HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACIFIC UNION METAL COMPANY - 1957-08-05 y 1. , h r j rr l 40 COMPLETED C "P"L A ONT CTS fFILE TITLE YEARS 65 Street Lighting 1957-1962 - i • Improvements92 Public 1960-1966 ' S 103 Street Improvements • 1 - x J I STREET LIGHTING r COMPLETED CONTRACTS FILE # 65 CONTRACTOR LOCATION DATE Pacific Union Metal Crest Avenue 11-4-57 Pacific Union Metal 14th Street 10-3-61 Pacific Union Metal Huntington Avenue 7-3-61 Pacific Union Metal Palm Avenue 7-23-62 t nGRE� !t -ET TITIi► AURIF +:1,17:IT. made and entered into -as of the ' Fk dzy of �. �. .�, 1-3_k2 .., by .un d . CITY OF NUBTINGTON B ACFI, a T- unicipal Corporation., hereinafter called MIT AUD Pacific Union betal CoMoay Box 2616 - TPnmiml Annex 32M Long Beach Avenue Loa Angeles 54, California Horeinafter called COWIRACTOff VII11HESS E T II w 1.2MUI EA S, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. Covr V.. of Orange+. Stab a of Califcrni.a, pursuant to statutes in Such cases made and 1:r ovided, duly and regularly caused a notice to bo poi:=Iislxe �, colling far bids for labor, material, tools and equipmoznt for _ze furnishing and erection of thirty-one (31) centrifugally spun reinforced concrete atreat lighting standards complete in pla"., in said City of Huntington Beach, Ca1:.foxcnia, said work to be constructed accordint; to Plana, 3pocif icati ons and spacial provisions for sama on file in the office of the City Engi.ncer Emd adopted by the City Council fl- said City of Htanti.ngton Beach on the __j t.h_ : day of w �,�_.�, 1.�..., �, ,,, to vh 1ch said pl.ar_sv specifi.catlora and special provi.slons roferenco is hereby made, and by such referwo ence they are made a part; of this contract as if herein set out in full, ar..ct V1HT,R 1.-,*tl) the City Council at a r. egulnr meeting thereof and at the time and place appointed therefor oponed the bids submitted by the rospoctivs bidders for the construction and completion of uhk s above mentioned work, and after careful consideration of all bids mobmi.tted th City Council awarded the contract therefor, to the Contract.:ca, heroin na-med at the price!) set: forth i.n its bid, it being the to o t and best bid received by the said City Council. 1.� . D0W TH r.PflRE, ,ir. consideration of the covenants and agree- ments herein, conta;nad, being vane and performed by the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. The Contractor, under the direction- and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach, acting as its agent, shah, and will provide all materials and perform. all vork mentioned in the specifications and special provisions or shown on the plans for the construction of the work hereinabove referred to and more particularly set out in said plans, specifications and special )rovisi.ons, except as hereinafter stated� 2. No alteration or addition shall, be made in the viork s"=wn v or described by the drarAngs, specifications or special provisi.onsc r►, No extra work shall be performed or paid for unless the City of ; Huntington Beach shall have issued, prior to the beginning tila_reof, its written order therefor , 3e SUBLETTING: Tho Contractor shall give his personal atten» tion to the fulfillment of thin contract Q Where sub-contractors are engaged on the work, they Nvill be recognized only a, employees of the Contractor, and no sub-contractor shall under any circumstances relieve thf-, Contractor or surety of their liabilities and obligations under this contract, and all transactions with the City Council shall be through the Contractor h©rein named. MATMIALS & QUIP[ The Contractor, tit its own cost ands.. charges shall furnish the necessary appliances„ implements, tools, molds, ways and means, and all necessary conveniences for the transfW of the material to Its proper, plaeo in the rmrk7 and said City shal'. not be held responsible for the care or protection of any materiel or parts of -the work, except as in tho specifications or special provisions expressly provided. 5. inTa ET-Ar oy or, PLANS: Should it appear that the work herein contemplated, ar any of the matters relative thereto,, are not sufficiently detailed or explained in said specifications or: special, pravis ions, -the Contractor shall apply to the City Engineer fcr such further explanations as may be necessary and shall ccnform to the same as part of this contract., so far as may be consistent with -the riginal specifications, and special, provisions. bo PROGRESS Or 110RYL: The work Is to be commenced within 10 de-;a after approval of the contract 'as to form, by the City At tornery 20 FS' r of said C lcy and is to be diligently prosecuted to completion in such order and manner of pr ogress as t�ia City Engineer may from time to time prescribe. 7o CHARACT1 UP THE V-DR[U ,i4: If arty person employed by the Contractor shall appear to the City rnginoear to be incompetent, or to act in a disorderly or improper manner, he shall be discharged inmiediately on the requisition of said City Engineer and such person shall not again be employed on the worku 80 GUUPMATI ON UP CONIRACTCR Z Whenever the Contractor is not present on any part of the -work where it 13.ay be desired to give direction, orders will be given by the City Engineer and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman who may have charge of tho particular Tp ifk in reference to which the orders tern liven. go BAJ1MITPTCY- OR *-r"LTSOLIM, 1CY OF CUNTRACTOR: If the Contractor should bo adjudged ba:krupt, or If It should make a general assign.