HomeMy WebLinkAboutSakioka, Roy K - 1978-08-07 6 I NGTON BEACH 101 2000 MAIN STREET � CALIFORNIA 92648 P. O. Box 190 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (714) 536-5486 Vincent.G.MOar:,woe,Direvtor July 24, 1980 Mr. Roy K. Sakioka Roy K. Sakioka, Inc. 14850 E. Sunflower A-✓enue Santa Ana, California 92707 Dear Mr. Sakioka Re: Lease Termination Durino the Ma•,•-14, 1980 Community Services Commission meeii.ig, several Langenbeck Park area homeowners complained �abcaut your farminrJ practices, causing dust, weeds, flies, dirty sidewalks and streets, energies and the use of possible improper insecticides. The Commission requested our department staff to take appropriate action to terminate your 'lease. The Comr-iunity Services Director resubmitted the matter to the Commission at its June 11, 1980 meeting for clarification. The Director was concerned whether the Commission's , momm?ndatinn fur terminating the lease was to take effect immediately or a,-ter the present crop was harvested, The Commission confirmed its recommendation to tormincats. the lease as soon as poss',ble, The Director brought forth the long-range impact of Le1ving the property vacant Lintil the park is developed. He requested thin staff be given the opportunity to respowd to the homeowner's concerns and to b;ing back a report to the Commission at its July 9, 1980 meeting. The request was granted and department siaff report wap preptured, addressing each issue raised by the homeowners (dust, weeds, dirty sidewalks, etc:.). The report also stated what would be done to mitigate the problems. On July 9, 1980, the Community Services Commission reviewed the report and again, reaffirmed its position of terminating your lease. The department staff report (attached for your information),which recommended continuincrour Lease, along with the recommendation from the Commission to terminate your lease, was forwarded fQ the City Council for action. The City Council', at Is July21, 1980 meet'rtg, voted to terminate your Lease with the provision that you be able to harvest the prt sent beaa crop. In a conversation with Mrs. Sakioka on July 23, 1980, she informed me you hr,,d alread., harvested your bean crop as of this date and all farming has terminated. Therefore, your lease agreement with the City of Huntingto.,' Beach will expAre August 7, 1980 as stated in cicuse #2 of the lease agreement. next page, please . . . ., Recreation and mark Development--'Beach Operations—Huni,�n Services Roy K. Sakioka -2- July 24, 1980 On behalf of the City, our department staff and myself, may l extend appreciation for your excellent tena'•cy'and the opportunity to work with you.-these past several years. if l can be of any assistance to you in this matter, please feel tree to contact me. Sincerely, Vincent G. Moorhouse Director Cornmun ity Services Department Melvin M. Bowman Beach Superintendent/Depu•y Director VGM:MMB:dp cca Jeri Chenelle, Administrative Secretary Paul de Phyffer, County of Orange Real Property Department City Clerk AOL REQUES i FOR CITY COUNOIL AT-TON Submitted by Vincent G. MoorhoLtse Department _Community Services Date Prepared July 11 ' 1980 Backup Mt.terial Atta&ad a Yes F] No ub�ect SAKIOKA FARM LEASE City Administrator's Comments Approve as Recommended Statement of Issue, Recommendation,finalysis, Funding Soyrfve,Alternative Actions: STATEMENT OF ISSUE Roy K. Sakioka's- lease of city property at Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street for fprming purposes expires Augu6t 7 , 1980. Development of a park at this site (Langenbeck Park) is not scheduled for completion until June 1, 1981. RECOMMENDATION Extend the Sakioka lease agreement fox, ter: months according to the provisions ctntained therein (agreement attached) . ANALYSIS During the May 14, 198U, Community Services Commission meeting, several Langenbe,k Park area homeowners complained about Mr. Sakioka's farming prac- tices causing dust, weeds, flies, dirty sidewalks and streets_, allergies, and the rise of possible improper insecticides. The Commission requested staff to take appropriate actio,z to terminate the Sakioka lease. The Community Services Director resubmitted the matter to the Commission at its June 1lc 1980, meeting for clarification. The Director was concerned whether -the Commission recommended terminating the lease ir.,mediately or after the present crop was harvested. The Commission confirmed its recommendation to terminate the lease as soon as possible The Director brought .forth the long range impact of leaving the property vacant until the park is developed. He requested that staff be 'given the opportunity to respond to the homeowners ' concerns and to bring back a report to the Commission at it.P Tuly 9, 1'980, meeting. Tho request was granted and the attached staff repo, ,', was prepared explaining each issue raised by the homeowners. A highlight of the report i.c that Mr. Sakioka agreed to provide a setback at- the end rows and side runs of the farm to eliminate dirt and mud from the sidewalks and streets. The ten month lease extension will provide $2,625 in revenue A,o the city. SAKIOKA FARM LEASE Page Two The staff report was submitted to the Commission at its July 9, 1980, meet- ing,and the Commission, again, took the position to terminate the Sakioka lease. The decision was based on. a petition signed by 406 citizens pro'- tei,ting the .farming practices, such as dirty sidewalks and streets, dust, deep irrigation and-spraying of insecticides. The spokesman for the citizens' group insured the Commission that they would. rather have weeded fields than a farming operation. in the residential area. FUNDING SOURCE None A.:TERNATIVE ACTIONS Terminate lease agreement upon the harvest of the present bean �;rop. VGM:I'IMB c s Attachments (a) Pesticides a (b) Meeting with Sakioka (c) Daryl Smith report (d) Irrigation COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMISSION REQUESTED INFORMATION LANGENBECK PAR" BACKGROUND DATA PHILOSOPHY ON EDISON EASEMENT DEVELOPMENT in May, 11956, the City Council adopted the Parks, Open Spaces, Schools and Recreation element to the City's Master Plan of Lana Use. The foreword states: "Planning for parks and recreation facilities should proceed forn agreement on policies that reflect the best thinking of a community ,regarding the purposes, scope and general character of the public recreation system. 'These policies vAll assure the citizens of Huntington Beach that decisions concerning particular facilities will oe consistent and these decisions will ultimately lead to a well-bamanced public recreational program." The document states the City is negotiating with the"Southern California Edison Company to utilize a portion of their Huntington BF-ach transmission line;property for open space purposes. It also states it is anticipated that similar negotiations can be worked out to obtv.i i the remaining right-of-ways i'J fulfill the necessary open space needs for the p rticular neighborhoocus that the right-of-ways transgress. In keeping with this conce i•, a Landscape architect was employed to complete park development plan of all the Edison right-of-ways within the City. Several neighborhood segments of the Edison easement were developed as parks over the years. Arevalos'(2 acres), LeBard (2 acres), Gisler (10 acres), Edison Community (13 acres) and Talbert (5 acres) for a total of 32 acres. There remains about 92 acres of non-park easement in southeast Huntington Beach acid I I acres in north Huntington Beach. Edison originally leased their land to the C;ty for$50 per acre/year; however, the rate was raised to $100 per acre/year in 1978. PARK ACQUISITION The residential tracts bounded by Garfield, Yorktown, Newland and Magnolia were designed to allow vehicuiar and people access tir. the "L" shaped I4-nacre parcel of Edison right-of-way which penetrates to the center of i`he quartersection from the nortnand Bast. The Huntington Beach Union High School District had purchased the southeast 48 acres and the City was contemplating acquiring an eight-acre community park adjacent to the school and ecisemen't. in the raid-I970's, the school district declared their school site surplus and sold it to 5hapell