HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnthony and Langford - Architects - 1969-12-07YY.. -'r� it .�+ �,'`t` ; ,,�,1J ii �T 'r(tr 1 i. Jr /l;n '�'^f f . I 1 � �R7 t7 7 •ii.` t r] FF Y1 f r' r��'% !{ ��-It'n iti The shall ^;Ihfo;�M :the Pj t�r 'bg, `- es�tUaate(54 Frojeit. Gpnstruet3:cin a�ost. Ka : Design DevelcOment Phase . Thee 4rch3te�,t shall prepare from the , is de,olpn` s i llies the de ign development Fz documents „consisting asite and floor "pI'anla, !. el- .; and. °they approved drawip$s, an t shall outline.specifications to fix' and E Y Allustrate 'the #size and,character e r ` entire Projeet ,I' its essertials, as to ` of" znaterlais, type: of strucrture, .me,ch ani= t and electrical Lsystems and Such ; oTther wore .a$ may: be, requi-$red. , 2. TieArchitects rIha:l:l inf'87�m the Git,y of any. F indicated adjuirtment in the;; est;imated Protect; construction c�)st`: Architect J r hall assist the City in apply- ' The ArcY ; ing for �' a;n d. obt;aining; xec wired apProva? s from r appli�l& pub,'ic, agencies. � C . Constru�eti of Docum.j{ nt Phase., 1. The Arca itect �jhall 'preparA ,.from thy,; ap-prove design devel vments docj4Ments;, working drawirnr, s and spe, ifieat,ig5ns setting for , h' in detail and presscribi� the work.,to be doneo and the materirkmariship, finishes, and equiV7 M ment rOuired �Por the ar�k�iteetura.l, strua- tural, mecha.nj,cAl electrical service connected equipments acid site ,work. The Architect shall also ,prPn',°re nees ary dding information, �« > ,general condtti=s of the contract, and supple � ,mentary ;general ijeonditions of the conitpaot, and sh 1 ass s c the city' a legal adv9 .or, ; a 4- the drafting of {�raposaI. and contract ,,eor�s 3 _0 < 2 , n Il �s` ,L: :•l 2.^ The A:r�sfh3 tect sh1 ai3sist the City in apply , n 4 . f.. ing foie s,nd obta, Ling required, approvals from p� app] i caple ..p;��7 i 11� agencies . k 3 The .Ar'c it eCt r shad not iP the pity whether o '< now the,e is any., died.ted a�i, ustme.nt ira ' it , / 1.rewiaus�, estmates'�,of ;he'roect constru�Ftior cost arilAng from Market fluctuations,. or \` � ag�aved.Changes i4,,` bcppe or, requirements,;' P �C?,}n 'Ph ase. 16 L, Arc'hi,eat shall ?reproducd the contract entiri the 'reg14ii6d number, the OXPOnse , b j*;Lrid, 'bon -,,,as providIf-W, tri Article XIV, ,A and 1 2. '. Q � `�' , .. ate. t? sir � , r } G .>✓ _: -t"'r R^ 11 �r / 4 1 P r AN" i( l 1tr. l ( io.:, I ayYxmteas�dwiia v • F i + xr and shall assist the City in' obtaining ire-\,, • r;+ poasals from, contractors and in "awa,rdi.rr,g ,the ci�llet LiCribn, aont °acts . r r r + 2+. The Architectshall provrid7e' techni calfdirec- t� on to a i'ull time pr. of ec� inspect ), employed by, and responsi.ble to the City « T1ilfr Architect x shoal]. rurervi se• the inspector and/err contract or in t;Ihq- preparation of a market ,,bet" of ,prints f it dlc' a ing .dimensioned 7 ocati: h or ,buried' �\ utility lines (as'-bui1 , d aensic, da ) wYa cla" Shall ve �'f orwarded to are" City upon co- le- -of the Prof ect j' 3. Tli.e Arah.itect will endeavor to secure; aom- piiancby coritraetors vritl the .cbn•tract ripquirdm6nts, .but' he doe.i not. 