HomeMy WebLinkAboutL.H. Henson - 1958-03-2716 688`10 NOTICE OF COMPLETION LigRK431 U I'MT 593 NOTICE IS HEREBY uIVEN that the contract heretofore awarded by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California,.'to L. H. HENSON, who was the company thereon for doing the following work to -wit: The construction and installation o sanitary sewers one Quincy Street between Lake Avenue and Alabama Avenue, on Alabama Avenue between Quincy Street and Utica Street, and on Springfield Street between Alabama Avenue and Delaware Avenue, in the City of Huntington Beach, California. That said work was completed by said company according to plans and specifications and to the satiefaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach and that said word was accepted by -the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of June, 1958, That upon said contract the Anchor Ccisualty Company was surety for the bona. givta by the said company as required by law. Dated at Humtington Beach, California, -this the 9th day of June, 1958„ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Grange City of Huntington Beach } Cityyc er . and ex-c f is o Clerk of Ctiie City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ss: I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly elected, qualified and act- ing City Clerk and ex-dfficio Clerk of the City Conneil of the City of Huntington Peach, California, do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing WOTICE OF COMPLETION and know the contents thereof and that same is true of my own knowledge, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County by said Clty Council. DATED at Huntington Beach, Califo-nia, this the 9th day of June-, 1958. y C er and ex-officio, Clerk o the City Council of -'.-he City of Huntington Beach, California r7ll A 0it i:N T • TRPS�,c t' .'f�Ur�tT, made and entered into as o�- of - � , 1 `� , by an d I3�',`!' "rEN A .1b CITY OF T UPTIAGTO'14 B7 ACH, a t'--ini ci.pal Corporati t►n, her iE,inaf t or called Hcrr:inafter called tin °rsaLS 'ET11: Ci if C`J`It `1'_CT0- '. 7_rLR tAS 3 the City Council of WIG Ci Ly of Hur_tinrtort Beach. County of Crranc e, State of C'alif'cz*nia. pursuant to statLit o in suah ctr sec made and ;rx° ov=!d rd, d�.�ly and re�u�.arly' caused a oti�e to be publ.isheI, call iris far bids for labur, material, tools and nquipmoiit for th 3 oonstmatias emd installatitm of sanity y seven cm Quincy Street between %ake Avenue and Aiabma Avg, can Alabwm .Aver Notwom Quincy Street and Utica Street4 and on Springfield Street between Alsbam Aveme and Delaware hearse, is th in said C t7 of' Huntington Boac . California, 3 irl work to be constructod at--cordflMr, to plans, spot�ification3 Grid apecial provisions for samo on t'i le In the office of "Cho City EnGi eer 4.nd adopted by the City- Council said City of t izit:1.ng; un Beach on the 3rd day of _ F. ebs=7 58 , to th icb said plans. 3pecific*.tioris and special -provisieno roferenco i:3 hcrebF made, and by such refcrw- en.ce they ax--: madl� a part of this contra::L- a3 if herein set out in full, and i'1j1Hi.fi:E*A ). tho City Council r;' ro—E,,u ar rneet-1.ng thc-a-eof anra at the ti.mc: and ul,..co cappointed therefor oponod Lbz; bldc. submi.tte(7. by the rest)Oeti v© b j_r?dOVS f Or' Lhe conotruction and completion of —.-h3 move mentioned work. and of .:;n cn ,13f'ul c;unsid.err:uiori of all bld.s svbrr;ittE:: the Ci.ty Counc-I.1 a1=,►zrded tho contract ther•�.for to the Contractor h: ,,rcln na-meet al. the prices set forth in .s bid, r.t being.. the to-aci.t a- d oast: bid received by the said City Col::nc ij, 11 to ;3., IJOVJ q'F!E.TIgTF'C-RE,, in considoration of the covenants and ments herein., conta:Inod, being done and DerfarrrieC by the partios herdtC, it is horeby agreed as follows: le The Contractor, under the direction and to the satlsfacti on of the City Engineer of tho City of Huntington Bench, :ict;Ing cut its agent, shall and will provide all materials and perform all zu »k montloned :in tho wpoc if icationo and spoaial provi Ilona or sbovnx on the plano for t:he construction of the work hcreir.above referred Jo and more particularly sat out in said plans, specifications and special 'irovlsjorls. enccUt as hereinafter stated,, 2, :o alteratii on or addition shall be made In the workh show?' or dascr-Lbed b;; the drawings, 3penif'ications or-pe6ial proviSionsa IMo extra Nvurk shall be performed or paid for u iicss the City of Euntington Boach stall have ia3Uad, prior to the beginning thereof, its written order therefor. 3e SUBLETTIVG: The Contractor shall give his personal atten- tion bo +rho fulfillment of this contract VIhere sub -contractors are engaged on the works they will be recognized only as emp? ogees of the Contractor.. and no sub -contractor shall under any circtunstances relievo the Contractor or surety of their liabilities and obligations under this contract, and all transactions with the City Council shall be throup)1 the Contractor herein namoel. MAT-RiALS & gUIPF,'f MT: Tho Contractor, at it:, .)rn cost and charges shall f. arnish the noc©s3ary appliances., iiriplenients, too i s, molds,, ways and moans, and all necessary conveniences for tho transfer of the material to its proper placo in the work, and Said City sha.11 not be held responsible for tho car•o or protections of any materiel or parts of the work, except a3 in the specifications or special provisions oxpr. essly provided 5o 114T.ME'RLTATI024 OF PLANS: Should it appca_r that the -mzork herein contcnplated, or any of the matbers relat .ve thcretc.), are not suff°.ciently detailed or explained in said sp:rcificatlans or special provisions, the Contractor shall apply to the City Engineer for such furuhrur explanations as may be necessary- and shall confoxy-in to t tie sr�r�o fps rt of this contract., so far as may be cons3 3tent wit' i the orii*fn^1 nnocif ications, and special provisionse 00 PP O P rSS OF K: The work is to be commenced A th in boa (10) days after approval of the contract as to form, t:y the City A uutorr�ey 20 of said Oity and i3 ':o be diligently prosecuted to completion in such order and zi,,-anner of m ogress as tho City J�ngin9er may from time to time preseribe4 7, CHARACT� OF Ti, WORIVA1,21: If an<p porsort employed by the Contractor shall appear i;o the City Engin.oer to be Incompetent or to act in a disorderly or imjwoper manner, he dvall be dis charged