotor and take possession of the •premisein and of all, materialea toolsn and appliances th9ermns and finish' the Rork by whatever method it may doom expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the mark in finished, If the unpaid bm1woo of the contract pries ::hall exaaed the expense of finishing the workp including componsation for additional trial and admin'. strative work or servi.eeep euoh excess flhmll be paid to the Contractor. If such expunee ehall exo©ed suoh unapaid W.unce n the Contractor ahail pear the differbnce to the City. The expena+e incurred by the City as herein provided9 and the damMe incurred through the Contractor° a default, shall be certified by the City �gfneer of the City of Huntington Beach. 10.3 LAWS TO BE OBS&TM.- (a) The Contractor shall keep himself ful. y informed of all exis-ting and future Stato and Federal laws azui municipal ordinanoes and regulations in wq manner affecting those engaged or employed in the works or the materials used is the works or in any way affeoting the conduct of the warkr and all such orders and decreee of bodies or tribunals having a q juriediotion or authority over the same. If arq discrepancy or inconsistency is discovered in the plane, drawings, apecifioe.tions or special provisioner. or contract for .Ui:!--. work in relation to any ouch lava„ ordineroeop arpgulationp order or decree, he shall forthwith repo, i; the eeme to the City I= writing,, He olf ll at all times himself 30 A observe and comply with, and shall cause all his agents and employees to vitserre a.ud comply with all asuoh existing and future lawasp ordinancess, regulationep orders omd docreeo, and oha3.Y protect and the eai.d City, the City Council and City Engineerp and its and their offiner•. arena and servants against any claim or liability arising frcm or based on the viulaass►tion of any such law* ordinance p regulation, order or decree vhether by ita3elf or its cuployeeeo (b) The Contractor shall, before entering on the performance of the work herein provided, furnish a bond in the cum of fifty (50) per cent of the can - tract twice, as required by the tern s of Sootions 4200-►4205 of the Goverment Code of the State of California. (o) In the employment of labor tha Contractor shall give preferencep otbsr t%inp being equea, to honorable disoharged soldiers: assiloiv' and =wines* and riiiidsnt laborers p but in suoh connection there shall be 230 other greferenoe or dlibiialnatiom imong ai.tiiens of the United States, 110 IWWMMT OR ALI sa Pareuant to the provisions of the' Labor Code of the State of Cali forrAa, no person, fire, partnereMp, association or 00 rutionz or agmt thereof, doing any work as a contractor or sub-contraotor upon any public work being dons for or undier the authority of this State, or c -w offiocir or department. thereof a or for or under: the authcrity of any oountyp city and county,* city, townp townships district or any other political asubdi4. As" lon thev*f o or say officer' or department shaJU baovingly employ* or cause or allow to ' b® employed thereomz an'y alien -- thereby any person" not- born or fully' natstiralized oitiieii of th6 united States - except in oases of .itraordinary eseoacg�enoy cavil d by firep flood or danger to life or proper+-yp, or earoept' to work upon pablio n1iita ry or naval defeneen or works in time of -nw; providedp how m sr, that. within tarty (30) days after my alien is permitted to work thereon due to 03c Losinaty ewrgenoyp the Contractor doing the work or his authorized Mmi t shall• film with the ofhaer or' publio t:ody awarding the contract a reports veriiie& by his oath, aatilag forth the nature of the sadd emerg+emly' and oontainiag the name of the said alien and ea'yah data he was permitted to work, and failure to' file said report within' eeai.d timc chs3.1 be' pia& facie evidence that no such extra ..mars amergmoy' exiiie;do Such Contractor and each snub -contractor Rhal.l ativ' kesegp or omen to be` kept,. an aocuratae record showing the nam and cit:;zw)ahip of an rkeras employes' by him, in connection with the aas id public work,; which record shell. tie ©pail at all re"onable bourn to the inspection of the offices or public as ess{ardi ag the centrarot, his or itas deputies and agents and to the Chief of the DivIsion of Labor Statistics a ntl Law 14iloroement, hie deputies and agento. a It J_j further underatood and agreed that for each violation of the above stipulat:ion9 said Contraotor shall forfeit to the City as a penalty, the OUR of Ten (910.00) Dollars for each der or portion thereof during which each such el' qn is knowingly amp) oytd in the execution of this agreement, by said Contractor or by any sub-contraotor under h mg in -.violation of this stipulation and the provislozib of the Labor Code of the State of California, I2- That in the perfor*moe of this agreements prices, fitness and quality being equal, the Contractor agrees that he will use supplies and me:t- erials grow% maaufaotured and producei in the State of CalifoxTda and that sub. jeot to the above provision he agrees in the performance of the work contecq>- lated hereunder -to use only such unmanafactured materie.s as have been produced im the United States, and only smoh ma►naf'aotured mater_.-as as have been sram- fao'Wxnd in the United States, substantially all from materials produee An the United States 13 PUBLIC C0NV1N.1 CPE AND Sk 1 � f t (a) The Contractor x=t arrange to take care of the existing traffi ;, no as to inconvenience thei general public as little ae possible. Residents along the road must be provided for as far as pracaticable o Temporary approaches to crossinLnu or interim eoting highways must be provided and kept in good condition where required by the City Engineere (b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain such fences, barriers, ©igns p redlights and watchmen and oi►her means as may be necessary to prevent a ei- dents to the publics. It shall be n-ioessary that the place at the points desig- nated. by the City Ei�3.neer such warning eigno as may be designated 11y the said City Engineer, and he shall provide white lights as may be neoeeaary for illy-rJmating the said. signs,, (a) The Contractor s au. care for public traffio4 as required and dir. acted by the City Engineer. Detours used by the Contractor excluoively for haul. ing r;ateriaie and equipment shall he constructed and maintainet by him at his expense, 14. PRESERVATION OF PROP Mt The Contractor challp at his own expense, preserve and protect from injury the roadside trees by covering the trunks vrlth bur- lap or drivo stakes around them when required by the City Engineer. 