Construction Company for S-F residential housing. The City required ghat four acres be sei-aside for neighborkood park purposes and pla- d the unennurnbered site ovth and adjacent to tie easement in `,he center of-the quartersection. in 1973, the City acquired tiie to six acres of the easement from Magnolia west to the park site through purchase from Andy Holtz. PARK DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Langenbeck park site (formerly Yorktown, #1/78) was first plugged into a proposed ten-year development schedule in June, 1975. At that time, the Recreation and Parks Commiss:on felt that 1980-81 would be the target year for development as a park. Eighteen acres were tentatively budgeted at $378,000. PARK NAMED In 1979,the Community Services Commission and City Council approved the recommendation of their Park Naming Committee to name the 18-acre Yorktown site after former Mayor, Vernon E. Langenbeck, who served '.;,e City as a Councilman for two terms and as Mayor from 1950-52. PARK SITE DESIGN In June, 1978, Proposition 13 wor approved by the voters of California which severely restricted the property tax rate paid to local governments. This severely affected the City budget, particularly maintenance and clerical positions. Park maintenance was cut, back in the face of continued park growth so park design and development was temporarily slowed until a method for producing the necessary park maintenance could be guaranteed by the City Council before new development contracts were approved, Petitions, letters and appearances at Commission meetings by many residents of the Langenbeck neighborhood all stressing the need for immediate dr ,nent of the park site has convinced the Commission and staff that development is, Staff Architect, Alan Ribera, has commenced work on a schematic p i have it before the resiab,,ts for critique and suggestions oy the end of July. It v ,;dy for Commission review on August 13. PESTICIDES BEING USED According to the County of Orange, Department of Agriculture, t� aticides being used by Mr. Sakioka are permissable (see Exhibit A). MEETING WITH MR. SAKIOKA Meeting was held June 26, 1980 and Mr. Sakioka agreed to make a ten-foot setback at -the end rows and afive-foot setback on the side runs (see Exhibit B) PARK DEVELOPMENT TIME SCHEDULE On or before July 17, 1980 preliminary plans me to be revieweu at a public neighborhood meeting. Make all necessary revisions rrld corrections oy August 1, 1980. Present total concept to Community Services Commission of August 13, 1980. September I, l980, submit RCA to City Council for approval of final plan and authorize the firm of Cardoza and Di Lallo to prepare construction drawings and specifications. On January 5, 1981; RCA to City Council to commence advertising for bids. February 16, 1981, City Council awards contract to lowest bidder. Contractor commences construction by March 2, 1981. Construction completed on or before June I, 198'1. Maintenance period of 60 days ending August 1, '1981. e DEVELOPMENT PROBLEMS Sakioka may want to continue to lease the property. A decision must be made whether we will develop all 18 acres or just our 10 acres. The property is very flat so drainage may present a problem. We might run into difficulties leasing the remaining 8 acres from the Southern California Edison Company. ,If we develop the southerly portion (10 acres owned by City), residents on the north may complain as to why we did not develop the northerly portion. if City decides to leasm the 2 acres north of and adjacent to our 10 acres, what would Edison do with the:zmaining_six acres? PARK MAIN,'°'ENANCE COST PER YEAR Developed City's ten acres at $2,043 $20,430 Edison eight acres easement at $2,043 $16,344 Edison yearly land rental $ 800 TOTAL $37,574 Maintenance cost is the average acreage (428) expense based on the actual fiscal Dudget expense 1978/79 plus twenty-one percent City administrative overhead. Undevelooed and Unformed (Exhibit "C") City's ten acres at $50 500 Edison easement eight acres at$50 �400 TOTAL $900 SAKIOKAIS LEASE PAYMENT Land rental of nine acres at$350 $3,150 per year IRRIGATION CAUSING WATER DAMAGE Irrigation by the farming operations would normally not create a groundwater problem. Agriculture irrigation water percolates into the ground vertically and not horizontally (see Exhibit D). } SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 1 - 6- 1I m or CITY O IUNTIN TON B E.A.CI64w,% ORANGE COUNTY, CA.LI ORYJA USE OF PROPERTY MIAP r GARFIELD I OF. [ .:r. Nix xhuc ox cx ,Y t #} J YAl..i M N # a) - -Ar xn. 1.'.• u+�a. m `A G•NA71) C F E U OIRaY "tI:*:;{ G-- LT r n tw r CF'R ... prl µ.iN nr ryWU GRANT DR HAYED CN ^ ;�'��►'}}''�,� , S[YXM41 CA. R ' DANUUAY CR �S x qq Tr LER ..11 �- 4 rT W PDL1t CR r2 GIIfORb s R R w iu.anc p J.J �nrai. IG. G rr ,> YDRKIDWN YLF a CACAL A 4 AAII Px H I41 V A.A.,r C FE'..) X wiv;,wnE a, oEl ari D^I.RHuI t� } n ^ •� ,M[Ptts G1. DD EIA E.r�; l iii Q e4 fANA. R � IPYNI� ADAM5 AbE, N i AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER , `v%P UL VT 7 ��-`C SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES TELEPHONE, 774•y204 per,� AREA CODE 7l4 F°K^ N 1010.SOUTH HARtlaR BOULEVARD - ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA,02005 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE June 27, 1980 i Mr. Vincent Moorhouse Director; Community Services City of Huntington Beach P. 0. Box 190 Hunti.ngtoti Beach, CA. 92648 Re: Use cf" pesticides in residential areas off'' Huntington Beach. Dear Mr. Moorhouse: We have completed a review c; the questions that were posed in your letter of June 13, 1980, concerning chemicals used in the operation -,f SakiQka Farms located in the area of Yorktown and. Magnolia,and agricultural regulations that apply to rRsticide spraying in residentio areas. Current- literature and studies do not indicate that any of the st-C fungi- cides or insecticides that are used in Sakioka's operations pose a hazard to nearby properties when they are applied as specified on product labels and applicable regulations. They are registered by VA and the State for use on crops grown by Saki.oka. The regulation that would have the greatost> significance in this issue specifies that peeticide.s must be substantially confined to the property being treated. We have no evidence in our files to indicate that this regulation is; not being complied with in Salki.oka's operation. We will continue to monitor this operation arad advise you of any occurrence tlu.t woula have a bearing on this issue. Sincerely, '01"4LIsAM VITCHEN Agricultural Commissi�7; Frank W, Parsons 4 Deputy Agricultural Commissioner Wl :FWP:,j v �a< eft t COMMUNITY SERVICES t 7 DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM HUNTINGTON BEACH m a To File From M. Bowman e SubjectMEETING WITH JACK `AKIOKA Date June 25, 1980 r Atteidance.- Jack Sakioka, Max Bowman, Community Services Department and Daryl Smith, Public Works Department Mr, Bowman opened the meeting stating that the City hau received complaints from homeowners in the area concerning dirt accumulating on the sidewalks and street, weeds on the unf armed property and insecticides being sprayed on the r plants. He also stated that the homeowners appeared at the Community Services Commiss�in meeting to voice their complaints and the Commission recommended that the City not continue the lease agreement with Jack Sakioka. Mr. Sakioka stated that he had been clearing debris from his farming property over the y gears which had been deposited by the passingpublic, as well as homeowners who have been throwing debris from their yards. He explained that he has recently planted beans which must be irrigated and c&,not be sprinkled. He stated that he usually irrigates three times per year, occasionally four } times, depending on the weather. He stated that in September, if his agreement is approved, he would be planting celery. In reference to irrigation, he stated that !'