HomeMy WebLinkAboutRONALD MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC - 1979-06-18 b 1, is THIS AGn.PIMMIT, made and entered into thl � day n f 1970, by aril between the ClTv. MY H :1111I - q TtsN BEACH, L.+Y,L�k.L'1lkAi IA, s �61,1.r1iinal c'orpor{�l.:iony, herein � ste;y ,,.g CITY, ?gyp., �� yy�� '[� {� r {�+t referred to as L.e ITY and ±lONIAnTZ �'tAR7111ii AND AU'VVICIATH1, INC. 3 S` �t t x 1sereinaftez� reermd to az C ONICU>M,`a'ANT, wq Y%'4'. v �a The City Cozinc."I c f ClTY Is aut!',,-�.- zed to en,!!;age the sei`i7'it'es of a pr^wJf£Szz "nal engineering, ",.'r: x' the er- torma33ce of k'ecezzary tmfi;ine- "ln?. zervi,.a;.w for. and on bf'l1al f Off CITY; and It Is neceazary and deslrablle that prcnff.aslonal engtneerl.ig services be rerf*c+$`'amod f.,,ar z,01*e zpeciM::a`sly described in the Request for Propt�ss�i l for Pr,Dreaaional Services -- RehabilJtati,on aZ "er Avenue �pring ale ,* t.ree.t, he ei - r: iVte` ry.ferred to as M�J!:M Bald proposal is a azhed 1jereto, marked Exhl4tt 11A,'` arnd by taxiz, referentze incorporated herein and made a part here . Ox ULTMM shall have a b1Zh degree of s ecial$zi�d training and experlence and sha l l have all neee.,�4 ry 11,cell es therefor to praeticoand Perform the sexvioes hereiln � n.tpm-'latedi and. �/a �f § n ,m;r i i CONSULTANT agrees to perform the engineering services necessary for this project; and CITY hereby employs CONSULTANT to perform the follow— ing services as reS jireu key PRCJR,:T and CONSULTANT aZi-yes to pro- vide those services in acco-^dance with recognized star.4a.rds of = ' Ae engineering profession; and '{? No official or r-mployee of CITY bias a financial_ in- ':.erect in the s NJeet matt;:r of this agreement contemplated m Witbin the provisions of California Government Code Section 1090- 1092;. and CONSULTANT warrants that V- shall perform the services herein contemplated in cc�apl3 ance tr t ; she California laws re- l.ated to minimum. hours and gages (California Labor code Section IITI es seq.), Occupational Health and Safety (29 U.S.C. 651 et serf., and the California Labor Code Section 6300 et seq.),, an fair employment pra.ctl eos (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq. , and California Gabor Code Sectlor! 1"1.0 et ;aeq, ) to the extent same are applicable here.�.n; and The pa.rtl:c_ hereto desire to set forth their rights, dutle:t and liabilities in connectlon with 1.1"he services to be per fQrrmed under ah 'R ECT, NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by CITY and CONw,3T TaTIT as fol' t: SECTION 1. GENERAL, DE 3CRIPTl;N CP WORK TO BE DONE (a) COWiULTAITT shall provide all engineering services as desoribed i.n Exhibit "All including but not limited to surveys, 2. . A 2 S investigations, consultations and advice, preparation of . ` detailed plans, estimates of quantities and costs, prepa-a- Lion of the special provisions, wid any other miscellaneous # ' eng nee4°ing sebvices required to complete the assignment as Outlined in Exhibit "A." � (b) GW%SULTA114 ' shu.11 attend and assist in all ccordi-- nation meetings, k, L (c) CONSUT.I`;NT shall designat.- a staff coordinator who shall represen4 it ar.,d be Its sole contact and agent it, all »' consu tat.ons with CITY durirF, fulfillment of the terms of 1 this agreement- SECTION 2. DISf UTICN O.