15 o REMIRSIBILM FOR DAMAGE: The City of Hmti.ngton Beach, the City Councils, and the City Engineer will riot 3n any manner be ans"rable or accountable for any loss or damage that shall or may happen to the said stork or any part there. of,, or for any of the materials or other things used or employed in finishing and completing the work; or for the injury +o sell porsom or persona, either workm a or the publiav for damages to adjoining property from any cause which alight have been prevented by the Contractor or his workmen or by Boy one employed by him,; against all of which injuries or da aages t,, parsons and property the Contractor apt properly guard and must mW-e good all damages from any cause whatever, being strictly responsible for any damage to any person or property resulting from defects or obstructions, or from any cause whateoever, during the progress of the work or et any time before the completion and final acceptance thereof, and that said Contractor will indemnify and same a harmless the said City, the City Council. and the City Engineer xfom all ou'.1ts or actions of every name and description brouW,, for or on aocouk t of any ir10 "uries or damages received or sustained by any ptrmon or perso_nzv by or from eaid Contraotory its servants or agents, in the con- etruction of Bai d work, or by or in ocn©equRmot of aay negligenoe in guzzding the sass, in improper materials used in its constructions or by or on account of any act or r=mieoion of the said Contrmotrr or his agents c and the said Contractor further agrees at all times to carry public liabilityv property damagov firev earth- quake and workman°s compensation insurance satisfactory :o A City Engineary oov- Bring all work ';eing done under this contract, and for any lose to the Contractor by &zW cause. The City of Huntington Beachv the City Council and the City Eingineer will not under any circumstances be answerable or ,;e)oeunt&ble. The Contractor ghail furnish to the City o; Huntington Beach eertI.ficate aaA evidence of all such complianea both before said work is begun and during its performance 16. M ,ABD GPLAD„ � _ "'he Contractor is to furnish, free of raharge, all labor necessary for marking end maintaining points and lines given by the City StZIUeer and is to give the City Z4gineer suoh fanilities and labor for giving said lines and points as he ma,X require, which said marks must be carefully pre- aervedo 17. TESTS CB MAT� t All testa of ria erials; furnished by the Contractor shall be made by the City Engineer in accordance with inwh methods as he may from tum to time adopt„ le. REM ITY OF -HATUTALSs All. materials u3ed is the work shad meet the requirements of said spenificati ins o and no materials shall be used until it hue the approval of the City Engineer. Samples will be secured and tested when nec- eaoary to determine the quality of materials. Laboratory teats will be made as promr";ly as possible so as not to inconvenience the Contractor. 19. STORAGE OF MAMTATS= Materials nhal1 he stored so as to insure the Preservation of their quality and fitneee for the work. Suoh stored materials ahall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. �i '• i 20e MMI N: The City Engineer end his authorized assietau 'to-s shall at a3l times have access to the work during its construction and shall be fur- niab)d with every ressona leer faoility for ascertaining that the stook. and -mzter- ialj =iced and, employed;, and the workmanshipp are Jmn accordance with the require- ma.Lts and intentions of .this c ntraoto All earls done and all mateelals furnished eaaU be subject to the inspection and approval of the City EngiMeero tMeWTINE; j WRTAT S MW WORK: (a) The inspection of the wort Wmil not relievo the Contra for of amy of his obligations to fulfill, his contract as herein prescribed,, and defective work shall be :wade goods and all unsuitable materd ials may be rejectedg notwithstanding that such defective work and materials huge becu previoUely overlooked by the City Engineer and accepted or estimated for pay- Wnts C F►'} If the work or any part thereof uhall be four. c•)fective at any time before final acceptance of the whole Rork¢ ;he Contraotor shall forthwith majta good such defdot is a manner &u iefaotory to the City 4agirieer, (o) The Contractor ©hall., after receiving written notioe from the City r.agineer to that effect, proceed to remove to a aatisfaotrry distance farm the work all materials condemned by the acid City eer9 whether worked or unworked, and remove &11 p-�a-tiaras of the work whion the said City Engineer shall condemn as unsoundn =' properp or as in any way failing to conform to the speeifioatione and sb&11 ccver', protect and exercise due diligence to eecure the Pork from injuty, All damage h8pyening to the same shall ba made good by the Contractor, 220 CL. 39IN41 IIPr (a) hater the eomple *icn of said wojei: the Contraato�r shall remove all temporary structures built by it and all surplus materiels of all kinds from the site of -Lhe Rork and leave the whole olean and preeentable., (a) If ordered by theCity !m' :neerq the brua'14 and other combos iible debris a a13 be piled in the center of the roadway or other clearing and bLrnedo 23 o TIM OF CM-LOLMICN. ABi LIQUIDATED DAMAGES:, (a) It is agreed thak in the event all wort oallod fc. under. RRid contract in all, parts and reauire� ments is not comple yed before the ezpi.r;ition -)f 1 5. d (Sundays and holideyz exnlusiva) from tho dr;i:e of execution of this contract as approved by the City Attorney of said City of Huntington Beach,, du rage will bt sustained by the said City, and that it is and will be difficult to ascertain and detexmine the aotual damage which said City will auat&Lri in the event of and by reason of such delay; and it is therefore agreed than said Contractor will. pay the 70 a Bald City -';he ;s0um $50*00 (IftiV) DoUnxa per 4W for each ,,,sd ever day}e delay beyond the tims herein prescribod in finiah ng the said -work. In case said li g7taidated damages are not paid by said Contractors said �,'Ity Counoil may deduct the amount therefor from any money due or that may beoome duo said Contraotor under thi.a uontraot. (b) It is further agreed that in cage whole work called fe- ..