C;`tCU+l:ltt; .4T •: {,r,;;'+`,! ..._I. f 1771f 3}
* k
_, it le f•1' , . ie -' E.I., Ike.
to NO, S,AL.-%hnkiA If f. aym. u",Y1.f, f•f,-';� i� . I
r _ i ,
..--• 'ai .,iit..r,., •'. t tC'; (E.il A ( .i L ,;'.. $�!.��,
11r t [� ee{{�� 1 .�/ + Ia..• lia00
-, '<lil ft�i%Z.CeE.`1",it? , lla i,edL,
the party whose? ri tn. e -ani si:,na-_.0 e •SppE3f.^d 0;. .;.�c? �,C..�OY't .,1 .:`E�• i'.:,,E'
_ir- f the first. part, h, 7n S ;fled ";t SyfS2'", 3ritT „" ,llf P tt'
n c7r oration, party of Qie 5ecnid par':, herein s%yTea�i,e;SCC T
_. For and In cousidera' 'or, of to s11 1 Of Cn TV-1-arc- r;".. .., , -awful money of the
':nited :Mates of America, to _escor pa.;, and of other v tl.zabLe considera+,ions, the
receipt- if all of which is hereoy acknuv.,ledged, and in consideration of the perforTra.rce
by Lessee of the covenants and agreements herein:-: ter co.:`.ained, Lessor has leased, let
and demised, and by these presents does :.case, '_et -znd .;ease, unto 'f.-:see, ALL THE TMD
.:OFtE THAN FIVE E F t:DRED (; J LOi. ;'j: ......E 0 :l::; LAND 1XI"
ABOt_ :E DEPTP OF Fltiy T.r.�,'DF•,�,_! ) : v ;E _, ?A',_:, of the :.ands specifically
described on the Lessor's Signature P ,e at ` icY.ec: here-.o, which land is hereinafter
referred to as "sa'.d land", i%ith the sole and e::Cl._iv ri.,It to ..-?ssee to explore and
to drill for and to produce, e;:`:._act and -a'ce oil, s inp".:'_tum an-1 other hydrocarbons
from said Land, and to exurcice .__ r1ic right.' rd Friv__eres hereinafter set forth,
tole-her with all right(- ne;:essar - o: convenir: h•` e-.., foi in;Y or all of the above
s'.:rposes, including without ll iti � h% IenFrali,_y thereo .^iC'r irface rights of way for
driLling, repairing, redrillirZ, deepenin, , Taintai::_ng-, Ope+2'3 abandoning, reworking
.nd removing wellc in, into and .through said 1znc1 an,- .._sLce hereby lecc^s said land
from Lessor for the uses and purposes aforesaid with the -rights hereinaf vt�r set forth..
:,..ssee shall have no right, wi:},o`-z t th� co^ten% o* .,_,^sor iz: writing being first
obtained, to drill any well cr >✓4iis from the surface of `he lands describer. on the
Lessor's Signature rage, or to use sai;z su„face, or th-, portion of such lands lying
above a depth cf fivt? hundred 5:` +) feet. below said s-:r'ice, for any purpose. ,essee
^lay, at its option, obtain rights in xesnect to oti:er land.- in thp vicinity; of saii land
a d Tray ha-ve available on su_h other ;.ands drill si es :'rom :,�hieh wells can be slant
trilled in,;o said land for the purposes of thi:. 1 -aze. ',e _ .,..all have the full
unrestricted end exclusive right, po;Ter and alzthorit;? to produce oil, gas, aspha!-tum or
otter hydrocarbons from under or beneath or recoverable from said land, and to exercise
all other rights and privileges heiein set forth, by ;::cans of any :Jell or wells the
surface drill sites of which are Located on such other lan n, ire producing intervals of
which are bottcT, 'J in said land, and which a,-, slant dril Lc-a otl h and into said land.
.1-e rights and privileges granted to Lessee hereunder shall be sole and exclusive.
Except as otherwise herein provided, this lease shall remain Jln force for
a germ of ten (10) years from the date hereof and so long thereafter f,s oil, gas,
asphaltum, or other hydrocarbons are produced from said land, or a.re produced from
_and 1initized therewith pursuant 'o the provisions of Paragraph 34 hereof, or Lessee
is conducting, drilling or other operations in said land pursuant to this lease, or in
land 'initized therewith, or the performance of any such obligations is suspended or
daferred as herein provided, a
3 Lessee agrees to co=ence Arilling operations in said land within the period
of ten (10) years fro.n the date hereof '(which period is hereinafter referred to as
primary term") and tc prosecute such drilling operations with reasonable diligence
�l o L I or gat; is Crnind in (If�tmoted payixq� quanti*-eb k,y Jpsr.(e, )r =.Fr.'.ii
ri .l irrg rslitiratioly-, Would in tht, ;JiAwnent of . •ssee ,e unprofitable or
• or it stray at any Lime withirr, Lair] primary tee°--- term,nate .. ..s lease and surrender
; iLd 1 lud; provided that, commencing Wr, (P) years from th, d<.te hereof, if TRsi ee- ha,
'!.( .-Iofore commenced drilling operations in said land or termi at,ed this lease, {�
sha11 pay or tender to Lessor annually, in advance, as rental, a e!im equal tr) (ri
c o rental specified on the Lessor's Signature D,,ge (each of Such anniva' periods being kAa
iierein ift.er refer:ed to as "rental period") unti.l drilling operations are commenced in
said '_and or this lease terminated as herein provided; it being understood that in the %~
o vent. of Lhe surrender or termination of this lease :is to any portion or portions of the W
land covered thereby, said rental shall be red•.ced proportionately as provided in C7f
lfirragrciph 16 hereof. The consideration expressed in Paragraph 1 hereof covers all rental
for the first two (2) years of the term hereof. If Lessee --hall elect not to commence
dri'-lipg operations in said land during t?ie primary term, as abovle provided, this lease
sh!:i ! terqunate.
4, Ifaasee shall pay to Lessor as royalty acid rental for said lend, in addition
..a r.iie other considerations hereof, the "sale value", as hereinafter defined, of ten
per cent ( 0%) of all oil, asphaltum and other hydrocarbons (except gas; extracted
and saver therefrom.
As royalty and rental, Lessee shall pay to Lessor ten per cent (10%) of the
net proceeds received by Lessee from the sale of all gae produced and saved and sold
from said lend by Lessee. In the event any gas produced and. savea by Lessee from
said land is not sold but is -�sed by Lessee for any purpose not connected with .:r
incidental to the operations uncle- this lease, Lessee shall account to Lessor, as
royalty and rental, for ten per cent (10�,) of the gas so used on the same basis as
for gas produced fr m said land and then being sold by La'.ssee, or iZ gas produced
from saii land is not then being sold by Lessee, then on the basis of the price
a ppyicable under I�ssee's co�atrats for the sale of gea f� paid 3�nd, ear if Lessee
shall not theretofore have sold any gas produced by it from said lands and lessee j
has no ge.s sales contract applicable to said land, then on the basis of the net
proceeds received by Lessee from the sale of gas in the nearest field where gas of
similar 4ua.ity is produced and saved and sold. Nothing herein contained shall be
deemed to obligate Lessee to account co Lessor fox gag unavoidably lost in operations
For the purpose of having gasoline extracted from gas produced from said land,
Lessee may transport, or cause to be transported, to a gasoline extraction plant, all
or any portion of such gas where it rmy be commingled with gas from otter properties.
Lessee shall meter such gas so transported and such meter ,readings, together with
Pnalvses of the gasoline content of such gas made at arproximately regular intervals,
at least once in every month, shall furnish the oasis for computation of the amounts
of gasoline and residue gas to be credited to thin lease. Gas actually and reasonably
used rr consumed or lost in the operation cl a�iy such plant shall be free of charge,
and ie. cee shall not be held accountable to Lessor for such proportion thereof as the
total amount of gas produced from the land covered by thic lease and so transported to
such plant bears to the total amount of gas treated at such plant.
