HomeMy WebLinkAboutO.L. BOLTON - 1970-10-20I -`t- ORDED RETURN TO: ��3 This document is for the o£ficias y o'' Huntington Beach business of t} - -* ity .-if Huntington If ice cf the City f •. �i P-ac;, and. shot. �Ue recorded£xee 1 .,Box 190 of charge as proviied in Government Code Huntington Beach, Cai.if. 92648 Section 6103. BILL OF SALE 1, 0. L. BOLTON, of Huntington Beact:, in the County �f Orange, State of California, in consideratic,-i of THREE TIiOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,000.0C', tc., me paid by the City of Huntington Beach, the receip` cf which 's hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, sell, transfer and deliver unto the City of Huntington Beach, the following described personal property, as is: That certain buildIng located on the following described real property: Lots 23, 25 & 2,, in Block 317 of Hunti-aton Beach, Seventeenth Street Secti Orange County, California, as r - thereof recorded in Book" 4, Pa` Yisuellaneous Maps, Records of Isty. And I hereby er with the grantee that I am the lawful owner of sal- .rj.a1 property, that it is free from all encumbrances, u..-t I .,;eve good right to sell the same as aforesaid, an, will warrant- and defend the same against the iuw ffyu tr =.a and derrands of all persons. FMW�CORDCD�A'V REQUEST IN 9FPICIAL RECORDS CF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. :OS Ail NOV 2 IM I OL a,.,.,t,,,,.. . .'J 9449 P-3 09 _City of uati gton Beach P.Q. Box Ito �.w..e.. CAL17OR JIA 92340 BILL OF SALE CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the interest in the persona' property conveyed by the Bill of Sale dated October 20, 1970 from U. L. Bolton to the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City Council of the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH pursuant to the authority conferred by resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach a&,pte-4 on 3, 1968, and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH C J ' Q 4 x Brander D. Castle Assistant Administrator October 29, 197C ......., .....k. .....r.uu.:au..,,.� rr:a�: nn. i:....,,.-,_.: id •. � ML.U'k14B1!/IIIbiUI.'SW AM#W'yM1N••NpM� - .a.r:,....,.. i a rt4 v r t. i. _ n.-.Tr-t;. ..,..-c.,y..�pa K•*.s:- ^n ,'^.'m'r' " ... r R"v' wR•w :a �4fw?q.^r P-" •ss-,•,F,^... `:. ,,..--^.Y-. .-•-5',r• �..yn.,. ,. .T :;,'.w ,_. _..r.-., ,._.. .., 'n�'3'.. .. ....-.._,. _• FiYa°s.. �. au. i rc;m9'!+!1!`s.. ^`r;-"Lf3.X*.'a",'"•'A�'^. .. i d ++r p a ` IIIIII�' Jet- i August 29, 1972 " f 6 Mr. Kerrseth Hawkers Route 2 j Kuria, Idaho 8363� � Dear Mr. Ha.wkes; f We would aD reciate a copyof ynar lease arrangement with 14r. Bolton. if the responsibility i for taxpe la not ispelled out in said agreement, please relate by letter the arrangement you had with Mr Bolton, Air. Casty-, .Aasistant City Administrator, told me to assure you that this matter would be resolved shortly. Very truly yourm 1 DON P. $GNPA City Attorney h BY MICHAEL H. MILLER. Baputy City Attorney 1 ") 9P Z cc s Brander Castle � C 1� A 2q � 72 'r'Y OF MWIC." g3XI anti: I X. Aft CSTV Cw "OKTINOVON NUACH INTER -DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION HuNtINGTON UACH y. To Norm Worthy From Michael H. Miller Recreation & Parkb Director Deputy City Attorney GubjeCA Rawkes & Bolton Date August 29, 1972 qq There t, still some problem with regard to the tax situation on the so-called Bolton p,opej To �ielp us resolve this problem, Mr. Castle has suggested that you contact Mr. Boltofor a copy of his former lease with Mr. Hawkes and iQ�ward same to me. Your Immediate attention to this matter is appreciated. f 64 MICHAEL H. MILLER Deputy CIty Attorney 14HM b z r WHEN ftHCORDED RETURN TO: Cft� of Huntinyt�an Be �T--oofAhe' City C1 0 Huntington Beach, Calif. 92649 s This doclin:ens is for the official business ofe City of Huntrngto% l Beach dnd s, .ire be recorded free o u chars as ro-�ided in Government M'::� � h Section 6193. LEASE )F PERSONP_L PROPERTY 1. Lease. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, herein called Lessor, hereby leases to 0. L. Solton, of Huntsrg-iion Beach, County of Orange, Ca_ifornia, and engaged in the businegs of oil field management, herein called Lessee, and Lessee ,hereby hires from Lessor, the following descrihed person l property: The ..out-hwest on, sixth (1/6th) more or less, of the building located on the following des- cribed real property: Lots 23, 25 & 27 in Block 317 of Huntington Beach, Seventeenth Street Section, Orange County, California, as per map thereof reeox•ded in Book 4, Page .1.0 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said County. 