.e main water feedline is from 12 to 15 inches deep and Mr. Sakioka uses a suction watering system for his bean rows. Mr. Bowman indicated that if Mr. Sakiuka would agree to-a 10 foot setback at the end rows and a 5 root setback on the side runs, and keep the sidewalks and streets clean, the staff would recommend to continue leasing the park property to him until the park is on line fo- development. ' MBRcw fi t S I, CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-CEPARTMENT COMM UN�CATION HUNTINGTON BEACH To Vincent G. Moorhouse from Daryl Smith, Superintendent Director of Community Services Parks, T' :,es & Landscape Subject LANGENBECK PARK SITE Date M July 11, 1980 Per your request, pi find the following:- T,ie cost to maim ain the ten (10) acres of undeveloped land in the Langenbeck ,Park _Site would be approximately five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year. This cost would be for weed abatement only. The rubbish and debris that is normally dumped on a site like this would be an additional cost. We don't nave a typical amount or average cost figure for rubbish/debris clean up. As for the additional eight (8) acres of Southern California Edison property, that cost would be approximately four hundred dollars ($400.00) per year. The same applies for this eight (8) acres regarding rubbish/debris clean up. would also remind the Commission that the nine hundred dollars ($900.00) is for weed abatement cn.IX and we will not have the staff, time or money to deal with insect infestation, gophers, field mice, snakes and obnoxious odors which are typical inhabitants or nuisances of vacated acreage within our City.. Also, I am told that prior to the farming lease, some years ago, the residents had a serious problem with home burglary in this area. Evidently the burglars would hide in the weeds, in the field and sneak over fences into yards and homes. The weeds again will grow to three to six feet tall between the two discings and this will provide a 'pprT ect hid .nq place for those wi�tii no to use this cover, to hide their i presence. DDS:de He CITY OF' HUNTINGTON BEACH 9 INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION HUNTINGTON BEACH (� "J To Vince Moorhouse, Director From George .L. 'T;indall, .City Engineer Community Services Dept. . Public Works Dept. �zubject Reported Groundwater Problem in Date July 1, 1980 the Vicinity of Langenbeck Park " (SCE R/W) and Surrounding Residential Properties At the last' Community Secvices Commission meeting a citizen spoke in dicating that groundwater problems were occarring within the residential area surrounding Lanrenbeck Park site and the adjacent SCE; right-of-way. The individual indicated that the groundwater was possibly beinc gen eraC_ed by the agricultural uses now exist-ng on the Park site and SCE right-of-way. Irrigation by the forming operations would normally not create a ground- water problem as reported to he occurring in this area. Normally, agricultural irrigation water percolates into the ground vertically and not horizontally. It is our understandingthat the developers of the surrounding develop- ments have performed extensive engineering studies which indicate excessive groundwater was occurring; however, nothing was found that would relate to water coming from the farming operation. If additional information .is desired relative to the source of the re- ported ground water, then a detailed investigat n would have to be budgeted and performed. GLT-jy =z 1 T ,, ,, r r LEASE OF YORKTOWN PARK PROPERTY BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AND ROY K. SAKIOKA, DBA ROY X. SAKIOKA, INC. , A CORPORATION, FOR FARMING PURPOSES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of 1979, by, and between the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, Imunicipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR" , and ROY K. SAKIOKA, dba ROY K. SAKIOKA, INC. , a California: corporation, hereinafter referred to as " 'LESSEE". W I T N E S S E T H: RECITALS: 1. LESSOR is the owner of certain unimproved ,_,-^operty located at Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street- (Yorktown Park Property) , in the City of Huntington Beach, hereinafter referred to as "said Real Property" . 2 LESSOR does not anticipate developing said Real Pro- perty for parkland purposes until fiscal. year 1980-1981. 3. LESSEE desires to lease said Real. Property for the purpose of farming said property, -WHEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agree- ments herein undertaken and assumed by LESSEE, LESSOR and LESSEE do hereby agree as follows 1. LEASE LESSON shall lease to LESSE? the following described sal Real Property: The southerly 150 feet of the Northeast; quarter of the Northeast quarter of Seetion 1., Township` 6 South, Range 1.1 West, San Bernardino Base and: Meridian, in the City 'of Huntington Beach, County CM:sh 6/1�/79 , of Orange, State of California and a portion of the East one half (1/2) of the Northwest one quarter (1/4) of the Northeast one quarter (1/4) of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the ,City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described as Lot A of Tract 8049 and Lot 102 of Tract 9145 in the City of Huntington. Beach as shown in the official records of the County Recorder of Orarige. ,paid Real Property to amount to nine (9) acres, more or less, and as further described by the diagrams attachel here- to marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. 2. TERMS The term of this lease shall be for one (1) ,years commencing on the date of execution hereon on behalf of LESSEE. Should park development funds not be available for dE-velopment of this property in fiscal year 1980-ig81, this lea4se may be extended, at the option of LESSOR and wit'a the approval of LESSEE, for an additional one (1) year term. Notice of the availability of such renewal shall be in writing and delivered to LESSEE thirty (30) days prior to the expi- ration of the lease term; and acceptance of the option to renew this lease by LESSEE shall be in writing and delivered to LESSOR not more than fifteen (15) days after receipt of the invitation to renew by LESSEE. Any such renewal shall be subject to all provisions of this lease. 3 RENTAL In consideration of said letting, LESSEE covenants and agrees to pay to LESSOR the sum of Three Thousand Or.(� Hundred Fifty Dollard ($3,150) per year. Said consideration shall become due and payable at the commencement of the lease term, and payment shall be made in one lump sum, upon execution of this lease agreement. 4. PERFORMANCE LESSEE agrees to use the leased premises for farming pur- poses only, and LESSEE further agrees to keep said Real Pro- 2. i perty free of weeds and trash and to maintain said Real Property in a manner satisfactory to LESSOR 5. UTILITIES LESSEE shall be responsible for and pay prior to the delinquency date all charjses for utilities supplied to said Real Property, 6. INDEMNIFICATION LESSEE shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless LESSOR, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and a-l` claims, demands, `loss, or liability of any kind or nature which LESSOR, its officers, agents, or employees ntay sustain or incur, or which may be imposed upon them or any of them, for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property, as a result of,, arising out of, or in, any manner connected with this lease or, with occupancy and use of said Real Property by LESSEE, its officers, agen >s, employees, licensees, patrons, or visitors. 7 DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES In the event of any breach of this lease by LESSEE, LES- SOR shall notify LESSEE in writing of such breach and LESSEE shall have thirty (30) days in which to cure said breach. No such breach shall be deemed to terminate this lease unless and until such notice shall have been given and more than thirty ' (30) days shali have elapsed without such breach being cured. (3. NOTICES All notices pursuant to this,;lease shall be addressed as set forth below or as either party may hereafter dosilnate by written notice and shall be sent through tbp United States mail. TO: LESSOR TO: LESSEE Director of Harbors, Beaches, .boy K. Sakioka Recreation and Parks Roy K. Sakioka, Inc. City of Huntington Beach 111850 East Sunf?c,wer Aven,ie P.O. Box 190 Santa Ana, CA 92707 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 9. LEASE ORGANIZAT:40N The various headings in this lease , the numbers thereof, and the organization of the lease into separate set-Uions and 3. r � paragraphs are for purposes of convenience only and shall not be considered otherwise. 