-Aaer this , contr_;at is not finished and completed in all parts and requirements wi.tYn the time hereinbefore speci.f adp said City Couw41 shell have the right to extend the ti ae for comul.etiong' if :; shall seem beat to serve the interest of tine Citys, and should said City Coducsil decide to extend the time limit for completion of thle contraot.s, it shalI:further have the right to charge to the Contractors its heire, "eigna or suretiesq and deduct from the final payaent for the work2 ada or any part, as it shall deem proper, of the aotual cost of engineering, inspection, superinterdenoe and inoi.dental overhead expenses which ere directl- chargeable to suoh extensicn and which acCrli9 during the period of such extension. 24. ANNULMENT OF CORMCT: Wheneverp in the opinion of the City Councils, the said work is neglected by the said Contractor or the crime is not prosecuted with the diligence and force specified, meant and intended in any mmner by the terme of this contracts, it shall be lawful for said Civy Council to make a req. uisition upon said Contrao-car for auch additional specifics force or such addi.tb ionel materi a.], to be brought into the work under this contract p or to remove improper material from the grounds ass, in the judgment of said City Council, this contract and its due and faitbfnl f%.lfillment may require. Dne notioe of such antiou shall be served upon rsaid Contraotor or his agenyA in ooritingp not le3s tkAn fivo (5) days prior thereto, and if said Contractor fails to comply with such re.- u:sition within Said fives (5) dayB, it a} all be lawful for said City Ccunoil to employ upon Rork the additional force,, or supply the materials as specifically required, as aforesaid, The esaount of auch azl.it:Wnal roroo or materials shall bs charged against the Contractor and be, deductod Lrnm hic next or subsequent eetid mate and paymentp or the name or any part thereof not so deducted ,iay be recovered from said Contractor or its e4reties, Xbreoverp if said Contractor fails to comply with suoh requisitions within five (5) days7 the said City Counoil may declare this; oor_tract terminatedg and W lteelf proceed to complete the work herein specified, rr may engage any other per. son or persons to do the came. Upon completion of such work the Citys, through its proper officer or officers, ah--al cause, a otatemont to be made of the expenses prop®r3Y incurred consequent .and incidental to the dofsult of said Contraotor, as aforesaid, and in completing the work itt.=3If or by any ether peraon or persons. L-12 • Should the eaarount of such statement be less than the amount which would have been dre to the Contractor upon ele completion of the work by it, the di r :,N,r- ,i=e shall be paid by the City to the eaid Contraotora Should the amount of ruch'statement exceed the ant due the Contractor upon the completion of the wa a by itsa the differeace asba.11 be paid by the Contractor to said Citya 25- R&MM AD H=RD OF VATMIAL M z BILLS: (a) The Contractor will pay all bills for iaborg machine hire, mateelala and supplies contracted for by him on account of the work herein contemplated when the sane beooame due and payable, and he will furnish to said City Counail on or before the fifth (5th) day of each sionth a sworn statemnt of all unpaid indebtedness contraoted for on account of said Work and of all claims of private corporations or individusa for damage of any kiied caused by the construction of said work,, together with the dates of such bills and the nausea and addreasee c*' such oreditorso (b) The City Colmoil, at its option and at any time, by written notice to the Contractor upon the failure of Contractor to furnish such statement, or upon proof that contracted indebtedness is not being met when due, mV declare this contract terminated and may itself proceed to complete the work herein speai- fldd, or may engage any other peroon or persons to do the sawed (c) Said City Council many p at its option and at any tiara Q retain out of any amount due said Contractor sums sufficient to coven any such unpaid claims, provided that sworn statements of said claims shall have been filed in the office of the City Cle3rk, and may pev out of such amounts co retained any much --,Mp id olaims � The City Counoil mV alsc,, with the written consent of the Contractor' uce any mon©yas in the poa3somaion of the City of H=- tington Beach belonging to the Contractor for the ,purpose of paying for both labor and materials for the worx herein contemplated, 26, PAR` M PAYMTt Thia3 contrho r shall provide that the City Council shall, once in each month; cause an oatimate in writing to be made by the City Engineer of the total amount of work dune to the time of such eastimate, and the value thereof, Said City abr"-L retain ten (10) per oent of sucb estimated value of the work as part security for the fulfillment of this contract by the Contractor and shall monthly at a regular meting of the City Council pay to the Contractorg while carrying on the worm, the balance not retai.ned4 as aforeasaaid, after dedn: tag therefrom a21 previous na ents and all sums to be kept or retsAj�ed under the provisi;.�: q of this contract, ao such estimate or payment shall be req- 90 uired to be made when, in the judgment of the City FIgineerQ the work is not pro- .. deeding in accordance with the provisions of :his contract or wheug in his judg- ment, the total value of the worm done since the Iasi estimate amouats to leas they: TI•.ree Hundred (.3300o00) Boyars. The City Council, if it deems it expedient so to dog may cause estimatea to be made more frequently than once in each mouthg and it may cause payments to be made more frequw.