HomeMy WebLinkAboutHISER HELICOPTERS, INC - 1986-12-15May 7, 1987 Floyd Hiser Hiser Helicopter, Inc. 1969 Aviation Drive 9C Corona, CA 91720 Enclosed is a copy of the Kelicopter Services Training Agreement between and the City and vour firm which was approved by the City Council on December 15, 1�86. Also enclosed is a copy of the Amendmert I to Kelicop-'er rainin�i Services Agreement which was approved at the regular meeting held May 4, 1987, Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk AMW- bt Enclosure REQUAST FOR CITY COUN& A 'C""T'ION Mav 1, 1987 &.jbmitted to: HONORABLE AIAYOR JACK KELLY & BE S OF Sub,initted by: tharfbs IV 11h on, (�Ity Administ- t 0 Q (��yn lice Prepared ov. G. L. F—h i e 1% /0'—) Subject: C-41 VF Amendment to Helicopter Training Service AqreemMffr—WTrn—'----1-' Hiser Helicopters, Inc. Consistent with Council Policy? ( I Yes ( A New Policy or Exception Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative, Actions, Attachments: STATEMENT OF ISSUE The amendment modif4es insuranr,�,. requirements in the Helicopter Training Service Ac-eement bec-ween -the City of Huntington Beach and Hiser Helicopters, 1nc. The current insurance requizzinent is for $.1,000,000 general liability. Apparently the only obtainable insurance for helicopter training is in the anount of $1,000,000, but that amount includes liability to Pilot 4nd crew of $100,000 each, leaving a net general liability of WOfOOO. The amendment approves this coverage. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached amendment, ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Do riot pass the amendment. ATTACHMENT: Amendment. REQUESOFOR CITY COUNCOSAcTION December 4, 1986 Date Submitted to, HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI L Submitted by: CHARLES W. THOMPSON, CITY ADMINISTRA� '0 Prepared by: EARLE W. ROBITAILLE, CHIEF OF POLICE Subject: POLICE PILOT HELICOPTER TRAINING Ginsistent with Cmincil Policy? IN4 Yes New Policy or Exception - Statement ol, Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Func" .4 _,ource, Alternative Actions, Attachments: Mriv STATEMENT OF ISSUE The Police Department Aero Unit's tnble of organization calls for 6 line pilots and a pilot supervisor. The Aero Unit is currently operating with only 5 line pilots and a non -pilot supervisor. In order to bring the Aero Unit to full pilot strength, the Aero Unit supervisor and the no-n-pilot observer need to receive pilot training. The Aero Unit has traditionally crained its own personnel over the years but insura-ice restrictions and risk to our trore costly equip.�,ent makes outside training by professional flight instructors less expensive and more practical. RECOMMENDATIONS The Aero Unit has received bids from the only "Iwo rvailable training facilities in the area, HISER AVIATION, located at the Corona Airport, was the lowest of the two bids by $3,000-00. We are satisfied with the qua,lifi- cations of �he instructors at HISER AVIATION as they are all certified by t'.ie 7ederal Aviation Administration. H1SER AVIATION has trained pilice helicopcer pilocs from other lonal jurisdictions wich excellent results. i recommend that HISER AVIAT ' 7 ' ON be awarded the contract to train our pilots in accordance with Section 3.06.069 (c) H-B.,M.C. ANALYSIS Outside tiaining of our pilots under current insurance restrictions the best practical method of accomplishing chis necessary task. This met-od will also prove to be less disrupcive to our normal patrol and support func,'Aon as an Aero Unit and allow for quicker training, Outside training also protects our aircr8ft from normal damages and stres-s caused by pilot training. FUNDING SOURCE This training Is a budgeted and approved item under At;courlt #327540� 'kEQUEST FOR CITY COADL ACTION PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The training of new pilots is a normal process of personnel turnover and essenti,�,l at this time to maintain the high level of valuable service Chat the Aero Unit provides to the citizens of Huntington h2ach. Alternative action would be to train our own pilots with Our Own aircraft despite insurance restrictions. ATTACHMENTS Copies of bids received from HISER AVIATION and. HELISTREAM INC. Co�itrjcL for -ervices prepared by City Attorney's Office. EWR/grs C, I HELICOPTERS INC. 0 Sales a Service * Rental * Flight instruction October 29, 3986 LT. Morr.Lson Huntington Beach PD 2000 N, Main St. T,iUT1t.:'1gtzn Beach, CA 92648 Dea-r Sir, Pursuant to our telephone conversation this date pleasp- find below a cost break down for helicopter flight training. NORMAL RATE 100 hours dual $12,500 50 hours solo 5,090 60 hours ground 5 j 0 Pvt- Plt- wdtten )5 Pvt. Check ride 100 Comm. Wri=-en 25 Comm. check ride 100 Total $19,250 DISCOUNTED RATF/HUNITM4GTON BV-CH PD 100 hours dual 10,000 50 houm solo 4,000 60 hours ground 1,500 All check rides aTY,3 writtens included, they will be given by me. Total $15,500 Any solo time could be done in the Huntington Beach Police Dept- Bell 47. Any dual instruction