HomeMy WebLinkAboutSully-Miller Contracting Company - 1962-06-06 ri When Recorded PLEASE RETURN TO _In vs. -) Paul C . Jones , City Clerk �1� � ri_ty of Huntington Beach 1 16 3r10 AT REQUEST OF P. O . Box 190 R�oF�oEv Huntington Rey ch , Ca .l i f .; cI�Y of �+tst+tt;�ctnn �.� FREE �N OFFICIAL RECORC-- OF ORANGE CoUNTY, CALIF. NsU f f.C� O ;1;0 ii`LE t IOl! _�'_M JUL 23 1962 RUBY McFARLAND,County Recorder NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contract eretofare awarded by the City Council of the City of Buntin;ton Beach, California, to Sul l y-Miller Contract-inn, Comp.-inv who was the company thereon for doing the following work to-wit: Rostirfacing of YorictovArn Avenue , from Beech Blvd . to 685 feet east of Beach Blvd . ; rirf is ld Avenue , from Reach Blvd . to 1980 feet' ensL- of Beach Blvd . ; 1260. Cr. eet , from Ocean Avenue tq Orange Avenue ; and Alabama S t::eet , from Indianapolis Avenue to Nashville Avenue in the Cite of Huntington Beach , California . That said vork ias completed by said company according to plans and specifications alnd to th.-- natis#action of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach and that said 07,;rk wan accepted by the City Cottncil of the City of Kuutingtcn Beach at a regular mee: .rag thereof helot on the 16th day of Jule, 1962 , That upon said contract the Federal Insurance Company r.+r•s -rr . .wa.aa.�.-- --v.w. .pweaa.aw�iee ��•' was surety for the bond given by the said company as !_•equired by law. Dated at Huntington Leach, California, this 20th day of 1S6 2 yA�'{Jt L `j(^ J 41..1�r►�ll..A�_w liS t ' �r City Clerk Axt+d ex-'-o9f cit'�. of the City Council".6f .. t4e City of Huntington Beach,. Ca.l fornd_a STATE OF CALIFCRNIA► Deputy County of (k,"ange City of Huntington Beach . ee . 1, Peal C . Jones, the duly elected, qualified and actinS City Clerk and ea-officio Clerk of the City Coua�.cil of the City of Huntington Uach, California, do heraby cartify under peen alty of perjury, that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true anal correct , .and that said NOVICE OF COMPLETION was duI and regul-irly ordered to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County by said Cf ty Council . DAT D at Huntington Beach , California, this 20th day of ., ;: l9 .1IH •ww.Ywr..Pwf•.y.� Paul. C . Jones rity Cle-j: aC1'd 'n-G fl.-7?4 Cis-''sG �u�By • .�'z� r . . of ';he City Council of the City • BQputy of Jecch., California AGR" 'KT THIS AGaEOZYMT$ made and entered into as of the of ......�...,a P X. �,. ..,....� by and BETMW CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a Municipal Corporation,, hereinafter called t;l AND Sully-Miller Contracting Company P. 0. Box 432 Or:inge , Cali f'oraia hereinafter called COBTRACTOx SAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,, Ccuat,r of Oranges State of Califorrdati pursuant 'to statutes in -such cases made and provided,, duly and regularly caused a notice to be published.,, calling .for bids for labor,, water: a r, tools and equipment for the resurfacing of Yorktown Ave . , from Beach Blvd. to 685 feet cast of Beach Blvd . ; Garfield Ave . , from Beach Blvd. to 1980 feet east of Beach Blvd . ; 126 Street , from Ocean Ave . to Orange Ave . ; and Alabama St . , from Indianapolis Ave . to Nashville Avenue , In said City of Huntington Beach, Catiforniae aaid work to be constructed V;ipording to plans, spoc7ifications and special l rovisions for same on filet in the office of the City Engineer and adopted by the City Council of said City of Huntington Beach on the 71b day of May 9 19 62 to which said planso apecifications and special provini.ons reference is hereby medeq and by such reler- once they are made a part of this contract an if heroin a,-t out in �.i;'.! and WHb%1W o the City Council at a. regular mooting thereof and at the time sad place appointed therefor opened the bade submitted by the respective bidders for the construction and completiota of the above mentioned »ork, a_nd after easeful consideration of ail bide submitted tho City Counoi.l awarded the contract therefor to the Contractor therein named at the prices set forth in its bid,; it being the lovest and beat bid received by the sa;d City Coun^ilq RO. TBEREF'QIRE„ in consideration of the covenants and agreem+•nto herein. 6z!--tAned9 basing done and perfonmed by the parties hereto, it is hereby geed as f'oilowa s 3l, L, The Contractors, under the direotion and to the satisfaction of the Gi ty En&i.neer, of the City of Huntington Beaehv acting as its agent, aball and will yrovide all. materiale and perform all work mentioned in the specif eatioris3 and up©vial. provision or shown ca the plans for the construction of the work herein- above referred to and more particularly aet out in said p1sE�eu apecificaticn and special proviaiona, except an hereinafter stated., 2. Nt) alteration or addition shall be made in the work shown or des- cribed by 'the drawings,, specifi.catl^no or special provision,, No extra word: shall be performed or paid for unless the City cf Huntington Beach ,hail have issued, prior to the beginning thereof„ its written order therefor. 3 , SU3�7, ' CC; The e;ontractor shall give his personal attention to the fulfi.23.ment of thin oontraot., Where sub-.cantraotorn are engaged on the Rorkp they will be recognized only cx employees of the Contractors, and -�o sub-oontreotor eha l under any c:ircumstanece reliervo tho Contractor or surety of their liabilities and obligations under this contraotp and all transaotions with the City Council shall be through tue Contractor herein named,. 4„ WY 4UTA U� T� The Contraotorfl at 3.t3 errs cyst aad cbarg6e shall furni.nh the necessary* appliances, implementeP tools,, molds, ways and meang and all. necessary conveniences for the -transfer of tre material to its proper place in the work, and said City sheal, not be held responsible for the care or protec- tion of aw material yr parts of the work-, except a.i in the specifications or special provisions expressly provided, 5, 3gWj§MF.` AT N I 3, Should %t appear that the work herein c;on- templated, or any nf the matters relative thereto,; are not sufficiently detailed or explained in caid srecifloationn or special provision, the Contractor shall apply to the City Engineer for Ruch farther axpliurm-tvionr, as ray ue aecezu; and shs!? confom to the same as part of thin con`raot, ao faar as may be corwiatent with tho original upeoifi.oationsr and special provi.si.ona 6. TAQgRF ,-Q, OW: The vork io to :3 commenced within 10 dry© after approval of the oontraot € s to formr, by the City bt 4 ._moo; ,)f said City and ie to be diligently pr,')necutod to completion in suoh order and masher of progress av the City Engineer may from time to time prescJrribe T, _.�!