HomeMy WebLinkAboutL. P. LEAVITT P.E. AND ASSOCIATES - 1980-03-04i A GR;esE'I'iEtdT TKIS, AGREEMENT, made and entered Into thi.* � day of 3. , by and b t,(sen the CITY OF HURTINW11011 B ACA, �« CALIFORNIA a municipal corporation of the State tea' California, rr hhereinafterrYeferred to as uITXaand L. P> Leavitt i'.` < :. and Associates , hereinafter refereed to as CONSULTAW. Sole Proprietorship RECITALS s` Tbo City Council of C111`Y is authorized to enKage the Rer- F` vices of a professional en ineer for the performance of necessary ngineet'ing errii -a=t ror and on behalf of CITY; and It is necessary and desirable that profestzi:onal engineering services be pecrorned roe 11411-TY as more specif'ica?iy described in the Request for Prof oral fa', Ei1. s DLIawi�re Smer and Wor6hes::-ter!`lox i sto� drat.-, sttrv. services , borei.nafter referred to as PROJECT. Said proposal i; a:ttacl: d hereto, narked Exhibit "A", and by �i.a reference. Ineorporated herein, and made a part hereof. 00PSULTAW small have a high degre:, of speelalized training and experience and shall have all neaegaery licenses therefor, to praoti.co and perform, the services herein contemplated, and CONSULTANT agrees to perforM the engineering services neces- ary for this PROJECT anti 01TY bereby employs CONSUL -TART tcc perform. the following ser- vices as regt'i.red by PR=GT and CONSULTAi agr'4ea to provide those ser•vi.ce$ In aadordar04 Wit A reOO nixed standards of the engineer- Inengineer- Ing pro 'essiona, and ��:pa No official or e-ployee of CITY has a financial interest in the subject matter of this agreement contemplated within the provisions of Californll-a Government Code Section 1090-1092; and CONSULTANT warrants that I'%' s174a2". perforri the zerrices herein, contemplated in compliance with the California laws related to minimum hours and wages (California Labor Code Section 11711, et seq.), Occupation, Health and Safety (29 D.S.C. 651 et seq., and the California Labor Code &�.ction 6300 et. seq.), and fair employment practices (29 ty,-S-C. 201 et seq., and Cali- fornia Tabor Code Section 1410 et seq.) to the extent Same are applicable herein; and The parties hereto desirk., to set Vorth their right., duties and liabilities in connection with the services to be performed under this PROJECT, NOW, THEREFORE, It is agreed b.o CITY and CONSUL11MNT as follows: SECTION 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE: (a) CONSULTANT shall provide all snginoeririg services as described in 1xbi`bit "P.'" includ!ng but not limited to surveyz, Inves-t-igationq, consultations and advi-, , and any other miscellaneous engineering services req,.-ired to complete the aseig=ent as out- lined in Z',tbbit "A". (b) CONSULTAN"r shall attend and assist in a'.11 coortlination 00 CONSUILITANT Shall designate a registered oivil engineer who shall represent it and be Its sole contact and agent in sal a-onsultatiots with CITY during fulfillment of the terms ot, t"llis Ag SECTION 2. DISPOSITION OF PLANS, ESTIMATES AND MER DOCU-- k CONSULTANT agrees that all original drawings, resort.s, bogs field at,., office notes, calcu-ations, mp tea and other documents , jA prepa.r�i pursuant to this agro,�-ment shall become the sole property of CITY End shall be turnedover to CITY upon completion of g y E%'MO d 3. DISCRIMINATION y: Cti .S ILTANT agrees that in the performance or the ter .z of � this agrees e it, it will not engage in, nor peemit its agents to engage .' discrimination in emplo"r ent of parsons tecause of pace, religious