- menu for, the benefit of m*editorss or If a receiver ahould b© appo int*m ed on account of his insolvency, or if Contractor should persistently or repeatedly refuse, or should fail.., except in cases for which ex. tens ion of time is rr ovided, to Supply enough properly skilled work- men or proper materials, or it he should fail to make prompt puymenu: for rsatwial. or 'labor, or persistently disc' egard laws, ordinances or the instructions of the, City,, or otherrnse be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the wntraeb, then the City upon the certificate of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach that 4ufs'icient' cause ezlsts to justify such action, may without prejudice to any other right or remodyo and after giving tho Contractor fifteen (15) days vritton notice., terminate the employament of Contractor and tako possession of the premises and of all materials., too?s, and appliances thereon, and finish the viork by whatever method it may deem expedient. In ouch case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any furthor payment until the work is 'n inished I the unpaid balance of the contract 1r ice shall exceed the expense of finishing the wore, including compensation for additional managerial and ndmini strative wank or services, such oxcess shall be paid to the Contract fl If such expense &all exceed such unpaid balance- the Contractor shall pay the difference to the City;, The expense incur ved . 3o by the City as herein provided, and the dan age in eu-11r ed tl;rouSh the Contractor' s default, Phall be-certified by the City :Rriginew of tho City of Huntington Beach 10o LA1 S TO F"PE OLSUIVED: (a ) Tho Contractor shall hoop him- self fully informed of all existing and futuro State and Fedora1 laws and municipal ordinances and regulations in any manner affect~ ing those engagod or employed in the riork, or the materials used in the vrorlc;, or in any ray affecting the conduct of the work., and all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals hav-Ing Kn�r j tn'i sw diction or authority over the samoo if any discrepancy or incon- sieteney is discovered in the plans, dr•aud.ngs, spec�..i icat-i cans or special Frrovisionsy or contract for this work in relation to any such laws, ordinances, regulation, order or decree, he shall forth- with report -the samo to the City* in, rritinga Ile shall at all times himsolf observe and comply with,, and shalt cause all his agents and employees to observe and comply with till s ch. e::isting and future laws, ordinances, regulations, orders and decrees, and shall jr cteet and indemnify the said City, the City Council and City Bngineer, end its and their officers, agents and sorvants against any claim cr liability arising from or based on the violation of any such late, ordinance, regulation, order or decree` whether by itself or its employ Gas Q The Contractor shall,, before entering on the performs- of the work herein prov- urnish a bond sum of f�.f t� (�0) per cent of the cont •e, as requ the terms of Sections 5 of the Goverranent Code of tho State of tialifoz ( a ) In the emplo-d-naont of labor the Contractor shell give 1w©ferenee, other thinge being equal, to honorably discharged soldiers,,, sailors and marines, and resident laborers, but in such connection them shall be no other preference or discrimination among citizens , of the United States, 11a E;.TLOY.'7F ITT OF ALIENS: Pursuant to the provisions of the Labor Code of the State of California, no person, firm, partne-rshl.p, mssocliation or corporation,, or aunt thereof,, doing any work as a contractor or sub contractor upon any publle work being; done for or under the authority of this Stage, ca :any officer ar department there of.. or for or under the authority of any county, city and county, �-o city, torn, t ownahip, district or any other political subdivision thereof, or any officer or department thereof, shall knowlDgly employ or cause or allow to be employed thereon anvy alien. - meaning Vf theroby any person not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States -- except 3.n cases of extraordinary emergency ' caused by fire, flood or danger to life or proparrty, or except to riork upon public military or naval defenses or no rks in time- of war; provided, hoe7ever,, that w"Lth z thirty (30) days after arZr alien is permitted to work thereon due to extraordinary emergency, the Con- tractor doing the work or his authorized agent shall file with the officer or public body awarding the contract a report, verified 'by his oath, setting forth the nature of the said emergency and con- taining the name of the said alien and each date he was permitted .to work, and fai lure to file said report within said t ime' shall be prima facie evidence that no such ai '_raordinary emergency existed. Such Contractor and each subwcontraet�ri shall also -weep, or cause to be kept, an accurate r ocord showing the name and citizenship of all workers employod by ham, in connection vA-. th the said public work., rlhieh record shall be open at all reasonable hours to the inswet ion of the officer or public awarding the contaact,, his or its deputies and agents and to the Chief of the Divis3 on of Laboi Statistics and haw enforcement, hin deputies and agents. it-, * is further understood and agreed that for oath violation of r the abo;re stipulation, said Contractor shall ,forfeit to the City as a penalty, the sum of Ton (110,13.OsOU) Dollars for each day or portion thereof" during .rh ich oath such alien is Imowingly employed in the execution of this agreement,,, by said