HomeMy WebLinkAboutR.J. Noble Company - 1964-04-07 1.'hen . Recorded 1?o t urn To : Pau .I. C. Jones , Ci ty Ll .-c 16684 11tintin-tun I3elch , (;alifonnia IlOmICE CF GCMPLk:TIGN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the c:cntract heretofore awarded by the City Council of the City of Huntington --ach, Califo. -o 11. J . Noble Company, 1' . 0. 13ox 620 , 0r:1n!_,;e , Cal i E'orn is who was the company thereon for doing; the following Mori: to-wit: iZecons true ion , surfricim- , rind i mprovelpents of Graham Street , fz om "din-er ;v,--nue to 13olsa Avenue , tiuntin-t.,n Beach , California . That, said work was completed by said company acrording to I)lnna and spec•ifa.ca�ions and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach and that said work was nccepted by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof Leld on the June 15 , 1964 That upon said contract the Glen Falls Insurance Company, Glen Falls , N .Y* was surety for the bond civ-n by r'-,v said company as required by lay;. Dated at Huntir 7ton Beach , California, thisl6gi day of June , 19 G4 . Paul C. Junes t City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California STATE OF CAJJFOR,IIA ) Deputy County of Qrjn6� ) ss: City of Huntington Beach � I , PAL C. jCNES, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk and ex.-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California c{4: hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing; NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true and correct , and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION w;ems duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the Gffi.ce of the County Recorder of Gran& County by said City Council. Dated :mac Huntington Leach , California, this 161b day of June 1964 " • . Paul C. Junes City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Y Deputy RECORDED AT REQUEST OF C17Y OF tiWilINVOH BEAM IN OFFICIAL RECv)RDS# OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF. 9:05 AM JUN 1 K.�4 FREE RUBY McFARLAND,County Recorder Wit..' lL 1c r a-l-c-, a:,"i (: Ztcr i ?nto a LT u_ e or._..... ._ ........._.r.,..' -9 Itr r_J the C;'lT )E" :T1,z7J II: TC': :?F-AtC,11; ra r'urlcipa L Ct,rpc �.i.on; I�� r .�.:fFz ,��r rofenwj to af; 7.4.7, CITfs and R . Jl. Nohte Comnajj , P. O. Boy. 620 , Orange , California mfo-l-r+:r_ to _io r( I rig :: S . E `2 M. is r:i Li l"•}iC, �.n ccoi.altan.ac -e.'itli t,!'-3 ;.z-(' ,% L d.C!^.s '7£ cf LaborC e; i;r:^ C. 1;t'" LOi31_�.�._� C'� j,t:c f1I i" G�- .1-1 a:,--ercainec! %'r:. mn:,Fral of ry al, e by this cortm,7 U r s more parLiczi:zx:ly set for'u-h in a of i-C Cif:;• 4 Go-inc '.1 of the City of Di.itinf;tcr: ct :-tifi-zd copy of which 7r'solut*.o:7 is on f !le i-i o Ui ce of 1.1-, ' C i t-j C_ -TL• -ini l mdc a p�-.t hlo-,-eof 2 l desii-,.-ia-Led as Resolution ?Tcj, 1878 r; f,-IiAs:ci: "A RESOLUr ION OF THE C TTY OF H LINT TNGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GEN- ERAL PRF.VAILTNG RATE OF HOIiRLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORK- MAN OR MECHANIC NMEDED FOR THE RECONSTRT ICTION, SURFACING, AND IM- PROVEIYENTS OF GRAHAM STREET , FROM E'DINGER AVENITF: TO BOLSA AVENUE IN TITF: CITY OF HITN'rTN17-TON BEACH , CALIFORNIA." t;hc; City Co7ni-il Cr tt?G tidy of flUT-jti.n`ton D-w,cb, Coun-y of Oranr,e. Stalk of California, pur;-?il-ant i;u �sY tu-tues in auch cases r.ia`n. al-,-- provided., dii?y and rti;:::lark?' ca -:!d notice- to be rL ibli shed; ^allin.^ z or :_i — for Inbor, w.t.cr�<-� , tools, ;. r. e�;l� m �►; . £'o � r h: reconstruction , surfacing , and imnrovements of Graham Street , from Edinger. Avenue to Bolsa Avenue , r 18th Novemher 3 i,cs • .- _ 7- _ r [ir_ _ :> t 3 —... . Annrt�xi.- 1'ni.t , Ttem mate Ttems with T7nit Price Wri-ttPn in Wnrds P Total n 1n-[Iti.tV t 1 -) I A�nh,glt Bprm to he removed at l in , f t . Fif tv Centq ner tin . ~t . $0 . 51) S 62 . 50 ~ l l P" ^ASP Culvert to hA relocated at lin , it . TEN DOLLARS ner tin , ft . $ 1.0. 00 $ 120 . 00 3 68 + Barricade to he removed at Lin . f t . WO DOLLARS per 1 ?n , f t . $2 . 00 $ 136 . 00 Annro-�-I- Un..it *1tom mate T trams with i1n1_t Price Written in Words Price Total Otiantlty 4 1911248 Excavation and grading at _ cu. V6, SEVENTY SIX CENTS � ner cu. yds . $0. 76 $ 141628. 48 5 23 , 707 gngement materin. 1. cmmnaction at so . -Yds . STX CF1rrS per an . vds . $0 . 06 $ 1. 3422 . 42 6 2 Q 6 6 Arc►re R a t e s cz b-b a s e a r Ton ONE, DOLLAR EIGHTY SIX CENTS Der ton $ 1 . 86 $ 5 , 516. 76 7 8465 ARRregate Base at____ Ton TWO DCLLARS FORTY CENTS Der ton $2 . 40 S2.0231.6. 00 8 11 . 6 Prime Coat at T-)n THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS ner ton $ 35 . 00 S 406 . 00 9 5. 8 Paint Binder at Ton FORTY DOLLARS ner ton $40. 00 $ 232 . 00 10 2 , 354 As nh a 1. t Concrete FIVE Ton DOLLARS SEVENTY FIVE CENTS —Der ton $ 5. 75 $ 13 5 535. 50 11 5 . 2 Seal Coat at _ Ton FORTY DOLLARS ner ton $40. 00 $ 232 . 00 12 70 18" Liam. -1.2. Gauge Corrugated metal 'tin. ft . nine at TEN DOLLARS Der Lin. ft . $ 10. 00 $ 700. 00 13 ? Concrete headwall. at each TWO f-iINDRED DOLLARS each 5200. 