6. In the event Lessee shall extract or cause to be extracted gasoline from
gas produced from said land, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as royalty and rental. the
"sale value", as hereinafter defined, of eight per cent (8,apl) of the gasoline credited
to this lease provided in Paragraph 5 hereof. The "sale value" of such gasoline shall.
be deemed to be the value of such gasoline at the prices currently offered or paid by
Lessee or any of its present or future subsidiaries to producers for gasoline of like
specit'ications and quality in the same vicinity.
7. Lessee shall have the right hereunder to conduct operations by methods now
known o_ unknown which, in Lessee's opinion, are reasonably designed to btrnefit or }
facilitate the drilling for or production of, oil, gas or other hydrocarbons from said
land, together :,.ith the right tt. drill a well or wells in said land or use any existing
or abandoned wells bottr,ered in said land, whether or not such wells are capable of
producing all, gas or other hydrocarbons for the purpose of injecting into said laud,
-2- z
t '-. ,-( iJ.L i �i.f.�._ ti.t:1 .• f. : ./ :'f f rr yJ \-r... . . �. _ .,.. �i E1 ^; 't:..`„ }iC.T r 1t. _f_C1..'.t t1 ...-.) �_ !iC• t...Jlt:. i,f.r..CCC .;�t�L .�-.
7r for, or T `J' t c r,.l o^ ro/a1ty n 0_1 '1
_ro( t.1Cf-'r: from r..`L.-I lane ,.tnd use's, loci or
„_:LC 1c-u-.o for the fbre,�oin,,, t.., 'e:;, lj3sscee shall nc,;
for (;,w=ale t, _nyJ re:'{a,voile ;i:; 1'�rr.: ."lie:, .tc'3nd revilrtinj from
"his ,arairraPh 7, o2 for loos U, cil., r'nC or othc.'_1
_._ :herCin Jr t[l;'refro:l recul'.i„ x'ro, vC l? e'er ^1 n —
the 4;rQ:s rle,�ligencc or -1 li fco_ 'luc t of L'2csae in
o° oil .._xr_ll dccmcu 'co be u%e value of sash oil n the
_ it p ai by Lesc-c or Lu y- of or future ,,.tb-
?'' oil o«' 11 se q'_-al.;.ty and ;ravlty, .n ..::C 2,ame vic-rA_ �J 3
.__7: :ha 1 be aSCert i..Cd, ^� 1 3' t'{ ter;: D3id monthly ?.n
:. _. _i, correct boo:c of acco-,,t showing the a.=,Mt of oil, Gat
_... J:... produced, caved and removed from caid lard. Les:ee shall G.
-On h: ::a-itten 3tato^rents of the production run fro: said lan:' `
ri~ rc,e ;? calendar ;:onto, a.d settlement therefor shall be made be`meen
..erein provided. _2oyaltiec payable in money with respect to
__.. _ _ro Sad land during wiy- calendar Tnonth may be paid not Later than
_. •. of c n(--; ucceedin- calendar month; provi.ed however, traat if, at a:y
payable to ar;,J pa--ty hereto for royaltiev hereundc r shall
_01_1 ( L `�, _es.ee may .,ithhold payment until the amount {
_r-,.y n aal., o: e cc u, the sum of �oLlars (�13.^n}, =r_ which f
i= ; _ :,..ac a- ti.c, next re3ular set lemenT, date; and further pro-
_ , 2l-1 s,,::1 tncretofore accrued _nJ unpa J during any Galen-
._ i„ .rot 'later ,..:an i'.-nu_ry _ of the succeeding calendar year.
sc^ elect :,u co.=e nce dri:.li j operations in said land as
; .., r,_.ou?_d .rot be ob tame in , c: paying quantities in the
_,r _cce rcre•. der, Lessee .h-ill _ither =_mcn.e in said land 4
.or a second cLL ,.ithi, one hun reci cL-11,y days after the s
_ .. or ......lo: .:en said fir: ;.ell anu pro:ecatf such drillir.'r opFratiQr.M
or has I round in 4-_zch paying quantities by '
_ten..r i1 Lin�, .could, in the 4lid,w;mert of :d :-e", be unprofitable
.(r:7_natc thi., 1eace, and ;e„^,cce shall _...i:.f_'S,'LSe continue
.:ndcr l :e t:•'I:z condityon Subject, to li.e
ti-,:.ee cla4mr 'wn4, r-_-ht._ herear,,`.Cr, T::__ c-ii or C,,as in such s
prov_'cci, however, that liens",' shall not be ob, gatVa
- er..:.ion^ for an;r ,.cch we:1 or to to mill ti ;;his lease duri??G
:i__.i rental has been paid nar:uan,t, to the _rovi^ions of this lease;
- _V. , - ^.^:', `hc;t fi see may fit any tine and from time to time during the x
.._, . ", -efer, suspcn:l or =eszne drilling operations provided for under t
_ whenever Les ee shall :o defor or suspend such drilling oper- ;
rf::' .l period io- ,hici: rental has not been paid, inssee shall pay
,o :f,:�cor rental at tc.e rate specified in Paragraph 3 hereof for the rental {{
_un or prr'tions thereoL durin- which such drillint operations shall be l:
per.c:c<i. ;fnen such deferment or suspen:3ion occurs during only a
;tor :' :: re::tc.'_ T,c•rio2 for which rental has not been paid, the rental payable for
ac rontai period shall be such proportion of the total rental for that
the i... ,bcr of uay s l3uriT t which drilli nc, operations are deferred ,r
r rtal perlo hall bear to thr entire Thurber of days inc.f.
i f . ios. .hr. _ntcrval of one hundred eighty days allowed
or r c,l?:dQrrTent aa' tarry well and co:Lz,jcrcc;pent of drillinj operations
.'i}:, ''I :l!i ! :1 , ..tl�.'L.= ,ti;flJ r,r .,,�:zi,i .r1 {.r, It',"r,t•ft. �.(!,•'3 r,,f ♦t:ri
' - ,:1,• a;il tli C+. ) (':E�11�-)' ilt !!'' rf•frt't 1: r,:•t :t
it, t.li1:, iRif:3h't'f!fit,
u:t�; :'t'ut'tl t�r'Infi 4r' u,r'.�+ru i.ltt°r••r„' ::) t n Lt 1 .,I' tf=wjV. r.+; ri Lcr:,:;r,r
t/ f/: f f i
r:Lt.intt ,trtt.,+ .,t u:1t r•rnt'a•I. ;,f r in, <,* .Lt. (,It- nr,r: 6r.' 'the per'lot,
!, (' r It r,t. or tt it:; .)t , ,;lc it•1l'•Jf:r .•i,•t1 L .'ir:,t, rrf {:..,r. I.1 rental p1.0v f3fr,
:irr,,l.l_ bf :ux'x f'ntrt°rf'd or f r r?SiXr'rYn<) t j
I. It' at any Lim(! cltwi.rsf; 'lit! c:crrtLiriwj.r,f.c• rrf' t,hi- Leer..'(, sail_ is found irt. ^uc:h
tl—Lr,t.UO. , in 'Lly +frtAl• dri l.l.c<l by l<:U.;ee in t;aici In:,.:cre, 11i ject to the 'r
contiritW L.O Gorifluct drillivtt o H'ratiO f, wing
' I r in ..^>a.id land, u:,i.tg
ttt :, r'rtf; c,f' t,onl.s working wl.L,) rea,onahlcs dilif;ence IMIJ1 there :3 rot 1 have been
cr:npLeted in -;aid Land as marry wells as ;;hall equal. the total. acreage of the lasso,
:-x!LaUwi l by lf,::::<;c herculldi r di.vie.tcd try forty, whe,rc.'ul,cirr Ifibsee shall hold all of'
:::tic' lawl ties of furthrxr dri+lin;, ai)li;,rttion:., subject to this lease and i'or the
:'."I.I. trrr.•1 hereol'. Iers:;r=e may dul'er the cotwencemert of' drilling operations for the
.•c COIl l or 'Lr,y :;ubr>egtic nt, rie11 ureter thin par-rigraph "or a period not to exceed nin-ty
Uw uatte of compleLion of the well last press ding it. Le"rsr;e shall be
itic, . to .1vi.LL a-: marry aritUtionu.L tif:Ll:r a:; it dc.irer,. Ix..see agree,, subject to
hfr 1:•' irn :. h-reo"', t> caclt c•,rnlrl.eteti oil 'well. with r-sa;:f�nable f:i"1 E,f::,ce
:u;ct i7. tmfi(l oil. yield practice so loy..,-,r as such °,ifAL :;hall. lrroci,arc
-,il it, ii! tntit,ics der.rtr-d paging quantities by Lessee.
