HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunicipal Buildings - Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium - Some historical references relating to Pier Buildings - Beach Pavilion Resolution 723 Aug 1935 Filing for a federal grant to construct dance pavilion and band stand Resolution 728 Aug 1935 Filing for a federal grant to construct dance pavilion and band stand Resolution 745 June 1936 Filing for a federal grant to construct beach pavilion Resolution 764 Nov 1936 Naming Pier Buildings: Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium Resolution 765 Nov 1936 Approve and accept plans/specs for beach pavilion and civic auditorium Resolution 5371 Apr 1984 Lease agreement between City and Calif State Lands Commission for operation and maintenance of pier and related concessions ' bi_RAL EMERGENCY ADMiNis"nrZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS �" REGIOI1,I DIriECTOR ,+� ° • may,, ; " - 1210 Herres Building �' y ,� •,, - IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO � San Francisco, California May 5, 1938 ENG: AQA:I'm Docket:Calif.1167-DS Pavilion - Huntington < Beach, California i. City of Huntington Beach, f VTalker .& Eisen, Architects, 1 ; 347 S. Hill Street, --F- Los Angeles, California. Dear Sirs: This office acknowledges receipt of the following list covering subcontractors as proposed by Brunzell & Jacobson,,. principal contractors. . Permission is hereby granted to you to authorize Brun- zell & Jacobson, principal contractors, to sublet the work described to the subcontractor listed. Subcontract No. Subcontractor For Amount 1- M Long .reach Floor- Vdood Floors $.1,900.00 ing Co. -Very truly yours, ! GODIIaN `` Actingti'Regional Director For the Administrator. tN, cc R.E.I. 1 i 12 Tent city ilts in Oce,�n Front Perk and Tent City as per to execute an.jd. applicition and. the City Engineer be designp.ted as i� Golf Course Councilman Morehouse lnfoii,ied the Council that lie had mAAe an Irivestirptlon relative to th'; needs of the loc,,,_l golf' CoUrP_6 and stn.ted Vint 'lie —_ Informed_ — _ tlip.t they needed_— '_ parts— for— P. mower ` seed. rind fertilizer 475.00. Aft,,?r some. discussion by the Council, It rq��r.; decided t)iqt the City needed siniltir equipment for Its parks and, Oil motion by ll-nrlcl�son oeconded by Chamnene, the. Streets a nd Parks Committees were authoriZed to T)UrC))ASe the above named equip- flie ^.^ the ^~,^.,,^.-lit`~ ~ ^.~ rourse.Oil in sewer Councllmi;,n liptirlok.ron Informed the Counpil that discoveries ht!.d been nincle wDere oil rompnnler were runnInf7, oil Into the sewer C:- and released with ii. rntli�r low fine. Councilman Henrickson re- comi!iend6d Vint on nccount of the seriousner-F7, of the offense that the mqt,tpr nhould be taken iii with the, City Judge. The. matter was referi,ed to the Miyor� Bees Counnilm,,,i.ii Chamness Informed the Council that there had been s. number of comi)ll,Ints on the east side on account of lioney bees. No action was tahen by the Coun(.dl. ` pavillon City kiif�jneer had visited PWA Headquarters in Los Angeles S.nd, his ImprPrrion tlip,t money wrs being allotted. for projects only wl)icli could be st-orted. within 21 dp.ys but that in the event the City wished to pr,.)ceed with Itp be nch pavilion, It would be Arcliltects lo,.inrilmpii Clipmrierr, st,pted that the firm of Walker & Eisen, Foll6wintr motion by CoilridllTtirin-Hefiricksoh: That Walker 6 Eisen, architedtr for tlie City be 'authorized and. directdd