HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACIFIC UNION METAL COMPANY - 1961-05-01 1762 NOTICE OF COMPMTIOJN NOTICE IS HERB-BY GTwEN that the eontraet' heretofore awarded by the C.i ty Council of the City of' Huntington -Beach, California, to , . pacjfig _Unj2n _Meta1._ Co,u;j2anj who was the company thereon- for doing the following work to-Wits Furnishing and erection of . concrete street lighting standards on Fourteenth Street between Walnut Avenue and Palm Avenue. RECORDED`AT REQUEST OF Cay OF jlUNi1:jGT01% BEACH IN OFFICIAL RECvRDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. 9:05 AN OCT 3 1961, FREE RUBY McFARLANU,County Recorder That eatd work was completed by sMid company according. to ` plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach and' that .aaid work. was accepted by the City Council .of the City .of . Huntington' Beach' at a regular meeting thereof held on the Juiy 17s 1961 That upon said contract the' National Surety Corporatio�. was surety for the bond given by the said company as required by' law* -Dated at Huntington Beach, California, this the 290 11 er ex-offic o er of the City ounai of I the City of Huntington Beach, California STA1tE Or CALIFORNIA. County of_.Orange._ as; _ City of Huntington .Beach 11 Paul C . Jones, the duly eiected9 qualified and acting City Clerk and ex-officio Cleric of the City Council of the City .of Huntington Beach, Ca�. .forrt3.a, Q hereby certify that Y have read" the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION and' know , the contente thereof and`.'•that:=. same is true of my own knowledge , and:. tlsat said .KO'i'1CH Or CO PLmIort- was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded:Ln: the Office .of tine County Recorder of Orange County by. eaid City' Council , DAT4P at Huntington Beach, California, this the 26W Septomb,r--`.kel9.61 City Clerk and -officia Clem of the City Council of the City of Huntirigtoh Beach,. Caln.f'arnia; TZIS AGREEMTg made and entered into an of the First day ,of H.., _tl.._..._..� 19 61 by sad CITY OF MWgl=N BFA,CH, a liun3.vipal Corporationg hereinafter c&Ued Cl� AB'D PACIFIC ONIOWMETAL COMPANY Herainafter awed caNTaMO WHER RS 9 the City Comwil of tho City. of Huatington Beachg County of ora'PiF State of Cal.i.forniag 'p=uant to atatute©. im such cases made and pra'rid+bd;, duly aand. .regularly caused a notioe to be puibl.i,ehed jp calling for bide for' labort material. tool© and equipment for- the' fnraishing and erection of concrete street lighting otandards on Fourteenth Street between Walnut A�renue` and Palm Avenue in said City of R=tington Besoh9 Californr:a9 said 'work to be oanat=ted' to plans, speoifications and special 1roviaionn for same on. filo in tb�e oMee of the City Engineer and' adopted by the City Council of- said` City .of Huntington Beach on the ,Jayofll9 b � to wh�oh aa�d gloms- ri g opeoffi and ©pecial provisions reference' is hereby_made, sand by such: once they are mado a part of this contract as if herein sc-t out in -full"I and- a, the City. Council at ,a regular meeting thereof and- at the time and plaeG appointed therefor opened the bide` submitted' by the 'reapective bidders for the censtmotion and Completion of the above mentione&work, aua after careful consideration of a3.1 bide eubmitted the City Counoil ,awarded the contract therefor to the Contraoic;Fr tbereiti named at the prioe6 set forth in it's bid:` it being the lowest and best bid recoived by the said C_t.0ounail9 in consideration" of the oovenaate ad agreem"nts.herein, Ocutained9 being done and performed by the parties hereto9 it . is hereby .screed e►+e .f ollowa s _r 1. The Contraotor,, under the direotion and to' the aatiefeotion of' the Citf Engineer of the City of Himtington Beachp acii.ng as its agentp sham axed wild. Trovide all Vater.4an end perform all work mentioned in the specifications and speoial. •provisions or shornn on the plans for the constructiOM. of the work, herein- above referred to wed more parti.oularly not out in said platys specifications and special previsions p except as hereinafter stated. alteration or addition shall be made in the work shova'or des cribed by the dryp specifications or epeoial provisionco No extra wDrk "9hall be performed or paid for. unieaa the City of Huntington: Beach she.11 have issuedp prior to the b8glnng thereof, its written order therefor.' 3o S,�ilBL 1'aggt. The Contractor shall giv© his peroonal attention to the fct],fil3mant of thin coutraoto Where sub- o'ontraotors are engaged on the Works they r will be reaoanized only an amployees .'of the Contraotorp and no, aub-oontractor &W 3 , under azW ©iz-vu=tances relieve the Contractor or surety of their liabilities and obligatiane uw%r this contractp and all transaoti,on with the' City Council shall be through the Contractor harem nsmedb 40 �.;.:.,T�r� Tl1�� The Contraotorp at its own cost and changes sb&31 furnish the necessary appliances p i.mple eente Q toola v molds p wags and mes war- and . aeceao8zy ooavaniaaoae for 'the transfer of the material. to its proper place in the workp and said City shall* not Ve hold responsible' Tor the care or p=tac,= tion of any material or parts of the workp exaopt atii. in the specification or-special provisions aiTras©ly provided.. 