HomeMy WebLinkAboutD. L. DOUGLAS AND ASSOCIATES, INC - 1981-07-06.. . , 4t 'I '1 sw A G tR E B M E N T gr :j , a' THIS AGREEMENT, made and ent red into t'-is , dray of rt` 1981, by and between the r ITY OF HUNTINGTON �u 1 BEACH .Ll ORNIA, a municipal, corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and D. L. DOUGLAS AND ASSOCIATES, INC., a California Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT" for building is spection. services. R E C I T A L S VAMMAS, the City Council of CITY wishe,, to engage the sere ;ces of a professional certified building inspector for the performance of ijecessary inspection and field admin5,stratior. >erTices for and on behalf of CITY in connection with the Busl%rd Q�7mnaslum. cow0.ruction;, herein as "PROJECT' and CITY has solicited proposals for such wort a copy of said pi oposal is a.tbacbed hereto, ,marked Exhibit "'A", nhich is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof; and it is necessary that CONSULTANT have a high degree of specialized training and expe.rienr3e and shall ba:rre all ne;,Ae,;;sary lxcense4 therefor to practice and perform the services herein oontemplated aril CONSULTANT possess such. training, experience >nd liaen e.s; end a`A,IN CONSULTANT gas agreed to parform the inspection and admini- stration services ne,-es,, try for tbl PROJECT; NOW, 'THEREFORE, CITY hereby employa the CONSULTANT to per- farm `;ire following services as requited by FROJECT and the CONSTJLTANT agrees to p-ovide said services in accordance with recognized standards or t'ie buIlding construction profe asi.on; 4;r a d on, the following terms and conditions; SEC -Moir' 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION' OF WORK TO BE DONE. t y (a) CONSULTANT shall provide all building inspection and administration described in Exhibit "A", including but 7iot t limited to inspections, investigation, cor_ iultations and advice, and any other miscellaneous inspeotlon and administration services :required to complete the assignment as outlined In Exhibit "A". (b) CONSULTANT shall attend and a0sist in all co.ordInatlon meetings, (a) CONSULTANT shall be the sale con laet and atzens, in all consultatI ons with CITY during full illm-'nt or the terms of thi a agreemen.. In. matters pertaining to Inspection anti. f L ill adminia-- trat.ion of the YROJEM. RECTION 2. UISPOSI`t'IOU C- PLANS, FSTIMAZAS Ak!Ll OTH9R LCi3iNTS CONSULTANT agrne-s Vbat all records, report.-ia, both field and ofi`s.ce rotes, calculations, maps and otlier daewments prepared pursuant to this agreement are the r=eile proper. ty of CITY and ssh.all be turned over to CITY upon termIn,ation of this agreement ° or upon PROJECT completion, whichever is sooner. ,y SECTION 3. INDEMNIFICATION, DEFENSE, HOLD HARMLESS; � CONSULTANT hereby agrees to defend, indomn . y and bold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees from. and ;against any aii3 all liability, damages, costs losses claims or expenses, proximately caused or in connection with the pe:fo'rmance of this agreement (including but not limited to any and all liability, damages, costs, losses, claims c r expenses arising v from the, death or injury to any agent or employee or subcontractor ' o,.