HomeMy WebLinkAboutRALPH ALLEN & PARTNERS - 1983-01-03 ti yam Al s*yn law THIS ACREWCEN, made and entered into thi.s_j `'� day ref j s 19 day and between the Cl F - - q a ICU T1T;:: ON BEACH, a munici.ps corporation, hereinafter referred 4 to as "CITY," and RALPH ALLEN & PARTNEAS a C:lif orni.a cort,cration, hereinafter referred to as ''CCNSULTANT�" RECPPALS WHEnAS, ,.ITY deairez tcc enga-ge ;she services of C*N*S!:1.7MNT for the pre arat-4on or plans and for the ITT' - reo"struction of the iT 's n.unici:t ai pi r re'nroon; and KIAPa'! desires to prPpare said p3 a. s and s ec i l i ca.t l on for CIT ,: C inHFi;, terns agree as follows: SECTION I WORK S T A'�''MIEN1' (a) CONSMiTANT shall provide r.11 oonr ieptual and con,-trufctlon plans for the reoonstrueti.cn of the t',1TY's wini.c pal p er restsom, as described; in Zxhi.hi.t "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, incl%- alS but not limited to schematic plans and cost estizatesi surveys, investigations, eonsu taticw�, and adv1cet prepai=at-lion of detail design, construction plans, estimates of qtw ti.ti es and .gas Wz-,, preparation of the special provisions and: R r k any other m! 4el;la.neeus architectural services required to permit CITY to advertise for bids for construction project. (h) CONSULTANT shall attend and assist in all coordin tian meetings. yvr�; tc3 CONSULTANT shall designa , s registered arcbitt-ct who a shall represent it and: to its sole contact and agent in all consul- tations with CITY during !`ulJ4*il br4ert of the torn,a of this agreement. SECTION 2. 3 SP SITI N `' P�ANS FST1. TES A.; 0'"H R CONSULTANT rt7r k*5 that 3 i s rA. �r1aJ. drawings, reports,a both ' £ and J f "I -ea, ca ,ulatlorkz, mapa and ao.tb,:vr documents pre— pared by 3N3TaLT�`ZT cr € nder its dire-wt:ors are the sole property of CITY and ifil l he delivered to CITY t,pon or earlier termination of t.1l,s, aa5reement. SECTION 3. INDVNINIFICATIONz DEFENSE. HOLD 'r"sARNMESS N:a.i x'r*Nx hereby agree; to defend, index nify and hold harmless CITY, lcs offivers, a$ents and e pl a e s, from and against arty and all liability, darsa es, costs, lasses# el.aimis or c perizes, however used, result.-Ing directly or indirectl-y from or connected with CONSULTANV s, performance of this agreement, except wbere such liability, damages,, opsts, losses, claims or expenses a;rR caised aclely by th4,- ne li e t or v on " act of an orf cer, a ei1,, or employe of the CITY. S SECTIog 4. WORKERS COMPENSATION CONSULTP-,T shall comply with all of the provisions o ..he Worker's' Compensatior, Insurance and Safety Acts of the State of California, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CITY from and against all claims, demands, payrents, suits, actions, proceed- i_ngs and ju gmeti 5 of every r:ature and descrip`ioi,, Including atto-ney's fees and uosts, presented, brought or reLovared against CITY, for or on account of any liability under any c.7 'aid acts which nd be incurred by reason of any work t � �.. ,� � �o be perf`prm��c b;� CONSULTANT undeix ,his agreement, and shall provide to CITY evidence of Workersl ColR,"C3ensat."ion A surance satistactory- to the City ttotuF.°T,y. SECTION 5. I SURMUCE CON5t3 `"ANT agrees to furnish to OITY evidence of s policy of insurance satisfactory to the City Attorney and maintain such insurance in rorce until the completion of the gook to be performed heraunder, a general iiab'i.lity l,nstirancfir policy in wh ch 01V is named as an add:i:tioiial, insured. The pollo-y* shall insure CONSULTANT, its officers, agents and employees and CITY, Ito officers and employeia, while acting witbi n the scope, of their duties, agai rest all cialms arising out of or in connection with the work perf'ormc-d. pt su,ant to this atreement, The pall,,zy shall provide for not less than