t6 the PWA in the near future and that P. certified coov of the motion W. 2, Ulnutes "Ov. 29, 1937• I� 1 y lRt�atton of yui 11c Wor'tu rw,u r catl:tea 1 1 c Y 6rvr:ze_1 ar:d T Los Angeles, for tl;e construction of 5Sa , C r*tiRaa,'�35O Princeton. Ave nue, a5 �}{ � jaev111on .and civic auiritoriluln.11 Tl:e letter was ordered filed. x t"- 11 #} �Th'a Clerk read Resolution 110, j�a, ea :e i ein� rei olutlon oY the x =d } u,it tY4ou[lo11 or the City or ,Huntington neuch awarding contract to rfE �b 7 re :i; f ^itv DU7►Loll and._ 'Jacobson for the cor.etruction of a beach pavilion and, on r „ *� xuoE otn by Councilman Charariess seconded by Councilman Henrlckson, Reso- 47 ; Q tion No: 790 was passed and adopted by the i'ollowing vote; 1r a Y �tYis AYfi9i's Councilmen - Morelrousu, Cl,wunesa, HerlrleL-son, Warner. 1.t,sm g` COEe; Councilmen - Bone �fA9UNTi Counoilman - Talbert. ' 19� A „V 1164w-The Clerk presented and read an aLreement between the City Council ule ' of'the City of Huntington beach as first party and Brunzell' rand Jacob- s'cond party, for the construction of a beach ouvilion alld civic �f♦t1 � � :;' t1 :e auditorium in the City of Huhtliq ton Beach and, on motion by Councilman 7; Chmmness, seconded by Councilman Henrlckson, the hiaygr and City Clerk "V.. � w t �w1sere authorized to execute same on Lal'lalY of the City of Huntington ,a gvBeach and forward to the Federal t raergency Administration of Public wV '- : rWorks at Ban Francisco for their approval.. Motion put and carried t nanimously. } N. e,y of On motion by Henricicson seconded by Charaness, the Clerk was direct- Eto-PHA t � e1 �; +t �1G•:� to send Notice Of Award to the contr•t.ctor and to t}le PWA. e is CIO, The followlnu motion by Councllmtin Ci';amness; °rll;at tie City Clark �; ? be authorized to return cartlYled chseka to all bldaere for the construct- ter ��tS-ax�,•}}� a. tf r1}T ton of beach 1;uvillun and civic aualtoritua upon ti;u report and spprovrl t by he City Attorney of the faithful performurice anu material and labor -P ,r bonds of Brunzell and Jacobson and sl;ning and execution of the contract t Y '� by;the City and coritr•actor." Motion aecundad by llurti•icLaon, put and ;•t� ��;�;,{;'..cirlmled urluniniously, `�����,, ; �;sr 1 yi fee,-of, . On motion t Councilman Henricksotl secoEtdad b Councilman Cltalunesa, R} Y Y #t Xill to the City Treasurer and City Clerk were authorized and dlrected to trn asfer .from the General Fund to a fund to be known as °Construction PWA Calif. � ��'S�C•_ lly !-D8", the Jura of $30,U000.00 for the purpose of making; payments In the 1 !, construction of a beach pavilion and civic audltorlwa. ltotlon put and { 1 sr ' carried unanlmously. i ti,on o The request of C. P. Parul that he be allowed a vacation with pay was % pproved on motion by Henrlckson seconded by Morehouse, = sad 4 r�f�' ' tit On motion by Chamnesa seconded by Morehouse, the Chief of Police was E F r r�� authorized to raraove atop sign from Wesley Avenue at Main Street and place r t �x t�j1}fir 1 same on 1.7th Street at Main Street. El k The Chief of Police and City Attorney were directed to prepare an M� 1g. orcllnanca covering all stop alone now instal].ad in the City, r w Y I'WA Form No.3.74 June 1,1935 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION 'OF PUBLIC WORKS HAROLD L. ICKES, ADMINISTRATOR ' WASHINGTON APPLICATION FOR GRANT - State---- State File No- -------------------- .