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Huntington Beach Company - 1925-05-04
—L v 4�4v; --Wet. nl�, i ark Mg Af a. 1 u4 '��%I, , t.- N It dp_4 ,,Pq i7i NW; AMBUT par iors u a V, & or L 1A th �(JTTY.,� r 44 ei &*W as mqa Jv�utpa oarporationitI Parik. A -,hiioeibm� ter 4441 7,! P Lovorj. , or'.. "40nuldrAtlohA' 0 na the ad-V nta'asid . of Mvhtv har* iiiuft r a jaoVAo the terms nnd a nditi IF* stb a criu hero tr inhf ter donarIV armed -.-- by 'Itho lie auvo dote herig by 16t., am dozLid y' ot lwtv the *tiLd.`1*ave9! as..' and:. ftr', to. 'the'viv.; Hall t tin c outy, oil., to, f,'Onliforain and raore _p4itic lurlv . S r. on'. nac Orange EU u f on.owl3t. oln't, in tbe:,. to of tha, athwastarly, pr9l Ana, r1f,. Ual p, .,B tr 6 a t I sjal& point baine:'South 41 tis'a rr 36 no 0 '0b6ar%-"A* W60t r4m - 6g, t,, 661'� tbO',6 - kt�INS S"nuo south, thbila Ji;0 thr 41; -20 , Mlia ea. e a ulo�g - mi ia pt 61�ansa Or "int, a trot t tt): atalbary high 6f, t 6 -Oatksh; the'n4i 'Son'thatistorly said', lino 6f 91* once llorth`410 20 sapro 0 a oui tolnUt a a - -Sgat. -slong.,,id to 02 feat flout'hwastarly from V Southvies terly',-line . of 004an We is t al 0%r o ald 'din - parallol 'to anV.82' Xee tbu thwasterly fr-o M -no of,' the a au th*10 la tal a4intshae'., of �spprox;.-.'. _,Ouean. AVsuu6,,fcr 1, to Y eat'to the':,P` in' The tams of thiiv leaso shall be for the 'paricd,co=oncing. ifttiq.'off' title ag ameI a ntj un4L tarmLnntinS on (,Ile 15th duy of. July$ 19n, Pr v1ded howaver, that the Laosor right to rp canool thf',au6o at untime afrl16th1996ipon nLxt (60); dAys;'m• u• writtenA notion the tease .uhould.in that opinionoft0he Louuar+ a a. 111 a pret2laus-be requ •P (A) Por. a`n7 legitimats Induetrial entorprizo; (13) in tho evant*of a sale of Paid promioeu, or (0)In Vio. event'Leaeor or Btundar4,011 Gompuny,, a Oorpora4lon, ,+ i 1 , y shall, ' require the said j remlasa for .theim operational : This lean to mast# only upon the following express terms and ' oonrlitone to be kept and performed by the Lessee, 'and at thsa solo cost ! ' and expenso of the Lee8*8: 1 The: Lessee s ndl, pay to . the Lessor . yeswly In advonoe - a rentalof tine ' Dolls r l Q0 � par &nn'am ,,and shall , dt�r ing '. the term hereof, upon demand, reinburee the Lessor for,;. n1l iSity and Qounty, or Oity or t aodfttr taxes and. a: cocamentsa levied or as eased upon or age.inat said da- A raised ' promisms, or any improvements thereon. 2 lmmsdiat®lg upon the execution of this leasa, the Lessee shall. astabl.ish upon the losaed ;r emlees a crwditable municipal play greand, areet and maintain etti,tas:ble barriers soy as to 1weal ode and pre- vent tho entrance :to or upon said leased premises of any rehicles of any kind off` deacriptiont exaepting,however, that proper-, provision may be,made i for ;opening .ono nuah antranoo to allow :the ontranae of teams or trucks. a Under thin ear;trot of -the Lea use or the Loasor, for the purpose of carrying ` on t?4eir own bueZnas a, , it boing understood and agreod boat said entrance shall bra kept ,alosod at all times other than' when it in necessary for the 'v'ehiclas . of either the Lessee or, the Lessor to enter said pre misase. j 3 The losses at its .own cost and expenee 'shall provide nll ploy. grounA apparatue. placed upon said premtmiseaq rind shall provide necessary conveniences for use of the public, and maintain all of said promises, and ..all apparatus placed thereon in a neat, tidy, sanitary condition, and in strict compliance with sn1l Sl.awa, ral6s, regulations and ordinanoeb, Municipal cauntp and'3tatee 4 -'The Leasees 'shall at. all tines twilutai,>n, and keep s alp d premises free and clear of` all objectionable persons, and will pr®sorve order and maintain the play- ground in an orderly and respectable manner. The Losses shall prohibit the sale 'or rent on the dog f x mice d premises of any . goods or. mores : of sTery kind ai nd nature. ; +� .» Th* lesses shall' provent'and prohibit the erection said , Tsulees of.an7 ol.oeed tents ar . shelter b ' artier uning',said, r plap, rvtxnd, and eha11 prevent aantl �prohi,bit the use of any,. tent or :. shelters as dre'seing rooms or vamping. quarters, and allow' n,o oamping: on said gr'htnisos. r 7 That said premises be used only as iitxnioipal. Play Ground r for the use and enjoyment of the people of Huntington JBoaah and its gneete, and that no charge of eny lri,n d be made for the use of said prem- ises by said aiti,sens of 3untington. Beaoh and its guests, it being understood and agre9d that the Oit7 Shall have full poorer to exclude from enid p.r6mlaos any ob joationabl people, and exeralie tho usual poliaa pours oTer said : premiae© a 8 M The demi.abd promises and pla7 ,grounds, shall at all tines 3 during -the term hcnrea 1•bs a*ndo.ate&.;by tho T.ecaeet it being expressly understood that this lease shall, not be assigned in whole or in part, nor shall any interest thereinbe traneferred. 