HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertified General Engineering Contractors, Inc - 1976-06-21 (6)I 1 I 11 ' 1 I I ' 0 •_ w . ...........» .___... ... .. .. .._.._-_•_--__. _,_..._...._T...... ...•-ter.-1..1.•,�.,. -�.+.�lwwtt..• :';:Ci_IVEO �! wRK NUN71N,3 CALIF. 176 AY 10 AM 10 : a Q f 1 , �r.r��r�_.�...--.,......».-.-�w_»ww'+..»._..�..—,..�—_.....��..���••^+_�.w.,—...-.-.—�.-r.�-r+-,+��I.w. .l�•..rwww.'•'�•�+w��.�... � Jir nl�l���i'��frrv�•rs�•�,y'r� � . v �.ew•.�-rr,.�..r..1.�..�w��...wr.r.r.rrr.r...�...ar_rn.r�wr�.�rlr+en,rr.�.er,w.�,�,.....,.R........r.. s+.•,...+.r..n..r.w.+�.,.�•r.l—_+_r.a.r...a.w�.ww�+rl.r—....�.+wr+�w•+_.rr.++_..�+.w• .+r,r,w..N+.wwl.a�raf... y� '•.. .ey'. 4_ xr•r• A .�.n`"•{ �SR :I ..t, .• _ ..t.K .F "R'1 '"k �1i W:•h;i .e' to-� - � 1^l .;..� r r..'�R�Tt!w4 .� .�� �{� +wil'"?T .?- ��i 5:� ��� .. -. �`I. IM. ,�Y�..�'� I.,;. �.'•�, ��: �'�re .+ � a,."•e. .i�.; ., .n i,T k''N..." 'L'. e. -'M. 1�• +� i ,1,..11 ` ;..t �. F'V ��;r'� .�:N FIB"" ^�r �' .iC : ;!'.'. ., !''{)y, J ' ' r �''��y"V •;i .. J ��Y '�.I+ 1t"� Y" i� .r ;�� 9. .•�„ . N .n.. •V� . 1 ,.r` .•�:.• i �. �,. :•, R:..V ,t ,T�4.. ��. .l.,.'�'• .:4.'. (� �1.. i,. . inl+' 4 ,. •e p'!C�'t ,d. (v„1 .,4. +sM ''�: y6• '�' 1•tM, -��}• •plA• .'1. .r'V, 'T" ,I .(' R• ll- . � n h i �' � � J • .: '...�.' i- . � �'. ., .: YlI.��'.. • r k,, ;j'.1 � .1".>rV. r '.F ,• , S , F. :I: �;iT _. r � .. .. � s . I •. r ii : ... .., fr �.'�:.i::. � .. .... : 1 . .. -dlaY�rW.�rLWY.;iitw:Mnl++4d•nxrt..F... MI.,,+nllrlM r111Y�'il'!b �• '.'�il'dd��1M�WY1 .�'J'�...n:Y ��.l•._ 0 0 Affidavit of Pukl!'cation iatle a Vi Y County AC �iR\j! City 4f �glfrwo n��ton BNtoh (�eoM Fami,d ar, being duly sworn on Nth, says: Mat he is a dtim of the Uidtsd States, over the age of twenty-one years. That he is the printer and publisher of the Huntington Beach News, a weekly ntinpaper of general circulation printed and pub. 11shed in Huntington Beach, California and circulated in the said County of Orange arld elsewhere and published for the dissemination of local and other news of a general character, and has a bona flrte subscription list of pAying subscribers, and said paper has been established, printed arA published in the State of California, and County of Orange, for at least one year next before the publication of the first insertion of this notice; and the said newspaper is not devoted to the interest of, or published for the enterta±nment of any particular class, pmfesdon, trade, ca'Ung, rase or denomination, or any number thereof. The Hundngton Beach M.wv was cdjudicated a legal newspaper of general circulation by JuAge G. K. gcovsl in the Superior Court of Orange Ownty, California August 27th, 1937 by order No. A-5931. of Walsh the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said news- raper at least t W o 18 8 Lid p _ -- oMMMneing tram the 22nd..- day of April 19_ X and ending on the .t_ day of A r-I _._. 19-7-6-, both days inclusive. and as often during said period and times of publication as said paper was regularly issued, and in the .egular and entire issue of said pewspaper proper, and not in a supplement, and said notice was pubLshed therein on the following dates, to -wit: i f f Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this 39h day of April 197_ Notarl Public Orang= County, C;all,fornia ' w 0.- - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a AI.aIst THWAS C. W {LL 19 it y Moiary PuMic•Caiifornin i Oranga County It i My Coffifristion BIPirer 1 2 Sopten+bar Ix, 1971 i -------- ----------------------- I •44 r. k• .w Zan -Sol ��( •lltr,.p�lstael+a. s� higrri�r w� rain ��`r�' •lafQal� �,� �►i MwA[.11ar�a ,r d . L �. .•l`1 fr , y11kMN Ptah, aN 1; M W is 'M - tO 0116 . ,ram -�Y •. 16 own *0 awAarane aw>~ e With. brat Mmm 0& � ines�aiar ar I�+�lan ae eatie�t aa1 « �wnrM With t M 1w 01- _ . . ti ,.'•.,. ,...,.,l...r .. .?._. .. r. .... ,1,: �...-,�•�•. ,1•: + ae.•. .•.., • e..r. i .r•..r .+ ':! { ..�:.� •'t i✓M .'w •.! •, ]�,+. A,+. i t. ,y :"{ ..� .jti. I �+: Hi••'i•• r,.,r .,� . �jrr, '.w �,. .'r„ .. .. •��. _ + ! r •�j• �t ... . j' .. .•r11� , � f r� .. {.� .. �� .+�i. _ + %.1 .5.. :� �".• ry,,;. ►`�. .. . .. .. rr r. v�y�, V-. ... .-. ..1 . .. . . •5 r'1: ..,....- . ,, . ,_ ..�., •,+,rea br.rrrs.s�.meFal+ — -- -- — -- — 7�'�Il�t `? �1 - _ .i�l,r..4! �. W.'��"i +}�'W.�,1.1. Sry 1'��-•. 11 /h. �� ..--_���.. �.... q,WAki„aM 'W v*9V �xr�3.la "- 6T '40Mw lw LaP Pula V43 01"3I:90 '4z&W wolfti4URN p All: OLA is Itwnoo 40 a+43 to A" AQ '"ILMR140 '400*4 u40ul'unH p AW3 f ti !e 'PWIM • 0" 043 404 Pswasp :ap 9,4 3dMs 01 Pw '"q its ij 4ua P q 7AMi •tu $&Lem VIUM4 yl�a '4 UWUaW IN P A W 041 'fit 'it ANl I* M4s1Y JM'ltw OW 043 W 11WWO APO PIES 94 UNIX papr 94 ~ PUG 0002 ucainvMN 10 fto PON P IMH Aw aw UI wS*MvM* IIAMM* A310 " UI •w•d WZ 0 Mn04 *w W Pctt 101 p Aft Our MA LNKew us p" aq as uo*ul 4 6fti mom *i3 0 4me vollumkAw if, ro ly'xgw3 fra rw 03 WJe'dw M MA 040M PIS p %Maw "a ow '41%sod ow J04AWN4 UM 4%r 4 am p x1U-J P'•r4* 613 ul aNI"U tea+ p*t~s J043 w $"M a1I"d W ARMl0 Mua '"NO AQ 043 X pawdum ws wuo,i ■ R4 ps++s� K ilea ont **so A No 40 am p V048 ulaw Mae s4 MCI * '*me I44ftl •3unH ft %oft *iw,■1 A* pwm •10 %a P #qw "it 31M P&MM40 K el , WA4 s u0 iw qM# •q ~ PIA 4203 - im" 4w L3ki mg Aq p M wwq 3op sale W.N Issodoid a o4mom q •D papdows I is 'E*'bt Pa. - mpt! 'Lt o40 jo pWIWW sw'Wa p Mgn3*X 'tag AWE%* P. 9041146WO Ma 400 AM Wi 431M �. s,uvxwm q pmo%l Jou M aw 44364 une r W" 04ftm eq OR, 0M am f Wq 409� 0 *01313us+lb �� M4I is s r3sawArl om !w slseq ' , slli w pt4sdru4� _sii IH+Ir sP'NO `IfV i. i id10@4d NO 1 Aq 4qpwok4'4i bwo3ow , pKMV sq IP" M *= 0% P wo u". M seala Am 4w pnooww 4aa qmaap ro ' • sswnul w � *� +�+���.�yyw+yyr yy3�,a��'4ry�rM l 013 ' 3•w3 1 I bq b MAIM Mp tons, 2 Pw .. •%1* 043 pow '. 06— 0 6% 1t Gem V.0 APO '40u ,fir,± 'T $ City *:Huntington Beach County of Oran o 'Mate of Camo%i z . ffida v i t o f .Ilublica.tion of GECRGE FARQUHAR Publisher Huntington Beach News Fi l--- Clerk By — Deputy (Mlerk n Y r •I .nY rY .M1 ..... .. , N + '4 OVITING SEAUD BIDS; CONGTRUCTION OF RRCREATIONAL BIKE TRAILS ALONG TRZ MMMINGTON BrACH STATE BEACH FROM BROOXHURST STREET TO BEACH BLVDj ALL IN TM CITY OF HUNTINGTON 14WH, CALIFORNIA. CC-293. Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California will recaive sealed bids for the Construction of Recreational Bike Trails along the Huntington Beach State beach from B.rookhurst Street to Beacn Blvd.; all in the City of Huntington Beach, California. CC-293, in accordance with the plans and specifications and special, provisions on file in the office of the Director of Public Works. Docvarents will be available on Aril 23 1976 A charge of• $20.00, not refundable, will be required .or each set of specifications and 1 accompanying drawings. The City of Huntington Beach hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the ground of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages, applicable to the work to im done, by Resolution No. 4080 adopted by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach on May 19, 1975, copies of which are on file at the office of the Director of Public Works of the City of Huntington Beach, California. Minimum wage rates for this project as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor are set forth in the Special Provisions. IL there is a difference between the minimum wage rates predetermined by the City Council for similar classifications of labor, the contractor and his subcontractors shall pay not .less than the higher wage rate. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ESTIMATE Work I -em Quantit 1. Construction of 4" A.C. pavement on j 2. R,alocate signs 3 ea. I 3. Tnetall. signs on new gaiv. U channel post 30-G93, 2-G93A, ].-G351 1-G37, 1-G38, 1-GS7, i 1-gioaatennial sign. 4. Install 2" x 4" redwood header 121925 1,.F. 5. Install pavement marking arrow decking Lump sung directional and bikeway painted stripe. 6. Sea? coat 4.6 Tons 7. Paint binder 4.6 Tons � 0. Prime coat. 1 9.2 Tons 9. Install 3" I.D. P.Y.C. pipe 40 ea. ____ ._ _. ___._.__ _ _ .. _ _ _. _ ... _ .. . _ ._ ._ ._. _...._._..._.� _.. mow..+•w . _.. �__...._.•_...._�... �___...___�__.__._ _ :_.WM1%L 1µ • 4 .•1 ., •.'.•*i. !' • qi _.�• % • , ... `..�.. Y''.. d .: •t'' ' ,+'6t A•ti M1•�.. , r 4. �f. v `. % . 1.1..4.rn, `; y a... - •N• 'w.'.!�• .4 .�C� , �.. +.'{ ! .�.:. Tr. • .�.