` CONSULTANT. or of CITY or any damage to the property of any third party, the CONSULTANT Pr the CITY, its officers, agents and employees), except in cases where ouch liability, damage, cost, loss, claim or expense is caused sol--lv by the negligent or wrongfLfL acts of CITY or of its agents or employees SECTION 4, WORKERS' COMPENSATION: € ONSULTANT shall comply with all apr i(,able provisions of the WoCkers' Compensation Insucanre and Sa:ety Acts of the State of California, the applicable provisions of Division 4 and 5 of the California, Labor Coe'-- and all amendments thereto L, and all almil&,r Ztave or .Federal acts or laws applicable; and i aball Indemnify .and hold barml.e;bs Gil"Y from and against al claims r domanas, payments, otitts, actions, proceedings and Judgments �;f every nature and description, including attorneys' tleeu and coi�tz presented., brought or recovered against CITY, for or an azcount of any liability for failure to obtain n Workers' Compensation Insurance for employees employed uxider this agreement. CONSULTANT shall, furnysh -evidence of workers x' compensation and employer's liability insurance with. limits of at least statutory coverage to the CITY in such form as is a.caept- ? able. to the City Attorney. SECTION 5. INSURANCE: � m' r+#3NSCLTANT sha.l; Furnish to CITY, evidence of the exis-- � :k te.ce of policies or general liability tnsurance, incl-Jing cover- age for professional, enrora and omissions in whi.oh CIT'z s its officers, agt-:nts and employees are named as being additionally insured thereon. The policy ,shall provie-e coverage in not less than the foll.ewing amounts: $'10".i,000 C.S.L. per occurrence. ; noliay or insurance shall specifically provide that it is primary to any other insurance applicable to the loss and any other insur- anoe shall be deetned excess wid shall be maintained In farce during the entire perfcrmartce by CM14LdLTAINT and shall cover the entire scope of COVS%3LTANT' S pe Mforma:nce hereunder. S GTI04 6. .r CEV'PEOMT Ct NTgAC` OR: It Is 'furth�:r tknderstood and agreed that the OUNSULTANT is, and shall be,, acting at 411 times as an Independent contractor herein end not as an employee of CITY. CONSULTANT shall secure at ,its AXpenae, and be responsible .for any and al'. payment of s income tax, social security, State dizability 18urance co apen-- sation, unemployment conpunsaticn and other payroll deductions for CONSULTANT and its officers, agents and employees, and all ; business licenses, if any, in connection with the services to be performed hereunder. A h SECTION 7. CITY STAPP ASaISTANCE: 4" rye... CITY shall assign a staff coordinator to works directly Yrit;h U: t 4 the CONSULTANT` in connection with the work of this agreeme-'�. * ' SECTION $. C:OMPENSATION �ry In consideratlon of the performanee of the above deL-ribed building inspection and administration services, CITY agrees to pay the CONSULTANT the sum of $25 per hour for each hour services are actually performed w-tthin the total compensation under this agreement not to e oeed $15,000, SECTION 9. EXTRA WORK: (a) The City Engineer may in writing direct" changes ,from the work as indicated in the work statement, ExbibiU. "All wben auuh changes arm within the general acope of "A." The re-Eular hourly compensation shall, be, allowed for such t ovk, and the $15,000 limitation on total co?rpenraticn v Mll apply therek ). (b) (1ONSULTANT shall, submItf rnonll'hiy invoices which specify ; the tasks completed during the previous monthly period and the hours expanded to the City gnu ineer for approval. Works ne rfomed , at the request of whiah.yis outs�iaddo they work described in yC�l:TY ZA:hiblt' 1r 't 4'i L3Sv%. to n II.akwd aS "EXTRA WORM Q 4Cj.1.�.