HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAG - Southern California Association of Governments - 1964-03-27 City of Huntington Beach ® P.O. Box 4S CALIFORNIA€,2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK August 3, 1976 Southern California association of Governments CNA Park Place 3uilding 600 South Commonwealth Avenue Los Angeles, California 90005 Gentlemen: This letter will inform you that the City Council of the City of. Huntington Beach at its regular meeting held Monday, August 2, 1976, appointed Councilman Richard Siebert the City's altetnate delegate to SLAG. Sincerely yours, Alici--_ M. Wentworth City Clerk AMW:CB:jts 5 TO: Mayor and City C ouncilmen in the r:ounties of Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Ventura. SUBJECT: Bylaws of the Southern California Association of Governments Enclosed are two copies of the 15yl&ws for the Southern California Association of Governments and a copy of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement which :dill be necessary for your city to approve and sign in order to officially become a member of the SCAG organization. Also enclosed is a short summary of some of the significant sections of the SCAG Bylaws. These Bylaws and Agreement have been drafted after a year and a half of study by a committee of city officials selected from the various regional League Divisicns encompassed in the six- county area The Southern California Association of Governments is a completely advisory organization which is to include the six counties of Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Ventura and all of the cities contained therein. SCAG has been patterned closely after an existing organization in northern CF,iiornia known as the Association of Bay Area Governments. The concept of a regional association governments is not unique just to the State of California as similar organizations are in operation in at least ten other areas of the country. Current information has shown that the experience of these associations in discussing and solving regional problems has been successful. The purpose of SCAG will be for existing governmental jurisdictions to meet together to discuss and attempt to resolve problems that are regional in nature, with the primary concentration of their studies being in the field of planning. It is anticipated that SCAG will have both a relatively small budget and a minimum staff. Aa you will note in the Bylaws, dues will be assessed to the constituent members on the basis of population. The experience of the Association of Bay Area Governments in regard to financing was that their initial budget was in the neighborhood of $30, 000 and included a staff of an executive director and a secretary. Fcllowing four yea-•a of operation, the annual dues of this association have remained substantially the same. It is earnestly requested that your city council review the SCAG proposal and Bylaws and complete the necessary agreement. When your city has taken action, we request v that you forward the agreement to the president of your League Division! When 50 per cent of the cities within the six cov-~`v area and 50 per cent of the counties favorably approve the Joint Exercise of Powers .,,:oreement, the Southern California Association of Governments will be formally established. At this point, each member city and county will be contacted concerning the time and place of the initial organization meeting; and will be requested to appoint an official representative from the"~ governing body. During this early formation stage, your city will periodically receive newsletters advising you as to the progress of the SCAG organization and any new developments regarding it. We hope to be able to have the organizational meeting during the latter months of this year and we, therefore, urge that your city council take action on this matter before the 31st of October. This date has been set as the target date for reaching our 50 per cent figure Your interest and assistance in participating in this important matter is deeply appreciated. bincerely, Dallas Williams, Chairman Joint League Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee r. BYLAWS THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS AS ADOPTED BY THE JOINT COUNTY-CITY SCAG COMMITTEE March 27, 1964 PREAMBLE The Southern California Association of Governments is an agency voluntarily established by it,. members pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act for the purpose of proves:ing a forum for discussion, study and development of recommendations on regional problems of mutual interest and concern regarding the orderly physical development of the Southern California Region. jArticle I - Functions i The functions of the Associatic, are: i A. Exchange of planning information. Making available to members plans and planning studies, completed or proposed by local governments or those of State or Federal agencies which would affect local governments. B. Study of inter-county problems. Identification and study of pro- blems requiring planning by jurisdictions in more than one county in the Southern California area and the making of appropriate policy or action recom- mendations. C. Review of governmental proposals. Review of proposals creating agencies of regional scope and the making of appropriate policy or action recommendations concerning the need for such units or agencies. f D. Consider questions of mutual interest and concern to county and i city members of the Association and may develop policy and action recommer_- II dations of an advisory nature only. Article II - Definitions 5 I A. Association. The Association, as used in these Bylaws, means the Southern California-Association of Governments as established by these Bylaws. B. General Assembly. As used in these Bylaws, means a meeiing of 3 the official representatives of the members of the Southern California Asso- ciation of Governments. i ,r C. Official Representative. As used in these Bylaws, means either the mayor or a member of the legislative body of each member city, and either the chairman of the Board of Supervisors or a member of the legisla- tive body of each member county designated by the legislative body of the member city or county as their official representative. D. Alternate. As used in these Bylaws, means either the mayor or a member of the egislative body of each member city, and either the chair- inan of the BoarO of Supervisors or a member of the legislative body of each member county, designated by the legislative body cf the member city or county as their alternate to serve in an official capacity inly in the absence of the official representative of the member city or courrty. Article III - Membership and Representatior A. Membership 1. All cities and all counties within the area of the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and Imperial are eligible for rreanbership in the Southern California Association of Guvernments. Each city incorporated within the counties enumerated above after the forma- tion of the Association shall automatically be eligible tc membership subject to the provisions of Subsection 3 of this Section A. 2. Each member county and each member city shall have one seat in the General Assembly. 3. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of the Joint Powers Agreement aad the payment by each county or city of each annual assessment. 4. Any county or city in the area set forth in Subsection A. I of this Article III may become a member after the initial formation of this Associ- ation, provided that all the provisions of this Article III are met by the juris- diction seeking member.?iip. B. Representation 1. Only the official representative or alternate shall ;represent a member in the Generai Assembly, provided, however, that all members of the Board of Supervisors of a member county may participate in the deliberations and discussions of the General Assembly. Z. The 'Mayor of each city shall be either the official representa- tive or alternate for such city. 3. Names of official representatives and alternates shall be com- municated to the General Assembly by the appointing city or county. 4. Official representatives and alternates shall serve until a Guc- cessor is appointed, except if an official representative or alternate ceases to be a member of the legislative body or rna.yor of the city or county appointing -2- f r him, in which case his seat as an official representativz or alternate shall be vacant until a successor is appointed. Article IV - General Assembly A. The powers and functions of the General Assembly, subject to the limitations of Article I, shall include: 1. The making of policy e 3cisions and the determination of policy matters for the Association, 2. Any official representative may, at any meeting of the General Assembly, propose a subject or subjects for study by the Association. The General Assembly may take action upon such proposals and, if requested by any official representative, determine whether a stll dy will be made of the sub- ject or subjects so proposed or may refer such subject or subjects to the Executive Committee. 3. Any official representative may, at any meeting of the General Assembly, request review by the General Assembly of any action of the Executive Committee which has been taken between meetings of the General Assembly. 4. Each year at its annual meeting, the General Assembly shall review the proposed budget and assessment schedule submitted by the E.xecu- tine Committee and shall adopt an annual budget and an assessment schedule. B. Meetings. 1. Regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be held twice a year. The annual meeting shall be held in the r_zonth of February and the other regular meeting in the fall. Special meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the Executive Cc.nmittee upon its own motion and shall be called by the Executive Committee upon written request of 15 member cities and 3 member counties. Ten days written notice of a special meeting shall be given to the official representatives and alternates of each member c_.ty and to each member of the Board of Supervisors of each membe county. An agenda r specifying the subject of the special zneeting shall accompany the notice. Z. The time, date and location of both regular meetings of the General Assembly s`.nall be det;,rmined by the Executive Committee. 3. Notice of both regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be given to the official. representative and alternate of each member city and to each member of the Board of Supervisors of each member county at least 30 days prior to each meeting. An agenda for the meeting shall accompany the notice. 4. Association committees shall meet on the call of their chair- men or as otherwise provided herein. 5. The General Assembly may adopt rules for its own procedure. _3- C. Voting in the Genera) Assembl; shall be conducted in the following manne r: �. A quorum of the General Assembly shall consist of official representation from at let st one-third of the official member cities and at least one-third of the official member counties. Z. Each official county representative and each official city rep- resentative shall have one vote. Z/ .�s shall be tabulated separately for county representatives and for city repre tatives. The affirmative votes of a ma- jority of a quorum of county representatives and of a majority or a quorum of city representatives are required for policy recommendations or action. In the absence of the official representative, the alternate shall be entitled to vote. 3. Voting may be either by voice or roll call vote. A roll call vote shall be conducted upon the demand of five official representatives present, or at the discretion of the presiding officer. Article V - Executive Committee A. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Association which sball be organized and shall be responsible for functions as hereinafter set forth: 1. Membership. The membership of the Executive Committee shall be one representative and alternate from each member county, one repre- sentative and alternate from the collective member cities within each county, and one representative and alternate from the City of Los Angeles. (a) The official representative and alternate for each county shall serve as member and alternate, respectively, on the Executive Committee. (b) An official representative from one of the member cities in each of the counties enumerated in Section A. 1 of Article III above, shall be appointed by a plurality vote of the official representatives of the member cities of such county present at the February meeting of the General Assembly to represent the member cities in said county. An alternate for each shall be selected in the same manner. (c) In addition to the city representative selected by the mem- ber cities within Los Angeles County, the official representative of the City of Los Angeles shall be a member of the Executive Committee and the alternate from the City of Los Angeles in the General Assembly shall be his alternate on the Executive Committee. (d) Only the official representative shall participate in the deliberations and actions of the Executive Committee, except that an alternate may participate in the absence of the official representative. 2. Terms of Office. Terms of the members of the Executive Com- mittee shall be for two years. Except for adjustments necessary to constitute the first Executive Committee, terms shall commence upon adjournme-it of the rt Febrary meeting of the General Assembly of the appropriate year. The county official representatives from Los Angeles, Ventura and Imperial counties shall serve for terms which expire in odd-numbered years, and the official repre- sentatives of the cities within Los Angeles:, Ventura and Imperial counties shall serve for terms which expire in even-numbered years. The terms of the county official representatives of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties shall expire in even-numbered years, and the terms of the official representatives of the cities within these counties shall expire in odd-numbered years. If an official representative should cease to be an elected official from city or county, he must relinquish his position as official representative and his executive committee seat shall be declared vacant. This vacancy shall be filled at the next regular meeting of the General Assembly in the same manner as the original appointment. 3. Meetings. The Executive Committee shia.11 meet at least four times each year, the first meeting to follow the February meeting of the General Assembly and quarterly thereafter. Auditional meetings shall be held upon the call of the President or upon the call of a majority of the members of the Executive Cormittee. Date and place of meetings shall be fixed by the Executive Committee, except as provided above. At least 24 hours written no- tice of all meetings shall "�o given to all members by its secretary. Such notice may be waived by any member. (a) The Executive Committee may adopt rules for its own procedure. 4. Duties. (a) Subject to the policy established by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Association. (b) The Executive Committee shall rep-iew and may revise, amend, increase or decrease the proposed annual budget as prepared by the Executive Director. Each year, the proposed budget and the assessment sched- ule based upon such proposed budget, as approved by the Executive Committee, shall be submitted to members of the General Assembly at least 30 days before the annual meeting. After adop+ion of the annual budget and assessment schedule by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall control all expendi- tures in accordance with such budget. (1) The Executive Committee shall have power to transfer funds within the total budget amount ii: order to meet unanticipated needs or changed situation. Such action shall be reported to the General Assembly at its next regular meeting. (2) At each regular meeting of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall report budget and financial transactions since the previous regular meeting. (c) The Executive Committee shall submit a full report of its activities at each regular meeting of the General Assembly. (d) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint, fix the salary of and remove an Executive Director of the Association and shall have the authority to create and discontinue positions in the employ of the t Association and fix salaries. 4 -5- (e) The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint committees to study specific problems, programs, or other matters which the Executive Committee or General Assembly have approved for study. (f) Recommendations from committees for policy decisions shall be made to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall submit such recommendations with its comments and recommendations to the General Assembly for action. (g) The Executive Committee shall be responsible fov carry- ing out policy decisions made by the General Assembly. 5. Voting in the Executive Committee shall be co iducted in the following manner: (a) A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. (b) The affirmative votes of a r.iajority of the quorum are re- quired for action by the Executive Committee with the exceptions set out below. (1) In order to recommend the annual budget to the General Assembly, the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Executive Committee membership if, required. 4 (2) In order to appoint or remove the Executive Director, the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Executive Committee membership is required. Article VI - Officers, Elections and Vacancies A. Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a "Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer. The President and Vice President shall be selected by the Executive Committee from among its ok-ii membership. The Secretary-Treasurer need not be a member of the Executive Committee. B. Officers shall be appointed annually by the executive Committee at its February meeting. New officexs shall take office on adjournment of this meeting. An exception to this procedure shall be made for the initial appoint- ment of a President and a Vice President. In order that initial di.,ection may be given to Association affairs, the first President, and Vice President shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at its first meeting. The office of President shall alternate annually between county representatives and city rep- res-,ntaiives. In years when the President is a county representative, the Vice President shall be a city representative and vice versa.. C. A vacancy shall immediately occur in the office of the President or Vice President upon the resignation or death of the person holding such office or upon. his ceasing to be an official representative of a member city or county. Upon a vacancy, occurring in the office of President or Vice President, the Executive Committee shill appoint a President or Vicz President, as the case may be, from among its members to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. �s v If the former incumbent was a county representative, the successor shall be a county representative; and, if he was a city representative, the successor shall be a city representative. D. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Executive Com- mittee and of the General Assembly. The Vice President shall act in his absence. E. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of all proceedings, have custody of all funds and perf- :m the usual duties of such office. Article VII - Executive Director The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the Association. He shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Executive Committee. The powers and duties of the Executive Director are: A. Subject to the authority of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee, to administer the affairs of the Association, B. To appoint, direct and remove all employees of the Association. C. Annually to prepare and present a proposed budget to the Executive Committee and to control the approved budget. D. To serve as Secretary-Treasurer of the Association and of the Executive Committee. E. Attend the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee. F. Tc perform such other and additional duties as the General Assem- bly or the Executive Committee may require. Article VIII - Finances A. Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Year of the Association shall commence on July 1. B. Budget Submission and Adoption. The budget of the Association shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the Executive Director on or before January 1 of each year. The annual budget and assessment schedule shall be adopted by the General Assembly not later than March 1 of each year, C. Year1v Membership Assessment. Each year, upon adoption of the annual budget, the General Assembly shall fix membership assessments for all members of the Association in amounts sufficient to provide the funds re- quired by the budget. Any member city or county whose annual assessment has not been received by the time of the annual meeting shall not be entitled to vote at such meeting or thereafter until such assessment is received. The amount y. of each member's assessment shall be determined in accordance with the for- mula set out in Paragraph I'D" following. -7- S D. Method of Assessment. The annual assessment for members of the Association shall be based upon population as determined by the State Cortroller in making the most recent allocation to cities and counties pursuant to the Motor Vehicle License Fee law. One-half of the total budget shall be paid by the member counties and one-half by the member cities. Each county's assessment shall be a pro- portion .te share of the counties' one-half of the budget total, determined by tho, ratio of the individual county's population to the total population of all member counties. Each c-i;ty's assessment shall be a proportionate share of the cities' one-half of the budget total determined by the ratio of the individual city's popu- lation to the total population of all member cities. E. Annual Audit. The Executive Committee shall cause an annual audit of the financial affairs of the Association to be made by a certified public accountant at the end of each fiscal year. The Executive Committee shall em- ploy a certified public accountant of its choosing. The audit report shall be made available to Association member cities and counties. Article IX - Statutory Authority The Southern California Association of Governments shall be an agency established by a joint powers agreement among the members pursuant to Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5, of the Government Code of the State of California. Article X - Withdrawal Any member city or county may, at any time, withdraw from the Asso- ciation providing, however, that the intent to withdraw must be stated in the form of a resolution enacted by the legislative body of the jurisdiction wishing to withdraw. Such resolution of intent to withdraw from the Association must be given to thy: Executive Director by the withdrawing jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to the effective date of withdrawal. Delinquency in paying dues for a period of two General Assembly meetings after the same are due shall be considered equivalent to withdrawal.. Article XI - Amendments Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by an official represen- tative or by the Executive Committee, If proposed by an official representative, the amendment shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at least 45 days prior to a regular meeting of the General Assembly. Each proposed amend- ment shall be considered by th:: Executive Committee and a copy thereof, with the recommendations of the Executive Committee and its reasons therefor, f. forwarded to the official representative of each member jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which such proposed amendment will be voted upon. A majority krote of the county representatives present and a majority vote of the city representatives present are required to adopt an amendment to these Bylaws. If, within 60 days after the adoption of any amendment, one-third or more of the official representatives protest such amendment, by filing a written protest with the Executive Director, it shall, automatically be suspended until the next meeting of the General Assembly, when it shall be taken up for reconsideration and vote as in the first instance. Article XII - Effective Date These Bylaws shall go into effect immediately upon the effective date of the Agreement. 4 i i d { } j. h -9- �i AMk 1 BYLAWS THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS AS ADOPTED BY THE JOINT COUNTY-CITY SCAG COMMITTEE March 27, 1964 PREAMBLE The Southern California Association of Governments is an agency voluntarily established by its members pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act for the purpose of providing a forum for discussion, study and development of recommendations on regional problems of mutual interest and concern regarding the orderly physical development of the Southern California Region. Article I - Functions The functions of the Association are: A. Excnange of planning information. Making available to members plans and planning studies, completed or proposed by local governments or those of State or Federal agencies which would affect local governments. B. Study of inter-county problems. Identification and study of pro- blems requiring planning by jurisdictions in more than one county in the Southern California area and the making of appropriate policy or action recom- mendations. C. Review of governmental proposals. Review of proposals creating agencies of regional scope and the making of appropriate policy or action recommendations concerning the need for such units or agencies. D. Consider questions of mutual interest and concern to county and city members of the Association and may develop policy and action recommen- dations of an advisory nature only. Article II - Definitions A. Association. The Association, as used in these Bylaws, means the Southern Ca ice'ornia Association of Governments as established by these t Bylaws. B, General Assembly. As used in these Bylaws, means a meeting of the official representatives of the members of the Southern California Asso- ciation of Governments. } 7t C, Official Representative. As used in these Bylaws, means either the mayor or a member of the legislative body of each member city, and either the chairman of the Board of Supervisors or a member of the legisla- tive body of each member county designated by the legislative body of the member city or county as their official representative. D. Alternate. As used in these Bylaws, means either the mayor or a member of the legislative body of each member city, and either the chair- man of the Board of Supervisors or a member of the legislative body of each member county, designated by the legislative body of the member city or county as their alternate to serve in an official capacity only in the absence oL the official representative of the member cites -)r county. Article III - Membership and Representation A. Membership 1. All cities and all counties within the area of the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernaydiro, Ventura and Imperial are eligible for membership in the Southern California Association of Governments. Each city incorporated within the counties enumerated above after the forma- tion of the Association shall automatically be eligible to membership subject to the provisions of Subsection 3 of this Section A. 2. Each member county and each member city shall have one seat in the General Assembly. 3. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of the Joint Powers Agreement and the payment by each county or city of each annual assessment. 4. Any county or city in the area set forth in Subsection A. 1 cf this Article III may become a member after the initial formation of this Associ- ation, provided that all the provisions of this Article III are met by the juris- diction seeking membership. B. Representation 1. Only the official representative or alternate shall represent a member in the General Assembly, provided, however, that all members of the Board of Supervisors of a member county may participate in the deliberaf'Dns and discussions of the General Assembly. 2. The Mayor of each city shall be either the official representa- tive or alternate for such city. k 3. Names of official representatives and alternates shall be com- municated to the General Assembly by the appointing city or county. 4. Official representatives and alternates shall serve until a suc- cessor is appointed, except if an official representative or alternate ceases to be a member of the legislative body t.)r mayor of the city or county appointing -2- him, in which case his seat as an official representative or alternate shall be vacant until a successor is appointed. Article IV - G=Ane ral Assembly A. The powers and functions of the General Assembly, subject to the limitations of Article I, shall include: 1. The making of policy decisions and the determination_ of policy matters for the Association. 2. Any official repres�:ntative may, at any meeting of the General Assembly, propose a subject or subjects for study by the Association. The General Assembly may take action upon such proposals and, if requested by any official representative, determine whether a study will be made of the sub- ject or subjects so proposed or may refor such subject or subjects to the Executive Committee. 3. Any official representative may, at any meeting of the General Assembly, request review by the General Assembly of any action of the Executive Committee which has been taken between meetings of the General Assembly. 4. Each year at its annual meeting, the General Assembly shall review the proposed budget and assessment schedule submitted by the Execu- tive Committee- and shall adopt an annual budget and an assessment. schedule. B. Meetings. 1. Regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be held twice a year. The annual meeting shall be held in the month of February and the other regular meeting in the fall. Special meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the Executive Committee upon its own motion and shall be called by the Executive Committee upon written request of 15 member cities and 3 member counties. Ten days written notice of a special meeting shall be given to the official representatives and alternates of each member city and to each member of the Board of Supervisors of each membe county. An agenda specifying the subject of the special meeting shall accompany the notice. 2. The time, date and location of both regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be determined by the Executive Committee. 31 3. Notice of both regular meetings of the General Assembly shall s be given to the official representative nd alternate of each member city and to each member of the Board of Supervisors of each member county at least 30 days prior to each meeting. An agenda for the meeting shall accompany the } notice. 4. Association committees shall meet on the call of their chair- men or as otherwise provided herein. 5. The General Assembly may adopt rules for its own procedure. -3- C. Voting in the General Assembly shall be conducted in the following manner: 1. A quorum of the General Assembly shall consist of official representation from at least one-third of the official member cities and at least one-third of the official member counties. 2. Each official county representative and each official city rep- resentative shall have one vote. Votes shall be tabulated separately for county representatives and for city representatives. The affirmative votes of a ma- jority of a quorum of county representatives and of a majority of a quorum of city representatives are required for policy recommendations or action. In the absence of the official representative, the alternate shall be entitled to vote. 3. Voting may be either by voice or roll call vote. A roll call vote shall be conducted upon the demand of five official representatives present, or at the discretion of the presiding officer. Article V - Executive Committee A. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Association which shall be organized and shall be responsible for functions as hereinafter set forth: 1. Membership. The membership of the Executive Committee shall be one representative and alternate from each member county, one repre- sentative and alternate from the collective member cities within each county, and one representative and alternate from the City of Los Angeles. (a) The official representative and alternate for each county shall serve as member and alternate, respectively, on the Executive Committee. (b) An official representative from one of the member cities in each of the counties enumerated in Section A. 1 of Article III above, shall be appointed by a. plurality vote of the official representatives of the member cities of such county present at the February meeting of the General Assembly to represent the member cities in said county. An alternate for each shall be selected in the same manner. (c) In addition to the city representative selected by the mem- ber cities within Los Angeles County, the official representative of the City of Los Angeles shall be a member of the Executive Committee and the alternate from the City of Los Angeles in the General Assembly shall be his alternate on ` the Executive Committee. (d) Only the official representative shall participate in the deliberations and actions of the Executive Committee, except that an alternate may participate in the absence of the official representative. 2. Terms of Office. Terms of the members of the Executive Com- mittee shall be for two years. Except for adjustments necessary to constitute the first Executive Committee, terms shall commence upon adjournment of the Febrary meeting of the General Assembly of, the appropriate year. The county official representatives from Los Angeles, Ventura and Imperial counties shall -4- serve for terms which expire in odd-numbered years, and the official repre- sentatives of the cities within Los Angeles, Ventura and Imperial counties shall serve for terms which expire in even-numbered years. The terms of the county official representatives of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties shall expire in even-numbered years, and the terms of the official representatives of the cities within these counties shall expire in odd-numbered years. If an official representative should cease to be an elected official from a city or cour_ty, he must relinquish his position as official representative and his executive committee seat shall h,� declared vacant. This vacancy shall be filled at the next regular meeting of the General Assembly in the same manner as the original appointment. 3. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times each year, the first meeting to follow the February meeting of the General Assembly and quarterly thereafter. Additional meetings shall be held upon the call of the President or upon the call of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. Date and place of meetings shall be fixed by the Executive Committee, except as provided above. At least 24 hours written no- tice of all meetings shall be given to all members by its secretary. Such notice may be waived by any member. (a) The Executive Committee may adopt rules for its own procedure. 4. Duties. (a) Subject to the policy established by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Association.. (b) The Executive Committee shall review and may revise, amend, increase or decrease the proposed annual budget as prepared by the Executive Director. Each year, the proposed budget and the assessment sched- ule based upon such proposed budget, as approved by the Executive Committee, shall be submitted to mambers of the General Assembly at least 30 days before the annual meeting. After adoption of the annual budget and assessment schedule by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall control all expendi- tures in accordance with such budget. (1) The Executive Committee shall have power to transfer funds within the total budget amount in order to meet unanticipated needs or changed situation. Such action shall be reported to the General Assembly at its next regular meeting. (2) At each regular meeting of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall report budget and financial tr;-nsactions since the previous regular meeting. (c) The Executive Committee shall submit a full report of its activities at each regular meeting o, the General Assembly. (d) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint, f fix the salary of and remove an Executive Director of the Association and shall have the authority to create and discontinue positions in the employ of the Association and fix salaries, -5- B� Aft Alm (e) The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint committees to study specific problems, programs, or other matters which the Executive Committee or General Assembly have approved for study. (f) Recommendations from committees for policy decisions shall be made to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall submit such recommendations with its comments and recommendations to tiie General Assembly for action. (g) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for carry- ing out policy decisions made by the General Assembly. 