` PLANS, ESTIMATES AND OTHER DOCUMEN S s CONSULTANT TANT agrees chat all or.lginax drawings, reports, bath field and office notes, calculations, mapo and other docu- ments, shall be turned over to CITY upon oom let,ipn of PROJIECT. CONSULTANT agrees that in the perf ormince of the terms Of this agree-ment,, it will riot engage In, nor permit i-s agents to engage in, di scr3.nina.ti on in exploy ent, ',)f p6rsons because of Face, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physi- cal handicap, me- decal condition, marital status,, or ueA of such perz=s;, exocpt as provided: to Section 1420 of the California Labor Code,, Violation of this provision may result In the Im- j7 (tatit3n of Penalties referrod to In Divi4'aiQ2'l 2, Part Chapter i. I or the Calltornia. Labor Cade. R i SECTION 4 INDEMNIFICATION, bEFEENSE, HOLD HARMLESS. � CONSULTANT hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold CITY, its otfi.'cers, agents and employees from and against any and all liability, damages, roosts, losses, claims and expenses,, proxl-- mately caused or in connection with CONSULTANT'S performance of his ag' ae.ment (Including hui. not limited to such liability 'g'; Fy post, damage, .loss, claim :,r exot- ise arising from the death or injury to an agent or employee of CONSULTANT, hJ s sub c:ontract�r, or Of CITY or damage tc the property of CONSULTAIN' , his subcon- tractor or. CITY) , except where such liability, damages,, casts, z .' lowses, claims or expen8es are caused solely by the neg?i.,gent or wrongful acts of CITY or any of its agents or employees including negligent omissiors yr cor-niss ins of CITY, its agents or employees, in connection �vlth the general nupervision or direction of the work to be t.-rforkimd hereunder. SECTION 5, WORKERS' COPIPETISATION: C0113=11ANT shall o omply with all of the provisions of the U¢orker,a' ompen-ation Insurance and Safety Act6 of the State of Z811fornia the applloable provisions of Divi;:alon 4 and 5 or the California forni.a Labor Code and all amendments theret,r y and all similar State or redera;l acts or laws appl cabl_o and shall ndemi ify and bold harmless CITY From and against all ol<aiws,, demands, pay z,..:s, sui a, acti.ons,$ proceedings and JudVnenta of every nature and descri.bona , including attorney's fd0% and, soo ts, r s x ted brought or recovered against CIV, 4* F ;a. for or on account of any liability fe ° failure to obtain Workers t �3 r � Compensation Insurance for employees employed by CONSULTANT � X Under this agreement. � SECTION 6. INSURCAk" E, CONSULTANT agrees -o furnish to CITY and maintain ir. farce until the completion of PRO ECT a general liability in- surance policy in which CITY is named as an additional insured. The policy shall inure CITY, its officers and employees while acting within the scope of their du -ies for the acts or .s-- sions of ODN,",UWANT in connection with PR JER,T. The pol y shall provide Por not ?ea, than the following anounts: Combined single limit bodily in4ury anti/or property damage of $1,000,000 ,per accurren�' u Each policy of irtwura acp shall specifically provide than; any utne;r instarance carried by CITY which may be appli. -able shall be deeM d excess and COWT.!