��voices. Z:1- i i SECTION 7 (3, TERMIN:AT.JN OF CONTRACT: CONSULTANT covenants that all work shall be done in a good and wor kman:.tke manner. Etther party may terminate this agree- ` went upon 30 days' written notice at any time and with or without p�'� ' cause, and whether or not PROJECT has been fully completed. CONSULTANT shall be entitled to payment, on an hourly basis A aecordance with the rate schedule herein, for work completed priorQ. } to written notification of termination. r'p' SECTION 11. NOTICE; y , Notices to CONSULTANT shall be made by and through the City Engineer and in writing, and may be delivered in person to the CONSULTANT ov ,mailed through the normal course of mail to: 2400 test LIncol.n Avenue, Snite D, Anaheim, California 9,2801. Notices to CITY by CONSULTANT shall be to the City Engineer at P.O.. Box 190, quntington Beach, California 92648. SECT` ON 12. NON-ASSTGNABIL TY This agreement may not be assigned by CONSULTANT. SECTION 13. AWITIONAL PROVISIONS The CONSULTANT agrees that no regular employee of C= ae employed by its firm during the time that- 'this agreemc effect.. SECTION 14. GONFLICTS OF INTEREST No offiu al or employee of CITY. has a financial interest ; in the subject matter� of this agreement contemplated within the pr'ovialons of Cal"fornia Government Code Section 1090-•1092. 60 IN ink r . SECTION 15. PAIR LABOR STANDAPDS. : CONSULTANT warrants that it shall perfutan the services k herein contemplated in compliance with the California laws re- lated to minimum hours and Forages `California Labor Code Section 1171 , et seq.),, Occ;upatioaat geal,;b and Sal ety (29 U. 2, C. 651 v� k et spry. , and ,he Calif or Code Section 6300 et seq.) , and fair employment pr:a.-....._ i (29 U.S.C. 201 et sect., and s California Labor Code Section 1410 et seq.) to the extent saute , f are .applicable herein. } SECTION 16. ATTORNEYS' FEES AS COSTS OF SUIT: ` In the event that it is necessary to ,institute legal proceedings to enforce any covenant or condition of this agreement, nclud z g those for indemnification and insurance, then,, the -,re- r shall be awarded as a portion of ,its rc zfz of suit �ppa...lingy��}rarty a i"�'.as('xnable a torneyl e fee. SECTI3X 17. NOMSCRIMINA,TORY., MISULTANT egrt;, s tbat, in the performance of the terms "Of this agreement, it will not engage in, nor permit .its »zv dents to engage in, di,scritaina' ion In employment of persons because of r ce religious creed, �;olor, national, origin,. anoea- ',ry, physical handicap, metrical conditlon, marital statue, or seat of sooh persons,, eXeept as provided in Section 1420 of the al,itornia L for Cade, Welation of this provision may result r ,ka �bo impo i i,on of penal -ties refera'ed to in b3 visiorx 2, part 7, Chapter 1 of the California Labor Code. A" 4 M WITNESS WHEREOF, the ,parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by and through their authorized officers on the day, month and year first above written. r W PROJE T.:NSPECTOR ' D . '))OUGLAS & AS ATES , INC. F , :�✓:7- 46Aident Secretary Tr asurer CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a mnc ] potizo Mayor ATTEST: hPPROVED AS TO FORM: Cx'ty Clerk ,'•t r Attorne}7 'AEVIEWMD., A160 A3-PXL E" TS TEf3 AN17 pRO',YE� City Administrator M e ter a ublic Works �4 EXHIBIT "A" R%, *EST FOR LICENSED BUILDING INSPECTOR The City of Huntington Be^ch is seeking the services of Donald r, L. Douglas & Associates, Inc.., licensed building inspector, to assume responsibility for the contract administration and inspection: of the Bushard Gymnasium Building. The terms and conditions of em- ployment are outlined in the enclosed copy of an insp_;c-tion services � agreement. The ;inspector will perform the .functions listed below and teill serve as the field representative for the Director of Public Works in control.l,irg the quantity and quality of worst performed, g, Functions A. Contract Adminiatration, An understanding of the reports, forms and procedures utilizied in administering Federally funded projects is essential. in �k perfort.