HomeMy WebLinkAboutSULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY - 1962-08-30 W-1;en Redorded Please Return To: . 'CAUL C. JONF$ , City Clerk4 ,Q city of Huntington Beach $C 6314 PAC•€748 P.O Box 19n t Huntington Beach, Calif. NOTICE OF COMPLETION wMaIMUNW.NOTICE is H EBT CIS that the contract heretofore warded by the City Councfl . of the City of Huntington Beach, California, to SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY who we the caWany thereon for doing the following work to-wit: The construction, surfacing, and improvement of the Civic Center Parking Lots in said City of Huntington Beach, California. RECORDED AT REQUEST of CtTY'OF HUNTINGTCh t EACMM IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY; CALF. 9:05 AM NOV .7 1962 FREE' RUBY WFARLAND,County Rewde` That said work was colleted by said company according to jplaas and apeeifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Beach and that said wurk was accepted by the City Council of the City of %ntington Beach: at a ra Xular meeting thereof held on the 5 th day November 19G,2 That upon said contract the Federal ln5+rwri,e Company. ... eta sxcrety Car the bond given by the said company as required by lam. Dated at Huntington Beach, Cal ifQr3ia, this 6th , day of Nov,.,�,�b ee r..,,. ..,,, 196 2. City clerk anCVe -%oZfVAo Clark ZI of the City Couw l af-the City Of Hmt$ngton E;Aa6h2, 47 _y• a:r STOLTZ OF CALIFORNIA COun 7 of Crmge Ss . Cityloof Hunt 'ton Beach i, Paul co Jones, t dul elected, qualified and acting City Clerk and am-officio Clem' of the City Coundil of the City of Hunt ea ton Bch, California, do hereby certify under penalty of per, ury, that the foregoing NOTICE OF C PLETIEON is true and correc , idmd tbut said NMCE OF COWLETION war, duly and regularly ordered 00 be recorded Lit the Office of the CfAwty Recorder of Orange County by Said City Council, DATED at Huntington leach, Cal-'Uorni a, . thf s 6th ,days 0£ . Ngyemb r i 1962 . City Clerk an '�-Offfiio. Clerk,;14 of the City Council, of, the of Husat .ngton ac ;...Cs11,fdrn a' � Y r t en_um IBIS AGRW=Tp made aind entered into as of- the da of August 19_62 by and GITr OF HUIiTll*iMW MACH o a JhM40ipMj Corporati.cnp hereinafter called CIF AND SULLY-MILLER CUNTRACT1Ni" COMPANY 19761 Santiago Canyon Road P. 0. Box 432 Orange, California Hereinafteac ca13ed C4iiMG= - WEY2 S, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beachg County of Oranges State of Cali.fornisp purauant to' stattttea in, such canes Bade and provi.dedp duly and regularly caused a notice to by published,; ca].,ting for bids' for 3,aboro material9 tools and equipment for the construction, surfacing, and ' improvement of the Civic Center Parking Lots in said City of Hvntingt= Beaoha California„ said work to be conatracted er-cording to glans, apecifi.catione and special IrovIsions for nam on file- in the office of the City Engineer and adopted by the City Ommail of said City of Huntington Beach on tiho 160 d&Y of Jul a i9 G�.....Q to which` said'plans speoiflonVione and special provii dove reference is hereby made' and by such refer- once they are made a part of this contract an if heroin s=-t out .in full o aiid - WHERMp the Gity Council at a rogular mooting thereof and at the time and place appointed therefor opened the bids, submitted by the; respective bidders for the eonstruation and completion of the abcve mentioned. work, and after cameful - consideration of a3;1 bide submitted the City .Council awtarded the contract therefor to the Conl.=otor theTein named at the- prices set forth in its bid, it being -the' lowest and beat bid received by the said City Councils 17M TREIRT, RE9 in consideration of the covenants and agreeornts herainp contafned9 being done and performed by the partios here ua f it is hereb�vagreed as followna . t. ly The Contraotore under this dii'eotion and to tho sstisfao:ion'of the City Engineer of the City, of 'b:untington Beach, acting as its agent, shall and win provido ate. materi lB and perfor.- all vrork mentioned in. the specifications and epecial •proviaions or shown on the plans for the construction of the work herein- above referred to and. more par ticulaxl r set 'out in said plaits y specifications and special provisions,. except as hereinafter stated, 20 40 alteration or addition alual be made in the work shown or' de' sa cribed by the u'.rQet-"-u�v spao;f?catiays or spryiel provisions. No extra work shall be performed or paid for unions the City of Huntington Beach shall have issued9 prior to the begirniizg thereof, its written order therefor, - The Contractor eball give his personal attention to the fulfillment of this contraot, adhere sub-contractor© are engaged on the work, ' they will be recognized only as employees of too Contractoxp m sub— ontraoto�, ehs3.l`' wader anW circumstances relieve the Contractor or surety of their li.abilit and ob3igationa under this contractq and all tran8ao;;i on© with the City Coil" $ball be through the Contractor herein`rsmed4 da , 1 The Contraotort at its oym cost and ch&vges shall furnish the neceseary appliances F implement©a tools p- molds p gays and mesus o.. and all necessary converi.enoes for the transfer of the material to it's proper place in the :work' and said City PaWl.not b® held responsible for the care or protec- tion of, any material or 'parts of the works oxcept wri In the specifications or apecial provisions expreusly provided. Should it appear thst the work herein con= tomplatedg or away of the matters relative thereto$ are not sufficiently' detaiP.ed or , e=lained in said opecifications or spsoaal provialonss the Contractor ehall. app3,y to the City Engineer for suoh further explanaationn an may be necessary and' shall aonforaz to the same as part of this .contsactf so far as may be consistent with'the original specifioationey and special, provisions, b, am QUOIL The stork ie to be commenoed within ,10 ..,,,_.. days after approval of the aoutrwt- as to forme by the City Attorney •af said City and. ie to be diligently prosecuted to comp lotion in such order and momner of Prows