immediately on the roquisition of said City Engi eer, and such peruon seall not again be emplwjod on the work u 8o COUPERATION UP COAMI AC' R p V-)henever the Contractor is not present on any part of the work vihero it may bo desired to giva diz-ection, orders will bo given by the City Enginener and shell be recei recl and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman who may have charge of the particular -m ,k in reference to which the orders are riven. go 3ATI-TI U PTCY OP I:MOL L CY OF CONTRACTOR: If the Contractor should b^ r.djudged bttn3crupt,, or if It should make a general assign- ment for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver should be appoip_t. ed on account of his insolvencyt or if Contractor should persistently or repeatedly refu�lo, ccr should fa 1. oxcept in cases for which ex- tension of time is provided, to supply enough properly skilled Tnork-r men or proper niatorials, or if he shoi.,1d fail to make prompt payment for material, or labor, or persistently disrerm-ld 'iavrs, ordinances or the instructions of the City, or otherwise be Guilty of a substantial violation of any ITovision of the contract, then the City upon the certificato of the City L'nuineer of the City of Huntington Beach that sufficient cause exIsts to ;justify such action, may without prejudice to any other right or rcrncdyA and niter giving t"ht-, Contractor fifteen (15) days ra-itten notice, terminate the ©niployeina;zt of Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools, and appliances -thereon, dad finish tho vmri: by vi�iato,rrr method it may deem, expodienta in such cane the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any nirther payment until the work is �'L!-:ished. If the unpaid bale -nee of the contract }r lee slheal exceed the e.."ense of fins shine the work, including compensation for additional managerial and adrnin:strativo :irk or serrTrices, such excess shall bQ paid to the Contractrr a i;' such c tpense shall exceed such unpaid ba?anco, the Contractor shall pay -.the difference to tho City. The expense inured 30 by the C_.ty a3 heroin providod, and tho donage :uncurl ed tlwrough the Contractor s defavilt, shall be certified by t�!e Cite Engine,w of tho C tT of Huntington Beacha 10a Ij.'..S TO ODS 11VL'D: (a) Tno Contractor shall keep him- self full-y in-rormed of all existing and futuro State: and Fedc7ral la -as and municipal ordinances and regulations in any manner riff eetw ing those angagod or employed in tho work, or the materials us©d in the work, or in any way affecting the conduct of the work,, ^nd al? Such orders and doereas of bodies or tribunnls liavir_g s'ny juris- diction or author ?.ty aver tho samoo if any d'i screpsr_cy or inn __M sieteney is discoverod in the plans, drawings, specifications or apeci.al rrovisions, or contract for this work in .relation to any such 1.aw:,, ordinances, refrulation, order or decrao, he shall forth� rri.th repart tho same to the City in. writirga He shall at all ti mcs himself observe and comply i7ith, and shall cause all his agents and erTloyees to observe and comply with rill such existing and fniture lams, ordinances, regulations, orders and decrees, and shall P' otect and i.nde-jimify the said City, the City Counci.Z azd City Enj3i.neery and its and their officers, agonts and servants against any claim or liability arisi.nL; ftlom crr based an the violation of any such law., ordinance, regulation; order or decree rib -other ►_other by itself or its employ oes {b) The Contractor shall, befn_• a entering on the pet-f'ormance of tho work herein providod, f'Urnish a bond in the sum of fifty (50) per cant of the contract price, as required by the terms of Sections 4200-4205 of the Government Coda of the State of California* (c) In tho employment of labor the Contractor shall give prefwence, other things being oqual, to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and msrines, and resident laboror3, but in such connection there shall be no other preference or discrimination among citizens of the Uni tcd States ll a �;".�: I , LOYiT OF ALIEUS : Pursuant to the p., ovis ions of the Labor Code os ;:he Stato of California., no person, firm, ps>rtnership, association or cor-poration., or agent thweof, doirig any work as a contractor or su.D^contractor upon any public work being done for or under the authority of this State, or any officer or department the -re - of, or for or under the author 5. ty of my e ounty, city and county_, 40 city;, torn, bownship, district or any other political- subdivision thereof, or tiny officer or d spar tment th er eof shs11 knntvinly employ or cause or allow to be employed thereon a_Zy alien .. moaning thereby. any person no; born or fully naturalized citizen of the United Statos - o:..cept in casos of ext-,-aordinary emergency ca.u3ed by- -1 ire,, flood or dan-ar to lira or propcwty, or Dxcept to vrork upon public military or naval dof cn oes or m r1cs 'in time of rrr-r; prcvl.dcd, however, that within thirty, (30) da73 aster any alien 1.2 permifi tod to riork theroon due to extraordinary emeorgency, tho Con- tractor doing the Worl or his authorized ar-ont shs.71 file rn th the officer or public body awarding bhe contract a report, verified by his oath, setting forth the nat xre of the said emergency and con- taining the name of the said alien and each dat o he vra3 permitted to uorl{_, and failuro to file said report within said time shall be prima facie evidence that no such extraordinary emergency existed. Such Contractor and each sub•-contractcr s'h.all, al m keep, or cause to be kert, an accurate r ©crn°d showing; the name and cit_► zarship of all vrorker3 onl.plcycid by him, In connection vAt.'- tho said public rrorlc, :which record shall be opon at all rossonDble hours to the inspa cti on of the off icor or public ar,ardinG the contract, his or its deputies and agents and to the Chief of the Division of Labm, Statiatics and Law Enforcement, his deputios and aGenta., it is further understood and agrood that for each violation of the above stipulation; said Contractor shall f orfeit to 11ths Gity as a penalty, the sun of Ton ;; ltlzUU Doi. ars for oath day or portion thereof' du:?:LnP rh i.ch each such alien is knowingly employed in the execution of th{8 ae;r©omont,, by said Contractor or by any sub. contractor tinder him, in violation of this stipulation and the pro. nisi ores of the Labor Code of thr) State of` Californlao 12o Thgt in the performance of this ag reament, p?i.ces, fitness and quality bei; equals the Contracbor agroa3 that he will use suppli cs and materials. r-rrnrn9 manufacturod and produced in the Ste �-Ja of Calif'o-^nin and that sub.j get to Lh �. above provision ho agrees in the nor. forman. ce of the -..nrlc corteMolated herounder to use only such omianufacturod t,aateri a- is as have boon p' oducod in the united Suates.