L" , ff oil in querttitie; deeined payin{, quarititie, by Lessee sha11 not be found
.::--u.d Land wid Jill :ill complete ., tirell in said land which -hall be capable, in
Li:f cipirion of ,i c:r:ec, of I;r•odut:i.rig ;;rt, of commercial quality and in paying; quanti--
:,its:;, ?j_:::;ce shall. hol.rt al.l .-if` ,aic! Land rice of further drillin6 obligations, except
provided ir. 3`trrif;xrLp11 1'j hereof, subject to *hi, lease and for the ful-1
tern: of•reof.
I,;. It' l,c'^sec ::11f1Li compl_etl: a wt:I.1 or :-Tells in ,%iu Land !hich shall produce
v' I. Lyi f, cuantitic., and nha.1.1 ? o compl,eLe ir; said .lurirl a well or wells which
.. .,:1 nrouuce oil. in :txr:h pL,..nF; rl,rxtiLrer; Wit ::haL1 be r'apal,le, in the opinion.
i '.•. , r,!' .,•")<Ittr'l.rQ; (vu: of t.^G..d'r'Ci:LI rrualit.y ant! In 1)Dyinjr quantities and Lessee i
;%! 1 1L flu: nurnbvr of r,i.l. well. in Pat•:!;•,raph 1-1. hereof provided for with respect
o tl' ;,ortirrn:: 01, .::Lid L: nc. w::i.c.h :trf• c apa.btr; of p•!°cs;iit.ci.nE oil in such paying
c:::, I e::::ce shaL1 to cril;it leti to retain all of the land hereby leased, subject
o Lht' nrovi r:ian:: of +..his lease .Lr:c; far the full term hereof.
In aflrlition to Litt' ri t :rL:Lesi to Ir..:;sae in Rirafrraph 1 hereof, Lessor
'..a lfr.,:ec t.}u° .,. L s_tl e::e-Insive ri;,ht to '>.pL^re :;aid Land by geologi-
�;., or O:.l;f-r' mrf.holl4:, :llic!thtrr' :;LrtiLrir to tho.ne herein specified or riot
rfnr known or "oL, iiii! to lakc ;:.ttor from sail Land for operations
.141.11.111, t ty pr'oriuce ;'a, herrruitif r in -vc;ordanco with ar:v method of ratable
-iry .".ritr or `ro.m titw to time i:e°.-cartcr {Teri• _^ailly in 1'1'1'+'ci. in any pool. of
Land rr vjty port.ior: -vet C ..., a 1)ai L. Li t.ic absenoo of any such method
t:i.kin:,, Ii:^;,ec zrwrecn prodiicr: :',oat said land a fair and equitable pro-
or: o`.' the q),tantity of zfa" tiritic:: P. n.arlfrt^ from land under lease to it in the
,w)l rrf which ,ald land is rL lit rt. Ltl slial.l be oblii,ated to produce only :ro much
;1:: i t, rnrty be able to market, td, the well or wells. It is recognized that the
rcrlri_c?. demand For gas may vary frrrm time to time an,l during such time as there i:, no
;•Oil i:tLc: at the wells, fc::,t'c':s ol}li{";it.ion to produce gas shall be susper,xed.
G. No implied covenantr ^hnll bt:: rear ia*.o this lease requiring; Lessee to
r. ^t t:c r• Or to etantinUe to c_oncl°i,,:t. flri 1.11n{, operations in :altl lt=6 or fixing the
rf' of 'iilif"once thwrc:for. :nay, tit: i"+,:: rlec'tion, :it tiny time and front
..'..f• t_') t,i.J)+'', ::urrc'r;zliir f11t1 t.f:T^i. i'tt.t' {..!'ti.:. lX.:a.�t-' .1:; 1-,o aLl, or rtritl portion Or portions
rovo-od t11t'`r'f'1r*y, ;.:<: li, the ovt rit of aiiy : ,iJi eaurroriJer of a portion or
O' ,:ttld la.xi, f.ht r,, ••,t,,.r ra:, of 1 JarilLn o lacy iivilled by Lrrs,rr, as provided
.. .'ia.(.t f(. [+ _,,•t' . ..f.;l �.Ir. l: .+Clc 1, .t<. t. _ /�` 4,. .,t.....
.:4 �r:
I1 .C:.
. . ., ,._. i.t'..:[-, �lr �_ . ._..,h:+ ,- 1.•it:f'1+ r+.t.' I7:r3•l:i:._.r .., IlI }•••..''�., 1%.:., 1:l 'L' �,1 Cr,
7,0 1''.(111 r7 i�,•it`i.1.q,... O ._'L._'1 �'
01, .. .. . lar4% lf�!:,sef- -,h-Al :: ve
.. .....� rii'ilt:. �., ,. .;f ,...i! .,.,.'.f'.._.,t:. hL2'tt,.. .��'I'y i1,, urdCr 'J':rI ti•:r0'�i',h .,_'i�i into (A)
a whhich L'a'_ l.rt It o st:rrerLderc.d, tc ?_.. i
as sh I e l
' .:c.. '. ..-. or conver:.i.ent S'or ;1 .;.:CC' , operation:; hez,•'z:t r:r or, the land retained by
i. -1,1c1 n i;I1c r lands in the -ri cini ty thereof. U1,on any ..urrcndcr or termination Lf (D
: is .:.;e ar �o all or any portion of said land, Lee see ;hall be relieved of all, a
obligations hereunder ..,ith respect to the lands so surrendered. Such l
shall become effective upon the recording; of r. duly executed inst-m-nent of
furrer::_er In the office of the County Recorder in the court, in which said land is
loc'�tc, 1.1ithin a reasonable time thereafter -essee shall notify Le.;-,or at its
address of such surrender.
r the event a well 'c drilled and completed upon. adjacent property to
.hi .. .. _ 1::1.. :o interec al:ci t o producin- interval of such well is looted
..._:c _._... r^i 1hir-.1T feet of the exterior bourdari�:s of any portion of zi_>d
lar.. ..;mhrace l by this leace and oil in payinr= quart,.-It`.es is produced
`.'1erc::o::, ,ow_ee. agrees, provided it is not then drilling or t:ac not theretofore
l'lc.i in caid land an offset thereto, within ninety nays after the production of
oil :... ,ayin:-, quantities from said ,roll, eithc. to offset, such wieil by the cormnence-
ent of drilling operat_.ons in said land or to surrender and terminate this lease
.nuer the provisions of Fyaravraph lu hereof <s to a portion of the leasehold, no
of which said portion shall be less than three hundred thirty feet.