00t $ 400.00 i4 1. ,440 Concrete crossing and at _ sa . f t . SEVENTY FTVE CENTS Der s0 . f t. $0. 75 $ 1 , 080. 00 15 1 Street SI,7tn each FORTY IDOLTLARS �._ _ each ' $40 . 00 $ 40. 00 16 12 ^~ Mi ~el. l �tneotis Sin_ns and M.irker at each Lumn Sum S1C. 00 S 120. 00 Total Bid _ $58 , 947 . 66 1 T-7: /lf e-% � cc, ti - L � 1�, CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE • On Hanford Fire Insu mpany •[M New York Underwriters ante Company r� m flariford Aceidcnt an idcmnity Company I j Northtvcucrn Under�vrite'1�.�[Citizens insurance Company of New Jersey INSURANCE ""D c Twin City Fire insurance Company iN3IJItANt;l: (.Kt}UY � G:drrn: Insurance Company of New jersey [�J ty � y This is to certify that the compat,y designated herein by Co. Code has issued to the it cited instired 15-1 Named Insured and Address the policies enumerated below. R. J . r oBm ca TA1%T, LT fi-L POST OF'FZC.. Box 620 ORA Mt GALIFORNIA "I'lle Itolir•ie:-t indicated herein :apply %vith respect to the hazards and for the coverages and litnits of liabili'y indicated by specific entry herein, subject to till the terms of such policies. t ! Coverages and limits of Liability i rc Expiration l'oilc ---- --- -- - - - - -- iiitz,erctK y Iit3cctl P luolly injury I.izbltlty - i Prtiperty Dainaae l.lat►lllty Number Date Da•.- -- ! such prt.un I r•sclt accident i rack accident agtirr$ate General Liability Preiniscs.n;n-raticits ! 56 LGk 75130 j 7-1-6 i 7-2.64 $ 500 fat 31v000 ,()()0 s 1,,000 ,("is 1,0090 F.Icvators _ _ I . . 500 ,(u)t1 s1'q 000 0(}O a 1, , J l 000 0001 Xxx, _ Mulep_endent_Cootrarturi $ 500 _ ,()(101S .P_000 ,O(J(}S l,0Q0 ,(XK?$ If0OQ)C0 I'rrxlurls-('r:ntillctCr.I. $ 500 'tiS1,000 (t(10 19000 o(JOs 3-,OOQ)00 Operations � Aggregate: 51,000 ,()(H} xxxx -- xxxx -- contrartli al :is (le`,1 rtbtYl t)t`I0w $ 500 ,(Hd$1,000 ,0001s 1,Od0 ,000 s 1009wo Automobile Liability � oti�i,ed Atitrttnnlfile� �56 LGx ?5�.30 ; ?-1-6ry ?-1—64 s 500 ,ow Sly000 ,M10$1,000 ,000 xx.xt Hired ire d Automobiles j - $ 500 .0M$1,000 ,()M S 1,000 -0T Xxxx Non-Owned Atiturttr,lriles I $ 500 ,060 ,0�0 ,(00-�t 1,o00 ,p()() xxxx Workmen's C-iinpensatiuri �- lConipensation —Statutory Location and description of operations, :automobiles, contracts, etc. (Irt,r cojilrarts, indicate type of :tgreenient. ;tarty and date.) _ ALL OPU2A.`I`I011S OF THE 321SURED Al, "OP't:EY If ;wlicy is canccic11, TE,1,1 DAYS CI1Y OF HUr1TB rT011 BEACH written notice will be givell to: POST OFFICE BOX 190 HITTI14GTOF BEACH, Cl',I'OP.A'3'Ji .. .. - .. . .-� .es,,c............... ......... r Form G-2106-2 Printr I in C. A. J-'tit I".IST11tv ZEPPSG110 & BMTOLi b`Pl lhorr..cd Rep.esenUirc L1'�. 1JktifL j �t 1 ~:� �T'�t Q1 ?'�i A' CE�?';t-ICATE i A !I-d -t-1 co...;; y I OF `NAMED HOME OFFICC SAN FIZ. NCISCO INSURANCE INSURED - It, J. NOBLE, �,LVVOR CLEARY r o'1RAC'i1=,iG era. • POST OF17ICE BOX 69-0 oRA►LTGE, CALII:ORi'.iA {:I CERTIFICATE --f OF ifl;ir�Z,',TrGTON BEACH CER T IFICATE'i Y ISSUED TO POST QrrTci BOX- 1c0 155Uf=D cav, INDUSTRIAL INDEM1,tI'T'Y COMrAN JIUNTj'f GTOIv BEACH, CALIFORNIA ;YnccT • • Ct TY STATE LTft.'CtivC _.__. )r:y i()',•; -jndor Phy•,ico1 D--imoqr, Covcrrnln f', pr•,'yui)te w, Irtt,'rc%ts may appear to th:. N,3med Irnored Cridf the Li,.,r.hr,irfr-f trt)fiL'tf bQir,,v Itl :.(.CC+1cfU.^,C'i '+ ::Ii �' ,; P Qyrble End,; [,merit (•9A) on rever-r,! side. LENt-IOLDER �': r' rCa`cr.t: !hc to1l,Nir... .,rtiGrrl ;r.,�:.:n,rF.1.•1 , 1 Yr-AP TRADL NAME' l:rtUY .-wr AND t•inUCL SF:ft1AL NUNIFIEft l 1T'TD :1S',:R1AL 1L\TDE-N1NITY COMPANY has issued coverage effective as of the dates and for the period:, and limits speci`ied Lelvw and subject to all terms, conditions, provisions, exclusiorts and limitations of the described Binders or Policies whoth>>r by endorsement or otherwise. K111D OF 1',',1SUf?,' ACE POLICY NUMBER POLICY PERI'OI1 LIMITS OF LIABILITY coLlPrHsa,T:oN Ens: 10-1.-b:31 CC 667761 STATL'TOit'f C rL#FORMA C01:1PEPtSATION-- W K MEN'S COMt'i.-4SATION EXP 1rJ-1 -(��} EY.PLOYEWS I AU11-IrY-52,000.000 PER OCCURRENCL CIOMPENSATION -+-' - + — �- EFF STA?UTORY C ]AIPENSATION STATES) OF �— WOPKME;J'Z COMPENSA'l-ION l E?CP EMPLOYER'S LIj.I7ILITY--S_ _ PE_R OCCURRENCE LIABILITY--- - -'- - ------- ----_~� EACH PERSON -- - EACH ACCIDENT BODILY INJURY LIAI3ILIT'f-- AUTOMOBILE $ EACH PFR':ON EACH ACCIDENT t30DILY INJURY L'Af31LITY— EXCEPT AUTOr,+OMI-E FFF $ $ PROPiRTY DAMAGE :.IA91LI-iY-- EACH ACCIDEEt1T At1 i OMtidlt[ � ExP rj EACIi ACCIDENT AGGREGATE PPnF'-R T'r' n;,MAGE L IoP!-R.1TY-- r S E'dlCEPT AtITCM-')RILE AUTOMOFIILE PHY WAL DAMAGE C0'.APrZf:Hf'-1SIVE l F: $ F W E, I f(H s NINC.. `. TR.'01"-T'0PTA?iON � $ THI.T :'!'.1r1At; FORM, � CXt' � CCt.ISIf.'ri OR Ur"` ET ACTUAL CA`.H VALUE- LESS $ DEDUCTIBLE I � I GLASS EFF REPLACEtAENT COST PEP i FYP SCHEDULE FILED WITH COMPAP'Y - -- - -'-- - - cF INLAND MArINE 1 I xp • - r(...'_.; ATTGRt4i:Y This po!+cy shall not be canceled nor reduced in co erarr.] u:,'ii C:-fter 1() days written notice of such cancelction or r4-ductinn iri covw-age ,hr.ill licive b ecn mctilcd to this, cortificuto ltUlrf: : Certified tl-:is 20TH clay of FELAUAR`,I 19 ;:ly TN2'}UST'RIAL CONIPANIY Producd-r HARRISON, 7_EPPEGNO BRIFTOL .