time in this belicopter would be at $25.00 per hour, The total amounts are contingent upon the student-- abdlity, both physical and mentaLL if more ho-im are required due to Ulness or unexpected reaaons the rate would be solo at $$0 r,*--r hour, dual $100 per hour, If you need further information please do not bebitate calling. sincerely, Floyd HiSer Pilot E�Mevrtatlon Drive, #C Corona, CaldotWa 91720 EXHIBIT October 29, 1986 LT. Morrison Huntington Beach PD 2000 N. Main St. Huntington Beach, CA. 92648 Dear Sir, Pursuant to our telephone conversation this date please find be.iow a cost break down for helicopter flight training, NORMAL RATE 100 hours dual $12,500 50 hours solo 5,000 60 bours ground 1,500 P�—,. Plt. written 25 Pv,,-. Check ride 100 Comm. Written 25 Comm. check ride 100 Total $19,250 DISCOUNTED RATE/11UNTINGTON BEACH PD 100 hours dual 10,000 50 hours solo 4,000 60 hours qround 1,500 AIL check rides and writtens included, they -dill be given by me. Total $15,500 Any solo time cotdd be done in the Huntington Beach Police Dept, Bell 47. Any dual ir—sItruction time in this helicopter would be aL $25.00 per hour. The t;jtal amounts are contingent upon the students ability, both phy�Fdcal and mental. IE more hours are required due to illness or unexpected reasons the rate would be solo at $80 per hour, dual $100 per hour. If you need Ifurther infrarmation please do not hesitate calling. 'incerelv, Floyd Hise�- Pilo', E WIRMation Drwe. #C Corona, Calife(nin 91720 ji'.' 4t) 371-19M AMA wm� ZBe HELICOPTER FLIGHT INSTRUCTION 0 CHARTER 0 SALES 0 SERVICE October 29, 1986 Lt. P-)bert Morrison Hunl_,rigton Beach Police Departxnent 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Lt. Morrison, Thank you for your interest regarding Huntington Beach Police Dcpartmant's flight training at HeliStream. I've enclosed a brozhure as -wvAl as a 'list- ing of the costs for all of the courses we offer. HeliStream has combined the blest facets of the helicopter industry with the convenience of John Wayne Airport. These include: a st.a�-f of full time professional flight instructors, the industry's finest training helicopter, -the Robinson R-22, and a location which allows for very diver - sifted training. Typically, our st,.,dents are trained in off -airport and mountain flying techniques as well as how to operate in the ATC (Air Traffic Control) environment of the Los Anqeles basin. Our courses are very strictured and controlled. Training is conducted one on one and is direQted by a complete syllah)us of Lb.ily Ie6son plans. Each course is divided into stages and each stage is carplete upon evaluation by our Chief Flight instructor or his assistant. Within the 150 hour Canrwrcial Pilot Course, it is possible to tailor a course for your officers to meet the specific denwids plac-d upon them as polit-c pilots. Areas such as urban area flying and night flying can Ix - highlighted and perfected while working to%4ards the Camx�rcial Pilot's License. HeliStream, as a flight school has becare very involved with the Robinson R-22 because of its outstanding capabilities as a flight trainer, out performing every aircraft in it's class while reducing op,.atir�,3 and maintenance costs. It's no wonder that the R-22 has become the in&stry standard for flight traininq purposes in littie mcre than 8 years on the market. Having trained over 16,000 hours to date, accide-ni- free, HeliStrearn has f ound that our graduates easily make a traiis-itioiFfET Wother makes and M-Xk-Is of helicopters in just a few hours. 19300 IKE JONES RD., JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT, ORANGE COUNTY. CA. 9271.) 7' 714-662-3163 Because we have 5 Robinson R-:2's on our flight line as well as a Bell 47, Bell Jet Ranger and bell Long Ranger, we easily meet our students demands. Additionally, having a fu` I time, experienced maii,tenance zLepartment assures a safe and will maintained flight line. HeliStream also has a well rounded, highly experienced group of pilots on staff. our company PresidenL, Rod Anderson, is a military trained pilot currently having served in the United States Army Reserves for the past 10 years. His business partner, Barbara Perrir� is a ment�� .if the United States Axn-5,r Reserves and currently flj-'.es the UH-1 helicopter. Our Chi -of Pilot is a Marine Corps Reserves Major flying the CH-46. Half of our C`F1's are ATP rated with all instructors havinq a minimum of 1000 hours. The cost of the Commercial Pilot Helicopter Course is as follows: 50 hours dual instruction $120.00/1,,r $6,000.00 100 hours solo practice $ 95.00/1-our 9,500.00 60 hours ground instruction $ 25,00,-hour 1,500.00 $17,000.00 1 encourage your consultation with the FAA regardinq flight schcol recommendations. HeliStream has strived very hard to turn (ya professional, -well trained pilots and I bt-lieve our reputation of excellence will prove this. Please let ne know if 1 can provide you with any additional information. --incerely, j � � L f-,:; �17 Stephen Ford Chief Pilot HeliStream, Inc.