greed, color, national origin, ancestvy, physical handi- cap, medical condition, marital ztatuz, or sex of such persons, ge t as provided in eution I49tt of the California 14 vabor Coe Violation of thi:a provi.aioo may result in the imposition of penal- ties referre6 to In Division 2, Part 1, Cba ter 1 of the California Labor Co,, ,q- E!;TMI It '.'F. IFICATIO!T, CFFE9,SF,40W) PARMUSS; CONSULq!! I T hereby agrees to defend, Indemnify and hold CITY, its offtcerr, agents and employees, harmless, f=om and against any ` and. all liability, damage-8,, costo, losses, claims and e €penseo, proximately oauseci or In connection with CONS€ LTAMI S negligent or lfrOngrul acts In the per.fo,.,manse of This agz , :-,ment (i.ncl txding but not limited to such liability, cost, damage, lass, claim or expe,s'e arising from the d�atb or injury to an agent or employee ,If CON- subcorltractor:r or of CITY or damage to the property �a M x of CONSULTANT, his subcontractor or CITY) , except- where sucA liability, damages, costs, losses, claims or expenses are caused solely by the negligent or wrongful acts of CITY cr any of its agents or employees including negligent am`issions or commissions of CITY, its agents or employees, in connes:tion with the general supervision or direction of the word: ;o be performed hereunder. SECTI'C.: 5. WORKERS' ';C,•»PE"NSSATIOI CONSUE,TANIT shall comply with all of the provisions of the WorkerE' Compensation Insurance <aM R`fery Acts of the State OP California_ the applicable prc)v.;;ions of Division 4 aged 5 ' f the California Labor Code and all amendments tbex ato; and all simll.lar state or federal acts or laws applicable and shall indemnify and hold harrAlesz CITY from ani against all claims, demands, payments, t suits, actions, proceedings ar,4 judgments of every nature and description, including attorney's fees and costs presented brought or recovered against CITY, for or on account of any liability for failu o to obtain Workers' Conperksata-:ni Insurance for employees employed under this agreement- CTION 05.. 1,,1430RANC CO' BUL'"JUI agrees to furnish to CITY, in a form. acceptable to the City Attorney, and �raintain in farce until the �ompletrora of PROJtCT -a general liability insurance policy in wh1ob CITY is named- as an additional insured,. The policy shall insure CITY, its of"fl- eery and employees h-ile ga ting within the scope of tho-i.r duties for the ae'ts or oni,ssi ores of CslNSULTATIT in connection with 'PROJECT, ` .ho policy shall provide for not less than the rol l:owi,ng 4 amounts: Combined single limit bodily injury and/or property aamage of $300, 000 per occurrence. Such policy of insurance shall specifically provide that any other insurance carried bj CITY which may be applicable shall be deemed excess and CON- SULTANT'S insurance primary despite any conflicting provisions �x;€ in CONSULTA.3T t S policy to the contrary. SECTION 7. INDEPENOSNT CONTRACTOR: It is further understood and agreed that CONSULTANT is and shall be, acting at all tithes as an independent contractor hereir and not as an employee of CITY. CONSIULTAN'.: shall secure at Its expense, and be responsible for any and all payment of income tax, :social security, state disability insurance compensation, unem- ployment compensation and other payroll deductions for CONSULTANT and its officers, agents ana onployees, and all business licenses, ,} if any,, in connection with the services to be performed hereunder, SECTION R„ CITY STAFF A >SISI'A2rW'E CITY shall assign a staff" coordinator to work directly