50 ' , QF PLM i Should it appear that the work herein: can.. t+enplstedp or any of the,.matters relative therato, are not suffioiently d*tailed or explained in said spealficatione or Special, provisions. the Contractor n a3l apply to the City Engineer for such further explanation to may be necessary"and' shall oonfo= to the name an pert of this contrwt p no far an may be connistent `with the oxlginal speoifioati.ons t and spacial provisions o CC p8 4F` 2Ms The work in to be a momenced Within 15 daye after apprw=1 of the contract as to forme by the Citi Attorney oaf 'said Clty and is -to be diligently proaeouted to completion in' suoh order and meaner of progress as the City Ehgineer mqg from time to time prescribe, 70 � � T�3E �, if my person employed by the Contractor shall appear to the City Engineer to be incompetent or to act in a disorderly or improper nw erp he shall be discharged immediately:on the requiaition.of 'dai.d City 20 Engineer. and such persazi shall: not seaiu bis. employed on the work, �,. COOPMTICN OF Ct9NMA Wharover the Contractor is not present on pert of the Work'whara it aey be desired to give direction; orders gill be g-iyen by 'Lhe City Figineer and abal.I be received and obeyed by the superintewi�nt or foreman Iirho m;r have c7u:,krgn of the pet tioular vork-in referenoe to which the ordere av:a given RANO 01 �.h i&V X " OF CoxRACTOR t If the Contractor ehoti►].d be adjudged bankrupt* or if i.t .should make a gener&l azaignment. for the benefit of aruUtora9 or if a receiver should bo appointed on account of his iwolvemay, or if Contractor should persistently or repeatedly refueep or should fai:.p eXaopt lu oases for Which extensioh of time in provi:dedp to euppiy: enough properly skil- led workmen or proper materials# or if he ohould'fail to' make prompt M7ment -for au;ter sl. or labors or persistently disregard lama ordinances or the instructions of the City4 or othe. t i.se be guilty of a lsubn tial violation of array provision of the aontraoto, than the City ikpon. the certificate of the city . of the City of RuXItington Beach .that sufficient aauee exists to justify such aotiGas SW without prOufUce to any other rigbt or remedyg and after ,giving the Contractor fifteen (1=5) duce zri t ton tctioeq terminate the employment of Odatraotor-and' take ;ponsession of the-premises and of all materi.pla y tools p and applianoes therems and- finish the work by whatever metho& it may d!eez expedient, In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to. reaoive any farther payment until" `the Aork is f.; lahede It the unpaid bye of the contaact- price whall e=eed- the axpeuas of finizhing the cork, including compe=atfon for additional merlar)rial and admini-' etrat:ve work or sorvicea$ such excess shall be paid 'tc the Cont`*iotorQ if such expelnae chs3l exceed such unpald balance, the Contractor shall PV. the difference to thus City, The expense incurred by the City as herein pravidedp and the damage incva-red through the r::r•aoxaaor°s default, shall be. certified by the City weer of the City of .Huntington Beachn IQ. LM TO H OMS X. (a) Thin Contractor shall- heap hi neelf :t'ttlly informed of all axis,i.ng and future State and Federal laws and. auhici.pal ordinaaaee mud rogul.ati.ons -in ash, manner affecting fihooe eng d' or. employed in the work or the materials -jecd In the aorke or in any gray affootiag the conduct of. the "roc s and all such orders and circa ce of b.oales or tribunals having any jnri ediotion or, authority over the same,, If arty dioorepanoy or. i.naoneiste' ncy is discovered in the plans b draw-i ngs v specifications, or spacial= provi•oione,,. or contract for WO work in relatica to any Such lamts p ordin=oes p regulation p order or decree, he shall forthwith report the 0=0 to' the City 9Ln ti,rriti f(l He eY(;J.a at al.l 'times b1naelf 50 observe and comply with, =d shall aquae all his agent is and employees to 4 beerve and comply with all such existing and fatter lawe, ordima ncen p regulations: orderii and decreeeg and shall protect and indemnify the said Cityp the City Council-, and City Bagineerp and i.to and their offioors p agents and serv€tift against MVclaim or liability arising from or based on tie@ violation-Oilany such lswp ordinance# eg lation, order or decree whether- by its®lf or its employeeao (b) The Contractor ehanj, before entering on the performance of the work herein provided,, gurLds' h a bond in the ouu of fifty (50) per pent of the cones t=t price, as required by the ties of Sections 4200�4205 of the Goveinment Code of the State of California. (o) Jr. the employment of labor the Contractor shall give prefenace9 other' VOnrge being oquel., to honorable discharged coldiers A ii dlore aiad~i&rinsa dead reei'dant laboareiri- but in suoh oonneotion there s 1 be no` other prcfere e or didoiiiminatioa• among' oitizens3 of the Unitad .Stated 1 11. MW731ENT OF. ALIM s Pursuant to�the prov-isionh of'the. Lvbo* Code ' the Stato of California4 no person, firm, partnersltpq ass ociation� or Ganrativ4 qs a4nt thereof doing wV work asi -e. contractor ox� sub-oo �treotor►o upon any public wark beirg done for or under the authors t7 of thin State, or "day officer or depsrlmw.it thereofr or for or' under the authority of any countyp ei�,7 and county= , t- ;'oitygwnp townsi pp distrcic"t or' arW other Polittoal subdi eian ` thereof 9 or �. officer or department •Z'.:+i:`oo;�'Q 'nhall kmid ngl emp3;4y or' oa m'0 or &ll.4w to bra wployed. thereon alien - meaning th.3reby any pers cm note boka� or` f`fully,iiiiiainiiied ci.tiagri of the united StateA ., except in vases of axtrs�ordinsry em rgenoy awed .by fire's .Ilood or danger to life or propertyp' or aroopt• to work upon pixblid miiitary or naval. defencoo or works in time of' war; prodded; ho** er, that. within 3 317 (30} daye aft4r any alien ie permitt6d' to. work thiic on' duo to extrao'xi� em ei&noy p the Contri rotor doifig.the work' or' his- auth6riii& 4iit al l' file' with the Officer or public' body axsar pub ding the contract" a repo+is D Fe .f# by hie osths s�etii.ng forth the nature of thi 94d C=rgozss;r dad