� •... ;'I�j7n.F.J . y�'� .�'.1 �15. •i�•1 _�t��'.. .?� ,. �-. r„�.'•�• �,��•'. � . �'�. .. ' .Y� 1��, .� �, �4 .. r w, •: Y��• �.{~4 ••`Y 1 '!li .r .`�.tr .'IY, � ^� ... 1� '1i. �1•{. . AL .� •.. Y'i.IrY, iYdlblYiiYIY�.Jul.lrw!4.lrw•'A•w�Yf•.'u0.M�.e,4:r.ra.�.....a.uv��__.. Y. Op i Notice Inviting Sealed Bids Page 2 ALTERNATE A E 1. Clearing and grading including 12,580 S-Y, Lump Sum of 7dapthe 'action and 2,363 C.Y. of import soil 6" 2. 4" aggregate base 2,495 Ton j ALTERNATE P 1. Clearing and grading including 12,5e0 S.Y. of. Lump Sum compaction and application of 12,580 S.Y. asphalt emulsion. Plans and specifications together with proposal .form may be inspected at the office of the Director of Public Works, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California. No bid will bt: received unless it is made on a blank ;.arm furnished by the City. The special attention of prosp4ct- ve bidders is called to the a-pecificatioas, for full directions as to the bidding. The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for, the comparison of bids, and the City of Huntington Beach does not express or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond thereviith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount on .any class or portion of the work as may be deemed necessary or expedient by the Director of Public Works. All bids will be compared on the basis of the City ' s estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No !Ad will be accepted from, a contractor who is not licensed in accordance with the law under the provisions of C:tapter 791, Statutes of 1929, as a►iended or Chapter 17, Statues of 1939, as amended or to whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Huntington Beach, California. Each bid shall be :ado out on a form to be obtained at the office of the Director of Public Works, City Hall, Huntington boach, Cal.ifornial shall be sealed and filed with the City Clerk at 2000 :Main Street, of said wity on or before 10:00 A.M. of KaY 10s 1976 and shah, be opened by a committee composed Of city �r a'' ar cam, and Director of Public Works or their authorised representative in the Civic Center at 10:00 A.M., or as boon thereafter as possible, and the results of said bidding will be reported to the City Council of said City of Huntington Roach at their regular meeting to " l zild on Monday than 17t•.:. day ofMa , 1976 at t e- ur o 00 IM1 `in''Mc- City Couro �mb;rrs-tTn- the City Hall of said City of Huntington Beach and shall be actod upon by Paid City Council at the &&id regular meeting of lKa 17 , 1976. u R '�.F.` _ -'•r •�,• .ry.w. .'n�•r: !Y.• -., y.:a' ,n! �. 'ti _ °•�•n.-,.T, �,�. �n+,.Ait;,N+�,• a;,+•r},. -YX:+ �" w... .�j. '"q' ZS,a " ,i k. � . •r•. T. n� ,....,� !i.' ..+. - .•�`1 .. •¢• ,f. l "t "'y,�,�'t >"tin` r.. '�. '. - +.'•7:: ip..•" :'i.+. r„ •., pt.1 y`��+o: .• �, ' . '..� .. �. ."`Y�,•" 'i;�46rti7 ar.a,.,, , ...� e•'y V.f'�>r='y CR.:. f.j r. ,,��': i�.:'1ti . ` r• .',�,.f Notice I�vitiny Sealed Bids Page 1 TOO city of Huntington Beach, California, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to accept the bid deemed for the barn. Luterost of the City of Huntington Beach, California. By order of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Californian this 22 day of March �y, 1976, l TTZST s Al is is lei . Wentworth city O 0 0 r n t 'tip, Iv , y, ,• .rsr .'�yy `��f�i?' +.:' 1 .'i"x.. .^+'i J•. �7, .r; r�' Y. .'�.e.` 'r. '! " . ��rtti •a:. .N. *' 'r,� .��:'"':' r i � •' + :' ..'^�' �,,��, f 1 City of Huntington Befich P.O. BOx ISO CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT March 17, 1976 A/ Honorable Mayor V � and City Council City of Huntington Beach Attention: David D. Rowlands City Administrator Subject: Bikeways - Pacific Coast Highway CC-293 Dear Council Members: Transmitted herewith are plans, specifications and Notice Inviting Sealed rids for the construction of a bike trail along Pacific Coast Highway from Beach Boulevard to Brookhuwst Street on State Department of Parks and Recreation property. This prc;ject is estimated to cost $66,298.00 and will be funded by the following agencies/revenue sources 1. 1974-75 Crunty Cooperative Bikeway Financing Proaram $30,000.00. 2. SCAG - $25,362.00. 3. City of Huntington Beach Bikeway Fund3 $4,436,00. (Acct. #790634) 5. State Bike Lane Account - $6,500.00. This project's Exemption Declar Lion (ED 73-59) was reviewed by the City's Environmental Review Bc,trd on June 26, 1974, and the South Coast Regional Commission issued their parmit (No. P-4-3-74- 2992) on August S. 1974. it is recommended that your Honorable Body approve the plans and specifications and direct the City Clary to publish the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids when instructed by this office. HEHINEK1ee Trans. Very truly yours, �0 H. E. Hartge Director of Public works I 13 16 L , �. .., � „�....... � . ... .. ,. .++C ti:' _.�, � 1. 4'S �^ ... ,�..w r' ,b' �'�.,'rf,_ •a;.•`r �','r+"�wa',�.w�,f" ;'M„ •'+}r� �M-i?' ,a'� .i•e .r. r • . �t. Si, :.+^. e: a �NA! ., �� _�•.,i. •,. ra .. . � ti , � � yi . , . 9Y ':'�W+ �� .... v.rlr_'; _,._ T.-'�'af.l'.^At o,.^[^^^!�'�r.. ..-•� .^,.^•_� A^.`r+T'.'rA�'*^'!,^,`a".�.•__ ��('._ ..-.-.'r`1:. 7....1...,,r.T,R,.... .._ir'I ^rcww T �r �v r•':n. -.-._ .YN �,�1. _ �/...p ., N,f�� 1 ",!', rr��,r � +r,,, Il ,r, .' � r � � krT�;: ;r," j•��,i,. � � r � � 1 1• �iMR•wF"•ry �erar�w........_.. _- .. .._.. .. _ _.._....... nw.r...�.rw�.w+vrn'M..YMFMYiI�•IM•QlIiM�IYIM�M �� � City F of H�untin�tor� Beach4MdV~ P 0 W P.O.P~ fox fM 4M11ra1NM MMN � BNOiN8UIItiTO P11lTumn September 30, 1974 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Funtingtor. Beach Attention: David D. Rowlands City Administrator Subject: Bike ways - Pacific Coast Highway CC-293 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are plans, specifications and Notice inviting Sewed Aids for the construction of a bike trail along Pacific Coast Kighway from Beach Boulevard to Brookhurst Street. This project ib estimated to cost $76,520.00 and will be funded by the following agencies/revenue sources: 1. 1974-75 County Cooperative Bikeway Financing Program $30,000.00. y 2. SCAG - $25,362.00. 3. City of Huntington. Beach Bikeway Funds - $14,658.00. 5. estate pike Lane Account - $6,500.00. This projeet's Exemption Declaration (ED 73-59) was reviewed by the City's Environmental Review Board on June 26, 1974 and the South Coast Regional Commission issued their permit (Ho. P-4-3-74- 2992) on August 5, 1974. It is recommended that your Honorable Body approve the plans and specifications and dieftct the City Clark to publish the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids whea : nstructod by this office. HEH: NEH: ae Trans. 0 Very truly yours, Ha' rtge Director of Public Mork@ "'•'_y1..i,.u._ OP r,�.,.....,r�.,...-w...rrr.�.�..w r........r,.....nn....w.-+.r.......r+.....+.�.�..�......-.-� .•..+...r—r...�.�....���.�.... 0 r, •a, !'. 'y,4,r „1'y .•. ."4r:, .{w „'.�y . _ : r', ,�.. .:3a4. y: r' . ,,. `r,�. .�. n, , rj:, ;b.. r ., .+ , ,. 6 • ,y. .i'+4',•'4• '..x. ,* r , fi.;•}�'�il�Y+. r'i +,1.�'. ..r;h.{�i:' r' .'1.�.., ,i ,•. , :' �r� .. .. ':x ' r�,r••. M�. ,� .. i .. - .. :r�. ,'Ir ' 1'i � 4. 4�• : iF' , ,. F'li,. +',, • ' �•,. . ••r�: r � !' : i..�,rd �' .. .. . _.... ... - . .. ..... „—pan.,, i i i CT City of Huntington Beach P.D. !dill 1W September 30, 1974 9 !� Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Huntington Beach Attention: David D. Rowlands City Administrator Subject: Bike hays - Pacific Coast highway CC-293 Gentlemen: iTransmitted herewith are plans, specifications and Notice Inviting Sealed Bids for the construction of a bike trail along f (� I Pacific Coast Highway from Beach Boulevard to Brookhurst Street. This project is estimated to cast $76,520.00 and will be funded by the following agencies/revenue sources: i 1. 1974-75 County Cooperative Bikeway Financing Program i $30,000.00. 2. SCAG -• $25062.00. 3. City of Huntington Beach Bikeway Funds $14,658.00. 5 State Bike Lame Account - $6,500.00. This project's Exemption Declaration (ED 73-54; was reviewed by the City's Environmental Review Board on June 26, 1974 and the South Coast Regional Commission issued their permit (No. P-4-3-74- 2992) on August 51 1974'. It is recommended that your Honorable Body approve the plans and specifications and direct the City Clerk to publish the Notice Inviting Sealed Hide when instructed by this office, Very truly yours, H. E. Hartge Director of Public Works Trans. 