Contractor or by any sub% con--actor undor him, in violation of this stipulation and the pro- visions of the Labor Code of the State of Califoxniao 12a That in the performance of this Agreement, prices, f itnesa and quality being equal, the Contractor agrees that he will use supplies and matorials groom, manufactured and produced in the State of California and that subject to the above ;rovisi oon he agrees in the performance of the irk contemplated hereunder to use. only Mueh unmanufactured materials as have boen 1w oduced in the United States, and only such manufactured matex=iala as have been manufactured in the United States, substantially al' from mats-irAls produced in the United Stat:es o 50 13 Q PUBLIC C ONVMEN CE AND SJ { TY: (a ) The Contractor must arrange to take care of the existing traffic, so as to inconvenience .., the genera, public as little as possible. Resi.donts along the road must be provided for as far as practicable* Temporary approaches to crossings or intersecting hi.gbvmys must be provided and kept in good condition where required by the City Phgineero (b ) The Contractor sh:nll Ir ovido and maintain such fences, barriers, siGns, redl:iGhts and iratebmon and other means as may bo necessary to prevent accidentps to the pub?ico it shall be necessary try u the pia^.e at the points dasigna•ted by the City Engineer such warning signs as may be dosa.gna,ted by the said City Enginoar, and he shall provide white lights as may be necessary for illuminating the said signs. (c) The Contractor shall care for public traffic, as re- quired and directed by the City Engineer a Detoxws used by the Con.- -tractor exclusively for hauling materials and equipment shall be constricted and maintained by him at his expense* 14*• PRESL'IVATl4N OF YRCr'WTY: The Contractor shall, at his own expanse, preserve and protect from injury the roadside' trees by covering the trunks with burlap or drive stakes around them when required by the City nr neer* 15 o ,RESPONSIBILITY FM DAtIAGE: The City- of Huntington Beach., the City Council , and tho City Engineer will not in any manner be answer-able or accountable for any lose or damage that shall or may . happen to the said work or any part thereof, or for any o.* the maturials or other things used or employed in finiahing and completing the wcrk; or for the injury to any person or persons, either workmen or the public, for damages to adjoining property- from aM cause Which might have been prevented by the Contractor or his workmen, or by any one employed by him,, against all of wh .,_t . Injuries or damages to persons and property- the Contoaeter must p»operl-y �..ard and raust mare good all damages from any cause whatever, being strictly reponsi.ble for any damage to any person or property resulting from defects or obstructions,, or from any cause whatsoever, diwing the progress of the work or at arq time before the completion and final acceptance thereof,, and that said Contractor will indemnify and save parr less the said Gityo the City Council and the City Engineer from all suits or actions of every name and description brought for or on account 6G J of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons, by or from said Contractoro its servants or agent:, fr. . the construction of said work, or by or in consequence of any negligence in guarding the same, in improper materials used in its construction,, or by or on account of arq act or orrmti.ssi.on of the said Contractor or his agents, and the said Contractor further. agrees at al"I times to carry piib?is liability, property damage.*' fire, earthquake and crork-• mant s compe sati.on insurance satisfactory to the City Mi-gineer,; cov- ering all vrork being done under this contract., and for any loss to the Contractor by any cause4 The City of Huntington .each, the City Council and the City Ezigineer will not under any circumstances be answerable or accountable. The Contractor shall furnish to the City of Mantington Beach certificate and evidence of all such compliance both before said work is begun and during i.ts performance. 16 . LI14ES AUD GRADES: The Contractor is to furnish, freo of charges all l.abcr necessary. for marking and maintaining points and lines given by the City Rngineor and is to give the City Engineer such facilities and lnbm% for giving said lines and points as he may require, which said marks must be carefully preserved* 17 a TESTS OF mAMJALS s All tests of materials furni th ed by the Contractor 6hall be made by the City Enginoer In accordance with such methods as ho may from t1ino to time adopto 18 o R'GAL11Y OF MTf RIALS: All materials usod in the work shall moot the requirements of said apecificati.uns,, and no materials shall be used until LA has the approval of the City Engineer o Samples will bo secured and tested when.. neenewwy to determine the quality of materialso Laboratory tests trU1 be made as promptly as possible so as not to i.nconven�.ence the Contractccro Igo STORAGE OF 1',SMIALS: Materials shall be stared so as to Insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the worko Such storey! materials shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection,. 