(Noti:. to be filled in by applicant) The 7 - - - ---------- -------- --------------- =;, ------pP---------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------- (herein called the "Applicant"), hereby makes a lication to the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Adl;ii�iistration of Public Works (herein called the Government"),for a grant.for the purpose of aiding in financing the construction of' ' ald ----------------- - - -- --- ----------- 11 ` ----------------------------------- --------- • ---x -- - - - ----- --- ---- ------ ---- -- ------- - - r , - `W _ j ��ano ;�roJoa _ zi i,�,;�;' .1-mitt��_ der'dc a of ` Au!--ust 17 1935 ------------- �- - - ------------------------------------------------ ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------=-- -arA._�"xo_eiT_.e of:} L,r,a a -------------------------------------------------= =------------------.--------------------------------- (herein called the "Project") the total cost of which is estimated to be 3�__w�J t � -°--- In the event this application is approved and the Government.offers to assist in financing the constr.as- tion of the Project, the Applicant, if it accepts'such offer,'will`provide funds in an amount which, together ' with the grant, will, in the judgment of the Applicant and the Federal Emergency Administrator of PulAic Works, be sufficient to construct the Project, such additional funds to -be provided-by r•l:.e Applicant ii, .tn i amount and.in a manner,Isatisfactory to the Applicant';and to the said Administrator. It is expressly understood that'if the Government males,the above-requested grant, the.�Applicant, in aceeptifig such grant proceeds, in expending the same, and in carrying out the construction of the Project, will abide by all rules and regulations prescribed'by the Government. IN WITNESS W11EREOr, the A�tppSlicant,has caused this application to 'be duly executed in its name, taus ------ day of ---------------------- -------------- 193 ,- C is � __Hunt n nor Beaeb Ca]_;if. Y_ Z- - ---- ---------�-- ----- [SEAL] By �_ � -----�r�c •------------ l or ------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- Insert correct corporate name M Appllinut. Describe Project brioily. J Insert estimated wsl of Project. ' Signature of officer autborhed to execute Application. s Title of officer oxeeuting Application. 9 GM-NMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1e-3984 r PWA Form No.175 •, June 1,1935 - FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS 'HAROLD L.:ICKES. ADMINISTRATOR 'WASHINGTON - ;�n'' i •: DATA A SUPPORTING: 'IAYbYLNT'APPLICATION Y®1+l } State -- i------------------------ State File No------------------- (Not to be Mled in by applicant) A L 'txact corporate 71ame'of:a li ..ri _ _ pp cat - --- - --_s a ----- ---:-= ___ - _ _ -_-_ _ ___ _ _-_ _____ ___ ____ ___ _ _ ___s_ _ _ _ __ -__ ______ ____ 2::Attach general description, with drawings sufficient for :thorough'understanding of the project and report of.engineers or architect with:pertinent design data, if;available. 3. Estimate of cost of project: a. 