-tly to the Ccntraotoro 27- FINAL PAYWT& (a) The City EngLneor ehal.l8 as soon as practicable after the completion of this contraot@ rake a final estimate of the amount of work done therounderg and the value thereofv and the caid City of Huntington Beach 3ha11 at such timag within, UArty-five (35) days from and after the date of said estate* as the City Council-may-eleotp pay the entire sum so found -to be duo hereunder, amounts to be retained under the provisions of this contract. An prior partial ratimtes end payments shall be subject to corrections in the finalestimate and payment, (b) It ie hereby specified that no certlfloate given or payment made under thin contraot, except the final certificate or final payments ©hall be con- blusive evidence of the Performance of this contrac p either wholly or in part, ag►dna-t any claim of the said City of Zun-ti gton Beachp and then not until the lapse of thirty-five (35) days after acceptance of the work by the City Comnai1v and no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or irproper materials. (c) The saLl Contractor hereby further agrees that the payment of the final =cunt due under this contract and the adjustment and payment of the bills rendered for any wore done In accordance with a qy alteration of the same, shrill relesae i.ae City of Huntington beach„ vha said City Counall and the City Engineer from my and all olai.ms3 or liability on sccou: t of work performed under this con- tract, or any alteratiozw thereof. 2+: FROPEM RIGHT IN MATERTALSt It is further agreed that nothingin this contraot aball be construed as vesting in the Contractor any right of property in the materials ueel^ after they have been attaohed or affixed to the work or ' affixed to the aoi.l n and all. euoh materials shall c upon being -so attached or affixed become the property of the said City of Huntington Beach 29, NO PERSONAi, 1AXAB MIT s It is further provided that no member of the said City Council or the Cit;; U. 4 neer,, or any other officer or authorized a sistmt of said City Engineerg or any other official of said City, shall be personally res- ponsible Zor wV liability arising under this contract. 100 n n 0 30,, FATHFUL PM--VRMCE BOND: The Contractor shall furbish a common .:r pond for the faithful ke:^formance of this contract in the sun egljnl to per Gent of the cortrext price. M.,7l1�C - __- _ _ _ - - f1�4" OOs��oOpes� r i rr r r ■ ?.I COBTRACT PRICE: The to'-:.1 amount of the contr& t p r ce and the bid herein'oefore referred to is the stima of $ 6,''85*35 Doll,aro 0 32. PREVAILING �i•�iGE SCALE: In accordanco with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code a the Ci V Council of the City of Huntington Beacho Cal:iforniao has asoertained the general prevailing rate of rages applicable to the work cov- ered by this contract en more particularly not forth in a revolution of the City Counoil of the City of Huntington Boaohp a certified copy of which resolutica is horeto attaohed and suede a part hereof and deai`mat-ed as Revolution No. 1376 , CALM,t1`• 33. IgjgM TO ,EIGHT 8 j HOURS PER DAY: Tha-t the time of service of my person employed by the Contractor shall be linvited and restricted to eight (8) houra during any calendar dayp except in casas of extraordinary emergency,, caused by fires flood, or danger to lifo or property and Contractor or vxy sub,-Contracyor shall keep an acouraye record showine the number of actual hours worked by each workman employed by him in oonneotlon with the cork her; contomplr.�tad,. Said roc - Ord ehall be kept open at all reasonablo hours to i s.-.-action by the City and by the Division of Labor Law Enforcemoat o That the Contractor cha? 1 forfeit as a penalty to the City ten (10) dollaro for each workzwn employed in the execution of tha Contrast by the Contrawtor or by az�y aubContractor for each calendar day during which say workman in required or pe=itted to labor more than eight hours. 34. Tnat the Contrz�otor shall not a.eaign this A reemeII o without the con, - sent of the City, in writingp first had and obtained, 35. DID PRICE: •Ma ©add Contractor further argreeo to receive and accept the following prices as full- compeasc:tion for furnishing all mterial s and for doing all the work contamplated and embraced in this agreement; oleo for all lose or d.aamajreq arising out of the nature of the work aforeoaid, or from the action of the element8 q or from any unforeseen diffic:11t:.os or obstructions whioh may arias or be encountered :in the prosccu�'.ion of the work unt:=.l its acceptance by the City Council of thq Citj of Hhin -ington Hearh� and for c11 rinks of every description connected with the wore.; also for all incurred by or in conaecuence of the Ila • suspension or discoatinuawe of work end for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof g i L' the manner and according to the plezz and specift- cations, and the reg7aireaeuts of the City EnginearQ tinder thczp to wit: Item Mis ltma with Unit Prico Written in Words pries Total 1 403 Cn. Us, beach sand +a: aa4ation and grading at fova ty fiva cents per ou. yd. 0,43 181033 2 10SO Cu. Tda* dirt base material at Two dollao and no cents per an. yd. 2.00 21,15O.00 3 ?=a plant vized surfacing at lbAr dollars and nin*iq-th=m cents per ton. 4.93 3.944*00 120 TR WITHSS WbEREAOFp the City of Huntington Beach has caused its name and seal to be hereunto awed bg it,.n Mayor and City Glerk# thereto dully authorized# and the Contractor has set hie hand h,3rotog the day and year in this Agreement first above wr.ittsno ATTESTa i Ci•V Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 City Attornoy 13u C1'1'Y OF HUNTINGTCN BEACH a Municipal Corporation# in im'.Yoz C iY r� Contractor 6� fir A fl T IL .ctarsr,. mmmomauft"Jal A STOCK COMPANY w LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC CONTRACT Bond No. 887277 FREMIUH: Included Under #887278 KNOW ALL MIEN BY THE• SE ,PRESENTS, "ll,at GOODE & SCHROEDER, INC. as Principal, and THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio'corporation authorized ` to execute bonds in the State of California, as Surety, are ?geld and firmly bound unto THE -CITY OF HWINGTON BEACH as Obligee, in the sum of THREE 1"MO A D ONE HD'N RED FORTY TWO AND 68/ 100 --- ----�.... r-.wwrrr----.ter.-----.-- 3 142.68 t Dollars {$ _ � ) for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors .and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such that, Whereas the Principal on the 8th clay of JUNE 19 59 , entered into a contract with the Ubligee for CONSTRUCTION AND PLANT P2iX SURFACING OF A B&-kCH FRONT SER17ICE ROAD IN TU CITY OF l LUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal or his subcontractors shall fail to pay for ar,y materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for or about the perfc;mince of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of anv kind. or for amounts due- under AFFIDAVIT OF AATTORNEY,.I -FA``T FOR SURETY STATE OF ........CALIFORNIA ...................................... ✓S. COC. IN Y OF .........ORANGE................................ OnthisAth .......day of .............................. WO ......................................... 1959. . before me personally appeared ......................... .A e...11.&A EBBER.............................................. Attorney -in -fact, of The Ohio Czaualty Insurance Company, with whom I am personally-.;,quainted, who being by me duly sworn. did depose and say, that he resides in..��;�..:�.4. ...��':IFd��.....; that he is the Attorney-in-f.nct of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, the corporation named in and which execut- ed the within instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation: that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed and executed the said instrument as Attorney -in -fact of said cor- poration by like order. 19-19 MYCommission expirca. 1. .:r.t.%. ......................................... Notaer Public Farm 3.170 4- A STOCK COMPANY El LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC CONTRACT Bond No. 887277 PREMIUM: Included Under #887278 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE .PRESENTS, That GOODE & SCHROEDER, INC ac Ps incipal, and THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation authorized ; to execute bonds in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound ttiato THE- CITY OF HUN'.L'INGTON BEACH as Obligee, in the sure of THREE THOUSAND ONE H=F" FORTY TWO AND 68/100 --- rr wr er wr �•.�rw.r�.wreswwr.�..wrrr+rr�.rowrwrwwwwwwww Dotlars '($ J; 1T2 • 68 l for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, Administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. = THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such that, Whereas the Principal on the 8th day of JIM 19 59 , entered into a contract with the Obligee for CONSTRUCTION AND PLANT MIX SURFACING OF A BEACH FRONT SERVI^E ROAD IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CALIFORNIA NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal or his subcontractors shall fail to pay for any mnt::rials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for or about the performan^c of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor. as required by the provisions of Chapter 3 of Division 5, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California, and ptovidcd that the claimant shall have complied with the provisions of said Code, the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond and also in case suit is brought on the bond, a icasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons entitled to file clnims under Sccl ion 1 191.1 et sec of the Code of Civil Procedu;_, so as to give a right of action to them or their ass :-n i in any suit brought upon this bond. Signed and sealed this 8th t.niif. 3•3591-5-52-IM day of JU1`V 19 59 . ,GOODE , &.. SCHRO DER. INC. ........... .....� :�.:.:1...,1/..,, .`.`?�........../...... THE H Q UAi.TY ILL NSURANCE C1<3MPANY B. . ) ................ A �, H • WEBBE Attorney -in -Fact r _1=1BLIE, L I ' lI�i.�I.��T� N41H,�D0� E A STOCK COMPANY Bond No. 887278 PREMIUM: $37.71 PERFOAMANCE BOND CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That GOODE & SCHROEDER, INC. NZ as Principal, and THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation authorized to execute bonds in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto "CITY OF- HUWrILIAGWE BEACH - as Obligeein;'-the sure of SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY 7`%VE - mm - 35/ 100 --- ' Dcl:ars ( 6 285 :-35 ) for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severaily'by these presents. THE COi�')ITION of the above obligation is such that. Whereas the Principal has entered into a contract, dated. JUNE 8 19.-. 59 , with the Obligee to do and performthe following work, to -wit: CONSTRUCTION -OF PLANT MIX SURFACING OF BEACH FRONT SERVICE ROAD IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AFFIDAVIT OF ATTORNEY -IN -FACT FOR SURETY STATE OF .......... ALIFORNIA ........................................... COUNTY OF ........... UNIIi...............................SS. On this..8 :......day of..........................J.............................................1 1959., before me personally appeared .................... r...AA..►ADI......... ............. 0............................ , Attorney -in -fact, of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depoze and say, that he resides in.WTA.. ... that he is the Attorney -in -fact of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company. the corporation named in and which execut- ed the within instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the seat affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed and executed the said instrument as Attorney -in -fact of said cor- poration by like order. My Commission expire... Uu�+1�!�'::�+t `�13li� , � L i ' o96 ♦t c�l�"r'� r/a - .... .....:?'4:...... .................................i.....'� .1 •.......••wI(••.•fi •...• ........... Forts 5-170 Notary Pub[k. I ` UIMN i!��M!YrJLNfi ILL __ _�--♦ A STOCK COMPANY Bond No. 887278 PREMIUM: $37.71 PERFORMANCE BOND CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That GOODE & SCHROEDER, INC. an Principal, and THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation authorized to execute boun3 in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF- HUNTINGTON BEACH as Obligcc, in'the sum of SIR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY 'FIVE- AND - 35/100 --- www..rw.--- --------wwtrww-wrrw-r Dollars ($b, 285.35 ) for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally`by these presents. ' THE CONDITION of the above' obligation is such that, Whereas the Principal has entered into a contract, dated' JUNE 8 19 -59 , with the Obligee to do and perform the following work, to -wit: CONSTRUCTION -OF PLANT M SURFACING OF BEACH FRONT SERVICE ROAD IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall well and truly perform the work contracted to be performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void: otherwise to remain in full farce and effect. Signed and sealed this Calif. 5-3590--5.52• ihl E-11PII day of JUNE i 9 59 . GOODS & SCHROEDER INC ¢ .................... ......................... ................a....... .... l�?�i�Z.. �...i....... .....'