20o 111SPECTION: The City Engineer and his authorized assisstants shall at all times have access to the work during its construction and shall be furnished with every reasonable facility for ascor taining that the stock and materials used and amployed, and the workmanship., r. are in accordance with the requirements and intentions of this contracts ?Q All uor1c dono and all materials furnished shall be subi ect to the inspection and approval of the City Engi_v:eer a 214, MPLCTIV {' riMT1111ALS A11D LVORKM (a ) The inspection of the work shall, not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations to _ Trill, his contract as nereixi rrescribed, and defective work shall be made good, and all unsuitable materials may be re j ec-u ed, notwith" standing that suah defective work and materials have been previously overlooked by the City' Engineer and accepted or estimatod for pay-- meets o (b ) If the work or any part theroof shall be found do - fective at any time before final, Acceptance of the whole work, the Contractor shall forthvdth matte good such defeat in a manner satis- factory to the City Engineer. � a) The Contractor shall, after receiving vwitten notice from the City Engineer to that effect, proceed to remove to a sati.sa factory distance from the work all materials condemned by the said City Engineor, vfnethGr worked or ,anworked„ and remove all portions of the work which the said Cary Engineer shall condemn as unsound, :improper, or as in are gray failing to conf arrLi to the speeifi.cations and shall caner, p„o�tect and exer cis a duo diligence t o secure the work am injury. All damage happening to the same shall be made. goad by the Contractor c t 22o GYMNING IIP; (a) After the completion of said cork the Contractor shall, remove d' 1 tempormsy structures built by ,It and all surplus matePial.s of all kinds from the sit© of thu work and leave the whole clean and presentable. Cb ) if ordered by the City EnUineer, tn.e brush and other combust iblo debris shall be piled in the center of the r oa day or other c3e grin r and burned. 23= TIM OF COMPLET1011 AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: (a) It is agreed that in the event all work called for under said contract in all parts and requirements Is not completed before the ex.p:ration of Thirty (LO) dam ( Sundays and holidays exclusive ) from the date of execution of this contract as approved by the City Attorney of said City of Huntington Beach$, damage will be sustained by the said City, and' that it is and will be difficult to assert.!,n and determine the actual dmnage ch i ch said City- will sustain in the eve_n_t �v r of and t-y roam n of such delay; and -it is theref ore agr eed t hat said Contractor will pay the said Uty the sum of ED= Dollmrs per, day fcv each and every day t s delay beyond the time her ein pr es- crib ed in. finishing the said work. In case said liquidated damages are not paid by said Contractor, said City Council way deduct the amount therefor room any money due or that may become Eue said Contractor under this contracts (b ) It is further agreed that in case thole work called for under this contract is lot finished and completed in all parts and requirements within the time hereinbefore specified, said City Council shah have the right to extend the time for completion, if it shall seem best to serve the interest of the City., Fnd should said City Council decide to extend the tine limit for completion of this contract, it shall .further have the right to charge to the Contractor, its heirs, assigns,or sureties, and deduct fr-om the final payment for the work? all or any part, as it shall deem proper, of the actual cost of engineering, inspection, superintendence and incidental overhead ezDenaaa which are dL-ectly chargecble to such extension and v4hich' .acerue during the period of such ertersiono 24o AI-TULrWT OF COMT ACT: rlr_enev er, in the opinion of the City Council,, the said work is neglected by the said Contractor or- the same is not prosecut A with the diligence and force specified, meant and intended in any manner by the terms of this contract, it shall be lavdul for said City Council to manse a requisition upon said Contractor- for such additional, specific force or such addita Tonal material to be brought into the vrork under this contract,, or to remove improper mat eria3. from the grounds as, in the f udgment of said City Council, this contract and its due and faithful fulfillment may require. Due notico of such action shall be smavec' upon said Contractor or his agent, in 1=rriting, not less than .five (5) days prior thereto, and if said Contractor falls to comply, 7 th such req- uisition within said five (5) days,, it shall be l.avrful for said City Council to employ upon m ch cork the additional forces, or silnpl.y the ma.!G,eri9Zs as specifically required, as aforesaid* The amount of sub additional force or materials shall be charged aGasns t the Contractor and be deducted from his next or subsequent estimate and payment, or the same or any part thereof not so deducted may be recovwed from 90 said Contractor or Its sixreti es Q ?"oreover, if said Contraotor fails to comply Nt th such requisite tf on within five (5) days, the said City Council may declare this contract terminated, and may itsol.f procaed to complete tho trerk herein specified, or may engage any other person or persons to do the same. Upon completion of such work the City,, through its proper 1'ficer or officers, shall cause a statement to be made of the ex- penses properly Incurred consequent and incidental to the default r of said cfontractor,, as aforesaid, and in completing the work itself or by any other person or persons, ShoXld the amount of such state- ment be leas than the amount which would have been due to the Con- tractor upon the completion of the Zion: by ic3 the difference all-all be paid by the City Ito the said Contractor. Should the amount of such statement