'Preliminiir x >:' 1 y`e pen§es'=- ------- . --------------------------------------------------------- -- -----__:_ ---- ------- - oil b. Cost of land,rights-of-way, easements---=----------- =------------- ----________-___-- ____ '-:_----- -- - .' c: Construction Cos c t: (Where a project comprises one or more separa,te'buildings•,or'other dis_, - tinct units, ,the cost of each should be separately shown. .'The.cost'of each unit should be further broken down into the various item's of work,. and appropriate quantities and unit prices applied to develop the total cost of the.building or other structure. µ Items-of furniture and equipment, other than the usual service facilities such as plumbing, heating,ventilation,and electrical,should be itemized ,'.t.. and•.totaled separately..) . '• . List of items.of break-down, giving quantities and unit prices: _ # --;------ --------- ------;------------- ---- --- ---------= --- °a ' € : aril 0 ' --------- --. .. - :- --------------- ----=- - .--. ----- ; --------------------------- ------------------- -=- $=`-=------------=--- Contingencies---------------------=-------------------- $----- ---- Q4 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION' COST---------.:-------------------=--------------'$------ •-i. u.y • � 1d1w4��- :t d:,.Engineering,-,architectural, and-other,Jees`for,,,technical'service.. T ajbasis::, upon.which•this item is comput'd sii uld be clearly indicated-- ____ ` __-- ^-- : ' e: 'Legal, `admiiustrative ''and overhead costs;, This,.item should be subdivided' • to indicate clearly the items to whfch the funds are applied and the basis «, upon which they have been computed-------------------------------------------------- $------------------------ f•'Interest during construction Y�•1��_�a ------- a '- --------------------- $---------- .�`3� 0 00, � t g. Miscellaneous.costs in'reasonable detail: . . - . ��1 ��•}j5��yy�+ 1!;5��'�<�,�. �`j,�; r�� 'k�<'r�,���1:���?:f?�3�,��� f �gy �� ` ............ ......._., .__ -J ._-.-...__ 2- ----------------------- - ----------------- - -- ------ $- ---------- - ---- 3- -------------------------------------------- - ------------- - $- --------------------- 4•- ----------------------------------------------------------------- $----------------- ------' :Total miscellaneous charges--------------=-------------=-------=---------- $-=------=-2. f 400 Total estimated cost of project-=--------------- - - ------- ---- - - ---- -- -------------- h.. Amount of funds to be furnished by the applicant from sources other than the Government- ----------- 7-------------------------- - - ------- ---- 20 i. Amount;of grant•requested------------==-----`__ ___;___ ._;_ _--'---.-= ----- ---------- ---- k,050.00 1673e95 PWA Form No.175—Page 1 of 3 4. Statement as to status,of drawings and specificatioi.s .vith description of preliminary work done to date of application. (1) (2) (3) (4) Amount Percent of Percent of tota Daily average (Dollars) subtotal number be employed 5. Fi,STIMATED DIVISION"0 ALLOTMENT: (a) Labor: ., (1) Unskilled-----------------=-------------- 59700000 UO2.3206 (2) Intermediate--------------------------- 2 t,Gag a 00 14 0<� i 'S o& (3) Skilled-----=-------------- _ (4) Technical and clerical_______________ SIIBT4TAL------ -=----=--- (?cdC?fC3c7 1007. (b)'Superintendence-y------- - --------- -------=-- a x-x x •. , (c) Professional services----------------------------- 20e�'voo x.x x. (d) Other expenses on.project: (1) Materials,.,supplies,ti and.equip- P �11-11�100- 43,D; q 0a3 (2) Contingent es:pense-_-------="-.------ 11' (3) Land, rights-of-way and 'pur chase of existing facilities_:_____ " A� (4) SUBTOTAL, other expense:_ o `100 (e) TOTAL----------------------------------------------- 0 0 x x x ' � ' : 100 - (f) Skilled labor to.consist'of.following average daily, number to be employed from various trades: Number. Trade Number Trade II x - 2;o -------- ---nw - ------------ PX1 (2)---- a --- - ---- 2 i ------ (7) ------- ---.