2. erm. The torni of this Lease shall be month to month, coanmencing on November .1, 1970, and eoni;inuing until terminate,_ pursuant to law. 3. Rent. :in conside.,ation for the leasing of said property, Lessee agrees to pay to Lessoi as rent f-2 said property the sum of Tweaty-tb-ee Dollars ($23.00) per month, the first payment of whic't. Laid rent is payable on or before November 1, 1970, and each :subsequent payment of which is payable on or before tl:e first day of each month thereof, during the entire term of thi Lease. U. Use. Lessee shall use the property leased in P careful and proper manner, and shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations .relating to the possession, use or maintenance of the property. S<<id property shall be used only for the pur- pose of oil field. management and winding up. 5. Inspection by Lessor.. Lessor shall at all Dimes during Lessee's tusinass hours have the right to enter on the leased premises for the purpose of inspecting same. 6. Maintenance and Repair, Lessee shall maintain said .® I I i leased property with proper ,are, and keep sa,ie property in good repair and condition, so that said property sh:xll not be injured., ordinary wear and tear excepted. T . Loss and Damage . Lessee hereby rasa times all rt6k of loos and damage to the p^operty leased from any cause. :Jo ,.oss or damage to the property leased shall iiapair any obligation of Lessee under ;;nis Lease, which ahall. continue in full force and , F1 LA effect. 1, event of loss or dainage 'IL) the pioperty leased, Lessee, at the option o'L Lessor, shall: (a) Place tine same 'In gooci repair; or (b) Replace the same with like '1_n g,) o (-I repair, which prop�,.-rty shall thereupo-., become subject to this lease; oi (c) Pay Lessor therefor it uasl, the: stipulated loss value c:f $500, and upon such 1;ayrriea', t1-1!F, Leas,-_- shall tepminatt, R urn of Property. On terminatior of this 1,��ase, E_ Lessee shall return 6aid leased property to Lessor, and 3hLali quit pcsses.--io:i of came, in good repair, ordinary year and teai, re ulti-g from proper use thereof excepted. I n d e rr r e2seE. shall indemnifj LE SSOL, ag ainst , and hold Lessor harml-ess .'rom, a --.I claims, ac-tionis, r)-occeedings., damages, and liabilities, including attorneys' feeF,,, rom or ron,,ected with Lessee's rcasessior, use, an,d return rl-lereof. 10. Assignment or Subleases . Lease will not ass,,gr) this Lease or su,:)let said leased property unless the w­ltt�n c,�nsent of Lessor is first obtained thereto li. Loca_lIon of Property Leased. T essea shall not permit. the property leased to be removed frorri its prasE.-ft location. L2. Owners>ljp. The property leased is, and shall all times remain, i e sole property oz Les-,jr, an, Lessee 311-;al 1 I-,ave no rigii'�, tit. -..a, or interest therein except as set forth in this 1,r 13. P.ero-,--naj Property. The property leased is, and ,Jlall at all tines rema,_r., ­-�rsonal pioperty, notwit'nstanding that it Is embedded in u.i nermariently resting on real property. i4. Attcrn(z,sl Fees. In the event of any action fll,:tI T in rf ion. to Lease, Lessee, In adclitic... to all Omer 111UMIS that Le- ili,�lv b, cal -.Led ur to nay, .,hall. pay to Le,,�sor ,3,. rea- sonable seam fcr Lessor's att­i,neysl fi��.es. 15. AkjLjj�jab:Lc_ Law . This Lease hall be gov,,,rned anti 2o-j- 6trued under he laws of the Stabe of California. 16. Notices . Any Qonffnunicat ions between Lesnor and r,.qyments, and notioes provided herein to be f_yiver or mude, ina.,,i be given or ziade by mai'ing the same to at P. LOO, Huritingt,)n Beach, Ca."ifornia 92648, and t-,,� L,,soec tn.!, Bor '24, Huntington Beach, Californ.'.a 92648, or to :-Lich other ,_Wdre„seu 2, 1,­ i WMW_s.�%!d114.Wk'M, tW*IMY, �­W ­­­ ­­— ­ r ­­1 as oithGr pa --by racy in mAting hoxoafter indicate. DATE APPROVED AS TO :--'ORM. DON P. BOMPA 3. (2.V41, 11 'r CITZ OF HUNTIDIGM," BSUCH B r *. i o ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE I, 0. L BOLTON of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, do hereby assign and transfer to the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH all of my right, title and interest i in and to 'Lhat ceetain lease dated December 1, 1949, between ;'ARRIET L. MACKI-IN, as lessor, and 0. L. BOLTON, as les;ae, of that certain real property described as follows: The surface area of hots 23, 25 & 27. in Block 31.7 of Huntington Beo.ch, Sev^nteenth �4 c Street Section, Orange County, California, as per map thereof recorded i_r Aiook 4, -- Page 10 of Miscellaneous Mapds, Records of said County. DATED :---G—d,-.�tl P� 0. L. 9070N