oonte�in ng the name of the maid alien and each date" he was Parmitted to work and failure -to file said report' withiii' said time eha D be prlm'a facle ev i donee that no such eitracirdiria�ry emergency' exiatedp Such Contractor and each sab-�oontraotor shill al®o' keep; or orstas3s to be' kepi,. an: twin ate record o'howing the name and cit%Zenzbip of all rorkere" Ic ed by himp- in conaeotio4 iktth the said public Rorke- whi& record' sbA13 . ba dj e;m at• all ieizoiiable hours to- the lZispeation'-of the officer or public awatdli4 the* contriitd p his or its' depsati en and agente and to the. Chief oj the Divfs lop of labor Statisti os3 and Law Ei,sorcomenty his deputiea and agentso It is further understcod and agreed" that for each violatioh: of: thi� above stipalsti m p said Contractor shall forfeit to"'-the city as a peas tty�. the sun of. Tezi (noo oo) Do13_ars for each day or" port4on thereof during which each such e-11C?n is kaowimgly employed in the execution of -thiz agreement; by said Contractor or by any subadcontraotor under Mai : in :Violation of "this sti.pulatiou- and the provislone of the Labor Code of the. State of 'California." .120 What i.n the perforsiance of this., r reemeut9 prices$, fitness and quality being erjualy the Contractor agrees that ne will use =ppliea and' mat- exe s grown, manufactured and produced in the State of California: and that sub- . Jeot to the above provision-he agrees, in, the performance ' of the work 'aont=P_ • lafied• hereunder to use only such vnmanufact - -d .materials as have been produced' in the .United States p and only such nanafsotured materials 'as have faotured in the 'Qni.ted Ststtess substantially all from matezriaU produced in tho United States 13,, PUBLIC CORVERiE[CE ANt SAFFTY: . . %a) - The Contractor x=t arrange to take care of the ellating traffics so as to inconveni+in.P the general public an little as possible. Res14nts along the road,must be provided" for as far ez praoticablo o Temporary approaches to orcasings or inter,,,-eating high is must be provided and kept in goad aondirtion'where required"by -the City Engineer* (b) The Contractor aball provide and•.muiutain suoh fences ba�iers, eignes redlights and watchmen and other means. as may be necessary to. prevent acci-= dents to the publioo It shan be: necessary that the place at the points desig- nated by the City. Fshgi.neer euoh*warning signs as may be designated :y "the said 'City En eer and he � eha l provide white li ts' a4" mrstiy be necessary for iD , � : p � sax`Y . ting . the . said signs, , , (c), The Contractor shall care for. publio traffio, as required end: dir- ected by the City Enggineero Detours used by the Contractor exalt.Mively for haul- ing aates.dala and -equipment ehal.l-be con i tracted and 'aaintainr t by.hiis st his expense o 14 o PRF.SF YATIa d QF PR4R. = The Contractor' shaU s at hie owa expense s preserve and protect from injury the road, treer� by cogeri� the" traces v�.th bvra Imp or drive staken. aroun. them orhen required by the City Englneera 15o RESPORSIBIMIff FM DAMAGE: The City of Huntington Beach2 the City . Counairli and the City weer•will not in.any m` her be answerable or accountrble for any loss or damage that' eha3l oar may happen to the said work cr, aAv part theme of� or for any of the materi.a3o or. n+her +�, ...:Aa ..«,.;'1..,.oa „ pi.aohing"end. completing the work; or for. the iJury to any parwor- cr patoon either work=n" z or the' publio,, for damages to ad joining•property from W came which might }save been prevented by the Contractor or hit) workwny or by a. one employed by hiss agei,zmat all of which its juries or damages to persons and property th0 Contractor must proper4 guard and must make gogl all loos as from any cause whatfwar, being'.- Strictly responsible, for arW damage to any. person or property resulting from defetite or obatruetioneg or from any cause whateoeverf, during the` progress of the work or at any time before the completion-and .final aoceptanoe�- thereof g and tbst' eai.d'Contractor will indemnify wd save haralose the said City; the City Cnuxroi�. and the City Engineer from a1.1 au:s to. or actions of every naafi, and description brought for or on aocoui::t.of any injuries or damages areaelvod or' eustained by ar�g person or personep by or from amid Ccutrao tor➢ its se vaata or agenta2 in .the- con atrzotion of said works or by or' in nonnequ8nva of any nogl.igouos in guaicding the saw in improper materials used in -its conatravtiono or by or on account of say act or omtrlani.on of the said Contractor or his Wnte g and the said Contractor further agrees at all times to' carry publio liabilityn property damages fire, earth= quake and workman t s aompeneatioa insurance satisfadtory to the City Ensiareerg coV ering all work being dote =der this contra`stq and for ozy lose to tlae Contractor by any cause o The City of Hunti n8t n Beach o' the City Council and' the City sneer will not uader any circumstances be answerable or accountable, The Contractor sball furalah to the City of Stuitington Beach o r bats'snd evidence of all sash . c=pLia=e both befog said work is began and-during- its perform=000 16„ LIM AND GRAMS ^he Contractor i a to ftraisht free of: c barge a &U labor necessary for marking and ma intalning points and lined given'by' t,be City Engineer and is to give the f7ity &4dneer auoii faoiliti.es and labo : for gi�r. Said lines and points as he may require, which- said.marks must be careftsilly gre_� Served, 170 TESTS 09 x - ,AU tests of. materials furnished` hjr the Contractor eha33. be rude by the City agineer in- accordance with tnmh methods as he may from time -to time adropt o 318 , �ITahITX ,�i T Was All