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Hydro Construction Company - 1963-06-19
,t"i� � �^' r' i �'.�' '' �� ,•t]Rr l ���t�.nr. �'�';it'�'1 +'�(� Q(� ',C. .{l: !'"��1 i r. •fin%f".3, !'i1.V !"I-rk ������G / U ;�F9VV 31977 r t, nl or NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS IEERE!1Y GIVEN -�hAt the contract he b t-., Lcfore auarded by the city Cansicil of the rites of Huntington Rcecr, r:s? ;for':: A. to HYDRO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Box 2428, Santa_ Fe Springs, Calif. 4 N?��—WI.T ..�� J•���rL41'9CA'.GitS�. Y' ._:— a,- +I"WW=�:...IL��h' �. ��n f. �'TT^.'l w.�w - . - _�.r0Y�1R'.7 ^.!1 '--' who wme the coW ny thereor for doing the foil ovin; cork to-i iY: I'or the construction of a water inain and appurtenances in Beach Boul.eva rd , from Clay Avenue to 250' South of Garfield Avenue, and in Garfield Avenue, from 220' East of Beach Boulevard to 1985' East, all in the City of Huntington BE'ach, California. FREE RECORDED AT REQUEST OF LI1T W 11U1dJhGU1UN VLACH IN i )FFI(:."!AL OF i OkANG- U0.4: CALIF. F sm Am (icy-1 . )I RUBY t1cFA!? .Ai4D, County Recorder n. a t_ said work Tinas campleted by q aid company according to nPr-"Ci€icci-*:ions and to the s,ati-3faction of t hr� City of t-he City of Huntington leach and that said v,�Luwas by the City Council of the City of Hux�tingtrn :?�r�ch at adjourned A - therc_of Meld on the iY 28th day_ of OctoberL,`1963. :.' pit upon Amid contract the NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY f c►r the 'fond g� v` n by tiles f3i: d �ompavy a5 1: et�ki�.;: C:� '•:� ,_-dj kat. Ft.-atiagton 5aach, California, this +30th ah?.y of _October 1 J163 Cite Clerk and •.oxficio Clerk of the City Co cil of the City of Huntington Beach, California ,W` �A1..1FORNIA � , ',�•.s1 C , ;ort. the dul.y elected, qualified and acting ex --of f icio Clem: of the City Council of the City Eeach, California,, do hereby certify under penalty thr. foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is c see and artd. that said NRIGT OF COM. ETION was dull- and regularly t.3 hr_ : kcorded in the Office of the County Re�.arder of .:r _,► r-ount y b1 said City Council. ,%,,, .;._ 1.�;.,rf.ngton Beach, California, this 30thday of Oc Leber 1163 .�. �. I'--.-- .,. �. . Q_j r'ity Clerk and o Cfic 1.o r^lerk of the City Council of the 'City of KvzutingLon ur a._h, Californih s : oc�- alas:. THIS AGFiE_.�'MT,; made and entered into as of the _,/1111 ..,. day of , , 19 l n by and CITY OF HIPWINCTUN BEACH, a Hunioipal Corporation,, hereinafter called CITY AND HYDRO CONSTRUCT .-ON COMPANY P.O. Box 2428 Santa Fe Springs, California Hereinafter called CORTRAMW iUTbU3 SE"TH v WBEREAS„ the City Council of the City of Huntington Beaehp Countf of Orangep State of California;, pursuant to atatutes in such oases made and provided, duly aWk regularly caused a notion to be published, calling for bids for laborG material, tools and equipment for the construction of a water main and appurtenances in Beacr Boulevard, from Clay Avenue to 250' south of Garfield Avenue, and in Garfield Avenue, from 220' east of Beach Boulevard to 1985' east, an said City of Huntington Beach,, California,, said work to be constructed :cording to plans, specifications and opelial ].roviriions for same cm file in the office of the City Engineer end adopted by the City Counoil of said City of Huntington Beach on the 20th day of tlay. ,,� i9%9 to whioh said piano y auecificationa and special provisions reference is hereby aaadef, and by such re',er- once they are made a part of this contract as if herein. w-t out is full, and WHEVEAS, the City Council at a regular mocting thereof and at the time and place appointed therefor opened the bicll oubmitted by tho respective bidders for the constr=tion and completion of the above mentioned works and after careful consideration of all bid© submitted the City Council awarded the contract therefor to the Contractor therein named at the prices sets forth in its bid, it being the lowast and beet bid received by the +said City Council, MW TMMMREj, in consideration of tree covenants and agrsemvzte herein,; contained, being done and perfoiued by the parties hereto, it Is hereby armed a5 follows: 1., L, The Contractor„ ,older the direction and to the satisfaction of the City Engtneer of the City of Huntington Beach, acting as its agent, shall and trill provide all materials and perform 0.1 work mentioned in the spec-ifivations and t3pecial provisions or ©hown on the plans for the c:onetruction of the work herein - above referred :o and more particul;.rly set out in said plans,, specification© and special provisions,, except as hereinafter stated.. 2„ t+r t alteration or addition shall be mad* in the work shags or des- cribed by the drarri.ngn, specifications or special provisionn, go extra work shall be ,performed or p- dd for unless the City of Huntington Beach shall have is sued,, prior to the beginning thereof, its ur; tten order therefor, 3,., 1 The Contractor shall give his personal attention to the fulfillment of thin coutraot, 'dt ere sub. •ccntraotors are Frgaged on the work, they will be recogni.zeti only as employees of the Contractor, and no sub -contractor shall under aW circumstances relieve the C-on-tructor or surety of their liabilities and obligations under this contracyp and al.l trannaotions with the City Crsmo?l eh*,:l be through the Contrao,,or herjin usmed 4, f?=&EJVAER'l`� `!'he Contractn�r. at its own coat and changes shall furnish the neeeaeary appliances, implements, tools,, moldsf, nays and meaty,, and all negeseary convenionces for the transfer of the matee-al to its proper plane in the work,, and said City shall. not be held responsible for the care or protec- tion of any mmterial or parts of .he stork,, except a,-. :.n the specifications or special provision expreenl y provided., 5should it appear that the work herein con- tomplate}d, or any of the matters relatzvo thereto, are not sufficiently detailed or explained In said speoifications or t3pecial provisions, the Contractor shall apply to tha City Engineer for such further explanations = a%y b - ^eeessary and shall conform to the same so part of this eontraot" so far as may be consistent with the original specifications;, and special provisions: 6„ YJW7 3 QF WQM: 'the vczk is to be comme aced within t,. en ._.,,. darts (10) after approval of the contract ao to forme by the City Attorney ,f said City and is do be diligently prooeouted to completion in such order and manner of progress as the City Engineer me+y from time to time prescribe:, 7 0W.,.�291,QF . = '�oN ; if any per©on employed by the Contractor shall appear to the City Engineer to be incompetent or to act in a disorderly or. improper manner; he shalt be discharged lmmeazately on the requisition of said City 0 Englneerj, and ouch perco.n aball not again be employed on the Rork. 8, COOPERATION OF WM : Whenever the Contractor is not prevent on any part of the Boric whew it may be desired to give direction, orders will bb given by the City Engineer and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent or fcrema►n ►hn may have charge of the particular work in reference to which the orders are given., 4.. BANSAIIPeCl OR INSOLVENCY OP C08THACTORs If the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, or if it should make a general zissignmeznt for the benefit of credi.toro, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if Contractor should persistently or repeatedly refuse, or should failR except in cases for which extenaioh of tiro ie provided, to supply enough properly Pkil- led workmen or proper materialso or if he should fail to make prompt payment for mater'al or labor, or persistently diaregard laws, ordinances or the instruction of the City,, or otherwise he guilty of s subetential violation of any provision of the contract, then the City upon the certificate of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington :Beach that sufficient oause exists to justify such aotxon, may without pmje.