as the City Engineer may from tine to time prescribe, if any person employed by the Contractor shall appear Lto the City Engineer to be incompetent or to art in a disorderly or improper merry he aball be di.charged i=ediately on the reg7uisi titan of said city 20 C . ' . Engineer, and Buoh persoiz ahal l not again be -employed. on the worko 8. COOPEBATIOg OF 2LYMCTORi Whene7or.'the contractor is not- present on aW part of the work where it W be . desired to' give directions orders Bill be given by the City. Engineer and .ehal3. be received and obeyed by the, superintendent or foremanh� ► have charge ,of. the par wox� in reference to which. the orders are givWIQ a, BAMMUPMY OR INWOM" OF CONTBAC=t 3f the Contractor shmId be ad judgad bankrupts gar 'if It should sake a general aesigmwnt for the benefit of creditors q or if a r"eceiver should tee appoiiited on accijunt of his ijjjolvencyg or if Contractor shou?.d persistently' or repeatedly refuse� or should fail Q e=cepC in cases for which eztensi.oh of time is provi.ded, o supply enough proper3y skil 'led workmen or proper materials, or 'if he should` fsi.3 too promp' p�ymen$ far" material or labor, or persistent... di.ar egarti le.�g ordi�na�es or the f natraoti ons of the City, or otherwise be gailty of a substantial Violation of any provi.siow of the contractq then the City upon the certificate of the city er of the' City of Huntington Beach that sufficient cue exists to justify- such a0ticnp mad► { without pa-e ':d oe 'to7 other 'i-Aght or remedy, waand' after giving.the Cantraoftr fifteen (15) davge =-iatetn notiaeg terminate the employment of Contractor and. +, pone®onion of the •p cemi.s;}e and of all materials q tools and-appliance thereaag sari finish the wore by whatever. method it may deem .expediant, . Ma such' cane the Contractor shall not b9 entitled.-to roaoive any. fUrther Patent' until Ahe .work is finished, If the unpaid balance of the 'oantraat pride' ;Jxm31 exceed the erpenae of finf aping the. work .includii:g oom%pe FJation for 8ddi tioml L4t=g► -i&I. and ad91ihi.'M , strative work or services, such sxvess shall be paid. to the Contractoro ' Xi such, expense- "i—ball. exceed such unpaid balanofiv. the Cvatrac:or eha l pey the difference to the cl*-Ta The expense inarrred' by the City as herelix providedp and the damage incurred throu& the Contraetorfe defaults -shall be .certified by. the City Engineer ! of the City of Huntkng�ozi Bescho IQ IAWS TO -BE OBSERMt L (a) I .e .Contractor shall. keep himself fn1 ,�f, . Udormed of all. exis►�' and fatwe State and Federal lawns and municipal or�inanceo and regulations in eAy ma mer affecting those eng d- or QAployed inthe wo]:k- or tho materials caned i.n- the works; or In MW sffeoting the conduct of. the work, and s6n such ordem and decrees .of bodies or .tribunalB hav ing any Juriadiotian-*or authorlty over the same. If air discrepancy or.inconsistency is discovered is this Plana, drawings; specifications or .epecial provisionaj.- or. contract for .Ude work i A raIatioa. to any aar-h law39 ordinanvesfl regulation, order or decreeg he sha:? forthwith r©.IDIG the Qa.. _ .to the City in Gn�.tinga � abI]L. at .aal times himself ub::erre and comply withg and shall- oaued rz3.3, his sa on►tta a employee to c�l�eQrTs card comply .Frith all such existing and future lawn a ordinances s, regulatio►na. orders and decrees# and shall protect and indemnify the said CityB the City Council and City Engineer, and its and their offioersy &gents and servants against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of ate,•. mioh law, ordinance, regulationp order or decree whether by itsolf or its emPlc,msI$b (b) The Contractor shells before ar te, .�n on the perfoz�anoe of the work herein providad9 Awaleh a bond in the sins of fifty ��0} Per cent of the con- tract prioeq ae required by the to-ma of Sections 4200-4205 of the Government Code of the State of California, (Q) in the emBloyment of labor the Contractor nhal.l give p 9ferimae; other VMings being equn3, to honorable diaebsrged voldiers, sailors and msrineev —': resident labore�ra v but in such vonneotlou -there shall be no' other prefirsuce or dlscri.mination' among oitiz na of the V ii#d Ztates. n. JWWMdM Q�AL uant to tho - provivi.ona of the Labor. Cede of this State of GY0 ifarnia9 no peraonq firm, partnership. association or 9,A AY'&tltk;, or ant thereof v doing any work as a contractor or sub-contractor upon azq public work being done for or wader the authority of this Stag+, or &W officer or department thereof or for or' wader the authority of tW countvo oity and countyp city, towns, towwhipQ district or any other polit;I;Ial oubdi-Anion thereof,, or any offloer or department -441.4w;`9of shFP. knwa i rgl„ employ or cause or allow to. be employad thereosi any alien a meanJmg -thereby any parson not born`or fully nature?x ,ed oitizau of the United States - except' in oases of mtraordin=7. eaergwaay caused by fires :M-ood or danger to life or pr.zi 4rtys or e..,oepw to work ; upon public military or naval defenses or works 0 time of wur p' vidodg, howw 5 er= s that within thtrty (30) days after any alien is permitted .to work thereon due to extraori.nary emergency v the Contractor k the Rork or his authorized agent ahs33 file with the officer car public buoy awarding the oorataraat a aceportp verifi by his oath, setting forth the .nature of the said emergeni3y and c the nee of the said ali.eix and each date he ,arse permitted to aarkp and failure to file said report wit-bin ea#.d time eha3.3 be prima facia evidence that no such extraordinary- emergenop' existed. Such -Contiaotar and each sub-contractor ehall ego©' keep, or . Qazwe to be, kept# an abourate record shoving the name and sit zenship of all. Wormers employed by hiL-a in conne.otiou with the said public works whioh record - shv.11 be open at all rvisonable hours to the inspeotioa of the officer or public aww4ing the contraot,- hie or' Ats deputi.ea and agento .and to the Chief of .the Divlai ra of labor Statiatios and law Raloroementp hSL deputies and agents. It is further understood and We©d that for each violation-'of the above atipulationp sold Contractor shall forfeit to the City an a penaltythe am, of Ten (81Ot QO) Dollars for each day- or portion thereof during which each such s1.