4015 • i • �A�lw�iFl�I�Y.Y.�.t1�.�,Y#�R�A'Ir'IAI ��� .•4.M.;(•.�Yr 'r. �'7`•a�r :,.a�d� � "...`•a: 4 (.. �•,•. ..1rt.�. %+.. •'f' �, ��•c.•, a; ... ,:x{• ,^Jl. wti "., .�. N. r � a.x{x �'�.,4 .. .... '/': .�'�'.' ..'l''.�r.�1". .. " ;-.ki��L.y, ��,�+�ji.a•. ,,.{`�4.}�'•' .Y �'a I 41 P-4 37, A,,o IwPe;4WAO 1� . LYE I IN. 11 I 510 StNWY SMT I)AT9I June 2, 1976 I ENCINEEKIS ESTIMATE: ....� AV //P& i .JOB AND CC NUMBERt Construction of biker trail along MB State Sesah I a t DDEt i NA!'lIE TOi'At. BID 11110Ul+i"!` Certified General Engineering GrifZith Company 1 R, J . Noble A40i ' Silveri i Ruiz Construction Sully Miller ...,,.........�..w......,*,....,�.,....�..��r........ .. ,..��. ..... ..n.-...__... .__..--. «•ram.+..... ..�«. .... r..., ...+..._. ...... r ..+.. ,..-�..+..r.�,�+..�....+e T... ............r�,.s n........__.._......«.a._.,.wr�,.,..r-.�... .�...•�..�.a..�F.....a�.- awa..w --Pv#�. # -. wF ,� .- — r � ,. -X. �- �r�.i,a•__.a,.��. � ..._+_-t+J.�=.- �_r-�-.�.'.t y .i�a.+rw4k_",�� .++,.rd.4-�rw-F*T' 7.,w • � F+Y�-wr-+'..• .,/T+rr . - .. K� a: _ f JK 0 a SHEET —OF —SHEETS 4 r I I !YY ! • IY� ��r � i CITY OF HUNTING'1ON BEACH,CALIF. BID SUMMARY SHEET FOR,:.-C 9'T, J� Au -riiAr, cox ��C•a ca'rt`� 6zkIh F �f�C!��hu SY� lr_Ac1, ¢t Q r DEPARTMENT OFPIIBLlCWDRh:$ SIBS OpEh1E1�- - 191 Ef!JGINEEFIS ESTIIl1A7'E 1.._I=.�"'�;•;.0 .! CC Ha i - A H F P M MUtiTIW:If)'�I ROACH 1 �.J 18-IDDERS _.. �:•f�T1;l�t� �=!rEfw4! '--- s,�� 1 � ^�ii�:.c� �, S. ���,�� PRICE AMOUNT Iid ITEMS OF WORK QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT PRICF AMOUNT p!IICZ AMOUNT I ' e�rl�3 'I �'- ,�. � ��� � 1� � . -.:._ . _. _. - - l ��o - Yot� ��? 5 �.� 4c61 `)o 1�,u � �T,�. o ��C }�.�s,o ° - - 1 �l;t•�::�arF S1G�.iS�_:— - ___ - '3- -= :.�. �,5,lr 0 15.00 - �l0C . �0 oo -.-_ IJ1�1�tT�L.1�T117_U�\1.17{ C��1�l.LI..�IJa~.1T`t�� �t1�11. I�� P`G'j t1��1 (� F1� TLjt ill �11,1 .t.. _ _,�.-1-_ ____ t.a�__ I�T1 —3C V`I CQ. /fin JU�.`.J'J 1 r�+1 �J�.l 11�SG �1�1 `I I.J 4JlJ '�•�o �`, } tC �plJ�• Jo . R ..L t.',..l1I►�1� l 111r ftit3 C,1,DN G oi�'c!c�+.�'`� �!.__�,s.v a�;'�y: �`���� - _ t :..,,.ir,,- - - _ ---- - - - �L-croQ, _._ .. -�Of:� _1,.C�� (��'l:i;C� - �f'o{�;OQrw�bd 140,00 Co7C� -.. _. 0 - 15U.17) "650.0 140.00 I bp),bO �;�sr.�,Lk " 1•D, I'�:C. %1P�._:"-;:-_. _. _ -- 1�. r� _ ` : _ /G�, -144•0LM - fbO.00 -f44ro,Yoo I`l5,o0 t,rbQo 00 - U-01 1.00 - -.. r�A,W1,00 41.ass , .5 I :.�._ _ . �' : G«Dv G t �Cti,{;.�It;C.1 ,5 , St•� �.u;i�r=.C`r!Uli. .�� ' iCo' C f 1/.! Y 9C It:.c• f4; CEP : ��,�i�.`�lr'�- `-�._..... �. _ - _ - h 1 OC`C113� __ _. __ 15; UUb 00 _ _ _ . _ 50 L15C�,0^ -----.. _ .. _ _ ._ . .. _. . (,}1 ^��'J►"1r7�r �h..71:.`_..._ - :. ..._. �1��F•�- � _ M;�' � .. �-.i.CS �I,t � 41CCt - C.CU 1 1.4 �`�C IfJO L G...5 , 1Cc.'�•1 tI,,1S ►.;r!'� i1:C;'tiC�it;�'+ '•r t�a�;Qlwr.Tml,. CALF 1lc .il.1% f I' '1 1 !'C TLi r �� n�l�•..... �. �. " 1`(?,�Clt�r� 111. C1 ,O�) 1 18b .._..r...._���_._.� TOTALS ...._�..11_. 51 �.....�....._.__._...�. 0 --.6d+1 .. ,... -.4„ ._ti a:..c .., . i. 1-AL _ :v�..�._ ...f. .yam. ..� - ... • �.. ..71 .,. �i.i..���.'......,JL.-r.�:��. .,.� .�-i.���-,���_.. .a., .� ._ ,�--..� rii'aY:' :++t. �.r...�t_-y. ♦awe•.. ._ :r �. ... .,w_.,-.� �- i.-•�_. -...�� -�iT. .1•.+I,.y •___� •..n a.Y. .. ...Y ..,..�._.. �. «.. _4 �.S,+.a-+.. ,rw.+.. i-_ - ..-r_.a+ h _. Y , i J� City of Huntington Beach -Wmp�~w M'p r.o. pox In 0"WO MM111 1MMx�i OFYICE OF THE CITY CLERK Aug ist 31, 1976 R. i. Norjin Cowuny P, o. Box 62J orange, C &lifur.r„ia 92666 F ::r:tur_nir.cf your w1d Boi-which was Submitted with „our: for tlrw, c:onst»muc-LI-on of rtc.- vtional. bike grails ralong 0,i( 'Hunt..iric, t o',I lk ach StAll..s. Beach frcs Brcx*-):A=st St:r(m►t to F,r:r,F_ta .,--m1evard Jai the City cif Hunt i.r.►gt on Peach, Project Cy•-253, ri'hF.: cc,sltz: c;.t' fi-r t11:s :fora was awarded to t:art:iftrid General. F,ni { ► aer:Lny,f Inc. -.)If o.,7 .ng s, Cecliforni.at. ] ike is t.ai t..tt..w oppor.tw1ity to tilwA you for your int��ra�l'� in �at��:t 1i�. inc; ��roprr}ssl. C.f t.1�.•�IF1l��, r" V : p ),nI .t.YI11?. y'0 ie�j }- t; �;',i.'a:�a :'.ry'; +,' F.' ,d.l;i.:�+�s• � ,# l r k, ;�s'•;�!, .,.�',' }.;• �' •" }i'� ��'�` +ri'.�,fy�� ,�,,�N�� �'�,Irl'% ti ,,{ } •'r. 1. ' ti !,; n, . d,A q ., ,. �;; j y ',f ux, .r 9.qM t ., u' �� ? af/ � 'r+: •'�1' ,�iA"!, J 1 � // � N, • r4 '� +,�'. , o . � i , I� � �. f ' . C. �91jq-Y .;�!� � � YI• �j�fo , f .'1���'�,Y" a;RjrF' ; .• jf� 1� �jY�' � J t�'J+�ii!��•�'��'F�:� ,� 'J� �" 1.. {�� �,J �1•,1: �I. .4 1 '.i d.f �.�l.f+ �'�j:'^,� �. 4ii, � t h ���'�.•�: f'i (. 5��, �},'!'��.,1.:1 .1��'if .1."+J^ti'If •F 1��.'{ ':�• ;1d� :..y Hof„ '�t' �: ,.�, 1• '1 ;}4 ��e �;+ r. ,1 �: •. �1,°,.;,, ..i•,� �..,.� �, r, , •r � � '�,,{ n � :T � 1:" A y 'r�j ;N,i • � ' •1, ii1.,;, •�: �T�y' . ,,-F , i.'I .. , •,,R r'.r.,� + tj} . ...r': ; J •'�')p . 1' . �. • f : ,y4 i ,,�, r..•. ,•A, ..`4°', ^�Y'y �fi .. : f'.: .. , �. Y11..., •'.Y'. l; '.7. ",l. �i;�'a�'J'e;rJ. �, •, n�.�", 0 City of Huntington_ _ each P.O. sox too CALIFtlltt+t�law ENGINEERING DEPAAtHeNt CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATIONAL BIKE TRA.IL.S ALONG TIME HUNTINGTON STATE BEACH FROM BROOKHURST STREET TO BEACH BOULEVARD; ALL IN THE CITY OF HUN'TINGTON BEACH, :.:C-2 9 3 . ADDENDUM IJO. 1 Cr_-293 f,lAY 26, 1976 1. Cenezal Requirements_ Section 3-d -� Execution of a cash t contract. Delete e second (2nd) sentence of the para- graph and substitute the following: Work on this contract shall commence after September 13, 1976. Any additional cost due to this addendum shall be reflected in the various bid items and no additional compensation shall be allowed. You are W equeeted to acknowledge the receipt of this addendum below and return a copy of. this addendum with your bid document's. Very truly yours, 00 111> i. ,:urtg� Dir-ectcr of Public Works HFH:WEH:ae This is to acknowledge receipt and review of Addendum No. i crated May 26, 1976, It is understood that the revision or new documents shall be included iii the bid document. By Da 4...,,,i } ,+M•• d x�' .} �1 S,i �M'A {: . �,'r' Yh i • yy r , o• r w 1!fill �$., ,�1'I;. , 4 �-ti{'t , ;!'.i�!!i9.}'>r `. •T'i%. ,d ,� .�, ! ,, ixc•. :i: 'l� �;�1,'1�1,'���1 i� �. t��.a,••+4j.: �•'�'.Y"..fi"R!'!� � ,�. '.�,-r"!1'• �I:!���r �. �,•+�.�^ .. .. ,. .,. .- �. .. ,.. ,.y; .`IJ. , .,. �, w y..*..�_ .4 • '� � .1'v ,;. r_," '- ,- +4` �. r a• - -„w. :.'� °. ,� 1.- ',' 4•�) till -. �'y. _�T•T.T�T.��_...�._ -_-+r -•�,_ __TI -� _. •--�-1[_ -_p_=.'."�__!__.-��y.a.�y-+.._.,' t.. ..r--.�.-.��-�.T,'.e,_r r— ��_P^�".--�-r.,-,.+w—r�--r,^TR."��!T^,r-.^�^'^—rw—�r—^��..—.�� \ ■ r r , f 1 1 , R 2 } • If i ■ � h r h ■ r j r h M • { r4 4 a /J r , M ••V r r .. '' .Y , 1.. l..: ,. .',I• 1 �' .',r, r ..:� .� ., �a:F'I „,{' , :' 4� ��, .i ; ,y ",.. 4\.. .. � ... .•1 � ,;h Y.,/ , ),. Y.' : l , .. „r� ,' p '':., ''. ,;' i'.:, i� r 1 , �,4... � ;', ��.. .K ... ,.1 , •.r•r i'`•' ��t. '� j'. if 7:; �'� i'1i 4. �' �� {.J '1i �. �.. '., r.. :. ,. .e �` •� ^V '1`. 2 i' ! rr .; ..' �,'M(, �(7i1 .9. ^!r °1 f,r �', � �.. (• '�'� �: ,� •, } }4 e�+'M. ,! �{�' �� '� ,- r ,..i Irv' fi - f ,'7 ''f ��:i �� ,��• li�4� r p ` , 1 'r: ,1 . � , i , . 1 � M.*. .• -�� i. . .. .,'-:• R n b, 1 '41...� , * ,., ,.:. . ,' .tl l�� �� , S. 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F� ,r, {yy i• .� i�. �1 .��,. �.,:M7, 1�..;:,^+, M �' �� • " f rr {�, I 'Y.F)r .f ': ,h�h� - {1 r+� �, +, { �� '.'ir r`':L'�h 1 �7 I'n ',r �� • r �o aR' � r... �,aTj.' ;� �' .,,1 �tj(:e �.i-.!' r � "�' :1. r iy''j.,R 1. GAF t � :�� � � .�,' ,.� Idl I�.�'��1 1.! �1. 1 �� ;A� �}• .f ,:1 +. +. _'�1 •rY," �M:4.:.:�rrl..arl•..li4i�:7rft;�a1 'Ex f'w "^"'Y.+\".} w +Y• 11 Yi +' l.' '�W4-1 \T.rr'�� '1 ,.rA 7Y�f •f�Y.f+r rM - 4� • r� i� _Y ir. 1, • .. f.} Y• ' 11••"h .I' _ y .. i� 1 iy�'.7 �.Y� _ T J' ..-,R Y i +(' - .+ • ,C \R� •, lyJn '* I.FL �,r •�VfX ',4il .r s'f1I!i'Frf4ilr'�t-.�.. h�j4F'ltt•��h�.f`n yy,�•rilr!• *•rF lhll�+ t%•4t*T'.*� 71 1 t • CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATIONAL, BIKE TRAILS ALONG THE HUNTINGTON BEACH STAVE BEACH FROM BROOKHURST STREET TO BEACH BLVD; ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CC-293. b 4 N b i t I 0__ ApFroxi- Item 4 mate j usn� tip 1. 