•Aee to any other .-igbt or r©medyo and afte- 61v ing the Contractor fifteen (15) days written notice, te=ine*:e the employment of Contraotor and take posseeoion of the -premiatis and of all material -au toola, and appliances thereon, eAd finish the work by whatever method it may deem expedient. In Such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work to fi.ni.ahed: If the unpaid balance of the contract prico .-.hall exceed the expense of finieh:.ng the work,, including compensation for additional managerial and admini.- rtrative work or services,, such exee©c shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid barlancew the Contractor shall pair the difference to the City,, The expense incurred by the City as herein providedp and the damage incurred through the ContractorQs default, shad be certified by the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach; 10. LAMS TO BE OBSERVEBs (a) The Contractor shall keep himself fully Informed of all existing and future State and Federal lava and municipal ordinances and regi latione An any manner affecting those engagod or employed �u the work, or the materials used in the work, or in any was affecting the conduct of the work, and all such orders and degrees of bodiev or tribunals having any juri sdiotion or authority over the same, If a4y discrepancy or inconsistency is discovered in the plane, draw:.ngs,, epocifications or special. provision,, or contract for .110is work in relation to Lwy such lawns, ordina.zioe©a regulation,, order or decree, he BiiaJ-1 forthwith report the name to the City i.. i ari tir)g., lie sb •11 at al J times hiQaelf 0 :)bnerve and comply with:, and wall cause all his agents and evnloyeea to r-.`.serva ::md comply with all auoh existing and future lawsn ordinances, regulationsA orders and decrees, and shall protest and indozanify the said City, the City Council and City Fngineers, and its and their offioere, agente and gervants against any claim ar Liability arising from or bared on the violation of any ouch law, ordinance, regulation, order or decree whether by itself or its employees, (b) The Contra -.,tor shall, before entering on the performance of the work herein provided, furnish a bond 4n the sum of fifty (50) per oent of the con- tract price, as required by the terms of Sections 4200-4205 of the Government Code of the State of California.. (o) In the employment of labor the Contractor shall gave preference;, other t }, : nga being equal, to honorable diaebarged voldiere p sailors and marines, ,ad reoi.dent laborers,, but In ©uoh connection -hern shall be no other preference c. , die orial nation =ong ci tiz©na of the United States., 11, EMPIA7iT OF ALIMti: jPu rs aant to the provisions of the Labor G(Ao of tho Stato of California, no pernon, firm, jAxtnarohip„ aaeoaiation or ani.Toraticm, or aft thereof,, doing any work as a contractor or eut-contractor upon any public work being don© for or under the authority of this States or any Officer or department theroofr or for or under the muts.:)rALy of any county, city and county, city, town,, tounship9 di©'trict or wV other politi;.13 subdi•.•*lion ihereaf, or any officer or department shaIX knuu-Irg1, employ or cause or allow to he employed thereon any alien -• moiaiin g the: oby any person not born or fully naturalized oitizen of the united Statee - e-.• .ept in cases of extraordinary emergenoy caused by fire, food or d=ger to life or property,, or except to work upon public mil.it%ry or naval defonoov or works in time of war; provided, howe--er, that within tb j ny (30) days after any al:i.en i e permitted to work thereon due to extraorvinery emergency' the Contractor doing the work or his authorized agent shall file with the officer or public body awarding the contract a report, verified by his oath. ©ntting forth the nature of, the ea.i.d emergr..n,,y and containing the name of the said alien and each date he was permitted to workp and failure to file said report within said time shall be prima facie evidences that no such extraordina,--y nmergency existed„ Such Contr=iotor and each sub. -contractor shall alao keeps or cause to be kept,, an accurate record ehayring the zi=e a:ud cit---z-_=hi-ip of all workers employed by him, in connectiinn with the oa,iid public cork,, uhioh record shall be *pen at all reasonable house to the inspection of the officer or nubl.lc awarding the contract, hi© or its deputies And agenta and to the Chief of the Divlaion u'7 Labor Statistics and Law F.n orccment, his deputies and agents., • It is further under. stood and agreed: that for each violation of the abave etipu3ation.. said Contractor shall forfeit to the City as a penalty,; the sum of Ten (310, 00) Dollars for ea,:h day or portion thernef during which each such e1-" n is knowing?y employed in th-� cxFl�-,utivn of thi© agreement., by said Contractor or by any sub-contraotor under Irim, :in •.i.ol.ati.on of this stipulation and the provisions of the Labor Code of "he State of California, 1.2. That In the r .c£t= r man.e or thin agreement. pr-! ^es s, fitness and quality being equal the Contractor agrees that he will use supplies and mat- srial s graim.: manufa^cured and producel In the State of California and that sub--- Jeot to the above orovision he agrees in the performanne of the work contemp- lated hereunder t-i use only su!th unmAnufa4 aced materialis as have been produced in the United, States,, and only esuch rar.ufa.- tured matRrj.a?.s as have been jianu-- fantured in the Uai.ted Statea •. Fsub©tant.t a l.ly all. from w teriela produced in the United States 13 PUBT-TC CONMENCE AND S_ !:1� (a) The Contractor aunt arrange to take care of the existing ting traf i. � v so roc: to inconvenience the general public as little as poeei blf, Residents along the read mus � be provided for as far as practicable, 'iemiss,rary apprnachee to crraeings or inter-..ecting highways newt be prow; ded &ad kept in good rondl t:i on where .relui rod by the City Engineer. (b) The Contraov!r ehal'. prow -.de and mai.nta.-n u ch fences., barriers, aignn .. redli ghtn and wnt nbmen and other meatus as may bo necessary to prevent ac--,': - dentin to the publ-i^., It ©hall bio necessary the plan,: at: the paints des-_iR^- nat •-A by the Ci t-y kYgi.nenr such warning ai gne an may be designated '-y the said City Engineer, and he shalt provide whi tR 1 i ghfn %s may be: nereeesry for :illuminating the said eig" (^) The Contractor ©hall rare for public traffi ;-, as required and dir- -ted by the City Engineer. Detourfs used by the Contractor exclusively for haul-- ., ng mxf er4 ales and equipment ahzLIT be ronstructed and aaintaine-1. by him at; hie 1.4., Pi FZMVATION OF PROPEM: The Contrantor shall., at his own expense., preserve and prntecl-: frcm injury the roads de trene by coveri.rsg they trunks yr; th bur- -an or drivo sta.k.ee around them when requi red by the City Engineer. :15, RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE& The City of Huntington Beach, the City VAR--r.�� �V.'••.as.. r-��.r�.i .f. �_ _ _ _ Council., and the City Engi.neor wil] not. in any manner be answerable or a^countabl e for any 'ose or damage tha6 she-11. or may happen to the ee.id work or any part there of n.r for any nf the canter, iala or. other .hi.W used or employed in finishing and ... r , e, r the p-jb! i �, .for damages to -A joininc er )p rt;; from any cause- Grim might hni- e been prevented by tho Contractor or his warkz.en, or by �wqy ono employed by himg againr3 ; alof which injurlen or drazagea to perbony and property the Contractor mu.3t properly guard and must make good all. dam&..r_ree from any CM L-Io Whatever„ being str t ctly r esporm.eib e for 3rr dfey t;u any person or property resulz ing from de fe .ts or obi true :iorug t, sar i. -om ary =;a::so vhateoever,, rhL,i.ng the. progress of tho zork or at: anj y1me before the coopletion and fina3 aocepYs.nce thereof, and that acid Cant-r.a-. tox aia.1 indemnify and cav-3 ha-2102e times sUld ri`-r . th.) City C;otinoi and the Ci k'r £.a� Liner f-,r.m all oa' to or.