`t-.n in employad in the execution of this agreement, by said Contractor or by any sub-ccntrsotar under him, in Aolation of this stipulation and the provisions of the Labor Code of the State of Californian 12.. That in the performance .of this agrem-font, pricesp fitness :atind, quality being equal.., the Contractor agrees that he will use supplies and mat- erlals growls manufaefurea and prodnced in the State of California, and that sub- t%�ot to the above provi cion he agrees in the perfomnoe of the work contmp- lated hereunder to use only euch-unaan.] aotured 'materials as have been p=duued: in. the United States Q emd only such manufaotuxed'materials as have been raau- f aotured in the United States,, substantially All from materials prodnosd- in the United States 13. FRLIC 208Y - 1' M ARD SkFWfs (a) The Contractor Owt, &=W2V to take care of the existing traffic., ea as to ineonvenie=e the general public an little as .posaible a Residents along the road must be provided for as far as praoti cable, Temporary appmaahos to crossin a or inter:.-eoting highways must be provided =d kept in good rond tion where required by the City &gineer; (b) 'Me Contractor AhaLl provide and. ad nn tain euoh fences p barri.ere s eig,-W? .=dAghts and watchmen and other means en may ba necessary to prevent 'acol' dents to the public, It .shall be necessary that, the place at the points desig.. nated by the City &Lgineer suoh warning signs as maq be designated '.y the aidd City &Zinaer,, and he shall provide white i3ghte as may be necessary_ for illuminating the said sigas: (o) tte Contractor ehaD ca o for publio traff!%12 as rewired and..dir- ected by the City Engineer, Detours used by the Contractor exclusively for haul. ing materials and equipmamt .ahall be constructed and, .ma3.ntaine' 'cry him at 1-14.8 Arpe"e, 3.4. PPESMATldx OF PROPEM z The Contractor ©hail o at hi.a own expense t preserve and protect from Injury jury the zoadaide trees by covering the txun3w %dts b=-. l.ap or drive stakes around then .when require- irk the City k gineer 150 REMNSIBII,Ifi FM DE.'tWE t The City of. Huntington,Eeaehi the City" Coun ail, and the City. Engineer will not. in any per bo wowerable or accountable fors any :.ors or dam that sbadl ox may` happen to th© said ware or any part there..' of, or for any of the mate-AP or other thinsa used or employed in .11nia- hing: co!rpletl 10 V v� ro-r"'f• Or f-..Z tile � S'i / �4• }e .y � .- or the public, °or dam�gea to adjoining property from az�e cause which wig:�t ha9►e been -arevented by the Contractor or his workmen$ or by any one employed by hints against all of which injuries or dam3ges to persons and property the Contractor must properly guard ad must make good .all damagps from any cause wbetevery being . strictly reoponsible for "way age. -to any person or property rosul£icg from defects or obstructions9 or Zzom any cause whatsoeverg during the Progress. of the work or at any time before the completion and final acceptance thereofa and that said Contractor will i ndemnii''y nd eave 2armteca the said City, th4 City Council a&d the City Engineer from all et4.ts or iwtiona of every name and description brought for cr on aocoui:t of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or pert-our o by or from said CoMraetora its eerve:to or agents s in the con- atruction of said aork9 or by rr ia' consequence of wy negligence in guarding the sam p in improper materials trod in its oonstraotiong or by or on account of any act or c=.asion of the said Contrao,kor or his agents, and the said Contactor fmrther Woes at all Limos to carxy public liability, propezy damsgeo fiveq earth gaako and workman4 a compene0ion insurance satInfactory to the City Fuginecrp cov- dying all work, being done under. thla contraoto and for any leas to the Contractor _ by any cause. The City of Huntington Deachy the City Council and the City Finginee, w 11 not under any circ mstanceo be answerable or aocountab?e. Ths Contractor shall. f`c�rniah to the City of Hunt�gton Beach certificate► and c�denca of all such .cmpliance bath before said work is begun-and during its performmee. 16, LINES :AHD GRADES# he Contractor is to fUrni hp free of c harge q all labor necessary for marking and mintaining pointa and lines g. 63% by the City Englaeer and is to give the City f:.:, i eer such facilities and, labor for givi g said lines and points us-.he may require,, . whioh said marks trust be carefully pro- served. 17. -MSTS OF MADMIAT: .LII tests of materials furnished by -the Contraotor shall. be trade by the Citgt. Engineer in accordance arc..th �unh thole as he may fro= time to time -adopt. 18. BAUTY-OF:HATEMAIsi .. All materials used in the work- shall meet the requirements of s aid speui ficbtion-g. and-. 'no ,materials shall- be used until it has the approval of the City Engineer, Simples will be secured- and tested when nao- essary to determine the quality of materials. IAboratory testa will be made as promptly as possible so as not to incouvenlence the Contraotor. 190 STORAGE OF teelale shall. be stored so- as. �a intrire they preservation of 'their quality and fitneas four tha work.; Suoh stored materials, shall be located so as to. faoilitate prompt',inspeatt�r:� .200 MP.gC ONO . The City: Epee veer and hie atittnorizea' assistants .shall at a3.1. times have, access tc ' the`work dii i its eonstruoti.on" and shiLll be. fury nisiT id with every reasonable faoiaity for asoe=ain* ths3t the stock eand truer. ial.s uzed and empioyedq and the' Aorlanaaehip are in accordance. with the requiro- msate and intentions of thin ocmtravt, AlU, work` done sand 'all rnwteri.als furnished' mall be sub feat to the =tspec ti.on and approval of the City. sneer* 2.10 �TI VE MS`1TRr.A7 D WORKS' {8� 2 o i.nsp©cti ore of the work shall not r+eliev6 the Contractor of' an„Y of hf a obli.g&yions to fulfill his contract as herein presoAbeds and defQotive xoack she .l be made good"and bll, unstiit6ble mater.