�Ing these ,spe,,,i.fic responsibilities, 3. Maintaixing accurate records of coat -act progress,. 2. Providing records of pay items, including the collection of delivery slips, or other proof_ of quantities and quality of material used in the construction Completion off' a daily log notingpertinent information such as progress, weather,, accidents, orders given, delays, or decisions mz\de, etc. 4. ordering, coordina.tt.ng and reviewing lab tests of materials, etc. 5. Submitting change order requests and data for authorisation and approval. B. Inspection The ability to understand plans and specifications is essential in guarantee ij that all inspection decisions will be . -) accord- ance with the contract: requirements and " ',~ndards, and zxecuting the following inspection respoxnt lbili.ties 1, Resolve .questions pertaining to the desi n: materials, specif,%.catioas, etc, by nerving as liaison betwezn the f contractor And architect. r- 2. Approve or reject the construction work at various stages, thereby assuring conformance to the plans, specifications, and standards. 3. Coordinating -other required, inspections with the City's Chief Public Works Xnspedtor, the Dept, of Development Services, Building Inspectors;, and other agency inspectors as may be required. ,. ,.�=?ht4illYifir��•�Yekd��k tb7rtwd;enaaw.: y},:.. �nri �aa:, - (IINI7ffi'I��naxncsnatv��ktl;,4`-. .. e:= Request for Licensed Iftilding inspector Page 2 Y The ability to perform these functions will be utilized in con- strutting Bushard Gymnasium Building. 3 This facility is a 5,400 sq. ft. wood frame building. Construc- tion is scheduled to begin the first part of this July. C P f�. CtNSut NV j The t ;- nmW. iy des,gnoie on the reverse stale as rurnber 1 J 1tNsua Ce� fxcess r••nary v ,th-conpony de, gnc fed on reverse side.. of A y` e When countersigned by cn oi,norized represe itatrvo of ih. Company, #h cerieftatg supersedes any ,rreviousiy issued ceritfitntes and certifies that the following policy;ies), have been issued is the i..== wd for th . coverage nu, pled The, certificate or venf,cotion of insurance is not on insuronce policy and does not amend, extend or o'tet the coverage afforded by the policies Intel+ vein. N atwdhstanding any requirement, term, or condition of ony contract or other documert with respect to which this cettificate at verification of inivaltce'7.ay, be issued oI may pertain, thv insurance afforded by the policies described herein is srbject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of srch pgliciet. j � )t � � �r'�✓i '2' Named :12 71 37 8 4 Insurtrd t Addrsze D L DOUGLAS 9 ASSOCIATES INC t•,e.r Pa cro Cenit,mt�Na�na3i� , , 1311—A SOUTH ANAHEIM BLVD 97 07 338 1�78 7291. �ANAHE I fit CA 92802 Agent � Policy Number Effective from:10 -1 5 — 8 0 r.t• ,A7-- t i , ic;. % ❑i v hrtn. t:rnn this rertrfientr t Prarnet vein "f� } n• until cancellea if this box ' X" d. � PART I CERTIFICATE OF iNSURANCE CR Applicable G' NotApohcable um w x: COVERAGE COMBINED LIMITS OF LiABILITY .... tthiirfs) INCLUDE(S) HPRIIAARY AND E.YCESs f if ,excess applicable) AUTO LIABILITY �. - f3od t; `.nry Property Damage EACHPEkSON EAC14OCCURRfNCE owned OOQ $ ODD _... Non -Owned '000 Hues) - Employer's Non-Ownersh,p Contingent twbdity GENERAL LIABILITY Y _ tntury 7rapeny Dor loge' Hrr_j >, Prapetty Onrrioge __� —��—�-- ---i PPEERR",,ON EACH OCCURkiNCk M&C-OLT, CTvnors & Contraltos,, Contractual, R Eioyalcrs Itiha+,y �'--EAACH l % C *4 ~„ 0� .0£10 Produ<is and rot Completed Oper it;ans —� fq I_ tAsttLt ?