HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARBORS, BEACHES AND PARKS DISTRICT - BOLSA CHICA LINEAR REGIONAL PARK - 1979-09-17TiCe Wotes Off-tce of the City Cterk Huntington Beach, CaCffornia Note im -u�e,* I kac, - C-C-u -C., P, Cas CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH P. 0. BOX 711 CALIFORNIA 92648 CITY TREASURER — WARREN G. HALL - ? 7 76 � SURETY BOND RELEASE FORM Date As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Bea.ch, I, Warren G. Hall, release all of City of Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: The foregoing account is released as all requirements of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the derert"..nt of the City of Huntington Beach, effective — Warr Cii�y Treasurer KE .0 MAIN so" I .:Ss IFIATI so FLkq;ciRojhu RFoMTkJ by AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANIES ki.� SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR ACCORDER'S USE SAPICO MURANCI COUVAJOY OP AMN RICA CA WRAL wr$o4tAW_4 ComPANY Of ANE OKA fiftil' I&ATio"L WGURAnCe COMPANY Of AMC WCA ~WP-M 4XI80100-MAVI SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT BOND ;W61.5 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE (CALIFORNIA) Inlitialprerniums 202-00— KNOWALL MEMBY 7719SE?RESENTS, Thai S1'.;,'1 WIX.,HK, CALirowiiA Cowonmo" a Principal and the SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. a Corporation organized an4 existing under the llawx of the State of Washington and a I t r kwirlyr in, Mhjj AfomLLas Suret1l. apt held and firmly bound uitto n ItICIP It N Q V 100 In RON Goa L 60"0114TIU , jgXTI:.b.;� 16,10, :F P as Oblig". Inthesumcf-1. W. �22.12 for the p2yawnt ;;ha;;(. well and truly to be made. said Pdncipal and Surely bind thenuelvts, their beirs. administralors. successm and usiSrisjointly and tewfally, r4mly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF TIHS OBLIGATIONISSUCIf. That WEREAS. the Principal on JULY 26iH 1977 entered into a certain Agreenteot or Contract v4tli Vie Ohlipe irAietein the Piindpl ni"d to compicia he foliowing Improveawn(JI: TUC PAYUVIT EW 1'!('K AI;11 v'.'c,;tEATIo:j riLLS Q.( T4b. X-MICATION Or EQUIVALENT iALUL OF LAWD rOil PARIC GITEZ Ar. MICIWINEti BY IIIE CITY, TRACT NO- 767.70 CITY or HumillciTuN eEACII, C..'urowtl'.. as more fully wi [crib In said Agreepwat. NOM 7711YEFORE. if tilt PI ilKipal $hall Ivell and I ruly perform a nd rulfid all of the covcnants. ter nu and cond iWn-. or the said Agreement. then this oblilpikin shall be Pull and w-W otherwrse to remain in full rorce and effect. Provided, howwr: 1) That the cownt or Surety oh2it be tequiied rot any extension of lime to Complete said impfow"W1111. 2) Titat P-i I,& or ution shaii accrue hereunder to ot foe file Ujwfil of any person, firm or corporal ion othe't than the 0ftlipt rwried he rein, Signed. sejlcd said dated -%JLY 26TII 5191.4. To 649 C (CagpWaiwa) SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMEPKA @ A I i_*'r f _wy%�_F Ita I IWATE OF CAUFORNIA couNTY oF_Q&ANQ_ 0. _ July 26, 1973 W.we m,. the vw"gwJ. a Notary Pubhe In *ad . for saW Aiat-. pm-�Jlj appraird Georj�_D. StrinreT L�iia 1. Or S.- Iw A,— — V i C e. tchusi— L�%w 4. we w Iw . J(I IT — S' tnt 011V Of It- OWPOFMI60 that euvw"l the wW66 IgMrawaa. lkr�%* 1. Moe I- Iw 16r prime. W160 ra-val"I the whieve — 6-Ul -d It- ~P"" 96T.4. %~J. an4 mwkP6,wL-dXr4 U, me thal mw6 oww"ei ko eitecoord the wahia 4n.16:r -lain a a fflrwIw4idM of he 640 w it 1'.�rrsquiffl to ka by 1 rrN E_5S my Isead &Q L SiUART SiTTIG k0TA-;v P1-8LtC-4,,A1r0i1-AA 1119A 2, r of.ft 1916 StUatt_Sit, Name ('ryPV4 Or M-41 Notary Publi,; a fur. I % Addfen LI w exemw (lie ft)fvwij C"Wity. IV i CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH P. 0. BOX 711 CITY TREASURER —WARREN G. HALL CALIFORNIA 92648 SURETY BOND RELEASE FORM Date As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, I, Warren G. Hall, release all of City of Huntington Beach right -and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: _2 The foregoing account is released as all requirements of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the z d rtinent.of the City of Huntington Beach, effective warrery "v ffa.LL City jr�easurer BOND No. 2(jU44UJ $224.00 PARK AND RECREATION BOND WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. -State of California, and SIGNAL LANDMARK, INC., a California corEoration (hereinafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an agreement whervoy principal agrees to the dedication of 1. 047Z5 acres of land for park and recreation purposes or the payment of ******Fatty Four Thousand Se%.an Hundred Seventeen and 58/l001s***** $44, 717.58***4*** in park and recreation fees. which said agreement, dated March 3 1976__, and identified a* project Tract No. 1101 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. and' WHEREAS, said principal Is required under the terms of said agree. ment. to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. Now, therefore. we the principal and Safeco Insurance Company of Ameri. ism surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Mintington Beach herel-r."Iter called "City", in the penal sum of *****Fortv Four Thousand Seven Hundred Seven- teen and 58/I001a****$*** dollars ( $44. M. 58****) lawful money of the United State, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made. we bind oursclves, our heirs. successors, executors and administrators. jointly and severally. firmly by these present*. The condition of thii obligation Is such that if the above b:)unded principal. his or Its heirs. executors, administrators, successors or assignb. shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the coven- ants, conditions and provisions In the said agreement and any alteration thereof made am' -therein provided, on his or their part. to he kept and perfo.7.1-ed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects accord-ng to thvir true intent and meaning, and shall Indemn ify and aave harmless "City". Its officers, agents a'nd employees. as therein stipulated. then this obligation shall b'ecome null snu void; otherwise it shall be and rcrnain in full for(-c and effect. :r-T. P. 0. P-yt 173 a El As a part of the obligation secured hereby and In addition to the face amount specified therefor, there &hall be included costs and rea - sonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by "City" In successfully enforcing such obligation, all to the taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder of the ap.ecifications accompanying the some shall in anywise affect Its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alter&*ion or addition to the - terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. In witness whereof. this Instrument has been duly exectited by the principal and surety above named. - - Ma rch 3rd , I 9-21L--. SIGNAL LANDMARK. INC. as PrinLipal is Ff�fv rn' WIMM1.1-1."IN KITH V. B P)7z PLANNIN'rl MPT. rge :tringer MAR 'a' 1976 Vice Pr id t P. 0. Cam 130, Connie Marvick Huntineton Mach, CA 92643 Assistant Secretary Safeco Insurance Company clf4lmerica 0% as Surety STATE OF CALIFORNIA or Los AxGJKL"l la: Oil ... .. .. Marqh...3,.J�76 . ....... . ... .. Ruth E. Le Duc and state. persmially appeared ............ . ....... ......... . . . . ................ ................... ......................... .. ...... . .. — -------- known to nie to he the Attorney -in -Fact or the corporation that executed (lie within insLrunmit. known to Ille to be the rK-mn,*hv ciecutol the within Intitrunient on behalf of the corporation therein named. and acknowledzed to ftvc that such ioration executed the sime. Al- PtCT 170� ' ] 0 orfr�;IA L "Al- L r rF s Env �crNE=T o- V..C%V-A, o- 27 2, 27. Ills Vwul 1. kl..) ck,.,) (ITY OF HunTin(;Ton BEAU DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING DIVISION (714) 536-5241 PLANNING DIVISION (714) 536-5271 P. 0. Box 190. HUNTINGTON BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92648 TO: Honorable Mavor and Council Members Attention: Floyd G. Belsito PRO?': James W. Palin, Director of Development Services T)ATr: October 25, 1979 SUBJECT: BOLSA CHICA LINEAR REGIONAL PARK AGREEMENT The Bolsa Chica Linear Regional Park Agreement, approved bv the Citv Council in. September, was considered by the Oranqe County Harbors;' Beaches and Parks Commission on October 24, prior to transmittal to the County Board of SuDervisors. The 1113P requested that Orange County Environmental Vanagement Agency staff return with figures on the probable cost of the two parcels the County would be obligated to try to purchase under the agreement. EMA staff estimates it will take several weeks to obtain the information, depending on the work load of the County al Estate Division. 40 P/JC/dc 4r e7 6 q le I JTIPJGTON BEACH CITY OF HUP P. 0. BOX 711 CALIFORNIA 92648 CITY TREASURER —WARREN G. HALL SURETY BOND RELEASE FORM Date As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, 1, Warren G. Hall$ release all of City of Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: The foregoing account is released as all requirements of its have been accomplished and released by the dep tnmiit of the City of Huntington Beach, effective eo LZ ±)rWrm nv=. 1695e0 ]PREMIUM_ 41,4, PARK AND RECREATION BOND WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. State of California, and SIGNAL LANDMARK, INC. (heicinafter designated am "Principal") , have entered Into an agreement whereby principal agrees to the dedication of 1.04725 acres of land for park and recreation purposes or the payment of Forty Four Thousand Seven Hundred Seventeen and ($44,717. in park and recreation fees. which said agreement. dated October 18th 19 - 76 --, and identified asproject TractNo. 9218 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. and WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agree. ment to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. Now, therefore, we the principal and SAFFCO lw�PRAPrtF M11PAW CF AIAFRIrA a surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Rt�ntington Beach hereinafter alled "City". In the penal surn of *****Forty Four Thousand Seven t1undrad Seventeen and 59/100'04*4 dollars $44, 717. 58**** lawt-ol money of the 'United State, for t�e payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs. successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by thcae presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principal. his o'r Its heirs, ixercutors. administrators. successors or &@signs, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the coven- ants. conditions and provisions In the said xgreernent and any alteration thereof made as 0;erein provided. on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true Intent and meaning. and shall indemnify and save harmless "City". its officers. agents and employees. as therein stipulated. then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and cifect. R;�-ACH FUINNING DEPT. OCT 28 1976 P. 0. Box 193 Hunlin.mm Bcach, CA 92648 P 51 Jdarr Twil I As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specifi-ed therefor. there shall be Included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorncy's fees, incurred by "City" In successfully enforcing such obligation, all to the taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change. extension of time, alteration or addition to the'terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder of the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect Its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change. extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. .In witness ivhereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above narhad. Octgber I 8th SIGNAL LANDMARK. INC.____., as Principal Georg D Stringer - V ent 13 'Connie Marvick - Wasistant Se-Z-retary SWC0ZSU1MNff rOMPANY nF Am= , as Surety S-FATs Or CALOKONCLA. County Los AnAales on October 18 76 19—LL- btfWt 114141. dw amdw@4r%*4 a NaftrW Pulptc in Oud Im add Cowav @Rd Sim#. P---4 6PP-Idd of Amerlea 0141 "W"Oked to W AM -A-JW ftkeviw 014 Mae Safti:0 Insurance Company f America I M-00 &P rbbc0d-- ad h-U- ows'n~ im At;w%er*&-JPsd. -WnW= MW Amd WW *),Ud ROL IL J. Sherry Benadict� MANIC 4TYPIED OR PRO F.Uk i. Z I., wa g;;,,j S". AGAMQWL&VQM4MT� JL1T*d"1&V4WF"V 96ANK 100. WQWQ�* F~ 2146-RKV. &#0 Top" WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATED— f�!f -, 19 g-F1 RE: TRACT NO. x Date Bond Co. M)nd No. I I � CJITO%-,� OF HUNTIIMC-,:�70NI. SEACI-1 A "72 -22 P. 0. BOX 711 CITY TREASURER —WARREN G. HALL CALIFORNIA 92643 SURETY BOND Mr-ASE FOIJ, 44 Date e<,., 10,11 As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, 1, Warren G. Hall, release all of City of Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: !P.I/ jr e�.Jd The foregoing account is released as all requirements of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the depertment of th,! City of fluntin on Beach, effective('),.--j I ! A A, A", 4?/ 1,- - 0 --.. - -5.1"li— 'jarrknVG%V Cit� Treasurer 6 j- / W $1"-IMENT OF THE ACTION OF THE -Cl" COVKCIL �.d CounCil Chaqter. City Hill Huntington Beach, California Monday. June 15. 