matervas. used in the agora awl' meet the requirements of o:id specific ati.ons o and nr, ma terWa ehall. be used until it hoe the approval of the City Enginoar.,. S=pl,es will be secured and tested ahen"neca eseary to determine the quality of materials 0� Laboratory tests will be made as promptly as possible ©o an not to ineonveniewe the ContrActoro 190 ST4RME OF q: Nateriele' ohall be stored ao as to irwure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Suoh stored mat:;�risls Shall be located so as to faoili.tate prompt inepeotiona 200, PECTIQA: The Cis y &gineor and his autho .zed assistants ahal.l at ail times have access to the wo&. during its construotioh and ehall be Pvrw nisb-3d with every reasonable fsoility for asoertaining that the stock and- meter- ial s used and employadg, arA the worlaaanabip¢ awe !z aocordahee rith tho require- Mazts and intention of this oont2zota All work dose and all materials fu=ished faal.l be sutiject .to the inspeoti.on and approval of the City Enginearo 2;,o DEMME MA TAISS AND WORKS (al The it saection of the wor;c shall not rQliev© the Contr6oior of i of his obliga,tiona to fulfill hie cortraiot as . herein prescribedp and defeati.ve work shall be made goodp and a.! unriuitable mater- ials mV be rejectedv notwithstanding that such defea five work and materials have been previously overlooked by the City �n�. neer and aocepted or estimated. foi -papa t�nt8o %•} If the woii or any pert thereof charl be found defective at any time before final andeptaa^e of the whole workv tho Contractor shall forthr,11% e good a4 oh defoot inn. a manner eto: .ef€,otory t' the City Zagineere (o) The Contractor sha12.v after receiving Wry.t feu noti.oe from the City Engineer to the t effect, proceed to remove to a satisfaotrsry distancz fr &t the Work all maateriala condemned 1w,1 the said City Ez neor4 whether worked or un irorked, and remove all J--,x%ions of the work which the said City Engineer shall sonde= as unsound, Imgropart or as in ary way fail ing to" confo= to the specifioati dns and abal,l cr.;ver; protect and ewer;ise clue dill,ganca to secure the Rork from fnyui7a A.1l d=age happening to the same iLWI be :ado good by tho Contractor, 226 UpE.I�29I 3 UP: (n) After the completion of said work the Contractor ehs03 ro=vo .all temporosy structures built by it and all surplus materiels of all: kinds from the site of the work and leave the whole clean and presentable'. tee} if ordered by .the -City EDgineerg the brush and other combustible debris shall be piled in the center or :ham roadway or other clearing and burned'. -. l _ MAW �4y l • ad:d-ftty- t��,ll Duatr�el of ��bh t- ' A%rq Y, rA the �0 I i r8ti .. to efttlefia . - be Ire %~t Exom the payment-for ve2kq -- ' et Wbi eh tile �P �8 - 24a �ULYM CF CONTRACT: Wheneverg in the opWo'n of the City Cc�un4i.3.q the said work is negleoted by tho said Contractor or the r:»sae is not prosecuted - .th the U4ge.ce and forco specified.. meant and intended in' any mariner by the te=s of this contracts. it sha3.l be lawful for 'said City Council ',a mare a req- u:L-mition upon. said Contractor for" ouch additional specific force or such sddi.t - ionaa materia bo be brou&a' t' into the work under this contracts, or to remove impsaper material from the grornds aa, in the judgment of said City Coub'cil. this- Contract and its dug and faithful ft1fillwiant pug rEquiraa Dras notica of such motion shall be served _pon said Contractor or hi a ant in writ"3.ngp not leas OAn fi" prior thereto and iT said Contractor fails to compl.ry with ouch re-q- n Maition within srld five deya o it s=all be law fUlfor said City Counoil 'to employ 'alum such work the. additional force or supply the materiaa,s as specificall y requi reds aas afoaressai.da she amount of such ZeAltiona3 force or material,e ab&3 3. be csb=gcd against the Pontrac for And be deducted from his next or subsequent esti. mate end payments or the damn or any. part t1jersof not so deducted may be recovered' from oaid Contractor or its suratim, Morgaverg if said Contraotor fails to comply with such requieiticam w3 thin five (5) days* the said City Counoi l`may deolsre this oontra -t terminatedq and. itself proceed to complete the work herein specifiedQ or may engMQ arty L other per- . son or persons to do the rums, . Upon completion,of c:%c: ncrk the Ci tg'a throe, its proper officer oar officere, she31 cause a sta--,moat to be made of the expenses proporly incurred conaegiwat and incidental to the- default of said Contractors, " aforeaaidj; and in-completing- the work itself or by any other person or personso F Should the amount of such statement be lees than.the smount rhich would ba:ve been dre to the Contractor upon 'the completion of the work by itv the di• i%%n. "e shell be paid by the City to tho - said Contras Ura Should the amount of r uoh• agtastement =cged the amount due the Contractor upon the completion of the wozk by itsp the difference aba'11 be paid by the Contractor to eaaid Cityo 25, CP T1w;RTAT. A} L&WR BILIS: (as) The Contractor wnaa� a�rsusC win pay all bills for laborQ machim hire g materials d eupplieaa contraoted for by him on account of the work herein. contemplated when the ame besvw due) and'. pa ,vablos, and he win furnich- to said City Counoil on or before the :fifth (5th) dew of each month a sworn ,statement of rill .unpa id. indebtednede contrasoted for on account of said work and of all claims of private corporations or individuals for damage of any kind caused I)y the construation of seld work,, together with the dates of such bille and the names and addressee of such oreditorao (b) The City. Cowm9il g at its option and at any timep by writteni notice to the