HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 6, 1990 - Sample Ballot - Measure C and Measure D ay
and Voter Information Pamphlet
Compiled and Prepared by
W-1 I-
S Vote for no
Member,City Council more than Four � C Should the City of Huntington Beach
GRACE WINCHELL V City Charter be amended to require
Councilwoman/University Counselor + I that no City park or beach may be sold,
leased, exchanged or transferred or im-
PAUL COOK + proved with a golf course, driving range, YES +
focal Businessman road, buildingover 3,000 square feet in
DIRK VOSS floor area, nor structure costing more than
M Marine Patrol Officer + $100,000 without the affirmative votes of at NO +
JACK KELLY least a majority of the total membership of
+ its City Council and of the electors voting on
[Deal Businessman such proposition at a general or special
GEORGE E. ARNOLD + election?
Self Emplo}ed
EARLE ROBITAILLE + D Should the City of Huntington Beach
L Retired Police Chief Charter be amended to require that no
STEVEN J. ROY City park or beach may be sold without the
Carpenter + affirmative votes of at least a majority of the YES +
ED MOUNTFORD total membership of its City Council and of
Planning ConunioionerBusinessman
+ the electors voting on such sale? NO +
Pharmad"usiness Owner
Member,Huntington Beach Union High School Dist ict Board of Trustees
L City Attorney Vote for One
City Attorney +
OPracticing Attorney-At-Law + O
The following pages contain
together with the
(whichever is applicable to your ballot)
Although all candidates had the opportunity to submit a statement, the following pages
may not contain a complete list of candidates. A complete list of candidates appears on
the sample ballot. Each statement is volunteered by the candidate and is printed at the
candidate's expense.
Some of the following pages may contain proposed charter amendments. The portions
to be deleted are printed in/Oft/K¢/�Oj type,and the portions to be added are underlined.
Arguments in support of or in opposition to the proposed laws are the opinions of the
authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency,
Age: 52 Age: 63
Occupation: Incumbent Councilwoman/University Occupation: Local Businessman
I am a moderate in business and politics. We are just a blink away
My four year record as Councilwoman, my seven year record as from the turn of the century. Anticipating inevitable change and
Planning Commissioner, and my twenty-one year record of preparing for it is the true challenge of Grass Roots Government.
community service demonstrate my commitment to a better My previous two terms as Huntington Beach Councilperson (1980-
Huntington Beach. 1988) allowed me to help organize the positive agenda for
Like you, I support the preservation and enhancement of our controlled growth we are now engaged in. In my capacity as
beaches, parks, libraries, cultural arts, and wetlands. I have Mayor for two terms, my leadership assisted in bringing about
insisted that our police, fire, and other safety services be the best Redevelopment of Downtown, badly needed flood control
equipped and staffed in Orange County. I have worked for traffic improvements and protection of the wetlands as well as a drastic
solutions, reducing flood risk, and toxic waste cleanup. I have reduction of housing in the Bolsa Chica. I feel compelled to raise
supported improved senior services and facilities. my hand once more to seek active participation in the decisions on
how best to help guide our city into the 90's. With both City
I will continue to vote for a well-balanced community containing a Council experience and as a local business owner I believe
mixture of residential, commercial, and industrial areas. All three of progress and growth can be mastered and merged with
these land uses are necessary for a financially healthy city. conscientious environmental integrity. As in the Bolsa Chica, one
I will continue to work against any new development which fails to cannot survive without the other if Huntington Beach is to continue
pay its fair share. New development cannot be allowed to become on the path to enrichment. I dedicate my service to help balance
our tax burden. these issues which fall with equal force on all our shoulders. I
As your Councilwoman, I will continue to use the knowledge that I respectfully ask your favorable consideration of my candidacy.
have gained from my public service to anticipate and respond to Thank you.
your individual needs. Jack Kelly
I will vote to preserve and enhance our quality of life and our City's
assets. You can help by Re-electing Grace Winchell to the
Huntington Beach City Council.
Grace H.Winchell
Age: 53 Age: 59
Occupation: Local Businessman Occupation: Retired Police Chief
Paul E. Cook is a: As police Chief of Huntington Beach for 18 years, and a resident
25 year resident of Huntington Beach. for 22 years, I am aware of most of the city's problems. My wife
Married and the father of four children. and I have been married for 39 years and our four children and four
Local businessman and property owner, grandchildren have been raised and educated in Huntington Beach.