_-. th_ eve nt a ;rel1 ;'ri llcc and co-:plete' upon wdjacert property in
has no interes;. and the n'-oducin interval of •,,,ch well is located
=c __�.^.cred t in feet of t�zc' ..terior bo•n.darie., of any portion of said
embraced by t!:_,, lease, anti ouch well shall fail to produce oil in
but shc.li px"od iCc g s in Co lerClalll _;ayin— quantities, and the
of ;e.il sh•L11 or _..te l-ic cage ar... ..,a_;et the -as produced therefrom,
Drovided it _c not :r.. t_:rillidn :Dr 'ir-:7 not theretofore drilled a well
z.�_.. y'' y within ninety aa,'G f ron, the du; e -`i:: O:mer of Ouch Nell shall coi;mmnce
L a trod--Iced t!'_r're"m'., Cithe:' to Co^L^,'ience C ri.' 31U operations In said land
_ _...her and ter i:ra e this lease a ,der the provisions of Plaragraph 16 hereof
Ic -o .^_ _;7? ,.ion of the Lease'nol". :10 "1 meinsion of N,,ai cif :aid portion shall be less
.a:. ...._ hundred ,thirty fee,_. :. ,,e11 so drilled by Tt-,csee under the provisions
f rac!-c 17 and 18 hereof -hall be consi_Cered the equivalent in all respects of
o'._.__ ,:e'_1 requrred to 1,c Lrilled hereunder.
Y . '.-he obligations of Lec-cc hereunder small bc. ml pc;ded while Lessee is
.__..iered from cone' ;.L: thcrez:•ith, in part or in whole, by strikes,
: , i2,.JT '�;�...12"baI1CCC, act 0,
God, unavoidable accident,-., laws, rules, re6u-
o_ c:rs of any fedr'ral, stet',., county, municipal or rather governmental
..:.e t •'r in effect at the date hereof or thereafter effective, acts of agar or
ri:.ing out of or attr .tutable to war, hortage of necessary material,
_ � or labor, or restrictionc in, or lLm.i.ations upon, the use thereof, delays
rah,::,orta ion, or oth,:r mat'.err, beyond the control of the Lessee, whether
:iIa.r ',o *,uc tatters herein sp:.cifically enumerated or not. Thin lease shall
z`_:. f`all force an effect du_rirK cn y suspension of any of Lessee's obligc.tions
._ provisions of this paragrcp_:, and for - reasonable time thereafter, pro-
: 'Lf tCr the M:Tloval of t*,e c!iuse Or CaaseC preventing or hindering the =
of such obligation, Lessee, subject: to the other provisions of thist.,
lc'2ce, ( =.Ligentl� coln�ences or resa:es the performance of such obligations Whenever
i; r errairesl candor any of the provisions of this lease to surrender any of the
�• _.. LU;C'. her^in av an alternative for any ott.cr obli;atAon of Lessee hereunder,
as the perfor.:,.u1 ce of such other obliC.ation is suspended by any pro-•
.f thi. parar,raph. Lnsnee c?z,al not be required to perform such alternative
Li: tt..iori Gf ;urronderint any portion of said land, Notwi_thstaiidin(_i anyth.'ng to the
on"racy herein provided; if any of I-essee's obligations hereunder conflicts with or
v4o1:.t.c, the provisions of any reasonable conservation program or plan of orderly
.ievoIopment, whether now or hereafter adopted, to which Lessee may voluntarily sub-
ribe, or of only conservation program or plan which is now or may hereafter be 4)
prescribe.-i by any order of any governmental agency, Lessee shall not be obligated to
•.•) I
perform such obligation, � }
If before Lessee Tray commence drilling operations in said land it must
ec::re a permit therefor or approval thereof in any form from any federal, state,
county or municipal body, agency or political subdivision, then if Lessee shall have
applied for such permit within sixty (60) days prior to the date upon which such C)
drilling operations must be commenced under the terms of this lease to avoid a
forfeiture or termination thereof, the obligation to commence such drilling oper-
ations shall be suspended until such time as such permit is granted, or in the event
such permit is denied so long as Lessee shall in good faith and with due diligence
cond,t.ct proceedings appealing from such denial or any further proceedings to secure
said perriit; provided, however, that in no event shall such obligation he suspended
,:rider thi- subparagraph beyond a period of one (1) year from the time upon which such
drilling operations should otherwise have been commenced,
20, Lessee shall pay all taxes that may be levied against the improvements,
plant, machinery and personal property owned by it and used for development of said
2l , Lessee shall also pay ninety p,, ,ent (90;'y) of any and all taxes assessed
during the term of this lease upon the mineral rights in said land or in such
portion of said land as Lessee may be holding under this lease, together with
ninety per cent (q0�) of all severance, production and license taxes or other
taxes or assessments levied or assessed on account of the production of oil or
,;as from said land, or from such portion of said land as Lessee may be holding
under this lease, or on account of any production of oil or gas allocated to such
land under any pooling or unitization of said land pursuant to Paragraph 34 hereof.
22. Lessor agrees to pay ten per cent (10.) of any and all taxes assesses
upon the mineral rights in said land, togetbi r .?it,h ten per cent (10fl of all
severance. production and license taxes or othr,r t,ur:=s or assessments levied or,
assessed on account of the production of oil or gas frcgn said land, or allocated to
said land under any pooling or unitization of said land pursuant to Paragraph 34
eraof, and to pay all other taxes assessed against said land, whether the same
are assessed to Lessor or Lessee or otherwise, and Lessee is hereby authorized to
pay all such taxes and assessments on behalf of Lessor and to deduct the amount so
paid from any royalties or moneys due Lessor hereunder.
23. Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 32 hereof, royalty accruing under
this lease, whether from production from said land or from production allocated to
said land by reason of any pooling or unitization of said land with other lands
p ur; uant to Paragraph 314 hereof', is appurtenant to said land, and any transferee or
subsequent owner of Lessons interest in said land shall, as between the parties to
this lease, their successors or assigns, be entitled to receive such appurtenant
royalty under this lease, excep•,; to the extent that the right to receive such royalty
shall have been expressly excepted or reserved or shall have been theretofore trans-
ferred in whole or ir. part. A reservation or exception of all or any specified
portion of the minerals or oil or gas or other hydrocarbon substances in any instru-
ment shall constitute, for the purposes of this paragraph, a reservation or exception
of the right to receive all or such specified portion of such. royalty.
24. Lessee shall pay the party or parties entitled thereto for all actual
damages to any improvements upon said land and any injury to or death of any person
.�`. ..:.r• ..;!y :!�. ., L:. (t: :,.,.,;!r ..r9t'.., lt..;l�,>(`t. �: .. e7r- . .. F
.t�'. �:> _Arl 1_ant. �.it .__..t..�., ...,. i.a'--' j;rty3z H[t 3.011 fqi(' „}I( ,..IOt1n�. ;Phi_l11"'".� 4hf.24.i't!,'•n„ �
't'-Z 2a l::hc>r ,.o b(. pt I.r>rtrt and mr orial to } h I '
t iC. .:11::1} l C at this' Co"',', aT (. ;I)eItt:(' r,f II , ant; i/.,nsor :.iiajl fG', t;'
nor' liable ,or' t.tt`," 1),1' thereof', anti fr r=r+i c -h all r< .r, :, i ru:i
protected aT rainct all liens Of every charactew arising from or tU
c'o;i with its operations.