the followipS oonts: combined sln l;,: y izrr,;..t bodily :ij ury and/ or property damage of $300,000 Per occur-x*encew Such Policy Of l.nsuramo shall specifically provide that any caner Inouranc o carried r by CITY which may be applicable shall be deemed excess and CONS LTANTTs insurance primary despite any cont ictinS provisions In CONSVT T NT'o policy to the contrary. Y . SECTION 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR � 1. is further understood and agreed t x-t. CONS�LTANT is, and yf; shall be, a tIng at all times In -er ormance of' this a grey-;:z�nt as ar independent contractor and not as an eripl,oyee of CITY. CONS LT- `. 'ANT shall secure at its expense, and he responsible ror any and all payment of Income talc, social security, state disability inaurance for CONSULTANT and its orz lcerz, agents and: employees, and all burl ess lip.enses, if any, in connection with the cervices to be per o med hereunder. SECTION . MY STAFF ASS STANCE CITY shall azzign a ztaff coordinator to work directly with CONSULTANT In connection. with the work o.� this agreei:lent SECT-ION R. COMPENSATION in €anistderation of the perforpmnne or the above described arp-hi.t eotnral servlees, CITY agrees to pay* Ct^Wi3L TANT compensation r� In the form or a fee caicola.ted as set forth below. FEE CALCULATION CONSULTANT's fee shP-�Zi. Ve as o tl1ned In Exhibit "B" and shall not exceed $10,000.00 and shall be a:loalat#et in accordance tii.th Exhibit lzal;h� which is attached hereto .and lncorpo)-a,ted by reference be-rein as though f0ly set forth at this part. SECTION 9. IN`V)TCPS AND EXTRA WORK (a) In the event of authur atIon, in ),iig by the City � Engineer o f changes from trae work as indicated sated l.aa Exhibit "A" or $} " for ocher vr.,,itten perm .s4ion authorizing additional work not con- e;er r fated herein, additional compensation shall he allowed for such extra work, so long as the prior written approval. of CITY iq od tai;ned. 4, rb) For all. work perforned purzuana to tAhi s agreement CONSfM`I NI? shall submit t=:- City. Ene' veer r.onth's; .4-voices which zpec3fy �7he area where, �ork was completed and the azzoalated time ror r ampletion to the 011ZIy Engineer for approval. Work performed at h� re :,.€es. of whlat i iz t i addition to that :apee:tr,ie"d in this a reem--nt ahall be designated as "EXTRA �,MRKII orr su zh M-Onthly ,WTI MN 10. TEAMINr'TI N OF CON Tfin"T All, work skull he done ;,n, s `god and wor.°krra.nlike manter: CITY may terminate CONSULTANT's servlees her4,under aL any time ii or ,without cause, and whether or not „�roleet f,s fully complete. Any to inat: on horaof, and any special in--tructionz hereunder ;from CITY shall be made tbrc a *a the DIrector of i ubli e Wor%s, and in err sting, i hlch way be deli tired in person to CONSULTANT or t;arou iw the united States Postal ServAce, in the event this agreement Is caxicelled, all drawln s, 4 si, ns, sus l;itl(,a.tiona and appurtenant data may be used by Fes' 4 c CITY without additional cost to CITY. Should CITY decide to terminate this agreement for any reason, CONSULTANT shall he entitled to payment, on an hourly basis in accordan— with the rate � schedule herein, for work completed prior to writte . notification. � SECTION 11. SUBCONTRACTORS This agreement is a personal service contract and the super- visory work hereunder shall not to delegated to any person or entlt d'. M without the consent of CITY. SECTZ011 12. N�'tttl..,�r��r31"i .�.fa�:.A',:t'ION OF R-EG'-* .AR C"4, f EMIFLOYEE BY C.tl.