� Aviliw,.l�r,:! kr. , .�:cr+.lcti�•e Contract Itond -- Faithful Permance Bond No.Ne. 93-52-76 Public Work — California Premium $ '442.10 INSURANCE COMPANY of Glens Falls, Nezu York CONTRACT BOND KNOW ALI., MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That R. J. NOBLE CO. , as Principal, and Glens Falls Insurance Company, incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York and authorized to execute bonds and undertakings as sole surety, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, & 83/100 in the sun of TrdENTY NM THOUSAND PAM HUNDRED SE'MNTY THREE Dollars ($ 29,473.83 ) for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, Whereas the above bounden Principal has entered into a contract, dated February 21 , 19 64, with the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH to do and Perform the following work, to-wit: improving Graham Street i:rom Edinger to Bolsa. State of California 1 On lbi, 21st /aI (,t LF�eybruary year One Angeles LJ f t�f. ►r,rt l,lt , Crnmtt Loa An Helton Dick it fit dlld fI)r) Ihr' 'did 1 I / � '.),lllf1 t)f Los Angeles f If•tihlf,lsti f1lt'Y,'l)1, ,IItJ)' l(I11111111.1+1+11r'tt ,l+le! tll'Urll, ':7'f1n71t1�1j' d�ll++',f)"!',7 H. L. Sevieon /►t a tt u 1 n u;r l 1++ /i u'! � :11'1't/I?�.1:1" +)� 117,• it ,,�.'� •:11.1..5 1,515t•'I :I.�'(.1. r.[/1t1' 1 r(:nr�tnr,tltull 111,11 rxr+ lrb•t1 . !r wit/ill 111,Il untc .)t,,7ut1 1,nult if to ntr fr, 17r f/1r /)ur;r( tl/r-rl `/,r ,.lid iticfrltnit')It oll bf-half 4 t1)t•(,r)r" wr,rllna thrr,7r, ,rr111t1,11 ,curl ,lc'l.'uu ­d'd it) nlr that ,lit h Cot flnr,ttinu t err tr/t',i t11r +.1ulr. t ft(ltAl• %, WIT NESS 1:01' 1 1, 1 1 r l � ,l! ,' 1+t'1 r11!!/a tt'f t!!) () ]tr'trll a/ iit fill• ('r,lltlll, n1. l .. ......, .•...... . . � S Anse eie / r rl,t y :lu,l y rrt/ i,! ... Ihrc r c•rfifrrllr f:rsl rite++t r rt•rllltLt, l�r � ,Votary PLIblicin and for the C(lunty of Lad Angeles .I Cal#9 } �!4 .lrlrlil,{;;!„�i`�,li'it 1 1�►'f� l My cummigv ...+,.... +..�. - - F Contract Boni — Faithful Pormance Bond No.N%. 93-52-76 Public work -- California Premium $ $ 442.10 INSURANCE COMPANY of Gle:ts Falls, Neiv York CONTRACT BOND KNOW AIL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That R. J. NOBLE CO. , as Principal, and Glens Palls Insurance Company, incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York and authorized to execute bonds and undertakings as sole surety, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF HUNTINGTON Br ACH, & 83/100 in the sum of TWENTY NIM THOUSM FOI<3R HUNDRED :sZ—A E Y THREE Dollars ($ 29,47 j.83 ?, for the payment whereof, m cll and truly to be made, said Principal and Surety nind themselves, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, Whereas the above bounden Principal has entered into a contract, dated Febru&V 21 , 19 64, with the CITY OF HUidMGTON BEACH to do and perform the following work, to-wit: Uproving Graham Street from Edinger to Bolaa. Now, Therefore, if the above bounden Principal shall well and truly perform the work contracted to performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and Tect. Signed and Sealed th=, 21et day of FebruarF , 19 64. R. J. 1'IQB -1 C Approved this....... ..... ... �Q�?}� GLENS F'AL S INSURANCE COMPANY Br. . s1't'TOtthEY .._:...�--- ................=.. ................... Attorney ..... i Title.... �. He L. Sevirson FORM lost CAL. CONTRACT BOND y , 93-52-76 CALIFORNIABand No............................. 4 LABOR AND MATERIAL ` PUBLIC WORK INSURANCE COMPANY of Glens Falls, New York KNOW ALI, iliEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, ............ _............................R.'s... ,t..).q.0n! Co. as Principal, and. the Glens Falls Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York and authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firnily bound unto the State of California .ar the use and benefit of the State Treasurer as ex-oflicio treas- urer and custodian of the Unemployment Fund and any and all materialmez, persons, companies or corpo rations furnishing materials, provisions, pre-ender or other supplies used in, upon, for or about the per- formance of the work contracted to be execttred or performed under the contract hereinafter mentioned, and all persons, companies or corps:rations renting or hiring teams, or implements, or machinery, for or contributing to said work to be done, and all persons performing worl: or labor upon the same and all per- sons supplying both work and materials as aforesaid, in the 83/100 sum of TWENTY NINE THOUSAND FOUB. HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE h Dollars. ($ 29,473.83 ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, z aministrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed with our se ass and dated this 21stday of February , 19 64. The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above-bounden Principal has entered into a contract, dated February 21 , Ifi b4 with City of Huntington Beach to do and perform the following work, to-wit: improving Graham Street from Edinger to Bo lsa. Now, Therefore, if the above-boupaen Principal, or their sub-contractor, fails to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supllies car teams. used in, upon, for or about the per- State of California ��,t 11,it 21at ,Irr) r1( February ilt !hr )e.11 �• t ne Tlwt.rall,l Ninr• !l uu,lyed ,rnd 1964. hr(rJrr „tr, County of Loa Angeles . Helen .AiCk. a Nr,lar Public1 ill r11111 iur the wort. . . (:ouill) r,(, jQg Ail$Blta frrlrrlill;; iberci,t. July t u„truissirll;r,l marl suv,rn, jrr'r�Uu,llly aplir•1m-d i H. L. Sevison ;1'!'