=f RF".tE 10,wriets $ Contractors prvtertive, Cantroctsal and"or cwnpleted C#peratiors * Single Limtl liobii:ry fat Cover r{lee t}etlyd a6s;ve ACsGREGATE PRODUCTS: �a 0070 A,-GPE,'WF PRO' $�1 Q Q L7Gp $ 10 Q Q ,()W Cargo EACH VEHICLE EACH 0;,CUPRENCE $ ,000 is t0 Workers` or Yttt:itkmen`S CoMpon fiort S/� y /!' r,' Stat lily a tntfudes hoods or Products Wofronty, Written Lease of Premises Eosemert Agfeement, tetu" c,pa` Ord,nar,ce Ag*cement, Sidetrack Agreement, Eln.otor or Escolatot Mainlenaace Agreement only vnle;s accompanied by specific end.-i%vment p rc . d,ng a ida nnat Car, rondo} Coveracde YEAR, MAKE, TYPE OF BODY, LOAD CAPACiTY ,"?e.;?.��t A �f; IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OWNED AUTOMOBILES. LAST 3 1DiG:Ys COW kka SHOWN ....,,. .... ...........rofrrwutrbre'.aL"L,irt Rt<tar4_K.tr6T�FF`.Hl`�,,.eetR_t7CN„'F PC#LlC#^ir f;1t Nlll.hEER .._......._....-.� y _ _ PART,1l ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSFME14TD, pitrabi- Not Appt=cobte It is agrstid that such Insurance 0% is aNnrdad by the toverogtis andicatod by an °X" an bon Cetfi'ri"it of tnsuranc• above, alto app!fes, •ffnctive on the date shown, to the pC.r• tart or otganitatfovr ylamvd at an *00wt #ntetett" below. as an odd,t4naf insured but only vafth rnspod to liability of the odi atonal insured oristn9 out of the acts and otn4slani of thb named Insured. Thlsstitynsion of coverage doss pat �PPply to the liability of the addWisnot lnwred arising alth 4r wholly or partly out a4 14 hla or Its own ne91#gs,Aca. of that of Its aganh or ampioytes Inxtept wham the namtsd Imurodfs on agent or employee ref fho ciPiitonot tnsur(d).ot (21 at., drfod al moterfal, design, ar worXmnetsilp In oa7lbinp at svhictt toe ar It lc ilia ovrr;•r,l.ssur, rnanvfectu:ar, mar#ga9oe, ar b anelltiary. tt ft Nrthor o9rWO. that If any court shad misf(pew the languappa of ' i4 pafict ortnk enddoomenf contrary to itt intent to restrict the covorave to liahttity aI the oddraonol t TsrvtNd vrislAq only out of the alto and nmisAons o! ills namndtnt. st,tltanthn llmi%at liability undue>u<fi lntgrpt•toYon for ovt )mobile ttabtr, y shall l a The lttnits aibwdity 7 tnlurylibblihyttndFrdpsrtysloma{IalEpis3lityspectl#mslbyonpraaiat Ohllief#nan�lairstpan%Ib,git#,favrrflhpstate, province.ortettitArylnwhlthlhannrnadlnsurndra,t"dos, I N thutr #e no loth txtatn4 esftld6linontlatrfispursih#tity la.r ar ltt#rt ,lability arfsn; )cool a eour.a gth.r than an outamabi#n, the Uni7i at the D rntaan;'t iiab#lity hn»v»der shalt ! br 45.9pG an ottovM of hodtty Injury saskifnad by one parsgn in anT ono atturrence and sa6 lilt-/o this prov is7an sec boring oath p4rx rrt, X I O:GgG art account of bodily in)aty. awetalnlydhy twat?t more persons )n4rsy sae accurtrnre, x'h+ Yotai Liability rf ilia Company far off damage; b__ of gtf ptoprxty domnjlP sutt4lnnd by ono armate ponans ormfianttatI4ntiarihar♦svlto!ahy-ono octuPrttrst shallttPlrxWrdiS,OQth, rl+it rider%anon; .w,}tt Avtt operate To tdctvrnta ilia lfmtfs of Ihn. Gampattyh )tool{ify vndar th+s pilts`cy �., !!lt,itfw L STATES VXCW O LAHOMA) it iz hoteby