�------� ------ Jrz (5) _ __ a ---- -------------- ------- - ----=-- .(10) ------------------ �Qtei trades -- - ---------- --p---------- -------------:----- *464614 6. estimated expenditure pier,man-year of employment, $---------- --------- (State number of hours per month and wage•rate b%s P� nio^n 1 r her)-us,c}.'nr3 a d Q 491 7. Estimated total man-hours 8: Estimated period of preparation before work at site can be started, __________________ days. 9. Estimated daily average number of employees each month during execution of project: 1 50 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. 8: • 9 .:a... _a~.. 10. , ; 11. 12. _ ' gin 10..Estimated elapsed time from beginning work " rk to completion', ______ - __ months: 11. (,a) What part of labor on project would usually be hafidled by.contract? _:____ ________________, 0 (ob) What part of labor on project would usually be day labor?____________________________________ ____________% 12. (a) If the project will compete with an existing facility, _a complete description of the existing facility 4.:.: -should be given;and should dtfine.its present physical condition. (b) If the project will compete with an existing facility, the experience record of the existing facility for the past 5 years should be presented; if a-vailable, to, show revenues, sales, or service from which revenues derive, tlassifiod as to typo, and vatued aq to rates,and maintenance and operating expense.' (c) If the project will]save a competing facility, the franchiso,permit, or license under which the competing facility operates should be described. 13. Statement as to method proposed to finance that portion of the cost of project not financed by the grant V= unaherein applied for -------------------- ----- '------ - an nd ' 14. 'Reference to Constitution, statutory,and charter authority empowering applicant to construct the project. ____City_ of Sixth Class organized under the general_ laws of the - - -- -- --------------------- . Qf,__,Q alif=L a-------•--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •same ass(a)(3). PwA roan No.175—P r ale 01 8 is—sass 15. Is project part of a larger plan or long-Tango prognac r of dovcle;,ment? ------. i ------; if o attach goner, description of other harts of plan or 1. ogram. 3o Is there a local or regional planning board? -___I' ----____-; if so, has this project been submitted to sued ;'board? _.___.:.-__.._. ; if so.and if sucli report is a.v: . wblul attach a.summary of the Views of such board with respect to,the project. 17. Is applicant a par ,, `t of a metropolitan district?.____110--------- if so, is project coordinated with plans for the development of such metropolitan district? ___•______________ - FFIDAVIT =---- -- -- ---- --- --Z----�Z_a_z � _, being first duly sworn, says: 1. That the affiant has been authorized by the above-named applicant to furnish the information to the Federal,Emergency Administration of Public Works to support the grant application of said applicant, dated('n'/formation �-- 3L. 2. That the supplied on the above form and in the attached exhibits and statements is true, correct, and complete to the bast of his`kn6o rlcdge and belief.' ---^.!-'._7-c!"9•_t..:'tc=_'S�_.� ---"—•---------"-'---------------'------- Sworn: to h>efo:c rue this --- --� day of ------- ,.---------------'-------------- Y� ------ ------ -- --- -- - Z--- �� My commission expires ----------- ---- --------------- ..