t sse( i:hall have th, ru;ht, at any time and from t,i.Imr, to time auri th(t
o:.tiruan.ce hereof, an,] within a reaso%able i " after th,.. surrender or
,,o remove fror.': said la:r,' 01 piping, ca:>inE,, and other pro_rerty a'd improve- �U
to or furnishe,. by
T7or the co::sideratio% paid at the tirn2 of execution: of this lease, a-`
.` :idc I do :al co:. u,.ration to be paid therefor, Lessor hereby ,Trantz to
tlic ._•clu-ive eaaement a:,d right to drill into and through said laid, from
tier 4 ha . sair. la.,A by ^.Io_a::s of a wM11 or wells drilled from the surface of
r .!Ian .,3L(-, } r, i, to�-ether with the sole ar.d c"xclusiv' right to
;.Ce:)e .Thai rf'.•70rf and operate such -wells a::u ',?OdUC: oil,
a::d other hy'rocarbo:.. fror. La::ds other than said 1a:... by means of . ;clt
1' o: ells throug,i cair La.d. li':e rights gra .ted in this Para raph shall co::ti::u_
:' a of ten (L') years fror! t;-c Cate hereof and as Lang thereafter as Lessee i
o: _:L-th shall conduct drillin,, operations under the provisions of this lease or
paragraph, or as loan,; as cif, gas, asphaltum or other hydrocarbons are produced
_'T o:.: wells drilled pun sup^t to this lease or this paragraph Or the performance of a::y
..�cl: operations is suspended or deferred for the red ons or causes set forth in
a--,-rash in hereof. Any well drille. 'under the provisions of this paragraph shall
2 Mcd so that the producirl;- interval thereof shall lid wholly outcide the
a.' +' caid ',and, Any su,_re-:der or termination ,.,.aer the proV!S1oI!:; Of PaT'*a-
or Paragraph 30 of t!.i.. leas_ zhall be effective thereunder, n i`hsta Ott•T �_ a_1Lt1^
,c, .,at Lessee in and by such irrender Or t('rl 'n_1tion reserves the rig7hts
to Lessee under thi, parz_-raph and reE,ardlesc of such Lurrender or termi::a-
rights �=—nted u:der t:i°; rarraph shall continue for the term hereinabove
In thi- paragraph.
T' , ;urs Tant to tn:.. }''* rapt , L^ cee COsx.LeteS a i•rell Or ,ie11S, rl
c'... . _ -which Shall pac. t ,;a_d Lana' alms the produciIig interval of �._ Ch
:rholI.v outcide the bo-.;n. ariec of caici land, aliu :•inich well or Welk haLl
of nroii:cin:; oit cr N in caantitir° . .eertcd nayir; a?aantities by Lessee,
_.., co _r.cing not later than .�txty ( `) da•rs .`ter COmi)Letion of each will, Lessec
1.. j t0 atiriaal . ..:t,.L computed i: the r4c of f� '> >r
i 0. Dollar ( •1. ) p`:
OI'l.Ont11 pr'O„CCtiot. Of thE` ..'';2"Ve" course O * that post of the bore hol`_-
1 tT _Vera'. t..c of 3a16 land until cuC}; well iZ; 3ba:id one.. iI.,
_ I ti.e rer., 2ircment:. of the .,tote of California, provided, however, that
.all of be erititle to .eceive any rental hinder t.". provisions of :hi..
i aI iI , .7uch tines as :.sOr is entitled to receive royalty or rentals an!1er
ovisians of this leas(:.
rl!e_r.e�•rer use: herein, t're exr>rec:ion "drillin^ - operations" shall mean, for
i y:lr;:Oe.ec hereof, any wor:c or actual operations un:iertaken or commenced for the
r_,o:%.- ..' dt•illing of a well, i:icludin , withe,t limiting the generality hereof, the
_. ._ -on of the r^ro'und tl^ejefor, the build-Ln '• Of roads and other facilities
o: eonntruction of . r.erric'c and other nece ,sary structures for the
of a well followed by the actual operation of drilling, in the ground. Any
or operations preliriinary to the drilling in the -,round may be atndertaken
•any order Lessee shall see fit. ALl such war: and operations shall be prosecuted
:_2::orable diligence. Co,!riencement of drilling, operations upr!n Lando other than
ai,. i::;d for the purpose of botttominjj a well in said Land shall �e deened, for all.
reOf, to be co=encesnent of drilling: operations in said land. Drilling
P. I I-
,l'l.L1. '.,±miilaLc: .± ).l ,.Ut. C_w port.'i:;'.
be :. .i7.-._ '.LG
lil'LL I..1a:1LitCti a.nO.LIt '. T C.L+-;, ..ti!'� Lj i 1:�. .;7"�.1, GC Qfi,r i.7r'ul ..1.
tt::t} . af,i_r such dispute i:. "."Ur'l by filial co,w_'t decrr_,t2, -Lrbitration or
140 Lessee shall be in d :i'r;:,xt in the p' _ 'or-rr':+e _ y vt' it:, o'cl
ier this 1=,C, other than the -,)%yme%t of rentalo or royalt.Lf.s, arc, if _'::,r' .
__'loc' O;' ninety days after }'7ritt':n notice i. Given to l.t' at it" o . _..:.(
rand._:".,, tllfornia, by Les^x)r of such dCfault, Ti:s_.ee ...ll .ail t0 CO::'^,:CL nL:
t'ner eafter diligently and in i-,00A prorecu .e ti'. rC:nefl li:(r of :a.ch def".Ul",
_ :.nor May terminate this Lease; ,provided thr_t no dcfauU in the per o_',:.r_ncc. o:' ..r.y
of the conditions or provision,-, i_cfCOL as to a-y drili in( or pro67_,cit:1 ,il ::*e:' or
affect the riC;ht of ors.,•ee to coat. ,.,.,.. i.tn xcnses _on and ;,pe ati-:,:i r,r:'
oth' i' drilling or prouacirz oi: ,:ell or ;Yells in retard to "_. c _rs;ee i;s --
_ to ethe-. .,_t i a parcel of forty acres _:urroundin1r each .w.11 OIL :.e_'L :1
C1e,ng drilled; provi dcci, _ .r ne2 , that n0 Lleiau_4 . i ne per onma_..,_ J:^.o'_' the conditions or provi •ions hereof frith respect to any or all oil :'relLn chia11
affect the right of Lessee to continue its pos-cescion an:, operation of any i;as w%!ll,
:,oEethcr with the exclusive right to px-oduce Cas from the lan4 herby lea.;c,i.
1. 711;n lease shall become effective upon the Lessor exccut*F_ and delive_•i~_-
to s L s e the Lessor's Si-riature Paje. Lessor acknowle:_,co receipt from L,essce of a
o_ is lease, t Get.ler :'rith a copy of the Lessor's :i-.na.ture Page execute. by
E;:cnpt a5 Ot^,Crt._cc hcr,22n provided, LC nuc shall pay all royalties,
and other t.IIj1Cltc ray..`_'__ ri money h�relnu eI L, 6r :eltver:.n;- L hcrefor to the Lector -.t 1':Y a'i-- _., dr _llatC:. by lescor {'or ,.,icki 1almu= ;,
the ::ail'' or deli"c o ; ...._il chec.. to ch a:idres ha'_l, for all pur-
cf this leaoe, con-stitute Day^.C:it ,;o Lessor' c .nor such piLpO.`e Lessor hertaby
r_.:•C s, effective until ..1C a. ..._ ac Lt shall not`,nat': a t�..fererit £zr} �"G N by
ter notice to Lessee at ;,t- ;__ice ;... 4a.n :'rw.cisco, California, the addre, o .;zt
_ .a on the Lessor's Ui�_-natur'e = ,;? attached he_ :to. .o ci:sn� in the otivners'n°n o'
e 17-n or the ninera.lz cove'_' y `.,_12 andno ent of rentals or
1' :e°'plLi' er ^>h3Ll be Cin,,T1' u—t)j1 Lesseo card ?�'' �E' sh:.._L not be :eC_Uirel t
^_L _L_ any such chanCe in o:i;C::,.' y :nless al': art,'! ,.t[ss c "r.'Zi have been
i:... .at ..ts office in :art F:'..::Ci CO, "alif0 _'i':, :r'_til ..rittc`1 notice th8reo_' nnu
_..'O':_..ence 'hereof satisfactory to .. Nsce at least vi::ty ; days prior ,;o the
_-.c of ary :rental or royaLt;; paymr:nt nereu±.d^_r. Such notice shall desi_�-natQ in
:ram the addre,-s t0 :rhich choc,:s coverin payments a ccto i .such chmn to .;hall
ao ilereiraa'�ve nrovi.ie<.. If s lch ,mitten notice ai:d . tir.factory c`rl ::ce
by irss see leis than .,i_:tyr (v j nays prior to any rei.tal or royalty `?'.