#LTA ,IVS insurance primary despite any conflicting provizloras in C NSULTAN"PT ;policy to tht� contrary. MOTION 7, XITI PENDENT CONTRACTOR. It Is further understood and agreed that: CONSULTANT Is,, and shall be, acting at ell times Aiz an Independent ootztrac for berein. and not as am employee of 1ITY. CONSULTANT shall seoure at its expense;, and be responsible for any and all pay- 141ent of income tax,, social state disability Insurance compensa.tlonq unemp aayrient coz pe4sati on and tither payroll de- , r duetions for CONSULTANT and its officers, agents and employees and all business licenses, if any, in connection with the ser- vices to he performed hereunder. ' SECTION P. CITY STAFF ASSIST ICE. vml CITY shall assign a staff coordinator to Kork directly with CONSULTANT in cozineetion with the wox"k of this agreement. SECTION 8. PROVISION FOR PAYMENT: ENT: 4 In consideration of the performance of the .above dos-- oribed engineering services, CITY agrees to pay CMULTANT. an amount based upon the fee scbf;dula breakdown act set fort: be- low-PEE PEE SCHEDULE BREAKDOwN Payment for engineering services shall be as set forth In this agreement and outlined In the Request for Proposal kind shall .be based upon the following hourly rags but shall n-1 exceed 2 ,569.00. f Arehttecto 37.00 per hour Sngi,mers 37.00 per hour ?I$1Zi"der"fa`: 34.00 rer; hour Landscape Architects 34-00 per hour Land. Surveyors 34.00 per how Senior f er i xis 34,00 per hour I?e i ;ner 30*00 per hour Da lKnor Drattsper4orx 26.00 per hour Draftsperson - 2 25.00 per hour y { Draftaperson - 1 21.00 per hour Clerical 1.6.00 per hour ; Survey Supervisors 34.00 per hour Survey Party - 2 Mari * T7.00 per hour ��rr ;survey Par ty -- 3 Mari * 92.00 per hole' Survey materials ,hal' ed Ct cant. Section 10.. EYLIAA WORK (a; In the event of authorization, in writ'Ing by the City Engineer of changes from tho work as indicated in Exhl bit; rc �r or for other written permissiQtj authorizing addi t-ional work not contemplated herein, additional compensation shall, be allowed for eueh extra work but extra compensation shall not exceed 10 pe.rtent< of tkpzti total contracts as specified above, without approval Of CITY. hj CONSULTANT shall submit monthly invoices which specify the area where work was completed and tte azaoci.ated time ror oomp eti.on to the City Engirieer for approval. Work performed, 3 at the request of CITY outside the limit 1,peaifi(-d in this agree;- , mentf is to be dessi.gnat as "EXTRA WORK" on montbly Invoices. uteri performed in conn'-ation with an authorized written change order will be sea de,si£ at%l on sai..d invoice, I worik shall be done in a. good and workmanlike Winer and. UITY re-serves the right to termina',,eM serviees here under at arty time i.th or without cause, and whether or not 7* project has been fully completed. Any termination hereof, and: =y npec a.l instruetinns hereunder from CITY shall be, made x ' A. through the City Engineer, and in writing, which may be £�.: . A : ; delivered in person to CONSULTANT ar mailed through the normal � course of mail to its naw-established business address. In the event this agreement Is cancelled, alj drawings, designs, s,peoilticat4-ons �md ap u.-tenant Data may be used by CITY without addi.ti:onal cos. to CITY. Should CITY decide to terminate this � .t 3j - aer+eement ;for any ;reason, CONSULTANT shall be entitled to pay- anent, on an hourly basis in accordance with the rate schedule s t herein, for work completed prior to written notifioation. SECT10t; 12. SUBCONTRACTORS: TbIs agreement is a personal: service c antraef and the zupe} without hereunder shall not ([ be delegated to any person tlty (Rest at page :not used) wig.., - ...... g. `{` U 4 l'. S: r r � rub ' ADDITIONAL PRO e azlal eppjplo;ee of CITY r. COJISi7LTANT agree: that no r sha3 e e lye by its t'irm duringthe tire that this agree-- 'en't: is in e f feet. :. IN WITNESS t�HEIR O he Parties hereto have za�cse i v t�73 r? '6 e lw : ' £?,xejt €1�'.'"'