�F R$P._�!Q4 IM If =y person employed? by the Contractor shall appear try the City Xngineer to be incompe ten: or to act in w dieorderly or improper manner,, he ahai'i be discharged immadiately on the requfnition of ©aid City 2 Engineer,, and sguoh piiraci. shall not again be employed on the work. El, COOPMATIO9 OF CORTRACTOJ: Whemaver the Contractor is not prenant on wq part of the work where it may be desired to give direction,, orders will be given by the City Engineer and shall be reoeived and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman who mazy have charge of .the partioular work in reference to which the orders are given. 9, B NMUPMY OR_nMLVENCY OF COEM! tACTOR: If the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt,, or if it shouiu,. .�..v a general assignment for the benefit of credltoreQ or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency` or if Contractor shoe d persistently or repeatedly refuoeA or :should failp except in cases for whioh exteasioh of time is provi.ded9 to supply enough properly ekil-- led workman or proper materials,, or if he should fai.]. to make prompt payment for matey'al or labor, or persi.stant4 disregard lawsp ordinances or the instructions of the Ci.tys or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the contraeto then the City upon the certificate of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach that suffioient muse exiete to justify such aotion;, W without pre je-loo to any other .j d.ght or remedyD and after giving the Contractor fifteen (15) deye written notice p terminate the omploynent of Contractor and take posseeaion of the •p remisels and of all saateri.Alss, toolnp and appliances thereong and finish the Rork by whataver method it may deem expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finiBhedo If the unpaid ba]le=e of the contract price .:.hall exceed the expense of finishing the work, including comperwation for additional managerial and admini- stradtive work or cervices, such exaess shall be paid to the Contractors If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance,, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the City. The expense incurred by the City as herein providedp and the damage incurred through the Contractor9e default,, shall be certified by the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach,, 10, LAMS TO BE OBS t (a) The Contractor shall keep himself fully i.nformted of all erlwting and future ;fate and Federal lams and municipal ordinances and regulations in any manner affecting those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the Rorke or in any way affecting the conduct of the work, and all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any Jurisdiction or authority over the samre, If arty discrepancy or inconsistency is discovered in the plebe, drawingsa speolficationn or special provisionn;, or contract for .041eb work in relation to any such laws,, ordinances, regulationp order or decrea, he shall forthwith report the same to the City an writing.. He se-11 at all times himucAl ' 30 0 . observe and cGmply with,, and shall cause all his agents and employees to r,''aer7e e.nd comply with all such existing and f ut'.2re lava g ordJ n=cea 9 regulation g orders and decrees# and shall protect and indemnify the said City# the Citw Council and City Incneer9 And its and their offi.eers, agents and servants ageinst any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any ouch law, ord3.nanceg regulation; order or decree whether by itself or its employees, (b) The Contractor shall, before entering on the performance of the work herein provided,, 4-Urnieh a bond in the sun of fifty (50) per cent of the con- tract price# as, required by the terms of Sections 4200 .4205 of the Government Code of the State of Galifornia•. (o) In the employment of labor the Contractor shall give preferences, other "hinge being equal, to honorable discharged soldiers, sailors and. marines# and resident laborers,, but in auoh connect.-Lon there shall be no other preference or disorimi nation among citizens of the United States, lb, EMPIDMMT OF ALIM s Purounnt to the provisions of the Iebor Code of the State of Gcliforn7a9 no persons, firma partnership, association or CarpoxatUM; or agent. thereof,, doing any work as a contractor or sub-contractor upon any public work being done for or under the authority of this State, or any officer or department thereof# or for or under the authority of any, county, city and county, city,, town,, township,, distri.ot or any other politi-nal subdi-.-Asion thereof,, or any officer or department shall knosi ngly employ or cause or allow to be employed thoroon any alien - meaning thereby any person not born or fully naturalized citizen of the United Siatee -- exoept in oases of extraordinary emergency caused by fired rsood or danger to life or property, or except- to work upon public military or naval defenses or works in time of war; provided, however, thee. within th;j•ty (30) days after any alien ifs permitted to work thereon due to extraorirary emergency, the Contractor doing the work or hie authorized agent shall file with the officer or public body awarding the oontract a. repo3�t, verified by his oath, setting forth the nature of the said emergency and containing the name of the said alien and each date he was pQrmitted to work,, and failure to file said report within said time shall be prima facie evidence that no such extraordinary emergency existed,, Such Contractor and each Bub-contractor shall also keeps, or cause to be kept, an accurate record showing the name and cit''zenship of all workers employed by himg in connection with the said public work# which record shall be open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the officer or public warding the contract, his or its deputies and agents and to the Chief of the Division of labor Statistics and. Law En::orcement, his deputies and agents,, r it is further understood and agrread that for each violation of the above stipulations, said Contraotor shall, forfeit to the ^ity as a penalty, the sum of Ten (310.:00) Dollars for each day or portion thereof during which each ouch e1=-- n is knowingly employed in the ex.jcution of this agreement, by said Contractor or by any sub-contraot:or under Mn, in violation of thie stipulation and the proiiei ona of the Labcr Code of the State of Ca1ifozvia,, 12,. That, In the performance of thie agreement t prises, fitneso and .,uelity being equal.:, the Contractor agrees that he will use supplies and mat- eri.a?s grown,, manufaotured and produoed :in the State of California and that sub- joot to the above provision he agree© in the perfozmranoe of the work contemp- latod hereunder to use only such unmanura,;turmd materials as have been produoed ;,n the Unite& States, and only such nanufantured materials ae have been rianu- faottnred in the United States.; substantially Fll. from materials produced in the United S tatee 13 FUBLIC COMMENCE AND .r. Cs (a) The Contractor sat arrange to take care of the existing traffi,;y so as Lo inconvenience the general public ee little as posei.bl.F, Reoidents along the road must be provided for as far as praoti nabl e, Temporax-f approached to cro asings or inter:.:ecting highwWa =uBt be prow- ded and kept in good condI ti.on where required by the City Engineer, (b) The Contractor shall provide and maintain such fenc:ea g barriers e Signs, redlights and wFitcbmen and other meww as may be necessary to prevent acci- dents to the- publ.ir„ It shall be nsceas&ry that. the place at the points deoi.rc- naFed by the City Engi nnex ouch warning sign as may be designated ,.,y thQ sa .d City Engineerp and he shall provide white lights as may -tie necessary for i 3luminating the said signs (c) The Contractor shall care for publio traffin; as required and dir-- ented by the City Enagai.neer, Detours ueed by the Contras yor e:olusi.vely for haul. .ing materials and equipment ahal. i. be constructed and maintains'. by him at hie expensR , 1.4. 