�YrS.4i�Sai3lktT.. } C014SU TANT agrees that it" shall empl.o;l no reg,-liar employee of C17t In the work performed pursuant to this agrreemc nt, SECTION 1.3. NOTIC'ES All notices shall be sent to the parties at, the following t addresses: CiXIS LTANT CITY Ralph Allen & Pertness City of antic ton, Beach li506 Bush Street MOO gain Street � t Santa .Ana, California 9;?70 film$-ington Beaph",y CA 92648 r: (Rest Of Page Not Used) <.: x INT W.ITNIESS S EEEOF, the parties hereto have caused this ' agreeire i. to be executed by and through their a,ith srizPd officers the day, zorith end year Pirs.t above written CITY OF HG'NTINGTON BEACH, a. municipal corporatIon " c n ' t w.R.,✓ S�C ,-irePlayor * 4IP.PRPVED AS TO F014— � RF;VIEWED AND APPROVED: r Ch-YrA r- 4 11 t"Y City Administratort/ INITIATED AND APPRV-.TD: w�� r RAF ALL"'I PARTNERS arks B, x i r- f�ITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MA1NSTREET P.0.BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 9264$ r Paul E.Cook August 26 1982 Public WorksDellartment Director (714) 5;6-5431 N, Subjectt Municipal Pier Restroom Facilities Dear '':r 'She City of Huntington t'3nach is requesting proposals frorz gvali i.ed architectural firms for the preparation of cencept),zal and c,<° n.,st :,uction plans for the reconstruction e� the City's rest- roL.,i 1acil tjes l areal under the lluntirato-n va":h Municipal Pier, isee Loca't-)n 'Hap). she existing facilit ios bane been in 'use over 35 y gars and as a: result are approachinq an unusuable state. There- ore the City woulel lire to rovonstruct these restrooms as soon as possible. The scr$ r of work for which proposals are being solicited i,ncl,u.ics the following tasks; 1. P,rep ratiorl of .50herzatio plans ,n;i bast estinate�q for . reconstructing these restrorn facilities uti Llzirn1 the materials an+l quantities listed on Exhibit "A". 2. pr�T arat on of ccn.�t;ructiorx playas and sr.�eci fjCat ons based oa, t city approved schematic plaza, ?, Atteadi,ng perlo is neet.ings vi,tb appropriate City staff du,ri;nq preparation of schematic and construction plans. 4. MakIlliq presentations of schematic plat3 to City: staff and city {"Otanc 1. s.. nrooessinq pl.an4 through City Building Wivision as nec sary to obtain a bu.i perml . 6, printing 40 set, of fine construction plains arse specs- 1. e Or4iaate, all nOCessary utility service connections. E David Price ; ytlA iuraicipal Pier R(aatroom 1t°acilities Auqust 26, 1982 Page 8. Durz.n<. bid advertisement and construction, Provide support inclaadinq interpretation o-F plans and speci- fx..ations, review shop drawings, review and make reco-L-endat ions on chanQe orders. The advertisina for bids and awardi nq of a contract for this project will be admix*,.stered by City> sta fiW Tn addition, City. 61 personnel will control contract administration and perform the � ,a .required bu2.ldinq/re.m.pdelirg inspec-t.3.'onsa Proposals for this project are to be submitted to tbis -ff.ice by October 1, 1982 with the notations "Mun.icipal Pier Restxoam Facilities" can the envelope, Farb propc s,a? should incude the follow;x nq inforrrn w=;.ion 1.. A Ii,,**t of similar projects. . 1. 2. A statement of your undo rstx�r�claraT of the s.,�pe of work and tea€'' steps s necessary to complete the projjeA;:t. 3. A list of personnel, incl:udinq the propozeA p o ect wt anager wh,a will be assignod to work on tbis prom ct ana a iarief resume for each. 4, A br, e�P oa3tli.zat of how you propose to hana !le this project, if awarde,l to, your firm anI a time-lire for complotinq the ptoiect, 5. Any ;suggestions or a.pnro;achos to accomplish his z{ 6. Vo)ai : foe based on an hourly rate or porceatage 0� sloe. final oast csttvate� A maxinum not to exceed fee, 0oulsl a! o bt,, s�3eci fi�wd. ftor the receipt of proposals, applicant* 'will be screene relevant to , 1,. Vxpertise and experience. 24 The approach to be az.;ed as outlirsed in the proposal. 3. Ability to complete the project in a timely and consistent $7e s <: The unlified aonsustants may be iAterviewed prior to the y�a 7ysry##}.yy.Fo�cxlosed�/ for your information isYa� cop; of the City's ion��ard �.