%� GAT end th:^�stz h *GZ��h authorized +k and year firot, ab,2 e v7ritten. of'fieers *41ie day, rtton4 } a Martin and Ink-, �f �*Y Y r yY r rxa�y�r ApFR0'7V'.D An r1NT'�a`Af`, O FORM: , fir V Attorney W ay REVISE D AND APPROVED'. ���', f���.i3 A��D f � �r / ec,t #. ,7 e 1N r am, ��€«fit �.� 311i tr . r e REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL Ti & 'W a(,ret tied by micha,el Zambory ✓ Department Works µ Date.Prepared June , ?3 79 Backup Material Attached D Yos E] No � Subject The Reconstruction of Edin er Avenge and Springdale Street, > pk, .' City Adm!niwator`s Comments Approve .as recommended. n..rwiof.,i.rsw�n+y Statement of lswe,Recommendation,Analysis,Funding Source,Alternative Actions: Statement of is ue � �. Proposals .ave een, received far furnishing engineering deign services ;for the reconat«ruction of Edinger Wvenue and Sptingdale St;,reet'las previ.ousl,y authorized by City Council> Recommended Action I. Aocept thi Proposal from Ron Martin & Associates;, Inc. to provide the needed engineering services at the hourly rates listed in their proposal with the maximum, tee of $ 9,569 t 00. 2 Authorize the execution of a professional; service agreement. dual�rsis t the January 15, 23 a 9 Council meeting, au! horization was given to solicit proposals from consulting engineers to provide needed engineering servicer Zo the reconstruction of Edinger Avenue and Springdale Street. Proposals were r ceived by the Purchasinq Officer from the following firms: Ouote(I Max:�mum Fee Ronald Martin & Assoc., Inc, Covernt►ent Pro.t~essional. Services Wilal.dan �& AszdoC. $52,900.00 11 ree addi.t.iona4 engineering firms were invited to submit proposals, howevero proposals were received only from the above farms. Based on a review of the proposals it is rocomme dew that Ron Martin & Assoc., , Ino. be awarded trio project. ZdAiriger Avenue and Springdale Street within the lim,: .s shown on the accOm pa ying, Atap,have deterioratp�d to the extent that major reconstxrp=ct on i now neC0-'34try* The City 10as successful in Obtaining Federal Aid urban fundanq + r -Crotly rrajtn t. IT- take, advantage of the Federal. fundirn:, it is noceasery, that the City more ahead Imniediatel.y to enable the project to ad- v`ert.is for ,bi.da withi0the time IiMi.ts established by the Federal Aid Urban t £ Request for Coun-.it Ioctio a June 7, 1.Sr79 t,F Page 2 Alternatives: Hire add!Elonal City staff to design the project or postpone construction of this Federally funded street rehabilitation until. existing City staff can complete it. Funding Sources The rehabil tation of Edinger Avenue anal Springdale Street is ;stimated to cost 1..2 miliort dollars. The Federal Aid urban Program will fundr x' $996,000 and the City is to fund $204,000.00 The Federal Aid Urbana Program requires that -the City pay for any engineering costs expended � prior to the award of the construction contract,: there��ore, bath the $29,569 engineering coat and the $204,000 City share of the construction cost will be funded from the City`s Gas Tax Fund. yk j ��Z z RLL jy r r k a 1 r CIRCULATION PLAN OF ARTERIAL � S MEETS AND HIGHWAYS 44 F v � s e S r •s t~ 7 CITY OF HUNTI �yGT�ON BEACH ��Mr �h .. ,,, City of HuntingtonBeach P.O. Box 190 CALIFORNIA 92548 I GIi~'£ERItiG 3�EVARTIMENT Subject: if u{'-.v C3E or 'Z'of£s!-x+."emal ServiceC, h..1L L,: y t MUFrye { The City f if uTTtin,7I:.ors F3z? `h is or the furn.?