`� Seal THE/bH U INSURANCE COMPANY A A-itorne . W&BA R PROPOSAL TO THE CITY- OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ,r. POR r"RE CONSTRUCTION AND PLANT MIXED SURFACING OF A BE-NCIIFROITT SERVICE ROADI IN THE CITY OF HUNTIINGTON BEACH, 3ALIFORNI4„ To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Huntington Beach, California. F (Poblishect Hun�iagtoa $nac� !r� �- i I4, '959j Y . �'fTiC'� TtRrr-•�.►....a, wirt► t% Tn compliance xsLh the annexed notice inviting sealed proposals, I hereby propose and agree to enter into a contract to perform the work herein described and to Furnish the naterials'therefore according to the plans, specifications and special provisions for the said work and to the satisfaction of and under the supervision of the City Engineer of said City of Runt ington Beach For the furnishing o: all labor, materials and equipment, and coo all incidental worknecessary to deliver all the improvements complete in place in strict conformity with the plans, specifications end special pro- visions, on file in the office of. the City Engineer, City of Huntington Beach, California, i propo: a and agree to take fmi 1 payment therefor at the following twit prices. to -wit Approxi-- Unit Item mate Items with Unit Price Written in Words Pride Total Quant i t 1 403 Cu,, Yds. beach sand excavation and grading a L per cu, y.d, r 0, '51- 2 1080 Cu. Yds,, dirt base material at per cu . Jd ,, 3 800 Tons plant mired surfacing at .f� �, =-4- �• per ton - Total Bid __--- 1C If awarded the contract, the undersigned hereby agrees to vign said contract, and furnish the necessary bonds within ten (10) clays of the award of said contract, and to begin work within ten (10) days from the date of approval of the contract by the City of Hun.tinElvon Beech, California, The undersigned has examined the location of the proposed work and is familiar with the plans, specifications and special provisions end the local conditions at the place where the work is to be done. Accompanying this (NOTICE: Insert proposal is P., SOZ-4 S Aj P �..�..��..� �r+.� .ram r. r......���.....r■..mow the words "Cash � _____-" "Cashier'v In amount equal to at least ten per cent "Check," "Certified Check," or "Bidder's Bond", .as the case may be o t of the work, Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contractors. License No. �Z�' SIGN HERB U�. Business Address __-- - - - `r' Place of Residence ,-Li i ,4 Dated this / day of t)v AJ•L- 19590 20 r 10 NOTICE DIVITIN0. SEALED SIDS Notice is heraby given that the City Counf:il of the City of Huntington Deach, California, will receive sealed bids for the construction and plant wed rraeacing of a 13cachfront Service Road, in accordance with the plans, spctcificu Lions and Lncci.al pr-Wisi.ons nov on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Engineer of said City. Each bid to be submitted in strict accordance with the specifications therefore, CITY EHGI M ER' S ESTIIATE ITEM ?P1ROXUxjiTE QFiANTI'Tr 1. 403 cu• ydc. beach sand excavation 2. 1080 cu. yds. dirt base material 3. 800 tons plant r.3.xed :surfacing In aceordslnce with the provisions of Section 1770 of the labcr Code: the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, has ascertained the general prevailing, rate of rages applicable to th© -noe& to be done to be as follcr:ts: Hour'v Wage Trade or Occupation: Rate: CARPENTERS n 3 375 C-:'IiEIIT MSOMS Cent Mason ...... ..................................... 3.40 C©mont Floating and Firishint; .&chino Operator ......... 3.65 C2ar„r and Sir±Ll.ar Type of "geed Operator • ...... • . • • ... 3,4o Curb Form and Plank Setter, including setting of Lines,, s, stalw s and grades .......... . ... . ........... 3.4o Screed Setter. includi._g Screed Pins .... ,...... , .. , .... 3.I:0 Lk B0 REHS Laborer — General or Construction ...... r . • ............ a 2.68 Operators and Tenders of Pneumatic and Electric Tools, Vibratinz Machines and similar mechanical tools not separately c2ass:uied A herein f.TSi1.♦i...Y....♦♦.....•...,i........•.••.. 2.89 Asphalt W=- and Ironer r...1401.......,•.!. •....•..... 2.Vj 1 Hourly stags Trace or Occupations Rates: IABORERS (coat) Asphalt Shoveler .................... .................. $ 2.78 Daggymobi3r- Man .. ................♦.•••.. 2.89 Fine Grader, Hi0rr y and Street Paving, Airports, Ruzmays, and sin. ilar type heavy construction 2,78 { la.m 7 n . ! ! . • • • • • • • • • • • • i • ............ 2e,68 Guinea Chase •.••♦♦•i. •!!•!• •!••••••• OY• • •i•••A ••. ••.1 2.76 G rER.1TIN ENGINE-EP.S Sidploader - .7healType - Ford, Ferguson, Jeep or Similar Type 3/4 yard or less (without Dragtype attachwnts) .....••....••.+••.!+•..•••.••.!•.••.. 3,17 Power Sweper tperator ........................ . .... . .. 3.52 Moiler Operator s..osco..s..•••.•...f............•..... 3.52 Screod Operator a•..•..•.•..•...•l..w.•..••.••..•...•.. 3.52 Asphalt or Concrete Spreading, Mechanical. Tamping; or Fird.shing Machine Operator (All Tyra and Sizes) 3.71 Pavement B reake-- Operator w ........ . ................... 3.71 Rubbo r-Tired Heavy Duty Ifih-Speed Equipment Operator -Oshkosh, DfT, Euclid, T.-iTournsau, IaPlante-Choate, or Similar Equipment., :pith any type attachients .....•.....,.•.......... 3.I Concrets Wxar Operator -- Paying ...................... 3.81 Motor Patrol operator (AW T•y.m or Size) ... • . , ........ 3.81 Tractor -Loader dperato-.%.Crawler Tye -Ail. Types and sizes .w...!.••a•.••.••••••••.••••.a•.•a••••• 3081 TEn15STDRS Drivers of ivmp Truc ka oil Lass Than: LL Ytl-.-,;.s :`later Level 2.93 I t Yards but less than 8 Yams rater Lex:l ........ 2.96 8 Yards but les6 than 1.2 Yawls F7ater. Leval ....... 3.01 12 Yards but less than 16 Yards rater I4vel ......& 3*09 Drivors or Trucks Legal Payload Capacity: Less than 6 Tons .... ...............•....,......... 2.93 2 Hourly =sage Trade or Occupations Rs�te: r itYST RS (c oat ) M o Tons to 10 Tone .•..........•....•.....•......... is 2.9 10 Tons Uri 15 Tons .. ............................:.. 3.01 Dri,,. - of Transit -Mix, Trucks -order 3 Yards o •. • . a • .. s . e • 17 Uriw 3 of Transit-ldx Trucks-3 Yards or moro ....9.9.4: 3.31 :+atr 'ruck Driver -Under 2500 Gallons .......,.•.•...... 2.99 Iatc ;'ruck Driver-2500 Gallons to 4000 Gallons .......a 3R11 OVERTNE RATES CAFa MRS - :oukle tir.