Certified expert on traffic and transportation. I earned a Masters Degree in Public Administration from U.S.C.
Paul E. Cook is an active member of: For the past two years I have worked as a Marketing Manager and
Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. a Technical Marketing Consultant in the computer industry.
Boys and Girls Club of Huntington Valley. M or civic concerns are:
Huntington Beach Youth Shelter. y major
Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum Foundation. The improvement of public safety.
The improvement of the City infrastructure (streets, water,
Paul E. Cook was instrumental in: sewers,etc.-).-
The organization of the Huntington Harbour Clean Water The improvement of the economic health and growth of
Committee. Huntington Beach.
Constructing the beautiful coastal Blufftop Park. Increasing the availability of athletic and recreational facilities.
Securing millions of dollars to fund flood control improvements. The provision of services to the growing Senior Citizen
Paul E. Cook has provided the leadership to: population.
Win the fight against developing the Bolsa Chica wetlands into Resolution of the city's longstanding flood control problems.
a marina and hotel complex. I fully support the redevelopment efforts in the old Downtown area.
Improve blighted conditions in the Oakview area. I had the honor to be selected as Huntington Beach Citizen of the
Resolve the crime and drug problems at Commodore Circle.
Close Meadowlark Airport. Year in 1979 and I have received the endorsement of the
Finally begin redevelopment in downtown Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach Police Officers Association in this election.
Please join the many hundreds of citizens supporting PAUL E.
Earle Robitaille
COOK to be our next City Councilman-a Leader for the 1990's.
"I want to serve the residents of Huntington Beach as a
City Councilman to improve our quality of life today and
in the future."
Paul E. Cook
Age: 32 Age: 53
Occupation: Carpenter Occupation: Manager
Your apprehensions and anxieties about current issues are my --Like many of you, Huntington Beach has been our home for
main concern. several years.
With your support,together we will begin to form public policies —My wife and I raised our family here.
that truly reflect the consensus of the people that make up this - Involvement since 1963:
great city. Service on the Huntington Beach Planning Commission (13+
Issues like the budget, education, traffic, crime, jobs, controlled years),and in many local church, civic and youth organizations has
development, the environment, public safety and parks and convinced me of the need for sensible development in Huntington
beaches are just a few of the issues that we can solve together Beach.
with hard planning and common horse sense. --Many issues face Huntington Beach, but few affect us like the
Just as I'm sure that god made little green apples, I'm sure that following:
united and together we can build a model city that future - Open space-Parks-beaches-wetlands.
generations will be proud to inherit. Areas vital to Huntington Beach.
Thank you for your support. I will seek ways to protect and expand these resources.
I will fight for your right to vote on how they will be managed.
Steven J. Roy - Traffic-It's bad and getting worse.
I will insist on solutions that lessen impact and promote creation of
local jobs,reducing commutes.
- Development
If it's not sensible and planned, development will impact vital City
Police,Fire, Paramedics, Lifeguards.
I will demand that these service levels are properly maintained.
- Integrity
You've seen the City Council follow the "big money", special
interests and ignore the citizens.
Want to change that?
Need a councilman that listens? Call me at 968-3931 and:
Mark P-O-R-T-E-R on your ballot November 6th.
Thank You
Mark Porter
Age: 34 Age: 64
Occupation: Planning Commissioner/Businessman Occupation: Pharmacist/Small Business Owner
Education: B.A.; M.A.-Government Administration. Solutions regarding traffic congestion would be one of my primary
This election is critical to the future of Huntington Beach as we concerns as a city councilman. As a member of the Huntington
approach the 21 st Century. Ethical leadership that is responsive Beach Growth Management Committee, I became better
to community desires is essential. As a Huntington Beach acquainted with problems of Traffic, Growth, Police and Fire
Planning Commissioner, I have fought hard to provide residents Departments; our efforts being directed toward the required studies
with a quality environment while maintaining economic prosperity and analysis thereby presenting financial options which would
for the City. provide necessary revenues to implement funding requirements.