*hinq of the profonz 'x2nr'aL C?y2ovrt'L'rin,,i n'b."r, ."kces F3e-, for the t rJ i.ngc�r Avont�,,r and Street within the s1'own on t}1£' °t.`"c,i�:y X�:i r"p.a�i t map, T:;3.: LW vrj%Ie'='� will Le funded jointly by the Citty of Uazntington and tie Federal Aid Urban Rrogram, lini :s are -,.h JtJ4;u jgt1q of st volrC? year the City a.`",-'tut,Llt�e£: the r£.hY'4."iC`ez o ti pa*.vn; ant ts`R°nt to d" an 0XU'y`11a°a1ve 3.Ime stiqati"'.)3 in usi'.n a21fi( 9«' t�Jrt�i. i°"tiat ?IBCf';sitig""tia has sbf)"'`'o tXi'I an £'.'titE"n - sive robabilitation prograz1 i YTo 42'4"k'ci «`y'. he City has ostinatod the Mst of text.^ reliabilitawion to 1"n 1: 2 Million dollars using cons rentzonal roconstru, tie)n alp 1 0:,Vr3 jy The CitY v0zlld MO to consider alternat - rehabilitation r ethra s such a$$ r,'eCYclinq, :eater rt :Tlixinq, strtiss k I a reduce the high cost of this rehabilitation, hni%ev r, tl.(-- eief q P vOrtent life Sh0Uld liot be sacr fica=d in extzh nge for a lower rehabilitation Cost. Tha Selection ion of a consultant € r this prc )ct will L-e based on the fall o-4in z I. VXPOrtlse and prior experience with pavement rohabilit~a-- tion includinq alternate re.etbods such as recycling, heater rem xin x stress membranes, etc:. .. Prior experietweio proce5sing Federal Aid Vrban Prajra project.$. i R S r Request for Propo. _s April 20, 109 i Page; 2 3. The approach of the consultant qs expressed in the proposal_ x 4. Undue approaches or other suggestions to expedite the project 3. The ability of the consultant to complete the assignment and be ready to advertise for kids in a timely .manner. ft it is desired that the following be submitted with your prcposaly l.. A list of similar assignments which your firm has previously #yµ, completed, 2. A list of personnel who will work on the assignment and . brief resume of each including recent projects on which 4 they have worked.. indicate who -would be the project manager. 3. .A brief outline: of a proposed schedule for implementation and. completion of thf assignment. 4r information: which would indicate the firms understanding of the scope of the work and also the firms approach. -. Any sugtjestions or uiiiqua approaches twc expal to the project or special concerns in which the City should be made aware. It is anticipated that the scope of the work to be performed by the consultant will include. but is not limited to the following: 1. A thorough review of the pavement investigation report already complotoc for this project to do_tarmine the extent of the needed rehabilitation. 2 Aix analysis of the various pavement rehabilitation techniques and methods to determine those methods most suitable to this project considering cost, design pavement Life, required Ala ntenanoe and rather pertinent factors. Recommend to the City the desired rehabilitation metbods. After aoproval by the. City, obtain all necessary aporo als of the rehabilitation methods from tither government entities involved in Pederai Aid Urban proces in . 3, All required preliminary and dosign surveyinq. Construction surveyi.nq will be Included in the --on truction contr ct and ;Ls tot A part of the work to be, done by the consultant. 