'guar. antes the -� ;1erfor �la'nce of 'thou- con# ,,acts i 4 The Architect shall:. t t*ation of ,the. cox�s��ut "fa ts, inc'lud- n perAodic ingpucti nsite ass he 3 5 dpems necessary to render 'hval`3 tFctur'al sup•ervis' hick`,is distit� ui s&' . . �+�n w. g s ud from the continuous personal inspection `of tb':, ,?rojebt inspector; make zrtigularf rep orts:'as may bO'.l •4 required, by .alp, ri icabie public agegei:'es; keep v i the„ City infortiad of the progve��s ' of construe rion; check and appruVe sohec,ules and .shop. drawings i or° aoMplianc:o with design; appr 'e . substitution,of mate,�3 r1s.,• .equipment° and t,!1e N 4aboratory reports thereof; maihtal, :eonstruc�- ,tign'acen ,nts; prepare a�Zange or_ders', f,rr =j `, ' wr3tterx. ."pproval,-- of tb!e 0,3,ty, contractors' applicaG�.or: foz' ��ayment,, issue certificates for payment wao' nta i ppro ed , J,w by -the Ax'chi a^.t�,,provide s .,ed:�or srlie due +of' '[ all materials in the Projiectc vfor Oity's ,review and approval; ,determine date o su,b-r II std ti'�l c6mpl,etion; ,make flinel inspection of - = tt<v '.raj act; ass' mblp Written guai%ntees s, Ilk, V instructio7,1 books, diagrams and, charts ,r i required of the contractors; and Upue„ the Architect '.o certificate t.x completi.om ,and 7" final cer•tifita,te P r pay' ont.. 5. The "Architect°9 ag ;pWrt.of x i a baside' profes , sional se A vi o 4,'� Wi, �l Povide advie+ '�`to t2se � ar City ,on appar6nt de,4,,,1164- neitz In aonatruction-,' 01 ir �� r 4 �• � is �7j j� ,� �i.•�,� „- itp j L. -- ,a.rlu, side u... -- u[Je+e�M�kShiM:Fiii+ ni �'—"--KlneirLiiw,iui6r,�`T.45s � `� • � ti;.�4 . d c^ .,i ,l�±tyy1 ` /{t 1.; -,�4 ? 7. ill r 'i" ). %V a i "Y�' },`.�.;n ,r{�J� tM1�i fF r J ) (1 shy r u i ! A f,. Jl m n^ g�w� Liar J4 r 1 t, � t r { following the,�:cceptande c�i` the,work; ' nd " prior t�j expratig�r� of '�th guarrntaa. peniod the Projeat,. , orl„ '111 EM 0'YEES -ANL �C�;'rNSULTANINS". � $ A. The A+ahitf%ca, a part of the basic servial,eSi sh�1 :temple at his exp" .'nse techn'i& ie;ns '.ani.'�'�pf�o 9es���cna�s --pror�erly skilled in the. tit ! valti�sus. aspe6ts of, the des' gn'and" construction eM R of , e ;faai ales required.,' if consultants are t: �; ;' '{ enagac gin` prt,ineQrirg or, other sections, of the work, the C t,'�� shall- -be a4vlsed: in whiting of their s�electia,n priorto., erformanae Cf "their works, } IV. EXTRA` SERVICES On +THE ARCHITECT. A'. The fowowsrp�' !�er�ticesY, if pe��formed di;a to �ri�s-- ual circums� and"as, cause. the Arc%itect ea�tra �'. exponse and shall be 'pald' f'or by the City a,s pro- vided i Fasticl� � VIII: 1, Rev. sions acid changes in approved drawings 4 f ,r and the pxeparat iori of a if ernst.,; o and/or deductive chia,nge orders requested by the City." but, which .ire not effected foxy the r purpose of 34clucir tti2 cost- to within. f of ' the re,viseci ei�t;imate as provided in F Article V:I1. f Supervis:+OK. `bfI repair of- damage to the Project K 3. The additiopial 'setr,vices caused by the delir,i - f quency or irsol�i rrr.`cy 4£ 'the Contractgr . V. THE CITY' S RESPONSIBILIt';XEaS .' : r A. The City shall provide fall information as to,' the. ragguireMents of th ^Pi',,vp j ect, ;iinciud n,g ' realistic �� a bucl et lim�ta�ions , and'aI;chedilling. E. The 0. t9, shA:L a:U fursh., . or direct, 1r3io Ar�F;ite.ct o '> to procwle; 'l at City 161-; enseeTcei tified `survey of. vjle bite, inglu4ns grades 4nd,,.7'i�,ies of street5i .ga`�emerits and ��-.d ring prod eY�,fes; Tights of Way', restriations, ' 7asements boOar ies, and contours of the �auild3� g-.site' lo-_6t.j,ons, „ 4 an dimensions 'and fl6oM Elevations 6t. er,;istlng- bujid� entont informatcn pion As szticeandfull1 ;nes, both nubl4 'and private. 