� igLIv may be rejected¢ no. thatanding .that such defective work �eitd materisl.e have been prev-i onsly overlooked by the �'ity `wgineer and aocepted or estinated for pryer - i} Lf the work or any pert thereof shs.7.l. bo ford dAfect2ne ,at; time before final. wde'Pt=ce of the whole -works the Contractor, shall forth maLe good subh defect in.`s manner &t afactoty to tho City Zagineerc {c} The Contraotor ..shall, -a cer receiving written notias from- the City Engineer to that effect$ proceed to remove to .a oevisfaotr•ry distance frmi the work all uzat.�rlt�.7.e condemned by: the. :eaii�. City &gineor, whether:worked or unworked;, and remove al"_ p rA)w" Iona bf the work which' the said City Engineer ahal l wonuemn as uns3ound.o. imProperr or as in• way. faiil:i.ng ...� conform to the apex i'3�c ati.axu� and shall cc.ver; protect and a eraiae--due -dillgenae to secure .tbe 70A, grain in4uryo UI daAasg+e havperting .to the same shall be tide good by: the Contraatose 22!, CIS Ilg UPS {a} After the complotion of oaid wor) the Contrabtor' eha.0 remove 0611 temporary strap turea built by and d saI.€ uxplue' materials of all kinds from the site of the work az d"leave tho.. foie clean and presentable., ta) :Ef ordered by. the`.Ci.-,7 Engine©rp' the brue:'� arid� other combustible debris cha3,l: be pilod in the center of of the roadwkv oar ,other clearing and burned, 230. IM OF CC i�ETI IC 3DATED:. DAM&GES. {a} It is weed that in the event all. Nord oa-Ilod for: =der said contretiat in.all pis. and'. requ -re- mente ies nedd-t completed before .the oxpixayion of twenty {20, {Smulays and holidays a elusive} Boom. the'.dates of. execution of this contract as . approved by the City-Attorney of said City of Huntington ::leach d6mage. will. 1 be sustained by the said City, 'eand tiia.t. it is and will ,be 'difficult .tQ certaait and dete=.ine the actual dram which :said City wi.l.l sustain`'in the event of and' by gasses of Quoh deZ.an and :.t is . thorefa i $wed thrit said Coritra^tor sr3:�l, pay the said City the sum of. Fi.f ter . 130,000) . I}oilars :Per:shay for' ..r.�r rs•rresr r» rs�mme rase m �s�o � each a-id every days n delay.-bqy. qnd the t '7e hernia preeGritied in finish:ng the eaid work. In cue said liijuidaUd=damages :are noVpaid by!said: Contractor A acid . City Coiuxioil may deduo t the am,,-.4u it th6refar -from any money due or that may become due mdd Contractor" wader .this contract. (b) it- in fn,r then agraed-:gnat in ceae .whole work called for`u ider this contr..,ot is not finished and�aozpleted fn all parts` and requirements .thin the time hereinbefore specified, said' City Com4l shall have the right tc ex-tond , the. time for completions:. if �= ahall.. seers :beat to serre :the inteir St Of.ah6". cityp and should -esid City Council.' deci.de Ito oxtend' the, time limit, for r­completi61X" "O f tble contract Q. i t shall ftn ther' have the 'right. to charge to the Contracaor o its heirs a assi.gw or su ties o and .deduvt-frsia.the feral: payment for -the works a7.i or any. part ' - an it -shall deem pror.1r,, of -the autual'. cost of' engdr veri3* �'iaepeotionp inidetiverhaeae® which- are yrgeatile tosuporintaadowe and Such extension and which ac.czue .durii'g. the period of 8��flh exteiaeiono 240 Ab=MM OF CO�'.�fiAC�'i S Whenever,; .in the opwon-of, the City Council, the .said work, is negleoted by the said- Contractor or tl a f,-�=,me ie` not .Proaaci tod with the diligence"and' force egebi.fi.edfl meant € nd intende' d in'ate per by the terma of this contracts it, shall be lawful for. eaid'City Counci.l.Ar, mace a req« u1si tion upon said 'Contra Ur fore`such.:additional, specific fore© or subb. addit. ionat materiAl to be brought .iate_the 'work-under .this -contrwt or to 'remova improper material ,from the grounda ass in -the judgment of said`City Council, thin Qvntract. and its due and faithful;° fulfillment �a�y requires Dap notioe :of sizdh antiou shall. ho asacPtd upon=i�.q#.+�.. Coatrecto '.or hie-agent. in stings not, Zees tL�a five (5) days prior therotoi, and Lif. strid. Cont-tuctor fail. to .Co i-iLr with".much re u .®ition within said-- five {5)":.dates it ENLU'`bg lawful: for sa.`.d City Council' to employ upon awh Rork the a&Utionia I force, .or supply 'the; material.®. as opeoi:fically required„ as aforesai.do . ' The amount 'of 'Such_.aeati dwa fovdi%, or, materl-aa shall- be charged against the Contrabtar arid be ,'deducted from his nett or sub sequent eats.. mate and 'Mmento or'tnu, same or"any part .thereof not so dedu ted ii,4 he rece7ered fron aai.d Contractor' or its UUrvties a Moreover' if said Contractor fails to: cciiply rith soon regtiieition within five (5) daysv the said City Cotulnoil moy declare this' oontract :teiminatei3.Q and may itself proceed to complete the vrork herein. 'speei.fiedg or mV engage any; other per- son or persona to do the ame4 Upon completion of such work the`: City9 "Lhrdb& its- proper officer.or officers, ahall cause ar statement to'-be made Lof-the, expenses Properly incurred aonaequent- and lno dental to :the defaui.t of acid Coatraotorg ae aforesaid, and in ^omt�le Bing:the work. itself or' by. any..ot}iar -person or persona Q Should the emunt of such- otateaent be lees than -the amount whiah� could" have been &e to the Contractor upon" the..-coaDlet3.on -of :the` *orb_by its .the di rfoTo :1nce shall be paid by the,' City to 'the said Coaft-66tor4 Shoii1d. the` amount of f uuh statement exceed the amavnt dit6 the. Contrw I or'.upon the completion of the Mork by its s the Contractor: to ®aid:City. . AM � Contstos25 T ? Ile= - � will pay al-A. -bills for labors ma hiiie hire, ,mmter�.a�.s aud::ssnppliea cvntrr�ated` for by him on account of . the r.ork•. heref n: contemplated when th$. wma beooize due anG. i Fsy'abla- and he will furnish` .to .d City Council- on or befdie .the ,fifth (5th) day of each month a evorn` statement -of e_U. unpaid indebtedness contrarted. for on account of said Rork and of .aZl C a�"as of pra cute oorporittinne or' iudiv:iduale for damage of any U and caused by the construction of said work-. together with the dates of such bi�.lfl and they names .and addreee©s. of such oreditr�rs (b� The City CouncAlq at -its option and at any time' by Witten notice to the Contractor upon: the failure of Contractor' .to. fn gh each statement or upah proof that contracted indebteftese. 