__-, 193____ . PWA Form No.175-11age 3 or 8 Q.A.OOY[RNLI:4T 1'plhTtQB OIRi.'Q 16-308G C::;d City-- O L �y P oQ California � r NTY October'24, 1956 A Offshore Constructors 16 Test Fifth Street cLos Angeles 17, .California ATTN: James D. Bush, Jr. General Manager Pea Request for Us f Fier Landing Fa lities Gentlemen, In reply- to your communication of Ootober 1, 1956 rega ding the above subject, please be advi 6a�t at a regular held meeting of the City Council on er 15, 1956, the Council took the following action: J "Councilman Irby made.. t ng motion: 'That the City Council go n ecord as re- afirming, its poli of usi 9 Huntington Beach N!unicip� r rear tonal pur- poses only la d%hat ier not be used for commercial poses. motion was seconded by Council ryant a passed by the follow- ing roll cal ' tet AY5.r"�Counc11msn: Lockett,Bartlett,Bryant, Irby, Terry. S: Councilmen: None. Ali NT: Cou `ilment None. " Very truly yours, J. L: Henricksen, City Clerk By Deputy 1 FOR Th. OP A wi ON � i1 to t,:�:•FI:LtJI? T;JI ?tiii CALIPURRIA 1068thor Within 'Form Cox - ��vee�t�,sfmOnt for ���,c� WOMPiOn for Bidders, . .' Did Form , of Aareemant Form of Boncl Prepared EIS EN, � ! � ifs sYly •.� ` 1 Z``'t.C�.:� -437 South hili Street Los 6d+.teGs Th �,.CP 4no.rd �,t..t`lt>C� �'J�.t.f,, u�.���l��C��i j.�4"�x v .,,•.'f�s°` L�� �y5� 4 'T c6���` �� �qy "tea. ryq 4��lll.d�.1. yq+)we�wo-..n.(wye[.rwn 'q �q,�`jw/'-9 r� tt!"�F/,�rtaaoa.;. .L'.1. .A.:td�V•!S4" 3� t x 4r d# t rf 4' �••.. 1 ADUkraT.f SEE&I' ' FOR BIDS ' +uucr_w++.1Cr.xr�..vona...new.wwwe e+.nwnrn .pwmwm�wm.M ;H Z 14otice is hareby given that the City Counu.r l of the City of t s 8antipg-tonBeach, Orange County, California, viJ.11reGaixebids nor L4idn--uS n--.E all lbox d material, 4MaLrJpr & }ation and sJryJWe I_ for tho cr ns' truc tirm of a .rae.auh Pavi lirsL and Civic Aij.(I.itorium loo ate,d at fr a 6�; � Beach,, 0,11€rige County,, California ; each bid to b(�., in accordance -PlarlSo S'Peci-fiarat tolls and. othe* ",." oontraot dog =,a,,entse now ciZ filo vilth, the City Clerk, hunt:incton 3 r a9 f', n /":rl9 t.?. ('tl p' 'y .3 t } d ,rO 22 �} f } to r V� .�34�6w4 Ii �.1�� CS 4'.� CoLlxit,y�� M:•`i. 3..1.f 'v,i ar,4.m•,�.M or. L:i..6,:5 h Y14:b:.�.Al.eir and Cd i s PG l•3 w c a 437 f ua 143.1 3.q Street .l o a d nd:l : 3 V fi li Z :r ni& ,wYo r a f' t1ie aiaa,r ! e examx�-.rd.3d wi oopieo obtzaUx?.ec; -upo, d. poMa.t of '10. 00 paxi et z vlhioha d�x.�losit °aai be ro;�ur�dod a,zp€;n the retuzaj:, *01 such copiea in good oondittor. within twenty-frauxa (24) h,otax°r3 after b dc are yy Rot$aa is hero y savor that tha above-raomt i oned oo'-astr ction bo i np, f nal".'s.r"ed in pi3i:A by the Federal ;G3ncy Administration 3 Of Bidders a2a herabynot,- ii.ed. that pursuantto the st tLirtes (),f ,�ha SAS ate- of California,F� o�.na or 5.�6.n i..k..!. lawtA. eretf�; cable� �'J1�� 4�8it� 4. Council of thE:,, City 0 1' e� ��x%� s�ts�y a!� toBackoi2. U-range nge County, C,c`3.j j.L `? - th general prevailjnL rat. of pajj War t *,� j'-all'esq Ior '`lea ���3�.:'!_F.sa and 0 I>;:��'�'siC:r.�? work in the lt��'F�l" � kicb this 'i;*jork Jo to be or typo e of v x+. '1 . eer3c d toe: out , the contract h: c:h 'will be ? z > "tJreVx i,l 11111"A �;2 20 e,Y.t xji.0 y J% bi g".'t x a' saw 4 R.'-Las q T( lf4 ;. C a76 Z.,'. .ta.ae i✓. l3 %'' ''.�f�jw•2•"b ,„"aa ,. Jack ' 3m¢�21 85 13 Laborw— F r 7 B 15 V ; w d D '"..fit a r .,6 25 Slum- n � � s.� .��_.�..ens!' �.d.J. o"I. l000 Truok 1.25 Pa ga 0 p17 , �. am FOR Bxos,--"b , a .