with CONSULTANT iyyn��conn��eec'���t]y"�i°o:[s`ryrywith of xel: �s agreement, ,. .. � �Twork ��}the SP50TION ,7t k�RQ ISTO. FO.R Zk: .i. k�1.i;/NT: ': •. Teti consideration of the performance off' the above described engineer -Ins se:,viae , CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT an :amount based upon the fee schedule breakdown as set .fvrtn below: ? is FEE SCHEDULE BREAKDOVM Payment for engineering; sery res shall be as set forth in � this agreement and outlined in the TRequest for Proposal and shall be based upon -the following hourly rates, but shall not exceed � 1,800.00cr per hour Trio imn survey_ crew $$60.00 per hour Office Engineering (if required) $30.00 per hour n Y per hour ' a: per hour f , r hour _ Per hour SECTION 10. EXTMA WORK: (a) In the event of authorIzati,on, In writing by the. City Engineer, of changes from the work as Irlictated in Exhibit "All or � ror other written permisalon authorizing ad41itional work ,not core-4 templated herein, additional compeneation shall be allowed for such �+ work, uo lonZ as the prier written approval of C111 Is obtained; K„ (b) CONIS LTANT shall submit monthly invoices which spaeify the area where work was zompleted and the associated time for com- pletion to the City EnZi.neer for approval. Mork performed, at the request of CITY, outside the limit~ specified in 0=is agreement is to be deslgnate t as "EXTRA WOf( "` on monthly invoices. Work per- formed in connection with an authorized wi.rtten change order will be so designateed.on said Wit Ym./ice M . a SECTION 11. TERMINATION OF COXTRAVX": w All work shall be dory, in a good, and workmanlike manner, and 5 4 CITY reserves the right to terminate services hereunder by written notice at any time with or without ca4se, end W-•ether or not P10-- IFJECT hasbeen fully completed. Any tertb;'ir r�j . eof, and any t. spi-cial instructions hi3 ,reun'der from be made by 'n4 L Lltxough the City Engineers and 11n wr:. wbioh may be delivered � } i# person to CONSULTANT Q:, nailed through the normal course of v ma.'Ai.l to its now-establ.isbed b$.isiiieso, address, In ® ie. event this c agreement iz eancell,ef, all. Drawings, dezii,ns, and kc appurtenant data may be u6ed by CITY without additional vosv to CITY. Shoal.d CITY dei,Idp its terminate thz:� ak-reement. for any reason, -04NSU')r11ANT shall be entitled to pa;=ont1 on an hourly ` bazis in acaordanm e with this rate sehedtzl.e hereinp 'for work con- %' pleted krior to written n>otifieation. �ti"u�y A.F.�Y �5w k '4 R.��'�C1#t'�"yM.e.•�CA\w is This 4greement is a peraonal sfz'rvi.� e contract and the ',-upe'r- visor work hereunder shall not be do -legated to any per,oij or entity without the consent of ICITY. S GTI01 13. ADDITIONAL CONSULTAVI- agrees that no regular enPXOyee of CI13Y shall be employed by its firm during the time t#fat this agreement is in 74 . .'IGIFP�IbCd+Hd�Lr.S.e+ Sd'i.t..u:.awea:biiNS:t'aLlfA+,tLrtisue.. .... ... a,sEO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agree- ment to be etecuted by and through their authorized officers on the day, month and year first above written. CONSUL'fAM Municipal corporation er ATTEST- APPROVED AS TO POM City At orneyrISVIUMD AND APPROVED: IrUTIATED AND APPROVEY: or Pu 6,r ,s -�- February 1, 1980 Gentlemen:r Re: Request for Proposals for Professional Services; Ellis Avenue Sewer CC-512 and $ ,G Yor-;,f.)wr: W'orchester Storm Drain CC-509 The City of Huntington Beach is accepting proposals for the furnishing of professional sf surveying services required to descrgn two