exceed the amount due . the Gontrac:tcr upon the complea^ L ion of the work by Its, the difference shell be paid by the Con- tractor to said City, 25c; PAY1,011T AT7D RECORD OF ;;+i1LTMIL L AND TABOR 13lLLS: (a ) The Conti-actor %11 pap all bills for labor, machine hir o, materials and supplies contracted for by him on account of the work herein corstemw plated whon the same become due and payable, and he will furnish to - sa3 d City Council on or before the fifth ( 5th day of each month a sworn statement of all unpaid indeb t ednesh contracted for on account of said work and of all claims of Ir ivate corporations or individuals for damage_ of-any kind caused by' �the''conatruction of said Yrork,, toK► gether vi-h the dates of such bills and the names and addresses of such creditorea (b ) The City council., at its option and at any tim. e, by mitten notice to the Contractor upon the failure of Contractor to furnlsh such statement, or upon proof that contracted irdebtecbiesc is not being; Met when due, may declare this contract terminated and may itself Troc©ed to complete the fork herein specified, or may, en. cage any other person or persons to do the same o ( c) Said City Council niay,, at its option and at an3 time, retain out of any amount due said Contractor sums sufficient to covar any such unpaid claims, provided that sworn statements of said claims shall have been filed in the office of the City Clarke and may pay out of such amounts Bo retainsd any such unpaid claims* The City Council 100 may also, with -the written consent of the Contractor, use any :Honeys in the possession of the City of Huntington Beach belonging to the Contractor for the purpose of paying for both labor and materials for the ;pork her a in eont empl.a'k ed 26,, PARTIAL PAYMENT: This contract shall provide �`.had the City Council shall, once in each--month, Mn eei?mato in %wita.�: to be made by ths* City Englneae of the total amount of tyork done to the time of ouch :s-lbimatQ, and the value thereof a Said City shall retain ten (10) per^ cent of such estimated value of the vim-ok as past security for the fulfillment of this contract by the Contractor and shall monthly at a regular meeting of the City Council pay to the Contractor, wh1ae carrying on the work, tho balance not retained,, as aforesaid after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all sums to be kept or retasn.ed under the p:' ovisions of this contract, 110 such estimate or payment shall be required to be made than, in the judgment of the City Engineer, the ticwk is not pvoensding LL`i a.ccord- anre with the provisions of this contract or whop, in his judgment the total value of the work done since the last antima.te ariounts to loss than lnbree Hundred (�)300,a00) Dol.'lmrs Q The City Cou-3cil, if It deems it expedient so to do., may cause ostima.tes to be made more frequently than once in each month, and it may cause payments to be made more frequently to the Contractor, 27 a FITSAL PAY'h�,'I�pT: ( a) One City Engineer shall, as soon_ as practicable after the completion of thio contract, make a final estimate of the amount of tT)rk done thereunder, and the val.uo thereof, and the said C;t7 of Huntington Beach shall at such time, tars. thin thirty-five (35 ) days from and after tho date of said estimates as the City Council may elects pay the entire Lam so f ound to be due hereunder, after deducting therof'rorn all previous payments and all amounts to be kepi and all amounts to be retained under '.he Ir ovisions of this contracto All prior partial, estimates and payments shall be subject to corrections in the final estimate and payment o (b ) It is hereby specified that no car Lificate given or- pa =1 ent made under 1lis contract, except the final certificate or j"inal pay:.n nt, shales be conclusive ev:i,denr e of the pax- crmance of this contract. either wholly or in par-L., against any claim of the said City of Runtington Be ^L, a.nd • 3ien not until, the lapse of thirty f Ive (35 ) days after acceptance of th© wor1: by the City Council., and no paytnant shall b o construed to b o an acceptance of. any de. feet ivo work or improper mast er ial>s. (a ) The said Contractor h©roby furthor amloon that tho pa-Smant, of tbo final amount due ".7n,4_3r tb1aa Contract- and the ad- j ustment azid payment of tro bills r endew ed for any -mork done in aar ordance with any alteration of the samo, shah release the City of Hunt lrgton Beach, the said City Council and the City EnG veer from any and all claims or liability on account of ;v rk performed under this contract, or any alterations then eof a 28a PROPM2Y RIGHT I11 TAMRIALS: it is further agreed that nothing in this contract shall be construed as vesting, in the Con- tractor ar-q right of property in the materials use:. after they have been attached or affixed to the work or aaffimed to the soil., and all such materials shall, upon being so attached or affixed become the proper tu7 of the said City of IIuntington Boaeho 29a 170 PT:RSOVAL LIABILITY: V It is further provided that no memroor of the said City Council ar the City Engineer, or any other officer or authorized assistant of said City Engineer, or any other official of said City, sham.l be personally responsible for any liability arising under this contracto THFGL PI-EFCEDTANCZ BOND: The Contra.ctur shall. fur.