5. Voting in the Executive Committee shall be conducted in the following manner: (a) A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall conotitute a quorum. (b) The affirmative votes of a majority of the quorum are re- quired for action by the Executive Committee with the exceptions set out below. (1) In order to recommend the annual budget to the General Assembly, the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Executive Committee membership is required.. (2) In order to appoint or remove the Executive Director, the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Executive Committee membership is required. Article VI - Officers, Elections and Vacancies A. Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer. The President and Vice President shall be selected by the Executive Committee from among its own , ;embership. The Secretary-Treasurer need not be a member of the Executive Committee. B. Officers shall be appointed annually by the Executive Committee at its February meeting. New officers shall take office on adjournment of this meeting. An exception to this procedure shall be made for the initial appoint- ment of a President. and a Vi,e President. In order that initial direction may be given to Association affairs, the first President, and Vice President shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at its first meeting. The office of President shall alternate annually between county representatives and city rep- resentatives. In years when the President is a county representative, the Vice President shall be a city representative and vice versa. C. A vacancy shall immediately occur in the office of the President or r Vice President upon the resignation or death of the person holding such office $: or upon his ceasing to be an official representative of a member city or county. Upon a vacancy occurring in the office of President or Vice President, the Executive Committee shall appoint a President or Vice President, as the case may be, from among its members to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. If the former incumbent was a county representative, the successor shall be a county representative: and, if he was a city representative, the successor shall be a city representative. D. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Executive Com- mittee and of the General Assembly, The Vice President shall act in his absence. E. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of all proceedings, have custody of all funds and perform the usual duties of such office. Article VII - Executive Director The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the Association. He shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Executive Committee. The powers and duties of the Executive Director are: A. Subject to the authority of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee, to administer the affairs of the Association. B. To appoint, direct and remove all employees of the Association. C. Annually to prepare and present a proposed budget to the Executive Committee and to control the approved budget. D. To serve as Secretary-Treasurer of. the Association and of the Executive Committee. E. Attend the meetings of the General Assembly and. the Executive Committee. F. To perform such other and additional duties as the General Assem- bly or the Executive Committee may require. Article VIII - Finances A. Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Year of the Association shall commence on July 1. B. Budget Submission and Adoption. The budget of the Association shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the Executive Director on or before January I of each year. The annual budget and assesoment schedule shall be adopted by the General Assembly not later than March I of each year, C. Yearly Membership Assessment. Each year, upon adoption of the annual budget, the General Assembly shall Tix membership assessments for all members of the Association in amounts sufficient to provide the funds re- quired by the budget. Any member city or county whose annual assessment has not been received by the time of the annual meeting shall not be entitled to vote at such meeting or thereafter until such assessment is received. The amount of each member's assessment shall be determined in accordance with the for- mula set out in Paragraph I'D" following. -7- 4 D. Method of Assessment. The annual assessment for members of the Association shall be based upon population as determined by the State Controller in making the most recent allocation to cities and counties pursuant to the Motor Vehicle License Fee law. One-half of the total budget shall be paid by the member counties and one-half by the member cities. Each county's assessment shall be a pro- portionate share of the counties' one-half of the budget total, determined by the ratio of the individual county's population to tit-, total population of all member counties. Each city's assessment shall be a proportionate share of the cities' one-half of the budget total determined by the ratio of the individual city's popu- lation to the total population of, all member cities. E. Annual Audit. The Executive Committee shall cause an annual audit of the financial affairs of the Association to be made by a certified public accountant at the and of each fiscal year. The Executive Committee shall em- ploy a certified public accountant of its choosing. The audit report shall be made available to Association member cities and counties. Article IX - Statutory Authority The Southern California Association of Governments shall be an agency established by a joint powers agreement among the members pursuant to Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5, of the Government Code of the State of California. Article X - Withdrawal Any member city or county may, at any time, withdraw from the Asso- ciation providing, however, that the intent to withdraw must be stated in the form of a resolution enacted by the legislative body of the jurisdiction wishing to withdraw. Such resolution of intent to withdraw from the Association must be given to the Executive Director by the withdrawing jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to the effective date of withdrawal. Delinquency in -aying dues for a period of two General Assembly meetings after the same are ae shall be considered equivalent to withdrawal. Article XI - Amendments Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by an official represen- tative or by the Executive Committee. If proposed by an official representative, the amendment shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at least 45 days prior to a regular meeting of the General Assembly. Each proposed amend- ment shall be considered by the Executive Committee and a copy thereof, with the recommendations of the Executive Committee and its reasons therefor, forwarded to the official representative of each member jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which such proposed amendment will be voted upon. ,a -8- A majority vote of the county representatives present and a majority vote of the city representatives present are required to adopt an amendment to these Bylaws. If, within 60 days after the adoption of and amendment, one-third or more of the official representatives protest such amendment, by filing a written protest with the Executive Director, it shall automatically be suspended until the next meeting of the General Assembly, when it shall he taken up for reconsideration and vote as in the first instance. Article YII - Effective Date These Bylaws shall go into effect immediately upon the effective date of the Agreement. r -9- Now MON 4 f SOUTURN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERVIXENTIS AGIBEl"-N`M-DFT THIS AGREEMENT is made and enterel into by and between the county and city governments which on its effective date are, or thereafter become signatories hereto; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, there is a demonstrated need for the: establ'1shment of an association of county and city governments within. the Southern California Area to provide a forum for discussion d study of regional, problems of, mutual interest and concern to the counties and cities, and to facilitate the development of recommendations for the solution of such problems; and WHPOEAS, Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government Code of the State of California authorizes the joint exercise by agree- ment of two or more public agencies of any power common to them; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto possess in common the power to study, discuss and recommend policies and procedures for the solu- tion of area-wide problem; of direct concern to the performance of their constitutional and statutory functions and to join associa- tions and upend public funds for these purposes; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties hereto to become members of and participate in the association hereby established; NOW, THEREFCIPF, in consideration of the execution of this agreement by othet, counties and cities eligible to membership in the association established hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. association Established. An association consisting of the fi parties to this agreement is hereby established to be known as Southern California Association of Governments. The association shall be subject to and shall be governed by the By-laws, a. copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this agreement. 2. Parties, Eligibility. Only those counties and citieB eligible .for nernbership in the Southern California Association of Governments pursuant tu. said By-haws may be or become p :rtles to this agreement, 3. Parties Become Members. Each party to this agreement is a member of the Southern California Association of Governments and is entitled to the rights and privileges and is subject to the obliga- tions of members, all as provided for in said By-haws. 4. Additional Parties. If the By-Laws of the association are amended as therein provided to permit additional counties or addi- tional cities to be eligible for membership in the association, such additional counties or cities may become parties to this agreement, 5, Parties. Tenmin:atir)n. Any party to this agreement may cease to be a party hereto and may withdraw from membership in the association by the adoption by its logislat_'ve body of a resolution of intention to withdraw and by giving, the executive director of the association and the other parties to this agreement written notice of its intention to ti,ithdraw at least thirty (30) days before the effective date thereof. Any party to this �.greement ti hich fails to pay any assessment oT, dues as provided for in the By-Laws shall be considered to have withdrawn from the association and shall cease to be a party hereto. If at any time after the effective date of t this agreement fewer than fifty per cent (505'.) of the eligible counties or fewer than fifty per cent (50%v) of the eligible cities are parties to this agreement, this agreement shall terminate. 6. Agency to Administer Agr.^._rment. The association estab- lished by this agreement; shall be the qgency to administer this agreement, �. Pourers of Association. The association shall have the power, in its own name, try make and enter into contracts, to employ agents and employees, to acquire, hold and dispose of property, real and personal, and to incur debts, liabilities or obligations -2- r necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of this agreement. 3. First Budget. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section .B of Article V111 of said By-Laws, the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, shall be adopted at the first meeting of the General Assembly and the assessments for, said period shall be based thereon. 9. Amendment. This agreement may be amended at any time by ,i the written agreement of all parties to it. 10. Duration of Agreement. This agreement shall continue in effect until it is rescinded by mutual consent of the parties or terminated in the manner provid,.d 1erein or in the By-Laws. 11. Disposition of Assets on Termination. Upon termination of this agreement any money or assets in possession of the asEocia- tion alter the payment of all liabilities, costs, expenses and charges validly incurred under this agreement shall be returned to the parties in proportion to their contributions determined as of the time of termination. 12. Effective Date of Agreement. This agreement shall be effective upon its execution by fifty per cent of the eligible counties and fifty per cent of the eligible cities. Executed by 'the undersigned cities and counties upon the respective dates set forth after their signatures. Beach— ATTEST: f CLERK —3— 1� F t BYLAWS THE SOUTHERN CATZFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERM ENTS AS ADOPTED BY THE JOINT COUNTY-CITY SCAG COIWTTEE March 27, 1964 PRF, IBLE The Sco thern California Association of Governments is an agency volunt- arily established by its members pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act for the purpose of providing a fgrum for discussion, study and development of recom- mendations on regional problems of mutual interest and concern regarding the orderly physical development of the Southern California Region. Article I - Functions The functione of the Association are: A. Exchange of planning information. Making available to members plans and planning studies, completed or proposed by local governments or those of State or Federal agencies which would affect local governments. B. Study of inter-county problems. Identification and study of problems requiring planning by jurisdictions in more than one county in the Southern Calif- t ;;iia area and the making of appropriate policy or action recommendations. C. Review of governmental proposals. Review of proposals creating s s agencies of regional scope and the making of appropriate policy or action recom- mendations concerning thc: need for such units or agencies. D. Consider questions of mutual interest and concern to county and city members of the Association and may de•relop policy and action recommendations of an advisory nature orkly. Article II - Definitions A. Association. The Association, as used in these Bylaws, means the Southern California Association of Governments as established by these Bylaws. B. General Assembly. As used in these Bylaws, means a meeting of the official representatives of the members of the Southern California Association of Governments. C. Official Representative. As usee in these Bylaws, means either the mayor or a member of the legislative body of each member city, and either the chairman of the Board of Supervisors or a member of the legislative body of each member county designated by the legislative body of the member city or county as their official representative. D. Alternate. As used in these Bylaws, means either the mayor or a mem- ber of the legislative body of each member city, and either the chairman of the Board of Supervisors or a member of the legislative body of each member county, designated by the legislative body of the member city or county as their alternate to serge in an official capacity only in the absence of the official representative of the member e;ity or county. a' Article III - Membership and Representation A. Membership 1. All cities and all counties within the area of the counties of f Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura are eligible for mem- bership in the Southern California Association of Governments. Each city incorpor- ated within the counties enumerated above after the formation of the Association shall automatically be eligible to membership subject to the provisions of Subsec- tion 3 of this Section A. 2 - 2. Each member county and each member city shall have one seat in the General Assembly. 3. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of the Joint Powers Agreement and the payment by each county or city of each annuel assessment. 4. Any county or city in the area set forth in Subsection A.1 of this Article III may become a member after the initial formation of this Associa- tion, provided that all the provisions of this Article III are met by the juris- diction seeking membership. i P. Representation 9 1. Only the official rep--esentetive or alternate shall represent a member in the General Assembly, provided, however, that all members of the Board of Supervisors of a member county may participate in the deliberations and discus- sions of the General Assembly. 2. The Mayor of each city shall be either the official represer..:s- tive or alternate for such city. 3. Names of official representatives and alternates shall be com- municated to the General Assembly by the appointing city or county. 4. Official representatives and alternates shall serve until a suc- cessor is appointed, except if an cffficial representative or alternate ceases to be { a member of the legislative body or mayor of the city or county appointing him, in Y` which case his seat as an official representative or alternate shall be vacant until a successor is appointed. 1 Article IV - General Assembly A. The powers and functions of the General Assembly, sublect to the limi- tations of article I, shall include; - 3 - 1. The making of policy decisions and the determ"inution of policy matters for the Association. 2. Any official representative may, at any meeting of the General Assembly, propose a subject or subjects for study by the Association. The General Assembly may take action upon such proposals and, if requested by any official representative, determine -ihether a study will be made of the subject or subjects so proposed or may refer such subject or subjects to the Executive Committee. 3. Any official representative may, at any meeting of the General Assembly, request review by the General Assembly of any action of the Executive Committee which has been taken between meetings of the General Assembly. i 4. Each year at its annual meeting, the General Assembly shall review the proposed budget and assessment schedule submitted by the Executive Com- mittee and shall adopt an annual budget and an assessment schedule. B. Meetings. 1. Regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be held twice a year. The annual meeting shall be held in the month of February and the otHQr regular meeting in the fall. Special meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the Executive Committee upon its owns motion and shall be called by the Executive Committee upon written request of 15 member cities and 3 member counties. Ten Days' written notice of a special meeting shall be given to the official rep- resentatives and alternates of each member city and to each member of the Board of Supervisors of each member county. An agenda specifying the subject of the special meeting shall accompany the notice, 2. The time, date and location of both regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be determined by the Executive Committee. _ 4 _ 3. Notice of both regular meetings of the General Assembly shall be given to the official representative and alternate of each member city and to each member of the Board of Supervisors of each member county at least 30 days prior to each meeting. An agenda for the meeting shall accompany the notice. 