My wife and I grew up in this area and are now raising our children We want a safe and healthy environment in which to raise a family.
here. Before entering the private sector, my experience was in We must secure a downtown which families can enjoy together.
local government, serving as an advisor to County leaders on As a "ride along" observer with the Police Department on several
environment and government finance matters. I served 3 years on occasions, I am now convinced that the Police Department be
the South Coast Air Quality Management District Board of represented as a part of the City's planning process, so that the
Directors and worked as a transportation project manager. Redevelopment areas or new developments optimize security
My goals as City Councilman will be: continuing downtown standards.
revitalization; rebuilding our pier; creating neighborhood Senior citizens are high on my list of priorities. Whenever possible
preservation programs; allocating redevelopment funds for senior I will fight for senior rights, senior housing and support of the
housing; accelerating flood control improvements; reducing traffic Council on Aging.
congestion; providing affordable housing; adding facilities for youth I am totally committed to the protection and salvation of our
programs; making Linear Park a reality. environment for future families in Huntington Beach.
As your City Councilman, I will be accessible to you as together we
shape the future of Huntington Beach. I appreciate your support. Anthony Passannante
If you have any questions regarding my position on city issues,
please call me at 843-6860.
Ed Mountford
Age: 47 Age: 53
Occupation: Businesswoman/School Board President/ Occupation: Huntington Beach City Attorney
Community Services Commissioner
Education: B.A.History University of California; Enforcing criminal laws, cutting costs and ensuring that all citizens
Masters Public Administration,CSULB have full access to our city government are my top priorities as
Offices/Memberships: your City Attorney.
President, Board of Trustees, Huntington Beach High School
District; I have increased the quality of legal service while reducing the City
Charter Officer, No on Drugs in Schools(NODS); Attorney's percentage of total city spending by nearly one-third.
Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce;
Community Chair,Huntington Beach Boys and Girls Club; During the past twelve years I have prosecuted all the city's
Director, United Way/March of Dimes; municipal code violations, including prosecutions for land use,
Communications Chair American Heart Association; alcohol,fire and building code violations.
Friends of Huntington beach Library;
Representative, Orange County Department of Education on Drug I work closely with the Huntington Beach Police Department to
Abuse; make our neighborhoods safe. We have also worked together to
League of Women Voters; Community United Methodist Church.Endorsements: protect our city's right to enforce traffic laws in coastal areas.
Huntington Beach Police Officers Association; As your City Attorney, I provided emergency legal leadership
Huntington Beach Firefighters Association; responding to the 1990 oil tanker spill along our coast.
Amigos de Bolsa Chica;
Huntington Beach Mobilehome Owners Association; My office was instrumental in resolving problems of neighborhood
Huntington Beach Tomorrow; blight at Commodore Circle.
California Teachers Association;
As a mother of two children, wife of former Congressman Jerry I spearheaded the first legal challenge to the State's current
Patterson, and successful businesswoman, I worked to make programs to spray malathion poison over residential populations in
Huntington Beach more family oriented, and promise my our city.
commitment to:
Save our parks and beaches from private development or sale. I supervised the City's winning defense of $100 million worth of
Protect and reserve our wetlands. flood claims in Orange County's longest jury trial.
Redevelop downtown 'village style,"not high rise/density.
No new taxes,cut waste to balance budget. I hope to have your support...
Keep drugs and gangs out of our neighborhoods.
Be responsive to the people, not big developers and back room deals. Gail Hutton
Demand traffic solutions be paid for by the development
generating it.
Support senior citizen rights, senior housing and Council on
Your vote for me ensures openness and integrity.
Linda Moulton Patterson
Age: 53
Occupation: Attorney at Law
For the last 11 years, like you I've been raising my children in
Huntington Beach.
For over 20 years I've run a law practice.
I was a Deputy City Attorney for Los Angeles.
For 17 years I've been a Judge Pro-Tem.
I was on the Los Angeles District Attorney's Advisory Committee.
I am a Trial Lawyer-the kind our city needs
I devote my spare time to fighting drugs and gangs and promoting
and encouraging young people's sense of self worth, including
coaching the Mock Trial Team of Marina High School.
I know how to-lead a legal staff. In fact, the Orange County Legal
Secretaries Assri.voted me"Boss of the Year".