„ ' comon lafi; bond for the fai a of this contract In the o _ per cent of the con - a 31* CONTRACT PRICE: Me total amount of the contract pr ice and the bed her a inb of or e r of er-r e d t o is the sum of Six Thousand swan hundred fifty. Dollarmx ands forty-eish+ mmtax ($6a756.48) 32 a PREVAILING AGE SCALE: In accordance vi.th the provisions of Section 1.770 of tho Labor Code, than City Council of the City of Huntington B 'each., Cal1fornia, has a sem-stained the general ps ovaail.ing rate of ranges applicable to the work covered by this contract as more particularly set forth in a resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, as certified -:�opy of which resolution is hareto attached and made a par►c; hereof and designated as Resolution 14o� =4 � entitled: 120 33,3 LIMMI3 TO LT GHT ( 8 ) 11 OURS PhR DAY : That the time of service of any person employed by the Contractor shall b© limited and restricted to eight (8 ) hours during arq calendar day, except in cases of extraordinary emergencyv caused by fire, flood,, or danger to life or property and Centractor or arq sub.' Contr act cr shall keep an accurate record shoving the number of actual hours worked by each workmen employed by him' in connection ri th the luerk here contemplated* Said record shall be kept open at all reason able hours to inspection by the City and by the Division of Labor Lacr Enforeemento That tho Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City ten (10) dollars for each workman employed in the execution of the Contract by the Contractor or by arq sub -contra ctor for each cz.andar day during vrh i ch any workman is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours o 340 That the Contractor shall not assign this Agre .JM with out the consent of the City$ ia- writings, first had and obtained. 35o BID PRICE: The said Contractor fiarther agrees to receive and accept the f ollort ng prices as full compensation for furnishing all materia13 and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage, arising out of the nature of the cork aforesaid, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be enec�antered in the prosecution of the vork until its acceptance , by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expenses inetwred by or in consequence of the suspension. or discontinuance of work and fer well and f.`althfullycompleting the work, and the tihole thereof, in the manner and aecording to the plans and a- ecifications, and the requirements of the_ City Engineer, under them, to writ : 6#73a*k43 13 •� `r• I�"M� .4 �.Y,� 1 , l �•r�_k• ` • � wn + ,L �, I.' /, ' � ���`•� � � _ .y � y«. I � / « T..�� ` tl �... � •.4 .f I • *., r Yr If M l r a a y f� • .w ,t n r V � r +5���- L a 1. � � s !' � .� `* ' , *„ �� � i ,• .1�� �. ��,1.. � ,f - � ' ���.. � f «• -•�.r,� _4 �-., , . �,� .. f � r t III Vern iss �.HM. B'oF, the City all Huntington Roach has caused its name mid seal to be hereunto a,.mexed by its Mayor and City Clerks thereto duly authorized,; and the Contractor has set his nand hereto; the day and gear in� Lhis Agreement first above writtene MY OF HUNTYNGTON BE;ACA a ':+unicipal Corporation, Iftyor ATTEST: Tity Clbrk ' CITY r .. MCE' •SIDIT GO . A ' ' impAb"3VJUAW . A npR OVIM AS TO PoR M: Gity Attorney 150 J NATIONALaU .A I RETYLORPORATION . (2:57V6W 'e. A MEMOCR.OP'THE FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE GROUP INVISIBLE ARMOR Q BED OR PROPOSAL BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY T-;WZE PRESENTS. THAT WE,', � CO,� I - i s - . as principal, and the NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, a New York corporation; wi►h Principal Offices at:4 Albany Street, y as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF HUNT INGTON'-BEACH, rEN HOMED FIFTY AND - NO 001I 750.00 as abligee, in the penal sum of SW � ($ ) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United Sice,= of America, for the payment of which; well'-and truly to be made, we bind our- selves, our heirs, executors, administrators, succmors, and assigns, jointly and l severally, firmly by` these presents. em .". ,. SIGNED, sealed and dated this s ' 5%r day of Augusts 1957. WHEREAS the said principal is herewith submitting proposal for 21ira3iQhing and`:,erectionZ ? of a concrete lighting standards. on:,Crest Avenue between Lake Avenue and " 14th Street NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION"OF THE ABOVE'OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said principal shall STATE OF CAL1FOi3N1A SS. CO MY of On this.............�..th. da o �•u u$.t2.............:..:, in"the psar'one tlsouswnd`nina hundred s►sd...�.�.7.....:.. be[ore me - .. kyuffE .................. ........... . . ......»................:...... . ..... .. ........... .. A.Not�ory.Public its and far said �outity:and State, residing therin, July eommt�atoned and sworn, pertonally appeared..............�.�.��'s= �. ..:...»».:.:. ...............................xnowa to the to Ira' the duly sutharized Attorney in l''ect of-NATIONAL SURETY.CORPOPLAV6.9 ,.aisd the tams pers�ors whose name is subscribed to t. v�j hitt��.i�j��nt as the At' rney i' Fact cif said Corporation, aid Ilse said ............... ....:. s.D s t2.LslHn..' ............................ ..... ............ , ...... ..aci<nowledged to the that he sub2ari6d-the name of. I+iATIONAL'SURETY..CORPORATION 'tfssscto ss principal, and,big j own name as Attorney in Fact. x IN W11T4E5S WHER�UF. 1 .Issve 'harcunW set'.iny'.lstsni3 snd a8'ixed•.ray elfieit:Z s+�aI'lhe day and year in this Certificata first •hove written. IL %' . tr :� N•N+./.N•t,.HlH. .N.a1.r..1..1.•N t..44���.