projects, One is the construction of a sanitary sewer mein to be located in Ellis Avenue, east of Delaware Street and the other is o - storm dro.n project -acated in Yorktown Avenue and Worchester Lane, both os shown on the attached maps. Your firm is invited to submit o proposal. is Tt?e purpose of the sewer is to eliminate on existing pwr,p sWion in Delaware Street nortta of Ellis Avenue and the storm drain is needed to 4"eviate a localized iloo&ng t problem in the existing drainage system. Therefore, the construction of moth projects '4' must be underway as soon as possible. The selection of a consultant for '(his project will be based on the following: l I. Familiarity anJ prior experience with this type of project. 2 Ability of the consultant to complete the required surveying by A 1 parch 21, 1980. r: The scope of the work to be performed by the consultant will include, but is not limited follcr.-vina: I. All re.cessary surveying for the design and preparation of the plans. See the attached maps for the limits of the projects. The City will provide the surveying rxcessa� y for construction after the construction contract is awarded. 2. The survey shrill include: taj Profile elevations of the ci nterline of tine streets or easements at 25 feet intervais and at grade breaks ark street intersections. (b) Flow lions of main times and laterals cnd:rim elevations of storm drain and sewer mar:holes inclung sewer lift .static: %cA well. k i next page, please .. ......... AZT "Axe. Rea ,vest for Praposals -2- February 1, 1980 (c) Top of curb and flow line elevations of curb and gutter of 100 feet intervals. Include elevations of cross guttei flow lines. (d) - Catch basin flow line-- of entrances and of inlet/outiet pipes. (e) Complete topc,� -aphy within s�r�et and easeme. right--of-woy (poles, signs, frees, landscaping, valves, rriaMoles, fire hydrants, cross gutters, curb and gutter, sidewalks, etc.) The City wi!I be responsible for providing all available existing informaCwl, sV'--h zs f:es, betichmarks, existing improvement plans, etc., and furnish constructicz svrve'/ing. In your proposal for this project, please include the following: I. A list of shTillor projects whirl( you have p7eviovs'ly completed, <,ivivl location, cost and at—ncy. 2-- A proposed schedule for implementation and completion of the projeci 3. A list of personnel who would be assigned to the project with a brief resume of each including recent projeoft they ,4ave been associated with and in what capacity. The City's standard form agreement for professional services is attached to inform you of insurance and other miscellaneous requirements, Although convelitive bidding will tiritbe used us Q basis for ov..,ording this professional services agreement, please include your fee in the proposal. Expre.,s the fee in a seiedulle showing your hourly rates with a fix maximum amount for the project. Following receipt and review of all proposals M­submi tf edj'the - sultants thought to be most qualified may be interviewed prior to final selection. Ot yi-xi are Interested in submitting a proposal for these services, it shovId be sib; muted to The City's Public Works Department by February 20, 1980,, Identify the proposal with the st,tatioo 'ItIlis Awmue Sewer, York town/Worchesttr Storm Drain, Attentiont, Bill Potepo ff Shcwld you required additional information, contact Mr. Bill Potapoff of the Department of Ptibhc works at (714) 536-5519. sircerely, haul Ct*k Director of Public Works PC,,WAPzb At lochme0s �y xas.�rx � ,.a'` .--..+—.