12MERVATION OF PROPERTY: The Contractor shall, at his own expense,, preserve and protecli from om injury the roadside tre9e by covering the tanks with bur- lap or drive etakes aroLwA them when required by the City Engineer, 15, RESPORSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE: The City of Huntington Beachg the City Councli s and the City Engineer will, not in any manner be answerable or accountable for any Loss or daaisza that shall or may happon yo the said work or any part there.. of. or for any of the ma.teriala or other thine used or employed in fini.ehzng and d J� t or the trablic,, for damages to ad-joini-W ,property from any catlav wbich might h ve been prevontood 5y- the Contractor or his workman, or by any one employed by him, dgainbt all of which in juri a or damages Iwo person and proDarty the Contractor must properly a;ua,-,ftd and muz t make Fo d -all damages from any cause whatever„ being strictly responsible for any daDL:--Ze t; any parson or property resulting from deiecte or obstructions, or from any crnme+ whatsoever;, during tL© progrmes of the work or a4 any time before the completion and i'�.ns.1 aviceptance thereof? and baid Contractor will indemnify and ear* .barmless the %sai.d City' the pity Council and the City E~ginaer from all ou":tsa or bcti.ona of every nam9 and dencr s ption brov_;ht for or on aocou::t of any injuriee or da��es reiseived or sustained by any person or peraona, by or from said Contraetore its nervants or agents, in the con- struction of acid work-, or by or in s:cna9quenco of any :pgligenc© in guarding the aame,, in improper materials used in its construotion, or by or on account of any aot or nsz iasi.on of the said Contractor or his age€+ntoi, end the amid Contractor further agreeo at all times to curry publi.o liability, property dammag©, firer eartih.- quake and woz-uman10 componsatioa inouran^tt ©atiBfactory to the City Engineer,, cov- ering all wort being dons under thi.e cantraety and for any loss to the Coatractor by any cause,. The Cit-:- of Huntington BeachQ the City Counoil and the City Fngineer will not under any cirm-iv; ace© be answerable or aocountable„ Tho Contrawtor obral furnish to the City of Huntington Beach oertificate and evidenca of F.11 such compliance both. before said work is begun and during its performance. 6 , LINES AND G "7he Contractor is to furnish,, free of r barge, all Iabor aecesnary for marking and :zainttrining points and linen givon by the City Engineer and is 4o giv© tha City fr :_g!near nuoh fecilitiea and labor for giving said Unen and points as he may require,, which said ��,krs must be carefully pre- served„ IT, TENS 0? MAM I e 7S: All teats of materials fuu:iahed by the Contractor shall be made by the City Engineer in accordance w; th �uoh methods as he may from time to time adept.. 18., &RALITY OF MATETIAJB s All materials used in the work shall meet the requi.3reasnts of s-id speoifica`icss,, and to materiale shall bg used until it has the approval of the City Snginear, Samples will be secured and tested when nec- essary to deter.-dine "he quality of materials labors.,-.Cory tests will be made as promptly as possible so an not to inconversie.we the Contra ctor. i9. STOKE OF 1ALSs Materials shall be stored so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitiess for the Rork.. Suoh stored materials shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. 6 20, IMPECTION: Ttr. City Eng:ineor and his authorized assistants shall at a.J 1 times have access tc tho worse. during its construction and shall be fur - niar-)d with every reasonab36o facility for aBcortaining that the stock and ma.ter- W.A used and employed, and the workmanAhip,; are in accordan=aQ with the require- wv?ats and intentions of this contract,, All woek done anO all. materials furnished f-mll be aub jevt to the inspection and approval of 1.1c City Engineer,, 210 DEFECTIVE MATEAIb1S AND WORK: (a.) The inwpec tion of the Mork sha.11.1 not relieve the Contractor of any of hi:: obl.igatic.=3 to fulfill his contract as herein prescribed; and defective work ahal.l be made goods and all unsuitable mater- ials may, be rejected;, notwithstanding that such defective Rork and materials have been prey oL,aly oeerl.00ks; by the City Engineer and accepted or estimated for pay manta. } If the woex or wY pert thereof shall be found defective at any time before final acceptanco of the whole, work, the Contractor shall forthwith make good nuoh defeot in a irznner av'`•s afc:atory to th© City �A► neerc tc) The Contractor .hall, after receiving w;it ton rotice, from the City Fngineer to that effect, proceed to remove to a oatiisfact, ry distance from the work all material.e condemned by the sa-td. City Engineer,, whether worked or unworked, and remove all p•�,j�ions of the fork which the said City I:n: * eer aball condemn as unsound, improper, or as in wW say failing to conf(,,—.a to the opeeifioations and .ball c-r verf protect and exercise due diligence to secure the work from in"Uryo All damage happening to the came nha3l be made goad by the Contractor. 220 CISASIN4 UP: (a) fSter the completion of said nor.' the Contractor shall removo all temporary 3 t..ructurea built, by it and ull surplus materials of all kinds fro, the site of the work and leav►t the whole clean and presentable., fa) If ordered by the City Engineor, the brush and other combustible debris Aall be pilrod in the center of the roadway or other, clearing end burned,, 2313* TIMS OF COIiPLL'TI4PI A LI6�DID3TE.s� DAc1GFS: (a) I' i: ogre^d that in the event a.J1l wort oallod i7-,r raid contrast in all. parts ­n.l. merts is r►r.