- and only such manufacturod natorials as have been manufacture in t;he United atates., sub3 �ar_tially all i`rom pia i cr +.als produced in the United States a 5� 13, PJ£Lw C C C.1VEL1YI M CE AIM SA._►"+ :TT: 11 (a) `. he Contractor—jims-t arrange to ,;ake care of the existi.ne tr. aff ic, so as to nconveni mete the general public as little as possible,, 11e1sidt-;nts along the road m u::t be pr► ov4.ded for as fea, as pi-acticable. Temporary approaches to cror.,si.ne.,r or Ystins hid- y� ys must be pravridod and kopt In good conditl'.3 a rlhero r'gvired by tho '',i ty ►.n�y.nesr,, (b) Me Contractw sh%-_1 n• ov-ido and ;:iaintair_ such Fences bors.. sirens;, rLaliC;ats &.-re3 via tchmon and othor• means n P. may ba nor.'*ossnr?; to of•evcnt accidents to tbo public. It. shall be necessary tar:.t the plao. at tl1�s points dosignati d by the C 41,; Engi eer wicn warninG .:i.n2 as may bQ cats[=atad by ti.c said Ci,y r�nginecr, and he shall Iwo ide ti h to 'Lights as may be necessa:-°y Z' yr "MunL.nati.ng the 2ai d q ions v E c j the Contractor shall care for public traffic, as re•. !q'i ir-ed and directed by the City Ergineor� � Datoure used by the Con-- tractor elwclusi;ro: y '_'cr hauiling matorial:s and equipment :hall be cor st-Puc t,ed and me.Inta lned by him at hi.a expense., IIrI Q n, 7SURVA ION ON YROPMfM `i'he Contrac tc� shill., at his ovn expense, prIc.-a ►ve and Tzo -ect from injury the roadside trees by cryVor•ir_�J tho ±.ruriks with bur lan or dri ro Ztalcea aeound them %,.rhon r ecru it cd by tie City �7g �.neer A 15 a YIESPOI-MBILITY FOR DAi;►AGL;: The City of Iffim-tington Beach, the City Council, and the City Engineer rill not in any manner be sn3r�erab"_a or accountable for any loss or damage that shall or may hanpon to the sold u-crrok or any part thorw V:, or for azxy of the materials cr a then th Zngs us ace or empl oy od in ":_dui :;hit; ;and c t�;np? ©t ing the work; O, l or the l.nju.:-ur to .—my person ur parsol=_s, either-morlmi en rwr the public., for damago3 to adj oL ing proporty frn-t any cause which migrt have boen. -a evantod by the Contractor or his nor uien, cr by any one ©mployec? by hi;;i, agn inst all --% i' �:idh in juries or damages to peraors and p1=oper-ty t,h) Con -tractor insist p_roparly gf-u-ard and must make good all dvmages from any cause whatever, being strictly repons-i"Ole for any damage to any pat ; on or proper'fy row-11ting from defects or obstruc:tionc,, or Prom any cau"so r*ia ,00vcr, dtroi.ng the progtreas of �he !Nark oL. at, a .y timo before th,.c completion and Final acceptance thEwcoi' ,.Yid that se �.d Contractor will indemnify wid :cavo harmlons the said Gi.ty, trio {amity Council and the City Lrr,iner f oom all suits or actions os' every name and description brought for or on account 64 • of any injuries or damages s ecoived or sueta fined by any pep son or persons, by or from said Contractor, its servants or agents, in the construction of said work, ar by cr in consequonce of any negligence in guarding the same, in improper Materials used in its construction, or by or on account of any act or ommission of the said Contractor or his agents, and the said Contractor further .ag4,efls at all tfmos to earr7 public liability, property datgage, fire, earthquake and r7ork- m_nf s compensation insurance satisfactory to the City Engineer, cov- twin; all r,orlr being dono -under this contract, and for any doss to the Contractor by Any cause. The City of Hu:�t ington Beach, the City Coil c l Rnd tho City FnS.ineer wi..li not under any circumstances be answerable or accountable. The Contractor shall furnish to the City of ?untl" PSton Death certificate and ovidance of all such compliance both before said work is began and during its performance. 10 s LINES AND GRADES: The Contractor is to furnish, free of charge, all labor necessary fcv- marking an-nd maintaining points and lines given by the City Engineer and is to gi-;a the City Engineer. such facilities and labor for giving said lines and po:Uits as he may requirre, which said marks must be carefully preserved. 17 V ' r;-STS of MATERIALS: All tests of materials furniEhed by the Contractcr shall bo mask by the City Engineer in Accordance with such methods as he may from time to t ima adopt 18 * QUALITY OF F.ATIMALS : All materials used in the work shall meat the requiremerts of said specificatwonsy and no materials shall be used until it- has tho approval, of the City Engineer o Samples will be secured and tested 7jhen necessmsy to determine the quality of materialso Labocoatory tests Trill be made as promptly as possible so as not to inconvenience the Con't'rac -oro lq, STMAGE OF MTLERDLL3: Materials ©hall be stared so as to instse the preservation of their quality and fitness fcr the vi-orka Such stored materials shall be located;. so as to facilitate prompt inspection, 20o WIPE ''ION: The City Fmgineer and his authorized assisstants I.shal? at all tunes have access to the work during its construction and shall be fivnished with every reasonable facility for ascertaining that tho Stock and materials used and amploy3d,, and the workmanship,; are in accordance with the requirements and intentions of this contract-C. 7G • 0 All. •,Aork done and all materials furnished shall be subject Use the inspection and approval of the City Engineer,* 21 a DhVECTIVE MATLRIALS ATID �IORK: (a) The inspection of the work shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his ob14..gatlone to fulfill his contract as herein prescribed, and defective work shall be ma -do good, and all unsuitable materials may be ra j ected, notwith- standing that such defective stark and materials have boon previously overlooked by the City .Engineer and accepted or estimatcd for pay- mentso (b) I:e the viork or any part tharoof shall be found do - festive at any tit -no before final acc'eptance of tho whole work, the Contractor shall forthwILth make good such defect in a manner Sntis. factory to the City rnginearo (a) The Contractor shallr after receiving written notice from the City Engineer to that Effect, proceed to remove to a satis- factory dictanco from 4?ze work all. mi aterials condemned by the sal City •'nginoer, whother worked or unworked, and remove all portions of the work which tine sue. d City Engineer shall. condar�r_ as un� und, improper., or as in ar*r %7ay failing to conform to the sped. ications and shall cover, protect and exercise due diligence to see7ire the work from in3ury a All damage happening to the sane shall be made 7,oad by the Contractor o 22d CLFA2TiNG UP: (a) After the completion of said cork the Contractor shall r omove all temporary structures built b7, it and all surplus material.a of all klads z-rom the situ of the work and leave the whole clean and presentable* (b) If ordered by the City EnCineer, the brush: And other combustible debris shall bo piled In the center of the roaftay or other clo ar ink; and burnod, 23 a TILL OF COMPLETION AIND LlQUIDATIE'D DA144GES : (al it is agreed that in the event all work called for under said contracr in all parts and requirements is not coniple - ed before the ey pira t ion of Thirty Days ( Sundays and holidays oxcl usive) from the date of execution of this contras'- as approved by the City Attorney of said City of Huntington_ Beach, damage i7ill bo sustained by the said City, and that it is and will be difficult to ascert-sin and determine the actual damage ifnich said City will sustain In the a7ent M of and byj reasc)n of such delay; and it is therefore agreed t lfat said Contractor rrill pay the said City the sum of FIM ------------ Dollars per day for each and every day s s delay b 3yond. the Dime herein pr es. cribed In finiwhinG the said worko Li case said liquidated dnmaGes are not paid by said Contractora said City Council may deduct the amount therefor from any money due or that may become due said Contractor under this contract o (b) It is further agr eod that in case vih ole work callod for under this Contract is not finished and completed in rA11 parts and requirements within the time heroinbof ore specff isd, oaid City Council shall have the right to extend the tine for completion. if it shall seem rest to serve the interest of the City, r.nd should said C T ty C oun cis, decide to extend the tire limit for c: omple t ion of this contracts it shall further have the right to charge to the Contractor, its heirs, assigns,or sureties, and deduct. £ror.ri the final payment for the wark-9 all or any parts as it shall dears proper., of the actual cost of engineering, insp ec bi on, super int: endence and incidental overhead expensex which are directly chargeable to such extension and which accrue during the period of such e;_tensiona 2ke A11MOLmENT or. CONTRACT: rlhenever, in the opinion of the City Council,, the said work is neglected by the said Contractor or the 3arae is not prosecuted with the diligence and force sped"ie►d, meant and intenoad in any manner by the terms of this contract, it shall be lawful for paid City Council to make a requisition upon said Contractor for such additional specific force or such addit� tonal material to be brought into the work under this contract, or to r omovo improper mat err ial from the tr ounds a s a in the judgment of said City Council, this contract and its due and a- ithful fulfilment may reaquire, Due notice of such action shall be servec_ upon said Contractor or his agent, in vtri ting, not -leas than five (5) days prior thereto, and if said Contractor fails to comply with such rea. uisition within said five (5) days, it shall bo 'Lawful for Said City Council to employ upon % ch ,o rk the additional force, or supply the materials a3 specifically required, as Eforesaida The amount of suca additional force or materials shall be charged against the Contractor and be deducted front his next or sub3cqur<nt estimate and paynent, or the same or any part thereof not so deducted may bo rec;ovarad from Said Contractor vor or its sureties a "'oreover, if swid Contractor falls to comply ti th such requisi- tion rithin f3j.ve (5 ) days the said City Ccui_cil mw dr clare this contract tcrminated, and may 4.tself proceed to complete the work herein specified, or may ongage any other person or persons to do the same, Upon completion of such work the tbrou.gh its proper officer or officars., zhall cause a stat ment to be madE• of the ex- penses properly incurred consequent and incidental to i1he default of said cCcntractor, as aforesaid, and in completing t're :cork itsuif or by any other person or p s ons n Should the arroun t of such state. went be less than the amount. which Mould have been due to the Con- tractor upon the completion of the work by it, the dif f axl enCG ahall be paid by the City to the said Contractor, Should. the amount of such statement exceed the amount due the Contractor tipan the eomple- tion of the r,-ork by its: the difference shall be paid b--r the Con.- is actor to said City* 25o FA' MMIT AND � rCMID OF 'MATIQlAz, AND LABOR BILLS : (a The Contractor �3.31 pair all bills --row labor, machine hLro, :materials and supplies contracted for by him on account of the work h:-�rein contem- platod when the same become due and payable., and ho will furnish to said City Couneil on or boforo the fifth (5th) day of each month a sworn statement of all ur_naid indebtedness contracted for an account of said rn -k and of all cla? ms oif I-' ivate corporations r)r ind.