• .. ..ti r.0 maxis F f: � 1 c TRADE OR OCCUk'A ION EoUAl rya to Rate Carpenters- Uncluding Installation of I-Aetal covered Doors & Steel Lockers ) : Carpenters 00 Hardwood Floor :Layers 1100 Window Caulskere V1.0 y: Laborers : 75 r�"3 Plast i a Trades : Ls O mo n$ and Concrete; Convent Finishers 1.25 Engineers (Portable and Uolsti.nj) 1.00 Laborers e 75 Mixer Operators A5 Guni t e ; u Podmen 1 .25 No"ze^d.E3lmen 105 Ground ton 1 .00 C,run Lion 1.25 Mixer Uen .75 Rebound Men n 625 ti i Ifsso.n y t h1asons 1 m125 Mixer, Operators 1.00 Hod Carriers 1.35 4 k El.a,s{toners 1..50 .G lass Uer:�a3r al Tender-, l.q5 '}. Lathers i xnol-udi.Hag We7 deps on Steel Studol.125 4 Stee;! Trades ! .fie in o:4 of 6 5001 . Roinfavoing Steel V(3rkera 1.25 Laborers 025 .Structural Steel Workers Uncl din �- Welders on Structural Steel ) 1425 laborers ,6 245Ornamental Metal. Ornamental 1rom Workers Y00 i ( 6g h laborers .625 Lathing—See ?Taster 6. 1-r,ts"?in aa aZ.I M! `.3�•�,�.dz See ��..ka ter r�.1.; Lathing R jot rJP ` a " ` � � ......�' ' TRADE OR OCCU2ATIOR Hourly Rate Mechanical Mechanical Trades heating: Steamfitters 1.25 Asbestos Workers 11;00 Ventilating--See Sheet Metal Plumbing: ]. l25 Plumbers Sprinkler Systems Sprinkler Fitters 1025 Electric System Installat ions: Electricians 1.10 Sheet Metal (Incoludine Hetal Partitions ) : Sheet 1,11etal 'dor°ker.r 1.125 Laborors .625 kiarble3 , Tile a.rad. Terrazo.o 1'rlarble Workers 1,100 Marble Idorkers ' Helpers 462.E Tile Setters 1.25 Tile Setters' Hel.p:ars .80 Composition Floors Vv`orkers 75 oofing, Roofers 1.00 Laborers .625 Linolenm croft Tile , Bla jkb oards v Cork Carpets- Soft Tile Layers 1.00 lindow Shades and Vonet:.an .Be.ind.s Window 'Shade ?'rorke;cs 1.00 uintin6 and Decora,ting s Painters 1.00 �,Jilldo-w Cleaners ,625 Glazing: Ola.piers 1.00 Laborers .625 All Skilled Labor not m3r�5ioned above 1 00 All Unskilled. Labor not mantioned. above" .625 1.,, The ratos per hour, in.d%c}aced abcvo,n are based, a.por: the 1.6c;a.l prevai1.i1 "6 rates per . d.ay boJ, ng 8 t ir_aas the above solzed-u"I,«id rate per hour 4 1110u,rl y reties of 1 r'�► bas - d u on 8 hoixrs pear May, for a fu:'_1.. day or a Zracit tonal part of a day. The per d„1.eaw wages for ki fractional part o ' a c15ay shall be the applioabl.e ,rate por ho,x- ° viul.tipl.ieJ by "'J"le numlber� of 110ur'3s 1vor1c.ed on said day other than. .,.o ara.d/ok Sundays or Legal. 2, The d"ato"pox, hour for ovC>rtirrre work for each of 'the above o`1.,a,.ssif.:xaticno .3hall ba tba laotixly wates quoted abov,C.3. rau latipl ied by 1L tiros the z3L171 bcr of hours worked by era- pleoyaO,9 l.n eNCas.a Of 8 houre on any o.ne oa1.and.a.r day other than Sundays and/or Legal bo:'.ida ys The wage rate per hour for work on Sundays and/or Legal, Holidays shall. be 'the a,ppl.ioable- rate per hour , as scized- uled above, multiplied by 2 tides the number of hours worked by employees on Sunday and/or Legal holidays. Sundays and/or Legal 11ol.idays as herein referred to shall bo doomed to be a,11 Sundays, January First, February Aienty- Second, May Thirtieth,, Jally Fourth, Labor .pay, Tha,ncksgivi.ng Day and December Twenty- Af t h. 4, The wage rate per hour :for overtime on. 'Sunday and/or Legal. 1161idays fc�r° each of iho above classifications shall, be the; hourly rate; established fol, Sunday and/or Legal Holidays work, ti.i:ics the; rztzmbc;r of hours worked , in excess of eight .(S) hours on Si.