• .131..1. . •.I..e.1.r 1.. . .......... •• ......... t1....N...r. Notiiry Nblls In sad for sald.Co6 snd Otatr. ..'Jr r. aaa - ht .C�rt�r=ts�irrxp;;� .Jrt:.t2;t964 •t• r TlC I ► - U L . RETY -ORPORATION MEMUCR OF THE FlnEMAN'S FUND INSURANCE GROUP l itvviiiC!E ARMOR Q BID. OR- PROPOSAL BOND KNOW ALL hMN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, PACIFIC-.UNION METAL CO. t k - t as principal, and the NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION,a New York corporation, with Principal Offices at 4 Albany Street, $"t ., as Surety, are hold,and firmly bound unto CITY OF HUN.INGTON BEACH, as obligee, in the penal"sum of` SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND No f 100 475j 0.00) - - DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States 'of America,' for.the payirient of which; well and truly to be made,' w5 bind our- selvcs, our heirs, oxecutorri, administrators, succespors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 5th day of AugUSt', 1957. WHEREAS the said principal Is herewith submitting proposal for f'ur711ishing ands• erectl-On of concrete lighting atdndards on Crest Avenue between Lalce ' Avenue and'' loth Street. NOW, THEREFORE, TIME CONDITION OF THE ABOVE'OBLTGATION IS SUCH, that if the said principal shell . execute a contract and give bond for the faithf«z parformance thereof withilf — "(!Ups after being notified In writing of the award .of such contract to principal,. or if the' 'principal'or surety shall pay the obligee the sum; not exceeding the penalty hereof, by which the.amount of tba contract, covering the said proposal, properly and lawfully j�3xecuted by and between the obligeo and some third. party, rray exc;3ad the amount bid by principal,, `then this 3bligation ahali be' void; otherwise it shall remain:in fulfforce and effect. s 3�s26isiJ . -. PACIFIC UNION . METAL Co - !si.'.kcr77o.a.. '(it II VICE PIMStflENT T (L.S.) AMNAL� SUR - r: a �c Or� 3440 WilghireL Blvd Loge Angeles C sat- u•�•Total amount of prentii+-;",-oharracl_ $5.00 (N•B:Oita ney.;n• a U -1 Affidaylefi .of P,6blkafion I i.4 4; + '1= r' AFC ,•r lifoia , gtgiiBacli. vt' sy1= :State of�Carn yt= -•> County of Orange _ ssIve 'aca .'bit � e-:i`st City of Huntington Beach-I., each :._ 7. . 61;46ee Is 1arydtfo�i' f:'tld =ei; '1 on oath says: -he is 'a ' J. S. Farquhar, being duly sworn, t , Ys: That xetttse tafldt' ets; t3 citizen of the United States, over the'age of twenty-one years. the:, #;y-�,i► j1,17,ratlnV"*T-B AA%,41 n� That he Is the printer and publisher of the Huntington Beach;`'. Ccar0pM:%�,. J;jjj�-�I� News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published P.M. istD�s ri '� , ,,,t� '�f and circulated in the said County of Orange and Elsewhere and ' �co' nt#�aet t at1 published for the dissemination of local and other news.of a general n, the�efti character, and has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, p i filty��Er nee of ,�i and said paper has been established, printed and published-in the lbld, t6i::be:sub tte State of California, and County of Orange, for at least one year next 'cordaiice ; ;iy furp�eifiCattiulasj before the publication of the first insertion of this notice: and the } - .< •,T - K said newspaper is not devoted to the interest of, or published for the - _.. �- ;• -'''`�;y ' ,a ;;•= �; .:+" entertainment of any particular class, profeaslon, trade, calling, race �-�� rdaii : ;with= =;1 or denomination, or any number thereof. sitiht# Si t-Zmtiot�'�177Q-oi-;- , a ru The Huntington Beach News•wai adjulicated a legal newspaper ;((` � Fet'=Htt�ti�gt' a;l3e�ieh:;�'ha�` . t�j `of 'general' circulation by Judge G.-K.-Sr-jvel in- the Superior Court.. ��' r-*• ,,.• '•., -_ „ ._. of Orange County, California August 27th,'1937 by order No. A-5931. 9rnvafl ;xatc ,ot z-.Yt� esy,:.s�p�pliZy�.uM:?�le==to=titre )�var NO LICE 'INVITING SEALED BIDS That the � > t '; : f .a.. ����1}or�: r�'. a a��'��#_.:.�':�;:�«:► _,�' of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said news- _: = gn$ € 3i �.tir-,�±ri::•-.::,• .5!}, ir.., paper at least Two Issues - 18tn 4i U1V commencing from the day of ' �la�`ar YY•j.,], r)ip,i.-i, i9:ii►ti../-':j 19_5.7 , and endfng on ttic 2 th dajr oL_- d Lt1Y 19 5? both days inclusive, and as often during said period and times of publication as said paper was, regularly issued, and in the 'Less `than 6fi .Toiasj�»..:.:: -regular and entire issue of said newspaper proper, and not in a supplement, and said notice was published therein on the following 1d� . Z"'. �? Z.7r: dates, to-wit: .1 ;,--, ... -- July2cl=Tana �ul 'Tr. July Y♦f 1 9 rt}y c'!a _w' ::;_ . OY ��IN•Nulls=�n.F:: '•i :M '4IR irne; 4alf„ -except: 5tiricleys�•':�nt3 k-�ifctlidays f _ wliFchk`are-rdiitlble;, ✓tripe :,; Publisher FOREMEN 1,:Za r�er fo N `shail�tiepatdriat;����t�iait�c d tip fr.--}Sri're'tti rii �-.tbtt`;Iiouo Subscribed and sworn to before me this z day of 'rate';ti( tl '�highest:C�p ##ii:a"t�pn �over';wh�cli=ht:ha1°'00o talon � +t��is. =-sue t .and=yone•'�e'II'for:�a3I'�ovcrtisit�;<ex= �t--,=�..�.�-�r�.:�_.✓._ otar; Publ c kept Sun ji.`ii' w�:f�Tt► Orange County, Call:arnia � aro:'a }yie.rtiine:':Whei'er.Oafr` My Commission l;xYlres pt. 12, 1958 ":.ing:7 En ineera; ' tngp:_airy'gone =,culorfdar`dO;-ard wQr ng overtl ripe G--.. Yr. t: ,y over S i on� t�►h1th�'nito:�iar"�crut�.'.��:�'rkl`n� ovirtlmp lit?.thh' c'urne '.Tpt 'then"the:OperaUng~i�Eng(neei3�.on siic}i-h:tn_It'ro�.:,work:"shall, also pald,fltiiheciauble`time:rate.-'.;; 'I'Ec�MSTERS:--=dime ne= half e�CceP,r Suiailays;n dduy$; WHich-.s►r .:tioiiblc;tlae;;prcept It Kern; Tnyo:-an&I'lMnna :Coun ties: where ;the- Overtiri�c:Oite.Is, 1IYnc ,._- . aid «trc- t if fors t=overt me.- i =?