-y a�..{{«..._. ��++. �,{({�..,�..w......,-=•...�—....-. aµ n �-,��--trw.a ;t7r* r {/� SI avid ♦ri}��s 5 :J ", � 4,Yh� a3) � �Ay. r uFGF -R�, Mi-CD �,1' W-Aµ'" j1 j tA XT,; iYf }'Q k il� �Yw Y! i , y Ri J)�... CF-F3 r Y a £►. RG a5 4 ., l.ae a -k F„li i a 9- y4G, � ;t "''' �"'ua r s ft9 ,a A11 a y Y Pt �v b VR t #u i.i�aj� 'f7l' F`- -4=.'..,.�.r. r- ,...... ..�-..--.,,..�.i a ., „ ' *"�. ..'.,..✓^'^'" :� ,lc a y' ��*yy t Y�+r� ry i .. A d l- i"i p z Ca j, h ,�.%h t }• d •t i •a< 1 i PA-01Y41 RJ `6t Mr I "(tip t .,e ., :I � a , '=? 1z� .t 3Ps^. P,. f' oi7.6', YY� •� i CCtt..cc R rA2 r R2 aa! 4i11£"" AA i i ELLI AVi SEWER , 'e'``O DEL WARE ..� 7: i —51 rA GARFIE,D Asw R2-PD fit It C4 CF-E I" P�—j tlRi ,R R, lit Fd Ri ....... ....... RI 14 C 4 R, p 31- 61 f Rl # Rt pi RI Ri Rl i 656 L, r ca ES 41 T' Fit 43 c 2 C2 L P' k AVS yol?KTO 4 VE -k WN ,�,WORCHESTER LN. STOR I DRAIN I t r t � a :G -- '�5 12., STATE COMPENSATION PA BOX 807, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFx"I.,RNIA94101 iPASURANCE fi FUN . CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE Thus, is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers` C:on^>,c.nsation insurance polity in a forma aoltroyed by the California Insurance Comrnassmner to the employer named bklo%v for the policy period indicated. This policy is III subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon ter. days" advance written notice to the employer. We will also give you TEN hays' advanre notice should this policy'40 cancelled prior to its normal exp�rataon, This certificate of inturance ;s not an insurunco, Policy and doe's not amend, extend or alter tfw curie€W afforded by the policies listed herein. Notwithstanding any tegwrernent. term, w condition -of any contract or other document with respect to which thii certificate of i isurdnee may be i51'iiad or may pertain, the insura-xe afforded by the policies described herein is subject to ali the terns, mclusions and i �tditions of such policies. lr�t'1fSY£t? .r""' �iiESiC?��a7' soil P:pwint cr<'iigXt tip. rs.xat bupLACATE L�4) 41o.-r at and three copies of Irmile to. t ch �, tirt bOS6, C'ahfornta 92M zaP� CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO CITY OF HTINTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ,istributron— ..0 Origon?i - 'Originating Dept. After APPrvvat tietlow - R,*. Manager EY Cny AttyrneY Punk •- tatty clerk Gobi — City Attorney This is to certify that the policies of insurance as described below have been issued to the insured by the under- -iigned ano to in force at this time, if these policies are cancelled or changed in sud. a manner that will affect this certt gate. the insurance company agrees to give 30 days prior written notice, by mail, to City of Huntington Beach, P. 0. Box 1.90, Huntington Beath, California 92648. Name of Insured L. P. '-FA' TT AN As,t(j" rTATF Address of Insured 1621 E. 17th $tY-eet. San nc , Ca1 i fnrni a 9 701 Location of Work or Operations tube performed City of Huntington Beach 1?escription of Wort. ar Operations F71 i Av#nnUe S r - I GPM -Dain ra- cnn POLICIES tNFORCE POLI,C*lNUMBER EFFECTIVE EXPIRATIONilh;iTSt?FLIAFrILtTY A. Workers Compensation Statutory Emplovers` Liability S *ShOMWIpM combined singh, B. Public Liability. Bodily fnjuryt limit per occurrence. Manufacturer- and CA4W Corno-actors (D 419287 5-24-79 5-24-80 S Each Parson Cornpmhensave General 1�1 S * Each Accident (including products completed optrratians Property Damage S ,_ Each Accident C. Atftorrlalxile Liability - (Where stytccebisl Bodily Injury S * Each Person 5 Each Accident Property Damage � S Each Accident Do*-$ policy Coirv—, Ipler t cb*& at I east one) Ali owned autoovibilat ( ) Yes f X) No Nowovmed autamob las i X) Yes ( ) No Kred; autornoblies ( } Yes ( X) No At teastooe box mu" he r eb" iaod'YE5 if automobiltt insrprtznee apotas. 