9 The Lesses nesumse ail liability for damages to persona or property in the oonduc t of said play grounds and demised premi Bes, and shall indemni,sy a•nd. save harmless the Leesor, itc suacesnora an& assigns from and against any and all aleima, demands and liability of r overy nature in oonneation therewith. 10 - The . loeses shall maintain at till timse in full foroo, adequate liability...insuranon with an insurance carrier of good stand- ing In the State of Oalifornla. 11 - Lanese shall oonluat. all operationa horounder co that no liens for labor or material shall be filed against the domino& proms eeu, ft♦ f M 0 _..aw..rA.....�....�....�......,..., w .., . ..r . ... _ _ �......• u i 10 - The ddaLsed pramisso shall at all.tiomee be aanduated .; in a malmar zati efdatary to. tho hearjor Nothing herein ooritai►ned, shall prevent, and. it. ip expressly understood and agreed that the .Lessor or its agent. may at any 'time entoar said.:premtces for tho plarposo of inspecting same, or :proteoting ` its propar ty, and in the event o�T a breach of any of they cover -ants or conditions herein, the Lessor, or its agent may re-enter and tare } pos Rassion, and at Its option terminate this 1wise. At the expirntion of tba tern heroti°th, or any sooner term_ Ina.tion, the Lessee ohall quit and surrander the premises hereby loaee4., and shall have fifteen (16) du7s after the termination of thf,s loner in which to remove all a.ppa.ratus or trFrovements plaoe& up3n said property by the Les tile, it beinS understood and agreed, howevor, tbrAt any property placed on the said promises by the I;ase®e, and allowed to remain thereon for fiftoon (15) da.va fron the termina- ti.on, of this loose, shall becom© .the oolo and absolute property of the Lessor. TIT "NIT-ITESS MMEOF 1 tho i Amiss mare to have exeouted this agroame,at in duplicate* 1 co•- Freeidon 13y A:: �;� r ►.3oorgtarp OITY OF RUIT IGTON BRACH 7 esi cent o the orrd of THateeao l f, city larx* r....+rne»tr�u+•.tj rr� f+rG'I*�?+}��*'!!q!`dttdt'!!t!T�Nglerti.kvksa • a . 7 i 4Y. JUI?% ♦VK%T 10TO f4TURt r JAS. S. LAWSHE YA)q ANcF-T.RA# CALF. June Twenty-sixth, 1. 9 2 5 . City of Haintin6 ton Beach, ,:r. "1.R. '-d-.r .[;ht, City Clark, mintington 7,w.nch, California. Gmntlen. cn: i hand you hervvdth dupli.cato orijinal of <ttrocnant dated Illy 4th, 19125, whore"by the fiunt.in6ton 13-nc;h Comi r.in; sranto a rmnioipal play -round site to the City of ..kin` ington Beach. i ill you please seauro and far,,Ynrd to me a cortified cop; of the resolution of th4 City 11riiatcan authorinin the, e.-towition and deliver;; of this paper? very Truly ,rj' ours f T fv,..,0T1 X!:1:.:.Y•.w,rp. tZ!_j7 n�-1.w _2!+"t.•x•wnw+q T".. d) Huntington Beach, Calif. Dec.3, 1.933. Agreement between the Oi ty Council of the City of Huntington Bennh and the Standard Oil Oompany represented by W. H. Berg, the Pacific Pleetr+.a Company represented by. D W. 'Pontius and a. H. Crawford representing the Huntington Bench Company. In conneeti.on with the quit of Huntington Bea0h at. —tins t the companies named above, the matter gill be arranged so that the City of Huntington Peach rill be given a perpetut►3. eaeement for piiolic, recreational, and otnPr uses a�►;wurtenant or inaiden tal thereto park and playgTound purposes, /for all of the property east of the west line of Vain Street to the rust lane of lbe property inoluded in the suit win the a tt;nc1ingthat the City will assume any taxes or asees. ments awainst the property for vniah perpetual easement is given; with tue further understanding that title: to tho balanoe of the property involved in the suit is to be cleared to des endants by stipulates judgment. Mineral rignts will be reserved to the defendants in the suit, without rigAt of entry. Ma or Councilman 0ouncilme.n Councilman COuncilmsn V ! 8 te. Company Hunti-Ig-tozrf Bench Cam nnyBY _ ,r Pacific � Aatr 0 R� ,Co=np' Y B�'........,.....L, w '