-IvIduals for damage+ of any kind caused by the construction of said work, . to. gether with the dates of such bills and the namas and acidresses of such aveditors, (b) The City C6uncil, at its option And at as y tl.me, by .7ritten notice to tho Contractor upon the failure of Contractor to furnish such statement, or upon proof that contracted indebtedness _;_s not bo inm met when d.uo$ may declaro this contract terminated and mar itself proceed to complete the irk her©in speel.fiec, or may en. gage anyother person or persons to do the 3amo o c) Said City Council may,. at', its option and at any time, retain out of any amount due said Contractor suns sufficlent to cover any such unpaid claims, provided that sworn statements o.r said claims shall have been Mod in the office of the Oity Clark, and may pay out, of such amounts so retained any such. unpaid *nlalmsb The City Council 100 may also, with the :vrri -t©n consent of the Contractor, use any moneys in the possession of ther City of Huntington Beach bol.onging to the Contractor for the purpose of paying for boys labor and materials for the work herein contemplated* 26, PARTIAL PAY -MOM: This contract shall rirovide than the City Council shall, once in oath month, crtuso an eNs -imate in writing to be made by the City Englnoar of the total amount of rfork done to the time of such estirnC- , and the value theroof Q Said City shall retain ten (10) pe" cent of such es":imatnd val.0 of the rrorlL as part security for the fulfillment of thils contract by the Contractor and shall monthly at a regular mor.4- '.'U1nG of the Cite County: pay to the Contractor, while carrying on the iwrk, the balance r1ot retained, as aforesai.d. after deducting therefrom all previous paymants and all shims to be tcopt or r etfai.ned under #:he Ir ov i.siono of thi.3 contract. No such a s t Amate or payment shall be r equip ed to bC. mado l hen. in the ;judgment of the City Engineer, tho work 1:9 no► procood-i-ang in accord -- ante with the pvo i3ions cf this contract or whon- in his judgment the total value of the work done since the last e 7 t imat e an, punts to lass Char_ `throe Hundred (.�-300n00) Oollcrso The Cit7 Council, if it deems it =pediont so to do, may cause ostimal es to be made mare fr oquently than once in each month; and it may cause payments to be made more frequently to the Contractor o 27 o FINAL IAL PA LU i�1 m (a ) '11io City E.npineer shall, as soon as pract i.cablo after the completion of this contract., mare P final estimate of the amount of mark done thercima' - and the val.uo thereof, and the said City of H-u.-itington Beach shall at such time,, .-d chin. thirty --five (35 ) drays f;,om end after ;rho date of said estimate, as the City Council may el..-)ct, pay the rnt:ire .Qum so S'ou��d to be due here -under, of her deducting therefrom all Ix evious paynionts and all amounts to be :kept and alb_ amounts to be rctoinod u-nder 'he rr ovi;ions of this contract. All ;rior partial est-Imates and payments shall bo sub ect �,o corrections :'.n the final estimate and pa;Tmento (b) it is hereby spv^ifi.ed that no ceri;l:'i.CAtc 1ITTun or payment ;ndo under this contract, e..copt the f:i.na]. :Er-otifica to oy final. pMen�:, shall be conc?Ls?�Ic ejr:�.dence of tllc pfcrmanre of this contract^ cil;:,er oily or ; n ,).r t., srainst �;a��t cIaim of the said City Of 111111nbinfton. Beach, and then not until the lapse of thirty 11. �_ I El five (35) days after acceptance of the ;rforzk by the =amity Cou_noil3 end no payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any de- fective work or impw opm' mater*iale (c) The said Contractor hereby furthei- agrees that the payment of the final amount due under this contract and the ad- justment and payment of tho bills ronderod for any cork done in accordance with any a.l-e ation of tie oamo, shall release the City of Hunt in ;ton Beach, the said City Council and the City Engineer fron. any and all claims or liability on account of 'vo rk performed under this contract,, or any alterations thercofa 28, M0.e---.qLT?' FIGHT Ili MATT -TRIALS; It Is further agreed that nothing Ln this contract shall be construed as vesting ir. the Con. tractor any right of prop(wty in the materials used after they have been attached or affixed to the wor-k or affixed to the soil, and all such materials shall, apon being so attached or affixed become the property of the said City of Iunting -on Boacho eg o� SOLI ABILIfY.: it its further provided that no met-abor of the said City Council or the City or any other officer or authorized assistant of Said C ty Enginoer, or any other official of Said City., shall be per oona.11y responsible for a.ny liability- arisi:C. under this contract., 30o PAI=L I1'.2IP ORmAlICE BOTID; Me Contra ctor shall fLmnish a com. non larr bond for tho faithful por. formance of this contract in the sum equal to per cent of the con 4)mac t price, 31a COiI`itRACT PRICE: The toti,-:t. amow-.t of the contract Ir ice and the bid her. e-s nbefore referred to iz; the sum of (%43140) Dollars o 32 c PREVAILING 17AGE SCAM: In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the City Council of tho City of Huntingt:,on B each, California, bas azeertained the general prevailing rate of T.-,rages applicable to the work covered by this coat-ra.ct as more particularly set forth in a resolution oC the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, a certified core of vn? ch resolution in hereto attached and made a -art hereof and dosignated as R ::solution nlo4104 ant it1ed: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENR$iL PREVAIIJNG HOURLY WAGM FOR EACH CRLK OR TYPE OF WORKAB OR MECHANIC JJEEDED FOR TBE CONSTRUCTION AND IHSTAI TIOH OF SANITARY BERM ON QUINCY STREET BETWM LAKE AVEgM AND ALABA MA AYEM 9 ON ALABAMA AGUE 3MMM QUiNCY STREET AND TiTICA STREET,, AND C11 SPRING -FIELD STREW`: BETWEEN ALAIRAMi AVENUE AND DEUWARE 11VEM, IN THE CIn op HWTINGTOI[ PEACH, CALIFORNIA. 12 • 33 4 1,14" 'i T NIT) TO LU GHT (d) ROTURS .0 : That the of scxvice of any person employed by the Contractor shall bo limited arid restricted to eight (8) hours during any calendar dais,, except in cases of extraorrdinar7 emergency,. causod by fira3 floodo or dextger -to life or property and Contractor or arg7' sub -Contractor shay beep an accurate record showing tho r_utiber of actual hours t. rlked bar teach work ;taAn employed by him in connection w, th the work henre contemplated, Said record shall be lcopt opon at all roason- able hours to inspection by th© C .ty and by the Division of Lnor ia7 jnforcement, That: the Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City. ton (10) dollars for each wowrkman employed in till ox-ecution of the Contract by the Cor:tractor or by any nub -contractor for each calendar day during ah { ch any workrrar. is required or permitted to 1 ab or more than of gh.t. hours o 31Lo That the Contractor ahall not assign this Agreement with.. out the consent of the Cit%y, in izoi t ixg;s f .rat had and obtai nedo 35. BID PRIM: The said Contractor further agrees to receive and Accept the f ollozn ng prices as Ivll compensation for furnishing All :^aterials and far doing all the work contempla :ed and ambraced in this agreement; also for a'.l loss or damage, arising out of L.he netvre of the work aforesaid, or from the action of the aloments, or from any mforsseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach.. and for all risks of ,.vary description connected with the :pork; also for all exponses incurred by or in consequence of ':hs suspension or discontinnalnee of work and for rn3ll and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof. in the manner and aecordirig to the plans and specif eat ions,, and the requirements of the City engineers under them,, to v:it: 13Q 7 Itesrt met® i;•8.th Unit Price rZtt in'�F�e 1 3:=2 Lin.Poe; of Twelwe (12 j inch 'Vitrified Clay Firs at YM DOLLARS AND SEV Ty FIVE CEIF93 per foot. 2 2401 Lin. Fact,` of Eight (3) inch Vitrified Clay Fij;a at TO DOLLARS .AND FIF T CENTS F ar 'rocta 4 3 1 Drop Manhole at TWO H=RED AND FnT`f DOLLARS 9ach e 4 Standard Manholes at TWO HOF�'.M AM s 1 TEN DOUARS each. Unit price '.hots. 35.75 UA3940 2.5� 69202,50 250*00 210.00 250.00 IN 1=iESS `7tt ;�Ci', the City of Huntington Beach has caused its name and seal to be hereunto, annexed b7 its Mayor and City Clerk, thereto duly authorized, and the Contractor has set his hand hereto., the day and veer in this Agreement first above rxitteno ATTEST: A P PR 4V KM ;S TO 77t1R Td: 505 �� v CITY OF HUIgTINGTON BEACH a '►unicinal CorpGration, Bj.L r or CITY PROPOSAL TO TIIL CIiY OF IMNITI111GTON MACH FOR `HIS MISTRUCTION MM MSTALIATION OF SVrITTMM SE:jEF..S Oil! QUI G— ST.gE IT BET.,4FI ,N UM-. 1,.7FAUF ll.:L1 LADAW' f-S" •IUE, ON t1MM1.1 Atii;ilJF T�,�af: GNU?ilCy STHt�ET AM U3.'ICA STI{Fi:.'�.1 i�:JI1 Uij SI'R3.IIOI�? I A1,1113A A ATFIFUE IdID UUh,;A:IE 1171EIN E U1 TIE CITY OF HUNITi1:S_ON BEACH, CALIFOIu•IIA . To the Flom., e Layor and City Counc il, City of Uunt%wton I mcfh, CaL.iors.. car�nl nco with i lie an:zex��d n. -Apice irw:!:bing :=a, lec; proposals, I he•: ob- pro- poss and aCrco to en%•.er into a contract to p3rforn. v}}o vork herein desc::-,.b!:A7 and to Turn -I h the materials them -Porn, according to tho D2Z=, special provisions and specifications for t-he --aid %ao.--k and to the m ti sfart:.on of and under the sup=vision of tine City Engi nee.r of the mid City of I"riting,on. Bmch. For tips fumi.sId-Aig o ' all ic:ao:-,, . lnri als, an -3quipn:iTT*,, artd co -.,Ill i nc ax3�>�xatp-:? vi oork mn,c iaJtiF x.7 ��'teo aZxew all comaleto in plaid. in ctric;; zotf or`•i v,; '�i.Lti: 'Gi1.G S'IJ{-_C'_%& alxl the 0, vy C ' ty of ;' n:.-i.,.gton Bww'4�,, P( rOpCl..t 1 i L f- y :1}2�1 7w�J�1.-"a0-..1' f�yJ):l•:.c .'o ' tr �'hs O!. G:. ��'1,, �i.;.t► wr•r. � �r.r..s+...r...+�r.++r.w.w...r...-.�.�r..�.....-ww. ..r... .�.r .....ti �.... hppro�a� »t :rr. ' '' Ttomo ':i_th Unit t Price �:r t v:3i7�.i� ► iC�r:i � rlIi:� .sir i'J�'i�':'j Quart t-Y PrLCC t - 372 Feo -A of 11%:ol.vo (:12) in::h :fAz L iod C'izy P ipo at I' MVP. D0LIAna AM) SM"MITTY-I'M CERa- plc .1 CC)tsj .75 ; 2 1'j4. 00 .4.,..r.. .._.............�.,.�.,..r.�r...�....,....may_.-.......�_«..,..........,. � e 2 216' Lin. Feet of '2..';- ! "- (9) 3.rxh Vit;:-L'ied Clay Pi.Fo at WO DOI►IARS AND FI"Y C%NTS per foot. � ,5p 61202. r0 3 ? Drop i b nh03.0 a .; TWO BMIDRED AND FD Y DOUARS each. 250.00 ?50.00 S andaxd T.arholss at TWO MTDRM AN7z �M ..� �....... .r............ TOTAI1 $9,431.50 1 if a-,,arded. the con w.." J. Q; Uho under'grnad pie nor agmea to sign sztid contract, and furnish the necessary bonds A -thin ten (30) dayo of the a.-vard of said contract, and to boCin work -within ten (20) days from the date of approval of the contract. by the City Htxr. tirl- tor_ Beach, California. The uaorsigied has exami.rrd the location of the proposed .;orb and is familiar wits; t1ho. plans, spec.-ial provisions and sr ci='i.catione and 11.10 local Condition.: at the pla.co vhcrr work is to ba done. ticcawparging this proposal (110tice : rr;sfi T orris "cash "cashier's Tidder' s Bond in ;mount ecit al to at leas L ton ahoc?c,'t 'tce:_"u;ifi_©d chac��t', or '"bidders bona*-', as tt:a case may be. ) pe rccn�, of thi bid Licensed in accordance with an act providing fc-r the ragistraL'-Ion of Contra:. vors, L:icenss fla, I031�5 Site t urz o-,' Bidder �u:tin use 4721 E. Florence Ave, , Re C9?.i� . _. ___... -PL'ico rtj R-.,`,-' donca Sama d ir da.,, of 1-hr -h 1958 N S LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND', CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC WORK`�` SAINT PAUr,, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, Mrr.; NESC)T_A BOND No. PREMIUM AS PRINCIPAL, AND ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY, A CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MiNNE30TA AND DULY AUTHORIZED TO TRANSACT A SURETY BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SURETY, ARE HELD ANn FIRMLY BOUND UNTO OFSi Jr;`__.+;stet ?.'�:��H As OBLIGEE, G ... .,. _� 0 EE, I N THE SUM oF:::.-,;„=��HGU.-C �;U�S:�i,`L �� t�. � _jkjJ -itZD F :Ir Ti; i +ID 755100'�--�'� DOLLARS, t$�71�.7; FOR THE PAYMENT WHEREOF WELL AND TRULY TO BF MADE? SAID PRINCIPAL AND SURETY BINDS THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS) JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, FIRMLY BY THESE PRESENTS. THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION 1S SUCH THAT, WHEREAS, THE ABOVE BOUNDEN PRINCIPAL HAS ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT DATED WITH THE SAID OBLIGEE TO DO AND PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK) TO -WIT: GOnSvt'i�CT.?��*l L.S. ': L.zi.3L3!1.ation of Sar.J.Lax�,, setiers Oft Quincy SLZeelu- between Lake i��tL'nue and i't? a laa Lv er,:xe, on xl-ahama betwe.;n i0)_Tncy Stre and Utica Str :et, and on SDr4.nr;- fleld rilrt )ama Avoil»c and Delaware Avenue. AS WILL MORE FULLY APPEAR FROM SAID CONTRACT, REFERENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE. NOW, THEREFORE, IF THE SAID PRINCIPAL OR HIS SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL FAIL TO PAY FOR ANY MATERIALS, PROVISIONS, PROVENDER OR OTHER SUPPLIES, OR TEAMS, USED IN, UPON, FOR OR ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK CONTRACTED TO BE DONE, OR FOR ANY WORK OR LABOR THEREOF OF ANY KIND, OR FOR AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THE UNEMPLOYt4EIJT INSURANCE ACT WITH RESPECT TO SUCH WORK OR LABOR AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 3 OF DIVISION 5, TITLE 1 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF YHE STATE OF CALIFORNIA: AND PROVIDED THAT THE CLAIMANT SHALL HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SAID CODE, THE SURETY WILL PAY FOR THE SAME, IN AN AMOUNT NOT EXCEEDING