'a not being met'when due 4 zV' declare this contract teraixmted- .and may itself proceed to coiaplete .the work herein epeci� f`'46dp or MW ergo any other pereon or'pe;song to do the eameo �c} Sasid .City 0ounoi1: as . at its option and at any t1m00 retain out of any ammmt due daid' Contractor ©uma suff;Lcaient`. to cover any such unpaid of ins provided that, sw6= atatemente` of.,said- claims ahsli-have been filed. i n the office of the City Clerkp and may pay ou-:;af suoh amotmta so' .retWined any uuoh utpald 010 M Tho City .Counoil - y 2.161cJ„ with tha: written aoneent 'of the Contractor ' we any moneye in th9 Pons+?�eiot�' of thee ag of H=tin�gton Beach`belong to the Contractor for ,the purpose of paging for both 14,bar and. materials- for the work , herein -contemplated 26„ P�`�RTI!► PA3[ T s. : Thin` contrhvt -shall provide that =- City- Council Bha once in each `month l�.9- cat tse an estimate' intiug to .be made by the City sneer of the Mina. $mp��z of Work-done to the time :�f, such eatimnte p and the value thereof o Said City shall' seta n ten (1Q) p$r` oeut- of such •:est oed value Of the work as part security for: the . falfillment of: thi€� contract bg . the Contractor and shall• monthly at a. regu3.ar meeting`-.0f .the Ci t3►• Council :'Pei' to the Contractoro while carrying on:the work,, the. b.-Awtce not retainedi an.aforessid$ after deducting: therefro= an preTous PVMrMnta- an-n_ $Il su= to',be kept or rot i ed under the pz~oviaions` of this contracts Ho. such e8timsts or shall be req-- aired to be made when, in :the Jud&wait of the .City,E4gineer s the wokk is` not prol " aeeding in a000rdazioe Frith the Orr iei one of .this con.traOt or'.xheni iri 'his judg- . meat o the total value of the goys done einoe "the last estimate. 8vunta ',to less than T?-.cae Hundred (4300,00 3lolla--6. The :City CouBcizq if it. deans it expedient so' to aoa may cause estimates to ,be josde more frequently. then oa.4e in ewh mouth; and It ms,Y came payments toy be made more freq .:.fly to" the Cantraotora. 27, ANC PAYMM8 .(a) The City Eogi nr eer' shalla as soon as practicable after the completion of-this oen►traoto make a firm. estimate of the" amount of pork done ichereLndera sad. the va uo thv of and the aai.d City of Huntington Beach`shall at sash time 35) days from'end after the. date of said estimateq as the City Council =1sy eleot s pay the' entire sum ©o found' to be- due- hereunder'; amounts to be retained under the pra�aioxs of .this aontract� A.�.l prior peXtial stimates end psymento shall- be subject to :�orxectionFs in the final' estimate and wMent, (b) It is hereby specified that no cer'Of -ato given or psyment amide under this contract, except .the "final o t . icatc ar fib. pay tents ahi�3,1 ba oon� 61usi ve evidence of the perfo a of th.io" contracts, either srholly=or in Pa.r t o afffdmet any claim of the said City. of Huntington Beanhz and'then not until the lapse of thix --five {35 days after acceptance of the work by the Gitg' Co�ciap 'and. no Mment sball be construed 'to be au acceptance of any defective work oar improper - sateriala, (c) The said' CO'ntraotor* hereby , fur i-her agrees that the payment of the final amount due under 'chic contract" said the adjustment and payment"of the bills rMlered for Y Aork done in� aboordaaoe" with artiy a?.aeration of the samov shall release the City. of Huntington Be' ewhs -the* said City Ccu'it "th€; City Engineer from any and all alaime or liability. on accow.t of work performed under this con- tracts or say elteratiow thereof, 284: PROFMMY RIGHT in BI IAIS: It i© furhter Agreed' thit' nothi igin-' this contract shall be construed as. veeting in the Contractor any right of property In the -materdala uasi after they Piave been attaohed ar affixed to he �rork or affixed to the soils, and alb, such matori.als ah6.11p .upon bei.ng•so- attached or affixed become the property of the said- City of"Huntington Beacho .290 H4 PERSONAL LIRBIhY t It is further provided, that no member of the said City Couitci3• oar ,the City :weer q or any other officer or auth.4ri fed: aoistant of eai.d City Engineers or .any, other'offi.eLml of sti d Cityr, shAIL.be personally'res pon sible for any liability'-arisizg under. this oontr=t o '10 301a FAIT F. -WND: The Contractor: ablal ftichish=a comioo, I= bond- for the faithfu1. perfformawe of this contxaat' in the sum Veit urn. to Fifty (50%) . act "Dent of the-c6htiiict pric�eo to gal amount 'of: th4 contract :prica. and the bid here3naofore referred 'to is �T the sum,of Seveia hgusand` Nine Rd' ndre' d Seventy- Nine and 88/1.00' 7 , 979 .88) . Dollars. 32Q PREVAILING WAGE In -acaordazice. With the -proi.sfons cf Section " 1770 .of tha' L bor- Code the City, council off'.` the City of H.nnti4;t0n'_Beaaho. Calif46rnia6 _ "has secert .4 ned. the-general. pr"ai ilhg .rate .of ua�es applioab3e to the cork coo.- ered by this .contraot "sa a particularly ae t-forth- in a,reooIuti of tb9 Cif. Council of the .Gi.ty of=Ruati ova BvaQh7 a -certified copy of ahfcli reaoluti6a in hereto a tta-ahed and-.made' a part he"of and desi.gnated" as' Resolution 8o 16 25 , eutitlede. "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISING THE- GENERAL PREVAILING.. MITE ::OF,. HOURLY WAGES' FOR' EACH CRAFT 10" ` TYPE OF. WORM N OR MECHANIC : NEEDED FOR .THE• CONSTRUCTION , _ SURFACING"," AND . IMPROVING - OF THE C111 C CENTER .IRKING LOTS IN ,THE: CITY OF HUNTINGTON 3i.