0. T;gip by shall N1, {wish i x direst the Architect is procure, fat City r,�= expense, hemid4l, meafia4,- i:oal's ox 0t or t6,sta-vequir6d for proper design, tad "d6rhg : or test pits, necessary for d�;termn- I dhg et;ions 4 r _ ML.� ' n•--�,-..-r; .a.�.,d.�w�+--++,wFr..ea-,,d. . - ;: 'e^'y+7Pm,•+ a.eteC',r,q,.,.,.,+ZF.I ,.,,,rs„-%R,+�•A�tr �*',-q.�av,-17"r+-gn'�"ri 7P s �l. ,a'� � <fi{A lS•, r .�ra ��'cJ ^ < ( �. l IT'S � "' � ,r tl �o- - 7,q d ` � t r,: y'31 �!�� -`jl Jtc ;i Ii,��t . .: j�' }X {, It �'j� � i �^� `� ��. l,rF I�' + :y �, ?•rj 4 r C..y. A.vlNrirotiiq�a 5E f • 4 t � E" ! 1 r z� Y r ) I f D Q T7a. ' c1ty shall gus�,ish all 3nspect3,r,►irir aercea� y E The C1 t shall. fur all le �� ' advlic� � ^� �ervices require"d 3, er the Frog ect . � o . , The City aha3. not;: kl.. the- Architect"= of adminis, trative proeddu',?es ++�quired and nastte represen- } tatives, if any, auth'Drized to act'" 3n its ,behaif } The City shall` re;riew(ciocuments submitted by the Arc hltectl and shK`;31 promptly render.,decisiono „ per,.aining. thereto,-:, tr,` avoid] unreasonable= delay ., \ in,.the progress° o:f "the ProJ6ct". The City „,Pall Y ; observe the%,Procedure of ',,issuing any orders o contractors only thrau h the A.rchit6et . . �I F. During the contractor''.s guaran°fee-)peri_,&, ; ne ' City shall, notify the Ara hit. �,ct in ���iting � of apparent �� 'I'c Pncies in materials ohs- wor ln- -ship VI.,PROJECT WNSTRUCTION COST. . !�. Pro4ect construction ;cost as,. used .in -this Agree ment means" the tota7L '`cost 'to theC'Ity of all ,t work designed or specitied: by the Architect, iriciud n work covered b' change orders and/or alternates, ,ut excluding the iollaYtinga; any: ^U payPent s to Architect- or consul tarA� or coots. y , o:�ar,E3npect,!„ons, zurveys, tests, and sites, and 16ndseAping ',not ;included in 'the Project. B. When labor or material, is .furnished: by the City ,.Ue��.ow Its--inarke�t costs the project, construction cost k1hayl be baser].upon current market cost of Vibor at'id new material, 's C. The Prdj,ect const-tuction cosh shall ,be a= mutually acceptab1te. estintatre of constru+ ti6n. r:,�ost, tb the r C 'cy as ,;submitted l�,y the Architect,,: until such _ time'as bids.have been received, whereupon'it. � f y! shall be t'Yie Lowest valid hld.. "plus arty' additive = t:hange.;'`or ers an or >alternates : VII ;, STIMATES OR PROJECT CONSTRUCtl6X C'G�ST a A. ;estimates referred to in Article 11 sha,ll ,he r . ' repared on a 'square Foot basis,, o�� more detailed computation If deemed. nec`'ess�ary 'by the Achi.tect, - considering prevaillmg eons�,ructioh, co -As anll neluding all work �fq;r�, WYs'ich 4 ds '3,till���e , xe9eived.. T� 3 4, and Y�stood 'hat the Pro�`ect {� construction affected by the :labor 1 and/or mate' i�,, tAtit kpt as well as other condiions ' beyond thO 4Wnt,11,02 q the Architect, or City. 5 =: " '°'i`""'n'*. `"y _ , :. r �, ���C+^++*'r�°n►�"A**7:'*�.'"�'6 i*i` :, . n rat " r t { 'npK�� .. ..,. .. _ C�"�������:�.,...._ � _ . .. ..w�w�'ia.r�...b#IM+ MK•a6W tM: ,SMNiyieGFimratMiiw ��.�' . -'��� ....s...`--.,i'.+._.�..,:l�Sv.._.._...,, u..�..` � .,;�..y�.�.: o. �, +^47 ;;J i i `'y< t 1:..�-" "1 \ 1 kk.•; y+ c c „ G " � �.a��,><rF>;�x ,1� Jy/'i- , ,.i� ''• it �.''.t c ;:,a az� f, �0 � y 4 �, C. ��' �61r� � 1AMC!i�1Ueb9:sx3?G.,B .......<....:..L. f �.a.. E i� 77 �' �! B. If Pr' b,j e ct budget Is set� ,forth iY�, A?�t� ' or, ther'eafter� .acaepted by t1fo City the - Archi�, et had l review the es,'GImate, at each , '1 phase of his se vioes. If sucri gtimates are L ` r'> in­Xcess of th6 Piojeat ibtidg6t� alsproval 'of r - 4 a higher f guile shad l be LVen by !