THE SUM SPECIFIED IN THIS BOND AND ALSO IN CASE SUIT ;S BROUGHT ON THE BONG. A REASONABLE A7TORNEY1S FEE TO BE FIXED BY THE COURT, THEN THIS OBLIGATION SHALL BE VOID, OTHERWISE TO REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. THIS BOND SHALL INURE TO THE BENEFIT OF ANY AND ALL PERSONS ENTITLED TO FILE CLAIMS UNDER SECTION 1192.1 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gen. 1in M 643 Acknowledgment of Surety STATF. OF CAM r'OZUJ IA ss. COUNTY OF L�7;: `-'L` ='L 'S _ On this $I day of � 14--5. persawZy appeared before me JOE � . $R iC who being duly sworn did depose and say that he is the attorney -in -fact of the Anchor Casualty Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the seal affixed to the attached instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and the said JOE I4• iROCK acknowledged that he executed said LV"ge,@uch attorney -in -fact and as the free act and deed of said Corporation. Notary Public in and for the Cr"� '/ of Los Angeles, State of rnmf'tliSSit3n 011Bs ()ciobar i, , LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND CALIFORNIA - PUBLIC WORK Jul SAINT PAUL`. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, L. t. MINTi SOTA BOND NO. PREMIUM end #V,,lj_65 Th•• Fr�mi�•n Cis: �• r} for 3I, Low 'kT."X T ►�4111 J AS PRINCIPAL, AND ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY, A CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA AND DULY AUTHORIZED TO TRANSACT A SURETY BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) AS SURETY, ARE HELD AND FIRMLY BOUND UNTO AS OBL I GEE. IN THE SUM OF: i : ?:'� t ', .' ,'� ,.. r �,z...,.. ,Y r' r_•�,v; f'Jt.:: litJU.Si.ill) a:, .1+J14DltZD i lc'.-*i ID 7> 10U .' DOLLARS, !T571,;,j,; FOR THE PAYMENT WHEREOF WELL AND TRULY TO BE MADE, SAID PRINCIPAL .•.110 SURETY BINDS THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMII•IISTRATORS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, FIRMLY BY THESE PRESENTS. THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT, WEREAS, THE ABOVE BOUNDEN PRINCIPAL HAS ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT DATED WITH THE SAID OBLIGEE TO DO AND PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK, TO —WIT; ^.onsi.r-uc ,1i. n arid insLal?.ation U3' S12? i l,�,' JL�it _T':: on aluinc;y' Slkree iJ:?�Li�Pfl L�z�;�.3 tiV,�?111D and ii_.I ?�'�3. i� t:`r �'.i:.I�, on iil2Dam UF'�T�l:'.r?:1 '4�.?1"f_:7C; �L- yeti and fii.•1.Ca Str:: e i;� 1_'i[`� onSr.:I'�'1;;- eld St " 00 C:•1�aC ►�.. 'jLma nV ��?Z'"iC� arid _J^v" lc1V:1:." e ii vI ,,P.:]U . AS WILL MORE FULLY APPEAR FROM SAID CONTRACT, REFERENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE. NOW, THEREFORE, IF THE SAID PRINCIPAL OR HIS SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL FAIL TO PAY FOR ANY MATERIALS, PROVISIONS, PROVENDER OR OTHER SUPPLIES, OR TEAMS, USED IN, UPON, FOR OR ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK CONTRACTED TO BE DUNE, OR FOR ANY WORK OR LABOR THEREOF of ANY KIND, OR FOR AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT WITH RESPECT TO SUCH WORK OR LABOR AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 3 OF DIVISION 5, TITLE 1 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) AND PROVIDED THAT THE CLAIMANT SHALL HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SAID CODE, THE SURETY WILL PAY FOR THE SAME, IN AN AMOUNT NOT EXCEEDING THE SUM SPECIFIED IN THIS BOND AND ALSO IN CASE SUIT IS BROUGHT ON THE BOND, A REASONABLE RITORNEY'S FEE TO BE FIXED BY THE COURT) THEN THIS OBLIGATION SHALL BE VOID, OTHERWISE TO REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. THIS BOND SHALL INURE TO THE BENEFIT OF ANY AND ALL PERSONS ENTITLED TO FILE CLAIMS UNDER SECTION 1192.1 OF THE CODC OF CIVIL PROCEDURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SO AS TO GIVE A RIGHT OF ACTION TO THEM OR THEIR ASSIGNS, IN ANY SUIT BROUGHT UPON THIS BOND. SIGNED AND SEALED THIS 17th + WI TNESS ; lb DAY OF 1-41 rch LTY COMPA ,A.D., 19'•s RINCIPAL TTORNEY—IN—WACT Coat. 1603, Performance " T fy: 71 ��`4► Bond l�1U, 164"&arALF11-. "I; , ti qT TEA T, , T7;,% T SA m-r PAU�.� /�` �MIIY2`fE30TA A STOCK COMPANY Contract Bond �ttutu all glen by tboje Prtgents;jo That we, L. i. , is;t,,,tJl� t : ? (hereinafter called "Principal"), as Principal, and the ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF JAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, u Cor- i poration formed and existing under the lairs of Minnesota with its Office located in Saint Paul, Minn. (liercinzfter called r t ►w "Surety"), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto r. , ...... . ... ... .I........ . . .................................................................................................................................................... �, . (hereinafter called "Obligee"). in the penal sum (.If...r. •. "?r:r -. u,. J....G.L.J.:L .....i...�U?L i�. ...i. ?.�".1' Dollars (S..Zlx.7i ? .---..), good and lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be i C i made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrator.;, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this.... .. .2? �h .........day of .............?':3X..................................................................... , 1958........ NVIIEREAS. the above bounden Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the above named Obligee, dated the e ---day of I.reh . .................., 19.w.. c-cnst-ruction aTl ! of saI -lids Y sewers on uincy Street between 1,ake p Avenue Alabar-,a t,,-_nue, c n i�labariia Avenue i .. tY� _en .rui�.cy S,r ...: and Luca 3nA on St-lnje t Uctwe ri LlabaTma ii venue and Delaware I enue which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. r - NOW, 717-:EREFORE, the condition of the above obligation is such, That if the above bounden Principal shall well and truly i , ) li ep, do and perform, each and every, all and singular, the inatterc and thin;;n in said contract ret forth and specified to be by the said i'rincipai �_;a, clone and performed at the time and in the manner in said contract cpi:61fied, and shall pay over, make goon] and reim- i burse to the above named Obligee, all loss and damage: which said Obligee may sustain by reason_ of failure or default on the part of said Csa. 100--s?4 4-a Acknowledgment of Surety STATE OF AL- COUNTY OF i1�S iti�.i':uFS On this 27th _day of LALRCii 19 50 persona(-,- appeared b'-fore me J09a H. BF.OlCK who being duly sworn did depose and say that he is the attorney4n-fact of the Anchor Casualty Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the seal affrzed to the attached instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument was signed and scaled on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of D4zectors and the said - JOE acknowledged that he esecuted said in t t oath attorney -in -fact and as &.e free act and deed of said Corporatiozi. Notary Public in and for iho of Los Ar.rc!es .cafe of (" ley Cammis:icr. E:ri►as Cc. GL' ., ; rG l Coat. 1603. Performanco WTI i'rem. G. 3 S�rZr F.