-7-ti.ona ;)f every-ruum•:; and description b7ought; for or on accoui-.4 of aV, injurien oj� fif.+Lma,7e3 t�4,e�u=�d or sustained by any person or persona ; by or from amid Contra-,t otry i s Y;:r�iant3 or tgt'ntn,, in the con- struction of oni..d work, oz by or in cansogue ce of tin;,- n5gligenon, in guarding the came, in improper. n%terl a-1 u used Am its conotruc tion,, or by or on account of any a�,- � or r!mmiaaion of the cai.d Crintrac `car or hies agente, ourid the said Contractor _fnh Cher agg: ees at e-II times to ca= publ io I- abili. ty, groper. ty dam --ige p '?ire � earth- gi1-n-ke and word: n" n the C:. V Engineeru cov- e--ing all pork being done under thic cer� �.,. ac t y and for arV J.r-1ae to the Contractor by any causA - 11%ho City ;-f Fllanta.rzgtan Beach, the Ci ;y Counoil and the City Engineer will not under euny clrr,1mata.ncea be unzueritb3 e or a-)couns.able The Contractor ahal.l furni.3h to tho Cj 'y of Hunt ingt-:�n Beach ner-1- f Icatn snd ev-AdenYe of all auoh compl :i.enco both beforq Gaid work :.a begun a..nd ditr ng it E. performenco,. 1.6. ICES AND ZRA.DES: '*,he is to fw-niah, free oaf harge,. all Sabo:, nta{:eBazL:M.1 for =xk ng and n� n�aint. g po3::t3 armd tn�+3 given b;; the Cicy Eng-i,neor and i.a 4o g' cue t,ia City suoh ; aril .i `•,ins and iur_ gi_Ting sa:td Lines and pofn -s ao lie -,ay i equ:tro., -Fhich Ga i d m� x� ---s mur3.ti c;c c.—A efully pre - nerved . 7. TESTS OF MA` r:R.I.AI•Ss t-e;ta of r-.ater'a=n furniehed by the Contractor ©hall be rmide by the City Fungi nr.�r in a,-eordanco rri th .-unh methode as ho m. v from time -to time zA-p;" . l9 ; QiJALI'IIY Of WERI - l l_ ma.tori uls us d in the work sha? 1 meet vhe requirements of said spef,- ificatior. n, and no materi,.alH shall be: used until it has the approval of the City Fngineer Samples will be senured ant'. tested when nuow cAaa. , to determine the qu .? itf of mmateritJ o i,aboratczy teote will be ode as p-otcpif ea ; rsailb-1 o 3o au not to inconvent enre the Contra^tor. 19 STURAGL OF MAT IMI. S : la ter Lal.s ohn-11. be -i toyed so as to i.nijure the pr9cor ►ar on of their gwtl. � ter end V tznsa for `he work. Suoh s t:orr:-d mate'al© shall be located au as to fa•�i lx tate prompt - •:cr,e&-i^r_.. 20. TINSPECTION s The City Engineor and his authorized apaintan is shall at all. times have access to the work during its construot<ion and shall be fur- nish3d with every reasonable facility for anoertaining that the stock and materr- ia' , used and employed., aad the workmansh.ipf, are in eccordanoe with the requiz%q - m�,ats and intentions of this contract. All work done and all materials furnished r aal.l be outs je^t -.o tho inspection and approval of the City Engineer. 2.1. DEFECTIVE RATERILM AUD WOHKs (a) The inspection of the work nhg11 not relieve the Contractor of any of hia obligations to fulfill his contract as herein prescribed, and defective work shall be made good; and all unsuitable water- iale may be rejected; notwithstanding that such defective work and materials have been previously overlooked by the City Engineer and accepted or estimated for pay - Monte If the work or -sny part thereof shs2l be found defeotive at any time before final acceptance of the whole works, the Contractor shall forthwith mare goad such defeo f in a manner *t,'''iPfaotcry to the City ��neinoer, t,: j The Contractor shall;, after receiving written no tine+ Prom the City Enaines,r -o that effect, proceed to remove to a satiafaow- ry distance frmt the work all materials condcu med by -the said City Engineer, whether corked or unworked, and remove ail of the work which the said City Engineer shall condemn ae unsound, improper,. or as in any say failing to conform to the speaifioations and sha11 cr *xfer, protect and exercise due diligence to aec:urn the Rork from infuryo b-11 damage happeni v tv the ©cunt, shrtil be made good by the Contractor., 22. G1_WUG Us 1, A.'"ter the conpletio^ of said nor',- the Contractor ahal.l re -move 0-31. temporary structures built by it and all surpluo materials of all kj ds from tho site of the wcrk and leave the whole ol_ear and presentable., f g} If ordered by the City Emgirle©r, the brush and ether combustible debris Aal,l be piled in the center of the roadway or other clearing and burned,, 23, '"DE: OF COI PL9TION ARD LIQ.0 ..DATLT DAMGFS : (a) It is agreed that 3 .. the event a:t 1 wor{z call od fr.r trader na_ d contract in all. partis and require - manta ie n--t completed before the of tbirt 30 dRys _- The twenty ay delay due. to the pavin operations will not be counted against 6e 30 ,day and holidays exolumiv. ) iron }uci -, :�, of czecut.L - of this contract a? / days approved by the City Attorney of meld City of Huntington Beach, damage will be surtained by the said City, and that it irs and Brill. be diffic.ult to ascertain and determine the actual damage which said City will auatai_n in the event of and by reP..san of auch delay; and it is therefore geed that said Cont:racto^ vi -11 pay the y,, a:,.. acid City the sum of Fif�� 50.00)--------------- D-iltaxa per .day for each /.znri every day' e. eLelay beyond the t.U"e herein prAocribed in finiaW rg the said nor... In case said liquidated damRages exe rot paid by said Contractor, said City Counoil may deduot the amount therefok from soy money due or the.': may beoome due said Contractor under this oontra+:t„ (b) It i© further agreed that in case wholo work called for under this contr �n w is not finished and completed in a31 parts and requirements with -'An the time her©inhefore npeclfied, said City Cou o it shall have the right to ox-Mnd the time for completion, if shall Beam beet to serve the interest of tae City2 and should oaid City Council decide to ;extend the ti.ms limit for completion of thin contractp it shall further have the right t-o charges fo the Contractor, its hoire , aaeigw or sureties, and dodu t from the final payment for the Rork, all or any past::, as it shall deem proper of the actual cost of engineerings inspection, superint©adence and inoidental. overhead expenBon which are directly chargeable to such extension and wbLich accrue during the period of such ex-ensi.on, 24 ,, AIM [3IMOT Or CO 'hen aver , in the o p! ni on of the City Council, the said work is neglooted by the raid Contractor_ or the r•-me ie not prosecuted with the diligence and force specified,, meant and intandod in aay manner by the term of this contract;, it shall be-,.fLarful for said City Council. `o make a raq�. nieition u�,on said Contractor for auci1 additional specific fox —.a or such addit- ional material to be brought inter the work under this contrast;, or to remove improper materasl from the grounds an ;, I. the Judgment of aa#d Ci. 4y Co3nGii p this coniiaot and its due and faithful ful-17illment '=lay require:, Due notice of such aotion shall be served upon said Cont;-ac-t-or or his agent,, in -,ri.ting, not leas Owa. five (5) days prior thereto, and if said Contractor U.-it, ,� o :oU�.