•1't)��.ti'1:}' u1 thr• i�l.l'.t'S !•.11./.S !.t'.SU1:.-1.\•('!: (:(�,1t1':l.\'}-, 1hr• j (.rJrrru/a:l.rrt 1hal r•krY'!ard the is 1111111Ill%/? 1nle:I1,Jlr.! I'11rr1111 1r, !,1:' If) A.the E ~. i:1:. 3FAL, I'r'non it hn r•.��r•r-,Ited thr iah 1,J a lrf rtltllI'llt fill 'half r,r !lr �,r,►'`1r,r,ItfUfl il;r•rrirt y E 1 1 u lr rl;tirrl to „Jr th;d lJrr h (:urr+r,r,11in11 :'%1 11t1.1 Ih, ;:1►+,r tit_'. Er.r DICK ,,,1„Jrcl rlur ar;m, IN il'•.T l:titi 11"Ill:l,hi !F 1 bar r hr•rr•t11t10 st•1 nt) ha►1rl and atfl i rd m) r r r•rc.r 4-Al r•., .,, is 111r (;r,iirll` u( ..Lon Angeles /1r,' dal and )ear i,t ..... ...... .. this certifl,ale firtl abut r• rt•riltril 1 f' \, ,tiotar%- Public In and for tic County of Los Angeles.. .. State of Calif. My comtnirsic:l cxpire% HUEN—DICK_ — --- `�•' f UNTUDLIsion Fwnires November 30 1965 CONTRACT BOND Bond No 93-52-76 CALIFORNIA Cs z ..... ...................... LABOR AND :MATERIAL PUBLIC WGRK INSURANCE COMPANY of Glens Falls, Nezv Fork KNOW ALL 4EN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thatwe. ........................................... .C©..---------.............._......................_............, as Principal, and the CIens Falls Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York and authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the State of California for the use and benefit of the !ate Trea:iurer tm ex-ofTicio treas- tirer and custodian of the Unemployment Fund and any and all materialmen, persons, companies or corpo- rations furnishing materials, provisions, provender or other supplies used in, upon, for or about the per- formance of the work contracted to be executed or performed under the contract hereinafter mentioned, and all persons, companies or corporations renting or Firing teams, or implements, or machinery, for or contributing to said work to be done, and all persons performing work or labor upon the same a:td all per- sons supplying both work and materials as aforesaid, in the 83/100 sum of TWENTY tMIE THOUSAND :v^b'a HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE & Dollars, ($ 29;473.83 lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, succeasc,rs and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed with our seals and dated this 21e0ay of February , !q 64. The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above-bounden Principal has entered into a contract, dated February 2..1 , I(} 54 with City of Hun$ington Beach to do and perform the following: work, to-wit: improving Graham Street from Edinger to Bolea. Now, Therefore, if the above-bounden Pri -cip,-J, or their sub-contractor, fails to pay for any materials, provisions, provender u, oLner supplies or teems, used in, upon, for or about the per- nance of the work contracted to be clone under said contract, or for any work or labor done thereon of kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to ;such work or labor, Surety on this bond will pay the same, in an arnount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, and, incase suit is brought upon this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the Court and to L2 :d as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered; Provided that this bond is filed by the icipal to comply with the provisions of sections 4200 to 4208, inclusive, of the Government Code of the to of California and liability hereunder is subject to the provisions of said section and acts amendatory reof, and sections of other codes of the State of California referred to therein and acts amendatory -eof. )roved this........ day of............................... 19......... R. J. NOBLE Ws- ............... .. .............................. ...................... ...... . ...�.Q ._�.._ . ..�:: � •J GLENS F LLS INSUR t^E COMPANY C .................... . ..... ":Y AlAITJF.NLY �-- nium included in . ., .__ By �. �_- ormance Bond Attorney 107.CAL. 1 _ Expires November 3p 13 r . ,_}i ' _ _..�.__•..,.'! ,;�♦ ._ r •.1� .: tt•..•1.. •T.:' �iL i�.%Yii:.�i'Ji�T CS ..' .... Itt3'_s'JJ,� . ._ _. _•'r.•r'�_+!'. i::�t.Jr, �C� ,',.1.`J��:._ 1L�r!�,1'tl iy '_� C Il'? 3.C%: _'•i ., . .� :-D ciCCO_ ix7. _ :;. 1.:'i.va '.tt: or oi- ��� ••`'lt -L - -`�",,;y :J%ti {{nI�J:�1fiC4h,'ry `ail'. _ i _ •r, P.C. t?Y- :.-I ch ^i.` tor .Gr I'ii3.i R`i--%C' i�� c.!'_•; cvi-it-:'PLC for who G;oC-J ,•_ct J .- �.�. • r.. �:.`l tl. Mi.`..i:r :Yid :314 r.C' all. •J Lf ., t ��,r fl(+� �tl�• r lit 1L tt .:l'JlT7�'1. 1 v' -i`.I !E,r;:i'... .. i.i1 Unite Lei`?. . ;':'�! ?.11 Oii_.^, i"I'1CC z ►.�. . FIFTY CENTS S0.50 S 62.50 .�._._�.•_.. _ -.-s_.M.•..�.r r�.._..__1 f'II Mrs.__.w_...A..._f�_Nw. .. ���....�+•... ..w.__M.r'.w+�_s .•.. +rV_._+tiw_a...w_.ems.:.w _ �. .