1981 - called the regular meeting of the City Council of U!4ffit-yloftntington Beach to order at 7.35 P.M. Pftstnt: -bArA11JIs#AC- lb,=tl Pattincon- Finlity. BAJlP)J- hallAt - VAlly ftsent: Nn" CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by KaeAllister, second Pattin;on, the follMng Items were approved. as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Thomas, Pattinson. Finley. Bailey, Mandic. Kelly NOES: hone ABSENT: None ,4,6, EXONERATION OF BONDS FOR RECREATION a PARK FEES - SIGNAL LA14UPOARK - 4Approved the " q gKoneration of Park &'n"d Recreation Bonds for Tract hos. 1691=b 6. 7637, 9101, 921899.7/f, 9220 and 9221 in return for the conveyance of a Grant Deed from Signal Landmark for properties south of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. payor Finley adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the Cit of hun-F—Fiton beach tt to zJn'.4ay. Junt 29, at 6.30 ;.M. in the ounrtrth-am-ge—r ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City ClerF— STATE Or CALIFORAIA County of Orange City of Huntington Beachl Alicia 11. Ventwortm City Clerk and ex-officio of the City Council of the City of Huntington Iseach, California Ruth All AV i4yor - 1, ALICIA 14. WENTWRTK. the duly elected and qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington beach. California, do hereby certify that the above and foreping is a true and correct Statement of Action of the Cit Council of Said City at their regular meeting held an the 15th day of _3une —0 19-n—. WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington Seach this the loth day of July , 1981 AlJ;JA 11. �P.Ctworth City Clerk and tx-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California By !ff� . xldAkit e Deputy 12178 a HUNT11"OtTON BEACH PLA:,.., NG DEPT. MAR 2 3 t977 P. 0. Poll 190 Huntinglon Coach. CA 92648 PARK AND RECREATION BOND kl,PND NO. 2754154 PREMIUM $ 409.00 WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of 1-luntington Beach. State of California, and SIGNAL LANDMARK MIC- (hereinafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to the dedication of - 1.917 acres of land for park and recreation purposes or the payment of Eighty QUe Thousand Etgh*A flundred nftX Five and 9011001s********** 8 1. in park and.recreation fees, which said agreement, dated March 22nd 19__77 A and identifit as project Tract No. 9219 —t is hereby referred to and made apart hereof, and WHEREAS, said principal Is required under the terms of said agree- ment to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. Now, therefore, we the principal and wEco isar�,(-s cuipok:."( G ALTRICA a surety. are held and firmly bound unto the City of Huntington Beach hereinafter alled "City". In the penal sum of Eighty Me Thousand Eight Hundred Fiftx Five and 90/100'o************* dollars ($81, lawful money of the United State, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made. we bind ourselves. our beirs.4iuccessors, executors and administrators, Jointly and severally, firmly by these prejoents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principal. his or Its hdrs, executors. administrators. successors or assigns. shall in all things stand to and abide by. and well and truly keep and perform the coven- ti re ants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof tf made as therein provided. on his or their part, to be kept and perlormed at the time and in the manner therein specified. and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning. and shall indemnify and save harmless "City". its officers. agents and employees. as therein stipulated. then this obligation shall lu-4-011le null and void; otherwise It shall be and remain in. full force and eflect. kt.� WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECUPT OF STATFNIENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATFI) RE: TRACT NO. x Date Bond Co. Bond No t M 113� U N-117Y C> F= 6or—, ;�� FR All N C; P_ H. G. OSBORNE OJIVE C TOR RICHARD G. AUNSELL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ACvANCE PLANNING A. C - "W4 T I NG T 0 N PLANNIt.2 DEC 2 0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION III NORTH BROADWAY SAN7A ANA, CALIFORNIA Mr. James W. Polin, Planning City of Huntington Beach P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California Dear Mr. Palin- December 18, 1979 Director 92648 BEACH DEPT. 1979 P. 0. Box 190 liuntington Beach, CA 92648 'TELEPHONE; 1 34-4643 AREA COOE 714 U&Wmg ADOwESS P.O. Box 4046 SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 92702 Bolso Chico FILE Linear Park Enclosed for the city files is a fully -executed copy of Agreement No. D 79-102, dated November 27, 1979, between the County of Orange; Harbors, Beaches and Parks District; and City of Huntington Beach for implementation of the Balsa Chico Linear Regional Park. Also enclosed is a copy of the Minute Order authorizing ex- ecution. As noted in the Minute Order, the Board of Supervisors has set a hearing for Jan- uary 3, 1980 to consider the Bolso Chico Linear Regional Park as a project of the Harbors, Beaches and Parks District pursuant to the Harbors and Navigation Code as called for in the-jogreement. ',�,-tfn'der the agreement, the City of Huntington Beach will be conducting engineering studies for certain roads in cooperation with the County and the landowners in the area. An early meeting between our respective staffs to discuss this study is re- quested. In this regard, you or your staff may best contact Bob Rende of the Project Planning Division at 834-5388. .... .......... --ve—r-f-rUry 'yours'l. Tr G-.�Munsefl Assistont D;rector Advance Planning RLR:fa Enclosures cc: Bob Wingard Bill Zoun MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA November 27, 1979 IN RE: AGREEMENT BOLSA CHICA LINEAR REGIONAL PARK On -motion of Supervisor Wieder, duly seconded -and unanimously - carried, the Clerk of tl�e Board, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, is authorized to execute Agreement No. D79-102, dated 11ovember 27, 1979, between the County of Orange and the'Orange County Harbors, Beacbes and Parks District and the City of Huntington Beach, providing for coopera- tive planning and implementation of the Bolsa Chica Liricar Regional Park. The Clerk of the Board is authorized to set a date of, Thursday, January 3, 1980 for a Harbors and Navigation Code hearing to consider the expenditure of -Harbors, Beaches and Parks District funds for the acquisition of lands for the Bolsa Chica-Linear Regional Park. 'EMA is directed to issue appropriate hearing notices. IN RE: AUTHORIZE NEGOTIATIOIN EXCILUTGE OF PROPERTY ORANGE COUNTY WATERWORK'S DISTRICT NO. 8 'EAST ORAN'GE COUNTY 14ATER DISTRICT On motion of Supervisor Clark, duly seconded and unanimously carried, negotiation of an agreement with the East Orange County I -later District for the exchange of waterworks district property for -new :Eacil- ities is authorized, as reco=ended by the Assistant Director, E11A. IN RE: PURCHASE OR LF-kSE/PURCHASE OF COPIER 11ACHINES CENERAL SERVICES AGENCY/ REPRODUCTION, RECORDS AND GRAPHICS On motion of Supervisor Clark, duly seconded and unanimously carried, the purchase or lease/purchase of copier machines, requested by CSA/Reproduction Records and Graphics, is to be considered during budget hearings. K1vt;r_1VED iRF1013-2.3912/76) Submitted by REQUEST james W.'Palin FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Department Development Services Date Prepared September 10 , 19 7 9 Backup Material Attached E] Yet [] No Subject BOLSA CHICA LINEAR PARK AGREEMENT Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions: STATEMENT OF ISSUE: Transmitted for approval is an agreement among the County of Orange, Orange County Harbors, Beaches and Parks District and the City of Huntington Beach to establish responsibilities for cooperative planning of the Bolsa Chica Linear Park connecting Huntington Central Park and Bolsa Chica State Beach. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign such agreement. ANALYSIS: A draft agreement was submitted to Development Services and Parks and Recreation staff. After review, staff proposed a number of revisions which the County of orange reviewed and agreed to incorporate into the current agreement. Both Development Services and Parks and Recreation Departments feel the agreement is completely satisfactory. Respectfully submitted, I L J mes W. P10ain, Director Department of Development Services JWP:JWC:df Attachment P10 178 1W � A a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the fae anout N:ecified therefor, there Aall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, Including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by "City" in successfully enforcing such abligatior4 all to j6e_taxed as costs and Included in any jud8ment rendered. 0 The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time. 4teration ar addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder of the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect Its obligations on this bond. and It does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms oi the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. In witness whereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, March 22nd -- 19 77 -qfrjJAT- T-AvYwARV, INC:- as ]Principal George D ;�Stringer - Vic flesident B LU-- Ciinniv Mairvick - Aialstant Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . ACKNO%jjjDGAiENT BY SURETY STATE OF CAUFOR.141A 53. County of LOS Angeles Sherry Benedict On this — - ; = 1977 a DOINY public hl 014 for the state of callrof Mia residing therein. duty comin issioiNd and swwll, per —ally lippea,,ed Isnown 10 me jo be the pe" wh— morne Is subscribed to the willM lVst tl Ct of the ie attownry-w-fa 'CE C ..*. -Y MEE . 0? U-� %he Mpurstiun nanwd as Sumty ki said instrurntnt, and acknowledhvd to r" that he subjelibed the nanse of said C-P-11tion thereto as Surety. And his Do natnessattorneY-In-fact. ffice in the afoFmid County, N W"ESS WHEREOF. I h8ve hereunto Set MY hand And drXed Aty ofrlcbl ws" at nly 0 the day and yew in this ce, tiricate rita above written- Notmy Public (seal) 5.11516(76 e szul puty City Attorney 0 WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATED ig-,1:2 -,19.E/— RE: TRACT NO. 2 Date Bond Co. Bond No. M�nw CIT" OF OAUNTING-��ON M, EA 0 F-12 J P. 0, BOX 711 CALI FOR N IA 92643 CITY TREASURER — WARREN G. HALL SURETY BOND RLLEAst rom Date As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, 1, Warlen G. Hall, vQleasc all of City of Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: The foregoing-accoint is released as all requirements of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the 1�17Y 6 L1, / -'*, / Q depurtmear of the City of Huntingto; Beach, effective 67 /;� (,;;, Ci STATEMENT OF THE ACTIO-1 OF.THE CITY COUNCIt Counc4llllll�amber. City Hall Huntington Beach. California Monday, June 15. 1981 MAVnr Finlay called the — regular meeting of the City Council -or—the Elty of I%ntington Beach to order StWiTTY Present* MAchilittAr- Jhnnat --Pig ttj ntno EJn1ZX- R;kilP)I- 143AMIc., Kelly Absent: pllinp CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by MacAllister. second Pattinson, the following iteirs were approved. as recowended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Thow, Pattinson: Finley, Bailey, Mandic, Kelly HOES* 11one ABSENT: None XONERATION OF BONDS FOR RECREATION & PARK FEES - SIGNAL--�AN!Ut",*1r.,NA1 loved t4sQ4_�._ Park and Recril lor fract liosL,16JA4,7015� 763, rat' tion Bands 91OU921 n922 "and 221 In return for the conveyance of a Grant Deiif-d *f rorma -Signal Landrari propertiVesuth of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. Mayor Finley adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the Cit � of Huntington Beach at to _11jIlday. JunC 29, 190.1 at 6:30 X.M. In the CounVll-th-ar-re—r 'ATTEST: Alicia Ii. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-offici-o-tTe—rV of the City Council of the City Alicia M. Wentworth of Huntington beach, California City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange City of Huntington Beachl 1. ALICIA M. WEhTWORTm. the dul y elected and qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California. do hereby Certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct Statement of Action of the City Council of said City at their regular meeting held on the — -I Sth day of June__ I I g_ai_- WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington $each this the loth day of July 1981 Allgi) M,.�Cntworth City Clerk and ex-officioMFrk of the City Council of the City of Huntington beach,, Calffoenla By Veputy BOND NO._2753196 PREMIUM $387.00 PARK AND RECREATION BOND WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. State of California. and kGNAL LANDMARX, INC, (he"reLaafter designated as "'Principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to the dedication of 1.8105 acres of land for park and recreation purposes or the payment of Seventy Seven Thousand 'three Hundred —Eight and 35/100 Dollard $77.3Q8.1s******) in park and recreation fees, which said agreement, dated March 17 ____J 19_78___j and Identified as project Tract i4o. 2222 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. and WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agree- ment to furnish a bond for the faithful performance cd said agreement. Now, therefore. we tha'principal and SAFECO INSURANCE CQWM OF AMERICA as surety. are held and firmly bound unto the City of Huntington Beach hereinafter called "City in the penal turn of Styenty Cvtn :Chousand Three Hundred Eight and 35/100****** dollars e77,308.35 lawful money of the United State, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves. ourheirs, succe a sort'. executors and administrators. Jointly and severally. firmly by the se presents. The condition of this obligation Is such that if the above bounded principal, his or Its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or &*signs. shall In all things stand to and abide by, and woll and truly keep and perform the coven- ants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made &'i therein provided, on his or their part. to be kept and performed at the ill respects according to their true time and in the manner therein specified. and in intent and meaning. and shall indemnify and save harrs)less "City", its officers, agents and employees, *a therein stipulated. then We obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and rernsin in full force and'effect. I ............ .............. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and In addition to the face amount spectfied therefor. there shall be Included costs and reasonable exoehaej and fees, including reasaaable attorney's fees, incurred by "City" In successfully enforcing such obligation, all to the taxed as costs and included In any judgment rendered. The iurety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change. -extension of time, alteration'or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder of the specifications accompanying the same shall In anywtse affect Its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of ani such cha ngs. extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. In witness whereof. this instrument has been dull executed by the principal and surety above named. March 17, 19 72 SIGNAL LANDMAR21. INC. as Principal -George btringer - Vic resident r__C� Darlene M. Potter - Assistant Secretary SAFECO IVEIRANfE COMP ------- — OF 62 Surety State 01- Calif. Cmnly of LQS 1 40, Angeles On March 27, 1978 bekwo me. a No" Pub1fir In and Ior sold County and Slats, reewll" lhmvirk sluly ommm"oned arA swom persomIlT appomrqd . C. Michael Henley i kown I* me so be Aeuwhoy-in-Fad of Safeto Insuzance Company of.Amezica dto coi pot Wn described In and Wat e3tecuted the withIn and IoreOnq Instrument and known to me to be the tArpon who executed Ow said Instrument In bohail of the mid vorporafio% and be duly actnowledged I* me thot such corporation exem%4 the same. 3N WT= vldk0f. I bav* horwunw s�pl my hand and affised my olidql "al. the day arA yew slated in &" "boot* above. T. 01.1 1 My cosem"on rKpit" 7 N Notary Pumc 3402 1 7 '7. WE HEREBY AtKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATED 19 RP,-- TRACT NO. x Date Bond Co. Bond No. W01MMEACH Ci OF HUIMT[Nr V_ I 1� 4-0 Zy CALIFORNIA 92648 Kv. P. 0. BOX 711 CITYTREA$unER —WARREN G. HALL SURETY BOND RELEASE rmm AA, Date As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, I, Warren G.-Hall, release all of City of. Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: .M. The foreaoing account is released as all. requirement�--of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the d-c-1 t4i� of the City of & Huntington Beach, 'effective ze City'Treasurer 1TEMENT OF THE ACTION OF 1HE C11Y COVNC1' Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 15. 1981 Mayor Finlay called the regular meeting of the City Council e Uty of nn-Ern-g—to-n—le—aCh to order &t_7-RrV.T._ Present:. FinlfX Railpy- F4 JIC_ KP anf Absent: mms. CONSENT CALENBAR - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by MacAllister, second Pattinson. the following items were approved, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Thomas, Pattinson, Finley, Bailey. Kandic. Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None EXONERATION OF BONDS FOR RECREATION & PARK FEES - SIGNAL-+ANP4R9-v.- SAPP7,ved t Park and Recreation bonds To_r_Tr_&_c_t_Vo$.6,76344,7bJ6t 76 IDI. 221 in return for the conveyance Of A GrAMt Deed'from-Signa C9215) 'T ,V.r.adtl Mndmark properties uth Of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street Adjacent to Central PArk. Mayor Finley adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the Cit -of Huntington Beach at to � P-inday, June 2,2. 19UI at 6:30 kh. - in the CountTT-th­&;;Fe—r- ATTEST: Alicia H. Wentworth City Clerk Alicia 11. Ventworth City VeR and ex-officio tier[ of the City Council of the City of Huntington beach, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA giyno�oy County of Orange City of Huntington Beachl 1, ALICIA M. WENTWORTM, the duly elected ana qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington beach, California, do hereby certify that tne above and foregoing Is a true and correct Statement of Action of the City Council of said City at their regular meeting held on the — -15th day of June —0 19-m—. WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington beach this the loth day of - July , 1981 AlJ;1& M_ WerltworSh City Clerk and ex-officlo C]Fr-k of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California BY Ueputy 12/78 L1 A J4_'-B0ND NO. 2754193 PREMIUM $432.00 PARK AND RECREATION BOND WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California, and SIGNAL LANDMARK, INC. OereLnafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to the dedication of 2. t)2 3 s acres of land for park and .recreation purposes or the payment of r thmArnA 4ghpy q4v ThinticAnA Three and 45/100 Dollarsl$86,403.45 in park and recreation fees. -which said agr eement� dated Mitre-h I I 19_7A__a and identified an project Tract No.19221 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS. said principal is required under the terms of said agree- =ent to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. Now. therefore. we the principal and Safeco_JnSurance _Cg=any nf America as surety. are held and firmly bound unto the City of Huntington Beach hereinafter .called "Cityu, I n the penal sum of Eighty Six Thousand Your Hundred Three and 45/100 Uars ($86,403.45** lawful money of the United State, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, -our'heirs,successors. executors and administrators. Jointly and severally. firmly by thesis presents. The condition of this obligation Is such that if the above bounded -principal. his or its heiri. executors. administrators. successors or assigns. shall :in all things stand to and &bid* by. and weU and truly keep and perform the coven- -ants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made -in therein provided. an his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and In the manner&reln specified. and in'all respects according to their true Intent and meaning. and shall indemnify ani save harmless "City", its officers. agents and employees, to therein stipulated. then this obligation shall become ,null and void; otherwise It shall be and remain in full force and effect. e. qq a A a -a pa rt of the obl ig a tion secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses an4 fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by flcityfl In successfully enforcing such obligation. all to the taxed as costs and included in any Judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change: extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder of the specifications accompanying the -same shall. In AnYWISO affect its obligations on this bond. and it does hereby waive notice of -any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the .agreement or to the work or -to the specifications. In witness whereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the -principal and surety above named. March 17 19 78 -SICNAL LANDMARK,INC. as Principal Ce P-70) Geotge D. 9�tklnger Ce P901 dent 77, M.-Potter-_ Matant secretary �s. Oompany&f America, as Surety Calif. t t o In f act ty w Los A ( ee: Angeles Match 17, 1978 bolam we. a Nowl Nb tietein. d%dy sommissLoned and evmm personally appeasred C.. Michael Henley known to me to be Alweney-In-Pact of Safeco Insuzance Company of AmerLca the cm pot lion denoibod In and that *z%m(j4 the within anj foregoing tmuumenj. and known to m* I& be the pere�. said Inetvaeri Jn boholl of the said corporodom and 1w July acknowledged So as 1hol nwh torPoration executed. *W WrINM Wir I have borvuhid jbhzj)n�d and allized my eflidal aealdw day and yew stated In Ws ternsome above. f J Ur comm"On rq��ed No" Pubho Z CIT*i( OF HUNTING.-orON BEEACH Vjj d? P. 0. BOX 711 CITY TREASURER —WARREN G. HALL CAL)FORNIA 92648 SURETY BOND RELEASE FOR14 Date 4-2 P-Z As Treasurer,'Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, I, Warren G. Hall, release all of City of'Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: ,-;7 ELI& - ')Lek &,tr-M,-rA 7' The foregoing account is released as all requirements of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the department of the City of. Huntington Beach, effective 4.1 - I 1.4 40 PARK AND RECREATION BOND 10 BOND N0.205(1-,e­1f;-45'1i �V41EMIUM W4-00 per annum Executed In Duplicate WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California, and W. R. GUCE FROPMM, INC. (hereinafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to the dedication of -994 acres of land for park and recreation purpo sea or'the payment of FOR-Y TWO THOUSAND FOUR IMDRED FORTY THM AND 80/100 DOUM ---- 42,443-80 In park and recreation fees, which said agreement, dated XULY 21st 19_76 and identif led as projeci TRACT No, 86-10 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS. said principal is required under the terms of said agree- ment to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreementa Now, therefore. we the principal and WLDYERS =UAL LIABUITY INSIMCE COMPANY,OF WISCONSIN — --------- ---- --- — --------------------------- -- as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Huntington Beach hereinafter called "City", in the penal sum of FORTY TWO THOUSJUM FOUR VJHDRED FORTY THREE AND 83/100 dollars ( 42,443-80 lawful money of the United State, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made. we bind ourselves. our holy*, successors, exe'cutors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principal, his or Its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, oball in all things stand to and abide by. and well and truly keep and perform the coven. ants. conditions and provisions In the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in- all respects according to their true intentand meaning. and shall indemnify and save harmless "City", Its officers. agents and employees. as therein stipulated. then this obligation shall become null and Void; GtheiWiSe it shall be and remain in full force and effect. �k and Recreatio- Bol age Two As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, Including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by "City" in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to the taxed as coats and included In any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change. extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder of the specifications accompanying the same shall in # anywime affect its obligations an this bond. and It does hereby waive notice of any such change. extension of tirne, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. In witness whereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named� JULY 21st 19 76 W. R, GRACE PPOPERTIES, INC. as Principal By �e5� VWTnWR.q UrmIsT VTAATfTrV T1JQItDAL1f1r pkw" AcI1.0.4dg..eni—Artormy in FmI STATE OF—�—CAI I fQrD i A on dbk 21 %t --JLIl X -- 112 Zfi--.bO*N—. COUNY of f1rA 0 e_ I U. A Jpnny . a herary ftWic in PW Ior amid QfAMe— CAUnty. SIP* 40fonwm& namtrq Owok duly r Wwnw to one to be Ow person Whose ftm% Is Sibeeribed to w d'in 1041noft"I 86 she etwmv ip fwt of EMPLOYERS MUTUAL LIABILITY IINSURANCECOMPANYOFINISCOMIN - VW P:krAw4*dV4 N WW that he bjbKr;bod %be rwr4 al EMPLOYERS MUTUAL LIABILITY INSURANC9 COMPANY OF WISCONSIN 0W@IO in SUMV. " hit Ola" N 41110MVIV in 18ct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I be" 1wounto ato fny bmW and affixed my offcW Pol. a d" env office in the ad cavatV Of 0 a wW "ar In this sorilf"te fint dwn writ ton. 451tk MXRY A. JENNY 'a �� 610%Aw, VbI&LIC CALIFORNIAL o VV\ 0 A.n�4 0 rel:f`.11-41. bilk'A 1" 0 ij 4% .4ANAF .r 4wssian Expires Aur, 12.1977 A, co� &",a of b CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH- P. 0. BOX 711 CITY TREASURER —WARREN G. HALL SURETY BOND RELEASE FORM D ate CALIFORNIA 92648 F9113 As Treasurer, Agent for the City of fluntington Beach, Is Warren G. Hall, release all of City of Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: The foregoing account is released as all requirements of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the department of the City of Huntington Beach, effective kz "KI. . .01 ill", nitr:m ILI .,IS9 O.W per ANHLN EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE 71.A�Itv, tKiD F.ECR"'AT10,1 fSOND j�jjr.REA.S. t�.c Cl.ty Co�jncjl of tt.e City of Huntington Beach. Stzte 46 of CaILA'ornta. rmd KENDALL DEVELOPMENT �O.. WC. r3creinater dect-moted as '1Prfnctpjtl11) have catercd mto an agreement wh2 rtloy principal agrees to thj dvdication Of 1.065 acrir 4;.' land -'a,: p;Lr!L &ad rcereatton piirposes or the X%Ikyment of . Forty Five Thousand Four 11gadgeSI S&Xcmty Five and 501l001s********* j t4& 475,.50*****!