�ty �z th s::ch re .L v' sltion within paid five (5.) dalr©v i.t a' all. be ? auful for said City Council to employ upon such work the a.ddItional forc9F or supply the materials as apecificall.y required,, ae aforrsai.d , The amcunt of ouch a,c-iitionul Force or materi.ale shall. be charged against the Contraotor and be deducted from his next or subsequent esti, mate end payment„ or the name or. Eery part thereof' not so deducted. , ay be recovered from said Contractor or its sureties. Morewer, if oudd Con fraotor f nall© to comply with suoh requisition within five .5) days, the said City Counoil �y declare this contrat:t terminatedg and may itself proceed to conplet9 the work herein spoci.fied,, or may engage any other per - eon or persons to do the game- Upon completion of such work the City, through its proper officer or officers, chinl cL.use a stutomant to be made of the expenses proporl; * incurred consequent find inctdentai to the default of s&J d. Contractor, ae a..foresaLd„ and in completing the work -itself or by any }:•ther peroo:) or persons, a • Should the .mount of such atateman f be less than the amount which would nave been d-,.e to tho Contractor upon the comps iati-on of the work by it, the & "for — rove ataal.l be raid by the City to the said Contrwtor.. Should tho amount of f.uch ©tatement .x000d the atmoi;nt due the Contraotor upon the completion of the work by ite the difference 81ml.l be paid by the Cont; _:,tor to said City, 2r;., PAMAMT AND RECORD OF MATERIAL AND LABOR BILIa : Via) The Contractor will pay all bills for labo:rq machine hire, materials and supplies contracted for by him on account of the work herein contemplated rrhAn thie Name be-iome due and payable;, and he will furnish to said City Council on or before the fifth (5th) daffy of each month a sworn statement of all unpaid indebtedness eor_tracted for on account of said work end of all claj ms of private corporo.ti.onu or individual_© for damage of any Masd caused by the cons truotion of sv-� d work, together with the dates of euah bill© and the names and addressee of such creditors. (bl The Ci.My Councilo at its option and at any time,, by written notice to the Contractor upon the failure of Contractor to furnish such statementp or uloh proof that contracted indebtedneva -is not being met when due, may declare this contract terminated and may itself pro:eed to complete the work herein snRci- ffdd, or may engage any other person or persons to do the same.,. (c) Said City Council mayu at its option and ufi any time, retain out of any amotu t due said Contraotor sums : Ltfficient to cover any such unpaid claimag provided that sworn statements of said cla ms sha11 1mve been filed in the office of the City Clerk, and pay out of suoh amounts eo re-tedincd any mph w: airs olaimn. The City Council imy a1s4r,,; vith the vmitt©n consent of' the Coatraotor.� use any moneys in the pona-locion c the City of auntington Beach belonging to the Contractor for the purpose of prying for both labor, and materials for the work herein contemplatedc 26- PARTIAL PAYM, T.- This contncx 4 shall provide that the City Co=cil shal14 once in each month; cauoe an ea vimate in writing to be made by the City Engineer of the Anttl amount of work done to the time of such estimate, and the valuo thereof„ Stsld City shall retain Len (10) per cent of such estimated value of the work as part security for '-.he f„1 fiilment of this contrast by the Contraotor and shall monthly at a regular meeting of the City Council pV to the Contractor, while carrying on the vorkfi uhe balance not retaiaedc as aforesaid, after deducting therefrom aal previous paymento all sums try be kept or ret-Aed under the provisA. &A: of this contract-, No each est_►.ma;e or payment shed be req - u-.red -�-o be mad, when, in the judgment of the City Er near, the work is no-L- pro.- ,00d3 ng in acourdan;;o with tho provision of this coatrac k or when,, in his judg- ment, the total value of the work done since the last estimate amounts to less than T.-xee Hundred Dollars. The City C,ounr:i3 9 if it deems it ex�v--•d;.art so to do„ may cause estzm►a.tee to be made more frequently than once in each month, and it may cause pVmente to be made more frequa�.*,ly to the Oontraoto-e, 27- M PL tTi (a) The City EngLn-eer shall,, as soon as prac �icable after the completion of this contract,, m:ke a fir iL estimate of the amount of cork done thereunder, and -the va.lne thoreof;; and the said City of Huntington Beach shall at auoh time n within (35) dui, a from and etf rer the date of said estimate c as the City Council '.ay o10 ;t;, pay the euLire sum so found to bo due hhrrunder,, am4uato to be rata:ii ed under the provisions of this contract., A11 prior partial psti.mates and paymente ohal3. be subject: 1-10 ',orreoti.ozw in the fi"al estimate anu I pa,ymen L,: IN It in hereby specified that no cer tAfi^flue given or payment made unde., this cont-raot, ex -Wept the final certificate or i inal papisAnt a eh& 1 be con- 61us'.We evidenoe of the performance of thto contract:, either wholly or in part, ag,dmet any claim of the vai d City of Huntington Bvaoh, and than not until, the lapse of thirty -figs (35) days after accoptance of the work by the Citj Counci.ly and no payment shall be construed to be an acoc;ptance of any cf+fectivo -4ork or improper materials (c) The ea. -id Coatrao yor hereby fuL •-her agreee that the pmymen r of the final amotLnt dun tinder this contract a,rd the: adjustment- and payment of the bills rarlered for any work done in aocordance "ji.-th any al.toratiou of t:ho Fame„ ehiv.Z release the Ci wy of Huntington Beach,; -t,ho amid 'Vy Council and the City Fngineer from say and all ols i.mo or liability on ec u-0.'. oaf work perfom. ed under this con tract;, or aay altera- ions thsreof 28. PROPMTT RIGHT IN MVLEPJJUSt It is furhtnr agreed that nothingi.n this contract shall br. construed a.3 ve:, tins in the. Contractor any rigs.- of property in the materials use) `., after they hav,D b�c;n attachoe or a`'fixed to the work or affixed 4o the soil;, and all auoh ma.tez-i&la sheJ.1,, ut,_n being :so attached or affixed become the property of the said City of Huntington Beach, 29, NO PERSOYLL UABI1=: It ie further provided that n1 member of the said City Cot=i.l ow the City Engi-.ncer; or any other officer or author -zed a..sistant of said City Ebn veer, or any other official of said City, shall be pemonally res•- prjnLible for any l.iicbllity arising under thin nontrscf lot, 30„ g I MUL PEIiPpgMflr:^E The Contractor shaal furhish a common ].ter bond for the f&.i.thful perfarmance of this contract in the sum er_laal to Fifty (50%)----------------- ---- per cent of the contract price. COBTRACT PRICE: The tots.-t amount of the contract :;7i.c- and the bid herein'>efore referred to in the num of Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Five and 62/100 ($19,375.62)-------------------------------- Dollars .. 32 , PRCVAILaG V: a ;E SCALE: ?n accordance with the provisiorB of Se zt; on 1.770 of the ,abor_ Code, the City Golan^zi of the Cityof 17 ti.ngton Beach, Californis9 has enoertainvri the general prev i.li_.g rate of Vege3 applicable to the work cov- ered by chi© contraot ae more part:i.,: ulur:.ly set forth in c. resolution of the Civ Council. of tho Oi.ty of Huntington Benr.hr a oertificd cupg of . hi.ch rueol.ation is hereto attached and made a part hereo " and designated as Resolution 10, 1779 s entitled? "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAI. PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY tv7AGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WOR1Q4AN OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTItN OF A WATER MAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN BEACH BOULEVARD, FROM CLAY AVENUE TO 250' SOUTH OF GARFIELD AVENUE AND IN GARFIELD AVENUE, FROM 220' EAST OF BEACH BOULEVARD to 19A5' EAST, ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA. 33� NEED �p ETGEI' (8) HOURS PER DAYS That the time of service of any may.--,�-�..�.�. `. --..r.:._ -• - - -- _.---.~-«-ter.,•---,.