tern i into this day or��im
bt e . tho Mtr 04 Hunti e"Ong Boaoh d he Runtim5ton Beach
Fir n nn's Ocnevolent Association.
The City ok Hmtintr
in the Several fire stations located in the City of llaatinw.-Ntou
each MIA under the folio tirif co diti on o s
w hat the location of the plaemont of the talophonep
zhall be agroeable to tho VIVO Uhief.
2. That the type of plxo , wall or handset v shall -be
<:agr eable to the Piro ( ief
, gnat 4-xo be11 �)r born othor than the ell i a the rbon
hani,i be nood aG to cor-C .ic t with fire alam, bee o or h r nna
Suatingrton Beach Fllro -aal s B-,avolei't Association.
. That tuna doposit requirod for shall be
paid by the Duatington Beach Firel!Mn's Benevolent Am000i ti, and
a �' at all Bream , feed or charg-as shall bo paid by
the MAntinGton Beach Fireman I C B nmwrolennt osoci4tie .
7. Mat uaae of tho tei.e bo nes aall U restrixted to
private nano og the firemon.
G. IlMat no busineaz calls for & v member of the Piro
Dopnartmont ohali be made or n* eei ed over tho tolep!zouee.
aha U pay all costs e`er moving or eloca�1,0YA 09 t emu se
by altorationu or movimqr; of a fire station.
T,�Ua F oroamont ml; all bo for an iudoftaito porlod and may be,
See. Fixo=ml s Aoanav ream son . xR