Contra otor upon the failure of Contractor to :ftumish such statenento or upoh prom' that eontraoted indebtedness io not being met When duep deolwe this contract terminated and : itself proceed to compl©te the work herein, apeel— r fie d& or =q en gage .ash other person or persons to do the saw o (a) Said City council MWO at its option and at any time Main out of Y amc=t due c aid Contractor sump asuffioient to cover ash such unpaid claio provided that swo= statements of. asa id claims shall have been filed in the offices of the City City Clerk, and may pay out of such amounts on, reta6inod any such mpaalid Olaim. Me City Counail with the written consent of the Contraotor t use my munoys in the pooa osa3ion of the City of Rnntington Beach belonging to the Contractor for .than purpose of pasying for 'both labor sand'materials for the work herein contemplateda 26� PARTIAL PAMMTs Thiel contraot sbzl.l provide that the City' GoUncil sbalz.A once in each month, cats o asaa eatimato in writing to be acxaAe by the City sneer of the total amount of Rork done to the time of such aatimate9 and the value therftfa Sidd City shall rota In ten (10) per oent of such eastimeted value of the work as part uccurity for the-fulfillment of this contraaot by the Contractor and ohall nonthI7 at a regularmeeting of the City Council paw to the Contractors while carrying on the work, the balance not retained,; as aforeat=tide' after deducting therefrom all previous payments and,-all s=s to be kept or rote under the provIsione of this contra3aotp No such estimate or psament shall be recj- ul"d to be made when, in the judgment of the City Erineery the work is not nlv- ceeding in accordance with the pz%miajons of this contraot or when9 in his judg-. ment, the total value .of the work done since the last estimate amounts to less than V=ee Hundred 0300000! Bollards The City Councils, if it derma it expedient* eo- to dos, cause estimates to •be made more frequently then once i.n each month, and it may cause p€vn=to to be mrde more freque :tl.y to the Contractors 27. FMAL PAYMTis (a) The City En$Ln"r 3bjill.s, ' art soon as practicable after the completion of this contraot o make a V and est:i mate of the amount of work donta thereunder and the value thexeofp and th6 said City of B;,intiq;ton-Beach shall at euoh timov within b.! rty-five drays from and after the date of said estimate, as the City Council meq-elootc pay the entire sum so* found to be dri-9 hereunders, awmts to be retained Lander .the provisions of this contract. All prior paartul atimtes and payments aball be subjeot to :'�acxections in the final estimate and payments . as (b) It is hereby speoified that no c::r�floate given or payment made under thin eontraot, exempt the final. 'oerti.ficato or final papienta shall be con. 61uslve evtde?nve of the peiformanoe of this contracts either wholly or in partp ag: t any clydm of the said City of Huntington Beasahg and then not until the lapse of thirty-.five (35) d.eyt• af',a- acceptance of the work by the City Councihp and no pent shall be construes to be an acceptance of any defective work or improper !T msteri.aU a (a) The said Contraotor hereby furleber Wiees that the payment of the fines amount due under this contract and the ad jtwtment and payment of the bills randiered for any work done in accordance with an+y alteration of the samef shall- release the City of Huntington Beaohp the Kidd City Council and the City' Fngineer from any and all olaLno or liability on acomi.t of 'work. performed under this. con- tract', or any alterations thereof, 28. PROPS RIGHT IE IWATMIAWt It ie f�rbiter agreed that nothingin this contract eball be construed an venting in the Contractor any right of property in the •materials ueel after they have been attached or affixed to the work or affixed to the soil q and all. euoh materials .aba l v upon being.,so attached or affixed become the property of the said City of Huntington Beach, 291 . no PERSOUAL LIAAIZ� It Is further provided that no member of the said City Cou=Al or the City E r' eers, or arW other officQx Qr authorized a.:aistaut of said City Engineer, or my other official of eaid' Citys, shall be personally reed ponnible for any liability arising under thin contract. 3.0, 30a PArMUL' PEMB OGE BOND: Tho Contractor Shull furhi.sh a common '!ftay bond for the isi.thful performance of this contract in the suss a ,laal to . Fif.t Qper cant of the contract priloo AlD CONTRACT FBICEt Ths totrJ. amount` of the contract ,rrics and the bid hereim Before referred to is the aura of -J 416--IM162 Dollars. 32, PRLTAILING VM SCALE: In accordaace with the provinione of Section. 1770 of the Labor Codej, the city Council of the City of Huntington Beaohy Culifornis4 has ascertained the genaral prevailing rate of wages applicable to the work cov. eyed by this oontraot' as more parti.culaxly net forth in a. reeolutim of the Civ Oounoil of the City of Huntington BanohQ a. oerti,41a4 copy. of which reaol utian in hereto attaohad ard she a part hereof and deai gated an Resolution Now entitleda ,A Y3esolution of the City of Huntington Beach establishing the generaj' prevailing hourly wages for each . craft or type of workman or mechsnic needed far the fnrnishing and erection of concrete street lighting standards on Fourteenth Street, between Walnut Ave. and Palm Axe. , in the City of fiun oington Beach;. California 33, * Ta EIGHT (g) HOURS PER DAYS - That the time of servi©e of any persona employed by the Contractor ahall be liwited and restricted to' eight * (8) hour .during arky calendar dayp except in cases of extraordinexy emergencyv cnaazed by fire g floods or danger to life or proparV and .Contraotor or any sub-Confiraotor shall, keep an accurate record showing the number of act*aal hours Mrkad by each work zen employed by hiss in connection wivith tho cork hero contemplated. Said rec= ord. WmIl be kept open at all reenonablo houva to !impaction by tho City and by the Division of Labor Law Enforcement,. That the Contractor shall forfeiat as a pena1.ty to the City tea (10) dollars for eaoh gorkman employed in the execution of the Contract by the Contractor or by eY sub�Contractor for each calendr :-ay during which envy workman is required oz� pe=i.tted to labor more tb£ua eight hover-;�t; 34, That the Contraotor chall not exciga this Agreement zri.thout the con- sent of the Ci.tyg in .wI-.itii2zV firat mad sad obta�ned8 35o BID PRICE: The said Conuraofor further &Zreea to' receive and accept the following pri can as fully compensation for fu.