HomeMy WebLinkAboutWillard Jordan and Clifford Endsley, Architects - 1963-05-073 0 C 0 N T R A G T F Q R f A N C H I T E C T u P A L a L Fri V I C C 5 THIS AGREEMENT, executed in duplirete the 7tb ,fay of y , 1963, at Huntington Oeach, California, be.waan the City of Huntington Beach, California, narsinefter called the OWNER, and WILLARD T. JORDAN and CLIFFORD ENDSLEY, hereinafter called the ARCHITECT. I T N E S S E TH: wHE'HEAS the Owner is a c'oli tical Subdivision dully organized and existing under:,r. try virtue of the laws of the State of Californin, ,in d -;1HERE115 Willard T. ordan nild Clifford Endsley ere certi fi sad Archi+.;erta holding valid i.icongee unrinr the urovisions of Chepter Thrne of Division Threr: of th t HUginests and c'rafsssionsl Code of the State of ` - wiiII Fnrni a, and �JF4ERE#,,.)i tha Owner in,tandq to make alterations to an existing bui Iding can the cornmr of Palm and Lqke Street, Huntington Basch, r-ni t rorn.i s, for a headraugrterq fire %t:ati an, 1%0.1,1, IIiURE:FGPL, tho 10L!',;EF? uN1.1 TH E ORCHI T£GT, for consl.dnrntion herei naf tar muried, agrriFa e follows: 1. THE 'fZ ,�'I rLCT' ,; aL-titJl CE. a (9) The Architect shall consult with the Msner :end prepare the naceasary prFalimi-rinry sketches and upon their approval by the Owner, shall make the aturkincf Dreawine�n, the Scale Details rectui red to properly j delinenta Lhn Drawings and gh311 writs the Specifications for thH proposed work, pie will endeavor to keap the total cost of construction an law aH •iny be conai n -ant With thy Proper execution of the toork. f (;a) If rc?questod ray the Owner, the Architect will m4ke or „ obtain prHliminary estimates on the coat of the 6jork, but Such estimates can tie repart,ed nnly as an approximation. (c) The Architect shell orepare forma for the Advarti cement for Bids, Contractors' Proposals, take bids, end will coocaarste wi th the Owner in the draper ati on of the other enntract documents, (d) The Archi tect shall Wive Archl tect,urel �upervl sign of the mark ano ,;sue the Certificates of Payment. He wi l l endRaavor to gUarc! ` the Chong;r against refer. t and deficiencies In the work. of the Contractors, _ ,~gut dcai;s not Ujarsntse the performance of their cr.,nt.racts. The urchi-- ' tucturizl 3tionrvision Is the cuq tnmary aupsrvi si cr of the n:chl test. 2. EXTRA 5LIR 'ICES (a) If the Architect 19 caused extra drafting or other expenen :.� . dawn to changes ordered by the Miner attar a schema or detall has been gpprovRd by this Owner, or due to fire or othcar dn-magn, ha shall be ;.� equi tnbly ;3ald For such axtrn +expanse and siarvlces. (b) If.any noproved work de9ignna or F3pticified by the architect Is abendonnd or sunpanded, the A rchi tact shell be paid that norti on of the fae covgr1ng the gervices randered. is +L ».. .. r...+.�....r...ti.,..rr....�..«r.r�wwrs.r+r.,w.ww.`.ww....+++-++..ww..w....««+-....��,.............:.-...............-o.-.-•...-...-......-,...-... ........_. ................�.. •+..� .�.w �....-. ... .. .. _ �S'^�'ifY^A-rx.�..�....'.'..t.:YY�...:.i:.'.act:;..:.Jl aY3'A �... �1. �._.......... �. ... �.. :7 „" ... ... ._.,.. w �+. 