4. Association committees shall meet on the call of their chairmen or as otherwise provided herein. 5. The General Assembly may ptopt rules for its awn procedure. C. Voting in the General Assembly shall be conducted in the foll(7wing manner: 1. quorum of the General Assembly shall consist of official representation from at least one-third of the official member cities and at least one-third of the official member counties. 2. Each official county representative and each official city rep- resentative shall have one vote. Votes shall be tabulated separately for county representatives and for city representatives. The affirmative votes of a majority of a quorum of county representatives and of a majority of a quorum of city rep- resentatives are required for policy recommendations or action. In the absence of the officinal representative, the alternate shall be entitled to vote. t 3. Voting may be either by voice or roll call vote. A roll call vote shall be conducted upon the demand of five official representatives present, or at the discretion of the presiding officer. T Article V - Executive Committee A. There shall be an 11cecutive Committee of the Association which shall z be organized and shall be responsible for functions as hereinafter set forth: h - 5 1. Membership. The membership of the Executive Committee shall be •one representative and alternate from each member county, one representative axed alternate from the collective member cities within each county, and one represent- ative and alternate from the City of Los Angeles. (a) The official representative and alternate for each county shall serve as member and alternate, respectively, on the Executive Commit- tee. (b) An official representative from one of the member cities in each of the counties enumerated in Section A.1 of Article TIT above, shall be appointed by a plurality vote of the official representatives of the member cities of such county present at the February meeting of the General Assembly to repres- ent the member cities in said county. An alternate for each shall be selected in tlic same manner. (c) In addition to the city representative selected by the member cities within Los Angeles County, the official representative of the City of Los Angeles shall be a member of the Executive Committee and the alternate from the City of Los Angeles in the General Assembly shall be his alternate on the Executive Committee. (d) Only the official representative shall participate in the deliberations and actions of the Executive Committee, except that an alternate may participate in the absence of the official representative. 2. Terms of Office. Terms of the members of the Executive Committee shall be for two years. Except for adjustments necessary to constitute the first Executive Committee, teams shall commence upon adjournment of the February meeting of the General Assembly of the appropriate year. The county official represent- 'f s atives from Los Angeles and Ventura counties shall serve for terms which expire in odd-numbered years, and the official representatives of the cities within Los Angeles and Ventura counties shall serve for terms which expire in even-numbered 6 years. The terms of the county official representatives of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties shall expire in even-numbered years, and the terms of the official representatives of the cities within these counties shall expire in odd- numbered years. If an official representative should cease to be an elected official from a city or county, he must relinquish his position as official rep- resentative and his executive commit�ee seat shall be declared vacant. Thisvacancy shall be filled at the next regular meeting of the General Assembly in the same manner as the original appointment. 3. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times each year, the first meeting to follow the February meeting of the General Assembly and quarterly thereafter. Additional meetings shall be held upon the call of the President or upon the call of a majority of the members of the Execu- tive Committee. Date and place of meetings shall be fixed by the Executive Commit- tee, except as provided above. At least 24 hours written notice of all meetings shall be given to all members by its secretary. Such notice may be waived by any member. (a) The Executive Committee may adopt rules for its own procedure. 4. Duties. f t. (a) Subject to the policy established by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Association. z: (b) The Executive Committee shall review and may revise, smerd, M1 f increase or decrease the proposed annual budget as prepared by the Executive Dir- ector. Each year, the proposed budget and the assessment schedule based upon such •: proposed budget, as approved by the Executive Committee, shall be submitted to mem- bers of the General Assembly at least 30 days before the annual meeting. After x - 7 - adoption of the annual budget and assessment schedule by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee uhall control all expenditures in accordance with such budget. (1) The Executive Committee shall have power to transfer funds within the total budget amount in order to meet unanticipated needs or changed situation. Such action shall be reported to the General Assembly at its next regular meeting. (2) At each regular meeting of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall report budget and financial transactions since the pre- vious regular meeting. (c) The Executive Committee shall submit a full report of its activities at each regular meeting of the General Assembly. (d) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint, fix the salary of and remove an Executive Director of the Association and shall have the authority to create and discontinue positions in the employ of the Association and fix salaries. (e) The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint committees to study specific problems, programs, or other matters which the Execu- tive Committee or General Assembly have approved for study. (f) Recommendations from committees for policy decisions shall be made to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall submit such recommendations with its comments and recommendations to the General Assembly for action. ;i. w . (g) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for carrying out policy decisions made by the General Assembly. 5. Voting in the Executive Committee shall be conducted in the following manner: (a) A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. (b) The affirmative votes of a majority of the quorum are required for action by the Executive Committee with the exceptions set out below. (1) In order to recommend the annual budget to the Gen- eral Assembly, the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Executive Committee membership is required. (2) In order to appoint or remove the Executive Director, the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Executive Committee member- ship is required. Article VI - Officers, Elections and Vacancies A. Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer. The President and Vice President shall be selected by the Executive Committee from among its own membership. The Secretary- Treasurer need not be a member of the Executive Committee. B. Officers shall be appointed annually by the Executive Committee at its February meeting. New officers shall take office on adjournment of this meet- ing. An exception to this procedure shall be made for the initial appointment of a President and a Vice President. In order that initial direction may be given to Association affairs, the first President, and Vic- President shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at its first meeting. The office of President shall alter- nate annually between county representatives and city representatives. In years - 9 - MOSMIR when the President is a county representative, the Vice President shall be a city representative and vice versa. C. A vacancy shall immediately occur in the office of the President or Vice President upon the resignation or death of the person holding such office or upon his ceasing to be an official representative of a member city or county. Upon a vacancy occurring in the office of President or Vice President, the Executive Committee shall appoint a President or Vice President, as the case may be, from among its members to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. If the former incumbent was a county representative, the successor shall be a county represent- ative; and, if he was a city representative, the successor shall be a city rep- resentative. D. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Executive Commit- tee and of the General Assembly. The Vice President shall act in h9.s absence. E. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of all proceedings, have F custody of all funds and perform the usual duties of such office. Article VII - Executive Director The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the Association. He shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Executive Committee. The powers and duties of the Executive Director are: A. Subject to the authority of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee, to administer the affairs of the Association. B. To appoint, direct and remove all employees of the Association. z C. Annually to prepare and present a proposed budget to the Executive Committee and to control the approved budget. i 10 - D. To serve as Secretary-Treasurer of the Association and of the Execu- tive Committee. E. Attend the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Commit- tee. F. To perform such other and additional duties as the General Assembly or the Executive Committee may .require. Article VIII - Finances A. Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Year of the Association shall commence on July I. B. Budget Submission and Adoption. The budget of >e Association shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the Executive Director on or before January 1 of each year. The annual budget and assessment schedule shall be adopted by the General Assembly not later than March l of each year. C. Yearly Membership Assessment. Each year, upon adoption of the annual budget, the General Assembly shall fix membership assessments for all members of the Association in amounts sufficient to provide the funds required by the budget. Any member city or county whose annual assessment has not been received by the time of the annual meeting shall not be entitled to vote at such meeting or thereafter until such assessment is received. The amount of each member's assessment shall be determined in accordance with the formula set out in Paragraph 'V following. D. Method of Assessment. The annual assessment for members of the Association shall be based upon population as determined by the State Controller in making the most recent allocation to cities and counties pursuant to the Motor Vehicle LiLnse Fee law. _ u _ ASh One-half of the total budget shall be paid by the member counties and one-half by the member cities. Each county's assessment shall be a proportion- ate share of the counties' one-half of the budget total, determined bj the ratio of the individual county's population to the total population of all member counties. Each city's assessment shall be a proportionate share of the cities' one-half of the budget total determined by the ratio of the individual city's population to the total population of all member cities. E. Annual Audit. The Executive Committee shall cause an annual audit of the financial affairs of the Association to be made by a certified public accountant at the end of each fiscal year. The Executive Committee shall employ a certified public accountant of its choosing. The audit report shall be made available to Association member cities and counties. Article IX - Statutory Authority The Southern California Association of Governments shall be an agency established by a joint powers agreement among the members pursuant to Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5, of the Government Code of the State of California. Article X - Withdrawal s Any member city or county may, at any time, withdraw from the Association providing, however, that the intent to withdraw must be stated in the form of a resolution enacted by the legislative body of the jurisdiction wishing to withdraw. Such resolution of intent to withdraw from the Association must be given to the Mcecutive Director by the withdrawing jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to -the effective date of withdrawal. Delinquency in paying dues foa a period of two t General Assembly meetings after the same are due shall be considered equivalent to withdrawal, - 12 - Article XI - Amendments Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by an official representative or by the Executive Committee. If proposed by an official representative, the amendment shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at least 45 days prior to a regular meeting of the General Assembly. Each proposed amendment shall be con- sidered by the Executive Committee and a copy thereof, with the recommendations of the Executive Committee and its reasons therefor, forwarded to the official rep- resentative of each member jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which such proposed amendment will be voted upon. A majority vote of the county representatives present and a majority vote of the city representatives present are required to adopt an amendment to these By- laws. If, within 60 days after the adoption of any amendment, one-third or more of +,he official representatives protest such amendment, by filing a written protest with the Executive Director, it shall automatically be suspended until the next meeting of the General Assembly, when it shall be taken up for reconsideration and vote as in the first ,nstance. Article XII - Effective Date These Bylaws shall go into effect immediately upon the effective date of the Agreement. j j z; - 13 - y ' C4 C 7 cx STATEMENT OF THE ACTION OF (;3TY COUNCIL Cuurn I I Chant hor, c t[y Hall 44 IlunLlni;ton Beach, California Monday.y June,,--U74. — Maygr CQen called the regular mooting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Reach to order ,at 7:00 P.M. Cnunci lmr-i Present: Councilman Absent : �rk�4••k�•�inY�••IriF+F•k+t•kirX•kit••k it+k•h,�c*fi'�ric•/t�k�••h�'c;i:*Y1r•*ir•ic k�k•k�4��r�c4r�k•k�t•�'k�;ti•htFk�t:Y**�F�it�k�kir�ryk•M9rkk'Jri: COUNCILWOMAN WIEDER - APPOINTMENTS OC HOUSING AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE $CAG _ FLOOD CONTROL COMMITTEE OF OC DIVISION LEAGUE OF CALIF' CITIES Mayor Coen, with the concurrence of Council,appointed Councilwoman Harriett Wieder to nerve as the Cit:y's delegate to the California Association of Governments, the Orange County Housing Authority Advisory Committee ant the Flood Control Committee of the Orange County Division of the League of California Cities. �r:F:4:t•4•�t�1'•h'dF�•:E*4'o!'4•'kYc•/rat'�c�r�nl•�t'•k'A•7t��F•�kxhA•9c�+c�'r7Yk�tsl•�+rat•�e•k�4t•'rt'9r�F'�'•,:!'�•'c.shk't�h'fr�Y•Y�r'A"ksN�t"&yl"k•7r*'*`�t'fr'H'ir•A'tht�'aY1K�'�ts�c i On motion by b4ctbett the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hunt-ington'Beach adjourned at 11:00 P M. to Monday,_1>xnp 10 _ 1974 at 6;00 P.M. in the Co n t7 ChaMber The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shiolcy, Bartlgtt, e e e NOES: Councilmen: Nonce ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City ATTEST: of Huntington Beach, California. s ,Alicia M. Wentworth �v±_n Cofer City Clerk Mayor STATE OF CALIFORN L4 County of Orange ) ss: City of Huntington Beach ) 7_ I, ALICTA M. WENTWORTH, the duly elected and'qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct Statement of Action of the City Council of said City at their 4 regular meeting held on the 4 d dray of _____ ?uap , 19 74 WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington Beach this the 4th day of Ttan , 19 R Al 4+`Va M_ llpn,trwiL t]i City Clerk and ex-offieio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Hantington Beac. California Deputy STATEi•P.TT_ f).^• 'illI's AC 10-21 01: SiTY COUNCIL Ccn+nc I I Chamber, C i t y La I I IlunLln+,ton 1Seach, California Monday Au u t 7974 Mayor Coen called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. Councilmen Present: Bartlett Gibbj�rjty� Councilmen Absent: Shipley-.-Duke •k�h�t•9c�•�'c•k��k�c�ni-x�'c,F�Y�t��'c*r�e4c�'c��t•ic�'r�Y•h�l':t�Y�F'r�'n'.•�r�F;k'ic�Y:'r�F�Y�c�•k�c��k�'c�c�4•h�c�c�r�r�F�r�l•.':•h k�rx-h��'r9c•h�:�'c�:�t•�Y�cir�'c APPOINTMENT - COUNCILMAN HEURY H DUKE - ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO SCAG Mayor Coen, with the concurrence of Council, appointed Councilman Henry H. Duke as the city's alternate representative to the Southern California Association of Governments. z *��*�t9r�r�k�'r*�e�t��c�c�c�e:r•ft�c�eir4c'�r'r�Y�F:k�:Y�r�'r k*�t��r��rk�;@�r�F k�Y•h�'t�c�Fx'fc�4'h•k•trir�c�r�c�'rx�c�r�r�e h�e�'c�t�e�F�'cicdc�Y�c9c k�t-k�e•;e* On motion by Bartlett the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington'Beach adjourned at 12:20 A.M. _ to Monday, Aug. 19, 1974 at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Matney, Wieder, Coen NOES: Councilmen: Nome ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley• Duke _ Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City ATTEST: of Huntington Beach, California. ' •Y `;licia M. Wentworth Alvin M. Coen City Clerk Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Orange City of. Huntington Beach ) I, ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, the duly elected and qualified City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct Statementof Actibn of the City Council of said City at their regular meeting held on the 5th day of August , 19 74 ti WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington Beach this the 7th day of August 19 74 Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach California �,; BY i 1 �s n rz SOUTHERN CALIFORNiA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTSF REGIONAL COOPERATION FOR REGIONAL PROBLEMS 1111 WEST SIXTH STREET SUITE 400• LOS ANGELES• CALIFORNIA• 90017 • 213/481-0095 . December 10, 1973 TO: General Assembly Delegates and Alternates - _ and Chief Administrative Officers 10 1 FROM: Norton Younglove, SCAG President � LL1j D E C 1973 SUBJECT: Announcement of Resolution Procedures CITY OF f•IUNTltdGTON p1;^'Cl ; ADMINISTRATIVE OFF.C_ As President of SCAG, I would like to take this opportunity to notify all members of the procedure for considering policy resolutions at the General Assembly. All "reso- lutions to be considered at the February General Assembly must be submitted to the Resolutions Committee Southern California Association of Governments 1111 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, California 90017 by December 24, 1973. The provisions of the Bylaws relating to resolutions are: Bylaws Provisions Article IV, A (5). Ary official representative who desires to propose any policy mat- ter for determination by the General Assembly shall submit the matter to the Executive Committee in the form of a proposed resolution at least forty-five days prior to any regular meeting of the General Assembly. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Resolutions Committee to consider each such resolution and submit its recommendations for action to -the General Assembly. A copy of each such proposed resolution, togeth- er with the Resolutions Committee's recommendations thereon, shall be included in the agenda materials for each regular meeting of the General Assembly. If a resolution is presented directly to the General Assembly a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly shall be required for its consideration. Based upon the bylaws the following procedure and time schedule for the consideration of resolutions is shown below. Dec. 10, 1973 Announcement of Resolution Procedures and Solicitation of Policy Resolutions. Dec. 24, 1973 Deadline for the submittal of resolutions to the SCAG offices. Jan. 9, 1974 Formal notice to the Delegates and Alternates to the General Assembly of the resolutions received, the announcement nf the membership of the Resolutions Committee and the estab- lishment of the time and 'location of the Committee meeting. Feb. 7, 1974 Meeting of the Resolutions Committee to consider resolutions and prepare recommendations for the General Assembly. x Feb. 8, 1974 Submittal of report of the Resolutions Committee at the r Business Session of the General Assembly. t c �S la S.c. �rr7p And SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS kd REGIONAL COOPERATION FOR REGIONAL PROBLEMS 1111 WEST SIXTH STREET•SUITE 400• LOS ANGELES•CALIFORNIA•90017• 213/481-0095 January 13, 1971 Mr. Paul C. Jones Citv Clerk City of Huntington Beach P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Dear Mr. Jones: Thank you Very much for your City' s Resolution No. 1268, asking the Southern California Association of Governments to adopt a policy position of opposing both State and Federal legislation which does not recognize local government in the decision-making process. This position has historically been held by the Executive Committee of this Association, and at our meeting of December 10, the Executive Committee by unanimous action reaffirmed that position. We strongly concur that in any legislation which would affect the conduct of the affairs on the local level, that the elected representatives from general-purpose governments must be intimately involved in the policy positions. Sincerely, Raytemy Executive Director RR:jiw f � ~-drao ITY 5275 ORANGE AVENUE, CYPRESS, CALIFORNIA 90630 AREA CODE (714) 828-2200 January 19, 1971 Mr. Paul C. Jones City Clerk City of Huntington Beach P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, Calif. 92648 Dear Mr. Jones: This is to acknowledge receipt of Resolution No. 3276 urging that So. Calif. Assoc. of Governments consider the adoption of a policy to oppose any bill on a State or Federal leval which does not involve local government in the decision-making process regarding the orderly physical development of a region. At its regular meeting held December 14, 1970, the Cypress City Council requested the City Manager to notify the So. Calif. Assoc. of Governments Executive Board that the City Council was in support of this resolution. Thank you for advising of your City's position on this matter.. Very truly yours, lam. Da City ,sepx( City Manager/City Clerk fc i SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS G REGIONAL COOPERATION FOR REGIONAL PROBLEMS 1111 WEST SIXTH STREET•SUITE 400 LOS ANGELES• CALIFORNIA -90017 • 213/481-0095 �2 l / November 23, 1970 Dear Mayor Shipley: Subject: Merger of Transportation and Planning Activities of TASC and SCAG In 1964 the Transportation Association of Southern California consisting of Cities and Counties within the six-county area of Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and Imperial Counties was forded. TASC was designed to meet the requirements of Section 134, Title 23 of the United States Code that each urban region establish a continuous comprehensive trans- portation planning process as a prerequisite to eligibility for Federal trans- portation funds. The Southern California Association of Governments was formed in 1965 for the purpose of studying and developing recommendations for action on all regional problems within the same six-county area. Over the years it has become apparent that area-wide transportation planning could be greatly improved by merging the transportation planning activities of TASC with those of SCAG. In February, 1970, both TASC AND SCAG adopted resolutions expressing their intention to merge the comprehensive transportation planning process for the Southern California region into SCAG. On October 9, 1970 a Memorandum of Understanding was executed by the State of California and SCAG approving the merger of the area-wide transportation planning activities, the merger to be effective upon the dissolution of TASC In order to complete the merger, it will be necessary for at least a majority of the governing bodies of each of the Cities and Counties who are members of TASC to adopt a resolution consenting to the dissolution of TASC. A draft of such a resolution is enclosed for your consideration and action. When the merger of the transportation planning effort is complete, the Executive Board of TASC will become the Comprehensive Transportation Planning Committee of SCAG. This committee will continue to represent each city's and county's transportation interests regardless of whether a city or county is, has been, or remains a member of SCAG and/or TASC. (See Section II, Paragraph B, Item No. 1 , in the Memorandum of Understanding). SCAG may enlarge the com- mittee up to a maximum of twenty members. It is intended that additional z Mayor Shipley -2- November 23, 1970 members (elected officials) will be added to provide experience in all modes of transportation including airports, railroads and harbors. The Los Angeles Regional Transportation Study (LARTS) will continue its planning studies under the policy guidance of SCAG through the new Comprehensive Transportation Plan- ning Committee. This should insure coordinated and effective planning for regional transportation in the Southern California area. We urge your early consideration of this matter and your prompt action on the adoption of a resolution consenting to the dissolution of TASC. When the resolution is adopted, please send a certified copy to: Southern California Association of Governments 1111 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, California 90017 Attention: W. T. Chambers, Director Transportation Planning Sincerely, fI Ned Chatfield President of South rn California Association of Governments 1 / t Jose h M. ime, Chairman / Transportation Association of Southern California Attachs. r� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ThIS' AGREEMENT, by and between Southern California Associa- tion of Governments (SCAG) and the Business and Transportation Agency, State of California, for the purpose of accomplishing a continuing cooperative transportation planning process within the SCAU region. I. RECITALS SCAG is an agency voluntarily established by its members pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act for the purpose of providing a forum for discussion, study and development of recommendations on regional problems of mutual interest and con- cern regarding the orderly physical development of the Southern California Region, The Transportation Association of Southern California (TASC) was established voluntarily as an agency by its members pursuant to the Agreement dated August 24, 1964, and amended September 11, 1968, and executed by the State Transportation Agency, Southern California Rapid Transit District, the Counties of Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Ventura, and cer- tain cities in said county for the purpose of providing a forum for discussion, study and development of plans and problems of mutual interest and concern to some or all parties to the Agree- ment regarding the development of transportation systems embracing various modes of transport of people and goods in a manner that would serve the state and local communities efficiently and 1 1 Effectively as a continuing comprehensive transportation planning pr.oces s. The. General Assembly of SCAG and the Area Coordinating (;ommi l"Lue of TASC by resolution have declared it to be in the best interests of the state and local agencies to clarify and simplify t-•he present institutional arrangements in the interests of strengthening the continuing, coordinated transportation planning process within the six-county region, encompassing Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties. The Congress has enacted Section 134 to Chapter 1 of Title 23, U. S. Code, declaring it to be in the national interest to encourage and promote the development of transportation systems embracing various modes of transport-, in a manner which will serve the states and local communities efficiently and effectively and which is based on a continuing, comprehensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by states and local communities. The Los Angeles Regional Transportation Study (LARTS) and LARTS Advisory Committee were established in. January, 1960. It is acknowledged that it is necessary to continue these activities in order to remain qualified for federal-aid funds under the terms of the Federal-Aid Highway Act (Section 134, Chapter 1, Title 24, U. S. Code) . II. UNDERSTANDING NuW, THEREFORE, the Southern California Association of 1• 2 (lovernments, hereinafter referred to as SCAG, and :.he State of Gallf'ornia, acting by and through the lousiness and 'Transportation Agency, hereinafter referred to as the State, do mutually agree as follows: A. Transportation Planning Process The parties shall provide organizational and working relationships for the accomplishment of a continuing cooperative comprehensive transportation planning process within the SCAG region to serve as an integral part of a total planning; process that is comprehensive in its scope. All governmental agencies with transportation responsibilities in the SCAG area shall be encouraged to cooperate in this endeavor. Each agency 's contribution shall be appropriate to its role in regional transportation and based on its specific capabilities. B. SCAG Committee Structure SCAG shall establish within its organization committee relationships such that the development of transportation facilities in the region will be accomplished in a most orderly manner including establishment of: 1. A committee of SCAG to be know as Comprehensive Transportation Planning Committee consisting of at least 14 but not more than 20 members or their alternates, all but one of which to be elected l officials appointed by SCAG, and the other to be the r 3 0 Secretary of the Business and Transportation Agency of the State of California or his alternate, SCAG assuring that each city's and county's transportation interests will be adequately represented regardless of whether such city or county is or continues to be a member of SCAG. 2. Subject to ratification of SCAG Executive Committee, the Comprehensive Transportation Planning Committee shall appoint such technical advisory committees and other sub- committees as it chooses . C. Transportation Studies 1. The Comprehensive Transportation Planning Committee , in cooperation with other participating agencies and in accordance with state and federal requirements, shall prepare and maintain an operations plan for the conduct of a cooperative, comprehensive continuing transportation planning process , including the organizational structure and scope of the planning with a breakdown of responsi- bilities of all participating agencies. Such operations plan is to be approved by the SCAG Executive Committee. Based on the operations plan, the Comprehensive Trans- portation Planning Committee under the policy guidance of SCAG shall: a. Conduct such studies as from time to time may be necessary to the proper and orderly planning of regional transportation, one of which studies shall 4 be the Los Angeles Regional Transportation Study; b. Prepare and maintain one-year and five-year work programs which meet the requirements of state and federal governments for transportation planning funding; C . Plan and maintain a comprehensive transportation planning process including land use and transportation alternatives which reflect recognition of the needs of all governmental agencies, local, regional and contiguous, as well as state and national, and which process includes procedures for surveillance and reappraisal of all relevant factors and decisions; d. Conduct research and development programs providing for the resources needed to maintain the vegion's transportation planning capabilities; and e. Develop implementation programs designed to carry out approved proposals and recommendations. 2. The data and assistance generated by the Comprehensive Transportation Planning Committee together with necessary consultation service and analytical methodology shall be available to all governmental agencies and to the general public in accordance with applicable statutes. The work 3 program shall be carried out by a technical staff mutually agreeable to the parties. D. Special arrangements for the orderly transfer of responsi- bilities from and subsequent dissolution of the Transportation y 5 M � Association of Southern California. 1. The parties mutually agree '-at the individual elected representatives who are members of the Executive Board of the Transportation Association of Southern California shall be members of the SCAG Comprehensive Transportation Planning Committee to serve until adjournment of the next ensuing SCAG February General Assembly as specified in the SCAG bylaws, or until replaced thereafter in accordance with the provisions of said bylaws. The parties mutually agree that official delegates to the Transportation Association of Southern California Arca Coordinating Committee as of the effective date of this agreement representing cities who are not members of SCAG shall be entitled to discuss and to vote on all transportation matters coming before the General Assembly of SCAG as if they were, for this purpose, official delegates subject to SCAG bylaws. III. AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES INTACT One purpose of this agreement is to arrange for the efficient coordinated use of the resources of the various agencies with transportation responsibilities in the SCAG region. It is not z intended to constitute, in any manner, any i,eassignment of transportation responsibilities from those engendered by appropriate charters, statutes and ordinances. Existing transportation responsibilities of all agencies with trans— portation responsibilities in the SCAG region continue intact. 6 IV. AMENDMENTS A. In order to ensure continuing compliance with federal comprehensive transportation planning process requirements any amendment to this memorandum shall be subject to ratification by the U. S. Department of Transportation. V. OPERATIVE DATE This memorandum of understanding shall become operative upon dissolution of the Transportation Association of Southern California as evidenced by resolution of the governing bodies of one more than half of its official membership. Further, upon the effective date of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Agreement dated August 24, 1964, as amended September 11, 1968, between the counties and cities of the SCAG area, as well as the agreement dated November 4, 1966, between SCAG and the State shall become null and void. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed by their respective officers, thereunto duly authorized and to be effective upon this day of October, 1970. 7 t,q)pr ovc�i ac to form Southern California &5sociation of G ove rnrrw n t sly ------ � Le 'cLl. CaanOC-1 for SCAU i State of California B siness Cs - Trans ort n A enc, i3y Sec etary 8 Y �o SCAG Executive Committee CAG Utah _ V _ Comprenhensive Transportation AIL j. P1 anni nc, Committee 1 j I Public Streets f; Airports Rai.lroa,ls Farbors Pipelines Citizens TransJ Highways Cornr.iitteeti j Council f 7,4 T. A i r p 0 r Relate Existi::- -F c: - i Caner Teci.rical i Advisor,,, A,= nical Gotl�aittEes i ;ozu�iittees t Committee I ;as assigne-.) r* ounc i l of _ i' .,.. ?-_a:zrii , h::TS rector j . _`.f < ro • � a • r December 8, 1970 Southern California Association of Governments 1111 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 Attention: W. T. Chambers, Director Transportation Planning Gentlemen: D At the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach held Monday, December 7, 1970, Council adopted Resolution No. 3255 Said resolution consents to the dissolution of TASC. A certified copy of Resolution No. 3255 is enclosed as requested in your letter to Mayor Shipley, dated November 23, 1970. Sincerely yours, Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCJ:pm Enclosure x 3 a City o Huntington Beach P.O. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 January 7, 1971 The City Council of Huntington Beach, at its regular meeting held Monday, January 4, 1971, adopted Resolu- tion No, 3276 urging that Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) consider the adoption of a policy to oppose any bill on a State or Federal level which does not involve local government in the decision-making process regarding the orderly physical development of a region. Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No, .3276. We urge your cooperation in adopting similar legislation. Sincerely yours, Paul C. Jo ups City Clerk PCJ:aw Enc. RESOLUTION NO. 3276 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH URGING THAT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SCAG) CONSIDER, THE i ADOPTION OF A POLICY TO OPPOSE ANY BILL ON A STATE OR FEDERAL LEVEL WHICH DOES NOT INVOLVE LOCAL j GOVERNMENT IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS REGARDING 1 THE ORDERLY PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF A REGION i WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach i does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That SCAG consider the adoption of a policy that SCAG notify the appropriate members of the State or Federal Legislatures of its opposition to any legislation or any portion of any legislation which is introduced and which does not properly involve local government in the decision-making process regarding the orderly physical development of a region or which does not properly permit local governmental representation in the decision- making process regarding the orderly physical development of the region. SECTION 2. That the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does express its opposition to Federal or State legislation which is introduced which does not properly involve local government and provide proper local government representation in the decision- making process regarding the orderly physical development of the region. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution shall be sent to United States Senators Alan Cranston and George Murphy, United States Senator Elect John V. Tunney, State Senators Dennis Carpenter and James E. Whetmore, State Assemblymen Robert E. Badham, John V. Briggs, Robert Burke and Kenneth Cory, the City Councils of the Orange County cities, _l_ 44 Southern California Agency of Governments, Transportation Association of Southern California and Orange County Division of the League oC California Cities. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of January, 1971. EZ2�w ` Mayor ATTFST: ,ity erk APPRovEr AS TO FORM: Ci y Attorney -2-- ' Res. No. STATE Or CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ) 1 , PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Iuntington Beach, and ex- officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby j certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is seven; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of d'anuarY_ _, 19_ _71 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: I McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Green, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: Done ABSENT: Councilmen: Matney Q- j City Clerk and '+sic-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, alifornia HIE FORE.COMG INS'IRl1AMBT IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE City Clerk Ind E::-vfF^ie, Clerk of the City Count: of the Gt of 1-lunt11yon DEPUTY CITY CLERK... ^;l �r ItRGFDN CITY a SAY o � r7-rrrrt � -------- ------ � CALIFORNIA �cS�AJy 79b9.4'�40 'RUNTY ,P W. Max Reynolds, President axane County League of Cities Civic Center 300 E. Cha n Avenue Orange, California Dear Ate. Reynolds 'The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at their regular meeting hold Honda Dcember 21, 1964, approved the. ,Agreement between Q, City of Runtington Beach and the So here California Association of Governments, Enclosed is an-esecuted! copy of the agreemeAt as per your instructions Sincerely yours, CITY OF HmqTXDTGTON BEACH Paul C. Jones City Clerk C (,7 47 arFICIALS ITn 4 - J / G DOYLE MILLER . f'GRA ` T, ✓ �F / ADMINISTRATIVE OPFJCCR C I T Y O F et �s � •.� t° t'Er�d2 C. f� c '#t' aRAricER D. casrL � F"`�`�-.-� � /� h6516TAMT ADN4H/tiTftATaJt P.0. BOX !40 C A L I r 0 R N I A JAMBS R. WHEELER awauattcF JAMES O. PLUNKT:4'T CI TY ATTORNEY IIOWARO ROSID tUX COUNCILMEN POLICE CHIEF RCPE'RT M. LAMBERT, MAYOR ERNWST H. DISLER DELSER'r G. HIGGINS JAKE R. STEWART' FIFE CHJC' THOMAS H. WELCH VINCENT G. MOORHOUSE I.YNDON A. WELLS, SR. UA 't LIFCORD CHIEF Mal*.T 15, 1964 CLU14 C. CLE"VELAND CITY CLERK PLUILUIN4 DIRECTOR FTAUL C. JONES TR9ACURd'R WILLIS C. WARNER SICM DIEKOrF PLANt11HO DIRECTOR The honorable David L. Biker, Supervisor District Not. 2, Beard of Supervisors Oran e County Court house Santa. Ana, California Dear Mr. BcakEar E Thank you very much for your recent note. In regard to the establislzment of the Southern California ,association of Gov4errmients, I can assure you that this association will have my strong personal support and 1 will do all I can to see: that Huntington Beach will participate in this program. Sincerely yours, Donald D. Shipley I? y Mayor DDS b"-M outgo cafflopflia Associalion 01 60venefils SC 275 E. Olive Ave. Burbank, California N G, INTERIM OFFICERS PRESIDENT: DALLAS M.WILLIAMS COUNCILMAN, BURBANK VICE PRESIDENT: DAVID BAKER SUPERVISOR, ORANGE COUNTY Copy March 9, 1966 Mr. Victor Fischer, Director Office of Metropolitan Development Department of Housing and "Urban Development 1626 K Street Washington, D. C. 20410 Dear Mr. Fischer: Or February 24, 1966, elected officials representing eighty-five cities and six counties met together in general assembly and com- pleted the formation_ of the Southern California Association of Governments. The formation_ of the Association came as the result of official actions on the part of the governing bodies of each of its constit- uent members acting under the "joint exercise of powers" provision of the Goverr_ment Code of the State of Californ_=a. At the inaugural meeting the general assembly (1) adopted its by- laws; (2) elected officers; and (3) approved a budget and schedule of dues. Further, it empowered the Executive Committee to take such other actions as are deemed necessary ';o the accomplishment of the aims of the organization. As President of the Southern California Association of Governments I have been directed to call the fact of SCAGIs formation to the { official attention of your office . To this end I am enclosing with this letter (1) 'the Bylaws; (2) the instrument of agreement; and (3) a roster of the charter members of the association. As noted in the Bylaws, "the Southern California Association of Governments is established. . .for study and development of recom- mendations regarding the orderly physical development of the , Southern California region." To this end we are beginning at once with the steps necessary to the structure and coordination of area-wide comprehensive planning. In the furtherance of these aims we wish to cooperate to the fullest extent with those agencies active in the planning functions at all levels of government. a AWL Mr. Victor Fischer, Director March 9, 1966 Page 2 For example, at the State level, the Transportation Association of Southern California (1ASC) has provided in its bylaws that when SCAG is organized that the State Transportation Agency Adminis- trator may enter into an agreement with 3CAG for this organization to carry out the transportation planning process in this region. It is further provided that a' such time TYSC shall become a standing committee of th:. Southern California Association of Go; . rximents Because your of.L"ice is concerned with matters of this nature at the federal level there are of course many other stems that are Uf immediate mutual concern For example, it has come to our attention -that several jurisdic- tions in this region_ have made application to your department for certain grants-in-aid and that it has been necessary to withhold action on some of these pending the designation or recognition of a cooperative agency of local governments that is performing a. general planning functicn in this region. Please _note that SCAG does not seek to be a referee or arbiter with regard to such_ ap- plications. But if the fact of our existence will assist these: applicants we would be pleased to have so helped expedite the matter. Although we do not have full knowledge of the criteria that Congress or your office may have estaiolished in this regard, we hereby call to your attention the fact that our association_ is now functioning and in all liklihood satisfies such criteria. It is apparent that sonie action of recognition or dezignation on year part would possibly help to expedite applications for grants-ir_-a.id submitted by various Jurisdictions in this region. Therefore, we respectfully call your attention to these matters and ask that you advise us at your earliest opportunity as to what action the Department can take in this regard. Very truly yours, SOUTHERN CA.LiFORNIA. ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Dallas M. Williams, President DMw:dg;q Enclosure: -SCAG Bylaws SC AC Agreement SCAG Charter Member Roster a , i�`1,, t S� .�r G£.•Jr ,l.d d.:t ,�.ie at..�.+„.F.�4 ;ti11 ,!a' any 1.}r�r•4Yk's.z"sT�'Tf y q y E � .Get On {,�nrt1.�,.'ai<�.Jl,���: # ,��1'dt.y t4� �.i..,N +��,�•'�n�*. f. 'a�n."�.�,9A.�o4� `4d.:�w.'e'.c t ed tba it iJhO ' �''� b7:+:t� ',>�S}91 : .:.._, })� •stx,Sr .�' C,?�° �.�aar., t3�'��r3?3�,>,'£:£�.i:«�3`7. Cr 3`":'�A�a ,y y a 4 t /� � �+ ,ry, �yb p p� 5 y»,.(� r},t�q ta"Iia �1�1 i+ I.12R+i 1. !"A S.� C J� 3..,L �f '�G ��e 'a 4 e� .`.\o+ '+w'GR o Cab Fti7 `*`c� 2 ,il. 1' ? "E 1 . z� is y'L�32C E!'s"a +"��'.� 1i ti 'Y a +`��y'+?�... ,. F �'�`3, 9 ..ia r �.°t t;�.��t7. Y�'� ,�.t �"4•t�Z' .>rU ,�s-�'u v n,!�'��".a° !e(h. 0£3 s A;em, this ks'{Gxl£.I` . 4 x��J 7 .'i`: 'You : .S of rtc' o- for 10, Tllill77 M. ,r yy r • �'1d1�J�e.�v�"rf ��'�'�A �i�''�d�fi.�C�`er���fi� rm`�A�u'i�'� pm" -, BM.WS A5 1 PTM BY THE JOIM SE3 `ff�-CITY SLAG wMU`.T`;@.M` Yzru, t 27, 196 1 The S,.:. Caal,ifortia Aesoc<iation of Soverme -a is an agency $-DlUnt- nVily entabl.i.a lwc! 1;3' its m .bera jY,j,,avatrb to the aoint Xv2rcise of lovers Att,,for the Wr-pase of providing a f'spr<asu for di.scusgi.on, at%Ay and davel,opmeAt of co -- A%U ,,A on veSiunal pr6olema of mutual interest and concern ern repriling the or ray v.*siaal dovel,op ent of the Southern Csl.iforni4 Pagion. Article I - rMotiona Mae fftati:one of the Ae sowi:aation are A. ? chex'sge of pl.aanitg i orwt tlon. Making available to Momberg pans and pl,€nblmg studlesp completed or proposed by local goverrm snto or those of Statf, or Pederal asgenLies vhich would affect Local govei-n ents. D. Study of inter-amnty pzoblemm, ldentifl aatin= and stWy of problamo soquirUg pltiutUng by juries dictiono in wre i s or-e county in Mi Bcvthe Caalif- orni n area =4 the making o�C appropriate polioy or action r acca'assaez.datione C. Be-A o of govermrArtal proposals. F v'iev of pn,posalO CrOatlzag encies of regional scope and the Ong of appropriate policy or action rec", - modationa concerning the need for such uni,ta or agencieo. U. Consider gatas'ti.ons of mutuasl interest and ocnoern to cs,uaty and city tsezbera of>'ta'tte Association =4 may develop poli6y and action reco=andationo of an Article 11 - fini:tions A, twsa� t nn. 117 Association, cis sd; in these Wlwaap masm the SoAxthern Cali.f mnia Ansoclation of Gave rmerto taa eatabliL '�d by thase lay1w4o. B. fteneral su! blX. As w3ud in thene bgwfip mans a meeting of the official repraaebcativeF3 of the mGt*,ers of tho $tat%t'he California AB"Giation of f�Ci�`��aa�tent C. Off ieial g sentative. X''q anad in vhoos YVl.avar ans dither the :ror or a member of the legislative body rai° each term ar city,# =Id aither tha obsirman of i;he Ward of Sti rviw-ixs or a member of 'Me l.egiels.ti" ', r of oath oheir offIcial rarvesentative. D. jUt&rnate. pis tined in t1hese Bylaws, mewss either the p rsr or a mem- ber of the le ialativri body of each member city, and ei.thor the chai rm or I.-he azA of Supe:cvi.sorz or a mem" r of the l.e ielsti e t:�_ of each membe- county, designated 'Or the lagialt%tsit-e b«d ' of the mewbar rill r or County as their alternate to serer 14 an aff cial twpacitt only in the absence of the official repreeentative of the tLimber, city 0» do is Article III - MtmbarslAp aml Representation A RedWrshi.p 1. All cities and all cot aties viithin the area of the -countia e of too fiwaolaz4 Or=get Riverside) San Bernardino and Vsvti va are tiligible for VIM berghip in the Southern Cai.ifoiziuAmsoci,ation of Governmnts. Fach city r incorpor- ated ;aitbin the countias 'eztumerated sa~tiave after ".-he formation of the Asaoc"Mtion abA3.1 automatically be ollgible to m mborrihi.p subject to tote provisions of txbeec4 3 sanf tktiecti on A, 2. Each her bounty farad eftclt m�mbe . city t shah hw- �Jw ae�x t iu the Ueneml PSanmb;- . 3. -KeWberohi.p obal . he contIngent aeon the execution of the Joint ra,4erp Agrewejt wad the payment by ap.ch county or cite of each anxaual asses mtzat5 4} ;aW, county or cit. in the area riot fortb in Subsection A.1 -o thla Arti.tle III ate:; 1)ecme % w-,imber after the i,Ati'aal formation of Vnis sgoeia- ti o"—"-, pvavidod that all the prf vl mlmi€w f' tbis Arti:elc: 711 ur e Taut by thw J'Iris- diction Seeking �sr�3sx�taii�. 1, Gnu the offici;aw represeritative or alternate Ph all repxr ze;nl a raeim'er In the Oeteral AF3eanblzr, provided, however, that all members of the Board of Sup%sr iszro of a rAmber nomrty may participate �tn the adult ati.ons ar.4 digeus. lions 0? the aaeveral Assembly. 2 The M'Voi. -f each city ahatl be ei.thor the official repreaebta- f 1jve or r + Vmeao ,)f o3'f clal representt,tives and alternatep shall be com- nmi.eata4t to the Gero{gal Assembly by the appointing city or county. IN'tial representativea a ad i,ex ate zhall nerve mtil a �urY- censor is vppoLnted,y f"Xcept if an official representative or atgrmete ce%ses to be a Tiber of the logialatim body or wayvv of the city or uounty,appointius him, in Which case his seat as an official repmeentp=t°ive or a ltermte 61-all be vatmot mtil a sudceeaor i.o appointed. ,ixti.cle actleral Assembly, A. the p a sad :t.ozctiova of the G,", ral Msembhy. ,< vabjec: to the limi_ tati.on of Article 1, sball include . The maiming of psjtcy dva tsicma and the deterMnaztion of lix matters for Vhe Aesociati.aatt. e. AD,- official rmpl^eaontattve Mr, at „v reei"10's of the 0awsx-al Asoembly, proposs a subject or subjects for atuxly by the The Soneral Asaambl may take action upozi ,h proman.a €nd, if VY official, repreaeutativep datermitae whither a atlid will bie made of the subject or Beabjetto ace praposed or 4 refer ouch GubkTvt or sttbjel-''',P, to the nacacatti ve Comittea 3, Any, Off.,.cle, cacntat C r may) at any meeti{� of the mnw�F�I Aaaem''blyA request reviev by the General Aaeembly of wW action of the D ahva C=Ittoe vbicto haaa 'bean t&k an between mest.ingo o; t)tR rloneml Aeo b:y 4, Baell year at its t v%A! neekw o the Geteral Az-aae ly ahall x°e v the -proposed 4g ai aria, assef5amenU aebe le sutzitted by the Executive Cm- mittee ard sh4ll adopt an aajaua bu4gat i -.aasesa alafi acho4ulc, 1. Fwgula mr-eti.n o of the Denexsl Aaseflfoly shall. be held tvi.co s Tear. The amities ;coati- shall, bkry hold Ott the month of Fe'brusry and the othar regular waatiqq in the 1141.. Special meetings of the General Assembly may be called by t I�xeacutive Ccvnwthtee upon itD a4n m ation =d shall be called by the l ext'i ftxmittee Upon vritteli xar,tid t• of r cities emd A member coup-ties, Tez Dora' vri.aiaer. notice of +a aptci.a3. meeting shad 'bit Si,v as to tie Official rep- hesetztatit a >zzz4 altprvataa of arch me—tuber city and to each member of tbeg Boarl of Suporvieors of eaob member aount t. Aa2 agenda aapeci:fying the s lb jeot of thq Apeci.al meetlns Shall accompany the notice. 'he tier date wA location of both vsgsalar meetings or the nsxal`Asnam'b y shah he deterained. by the &ecuti.ve Committee, r, tits-ice or both roolar metITgs ox the I`teJC l AsawblY Nhall bme gives to she official repmsantat t tuna tlerurtm Qf each mcr,�bar aity and to arch a r th upa isars v? e h yx b r county at least 0 days prior to aftll M1 tAirZ,, AU 6901da for t-110 ,90,t,1419 Ehall l O'C0zt Pary the notiol°e Association ei it'toa s sWL11 meet the of their cbAimea . The ateral Aoveidblv rmWi adopt rules for Ito mn procee ;urO. A qumum of tha eisneral. Azzembly $troll cons .at of offleial repro rautati s-o trcm at 'der..,st ate-third of whe official wamber cities abd at least 0MAWA,ral r,f the oftielal rwmboe, omit-lem. 21 aaMCiai aekmtly repreeortativ"a =d each 0fricial city rep« tesentota3.ve mill haw ow vote. Votary ahall be tabulated separately for amant rdpr*00 tWtivas =4 foil ofty r resetat t�. s. The affix ,tivs rr�' :'o r ajtsrit r of is ZpDrUa Of csts Ulktyr��r���xst c�t���aWd 0� 0: %,gjOri.ty � � +�ta�+r . �� �:Vty reps: rescutaltive o rzq)i1ra4 for polic rec€ x e.ndations or action. Tr the absence of t'ha 0Mcial repramentative, the mltenwwta tPatil. be entitled to Vote. a -tbei- b, m ar woll cull vote. A roll call Vote,Shams be cotftcted xxp t1be d"drag of yi-tre official Preseatt, or at the diocrretiort of tote p eir� � officer. Az�`aicl � ccxxtive Cittee :Guare shall beat,, Executive Ca=ittee of the Aseociation. which shall 'tae QV9w4MIA AZd''01*011 lie ree ts:LOle tor +�=attoxip a herel-n er set rortta I. liMMa.SVO-hiP. TIM Mr—knrship of tki-;� E scirt€v e Cmait ee, shall bpi one -nd alternate from. a-Ach mmber a=�1' 8 cml- r p r ygtati tirAj alterwate rr'-'�ax thi: rYol ec 3'm Berber ci t pep v tbi ea-:'b 'Zotiutsy, r�.id One lwprl mmt— mt l and 4-b erwkta :"lic-r4 use -Cit:y of Tz PingOOB. (n) Zie official z-p. c-cntm1%;ivP. aid zate�iaatofox, emah ccAlretY shn 1 matte Kis cmbt-r and alterval';m, mr4ra" Lively, on b1113 cautive Comit- too (t) "U! orri:ia l rcrzor3entative in one of tba twmber cities In m: h or the c mti � extz anret"�dl Irt A .I or iLrtl,3Ie III dbove,, Aall b grpoititcd b;! a pluxaj1 va t c;f irhe nffieim-1 ri^a:4sent,at vpm rig the member cities r 011ch colu'ty pt-eoeut< mt he F+?,) *""m—y ens ssf;T Eby of '434e General Aowm44 to tXres- oixt thn re b�r ,:.:±-Upo In avid An Es:t'$'ectiat- fnr each ehal-1 be eia lect;ed in the Gaw mannor, (e Ir. £i ftAlcn to thQ clty a.�."7,dbti^L�l�;'�4ie�.C�����= vPle1',kcd by the ;z i r ci a a 1rz$ ? Y Ay7� ei A' �i*afi�r, ? � :{;'F`r. ra a:c F�= n ax° ve {hg' tdtar City cif" 14-1 k3,1clas shall bii t-� wzlaer of ttw rbvr :uti.e C r.Sttte l d the ail`e rate from the Ci tYv of Los Angeles in the Geri rt."'. Asqurxbly sbri l b€ bl"o alternate an ',be (rl:) L'yfl;ly ti, omclvl repremita;t-I.Ve obs".1, l rt.icil+ate In the del 3.'L zratiaa"Tis 814 actions of the c'as'cet%t t)lat an a aEkS'Yle*e' r.kv p b!icipate in tho Ouence of thr repre,'jent Mw; . V. a: -)f rjMce. rQs of the members of, the lko*utive Cowmittee shall be for tvo years. Vrept for a!,)t,,st„ nrm nec ee6anm to constitute the first eautive comltteep tesxias 31ha.`l c rim--c* upon ed lou:eutmunt of the Folnm ry mn cuing of the Geuerti). Assembly c.A- the appz-opri*4te county official repl%etmat- Kati,=;ems frota Loa ,Angeles and VeaVtira counti c aball t-emez for tams which expire In d-ouTabered years,, ails the offi,.tial r+aptrexoentat ivies of the n lies within r' Azga es and Ventura zo,autics shall serve i`�r terms i-wii h expire i. i w r-i7u�s�cxwe+i �n ,� gas. The tellus 0? the o fide" rcpresortta,&lvea cal` Oay Vic, Pivernide any r San Bernardino counties sball expl in evr,, a-xahztlberi,el p-ars, and the texas at 'Vne official Of the citles v1 .X-tn these S.",t zitsles aliall F:xpirt in odd— it bardd ;Vwws. IT on, Official ceaso to be az elected O fia-i grow. a pit; or c aaaty, be hc-u it relingiit.nh his ,oclt:ion Ae official aep- T s:yien`itateive mid j"As txC:411t.