-t completed before the ,::. .: ^_ 15 dais (Sundayn and holiday3 exn).u3i.vo) sron b-c, -1f.; of exQvution of this contract as appvoved by the City Attarney of ne_td City WE llun-t -ngtoa Beach,, dezage Gill be sustained by the said City;, and that it is and will be difficult to ascertain and determine the uctur%l damage which nai.d City ,all. eustain in the event of sad by reason of ouch delay; and it is therefor-s :.greed that said Contractor r71 pay the 0 sa1d. City the sum of �Fifty (S50.00) Dollars per day fur eaoh r nd every days de-IEW beyond the tir'l herein nrese c ibed in finish.ng the said work: In case said liquidated damages are not paid by said Contras tor? said City Council may deduct the amount therefok from eny money due or that may beoomo duo said Contractor under, this contrast,, (b) It is further agreed that in case whole work called for under this coast-.mot is not. fini©hed and completed in all parts and requirements wi.tu�n. the time hereinbofore specif ,ed.v said City Cozuv-il shall have the right tc extend the time for compl.etionq if shall seem beat to serve tho interest of the CityD and should said City Coumacil decide to extend the time limit for completion of this contracts, it shall :further have the right to oharge to the Contrctore its heirs:o assigas or aureties a and deduct from the final payment for the work; all or any parts as it shall deem proper,, of tho =teal cost of engi neeri.ngg inspections, ouperintendenoe and inoidental overhead ©xpensea ankh are directly chargeable to such extension and which accrue during the period of such extension. 24., ANNULMOT OF COHMC�T: Whenevors, in the opinion of the City Counoi.lp the acid work is negleoted by the saki Contractor or the ,.me is not prosecuted with the diligenct and. force specified,, meant and intended in any manner by the terms of this contracts it shall be ?.Awful for said City Council to cake a req. ui©ition upon said Contractor for such eAdi.tional epecifio force or such addit- ional material to be brought inter the work under this contrastH or to remove improper material from the grounds as, to the judgment of cnid City Council a this contract and its due sa=2 faithful fulfillment :-i)� require. Due notice of such a otion shall be served upon Said Contractor or his agent, in uritingp not leas than fivo (5) days prier t.ueretos, and if eaid Contractor iaa l s to con:-dy with w ch regr, u'eition within raid fiver 5} c18ye s, it a' n)l be la:7.f'ul for said City Council to employ upon such work the edditi.onal forces, or supply the materiale as specifically required„ as afvresaid,. The amount of such me,11tional forco or materials shall be charged against the Contractor zmA be deducted from his next or oubsequent esti•, mate =d payment,, or the came or any par,. thereof not so deducted ,iay be recovered from said Contract-r or its sure;ies Moreover, if said Can, -actor fazle to comply with nuoh requisition within five (5) days„ the said City Cotmoil may declare thi© contract terminateds, and may itself proceed to complete tho vork herv�.n apeci.fied a or racy ei--.gage any other per. floc or persons to do the s¢�flw Upon completion of such �vork the City throi. gh its proper officer or officers., shall. cnuse a z;tatenent to be made o. ' the expenses properly incurred cor.,equent and incideztA.1 to the default- of e ._d Contractor; as aforesaid, and An completing the :pork itae:.f or by any +!them person or persons, 8., Should the amount of Such statement be lean than the mount which would <lzve teen ►.).e to the Contractor upon the completion of the work by i .- the dl:'io-. .. Anne chall be paid by the City to the said Contractor., Should tLa amount of r.uoh statement exceed the amount due the Contract upon the completion of the cork by itsp the difforence shall be paid by the Contraotor to said City, 25., PAYMT AND R 401RD OF MAMIJAL AND LABOR BILLS s (a) The Contraotor will pay all bills for Labors machine hire,, materials and supplies contracted for by him on account of the Rork herein contemplated wh©n the name be-lone due and ptjaable„ and he will furnish to said Czty Council on or be or9 the fifth (5th) day of each nonfh as sworn statement of all unpald :finder4edneaa contracted for on account of said work and of P.11 clai a of pri-vate -orporv.tSons or indivj.dua3s for dense of any kited caused by the conntruo}ion of Raid work,, together with the dates of suoh bills and the names and addrease9 of suoh creditors,. (b) The City Council; at its option and at any ti.mev by written notice to the Contractor upon the failure of Contractor to furnish ouch state&ent¢ or upoh proof that contracted indebtedrena is not being met whon dun* =' deolare this contract terminated and may it-self proceed to complete the work herein speci- field= or may engage any other person or persons to do the a mn, (e; Said City Council may;, at its option rk` d at any tinep retain cut of any amount dug raid Contractor coma cuffici an:: to cover any such unpaid alaimi provided that sworn statements of caid cla3ns shall rave been filed. is the office of the City Clerv., annd may pay out of ouch amounto cc retained any ouch uy:pa;d claimer,. The City Counoil may al st,;, with the rr_- _ttl7►n consent of the Contractor, use any moneye in vne posa-)aaion of the City of Unatington Beach belonging to the Contractor for the purpose of paying for bath labor rind materia'-s for the cork herein contemplated, 26.. PARTIAL PAUM, 1': `fhia vontrh^w shall provide that the City Coanctl shell,, once in each month, cause an ootimate in to be made by the City Enginegr of the into emount of :pork done to the time of fiuch e3timgte. Lind the value thereof. Sp id City shall retain ton ('0) per cant of such estimated value of the pork ao part security for %he f0fi.11meat of this contract by the Contraotcx and ©hall r onthiy at a regull r a�©timg of the City Council. pay 'tc the Contractor, while carrying on ;;he norkr the ta?:Lice _x - retained, as aforesaid, Ce after deduc tins therefrom all psevieiw paymen`e fu:r_ uJI Bums to be sent or ret:.�.fsed , under the pmvisi.ona of vhia contract, ado such estimate or payment shall be req. 90 ui red to be made when,, in the judgment of the City Enginea rg the work is not: pro- ceeding in accordance with the provisions of this contract or when, in his Judg mrn4 y the total value of the work done a:i.nce the last astimate amounts to lose than T;•.reo Hundred (,4,300,,00) Dollars, lfh6 City Council,. if it deems it expedient so to do,, may cause astimatao to be mad© more frequently then once in each months and it may cause psymenta to be made more freque -.tly to the Contras;.ore 27 , YINAI PAYMENTa (a) The City En&L near nhallo as noon as prat ticab?u after the completion of this contracts make a final estimate of tue amount of work done thercundera and tho value tborsoff, and the eaid City of Huntington Beach shall at suoh time t, within (35) dajs from and after the date of said estimates as the City Council may eloo t u pay- the entire sum so fou=id to bo due hereundery amounts to be retained under cha provicione of this contract- All prior partial =estimates and payments anall be subject to norrectionn in the final- estimate and payment., kb) It: is hexeb;; specified that no cert1fi-:aye given or payment made under this contreo tt, eacept the final certificate or final. p :;en t; ahall be cony. blusive evidence of the performanoe of this contractq either wholly or in part, agskinst any claim of the said City of Huatingrwn Beacho P-nd then not until the lapse of thirty-five (35) days after accoptsnce of the cork by the City Councilp and no payment shall be construed to be an ac lcptance of any defective :fork or improper materials, (c) The eaid Contraotor hereby fust"her agrees that the pent of the final amount due under this contract and the adjustment and pW, ont of the bills rarVIAered- for any work done in aocordance ai th any alteration of the came, shall release the City of Huntington Deachr the nai.d City Coun-Al and the City &gineer from any and all claims or liability on e-ccotr•.t of work performed under this coa. tract¢ or any alterations thereof. 