►e for all overtime, except for Pile Driver Men -Bridge or Dock Carpen'_;ers on tide :cork. CEITI ",ASONS -- Time and one --half for the first three hours after tote regularly constituted straight -time shift,., ar-d all other overti-9 shall be dovible tine. IABOP.ERS i- Time and one-half except Sundays and Holidays :which are double time. T. M15TERS - li r,a and one-half except Sumlay and Holidays which am double: time, except in Kerns Inyo and Mono Counties ► here the avartirre rate is time and one-half for all cvertimo. OPERATING EWGIi?q.ERS - Time and one-half for all overt; rB' except Sundays and Holidays which are double time. : hero Operating; Engineers, during any one calendar day are ;Yorks :ig over tine on the same unit of a project on which another craft is working overtimes at the double tim. rate, then the Operating Engineers on such unit of work shall also be paid at the double time rate. x unit of the project means any single building, facility: utility, or any other single structure i6ich is ird©pendent of a:q other unit of the project. 3 The operating of a crushing plant for stock pile and the servicing, repairing, and maintenance of emlipm� nt on a project shall be at time and one—half, except in the following ywa instances: 1. Sundays and Holidays. 2* the equipment operator is repairing hj.s equipment on a unit Q the proJact whem. double ai;ne in trim; pti11.d in that calendar day, When the Opnzating Engineer is worsc.ng on a porJect as an integral peat of a crer Where another craft is receiving overtive pay by virtu of a holiday not =ccified in the !Laster Labor Agrevmsnt, then the OpJratir_; Engineer shall receive the sane overtime rate as the other craft. The rate:: per hour., indicated abo-m are used upon the local przvvailing rates per day being ei.�t times tro above scheduled rate per hour. Hourly rates of pay, bawd upon olght hours per fey for a full day or a fractional part of a day. The per diem va o s of a fractional part of a day shall be the applicable rate pc r dour rim tiplied by the number of hours worked on said day other than for overtime and/or Sundays or Legal Holidays. All work perfo=ed in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per creek shall be paid for at the prevailing ovorti,.e rate, and 431 pork pe rf ormd on holidays and Sundays, small be paid for at the prevu iling overtime rate, fore ach craft involved. It e.iall be mandatory upon the Contractor to cohort the ConLMCt is awarded and upon aTf subcontractor under him to pay not less than the said prs•,railinr rates to all laborers, wor'lcrcn and mac,hani.c s employ d by them in the execution of the Contract. Ary :?orknen etployed not specifically listed shall recei-m no less than the provailinf. -,raga scald for particular craft* Plans and specifications together rd-th proposal f,rm may be obtained at the office of the City BngdnecS, City Mill, Huntington Beach, California. No bid wi11 be received unUss it is made on a. blank form furnished by the City Engirser. Tbp special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirements" to set forth in the specifications, for full directions as to the 'aiddi.nga M The foregoing; Quantities are approximate only., bcin{; given as a basi.- for the comparison of bids, and the City of Huntingtor. Beach does not., express or by implication agree that the actual annount of . ork :r.11 correspond therewith but reaarves the right to iwraass or dacreaso the amwint of any class or portions of the work, and may i00 deemed neces:karj car expedient by the Engineer. dill bids niil, be comr)ared on the basis of the City Engdneer's estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted Pram a Contractor who is not i ennsed in accordance Ath the law, under the provisions of Chapter 791, Statutes of 1929, as amended or Chapter 37,, Statutes of 1939, as amenr3ed, or to -whoa a proposal form has not been ie^ued by the City of Ilantinrton Beach. Each bid shall be gads out on a morn to be obtalmd at the office of the City Engineer., City Fia.11, Huntington Beach., Caii.fornia$ shall be sealed and filed with the City C2c:k of said City on or before ' P.m., of 1959, arc: shall be opened by the City Council at its re €;ulcer mating at The City of Huntin_�ton Beach, California, resorves th© rif�it to reject and or all bide, and to accept the bid deam d for the boat interest of the City of Eiuntington 3aach. By order of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach this day o f 19590 City C lerk i a NOTICE INVITING SEA iZU BIDS Notice is hereby F;iven that the City Ccnirzi l of the City cif Huntington Daach, California, will receive sealed bids for the construction and plant mixed aurfaci ng of a Beachfront Servi::e Road, in accordance with the plans, specifications and special pronrisions non on file in the office of the City C1erk- and the City Engineer of said City. Each bid to be submitted in CP strict accordance with the upecifications therefore. CITY E14GINEERIS ESTRUT ITEM "FROXM -11TE QUJUNTITY 1. 403 cu. yds. beach sand excavation 2. 1080 cu. yds. dirt base material 3. 800 tons plant mined surfacing In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labo:C, Code, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, hac ascertained the goner -al prevailing rate of vage s applicable to the cork to be done to be as follows: hourly Wage Trade or Occupation: Rate: CARP ;TITERS Carpenter . , . . . . !- 0040 .... , . i .. ... . **oboe .. . • . . . .. . .. . . , . 7r 3 • 375 Ci'► .11E ;T tUS01TS Cement Mason3.40 Cement Fl-oating and Finishing Machine Operator ......... 3.65 Clary and Similar 1`yrse of S reed Operator .............. 3040 Curb Forty! and Plank Settero including setting of I•tna sr stakes and krade s ........... . . .... . ...... . . 3,40 Screed Setter., including Screed Pins goes* 3.40 IABORERS Laborer -- General or Construction .... , .. • ............ • • 2•68 Operators and Tenders of Pneumatic and Electric Tools, Vibrating Machines and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein 9 Asphalt Raker and Ironer...............................4 2.89 It 11 Trade or Occupation: IABOREP.S (cont-) E, Asphalt Shoveler ... ................................... Buggymobile if -an s.........:............................ Fine Grader, Highway and Street Paving, ,Airport s, Patnway3, And simi3--,r typs hea,,,,?y construction ...., Fla grown **a** . . . . . . . .. • . • .. • . . . 84 . . • . . ..... . . .. . . .. .. . . Guinea Chaser..............