880 To U000 3 To the Honorable Msyor and City Council, City of Huntington beach, Californiat In compliance with the annexed notice inviting sealed proposals, I hereby propose and agree to enter into s contract to perform the work herein described and to furnish the materials therefore accordfng, to the plans, specifications and special provisions for the said work and to the satisfaction of and under the supervision of the Director of Publ{.c Works of said City of Huntington beach, California, The undersigned has not accepted any bid from any subcontractor or.rmaterialman through any bid depository, the by-laws, rules or regulations of which prohibit or prevent the r.;.lntractor from considering any 'did from any subcontractor or =terialman which'is not processed through said bid depository, or which prevent any subcontractor or materialman from bidding to any contractor who does trot use the facilities of or accept bids from or through such bid dcp03{.tory. For the furnishing of all labor., materials and equipment, and or all. incidental %r,rk necaboary to deliver all the improvements complete is ;late in strict conformity with the plans, specifications and special provisions, on file in the offico of the Director of Public Works, City of Huntin;ton Beach, California, I propose mud agree to cake full psymant therefore at the following unit; prices, to wits Items with unit price rrri tten in words Constrvc Lion of 3" A.C. pavement . l e+r Ton Unit Price 2 r� Revised 5-.19-76 MS.�}+vi•. ,a�..sti• •• •:•i^ r Y°"r��.. '^ ;171✓�'s" .�.. „ .. Total r r 1 � • 0. PROPOSAL - Cont'd_ Approxi- C { I tern !t i mate uantLt 2. 3 ea. l , x .t c. E C I 4 .. .._.r arras •.w \Y eVw7.r\I uay ♦. I..0 u.r .... .-. .... ... . Revised 5-19-76 Ttems with unit price vnitten in words ' Knit Price Relocate signs per ea, � ?t;_, 3. j 39 Install signs on new gale. U nstallation�s zhannel past 30-G93,2-G93A,l�-G35, 1-G37,1-G38,1.-G57,1-Bicentennial sign T- 4. NOT USED Total /r: 7s 5. Zrtl.n �, Cum Install pavement marking arrow decking directional and bikeway ao painted stripe @ nr?x' L.S. 6. 4,6 'Pons Seal Coat 1 op Dh 7. B. 9. 9.2 mans 1 48 ea. NOT USED Prime coat q J .i .Install 3" X.D. PVC pipe i ✓D 60 BSI' c) o 0. ov 0 SUBTOTA.I, $ 1., .' .3 ...�....---....- _._ p4ge ' t , • I� ApprOxi- Ytem 0 mate 1 entLt , 'i A Items with unit price written in words Unit trite wwwuw..a ALTERNATE A Total 1 • Lump Sure Cl+ea.riny and grading including 12,580 SY of compaction and 2,363 CY of imp ort soil 6" in depth � �, �dQSZa, ° � .per L . S • 2. 2,455 Ton 4" aggregate base aty � _ 1 1. 1 Lump Sum SUBTOTAL ALTERNATE A i ALTERNATE B Clearing and grading including I 12,580 SY of compaction and application of 12,580 SY asphalt do emulsion0 t ia,, per LS�; 7/�f'. SUBTOTAL °" ALTERNATE B .......... Total cost: item 1 - 9 and Alternate .A Total cost item l — 9 and Alternate E ,....__..__ page- �.... _ _...._.. ,,M� � iu f••� wM M w Mr Mrw_,4 I t 1-14ULIUSAL - Cant' d Bids are required for the entire work. The amount of the bid for comparison purposes will be the total of all items. The total of unit basis items will be determined by extension of the ;tem price bid on basis of the estimated quantity set forth for the item. The bi- Je.r shal, set Furth !or each item of work, in clearly legible y, figures, an item price and a total for the item in the respective spaces provided for this purpose. In the case of unit basis items, the amount set forth under. the "Total." column shall be the extension of the iteeri price bid on the basis of the estimated quantity for the item. In case of discrepancy between the item price and the total set forth for the item, the item price shall prevail, provided however, if the antiount ©et forth as an item price is ambiguous, unintelligible or uncertain for any cause, or is omitted, or in the cane of unit: basis items, is the same amount as the entry in the "Total" column, then the amount set forth in the "Total" column for the item shall prevail in accordance with the following: (1) An to lump sum items, the amount set forth in the "'Total" column shall be the item price. (2) As to unite basis items, the Amount set: forth in the "Tota.1" column shall be divided by the estimated quantity for the item aged the price thus obtained shall be they item price. If this proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail. to contract as aforesaid acid to rive: the two bonds in the sums to be determined, with surety sati.sfactcry to the City of Huntington beach, within 10 c,ays, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after the bidder has received notice from the Director of Public Works that the contract has been awarded, the City of Huntington Beach may, at its option, determine that the bidden has abandoned the contract, and thereupon this proposal and the acceptance thereof shall be null and void and the forfeiture of such secukity accompanying this proposal shall opera -e and the same shall be the property of the. City of Huntington Beach. Pages "4" r i I , . 'Tow' ', i 11 PKUPOSAL IN�0PK4TY� 0.4 .R 211[aED OF BIDDERS Chu bitWe r i5 required to supply the following Lnformation. Additional sheets may be attached it net.e+ssary. . CXL�_ ieIei,hone .•�(J7 �//1f� wrrr. RaRww . 2:6 (3) Type of x i nn - individua 1, partner ship, or corporation; atry (4) Corporation organized undo, the laws of the State of 5) Contractor's License Numbers R ■ w1 _�� II ■ 1 1 I�— (6) List the names and addresses of all members of the 'irm or names and titles of all cif f icers of the corporations (7) Number of yearn experience as a contractor in Construction works�„��,�(r� (0) List at least six projects coapleted as of recent date: (r.o.nLr,cL &(,It,) Klass of work.) (Date completed) (Name and Address of 0e.mer) tA _.... 2L� I (9) List the name o the person who inspected the site of 1'he proposel work for your firrr/i .w�� ��—i�y1 Date Inspeccions )? / �1 �. sit' I I ■� Yit..iil1 IY�� � /11I �/J I�`� (.0) If requested by the District, the bidder shall furnish a notarised firiancLAL stat-:rtent, f:rsancial date, or other information and coonprehensive to pc.rmi,t an arppraiss). of hie; current fjjj&ncl,al condition. Paige — 5— y i _ 4L1,��'1�'�6 0 11,301105 otil.. "ur.%u,int to the Goverwiiu►)t C.udu 4"UU, tht- Prim.i Cow.rsict.or, in order for thf u propot;nl to b%Y Arevptable for r.onlideration shell fu+rrJ:;h the nuRe and location of Uot pl,4cc of business of each sub -contractor who will perform wet-k or render uc:viec on thin project in an amount: exceeding one halt of f;ne percent of the total Lida. WO::K TO SE PZR& 0RJ4En Illfyld/� ll/�r'�lJ SUB-CONTRACT01 SUB -CONTRACTORS ADDR'.SS Y.. ..—.�w_.-w•.��w n.wrran. r.wNrrarwwr-ran.�wrrrw.wr.rv�wrwi....�.r.r,...w�w ww..r w..sw.-� .�...�w-..w��wr �. /..1�>•.-.-AWw�.1�YY M...t �yr.�a... wM4.a.-.M MY�MI..f. 1YioiiU�. w.wrar..4.w.rw.+w....r.r.rr..wwrr.w..w.w...� r.rw�.rrvw rrw.,wr�wMwr•wr.r.r..wwwrww-wMw w.. r ..w....�r.r..rrwr..w.n.rr+.r.rrw ...Yw.r�.�..r✓•.�..e.w/.Y..Yww. I ly tub:.►ission 01; thia ptroptoual, the contractor certifies# 1. That lie Is r&bla to anw wUl perform the bAlance of all work which is ► covwrred in the aiwve sub-cc-rttractot listing. i Ir That the City dill bA-- ' Ir!'r:..�!;�.'. G40 16 .� e+e� i1�V�M:�%�V�N �;I fii�iatii►'S 1wr� and bonds furnished by siA.-contractor for 1:hia project. r; �r t �f. 1 PaC 1 '-A- . ...ar..6I 610.iX.V�� '- ai�...YO.:...h.W..r hrrYw�.�l.Y.a. ... enr�rn�ww. ..: iriln.l �. ...►•.�. r.r•..�.e.�.....nee.r.n..tde.r++w:..ur.�✓,.Y:+Y erw•r•�I:..�.v..r�uw arn.W.•tlfY.Yi.-IM �iT!f-IMMiFY.!'�-.WlWi1�YF17 :. ':Wi�l'�JYl.IMI.�N IifLll'�Y �rN/Y{�M2i:C�M1. t.I'iLM4�W'nk'J''�N.N. '1 a , .9 i � r C. :t—: r:►i6ned under4Land!. '.Ale con track time Iicni.t allotted foar the contract ;s 30 uorktnR days, I Irded the cor, rre:LI the under:.igned hereby ar-revs to sign 3) i d contrr►.t ur.4 :urni:,41 the netes:,ary bonds within tun (10) diys of the award of sold contract, t c .,nd to Gcr;:n work within ten (10) days x r•om the date of approval of the contract by the City of Huntington beach, California, The u:tdecsigned has ux.amine-.i the location of the proposed work, and is fn;niliar with the pl&ns, specifications and special provisions and the local conditions at the place where the Work Ls. to he done„ Accompanying this proposal is_� � ' �' (NOTICEi Ins'rrt the words cash, cs,zhier's check] certified check, or bidder's bond, as the case may be). 