**)'in p3irk and rocra&ttoa faas. Which said agreement. dated -Septernber St� 19 75 and icitntified as projec'. Tract No. 6893 Is hereby referred to rnd made a part ber.cof; end WHEREAS, irs!d principal to requircZ und'ar the terms of sa!d i.Vrce- =ent to fv.-niab a bond for the fxthful perloi-mance ui said agreement. EMPLOYERS MLIUAL'LIABILITY INSURANCE Now, therefore. we the principel and COMPANY OF WISCONSIN as sisrety, are hold and firmly bound unto the City of Huntington Beach heritipalter called "City". in the penal sum of Forty Five Thousand 'Four lHundrod Severit% Five .and dollars (145, 475. 50*****) I.Lwf�l money of the united Stat.�. for tbe payrnert of vhich sur.1 well and truly to be made, we bind ouromelveo, our heirs, tuccessors, executors and administrators, jotntly r-nd severally. firmly by these presents. The condition of this obllg&tion Is such that U the above bounded principal. h!s or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall 'in all thin.ma stand to and rAbldc by, and wall and truly keel) and perform the coven- Lnts, condition* und provisions in the said agreernee. s'nd any alteration 1heroof made-lia tliereb� provided, on his or tbeir part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the mp"Tia:r there4n itpe . efficd, and in 01 respiects nect,,rAmC to true intent and meaning. and vhall Inder.u.141) Pud irave. harmlvss OCity". its cAlcers. agents and cinjAoyees, as therein st.1pulated, t;!zn thio; obligation 3!.?tll bacoma- wl!l I -re, v�bW: rOw-wi -c- it vou-111 lun --ne rcmm!-, ir fotct. und �Vcct. 7 ir , %led As a pArt of the obligation si:cured hereby an:d in addition to the face amount specified therefor. there shall be included costs P.nd realonable' expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees. incurred by licit.. In success!ully en]forcing such obligation. all to the taxed ac costs a . nd included In any judgmtnt r`e'ndered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the a_vrerment or to the work to be performed thereunder of the specification.s accomp&nying the sarre shall in Lnywlse affect its obligations on this tond, and it does hereby waive notice 0.1 &UY such change. extension of time, alteration or add - P.ion to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. In witness whereof, this Instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, September Oth I — S—w %,tool AtkoLmkdVwWPI 41tl-gwowl*�ftl ITAMOF (Ortfia% SrAt 0 MArf A. Ji�NY X APMOVID AS 10 yopA I DOn p. BOMyA CltY' tora 7 e Op tl� tr Attornei p/ , �,i, Us 11"t— jaw W —sezr"""Ps. J-0—Zj— bef�re me. A HOWY robiwc we mad lot aid County. State doffewd. —40W th"A. duly 'Offiffiltdowd and miroo. P—r-ally apptwgd —Ecancit r. ILO.,.. 8. me 16 be the PC Whow up" Is No Go of i~-bed loft wdtm '""'n"t W EMPLOYFItS MUTUAL LIABILITY INSURANCE COM?,ANy ()� WISCONSIN is tim that he ftj�-lj%ta a. same of LW?LDVFR3 MU`1UAL LIARILM ImSU RANCL 4VM PAN V Do. WISCONSIN theft4b a. "WAwd. "Able Own as alow"Y in t"t. -124 My S(rSEW talk b.W br*WAIO 01 Gff By Pas Surety f. 7 rM a C11 —ir Or— HUNTINUrOINI 0 — QLCI P. 0. BOX 711 CITY TREASURER -%VARREN G. HALL CALIFUNIA 926-1.1-1 C4 L SURETY B011D RELEASE- roizm, Date As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, I, Warren G. Hall, release all of City of Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: The foregoing account is released as all requirements of' its pledge have been accomplished and released by the department of -th,.! City of 11untingt n Seach, clTective IZ-&4OL A TWTI, Cil A? —,LMIum Z37%1.09 per anouni Lxecuted in Duplicate PARK AND RECREATION ROND WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California, and W. R. Grace Pr02ertles Inc., a New York coreoratlon (hereinafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to the dedication of 0.887S acres of land for park and recreation purposes. or the payment of *****Thirty Srven Thousand FIRM 1113ndre Nine!Y —Six and 25/100's**** $37, 896. 2S**#**** In park and re�reatjon fees, which said agreement. dated rebmazy 12th 19__76 _j and Identified as project TractNo. 8894 to hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and W)JEREAS, said principal Is required under the terms of said agree. rnent to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of maid agreement. -the r re. we the principal &,,,I V-PLOYERS MUTUAL LIABILITY IRSUMCE as surety, are held and firmly bo%ind unto the City of Huntington Beach hereinafter called "City", in the penal sum of ****4**Tb1rty Seven Thousand Eight.Hundred Iginety .Six and 25/1001#********* Oollars 03�. 896, 25***.* lawful money of the United State. for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made. we bind ourselves. our bei.rs,succe a sore. executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation to sucli that If the above bounded principal. his or its beirs, executors, administrators, succegsors or assigns, shall ta all things stand to and abide by. and well and truly keep and perform the coven. -mls,. conditions and provisions in the said agretment and any alteration thereof bi therein provided'. onbis or their part, to be kept and performed at the or therein specified. and In all respects according to theIr truo r OWI indemnify and cave barmlese "City". fit 0411901r*A; It vY**'F. as therein stipulated. the this obliga"6016 J0.211 6rf boo". j I Sir a 04orwise It shall be and remain in fuli force and effect. A V ID V& W 14 j !1"XII MCI awl Recreatiun UoiAd Panu Two An a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face arnount specified therefor, there Shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by "City" in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to the taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder of the specifications accompanying the samc Aall in anywLse affect its obligations on this bond, and it dots hereby waive notice of &ny Such ChLngt., extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specificatiens. in witness whereof, this instrument has been duly egecuted by the 0 principal and surety above named, February 19th---.-----, 19 76 HUNTINGWIN- 13EAC�" PU.j*L'j*\*!.-%'G DrFPT* MAR 16 1976 6 - . 0. Do:: 1,33 , %darul Acknou k4femcat -AltacaK� lit t &,t SIATXOF S.S. OrMIAL SEAL MMY A. JENNY NoTapi -14VI4( CALIFOARIA0 1DFFWk IN 0 C.U.1,111 My CDwjMj=Wm Stp-r-ji Ajl_ 12.1577 4W.a4q0****Q too&*** 015-6114 &71 W. R. ACE PROPERTIES INC., - $,� --I, F as Principal BI ria W. Carr Executive Vice President 'Ed VaLl Assistant Secretary irmol nwrLC UMIM I WAnIF ITY IGC11:WXV MAPANY Ar UMMATH b - On" Mh dav of -Eebruary . tg—j.&. tqf.n mt. Htry A. jenny a Notary FUMC in &W (04 aw _VW.Mly. 516" afammid. tr%dial omelft. duly F, I- legranj ltomfb ILI Ing lo bke the pvc" db" "rho a wb%-w*c,d to Ow uskm w4tommi tb� #116MOCY W f4K t U1 I MPLOYCKS MUTUAL LIABILITY PISURANCECOM PAN Y01 161SCONSIN &W aLknowirdIrd I* Me Ilig ht lubmiribed The Name DfLUPLOVI RS AWTUAL LIA1111 Irl 1p4SL'Rjkw'L (XJMPAkV Or VIM"SIN IM114D 311POftipal. 4-14 11% own atalmifoey In Li.l. iN *ITNESS *11SAWE, I IM%V 11crCuMIG W1 avy Mad and afrised my WNW agal. of Ifty *UkV in tht laid cowilly Df—Crilage—lbe djy kofAry hblk jaaaJ for Ific. D- Sjole or- Calif orni a 44. STATE Or CA 1%.PRNIA, %woo COUNTY OF ORANCE On February I gth 1� 76 before me Georgel). Stringer a Notary rlublic, in and for said County and Statc. personally appeared Erank W. Carr arld Ed. Vail )mown to me to be the Executive Vice President and the Assistant Secretary of the corporation that txecuted the within in. otrument. pursuant to Its by-laws or a resolution of Its 13oard of Directors. 0 OrVICIAL SEAL GEORGE D. STRINGE]R' 43. JUC)TARY PUPLIC CALIFOANIAA No'-' Y Publit T 91? - , or A/ OtAtict COVMY 0 1979 0; Ily r-am eqvin OW 3.19n My Commission expires: May 3. 1979 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY or, OPANCE 29_, before me &.Notary Public. in and for said County and State. personally appeared and known to roe to be the President and the Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. Notary Public jj6t,jTj.\C,T014 t1EACH ().;PT. MY Committsion expires: J,JAP� 16 1976 r. 0. Cox 190 j4untlnL-torl Beach. CA 92643 ;Z. 4�1 it L.,- . 11, Sm j j, t 0 Forwomfy Sam" Asawy Sutte I MO Wod N T@WPXww 714 January 25, 1979 City of Huntington Beach Attn: John W. dhiPPle, *Administrative Aide Department of Public Works PO Box 190 Huntington Beach# CA 92648 101 04 �A 0 Re: W. R. Grace Properties Inc Bond No. 2050 - 52 - 048577 Park & Recreati3—nBond for dedZ1CqAt08n of .994 acres of land or payment of fees Dear Mr. Whipple: P.O. Sy 5- 6 V ) Sfi el' ;2 '2,9 '7- d10 3",v Have enclosed a copy of a bond status Inquiry you completed In November of this past year stating the bond was released as of February 1, 1978 . In'speaking with our principal, V. P. Grace Properties$ and reviewing the bond format It was determined this status Inquiry was in error as regards this particular bond for tract 8630. Connie in the City Clerk's office asked I mail you a photo copy of this status report and ask you contact her. Believe this was an understandable error on your part since the balance of bonds on this tract were completed some time ago. Please give me a call if you have any questions on this matter. Very truly yourso ALEXANDER I ALEXANDER OF CALIFORNIA INC. Plary Jenny (Mrs.) as cci Oployors Pvtol - Attoi FW1 Cfty of jVvntjn#t*a felch - Attol City Clerks 0ff(C#-CQNf,1#&o," TO '. PM: M R.L= N EIM z A KeeQ9 Date: August 2. 1976 (0 Or HIMTHICTOn DEACH P.O. BOX 190, CALIF04NIA 92645 PLANNING DEM (7141536-5271 MENDED TRANSMITTAL f -JU TO: 90,10FAUE PAYOR YLVD CYTY COUNCIL N PRO-14: Planning Depart=nt DATEz Zuly 29, 1976 ATM Floyd G. itelvito, City Ldministrator AEt Pinal Tract 8630 - A Portion of Tcntative Tract 0630 Tran=itted herewith arc the Final rzp of Tract 8630, being a portion of Tentative TracIC—Rap vo. e63o, and a park and recreation bond. SubdLvidert We R. Grace Propertiesp Inc, 4463 Birch Newport Beach, California 92664 Engineer: Tho Stringcr Co=pany 17890 Sky rark Circle Irvine, California 92707 Locationt Souths.-cetcrly of Slater Avenue and Grahm Street Lotal 56 and 2 letterpd Acreacet 13.067 zonel R2-5.5, F-edi= Densityr 5,5 units per gross acre General Plan: Low Dcncity We R. Grace Propertiec, Inc. has cubmitted'a Urk and r4ecres 4n bond for the recraired CeCict:'_t�= part (-r1T.-OT-"Uu-7Y-n Lxru'UF;;rc*f for Tract 8630. Planning cccaptenco of- tho Mrido Dcp Thit =p has been er=incd atd certified by the Director of public vioric and, the Eccrctcry to the Planning Cotmission as being cubawtially in accordance with the tentative map as filed with.. awnded and approved by the Planning Commission, The City Council may r-pprove the map, accept the offer of dedication and improvement cubject to comnletion of requirements as chown, and inetruct the City Clark that she shall not affix hor riUnaturs to tho ntp nor rojeace such map for preliminary procecaing by tho County or for recordation until the following co.-4ULone havo been complied with, 40� -e of Wausau Eiq*ym Msurare DUWYM MUM" LLCULM MULQ4M COWA" CW WMXXftM b LV. J &py v SUSONOM STATM 08MMY -.TUM THIS FCMAM cm 0? mmm-m 3c -V.VUM M". crm cv":. = I CA qwto 2= RAU SMM7, SUR= D%Vdtr+m HUMMUM L Nopm wA"2550 -t2 mofto rem&LTV Wo443-00 A T!ACT '�"�9b. 86.30 DESCRIMON MW & FOMMTMN.BDMD KR DMICATM21 OF .994 A OP LAND' OF PADIMIT OF F335. IDU KAT JM ADM X MOMM OR Wr BM PAS RU-4 RMMM, Z MAN MEMO aLPCBTKM MLOW ANO fkMMM r#M POM t. 14ASTMIMAK BEEN FULLY COWLIM AAO ACCV'TtD? OYIS C"o I IF ACCUTED. Off WHAT DATE? I lFtCTACCV"rW.ISWORXPPOOAI!SSIMGSATWAL.1 ILY? 13YES CNO 4. F`f*C6f4TAaI[ COMPILCTSO: .............. /7 9' Ila 4 P, I" C. ---- man opo"AlION pumm"D IT "*" ";A4 , ib 7 rn%b &L W, . 9 ; 19" 1 PWA 16 "nM N. REQUE�-f FOR CITY COUNOe ACTION Date June 9, 1981 Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council Submitted by: Charles W. Thompson,.City Administrato VED,,y CITY COUNCIL Prepared by: Department of Development Services Subject: EXONERATION OF BONDS FOR RECREATION A D PAR CITY CLESM Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions, Attachments: STATEMENT OF ISSUE: In return for conveyance of a grant deed, the City has been asked to exonerate bonds filed with and accepted by the City for park and recrea- tion dedication -and/or fees for residential development between Graham and Edwards Streets north of the Bolr>,d)Chica. klklp RECOMMENDED ACTION: 421qfv Approve the exoneration of PaZ and Pecreation Bonds for Tract Nos. 76341 7636, 7637, 9101r 9218 92 20, and 9221 in return for the convey- ance of a Grant Deed from Signal Landmark for properties south of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central .Park. ANALYSIS: At its June 1, 1981 meeting, the City Council accepted a grant deed from Signal Landmark, Inc. which included properties on the bluff south of Talbert Avenue on the'west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. (See the attached RCA dated May 22, 1981'.) The con- veyance of this deed satisfies the park dedication requirements for Tract Nos. 8630, 8893, and 8894 developed by the Gunston Hall Company, Inc. and for Tract Nos. 7634, 7636, 7637, 9101, 9218, 9219,'92201- and 9221 developed by.Signal.Landnark, Inc. The Gunston Hall Company had previously submitted $125,815.55 to the City to satisfy the park requirements for Tract Nos. 8630, 8893, and 8894. On June.1; 1981 the City Council auithorized the release of this payment in return for conveyance of Signal's grant deed. Signal Landmark Inc. had previously submitted bonds to guarantee the park'requirements for Tract Nos. 7634, 7636, 7637, 9101, 9218, 9219, No 4/81 Page 2 June 9, 1981 9220, and 9221. The conveyance of Signal's grant deed also fulfills the park requirements for these tracts and the City should exonerate Signal's bonds. FUNDING SOURCE: Not applicable. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: The City Council may choose not to exonerate the bonds. ATTACHMENTS: 1. May 22, 1981 RCA W :CI:df TO A/ t '-r FOR CITY COUNC'le ACTION REQUEs mav ZZ. 14?11 Date APPROVED BY CITY CCo­-L Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council Member; Submitted by: Charles W. Thompson, City Administrator, (2� V Prepared by: Department of Development Services CITY CLERK Subject: ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FROM SIGNAL LANDMARK, INC.; RELEASE OF PARK AND RECREATION FEES; AND TRANSFER OF TITLE OF PROPER- TIES TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternatjive Actions, Attachments STr-.TEMENT OF ISSUE: The City is in a position to accept a grant deed from Signal Landmark for properties south of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. This requires release of $125,815.55 in park and recreation fees to Sighal in exchange for said deedi This deed would then be transferred to'the County of Orange pursuant to the Bolsa Chica Linear Park Agreemeht by which.the City has agreed to donate the land in exchange for which'the County will pursue implementation of the Linear Park and acquisition of additional parcels -for inclusion in the park. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Accept the grant deed from Signal Landmark for properties south of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. (See attached copy of said deed.) 2. Authorize the release of $125,815.55 to Signal Landmark in pay- ment for the grant deed. 3. Authorize City staff to transfer title to the properties contained in the grant deed to the County of Orange in accordance with the terms of the attached Bolsa Chica Linear Park Agreement. AN7J,YSTS-. The grant deed in question includes three tracts (8893, 8894, and 8630) which were a portion of Signal Landmark's development constructed along the southwesterly boundary of the City in the Bolsa Chica Gap. When originally approved, the City had worked with signal in an effort to have property dedicated on the bluff south of Talbert on the east side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. This area was envisioned as the start of a linear park from the northerly boundary to the south. Signal has dedicated the total acreage. The Gunston Hall Company, however, had purchased a portion of the Signal properties for development with the understanding that they would be responsible for fulfilling their own park and recreation requirements. The depart- ments of Community and Development Services worked with Signal to get PJO 4181 6--.1 --,1 (P the full dedication with the stipulation that Gunston Hall would deposit the bond value with the City for payment to Signal on the park acreage dedication requirement of Qunston. Bonds were submitted by Gunston Hall and were later exonerated by the City Council on January 5, 1981 following payment of $125,815.55 to the City by Gunston Hall. The City deposited this payment into -a special account. A title report -has been secured on Signal's total dedicated acreage. The City can now accept the grant deed and pay the $125,815.55 repre- senting Gunston Hall Company's share back to Signal Landmark. The dedicated acreage is slated to become part of the County's Bolsa Chica Linear Park. Pursuant to an agreement between the City and orange County, title to this acreage is to be transferred to the County within 40 days of its acceptance by the City. FUIMING SOURCE: Not applicable. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Refuse to accept the grant deed. 2. Accept the grant deed but refuse to transfer title to the County of Orange. Either of the above actions may severely curtail implementation of the Bolsa Chica Linear Park. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Not applicable. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copy of Grant Deed by Signal Landmark Bolsa Chica Linear Park Pgreement Letters trom Gunston Rall Company. C CI:df -' DATE P.O. NUMBER 07-.22-211 035251 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH P.O. BOX 190 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA TOTALS > GROSS AMOUNT I DISCOUNT - I NET AMOUNT - 125V815.55 1 .,a c I 125r8l5.55 PURCHASE ORDER Ciey of Huntington Beach POST OFFICE BOX 190 HUNTINGTON BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92648 PVRCHASE ORDER (7141 SN-6221 This number must appear an Package& and Invoices. DATE 07/21/81 128258822 35251 VE SIGNAL LANDMARK INC H CITY OF HUNTINGTON-BEACH N I 0 17890 SKYPART INC P 2000 MAIN STREET 0 IRVINE CA 92714 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. 92648 R. T 0 ATTN: COM!,1UNITY SERVICES F.O.B. Destination YES1 -QkjANTIjy UNIT Delivery within Confirm Plus Frt. Prepay & Add' days DESCRItITION Terms; UNIT PFIICF I AMOUNT !I PURSUANT TO THE CITY COUNCIL'S ACTIONS ON JUNE 1 AND JUNE 15, IN PAYMENT FOR THE GRANT DEED FOR PROPERTIES SOUTH OF TALBERT AVENUE ON THE WEST SIDE OF EDWARDS STREET ADJACENT TO CENTRAL PARK. 125815.55 CHECK WITH ORDER (RA) TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE FORM A PART OF THIS ORDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS FORM A PART OF THIS ORDER 1. SHIPPING NOTICE shall be mailed as soon as material has been forwarded, giving order number, also con- (IMISO(I cb!scriwion of material. 2.' INVOICE IN DUPLICATE. ATTENTION: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 3. CARTAGE OR PACKAGES. No chatge will be allowed for either. di %4_ry d 4. PATENTS. Vendor agrees to hold and save puf chaser harmless from and agpinst a an e emand or demands of any nature or kind by reason of the use of any patented invention. article or appliance that has been or may be adopted or used in the construction oi any ofthe material or articles called tor on this purchase order. 5. ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance of this order by seller will be by acknowledgment or by delivery in whole or in part of the items called for hereunder. By accepting this order, seller agrees to the terms and conditions set forth herein. 6. THE CALIFORNIA UMFORNI COMMERCIAL CODE APPLIES TO THIS ORDER. Time is of the essence of this order. .7. INSURANCE. It is understood and agreed that vendor is fully covered with public liability, workmen's Com- pensation, property damage insurance and products liability insurance and agrees to protect and indemnify the buyer against all claims for damages, lawsuits, attorney's fees, costs of suit, etc., which may arise. Seller agrees that if any action or proceeding must be brought on this order, such action or proceeding shall be brought in a California court of competent jurisdiction. FOR CITY COUNCI' ACTION REQUEO �-.d Date may 22, 1981 Submitted to, Honorable Mayor and City Council Members &bmittedby: Charles W. Thompson, City Administrator Prepared by: Department of Development Services Subject: ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FROtl SIGNAL LAND�IARK, INC.; RELEASE OF PARK AND RECREATION FEES; AND TRANSFER OF TITLE OF PROPER- TIES TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions, Attacbments: STATEMENT OF ISSUE: The City is in a position to accept a grant deed from Signal Landmark for properties south of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. This requires release of $125,815.S5 in park and recreation fees to Signal in exchange for said deed. This deed would then be transferred to the County of Orange pursuant to the Bolsa Chica Linear Park Agreement by which the City has agreed to donate the land in exchange for which the County will pursue implementation of the Linear Park and.ac'quisition of additional parcels for inclusion in the park. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Accept the grant deed from Signal Landmark for properties south of Talbert Avenue on the west side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. (See attached copy of said deed.) 2. Authorize the release of $125,815.55 to Signal Landmark in pay- ment for the grant deed. 3. Authorize City staff to transfer title to the properties contained in the grant deed to the -County of Orange in accordance with the terms of the attached Bolsa Chica Linear Park Agreement. ANALYSIS: The grant deed in question includes three tracts (8893, 8894, and 8630) which were a portion of Signal Landmark's development constructed along the southwesterly boundary of the City in the Bolsa Chica Gap. when originally approved, the City had worked with Signal in an effort to have property dedicated on the bluff south of Talbert on the east side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central -Park. This area was envisioned as the start of a linear park -from the northerly boundary to the south. Signal has'dedicated the total acreage. The Gunston Ile -ill Company, however, had purchased a portion of the Signal properties for development with the understanding that they would be responsible for fulfilling their own park and recreation requirements. The depart- ments of Community and Development Services worked with Signal to get NO 4/81 the full dedication with the stipulation that Gunston 11all would deposit the bond value with the city for payment to Signal on the park acreage dedication requirement of Gunston. Bonds were submitted by Gunston flall and were later ' exonerated by the City Council on .January 5, 1981 following payment o'f $125,815.55 to the City by Gunston Hall. The City deposited this payment into a special account. A title report has been secured an Signal's total dedicated acreage. The City can now accept the grant deed and pay the $125,815.55 repre- senting Gunston Hall Company's share back to Signal Landmark. The dedicated acreage is slated to become part of the County's Bolsa Chica Linear Park. Pursuant to an agreement between the City and Orange County, title to this acreage is to be transferred to the Countywithin 40 days of its acceptance by the City. FUNDING SOURCE: Not applicable. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Refuse to accept the grant deed. 2. Accept the grant deed but refuse to transfer title to the County of orange. Either of the above actions may severely curtail implementation of the Bolsa Chica Linear Park. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Not applicable. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copy of Grant Deed by Signal Landmark Bolsa Chica Linear Park Agreement Letters from Gunston Hall Company C, T: �Pl:df PLANNIMir- [)-cpT- jo, 13 1981 BOX 190 CA 92649 'Auntint;t0l' P- January 9, 1981 City of Huntington Beach P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 ATTN: Louise Treasury Department RE: Bond Nos. 2050-11-048577, 2050-23-046577 and 2050-52-048577 Gentlemen: This is to advise you that as of December 31, 1975 Kendall Development Co., Inc., a California corporation, was merged into W. R. Grace Properties, Inc., a New York corporation pursuant to the laws of the States of California and New York. As a result'of that merger, all of the obligations of Kendall Development Co., Inc., including, but not limited to, the obligations under the bonds referred to above were assumed by W. R. Grace Properties, Inc. On June 7, 1979, The Gunston Hall Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation, acquired certain of the assets of W. R. Grace Properties, Inc. and in connection therewith, assumed certain liabilities of that corporation, including, but not limited to, the obligations of W. R. Grace Properties, Inc. under the bonds referred to above. The payment made to you by The Gunston Hall Company, Inc. in the amount of $125,815.55 by check no. 5207 dated October 30, 1980 drawn on Wells Fargo Bank was made in full satisfaction of the obligations of Kendall Development Co., Inc. under said bonds. If there is any further information required please let me know. Very truly yours, THE G STON-HALL CO �ANY';,,JNC. c— J�y C"_1 GFM/sep By cc:john A. Littman, George Y. Mason, Jr. Presidd t low 161- �'- September 24, 1980 City of Huntington Beach Department of Development Services P. 0. Box 190 1 Huntington Beach, California-92648 ' Attention: Mr. James W. Palin Dear Jim: -'G D —z P T. S F P P. 0. lluntincm.i. - C-1 926 1:00 You are right. It has been a long'time since you and I spoke'last. Those were the good old days, (I think). As to our payment of $125,815.55 for release of the park and rec bonds on the tracts you indicated, we are ready to pay the aforementioned sum. Mr. Worthy and I had a conversation as to the procedures for this release and I had assumed we would pay the City of Huntington Beach and wait for the bonds to be exonerated. In your letter you indicate that Gunston Hall should pay the Bolsa Corporation. This leaves Gunston Hall in a bit of a legal quandry since we do not have any prior arrangement or agreement with Signal for this payment. Jim, I don't want to muddy the water but I do have to keep the Company -clear of' any problems. Upon receipt of this letter, I would be pleased to get together with you and try to resolve this. Yours truly, THE GUNSTON HALL COMPANY, INC. q9hn A. Littmann Vice President JAL: sd cc: George F. Mason, Jr. . . —9 - 4, F;/,) n",�r j?,7.