Your vote willLhelp'the City of Huntington Beach elect a real City
Attorneyl E
y ;z, Paul Eugene Mann
Fourth. The rollowing additional paragraph is
MEASURE C added to Section 612 of the City Charter:
(d) If any section, subsection, part,
subpart, paragraph, clause or phrase of
First. Section 612 of the City Charter is amended this amendment, or any amendment or
to read as follow: revision of this amendment, is for any
reason held to be invalid or
$14k �OFYVQI ON)Tjuff unconstitutional, the remaining sections,
PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PARKS AND BEACHES. subsections, parts, subparts, paragraphs,
clauses or phrases shall not be affected
(a) No public utility or park or beach or but shall remain in full force and effect.
portion thereof now or hereafter owned or
operated by the City shall be sold, leased,
exchanged or otherwise transferred or
disposed of unless authorized by the
affirmative votes of at least a majority of the
total membership of the City Council and IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS
by the affirmative vote of at least a majority OF MEASURE C
of the electors voting on such proposition
at a general or special election at which
such proposition is submitted. This proposed ballot measure would amend
section 612 of the City Charter to impose a restriction
Second. The following additional paragraph is on the disposition and use of park and beach lands of
added to Section 612 of the City Charter: the city.
(b) No golf course, driving range, road, Any sale, lease or other disposition of park or
building over three thousand square feet in beach lands or portion thereof now owned or hereafter
floor area nor structure costing more than owned or operated by the city would be subject to the
$100,000.00 may be built on or in any park prior affirmative vote of a majority of the members of
or beach or portion thereof now or the City Council and of the electors voting thereon at
hereafter owned or operated by the City an election mandated by the measure. Council and
unless authorized by the affirmative votes voter approval is also required prior to construction of
of at least a majority of the total any road, golf course, driving range, building larger
membership of the City Council and by the than 3000 square feet in floor area or of any structure
affirmative vote of at least a majority of the costing more than $100,000.00 within any city owned
electors voting on such proposition at a or operated park or beach.
general or special election at which such Exempted from approval requirement are
proposition is submitted. libraries, piers, existing leases, franchise and
concession agreements or other contracts in cases
Third. The following additional paragraph is where:
added to Section 612 of the City Charter: 1. a contract is to perform an act or provide a
(c) Section 612 (a) and (b)shall not apply; service in a public park or beach, which act
1. to libraries or piers; or service was already being performed on
2. to any lease, franchise, concession January 1, 1989; and
agreement or other contract where; 2. there is no increase in the quantum of park
the contract is to perform an act or or beach land dedicated to or used by the
provide a service in a public park or party performing such act or used for such
beach AND previously authorized act or service.
such act was being performed or
service provided at the same GAIL HUTTON
location prior to January 1. 1989 AND City Attorney
the proposed lease, franchise,
concession agreement or other
contract would not increase the
amount of parkland or beach
dedicated to or used by the party
performing such act or providing
such service.
The Amendment before you allows the citizens of Don't be fooled by Measure C. If you read the fine
Huntington Beach to have a direct vote in any future print, it is designed to exclude the majority of
commercial development or sale of the city's parks residents, young and old alike, from enjoying the full
and beaches. Currently, citizen participation is use of our parks and beaches. The sponsors have a
indirect. Knowledgeable citizens may contact their vested interest in keeping our park system
elected city council with opinions. The city council incomplete. They are a special interest group, a
then makes their final decisions. minority of residents, who want to keep our kids,
This system has failed. Information concerning seniors and the rest of us out!
potential commercial development within the city's MEASURE C will require a general election or costly
parks and beaches, and information concerning ($100,000) special election for any expansion or
important park land transactions, has not been improvement to our park system larger than 3,000 sq.
reaching the citizens of Huntington Beach. The ft.or costing more than$100,000.
citizens cannot participate in these vital decisions
unless our elected officials disseminate the needed MEASURE C will jeopardize the proposed Rodgers
information. Senior's Center Expansion, the Youth Shelter, the
The Charter Amendment will correct these Youth Sports Center and the implementation of the
deficiencies. The Amendment will require that any Linear Park in the Bolsa Chica. In addition, most
major commercial development or land sale within the improvements such as landscaping, restrooms, bike
parks and beaches of Huntington Beach be approved paths, basketball courts, baseball diamonds, soccer
by a majority of the voters at a general election. A fields cannot be done if costing over$100,000 without
special election is not required. The Charter a general election or special election.