—...- .titi. I.w M._. CUIvem TE?.__; rDOLLARS �,r.:_• �i3:, �►�f� *10.00 120.00 '. t '.'. .mot....v.w..«....�...._. i. # 7"rTn DOLLARS w2.00 136.00 LC J.i.• , .._ ..r.._ .�__..-..+.. .._w._...___ ._..,� .•.►.. -_._........•__....+w_.n_. ..w..•_•...• • .._ j(F .-.w.r......�r..w-ram w.vr-) • �� ;r�':... ` vEYD 1 Y SIy CD,'T 7 $0. f 6 $14 J 628.48 • i SIX CEI!TS }:%' +V).06 $1202-42 L 10 �. .:t:� �` i � i ,_ . :t ._ ��. ..�� ._ !. _���.�'��� Ste._c.•1 ..11 �13 .. _.. } :�. ...r' _. j i ��:.... ONE DOLLAR ETt�IITY SIX CFNTS � :�: y -1.g 6 ; 85,516.76 T'r10 DOLLARS FORTY CENTS r. .r• ;;f f. 2.1st7 $2C�,316.t�0 THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS �- �;r.r 1: $35.00 8 h06.00 � i FORTY DOLLARS ��. :� t.,. sho.00 IS 232.00 t � 1 ----— ...._.+... ..•,.._.ter.....•... .-.w_--_.ice irr.v_..r.r....�..._._... .. ......._ _..+..'r_+._�«_--r-w. �..._..r__-�+_-_ .y wr.._�..�-._.-.... ._. ..._...._.... r r._......_-.._.. /i_...w.. . _ __..• . r .. _. .... . .. • _r_ .'3 FI:TE DOLLARS_SvVENTTY FI�rE_ CENTS :.c: f 5.75 13,�3ti.57 ' FORTY_DOLLARS _� �,o:: y fir{?.Ca � 8, 232.00 t � c ._ LI ARS ;: -,;T E`'I DC; 1`t. . 1Q.00 S 700.00 D :t. ;any:.^ t� I? :ciY•:,z tit T► Q ME D(,LI,A.R 200�C0 �tOQ,CO _... ._ . , t C SEVEM7 FIVE CENTS._..._._._,._ _......r�''-=� s��. {'t � 80.75 s1,0p0.00 FORTY DOLLARS r $1 t Ce11. , z:. S; -n s aril r•7f-r,; =.c TMM, DOLLARS glO,GG 120.00 Si _.♦ wr�w ter.,..w •.��M .++r r�� rN�-.w+-.. f $5P,90.66 If awarded the contract, the undersir r_ed hereby agmes to sign said contract, arr3 furni�h the necnsaary borxi:� althi.n ten (10) doya o£ the arraxyl of said contract, and to begin work --;it*, in te-•-i (10) d1z.Js fro-m, the date of approval of the contract by the City of Huntinotoa Teach, Calif Orl-ria. The undersigned has o:,.-mmi.ned the location of Vic proposed ioru and is f oxil iar with the _O...-ast, ;ry---cif:ic::liono and prrorlsiono and the Imal coalitions at the pl,-ce there the i•:crk is to be done. Accomp�aryin this pro~ooal i.p bidder's bond (tI0'l�10E: Insert; the o: ' L� ' .h ' Ca,hler s Checi ", in ar..ounlu- egml to at !Bast ten per cent of t,t e zork. :_A:� i, c ..hecl , ort✓ c ;j s Sorxf , �s the case may be. in with an act t•rri!ri.dinr- ='or the re„ist nt;ion of Contr,-ctors. A 121735 R. J. NOBL ANY J 1t� bv: I 1 _�. 5i pature of t�-M r ---- _ -_filer j (i,dd "ass. P.O. Box 620,t OranE.e, Oa?ifornia cf t'e-c- dense 10122 Cowen Heights Drive, Santa Ana Ca] ifcrnia t . .•-.c. t lath day of February 30 .(*vi�lsi:etf"Xiiifttidefnti i Eetr i rk OR 7tion G=-: � yW'=';�: Flt1f3X:HQr.SF.ii.=:It• ;311D.S :�.v;, of Pubfica Affid tlot:cq in'..hargl={ �ivc7i-•fhb'. ''.•f,efi:%it� `CoupCtl rat_ih=.Gitp:af'licazitiaQtarr'tzc:ch;' Caiit�rn}u,.,vn{li'§`�ck.la ±rd .>Rlriz,.la; t4:n'ratt►i.Jioit, +�rttf�cfitg,:�.ond•. i;r.,. gtavrn►cnis of Gtah Sri ..�itsc�7t,'' tit rt_ T.vaa,rw to Bra.-,_ Aveniin, cotrlt rrcr vtitl:'-the- plans, aprr;fir.7ti�ns� State of California i atzd - ec:sl •provisions -noi "cn .file in ` ss the office d ibr. City:clerk =d tl:: Gisp County of Orange ( :;rtai;;eat of raid Citr." s`.ach bid to htl City of 11antington Beach 1 ¢� i:sd 'irk tt',tici accmdcmca w'll+ teat f oath, sa�-s` That he is a �sgeci)i�ifors ihe:i•fata.,k rb:tr'� at "s5.t',D J. S. Farquhar, ))sing duly warn on o, :will he Mao, far:each rot .n .iprcillca of t•.venty-one years. �tid's r alla- tecsryattytn4"y:aw:ra.r� fit izcn of the United St itcs, over the age City )l rrgilreer'a Lt.trlale That he is the printer and publisher of the Huntington Beni Ap}srsxilNL'ff Qdeaitfr' 'News, a �~.`celtly nt!wsl�:tper of general cirroltt,lon prilitcd. p 1 8 !:n;11..A4Phzl fhrta In;moval, i 2 1Z Lin. it. rotscctior. trrJsiurq fire`' atttrl circulated riitisemination oftloi it and ttotber nge tew-ssof 1egent and G11wo ulvriI publislird for the •subscribers, t cat 1ptuc_-afiitus) Lin. it. Bair r)y:,rr.t�`er, and t;as a hc,na fide subscription list of paying~ . tlyC' rt-ssAval and said gasper has been established, printed and published fir` 1 lg.2as Cu.- yd: axccvatlatt and Matte of California, and County of Orange, for at least one year next grading 5 23,707 Sq: yds. i,asf, aor-t ?•lat�riai t►r�orr the PUN of the first insertion of this notice; and the 21.707comp S .n • s:ticl nc�«sllaper is no'. clev� the ti•cl to t}:e introfes oest n,�tr� hiical calling, is Z9ob son Aggregate sub 1. e entertainment of any par.trular elates, p 7 o45S Tons Aggtogats Douce o, deriornination, or any number thereof. .9 11.6 Tons ^•rimc, fact. . aint 'Tile litinting'on Beach ��t�,rs was adjudicated inihelSuperinregal sCn�newspaper lit z?54 Tons Asphnitd-anctcla of g,_-nera'. eit•eltlaliun by .ltuli•e Cl- 1 order No. A-5931. it �x �i'san3 &++�`��'' , of CJir,;fkc County, California August 27th, 1937 by 17. 70. 7,1r.: vitae la'-.,Dian~ -fez'G ug csrrugate . sit'+slsl a i<ne - 13 2 Each oacrcte lteadvrarl NOTICE I OVIT ING -SEALED BIDS That the ► �,��1-3��l.Vtt S 1 i,a,n arse.t our.. 12 porch ml.callaneaus Signs alto was published in said news- to oi.cardarco with the provlsio= of r:Mich the annexed is a printed copy, P Semion>1770 of tho-L b'or Cod",.the Cit; Council•of tho, City of ilvnl: uton Boach . �• � I� 111 P 1; - - as astiir I alned tilt: general p=eruific. 