�F,70--f �jg nal Landmark, Inc. el-"- 17893 Siypark Circle 51 Irvine, Callfornhk 92707 Telepho-ie: (714) 979-6900 8. ep C August 21, 1980 City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Attention:. No= Worthy, Superintendent Park Acquisition and Development Re: Bolsa-Chica F.N. 7004 Gentelemen: Afe-� -k-e- A,-- &.s e-,Lt, r,,-cvoqo , I." .4�402_ Mailing Address - Post Office Box 12067 Santa Ann. California 92FIl Transmitted herewith is a Grant Deed conveying a park site to the City of Huntington Beach. It is noted that the description is written to the centerline of Edwards Street, but the westerly half (20.00 ft.) of Edwards Street was not included in the area computations. The site contains 13.514 acres exclusive of the westerly 20.00 feet of Edwards Street. It is also noted that conveyance of this site satisfies the park dedication requirements for the following sub- divisions developed by Signal Land:mark: Tract ros. 7634, 7636, 7637, 9101, 9218, 9218, 9220 and 9221 (10.572 acres). This conveyance also satisfies the park dedication require- ments for,,the W.R. Grace Tract Vos. 8630, 8893 and 8894 (2.942 acres). 13 one of The Signal Companies Us' Sighal handmark, Inc. City of Huntington Beach Attn: Norzn worthy August 21, 1980 As we have discussed, Signal has a long standing commitment to dedicate the park land required as a result of the W.R. Gract,� tracts in exchange for receipt of the Park and Recreation ftes—owed.the City by W.R. Grace. It should be made-­61_e�r, at thi—IS-Elmej--that this dedication in no way reflects our opinion of the Current value -of said land, but is simply the fulfilhent of that cEmmitment. We are transmitting this deed at a somewhat early da t o enable you to obtain title reports, etc. prior to acce'p nce thereof. The submittal of this deed is with the under-\ standing that it will neither be accepted nor recroded prior to, or concurrently with, the following: 1. Exoneration of Park and Recreation Bonds for Tract 'yd a\' t o to ac� c613 Nos. 7634, 7636, 7637, 9101, 9218, 9219t 9220, 9221, 8630, 8893, and 8894. - 2, You have a cheek payable to Signal Bolsa Corporation in the amount of $125,815.55, representing the W.R. Grace obligation. also enclose a sketch indicating the boundaries of the conveyed. Very truly yours, SIGNAL LANDMARK, INC. George It. Stringer IV Senior Vice -President Enclosures . a- REQUE�? FOR CITY COUNCIL"%-A&ION Submitted by James W. Palin Department Development Services Date Frepared December 29, ,1910 Backup Material Attached El Yet 0 No Subject EXONERATION OF BONDS FOR RECREATION AND PARK FEES City Administrator's Comments cITY COUNC17- APPROVEID By Approve as Recommended 0. o; 6-ry clr';J Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions: STATEMENT OF ISSUE: Exoneration of bonds filed with and accepted by the City for park and recreation dedication and/or fees for residential development at the southwest corner of Slater Avenue and Graham Street. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the exoneration of Bond 2050-11-048577 for Tract 8893, Bond 2050-23-048577 for Tract 8894, and Bond 2050-52-048577 for Tract 8630, as the $125,815.88 fee has been paid to the City of Huntington Beach for park and rec purposes. ANALYSIS: The three tracts in question (8893, 8894, and 8630) were a portioW of Signal Landmark's development constructed along the southwesterly boundary of the City in the Bolsa Chica Gap. When originally approved, the City had worked with Signal in an effort to have property dedi-* cated on the bluff south of Talbert on the east side of Edwards Street adjacent to Central Park. This area was envisioned as the start of the linear park from the northerly boundary to the south. Recently Signal has dedicated the total acreage, but it should be noted that the bonds before -the -Council for exoneration at this time are from the Gunston Hall Company. Gunston Hall had purchased a portion of the Signal properties for development with the understanding that they would be responsible for fulfilling their own park and recreation requirements. The Departments of Cornunity and Development Services P10 We Page 2 k,4..0 worked with Signal to get the full dedication with the stipulation that Gunston Hall would deposit the bond value with the City for payment to Signal on the park acreage dedication requirement of Gunston. The deed is currently being processed by Community Services and will be forwarded to the City Council for acceptance once a title report has been secured on the dedicated acreage. FUNDING SOURCE: None. No funds required as the City is serving as "escrow" for the transfer of money from Gunston Hall to Signal Landmark. Respectfully submitted, /James W. Palin, Director JWP :df Attachments: 1. Check Dated October 30, 1980 2. Letter Dated October 30, 1980 3. Letter Dated August 21, 1980 4. Grant Deed Dated August 19, 1980 WELLS FARGO BANK THE GUNSTON HALL COMCDANY, INC. 4525 MACP --4UR BLVD I 14 EwPORT 1, CA. 92660 5207". GENERAL ACCOU 44163 SMCH STRECT A. J i 7- NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF 92660 16-24,192 171415401620 121316236590.. 12200t.- October 30, 490 PAY TheskIM pf T 2 5, A 1 -1-5 d a] 5 -9 DOLLARS $ 125, 15.55 '71, City of Huntington Beach,. TO THE GUNSTON HALL COMPANY. INC. THE .01RDER ID.Ilr 1`49T cAliNgn WITH[Pt 40 DAVI j:1V or lit lo 10 - 1600 5 20M 1: 12 2000 2t.?e:or.9 2; 0 12 3 54it" tj�T= C7 EYAC14 AND RCTAIN T141S STATCMKNT THE GU-4STON HALL COMPANY. INC. ?Hit ATTACCHRO C.acn is Ift p^vmdftT Ov "am* Datcalwa t. rp I.6T CONMEC'r PJAAS! jft0TI ry Ull PRONPL.r. fto RGCEtPT DO left6D. �Ell!" BEACH. CALIF. 92660 DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMT. RETENTION DISCOUNT NETAMOUNT to oil r Payment in lieu of land donation it! for exoneration in full of , , ;. - - it' following bonds: I,! BOND '0 MOUNT TraFFR93 2050-11-048577' 45,475.50 Tract 8894- 2050-23-04 37,896.z5 ct 86301­2050-5jZb48577 42 -443.-807- 125,815 55, r r .77., r- - , :.,. . . . . . . . . . . . .. I t October 30, 1980 Mr. Jams W. Palin Director Departwnt of DeveloFrxant Services City of Huntington Beach P.O. Bmc 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Mr. Palin: Enclosed is The Gunston Hall Corpany, Inc.'s check in the arount of $125,815.55 drawn payable to the City of 11untington Beach. This check is in payment in full of park and recreation fees with respect to Tracts 8893, 8894 and 8630 in the City of 1-hmtingtcn Beach. Upon receipt of this payment please provide The Gunstan Hall Carpany, Inc. with a letter stating that the obligations of W. R. Grace Properties, Inc. to the City of Hmtington Beach for which Ehplcyers Ifutual. Liability Insurance Carpany of Wisconsin issued the following park and recreation bonds have been satisfied in full and that the bonds are exonerated: 2050-11-048577 2050-23-048577 I,_,, t r%TO, I qtqE,*52-048577 PLANNING DEPT. tip 3 1980 P. 0. 130% 190 1juntington 13cach. CA 92648 M-Ir/vlf Enclosure ,57,Mjew 1rOKxJnt 45,475.50 37,89G.25 42,443.80 $125,815.55 Yours very truly, Robert W. Troutt E�cecutive Vice President Signal Landmark, Inc. 17690 S�ypark Circle Irvine, California 92707 Telephore: (714) 979-6900 August 21, 1980 City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Attention: lJorm Worthy, Superintendent Park Acquisition and Development Re: Bolsa Chica r.u. 7004. Gentelemen: Mailing Address: Post 01fice Box 1206? S&nta Ana. Cafifornig 92711 Transmitted herewith is a Grant Deed conveying.a' park site to the City of Huntington Beach. It is'noted that the description is written to the centerline of Edwards Street, but the westerly half (20.00 ft.) of Edwards Street was not included in the area computations. The site contains 13.514 acres exclusive of the westerly 20.00 feet of Edwards Street. :Et is also noted that conveyance of this site satisfies the park dedication requirements for the following sub- divisions developed by Signal Landriark:- Tract Hos. 7634, 7636, 7637, 9101, 9218, 9211, 9220 and 9221-(10.572 acres). This conveyance also satisfies the park dedication require- ments for:.the W.R.' Grace Tract Nos. 8630, 8893 and 8&94 (2.942 acres). 5 one of The Sigi.sl Companies IL#01: Slinal Landmark, Inc. I City of Huntington Beach Attn: Norm Worthy August 21, 1980 As we have discussed, Signal has -a long standing commitment to dedicate the park land required as a -result of the W.R. Gract!'tracts in exchange for receipt of the Park'and Recreation fees owed the City by NT.R. Grace. It should be made clear, at this time, that this dedication in no way reflects our opinion of the current value of said land, but -is simply the.fulfilfnent of that commitment. We are transmitting this deed at a somewhat early date to ' enable you to obtain title reports, etc. prior to acceptance thereof. The submittal of this deed is with the under- standing that it will neither be accepted nor recroded prior to, or concurrently with, the following: 1. Exoneration of Park and Recreation Bonds for Tract Nos. 7634, 7636, 7637, 9101, 9216, 9219, 9220, 9221, 8630, 8893, and 8894. 2. You have a check payable to Signal Bolsa Corporation in the amount of $125,815.55, representing the W.R. Grace obligation. I also enclose a sketch indicating the boundaries of'the parcel.conveyed. Very truly yours, SIGNAL LANDMARK, IMC. A Y�Z : �/� George d. Stringer Senior Vice -President Enclosures TI CORPORATION GRANT DEED Title Insurance and Trust.Company CO*Oft trC &7A IrSWFPS TITL% SCINVIC9 WITH Oftt LOCAL CALL CORPORATION GRANT DEED TI Title Insurance and - 'trust Company C004PLffTC STATCW CC TITLE StMVICC WITH ONE =AL CALL S r TATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ' !2rancle 0. , Auqu. Witte "W. 11ir and"- pi;nml. a Notary Public in on.) 1,-r sa;d %4ale. pn�@Ily appeared George D. Stringer kiiawn 1. in@ to he 11-0 V Ce -PMMIRt, and ary S erman Ts-sistant _L._ kswaa I. w. In be CIVI e iary of 16 CinpEwaiinn that eiievuleil The wiih;n Irmtrumera. lk�vrn in one in he the fprrw� *14, flLetaled the within [noruffwni an behalf of the Corporalina therrin earned. and ackipaw6feed 1. Me that Rich C*rpOr*1;ft#1 EXPrUlet! the Wilhin IJWF3P Merit pursuant in it% Iry-Is" or a resolui ion of its I�id of directors, any 11 1 "41 offifial 6�0. !:� siglinture tuart Sittig I Narne (Typed or Pwinird I F C-V a lm" L C101 a RECORDING REQUESTED BY a.O W.11% INIC9.046 K.1L TO City of Huntington Beach 2000 N. Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92647 10 406 CA (84% 14wj I I - - SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE There is no consideration involved in this transaction.' SignAl Bolsa Corporation AFFIX LR.& IN THIS SPACE 4eorge D. 1(tringer Vice President I Corporation Grant ' Deed'I THIS FORM FURtNiSmCD my TiTLZ INGURANCIt AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SIGNAL BOLSA CORPORATION, a co . fporation organized under the laws of the state of California hereby GRANTS to - the City of Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation, the following described real property it% the county or Orange ..state of uiromia: See *EXHIBIT A" consisting of I sheet, attached hereto and made a part hereof. I In Witness Whet-mr.- Said enrImbration 64 rouped itll COFImrair IIAMC 011d Seal 10 ]%-. IffIXF41 hereto And 016 in-trlh- merit lip be execleteil by it% mir-C President slid hS51 at413t relary thereunto thily *LIIlt,iri;d. Augitst 12, 1980 SIGNA BOLSA CORPQRATIgN o e er vice 1,ro iS i -�e e*rman , �9t�. -srd,,y OFFIC]" SEAL STUART SITTIG NOTAJZY PUSLIC - CAL1,]FORFAtA ORANGE COUNTY M Iqg4 Vy Wna. 41pbas A?R M IM 1`111.61 � W W&W O-W1.1 —11 Title Orcler No. F-wrow or Loan Nei. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE EXHIBIT A ' In the County of Orange, State of California, being that portion of the west half of Section 34, Totmship 5 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho La Bolsa Chica,.as shown on map filed in book 51, page 13 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County, and also shown on map of Record of Survey filed in book 92, pages 19 through 28, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly 2ine of Tract No. 7635, as shown on map recorded in book 330, pages 30 through 33 of said Miscellaneous Maps, said point lying North 760 341 56" West-29.94 feet from the southeasterly corner of said Tract; thence along said southerly line, South 76* 341 56" East 29.94 feet to the easterly boundary of said Record of Survey; thence along said easterly boundary by the following courses: South 00 161 56* West 1246.49 feet, North 890 391 57m West 660.03 feet and South,00 14' 01" West 658.39 feet,'thence North 55* 221 02" West 385.47 feet; thence North 210 521 56n East 197.01 feet; thence North 280 501 56" East 864.03 fact; thence North 380 241 56n East 630.34 feet; thence North 209 211 43" East 212.63 feet; thence North 380 241 !6" East 59.00 feet to the point of beginning. Following are the Assessor's Parcel Numbers of the property involved in this conveyance: 110-014-48 110-D14-49 110-014-51 110 00 Ire /Oco 41 1, 73. 411 56 Ac. 16' ki c A4 ,?6 619X-10-�� 42 25780AC 141) (D7 33.76 AC. ,130. 