ate, then il_'s;:ee shall De regLliret: to reco-ni^e S IC:Z Ci7ant;C in oS'mc:':;i:ip
,.r.'_; _.. connection with rental a :royalty paymento }rhich become due and payable ^orf�,
ni::ty (u?) days after receipt by ir'...^.ce of Duct. notice and evidence. In the
O -1 y dispute (lr i riCert liiZty, in Lessee': Opinioi-, a.£ t:,) the party or parties
to receive any Suds ray'^lent o ' any part tliCryOf, ivssCL' Play, 1r7thout
liabii.:ty o any -dnri or ei.nsacter, ",ithhold payment of any amount, as
cucii dispute or .uicertaint- o iot:;, pend inC the deter:r.ination of such dis-
;,utr or ,_L lcertwinty, o.' TMay intcrplcau the claimants, and thLrcunon the payment into
co,lrt ,' :,cssee of any such c:,o-,,L.,'t or xro ntn shall be deened a compliesice lath the
ro':i�ior.s of this lea,;c with respect to such pa,nnent.
It is agrrcoTi that i:.' Tf!ssor a le-so intcre.nt in the o?1, Ca^, SP11altILM
i ded fee :imple e hate
:.n,i oti er riydrocarbonn in sai:1 l•an�t thin the entire and undiv
.t t , .t.r,. � ♦i — ..' ..'J.. 't.. ' � .iV a'. .. :'t. . �•.., l.t
Ila. .'.tiled. l.. Uld v,. CriCv4'r 2t ..,PiaLl GC:
t : .;et!, _.ltc;;'C t l ,Isis t:i'... l oa;e .F....'i-'(, n r . i t y p• r
'L':y time any :' rt';?a(;C. Ot' other nJ1'i or I rc aft(Ir z...0%chi::-* to iC
p_r't thereo ', :ynu in U '1 evC 't, i,CS.^ec 7:sI?. tiG .;'�4i"OF�z` to i.Ll '�{' ':i.
..:it`: v ner 7" .1olocr of .,aLh mrtg-we or other lien :ind XUY,
'.ale re+,U, at Its option, at?_)L,'j to the r._sCharge of any zuch ::iortC`�.e or
__ J ChC rC i.;lpllr:'C: Cnt Lo :P_':.et. :or any -..mount :;o pri d by it, any rentaL•.,
or otlhcr .*,Ims acCruin,- or payable hemninder to the miner of the lard.-. to
.;or C:at;e or other Lien attaches.
{-_' t-e. n` a ' j t1:.e ort ::C v:ithLn t::Ctlty one i �'r' ": i'ro:C
..__'i'7. .,.IJ:..� iA .�.J'_•t.^, Uv1.ndCY o_ _* til•C_ Co_`:sC,,,� pool, COnuD?.,, er unJ14:. ,, .......
�.1(? :a„ds covered h rebj ill -hole or in part or _. T,O anyt,'"?fi ::i 1S
l I ^ z) c u -u c thereof so^, ._th other an:5, ^11C c . ( _
^ umit or units 1,,1,cnuvE:r ^uch action in Lesr'eet a]l.:m nt i re,'sired
C'':_)'.j with arnliCable Z.c.wn of to nr'J.mo'c or enCo'iY•.".r_e the concervation o nat..Tral
_ 'CC: oi- tie efficient and cco_Io,.,iical location and Npaci.%- o" YJeli�, cyclini-
,..'c=-..:i.ntCnance, reprosc-.ril` or zeconda_-y/ rCCOve_rj' )Y'7?r2:. , Jr any coop'r4 t . .
t i_n of QevelopzCct Jr oiler%Uon %p_lrovc by . n:iiatu or ederal. ;.horiz_`r. .
-PC of an,; such ,.nit r:.r be . .a -ed to _ `rmit more efficient .....
f ^" _C:'L opCT'ation, to _—nc1-;GC '1Cr':a C belie, . to C,. _fro':;uctive'. ar.''1 :o :,xcl; iv.,
b1_-I.Ct _ to tie unproduCt_1 v'. or ,.h!.Ct. i C _.mot Co.._.._ ..e'er to t::e L.:':'.'.t, at ar.Y
_..__ it !]C_2'E3aSf' in LessOT't: t0y: L _G6 :"CC° �` r=M �� ❑'1C'I: Ch%L:�E' In any ^.dell
.lot be retroactive, is;y .i _m t .. CC eit ablim-2e.: c-, chi ..., ',Zt6 in
U: prodLCt OT: tilere.:oa. ...3� .ro aboLi;.i:r d_..solver, by'filn for
ns-.rument so ( CC13: ., a co_y of 1,:, Ch 11 F... dei, vet"Cl to :d:'C:cr.
:Jr re1:'or:-int opc 'ionJ :, or Productio:: of o:: _, t'af cr other hydrocarCon.r
- ,. _ ._ ,, of such unit "l_r�� bo tl'eal a:... CDl^..^.L 7e7'C'? for aL l p`.rpo C: " thi
oper'itiC.._. un'lcr or _ :ch proCl:.tCt fro:.". ..hi.. iCOOC. 1,ecCee shali
port-on of thir i i. _ inci.T:ec. In any .aril ..nit :t, 'fractional part of
:t" 10:. from any part of r,ch nl ., n one of th; follD,;i ll:Toe Ea' ^hc
_. tt' ..." .rfacc acicacc Vi_ , I(?�. chide_. n ztuch i u and the total
��);; _,`. rat _e4, ,r. n p t: or ". is io �.,�e.. t_zt~
Production 3ll::E i Ti^1: , ,Ile por`.,iD_. of t..1ii ','asc i:,cltld d in such uz.-
_ xll l'CCoverablC _n,2 o' .:C!:iOl'. i.,,,+.rl nx; Lich +T l' Upon production
' . of .�:zch alit, Lessor ;:hall 'tic cn%_I tlr� to the ro, .Lties provide: in
', o:. tl:� r,';CtiOnal part Oi tl. '.1llit X'T'ot'uctioll :J <s1 J'_3aeC1 10 th'xt :Cit"-
LCa nC included in act' unit, and no nore. :,u o_''f:-et UbLigation shall
this lease as a resui.t oi' any well .irillea withii. a:ty such unit.
'le e.-tate of either parts hereto may be a :ieci in ,&,ole or in part wid
.:hr, prov.zsions of ?,_Ln-(-raphs 'J_., and hercoi, all of the ter::ls, condi-
ro-:isions of th's oil .w gar inase sl.all extend and apply to and shall be
'and inure to the bcnefi.t of the re^pec Live, heirs, ad uinistratcrs,
assiCn^ of the p;ar:-ics 1.ereto. Upon any such assignment of the
:,_.. e':, IT ,r:te, Lessee :hall be relieved of -try i`urthcx obligation as to the !mid,
therefro„., kith respect to which the .1J('_. se ha-s been o assigned;
_..i ... he eaent :,essee shall as'ti, r. t:zis Icase a- to a mart or parts only of the
L. an,l c:.nd any defa'il.t herevueler :hall occ:_r as to any part of the ie.ased lance,
ci(-aillt .`tzall not operate to rlel or affect thy_, LeaNe cL to other part of
C 'LCa.:Cd land llOt l'leId by th., per.oli rormrittir,; s` ca iezau't. 2.othing herein
1t'ay;l'bb,,i: G{'rE.'+J� , {'.,v..`Y t1�C P_..� .il' "Y;. -.. cr) i
•'iJ"lct the lc':IriL U:t ..1. iiCi04t'-
may be vxecwW ed it: 'LI. .....,.:I`
if all parties sigrirc; the ca:a,: doca:.{,:,t.
lJ' WMERFOF, the parties; Hereto have C:;ecutti t:.iy ;rc=u�.exrt:. tt:
5'1'M7;3AR' OIL COI-:A7,Y OF Ct'UFC}`I: A,
r'y;ay r,. jhf. JF'��2� '�� 0 Inc.