�;he cy or the City, sh31'l„ uthorizP the'+ chit&ct to reVise tY�e size of t, le Pro j'$ct' scope, and the, t rpe or ' gjXalit cif rsonstruct3on to),' the. aj bkzdgeted Vli, s r C fT bids are' received ,,,-ithin 6ixty t a"'ter .the notice,, providedin .ArtiFie It, lows st bona' f� de b d e cce ds , S }i.� estimate by: more ih,�n tend, (10the Arcbi tect ,shall g uporn request ` and at 'no, addi- ,�• , tonal expense Ito the City, rev1pe" '.tt,," struc,- t3 on c�iocuments �ufl ficien y to reauoe thet s contract price 'to Permit 'thereceipt of new bids is to ' within ten (10) :per cent of the 'sdid final ' T estmat u VIII,) kRCFi��, a' di't'S C()mmT7SPiTICi T. A. The Archite;ct agrees to "'Perform professional i services 1 rovlded Jhy this `Agreement and'tl'ie` ' City. agree; to pay; the Aa�chitecf,�'tr, such services compensa.t2on in''hhe ainount E o seven ('T I per e,nt of the- Proje.cfr conO'?Uction „co4,t fop Mundy Fire Sf'ati,'ln six , 6 )', per ,_oent- of the Pro j eatt construs`�-Iornl cost fo 1'Gothax"a 1�re S�-etian " a3zd other..l)a eAts and re3mburseMel;ps .as �aereixi- , a ''.ter p»ov M Ea�,t,a an 1:e said cdipenRjat� d J applies to wori ;Let under 'single cortstrdpt3o c "contract 3. Ftcimbusement a'' coat !aia] l be paid to' thR F 7:. Repr6k, Uction of drawings and sp eci :tcations rs ��4es of the copies prorid_ed by the s. , F, Agreement n �t? ' 2.+'PJe�i a�lVa�nceafor £'cLl��l?i appoijBl' off` u har t .e ` havIng Jurisdiction over 4,1 e Pi"o'i eat Ix. PAYMENTS, TO THE A 11C �TECT . A. -,Payments on agooiant -`of 'the agreed c_ompensati4:1,1` *a -iri Article V1.11'shall' be: ti..y�.ws. 'wwn.�r'1'"'�{.. T"�j ..�.�.,.,.+1+.�;Ig,117 it. t( F i 1I t:l !1 Vf (A `71� ji _ a' w, 41 r' r + r + Al Sc'6rAa4,i6 Design�rtoteI � oompq'hsdtUon •based u�Pn "thO b6tim ted 6 constt etion c\ps,t. a r e JL'gr, L aeveXopmt�r�t" � s ��� ',- ; ��f1�r ea>�� to 25ilj' ,0f total 'compensation , based upon :sae +ea Nimae Prod eat caneructi��i ens w , i 6 z ;4`�struction Doct^mer,e r C lnq rue cn Da* utnPy' is 50coriiplete M1 �,. , < nc�ease to '50~ of tgal cLjmpe�matl 'rased- upon the est umatod Pro ett cor�muction cast r' b. 'Construction Dco tlpents �,601% ti'o'mplp;-e, �ready�`:��'evie'° try app '„ 4 \ 4genci 6 ircrea.se t'o ��;� �,a the t;o. 4. eor �p ,sat;ion ;based upo�a bhp c�ttir►-- ted Pjraj i t con truction,=',co.0*`d b4- a a 4 - �.� O�' that p0x.tj;o1 G the 1?��Gt ec ? r"op which ducumentg hay.e' been repzo�- du.{;ed and lbs veceiv;ad, incrotf3e ! 80 y .of to.t;�.l rcompPx?satidn ac,ts�,ed' ttl; c I;� r he accept6,d.byd+ Sty>b►ks�ques� q, payments s�aa,15, be made #n��Yr�h m _., ly ' 1p3�'opori.ion to the amPurrt�of edinplete -C`on 'tr'6tion complete and acc piped` y h l'C tyl increase �to 100% of" the tot,41 com gnsation has"ed upon, the contr of priciw, notwithstanding the Archited, � s \ 1 t esdurin��he esen�triad ,, 63 �W i,pwo=ri ,c yAxtic e T.1„, a " B . Payme4t' ` in event or the ����:�� �,�r# ng. -Ic � rbui�s �a*�e'e s' ;ids �.( Xi' toot apprm-a � by: 4pp1 cable ,,ptb7 c, I �, ageic 'a th bids on all or a portion (, � the i�]''O ect Are deferred., for rdore than 45 days � - ijigrea;se� to 45% �.oa°" the; , � teal cot;pensa.t:ic4, basef gip, n f x na7l Kiofs timat ,off' Proec,t conatrtc�tIan` cost f" bide' e,:'rece t�ec� v th n. ' c A"' gear ,�kom date, ?� sapproval the 4i'i , compensation phall" be adj-usitedto Form to l6wost+Ibony' bads are ii?ceived 4fter r..n "r o