�':�nqul.muaot 'x ootraiwt .d i�{;, 'wr rAw e .J .'K',4 Q'5.. .S.AAu;u K�nc form., .. ....._,.- 'e 0k. David Price Mun zipal. Offer Pestroom Facilities i August 26,, 1982 Page Hopefully this sample contract and .insurance form it prove usefulh��• in developinq your propos-I. Should you have any questions or concerns re c�X'C inq th a , � �'�:.��eet. please contact toy, t3cart ��I�x.� o� tl:is office at (714) 536-543E. Very truly yourz,r lops rvans LE.£}} cc; VinceAt ?poor ouse, birecter of Comri. Services Max B-,w ran, ntzput y Director/Reach Supt. Jizla 7'"K lin, Director of b attelopinent StL�r.ricns. j'aul Cook, Director: of N'Iblic Works N 4 € 3' f f n s s e yX ., i L I L0 � wwl i cN, CITY OF �titNTING 70tl BEACH r� S`4�j 7 T'T tt tx ti Women . tem t1le With wail nlatcria) ,, ...,a.....,.-ter-.,• ,� e. .--..... .tea. ...�..... ,.,>.>. ..a.-..._ 4 ti � K «JG23"�3�.5 :5�:-• .i.tt_.n.. �*t. ....F. �l;°'.: rgx '�* ksKt�, � t -lets........ ..._. . .... ,'e"." t f,� a �1 it k .a.rye � G. % «ritwr:e:, x • B:Lby: . z3..... :au �}.' ;`,'..:'F r4`'s' Roof e '" r3F7 "it3 a`z .. uNIn cf.,rt ,�r <if YC�om w3nh sartl t> aI �• o t+..P.,,.�.i�.,lJ 1.�operation p'li *Pests-a' s sh i'€ be desi(ined tO acc lv-O Mee the handicap, cap, to bfi a-t IQ,_,Izt I wine, 'f r° z^ EXHIBIT "B" FORMULA .FOR PAYMENT The consideration for this agreement will not exceed $5,200* and s .based on the following hourly rates. { Principal Architect $55 Project Architect 45 , mechanical Engineer 50 Electrical Engineer 45 Design Draftsman 40 Draftsman 36 Clerical 24 *Services beyond; those listed in the 11,eguest for Proposal (sec Exhibit A) , such as changes in the scs�pe of work, plan changed after City approval,, additimial consultants or other services, shall be considered a, extra services. Extra, services will be billed at the scheduled rates. HOW WILL PAYMENTS BE �MDE Remuneration, for architectural services will be in the form of monthly progress payments and will be based on a percentage of the work completed at t!ie time of each payment. Payments will be received, reviewed and approved by Public Works. prior to actual remuneration by the Finance Aep rtinent, �* ar'q� r mui Copy t)pr,tlet to. CERTIFICATE FIGATE t)f' INSURANCE Approved 15 to Forin p` ,lintllnn 0,1,31 ) Gail Hutton,Cay Aliornpy n Tt) ay . tOO CITY OF HUNIONGTONBEEACH,CKi WORNIA, gton Elaach.CA 9 64► t3y. to lint,Manao.t Attar apptoval A MIJINIC)PAL CORPORATION .Is is to eerttfy that the policies of insurancis.Pit describod below have o,,an issued to the msured by the undersigned told rt,�ill Iurin I this tima II these policies are cancelleri or chan.. id to stach a manner that will affect this cortilrtate,the insurance rarwmnl Awoet to give 10 days rior Britten notice,by matt,to City of'Huntrngton floach P.0 Box 711,Hunttntfton Beach.Cah!ornui 92648 At I ;t ITCM$ NIU T fat; COMPLETED, ANY DELETION Oq CHANCE IN THIS FORM SHALL BE SIGNED AND JDATFU 13Y AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INSURA,nCE COMPANY AND MUST BE APPROVED ird WRITING BY THE CITY ATTCIRV!Y. Name of Irtsured _r,_.. RALPH ALLEN & P.ARTN'.;RS Address of lnsvtred 1606 BUSH STREET, S-ITA ANA, CALIFORNIA 9?701 Location of Work or'Operations to be performed Description of Work or Operations —— POLICY OATEN LIMITS OF Lil:Eill,tTY1 NArt E OF COMPANY POtlCitSINrORCE POLICY NO s ftNSI Ettntirvu Expsratipn to Thpiasands tData) ' y G[NE-RAL LIABILITY tXI CO".tvn6HENSIt/.0 FORM 511P 126 01 9 2/1/82 2/1/83 500, CSL Ii SURNN'CC C0141 MY 'c IrtVi.. PNE+A.ISES+OPERATIONS. : Enchaccurance THE PACIFIC COAST I I EXPL0,51ON AND '. ? COLLAPSE 14AZARD y� l t LINOIERC.ROUND HAZARD' I f• PRODUCTS COMPLETED ) r OPERA(IONS HAZARD f 1 CONTPIACTUAL t 3 INSURANCE OPOAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE I. t :I INDEPL-rtO Gr'tT � ) A'r 'F CONTRACTORS l IXI PC94SONAL INJURY f � t AQTOMOIstLE LIABILITY I I COMPRENENSIVP PORM i P 1 t OWNED t CSL f f HOPED � Esth Occurante t k Na*t.sawNED s a EXCES;LIABILITY �t tthidREL4Rroam � ` I I OT14ER THAN CU $99 86 63 4/Z2/02 211183 1 S 7 tlhittREt.LA stsaat T}I,E �.