-..z. person employed by the Contracl;nr anal l be ULAted and restricted to eight (9) hours duririg --mv calendar deyD oxs;np¢ i:1 caeos of Extraordinary emergencyp caused `.,r fire, floods or danger 1,o life or property and Contractor or any sub -Contractor shall keep an a^curate record showinz, -ho number of actual houre -orked by each workmen eir-ployed by him In connection -.1th th© rcrk here contemplated., Said rec- ord &hall be kept opon at all reaco:iablo hours to innpac tion Ly the City and by the Diviaion of Labor Lem ghat the Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City ton (.10) dollars for each rorkmR.n employed in the :;xecution of the Contras by the Contractor or by a.�,v aub--Contra^ for for each calendaz day during which any workman is required or germ tted to Ij�bo;, more than eight h3wcs, ad That -he Contractor_ ah,,ll not aceiga this Agreement without the con - rent of the Cityti, in writirg-R first, !,L-d and obtainod.. j i., BID PRICE: The az td Con Lraotor further agrees to receive and accept the foilonin priocs as full compentiet-ion for fuzaishiog m1i ma.terie..le aad for doing all the ,,oxk contemplated and embraced in i;hds agreement.; also for all logs Prdrzma�e;, ^..r'ieing out of the na-6-ure of the work aforesaid, or from the action of -the elements, or from any unfor. esee diffi cryl 'Jea or oba tr uo tions which try arise or be encountered in tho aroeccution of the work unL tl its a c,) tance by the City Coun.i.l, of the Ci -V of IIJntinCton i3f.a^b.. and for a.I]. ri._ics of every description connoc'! jed TF'. tL 'the -:or;c; aluic a'or r 11 F:x;4emue:+ �.n^iu-?-Lc� by .or in conssequence of the ',1 • suspension or discontinuance of Rork. and for we:., and faithfully completing the works, and the whole thereof,; in the manner and according to the plena ani apecifi- cat-ionsy and the requiremento of the City Engineer„ under them, to Witt Approximate Unit Item Quantity Items with Unit Price Britten in Words Price Total 2847 Lin. Ft. of Asbestos -Cement Water Main at Six and 46/100 Dollars per Lin. Ft. $ 6.46 $18,391.62 2 3 Each 12' Gate Valves at Two Hundred Eigbteen Dollars per each valve $Z18.00 $ 654.00 3 6 Each Cast Iron 450 fittings at F4fty Five Dollars per each fitting $ 55.00 $ 330.00 Total -12„ $ 19,375.62 IN WITNESS WHEMF. the City of Huntington Beach has caused its name and soal to be hereunto annexed by its UVor and City Cl©rk„ thereto duly authorizedy and the Contractor has set his hand hf=reto, the day and year in this Agreement first above vmli ttan,, ATTEST-, City Attorney JL .1) CM OF 11013 INGTON BFACE a Mmicipal Corporationg By mayor CITY J 'Pi-OcZe tree n-t"-" ,')F N 7: % Z 130 A Ch,?nt �;TotK co�nnas►Y -�`� _.....�r�*rt i' y, .�YLRIE-Imsu PERFORMANCE BOND CAUFORtitA - PUBL'C CONTRACT at F j�ji� 'I t IF.Sr is ; n r i n, i t- OW ALL MEN ...; t, �l>?� ��,;t� nennsv1vanla. ; t, ;•r T f-1 � . . � .. v , CJ I�Ji 'ANY a T iI�SLlR4NCI; NIO%• FIRV, - f rinci al. cEtld �IATIGNAI� ds it the State of California, as Surety, are a s >? P car oration authori7,ecl to execute. hon P bound unto I,3 firmly held a l fr",►�,7.`�). } ee in the sum Of —r Do as Obligee, .l r ,, - -, •, "" - - - - - Mars �� s oiI!tilt and • •�ti(�clltc►rs,=!clministr�:tors, succes4nrs and assign.. 3 felt v�rllich su:n Svc bind of:rsel�•cs, slur l:ctr, � . sever -,Illy by these presents. ' � ;.Ic11 t11.it, �'•lllcrc�as the Principal has entered Into a '1 Itc CONDITION of tilt ab�'i `!. �thl `; t'n`�thc Obligee contract, dated to do ,IIld perform the E0110`'Ving ti�'or1; to-�3'it: lit ,1it(} Yt.(•Sl,itl t n �r,irf' S•.Ii r; '"i 1;•1t1 ::V('S1'1", t^( t'1 t�1'+`: .";'�f`fttl�' in elf :}t n.'3` l ' • r t rell trulyE�I funn Ole work contracted to be _- otherw isc o remain in full force Itt:Itr•-I�oxl:, if the said I'rillcipattsl!alhi'sh..zll��lhi void; . t :� oW, `F performed under said contract, then this abllt,atlo and effect. 19 day of Signed and sealed this 7 t ctyj7 �,0 -;•r��(;� �.Tn"...f f }'-�n .......... ......{SEAL) . . r ....... (SEAL) On 6I7/6' before me r- 1 q r.,i m a Notary Public of the State of California, havinga -"' business in Lns A,,,!fles principal place o2 Earnle .1. Dea. ck County, personally appeared to the within instrument as Attorney-in�Facioonebehabe the person who executed lf of IN INSURANCE COMPANY of Pittsburgh, Pa., and acknowledged toTme IONthatNsei FIRE corporation executed the same. aid My Commission Expires Notary Public-- PD 686 CLAR A M. PERO ICY t-am.it•�..,., C7.VlaH.i 'R.: 3, tg6 . Ond No. Sl&nF' Pt'F^1TUii:S 191.76 A CAPITAL. STOCK COMPANY / j {Ar44 , r i 7 ; 1 i 1 j ! i1tJ{ppPClFlq'iCG FL'p Ia-19ni� PERFORIl7ANCE BOND CALIFORNIA -PUBLIC CONTRAc;T KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That HYMM CU`TST?'UCTToI i C: "1:'E':t.Y, P. n, ,?nx ?1�?R, Santa Fe >Hrin�G, California as Principal, and NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Pennsylvania corporation authorized to execute bonds in the State of California, as Surety, al-,c held and firmly bound unto CTTY gw-i'mICTC)"! PEACH ;'.i.LTF0RNT1: as Obligee, in the sum of �, THE THO"I'Sr,, iD, SIli illi;4l7PYM EIGHTY -a EVE."' t't,D RI / 100ths------- 9,697.91. Dollars ($ i for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, e:<ecutors, administ,. ators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. Tim. CONDITION of the above obligation is such that, Whereas the Principal has entered into a contract, dated ,J, i n e 7, 19 �,1 , with the Obligee to do and perform the following work to -wit: �:nnst'rucrinn of a watprimin and ;ip7urtennnces in B-Pr-lz Bolil,evnrrl, from C 1 nv lwenue to 2501 ` oti th of l:n , f i e l rl Avene,i and in f:Arf i e 1 d riven'3P , from ?20' ,:nst of- Brach Bnulnvn►rd to 1«R5' east Now, THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall we'll and truly perform the work contracted to be p,rformed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and ,ealed this 7 th h -/Y..� 3� , CONTRACT - PUBLIC - PERFORMANCE day of .hine 19 61 HYn?C) C0tISTRIJCTT0N ^1 w_ ".A*rt ................................................................................ (SEAL) C BY ..'... ......................... . (SEL) NATIONAL UNLON IMF. INS RN E CGMPANY o Pittsburgh, a a. 74t tn4nein-f,r:+ Cirrnle J. Denck� Od No. 51 !iq R PRF.m T'ICL 1 tl w RF01,0LAX(C : RN:D A CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY :t oil h ]IN'S RL URM! `E 0_X__ P-A- Y i (INCGAPOPATED FED 14 19CO LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I1YDR0 CONSTRUCTION CWPA':Y) F. 0. 13nx 2428, Santa FA `iPrinhs, rInl ifornia as Principal, and NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Pennsylvania corporation authorized to execute bonds in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF HL1PiTI'�GTOI�' BEt`.'.H, CALIFORNTA as Obligee, in the sum of 1'HOUSA" S T x HUNDRED ETGFiTY-SEVFA: Al:'D 81/100ths ----- q,687.81 Dollars for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. THE CONDITION of the :above obligation is such that, Whereas the Principal on the 7 t11 day of J►Ire 19 ro , entered into a contract with the Obligee for Cnnst_ri�ctinn nF a water train and nnnurtenanrF's in Beach Bo, levard, frnm Cl'sv even,;- to ?50' of Garr=ielrl Afenuf, and in Garfifel 1 :venue, fznm 220' east of Beach Boll 1 Ova rd to 1 9R5' n_ast Now, THEREFORE, if the said Principai or his subcontractors shall fail to pav for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams, used in, capon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or for arnounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or tabor, as required by the provisions of Chapter 3 of Division 5, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California, and provided that the claimant shall have complied with the provisions of said Code, the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond and also in case suit is brought on the bond, a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons entitled tn file claims under Section 1192.1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. _.� ....a ..