-cmiahing all material. =d for doing all the work contemplated and Esszbrsoed in thip agreement; also for all loss t or darer arising out of the nature of the work aforeoaid9 or from the action of the elements, or frcu say uifareaesen: c�:i."ficuitXoa or oba tzzac tiane which my aria ' or be encountered in the prosecution of th . r©rk until its acceptance by the City. Council of the City of Hunting ton Beach,; and for all r.iol:a of every description czonneoted with the work f also for all eXT-lensee incurred by or in consequence .of the lla i * ' .1y• Iwo { 5,4 Ar r iy euzpension or a • a .as • • • and forwell anii faithfuny completingthe r" spwifi�- oationbp and he requirements of a City 4igineor =dertfieinq • IA F .t 16 LA •r' ' f L a . s - i ' r 5 t •R { T � �: Imo. ' ili�l .! " a : • :1 Ir s r • a a • s 1 L "► s a : 7 oil— h 1 h - R V i fZorlo jot . • T , i ff F r f' rs PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. C 7 037 569 The premium for this bond;is$ i•00 , payable in advance and subject to adjustment of wrtent manual rates. AATZO i:C L NURff CORPORATIOW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, PAC fid MON 11ETAL- CWANY as Principal, and NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, a corport:rtio�n organized under the laws of the State'of New York and duly authorized under the laws of the Staff, of 112V Ytark, to become sole surety on bonds and undertaking, as Surety, are held and firmly bound veto CM OF N . GCS, CAIJFO A, Obligee In the full and.just sum of TWO MOUS MY"AM SIX'9`ad 100..r.. e.�wr.r rrrrw�eswr� lawful money of.the Unit?J'States of America, to be paid t.,-the said Obligee,' ".successors or assigns; far .,rich payment, well and truly t:, bi made, we bind'ourselves, our heirs, executors, suc- cessors, admirtistrators and assigns, jointly and`aeverall;, firm' l`y by these presents. The Condition of the above:Obligation is'such that whereas the said Principal has entered into aYcontract"of even date herewith with the said Obligee to do and perform the following work,to-wit: furm"biug 1,8` street lighting standards to be construeted :a loth Street between We1nut _. Avenue and Pn3z Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach, California., as is more specifically set forth In said contract, to which contract reference is hereby m:+de; Now therefore, if the said Principal shall well and truly do the said work, and fulfill each and every of the covenants, conditions and requirements of the said contract in accordance with the plans and specifications, then the above obligation to be void. othervifise to remain in full force and virtue. No right of action shall accrue under this bond to or for the use of any person other than the Obligee nomad herein. STATE O cALIFORM F._ . _ _. _._......._...... _..._..__..._ ss. -CocrrITY OFL0S.. _.....� .___ .. .... ...__ may On this . _ _25t - ._-.._day of.......... _...... ..___....__ .._.w_.._.-.---- , in the year 19__.4-; before mc, ................ -- -_ - a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for said County and State,"personally appeared..--A...F,._G t known to me to be the person whose nama is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney-in-fact of the NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the NATIONAL SUIkE TY CORPORATION thereto as principal,and his own name as Attorne.y-in=fact. IN 'WITNESSWHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my -• office, in said County and State, the dzy srid year in this'certificate first above written. Notary Publia in snd for-Al County and biota, My commission expires .... ...__..JAIN ON 47N 10-56 0 -rti•• SIR Y., 7 037 569 w PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. C-._ .�..� Tht premium for this bond Is$ io'w , payable In advance and sublact to adiustmomt at current manual raim 2VATIOWAL ill"TY CORPORA717 O.Al' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, PACIFIC UNION HE= CWANY as Principal, and NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York and duly authorized under the laws of the State of Hew York., to become safe surety on bonds and undertaking, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF H 3RT IT Br. a CAI'CiRMJ, cis Obligee to the full and Iust su'm_of r.ewd; THOUSAND -ZIGM SIX iand i�1tJ�'3•r.:........,.........