Amendment guarantees the public be informed of any MEASURE C is unwieldy, restrictive, expensive, flawed
proposed park changes, allows full public debate on and poorly written. It is a divisive and costly solution to
these matters, and, finally, allows the public a direct a non-existent problem and is guaranteed to be a
vote on development or sale of these public lands. bureaucratic nightmare.
Improvements such as landscaping, restrooms, We taxpayers don't need the expense of additional
paths, picnic tables, basketball courts, baseball elections and political campaigns. Let's spend our
diamonds, soccer fields, etc. can be done without a money on park improvements for all of us.
vote. Future pier and library projects are exempt from
the Charter Amendment as are existing leases. VOTE NO ON MEASURE C and protect our kids,
Within a decade Huntington Beach will reach build- seniors and the majority of our residents' rights to
out. The only remaining vacant land will be your parks enjoy the full use of our parks and beaches.
and beaches. Voting YES on the Charter Amendment
will place control of your public park land in the voter's
hands and out of the reach of developers and special Tom Duchene, H. B.Youth Sports Committee
interest groups.
James Townsend, Citizen/Senior
Grace Winchell, H.B.Councilmember Art Aviles Jr., President, H.B.Chamber of Commerce
Ruth Finley,former H.B. Mayor Jim Silva, Councilman
Geri Ortega,Chairman H.B. Planning Commission Wes Bannister, Councilman
Debbie Cook,Chairman SAVE OUR PARKS
Norma Brandel Gibbs,former Mayor
The only threat to our parks and beaches is this Those who are opposed to Measure C have either not
measure. The Huntington Beach parks and recreation read this measure or are intentionally trying to mislead
system now has over 1700 acres and an additional you. Here are the facts.
1100 recreational acres are to be added. The City of H.B. owns 641 acres of park land, half of
Unfortunately over 500 acres of existing park land is which is Central Park. Central Park was created by the
still dirt lots and abandoned oil fields. citizens at the ballot box. Special interests are
Voting for this measure will: constantly pressuring our elected officials to surrender
Stop expansion of recreational facilities for our kids. public land for their private use. Thirty-five separate
projects ranging from RV parks to toxic transfer
Jeopardize the completion of much needed park stations to hotels have been studied for the
and recreation improvements. undeveloped portions of Central Park.
Require money to be spent on elections rather than The City owns one mile of beach. Developers are
on the enhancement of our park system. proposing lease agreements to build semi-private
All sports and recreation facilities, whether they be clubs and exclusive restaurants on the ocean side of
kids' ball fields, an extension of the bike path, the Pacific Coast Highway.
youth sports center or additional equestrian trails and Those opposed to Measure C are the special interest
nature centers, will require either a general election, or groups seeking to take our recreation land for the
a $100,000 special election. You and I will bear the purpose of their financial gain.
cost of these elections.
What Measure C does do is give the voters the right to
Who will organize and run the campaigns? Our kids? review sales, leases, transfers and exchanges of park
How will park and recreation improvements make the and beach land.
ballot? Who will convince the voter across town to pay
for the park improvements in your neighborhood? Will Ball fields, bike paths, sports fields, equestrian trails,
you vote and pay for improvements in theirs? nature centers, basketball courts, small restaurants,
restrooms, showers, picnic tables, and landscaping
Our representative government has proven itself to be are permitted under Measure C and a vote is not
the most effective and responsive. If we don't like our required. Special elections are never required.
representatives' decisions, we can replace them. The
sponsors of Measure C want to overthrow the system, Join every public interest group, environmental group,
not improve it! the overwhelming majority of residents, and respected
public officials. Vote yes on Measure C. SAVE OUR
This measure is a divisive and costly solution to a non- PARKS AND BEACHES!
existent problem.
Don't let special interest groups politicize our park
system and divide our community. The sponsors of Grace Winchell, Councilwoman
this measure have a vested interest in keeping our Geri Ortega, Chairman, Huntington Beach Planning
park system incomplete and unsafe. They are the few Commission
who want to keep ygu and our kids out!