3. THE ARCHITECT'S FEE (a) uhJEact to thn provisione of this o9reement, the architect agrass to parroxm, in connection with the above namad work, profesai onal Bnrvicne no set rart,h in Paragraph 1 hurainabuve, and the Wner arireea to pay tree Architect far such nervices a Fee of ton percent (10A) of the ! i TOWL MG.J .;i' c,*1r4STs1t,CT1U,-, to oc determined wean the work is completed, Tha TDTal. C'V-3T uF LZU',a Tr2t. CTIGN refurr ed to means the totral contract Burns .ncurrsd In the axscut.ion of thin work, as shown an the Archi tact' b Drawing.' ird defmribnd ir+ the ; pecificatirn , not Inc.ludir the 1"Irchitect's Fee. 7 (p) It is further agreed that until the TOTRt_ C05T OF CONSTRUG- tii:i4 H;:;, ai_Ltti t,CT('_'R1e1NL' ?, a fue of ten percent (10M) of an L5T1M#'A,tED cosi, of Fifty trivuaand and no/1C0 Otallarn (450,00C.00) uA.11 ba used in =t :1atermi;iirt; thE7 t;a}rtrr.ntta to the t r•Ghitc2rt, and that Baia L-5TIMt'T-A) C0:- rjoas not nacaEsarily reflect the actual unit building cant. The ebovr, ' paymr;ri to n a to tie ad;usted wtirin the Gui loir-c; Contract 1.9 ni c ned to -.nke care of tr,e al f f c rur:Ce, If arty, Z)u twerim the TH'. Tr!; :,riCIITA fECT U-N CC N7 GF Ti!1. Fi:E Three -tor•, the (3/10) of tha FPP based upon the LbTI WIJ 0 C04-T All be d+iia -ir•d pay. ��.,ran t;-te ��pprayal of Preliminary Ae'tches. (b) Five -tan the (5/10) of the Fee based upon thr; E ;TI MI TE-D CElsiT, will ba due and payabiie upon cran;zletion of the :ynrking Drnwings and 5pecifLcatlona, Cr.) ►,han bids have bean taken, or a Cnntrart stlgned, the rabove ' Cat;ympn Ls rdi 11 be oh jusLnd according to item (h) , P arngreph 3 above. (d) During thr3 ex9cutSran of the t,arark, ,are�jrrsaive pnymunts for 'irchS U'Pctc_,ral 5upervi 3i on snFill be antis In prupartin!-, to the progress of the Ltork unti 1 the ioggre�; Le of au11 �jriymant, mHda or, :irC0L)r1t Of tha foe ;.� (not including sums cavernd in F`arngraph e) ahell 'in ra sur,; =arival to thp.. . t!e not forth in Item (h), oar<myr=iph 3, herair :�hCty , (e) t-;3yr►sots for extra acrvicps tas = at forth In Paragraph 2 l -3hava 5hril.1 tags diem and ,^avabls upoti their campl.ntim-1. 5. FILING CHIh*'G;_'S Thf3 lArne: All pay c311 `i i irsr; facs appert AIning to the innrnv.:i1 or thn Dryt:tin:4s by 4auhlic and pr!vata agencies. ' tea) The Ornwlncr and f�pucificatic;ns as instrumiento Of snrvic e thQ propelrt�.-if tha uitlo will provide the Owna.r with ti„enty t720) cnpies tht^r qnf, The cost to thr t4chl tact of Ladd'. i,S onrzl cnia5 as shrill s ba usi d by the C;ttncar. t3) Grapier of thn Orewings ars to be urged r:�no other Mork and, ' �.ji try the Rxrepti ran =af tncsFa cats f'il od with interested org:ini zatior,+a, upon wri ttsn rnjuert are to be raturns,.,d to the ArchS tact. It 1,3 nk;reF,d 4 thot thy: Owtior stall retain one Q conypletr: set, { Y r, r, i2 2. w 4 �5 44t; (.b) Thi 3 Contract m.ay he terminated by at Cher party upon ujri tten noticp to tna oth.r party In the evr:-,t of n !!ubgtantlal fuiluis of fmirformance by such Eithur party, or if the Owner deems i.t nuces5ery or =- a it renle to rufinuon thra p t o jnc :. briforr Thu profeKgi ona l !varvi cws � t,rjs•�ti rr tsetsrr! t,zci iin_ ��N :-ocn rentiq.rrrrl. 7 (b: In ttie kiva^t of such tfarmin.aticn, tha ,L,nar :ahnil pety thu Aicni t ec t for uo,,k uanr -ri amu!.tr. r, wtil r. h t e prnperti Cana t.0 to the tuts. rup Ai� t,rie sf%rvir.nG =3ctunl ly rendsrea ;agar to tree total services or this Agrsttmern t. . a Ok. hfar uto have MurRunto cauued j ?,t I i, �:t an t t•'i.: o'.1 , ;in t" V:is.r f•.4 rs t: tiarEAnabove :.jrl ttP?!'1 . i i irCi ii'i't E:i. ►ti,F1 .i r ._..._ . r_...........:.�:.�. , .s......., .�._., .�..,.,_ ...._ ._.,�. t✓ i t: ra -r-. t i _ : r t � tom. 12 II f f.ira Fnd61oy, 'L f 3.