05 A C' U3 lie. (3) oij. 07AC IN, 76 A,:. #,Sd 44* Airy I NOTE - ASSESSOR'S 81(-)CK L' PARCEL f4UPOVEF?,4; SHOWN IN CIRCLES 52 10 Go (0 r3ooK IJOPAGF 01 COUNlY ()F ORANGF CEO) 71 M 13 4 4 17 is 191 20 21 22 23 24 11 27 281 �,v�Y No. 2A -THIRD PARTY ACREEM-INT NO. D 79-102 A. C P, E F M E N I T THIS AGREEMENT, nade and entered into'this da-; of 1979. is BY ANTI BETWEE% COLINTY OF ORMCE, he-rcinafter referred to as "COV!,TY" AND ORANGE COUNTY 11ARBSCRS, BEAMES MD PARKS DISTRICT, Iserefitafter I referred to as "DIMUCT: AND T 'GTON M.ACE, IRE CITY OF HUNT&N hereinafter vefPrrcd to as "ClIT" R E C I T A L S WEREAS, CITY has recommended that DISTRICT acquire and devz1op a regionall p3rk along the Huntington Xlesa connecting 111untington Central Fark and Balsa Chica State beach as Scnerally shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference Mnde a part of this Agreement, said area lying partially within CITY's Incorporated boundaries and 1 partially within COMYN's unicorporated territory; and UTIEREA-S, DISTRICT proposes to establish a linear regional park In and � around the Bolsa Chica marshland3 which would incorporate CITY's recommended Euntington V;..-sa site, said linear regional park concept being shown generally on said Exhibit A; and WMEAS, pursuant to the California Coastal Act of 1976, CO =. and CITY are In the process of -preparing Local Coastal Plans Incorporating land use plinz and 0 Implementing actions for coastal areas within their respective jurisdIctio-1s; and WHERM, COUNTY. DISTRICT .�ni CITY desire to t!cterzrine park bouadaries and certain road alignments to facilitate coastal and park planning and expedite park k...' i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12! 13 I . 6 17 is 20 21 292 23. 211 251 i6 27 28 6-4 ).and acquisition in the ar'ea including the conduct of hearings pursuant to the State of Cillfornia Earbors caid Navigatioa Code to determire if funds of DISTRICT should be ex?ended to implement snid linear regional rark; nnd WIEREAS, it Is mutually advantageous at this time for COUNTY, DISTRICT and CITY to establish respective responsibilities for cooperative planning In the arta; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows:. 1. CITY shall: A. Acquire Assessor's Parcel No. 110-014.751 as shown on said Exhibit A through CITVs Local Park Ordinance and, within'ninety (90) calendar days of ecquisition, offer to transfer title to said parcel, except for any portion therecf which is found necessary for Edwards Street or Fills Avenue In the alignment studies .called for herein, to DISTRICT without cost to DISTRICT as a contribution of land 'for DISTRICT's linear regional park. Said parcel shall be free -and clear of encumbrances which would unreasonably Interfere with its use for park purpose!;. B. Conduct an engineering study of the horizontal and vertic=1 alignments and right-of-way requirements for Edwards Street, Ellis Avenue, Garfield Avenue and 38th Street as they fall vIthin or impact the linear regional park study area, shown on said Exhibit A. Said engineering study shall be carmied out in cooperation with COUN-17 and affected landowners and shall include consideration of all feasible alternatives. Upon completion, CITY shall present 'the study, along with appropriate environmental document-ation, to CITY's Council for a determination of the corridor alignments of said streets, which determination shall be made within one -hundred and eighty (180) cal'endar days of the date of this agreement. C. Determine, as early as feasible in cooperatlon with CITY's Local '.C(,astal Plan process, the extent and location of any nonpublic park or open space land use to be allowed within the coastal zone along-thc edge of Huntington Masa fror- Huntington Central Park southwesterly to Bolsa Chica. State Beach. - .2 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. D. Within ninety (90) calendar days of being vacated, offer to transfer to DISTRICT without cost to DISTRICT or trade for DISTRICT land on an approximate equal area or other basis which is mutually acceptable to CITY and DISTRICT, .�ZTY's r1g hts to any vacated arterial or local street right-of-way, free and clear of CL encumbrances which would unreasonablk Interfere with park use, as a contribution of land for the linear regional park. E. Reimburse DISTRICT for land cost and acquisition expense which DISTRICT may incur in acquiring land within CITY's limits which CITY detem-in-�s is nceded for Edwards Street, Ellis Avenue, Garfield Avenue or 3Sth Street within the 10! linear regional park area, includin- land Afor cut and fill slopes. For areas w1tich are 21 not within MIT's linits at the time of MSTRICT's land acquisition, CITY shall 121 relm.1jurse DISTRICT for said lan'-d needed for said roads' within ninety (010) calendar days 13 of CITY's anr.exation of such lands. F. Vigorously attempt -to secure additional lanO. �or contribution to i the linear regional park throug� implementation o-f CITY's Local Park Ofd.-Inance and, wit%j in ninety (90) calendar days of acquisitioa, offer'to transfer title to sold la-d to 17 19 20 DISTRICT, free and clear of encumbrances which would unreasonably intorfen! with its use for park purposes, as a contribution of land for the linear reg!onal park. If DISTRICT later finds all or rart of such contributed lands to be no longer needed aad takes action to dispose of same, DISTRICT shall give CITY the first opportunity to 21 accept such lands at no cost to CITY. G. Provide safety, police and fire protection services to the linear 23 regionil park areas which are within, or In the future become within CITY's lillits, 24-1 on the same basis and levc-1 of service a-.. is provieled elsewhere within CITY. 25 Reiriburse DISTRICT for its cost of all utility hook-up and water an, sewer assesarient fees related to #.-he provision.of any CITY provided municipal. utility 271 services to the linear regional park. 2311 3 II. DISTRICT shill: 2 A. Pursuant to ntacc and local law and WSTRICT procedures,.vigorousl, pijrsue acquisition of Assessor's Parcel Nos. 110-014-52 and 110-014-53 as shor,-m on said 4 Exhibit A for linear regional p ark purposes and, If necessary, road purposes under the 5 terms of raragraph I-E herein subject to allowing the present owner and lessees to continue operation of the existing oil wells on the parcels for a period to be determined 7 by DISTRICT up to the i:clls' re=ining useful -life. B. Upon determination of the road alignments for Edwards Street, C9 Ellis Avenue, Carfleld Avenue and 38th Streer'by CITY, ccmplete as promptly as fcasible 10 I a boundary stu%-Jy for tl-.e Huntington Mesa. Teach of the linear regional park together with 11 appropriate environ-nental-dcctitr.entati(in and circulate sat.-.c for CITY and public com.nent 12 pursuant to the California Environ-nental lQuality Act and subsequently submit sa-te to the 13 CCUNTY's Planning Corr-aission. for approval and DISTRICT's Bcard of Surcrvisor�:; for a park boundary deiernin atlen. Said boundary study shall identify and evaluate, together .915 with alternatives where appropriate, additional parcels for acquisition for the linear 16 regional park. 17 C. As early as feasible subsequent to completion of the HuntIngton 18 Mesa Reach boundary study, prepare a �ouzndary study for the remaining areas of the 19 linear regional park. 20 D. Prepare or cause to be prepared a General Development Plan for the 21 linear regional park defining recreational facilities and uses to be developed. Said 22 Ceneral Dev'elopment Plan shall be developed in close cooperation with CITY and maybe 23 developed in units or phases based on need as determined by DISTRICT. 24 E. Develop, operate and traintain said linear regional park land and 25 facilities In accordance with DISTRICT's regional park policies and procedures, 16 Including free public pedestrian access so that the regional park can also provide local 27 park functions to the residents of the nearby area. 28 4 111. IT IS MUTUALLY WN-DERSTOOD AND AGREED: 2 A. ThaL COUNTY, DISTRICT and CITY Okall. cooperate fully in the 3 p1nnning and implementation of the linear regional park and associated public works 4 pr,-.)Jcctb to the end that such facilities are reflected compatibly in COUNTY's and 5 CITY's LCcal Coastal Plans. 6 B. That all obligations of DISTRICT under this Agreement shall 7 terminate unless there is a finding by DISTRICT's Board of Supervisors at n public -8 hearin.- pursuant -to the State of California Farbors and Navigation Code that the linear f)l regional park is an authorized project of DISTRICT and that DISTRICT funds nay be 10 expended for said project. C. 11-at CITY shall be the Lead A-Cncy pursu3nt to the California 12 Environmental Quality Act for acquisition or study activities called for to be 13 accomplished by CITY in tlits Agrcc=ent. D. That DISTRICT shall be tho Lead A;ency pursuant to the California '15 Environricntal Quality Act for acquisition aad study activities called for to be 16 acconplished by DISTRICT in this Agreempnt. 17 E. That COUNTY and CITY shall respectively be the Lead Agencies for 18 their Local Coastal Plans pursuant to the California Envirenmental Quality Act. 19 F. That neither COMM or DISTRICT nor any officers or employees 20 thereof shall be respon sible for any damage or liability occuring by reason of anything 21 done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or 22 Jurisdicition delegated to CITY under this Agreement. It is also understood and agreed .23 11 that, pursuant to-Covernment Code Section 895.4, CITY shall fully indemnify and hold 24 COUN'TY harmless from pny liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code 25 Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or or-itted to be done by CITY under 0)6 or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this 27 Agreement. 28; 1 /// - . - . 5 3 4 7 10 12 13 %U0,1) 4 -15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 2-1 25 26 27 28 1 C. That neither CITY nor any !of f icer or. employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be doqc by COUNTY or DISTRICT under or In connection with any work, authority or Jurisdiction delegated to COMNITY or DISTRICT under this Agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Covernment Code Section 895.4,COUNTY and DISTRICT shall fully indemnify and -hold CITY harmless from any liability Imposed for Injury (as defined by Covernment Code Section 810.8), occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to j be done by COUN-AY or DISTRICT under or In connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to COUNTY or DISTRICT under this Agreement. H. That DISTRICT, as an entity governed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, shall rely u?on the County of Orange Building Code for aII construction within COUNTY unincorporated and CITY Inco r porated areas within the lincar regional park Ly DISTRICT and its concessionaires and t�zit DISTRICT shall. be rcsponsible for all plan cbeck, permit is5uance, building code and construction inspection at 'no cost to CM 6 9 2 3 6 7 A 9 10 31 12 13 ��4 .15 � 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W-d IN WITNESS MIEREOF, the parties hereto bave executed this Agrvement on the dates set forth opposite their respective signatures. Date Date: Date: Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO FOR11: ADRIAN WiPER, County Counsel 01' IANCE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By I" Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH f— / V —7 7 COUNTY OF ORqGf.- By Chaimin of it board of Superviso Cr=-GE C017=Y HARBORS, BEACHES AND PARKS DISTRICT .* j. agw-- �, Z, Ly_-- Chairman of its Board of Supervisor--j ATTES'�, JUNE ALEXAN'D SQ e Bo 0 U 'a 0 of f 5 Clerli of th Supervisors of Orange Co C5,, raliforniam and ,, \Lltorr Be Orange CUo;?0y,1t`,,3arbo Beaches 4r- ard Par - District CI t"NT I N C TO Qr C;T By Ilayer ATTES' City ClerlL SIGNED AND CER !FI THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT H, BEEN DELIVERED TO 0 THE CHAAIR F THE BOARD. SlajE-AND CERTIFIED THATIA COPY OF THIS -DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIR'11AN OF THE BOARD. C ".�,JUNE ALEXANDER Clerk bf the Bo3rd Of SuPervisOfs Ccumv o! Ofvgge, Califorrli3 7 PAJ 41 �o lips 500 93� /, jop -;Jr 6�d ol 4.M A.M�w dow do, 4141� r . 0 M/,�,A 614UA 1ANPAZ "Mr an Mr. 0 mo oft "I* 14=0 vxvflvll-.& —IOZ V A4rr5.r-WHr W. .0 77 MTY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH P. 0. BOX 711 CALIFORNIA 92648 CITY TREASURER —WARREN G. HALL SURETY BOND RELEASE FORM Datdc� 110-4 /zp,/ As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, I, Warren G. Hall, release all of City of Huntington Beach . right and interest in Surety Bond described.as follows: The foregoing account is released as all requirements of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the �a. %; �—.' — . L,-. �' kt emenk of the City of 04' C_ %.