4< 'Preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates necesw sary to 4dverti$e project for bids. Plans shall be on City fUJ1niSh lltOns with standard -City Title Block.. Specifica- tirans shall ba based on Stabd4rd Speciticationg for Public Works a i i t 'Request for Propc �Ls April 20, 1.979 � Page 3 sE � Construction (Green Book) for methods and materials and the City Standard General Requirements., 5-. The application and processing of any oernits needed for , this project. � 6.. Obtain approval of plans, specifications and estimates and do all required coordination with other governmental entities involved in the Federal Aid. Urban Program. V , i 7`. Coordination and/or design of all necessary utility relocations* ;, s 8. During construction, provide engineering support including in- terpretation cf plans and re%,iew of chancre orders. The City of Huntington Beach will be responsible for the following.: 1. Providing all, existing information such as ties, bench marks, existing improvement plans, etc. 2.. Advertising for bids and awarding of the construction~ 'contract.. 3. Be responsible for inspection, control of construct'.on and payments to the contractor.. 4. 'The pri.ntiztg of final plana and speci.fic,atiuns for bidding. S. All required construction .surveying. Atata.ched for your information, in preparing your pi:oposal is Huntington neachs s standard for Professional. Service Agreement which will inform you of our insurance and other miscellaneous reg,.irements. Also attached is a map showing the 'Location of the r habilitation. pro*ect. Although the professional services re- quired for this project will, no'. be awarded based a t competitive Wing, it is desired treat your fee be included with your pro- posal. Huntington Beach has preferred to retain consultants on an hourly basis up to a fixed maximum amount of t3ae project, therefore, it is requested that your fee be expressed in this manner.. Yo'l;l otri.nq receipt of the proposals, the most qualified firms may be interviewed prior to the final selection. if your firm is interested in submitting a proposal for this work, it is xequevted that it be submitted to the Purchasing Office by May 14 1.979. Please identify the proposal by a notation on the envelope., reading 'Fdi:nger/Springdal:e Rehabilitation". If you require any additional information regarding this ono-- J'ect, Please contact Ron Lacher of the Public Works Department at (714) 6- 4 1. Very truly your$, Roth �3ta PH*ML V PurchasingOfficer i iY Y b r� sf r RROdECT LOC.-44r10A1 CIRCULATION PLAN OF ARTTRIAL STREETS AND HlGHWAYS fiEi.MUTIYN W 4568 DE uZ.1916S u EGEND FREEW+Y -qMr CAPA Y _ � snlAtkRY � i !*5"a+G P'++fT^F ea)r W watt ��' � u:"*K 7TS:aRa;e .,•NA'b w1Y aziax n'+<s.E aq �S g, tttt -wr",Fir W:Y QKtSTY ro n e > e I i , �y Y P w CITE' OF HUNTINGTON BEACH p ' 1FVG.riff.W+. X 'wt1t,.I4F'ORMA f fe�4YW6�N YC' T k t i STATE COry Ptos aunt RO,StaX 807,SAN FRANCtSCO,CALIFORNIA 94101 *NSt� ANC � Jvr July 3 1976 CERTI MATE OF WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE `u y City Huntington Beach � P. 0. Box, 190 wool rgton Bent# , calif�ar is 9264f# Attention:: Building Department � This is to c+e,,,nify�that vie love tatted a valid Workers'Cimp°nsavoti insurance policy in a for ��., aisf�rnia dnsur�nce Commrss:onor to t€v employer named below for the e Policy period 4ndimt This policy is not subiett to by the Fund except upon ten days'advance voitYen notica to ik. 