9 Licensed in accordance wit>> an act providing for the registr.,tic►n of contract License No._ _2 t �: + i r`■ ��lllrn nr�.w�■ rw.rrrs�wr,w� I •r�wr�,.+i..ry i ri i end ti�r guO.nass Address � n / - Place of Reaid+encer ,=., listed this 4&LL. d4,y of r� (� 1_n� 19 7/ i C s a• a++.�.w.rww ddar ► r 1 j, Page -i— I ,i. r r'f II 'ry" If4il,%� 'Y•4V;{ . . •r;S,o.• ' f�r'1 rvh;•. �;j n:t. +': H •ard •, +.. YJ W -141 . yrS ,• l'.�,+.A,{•��,;��.:�.+�.'••»Y.i.','�'!art'�r'.dx��r•.,..i'r��:,:.,N}rR A�#�'�i f I , f NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT To the City of Huntin9tun 13each. c The undersigned in subtAitting a bid for per.form•3ng the follow- ing work by contract, veiny duly tsworn, deposeas and assays e That he has not:, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any co'.lusion, or o::hatvise taken any action in restraint of free compat hive bidding .in cuanec.t.ion with such contract. CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATIONAL BIKE TRAILS AL014G THE' HUNTING'!' BEACH STA.TI'� FRO;.i BRJOKHURST STPEET ITT BEACH BLVDO ALL :IN 'PHE CITY OF H-UNTrNGTON 3EACH. - CC-r?_ 9 3 .w•..,+,...wrr�arr.w]�+.+.w�....l.w�✓ •�f �wkt �wwt54v'7iMGr>I�ewet^ww•rnri M1�brrrrr «LAw1!!I•�, ,r air.rw+wnHFYrrn•.rwrlwww�',�+.lf»Ln+Wr .vvw wr•r.ur. r.,d..A w.n .nl� +*•+.r... �iiV L ����.i �:� IrrAnw.•I•wn +�..wr.:..........•r Sign . re ' n I LisinL' i- C re3s 42-SQ.5 i_&A_, S4 &i 7?1'ace of es +r e;;ce Subscribed and sworn to hefolvc; inn. this .ar++uuAn•�+r.Ar•nA. sy�w�%jlXy�w•L�rL A�EArr1i.�N'+.+IRaipilMMr+fr,ww! dayof AL1�.�...L. �A..�.w..�A,...... w.,�..� 1.9 +n•a /ww�w f 9YJ oCA7C it � xl C�.� '�E.r nt.r..rw 0 j u State of Cal i. t or n 4 zx . w.......w. dwHl.rr'�'wy�,yiw.�....r.•.Llw.+�«..r.•ww.� My C o mm i, u as i o n .wJLNW'!•IrlF•MML � ��r.•\w/,��wI LwAAy�,f! wM►1ww�.aL1 Page - e- „ ,, „. M1� I.k• r. ���.� •. �,..F L•'R' .."' Py ^�,! •�� 'S 1. .1 �' .1 ,, .f.• •,I i..'r} o ll �•. t'�• �. l'•r• •t'., ,.,I ., �.Alr�1./�:'1, 4'��iW���i; •��/'��i'�' r, o�L iP'i{I : r rE•, ;�J: '•I�; it :: �� �;�• +, �r�l , , ,�;�Y��'r+`iy ('r•, r . �.r'- •.Ei' i ',.,++' A.: t'. � r , : f'�I 3'� .,�'„ r � +�„ v' „ r'J.. .,yy �fi}. �!'1` Vji, I , � ' :' W r r. � �� , ', b,.9 p �'.7 u.'7;5; � �, '1,!'' e;da 1 `f � • .A � •';f • + + ••-ir '', j Ir ' � , r A / �� t �� 1'*�i� .� 'vyI T�f�''. :1�+.� h,a A' ,�1YY I !' 4� I Y, Ir4, •r f. }I �F� Fr' �.i, �4 � I + q I in �'•"l, 'd"'�yl� irt. I J'!^Y a:, '[,r;A r %Ifrg qr {�s4.FW ;i.1,+;r�."' hrA++`'�i„'1'%fi'„rY,�4i;�L1,'•rpr1��, .r.� }yl�; ..1k M �d',�I liy/+1i'."WIT 'r!•,! }'.r ,�,• Y � :.D,Y' �7++. .: I f r ! n#°" �.l r!'„ � . , � ,l�. 13 r a � 1. A ��.►IL ,�'� �! k °j I:hi)lI Pil ( fil ti ISY ...._ ._.. .. __._._ . __ _ _._ .._-__--•-. _--._.--- _..____, as PRTNC1PAL, and ►� S111,1';'Y, held �arlLl'- I i 2'rtil y tit31tr1C1~unto Lt,(: r l i')C of Huntington Beach in the pcnw11 sum of TEN P!:RCENT ('10t) OF T111: TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID of the I'rincipal above namc d ; submitted by sa i C Principal pal to the City of Hun iiiF,tan !Icach, Department. o; puhlis 4t'r,1for thth dirk described Blow, Zor the pi-racnt. of whic:h sum in .Iawfcll monry of the United .110t.ates, 0-441 1 and .ruI)- to Ive rnadc, to the 1), :�ec:to. of t.hc Uepa.rtment tc, which said bid was 51,lh"0.t,tf7c?1 we }find ou'i•sf,:.•lves, Ol,l,- heirs, executors, S•idmi i'5 trator•s arid :successor;;J1 jointly Find sever.11ly firmly by these presents. 11) iio erase .010.11 th�l liability of the s.ircty herc.;.!nder exceed the surn of THE CONDITION 01- TN t S OB1r 1 1�rf T I ON IQ' STJCH , 1•11 t tial.CrCUS fi ic' 1'rincili�dl hriS 511b1'l:� iterti i:il_' R.EaSr.rti''11�''I1 i01�1ed bid t»tl )tt: r,1 OF HL;nt:ng011 1!t3ach as aftlreSaid, for ce,.-tain conStrucLion spr.c:ific.,?) iv described as follows, for which hads are t1~i be opened at Cal i. f a r ii i a , on__,____ NOV THE:R i"FU!tl:, .i I- the ;if•orvsa id Pi•inc.:ipal. is awarded this zcc tract tan4, within tf•1c! time Yincl required udder tAe spe%cif;.cAtions, a ft r-r ;.ho p resi. r ibod i t, rm, in �t c o i-c.kiricc with the b ,d, ana files two honds with the Ucli,zri!i1(-nt , ory to ,guar,int`(! faithful performance and ho other to gu;irantco paycient for labor ,t,)d materials, as required Ii1i'w') theri this uhf lj;atinil '•li,:l I "be iil1l I ;1'ld Void; othe'wlsc, it; shall' hip a rid rc.ifla i n i n fu I I k. nd.. v i IN WITNESS IvI1E:ltl:t)l r ►, �_ 11h1ve ho rc o,; t o t cur li,i ndy- and seals an page -.9w ��xil5.,'�4 �i:+rv, .:k4 �1,. ..ilhA.' •.iPrs�. ;7 r A. ,1t7 •- r - '.. rr' ..: ,.r� JY i r•�' 5 h' ' ... a. .+f� .''' .. r.. , r y it IC. I 1' f � I 1. Jli yf •'. '� i 1� t71,f7 v �r H. ti r * ' r � r r r 1 f S r # , r n 1 t•` r ���'• � ., #� 'r ] , r � ram' ,{ w, f. . a •.ice � I�. •. .� •. , _ i '.1• ,., �Ld�lti..,%.�'�w+�=' r .�.....`,. a -;1,�.r••k�-hw.+Ir.+R-?.. y„�,.,.....:1,.,.r�,//h.Y ar :..ar'�,'Fir.7�Y, T • ate`'` ti—��,� .� ww i ��-i,.'�r.T ��..�1..,r..a�.,..��uu .,.�•..r6:��....J�.,#v'.r�w 2��w ,�,- ✓• ',. _;. i1Jr!#13• r' fw• ixcd 'y +'�',5jri:',.[+ k"�' ?� Sf r'i+��:+h�'ti.Y' 1� �";'Xrrn:y k,a 6r.aA `r„� n �'' 4 .��.tw �wi F' tiat'Pt 'j01 .�r�1 s,ti'` y�r�"�� ''l "FMy^!rfs 'ti��:';, ti """ .r' y�1'�.,4*t f'+y+'^,r�y�R!r+ �'q h 1' k r 'Ell . �'` •, I t y f Ave- 0 R. J. NOBLE COMPANY CA RNOINIRRING CONTNACTORS P.O. WX 620 01ANGE, CAUFORNIA 926" 'mod?! 0 9 f RECEIVE01 CITY CLrIK City of Huntington Beach 'ITY rI: T; Engineering Department .0,1 IF. P. 0. Box 190 livntington Beach, Ca. 92648 q Construction of recreational bike trails Bid June 2, 1976 at 10:00 AM '4' .k. City of Huntington, Beach P.O. WOK iM CAI.IIOIrIM !Mr OFFICE OF YHH ATY CLLNK August 31, 1976 Sully -Killer Contracting Coupany 2. o. sox 432 CTange, Ca. 93669 Gentlettten t wa are returning your H!d Bond which o is submitted with your proposal for the construction of reareational bike trails along the Huntington Reach State Beach from Brookhuz at Street to Beach Boulevard in the City of Huntington Beach, Project CC-293. The contract for this jab was awarded to certiG �d General Eng-Aneezing, Ina. of olratnger California. We wculd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your inburnst in sumtitting a proposal. Sincerely your*r Zvih rth 41'�( City C:4rk Aw t pr miclosure ' .. ��i A. L' yLy� '. `. � � � � � .��''�••.V l 5". . � t Y." '1 Y'r .. i � � ' .�. f 1.. '�J„ i l� 1 M z..4, ' , r•tw�r.Y...wrra..Y.rNvrr..•w•Y.+•xrY.w'Y,..,.gw..r.r...... . I ly:lw NTF'A C T0P. • f i7]r I TEN ## 0I.JANT I TY'Y LINIT PRICE ` 1 TOTAL 4440. 11001 I T E H i# ►_uAturITY.1Y U t.a I T F' t<. I IM: E , 0 . 1 ITEM #t AfIT I I Uta I T PR I I::E .5 ►_i1,1LI i"0TAL. 9 75.00L; ITEM ## 4.0C'. i !.J A N T I T !'Y 0.1.1�l!i 1.1111T PPICE 0 l'OTAL 0. l I TEH ;# 15. 00kl 0I.iFit IT 1 T'r' UNIT FRI"E �Y rrl�r+aw.www�.�.......w.;+.raw�w•.�....w...�.w���..rw..�..�.r�..�..�.....nr.wr+vrN.w.�..w.a....nrwr�r.....w.qr...w+...+.««.-...w..r.�..s��r�.r•Y+...�.r.�..w..m.r..r�wrww..�. r.iY+..FI..r�.��..��nwYr� r � l� ..ww.a1•+.....�.hk'.,ww.M,w.r�,1r►�...n.w.a. a.i.-..+..... +.....✓.`r..w.r.. wwy.F.,........dwr.v.wranrr..J..+.�lY•.�wr.rt.. .... ...� PY..+wn+•q.r.r•..+.�H.w.4�1..,...+rr.....�aw�..+�...�r....•..�n.......r..�,.++��J.'T.�1.�..�•r.�.�.y..4..�11Y� i I . `, �Yn * # Y 't i.+, 1"� ti r. �.-.p, ' r 7 `� ter' . + - r ,L�{. , s}.�/K. •. \s Ak ..k, -6. r.f f ti' W ' .v \,.. r IL Y.tiI- 1 #. + wy,�y�.ti ',�Y w.'iY 4.1T i. 11r ryY 4` �,,��y, yy�� I1 4 1rw 'v3+'♦iw..1 Yf4•'ti!, #+}Y { +'M !'�..rT4 �.w� .Ir `. Y, Ya.��. 1i.I�4. ►► k�.4,'� •1F 0 I T F' 1'1 V- '=' UI1IT PR1IwE T I_I `i Ff i- n , Gj4.1{t ITFEI ;r U I l I T F' F." I I_: I Cl . 01? •1 ! _I T A I_ 1 TFI'1 it I I . I I_,1_S I:iIJr•IfIT I "1' 11T F'I*'IC:C ...,.. ., ..«. ,.y*- .r�.•��•rw.a ....aa.�roo... .. ........... `,.......a.. ,.ry,.w.r..w .r....w.w _.. .a a.. �........w,.nv.,. w...._..N�Ir .... a.... .....I H..,..r.,...,,.,..._....,.....u.+,r_•W.a.,'r..aw^.....a........w...,..........w..,..,,...,...r. �. +^.w..y.•. . ... rli.., .. „ -- ----- - a�� f v ,,.y,f:>'r• ��;� ,�g,;�[,., ..'•.Srr Y;.R'�y;L`i'`Ai;t.'er,,l,p.'���nre a.':'. •'7 ,:� ..". a''.,. .i��'+{ ," +•. ;y i w�}'' ,,,. �,r,,•�}�; ['q ,.,.W�l �i � . ;}I ,�;(• ,Y.i x„ >t }�•. `,Y 1. r+ '' �+�• t; �r.,•y .7,il �' .4•. �av n . ,„ .,I +n��i •, ru�� � s�:.: [r ,. ! ,. r .. .. ,. +5 ,•n, ,, .,, . rf ,, a •. ,. ;,, � � e'1'� � '.� l.i ti,i, ,..r'�'; :.9•; S',. ,y'Y��" K„ ��n.,::. ki.' �. � ,i/`J, nl i � .,, 1 v . , .''y • `+: . it ( r , 9:`w.