�•,1�.rT this 7th day of June 19 61 a Notar pubs is or , before me, r 1 ara ;�1. Pe rn y the State f California, havin a business in I.nS hnneles 9 principal place of Carn1p A. Deack County, personally appeared Ynwnthe within instrument as Attorney-in-Factoone behalf the person who executed ON INSURANCE COMPANY of Pittsburgh, Pa., and acknowledged toof NArmOeythatNsai FIRE corporation executed the same. d t`Y Commission Expires Notary Public FD 686 CLARA M. PERO My 3, ,oaa. Od No. c 14n9 PRP1 T�?CL 113 Fv_ RFOf0LkNL;F. BND A CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY , uly, I ion r4ML � i. CW IIrICDF+FO�:ATi:D i Cfl }•: ��f,:•I) LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that flYD�n CO!�aTftUC:'I'TQI: 4.1J)A .TY, 1'. �. Brix 242F., Santa Fe Springs, Callfnrniz-: as Principal, and NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Pennsylvania corporation authorized to execute bonds in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ";TTY LC: HUINITTNGTON BF'�^H, CnLTF0r%.4 as Obligee, in the sum of NT',rr.' THnTISAI'+'D �ZTX HUNDRED ET( ITY-S"rEN AM) Rl/lt)nths ----- q,6F7.R1 Dollars ($ } for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such that, Whereas the Principal on the 7 th day of J►tor 19 61 , entered into a contract with the Obligee for r,-nnst ,,irtion of a wnter main nn-,i 1nni!rtPnancr's in Brach Botilevarri, from Clav Aveniir- tn ?gin' Sn1ith of Gnrfinlrl Avernus- anr) in Carfiel,l Averntc, fmm 220' r'ast of Reach Br i l awn rcl to l nli =' east Now, THEREFORE, if the said Principal or his subcontractors shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, as required by the provisions of Chapter 3 of Division 5, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California, and provided that the claimant shall have complied with the provisions of said Code, the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this band and also in case suit is brought on the bond, a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons entitled to file claims under Section 1192.1 of the Cade of Civil Procedure, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Signed and sealed this 7 th day of J"n" 19 61 HYDRn CONSTRUCTTO�J CO%,JP_kATY (SEAL) v y We ...............................................� ...... (SEAL) :':' ���: •'� _" f NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Pittsburgh, Pit. Carole Deac rney- in-f.ii` - CONTRACT - PUBLIC - PAYMENT n1 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND EXECUTIVE OFFICES SAN FRANCISCO I LOS ANGELES URANCH OFFICE • BOG 50. LAFAYETTE PARK PLACE • LOS ANGELES 54 City os' Huntington Beach P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Bach, California Attention: Paul C. Jones City Clerk June CFR'? MIC' PATE OFWORKMEN'S COMPENS.PATION .!NSU.RA.NCE Policy No. 140-OU65-63 emit 515 Policy Period: 1-1-6/6h THIS IS TO CERTIFY that we have issued a valid Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policy in a form approved by the insurance Commissioner to the i.mployer named below for the policy period indicated. This Polk,- is not 4„bjt-Ct tc cancellation by the Fund except upon ten days' advance written notice to the Employer. \X'e will also give you TEN days' advance notice should this Policy be cancellt.q prior to its normal expiration. I` 1�r.tnrt: i.•n�x�•r FORM =52 L A mpioyer H Y'DIRO CONSTRUCTION CO. P. 0. Box 2428 _ n _, ,,j•�i�eiu l.'�. V iUi 0 INDUSTRIAL TN-nFMNTTY COMPANY t A STO(-.t, CONWANY ) HOME OFNCE SAN FRANCISCO NAMED - Robert B. Mc Clary, dba INSURED Hydro Construction Co. P . 0. Box 2428 Santa Fe Springs, California CERTIFICATE - City of Huntington Beach ISSUED TO • P . 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Effective Ivs, tinder Phy:ieal Damage Coverage i; Payable as inti-ruts may appear to tits Named irr.tjr,.-d :rntl thr. Lirnholdcr named below in accordance with Luss Payai.;e Enclorsem^:►t (-19A) on reverse Situ:. LIENHOLDER - A. resports Ike !ail,Jvrit,t3 �l/acr�l:: f r,,,t7tt1>bHets}, YCAR j THADE NANIE HODY TYPE AND MQDCL i S1:10AL r1uMIUL11 INLllUSTRIAL INVEMNITY COMI P `iNYhos issued cove.r-age effective ca% of the date, and for the periods and lirr�i;; specified i.Jein-v and st.JlJjeet to all terms, eonclitions, provisions, VXCILISinri!, and limitations of the. deserfficcl Binders r Policies whether shovvn'bv endor-ioment c;r otherwise. 1� 1 1 ".1 / V I i 1 v J �J ... .. • t • �.. 1. 1 t. � L. l i I V ,... V. 1 . L ... V✓ t COMPE1114.1TION + I EFF i t CALIFORNIAI�.Co TION ',JhPER S CGIM.PC;-AI10-N EXP.�� BSTATUTORY r )CCURPENCE COMPENSATION EFF STA71JTOIIY C40MPEN AT!GN STATE(SI OF- V'Ul2Kr.tE"7' ; Ft.4PLnYER'S L1AILtTY—S---____ PLR (�CrtJRRE -ICE LIA11ILITY i EACH PERV)14 EACH ACCIDD47- t:'.)1,-,1LY 0:1t ItY LIA[JitITY— 250, 000 300,000 I EACH PFRf:rt).t EACH ACCIDENT BODILY VIJURY LiAMLITY— EXCCr r AUTcr.:'EilLE EFF 7 1162 S 250,000 S 500 , 000 f'RGPFr7TY D,\4tl,GE LIP!SILITY- AUTO QUILE LG 338289 EXP f ? / 1 / 63 EACH ACCIDENT :i r 250,000 EACH ACCIDENT AGrREGATE PROPERTY PAtJt \CZ: LIACILtTY— FX( EI'r AU l(_,^.1ri!31LE 4 250,000 s 250,000 AUTOMOBILE PHYSICAL DAMAGE C01`.1PnrI1L:N3tVE tl EFF S FIRE. L.IGN?rJtrJ , It TRAr:srrORTATION S TI-?t-FT riRCA0 F-0111.1) EXP t COLLISIOrf oR Isr'_;ET ( AC:TUAL. CASH VALUE: LESS g t1ir:3LiC,j11�LC GLASS � [fF REPLACr%iCl•r r cim )'ER EXP SCHFIDULE FILED WITH COMPANY INLAND MARINE _ - -- - - -- — ----t - - EFF --EXP -r _._ - - --- --- ---- — -- - - EFF EXP ( j REMARK'S Installation of water main and appurt(mance s in Beach Blvd. , Huntington Beach, California '! lw: S;r,t:%.. _hnll r--'t be Cnr)Ce!ed nor rcrkjcna in cov--rage Until after 10 do/!, written t-,:)ticc of silch corceloitim or rC'G��Cti�ri ir. .��, .:u;..:i: _'•; r,,x... b,-,:rt to this certiflcote holdcr. C<rlifi�e; this 7th d:lv Qf Pr:_ JAM ES EC ONN & CO. .s;.n It: rlo #111 ' If. I June 19 It By �"ent'olvc • 0 FOR �.i'!: L.CraS°.�.HUCT101 ;1'' ' �11�rT'�� 1. L�: AND 114 BEACH DOULEVARD, P'I3(41 CLAY AVI.NUE' TO 6A,: i''II-:LD AV,-1 'N r,, AND IN GARFIELD AVT-AUE, Ole BEACH BOULEVARD TO 198j" ALL III ti[TNTZ'iGTOIi B ACH, CALIFORNIA. June 3, 1963 AP PITETT-I'DIANC ES 2501 SOUTH of FI301•1, 2201 FAST THE CITY OF 1TL•M ;`1 IT F•I #2 ITP-14 i�`3 TOTAL 2847 Lin, Ft. i 3 - ,-.ach 12" 6 - Each Asbestos Cem 'ate Valves Cast Iron '-.'al-per Main � i 450fittincs ENGINI;i,R IS F T. 6.00 260.00 ;r 80.00 j 1$20,-2.76,20 ? 7:U82.00 8{)A00 480-00 Chase L•'stey, Ins, P 0 box 95O Anaheim, Cal if., Hydro Constr. Co. P G Box ?8 = -- Santa Fe Springs, Cal, Orange County Pipeline 1506 N. Clinton St. •v Santa Ana, Calif. t Rosecrans Const. Co. P 0 Box 367 Compton, Calif. 1 Royal Pipeline Const. 11335 E Thlene Ave. El Monte, Calif . R. L. Stuckey Coo 9582 Garden Grove Bl. Garden Grove, Calif. Leo Weiler Const. Cc. � 10616 Stanford Garden Grove, Calif. Leo Williams 3155 Tyler St., Carlsbad, Calif . Wonderly Const. Co. 2694 Lime Avenue w Long Beach 6, Cali '. r HOT!CE, INV171HO SEGL! FO RIDS f�ii v of Him I irA-r. -n -C tip - r al �n, , j. . , - ( , e r init a a k P: , :n '-C) -7; j r: �" C•I L rC c�,. I *L n t- f C) 1--i r.i.-, c 0. bif I a, Ci 07' t 'D '1,1i�. a 11 t., rj. c c% c 'I I.A ij! 11_ r A7.' T 71a UVII -0m . ". T of 1.7alve's -7 'Cac!-. ` ;a c I n-in 30 0 7r. 2, "Ic ?i: _ .' 0, : ai C C:^ ._t.C.L and d - o .f J. 1 `l } �.::y .?:J!.Z �� ��• :1, c: ~'r� Y �.� v .l: :t.3. �i vl: ill+k �. L ,J� !.�:� } • L ice, t}�? i�i�' 1jI� �`: J .a.` �.1 i';`? i ':i_. ;ii�T:�: _ {-.;?; �: ,%z �'i•:. !'.{. �,..�' ;�;.'Ci}C ....1 1":'}h1: c�i]u .'�:. f�:',-•� ._':.+? ...i •_}� iL:72 ':I.c� Ve .iil? • .:'.•; i�� �. : ti�I'. i.', u•� C::' fir..., � r s all a7:i:yU71 CI'.I I�_ I,!} �r't .F_'a--ll {,-n r cei i! 1^ ;.�1.� �� G:JC,A- { tl:�i��7x1 illl" J, a1 n ��': �•� .i _• .r.�,.�. •��_�T. �-it.. ►� r..�,r J. �t� ,-. - J'v .- 1. _- 2 _..�.li..a!,t�:�a Ct. 'JGlst G�:,...�r.7r .. _ ww. «.. nww..�...w..r.�....r. w..w.ww-..�..