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DICKINSON COMMUNICATIONS, LTD. - Huntington Beach Public Cable Television Authority - PCTA - 1971-10-18
. a S ro�ac p� �ceasVrpr o1�u moy, ixd no�U noL_ }x`, u'.mb�cz �� � - -_-^-.' ` _ -. �� _-_-~-_' `� v~ t>�e �oard, �he 9�cma�:uec and �o�iiur u[ ihe 8uihority ,}�nll be 1�� ~ ~_--_~-____ ___-_-_ __-- - a��o1oLo� by Lk� noacd an� ohall be t|/e �,�aoucrr ~,m]�n8iLoro� ' `______-- ~' _ -. ' - � one n� �he me/obec Ci�ion, also appob\(e� by Lhe DoozH. _____� ~ --- . .` S�C�TO� �. P0��R�. �hn �o�hor�Ly �},nll have LJ�o ' - -' ' - - pov,�rs comm*u Lo �>�c xx'w>^", �1��py srL Fozi)/ �n �,�\io/' l o[ ` �his 8�reemun�, Lo w��: c�n800L�ng rcs�acch, yronLing /ronuh�xea^ . . ~ ~-~~~_. ' ' aUminis�raLion of cbaunels alloraLed nr conLract�� �or o<ty, ` ' ��»= --_----_~.. - ~ �Jv �dwnl, puhl�o om�oLy or community usps, n��o�riog, o�o�LruuLing -__~_.~_-~____-_^--__��___-�--_ � an� leaui�g [a�ilitieo [ur uummu�iLy Lelev�siun an�cnna �ymtoms *�th faoiliLles and appoc�enanrea nc�es*ary or onnvenient the�e�oc. , . �be Authuci�y nh�ll Iurther b�ve �he �ower Lo �a�n�atn an� operaLe '` ' facilitieo wh�oh have bmen a�gotcud oc �onsLrooteJ by ibc Xuthor1�y and Lhe [ac�ll�1cs an� �ppuriunano�o noc�ssazy Lh�re�o. 7be �ud�ori�y is heruhy nvthor�zcd Lo �u aIl acLs ncressncy Fnc �he cxerc�oe o� oaid c�mmon p�voca {uc �aid pur�cs�o, inc]u�ing, �ut to ma�p and cnLcr inio conk�acts, to acgo�rp, c�ms�ruuL, monoge, ^l ma�ntain oc oporate any ���V �ys�om and oumnon�caLion nmL*ocks, buildingo, works oc lmprovpmonL� and to aogu�ce/ ho1U o� �ispm�e` o� �rope��y olthin ��angc CounLy, pur�oan� Lo thim 8groonx�nt be_ �� �vcon Lhe �actio� hor�Lo aod any nLhpr �obllc agencieo� to innuc ` � ` ` deb�s, l�abilitle� or ob\1ga�1nm� r��oicod bv t�o coe�olse o/� � -! ' � theae poweos �b1c± �o po� oonat��ute a dcbt/ liobiIi�y oc �bl��a- ,,' r ��� t�on o� tho c Ci�ius, to ob��in [��n�h��os in the un1n�nc�oc~ ` �' � � `' ,�`' ` ' `�~. ate8 areas ����b� �� ��a'�/�,'Lo� ��� ��� >*c ic= � - ~ ' � .' , �� own nam�, a�� ���^�»��lt �1 �o�� i�m� ' �� o��em�n�y. z�x] 1�n���^�/�,�^�:