�fi)�' t , 4 � n 9,.'�+'edde'; � {, d ,6 .,�' ..•N. x`d". �• ,"+ ,r ,.d'„ w;4d '•Y f.'�'�,i. .,. � �`, '� .k¢.�''�"''+�"��a ..�I1. „•,.j.t!1'�!'i.�''ie".: 'i'�ii;',d7' .'r,. s';�", i ,. !y,.,N i'N•N,�:Mt.r.,.•n.iy�...,i.,.y.,, n..., ...... ..-....,..—..,.. .., ix• tdY•'F,*V744M'r�,MP�'Y1+MtlfYMR'/�ifM�YrIFA .Wr•�'MISM•7 ,wr.rr„t rr rry+�rl•' �.r,..Rry r*'f" ae •7 City of Huntington Beach P.O. tbx ISO CALIFORNIA OM M ENIGINEERING DEPARMENT CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATIONAL HIKE TRAILS ALONG THE HUNTINGTON STATE BEACH FROM HROOKHURST STREET TO BEACH BOULEVARD; ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CC-293. ADDENDUM NO. 1 CC-?93 MAY 26, 1976 1, General Requirements Section 3-d - Execution of a cash contract. Delete the second (2nd) sentence of the para- g ph. and substitute the following: Work on this contract shall commence after September 13, 1976. Any additional cost due i-.cr this addendum shall be reflected in the various bid items and no additional compensation shall be allowed. You are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this addendum below and return a copy of this addendum with your hid documents. Very truly yours, . a'rtg - Director of Public Works HEH:WEH:ae This is to acknowledge receipt and review of hddendum No. 1 dated May 26, 1976. It is understood that the revision or new documents shall be included in the .bid document. Company i By Dat I ------ - --_- - r..y.. _. -..,. - -- --- .-. - ' - - - I ,l,,,. tii'!!' .:,t:.: ;+, , r 'I 4 .A' �+, ,t k• i (i'.,. � 1 � ! '. + i. •rAr .d� . , 1. '1, (( ry�' 5 r ',i'Y, f�r,•f • :I , � i r f4� 'gl 1 •j� r r t� �. a, r,. � 1" ' i � e �}1�+! � � , f i •I' .,j' 'i ,Y i r �, M1 t �.�I ��r �+ v f1 ',: r.�'i ' �� •„� 4 '.f ,�tM1"C' +tL �,•1 1'' ..: �,� • � � 't �f.r.') 1: 'l+r d � ,; .,, t i� . ,. . t.. � � ' w I,r�'� psi!'. , , ,;'.'tt•• ! !�;'. ,'i;,. � . , I'd . !t , � i ,�'��a 4Y ;�i:�i , �" 1, r,� si M I 1 —. 1 ... i OODU24 PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATIONAL BIKE TRAILS ALONG THE HUNTINGTON BEACH STATE BEACH FRC:/, BROOKHURST STREET. TO BEACH BLVD; ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CC-293. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Huntington Beach, CalifornLs� In compliance with the annexed notices inviting sealed proposals, I hereby propose and agree to enter into a contract to perform the work herein described and to furnish the materials therefore according to the plans, specifications and special provisions for the said work and to the satisfaction of and unlc•r the supervision of the Director of Public Works of said City of Huntington beach, California. The undersigned has not accepted any bid from any subcontractor or materialman through any bid depository, the by-laws, rules or regulations of which prohibit or prevent the contractor from considering any bid from any subcontractor oc materialaean which• is not processed through said bid depository, or which prevent any subcontractor or miaterlal.man from bidding to any contractor who does not use the facilities of or accept bids from or through such bid depository. For the furnishing of all labor, materials and squipmut, and or all incidental work necessary to deliver all the iaVrovements complete In place In strict conformity with the plans, specifications and special provisions, on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, City of Huntington Dash, California, I propose and jigrey to take full payment therefore at the following unit prices, to Witt Approxt- Item # Mtt Item with unit price written in words Unit Price Total Duenti ty I . . - .. --._.._._._..-' --- ----- --'-'-- I ". construction of 30 A.C. pavement 1880 Tor, Ton rose -1- Revised 5-19 -76 440 N r y ... ,. ... :�. i. • ,. , , . , .�, .. .., I , , . ^�,- ��„ '.e" -';1, '' j,�,�„ '1'.'. , l �, •%�o., r.,ii' .,,1. ,•� ' ..�'-..l�i`"i: r;-,?. i'�,.' ,i �'e � .. .� . .F,.. ^. • L AA,-ril':.' 1. ,gal �.. � , � �.. / � 6 s. n. ,.. ,., �: ,, N .. ,.� uli. � �1 J ��l h'• � I 1r ,y '!•,, ,•�YI � '1 ,. ,, ,. , , ,,, �, S„r. � v,r .n�, ,9 .� V ,1, .,. ,. ,,,y 1, 1, .l.0 ,., 1,4�y.i: ..r e':• ,�Y, ^i` r,. '�,:; �•. N` T,,. .. .P .i� •,i�,.,''L i."�, i :rr•, r1�1g.. .1i��' a ,,d r i :1, 1 ,r,. ., a ,� ir� k ?r,. '.,7"� l '} s.�r%,•4 'Sr V � ,$'" :'9d �)..'• ,.f'�'"' 'rl o ::r :r v ',.P., ^'lr ,d ;. c '� off '}�.�, .r. ••yq• 'r' f'' , �,{, '�„A, v' ,�• i iW' 1 ,' '4 Y, '•�.' ,.1. :l,,kk ,,��. �a � i'� I •1 p,. '.� ,., a;, tti i;r`v;• '/i'a:fra`r .u,<v. f1,''� �`I ,''�'�, 'fi���•IL. i; � .�i ,. ii'F' /�,'i ,$'ir��,;;i'A. .i'.'. ,�71. .,q �.i�!. �,�•�^�. .. 1'. .'gin .,F�.:;., �.�i .''°e'yn +�T• •V y�'k. Il',I•. f w s,� �A' ',1' ,•EH,. ,, .. R ,tv:�' v� .. .., ,� ,�, l.. . '.:��' :+, ..,e .r,.., !T, �"6 1�...... 5 .. ..► .rl ^r��s9{ti;l.. Jtl 1l ..., n`• �'e �. .ldi�', � . �.. d ,�M1'�.•.ilfa .4��.. r ' i1op6SAL cont' d Revised 5-19-76 App1 lterl (I !note Ttems with unit price written in words ltnic Price Total uantit 2. 3 ea. Relocate Signs t S per ea. 00 0 go 3. 3y Install signs on new gals. U ngtallatio :hannel post 30-�G93, 2-G53A, i-'G35, � 1-G37,1-G38,1-G57,1-Dicentennial o0 75 sign 4. NOT USED 5. Lump cum install pavement marking arrow ` decking directional and bikeway � painted stripe @ 900 I Oo � i Dni er L.S. 6. 4.6 Tons Seal Coat to '00 7. NOT USED B. 9.2 Trans prime coat1 � 2 . ...r.�D ..- - — 9. 48 ea. Install 3" I.D. pvc Pipe.-LL�..�...r. I r SUBTOTAL I e', ..� ,. •, ,, ' ,t, . r' a�,�l•F r:K� �, .i . ' 1G1�.' ., {; .fie . .t.,, i .f._.,. -1 . .__ .��1r�, � .d�i ,, 4��gg1 �+."ti! �"`'M�i�i g i de,a�' ,Y�l���d' i• rrn� �) 4 iq''�r 1 v � + r � � .� � i L � _ RK � �,4�M QI:A �� N'.� T. � a.i { .11.`�T''I�' ei+�1 .�'4 'a r•"" :,• i e", i ���• .. Lti t ,.. �t,4� . z �' �+ 1/� _ CMt f , P10PO6IC►C. - d Ttem 07 MJAte Items with unit price written in words Unit Price Total .._._�M. ALTERNATE A 1, lump Sum Clearing and grading including 120580 BY of compaction and 2,363 CY of import wil 6" in 4spth�y � r r L.S. �f T Ell_ '�'1,�� j,��, o /600 � % 0 � . 2,495 Ton 4" aggregate base yet_ aP, SUBTOTAL - ALTERNATE A $ wrrrrr— ALTERNATE B 1. LuMp Sum Clearing and grading including 120580 Sy of compaction and application of 0 5Y asphalt emulsions per LS ME 29 7oa SUBTOTAL r ALTO. RNXTE R.r wrrrrMYw �r i-�.w.M IM.+V ITotal cost 1tdm 1 - 9 and rn ! Alternate A ..r....-......__.. r_ Total coat item 1 9 rnd�' Alternate B 1 5 9 14 page-3- �rrrr....r��r—'-' ,. .. - ..... _...._...-.._._......_._._............».�......».. _r....�-.�._..._.—..__...... ....... ....._�-._...-.,.,w �.r��..��. rrrr�M 1�;1 V) . r..�...... r�.•.�.�*r.....,�........•r..y.�......a...... ....... ..... ..�........,. .. .....�........a... ... ... ,�,.... ..... .... .. .. .,. ,.......ra.�. ... ...,.• ...... .. �.a., vrww,..a...._ ,.....,.�.. rrr. .. ... ... .... ... .r..... ...«.�.w.,.w ...... ......+... y.. ... +wr...... ....�. ... , ^ r nrop,;rwww - • t wLIUSAL -- Cant' d Bids are required for the entire work. The amount of the bid for comparison purposes will be the total, of all items. The total of unit basis items will be determined by extension of the item price bid an basis of the estimated quantity set forth for the item. The bidder shall get Furth for each item of work, in clearly legible figures, an item price and a total for the item in the respective spaces provided for this purpose. In the case of unit basis items, the amount set forth under the "Total." column shall be the extension of the item price bid on the basis of the estimatod quantity for the item. In case of discrepancy between the item price and the total set forth for the item, the item price shall prevail, provided however, if the amount set forth as an item price is ambiguous, unintelligible or uncertain for any cause, or is emitted, or in the cape of unit basis items, is the same amount as the entry in. the "Total" column,► then the amount set forth in the "Total" column for the item shall prevail in accordance with the following% (1) An to lump sum items, the amount set forth in the "Total" column shall be the item price. (2) As to unit basis items, the amount set forth in the "Total" column shall be divided by the estimated) quantity for the item and the price thus obtained shall be the item price. if this proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail to contract as aforesaid and to give the two bonds in the sums to be determined, with surety satisfactory to the City of Huntington beach, within 10 days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after the bidder has received notice from the Director of Public Works that th-, contract has been awarded, the City of Huntington Beach may, at its option, determine that the bidder has abandoned the contract, and thereupon this proposal and the acceptance thereof shall be null and void and the forfeiture of such security accompanying this propona). shall operate: and the same shall be the property of the City of Huntington B ea::Y.. Page --4- I - k 0 i 1 ,t •rp.