►wrwu r�r si T • UC, S.y . ;c :tu ,..: of uidd r L:i.iii2f�3;I i�d�i��+� E �rf(n(� /%���(/ { --Z- q/y�J� —�jf{%/� ' / i ZZr,on or P.esincr:^.r Da Ned this 0.;'�`I Affidaft of Publication State of California { County of Orange SS City of Huntington Beach J. S. Farquhar, feint; duly swurii on oath, says- That, is citizen of the United States, ov,•r the nge of twenty Inc :-tears. pm.zWoW ltu ltblztaa tee t;;_ i s 23.. , I 3) Ad ict ��J�; SEAL 1310� 1 Notice is hvroi y gi eii tilat- bo Clty Council cf the City of Hunting- : toll Deae•l;, California, iv-iil rce ivt; srulpd bit►s for the vt► ist rnt•t tor, ;,f a 1 VYater Ma. n and appurtenances ;n F-each Boulevard, from Chy Avenue j to 2.50' St uth of Garfield A:enue, and in G-r -field Avenue, from 22(T East of P.eaeh Doulm-ard to 035' East. in the City of Huntington Beach, 'California, in acco:-linnce with, the. Plans, Srxcificatinns anJ Sl*c'zl n ProviAons noriv c n Me 1n the cftice of the City Clerk and the Cit,, Ett:- gincer of said City. Each bid ta•be submitte•,3 in strict accordance with That he is the Printer and put.dsh^.- of the Fiu:.'it:� on Beach � he �eci'tc•atio s th�refo e A h• f C` 00 11 be d f %YCwS, ri freckly :ii+?:':it}:111e!' O: ::vn(- nit ('li'('.a:l!; IZrlittCc:, i ul::: hed and circulated in the salt/ L(►unit (if Or,,-lg-,L wad else%here and published for the dissemination of loca:::rld .:thrr news of a _;anerat character, and has a bona fide soh: ,:tlptiorl lis: of p7 ing subsc::i;'ers, and said pi.,per has been e:,tahlishr.d, p►'in;(..: aria pu.`,tished in the State of California, and County of Oran.:c, fur nit least one year tienxt before the publication of it.(. ti ,t insertl,)n (►f th;.; n••t(•e; and the said newspaper is not devotVd to tho interest of, or published f:)r the entertainment of any particular (:la.;-, profes�inr:. trafle, v:01:r1(;. nirl, or denornination, or any number thereof. � fulto�vs. The Huntington Beach 'yews %viva adjudir:at,.r, a le al newspap.--r of general circulation by judge G. K. Scovel in t;if- Superior Coup t of Orange County, California Aiiigttst. 27t;r, 1937 by order No A- ;a31. Thpt ihv 1101'ICV' INVI`t'TNU >'', 1L,::n r3i_� of which the anne�cntt is a printed copy, was published in said n^;vs- 1,111x`i' tit It -list Tito To Ma commencing from the .- 23 r . (illy of -- f a Y - _ . - 19_63, acid citing on the 30t—h _clay (,r May 19 63 , both days inclusive, and as often during said period and times of publication as said patp+!r was regularly issued, and in the regular and entire issue of snip newspaper proper, and not in a supplement, and said notice was published therein on the following dates. to -wit: raY-. 31 -• Y moo, 1g6e- -- -- - - - `. Publisher Subscribed and sv.,orri to before me this � ��.� ..__ _ day of r z 7 _ Notary public Oran/;:: Count-, California t„1y Cc:..,. j- a ... tl _ i / C ar'&e o ...,. `t i i?lil a or e_acil set Gf speeificatiom and accompanying drawings. CITY !ENGINEEIVS ESTIMATE ITEM APPROXIMATE QUANITY 1 2S•17 linear feet of AOx-stos o; meat water inain 2 3 Etch 12" Gate Val;rey :1 6 ebk, cast iron 15' fittings In accordanr!- with the provisions of Section 170 of the I.abor Code, :he City Connell of the City of Huntington Beach, has ascertained the general ,3rovailing rate of :vages applicable to the work to be clone to i :sourly Wage i Trade or OCtup3tIOM Rate: OPERATMO ENGINEERS flcrilth & Welfare--15c per hour Pnsior. Plan-15c Iy_r hour Vac:, 6011--10c per hour CLASSIFICATION t ;roul, 1 . ..... ............. ........ ...... .'i,73 (;rotil, 2...................................................... .......................... Grotip3................................................. ..................... .... ......... ....... .... i;I (irrp ................................. ............ ...... .. ..... ........................ _. ........... •1.37 tr+ t,it), :► ...................I.. .................. ......................... 4.56 t.irwil! '; ............... LABORERS: Health & Welfare,--12 F c per hour Pension Plan--10c per hour Lt:hor-r — General or Construction .............................. 3.36 { tJpor•aetor of Pneumatic and Electric Tuuis, Vibrating Machines aild similar mechanical toots not separately herein .. 3.57 A-p :alt Raker and Ironer ....................................................... .......... 3.5-1 AsphaltShoveler ......................... -....................................................... 3.46 ( Clitting Torch operator (Demolition) ................................................ 3.41 Flagnurn....... .................... _.............. ........... .................. ............................ 3.36 TEAMSTERS: Health & Welfare--15c Pei linur ' 1'emion Plan---5c per hour Driver of Dump Trucic of less than: 4 yd,, water level ...... .................... ................................................ _... 3.721 ` 4 yda. but less than g yds. water level ......................................... 3.7;5 i :3 yds. but !e-ss l.iuin 12 y(b. water. lt•vei .. . ...... 3-:90 11% yds. !)zf= lees =than 16 yds. water level ..... . 3.88 Driver of Truck L gal Payload Lalmdty: jLess tivin G tons ..........................................................................1.72 i fi tons to 10 tons .. .. ............................ .................. :1.75 10 Ions to 15 tolls ............................ ........ .......................... ..... 3.8n 1:) tern. to 20 toris................................... 2ns 3.58 0 toor niore............................._............................................ •1.10 Driver of Transit titix Triielc 3 yds. or ;more ................................................. .............................. .1.10 l k'ater True"- Driver -- t;nder 25119 gill. . :1.78 1Vatcr 'rrt1; : Driver -•- 11.ml) gals. tG iWO gals. 'I'rut�k �:;r( per null Tireinall 1.l13 Trurh Rt•r,aiirinnii ... .......... ...... •'kruch 1{t pairnian 1ielpel' . .l.:l�.i CEMENT MASONS licatlth & Welfari13;• por hour Pension Piaan-10c per hour Vitc:1tinn-•--10c Pei' hour ccll lilt 11:.:.ti0lr ....... ... ....... •1.C�1 PIPEFITrEk5: Utility 1'ip).-line Forrtmili 4.`.5 ':truly l'ii);-=inc .iournuvinan .......... • ,60 l:ei!'.th & *�Ve!f:►re--t�"t, Pension Vacation u• Hchdaly:s--7/;..�,: OVERTIME RATES OPERATING ENGINEERS- T7in •semi one-half f.,r 21 overtime, exmpt Sunlinys wiui hoiid:iys, which are (soul:!: till►e. LABORERS --'rime )ind on(. -half, e.xce ►t Stindays r,nd holidays, «-high TEAMSTERS--Tii e and or,r il'►l;, e;: l:t `-fan/'.1� •tod hohdnys, %vilich the doliblJz !iln.'. CEMENT MASONS --Time and nne4zalf, exc:rpt Sundays mid holidays, ., Mich rr. tioulde t im.t.. PIPE FITTER s—•rime and one-half, ewept Sundays and holidays, which are doublo time. The r:ily of compr•nsa Lion for any classification not listed, in file schedule, but tt•hich way t}L' required t,. a .ne'cute the proposMl contract, .:hell bc• cornmensurate and in amortl with the rates specified for similar or comparable duties in tiu= S:tuthern California 'Master Labor Arre:�merits." The rates Twr hour, indicated abbe are Eased upon tine local pre- vailing rhos ;-^: day )ring eight times the above scheduled rate per Iwo:. Hourly rotes of pay are based iilxln eight hours ler day for a full day or a fractional part of a day. The per diem wages of a fraie ional lxu-t a)f a tDiy shall be.the applicable rate per hot'r multiplied by the number of hours. ,vorked on said day other thall for overtime and/or Sundays or 1,t4;rl tfo_idays. All work performed in exctnLe of eight (8) hours per Clay or forty (40) hours per week shall be p«:d for rat fhe prevailing overtime rate, anti all work performed on Holidays and Sundays, shall be paid for ut the prevailinh overtime_ rat for each craft involved. Plans and slkcifieations together with proposal form may be ob- tained at the office of .the � ity Engineer, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California. No bid .011 be received unless it.is made on a blank form furnished