�v-z, �1�rrazY�sa�.. A STOCK COMPAI Y Contract Bond �.riow III Men�p tbea Proentot That we, (hereinafter called "Pr -)al"), as Principal, and the ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a Cor- poration formed anL dating under the laws of Minnesota with its Office located In Saint Paul, Minn. (hereinafter called "Surety"), as Surety, a- , held and finnly bound unto ............................ .................................................................................... (hereinafter called "Obligee"). in the penal sum of.UIvL:.'�:D..Z.:...'.4 i'•",i�..:i::il.. �7�lUG" Dollars ($.. .2 115� 75 _.•...), good and lawful money of the United States of ,unerica, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 'Cl SIGNED, sealed and dated this.. 2.7 th .........day of.............. = saxs.,a.........••................... ., I9j......... •-•.................................. WHEREAS, the above bounden Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the above named Obligee, dated the ............. 6.,th................day of March 195� ..... . i y •. r t r .} l t Streetbetween consitr�uctio 1 F.7?': 1TSSt� i.� i,iOT: �l Sa:11U�Y'I SCiI.r� �n :U .nc,j :,1;1' t a:E: nvt:illi� �.r:d 1 S;.f2.T12 ciV�'ll�'±� i3Z �1�.abama Avemie' bet'rle-en t;�.�1.C'c Street and Ut ca .�Z:r•.:�,�� n.,] o`'; ` �` r r.l ,y.- 'r ' iC,ama .venue and Del -t- re :venue n : r _rl, I. i e.r - t uet r= n Li . ,: ` which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the above obligation Is such, That if the above bounden Principal slizil well and truly i� keep, do and perform, each and every, all and singular, the matters and things in said contract set forth and specified �o be by the said +C Principal kept, done rnd performed at the time and in the manner in said contract specified, and shall pay over, make good and reim- ('' to the above named Obligee, PII loss and damage which said Obligee may sustain by reason of failure or default on the part of said Principal, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to be and remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED. however, this Bond is executed by the Surety, upon the express condition that no right of action shall accrue upon S or by reason hereof, to or fLr the use or beneF; of any one other than the Obligee named herein; and the obligation of the Surety is and t� shall be construed strictly as one of suretyship only. Countersignedat ........................... .............. _.................. ................... Onthe __... _...... -...... _....... day of.......... ............................., 19..-...... By... ................................ .... ....... ............. Itcaiar.... nt Agent. L. H. ffET113A .........,,..,................................ [SgALj ,.....................................(Sr.ALI Prindpal. ANCHOR CASUALTY COMPANY By.. ....................... .. ......... Joe H . Lro ck At `�ey=�n->?act. By..... ... .............. ..................................... ....... Attorney -in -Fact. CERTIFICATE v �•T:J,C �' FlR1:MAPJ'S FUND iNDA'J1TY COMPANY OF INSUgANCE ❑[SOME FIRE & MARINE INS. COMPANY [IFIREMAN'S FUND !NSURANCE COMPANY TO: ;� r ❑ NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION tl CITY OP MR.P3 30I'4 - BEACH !� r CE11 u o Huntington Beach, 958 �" April9: 1558 Calif ornia i�l AY This is to certify that the Company or Companies checked a hPl In force at date hereof the following polity or policies: s1 x, . NAME AND ADDRESS OF 1t4'�URED Or: EMPLOYER lVTlTOFW PERTY, DEScI:IPTION OF OPERATIONS. BUSINESS CONDUCTED Ali �.D. AMSO M05T i AS LARMCE (To' CALIFCiII.UA - All operLtions of the H. MESON DBA EMISOn SEWM IaEffi ICE r'1 13 f C ? L. in ;cared not otar;T: ri se excluded i the policy. H. MWSON & DOFF RMSON., AS 12MIVID13dS 4721 E. Florence Avenue • Bell, California KIND OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER I EXPIRATION LIMITS OF LIABILITY _ BURGLARY �^ S GLASS Replacement WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Statu r), { thousand dollars, each person. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY t thousand dollars, each accident BODILY INJURY LIABILITY Other Than Automobile' 25 thousand dollars, each person 50 thousand dollars, each accident Comprehmsive M-273377 5I16 f 54 50 thousand dollars, oroartgate products PROPERTY DAMAGE Licbility other than Automobile' 11 j t thousun; dollars, each accident T-jil thousand dollars, aggregate operations Ccml =ehensive J-7,i . thousand dollars, aggregate protective jj jj thousand dollars, aggregate products thousand do!tars, aggregate contractural AUTOMC?1L£: Bodily 'njury Liability ' tt it 25 thousand dollars, each person Cj thousand dollars, each accident_ - Property Damage, Liabiiity ` thousand dollars, each accident- _ —�— �T med is .i Paymer, s _ _ each person _ r _ _ Coraprthensive--Loss of or Damage. to the ! aton :+bile, Except by Collision or Upset Actual Cash Value Unless Otherwiw.Stated Herein but Irn:'uding Fire, Theft and Windstorm S Actual Cosh Ve;ua less Cotlisicrt or Upset _ $_ dectuetih;c Actual Cash Value Unless Otherwise Stated Herein Fire, L►;thtning and Transportation $ _ ,heft (Broad Form) - $_ ___ -Serial or tor Number Schedule Additional Automobiles on Year _ _ NameName V _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ~ body -Type M�M , Reverse Side. Special Conditions or Coverages *If Comprehensive, so stote. If not Comprehensive, for "other than Auto", list form such = OLT. ELEV., etc. In event of any material change in or cancellation of the policy or policies, the Company will make every effort to notify the addressee but undertakes no responsibility by reason of failure to do so. A& 120A 2.liEi 5 DEPENDABLE SERVICE .t 01 tSile---lsl�fLr.�..eLI�1.... v�. %..• Authorized Representative -I