__r...._..w.... Dollars, ($2?Q$68 , ); lawful money of.the United'States of America, to be paid toahe slid Obligee, :.:successors or assigns; for which payment, well end truly to be made, we bindourselves, our heirs; executors, suc- cessors, administrator_ and assign's, jointly'and`severally, firmly by:thee presents. The Condition of the above*,Obligation Is such that whereas the said Principal has entered into a contract of even date herewith with the said Obligee to'do and perform the fc!Iowing work,to-wit: fu=: shiug 13 street lighting stanftr s to be constructed k 14th Street batveea_-W%3n:ut Avenue and Palm Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach, Cnlill.oraia� as is more specifically set forth in said contract, to which contract reference is hereby made; Now therefore, if the said Principal shall well "and truly do the said work, and fulfill"`each and every of the covenants, conditions and requirements of the sold contract in accordance with the plans and specifications, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to rerzain in full force and virtue. No right of action shall accrue under this bond to or for the use of any parson other than the Obligee named herein. Seated with our seals and dated this 25tb day of l��ys 9 61,- PACIr INION ti 3TJ L C£ P _ rindpat VICE PI:ESiD;,s Aa ISTANT. S'r.CRETAR'! NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATIO 1.N 3 40 W labia t Blsds r L*. "Ai ales 5{\/j�CalQ1 stv aosN s.sa � , Aftcrney-In-raft j IPA i• NOTICE IINITIF.rr SEEM BIDS Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, •rill receive sealer: bids for the furnishing and erection of eighteen (18) concrete street lighting Standards on. Fourteenth Street betwaGn Walnut Avenue and Palm Avenue, in the City of Huntington. Beach, in accordance with Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications and contract document:: now on file in the office of the City Clerk and City Engineer of said City. Each bid to be submitted in strict accordance -pith the specifi- cations therefore. In accordance with the provisions of, Section 1770 of the Tabor Codes the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, has ascertained the general prevailing• -au of wages applicable to the work to be done to be as follavis: Hourly Classif.1catinn .Page Rate ULBO.RERS laborer-General or Construction ----- ----_..... _----- 3.08 Flagman --_--____.._.__...___._..___._..___-...___..-------_.._..__r_ 3.08 Health and Welfare 100 per hour -' OPERATING: ENGIIIMERS Oiler and Signalman 3.33 A-Frame or t'lineh Truck Operator --------- ------ 3.81 Health and 7761fare 150 per flour TEPUMSTERS Drivers of Trucks legal Payload Capacity: IA-.ss than 6 Tons ------------- 3.365 6 Tons to 10 Tons --------------- ------------------ 3.395 10 Tons to 15 Tons -------- -----—_.....---- 3.W45 15 Tons to 20 Tons ------------------------ 3.525 20 Tons or more -...__......M____ --------------------- 3.745 Health and Welfare 10 per hour 1 v s OVERTM IMTES LIMREP.S: - Time and one-half, except Sundays and Holidays, which are double time. FOREMEN: - All laborer foremen shall be paid not :Less than 30 cents per hour wore than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. OPERATIIIG EI1GIIJEERS: - Time and one-half for all overtime, except Sundays and Holidays, which are double time. Tohere Operatin Engineers, dur-In.- any one calendar day, are working overtime on the same unit of a project on which another craft is vorking overtone at the double time rate, -than the Operating Engineer3 on such unit work shall also be paid at the double time- rate. TLUISTERS: - Time and one-half e.ccept Sundays and Holidays, which are double time, except in Kern, Inyo and Mono Counties where the overtime rate is time and one- hal " for all overtime. FOREMEEII:- All foramen not herein. separately: classified shall be paid not less than 25 ,cents per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over -ahich he has s��prvision. A3'PM4TICES: - May be employed in c onf ormity with Section 1777.5 of the Calif ornia Labor Code. The rates Per hour, indicated above are based upon the local prevailing rates per day being eight times the above scheduled rate per hour. Hourly rates of pay, based upon eight. hours per day f or a full day or a f ractional part of a day. The per diem wages for a fractional part of a day shall be the applicable rate per hour mult+pl:+.e d by the number of hours .•corked on said day other than for overtime and/or Stmdays or Legal. Holidays,, All work.performed in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall bra raid f or at the prevailing overtime rate, and all work performed on holidays and Sundays, Shall be paid for at the prevailing overtime race, for each craft involves. It- shall be r4i andatory upon the: Contractor to whom the contract is waarded and upon any subcontractor under hire to pay not less than the said prevai.ling rates to all laborers, workZmn and mechanics employed by them, in the execution of the contract. Plans and specifications together with proposal form may be obtained at the officG Q= the City Engineer, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California. Tlo bid will be received unless it is made on a blank form furnished by tf- City Engineer. The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the '=Proposal Requirements", set forth in the specifications, for full directLO ions as to the bidding. 2 3 I The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Huntington Beach does not, express or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond tberetitith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portions of the work, as rvay be deemed necessary or expedient by the Engineer. All bids will be compared on the basis of the City Engineer's estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bids will be accoDted frcm a Contractor vlho is not licensed in accord— ance ;rith the lair, under the provisions of Chapter i91, Statutes of 1929, as amended or Chapter 37, Statutes of 1939, as amended, or to whom a proposal fo -m has not been issued by the City of Huntington Beach. .Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the office of the City En ineer, City Hall, Huntington Ihach, California; shall he sealed and filed with the City Cl-!rk of said City on or before 7:30 o'clockP.M'. of r May 1st , 1961, an<< shall be opened by the City Council at its regular fay 1stI, 1961 meeting at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The City of Huntington Beach. California,, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and tr, accept the bid deemed for -the best interest of the City of Huntington Bt ach. By order of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beac'i this 17th day of Apiril 1961. City '1 3 NOTICE INVITING SUM BIAS Notice is har*by giTen that: the City Cou=il of the City of Hmtiftton Beach, Ca'..._fornia, w;..11 receive sealed bids for the furnishing and erection of eighteen (18) concrete street lighting standards on Fourteenth Street betwean Walnut A-mnue and Palm AT*mie, in the City of Huntington B"oh, in accordance with Plane, Spacial Provisions and Specifications and contract documnts now on file in the office of the City Cleric and City E-4rLiser of said City. Each bid to be uub fitted in strict accordance with the spyifi- cations the ref ora. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Z-ibor Code, the City Council of the City of Huntington Boach, has aWartained the general prevailing rute of wages applicable to the work to be done to bey as folloasa Hourly , Claaaifiaation Wag® Bate A � •rwr IRBOEMM Laborer--General or Construction Flagman 3.09 Health and Welfare 10f per hour OPKITING ENGINIUM Oiler and Si gna lm n --- -- 3.33 A-From* or Winch Truck Operator ------ ------------- 3.61 ! Health and Welfaru 15# per hour TEAXSTERS Drivers of Trucks Iegal Payload Capacity: Ise a s than 6 Pons 3,365 6 Tons to 10 Tons ---------- - 3.395 10 Tons to 15 Tons ------- ------------- 3.445 r 15 Tona to 20 Tone - ----- -- ---- 3,525 20 Tans or more 3.745 Fisalth and Wzlfare 100 per hour 1 a OVERTIVE HATES 1ADOREM: - Time and one-half, except Sundays and Ho aye, which are double time* FOREMEN: -- All laborer foremen shall be paid not lass than. 30 cants per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classirication over which he has supervision. OPMATING ENGINEERS: - Time and one-half Aer all overtime, except Sundays and Holidays which awn double time. Where Operating Engineers, durirE: any one calendar day, are working overtire on the same unit of a project on which another f craft i8 working overtime at the double time rate, than the Operating Engineer's on such unit work shall Etlso be paid at the double time rate. TEUSM.S: - Time and am-half except Sundays and Holidays, which are double time, except in Kern, Inyo and Mono Counties where the overtime rate is time and one- half for all overtime. 'OROMs- All foremen not herein separately classified shall be paid not less than 25 cents per hour more than the hourly rate of th© highest classification over which he has LrApe-rvision. APPRENTICES: - May be employed in conformity with Section 1777.5 of 'be California labor Code. The rotes per hour, indicated above are based upoai the local. prevailing, rates per day being bight times the above scheduled rate per. hour. Hourly rates of pay, based upon eight hours per day for a full day or a fractional part of a day. Tile per diem wages for a fractional part of a day shall be the applicable rate per hour multiplied by the number of hours worked on said day other than for overtime and/or Sundays or Legal Holidays. All work perf ormed r.n excess of c fight (8) hours per day or f orty (40) hours per week shall be paid f or at the prevailing overtime rate, and all work performed on holidays arad Sundays, shall be paid for at the prevailing overtime rate, for each craft involve.. It shall be mandatory upon tha Contractor to -whom the contract is awarded and upon any subcontractor under him to pay not less than the said prevailing ratea. to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the contract Plans and specifications together with proposal foray may be obtain©d at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California. No bid will be received unless it is made on a blank form funs{shed by the City Engineer. The special attention of prospective bi.ddars fie called to tha "Proposal Fequi.rew.nts", set forth in the specifications, for full directions as to the bidding. 2 The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Huntington Beach does not, axpreas or by implication, agree that the actual amot nt of work wM corrmspoond the9rvwith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of axr class or portions of Laze work, as may be domed naceasary or axpedient bF the Zrglmaer. All bids will be compar wi on the basis of the City L ffirseer's estazaats of the quantities of work to be done. No bids will be accepted from a Contractor vho is not licensed in accord— ance with the lair,, under the pro-el sions of Chapter 791, Statutes of lm2 as amended or Chapter 37, Statutes of 1939, as amended, or to whom a proposal l fora 'has not been issued by the City of Huntington Beach. Each bid shall be monde out an a form to be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, City 1A11, Huntington Beach, California; shall be sealed and filed with the City Clerk of said City on or before 7:3e" O'clociP.K. of r _ 1a 1961, and shall be opened by the City Cou* eil at its regular. ?M lot. 1261 meeting at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The City of Mntingyon Beach, Califor.LU,, reserves the right to reject axW or A]1 bids, and to accept the bid dd��d for the best interest of the City of Huntington Beach. By order of the City Council of t}is City of Huntington Beach this lzth day of April 19610 i y 3