�1CH, CALIFORNIA. '-TO EmE M HOURS . -DAY: t the time of servioe of aW" person employed by. the Contractor"eha7.l.be LU,0od and restricted to eight `8) hours during any .calendar da��q, a oopt" .ri cases of ,e traordi.i r emergenoy� coed' by fires floodf or danger 'tn life or. property and,ContrWtor 'or' any sub4cntraotor shall kelp an- accurate record show -the -number of actual-hours'"worked by each workmen emp3.oyed bs �. oo action vi.th. yha "Rork: here aontemplatAdo Said Sre.c Ora shall-be kept open at..all reaoontsble hours" to nwpeoition. by, tho City snd by the Division -of Labor Iran lkf6roamant TbzLt the Contractor_ ahm3. forfeit as a penalty .to tie .Cif ton. (10) '_d+ol.lsre for *soh Rorer employed in the execution of the Contraot b the .Contract+s�c or aub.CoAtraator for each calendar 9. during which an, workman is required or pax to labor more, tY.� eight hours. 340 mat the CuntTbztor chall not' aaeigu .this Agreement without the cos= sent of "the ,Cityg" in writingD first.had.`aud obtained, 35s W -PRICE: - The. said Contractor fUrtber �Qs to receive and accept . the foll.o�'.�ng pr .cee as full. ccange oetxoii'for f` =iahing- all"=ma�teriala and for . doing all the work."Contemplated and embraoed in this aVeement; also for all lose or demageQ axle . out of the natwe of the _pork. wforesaid' Or from the anti=::of the element., or fro.-' any Lv—foraaeen:" di.ffi.oulties or, obst, t ctlbn :whioh may arise or be encountered in the prosscuti.on of the fork until its sodeptance by the City Con s. of the Ci f of S�ntin�ton Deaai Q and for all risks of every dbi sdription CX)nnected with, the 7rork"► also .for'"a l- -expenses in ur=d` by. or:"in consequenoe of the BtxBj]Q31E11(?II or di8cont3muauce "of work aad. for' well and faithfully'' co�apl`etiti ; the honk, and the whole- thereof v iri tjie i aneac and- ecc6xAi ng.lo the:place-and apecifi-` cationsa and the requirarwmtad of yhe City EbtIneorQ vuader, theme to grit: ,Approxi— : :Unit Item" ..: mate Items with- Unit- Price: j�itten " in Words 'rice Total. Qu'hr t i t v 1 4800 Sq. Ft . A.C. Pavement­ Removal at f our cents per . s qt . - .04. $192.00 2 526 Lin. Ft . Coiacrete Curb Remo vat at thin ty cents per. :lin. ft . . . 30 4a15?. 80 3 1600 f emoval a si c . or1a x cents per. sq ft , . � .06 97. 20 4 470 Cu. Yds . E cravat ion .-and trading at two dollars & thirty--eight: cents peas. cu.yd.' 20.38 $1118.60 5 2800 Sq. Yds . Basement -Material Compaction` at twenty, threes Aral orO-half .cents . per. sq.yd $ .. 235 $ 658.00. 6 . 590 Tons Aggregate Base:' ,at.•three dollars' and twenty-sip: cer� s bier. . ton $ 3. 26 $1923.40 7 1375 So. Ft . . Concrete . (fi'' thick) .a� forty . seven and one=h'alf cents per . sq. ft . $ . 475 $ 653. 13 8 285 Tons A. C. Pavement" -at' s`ix dollars and five cnnts per. . ton : $ 6 .-05 $1724. 25 9 30 Lin. Ft .'- Cas.t Iron "Pipe (4" dia. } at four dollars. and eighty. five- cents per• : lin. ft . 4.65 145 . 50 to 1 Bach Concrete Catch Basin ' at ono hundred and . t�rerity. �ia�.lars per . each $120, 00 -120.00 Lin t . WoodarkiRail (Tye A) at.11 200 one dollar .' per. . :f:iri. >_f t . 1.00 200000. 32 810 Lin. Ft . Mood Parking-, Rail {Type B} t one dollar per. : lizi.. ft . 1000 " : 810.00 13 Tons' Seal. Ca"at at ninety dollars per . ton ' 90.00 . 180 0 r{ 12 . IF ZTIMSS WEERBDF p the City of Mmtington . a has caused its name and seal t- be heraunto e� nexed by i.ta for.a� City ^ie o ..thereto dull au'hozlzed -_az ncl- the Contractor. hx-+ set his hand"wre'm tucs dey i year in thi6 .Agreement first above wrlttsnd ClTr OF RUG. I IGTOK BEACH':, a Municipal Corporation v, BESTS City Cler& COMPANY Contractor-.- PraaidcexiV. APPROVED AS .TO FORKt _Z_44za OEM ......_. -�. City Att rxaoy FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY C H U D 6 OI 90149 ly X"J%a Ka =� . go John Stroot, New York 36, N.Y. l •s+ jyi Amount ,. ......................... Bond No. 00&_9_0_:`_''_f�..._...... LABOR AND MATERI&L PAYMENT BOND CALIFORNIA FOB PUBLIC W(-,NRK KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we,.._..... SULLY—MILDER COVIT RACT ING C%T M� .-....._. .._. _._._._. ..r...... ....... -.. ...-...�......-....�.., as Principal, and the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey and authorized to transact surety business in t`ie State r:1 California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the State of California for the use and benefit of the State Treasurer as ex: offtcio treasurer and custodian of the Unemployment Fund and any and all p._rsons entitled to file claims under applicable sections of the Code of Civil Procedure, State of California, in the sum ofTEIW31-NINE r 3 .9 FUNDRED EIGI Y-rII A . jloo 7:__._Bollars (�... °89. ._.................), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof well and truly to be :Wade, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed with our seals and dated this 17th• day of... . ._...-....._Angust ._._.., 190 .._. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the Principal has entered into a con- tract dated ......, 19 6 , wit tract HUNTIVGTON BUCHt CALIFORNIA to do and perform the following work, to-wit: Construction, Surfacing and Improvement of the Civic Center Parking Lots. (SI M job 1#702--193) . ACKNOWLEDGMENT: OF ANNEXED INSTRUMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ;.107 Gt.:......:.. On this.....'4 . . y of -At,gus t is the year one thounad nine hundred and...........:......::6 ......... before me CHAMBERLAIN- , OLIVE 8. CHAM �----»------»- .-- .»».... .».». ...»...,a hcltary,Public in and for the LZ Co,iinty of residua there:a;Qiily commissioned �d sworn, personally ippeand ...S�•,,,, anks _._-known to ass to be the.....At.tQ.tUQ17..�:ri:Fact of FEDERAL 'NSURANCE COMPANY, the Corporation that,executed the within instrument, and also-Imown to me , to be the person......»who executed the within insfauraeat on behalf of the Corporation therein named rnd`acknowledged' to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHE p? , I have hGreunto set my hand and effixed my .official seal in t6 County of . ... '" -- the day and year in this certificate first cbove urittmi: No Public In and for the ; ........ ..nR County o f `Cf PLAIN tate atECM .sgg . MY Commisslon,expires.. » 11r, r 1 -2.5, ]!Ira !ar-PTO PRINTED IN V, S. A. s 1 FEDERAL 1NSU RANCE Co NA' FANY CHU1313 & SON INC.. MAN^ 6iQ +'# . � qO John Street, Now York 38, N.Y. Amount $.3p989.94................... Bond Io....8008-20-39.....PUBLIC CONTRACT BOND CALIFORNIA FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we,. ».».».._..»