agt( , ? thct it the Company tuncolx or terminates thts policy or policies, the Company will peoyldu.,.,._..,J- -.duyt notim lit svrltT;; r the bihor ;metes) shown below. CS"V OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OXIAHOMACExTIf)SATE•ter the evsntofcity mAt4rlotthaageIn tsttf¢R at tuittAlat#on at sold or4dot. the Corti on svlil roakr eve u;vttttxT e/ CITY ATTORNE) t S OFFICE P P y 7 eftarf to rtatiFy the Party to whom this crNffi<ras is l4surd of sue O thanny.or cancrtiottor" but the Cam any HUNI II`WTON 8EACH CA 9264� uattookrfi no tospory w sCbili 6 ranbono tlnro ylalluaotada. v ✓,r Co., etsignetl.•„„.-. _......., ,..»....--.ems A*tt;I`.tt cAttaIts t^,md tit t.4PPl A1:.ki'N104 Aa.'twtstitewfrbsarnalse c• ?#; #t. 2i1 t,*Sw:a�P. 1 ^rxg#f sled #,1>•Ih'ifjry i%.Cvt."s[y"d+gG"t.testrtl}',ff+.#° tt'loar�s.noia;• ehkYtss &artytuD# �. .iankdt!Wr r#I s4�A Ar.^.%y7,ry tttn mcmd'Ito gxCtSSX {trvtas Wtll lye! t 1 S Y ivifigural and three copies of ed tertiheate to: Ay ' ty of Hu"ton Beach Dept. P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 82648 i CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO CITY OFHUNTINGTON BFACr' CALIFORNIA A MUNICIPAL COh TION This is certify that the policies of insurance as described below have been Issued to thex signed and are in force et;his time. If these policies are cancelled or changed in such a manner that wi'.I affe insurance company agrees to give 30 days prior written notice, by mail, to City of Huntington Beach, P. O. B ach, California 92648. _ NImerf insured y � , .7 � 4 `a` 1 f Di Address of l..sured "' �' ``�'1• f 4 , $ I , j "'a y �t�� n r" Location of Insured Operations r Description o{ Operation(71 �l3L CIESIN FORCE POLICY NUMBER Dr LIMITS OF LIABILITY EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION Yorkers Compensation Statutory Employers' wbi)ity 57/O l- {+ rf�f� $ B. Public Liability: $300,000 combi led single Bodily Injury:rr limit p^r occurrence. Manufacturers and Contractor " $ Persor, —Each Comore�ensive Generale, $ Each Accident (including products completed operations) Property Damage S _ Each Accident C. Automobile Liabv'hy: ' Bodily Injury t/ �0so S r i $ +-'�' Each Person ,-,-•r+.-Each Accident Property Damage' , ,rr.« ,r �f-CC �. $ - Each Accident ; r Does policy cover:(Please check at least ones All ownedautomobiles I ) Yes ( I No Non -owned automobiles (,,..) Yes i ) llo Hired automobiles l I Yes f,) No D. Additional Insured, Endorsement: The jnsurer agrees that the City' of Huntington. Beach and its City Council, and/or all City Council appointed groups, committees, commissions, boards and any other City Council appointed body, andjor elective and appointive officers, servants or emmployeeY of the City of Huntington Beach, when acting as such are addition::' insureds hereunder, for the acts of the insured, and such insurance shall be primary to any Insurance of the City of P.mtington'Beach, i E Hord Harmless Agreement: By insured« , • i5igntYural Tho %nsured agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the City of Huntington Beach against loss, daroage or expense by reason of any suits, claims, demands, jud'r-nents and causes of action caused by insured, his -employees, agents or any subcontractor or by any thirdparty arising out of or in consequence of the performance of all or any operations covered by t. a certificate Gf insurance. , 5 F. Remarkxr APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 GAIL HUTTON ;1 .. City Attorney By*.. Deputy City :Attorney Data . " f i _ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATrVE OF INSURANCE COMPANY INSVRANCFI COMPANY BY S'4nata#eafAuthorized RegtesarilaxivelAgent NarnO n 'Adtlrpfs ¢ y ,�w"�K n ur Address f,.'l4 ti" x�.c�,t: uo 7It" r6 M :tlt'SA.tiiL'if je�.G,I`a.