�.......................... Hourly Wage Rates w 2.7 8 2.89 L-.78 2.68 2,76 OPERATI11C ENGINEERS SIrIploadsr — :Yheeltype — Fort, Ferguson, Je*3p or Similar Type 3/4 yard ov less k"without Dragtype 3t .ac;'1mnts) •............ , ..... • ................. 3.17 Power Sweeper Operator..o........................:.... 3.52 Roller Operator .......,..„........: ................... 3.52 Screed Operator.•..s..*................................ 3.52 Asphalt or Concrete Spreading, Machanical Tamping or Finishing Machine Operator (All Types and Sizes) .................,......,... 3.71 Pavement ' I Breaker Ope:•s� „or ........... , ..:.. , , ........... 3. TL Rubber --Tired Heavy Dvt:y Hi&--Spcad Equipment Opera t or-�O ghkoo h t DWj Enc lid, Le Tournsau, I.aPlante—Choate-, or Similar Equipment., .rith any type attachments ........ . .... . .......... 3.71 Concrete ?dater tpo-r3tor — Paving ................ •.... 0 3.8111 Motor Patrol Gpe rotor (A�y "Lypf." or Size) • .............. 3.81 Tractor- Ioader Operator•-Cri rlor Type —All Typ3s and sizes3,81 T&I-ISTERS Drivers of Dump Tracks of Less Than: 4 Yards Wator Iovel .....................•....,... 2.93 4 Yards but less than 8 Yams VL-ter Level ...... o e 2.96 Y:�?°t� s ut less th..a n 12 Ya r3 o dater Lavel...... e 3 . n 12 Yards but less t:—Inn 16 Yards dater level ,,...... 3.09 Drivers of Trucks Legal Payload Capacity: lees tban U Toa+...............o.............w.... 2.93 r' Hourly .7a ge Trade or Gccup�tions Pate: Tr�.STEM (coiit b Toms to 10 Tons •,••••••••••••••••!••••••w•e.a00a 2a96 10 Tons to 15 Tons .......... ....................... 3.01 Drivers of Transit -'six Trucks --wider 3 Yards ..... 3.17 Drivers of Tranzlt-- ix Truckv-3 Yards or sore ...... _ , .. 3.31 eater Trick Driver -Under 2500 Gallona ....... 2099 eater Truck Driver-2500 Gallons to 4000 Gallons .... •.„, 3.11 OVERTIME RAVES CARFENTE_RS - Double tiu,3 for all overtime, except for Pile Driver Ven-Bridge or Dock Carpenters on tidy work. CE)rT,''NT ITASOTIS - Time and one-half for the first three hours after the regularly constituted atraight-time shift, and all other overti,7e shall be double time. IABOP.ERS - Time aad one --half except Sundays and Holidays which are double time. MAYSTERS - Time and one --half except Sunday and Holidays ixhich are double t:buep except in Kern, Inyo and Mono Counties There the overtime rate is time and one-half for all overtimJ. OPERATING ENGINEERS M-ne and one --:calf for all overti.t-re except Sundays and Holidays which are double tiaw. :chars Operating Engineer.-, during, ar;,y one calendar day are working overtime on the same unit of a project on -which another craft is workin� overtime at the double time rate, then the Operating Engineers on such unit of work shall also be paid at bhe double time rate. A unit of the project means zurr singly building, facility, uti?ity, or any other single strLcture which in independent of any other unit of the project.. 3 The operating of a crushing plant f or stock pile and the servicing, repairing, and maintenance of equipment on a project shall be at time and one-half, except in the follomi ng two instances: 1. Sundays a. n=; Holidays. 2. Where the equipment operator is repairing his equi nmont an a unit of the project where double time is being paid in that calendar aay. T-Phen the Operating Engineer is w:orkin on a pooject as an integral part of a craw :::harms arothor craft is receiving overti".. pay by virtue of a holiday not specified in the '.aster labor Agreement, then the Operating Engineer shall receive the same overtime rate as the other craft. 'he rates per hour, indicated above ar© based upon the local prevailing rates pe: day being eight times the above scheduled rate per hour. Hourly r to s of pay, based upon eight hours per day for a full d4r or a fractional part of a day. The per diem wago o of a fractional part of a day shall be thQ applicable rate per hour multiplied by the dumber of hours worked on said clay other than for overtime and/or Sundays or Leval Holidays. All work performed in excess of sight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per weak shall no paid for at the prevailing overtime rate, and 7. vrork pe xTormed on holidays and Sundays, shall be paid for at the prevailing overtime Ito= for Q ach craft involved. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to Thom the Contract is awarded and upon any sub;ontractor under hire to pay not less than the said Prevailing rates to all laborers, :worlo:�en and mechanics employed: try them in the execution of tine Contract. Any workmen emplayed not specifically listed shall receive no lass than the provailin;; zage scale for particular craft. Flans and specifications togdther with proposal form may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California. }lo bid will be received unless it is made on a blank form furnished by the City Engineer. The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Fropesal Requirements", set forth in the spec ificatione, for full directions as to the bidding* I The foregoing quantities are approy-imate only, being giver. as a basis for the comparison of bids, and tine City of Huntington 3each does not, express or by iUiplication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond there-:ith but reserves the right to increase or nacrease the amount of ary class or portions of the work. awd m•3y be deamcd r_ecessarf or expedient by the Bng user. All bids will be compared on Oe basis of the City Bnginee is e s t,Jm a tc of t:%)e quantities of work to be done. No bid Trill be accepted f rown a Contractor who is noiu- 11C.:in-ted in accordance with the law, under the provisions of Chapter 791, Statutes of 1929, as amended or Chapter 37, Statutes of 1939,, as amel"Ided, or to whom a pr-posal form has not been-.ssuGd b;; the C�ty of %ntington Bach. Each bid shall be made out on a fora to be obtained at t::e office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California; shall be sealed and filed with the City C2e rk of said City on or before_ Py f_ of , 1959s and shall be opened by the City Council at its regular meting, at Poll, The City of Huntin-ton Beach, California, reserves th c ritt to reject and or all bids, and to accept the bid deemed for the best interest of the City of Huntington Beach. By order of the Clt,; Cn,=_nail of the City of Hunti-�gton Beach this day of 1959. City Clerk