HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUSTICE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES - 1972-04-12CONTRACT is agreement, tirade and entereQ into this day 1972, at the City of Huntington Beach, County t of Orange, State of Caiif-rr._i«, by and betse-en City of Hunt nt�lton Beach, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, tbrough its r duly appointed Chief of Police, hereinafter called the AdminSstrator and Justice research Aso _>s, here nai to i� d tt e Contractors k Y lYir" st7SETH i+7T141i4�J That the Contractor for andjdM f .depration of tine con- ven-tn'ts, conditions, agreemt. nt.5 and atipulatxons of the Administrator � herein expressed, sloes hereby agree to funiish to the Ad inistrator servic?L and materials as follows ARTICL l *' S.A`SEMEN T OF WOh'kYt k Contractor shall rserforn, an evaluation Of the project study entitled k ' Automat�ad Traff'lc Records w. Phase 11 prepared by the .:I.t-Anistrator p=suart to Grant Mo.. 107211 -51$, a feasib.3.liry study under the V*part�ment of Traffic Safety, State off 'California,.lifornia, Here4rafter called ,y The Contractor shall perform an evaluation of the A<Jminisltratorls 'rurvey study of current pry' i ems and zu.ticipated reeds-. The contractor :eball, el:amine t e current command and *ntrol of emerSency services 'n regard to emergency services inventory and cc=rjr=i.cation The Contractor shall, review tl e proposed concept in line with ouy; rent and -7n'ture reeds of the City of Huntington Beach using current and 7ro3vcted population data, highw v use limitatiohs and such other information as zay be avaliatle,, The Deng actor shall ma ;e M;:otrmendat :ions -as to thy. practical appl,ioatloas_ of the proposed sv' tom ifi relatLon to she riighWay Safety Act. fyywyyy19�yy0 anal its valv* ax a traffbo safety system concept for law ,0+ M�♦Jrfi/A"c4'£WSif�.ST :k T'a,e Contractor ball. eual "ate: the tech-ical appreach and coca effectiveness of the corn wT .i icats' wn system, currently under development by that aFe zc . 'ire oratractcr thall evaluate the transferability an r :.�� �.� Za t}* ,w, f expanding the proposed sy te.;,: 1. to county and regiona: le veal The Contractor sham a,).ear, as directed by the Adr, in—i--trator, jefoPe the Office ox Tral'_'3c 10'affty, to discuss the findings �f his Peport. Any trp,7el tt� KlaLrairentc will he reimbursable '.nder #z •_. the terms of thy; cur-tea—o ,` app,:t4ntmients will he zade with =z 4. consideration given tc tht, Conr.ra ct,vz. '' schedule z, �f Contractor shall prepare: :� tr°ief u-rit en reper't ccrttaining hiz s ` evaluation of the aLo a e areas and his re.:c*:,;zr -n gat 'riz tc, the Lepart- E, ment- of Traffic Safety ri,,garr'i F, isir her aupport of the propcsed syster.. e ky Cyy�r ty��y� py yq �y�rdhry p �; •`4fi ,r ;ect it fall c,r v part fx�Jera ly �. i ra �r1'1. till e s # d. z. %. c: it1n i fande , and further agree,,: z cY✓.L�.'.1.,�" w--.t.'3 a , aslx:(". .. w€�i4s nf»'f ea,ac wy to enable Cary to comply w, tth 4_'vderal requir _r"e .Z-_ for reLmbursement. ARTICLE 12: A. Cityagreesto "; r l 1 r t:rac.t<,r a rcerJ tc; '-'Xcep t the fcllowi "l.. project Direct-rn t -Cr hc-uri tea[: , Clerical staft 70,50p-rhour k wM6r,Acto±-hallyll bfor .ial w1k„: v expeYtz.et. ancurred in ` ho performar' ^e of W��e , includlrg the pest= o ; private cars at the ratf of w 10� C.o,rcents) per oalehtr.vel- li g ous'de of county 1,adt!iA;.'0n, AWtrSaor-,v 1j.,Y:Lye . shall :,Yv :imburse'l for per d., em expA: rases at a fixed rate of Twenty- four do;ild s (�24,00) per day, prorated for the period travelling away from home. In no event Whal."l per diem: be p"Ad for travel only between the hours of sevien in the r ,orain.,g and teven in the evening. C. Ccntr,at.t>r shall by reimhvrsed for actual fer rept rt reproduction, p$ 4nd other !ervicett. which canr:..'t he , performed by Contractor `�; or ana gat on, and sy information to th-e tY the Troif- , "*, T. - !� shall not exceed Total exprniditures r.al"If-I sun ,f One-ti,,ousard LPTICLE !V - PAYFQ,-- iwvo --es Contractor Shall e A dr at Or rat trip,-ci,atr preparee L� -vatf -av Huntingtor. Bpach, Cal, CantraC-Or U, Ort Office of Traffic I y 17' T ARTIC* mot contract without the ,A,,RTICU:"V: This COr-t'Ce-kcV)r �!Wr,LCU VII FKPOE:�-'3 Contrac.