28 -PRO PERT' R ICH's' M ii:iMIUALS s It is furhter agreed that nothingin this contract shall be construed an vesting in the Contractor any right of property in the materials use'.. after they have been attached or affixed to the work or affixed to the evil,, and all e:loh m ateriala a allp upon beAn3 oo attached or affixed become the property of the said C;'-ty of Hunti.ngtoa Reach, 29, RO PERSONA.L LLOILITY: It is fur4hnr provided that no member of the ©aid City Council or the City E�nneer. , or axiv other officer or authoeized Szoistaut of caid City Engi.neor, or any older official of said. ftty, ehall b;: personally reel gonsiblo for arV liability Elm;sing ursider t1de contract:, �Ou '1 30„ FAITHFUL PERFORMCE BOND: 'fbs Contractor nhn?i fullhish a cosrsaon = bond for the faithful perfo---w.ance of thie contract in the sun equal to Fif ty(5 per cant of the contract priveo 31 COHTRAOT PRIM fihe totgl. amount of the contra:t price and the bid hereir'aefore referred to is the scum of Fourteen 1"housand Seven Hundred Fifty Eight and 90/100 Dollars , M , 5 32o PREVAILING WAGE SCALE: In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Coded the City CouncA% of the City of Huntington Beaoh9 Californian has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages applicable to the pork cov- ered by this oontract as more particularly set forth in c resolution of they City Counoil of the City of Huntington .-jaa0hp a certified copy of which resol"atfon is hereto attached and made a port hereof and designated as Resolution No., 1585 1 entitl©da "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITE' OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE G' INERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR EACH CRAGT OR TYPE OF WOMM IN OR MECHANIC NEEDED OR THE RESURFACING OF YORKIrOWN AVENUE, I�ROM BEACH BOULEVIM TO 685 FEET EAST OF BEACH BOULEVARD; GARFIE'LD AVENUE, FROM BEACH BOULEVIM TO 1980 FEET EAST OF BEACH BOULEVAI'D; `f'►timxm STREET , FROM OCEAN .t VE NUF TO ORANGE AVENUE; AND ALABAMA STREET , FROM INDIANAPOLIS AVENUE TO NASHVILLE AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF HU` TI_NGTON BEACH , CALIF01'ZA IA 33. LIRITED TO EIGHT (8) goms PErz DAY: That the time of service of eoy person employed by the ContrIzetor shall be lissUEted and restricted to eight (8) hours during any calendar dayq accept in caees of extraordinary emergencyn caused by f ire s flood p or danger to life or property and Contractor or any sub-Contractor shall keep an acourate record showing the number of actual hourn worked by each workmen employed by hiss In connection with the mark here contemplated. Said rec. ord shall be kept open et all reasonable hours to inepec ion by the City and by the Division of Labor Law Enforoemeatn That the Contractor shall lbrfelt as a penalty to the City ten (10) dollars for each worl-mran employed in the execution of the Ccntract by the Contractor or by arty eub-Contractor for each calendar des during which any work = is required or permitted to labor more than eight hour90 34. That the Contractor Shall not aseign this Agreement without thr, con. sent of :he Cityv in wTitingq first had and obtained„ 35. BID FRICEz The said Contractor further agreed tc receive and accept the following prices as full compenea.yion for furnishing all materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in this ag*:eement; also for all lose or damages, arising out of the nature of the work aforesaidp or from the action of the elementsp or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which nosy arise or be encountered #n the proaccution of the Fork until its acceptance by the City Counnib of tha City of Huntington Beach, and for all ricks of ©vary description connected with the work; also for all expa"ea incurred by or in consequence of the ��O r f - suspension or diacontinuenceofvork and for I / faithfully / S • vork, and the wholethereofu 1 the manner andaccording to the p',16a--ne and 1 a. • / jO and ithe requirements of the -f •iI Sunderthem, to wits s` 120 t f r' t h x� s Y � t a . i s� � f r is � � Y � _ -y .� � . -- � .'i-~-I f � • IH IMIMS ?iMVZF c tha City of Huntington Beach has caused ita nFme and seal to be hereunto annexed by its error and City C ieek,, thereto du.1y all A. thorizedg and tho Contractor has set hia hand h -roto, the days- and year is this Agreement firat above rr-itteno CITY OF 71 MIPbGMN BEACa a H-xiicipal Co:-;�4ration� 1 Pv Z. A 7F.ST s City CIO f SULLY-MILLER CHTO sCTIN6 COMPAP E; Be' Millers President APPpOV U ^ TO rOf'&s fir:-,•' re\ . f Ci'ty AttornOy t. FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY CHiinC 51 SOti• '+1A7lAQYR - - goJobn Street, t,ew York 36, N.Y. Amount $... ...... Bond No..8088_-20_--02 LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND CALIFOR NIA FORM I'Tt.7BJLJ WORK KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: SULLY—MlILLER CONTRACTING C0MLIPANY Thatwe,................._...._.........-.............._._.....................---.........................._..............._ ................ ................ ............._......._._............................................................ ................. ... , -is Principal, �• i al and the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State cf New Jersey and •.tutliorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are LS held and firmly bound unto the State of California for the use and benefit of the State Treasurer as ex oflicio treasurer and custodiRn of the Unemployment fund and any and all Persons entitled to file claims under applicable sections of the Code of Civil Procedure, State of California, in the sum of SEV.;3�I T.... ni MEE SUNDRED SEVENTY—NINE AND 451100Dollars (�7. 379.•.= ............), lawful mono; of the United States of America, for the payment whereof well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGN-ED, sealed with our seals and dated this........PPt ......-_-day of.. .. ......................say.......... .. ...... 19. .n2. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the Principal has entered into a con- tract dated.....