Mark Porter, Former Chairman, Huntington Beach
Jim Silva, Councilman,City of Huntington Beach
Pat Davis,Citizen, Huntington Beach
Tom Duchene, Huntington Beach Youth Sports
Art Aviles, Jr., President, Huntington Beach Chamber
of Commerce
First: Section 612 of the City Charter is amended This proposed ballot measure would amend section
to read as follows: 612 of the City Charter to impose a restriction on the
sale of park and beach lands of the City.
$A4IWF/?QI3VJQ/0TIVJTX Any sale of park or beach lands or portion thereof
SALE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES now owned or hereafter owned by the City would be
AND PARKS AND BEACHES subject to the prior affirmative vote of a majority of the
members of the City Council and of the electors voting
jal No public utility now or hereafter thereon at an election mandated by the measure.
owned or operated by the City shall be sold,
leased or otherwise 1'1`�id�$t�>'f�aV�r disposed Exempted from such approval requirements are
of unless authorized by the affirmative votes sales to another government agency for continued use
of at least a majority of the total membership as a park or beach.
of the City Council and by the affirmative GAILvote of at least a majority of the electors City
voting on such proposition at a general or City Attorney
special election at which such proposition is
Second: The following additional paragraph is added
to Section 612 of the City Charter: (b) No
park or beach or portion thereof now or
hereafter owned by the City shall be sold,
except to another governmental agency for
continued use as a park or beach, unless
authorized by the affirmative votes of a
majority of the total membership of the City
Council and by the affirmative vote of a
majority of the electors voting on such
proposition at a general or special election
at which such proposition is submitted.
Third: The following additional paragraph is added
to Section 612 of the City Charter: c if an
section, subsection, part, subpart,
paragraph, clause or phrase of this
amendment, or any amendment or revision
of this amendment, is for any reason held to
be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining
sections, subsections, parts, sublarts,
paragraphs, clauses or phrases shall not be
affected but shall remain in full force and
Measure D, the Developers measure is, in fact,
Freedom of Choice. sponsored by a "greedy developer", as was pointed
out in a Daily Pilot editorial. Developers support the
It is the foundation of our democratic system. And it's long-term lease provision of Measure D since these
what Measure D gives each and every citizen of leases are essentially sales.
Huntington Beach. Measure D allows City Council to grant commercial
Freedom to choose not to have our public parklands leases of parks and beaches to private groups. The
and beaches sold off to greedy developers. argument in favor of "D" makes no mention of equal
Freedom to choose that our kids and their children will park access to all Little Leagues, all Pop Warner
be able to play ball, to swim, to go to the gym in our Football, all boys and girls youth soccer, or any girl's
own parks. softball. Even adults would be restricted from using
the sports fields. The proponents of Measure D want
Freedom to choose that our senior citizens will have leases which are restricted to the elite, handpicked
the recreational and social programs and facilities they favorites of the City Council.
Measure C guarantees park and beach access for
Freedom to choose to shelter our troubled youth who everyone. Measure D does not.
have slipped through the cracks of our community.
Twenty years ago the people of Huntington Beach, not
The supporters of Measure D are not some small loud the City Council or the developers, passed a park
and elite pressure group. We are your friends and bond issue by a 72% majority. Land purchased with
neighbors. We are your son's baseball coach, your these funds formed the cornerstone of our park
daughter's soccer team mom. We are the large but system. Now a "small, loud, and...elite group"wants to
mostly silent majority of citizens who care about our take away access to your parks and beaches.
Measure C is the ballot proposal that deserves your
And yes,we are citizens who truly want to preserve our support. The expanded Rodgers Senior Center and
precious parks and beaches in Huntington Beach. But other existing facilities are protected by Measure C.
we want to do it responsibly by guaranteeing access Linear Park is not a city park. Any other claims are
by all members of the community. Honestly and false and Deceitful.
openly, by freedom of choice.
Let's send the same message to the City Council we
However well intentioned, the opposing Measure C is sent 20 years ago. We want access to parks so we are
too broad. In trying to preserve our parks and voting in favor of Measure C,the Citizen's Measure.
beaches, it effectively closes them to further
community use by requiring costly special elections or
expensive political campaigns. There is no confusion. Grace Winchell, Councilwoman, City of Huntington
The facts are clear.
Mark Porter, former Chairman, Huntington Beach
Many projects already approved in our community Planning Commission
could be eliminated by the passage of Measure C.