�y." " j WORKERS'COMPENSATION and EtttPLOYERs'Lt6.r31t,ITY Addit,anal Insured EnworseMent` The insurer agrees that the CitV of Huntington Beach and its City Council,oridlor all City Council appointed igraups,commlttnes, cons rissions,boards and any other City Council appointed body,antlftit elective and appoirttivr,officerii,;servants or employees of tht City of Huntington 8cash,When acting as such are additional srxureds hereunder,for the acts of the insured,and,soci'1 insurance shalt be P'hmary to•.any insurance of;'fir City of Huntington Beach,as their mitrest may aupear, AUT14ORIZED REPtit:SEN'TATIVE OF ltvuUl3ANCE COMPANY INSURANCE'CC>MPANV e ` { COASTpx :r�" x i � ttr,.r I _ ttA¢id,rcc _ �"I l C'¢'l'f.l r. I R I';E Sl i Addrtars INEWPOPT tY[.liCR, CA 92660 4OLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT (to be executed by insured) 71he Insure o " agrees to protect,defend.Ind+smoify,:save,and hold harmless the City of Hununtlion Beath its officers,ti'gtots,and trop1loyees against any baWfity, loss,damage,cost,or expense by reason of ant and ail Kaolttty,sorts,ChIllm, dernaitrls,(isti9incnts and c-tuxes of action caused by insured,his cmlaSo+ces,agi.nts or any subcontractor or by any third tree 14 arisnrg 0#(of or m CoAseraueac€of the petfor+oiarice of all or,arty operations or ticttvsty for which this certificate of insurance is fomithtttf •fit Sol* aDiiirtt:rsl:tp (2)pilttttership I. r to t,.t rUwe) !r 'T t41i74Cf ttiYtiMLES�rStOr EE>. Qv 3nsurrtfi _ ,Tote ..PA 4 Ma tot craft he oontw of typom ay trkswort< .� � THIo `�'`s" �t;ryP arat?t attaa.l " P� If,CoifiwoltTl,TWO 0Iffoos J009t rgn.0r ilk eidzft evidePCe of mi fho(iZat to,rs to 6irid Cb rpotatton. t w 4 - 3{ttL�tilb.�Jlt-�ir�'ff76"C�, s s (, f FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Date, December '3.., ,a Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council Wtmirted bV Charles Thompson, City Administrate ,,;Z¢ t <Prepomd by. .Pau3. B, '0.'ook; D.z?-ect:or of Public W���. L' ..�r SO!"t. Peconst:ruct iot Municipal Pier Restrc imp c- a N1.• y� F ` Statemwnt of issue,Recommendation,Analysis,Funding Source,Qitemative Actions,Att hments:' Start of issue On Zi4omb-ar 1, 1982, than City Q,-amcil: select the firm ti f Wph Allen arsl Pare to prepare prelLminary plans aryl final drawinqs for the reaomst=ctioti of tha (4:ty's rester facilities located under the Huritinqtcn Bwch Municipal Pier, yeca n aaticn: Authorize the 1a*^or mxl City Clerk to eYecuto the attached %v,, tectural service agreavatr with the fig of 'Ralph Allen a Partwrs. Pur s°am to Cnapter 3.02 "Professional Service" of the Mtm cipal tom, requests for prqxxsals regardtmq the re=s:tructlon of the Municipal Pier .restzxv. -were di,.t iWt d to erchi ectural. fi-�. listed on ttte City's professional roster. terse on the"oontents of the proposals rooeiv04, -11-he firm of Ralph Allen ar4 Partners was xetanw-uied to the City Ctnincil. on v rr if 1982, tj1e city cxrmcil awroved. .staff's recon ndatlon, Ar4 aut oriYed h~ preparation of an. kppropriate contr tual, do lent. + s of pr%p r the City Attcxt'wye s office, formally approved by the (=sol tant and sty sWf is raw x dy~ for review and c-orse t. haing $1.00,000 bas bow k silted ia fur. N%t!�ber 343620 for pier restrowreconstrwzUon Alternative Acuon, t-, mvparationof plans wia s;ecifications for the reconstruction of t C tyly r`estro a f;Ac , s, jocatet t ez. the Rmicipal Per, canwt be initiated onti.l this contract wj r