..«.SULLY,.-K R..LO �'� ��. _ t1''° «.... .......»......»...»......._......._...... »_. .._....._««..�.«._....»«.«...... «..».«.»_««.__,. ..«..«...........««««««.......«.._._..«.......»»»«.»»».»».«...».... » »»«_..»».....««.., as Principal, and the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey and authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto.- CITY CITY OF MWINGTON DEACH,�CALIFORNIA -..... ... .««.... .«»...... «.»._......«.. .............»....... «...«�...«.»....««. .«.._««._..«in the sum ofTRI9Y'311NE�HUNDRED EIGEEVY- N'INE AND 94/100 -- - - -- - - - - - - 3,989.94 -...._. »»».»...»..._».»..«.»......»....»�.»......»..«.«... .«�«» «.»..»».....».....»....Dollars ....»........__._»».. ..), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, seated with our seals, and dated this...._3L7t11,_.._._..day oi...._.»..... T1� . ».._»._..«..., 19....2. � The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above bounden Principal has en- tered into a contract dated........ . : ...««......�«« .., 19!62`'.., with said C=._0.F.«MXV1X(M91 .««. to do and perform the following work, to-wit BEACH.? CALIFORNIA Construction, Surfacing and Improvement of the Civic Center Parking Lots*: (SIX job #702--193) . 3f . NOWY THEREFORE, if the above bounden Principal shall well and truly perform, or cause to be per- formed, each and all of the requirements and obligations of said contract to be performed by said Principal, as in said contract set forth, then this bond shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force ;3-. .. _. and effect. APPROVED . . STJUy4a1tUA C. Off .A.CTING C%T ANY rA pa7l_'�.. t21I 1 d-Fro dent FE 1` tl Co - ANY Premiuim ,147:89 . .Y_........: �,/«. « .__.........«..«»..... .«._...__.... Mew.Banks., Attorney-ir-tact IF-104 R W31_51V) rRIN?CO IN U. S. A. t 8-6-62 ..:i:. . FOR THE. CDNS:C WOTION9 SUR AGINOp AND VEROVINa .OF THE CIVIC bUTER PARKING U)TS _ 'THE CITY OF HUNTING"TON CALIFORNIA. Electric & Va obi i.7 Hkw= & Thomey R.W. McClellan R.J. Noble Sulbv-Wler .x rta 463D Santa Am St. P'.o. Box 1t5 151 Comer^ial r4y P.O. Boa 620 P.O. Box 432 $et3a�te Curdakyr Calif. Artesia, Q-tUf. Costa Mesas Calif, Orange, Calif. OxunEe, Calif. . 4800 Sq. Ft. A,C. �j80.00 Pavement Rear mI ....,.. • o.t 526 LIA:. Ft. Conainate 236970 Curb Rohl. 3,620 ,'Sg. I't': � Ooz�irita h05100Valk. HOMM1 I DIM 470 Cu. Mo. Rzoavaticn 150 705.00 airl. Gradi ... 2800 Sq. rde. He At 0 ?:,atNria2 C Iztion 1abO0D QC� IM 2„75 590 Tags, Aga"40� 1,q&22v5a �,....� - 1375 Sq. Ft. lace rite �75 (611 tWW 4031.25 rrlw���rM�l�r+. 'a 645 285 ions A►:Ct , 2,3.75 Favwwnt ,, 3.5O 30 Litu M Cunt IarOu .00 ITEM I each'Conorete Caatob �'� Basin 200.00 1 Xu 20o Line Ft. Wood 1950 Part. Rail 3CO.o0 ,I 810 Lime Ft, Nord 9MD Parking ftil B Item #13 6Q.oQ 2 Tone Seal 220000 coat Total Hid .8,9440.20 /�, 23 e. .Z S. PROPOSAL TO TIM CrfY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, FOR THE COIdSTRUCTIOTJ, SU E AC ING9 AND B r ROVING OF THE CIVIC CENTER PARING Lt3'I'S, N THE CITY OF HUNTMOTON EEACH, . CALTrFOMIIA. To the donor able: Mayor and City C ounc:il., City of Portington' Beach, California . ,..::.;� ., :�. s In c liance. wit' the annexed -notice .c{;�roisiliu�;ori. Boaeti. 2�ows"�ut�-r<- taxi"1++.�IS tani':............� � n Trait= inviting seal£sd" prczposa3s I hereby propose .r'r. "..!.7 1ra' j. .�.��' YJ✓> Tj�,yam.. :'QC:T96Tf : r'_•r :s. ?� t •• and aOa t0 9r] ',@�'. iri�0 a contrac'� to p�Z'�orH4 the work herein de scri b9d and,to furnish ' the matcr_}.als 'thsrefore 'accordirg to the plans; specifications and spacial provisions for the -said work and to the satiafaction of. and. und' :the supervision of the City' Engineer of " said City of Huntington. Baach� The underad has not accepted any bid frc� 3.� air subcontractor or sateri.alQen through a bid &Pbsitory, the by--laws. �nalas or regulations of which prohibit or prevent th6 contractor from considering any bid from any subcontractor or materi✓3an, which is dot processed' through said bid depositozyq or wh1c;h prevent any subcontractor, or material- men from bidding to arq contractor who doe s not use the Facilities -of or aocept' bids from or through such bid depositoryo For the furnishing of al:. �bflr, materials and Qquipw=2 ard do all incidental ;pork t cessary to deli r all the improvements is complete. in- pace` in strict conformity ulth'.the plans: specifications and' special pr6v1sions, on file in the office of the Cite Enekwex, -City of flan.,i*gtoa Beach, • , CalifornLa, J. propose and Afire© to fake fall pw1ment. thF:rof or at the f o1.3 wing unit' pric"Ov i to-wits .wrrw r�r�r r rrr rr...rr� r.rrr� • rrrr�+ bpprGxi.. unit Item mate Items with Unit price Written in Vlords Price Total. Quantity' ' - 1 4600 Sq. Ft. AIC Paves art Removal. at -= MCA-, aqa Ft a - ,7 O 2 2 526 Lin. Ft. Concrete Curb Removal at e"O � (2�f/t:5 ...per, i3.n. fta V .3 2620 Sq. Ft., Concrete Walk Removes?*- e c,2'_ ter, sq. fto IX, 470 Cu. Yds. Excavation, aril Grading at Q Appri=md- Emit Item. mate., Items with* Unl t' Prl cs Written - Words Rrice Tcetal Quantity: 5 2800 Sq. Yd ' Ba nt Wteillal C ction' at ro sq. yde 6 590 Tons AggregateBase at �� '�"GCIJ��•�c l u r.�l ' CRare ton ? 3,375 Sq. Fto Concrete (6n thick) At .• 1JlXs4 �' }tPr , }fir. .Mo fto'L �w 8 285 Tons A.C. Pa mub at.A t�� , d ter. -bon Now 9 30 Lin.- Ft. Cash Iron Pipe (4" dam:;) at ✓ i• 3.0 1 Each ch Concrete Catch Ba do at r each: (( 11 200 . Ian. Ft, -Wood Parking. Rail (Type A)' at .� ` o 0 r _ Per,. ling' ft o. 12 830 Lin. Ft. Mood Parking Rail (Type B) at o �.�r' � �- j��• -.-Per* Sin. fto f r 33 2 Tons Seal Coat at Cato U O paro ton". c� . ■r......F.�esis � rrr.r/ri u.rr•d Total Bid �}! If. awarded".the contract, the ursigced: hereby. agrees to Si r� gn said contracts and f rnish the necessary bonds within -ten, (10) days- aP the award of said cbntsa'ct9 and to begin Mork within ten (20) days from the.