� ..r- ., , r.r •,• ,fY J4.. ,. .. ...._., .. ..... _..«_... .....--- ^' ... ... .........._... ... _. _... ... ....,.... ..., .. ,.,. .. ,. ♦. . , .., .. . n. ,. .. .. .. . ..... ...-..... .. .. wry •, w.ya .,, .. ... A, .,, rY , PROPOSAL XNFORMT10.4 REQUIRED OF BIDDERS 'Thc bi;lwc: is required to supj)ly the following information. Additional shuts ma;1 be: attached if neZess4ry. (1) Address ;.WE JZ JJ M 432 d�'irML CALM. (2) Telephone 7741' L (3) Type oC iina individual, partnership, or corpo cations__-- (4) Coc•poration organised under the laws of the 5tata of (5) Contractor's Licaost, Numbort �,d�1,a .r /i..pWiM�irY..r•.��NlrlwrW,M��\ .+MMMMMdM9 (b) List the names and addrense,s of all members of the firm or names and Utles �f all officers of the corporations (7) Numbur of years experience as a contractor in construction works_ J-3 (10 List at least six projects ct)rnpletee:. as of recent date; (Croneract amt.) (Class of work) (Date completed) (Name and Address of lamer) w r+r�wr��r r •i, w,�W UsL the name of the person who inspectr:d the site of the proposed work for your firmt, AAU CayW Date of lrnspectioni.... If requestad by the DistritL, the bidder, shall fulrni%h a notarized financial statarrent, financial dai:a, or other information an-1 rcferences sufficiently comprehensive to permit an appraisal of his current firYancial condition. r ....M .4. I I � , � • �� ' 1. L r ' ...7.� � f j•r�!'. � � , I � � � ' 'Y`v v4 �.� .'.i � V ' .. I •� �, I. �. �ln r .,1 � . v r•!'.. .Y � , . � [ . r I Macgregor, President' ,.... R. Duane Rjish, VP, Treas. & Seaw Richard F. Molyneus, VP & Ngr, Pl of 131" 1 John A. Berton, Vice Ptremident; C. P. Brown, 'Vice Pxresidout ; Jwos 0. Pittman, Controller D. R. Branch, Ls silt. Sao. F. Assist. see.; "rangy: r. i:ollavd, Lasist• Sea , 11. A. Abbott, Assist. SDc. ,t Jault Wilson, Assist. Sea. berry Cohen, Assist. Sec* .�.: Robert E. Holland, Assist. Seqw R. R. munro, Assist. Sec. r .....0 v..wv..w.. ....11 •..J_1.IYlr........ ........w.r.�.•uy.... ..w.. n..v.y.w..».�....Yih.wnvMM4.v�.Yi�...wr•_.•rw.... �vr......v�. .n.vu,. ..v .�..w._r�.,.�,1.. �.. ..•....ywr..n_/r.rvls. +ir'Mn.1 ...... :�. w.w,�.:..I..11•..._. 1+.. _.....n.. w._.nw...r. �........ u.....u... u.1_.evl..,„Y..... �. . . 0 1 Year 32/31/71 I ., n w n r n 12/31/72 is rr , n n r n 12/31/73 it of , n r. er t, t, n 12/11/74 to n Ir u t r, It It It It It it n 17/31/75 N It t, rt t n It it t1 of t, it to 1 SULLY -MILLER C0;ITRACrINU COMPANY ' Project U.porianco Page Iters 1 Val_ of Work 7)me of Work P_•rfurmed Grade, Pava, 5tructuris 851,071 Underground Sewer 2,450,729 Underground Pipe Z,155,317 Underground Pipe 1,793,469 Highway 1,051,lo Highway 1,141,252 Highway 1,392,542 Street f Structures 623,282 Underground 793,819 Underground Storm Drain 792,993 Water - Fresh Water 10,415,234 Storm Drain Proj.-Major 3,s30,355 Water - Fresh Water 2,137,461 Storm Drain Project -Major 1,534,312 Storm Drain Project -Major 1,296,904 Asphalt/Conc Re;surf-Major 1,240,989 Water - Fresh Water 1,156,9S3 Freeways 885,966 Structures - Major 844,868 Storm Drain Proj. - Major 827,471 Largo Diarn. Sewer Line f,696,287 Con. ,Clhannel, Bridge: t; St. 2,656,067 Lsrge'Diameter Water Pipe 1,811,625 Fwy Bridge, 4 Bus Lanes 1,791,217 Lg. 111.9L. Wtr. Distrib. line 1,567,948 Lg. L`'.a. Wtr. Distrib, line 1-n41,676 Strcot Imprivzruonts oSI,792 Concrete Box/Flood Control 950,702 Reservoir Repair 624,108 Large •Dirun. Storm Drain 813,404 Paving, Drainage and Util. 624,758 Street Improvement ;92,919 Street Improvement 773,598 Sewer 724,483 Pipeline 3,069,869 Pipeline 2,255,473 Wastewater Re0 au. Plant 2,945,040 otuapiog Plant 1,641,966 Sewer- 1,678,938 Storm Drain 1,019,452 Pump. Plts.-Control Rldgs, 1.,269,547 Distrib. Canal 6 Reservoirs 1,330,617 Water Distrib. System 1,04:,227 Water [Ana 1,022,4VO Pipeline Extension 64E,146 Storm Drain 5,074,615 Inte.releptor Sewer Line 4,343,553 Water ,i-atiant Plant 2,699,559 7 Pump. Nits-7 Con. Bldrs. 2,129,816 !Caste Wi.:. Rec:,m. Plant 2,017,44b Stores Drain 1,335,215 Water Distribution Systems 1,019,443 Stone Drain Pipe 6 Kox 987,669 New R2adway 930,055 Pumping Plt 2nd DiaLharge 907,488 Store Drain 637,352 Turnouts-Discharg. Pipelines 742,404 Street I,etlrovements 73fi, 765 5troet Construction. 729,572 R"Jinf. Conc. box Culvert 709.624 Location of 'Work For Whom Performed Long Beach - Queen Mary City of Long Beach Fountain Valley-Sunflowcr Orange County Sanitation Santa Ana Valley State of California Santa Ana Wash - L.A. Co. L.A. County Flood Control Beach Blvd. - Orango Co. State of California Beath Blvd. - Orange Co. State of California ' Highways 1011, 1S4 State of California Shoreline Drive - L.P,. City of Long Beach Ci�y of Palos Verde% City of Palos Verdes Magnolia Cnt. - Riverside Riverside. Cu. Flood Control , Santa Ana Valley - Org. Co. State of California Pasadena - L. A County State of Cal ifoinia Upland -San Bernurdino Co. Metropolitan Water District Belmont .11riiore - L. A. Co. L. A. County Flood Control Mllona Creek - L. A. Co. L. A. County Flood Zontrol Hwry. 78/,!off-Oceanside State of California Whaelar Ridga-Kerli Cou,ity Marieopa hater Storago Discrlct Golden `state Fwy - L.A. Co. State of California Soledad Canyon •- L.A. Co. L. A. County P;und Pohartmer•t San Antonio hash-L.A. Co. L. A. County flood C; ntrol. Oranga County Orange Courty Sanitation Aliso Creek-L.A. County Metropolitan Water District Lo7 Angeles County Metropolitan Water District c=n Bernardino Fretway ")tote of Crtli.fornia Los Angeles County Metropolir..a 'Wat::r District Los Angel,ss County San Gabriel Valley Municipal Los Angeles Count, Lis Angeles Cotinty Lot Aarr tiles County Lot AnRelen County Flt:od Control Orani,e County Irvine Ranch hater District Pueblo, Colorado City of Pueblo, Colorado L, A. harbor Las Angalcs liarbor Department Orant,e County City of Costa MSr.sa Orange County City of Costa Mesa Ur2tFge County OrRnaa County Sanitation District L. A. County Metrnpolitan Water District L. A. County Metropolitan hater District Palm Desert Cuac.holls Valley Co. 'Water Dist, Poarbinssom State of California Los Av1 oles City of 105 laifeie,r, Pearblossom L.A. County Mood Control Dist. Karr. County kern County Water Agency 1';rn Cesunttr Qiwelo Water District W„sco, California Ruttonwillow Irrp%ovament luiblo, Colorado Pueblo Vest Metro. Gist.$ AcClglloch San Saci;:':o Matropol?tan Water Dist. Prop. Glendale L.i.. Co. flood Cuntral Dist. Gitrden Crove OrAugo Co. Sanitation 9nkersfiold lcFrn Cx. Water Agency t aker.- Clel ti Kern Co. Eater Agesnt:y Palm Desert Coachella Valley Water District Manhattan Reach L.A. Co. Flood Cor.trol Pistr.ict WASCO Buttonwillow TPI)i-ov. Dist.. niversido Riverside Co. Plood Control Dist. Irvine The Irvine~ CrImpary Pearblo_som Uvpt. Wata-c Res,IState of Calif. Ore.nga Irvine Comp ny ba'carsfiold Kern Ca. ,'Ate Agency Wilmington City of' Loa Angelis. Las An tiles L. A. Harbor oanartmer,t Escondido City of Cscor,4is�,� Apnronimntely 2.,00t-1,000 indii•10ual conrjtrucOon proj6et% arm completed ■r!nu,01y, 11he exr+rrie+ncee 1ir~t above represen-,% only V%mb of the-;lgnificant ptcjecta cn:ep:etrd during the respective perio-J. F h _wt.t.. - i':i0i'(?SAL LISTING to Lhv. Cov,�r:vmint Cocie 4100, then Prime Cut,tri%ctor, ILn order. �►ra��a:;nl t:: ;1�ac,_eptA: Le fur c.u;:;iderutlo:i mlcdlL furnish c-,he narnv; and lovat Lou u: Lhe p14ce of bu3Lness of each sub -contractor who will. perform work or ren i^r : ce vi.:c: on !.his projzct in ar, ivr cunt exec-dir- one half of ovic p,erceo� . of th. t��cl. b da. TO 6r PZR— (iMCMD SUB -CONTRACTOR SUB-CONULACTC,�-3 ADDRESS rwrf^a•.�a:w.rs �.rw.l� r+f�w-ra///.w.ww. aMrw+�/a+�M wr..Yrr NP.w� \ wew.r,ww�Ilfvn�r�ewswrr•< .sa..w..r.. •..........w .G I- aA,.AIr.••..1S.f..Waa�{a.a.r.r.4AlIMY M11V.