0. Additional Ititured Endorsement, The insurer, agrees that the City of Huntington Beach and its City Council, and/or all City Council appointed groups,. committees, cornmrssions, boards and any other City Council appointed body, and,lor tlectivc and appointive: officers, servants or emt'Aoyees ref Vte WW of Huntington t"ach, when acting as such are additional Insureds hereunder, for the actsof the. Insurer(, and suclt insurance shall be !urinary to any insurance o he City of 'Huntington teach E, Hold Harmless Agreement: By lnsureoT t -- 45+pnatoi ttl The insured "rtas'm firote;zt,, defend, Indemnity and save harniless the City of Huntington Beath against lass, damage or upenr4 by .rec€son of any suits, claims, demands. judgments and causes of action caused. by insured, his employees, agents or oily subcontractor or by any third party arising out of or in, consequence of the performance of all or any operations covered by the certificate of insurance, 'a B No withstanding •any it Uirement, tvm, or :ataalition, of poy corttr*vt or other doctf, APPROVED ,AS TO FORM: tt,erit with $"met to whisf* this ceivllicwo or of mum may ba jimtod GAI L HUTTON ;y tel: "ten: the inswarn* aflotdeat by fix pok,—es tirskribad hwinn it yubyect rot all City no ts+tsw icfstsiorlg 4�ori4stiaos of "WA riorcraes, Deputy City Attorney Pw,. ,.. Out � . 1986 AU7'.FlQRIZ11D ` PR5SENTAT1V'E OF INSURANCE COMPANY NUIAANOk COMPANY By �d ruiTss rfil Address 11 kTM 83U*71 w _l l fi L,�i� i�wJrrx tlr>� ' c1K mperdsAlrro8i PO. BOX 807, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94101 CITY ATTORNEY e N S v R a"c i;r ClPf OF HUNTfi`I,;TON x FEB 23 19$Z , February 19, 1982 AM IaIK CERTIFICATE OF WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE POUCYl WASER. 553750-82 MfMFICATr EXPIRES- 2/ W 3 City of Huatingoon Beach P's is �xisk Manager �QpRQVi;A Q. Box 711 H J... •.•.... Huntington Beach, California 926�a8 city �c�osne'J 'This Is tocertify that we have issued a valid Wo4er''s CompGnsalion Insurance policy in a foam approved by the: Csflfcfnfa Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below, for they policy period indicated. This policy is not subject to cancellation by die Fund except upon ten day%' advance written notice ac the employer. We will also give you TEN days" advance notice should this policy be wriceli4 prlor to its normal exairatiw. This Certificate of Insurance Is not an insurance Policy and Goes not anrend, extend or alter the roverage afforded by the policies listen herein, Notwitt;standing any requir went, teerz, or ton it4cr, of ,any contract or other document with �spoct to which this certificates of insurance may be issued or may ptsrrain, the nsurance afforded by the policies described herein Is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such ptrlecles EMPLOYS9 PSeSII)ENT y91..ik h.11 +, ,d �t :W9tt,.11'rrt+T.u°.,%, TAT CC1MPENSAi ION ROC BOX 80'. SAN Fr`iANCISCO C' MFC RNIA q4101 Iry SuRANGV CERTIFICATE OF WO iKERS' CC7MPENSATION INSURANCE Febr.:uax 25, 1980 City of Huntington Beach P 0 Box L90 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Attn: Alicia M. Wentworth City° Cleric T.tt.S a v'4 4E t'f9?4' !',ut tht. f,,. V:Told lmw'311ce Gam-Ir"'ta i2ngr to sfmz *talnei ?i:; .r 4c 9 rP..,w., s. " :'4 1>z.r ?tj This p" "Z ' ;a ? 