10. INSPECTION LESSOR or its authorized representative shall have the right at all reasonable times to i.ispect said Real Property to determine if the provisions of this lease are being complied with. 11. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST Unless otherwise provided in this lease, the terms, cove- nants, and conditions contained herein shall apply to and bind the heirs, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of all the parties hereto, all of 'whom shall be ,jointly and severally liable hereunder. 12 COST OF SUSTAINING AN ACTION FOR BREACH OR DEFAULT In the event either LESSOR or LESSEE commences legal action against the other claiminr-` a breach or default of this lease, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the other, costs of sustaining such action, in- cluding reasonable attorney fees; as may be fixed by the ',)urt . 1.3. CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH EXCUSE PERFORMANCE If either party hereto shall be delayed or prevented from the performance of any act required hereunder by reason of acts of God, restrictive governmental laws or regulations, or other cause without fault and beyond the control of the party obli- gated (financial. inability excepted) , performance of sueh act shall be excused for the period of the delay; and the period for the performance of any such act shall be extended for period equivalent to the period of such delay. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse either party from the prompt pay- mont of an,, rental or other charge required. of them except as may by expressly provided elsewhere in this lease, 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This lease sets forth the entire agreement between LESSOR and LESSEE and any modification must be in the form of a written amendment agreed to by the parties hereto. u . a.' 15. PARTIAL INVALIDITY If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this lease is held by a court of competent ,jurisdiction to be Invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provi- sions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby, 16. WAIVER OF RIGHTS The failure of LESSOR or LESSEE to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms, conditions, and covenants in this lease shall not be deemed` a waiver of any right or remedy that LESSOR or LESSEE may have, and shall not be deemed. a waiver of any right to remedy for a subsequent breach or default of the terms, conditions,; and covenants herein contained. 17. HOLDING OVER In the event LESSEE shall continue in possession of said Real Property after the term of this lease, such possession shall not be considered a renewal of this lease , but a tenancy from month to month and shall be governed by the conditions a and covenants contained in this lease 18. TIME Time is of the essence of this Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. LESSOR: CITY OF HUN`.CINGTON BEACH Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FOM City Clerk City Attorney 5. . 4 APPROVED A5 TO CONTENT: , INITIATED AND APP OV : Cl- (,., ,y Adm3,r�is�:ratC�x� ,. D�.rec�o �, arUoi s, Beaches, Recreation and darks "ESSEE; ROY. K. SAKIOKA, I oy akioka G. 0 (!+32) MINUTES A COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Wednesday, May )A, 1380; 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach,California Chairman Vander Molen called the regular meeting of the Community Services Commission to order at 7:02 p.m. She then led the solute to the flag. ROLL CALL MEMBERSPRESENT: Tom Cooper, Margaret Hickey, Betty Kennedy, LeeMossteller, William Osness, .Jay Rivera, Howard Roop, Martha Valentine, Norma Vander Molen MEMBERS ABSENT; Joe Costa, Marilyn Jensen GUEST; Councilman Jack Kelly, Commission Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Vivian Borns, Daryl Smith, Carolyn Strook, Jim Way, Norm Worthy MINUTES - APRIL 9j 1980 MOTION: Mrs,Kennedy moved the minutes of the Community Services Commission meeting of April 9, 1980 be approved with correction on page I, MINUTES correct name of association, Californio; Association of Parks and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members section by removing "Society of". Mrs.Valentine seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS LANGENBECK PARK -FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT PARKS Mrs. Valentine gave a report on various park school sites located in the Fountain Valley School District. She has received reports from several school principals regarding the condition of the parks or of any needed equipment in the parks. Lamb okay; Talbert - maintenance good; would like tdditionai playground equipment if monies availably.; Newland - water problem, but has been corrected; and Langenbeck - Mrs.Valentine stated that on May 7 she had attended a homeowners meeting at the Yadrick residence where residents indicated they want their park developed; She stated there are representatives in the audience tonight., Chairman Vander Molen stated members of the audience could speak on the Langer,beck Park issue at this time. 4 MINUTES, Community Services Commission May 14, 1980 Page 2 LEE YADRICK, 8811 Crescent Drive presented letters signed by approximately 300 residents. They have no park or greenbelt in their area, the kids must play in the street. The; have been -told that money is available for developing the park but that the park architects time is being directed toward designing HCP. They want their park now--not in 10 years. They will not be staying in the hotel in HCP. Their taxes should support their park, not parks in other areas of the City. There is a lot of dust, trash, weeds, etc. in the area since a farmer leased the park property. Chairmen'Vander Molen thanked Mrs. Yadrick for her presentrAtlon and informed her that the hotel or any other activities in HCP are not definite at this time. We are only in the "planning" stages for a schematic plan of the park. JACK HUGHETT, 885i Crescent Drive - complained that motorcycles and bikes use the vacant parksite. The park was originally let aside to compliment the tract, now it is only a detriment and an unsightly nuisance. With the site being used for "off road" travel, -this creates a c neat deal of dust. KAY JOHNSTONE, 8921 Crescent Drive stated loose dirt constantly flies into her swimming pool. LLOYD E. STRONG, 8611 Keel Drive - lives in the La Questa tract. Their homes are I Yz years older than the S 8. S homes. He stated that Mr. Sakioka, the farmer renting the park property, has said he will be a "good" neighbor, and the City is supposed to be monitoring his activities. He felt that Mr.Sa►fL_ a is not a "good neighbor" and the City is not monitoring t'le site. He would like staff to take a look at the problem. He does not feel the City should have to continually clean up the mud and debris created by Mr. Sakioka's farming project. Chairman Vander Molen stated she had looked at the site during the past week. Councilman Kelly stated he had spoken with Mr.Cook Public Works Director, and he indicated Public Works will be purchasing more street sweeping equipment to provide better service to the City residents. Mr.Strong felt the City was doing a good job with what they had. Mr.Sakioka should have to do the street sweeping and take care of the dust; weed,etc., problems. RICHAR0 THOMPSON, 8612 Whitesails Circle indicated his family has allzrgy problems and with the dust ir. this area, he spends large sums of money trying to keep his family in good health. He doe-, not know what to do at this point. He is willing to do anything to get the park developed. PAUL PEYREPIUNE, 8791 Crescent Drive - He stateca that one of his daughters fell in the perk site where there was mud and debris, and she only got out of the mud boscause she is strong and large for her age. She was stuck in the mud on "all fours". He submitted a picture showing tl a standing water, mud, etc. MINUTES, Community Services Commission May 14, 1980 Page 3 WALTER W. WHITE, 8712 Luss Drive - He stated that last October he sent