�r'r/w.....Irr.M..a V�er•.1 .rw.T. .�.www.n.r.«+w....n.wa..+....r..�+w.w.r.wwr•..••.•+vr-rw.w.......�.+.rw.............+r+.+w.w..rr......w..r.ww..x...a,.wwwir....r�.Nr ...r.r�..r...ev..+.w wrfr+r•:� nnr.f...... .�•w...r .1. .rM..ar+..... .,.n .a.-. fvfW/.�y/�v.eWM.w..w+.e........�/yrrh...�/�I/YJ �wfw .. ws.M....y pl... w-•.,...fw K. +.rwf.«rr�vnw �wr w.r.Vw�.�/r..rR.. wry�...�.f-.w.r.....rw•ff F.r.rs •.• •�......r..r.tr.tei../11T•.r t...:.. ..frt l... .atrr. ..i . i. / t I..M•I.W✓1Wa1./SIVI...MMf..wM.fti..wwlnr....rer �.rw..aM.Tw.v..wrvri.rr.s•.... ..Mw/MW. MiY.w. hYrMYr.JI... .r<Kf...w lnr.•.✓.. ..•r•nw..r+. n. ..waw..Nler. ,fuuw.. .a r. ..rlt.i'^.».nlwa.r ..I '*.v..N. �Tal...s. rRVr.Y1./U1'Ki.►..II..r..•r...1.M.....wr...r.wRw....m..Sri.w•v►w••.•.'w.pl.frw.�.FM1.r.MYAIAM.I... Wr•.�.rau/.Mar.r....n.r++w.wY...... w.....•wyN. /. w+wrNllfw� .w.VF....lr... .•t.Y l.r ..N.raWrS.r Nl.eq.r....... !v-.11'♦ f!.1.n1.Ywr w.... .. ry..W .. r•w/.l+u/Yr...MIS/...r..V.AI/Yi....r1rw.Y1...�rri�K✓/.war/r....Irr.w•.•.r.tw.\n.a: • .I .r V+. .• ...r.ws re...rlL.rn'•e r♦ l✓>N�.nLws. eairs.f wf....f•I7Mr.r.. .. .a..Va...-•.Mr-.a a.ra..r-../Y�M1'M+rM.aAM/q.rt.....'...�...r►..r. ..r .....w..�.r 1.V �. -• a..w..ww�w. ....r..ya�..r.V.MnM... •,. ... .. i. r•4 .. .I..Y..+rN »... Tr ..'lI ..V+�.. t.• ar.V..w.Y h.rr./i.a..I n. ..•... .�rr.•wr. •r..w r...+r, r�M1.F.•M.VM•YIW....-wrn.�...w.r..w.�M.. a. M.�ll....•+r...MY.M...IYI.....AYY.Yw..�a...n/....w...�n•...•.i\•.r.J+rilOw...�T.PI... MFTM.HYMa.a..4'Rf.R.1. �•. ....a•r....... w...w..w�r.r..,,...../r•►aw►_., •. ..r.. �....+.�.....��.r.ww......rr«r....-....w.........�. r... ... .. r,..........w.�r... .. rr.vtr+Iwia........rr.r.. N.w'..-r..+a...w../. rrvr.r fw....e+r.....r......s•we. r... ...•...-wrwrr........rr..wn�.r� .rewraw. .,...,.1/w.,,,,,...rw.�r.+w..r�..r.+.r....1f.•w�..•..r.v�...+-wr..wf�..........rwu.....�......r+rw.�..v.�.w.i.vvr...+rv..r•..i.r�w+rr.wrw wwrr.•...... ...,•r......•I.r..f.... . /n�a.r+an• • .. ..r.w. r.. . .•.w.w.lr.rr • ..wvrr. •. r•• ,......w.... ,.n.r ......Ir.. v. .wwrYra,.,v. �i..rn.....—...r.�..w..r........r w.wrw... ».-•,-r,,. e r-..tire+�.r.v.w.e..•r. I.ha•nt•. rwwrr: �� . r er..r I r . . 1/�.•/.A4 M. •w ..Tw 1�..�.wr ..,I/r.I r1Y�► ,. er.rww.yA...IF1.+., ... �..,...r.N �• .r ..... ++.._. ..w.y�..1RtYre alM}Y.IM.IIY.W.r�r.. I11Y..ar.r/wMlY4.vAw.//..I/rrr.r..+•rl[MAYN•r N. M?5.•YTPr. r.P•••'. •.1 ••Yu/MY by subi4saton of thaw 1ropoai. s, the I.rifc Or GertifLax i 1. 7"h&L hw iS rblU to AnO 141.11 perform the bAlance o�! all wark wl tch 4. caversc. in tho ab.,,,ve qk-,L •contr&ctor liati.ng. d. That tip*. CILv .rile I�t furoi.shed COP'&t3 (of all sub-c:or,,-ra►:tit aat#,; 84 into and ba-'Wx furnished by ubwcont.ractor for this project. 1 ,w 0 i • 1 I � � yI / • n i ' ... ...r •...., Ynr .w .. Y, r.WI� r7.l r},n .I lMl�Y•I.w�. ,.Nr,w •r,.N• wr...r...�Y.....w w.•r.ir rwwr....r...Y ... ,. .... ,. ..,... ..-. ....... r .r.uu t:ndv-,!,'Land:, tliv contract time limit allottcd for the contract 30 r I^ r k i i, r r .._. _ ., days the co,Lract, the undersigned hereby aaa;recs to Sign said contract the neco.ssa:y bonds within te.i (10) days of the award of said cuntructo ,►nd Lu wort; within tec; (10) days from the date of .approval of the contract 1,5, r.hz City of ihintington Beach, Califc7rnie. ;e u:ijerAgned hcss exjmitl,,!O the location of the proposed work and is familiar ,,i t h ►..h.: p1E;ns, spec' ficelLiQn:i and . pecial provisions and the local conditions at the n lilc e '-ahc r- the wore: is to b%: done.. t, -: rY o m p c n y i ri & t: h i s p r o p o: a 1 is (NOT IC::t Insert~ the words costa, cashier's chocks cartif fled~ ch,, C v r ozbidderIz bovidt. rf thE! cwa c Qa y be). OA11, atilt, act providing for the rt&Lstrati,ou of contract • ..-.y .aY.. r•rs�w.+w+r...♦wN,lvm.nrvrr r..,a:r, r. wr•..Yaww w.r Bt i s i ne & a Address 1P. V. I n., ORM cA r. 926i , w..w....... I�FI.�wwl..'Y.YIP.! � Plaac+t atiRasSderce�•. Dated thisAO 0 . 44y of R 7- SLgnatara of bidder A t I a RIA 0 NON-CULLUSION AFFIDAVIT 0 To Hie City of Huntinytun Reach, ThH tin .:-:reigned in submitting a bid for performing the follow- ing wor.,i by contract, being duly sworn, deposes and saysi s That he has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into aiy agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with such contract. CONSTRUCTION Of RECRI ATIONA,L BIKE TRAILS A14ONG THE HUNTINGTON BEACH STAT 3 BEACH FROM BROOKHURST STREET TO BEACH BLVDp ALL IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON DEACH. CC-293 5`!'i TWUM r0Xr1U("T NG COMPANY � gn& turego `.111-We r �---� Dus ness MMS ace o lee once Stbscribed and sworn to before me this day of...... 197 ., OFPICIAI. SEAL IA(JRA. E. TERESESI NOTARY PUBLIC CALIMRNIA of I•RIN:IPAI. OFFICE IN-- ORAMMIL CDONTY My Comr"IFACIT IRpirrr $opt. 24, 191j �, State of Calm r rnia. ..� Arr r...rrmlYniiirll My Commission Expires... �c' , 19 e, , Page -F- .•s .. ., .� �"c: A.M" X«,. S+�', , • .�... .. ,�4a.�. _ �_..1.L �e.1as.. . � SP,..?f."t. ...'f�:"..., ..� ,...... _ ,.., ., .Yv. .i .4.. .iklj .;Y• n. ... 1' ., a�,d ..6�.�IM�.L^�6.:J .. .. ..... W a. G .1 r f { ODE N ` i'NO41 fil 1 14111 ICY T111 `,1 N''� � r� 1 `►, i' T11:1 I tic as PRINCIPAL, acid � as SURETY, are head rsnd� firmly bound unto the City of liuntington Beach in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT (10%) OF Till' TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID of the Principal above named, submitted by said Principal, to the City of ; Huntington Beach, Department of Public Works, for the work described belcw, for the payment of which sum in lawful money of the United States, ; woll and truly to he made, to the Director of the Department to which � said bid was submitted, Nae bind ourselv.ys, our heirs, exiecutors, adminis- trators and successors, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. In no case shall the l iAbi l i ty of the surety hereunder exceed the sum 1 of$ �._..._.�...._.._. THE; CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas the Principal has submitted the above -mentioned bid to the City cf Huntington Beach as aforesaid, for certain construction � specifically described as follows, for which bids are to be opened at y California, ore f o I. NOW THERE ►1(1;, i f the a i'oresa id Principal is awarded the contract and, within th time and manner roquired under the specifications, after the prescribed form, in accordance with the bid, and files two bonds with the De paart Ineil t , une to guarantee faithful performan:e and the other, to Ruarantue payment for labor a1nd materials, as required by Inw, then this ubl igat ion shall L,e null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full and virtue. IN WITNHtiS h'e have I creunt•o our hands and seats an tIli!a day of _._,.�...._. + ,1,11• 19� Fag* -9- ._ 'i: : :� .5(• �.. .. .. .5 �. �'.V"� �. .�,: i '., 0 0 .�5i'1' " W„ .{ Y..V. ,.M.p iT�, A1ry J F '�y, • Vp1' f r, I.: ..y .`VI },{i L .iWO . ,9.. ;�• !xe, �j� *1 R1 v _....,. ... ,.. .,. .. L. , ., ... ,,,...,.. .,' .. �. .�.. ...�,... �� r, 0.... I�:, .r�r,vl5.. ....'{ ', ,,, _.• .'. .. ,, i :. a+: .: .. '': `r''. ,. ...:'� 'wr}°,. :. �...•.. "'l 4 .. .r l:: +". !,• a +•..n� 6. ... .. .. x_, ..e Y.... ! .r. a. ' :C�_ :i:L .'T '9�'^ : a4 . r..`. •... �'C�^i. .;.,V , x •,. ,,.a�r�oYYMllAlllr•1IRN�'N""R74 •� IrF wr...w«w�ww�•w•..:..n.wneM.rMN nraye.w,���.•'rwu+�w+'s�lw,xvM�M/��asn+Yw�M' wAwwtld'YYiil#map r (SEAL) (SEAL) l,SEALN f'rl��cipaI ...._. (SUAL) Note: SiglIaLures of OluSe exec.uLi1lY ''ic svr+:ty must be uroperly acknowledged . 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Y.Mf\Iw+w..wAR•M�•+Nlrall.rw.........._.........................«.l.rpM�M+.«w._....r...._.«.....-............._......-....H.+«...w._............�.....rr.. .......r.. . �._--.._... r.._-.,.... «. r..«.w\u�awr.w !w) BID \SUHWY SKEET DATE: June 2, 1976 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: '(21d JOB AND M NUMBFR: Construction of bike trai,. along HB State Beach BIDDERS NAME Certified General Engineering Grif fi th Company R, J. Noble � TOTAL. BID AMOUNT .,, � 0770 • r Pip Silveri & Ruiz Construction Sully Miller -" .w_nww.wl�wwwrw��. �� Y 1 1 � I ��+n��•.��1:.�rrYrw JLr.-r...r+r.irrr.��a.a�. +•r•+i•*ti" ,.�y.*.ti.ra��- .r.+`.way.'rZfr�`;,►.:...•Wwna�w,...rw.ryar4-�w....`...+..�,-�-.=rim.. a.. r.,.+ .�y.,..�.�.�w.... yt,�,,..q�..�- �—Tr�-Mrv. 4 �1r+'+�W+r 'r.�+- .4r.1:. �,