-..................... ..............................................., 19..62 with...CITY OF BUNTIENGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA - to do and perform the following work, to-wit: Resurfacing of Yorktown Ave. , from Beach Blvd. to 685 feet east of Beach Blvd ; Garfield Ave. , from Beach Blvd. to 1980 feet east of Beach Blvd. ; 12th. Street, from Ocean Ave. to Orange Ave. ; and Ala- bama St. , from Indianapolis Ave. to Nashville Avenue. (S/M job #5-1656) . ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ANNEXED INSTRUMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF...Lo naAl.�-�s............. ... On this. g h..day of........» May ........»........ in the year one thousand nine hundred and...........6....................... before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of........Ian: . ' �'�5 ....- residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ...................�.....—...._..M....,S....Banks........................_.............trnown to me to be the....._. t,to ts.a.....gin—tact......._._....... of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, the Corporation that executed the within instrument, fnd also known to me to be the person...—..who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named and aelmowledged to me that such Corporation executed the name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herct: to set cy hand and a. xed.my official seal in the County of Los ;1Jjtr�•Z es ..the day an` year in this certificate first above written. ... .,«.�:l+r!F�: :3nt........... Notary Public�invand for the...... ty of Loy An elegy '' _ y Sept. 19,E 1�b4 ...................9.._........__......StateofCalifornu My Commission ezr��res............. ..._.. ...._.... 9Si70 PRINTED IN U 5 A FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY c H U B s aI 9 o N, M w M w a t w 4o John Street, New York 38, N.Y. Amount $_.?�3?0•'�*5._.__.._.... _.__ Bond No. 8008-20-02 LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND CALIFORNIA FORM PUBLIC 'WORK KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: SULLY-MILLER WITTRACTING COMPANY That we,............._ ...._. .........._........-......._..._.............._...._........_....................................._..............__........................................._............................... _... ............................................................................._......._._.................... .. ._. ........................................ ..................................... ... .......I.............. ........., sis Principal, and the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey and authorized to transact surety business in the State. of California, as Surety, are • held and firmly bound unto the State of (" tifornia for the use and benefit of the State Treasurer as ex ofiicio treasurer and custodian of the Unemployment Fund and any and zlI Persons entitled to file claims OU under -)plicable sections of the Cod A- of Civil Procedure, State of California, in the sum of.SEVE............. ....N........T.....H.........SAND s TOZFM HUNDRED SEVENTY—NINE AND 45/ 09T)ollars ($7.a M-_.45 ............), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our hairs,executors, administrators, successors and -assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed with our seals and dated this......_29th............day of..............................MaY......................._... 19....62. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the Principal has entered into a con- tract dated 19.62., with_..CITY OF �TNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA - to do and perform the foilowing work, to-wit: Resurfacing of lorktown Ave. , from Beach Blvd. to 686 feet east of Bench Blvd. ; GarfAleld Ave. , from Beach Blvd. to 1980 feet east of Beach Blvd. ; 124%.,Oh. Street! from Ocean Ave. to Orange Ave. .; and Ala- bama St. , from Indianapolis Ave. to Nashville Avenne. "'S/M Job #5-1658) . NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal, or his or its sub-contractors, fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies or teams, used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unem- ployment Insurauce Act with respect to such work or labor, the Surety will pay for saine not exceeding the penalty hereof, in which c ent this obligation shall be void; in case suit is brought upon this bond, a reas- onable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court and to be taxed as costs shall be included in any judgment rendered therein. .LLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY _._......_ _........................Z_................................................_..---.--....... By .....__�..__... . iIT9rn a1 .... t.__............. _...... a FE7-1.. NICE MPANY PREM.�.U:4 INCLUDED IN CHARGE FOR PERFORM- ANCE BOND. , Attorney-in-Fact Exec11t.�,....jt n...a u f�,11.c.at.e................... ........ SF-70'' (►' v. i_r,i r,U) PKINTry if. u 6 A FEDERAL INS U RAN C E CO M PAN Y CHUBS of SONS INC.. MANAG[R 1 90 John Street. New York a8, N.Y. 1:1, t Amount ;;....?R 3?9..45........_ Bond N...80�$-2C?-02 PUBLIC CONTRACT BOND CALIFORNIA FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we ....SULLY--I�3LLER ..COI TRACTING. .. 0MRANY....... ............ ................ . .................................................._................_................_._...........................................................-............................................ , as Principal, and the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey and authorized to transact surety business in the Stata of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto.........CI Y OF HUNiINGTON BEACH s_.._.CAI,IFORNIA — ................................................. ..... ..... .................... ....................-....... .. SEVEN THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED .................... ................................................................................................I...............An the sum of........................................._................... .................................... SEVENTY—NINE .4ND 45/100 - .............................................................. .................. ......................... ..----.. .. .. ................Dollars ($7.,379.$5..............), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, scale(] with our seal3, and dated this.. .........29th .....day of................. ......_May. .......................... 19.52.. ti The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above bounden Principal has en- tered into a contract dated. ......... ............................ 19.-- .2, with said...CITY OF HUMINGTON BEAM11*....DAZIFORNL IK. . . to do and perform the following work, to-wit: Resurfacing of Yorktown Ave. , from Beach Blvd. to 685 feet east of Beach Blvd . ; Garfield Ave. ., from Beach Blvd. to 1980 feet east of Beach Blvd. ; 12th. Street, from Ocean Ave. to Orange Ave. ; and Ala- bama St. , from Indianapolis Ave. to Nashville Avenue. (S/M job #5-1656) . ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ANNEXED R49MUMENT r STATE OP CALIFORNI1! COUNTY OF'.....��b�.. `!IS'§...... IL: IL: On this..39 h..day of.........� a _..._........... in the year one thousand nine hundred and.......... ...62.................... before me, ........._..Fl n r.pn ce._M�....Grt;eszel.._......_.....................................................». a Not-nry Public in"d 1 the -•, or CountY Los An 'e l es ._,•,-residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared cf ........ .......................�........_...............,. ............... ........... t7lkk..............................................known to me to be the.....Attorney-- c�........... ...._... of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, the Corporation that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person.......who executed the within instrument on behalf o:the Corporation therein named ancl. acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the wane. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal i. the County of LOS..:::11 .... ...._......................the day and year an this certificate first above"n. Notary Public in and for the ty of Los Angeles oles state of Caiif6rnia My Commission expires.....Sept�...l�s..��bli................. .. .....---...... - s!•lsa ,•N�N7frt SM 11 9 A 0 FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY ti iti � Z ..t CHUBS & SON INC., MANAGER go John Street, New York 38, N.Y. �•h,.e...rr.J �n Amount 72 a79.*.�. ............... Rond 3`10..0008-20--02 PUBLIC CONTRACT BOND CALIFORNIA FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we .... SULLY-MILLER. CO..... ��htC.--9MFANC.................................. ,...... .......... ............ ............._. ..... . ....... ........_..... ......... ........._...................--........ , as Principal, and the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of 'she State of New Jersey and authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto....._...CITY OF HUW�INGTON BEACH, -GkLIFORNIA - SEVEN THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED ....... .. .... .........................................................................................._....._.......................an the sum ot........................................._.............................-................._... SEVENTY-NINE AND 45/100 - ................................... ......Dollars ($7.,379.45.... .........), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, seated with our seals, and dated this............29th.......day of.................. .....May........................... 19..-6........ The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above bounden Principal has en- tered into a :ontract dated............................................. ............................. I9...62., with said...CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH.......C`n'�OR'N1A....-.-- to do and perform the following work, to-wit: Resurfacing of Yorktown Ave. , from Beach Blvd. to 685 feet east of Beach Blvd. * Garfield Ave. , from Beach Blvd. to 1980 feet east of Beach Blvd. ; 12th. Street, from Ocean Ave. to Orargge Ave. ; and Ala- bama St. , from Indianapolis Ave. to Nashville Averate. (S/M job ?r5-1656) . 4 NOW, THEREFORE, if the a:,ove bounden Principal shall well and truly perform, or cause to be per- formed, each and all of the requirements and obligations of said contract to be performed by said Principal, as in said contract set forth, then this bond shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY ........................­............................................................. BY_.M... .._,�L �...__.... `......._ -. _...__............................._.......... P •nci ll �. �� �dillerred M t k . NCE OIVIPANY .'$'d -A7U7U01 - =F act......................... .... PREMIUM 55.34 Executed in duplicate PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF HtINTENGTON BEACH FOR THE RESILWAGING OF YORKTID^Rij f=_VMJ'j ,, FROG! EFEEACH :uU IZ-VAIM To 687 FEir-1 F.:.ST OF BEACH AU'LfI::TIARD; rol-RKE D AV IX).'. !�1.. BEACH :31OULEVARD TO I9%0 I LET EP.31' OF BEACH "-rs'.IMV,-SET) TWEE LFTH ST ME' .It FI?OMI G{;;f..4i3 A;T3,i'Jig, TO �JrZIL i:CIE AVE W ; 1;74:: -1 ,,� STREET, ., I'ROMM I,,'D AMLP0LIS A=i-M- lU'E TO :i 1SH-VI LE, ANEM, 3i�I IVIE C1xY OF MIT_IGTON BEACH GAL-IFflFiislt:, To tho Honorable *;a o r a ad C i t� C omm A. il, City a Huntington S*-achj Ca.liff orniz in ccnalliance -.Ath t.hc ar_ excdl notice ir o-alzd prapono l s 1 her-jay propose and of rue to �onter -�rto t� c o.��rvct t,o perform the work decc-rihad and to .furniah t?:i u..Is the-, om Lccax-ding to -`.ire plar_3, sLraclT .cat-z ors and sp,:c a l pro..risions for the -%r? :'or k� 3I'd �O thihj �yi=�f�criQn Di and uncle z the sub rTision of she City- of Huntington `,or tipm Y, of a'+L labol-, rp.terials arwii3r^.�23;, aix- ac .71.'1 in,''clental �7or r. nof:e3 rzry �o di.i:ivyr .,3? the inprovrtn.-nts t�'` in l�) ace in S'i�7f."..�:�i/�CC�ort�i�tryln.i;iyy�/s.j� tlkbh the '_01ans. spec..ifica'Asions and Special rose is1ons. on. Me in the office of the `%ir.y En i-' '-'r3 viL� tf ��x:i�i.nl;�ton B'`ach_, Calif nmia f i proposo aid agroe Lo talm full p iyme,zt the fo.­ at the fo i i ouinu urdt price.o, tc►--:: L: ...._..._.r.........�.........._._.._......... ..,...... Aipproxi-- unitItem Mate Items with Unit Price Viriu;er. in �';jY�u � �r c.e Total tit , 3 _M m Tons Paint r'ind.P r at nor. ton00, 2 29;cii, ions A.C. Pa emnt at e'/r� G� dT�•'°;,_-- - -r...._ 'e r. -co" i 3 14 Se:�or Mamholez_i 9'.o be rcert at ' 3.rJ J:.:I L 1 If awarded the contract, the undersigned hereby awes to sign said contract, and furnish the necessazy bonds within ten (ld) days of the award of -said contract, and to begin work within ton (M) days from the date of approval of the contract by the City of Huntington Beach, California. -The undoraigned Ms examined the location of th3 proposed voelc and i3 fam liar Ath the plans, specifications and special provlsiono and the local conditions at the place where the work is to be done. Acccnpatrjing this proposal. is (NU ICE: in. m. the words "Cash "Cashier's in amoant cq•ml to at least ton per ce= of the work, lzec er`�.3,fied heck,c `o dder's Bond", as tho case uray be. ). Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contractors. License No. r.. rrr�.r.r r .ter r• �r r . r..rrrirrrrnr.r��.rrr Signatum of ceder Basiness Av,d?maa Place of Residence /���.� �/ ''� ���/'.�.•�1.�llJ Dated this ' day of 1962 �G J :iOTICE LTVITittG SEALED BIDS Notice is hereby f*,4.vdn th£tC� the Cit: Ca>>ncil of tho City of Ifuntin on Beach Califovi: will receive sealed bids for the resurfacing of Yorktown ;lve��ufl, Yrcm it`rach Boulov.