�Ave ceria-Itt ee t:eatw z;hn-1, b� dC34:alxrpO,. v ao abti.. 1-ftuvar'ancy sball biq xPlIled n:4 the noxt regular tit-ettzg .,;f tho Ienenel Assembl; ipi the s nwuier as the origivel a;;pulut uonfy, 3. Rer°tt{l'ge. he, t;a:z" tee Shall rww't zit leant. fo' ` :; xawta each ;year, tho- f t,)t neetlP4.!,, t-i fo!'AlC'4't ;hp mretl4 lg. of the General Awiet 4, eaud quavtcrly ulhoxnaftor. Adlit-11tiral m-e;t!rL3a tihal1, be bell upon the call of the or upor. ho .Calll of a iir,,jorll:`ty= o ' the rsewbers of the recu- "e,i •- Cmml itse. Date and pl&vas of mcetirgt rah all be fliced by t1he ltxecalti C=mit- topes; cx-�Q t as provide4 above. At 'vsaat 24 �tatars v..r ,tten notico of val meetings ehall be given to all mewlbers by its ae retary. :7,uc:Ph xtti ce m be waived by any viember. The aiet tive *xm ;too moy adopf; rulon for itr sera± Procod w . 11., �lartia>x. (a) Subject to the policy,totabli.shed by, the Ceueral. Asvembly, the nattt:~o Ccom:°F.t-bco sball, conduct°. A;he taff airs of the Asscc;istiora. bl E�, ,LNcecutive Cot tit<tee shall aye: iev arA May. rewire, stntd, iaaoresse or Oetroase the proposed caphual budget; as prepaxed by t'le aecutive Dir- cctor. Farb yvmr, the pr kVgserl budget rkrA the a?3s,ssmen-: achedulh e ?eased upon such proposed budge, as approv-d by the Mcedutiue Committee, shall be submitted to 'Me . be)�a of the General. Avaem ly at least: 30 days be-Pore the annual meeting. After 7 adapt°;on of the annual Lv; et ax.d Pssessment; anohedtIe by the Oeviexol Arse6ttbly, the Z.recutive Committee ahall control -,Ill exile—tditr es J.tj ac c-ordame vith such b rdarnt¢ (1) 'ie rxecuti:vc Cap-mit-tee shall have der to transfer ftnd vititin the total budget rm—.U-qt i�l a eV tO meet '.uazt:ic:ipat e-I r0"4dc or chm%,,?d altuatµoxt. F.iuch action sb all be repotted to, the General Azoembly at it i t'It>xt 1"ag#,!,),r teae a+ri ng e L,Ui�VO UO:4Adrta%e3, sh4,11 L`\'„ 'i.�1 �V br'htdget and �,�.F.nvu-;k:IkA. tarw=macti`nna since the pre-. (0) 71hit fi'"mw t o Kjh—t:l.l oubAt it a A'A1 rapo ' of its activities at -vac L :t'.'k'Lml ar ti lc"tiV'r oj'L the Gaf )Ea rEol A66,--Mbly. (d) one Execative Ctwmdttee qh 11 item the tauthmrity to ppoint$ MT than oalazy of cw4 xamom mi Recut ve Director of the, twoociation aud shall have t e authority to creata arai ei-IMconti.nue positions its tbre employ ci` the . 69ociation and fix, Calki ies. (a) Th RKvvutive Coz.mittee ---all ImVe the Power tea �-'prOi.nt ce it teeo to atud°;�� spectfic prtabl mn, �Sx�,�gr=,—s, or vt1 er mt ttera wuhi.ch the taau« q 7 (f$ Aecome xiutiont. from cemm tteoa for pe+lly.r dcoi.sivns t;hal be made to the &ectttive C mutt,.». Tan- &vrrut:i.ve rcm"ittee shall smt ii.tc Stich :rwc endetions with its co-.menta and recommendations to the Genera. Asrjembly faz action ( ) The Btac itive Com 4ttee ahr.11 he responsible for carrying out Polley deal ss jo is ar>aAe her the General Aaaembly. 5> Voting In the Rcecuti,m f,c; i te{; shall be + Onducted in tho follmil tj rwrs (a) A ma4orlt at the ana mDer3 of the D:eciXLiVA_ Cct sit;' er shall required for, a.VI'lon by tb% RveutIV?cA with -be e&7v bions set cat, belvv. (1) .in hrdagj• tij the aunt;-al btydget to the Gan- era]. eesa ll+, the ra fid e a tic .. Of, r :cxr�ri is a z ,Jorita c,? the ». ecutire Cc5Unitrtee membership �s reglalr€d. the affirmative c t c of not Ieva t r ay a m ari°! �sC tho flcmirttee razmber- ship in mgtxired. Article, ri. .. OfI`icerrs, MectIons =d W..mnei.ea A. M.,e:rct of t°ho fiseceiatkn EU11 comaet of a Presid; t, a 'Vices °ek,idt rt rod s O c otery- e a su . `FP,,D Vlruu ,deWv a ''lce P reoident zliall '� aelect ed by the Ermutive Committect sxm amozg its corn membership. Ste. rmeretary- Treeaur r roed naafi, be a vember of the l ecutI C mit.tee. 15, Officers, ab4l, bra appoi ited e_mrzally by the P:ccuti v-e C=Wt tee at it o February matipg. Nmr c,"i?i cars alia ll t.F4ke office on adjournment an this meet- ing. An exception to thin pm-educe ga ll be made for the i;Mtial appointment of t Presiterat and a Vice Preoident. In order ;hat i.nit:ial d1rection mW be given to Aaamiailon .*T-fairsy he fIrst President) tam Vice Presldentf sball be appointed by tb,e P34eauti.ve Ca+mi.t%•tee at its first ►neetiaa, . The office: of President ahall alter- nate ahrauaxlly beUieen county representatives and city repreaentativen, In yeare l.� „sh-an UO 'tv^:id y;;rt is u t:e�stw4f r preeatavhati ;' the Vice cetii s�tat 311 1 4 tip; tau vaumvcy rhall imrivdintely occur xr! the Office et the Pmmi r t or Vice 1:1—r4 sidoixt u%rm the resigtatim or. dvt� ` of tbo pwrsotl holdlmg a' h OT41.'a or urv4 bis carasi€q tee bt at offteiml %,,prec:eutativo of a mumber oitv or coufttvy. Upon a vacalrey cacownri-.eta U4 Om o iec o.? ea:idzmt or Vlr.p Prevtdent, th €1am 1v Committee shad.l 4ppoint a pmaident cr Vies", pranident) au thg Wave mv boo from amarg ita -member o to verve for the baiat v rf tho unexpired term.. If the formar ine umbont vat a emilty Mp.kenoftt$ai:i. k the sur miaor Mail be � county repry aento- ative, art, If lie va u a City thn- viewcovaor aball bo a city rep, ver'onta€uiV9. • x i.d t� shay 1.i be the presirl.ir g oft cer of the Exto atiiVe CMAtdt- t oo and oT tbe Ooner MaewbV. Tbe. Vice pnlaldevt vhall act in hie Wrjmence R. 11 o tlecwetexy.3 ewire r aball k%T a root-ad Of' all prOceendi a, he" a Ax-t<ir.to VIT - `a,:zecut".$;rya vi"'e eto 'the Meautivo MrecHor ohall bQ the chiof admirrvlatr�v"'Ivo r,frL,,ar o:V the Msoaiation, Ile aball recoire rmob ry tpensatiors is sz.�y lr�e k i.xed by the Ibm-, tivea Co fttm Tht4 powers and d<eolza of the TNeib,'tJrive Dire otor are: A. abject to tbo a utbority of the Glynmais Aaseealy aud the lkec t..ive Cozz ttoo$ 'moo eft-LiAai er the af:raino of the Ar rociati ono V. To appoint, di,recv and rem"e all t ployeea of the ASSOCIat on, C. Ajanually to pxe re at d. present a proposed bw*et to the &ecutive Co +ittee oid to cortw'ro'l the; approved budget. 10 D. TIo goorve as *wrc�tax,..„` assc�� of the Asscacir6tion ar.4 of tile G F. 'To perfwf:s rwah other and additional duti.cs as the Ocneral Assembly or the Ikocutive ua i.tter Syr r�zlaai Anti o l e YXIT w Pi 4^ce A. `isea. Year. 1rho Pfocai. Year oZ the ,esoci ation em- zcwco s a3. as v t kti1 41 SA. and &dopti � o budget of the Assotiation aball be submitted to tlao ens~uti e by the L-$xecutllve Dlroctkor on or before Jwusvy 1 or %eh year, The nr ual Y:udr t and ava aiwtt oeba-dale shall be 44capted L-y the Oener4l Acambly not, laZar than March I of esiah year. t�. l s I'y m rxab�rs}Lai ht. Each year, upon adoption or the annual bvdgett the Gowral AzaaDWv shnll fIx membership ae teecwwnttt far all membera of the Assoclevion in 6zo=ts suffi.ciont 'to p oa,ridt the rvn6s required by tzar btucIget. Axq twbb2r elty or co ati vrhow annual bas net been received by the time of tho Dual; et'ing shall not be ontitled to veto at such meetit or tb�reafter untll such as vsamox nt io rQ;ocived, Moe aw=t of, each menb r'sa ass3ess ate aball be determined, in zccordancs with the forma met out, in Pare wraph "V' follra ir4g. D. tWthod ref As eesswjut. The annual assesoment for members sad the Association slhmll be based upon population ao dete mined W the Staloe Controller in wing the most recent allocation to * ties and counties pursusnt to the Notor vohicles License :"be l M One-half of the total budget shall be pain ty the- Member counties a one-half by the member oi.tios. ftch ,ountyl a wscessment shall be a proportion- ate ahare of the counties, one-half of the bLASeu total, determined by the ratio of the individual co ty's population to they tot,.0 population of all zer4ber cwn4 ties. Pach el�A,7'4 assessment sha:l.l, be n propoxtionalte gbare of the curies' one-half of the bud-got total dete m.•ined. ty the ratio of the 1j3dividual ciwy'a population vo 'the total population of all Member ci:tl:eq, Z� Annuo!Audit. e + :'ative Cvwgittee shall cause an annual audit, oZ the Zit icial at'lairs of the Aseociation to be made by a cextMed public acco=tant at the -.BW of each fiscal year. Inie &yecutive Cmgittee shall Pwploy , certified public acca=tant of its choozixt;. 7hu audit report shall. be (ado wv- i:lable to Aupocirsvi.on meabor pities and counties Article Statutory Aulthori . Lie Southern California Association of Covernmonts ahW be an agenV ostabl:ithed by a joint povero agr emont among the members pursuant to Title 1, '-1sim T Chapter 5, of the Gwrerrment Code of the State of California. Article X - l thdra,,a1 Any niew-ber city or cwinty may, st any time, withdraw from the Association p idi ) bovever, that the intent to vi'thd.raw muse be started in the form of a resolution enacted by the legislative 'bod r of the juri dict,4cra wiohiog to vithdraw. Suah v000lution of intent to uithdrm? from tbo, Association must be given to the eoutive Director by -the withdravlvg Jurisdiction at !east 30 days prior to the erf tiva date of irilb)idrawal.. Delinquency in pwji,rg hues for a period of -two General, Assembly aee•tirgs after t?xe same are due shall be nonsidered equitralent to vithdr wall, a XX to t beoe rljlCi ia Tw`- be pro,�9:3s iA "y on a`,n l! i?3l X':y "v'ESmt;5t a r ,i tilt-, 4t^x �% `vy" iyS�:7 x > S i �y 'x 7.P <Ltiwt t5 "a+. ,. 2fi� 3t€�t?iti �trr, 1 E3mc.ndme u chul �,,u t tf,,,� at le t� €t 49 da,yr" ;C?F`ior to "i 'j` of tle caeral Mmem.lbly Sxiw:4 't7Y„+^>'{*eC;r. .s " mer° da2t3ll. be Con- silt`rea by thi: Ut'd!"'L!t!.V"v wt! a rr;py lh reram" xrd.th t)v, r",Ck1"mv'ti.-.�aatlG:',t3. of cowitcc, e,,7 . ,jt�'t o,v.. ..4..� '€7•. ,'r.�t..r' � $`g G'tL"�i ..i 4w{'. ,"..`i ese :�.»' 4;'.f"x'�::lal rep e-' °:1 iz,SaL er In a }. +t;' •I'1t.» ot;WSJ' Z°�:'? "i:°U!iu.Y1 x.��i'E`.'" };Y•','.3 'a'ii E2awl.» "s. n-,,,ilori vote of th3'.3 City i#.q��g}w`F�t.@y?'Yl'�;�3��.i,"c"!`tis �':-;Y�.Farytj,r ....�.i... ;.`.:s1��.�43:;s '�: 1i i3�; ,'i! �aTi�bs'�'�?�el�.i'k`Y V: 's��-w21:.'»se ,By— 118p' ifT-ithin C`I0 ii�"yn u#'t{_ '?% `tr,"A >yxa y;S~ Fa snd 3; Fi,.; th Y'f t r ,r 1``r sF a�F1 r ~ar F± C.1• +r{.k: L... FAD.='yF. ..S`�'..•F.S :l'�1� �0 9ls:Co r 3.:.«.L .lh J 1^b tbo official T; �t"����itir3 1��� {� 1t�q f»3;,�;a FtT,"3].'?G?td1�:, �'r ?"�Aa'i.'�t F �.X3f'1,.aY3 P1"C:++knit with 7be Diezr..'or, 1A.. Ice smspcnr7,,d �.33 U*A' be av,:t t,q ;+ . i x n l xr+ ;' be a 4pn { "for ro., P ? P: r ,b �;F"fxu::?R*'�a �t �»>l� �$.Yit�:i�"�g r'�,�"x#7!„ ��.;1a', 4t.�t ..t ? :�f"z uc: :f3. S.'xa '_:.}� �'kF3�.�E; Ei."��� .!1 ���. These rlawa ohall gn ini.,o. "d.i.`•'ect .;.unt?d1..atek upTrn he date of } x� • ffi all S U P E F'. V i. S O R, S E C C N D. O I S T R I C T DAV I D L. BAKER ROO:M205,. COURT HOUSE, COUNTY OF .ORANGE SANTA ANA.CALIFORNIA °•.}Y PHONE: 547.0547 (AREA CODE 7 )4) - .I L� a . August 1, 1963 City Council of Huntington Beach City Hall P. 0. Box 190 :iuntington Beach, California Gentlemen: This is to express my appreciation for your cooperation in permit- ting Councilman Stewart to participate in our efforts to promote an association of local governments for the purpose of preserving local control in planning matters. A draft of the proposed bylaws for this ,association is to be sub- mitted to the Southern California Regional Supervisors Association meeting at Mammoth likes on August 8 and 9. One day has been re- served for study and presentation on this very vital matter. It is hoped t.,at your Council will see fit to authorize Mr. Stew- art to participate in, this meeting. Very truly yours, cat.M'c David L. Baker Supervisor Second District DLB:nw encl: r-`" p q i t µa s+t'k fl3ry � F. •1'•`�C,i cme <"J.J t';�ir� . 6 # ICr,. ' 4 y C^77 r -� Cl I y 3� i ,�UNTMIta M!,, 3Sj:..d`Ct`L ` i,;:d'.,�t4 cO a":Y i 5 h n x g 3 cn °_ssoci ''ict G" y, ^•. South ca i{oT"in, k soCiatio 1 w l - -d L 2L t0 Cne }O . to tit;;' Clsc :'2c. "`:i..2....C,'.'. anti C04,tty C'sGV ..� xC i Ct. 4i....i 7 G r Zo tLe i) `rpo ofC CiIS Q ✓`� Gt L • •L..,Ci %UL. C.... C tiwa T 'aatS, tG rj:.v CcJ TJ 1� _ C J" , to rc ut w oi� "t?C t it coo di 10 on 7 G:: y S�S j to sac. local o r: c r. ova.. it a tna :. ,Z..`•`.� o }�YQt O , �C F"1'Gt 'za L 'una CO i ed ac' 1: to t L i• ov c '� . eh�c a. Unified a by ;:e sac ion, x d an �ZC C. } p o r,.s z i4 allot to dIrccc :i t� S ._S Li"� vim. ^" L :SS ...J j o, 'CT1«S iS3GLi^L4or may T,,, ." _ to ruin-�� S�tCff GY..l.e- LI?"tC L_G.: do Uri _ ~— es, o ac, „ry t;i.v rsida' € _:C COa n CS' Os ' - i �2� W1tain San, '-Q, Saa n .-o'. $'^ nza has 'y,t, t•i _.�.:'icl.. tc�COunt_3:, Zra a:_Ci3�� fC, V dui tia:' 2. Chia cs'.ic� mn- s: be a,, c c .t x n c;t a c:,ccution uc i.cn 3 o in Ito a o� -` c �� �s "."__ ?o ers _g_ectr,e�.t gnu r,_, ..cr. tba annual 01 Ono from Ce. Rio e C each c .our County. and .e Lve sc?Csor _..�:.. _ -: rlx_ =d C.TSG'"L}Vi= 2 Gen Ass":.Dly _ ,o 4 3n - for Study Qy [ C•y`n.. -v:= .�i. '^V o ula �-':. :.' a7 action Y a. t � __sso<. ,. Gn, rc ray reaues t r_�.: of ml seer.�Zy ? not 'oc a knZjr,! on the S^c'"o: _..ofr=Ms adOrttu6 7y �•..e G� ...,ram rc...ae_ cities ad Counties. .\ r TAT y i;' `�:t2CL'ti�'C CO _.._ W a C Y ';^_7~oi t:TC Section —,:he�. - C_ -. .�21 1.a �.n_^GL^�. •t» iC �Mt2v o Lac ..oe� LrG � o Saa4_ � a.:ec C' a8 LS 1. FJc' a± Cc�L'E32 y~ 7 L n ,GnO t S 1 L2 .L -, 1 iroL...''.1GS i31^ ' =' n ii 34:tell by t^.e O rL 4R a ?C s Loa.nty, _.as. County sn�7.l �^:'.VC: r c:.s u tC-� O' G"�2CC ,,pT• t'.,,,`J::y_s Q t•;t'' City ,'. ;z„t'.:: _ve, 1 a:.: tG s -.ve as �:rj,.',�jj 4'e s1:S C1 ov-alhal t�lE`.. 4 :;itLee shall be ZaG Year-., - J Cn`3_i 2,n,.Y'., In SktCi'fi'i8 E S. g `Ssocc Lion shall be the TF+M t.0 V-ca Pr a3 d't2t 6 t ct"ioc ?. l�. s•Gent. :.md Lhe. a � 1C 'x- _-CcL•t:.V�3. �i=...,."2c.te•�, r. va t -: ._::i� the Vice Chawy"L122i, respectively,VCZy, of � 4 ':)" J_os•_cd anixal ulL.; «., u 4, ✓r:,. % is ._ "4;G5,''.d 11i ti_i. ;.0 c.2 c .a_. is _J t1_.. 1.::.,. 3 ,3 zy 32z, i0- .:Q o:a!' I,ava _t,. _ _7 ziction v:. i .u_ L., to ly t ,.. ✓..,«...;j' 6,.� .,.-.... _tJ.:---:i`T.. 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'.: .viz..:J to,. ia.t.?;:. .j3w.::,.by tl.:e:.tilaa Of :hal r,:L1 ` Shall rot be c t4t!ea. to Vote. r w "U :u x Cc Lam' c, 4.1 c_o 1 1 J ' __o Gi Z,.I .,,...J.. ...... v,.. }..... a...vw4 ..r�.�.� i..4i i. _. .. .. _ .. ......_ 4x aa-..L;.. G.J•.;.n_.. u 1... Y....i 1: ..i.J:.. .0 a... fit t ." ...U...i..�.......... ... ..,, ...r._... +...,.w.a. 4ta a ... _ w-4 not .iv 4.w r..a«..... lni.Ji....... ..... �,e�.,£J✓V � a_ ..-...v lr._.. -...v ..vv. .... ..r- ..nw w...... .,.6 . LI:�L ..,......ua...4v ♦.u.....,.u.,v V. i.:i _,_,..,4 J..i,_ _ _.w ... .... tea. ,_.ra. ........ _.. ,.. S� ...•... ...4. ..�._.. ..a.. Z`v..i. vi.. .. _.. ......v L.. ...... u._.:J ........._4�".L:.v.rv. yr 1f Gna (4a. G_ LiG t.......U4 _ v.. J day,, Zfcaz CAS Yh;; C:av, r SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BULLETIN Reminders on our Regional Conference to be held in the Mammoth Mountain Inn, Mammoth Lakes, Thursday and Friday, August 8 and 9. Reservations should be made by August 1, as indicated on the enclosed form, with their Beverly Hills office, The elevation i-s 9000. Therefore the evenings and mornings will be quite cool. Extra coats and sweaters probably will be needed. The Mono Board has planned sight-seeing tours during Thursday afternoon for the wives and children. For Friday afternoon, further interesting activities have been arranged for all. Many have planned to remain over the weekend in "The Alps of America". The Thursday afternoon session will be devoted to a 5-member panel presentation of condominiums. Most of Friday morning will be used in further discus ion and action A on the proposed Southern California Associated Governments, { During these deliberations we will be joined by officers and members of the League of California Cities. There will be no speeches during .t;he Friday everir. banquet. Fine entertainment will be the rule aRRECEIVED This will be a good conference o JUL 30 1963 r July 29, 1963 H. F. (Robbie) Robinson 4, DAVID L. BAKER President t IMPERIAL 1NYO LOS ANGELES MONO ORANGE RIVERSIDE .SAN SERNAROINO SAN DI.EGO SANTA SARSARA VENTURA.'. a � S U P E R V I S O R, S E C 0 N D 0 f S T R I C T. . DAVI D L. BAKER e ROOM 205, COURT HOUSE, COUNTY OF ORANGE 5..NTA.ANA, CALIFORNIA PHON E: 547 •05R7 (AREA COOS 714) ,, v July 26, 1963 Jake Stewart, Councilman City of Huntingdon Beach P. 4. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California Dear Jake: Enclosed are the minutes of the Riverside meeting and a cow of the proposed draft of the bylaws for tha Southern California Association of Governments. Please review the bylaws and forward any change; you feel nec- essary to my office by Thursday, August 1. if we do not hear from you by this date, we will ,assume you are in agreement with the bylaws and we will prepare them for submission at the Mam- moth Lakes meeting. We will look forward to seeing you at Mammoth. Very truly yours, David L. Baker Chairman SCAG Committee DLB' aw tacl s 2 i Q0.ttla Q Yl D A l R `' A aA CXsvt,�.R (yc�-w_ cl. MINUTES OF MHETING OF S4;1;"I HERN CALIk`GE?WA ASSOCIATION OF COVE i N1,1LNTS CONk ?ITTEE JaF y 16, 1116 A rio-host diuuta ma;eti;,g of the So 0tertc -Calt.forni.a, Association of Coverments Couunittee was hes.d at; the Dunes a estauz ant; in Riverside tin July 16, 1963, 7.00 P.M.. ?reaenc`were supervisors Simon carey, Tmpert al (a;ouat;yr Ja1ck ttcspl(Ins fnyp raunty; Arch Mahan, Mono Comity Saul. aiz jers4,r`i, triverside c.,ount;y, Paul. Young, San Dek'iYiardino ^ ounty `tiara (,rant., S.4nt a Flaxljaar<'a county l o%4 rd Uob- pa.;aa xnd John ftoaatgo mer:y, Ventura County; -And bdviu L. BaRer, Grange .;aunty. RepLescnting the c;i€Aes %era 11.3yGr r,aay .'neuLar and tatce Mayor Paul fStcrn, fort 1£ueoeme; Cl'ouncl tmaMn Baasoel u.ack, tiorft.alKair, C ouvic UT:I:an Willi--,in T uur,eng, SaIILat Fe Spriggs; Viigl.l z Jaa�rat bar£ t Long Bf'<sch; Councilman Jake Stewart, Huntington Be.arti. Also present were District eltzorney c;(idie Denton, Mono County; Bob Ander,r+n, RiversAde County AdmiYciartraati e Offlc..?r; itrlando Foote, imperial Gaunt y Counsel; ria d Uick Ruiz aacad Nellie White, Ora;aage county.. Chaairmaarr David Baker opened. the meeting aat 8-30 P.M. with the intro, as.tioll of those present. Mr. Sateer expres:aed his pc_r, oral appreciation n to t:nose prvaent for taking time out fro!-i busy scheduler.; t.c attend the maeettng. He also exprc-ss- tad his appreciation and that: of the aassocl itlon to Pscale Young, of. San, Bornarctino County for obtaining the STCC. in,forwatiera. Chalrman Batter explained the purpsaye of the weetiaag was to formulate otgani- rational structure, dtaaft bylaw of .z Pr..opos'ed ucalunLary :am,-Oc atinn of. County and City,gover.'nrnents for regional planning and related purposes, aea d draft pro- posais to be qubmitted to S.a".t . at: t,lac: Mammoth Laakeo meeting, August 8 and 9. A discussion of SJi 856 was helm aand Chaim an B,iltt�r on Ray PrQuter to read: a summary he hard prepared of this is !le The provisforis of S8856 as passed ar,s, I- That the State has a positive intereht in pcepaarirq, ane.. uiaintaining general plan- ning, for the development of urb.'xn areas Jro.r what gaa.i.J tnce of, affect,,d local g awr- erwTient units. 