Jim Rush, Senior Citizen, Founder of Friends of the
These include: Park
* Youth sports/swimming/gymnastics center Dr. Ralph Bauer,Chairman, Committee of 400
* Rodgers Senior Citizen Outreach Center
* Central Park Youth Shelter Norma Brandel Gibbs, former Mayor, City of
* Boys/Girls Club Huntington Beach
* Bolsa Chica Linear Park
Measure D will protect our parks and beaches and
allow for their responsible development by the
community. Don't be confused. Vote yes on Measure
D. Vote No on Measure C.
Tom Duchene,Youth Sports Committee
Art Aviles,Jr.,Pres.HB Chamber of Commerce
Hal Smith, Board President, Huntington Valley Boys &
Girls Clubs
James Townsend, Senior Citizen
Measure D gives every citizen of Huntington Beach a
The Orange Coast Daily Pilot called Measure D a choice of how we use our precious parkland.
"hastily drawn measure which reeks of shady back- Measure D guarantees access to our parks to
door politicking...but the most repulsive aspect of the everyone in our community, not just the elite who live
city council Measure is its intent...It was obviously adjacent to them and consider them their own
drafted to confuse the voters, much the same way the "private" reserve.
insurance industry tried to derail Proposition 103...by
stacking the ballot with propositions". The supporters of Measure D are your friends and
neighbors. We are parents with kids in soccer and
Measure D is a smoke screen orchestrated through baseball. We are seniors enjoying life in Huntington
the largest landowner and developer in the city. The Beach. And we are all concerned citizens who care
council majority placed Measure D on the ballot at the about the less fortunate in our community.
developers' insistence. Measure D should be called
the imposter amendment. It deals only with the sale of The supporters of Measure D also care deeply about
parks and beaches. Measure D pretends to protect protecting our parks and beaches from irresponsible
our parks and beaches. It does not. Parks are and unrestricted development. And Measure D will do
purchased by cities with federal, state, county, and city just that.
funds which, in most cases, already precludes their The opponents of Measure D want to "protect" our
sale. parks by keeping us out. Should our opponents win,
Measure D is defective because it allows long-term many needed projects already approved to improve
leases of our parks and beaches. The city council has our community could be eliminated. These include:
already started the process by leasing 50 acres of * Youth sports/swimming/gymnastics center
Central Park to relocate mobile homes and leasing our * Rodgers Senior Citizen Outreach Center
beach for 35 foot high restaurants. Another 75 acres is * Central Park Youth Shelter
"for lease" in Central Park to private interests. * Boys/Girls Club
The city council's record in protecting our parks and * Bolsa Chica Linear Park
beaches is pathetic. The Los Angeles Times in a Our opponents want to force us to wage an expensive
recent editorial stated "the city seemingly has political campaign or costly special election every time
forsaken its legacy as beach front protector to act at a worthy project is approved. In effect, they will freeze
times as if it were a party to development itself." The us out of our own city parks.
way to determine what the people of Huntington Don't be confused. Measure D will protect our parks
Beach want for their parks and beaches is to allow a and beaches and allow us to responsibly improve
vote on long-term leases--that's democracy. them for all of us Vote Yes on Measure D. Vote No on
Measure D stands for Developers, Dollars and Deceit. Measure C.
VOTE NO ON D Peter Von Elten, Member, Huntington Youth Shelter
Don't be confused. For your Community, for Board of Directors
Conservation, for your Children, vote yes on Measure Tom Duchene, Huntington Beach Youth Sports
C, the Charter Amendment placed on the ballot by Committee
over 14,000 Huntington Beach residents.
James Townsend,Senior Citizen
Grace Winchell, Councilwoman, City of Huntington Art Aviles,Jr., Pres. H.B. Chamber of Commerce
Beach Hal Smith, Huntington Valley Boys&Girls Clubs
Mark Porter, former Chairman, Huntington Beach
Planning Commission
Jim Rush, Senior Citizen, Founder of Friends of the
Dr. Ralph Bauer,Chairman, Committee of 400
Norman Brandel Gibbs, former Mayor, City of
Huntington Beach
are being mailed under separate cover
as required by the
Orange County Registrar's Office,
which is conducting this election.
P.O.BOX 190
(714)536-5227 Huntington Beach,CA
Permit No.23
5450 ;>>
Ballot Type