--date 'of .approval 'of the contract 'by the City of Huntington. Beach„ C:alif ova, The undersigned has exzminsd the location o� the proposed Mork and is far i3iar with the p3ansx *ecifications and spec3a3. provisions and the -local conditions at the place where the Roirk is to be donee 2a t ' •ryi •i .�� 1 • • 1 1 f r + 5 y a. • fill im • r • f t 1 6 ; •., _ : • • ♦ : ♦ c - : wr s •� _ r tic VI-WIM, . y • t.� • • l Y 7 OFF � c f•. - c • 10. i �r 5 � • r f ti Hourly 'Wage Trade: or Gjcc=t-at-ion: RAte: Cement 1aso. 4 04 Cenent '•','L^.:0:1, ill ipxp.n`; and Dr3{ chin-n- 4 u2A 1? "Form. and Plank Se ttor, including setti n of' lines, .-takes .ndl grado c; h.04 i�inr ink; "chine Operator 4.04 Health and +tel.Care - Ten Cents per hour O.10 ZI t A..1uL,iS Air Compressor, Pump or Generator Cpo utor 3.53 unSinecr - Gil:=r anti Siynalmn 3.53 'L-a-Jr D-aty Repairman! s He lDe r 3.53 Equipment Greaser 3.77 51.iploader 'Jh,�-.-1t3Tne-turd, Fer,;uson, Jeep or Simalar Type 3/4 ;lard or less (without Dra E,;tppe attachments) .77 Asphalt Plant Pimman h.01 0.7i-t Dr gtyrpe Attach eiit ) 4.01 Ho,z, n or IZi-tier Boa: Cperator. (Concrete or Asphalt P1Lnt) .12 Grade Checker Paa;re r S-.-Ieeper Operator 4,12 Roller GDerator 4. 12 Asphalt- or Concrete Spreading, Mechanical Tamping or Finishing 'Ma- chine Operator ;.Ali TJPaS and Sizes) 4.31 Asphalt or Crsshin6 Plant Engineer 4.31 Hea rf Duty Repainm=�n 4.31 Pavercnt - Breaker Cnerator 4.31 S?:iploader Wheel T,lpe over A yaTM1, up to and including 2 yards 4.31 !`otor Patrol Operator (Any Dypa or Size) 1;.111 i:ca?th and "re?na:-0 - Fi.ftecn Cents per hour 0. 15 Pension. Plan. - Ten Cents nor hour 0.10 2. Trade o: 0_-cunatioii: 'at['.: i<�borer - :oneral or Con--truetion � 3.20 Concrete Saw '_in, excluding Tractor Type 3.47 Gp e ra.tor of PnosmMtic and lcctric Tool.a, Vibratin� j:.chir:es and cimilar m3ch�an- ical tools, nnt, snnarrk+.r0.r f-Innni NQei herein ,.47 c.uohalt Raker and 1roncr 1..47 _lcphalt S;:oVcler 3.36 COrn-nlj.A Cu c-r - Smnot`virnlr '.TramF,rtinrs _ t th "-!,.1 ��tlr:Cll Cif the r%lt;' Cr Hui Beach, has ascerta,Jned the Cenerril nrevailin;:�- rate c2 ,klgas afpli.cable to the orr. to :;e �-o nn to be as follows: Hourly 17a Ce T?ude or Occupation: Rate: r• • U1 •rT^RS vr_�l.I ..1�(�Lft r„ ��:?v0?14.C'Z' J4 10 i cu?th and Ten u�_-nts rer hour 0.10 �........i +.., D�n... _ T,•.rf :�nn'1' n Tl: + h1111'!^ n. n N, r n""'I'T S.�k���`?S Time ar..: one-ham for thw first t hrce :lour.^: of ter the r��..larly con-'-i tuted vt r a .�r�t-t i.r= :.hif t a n-I double time for all other ovc rtima. L.{\T LL`�{U�'.I.� — ♦n'i•'.[. <i�:: f11`.C]—"''1�i l`s.... .1 { 1 n-. =1. lam.. ...+ ^.......1 ._-11 1 _1_* t.._ x• .,c h a ro d oubl e t i .e IAgCc;^ - T-1Mc anti on•--half, except Sundays and holidays, which are: double .4T.-2. l i mte a n; one—half, except Sundays, an'" hot:d"i-ys, which ara double t?Tle= The above listed wage scales are subject to change due to current Union nacratiatical or recent Union agreements which have not ycL bear. published. "?'iia rate Of cc.7-IT"ensation for any classification not listed in the sc11C,.'-,.:la but :;hiC' may ::c requirod to execute the proposed contract, shall b?-, cc-=nensur_te and in accord with the rags opr:cified for sirl;.lar or comparable duties in the southern California ::aster Tabor A ;rcements." TALo rates par hour, indicated above am b-23ed upon the local prevailinG rates per day bninw eif;ht time;. thic above ;:chodii1e i rate per hour. Hourly bates of Pay are based upon ei;,ht hours per clay for a full day or a fractional hart of a day. The per -dam wagcs of a f iur_tional part of a day shall be -lie a.nlicable rat& per hour .=aitiplicd by the number of hours worked on said day other than for nlverti:m and/or SuridayLs or legal Holidays. .'13. work nerformed in cfce ss of ciCht 2) hours --e r day or forty (40) -lours per :.ee!: ;hall be paid for at- the prelraili.ng overtime rate, and all work Co rfo u.\cd on i 611,1_nys -nd undays, stall, be pain for at the Prevailing o Je r time rate, for each croft in volvod. Tit shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the contract is awardled and upon any subcontractor under him to pay not lees than the said Prevailing rates to all laborer., :Norlmn-4 and necha.nics employed by them in the execution Of tlue Contract. Flans and spe:if:icutions to;pther .eith proposal form may bov, obtained at the office of the City Enpineer, City E 13, Huntinatton beach, California. No bid will he received unless it is rrade on a blank form furnished by the City Engineer. The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirenents", set forth in the specifications, for full ,1irections as to thfi bidding. The forcuoin" gi1antiti.es are approxir-ate only, being given as a basis for the comparison or bids, and the City of Huntington 3earh does not, expross or by i^nplication a�r-3e that the actual anount of nork will correspond there„ith but reser,os the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portions of the work, as May be deemed neces ary or expedient by the Ens nee=r. All bids All be comnare-d on the basis of the City Sn;;incer l s estimate of the quantities of ,cork to be done. ito bid (fill be accented from: a Contractor mho is not licensed in accordar►ce with the la:,, under the provisions of Chapter 7;01, Statutes of 1929, as amended or Chapter 37, Statutes of 1939, as amended, or to whor a proposal fora hao pot been issue- by the City of iluntington Beach. Each, bid sha 31 be Nude out on a form, to he obtained at the office of the City Engineer, City ::,z1?, Huntington Scach, California; shall be sealed and filed with the City Clark of said City on or before 5 :00 P.Nf. of August 3, 1962 and shall be opened by the Cittr Council at its informal Session at 7:00 A.M. _--d August 6 , , 1962. The City of I-HuntznLGon Peach, :a!if or,Lia, rosaines the rzljght to reject arr or all bids, and to accept the bid dee:aed for ti:u best interest of the City of Huntin:tbon 3 ach. 3g order :�f the City Council of the City of liuntini;Lon Boach this if b day of July 1962. Paul C. Jones City Clerk BY J Deputy 5.