2r ThaaL zegional plaruring di,-,L- icts sbzl,l be a3erertine,0 by the Sta Le tlfftce of Planning 3-For the ozganirat;ioTd of the goveraaiar£ tac+dics of the planning, regions, ,as eaLabliarhod Ly the !itaatea 4-12ropurtional repte:secnLa.tiou can the governing bodies of region;A planning dist;:ict s. 5-1'or= an initial t:4 x rate of .005 cent;r per $100.00.. From the atcandpri;nt of hrarrie raffle, ene !State Planning Law has the following serioq�s jnrpltcaticrns: Am Local. Governments lease control over; the boundaries of a resRional planning district: in v4ich they arc_, invol.vcd. B- Local governmental_ o•ffi.-J is lose corrtra.l of the organization of diatxitts establi;,;hed by than Stzttf,:. C Equality of representation is lost. Proportional representation is not: germane, aaecessaxy, or desirable for regional planning, G- A tax rate is provided. E- Tax rates are established by the: it::ate Legislature rather than the locaal governmental agencies concerned* though such rates must ire levied by City Councils and Boards of 5upea vi t orfi. F The Mate having a sLata d positive. interest; it is Inevitable that, as time passes, the State will increasingly in-sect itself irk".0 local planning. The summary further states that S13856, when vl,""jed rxfrethar with the initial pro- visions of- the Local. Agencies hill and theWestside Freevlay mill rrlri.+;h raro+rI _d Zor zpnIng reviow by the State r)iv4::i.aar of 1{ig'law t}*zi Rcltan� tha* strut c �i' the fraae- way, represents One Of the; most direct~ att<aclfs on home rule in rc,ct nt years. Fortunately we are uot helpless in this situation since: the state ploint"Eing IA' does not become effective until mid-Septcrosber. SB856 provides that where a regional planning district already exists, patt£ci.Rated in by 2/3 of the cities and counties within the boundaries of such district., pur- suant to joint exercise of powers, then the provisions of SB 856 do ►tot apply. To this grid the Channel. Division and orange Division of the. League have been exploring with the Southern Califortaia Supervisors Association the establishment of za Southern californiaMwide governmental a:asociati.on which will serve as a regional planning district as one of its functions. There are many obvious bene- fits such as- Control over planning will remain with local. entities. The State would have no jurisdiction. No tax rate would be necessary. No tax wtruld be levied in our name, when we do not control the establishment of the rate. Planning would. be 4one by those most cognizant of needs# and most aware of local conditions, Planning would be more coordinated with areas of conflict resolved at the local level, by local officla.ls. End of Summat"f. It was the general concen;sus of opinion tut this ansaori:ation should notify the Secretary of State that a regional planning organization is active and functioning; at this time in order that a protest to SD856 may be filed, Mr. Baker will uheclt i-rith Mr. MacDougall on the procedure for filir,g a protest. A discussion of the consideration of bylaws followed, the material agreed upon to be turned over to the County Counsel for drafting. Copies of the draft will then, be submitted to each cotmm ttweeaman for correction and cotmttent. The corrected copy will then be submitted at the Mammoth Lakes meating, :�Lrp2se of Association An association of minicipalit;ies and county governments created under joint exercise; of powers agreements, having advisory power only for the purpose of discussion, study, and development of recommendations regarding mutual an regional, problems, (At this point, Darr Grant presented a. rough draft of an agreement to be signed try the member counties and cities in the association.) This agreement~ was acceptable to the committee with a minor change deleting the -word "metropolitan".. Paul Anderson moved the word "metropolitan"' be deleted from the agreement. Seconded by Arch Mahan , motion carried, tjembe i s A All. ,cities and counties within the area are eligible for membership. Member- ship is by participation in joint powers agxeemetit:a with other participating cities apd counties. w . Onerat%t....n_a l Framework General"Ass:mb ly; 1 - The policy raaki of body adopts and approves policies and budgets. 2 Composed of one official re prero-entiAtive ft;um each reeember city and each nvt miser county. (Paul ;'ndarst+n saved the: general assembly be composed o. one official re^prtser+tative from each member city and five (5; frrm each member County. aecon,',ed by John Montgomery, motion Car- 1 i?epreser,tat,ives mast be elecL�!O. county otfic:iats- and elected City' ria;dz of., Could be composad of .kil the elected merriz;ts's of the respective. County Boaeds and City Councils. Executive Committee; l k could provide management of the organization, implement the programs and: policies adopted by the ger}eral assembly and could consist of erne (1) rEpresent ativc xrom each of the member Boards and one (1) x€apwe. sentati:ve from z.:,e membex Cities in each of the Counti,es« (;;gay Prie~tcr move>rl tite Fx.,,cutive Committee setup to adapted as pzew sertt:ed. Secondod by Dan ",,rant, ritctio=. ..,arripc_L) Provisions to ve marle for Mon,) County which has no cities to hm represented by a meralber-at-lax-ge, Executive Dire ezor: A " Appointed by Executi:ve., t.tithe 2 - Prepare auTiu-., budget aac exercise control of the budget. John Montgomery moved the addition of the, phrase "s,ibj2µt to pro- cedures as set forth by the Executive CoMgitt:e&% Seconded by Paul Young, motion carried. :3 Serves :4s Secretary-Treasurer, and proviJes continuing direction for the programs adopted by they association, Standing a"orrmUttees; 1 Consists of the tect.nical advisory groups ;,.pointed by the Executive Committee. Fau't Young, moved that the Stondi ag Committees be accepted as presented. Seconded by Arch Mahan, motion c;arric^d. VeytLnr;Pi:c cedure} l - At the General Assembly, Counties must vote as pre group, and cities must vote as a separate group 2 - A majority vote from each Troup vou,ld be required to pass any action in the; assembly. (!'his prerl.udes the possibility of the County or the City groups dominating the 'association. it should be rioted that any policy or program adopted by the association can only be implemented in any City or County by separate approval by the: respective Boards and Councils,) 3 A quorum shall consist; or a majority of members< (5ireion Carey Voved this particular item read "A quorum shall consist~ of nit less than 25% of the membership." S!.conded by ,fake Stewart, motion,carried, is '.-1,b 1 ail .71:'.Y:,.t7 fi.. •.:�.. , a x. ...,:. .} e,;- tid i:G iae .lc.Yt"rxd in the 1t3n�,�g,, n ont ,;£=C r ° PROPOSED BYLi'v=S FOR THE SO1}'i`URN CAI,I::'t3 WIA i SSOCIA.TION OF GOVEFc",TI.2eNTS ' l.l"Zame Southern Cvl;fornia Associate<<n of 60vera teats is an ;ss*ociatioa of Municipalities and Coiinry Govern-ma:,nts cr e at=cd p-jrsuant to the joint Exercise of Powers 'act for the: pnirpose c)f dirzus:. :-n, study, and development of rgcout:rsendaLi.vns rt_;Zardtng; mut^ual and reg+'onal problema. The unct%nn;, of the r hall bit to as; ecwble a ad existing plans and policies, to r,20ew plans: and projcc'ts of this v,;rious. governazT ,nn,s,. -seekirig their CQie»i,.'l.n.: .zuia Can 'i rt.;FI..s.c'.> i)a=;0_s*, to render advice and gui&:.Ice or, tl plxirin:l'€2z ck p:'oj5C1o4+:. lOi:*'it ?r r . �:s.:":l ..ij.i.T:;ll lr;, x<}✓,;ti".v'lt knYi�,'X'amsy.. to pzov'dc a '7�41icl.e: for 1,1r1i. _G: accioa "oy for 1SCt:i:. xllC7 S 3it. Li:iSs to direct; a.:.d irole'mant. the ;pro rnn.vi a'.:.1 pi: ICii:':: adoptcd by tile As,s<iciation,. and to fulfill sui h other fiinct;ions as: t.t?t:t of tlh `-n . .. Ot S.LCSCTl may determine. i T ._ a t, 7 Se�tett-ica i. l.'12i: E..*iil'a1.ie?, c f Impt--'Sala ;;), Los z�.n�E;.lus.. i':C1no, Orange,.. Diego, `' 3ia ',re,'ntura 2a_d al.1 C.i.t i n. San l3K'.r�..1:.::1:.T7u1, San 11 Z?.R�i3, Sant.,.: .i'3f ,+i:1.a d , ti � rf� wli.ri theme CounLicn, are eligiblo for me,':ers`.z i t theAssociation. Section 2, Cities k.Ticn may hereafter i,e inc,`)rpcn-,itQd within the tart Cou»nti,es steal ,:be xalasihle ,for membex.st.iv). Section 3, *:ee.mher:�hlp in the Af;-,oclntioa S'lall be c.oritinzeat uaoll the execution of a Joint Powers Agr(+emeriti and paynie nt of the annual assea�sment, APTT.CL ITI ,.'M 7PAT ASSi.MBLY Section 1. The General Assembly 4hall be cninposed of cr:e councilman from each member City and the five supervisors from each 4;ember County. rectioq 2. The General Assembly shall make policy, adopt programs and approve bu4weta, Section 3. Any member of the, Generat As4sembly may propose .,%,,,bJCctS for study by the Association, and nay refit=estr a review by the Genera-1 Assembly of any action of the Executive Committee. section 4. Programs adopted by the General Assembly shall not be binding on the i,.cmber cities µnd Counties„ ARTICLE 1,V Z,EC;,,TrIV W Section 1, The Executive Com nittee shall consi:at of one representative: ;rom each of the member Boards of- Suparviso- s and one City representative from each of the ' Counties. Uatril such time as there shall i;e an incorporated City within ;Mono County, skid County shall have a rneTlaer-at-largz appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve as the City representative, The term of office: for members of the Execut've Committee shall be two years, with terms of onelhal..4 the members expiring in alternate years. Section 2. The President and: the Vice President of the Association shall be the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, respectively, of the Executive Committee, Page Section.3. The Executive Committee shall review, revise, amand, increase or decrease the proposed annual bu Zer as oy the E�cecutive ".,i.ector, shall submit the proposed budget and assaz.,menr schedule to the General M4;oirbLy at the 5o'eing session and vYaall Jia ye po!,;cr to transfer funds wi'thiz,. an adopted budget, providing that such action be rL-pnrtca to the General As:>embly at the next meeting, Section 4. The E�ecut:ive Core.Attec :hall submit ,i complete report oi its activiti--5 at each session of the. General Section S. They Ex_ec:ut:ive CorrAttee ;.tiai , ha;,n t1ac. zlutivirity to appoint, fix the salary of, and remove an ExecuOve S)lzc.:.:e,x of *.he .Issuciarion, and to create or discontinue positions and fia„ of wk. _, ha:aft of the F•recutive Dircetor. Section bb. hQ Executive e ht= !iutnarity to apnainL corm .trees to study matters. w1hich. it. or t"ic'r d.uLhtari.2e.s. tLr ..t. Cf tt. at iv'k, officer of tLe ALisocf.tinn; The Executive Director Sit�ll �?� 1 : ni.i shall aerve as the to it LO Y,l'k '. EXLC41t1Ve Ct3V=itteei Shad {� prepare and submit ar an ual 43 k iC,„i LG the E"e`ct?tive CcNrziit'tee; may appoint and re.rove em.plvyees of the !—locin tioa; and shall pr.rform sue. other duties as the Executive Co!rrUttee may instruct. ARTICLE Vl. Section 1. A President and a Vicft Pre: idrLut of the shall be elected by the General Assembly bi-annually.. 'I-oe offices of Presideat and Vice Pres dent shill never be held simultaneous?y b'v tv6 City or two County representatives, and each office shall be alternated ,:rc ; ti t: to ter; between (:ity and County representatives. The first Ltrt.+zf:4 .t aI C.te tstociation :;h"il be a County representative and the first Vice P=e5id0l t Of Cake A;sociatioa shall be City representative. Section 2. Candidates for the off- c:,:s oz .'r: cent ire Vice Pre i ijeat x;all bt nominated wi,Lhin the City group a.*. Lhe Cr✓.`ty =arOup,. With ea c."I Oofiv resent.ia i.a the general election at least: t,ar,, c toil K'.res for :h. t o:fice ::hick is to be filled from its ranks. The names of the shall be submitted- co the retiring President at least thirty days prior to the Elections shall be held at the: Fall meeting, A e,a,juriLy vote, by secret ballot,, of the represent- atives preser,, is reautred for >.l,ctlIcn. In the event no cnndidaLe obtains a majority, a second ballot shall be Laken with the votillg li.r,A,a er to the two candidates receiving the highest t%;mber of votes oa the first '.talLot- Section 3. Newly elected officials shall take office i-,=,ediately upon the adjournment of the meeting at whie they are elected. Section 4. in the event of the death, re iglatioa, incar)ocity, or failure of the President to be a member of a Board cf Su-pervisors or C4-ty Councilman vacancy :shall occur and the Vi,^.e President a::all assume tho presidency and complate the unexpired terra. Leon a vacanc;7 occuring in the officeof Vice President, the Executive Coma-Attee shall appoint a Vice President from. the tppropria'.e~ Troup Of representatives to serve for the oalacxce of the unexpired term. Page 3 ARTICLE III -MEETINGS Seatioa I. There shall be an annual Fall meeting of Lhe General t+ssembly, and an annual Spring meeting at which budget and assessneh,ts shall be •conaideCed. The time, date and locarion of these regular meetings shall be tlete.rmined by the Executive Committee. The agenda for such meetings shall be sent at ;tease thirty dales in advai ce to each representative, Section 2.. The Erecuti.vc- Cormittee m4y call: speciai, meetings of the General Assembly upon written request of oaefthird of the member Cities or otaefthird of the member t�oun.ti,es.. The ,agenda for such meetings shall be sent at least tea days in advance to each represcatative. Section 3 The rxecutive Cor=ittee ,shall ma>.et at least four times annually, d+3itirzn ::s ir..ay be 11el.d u ore the call of the Chairman or upon the call of five Ciewlvc:s of the Executive [ nmi ttu Section 4. Lon=ittees shall meet upon cite call of their Chairmen, ARTICLE. VIZI - VOTING Section L In the Ceneca 1 sse--A ^ clay c +a�nw representatives and the City representatives, each having caste vote shall. vote as separate groups ar,' ,'Jr votws shall be tabulated separately, Section 2. Except for the election of,officers, a quorum of the General Assembly shall be constituted by no fewer than t4ent:y-five percent o-f the City representative and twenty-five' percent of. the County representatives. The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum. of County renrtsertat:ives and a xvaa,jority of a quorun of City representatives is required for par>sage of any action by the General Assembly. Seatz6q 3. Voting in the General Assembly, except for the selection of officersp may be either by voice vote or by roll call, A roll call vote shall, be Conducted upon the demand of one representative present or at the discretion of the presi.di.rg o ficet Section 4. In the Executive Ca ~nittee, a n;ajrrtty of Lhe members shall constitute a quorum, The affirmative votes of tl�,e ma'iorit:y of the quorum shall be required .for. action by the Executive Co.r-mi.tt:re, cxc�?pt that art affirmaati,e Grote of not less than i a majority cal the Executive Ccmmi.tte4? is required Lo recommend Jhe annual budget to the General Assembly, ,and except that not less than a. majority vote of the Executive Committee is required in order to appoint or remove the Executive Director from office.. Section 5. All committees of the AssocfxtLo a may act upon the affirmative voles of a majority of the committee members present. ARTICTM IX - FI tXCES Scotian 1. The fiscal year of the Association shall corn-ence on July 1. Section 2. The proposed budget of the k8sociation shall be submitted by the Executive Committee to the General Assembly hair k° days prior to Lhe $pri.ng meeting at which the annual budget and assossment :chQdule shall be ado,.ted, Section 5. Each year, upon the adoption of the annual budget, the General Assembly shall fix memL,trship assessments for all members of the Association in raniounts sufficient to provide the funds required by the budget. Any member of the Association whose annual assersment: has not been paid by the time of the. pall meeting shall, not be entitled to vote. Page 4 Section 4. The annual assessment for members of the Association shall be based upon-the most recent gas tax assessment or the Derartment: of finance estimate, One/hal;f the total b+adget shall be l aid b x the member Counties and one/half by the me�4ber Cities, Each Courtty's assessz:�nt shall to a proportionate share of the Counties' one/half of the budget total determined by whe ratio of the indivi:dual. County's population to Lbe total population of all member Cauaties. Each City's assessment shall be a proportionate share of the Cities' oae/hal;£ of the`budget total determined by the ratio of the individual City's population to the total population of all member Cities. The minimum assess rent shall be twenty-Live d"o l laz s, Section 5. The Executive Committee shall cause an annual audit of the financial affairs of the Association to be made b:; a s ii-,,ance Con-r.icteF_ consisting of five member City and five member County repress:=ftatives. The auditing report shall be submitted to each of the Association'_- m,mw ers each year. ARTICLE X - Sr,"sTU T H Y ATiTHOeta z's The Southern California Association of Gcve:rnnteazlzi shall be an agency established by a ,joint lowers at Agrewnent among the rreri-�ers, pursvat,t to Tithe 1, Division. 7, Chapter 5 of the Governments Code of the State of California. ARTICLr XT WITHZDIRr'Witt I, Any membir County or City may withdraw irnm the As,-ociation by a resolution enacted by its legislative body indiratir.g its desire to withdraw from the Association. Notice of intent to withdraw iron the t.ssociation ,lust be given: to the Executive Director by the withdrawing jur.:-y_'i,ction at least thirty dabs prior to the effective date of the w;,thdra%.i.. A_-r .s::t cants paid by the withdrawl.ng ;jurisdiction will not be refunded, ARTICLE XTI - Altt NMI ?' Amendments t.a these bylaws may be proposed b; .ny r.ember or by the r ecuti;re Col=ittee. If proposed lay a member, the .amenorcent shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at least forty-five days pries to the next regular meeting of the General sissembly. The Executive Coranitt e shall consider each amendment and transmit a copy thereof togethi'r with its re:cort^rceucaticn to each member of the Association at least: thirty days prior to the meeting at which such proposed amendment will be voted ti•�on. A majority vote of the City and County representatives shall be required tc adopt an amend-m,:nt to these bylatrs, providing however, that if one/third of the members protest the adoption of the =endi .uent within sixty days after its adoption, the ament'u ent~ shall be susper dr,d until the next meeting of the General. Assembly when it shall agaia be concidered.