-. Huntington Beach, effectiveo;�� - zz-z . tA 9i Treasurer 1p"W"792m"T"Mr- 4 VATI I LLLIOHL#i N%3 .1e Uut* i iLL, a I AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO --I _j I _rro cf-, -76 3 ilooi,j 000-4 Aoow_�w SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANIES up* SAO I[CO INSUR&M COWAINT OF AMIJUCA SIPWAPAL JAM)SAWS CMWANY 00 JWl MCA VISIST NATKftAL POU&&ACS COMPASIV OF A"WA 00104 090" 042 9ftOMLVN &W *1 - WATTUL""WW"Ce' 09"ll SPACIE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR ItICORDER1 USE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT BOND . Bond No. PCGIC-11 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE (CALIFORNIA) UN hatial P"ffl;UM S SjG$L LNJLV,RK, 114C., A CALiroRmis CORPORATID?J KAfOWALLAfENNYTHESEPRE'SFNTS.Tltat as Principal and the SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. a Corporation orIanized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington and authorized to t Ct = si n t I . are held and firmly bound unto I T,orcjirjb. as surety A t. I , wono ION II CIPAL CZ I I Y 14, NJ in U Ohl ig". QL IN 1M1111111 .11, in the sum or. bdiars($_ for the paymerit W4 and truly IG be viade. said Principal and Surety bind themselvei, their heirs, adfainistralars. SUCCeI13101`2 IM AW&ft.jOintly Ind 111MI'Ally, fifinly by thew Presents. THE CONDMON OF THIS OBLJOA TIONISSUM 11hat NVEREAS. the Principal on JULY Xv, 1973 1922 entered Into a certain A4rtemenl or Contract with the Oblig" wherein the PfIncipal agreed to complett the following Improvernents: GJAnAmTELING THE PAYMENT Or PPI?4 ArlU REWLATIO11 FE;:fj Or III;.' DCDICATION OF EQUIVALENT VALUE (W LAND fOR PARK SITLn AS DETER!114�.b UY 71;_7 CITY, TRACT 1`10. 7fj:)/,., CITY Or HUN7INGTON BC0,01, CALitronalA. as ffwo fully set forth in said Areemeril. NOW. TjjPLRE1-DRE, if the Prinu'N shall well and truly perform and rui ritt sit or the cowtunts, ter rm and. conditions or the said ASreement, then this obliption shall be null wrid void; otherwise to remain in full force W effed. Provijed. however: 1) 11"1 the coment of Surety &hall be required for any extension or time to complete said improvementi; 2) TWI no riSht of action shall accrue hereunder to or for the benefit ofany petson. firm or corporation other than the Obligge roomed heroin. Sitiftil.italed and dated JULY 26, J973 S IGtiiL SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA To b.1 a (Cerporod") STATE OF CALIFOR41A C OUNTy Gy ORANGE on Auly 76 1973 bAfto W. lbo w4"Pned. a 14*gary Public In and 1W saw Nale. pormoally appom*d r�nx vfe-n- stringer he lho re- P.41,,A.'aa KAY 1111tcbmits-_ k"we As s Is t Ilin t 4% 1, *ry *I be geip"mijon j6I nmmkj he ilkip Insitompot. z km--n I& ow so he'tm pe @oft vrbe evoculed the Wilkie me Irkdf &1 16 earpordWoff dwv*44 naxlc4 &#W ark�Wvtl I- vole lNot NN-h eorwalloft exce"Ned the Wilkie lo-ameorm For"wol to ju by -tows of 4 re"uLwe of its 1~4 WITNE&S say -orA efficid wal. SWIRI SItTIG NOMM i U14 IC Cf-tlJ'M1jNtA Sig V;Z". I Ivir. C013MY All C... -bs.-ft L Pvr. 11 ...W. :3.3);s dir," 81011 " Or r ) e Notary Public 61w to$ C. CT-wu% qu-1H. P q.r a r I A Address EI-v; Iluit exemted the -fortwid Cow I tjv. 2 H CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH P. 0. BOX 711 CALI FOR NIA 92648 t CITY TREASURER -WARREN G. HALL SURETY BOND RELEASE FORM Date, -263 6, As Treasurer, Agent for the City of Huntington Beach, I, tdarren G'. H�il,, 'release all of City of Huntington Beach right and interest in Surety Bond described as follows: AJ The foregoing account is released'as all requiremenis of its pledge have been accomplished and released by the departrA-mt-of the City of aal� 41 Huntington Beach, effective I �k.;ORL)i%(, 14LUUESTED 0 I or MEN IFFIA I F A002414 ary 11411 Do F7 I �onw AND WHEN RE1CORDE0 MAIL TO — SPACE AROVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDE III'll USE SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANIES GAFICO 016URAN" MWAIFY 00 ALIENCA "AIGNAL POURANCI COWA14V OF AMC AFCA P1047 ALAT01AL PAURANCI COMPANT Of ANtRICA SChN CIP94M 00 S&OWLY" A" 11A. INAM4.11"NECTOft SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT 13GND 20616113 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE (CALIFORNIA) - - — -2-77-6—u- IMF KNOW ALL MENBY TUESEPAESEN73; That SIGIC LMLUAK, INC., A CALIfORAIIA CORPORATION as Principal and the SAFECD INSU"NCE COMPANY OF AMEFUCA. a Coipoestion organized and existing V eT the laws of the State of washinglo &to Of C41rufftia, as sumairs hold and firmly bound unto AR A 9JJNICIPAL ORAT I ON as Oblitee. in the sum of 4111rks I I wul rl�— Dollars($ 4;$IJJ4- IJ for the payment whereo f. well and truly to be made. mid Principal and Surety bind themselves. their heirs, administfatots successors and &Wmjointly and severally, firmly by thew presents. TUFSONDMON OF 1711S 081,142A T70N IS SUCII. That IWICRFAS; the Principal an JULY 26711 19 Ja — _L entered Into i certain Aliecrnent or Contract Willi the OblIfCe Wherein the Principal street) 107.,We ih, Ulowingimprovemenis: GUArtANIECING THC PAYIALIIT or PI.PK Aril; ACCII-CATION FCLS Oil 711. DEDICATION Of EQUIVALENT VALUE or LAND FOf1 PARx SITES AS MERMINED BY 7ior CITY, TnAcT W. ?636, CITY Or WNTINGTON 13EAC"# CALirofinlAe as more fully set far I h In said ASreefmnt. NOW. VIEREFORF. if the Ffincipat shatt well and truly PeTform and fulfill all of the covenanis.1tirns and condiliom of the said Agreement. then this obliption shall be null and void. otherwise to remain in full force and CIT66t. Provided, howevef: 1) That the consent of Surety "[I be rNtlired rot Any extension of time to complete mid improvements: 2) That no right of action Shall accrue hereunder 10 Of [OF the benefit of any person, firm or corporation other than the Obligm nowd herein. Signed, arsted and dptgd JULY 2C., 7 slaij. yk SAFECO INSURMNCE COMPANY OF AMEIUCA Attorney -in -Fact STATE CIF CALIFORNIA oDtim or OUNGE M A 9COAddren on July 26- 1973 ba"s mt. Isw wis"61A a 1416'ary I'shlie In 44 for saw Male. PW�dly OPPM .---Georyt D. St JZjyer ha.� Ift Ime to bd 1114 Vice p,,,jj.4,A__KaX D. Hurchenerst AllistentswMary Rhe wilkin lastrom"I. It. In . 1. 1. . ej Jim "Pawlse khal GaNsw L�wvt so we to Iw the puscos who eveedtod slos within Inqtv�t on britall *I the eewatim 1IMMA so". eftj E. LrWc orkorwk-AX-4 in we 1hal'"Wh Corr-falwa twutes! the wiflun lowrameal Punnsenc In its by-lagn or a resologism of Its Ifterd It ITNE-" my Land and Wkial "41. STUART SlaIG kDTA;� I M IEJ IL- Lf-L:FCPNLA wt exauW the WAN,^.[ COUNTY Stuart Sittig rommid cbiwly. Piano (Type4 aw Printed) (Tak so�a Is, On" Nrw -601 i. 6421AS L C t 19 -73 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA92648 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -August 5. 1981 -Alexander & Alexander P. 0. Box 504 Santa Anag CA 92702 Attn: Mary Jenny Re: Tract Nos. 8630/889318894 Enclosed are copies of the Park & Recreation Bonds for the above referenced tracts, together with Council Statements of Action and other related material. Signal Landmark will be contacting you shortly with documents we provided to them for their bond releases. As you will notice in our letter to Signal Landmark, we have asked them to request each bonding company to return the postcards acknowl- edging exoneration of the bonds. This is a necessity prior to the recording of the park deed from Signal Land -mark tG the City. Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk AMW:CB:Jms Enclosure 38, -SYFY �U :j '3 fTelophone: 714-5304ZV) RECORDING REGLIKST60 11Y CITY OF HLINTINGT( U.OEACH &" �W IMC�S MAIL VO office of the City Clerk City of guntington Beach 2000 K. Main Street Ad� Huntington Beach, CA 92647 C*1 a 6— L IDITY OF HUN4114GTON ULACH C* Otl1ce of the City Clerk L P. 0. a= 190 Huntington Beach. CW. 9264P —I ONFORMED COP' ) t Compared,with Origirial EXEMPT \1 C 8 AP 110-014-48 110-014-49 11 014-51 N ILAakl RECORDED III Of Of 01A*Gf COU I -1122 ANI — SPACE AMWE THIS UNS FOR R ZCOFf�IZWAM � There is no consideration involved in this transaction. 39 :IAL KCHOS f. CALIFMA SEP 8 `8 1 Sign 1 Bola& Corporation by:2 . --- nkh��:. - - - J AMXLL&1—INTHI5--SP*A�1=q -zz' d6eorge D. 4ringer Vice President I Corporation Grant Deed 1 7"18 NMU FURNIMILD W "T" IN*UMANCK AND TRUST COMPAMI 4 I'LAUMP V�UT W 9. M91"7"M F'011 A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, reoeipt of which is hereby sclutowleagd. --Cfty of Huntington Beacl Julcis M. Wenty"Ith S.ZGNAL BOLSA COMMTiON, 4,306. c1r, CIO% A CoMoration organised tinder the taws of the mate of California ' a y. —Ila-; hmby CRANTS to 080000C CIO* the City of Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation, the followist; da"ibed n*1 property In the C4unty d Orange State 0(celifamid- See OEXHIBIT A's consisting of I sheet, attached hereto and made a part hereof.-- --- In Witriew Whereof, said corporstion has iraused Its corporste &an* and seat to be afSxed hereto and th6 insinp. nwnt to be executal by i1s.— ViCe —Presitlent ond A Raj Istant C.—ary thereunto duly authori". Dated: AUqUSt 19, 1980 —5 QLSA CQUORATIM STATR OF CALIFORNIA CoijrNly OF Orange W. OR AUQU$t 12A-1110-- wam RM, lk. sipw4. a WmarT rvWic Is spa lar 6s�d State. p�&Tly sppmPvd — George-D—StrUnger Lem" IS Ina to be Ike-- Vig t. and Mary L —Shekn Louva to Rae to .Xsslstant Sumwy a " Cwpamim hat ex*rwfj Ihq Wiffhan Inatrumm. LW—ft le am " bw dw execaled Ike .J111in lowmiaml so WWI of Ow CffPW is SANK4 abd acknowledged a 0`11 th4m surb Carpaeafln ezeewt44 the withis ham 116101. par"Ord . k. by-laws as a ree0ution of he bnard of diTmam WrtNESS Y Iksn4 nd Stuart Sittig — ham ITYPed or Priated) o e or ECe —Pr,.id;t erma OFFICIAL SEAL I L STUART SITTIO 0 NOTPW PUSLIC - CALWOR)rA T ORANU COUIM rnal � at abim "W41 aft3l I Tide Order No 17--ow or Loan No — MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE i. 7"' kl.d EXHIBIT lk in the county of orange, state of California, being that portion of the west half of Section 34, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho La Dols& Chica, as shown an map filed in book 51, page 13 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County, and also shown on map of Record of Survey filed in book 92, pages 19 through 2b, records of said County, described as followsr leginnIng at a point in the southerly line of Tract No. 7635, as shown on map recorded in book 330, pages 30 through 33 of said Miscellaneous Maps, said point lying North 766 341 560 West 29.94 feet fron the southeasterly corner of said Tract; thence along said southerly line, South 766 341 560 East 29.94 feet to the easterly boundary of said Record of Survey; thence along said easterly boundary by the following courses; South 00 161 560 West 1246.49 feet, North 89* 391 570 West 660.03 feet and South 00 141 01" West 659.39 feetj thence North 550 22* 0211 Vest 385.41 feet; thence North 210 521 560 East 197.01 feetj thence North 28* Sol 56" East 664.03 feet; thence North 386 241 561 Zast 630.34 feetr thence North 100 211 434 East 212.63 feeti thence North 380 24' 56" East 59.00 feet to the point of beginning. Following are the Assessor's ' Parcel Nwbers of the property involved in this conveyance: 110-014-48 110-014-49 110-014-51 A City of Huntington Beach P-0. BOX 190 CALIFORWA 82M CMIFICATION This is to certify that the intere2t in real property conveyed by the deed dated August 19. 1980 - from Signal Bolsa. Corporation - to the City of Huntington Beach a municipal corporation is hereby accepted by -the undersigned officer or agent on behalf ot the City Council of the CITY OF WJNTIWrON BEAT jursuant to the authority conferred by Resolution No.3537 of th 6 ty Council of the'City of Huntington Beach adogted on Au8ust 7. 1972, and thefIrsintee o-onsents to the recordation t e reof by its duly authorized 0 Icer. Dated: July 24. 1981 CITY OF HUNTIVICTON BIACH ALILIA M. WENMM City: Clerk By: oul PIP /000 90 1 0 ;ri..55 A C. 16, (43) 40 8019 (4�5 'Q44' 41 D 16' 42 )7 J'I 7-69 X jb '1 10 70 014 ISO' J5.76AC.- .. ......... 130.05AC 309 4F 2J3. or-4c #�.4 44' 78AC &%4 44' CLIuNry lA(r . .. . .. . .. . .. . ASSFSSO NOTE ..ASSESSC)R'S BLOcK a BC)OK I 10 PAGE 0 1 PARCEL NUMBERS COUNlY Of ORANGE SHOWN IN CIRCLES IJ6 cr% Er - WE HEREHYACKNOIVI.F.DGE P%LCI-"II'T OF STATL' III *..Nl' (IF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DAM) RE: TRACT NO. — . p x Date Ilond Co. Bi)nd No. WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATBIENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATEM 19 RE: TRACT NO. 0=�Z—Q x Date Ilond Co. Bond No. WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATED 19 AF-1 RE: TRACT NO. x Date mmd G). M)nd No. 0 PM ?A c z 0-4 S4 w cd CC Z r- w 0 cd WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RLCLIPT OF STATLAILNTOF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATED 19 RE: TRA ff. NO. x Date Bond Go. Bond No. WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEIMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATED( 19 RE: TRACT NO. x Date Bond Co. Bond No. WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL . DATED (2u& 4 19 &F-1 RE: TRACT NO. fazi x Date Bond Co. Bond No. �-i kw,� c r- ud Liz WE HERL11VACKNOWLEDGF TIIEAC.TIONOFCII'I'COtliNCII.I)%Tr.l)----k-a.-.'--.2-- lt)zz- RE: TRACT NO. I? x Date Bond Co. Bond No. WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIIT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATEta----' ":., ME/ — RE. TRACT NO. 7-Lez x Date Bond Co. Bond No. WE HEREBY ACKNOWI.VIIGV. arC.FIeT OF STATEMENT OF r THE ACTION OF CITI COUNCIL DA' E /-(-*Fjq!EL RE: TRACT NO. Date Bond G). Bond No. M z a 0 ce E- r so PC 0 ce. WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE RECEIPT OF STATBIENTOr THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCJL DATED—. .4c z z'2 19 G&/- RE: TRACT NO. Pit !A % x Date Bond Co. Bond No. WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DATE P. 19 RE: TRACT NO. x Date Bond Co. Bond No WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF STATEMENT OF THE ACTION . OF CITY COUNCIL DATE .0 1 1 qiEL RE: TRACT NO. x Date Bond Co. Bond No.