correspondence to the Mayor proposing six items which could possibly alleviate the problems in the area. On October 16, he received a letter from Mr.Moorhouse on behalf of the Mayor stating that he was working on the problem and he would set a meeting with Mr. Sakioka and Mr. White in order to mitigate the problems. Mr..White stated two meetings were cancelled by Mr.Moorhouse. In January, Mr.White received a letter from Mr. Palin, 'Development Services, stating that there was nothing his department could do. Mr.Palin stated that Mr.White would have to contact the Department of Agriculture. Mr.White corresponded with the Department of Agriculture. The, sent a letter saying that it was not their problem, but the City's problem. Mr.White then contacted Mr.Palin again and informed him it was not the Department of Agriculture's problem. Mr.White contacted Mr.Hudson, Edison Company. Mr.Hudson promised to send Mr.White copies of all correspondence to Mr.Sakioka. After Mr.White called for the information, he received a letter from Mr.Hudson dated four days after his request, but the letter was not received until eight weeks after his original request. Mr.White met withMr. Moorhouse and Mr.Sakioka on February-28. He received another letter from Mr.Moorhouse stating that Mr.Sakioka would be billedif the City had to clean up after his operation. Mr.White wished to know if Mr.Sakioka had ever been billed. Also, Mr.Sakioka was to supply Mr.White with a list of the insecticides he uses on the property. As yet, he has not received the list. Mr.White received another letter from Mr.Moorhouse dated April 2, 1980 which, stated that he was still waiting for the list from Mr.Sakioka. A copy of Mr.Nioorhouse's letter to Mr.Sakioka in this regard was attached. Mr.White stated he had prepared a letter to his neighbors advising them that he felt it was to their advantage to have the property leased by Mr.Sakioka so that the property would be kept free of weeds, etc. Mr.White wants the promised answers from Mr.Cook and Mr.Moorhouse. KELLY MCMILLAN, 8662 Lorraine Drive - He stared he was representing the kids in the neighborhood. They need a park to play in now: H:-RRY L,. BUDDS, 8942 Crescent Drive - Feels that part of the $1.6 million in the Park Acquisition and Development fund should be usedfor development of their park. He felt the money, which is presently being used for street sweepers could perhaps be used for grass seed. EVA MAE BRYAN, 8841 Crescent Drive- Indicated Mr.Sakioka has "privies" (out houses) brought in for his crews, and they park them directly behind her house. When the privies are brought in, the men delivering them sit on top of them and look directly into her backyard. She feels this is ai invasion of her privacy. Mr.Sakioka also sprayed weed killer which killed some of her plants. ADRIENNE IAGSIAN, 19261 Lookout Lane = She lives in a house overlooking the park area where the farmer keeps his equipment. She said the kids play on the equipment and get caught in it. She frequently has to rescue the kids from the equipment. The kids also use the area for a'bike romp and they run their motorcycles in the area. 0 { • Adh MINUTES, Community Services Commission May 14, 1980 Page 4 Chairman Vander Molen thanked the speakers for expressing their concerns at tonight's meeting. She asked staff when schematic plans and development is scheduled for Longenbeck Park. Mr.Worthy stated that Mr.Ribero has been directed to devote his time and efforts to the completion of the HCP schematic plan. The next "group" of parks scheduled for design is eight neighborhood parks along with the Huntington Beach Comr-iunity Park. Langenbeck Park would be one of the eight neighborhood parks in the package. Mr.Worthy stated that any development package would have to be approved by the Commission, and City Council The Council may be reluctant to develop new parks until a positive method of funding their maintenance is agreed upon. Dr.Roop emphasized to the audience that the Commission did establish priorities for development of parks, but they must remember that maintenance crews have been reduced and they are working• under financial constraints. Mr.Osness asked when the current lease with Mr.Sakioka would expire and the amount of money the City receives. Mr.Worth,( responded the lease expires ir; August, 1980 and the lease pays $3,150 per year. Pros an j cons of leasing the property were discussed. Commission members also stressed tha',` Mr.Sakioka should adhere to City ordinances. MOTION: .Dr.Roop moved the Community Services Commission request staff prepare a report on problems in Langenbeck Park area, estimate the date Mr. Ribero could begin design of the park and have the report available at the June meeting. Mrs.Valentine seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Dr.Cooper asked how many acres the Ciiy leases to Mr.Sakioka. Mr.Worthy replied there are 10 acres, 6 under the Edison lines and 4 not ender the wires. T„a Edison Company previously had a lease with Mr.Sakioka for their property and the City decided to lease their property to him also in order to keep weeds cleared off the property. The lease was figured at $350 per acre per year. When the City develops the park property there will still be the problem of the undeveloped, Edison-owned property unless Edison is willing to lease their land to the City. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: Mr.Osness moved'the Community Services Commission requeststaff take appropriate actions to terminate the existing lease with Mr.Sakioka of the Yorktown Park property. Dr.Roop seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED (Cooper abstained as he did not hear all of the testimony). MC CALLEN "OLD TOWN" PARK .Mr.Ralph Duran, representing the McCallen "Old Town" Park residents, requested Commission assistance for the installation of a baseball backstop on the park site for the purpose of providing a temporary field for neighborhood softball games. He indicated an area for kids to play in their neighborhood is badly needed in order to keep them off the -treets. When the park is developed, he would like to see a community enter in the park. He stated that if the City wanted to apply for HCD funds to build a community center, they should apply now. Mr.Worthy stated that the City had recently acquired the last of the park property in that area. The site is currently undeveloped, with an oil well in operation belonging to Mr.Mel Elliott and. a trucking operation run by E & G E,;gineering. The E & G Engineering 'lease is about to expire. After they have moved off the site, there will be sufficient room to put in a backstop. This park is also in the next group of parks to be designed and developed along with Langenbec e; Park. (433) M INUTES COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Wednesdays June 1 1' 1980; 7.00 p.m. `Council Chambers, Civic Center HuntirgtonBeach, California Chairman Vander Molen calked the regular .meeting of the Community Services Commission to order at 7:09 p.m. She then led the salute to the flag. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Cooper, 'Joe Costa, Margaret Hickey, Betty Kennedy, Lee Mossteller, William Osness, Howard Roop, Martha Valentine, Norma Vander Molen MEMBERS ABSENT: Marilyn Jensen, Jay Rivera STAFF PRESENT: Vivian Borns, Max Bowman, Vincent Moorhouse, Darcy Munoz, Daryl Smith, Carolyn Strook, Norm Worthy MINUTES - May 14 1980 MOTION: Dr. Cooper moved the May 14, 1980 minutes of the Community Services Commission meeting be approved as presented. Motion seconded by Mrs.Kennedy. MOTION CARRIED. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS LANGENBECK PARK LEE YADRICK, 88'1 l Crescent Drive- She thanked Commission for their attention to the problems at Longenbeck park. She indicated Mr. Sakioka continues to water by the trench method, however, he has Gleaned the sidewalk and streets since the last meeting. Ms.Yadrick stated Mrs.'Bryan suggested a needs assessment of residents in the area be prepared. She asked if a member of the Community Services Department could tell them the restrictions for the area and what to put on the needs assessment form. Chairman Vander Molen stated that the Landscape Architect designs the park and invites residents to give input at a residents',meeting. Ms.Yadrick stated that she is aware of this procedure, but the homeowners were trying to move the project along faster. WALTER WHITE, 8712 Luss Drive- He stated he had three topics for discussion: continuing problems of cleanliness, 2)pesticides, and 3)Edison easement property. Since the last meeting, the area was cleaned up. However, shortly after the area was cleaned, irrigation trenches we,--e filled with water and mud spilled into the street again. People also dispose of trash in the area. Probably from people in the immediate area. What is City's monitoring system on that site? A list of pesticides used by Me. Sakioka was provided for him but it locked definition. He wants to know what,,)recoutions need to be taken and if the pesticides are okay to use in o residential area. Mr.White corresponded with Mr.Hudson, Edison Company, informing them Mr.Sakioka was not adhering to the rules and of Commission's order to terminate lease. Would like to know Edison's plan to terminate lease. He had invited an Edison representative to tonight's meeting, but no representative was in the audience. MINUTES - Community Services Department June 11, 1980 Page 2 JACK BROOKS,8851 Sea Spray - He indicated that he wcD unhappy that all monies and staff time :ire being spent on the development of Huntington Central Park. DENNIS NAGEL, 19312 Bay Water Lane - Complained about the cleaning of streets and sidewalks in Lon'genbeck Pork area. JOHN DAMM, 3762 Ragtime Circle - Spoke on subject of irrigation. He wished to rri.3ke City staff awar..� of the water problems and the damage to the homes in the area of Langenbeck Park. He feels the irrigation should be stopped as that is the reason for some of the water damage to homes in the area DIRECTOR'S NON-AGENDA ITEMS SIGNS HUNTINGTON CENTRAL PARK Mr.:Moorhouse introduced John Gustafson, whose contract is being drafted in -the City Attorney's office to allow him to operate Huck's Hangout and Tom's Place. Mr. Gustafson presented the conceptual drawings for the new names and signs for these two concessions. "Mary Beth's Unforgetable Vittles" will replace Tom's Place and "Breakfast In The Park" will replace Huck's Hangout. MOTION: Mr. Mosstelltx moved to accept the conceptual drawings for "Mary Beth's Unforgetable Vittles" and "Breakfast In The Park" as presented by .Iohn Gustafson for Huntington Central Park Concession. Mrs.Kennedy seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS LANG N ECK PARK Mr. Moor ousei ed he needed clarification on Commission's previous action to pursue termination of the Sakioko lease. Was the intent that it be done 'immediately or after the crop has been harvested? Mr. Osness stated he intended the wording"as soon as possible" be included in his motion at the last meeting. Mr.Moorhouse is concerned about the Tong-range impact. Mr. Ribero has started sketches of Langenbeck Park. Within 45 days, he should have rough schematic plans and will be ready to moet with the community. Mr,Moorhouse further stated he would have a written report ready by the next meeting on the pros/cons of continuing the Sakioka lease and inci,me versus expenses. Slides of the Langenbeck property, sipwing condition of sidewalks, etc., were presented by Mr.Worthy. Dr.Roop asked if the needs assessment would be presented to the residents? Also he wanted to be assured Mr.White would receive a written response to his inquiries about the pesticides. Mr.Moorhouse replied 1dYes" to both questions. Mr.Moorhouse stated that between_planning stages and site development it would be next yepr before actual construction began. He emphasized that if the lease is discontinued, we will have to assume'maintenance of that property. It is now yielding income to the City and by leasing to the farmer it is cost effective. He feels the present problems can be mitigated. Mr.Ribero will be designing a schematic plan for the entire area, including the Edison property. The City Council will have to make a policy decision as to how large a park wil I be developed in that area. Alk MINUTES- Community Services Department June 11, 1980 Page 3 Dr. Cooper requested that Mr. Ribero supply the Commission with a design alternative for just the City-owned property. Mr.Osness, concerned about termination of the Sakioka lease, stil l felt the lease should not be renewed. Mrs. Kennedy asked if only the city area was developed, how would access between Southern California Edison property and ours be accomplished? Mr. Moorhouse stated negotiations wil I be held with Southern California Edison for development of a portion of their property to provide a link, Mr. Moorhouse stated that the agricultural lease would still be in effect on the Southern California Edison property. Chairman Vander Molen was concerned about maintenance if 'the lease terminated. Mr. Daryl Smith responded the property would be turned over to the weed abatement crews. They would disc the property and spray for insects once or twice per year. Mr. Moorhouse felt that until such time the park can be designed and developed, the lease should be continued. When property is allowed to set vacant, illegal dumping occurs. He does not think it wise to go from positive cash flow, to incurring City expense for maintaining the property. JOHN DAMM - He stated both Mr. S kioka and the city may face lawsuits if irrigation continues. He further stated S& S I Tomes just recently settled a lawsuit filed by one of his neighbors for water damage. He feels S & S will be looking at the fundamental hydrostatic nuisance problems in that area. LEE YADRICK She indicated she had a water damaged fireplace this year. Talbert Par , across Magnolia from Langenbeck, is their closest park, but she feels crossing Magnolia is extremely hazardous. She feels the City maintenance crews work very slowly and there are too many individuals on one crew. She is conce;ned about, "red tape". Why not have the landscape architect incorporate input from residents now and then start designing the park. WALT WHITE- He felt that it was to the best interest of the residents to have the farming continue provided the farmer gets his act together. CHRIS ROBINSON, 8572 Top Side Circle -She said she appreciated the slides, but feels they did not show the streets as they are. They did not show the fence where dumping is Leing done. She asked if they could submit photos which would reflect the condition of the area. Chairman Vander Molen stated they could submit the pictures. JACK BROOKS He felt the farming should be discontinued. The kids of the neighborhood should be given a place to play. When Talbert Park is maintained he asked, why can't City crews go across Magnolia Street and maintain Langenbeck site. EVA BRYAN, 8841 Crescent Drive She felt that if farming is discontinued and there wiI l be a weed problem, she would rather have the farming. She feels the farmer should be required to use a sprinkler system instead of trench irrigation. r MINUTES - Community Services Department June 11, 1980 Page [i SHEILA A. STRONG, 8611 Keel Drive -She expressed concern that if only the City-owned property is developed, individuals who have lived there the longest will not benefit from the park. Chairman Vander Molen stated staff will try to work something out with Edison. Dr.Roop suggested Ms.Yadrick call Mr.Moorhouse's office for needs assessment information. MEETING RECESSED AT 8:22 P.M., MEETING RECONVENED AT 8.40 P.M. WARNER PARK PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAN Alan Ribe?a, Landscape Architect. presented schematic plans for the Warner neighborhood park to the Commission. The 5'h acre park site is located on the northeast corner of Lynn and Pearce Streets, approximately 1,000 feet west of Bo!sa Chica Street and 1,500 feet north of Warner Avenue. The park will contain a turf multi-purpose field for informal softball, soccer and touch football, a basketball court, sand volleyball &Jurts, tots and children play apparatus areas, picnic facilities, bicycle obstacle course and bike racks. One of the residents suggested we provide auto parking for a few cars in the park, but staff felt this would only provide parking