'Ajovor. We+gill ills*give you T%days'odyanra notice sl v:d tltas pol vv W canttlled prior to its nri mal expitaliunrt Ibis rtifica e of inturarrce is riot an insuiranco policy anrl does nut amend,extend or altet the,ouverop affordedby the pallt' Iw'.0 bvor:x. "lotwitw' andlm arty rogvireivient< term, or tWdition of any Contract or other document with nspect to which this v!rti€iata of insurance ma he iUvod or nsayq ptxta°.k,, the irrsuranct afforded by the polisrtes da4rilxd€stein is sral i t to tilt the terms,exctusions.and cond;trons of sucfr t.: cles rrtPi,C1�*Fl� �C�ES�S���tC Cast ra Q sI c 04-1 ,ftsrt'tltt .9Z627 ALL 0PVAA!1"X0jVS SCi�KL�3dw"l a���,F�{5��@�.tP•?i�� "'ate ``t: a. Hatumonjxrialand thrcQ cv;twe of v:itatrt;ta ti>,.r.r t firr ,eeE aj Daut cdmpiigtcdczvthratecr: CER71FICATE OF INSURANCE J;67ct ruck itdragt+r Qitx.4i NrJittxri{{ioh aAtis TOf1r xrY kdc risEiv P,t. c0y r„seric ' .u7 !etstd f:=ty ItitOrtlStY AB,Jt. CITY OF HUN71NGTON 8EA1'tf.CAt IFORN1A t$ti tier:tin trh►(sactt,csaii#•, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION I t This is to certify that the policies of insurarice as desojbcd below have been issued to the inatired by the under signed and ere in force at Ibis tirxsii.If these padliu�s are rancetied oe cttangec.in such a mannet that wail affect this ccrtificete,the insurance company agrees to give 30 days prior written natice,b�'mail,to City of Huntington Beach,F,O Rex 190,Hunting0n Beach,California 9264& Alameoflnsured .Ronald W. Martin and Associates Addresso€Insured 1895 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Calif92627 Location of Insured Operations State of California Irfssa'ipLe`bnofplieratsotas �i11 s",} erat7ons of the named insured. a POLICIES IN FORCE POLICY +... l t.tAd115 OF LIABILITY 1TY i NUMOE EFr CTIV-E exw i3- ON air �,, 4�Vuskiirs�ariiticttsat€rsn SEE AT"I'AC 'lad Staruton.+ ., �mpliayers°t,iataility S _ ' B, i'e bib Liability. S1,000,060 tornbined single Bodily lR'ttry: limit per ti=rrenre. N 1 f*ufacttiri nand 09292 4/19/7 4/19A Q ' Coritratta�rt F-1 each Petwn , CtslnEa+`etiertsl f`. enetaf _ Each Accident '.-. {ta fi'tidtng ur luct cmmplet a x, ,, trpesationsf � r� .�v' Y Elamfta p ._. .Each Accident >r, Au't#nvb to vw�ih y. 3032925 4/19/ 4/19/B Bodily Injury Each `t cule et ptsapartiy marriage Each Acfiadent i .. ewe..+—rrV i+.+....-...e....e a-.... �.r. s,P44cY toy4" (ITih+s a i at tG set nrrat AtI awtti d##titsatittafi ltts C M l Yes i i No Not owtwd auto toaitva t C t Yes 3 i No E iritr t awtoi tsttes t X i y'i�s t i No w Ailt4it trtttll Insured codozsenient; Zhu istayer agrees that the City of Rurstiz Zort gnat and its City'Council.;,aid,'4r gill t ry Councit sppoin %iroutat, tzomMit'tsms,citmmirsioris,Istrard,s nrid arty othdr City Cou+kcit appointed body .y.andi'or electhre brad appointive ci ficen, sitvin" or nroployi of the City rif ftirntingtott Reath,1:4fis o 40ing*%such arts.attilitiortal ituttro4i hereunder,for#tee isats of�tha ittaurttig,and tugh irtsaararicrr A#111 be prim4 4-ny i5iwant:*of#fro City of Huntim"ton wiled, tw. fdiatd ktistrxt#ess Agiina�•*: �y Jirst+rxcE. . _•. � - .� da�r#iv+:rairiii Tt**inswed asrsiar'to Proton.,defend,igdArnnify artd sava lint m"tts th ''ty of Huntitlton awfi agairist loss,4almoo of 'txPrisit fty 6weCart of tatty strita,ilainrs,tit ri-w ls,4wtaint,,and iui et crf nation emirs el by inwred,his emplayees,agarttk tar attar stitscagtsitactcaa Or by arty thud arty tizass»g taut of Of In 000$rr;uisnc*Of the perforrWincc 00 or arty operations +xt>+er fby of ilh-wainte. iE< Retittitks APPROVED AS TO FORK, tlatrsenl&iit t rz.+ �t f4a 3=:Yt ueit,iat to�,pi""tn:saP tl�I�Mu����,�i.tti �� t^ic i�. ,�t,>rtys ziciad Ir�rrri s4 �,«.�• r r` >� ~tit} ��,�,,�-�"` .5. , -�r . . Do ty City AtYKr�r: AUTHORIZED EPRE'a tg�i;JNSUAANPE C 1tP4Ny +} ��y �y.��1yy��++,, raj �✓ r ,,,er ,r,"r."�nq. �' —XI A .�,�. a ri k 1 9� �,1.Bake #ram '92'626a