✓.i..E�+�.W.+w �s":'/ �F� y,},glb♦s fr�,i Yra+i�. A �Lrja -d ', tFi' e, x tx '; 5 r� ,,,. J iv iR °` "` �°' Y i+5�'Z a - ...F� 'P�4 � �..Mwf�..dL'd �5t1s � r"'�'"'a .t�.�Wb, v, .t�.:. =+pad. 'L�i 7. ., t+A 1 "i ` '+1. � .�• k ;.,�, �".� >F ;(,J� + CONTINENTAL GENERAL INSURANCE BROKERS, INC, �t1F'A`�rF.S AEF�i�D+^ ; CGVEIz .,aKS 721 NO. EUCLID, arc! FLOOR, P.O, BOX 4020 �' �? Aht,�#� Itvi, c�ALIFORMA 92803 Great American ?nsurance Companies Q7f4r 7M(400 ,. Coms ock Insurance Company u D- L. Dougla4 Associates, Inc. 2400 West Ginco zl - K *�k73rSd©C� �vt�nrr itrxd v a x 2t �j'Gq �Gddi a . Gr Eq - fi Anaheim, CA, 92801 x...: lnsurwrtc. t raG 11: .1 Il�,vw 0xe84;.INC, a P C f:+R14,e.cf An:?:, 'CA 91E'iu L'^1 i riru«, t w.hPr ta.3C:i^ (' ! �. , ..r .�, . ,.. Ny. -., s , . n ... f.. , • r, ; t ` r Ysrrrls , All GENERAL UASIUi1' � { BP 2 68 36 29 # 7-1-82lx s. y* ry < 1,04y, A q ' iK 201-�)8690 7 I-82 2,t7t}0, .�,Ci(it3, _ e �f ���i�yT++q`Vti:ra.pNSM {W*WM•. v ,h s....n..+�., . w..nr'SY m!w r v r. .w ... :w a .«_.. . .. .. p a .. v s� �t {` .. TT f RECEIVED A U 3uc3 i 4 ofICE. S , ....3() '�,it�7��.'�X:{�1:55JSX'TCX�[kC�;iCX�Oth`X;�`dA.XK]t;t�wKX�h'X3CSCX.fYJt7yX�X�;.:�?C.`r. " � August 27, 1981 City of Huntington Bead P.O. Box Igo ® jiSwntjrtgtoii Beach, CA 92648 Attn-. Don No6lo, Vui�iin 'Ror#is Sept. RE Q UB"E, FOR CITY UNCL.- ACTS - F June 22., 1981 Date �: Submittedto: Honorable Mayor and City Council }�{;A� It S.. Submitted by: Charles W. Thompson, City Administratorv? AVVLO' D-By CYs.X Prepared by. Paul E. Cook, Director of Public Works :��-------^ Sub!ect Request for Professional Inspection Servic s on t , Bushard Gymnasium Building, CC 538 Statement of lssue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, A ternative Actions, Attachrrants: STATEMLNT OF ISSUE: The Department: of Public Works requests, approval to contract for pro- fessional building inspection services on the Br -hard Gymnasium. RECOMMENDATION: :Approve a professional inspection services contract, not to exceed $15,000, with Donald L. Douglas and Associates, Inc. 2`.NALYSIS ; On June 15, 1981, the City Council awarded. the Bushard Gymnasium contract to Architectural Development Services. Construction of thL5 f-acility is scheduled to begin the first: part of July. Because the gymnasium is being built on a school site, specially certified inspections are regaired by the State Architect's office, Neither the Development Services nor Public -'Works Department have the trained personnel for these inspections. Therefore, the staff is seeking the assistance of a professional inspection service. Based on previous proposals, the City can obtain the needed i,ns;pection services through Donald L. Douglas & Associates, Inc. at a cost of $25.00 per hour, not to exceed $15,000.00. This firm is recommended. are the basis of their legal, qualifications, relevant to inspecting construction activi- ties on school sites, and past performance on. City contracts.. Although funds for these inspection service.:, have been set aside in the project budget, the City is un&�r no obligation to Donald Fs. Douglas if e do not proceed with the project. FUNDING, SOURCE: funds.~ ALTERNATIVE ACTION-. E Deny request and direct the staff to pursue other alternatives. .ATT;ACUMBNTS