for the apartment dwellers. The residents also asked for a dog run and practice backboards for tennis or handball, which were not included in the plan since the department has experiEnced problems with graffiti on backboards and overuse of parks by dogs. It will cost approximately $198,000 for the entire development ($36,000 per acre). MOTION: Dr. Roop moved the Community Services Commission approve the preliminary Master Plan for Warner Neighborhood Parkas presented by the Landscape Architect and recommend the City Council approve the plans for working drawings and specifications to be completed by Cardoza-DiLollo, Landscape Architects, Costa Mesa, according to the terms of the current City contract. Motion seconded by Mr.Osness. Discussion followed. Mr. Moorhouse stated this plan as well as others were designed for ultimate development. After the plans are completed, the City Council will decide how many phases will be developed. Mr.Ribero has planned for phases which would allow for basic construction and tree planting in the first phase followed by'irrigated turf at a later date. MOTION CARRIED. JOINT MEETING-!1 ��� V'IALt(Ijr. -19or' Chairman Vander Molen stated the Mayor has requested a joint meeting with the City Council, Planning Commission and Community Services Commission in order to review the Huntington Central Park Master Plan and view various sites proposed for development. The Mayor wants everyone to have a feel for the area prior to any final decisions on the Master Plan. The meeting is tentatively set for June 28 at 9:00 a.m. Tom Cooper, Margaret Hickey, Betty Kennedy, Lee Mosstel ler, Bill Osness Howard Roop, Martha Valentine, and Norma Vander Molen will be attending. Staff will contact the absent members to inform them of the meeting. The group will meet at the Main L ,)rary to review the Master Plan and then proceed. Mr.Osness said he will .not be able to stay for lunch. EXCERPTS FROM THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING „Jdly'9, 1980 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Langenbeck Park LEE YADRICK, 8811 Crescent Drive - She presented a petition with over 400 signatures of people who do not wantany further farming in Langenbeck Park. The, were concerned with the schedule for working drawings and specifica- tions by Cardoza Dilallo-. They would like their park developed as LJon as poss4ble. TONY LUCIA, 8652 Luss Drive Spoke regarding immediate development of the park before a child is injured. JOHN DAMM, 3762 Ragtime Expressed concern with water problems from farming irrigation at Langenbeck Park He presented the Commission with a picture indicating there are residents claiming they have existing water problems. He does not agree with the water report prepared by George Tindall of the Public. Works Department. OAK VIEW CENTER ADDITION Mr. Bill Fowler, Recreation Supervisor, presented slides on the existing Oak View Center and plans for the proposed 3,000 square foot addition. The addition to the existing center was approved by City Council in February, 1979. This was one of the Fifth Year Block Grant Projects to be funded under HCD (Housing and Community Development) in the amount of $125,000. Originally, the addition was to be a separate structure, but 4ie neighbor- hood felt there :were certain shortcomings to this plan. One which is very- important would be the additional staff necessary to supervise the separate structure. The addition to the existing structure will ,have excellent visibility for the new area, as well as the existing game room. Staff feels the addition to the existing structure would save both personnel costs and maintenance costs. The recommended` cost..estimate is $200,000,, Staff recommends additional funds required for this structure be provided by unexpended HCD funds and/or from the Park Acquisition and Development Fund. MOTION: Dr. Roop moved the Coummunity Services Commission recommend to the City Council that the plans for the Oak View Center, which include a multi-purpose room with a 22 foot ceiling attached to the present struc- ture, be approved; that unexpended HCD funds and/or Park Acquisition Funds be used if additionai funds are needed. Dr. Cooper seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. LANGENBECK PARK Mr. Moorhouse stated he feels that the Langenbeck Park site should remain in farming, based on economics and facts submitted by staff. lie will for- ward both the Commission's recommendation to terminate the Sakioka lease and his own to the City Council for their review and action. Mr. Rivera stated that he feels the City Council should know the signifcant points made by the residents in the neighborhood regarding the nuisances. He feels the City Council should also receive copies of the petitions for their review. Mr. Osress reiterated that his previous motion 5i,,de at the last Commission meeting was to recommend termination of the 5akioka lease due to the leasee not living up to the contract. He felt that anytime a lease is not lived up to, the City should exercise their right to terminate said lease. That is the reason he made the original motion and he would make the samemotion again. -Dr. Roop stated that he understands Mr. Moorhouse's reasons for recommending continuance of the farming lease, however, he does support Mr. Osness' pre- vious motion. He feels the le�,�z should be terminated and staff should proceed to design and develop the park right away. Mr. Mossteller asked if the res;dents are willing to put, up with weeds on the park site rather than the farming' Mrs. Yadrick responded, as the representative of the residentsithey survived the weeds for several years prior to the farming operation and they are willing to put up with them again. They do not feel the weeds would be that bad. Mr. Moorhouse stated that the backup information, including recommendations from Commission and staff will be forwarded to the City Council as requested. He further stated Mr. Ribera is currently working on the schematic plans and there will be a meeting soon with the residents for critiqueing the plans. a REQUEST FOR CITY !COUNCIL ACTION Submitted by Vincent G. Moorhouse Department Harbors, Beaches, Rec & Parks Date Prepared July 13, , 19 ,! Backup Material Attached F-� Yes F� No Subject SAIKIOKA FARMING LEASE - YQRKTOWN PARK SITE utV Administrator's Comments APPROVED BY CITY COUN�C.I�L Approve as .recommenced — CITY CLERK Statement of Issue, Recommendation,Analysis, Funding Source,Alternative Actions: Statement of Issue: Roy K.'Sakioka, Inc. has requested to enter into a second year agreement to lease nine acres of undeveloped park site for farming. Recommendation: Approve a one-y-aar farming agreement with Roy K. Sakioka, Inc. (attached) Anal sis: Development of the Yorktown park site is not scheduled until approximately twelve to eighteen months. Farming the land is an appropriate interim use which will: relieve the city of keeping the Nine acres weed and debris free. Mr. Sakloka's first year lease rent was$300 pEr acre for a gross income of$2,700, Mr. Sakioka has agreed to $350 per acre rent for a total year income of $3,150. Fundinq Source: Not applicable. Alternative Actions: Leavu property as an undeveloped park site and maintain at city expense. VGM:cw / i City of Huntingtoneach ® P.O. BOX 100 CALIFORNIA 92640 4 i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK August-7, 1979 I Mr. Roy K. Sakioka Roy K. Sakioka, Inc, - 14850 E. Sunflower Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92707 Gentlemen; The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at its regular meeting held August 7, 1979 approved a second year lease agreement with your company for the farming use of nine acres of undeveloped park site located at Yorktown andMagnolia. We have enclosed a duly executed copy of said agreement for your records. Sincerely yours, Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk AMWscd Enclosures City of Huntington Beach P.O.. BOX ISO CALIFORNIA 92646 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK September 1 , 1978 Paul de Phyffer Orange County Assessor P. 0. 