+ORE`141Et3;;�•41i.d1;..,_farerrien ;:.:ioE herein =separately-classifi6dl i bhfll cl�-npt'less .tbar}: ;per irwtlinn! ne dourly° rate h#g�est'`�ii�l wirlch-he'rhna-4ii��iitkstn={ _: ? 1?REI►ITICF5: =11�ay <be r U em: nJaycd:in.::eottfbti? I Y„with.;$ tii�n 177.7:5'�,af' .tile ;Ca33fo>'niu �:J.aior C ;_:; a,.g's ,via:r,° ; :^ <i_in. ��.T1ie';•ratesi,;pe�`ii"a�}r;."Sntlicafet'i abaiye -iixe i�ssrd ;pron°=tlie `local f vTs+.,: yry pm Val tt'2�fs;;;`per'`.aaY•fb clght- tltl�er�•-thc�above-'��ctt�ec3u1� per,houe, `�'a;ates .gi p iy,,;_based:upon:;eigtlt,, hours ..per .flay-:f6i't a I U- 11 d ► or a•-fraetl6iii ��t:t of��i dsy►wT�icY"r}s�ieiris for,az fractictpal.pmi pfkn.ijay.xt all nultiplied:by':L'ienumber a[Ahurs ; worked on:a�aid;tawf,* over#1 t»e:-aniilor �iuulays'er u All rr ..._.. .- � :. i�vork'perfei7ned ir. exees of. �Ight='=;8}"��} aura':fir•daffy_or::�tai��. (401.:bourn;' r::we€kit iae:paid: for,it ttle,pyT�YAi1l�$•4YefAC:Ii'► and *rar pe3i-�gtnect '. drays ns(tid(1$`tdeys1iaU ;?ue pa3 jar_ at,•{(•rf PlY�•, ��'rj''. J: �%.�Y..• t3G race ifQ ��=TTT i":y It r60 �n A_ i o!T L pon-;t�1i!' ContI' ee mc:. tne�.can is :'Arvartte_d -uiK3ttpo ' .Contractor`` `? .� r •liR >~k�# Aio:FAY-.nQ- lc �illtyt a tig. te�ii chah[66 r_ :ftx AAA execu ,,ritt�ot",;#new+C4riir�i�s�='•:;.z"�,•;" .µ'itlt.:prbig_ 'cla tained'r :: �.�i:�`.the=,ai'.flce;.af;.: ��.City �^• Engirte�r;��Citj►�;� �:Hcri#iri�#on' .." 3Y{o} ybidJ�;^'ill bc�• t 3aTM,itar�gri._ 4 at pertentart=a ; -. y�-: r � is;. .-... . ";• r•: •P; tr''., � :�~" fir"_ ,� • ,.'hey . f : ,.. Qtim thgc�-.tlilatftxfit . f8 npiiroctin� tt' oiiljr,< �`*ven_ a..basis'for the...contpai'ison:of,-hlds and`the b iy'of.Hunt A cl does:not°"e.'pressor h irri llraton; :agree _that=thu.;:ae2aai'`amoeirit .of ��vorlt-�.will`:correspar?d':-;:�telti� . but::reservcs'.the riglit. to t _ or;.,decrease';.ttic"amount.of.;:any class or partlaira:af' tt�e.,y+ 'k;=''mac inay be;deemed: ceMAry or; .. = pi.Ylicnf;by`:the-En' tr e`er: All blds:Will-bc;romptiecii'aii the liasis of ttie City: :zgineer's:earl= mate.of..the;,gteantitiea:af:work to tie done; . ,�pted ;from , ' iia.ContraGia -�w�lnrP►� I nsed in uccai'd4Fee with'the--.law; under the :tf,/ra+visiorix_>of �791 �tatt3tC'& y e a1 7 •- Chapter� ' '.Stl tut& iift,193 as .arnrnd^ct, ar. tr.-w>hq farm:has`-no een_ u City:of•1WtWjgtKim : -Each i3�:�ia�l ��'-�:•�.;,>.:�... a form t e ofiairted at tl a office of_ tile'. t y;:;Ensxcr;:City Hill. Hutttlrtgtu Beeeh,t lfsrttia;witall be sealed aexi'.:filed::.ivithrt4e. CH y Clerk of old t iX; rar ttefare 8:Oi1::�hL of=Au ust shall tie_ gQ # =1. . I . .e ;nd Y- x:; ,d e � �qu� ' =#ntert`dt the'G•i ►�ttf'# t�iti �l i31 ail:at`itsregttlas tnce�iing= at tfiat - time: ':,;By,order.of the-City:Cour. it-.df °.The`.Citu.'df Han tin au :Neac�i o _t hi C ifornla,';`reaerv�es' .he'``right` t 'l tli=i€ Hof: u`3 ;t 9 fit ...a t',a.ny, or all blcis;;pad to Tejec :ao- QHN�l i HENMCVSEN cW`t 'bid.;deemed ter the best `_ 'sty=Clrxk 1 PROPOSAL VOR VIE H'"MISrH11* Ah'D .c►:'.uvl'ION O CO�GMTi� St'RFM r.:GHT11 i~s STAi3DAMS Olt C `t AV NNE BET'ZBr: AVENUE 1110 FGUftTE iY'M STRUT U1 THE G IT OF To the Honorable Ymayor and City Councils City of Huntington each, California. In compliance ;rith the annexed notice, inviting sealsd prtipo .a� I hoby protiose and aYrs to Wished 1untingtcn Besch.News inter into a c€ euract to perfoxm :he :cork herein dewribad and to Furnish the vaterials �therefom NOTICE-INVITING � � l : SEALED'gyros according to. the plans and apecif ioitions of and : -Notice-Is: hereby:giveti"thnt_:the tinder tho sum ision of the City En��ine 'r of the Tlty,council-of the city-af llunt= said City of Huntington Beach, at the fo].lawing legion Beads, CriIifi,riii;Z:.:ivilt re= p .00s to—wit! Five sealed bids for the.furnishing+ ad . erection. of"thirt y-one.,•(32)*' .)ncretc.street 11ghting-stundar-dsi For the furrishir.5 of all labor, ma.terialts and �'.i .-Crest-'Avenue'�.hetweeri'"'I±ake; 'entle:and Fourteenth"S1 66t, firr equi nt, and do all incidental �1or,4 nw:;.'aSary to '•;. Citj `oe HuntLagton ach',it : furnish and exact 'thirty-one (31) contrifugally ;ordance : with:.. PinYis,,"SPeelfil, espun reinforced concrete street li;pti.ng atamlazds iv'�sieiis and .Siieciftcat:ont= anc QOmpIate in 3�?' Lmda in AtTict confom ty vith the 3tract'docuinents.now air:a in; office oi. the..City;Clark-and; D�. TW CiiiCtiti0nA On fil. in Ochs o�.`fICz, vi :}•Engincer s�f,said City:- F- hl the City En�;i.:roe r, City of Hunti.; eum' Beach, ':,to -be submitted-in strld-act Aance ­WUI the: speciri6atio+'' CaU..ornia9 for the ::'u►ith t t; jir`t' g Gf en Hundred Fifty-six Si.x Thousand Sev ...M .,. z. .. .....: dollars and 48/100 dolUr:s 6,756.48 • If ava.rcHed the aontr.%ot, the sand=srsi greed hereby agmes to si Zn, rvaJA contact, and fumi.sh the naceasary, bonds witid_n ten (10) days of the a vard of said. edntract, and to be;;in work �ritbin :4*-4u n (15) �days f roe the data of approval. of the CotTLract by the,-%i.ty of guntingMon. Beach., California• n. a andernigned has, examined the lo.ation of the propowd Tmrk,and is IvAr liar with the plans., wpoci,finations,, and special pro,risions and t to local ccnditioltg at Vita uiace. :hem week is to be derma. Ac c om " this 'pazxy~1n�, pa�opon�� (NOTICE: -Inseam the words : � Bid Bond in amount equal to at least "won �.1 hie 's .heck , certified chec"It", or "bidders bond". as the case may be. ) per cent of this bid. C - 3 • L�tnr PRESIDE Signa vure of SJ.l •w vtlsitnazz A1ddmas 3248 Lon .Bench Avenue, Los Angeles., Calif Placa of Hasidence Dated: this 16th cif Of May 1957•