%nI -to 68 foot east of fiend: Ilau2�ivatxi; r; rP'i,c1s� jlvenuai from 3oach 3oulevard to 1980 feet cast of l�ac:h Boulevard; T mlfth Street, i'rua Ocear. .,venue to OranCe Avenue; and Alabama Street, from Indianapolis Avenue to Nashville :venue, in accordance with the Plans, specifications and special provisions na:r on fill in the office of the ty Clerk and the City E Eineer of said City. each h3.d to be gabmi.t ed in sLect accordance with the suecifica— Lions the ref ore. CITY ENGINE:,?.15 i.STIMITE ITEM APPROXIMATE QUANTITY 1. 16.21 Tons Paint Binder 2. 2000 Tons A.C. Pavement 3. 14 Svwcr itanhol.,es to be reset In accordance .♦ith they provisions Gf Section 1770 of ha Labor Coce, the City Council of the City of 1hintinrton J3aacha has ascertained the gemral prevailing rite of waf,as applicable to the -work to be done to be as follows: ffourly Waue T i-ade or Occupation: P.atc; Air .►omprz3yor, rump or Generator Operator 3.53 Engineer — Oiler and Sig,-nalman 3.53 Nea-,rj fluty I Lapairmn 13 He 11 per I Equipm:nt Greaser 3.77 '!sphalt Plant Eirermn 4.01 Doan or Mixer Box Operator (Concrete or A halt Plant) 4.12 Dovrer Sweeper Operator 4.12 °oiler Operator L:s12 Screed Operator 4.12 Hourly Wage Trad or Occu„nat 'Hate: As: It or Concrete Spreading, 1'echanical .ampinL or Finishing Lachine Operator All Types and Sixes) � t.31 d::- alt or G-rushing Plant Engineer 4.31 He r Daty Repairman 4.31 Ear Patrol Operator (Any Type or Size) 4.42 Ha :,h and "elfare Plan - Fifteen Cents per Straight-time - 150 Pam ;ion Plan - Tan Cents po: hasr - 10� i *t LO.�EHS Laborer - General or Construction 3.26 Asphalt Raker a.d. Ironer 3.47 asphalt Shoveler 3947 'la 7,nan 3.26 Guinea Chaser 3.34 .7atchnan 2.60 Health and i,elfare Plan - Tan cents per hour - 10¢ TEAl{Sl ERS: Driva r of Dump Truck of Less than: is yds. grater Ie-4e1 3.575 4 yds. but, less than 8 yds. water level 3.605 o yds. but less than 12 yds. water .rA1 3.'55 12 yds. but loss than Yi yds. water level 3.735 Driver of Truck Legal Payload Capacity: Less than o tons 3.575 tons to 10 tons 3,6-p5 10 tons to ?5 tons 3•�55 15 tons to 20 tans 3.t35 :'.river oL Road Oil Spreader Truck 3.755 "later r Truce uri-,m r Under 2500 gals. 3 G35 :rater Track Driver - 2500 gals. to hOOO gals. 3.755 True ::user and Tirerran 3.905 -2- T4iJ1 D�i�Jl.v— :a J 3• wr.��rwr..�•wwww►rw��s s".�tl,'_. . . ,i►a — 244.1:tti ai1,`,l i _ `:r ;_11 01M1-lii..r? CXce t Sundays and "ol1Cia-C.o, _..._ U i�H-1.L. .7nrl Ci?E-t1.^1;'� ^t(^N 1G S'.;:`l':j iiC114���39 :II1.C:�: 3r: CiitiJlf' t • and oi�,' hal., 1d1y:J ali.l �TGl?vu•r^ ci�W fr? n-�1 t blc ._� arty n ,or _r.v c._.-..ssifi at_on not listed in the Hit ;h ch may inquiri)3 :.o ox clato Lhe PropoS"'.'i cCiltraCL, S1,111 aT7';1:". .t;3 Li 4 i11 �1CrOi�.� r f(;�: t��, rti+t(?S :F: C7�'�.C:� .�'03' Si":j.�.r3�` CT' Co:2- ;.;u`,l;'.:' in the coat lier:l t�:t� :.rox`:"c :.'i^_!::�r _3t?:ai Ji^'".":?E.i� ntf. - tf + :E w.'ii,L• hCt?T'� imlic-1tod ai,ovc u ? )as ,J i,.pon the local pre-n, 2..�.1I2�a rat,:!s olCr day v`y Zn— C�.'r?1L �.,.LT''�". i,�]'.: ;} n T'1 J}` , . 1 P_ I { G` �� i� �r t t�jt x ra L n r hour. _ oL<x� c. ra t s ,._ �i are;, "�sad i.,pon Ci, -h - In L'r? r r _ l-tr or a f Lill or a _'r_-C LA.o a2Ll ✓�v o^ -'1 "a:JZT• the pc i ir) o i.'r'_.', L�.Vy::.l unr+. r3.��, � C�.fr JiW.�� �..�.� Vh i e ��C applicablo er hcur rmuit#lied '-.y she r.umbc.r aL :yours ;forkc on ,aid Wit!r than ►_'or wvertim,3 anVor SourAJ-1 :Is ,r Lz�.,a . 'tois day!c. All work pe.rfor►_ eal +_1_ tip. 'l: { ; ho-ir°:: per ;?ay ot- :.'037'6�'' i i10) U-;;X' -r;3t'k shall `h7 pAd for at; aii'•'luiL lI't" ov;'rt21^s I'-='-tC3, it' 'nhall ban 1r13ndatory utio,i the contractor to whom the co ntract is awazY3e-d g� ugan arty �bc:ont�ctor and©r hi, to pay not less than the said P'-"evai1irt9 rat6a to all 3aborars, a-ne Anti ;. :charic s em 1 p oy ed bar them in the execution of the �o-�trart. "Proposal iiegw ra—Ini..`. _-- ar to the hiddin- -3- Hourly ;"ago Trade or Jccuoation: F�3te: TEAMS'ERS—(cont Id; Truck Repairman .1 h-05 Truck l:epai-aan Yelper 3.685 O ERTIIM RATES E;:r:-ik�:,;; S — s'inc and one—half .for all overtime, axcept Sundays and Holidays, rhich are double tire. 1ABORLERS -- Timo and one—halff. except undays azr; Holidays, which are doublo tiros. ' EAL ST RS — Time and one-,half, except Sundays and Holidays, ;thich are double timo. "Tne rate of compeneation Cor any classification not listed in the s�,hrdule, but rh:ch may ba required to exacute uhe proposed contract, shall bo co antes-mto arri in accord pith tho rates o eci.fied for aLmi7ar or c parable duties in the Southern California MhOter Labor AgreaMnts.1l Me ratA s nor hour, indicated above am based upon the local pre vai?i• g rates per day be in? eight times the •-ibove scheduled rate per hour. hourly rates o£ pay are based upon eight hours per (lay for a full Jay or a fractional part of a ;gay. The per diem wages of a fractiors.l part of a ay shall be the applicable rate per hour multiplied by the number of hours worked on said day other than t or overtime and/or Sundays or Legal Holidays. All ,.orf nvirformed i:: orcess of oilpht (8) hours pe. day or forty (40) hours par .eek shell he paid for at the prevailing overtime rate, and all work perfor=d on Holidays and Sundays, eha3.l. be paid for at the provaili.ng overtim rate, for each craft involved, Plans and specifications to„rather with prepo5al form may be obtained at the office of the ity Engineer, City Hall, :�.intine�or. Beach, California. No bid will be received unleas it is made on a blame fo:n furnished by the City Engineer. The special attention of proapective bidders is called to the "Proposal Require set forth in the specifications, �or full directions as t o the biddinu. —3— 'lie fore.=;.ix:,-. quantities am approximate only, :.reins; A,en a:: a : cis for the conpar'ison of bid_-, :nrl the City of untinr Lon 5each -loon not$ express or by i-alif-ation L­w rn.e that the actual amount of :.ork :.ill correspond thoro:,ith but :;:1^ ri -•ht to is i-2ace or the amount of any class or po.-bons of t.hn :•:ork,, as may bo dcnmad noceo-,axy or expedient Iry lihe Ent-ineer. 111. bids ;;.ill be compa m-d on the basis of the 61 ty ';ncrine;�ri s cstimate of `i a-nLitios of :York to be done. :Io bid rill be accepted from a Contractor aho is not licensed in acco—rdance wit'i the la"'s undir the provisions of Chaptar 791, Statutes c:f 1;r29, as amended or ::.:ant:r 37, Statutes of 1939, as amorAcd9 or to whom a proposal. fora has not baon is a:,-A' by the City of nunti gton Beach, Zach `IJA of-:all be t%-de out on a corm to be obtained at the off ice oV the City n i x�:or. (-ity Hall, flf*antiznr.•,ton Beach., California; shall :NO, sealed and fil:,-] r;ith the City Clerk of said. City on or �Lfom� May 18 , 1962 and shall be op,-nad by the City Caancil at its irforral session at 7:00 A,''.•`., he ty o�' tiunt-inc-tor. :teach, t.:_-,forma, r:s rvos the r ii-ht to reject aV or all bias, and to accept the bid dleemed for :he bunt interest of tho City of nt~ .If-+ ach, �'�,� order c" the City Council of %Jdie C tI of iiuntin„ton ►.teach this 7M day of May 19u2, r