.•^•._ S - ...
....7:-n j 3r.Cy : - c Ge:or" :st.'
.. _.-.. k ...v.. 3
an': for said. --Dty "-- Co:inty ana ct.t' resid: tri'_rci , {way✓A
_. ...porn, pe_sonall.y appeared _ '
en and r^ -I et~�r
_:r•�1ts known to me to be the Contract As_, -st CeCr'..:'.� ,e,
*'r'spE'.cti'lely, of 23tandard oil ro'::Clar, of �7--Ui'nrn:1.a,
-orporation described in and ,hat execjtr't: ;'.hfa w Mir. inct31-
and also i.nQvrc t,: roe to be the per:onc who execute!
t on beha' : o" the said Corporation therein :named, ti^,
i they wcl r cc;?c Gecl to ne uha4 s�ich C�rporat�.fln executed
IITii?,SS ePHEREO , I have hereu .to set, hand and
r ixe.Q my Official Weal, at I-;y office ir: the City and CoWa y
{ i 'n(i State aforesaid the day and year i, this certificate
:bovc ..Irj,tten.
=r. C in ''13 xar id Cites�' and. CQ=7; o r` 3,an iscoy :jam to of Calif t:iJ
_.... t: :pines.
It;N 1'I t 1 t I t
tilt• l tttltrsl�rrl'tt t'. rl 1.1 i'4t'e tit 01i" 1 t li irt�r t.,tttF,. ;! tV U.
c :. t; t is .t d Y r:i. t c i ;St• r?: { r. '�4 i`t t t ij:?, ^ . ,olj [A .i flit 1, a. r t�'
t' (, tcl ti `it.tn(i trd 0it t tlr't till' ul t tifcit"ii k ( t 3.(1 h-I• i)y t+,t t itt S tee resl 1.; t
inn I_r' 1 .`,�1LjtldtU:`t'.Ita.,t-,t;,t,,kli l's`t, otctt Cu� > .sj�.t.tl. .7t rdt! 'illct•t) t / t}11 2 F�� ri.kr�: /'�r
t...u!'ti .``:5!nYttilt`t I'Sf,PS kt\t°rtttt•ti Ili` t'l.ta`i' l.t.+,-•t1.1'h tib,aU ('.t3tPY'tSt: lit. = :+i='J,tital ��tltd:itil3°ISL'C 0,
t t•.i.t•;. S.,i'Ctit';ttlftt j3tti'j'.t):it�U: i't`eeti'siill,` flit``+...:,•. .atl:tt'itltij;;ft;i.� I '�.?ri''.•y rt`,:3j;ti.ltiir't' I'aj{l^t(J:t.`E ie, ,.ir,. ? �
t'ut S- of "a"d subsurface011 iittti G:I- 1 c�: ;t', :or purpo.s-., of FucoYti41011, sfwdt ]lot con"'Otutt'
�nnuj'I;Ufllr Ui' Rnnti7,atit)ll of ttlt. 1 'z:;eai i(4iit} .i'li Fai Iriritt, r('fWt�rt•tl �)_',' ;iUCIL otiicr ,t,?"ita:atilf..r,�i'
6)1 aiiel tilts Lcasos or lands, do;s'ril,t,A oii z to ii otllt7- :-`-Jgiiatury flay s.
DESCIIMI'TION:Thelatid situat.=in tact('ount kor �ia 0 .y of , S`•ite of Ualiforriia,dezcrilydwl a..:I`cal:)w:;.
Wesley I':.rk See., Huntington Rel..
L,,t b in Block 813 of Tw.,L 1::ci:� ,as per snap recorded inin
I;,ok , Page(�) 1 j cif t1-w; ,� insc.tlie o rp ,
of t;, ;_misty 14-corder of ,aid County,
to,ether Nvith all right, title: and intert:�t nIJO-, the undersigned may now have or hereafter acquire in
ihv z:ho%e-descrtbedl prewisus or in the real pnip er'ty included in any avenues, alleys, hi(;tt1Yay:� , rO:zf'li
or �-tret'ts adjilcvnt the above-described pn-rni�t•s, without any r4AA in Le see to use the surface or
that portion of the subsurface ly-ilig above the depth of five hundred (509) feet below the surface of the
abt vL described premises.
of suid u;' and g€tf.
�ct t`S�" - ................. ..--.. (:TTY OF lit- :I7 (?ti
V r'itiiess to the above s i.aturo(s,) � J} t fi liK
'E _ :AiiuR'rA
rt �rcci7�s ORANGE
b.•t mt tha f,'rr r • . 1 :4ar� P1,Vc in ut:d for sz'd State, petmiaily appeared
r t
kr<uvr1 to mug to ba the
OFF.CiAL 5EAf J s d � i 'G4 % _ hrluin to me
.- to to the, ' "r
ET-tl.rS?flux t;i C.A$i0
.,Yam" 31,tr.uY . , C'..tttl4t.11A
CITY�`� fit N.MIGTON Bi;.,Cti�
PRO'V''Al 0`".ICE IN "h Carpnr,vr t th3 t tt ,f-d the S !?;n lnst(v ii,fi% ktimn to me to be tht' perji.is v4ho }
{ OlLittOf "AUN1Y Fxuru'ed the Y Vtht^fr,tr�,d,,"L etl b,i14t A the CLq,3ratiun herein.named,and ac r,,1 eJged 1
=Pam+ tU re that w;1:h Crarptr r,yrs executs.j the Mitt;+si io-,traitut p+irsadnt to its by#am er a
r;:'i Iu!i-,i i of!ts tiv3rd 0 ti.r,l,!ers
"riTNESS=:y pw;d and off,cte+s4al
ftlan�t r't '�'t.%it�tt'��'iit�ittttatt, 1GaGfortta
liFl4ti°�rn ,ltjii73its,I969.
3 : Cf y fait•Htjnt,^gWn Uejdl.6111.
AT3iik�rt�tltL�t�}fi3��` {}��
t'oitlrt r 1 r1�.trnht�t t't i � 11,t1 l
Hutt r [Itl t on 11t',u 11 , (%l1 r 1 01 It r,t
Moods, trcc t t);,er _ 1"Af
;.I 'ro-tom Sh i pley cal loci the r•egu1.ara meet i.►,.q of the City
l'oUt1t I ,,f the City of 11untingttrrr Ileaclr to order at d :5to 'c:ioc:Jt. 1'.M.
„ri,e 11:11ets Present: Coen, Bartlett . (,isler, Nauftimn, S r. . 0'rparl
trtt. r luten .lbsettt : Stewart
a w .. . ♦ 1 ww. ti + Y F w x :M l A. ; t i t ! k �* ? 3 f Y w'
Nic, City Administrator presented a Subsurface oil. and Gas lease with �
��t:t,idara tail Company of G,lifornia on City property on various lots in
,')Locks 812 , 911, 813, ar-' � 1.3 - Wesley Panic section, Huntington Beach, CrJ'
:tnd known 1- Lake Park - > I�' approval.