1,z'ller at least ---- into C wages opplitahla to tl o roso:Ir t: h f_ tj anus ry _ ; :a,darle to be as:follows: day o Vommencing from the Trade at Hourly Wage February 'accaPationt Rater 6 6 4h day of Carpeaterst 19_ , and ending on the __ Y lfeaith,'& Welt^re - fist per 64 �Pcnslc� £Jeri • 10dtpar .hour 19 both days inclusive, and as often during said period and Vacation - l5c pat hour b4.10 times of Pill) as s.^,icy. pe r was regularly issued, and in t e a-pon.ar regular and entire issue of said newspaper proper, and not in a camcal Masons: sttpglement, and said novice was published therein on the following hoahh f;,` eJiel:ara - 13e net bait.- i pension Plan. -' 10c pat hour dn.Cs, to-wit: 'Vacation - lot p+i hou: - 4.14 • t 4.+,cson ....,..._._. ......... s�8I111�flZ' --��-r--E�`h»ttta Y'tr Q _; -- .amens b: :ast -Chipping and aat.hing 4.14 Curb lo:m and Plank setter, including setts»3 of liace, 4t4kfls, and 4•14 grades .. ....:.... . .... ............... . 4.14 �" l • �'L j Goading scolingte a3awint •... .... . Publisher C uttin�, Scorta7 & Snwtnq now 4,14 / COASrS'if ......._........ f?:y rach:ng concrete, Including _ 4.14 ;ey of t3fn1ctictg Ltlgitwerst Subscribed and sworn to before me this h�at<� .wefare : lso per hour Pons;an.Plan - Lse per hour .UKL wit 19 'T:catin,: 1Qr per hour t- Clas�lflcatt or i � / Notary P•,:blic Group 1 ._...-..__:............. .......... 3.78 02 Ctaug2 .... ........... _......_... ....... 4.Q3 --- Orange County, California Cstoup .3. _. a•zi; -�10MAS n' �PlY1.LlF _ �' -.37 �F• Croup 3 .. "" 4.5fi N�'TARY Pl;3iiC. i;i`:.:•. _ t. .'t:1Y, Cpl' Group 5 .... _ ........._ 4.6�+ M refits. l'3, crr.ug.'3 ... ..,..V- y Ccmmi�sion Expire:• tvan wcrteers 1Icult;f 5 Vle:lata 15e pnr Lo:r per,,In Pica -'!0 per :sour Vacation - Ica per blur _._ 4.75 Structural Ironworker l.aherers: Health 4 Welfare - 12111 ptr hour pensiaa''Plan - i0c pet h=ur L•tbarer - Gsrettii of C'2nstruction 3.35 Operatic.- of Pncu:.atit 5 l:lc tii: Tools, vibratlr:7 Muchin'su h Sisal. for rtociionic•ri inc!e not aeparl:" 3 57 classififd heroin .. Asphc:: Rcker ar-d Ironer -.-- ' 3.57 3. Azpbolt 5rovalcr Cutting Torch Qg.x:utor 3.41 f£+onzowon] -• • ....{' Strcot rinr ..grade:, Hi;hway pairing.- Ai ncrm Punwap:" and simttar :Ypa heavy sncstrur'.i�r: 3.46 Flagman ................................_........... 3.35 G:iinea Cb esw. _. .. ..... ...... . 3.44 Laying cf"ati non-:metallic pipe. 1nrt4sinq sewer pips, drain pipe 6 undrrgrouad silo - ... 't•G7 3.67 17ty Packlag of Concrete C:,nriaa,e Sawman, "xeludinq trac- tor type ' Mrpoking 6 Csulking of all non- 3.55 rnataai= pipe Joints .I.-.... .. ....... Uentsters: -- l;ecsit:► b Welfare • 15c per hour Pension Plan • 5c per hou: - Driver of Dump Truck,ct Liss than: 3•B2 4 "Yds. water lacol . .. .....__. 4 Yes. but"lr;s than 6 yde. water le-.el. ........ .._.. 3.95 ,9 Yds, but less an -12 ptsr4s. vraicr•level'"......... .. .. . - , ..... . 3 90 12 .Ydz. brit lass than. li, 7ds. 3.9i3 wale: level . - ._ .... ... 15 Yd:. but Ie=s *hall 21+ yes• - -0.ZO ♦:ate: level .. 25 Yds. yr more water iova; -.._.... 4-53 Driver cNI. Truck Legal PaY''Oca Capacity: L6ss- 3.42 than fi.tons........ . . _..... _..__ 3•f15 ..5 tons io 10 tons ....... .......... _....- 10 tons to 15 tor• ...._. ....... ....._... . 3.90 15 tens :cn5 ........... .....::...... i ate. 2tl-tans or't:maro ..,........ .... ...... _... 4.20 D:i7os ttl Trar:cit _Mix TsucY. 9.2Q a Yards at more u- D:lvar of Rr ad Oil Spreader Tru 4.30 :k R 30 Boosnwn _....._.......... ........_._. .. __.. 1 .Water Truck. Driver - ZWO gala. 3.80 ,WC110i -Truck Driver - 2Soo gals' 4.OQ to'4000 gain. .... .. ......... . Truck Gmassi and 'l itoniaa 1.15 Truck Repafrmaa __.. 4.765 Truck Ropaitmars Helper 4.035 DW 10 asid DW 20 £ucaid-typei ...Equipmonl . LeTouineau. Puila, Terra Cobras and similar types of egtiips"Ont; also' PS' and attoMar type :rucks whin pstfor:ning worl: within she _Teamster , Jurisdre:iou. . icaard- 1f•:s of "types'of"altachclentis •••. 4.7iiS OVESTiME RAMS CARP£rtTERS--Thee and. ono-half lot oil: Oyerllme, arccept- Sundays. and }toll: doyi,'which are dot•bto ttr,rl. GEMLN7 Mf[o4Nfl Titno and one halt, ek epi .&:ndaYa and holiday& which ors double tisim. OPERATING EWGitit.EtlS-Time and Qho-half. except Sundays and h,lidays, orhfch are'double •state. •;:1liCli.."W0i31XHS-Time and oarr•half, stccept &urmays and holidays, which-are "l;rt,.time.. ::-LASIonsns.4lato anti,one-hell, ex_opt uMays.'and'holidays, wht_h lie'double time t IEA:�tSTERS-Tin�c anti, ..cnwhall• 4A� 'ce�f;�$u: #. �,.11: balttlaYs. ..i<thich aura •doul7Fe:'.fisae: ...+ .. ". ,-. . 7Lc rnt� of nPansation for cry clos tilltcattozi .