3� stub n T "t � �R ':fi 3f _sn kt' hp r�6; � 8 X €',t"q � J � ,� t a � rc2 tt,� F'' . `� a,.a#p �` t.Jr,f3C'..i G'}`r;?4w . ti."•<C QO tfvc...'*t*t,6a-")yla5, is rx>Zy3 4rtyRitt'.Ai>27?, �iiUS '1!'f�f?'3if�' ti�' s:Ti:15:3;'t';,f' ss €'t34 Yi, SS..>�:f.3 ,t` r%r'=Y� � al;•;ti f:,,f , e".sr i:�'8i'^«,. P�'CfL' 67f d�K4't tk� t;RiaCxw"�fl? 1�fG'i#:�.""� �.1}+'!�7�.' 001"Cies 11sred lipt, i`s•;l7$?'.3 f:Cd l y C4°9ia'`" Sl "`,., p,rsYF of d ? s'a ^[ * m t3llm", dof",EifTent wilt Copert to whr h th:. kxvT�' Iv. 1;RCj „e ^t y ;W"a:3' I4'a: "it4 . ''`a affordh. `d hi me r)(01C.les '#�i£x�i9�".t'.� �Ynl�i4S «$L.�yE'=Sl�'�f. � { [File fit'^t]'A3, 13%r. R"si i5a✓,3%. "�s,:,,,.`::,�.5 s 's fC�'r StGI" da., x�"�4. 2-11-80/2-11--81 **rew application** -------� s 4 ` COMPSNSATION P.O,'BOX 807, SAN FRA.NCISCO, C-aLtFU-MA 94101 FUND J CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS* COMPENSATION clNSUPA,NCE- Fehr ary 25; 1980 ��•u ; City of: Huntington Beach F Q Box 190 Huntington teach,, CA 92648 Attn: ' A ^let.,, k&t87tiflSEh t City Clerk w This is to certify th*t we have loved at valid Workers' Cwapetnsation rnsurann:e policy in a fotm approved by the California InsurarscR Commmioner to the ermploVa named below for the policy period indkated, y wfi This policy is not subject ;.a carw,04tion by the Fund except upon teen city*' MIvance written na bm to the employer. We fall also give you TEN cla"' advtnov noth.* >hwW this policy be canoelErd prior to its normal expiration, This certil"te of insurance ix not an insurance policy and dos not amend, extend or alter the uoverxge ;iflotiled by the�"� .^ policies listed 'herein. Notwith=ending any requireroeotw term, ar ccxWiti4w) of any contract or other dotunnont with r,tslwt to %Nch this cenificata of insusanca may €w issued or may pertain, the insurance alfwled by the pobizies described herein Is subject to all the Xernts, exciuslons and conditions of saxh polioct **new application** EMPLOYER L.P. Leavitt & .Arise, 9724 Blandwood bowney, CA, 90240 -*CIF f 0414, 20.-A JAI *V. a411y a aorol � COVERAGES A-4-001AT1 11Vl1iXMIT415TWXORS & '-INSUY.'9ANTZe E� .. COMPANIES AFFORDING twine, ca'Yorvis U '$ "' OMMERCIAL UNION INSUtL NCE CWANY Phana (714) L -037 7-17 .. .off „�,✓✓ l�r,, M L.R. LE VIT & ASSOCIATES 9724 B1anNood Downey, Califtmiia 90240 r r Y , 'w.r ;,pew rY L eII.:;S:tY ts•r •Ytt 133a,nsid� �� GENERA.. VABICil - p CAW 47 42 87 5/24/82 .a> AUTWASSUE AS A, 300 ,. EXCESS C�ALi.Gx .... a EkYPLOIUiS0, g6 ttt .., p RECEIVED Y{ 50, CITY OF RUNT NO TON BEACH flay 27, IWT .� Ruat1p#rujt teach, California 92 wry -en <. Hail irtvarri rF p ,V��; %.,��.�fti'u,/7rcry l� REQUEST" FOR CITYIL TItit-P ( ubmitted by Paul E. Cask. DirectorY�" Department Public Works .. Date, Prepared Februar�t 21 19 80 Backup Material Attached [ " 11 No � Subject ELLIS AV'k"NM 5 11R AND Y4RKWVN1 W10R T-SM ST004 DRAIN CC-512 .and CC-509 City Administrator's Comments � �'i'R�l'F t i3 X i` 3t COUNCIL Apprvtte as recomme ded z Statement of tssue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions; 5i'A'I'BW tap' ISSUE Proposals were stftitted to the City on Fe'imary '10, 1980, for the design survey of the F,11is Avenue Set}e;r and Yothm iorcb"ter Sto Din. IRICOtMATIM 1. Accept the proposal :fron, L.P. 