.?:1 111OLion L,'r Sa~tlett, Cc. sir approved a Subsurface Oil and Gas Lease ;tt7
with Standard Oil Company D' California on said City property, and
authorised the Mayor anf' ..".ity Clerk to execute the lease on behalf of
-?ie City. Motion carried.
. • . ♦ . ♦ � # Y {'. ac Y; r :k J4' %L * :F l ` `k 3, :i: �: k X M :K d: W. .
oti motion by Kc1.ufMaU the regular --_meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. ]%lotion carried.
Paul C Tones
City Cleric and ex-off icio C!eTk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
Donald D. ,S.hi.l3lev
Paul C. 3ones � ASayor_ Pza-teui
City Clerk
County of Orange } ss:
City of Huntington Beach )
1 . 1'AVI, C. JttNLS, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the Cit-
of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foie-
:;orrlg is a true and correct excerpt .from minutes Df the City Council of said
Caty at their re€;ular meeting held on the 3rd day of
October- 1
WI"I'FSS my hand and steal of the said City of Iuntington Beacli this tiles-th j
ciriy of October
1'as S. Tonea.--..
City Gl crlc and ex-of f icio Clerk
of the City Cotinail of the City
of iluntingtor. Beach, Califi_ornia
�. I31'��y'l1 s'''�t�fir' (•` . +"f� f
11c Lonsor by >x,..,atinj; this Lessor's Slignature Page herc>ty enters 0
ha t':1
t. rk-ai:. � iibrurfacv 01, rnd Gal,' IA-a.,;P. dated A Go
ri oc:py t,10 Qii h io lu.rely acknowledged, with offTcwipany of
'as Lesttle, aiicl herct,y xnscnt:; to said Lessee attaching this I/_ssor's
P,e turt Fin identical copy of said. Subsurface Oil and frig Lease, together
wil,'n othr'.,* Lessor's Signature Pages executed by other Lessors who entered intc G)
identical Subsurface Oil and Gas Leases, for the sale purpose of recording the GJ
same. Attaching this Lessor's Signature Page to an identical copy of said Subsur-
face Oil and Gas Lease, for purposes of recordation, shall not constitute a pooling,
communitization or unitization of the leased land with any lands covered by such
,)*_her Subsuri`fv^e Oil and Gas Leases or lands described on such other Lessor's
gnature Pages.
IESCRIPTION: The land situate in the County of WisxAngulaK, State of California,
jescribell as follows:
Parcel 1 :
Lots 11, 13, 15 and 17 in Block 812 of Wesley Park Sec., Huntington Bch., as per map
recorded in Book 4, Page 17 cf Misc. Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said
Parcel 2:
Lots 21 and 22 in Block 911 of Wesley Park Sec., Hunti,,,ton Bch., as per map recorded
in Book 4, Page 17 of Misc. Maps, in the ofiicc f the County Recorder of said County,
Parr,l 3:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 813 of Wesley Park Sec., Huntington Bch., as
per map recorded in Book 4, Page 17 of Misc. Maps, in the office of the County Recorder
of said County,
Parcel 4:
Lots 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19 and 20 in Block 913 of Wesley Park Sec., Huntington Bch.,
cs per map recorded in Book 4, Page 17 of Misc. Maps, in the office of the County Recorder
of said County,
Lc�,ether with all right, title and interest which the undersigned may now have or
hereafter acquire in the above-described premises or in the real property included
_ c3Q 90-4
.in any avenues, alleys, highways, rids or streetz €adjacent to the above-described
premises, without zany right in Lessee to use the Surface or that portion of the
subsurface lying above the depth of five hundred (500) feet beimf the surface of
the above-described premises.
Rental $ 110.00 _ pursuant to
Paragrap of said oil and gas lease.
Witness to the above signature(s)
rl,� E".CdES7t;�6, Rl F;:810 �
oL._ __ r?� _ )) °
On this.. .......... .� - - ---_day of...... ' � 1._..._._ _.«««...., - e o e me,
........_..___................... the underaivied, a Notary Public in and
for the paid County and,State, r siding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
:...............known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed
to the whin lnstrumejit, as a Witness theyeto, o being y me duly sworn, deposed and said: That
he reaide-s i t z..'._ . .._ ry ffrt�-_.,._ '€mot -✓_....__----.-. , and that h was present s
and saw . ._�.._
personally, known to him to be the same persons) whose name(a)•L&,(are) subscribed to the within
and annexed instrument, execute and deliver the same, and he-•Eshe} (they) acknowledged to the said
af#9Ent that he4i3he) (they) executed the same; and that aald aftTant subscribed his name thereto as a
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto met my hand and affixed my official seat the day and
year in this eertiflcxte first above inItten.
My Commission Expires` ���&�C�r��f,�,�� � � ........... .........
Mr r ert,-r:,gs, r,E,,paes bile 25,1961 Public in and for said County and State
October 7,, 1966
Standard Oil Company of ,California
Western _Operations,, Inc
P.O. BOX 60&
La Habra$, California
Attention: Henry A. Rohlfing
F eld Office'
The City Council of the 'City cf,Huntington, Beach at
their regular meeting held October 3. 1966, approved
the Sxxbsur�ace �3i] axxd Gas .ease with Stardard Oil Company
of Californian on City property,
Enclosed are etecuted copies of the 'Lessee's Signatuve.
Page, the lessor Is Signature;Fags and the Subsurface oil
and Gas Lease together with three excerpts of the tlEnutes
of the C ty Council approving same. � Von execut3on of
the enclosed ¤ts by -Standard Oil CPmpan�€, �al.eaise
return, an execluted copy of each to the City Clark, Y ty
of Runti-ag—Con Beach.
In regard to your copies of the coroIrate resal.utioA �auth-
ority, tIha lease Prow eras done gy, minute. action, of the
Council and not, b -Resoldtion Yale are therefore*, raaturnp
ing ,said copies to_you.
Sincerely your„
PAUI C. :hones
Cif Clerk
Council C'hnrub r•, Gi ty Hall
Huntington poach, {€ urorni:a
ists� a y,_,_fctc�b
or Pro tom Sh e called the regular meeting of the City
.zty of Huntington Beach—to order 1u. o'clock P.M.
{ Couricilmen Present:_Coen tjett , Gisler. RAufmn. ShjRjZy
Councilmen Absent: Stevart
The City Administrator presented a Subsurface Oil and Gas lease with
Standard Oil Compaay of California on City property on various lots in
Blocks 812, 911, 813, and 913 - Wealey park section, Huntington tech,
and knom as Lake Paris - for approval..
On motion by Bartlett, Council approved a Sqioaurface oil and 049 lease
with St nddrd Oil Cony of Galifornis can said City property, and
authorized the Myor and City Clergy to execute the lease on behalf of
the City. Notion carried.
3 A
Can motion by time regular meeting of the City
Council of th yt `.n=n i ton Beach ad jtaiu��tec�.�rotion carried.
Pau I
Ci y ?e- an ex--o, is 'o i.e
of the City Cauncll, of the City
$ of Huntington Beach., Carter .a
vor re;
Paul C. JOU69
County of Orange spa s.
City of Humtingtoaa teach �
X PAUL C,'J0MISn the 6,uly eloctod, quali.f'i.oci and acting City Clerk Of tht �'
o.i` ft►.ti. ton Doach., California, do thereby oerti.fy that the 'Above and .fu o->.
3a is a trm an correet excerpt from minutes f tho City Cott ell n 'da,
t Choir regular - wee t in& hold on the „eYay €i
WIMSS my hand and seal `t the said City of Hunti.ogton Bea h vita tlitlk�
Dar the City Council off. � e C �
of` XUAtington, Beach it o�°
ia� 3r