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h ,q xe o 4` tr h i',.Nt' �V t, ,. _� "� ,rAt " 2sY;ti3'3Str£e'^ Gh - _ .. ,1''.. .r r:�„�J .,�; ..-� ._7#'. ...+.
t i uik
t �
l 't relative '�o trie' complet: on of the nvironmental '.Tmp�.et stuay of .,'
the 2500 'trees.
2, ' The LAndscape l chi iect agrees to' hald 'those ,
, t
necessary meet"3ngs and;eonferOno -with the Director of.•F'ublie
` iro4rA6nta Resources to det'erm�he:
forks and°t ,e Direct`ar o�'�� Fnv ,
u direction ,and ;design consideratioai in the prepratiori'of` the' "
Environments:l Impact Report.
3. The Landscape �irchit.ect shaiY: make a;n aerial
infrared, survay of th,1 trces, d$.Ve1op. the film$, and prepare a.report
of information-'from such
- ' 4... ' mhe Landsca�e Ai.chit eat.. :shall also n<ake a buck
and white Serial infrared and sh4ll ph,bto-montage it ,suitE�ble for
duplication by a bIlueprinting machine far purposes of e6va: uatipg
tree 'spectrierxs i
5. 'Che .Landscape Arphitoet shall prepare ,a complete`
Environinerita•1 :impact Report which s]rall' be. prepared ,o City standards r ,
and shall.-bc Aceep. able hY the(,`City `Council. /R
6. Tt 1-5 the ' te!TiV of .the Landscape A�.eh tect to
show how a: tree 'pro am, be in tiate' phasing out those defec-
ti�rc trees,, and sys;temat ca11y replacirfg ti'��m, .over s sic �f.) yea, r '`
period. This ,is ileo'ess-ary as, in the Lii nds6ape `Ardhiteat's opinion; t
rf* the di�^lage beirxg, done 'to the trees: and i;o the curbs° and sidewalks
will aot alloy, these 'Ores to 'survj.4e f,).r a'•50 to 100 year span of tr,:
` time.` Therefgre,, It is,.-necessary to set aiaout a reforestation of
this particular area.
7. dart : f the, consultant'a Work wi11 not c,nl3r rM .
include the firs,, .year°s study which ie t6 b' done, ;but a, systematic
+Z'!�t'lriu'M. .,. tea.-.mr+rra.: n-T-.- r�.r,{+•'xb..r.-w Ivtij�y�+r+�+r .rw. .}y ....y Wu/7
�a��..p 'y
� Wu/7� { �' D• 'l
�I r LPL ate. - •--'-t ._,�=.-'—' , 1 s"s � ,. '9 s ��f},b n, '�' i ���.
� t =`-'" iT l� a }u Ce€Y_ � r o �,� v { �\ •.,'i � � ,1 6;
M' •ik✓f " 4� - +,.4,..witixi ii�+::®a... 'a ®IAYIJir'siiirN..�e• __ •.�`l 0 " 1, a r�i�� i`lf$, ..y
tF j k.•p #�til � l� ...` r � ��� i .;�f . , :�j t ri .? xt i ` .' R •�,_
r j �
' a
f .
restudy ,of the trees' from the year December 19"7:� '.to, De.dembe°r, '
1976. Infrared photos and documentations will be taken of the:
grove during this five (5) year span of time. Therefore, the
o Environmental Impact Report shall cover a five (5) .year period,a
8. City's responsibility shall be;
a. To provide tract map with information on the
'tree 'grove' .obtained to date.
b To proV*i d e a responsible City: employee to a4t .
as a City Repre.senta,4ive: during this five '(5) year period
e�. To 'eoordill ate meetings with 'the consultant.
d. To designate :area of trees to be studied.
FLAT FEE 5s0o.0.00
a: Retainer 1,000 00
b.' 50% complete. Envi rp amentel. Impact
sta'tement,, .aer_-14ls,_ ;Lnfr&rOd and A
black and white; completed 1,'OQ0.0:0,
;c. Completion of Environmental Impact
Statement and City's '.acceptance 1 a 00.0,.,00, . :+
d: Infrared 15hdtos and report It
197' 500,00 �i
.1974 50.0..J0
1976 500'.,60
TOTAL FEE 5000..00
10., Time is of the: essence in this Agreement. All time
sche.d t es' will be inet',- unless extensions -are granted by the City
in wb iting.
3.� . This Agreement ray be terminated by the City upon
. wili.t.teli not1ad to. Landscape Architect, in which "event Landscape
li'l g w ig,111011 pill-pa-uh
Architect- shali b Paid a prolra t a, fee which shrill aompensate':him
for the work then perlyormed by him, pursuant* to this nen
gre,e; s
X, determined by the pa ties.may be r
IN WITNESS WH8RkQr-,,,"the partieshereto have= c6used,this '
Agreement- 'to- be- executed;;on '"the
, ,t,..he'L'da.t.e first above written.
a m:anic3pal corporation
ATT Aur:javVtED A- T
9� GLER ASS�3y chard
a r.
1 1
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` PAUNC14ADt NaSTkATd dO!!f��i�f��l��p►`f1C1N
GA' ,-80
Iju INGTON'fif %
Tne Hox�ox b]a TK or 'and ' i�ram; r , y:�lctm�n�strao
it Ccius�cd Me*�ers'ti,
5ub'e�t Sx;EET �`RDD 1�,.S LACEtMO� Ds2e ' ,/ f
G r DeGtlbcr : ' 197 2
PRO RAC r 'WIRQ a�t1V�A�
A , ached 1s' . _ progrsea ag i TR. n ?tfT
-ia vey of. �, �D . xee 3 aid propeise oat; t:oxing e`, d.,cowiplhte
r si�cp�emna7 Teets '+awer. a ��r �;;`ss ;�:p oc�. 'hIs nor
prgp sad �xacludes a �y temat�c.scaen�:���at';:met�ed eta deierm%`i�e �
tie ea t i,a d vJit' a11ty of�;trees: and��������� �ilie'�sc:C�u��t�y
s we to problevts 0,x stin rxej,,t�e s t�jec .PTO ect
'the prof(c� .world 'take else cprcurfentl) a pa,, off' e }
Pib is .Workk,s tr prgval and 'xovlde brdc Ep�ap me:t r aZ < Yxoiild a
+` there b tiQn� ; _the BsQQ, cc�%� � �,reassaza' ' arc
t#� apacaiai� of t1�eeens.ques `na �lat �reogr� ed. ;. {
thl �.pa��iculgx sq,j'bct, Tyr*. Bigl�v Pi�tUT04 # .�t�e`..
National guy ig�s um on �x , Rei recta o <aDd �va,rormental. 1;
Iles : �g oT X� ':• , tee oi�s'' aszt ?,z , a�Gtr t
was tTia . treks.were r pta' a Ire an itt is 5t��`� `'��t-0�l bxs
wdlk iroul,d tie vo y ob It t3.tre r �� �s''�nc �den�acd to � ��a
t T
' t �a h Dd az� 1 d !sign b l3xgli� a .` , r'b�. c®ptx treet . 3
re'es retovd under. t sub�ecragm�
! f ; a
tEcoM 1� T-1ON:
Aut on Mayo k tnd citk Cl a"i t�s exec�zte agreement far '.��t �t
trae, �, k�« ands-aedto�t�tors�tg`pxogram.
tfully subix' tod.
,ti .at
DaVid D.
WJD� ell
Attac6o,n,is; Proposed' u �•e��te�i � � l - -
ExcU is o f gle1 , 1 dat�r�iss'
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