*tor shall draft form 7.7 p, c r. appdv�'Vz� 1972 for rp-"- A 4e-Tthe a, CI* tractcr sh-L the Con -I r r f've final repoxt, whicl� wil-* (5) days after approve. :I- PUBLICATIC': ,LE VIII tc, c,�,pyrjrijt the final report A. Contractox, shall -inistrator and the Office of Written approval 5r-,)= Ad- 4 VrIout 'I , tierm !,de proh.L.Ite'd during the r'; t�;, fn,-, of the contract frog cop;rIZhting any PaPOrc-o int "Irevorm it' r f. the w-ork uwl-r &he contract. V�hich a part �Dt ation OnY ore LC Public to tho Mw-Allftiotrator i1nd "he =34L C. All reprrts "� �l+i.%.p .ji. i44viS ',9p y}qtu ��'J4 t. �i� S�"( 5ra µ1�al .a�a.� yg ,,,"� 6 d •..: 1,01.10wiri7 r Y s t�'�;'$Me .� l`�w OnOnthe,? :.' �'?.'a.'� �:#'� i : t�' ��. _7;<« n. I andYyt{�,f.j'� Yy11 pi.r��,,}��1 '{ pF� �xe y�i�{+'+ �����n�jyy�a�v��ry. n,ll. {, £a MQon4lL.SwSr'ti.Vn:'3 �f'iC ♦�W%.�. �L:Y bn hd. y.. the authora and not e y,.}},{} �t y�,yy �s �+a y��� 3� 5 4•.iGk9•++r RJiF4.xX. fi+.WYi"iti ±��T. ++}ma}y ry m��^^�� '{�` a�,,,${/ �p }�yy.[.y y� y�yr� .y.y� Yysi1 i fC,l. i l.d G€h Ei. fr r :i°�S:iw. .F- W j..{ yA ru J. 41 C. the Federal "r•,7l .. Jth Written and rev. , =11,x- are ccncidered ' r°i'l E t Of Publication; hcwevfr .x.�Fw+re isnO inn-e y icn tr.,'Unit «.p. f the �.'� 41`" irk vvl-, e 4 X emp1 ovt_es or. stun jentz . F the pro-;e4:- bud.- r fit - R Without as«Va rce Allt +r �} dk�. .Y'n a cooperGi #. +r`.i* w+f+tW%Aaja :"ajk ,_y ai.=r�iY.krc,�aP46... v§.+...' 'ii':'r�.h t{„yT 1'`.'4.'�4. : ."Shwa`. $ .�YaL. 'yvy"hs w:"a5' yl.'+[;%y*rt:y:t ira"e G..,jy��"3 MS's �a i.#,A+V si. Wl d. rY ""nl p. ^-n Y��,A # $ .+}•` ♦ s A: s MFlaG WS.,,, wi t federal Highway e �+c M A Pl'b.XIYu` TX 3.. .!a Office o ,,,,ar kS. w�6 C$aY. fY A to .i f^�a"y Y `f`' �' � xl`�f'•x }i yy.f �9`,x�`di�ii.;��,iirj$trC�y-,or f dK+4'K :.g iv «4: prog,"+C,5S h;yZ ARTICLE :p.1, rrr+nfsrnrr.waa.�..s '-. .. S';, .rt �+y y.�a� y yq .}�.p., pe ia"'Aain 3o ,00f` N' h-'w"s,�'�a v'a leapt available at the €' mtrac#.nr € :�a.�a ?idYir� �� f.<,°�'> wring period and f�;rvears ths dtp of f zeal Pa;*nt 'Of HIP OF DATA All dW; iia MF a 4edK+L .a. h0Gt09"r Ph i. and4 other Batt. x-xaj. C*11e�,ted or raeparr-'d under the ritract shall bec� _- e ioln " prcperty of tbe Adii ini- �4 . r4t*r an -'I theOff'" fTV;-A f" P,'AfQ V� AR` IC X11 - CON"IRACT is cont-ract may be terninated at any the for Lveach and Aelvr.ird- strator may terminate �,m 4. lateral ly and, wiflllL'aut cause Upor, thlr+17 days written notice T,,:) tl!e ContracV)r. All work performed pursuz�nt to the contract and prior to the date of may he claimed for reimbursement. ARTIMEP X111 - ASS 1GINA 7B1 Contractor shall not ascign or transf'�r interecvt in this ccntract without the pricr written -r.nsent of tLe AdMinlstratcr and the Office of Traff"ic Sw.Xety. ARTICLE XIV - AYZNDMEN'T It iS mutually that stir altf�,rat lcr.. Or Var- of the terms of this ccritr -t, ar,,�,� sabcontract zrcquiring the appf hi, dmanlr0roval ot-Astator he1f icp lraf Fic Saletya. shall he valid unless madle in >�;Igned by Partiec hereto, and approw,,d by eM ntic,,esor-.ry -partlec_ APTICLZ XV - NON- S�,4i,1016TA7 CLATU'.T All contracts :;hall ctnta.%n the "cillowing claue�c: ""'he t multa-.:�t r� rg.t or retained any r,r tl�an ca L,.�ra fide 10,mployela ctklely the solicit or secLrt: th.-,, r�ntra,*t ar.d that 1­K� not paid. or 4grved, V, pay any c,,. pan7.+ or perzon, cther than a hona 1FJ*:Je sollely for Percentage, rznker- 'age ftoj siftzo, ::; r ctther con.tingent upon or resulting the a%lard or making ,�.f this cord traj�t, ror breai:�h or violation of this warranty, the State shall have -the right to anntil this contract without liability,, r.,r, in its dli�cretion to deduct .fron, the vontraot pr4ze or cone !deratlm, or other- wi,!ae recover, the fu;..; amount of suvh fed, commicsior4, perceittage hrckerage fee, gift, nr coDtingeqt fee.11 L3TjCLZ,X)Yr -,,MJAL OPPMUNITY ASSURMCE Zhe Oontractor zoot inoj4jft is stated�-eit o r with t1jo rqual �ppiW-Unity Asnurancoi, requimmen't', in all cubcontractl% DATED- .19-72 CITY OF HUNTINGTC!il BEACH,a mt zicipal corporaticn ATT SIZT AFPF O .All� TO I*ORM z