-fiat llattd lsl .the schoduie,-btft hi,:4=;may•-be requited sat .cxec:lro the, propor<od carttiact, shall be:cOmmansur- 'ate and to occ4rd-Nish tha-late% sgocftiad far "tlintilar at--za:f:parablf. dutles in the S:vuthom Calliotnia Manias& L;ibot Agree- . •ray$. Riles• 1,0 h,atrr, fruit.,+tt++•S n4are ilea 'b. qmf `Iti9t1 tiro int:ai ptart.tl`.t►lf tries I;Ptt"-day: being o?ght. ilnit„ !ha ab:ve scheduled rste ;ear hour. Hourly late$ ai pe{.are bt sod upari .eight hours per day' for a lull" day or a factional parl of d day. Th;o.Itai clients W01" Of a 1ractlanal pdtt of c/ d:ly tshol'l be 144 -OPP110,14 stlis phr hour multatillad by tsto n1loblt of .hoists wank-t On Si so 1l r thaA teas for overtime and o. Sur-days 1 Holiday>r. All work perfc:mcd in axcet.s of 2f9h1 {ti) hours per day o: ioity (40) hours per week shall hs, pald 'or et tl.tf I:rstiailtag ivtstini6 rat", and tillxtrk perforrmfi on lirlldays au! .r,an:laYa,;eltalt ho lfulcf for at the prav•dlislg•overlsaf.3 toty, to each :;rsft invoh4d. Plans and :p•scilicctiicns togothar with proposal• form' may L-3 a'uta:ne at tl:e r office 21 ibe City Lnq,nset, City :Iall. tiiinitnc,ton Beath, Calil�rria. tea bid will bn rac,•ivrd unless it is male on a blank fotm iu:n.zhcd by lire City. £ngineel.- T:se spacial, attention of p:ozpcctrve bidqur: is c=Ilod t:) tl,o •'Prc- possal Roquitelnarltx.', cot f--::h in tk~ t3xcifi:ati.r.a; ic.r full clirer.tior.r cat it the Thu, lo:eg,)tors qu-'unities ur7 opp:aY4- �. Erato arty, hcsi^Ear the bi_ zv_ iisutlnrtan Bsp;�^h does tint, express ct by impikzi;cr. cgreo that tbu 1-v:tit . w �. =aunt" of walk .rill correspond ti:'re- "with,bu: rcn-1, oat 010 :fight to it real^ et dtctrusc she -a:nau ,t o1 any close deemed pdr 141tn•► nl tiin. work, as ::z7 tccoscary .ot or^.-aiu by tf:c :n9laeer Alf Bids ,rill he camparrd ov else bael at the Chr C,,gin„en'a estimate of ikc qunnfitlo!s ci Ncik is'he cis bid will be accapied ftom a Ccn- Sta<toi who to not aeon:•=d in ar•: rdantc with'it+c iZvr,- under the pra'1is13nx o' .Chapin.- i91, S:ntutos of:192?, on uraendqL ar Gl+tretrr 37, stctvlas c' 1939. W amosidoff or' -.9zr110ic .a p:o;•oe~I iqr:, •hiss hnt•'he .., lt.'sucd by t•^•c C:tj v: Itun ington Booth. Each-bid shsli be made ou' on a fan to tea. clita:red a: the atii-t of the City Engir:ee:, .City Hall, ;iun:icgtoa Ea.ach, Cclifoatla, sh,711 ' be comet; nand tiled with the City Clerk of-ai•1 City 2n c: bsf-:to 5.00 P.A._ of Frbtu:trY 14th, ^td.gait be opened by :',a City Caun:ii at its inlatraai session at 7:C9 A.M. Feb. 17, 1364. The City c1 Hun:mitten Rea ':, C= i- .i..«. ..... w-nrr .►Jet} fOr•ttiZ, .-ra3•irYb: ::G a:"all bidt alit to a.cspl the :rti tis,irited for the- sa+rsl late-art at tho City 4f flu:,:- 7Ag:an Platen. . 13Y ostler ,of :he. City Ci xlcil of 't¢t,• Cliy of Huntingsat: 8cach tills MIS day M 4aversb-•: 11+s3: pj,M C. IONTIS, sr►ty Glcsl: NOTICE; RIVITI IG SEhLI2) LIDS Notice is 'iereby Zivei. that t'r:e City Council of the City of uuntin ton Beach , California, will receive sealed bias for the reconstruction , Surfacing, and improvemonts of Graham Street , fror-: Edinger Avenue to Bolsa Avenue, in accordance with t:ie Flans , specifications and :special provisions now on file in the office of the "it, Clerk and the City ;--:ng-ineer of said City. Eac'-L bid to be submitted in strict accordance with the st)eci- fications therefore . A charge of ;�5 . 00 will be made for each oet of specifications and acccrtij)ar_ying drawings . CITY E 4(s]:NEER ' S ESTIPaTE " � v a m i-, ��r7 rh 1'�'F l.: its PROXI�'ir_ E &UAIN,�11 Y s. 125 Lin . f t . Asp nal t Berri removal. 2 12 Lin. ft . relocation existin- 18 " Cr•:P culvert 3 66 + Lin. I't . Barricade removal Z� 1�,�, 2I;.J Cu. yds . excrmr ation and -railing 5 23, 707 Sq. ,ds . Basement I"r- ter•ial Compaction 6 2966 Ton [-r-;-;rer%ate Sub-base 7 W165 Tons Aggrega to was e 8 11 . 6 Ton.- Prime coat 9 5. 8 `.Pons Paint minder 10 2, 3% Tons Asphalt concrete 11 5. 8 Tons Seal Coat 12 '1'0 Lirs. ft . 18" Diam. -12 Gauge corrugated metal pipe 13 2 `i;ach Concrete headwall ll� 1 ,1p) .O So. ft . concrete crossir:g pad 15 1 Each - Street sign 16 12 Each miscellaneouo Signs and i-:arkers In accordance with the provisions of Slection 1770 of t'rie Labor node , t'rie. City ;;ou�lcil of the "'i.t;; of lluntincton i�ea.ch, lia-. as:: artalnec the ;-eneral prev,�.i?11-ng rate of vd4L;es applicable to t e rror'L_ to be Saone to be as follows : Hourly J .0rade or Occupation: Rate : CAzriP i I'f j"rl'S Health, (c I-telfare - 18d per hou.-- Pension Flan - 10� per hour Vacation - 15, per hour Carpenter „,Z} . 30 Health u: �ielf are - 131, per 'flour Pension Plan - 10;! per hour Vacation - 10,(Z per hour C©ment Hason u..11} Cement Eason chipping :end patching 4 . l4 'Curb fors.: and Plank setter, including setting of lines , stakes , grade:s 4- 14 Grindiri:; r,iaclaine operator 4.14 'Jutting, ScorinL, a Sawing; nevi- concrete jry packing concrete, including 'Embeo 4,14 Healtii t4- 1,1'elfare - 151 per hour i ension Plan - 15� per hour Vacation - 10� per hour CL,4SSIi:'ILA'21oil Group 1 1.78 croup 2 Z}.. 02 rrouP 3 4. 26 rrouP 4. 37 Group 5 4-56 Group 6 4.66 IRON WO.:"i =:f ZS Health . 'Yelfare - 15� per }:iour Pans'on r1ar. - 10;: per hour Vacation - 10�" per hour S is uc tural Ironworker 4. 75 2 0 Hourly Tad e Trade or Occupation: Rate : LABORETS : Healtin &. 'Welf'are - 12' per hour Pensior= Plan - 10,! per hour Laborer - rreneral or Conntnic tion 3 . 