by the City Engineer. The speeiz.l attention of protective bidders is called -it) I," "Pn)pesat Requirements", set forth in the specifications, for full tlirect.ions as to the bidding. The foregoing quan ti ties are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids. and the City of Huntington Beach does not, express or by implication agree :that the Factual amountof work will correspond therewith but reserves the right - to Inc -ease or decrease the amount of uny;:lass or portions of ,he- work, as may be deemed netessary or ea-pedient by the Engineer. All bids will be compared on the basis of the City Engineers' esti- mate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted Vom a Contractor who is not licensed in accordance with" the law, under IN provisions of Chapter 791, Sta- .t:utes of 1929, as amended or Chapter 37, Statutes of 1939, as amended, or to whom a proposal form haz not been Issued by the City of Hunt- ington Reach. Each bid Shall lie made out on a form to be obtained tit the office of the City Engineer, City -Hall, Huntington Beach, California; shall he sealed and find with the City Cie lc of said City on or before 5:00 P.M. of May 31,1963 and shuld be opened by the City Council at its infam-al cession at7:00 A-M. June 3, 196.1. The City of Huntington Beach, California, reserves .the right to rejcvt any ur all bids, and to sempt the bid deemed for the best interest of the City of Huntington Deach. By order of .the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach t_tfs . 20th day of May 1963. PAUL C. JONES Ci ty Clerk 0 0 ituI ri,, LNIVIT:-r, r S:..RLED 7;T;T7. i3 'te rob, ~1'if'n t}13t tT?r! {.• �;f :o'.n^il of tljt3 C'7.t'T o£ �n?Pti n rtpn ^��• "alif'ornia, dill. rer,.-I ve sealc-1 Ii]cls For ro:1S?',T';:ction of 3 iVatar '!ain :n�-i apr�� r�enar:r►� , i. �� ch 3cr la`rar'l, from :'lay A-rnnue to 25C) t 'cmth of Garfield .iV�R l^� iI1`i L'1 3rfJ.F'�'i :.'grille., from 21201 of 'veac I :�O'•;1�:'r1r..'. to t-_',ast.. �.n t' . ',A I- of :izntin"ton ,iac�!� "'aiLi'oT'�'i"�?� in arGOr'?an^P ;'liti'i the �1� .s, {yc.` 'n i^ tions ric' `� : ,i ?.l. i'ro�-isior.- no•:; on £� le in i hc• of!'ice o`' the "'-_ty Clerk FC!c, "Al tJ :.1::-Lnaj'r of said ' Ltf. .,-icii (� bid -to r. '�i:,?m vte'i in strict acco lance i7-i th the :1=�C1friC-if.l ail there or:-. A C�?rZT' ;,a of „>.00 ±'till r)F? ^:aun f'oI' C'7p}] set or sn- eci ical-,i on i .:nd ic-_UTikln in;? drwvsri.nf's e :"ITYENsIUEERIS EST-LIA TE 1TEI'z' rFit0Xa?.!ATIE ,�.JANT:ITY 1 L01117 linear feet of . rbastos cement viatr�r main 3 Sa^ r, 12" I•a t, E? Ti 3 j par; i cast iron 1i5G fl tt1 ni'�' n o.r-cowiar, :•rith t h ct orc-rJ :7, ions ,Sec Lion 1.?70 of the lahor Corie� tb�, �' t;f �d lr! ?-1 O{' `?v: Alt': Of Liilritin#,c;n .Sn?^1I' bLa; a3c e rtainer] Vie ie .eneral D evalli:n- r'_lti,n o : a -n•• .�, ; i •' �! }O �}� a l-C3c�1P t.0 .,;o v.or -lone to -be a:r; follar;.s: `trade or Gccunation: t ;t . ,.,T ,. T t 11; J . 1. r ho;ir :�en ,ion i'lan nor :iniir Vacation - 10A r)er hour 11 'r o' 1 I% 1 3.7 8, ^,roan 2 1rc,,.ir) 3 4.26 37 _1 .6 1. Trade or '-rcnpation: Nc-a i_farc' - 122 r hoii ris; on ?1.n - 10Y pp Hour Iahorer - �� noral or ;.:onst..Y,-.icti.o-i 1. for !�neumati^ and ::lectri.c Tools tlilbratin,- "VC.^hir►es and similar mecharical tools not se*_--- •+.3`ytcly classified he rcin sphast iif,ke- and ironer Asphalt �ho•,c�lnr ';.itti nr- Tarr:►, Oc)-rator (Demolition" r la:-; lan TJEAt'3T;-: Health p,�r hour Pension Plan - c � pr�„ hour :?ricer of T--tcr: of 1p,7,- than: !3 _ :'loiter 1.(--vnl s. Ir; than ? yds. lr'-►e 1. ;is. hot less than 12 ydis. fiats.-r lntrnl 12 yds. leers than 16 yds. wp-I.,-.-r le :•-,l itri.7c r o?' Trlj, ►k I.p--oa! Pa load Carwic i f.y: I-!-, tt-.=n u tons U �nr,:, to 10 tcns 10 tons :o i tors 1 � ton!, t z', , 0 tnrr 20 to;; s or mere Dri'rer o Trannit "!ix TrU[:ii 3 y,a„ r ,re .!:ca-t'-:r i;"1r'r r1.^I' - TJ ndor 2r'-Q0 r-a1:3. tn r Try::��: `50) r-als. to 11�00 a^si T 1 m man roe 1 rly TL3 to 3.5f 3•[7 3-hl J•7n 3.75 3 }0 3•}"2n :5.72 1e 75 3. �f-' 0 .3.88 )s.10 1".10 3.79 r u.6-G5 3,035 Hourly -:fa ge Trade or f rcu stion: Rate: Health & 7,e li a re - 13 ¢ Per hour Pension P"An - 10¢ per hour Vacation - 100 per hour cement `!-scn $ )1.04 PIPEFITTER : Utility Pipeline L.- oreman 4.85 Titi li t v Pipeline journeyman 4.60 Health ?- ,i,e lfare - It% Pension Plan - 2 % Vacation :io2i( Y 0 - 71, T _me and ore -half for all. overtime, except Sundays a a-1 h olid,-ty,;, r; hi c h rc double tame. IA U0swRS - Tim— and cane -half, except Sundays an -a holddays., :.hich are dol,ble time. MAYSTEHS - Time and one-half, except. Slirdays and holidays, Z;rich are double tirre.. CEt.iE ?T YY SONS - Time arid onr.--half, exccF:t• Sa nd~ys and holidays, which are double time. PTf*.;:t'ITTcERS - Time and one-half, except Sundays and holidays, which am- -! r-1,1" 1 � 4-J t�•, rate of compens Lion f,T any classification nct listed in the rchn'il:le, 'rrit :rhich may be requirod to �:; ecute fail prcaasE•d contract, shall. br- and in accord :lith the rater; ,`d-'cified for similar or com— pamh7n in the Southern aliforni.a '.'aster labor ;' ,reements." i':re rst,:�s per hour, indicated wove are ha:,n:: upon the local Pre,r-�ilinl, ri�_!{i l/^�eJ the above ��.11e�1t�l. y�'..l l/li �lvr hour. flol,i rl•.y i,atr: c of , a r(� ba sec: :sport eight hours per .lay for a r ull day or 3 f r actional 3. • � -1 A. of a day. `Ilse pe i Z'a,C tl Gila �i pa Z`t of 3 d a�l shall be ?,:lf3 applicable :):r hinir rr-11tiplied by the number of hours jerked or. said day of,'ier than -`_'or ov,. it,.ime and; or J'undays or Lei -al Holidays. --ill �i0ii: nerCorred ill exceso of ei-rilt (8) hours r,,:•r day or 11,0--ty 'Y)) hours per , -(_,'; sha !I be paid A or at 1,tie prevailin - ove rtine rate, and all. work pc rf omcd opt iol.idays and Sunday--, shall ;ate, '_'or each craft imroled. ;;aid or at,, the areva.ilint- .)-,re.-time Plans and npecif. ications t o�,ethrr with th proposal f ore: •any be obtain nQ.} at t`1he office of t^^ amity nriP.eer, City ia11.sr; ;• n,-ton Re zh �1i_.rnr nia., , i o bid Hill be received uriless -It is rade on -a L hank form by the `fh o snecial attention of prose(-cML—,re bidders is ca lure rl to the sit .•;1�J -a very;' ..e t, !t e+vt+' f'Grth 111 r t: '' ? `'1 t' o"1S r0 • "- _ O ,l.re n s _, �, 11 :, ^r; : r_ 3 , r full. dJ , ctionr a-- to }l^ am. cpvintl :l.'"1 'L]'!? api�r0:!"1,ik�clf' only, C;E'ln?' given aq a hSiS For this comrari. sr': o; bids, anJ t}1c vii:l of Hiintin:-ton BQach rlorns not, e.vrires i or 1. r? l 1. c at. i r)n •a'; - that t tilt' . Y 1 ;'+rat : r ' � - e GT7'r�C1n--A t.}lr rf'"'' a int work �;i�� � ..ith t;ut reoer-ros {;:1._ ri ~ht to 1;-ricrease or rIe^.reaso the amount of any class or portions or th work i s may i e lope-mf-,d Tlecessary or e'Ct�erlient by tl e I.,n,'ineer . 1i ;rill be compared on the basis of the Gif.;r 1nrrineert s estinate of the q,iantities of wovto be done. NO bid ,-dll be acceDtQd froma "ontractor :'rho is not licensed in 3,coaneP with the l.aw, iinder the provisions of "har)ter '791, Stattfles o' 192y, a!, amenrj�.d or !'banter 17, Statutes of lr3`� a-- a"""7de(" or t�. wl-o.,^ a proposal form has not +'n ; ire the City or Hlinti-l-'ton 3cach ,ach bid shall be nade u,it o on a frm to h� ohtain_ed at the office of the .,; t r ";n-din^ �r, �.it�r ?ir::l.1, ;nintin~!LUrt »�a ;s �:c7.i fnrnil; -hal .+ t,n :,ealnd and filer! th the :;ity C !r'rk, of said Cil-,r on or iJ^.?. ^T'? C,r,,o i'.l`�. O`, J !hay 3 =. 1?63 and _'-_ 1.1 ln.ecl -)y the : it;r "a+ t i i-: o� 1 `' J^ oP� , Heil a t� `' �a sn s Sion at. ? : on 3 1963 r I-J The :,ity of riuntin�ton each, California,, m ;- ryes the ri.:-ht to reject any or all �; -; r, and to accept the bid for the ; nte-rest of the City nn1.iior `.,cr. 'fir" orrlrr r, of the Ct ty {,C3lliI( 1 or thF of F=tlntl n'-t,,-)"l tbi_ day cr 1963. r J