'Sox 149 Santa Ana, CA. 92707 Dear Mr. de Phyffer: Enclosed is a copy of the lease between the City and Roy Sakioka, Inc. , for lease of five acres of land located at Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street for farming purposes. A copy of a second lease for4 acres of City owned land was transmitted to you on July 31 , 1970, Sincerely, Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk AMW:bt . ' try City o P.Q. Box 190 CALIFORNIA Sl fx;: OFFICE OF, THE CITY CLERK r s' r¢ ,A September 1 , 197$ ,. Roy Sakioka, Inc. 14850 E. Sunflower Avenue Santa Ana, CA. 92707 Dear Mr. Sakioka: Enclosed is a duly executed copy of your agreement with the City of }' Huntington Beach for the lease of five acres of City property located at Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street for farming purposes. Also enclosed is a copy of an agreement for the lease of an additional four acres of City owned property also for farming purposes and a copy of your Certificate of Insurance. Sin 1 , w Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk T 91W:CB:bt Enclosures } ,r ' I EQU T FOR CITY COUNC W ACTION Director Recreation , Parks & Human Service Submitted by Nor �rJ thy, Department 7— t7 -#0 S41V Date; Prepared June 8, , 1978 Backup Material Attached 0 Yes Subject SAKIOKA FARMING LEASE (ONE YEAR) YORKTOWN PARK SITE 5{.��et� kit c�- ` City Administrator's Comments Approve as recommended. Statement of Issue, Recommendation,Analysis, Funding Source,Alternative Actions: •f.` STATEMENT OF ISSUE : Roy K. -Sakioka , Inc. has presented a formal request to lease 5+ acres of City owned, undeveloped park property for farming purposes . The property is under the Southern Califcrnia_ Edison power line , on the west side of Magnolia and south of Garfieid . The term of the lease shall be for one (1 ) year with City option to renew for a second year at $1 ,500 per year . RECOMME"IDED ACTION: Request City Council approval of the attached agreement with Roy K. Sakioka , Inc to allow him to farm 5+ acres of the City owned Yorktown Park site -for one (1 ) year. ANALYSIS: Development of the Yorktown Park site is not scheduled until 1979-80 and farming the land is an appropriate interim use which will relieve the City of keeping the 5+ acres weed and debris free while bringing in an income of $1' , 500, ALTERNATIVE: Continue to remove weeds and debris at City expense . FUNDING SOURCE: No cost, income producing NW.cgs NO 3/7A FACK1111, 1I40I)SE SAS 1197 OFFICE TC,F010W, 54S 8611. F 626.1605 R'OY K. SAKIOKA, INC. GROWER AHD SHIPPER 14850 E. SUNFLOWER AVE... SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 Q�)' !�r• ?!'fr laid April 20, 197 1iECtikl�iJt►j'>'<<(',11�11.i 11� r1111.11 t1� Mr. Norm Worthy D=partment of Park an(] Recreation r. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, Calif. 9?.648 Dear Mr. Worthy: We are making this fromnl request for'n post- Ill.e Inrm lease ripproximhtcly 5+ acres adjacent to Southern California Edison fbvrrr line. The att,iched map will shoe) the location of property which we are i.ntrrested to lease. We agree to keep said areas free of weeds and trash acid further agrees to maintain property in a manner satisfactory to you for rental of $300.00 per sere per year. We appreciate your consideration. Sincr•a•c+ly yont•r:, i y - saki ' Encl: - 4r rt 1 i r r4, �d �ri rt i ! fi r . 4�d �. r r ! r r �1 r ,yr' \2 '•'r'� k.. r } r 1 r 4'1 t r i I Yi �'v, tr .rf I le•� Y�+°kF`I! fir 41 S• t ib 0 +._, it ,t t't� I �•� � r. ! I •. �� i I r S �v, '�" ,S}.t.Fib;.u?Y;�'F�'SgSsr��:x�ll'k�����Sa', .titt���Kt;{!,l';4.h!,iYSr�'�S(5'r!.! Gk�'`•t 'KN�'P�;.��, y`, r�, � • i T �° 40-1�4 frar G, SGO a �1 /07 J.�rgqo✓i.,r `�f d/ilp fny �oi ` ovlro 15'f+ JPSe o )>iz„ .�r. d s ple mda. Q�' blv wiiee wall O.Q. lf4e- 22 - ' lrff utfrd li��° Li" ;trrd ..n.rrr CL IcvfJ -�r l a a t � � ' c 1 I 1 '. t � � �, g, B Xc M• f EU/.501l Vd- ;d s5AVOI« rR, 2f6 0 nA aOUYti11:I7N rnUr�raltr, r�r �:� crr, r rGH.i 1.d 14 N[Y.4"11 I i w , Ath THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Recreation, Parks & Hum n Services Department POST OFFICE BOX 190 • HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 9264.8 a TEL: (714) S36-340 OFFICE: 2000 MAIN STREET y` .c NORM WORTHY y� Director Cp e to nt n TOM BUSHARD o, y Park Superintendent VIVIAN BORNS Jul 28 1978 +'^1 Superintendent Y t.' Recreation&Human Services Roy K. Salcioka, Inc. 14850 Bast Sunflower Avenue Santa Ana, California 92707 Dear Mr. Sakioka, We are forwarding you a blank "Certificate of Insurance', form for your insurance company to complete and return to us as soon as possible. In order to cover you for the prior five acres you leased, we will need the additional certificate. Also enclosed is a copy of the previous certificate you had prepared, which was filled out correctly. In the future, if you would use a more general description for the "Location of Insured Operation," such as Yorktown Avenue" at Magnolia Street or various locations within the City of Huntington Beach, this will save you time. Just as a reminder, please sign line "B Hold Harmless Agreement" before returning form. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn at 536-5498 . We will forward you a copy of the "executed" agreement as soon as it is approved: Sifwerely, aw�6—Norm Worthy, Direc Recreation, Parks and Human Services Department NW;sh enc. RECREATION IS A FAMILY AFFAIR JUN �77 MEN pwi� �+ City of Huntington Beach P.O. Box Mo CALIFORNIA 92640 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK July 31, 197! Roy Sakioka, Inc, 14850 E. Sunflower Ave. Santa Ana, CA. 92707 Dear Mr. Sakioka: Enclosed is a duly executed copy of your agreement with the City of Huntington Beach for the lease of an additional four acres of city pro- perty located at Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street for farming purposes. Also enclosed is a copy of your Certificate of Insurance. Upon receipt of your required insurance, we will forward a duly executed copy of your agreement with the City approved June 19 1978 for the lease of five acres at the same location: Sincerely, Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk AMW:CB:bt Enclosures a City of Huntington P.C. BOX ISO CALIFOR541A 92 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK July 31, 1978 Paul de Phyffer Orange County Assessor P. 0. Box 149 Santa Ana, CA. 92702 Dear Mr. de Phyffer: Enclosed is a copy of the agreement between the City and Roy Sakioka, Inc. , for the lease of an additional four acres of City property located at Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street for farming purposes. A copy of the original lease for five acres of land at the same location will be forwarded to you upon execution by the City,, said execution is delayed pending receipt of a Certificate of Insurance. Sincerely, Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk AMW:CB:bt Enclosure W .r REQUAT FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Submitted by Norm Worthy, .Director Department. . Rec. Pks . & Human- Services Date Prepared July 6. 19 78 Backup Material Attached [:j Yes Igo Subject SAK1nKA FARMTN'a LEASE (ONE YEAR) YORKTOWN PARK SITE-AMENDMENT City Administrator's Comments Approve as recommended. Statement of Issue, Recommendation,Analysis, Funding Source,Alternative Actions: STATEMENT OF ISSUE: Roy K. Sakioka, Inc. has indicated he 'would like to extends his recently approved farm lease of a five (5) acne portion of Yorktown Park to the additional four (4) acre parcel south and adj.-,,cent to hip leased property at the same rental" rate of $300 per i,,re per year. The term of the lease shall be for one (1) year with City option to renew for a second year. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Request City Council approval of the attached amendment to the approved agreement with Roy K. Sakioka, Inc. to allow him to farm an additional four (4) acres of the City-owned Yorktown Park for one (1) year. ANALYSIS: Development of the Yorktown Park site is not scheduled until ' 1979-80 and farming the land is an apopriate interim use which will relieve pr the City of keeping the four ) acres weed and debris free while bringing in an additional income of $1,200. ALTERN,ATIVEs ' Continue to remove weeds and debris at City expense. FUNDING SOURCES No cost, income pro(4ucing NO 3/78