36 Operator of Pnavrgatic ' Electric 'i'ools , `Iib •-a tin , t•f achir_es si�,nilar viechan- ics-1 tools not weparately clasci.fier herein 3 .57 Asphalt Raker and Ironer 3 .57 As-nhalt Shoveler 3.46 I�uttinU Torcli Operator (Demolition ) 3.41 Nine �rad-:r, iliglawuy w St.ree-t Paving, Airports , ilkunways , and similar type heavy construction_ 3 .46 Fla0aa.n 3, 36 Guinea Chaser 341 L a-,riuf- of all non-metallic ripe, including sewer pipe, drain pipe �. underground til.A 3 .67 Dry Pac'Kln� or Concrete 3. 36 Concrete saurian, excludinG tractor t;p- 3 . 51 i,lal:i ng ,c CaulltinC of all non-metallic pipe jointo 3 .55 Health ':del Pere - 155r per hour Pension Plan - 5�, per hour � Driver of Dump 'Truck of Less than : 4 Yds . water level 3. 82 4 'Ns . but less than 6 ;ids . ;eater level 3 . 85 8 ds . but i.ess than 12 yd:; . water level 3 . 90 12 'Y'ds . but less than 16 yds . watei, level 3 .98 16 Yds . but: leca ths~n 25 ydo . water level 11, 20 25 Yds . tic or -,lore water level 4.53 Driver of Truck Legal Payload Capacity : Less than 6 tons 3 . 82 6 tons to 10 tons 3 . 85 10 to i5 i:OTl9 3 . 90 15 tons to 20 tons 3 . 98 20 tons or more 4. 20 3 Trade of Occu2r one Oourly Wabe Rate : S""RS ( cont ) :giver of `Ilraresi t I-iix `'ruck 3 Yds . or more 20 Driver of Road Gil Spreader Truck 4- 00 Footman 4- 00 rater Truck Drive-r - 2500 ca.ls . 3. 88 r•iater Truck Driver - 2500 LL:1s to 400 Dal s . 4. 00 `2rucic Jrea.4er and Tireman 4.15 `Truck Repairman 4.765 Truck: Repairman Helper 4.435 D:AN' 10 and D;1 20 Euclid- type Equipment, LeTourneau Pulls , Torra Cobras and similar types of equipment ; also PB and similar type trucks when per- forming; work wil thin the Teamster jurisdiction , rec-ardless of t;jpes of attachments 4. 765 0VLTTIi-'7` "ULTE'S UP04TERS - Time and one-half for all ov ertir,.e , except Sundays and 1•iolidays , which are 'double time . CEI-�VNT I• ASO 6 - Time grid one-half , e ceot Sundays and holidays which are double time. GPE,x_ A. I k't�.,,_'_ 'L;�'HS - Time and one-half, except Sundays -andn3 �, .� _. iiolidayz , which are double tire . IfiOk 1.-:G aMS - Time a_nd one-half, excefIt Sundays and holi drays , wl- ich are double time . ILLBO1.EES - T"in:e; a.::d one-half, except Sundays acid holidays , which are double time . TEAi•:STERS - time; and one-half, e ce , t Sunday- and holida;;s , which are doubla time . The rate of cor:►pen.ation for an;- classification not listed i._ the: schedule , but which may be; -L (:squired to execute the pro- posed contract, shall be conirr_ensurate and in accord 1•.i th the rates specified for similar or comparable duties in the Southern California Easter Labor Ai-recir.ents . The rater per hour, indicated above are rased upon the local pi•evailin.- rates per dav being eight times the above �1. screeduied rate per hour. Hourly rates of pay are based upon ei ht hours per day for a full day or a fr�:ctional part of a day. The per diem wages of a fractional part of a day shall be the applicable rate per hour :multiplied by the number of hours wor :ed on s_c ld dav other tiia_n for overti,:.e and Sundays or Legal Holiday s . All performed In excess of e iF;ht ( 3 ) hours ,per d.ay or forth (40) hours per week shall be paid for at the prevailing overtime rate, and all work performed on Holidays and Sundays , sh .:ll be paid for at the prevallinE. of►i:,rti :ie rate, for each craft involved. '1- Flans and specifications together vi th proposal form may be obtained at th., office of tame City L,:n-ineer, Jity Hall, runtin-ton Beach, California. 1.o bid will be receivod unless it is made. on a blank form furnished by the City L.,ngineer. TI-ie special attention of pro- spective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirements ' , set forth in the specifications , for full directions as to the bid- ding. The foregoing quantities are appropiriate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bias , and the City of HIurtin-tan Leach does not , eX,pres3 or by implication agree that the actual amourit of work •r:a.11 correspond therewith but reserves the right to increa3e or decrease the amount of any class or pc.rtlons of the work., as r:iay be deemed necessary or expedient by t:ie Engineer. All bids will be compared on the basis of the City i!:rigineer ' s e:tiriate of the quantities of wort: to be done. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who is not "licensed in accordance Y7i.th toe law, unci er t'lao provisions of Chapter 791, Statutes of 1929 , as amended or Chapter 37 , Statutes of 1539, as P-mended, or to w�loln a proposal f'orLm has not been issuad b-, the City of Huntirir,ton beach. EacL bid shall 'oe made out on a form to be obtained at the office of the CiL,i in�ineer , Cit;r Hal.l , :iuntin�;ton -each, California ; Oh all be sealed and filed with the City C1erlc of said City on or before P .M. of 1963, and slaall be opened by the City Council at its informal session LI at 7 . 00 r,.I,i. 1 z6`g . The Citr of Huntine-ton each, California, reserves the riClat to reject any or all bids , and to accept the r -'_d deemed for the bast interest of the City of -HuntiriE;ton Heach. By order of the City Council of.tine City of Huntington Beach this day of 1963. -' G ty Clerk 6