'Leavitt M. and Associates for a fee not to exceed; '. Authorize the execution of a professional service agreerent, On Vebnxuy 4, 1980, the City Council authorized a -request: fog proposals Fran consulting sur yovs for survey needed to design the Ellis Avenue sewer and; the Yoxktom/ vorchester storm brain. Proposals were received frow tLe follordng fivis— L. P. Leavitt P- 15. d Assocz�tes 1,800.00 Nall. and Foronan, Incorporated Z,SZ0.00 MG 14igineering, Incorporated 3,660.00 iWtge Engineering and Construction Co. 4,880.00 Arian and ifzlless, f-ncozporntz-J 5,500.00 Our estamate fo the survey teas $,500.00- Based on a; review of the proposals, it is recownfle& that L.P. 1.4a ri,tt P.D., and Associates be azvpTded the design project_ Ellis ,avenue Sel,Aer 00-00 (Serer zrzd) y0rktrkqnA0rch0st6r S.D. 1,000.00� (Drainage District 71 Bold 1x00�ii 141vo ad4t oaA City staff to perfaxzu the survo�y for the pro ect� REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Paul E. Oook Public wDrks Submitted by Department 'Date Prepared January 24 , iB 80 Backup Material Attze;hed E] Yes (] No Subgect. Ellis Ave. Suer & Yorkto rr,/worchestQr Storm. bran; CC-512 & CC-509 City Administrator's Comments Approve as recommended, �.,•...��_t.s�„'_ Statement of Issue, Recommendation, Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative 1kctions: 6tatement of Xssue s r xn order to design the Ells Avenue .seem-r and the Yorktaar► W)rchester storm drain. Due to the. current ;,rarkload, the Ci y's survey cLw cannot perform this work at this td. .Rewnrended Action: AutFoxize a re t for Proposals from connmD unq sut.-v%-ors for the survey named to design the Ellis Ave. sewer and die Yvrktowrolorchester storm drain. �Areal i.s: is Ave. sewer is a `;Wgete�i capita. itt�az�uE�nt � for �e current fiscal Y- and is to he oanstructed so that the Delaware serer lift station can be eliminated. This project was identified in boat the Keith and raoay tester Plan reams as being a necessary link in the City' s sew syst _ Zie YorktowmA src:hester storm drain, which is the naxzk'ser° one priority storm draw prriect. Misted. in the L.D. isting 95.ster Plan. of Drainage, v.Ill replace an existin5 ur4ersi7,edl cavert ar4 catc%t. basin Both projects shocad, be zar<neyed and, designed very soon so that o=,trsacticn can start. follaoi nq t:he` � �dny season and be oaVleted prior to r4xt year' s rair�j-je-ason. 71t n-Otives: W j Wi to c City suers so that: the surveying ran be doze "in house"` in the im irate futaare. () Pose `fie proj is utatil, the City survey mew can schedule the =ic. This would man dolayiN the project for a ye4r* ' Ste:;F " 5, 0,, Seams fti4 hag $2.7 r4llian on deposit. TgA-ta xVWOr st sty Dr�ao n $3 j %o, Drainage Diis i ct /1's bal an i6 $220, 00 . Total tat�ted vost zor survey i $8 500 y -C/ a f ratx�csr Ao u- t w. C4, f31_A �n {� [-� (ii �Qt ¢� ktll' 3 •`: a. ,{ � Ia 11 i�ldry ,.J �.:,a,,,js�{y, { �µ} Rb�; ml Mt{�➢ � � � td 54 n '+.�ri tx Y# �.,�`w �� c q+.y akxs ml- •. ..fWrd..�AMex wnme+'+b w �� a 0Psr�wxw.. i. m PA . k �+t�srces _ � � r•a • ,54,''M1 0 A RYE i RI at Rt I } Rt FD 3 Rl iil Rl 3 e { R1 t Rt ,. t= a # RlRA! k. Rl C+'�... 1 �Rt rp-3 i�'t �i�`� Rt R1Ef 3 Rl� Rlj{�j It C'"d Rt a Rt az t a t at { Rl e 1 Zx Rl R 3 i RI �� S xw, f � tx 4 r Rt � � t% .. � � � `�w._'- � t • Rl LOG i A P3 w>•tp�vinKr . q ...w_,^Mt,�.�.:..,.:......._.,. ,�,..... .,. 5^A' R! "[ t �• «rnse'st*m+t ., *a RC 5" ....w...,++ 3 , e . R! Rl ...tryry RG. Rt., IR�a9, C F E R! h . cry s tit � R ,...,. �•,. R! t R RI k"tA t Rt�c g f+ r'�_s �! ,� :Y'"vx 'w, R, T...,';..; �rJ�.....�w,..,.+�—ay'".., " Q°� • t p k�+1t,#T' �� � Rt •J R# l5�1�{� Rl }!t RI Rt # Rl « t No Rl Rf yyttt Rl t r e R! + r {1 G GC xxjlw. R! R! A! c R# Rl rAd J AVE fi AtzS DRAIN