%ne,,qey and/or Legal. Holidays, by the em— ployees d It shall 1be Mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon an;,, subcaontract',or° under him, to pay .not Less than the said specified rates to all laborers , workmen., and mech- anics employed by: them in the execution of the aoritraot v Notice is also hereby given that all bidders must submit with their bids a sworn statement of their financial responsibility , technical ability and experience ., 3-ach sworn statement may be recuired to be furnished. before award. is ma-de to any particular bic der,, Each bid shall be made out on a :form to be, obta.;geed, at the office of dialker and .dean, I. rohitects , 437 South Hill Street, Los Anee- !as , ors .from the City_ Clark, Hunt iza,-ton. .Beach, C}ran , County California;forma .slzzzll be acc;o axianied, by €a ctert i.fied or cashier fs check or bid bond. for ;-; of the amo-int of the bid made payable to the order of the City Council, city o,L: Huntington Beach., Orange County,,, California; shall be sea,l,ec'. and filed with the City Clerk at Hunt i.rz ,(ooneac , tlr« .�a ro� .nty, a1.:°fog°zzi ;v on or before T o rearber 1.5 z 1.937 o &t Eight o'clock, p�m U , and ,vi.l.l bo opened, and publicslFread aloud at or about e, P_ht o 'clock,� (:l,M. ) of that clay In the Council oliam"oars in they City hell i3ui.ldi.ng, Huntington Bea.ah, Cranee Co intyb, Cal.i;forn-1 as The above­menti oned, choo?c or bond, sh;L1.l be given n as a guarantee that bidder Frill. e ntor into t ao contract if avrarded to him and will be declared forfeai.tod if tho successfu.l bidder refuses to enter into said cerntract, after bc-iz rec;+ esteci sr to do by t�h0 City CoUrIc-il , City of Bunt-I ngt on Beach., Cr4nge County, California,, The successful bidder v,,d.l.l be required .to fern ah a l.a.bo.r and material, bond in an arnoar-t erudi. to 5o)' of the (;04,ract price , and a Fa.ith:fail, Performance Bend in ,,,Ti amount Gcival to 1.QC`� of the Con- tract price, said bonds to be s1:,3c�,0-red from-a aurety company sati.s-w fr;.Gtor,y to trio Gity Council q 11W,,n.�tington .Beach,, Orange County, Cal- ifornia,, Ali o t of k3uch zurat;, corrlpauies i s on fias with the w,i ty Clerk Iluabi.ngton Bea- ch, Coli..fornia, r r wjti� �aall4,:)r ar!rl Ei.se:izE Arohi.'te-acsts� 4b3T �13oixth Hill Str at ,, LOS California., The City" Go-o-1zc&j City of `runt i n,,,,t n Beach, Orange Cojaat y, Cal.i.i Or- fOrnieli,t;y in a bid© No bids will. be ,reaoei.v d ar honored if delivered twftar the day and atl set forth above, I ' Pago 4 of jxhi.bit IT (AD1TEWTIS,&,G:MT FC)1 BIDS) ��; i //,, �q�tf�� gy y� 4 c7U�'g `I�j�l P'y' "`1��rt�'1�ti� vNi4i1. 3 L '��":. g Ova i °6p YJ L G Y�a�a f3 cL E eJ a".__,�_,__�. .- - x.r.�>. -._-'"�;=� -^•---�''� 'o Gj,7SJ1Va GRv,q (0e) Rwm jo P07,79d v X02 pTq STtj hmooty"�.Tel 'k-ow xoppTq Off INFORLVtTION FOR BIDDERS SrCUIRIITG DOCUIRiMS: 1, Plans ,' specifications and other contract document forms will be available for examination without charge and copies may be se- cured at the office of I'Valker and .3iseno Architedtag 437 South Hill Street , :cos Angeles, California, or from 1.1r. C. B. Fury, City Clark, City of Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. D1;FOSIT: 2. A deposit of Ten Dollars (�10.00) is required of each bidder, who desires to secure p1lns8 specifications and other contract document forms, which deposit is a LYuarantea that such documents will be returned in good condition to Walker and !Usen, Arobi- tooter 437 South Hill Street, Los Ang geles , not later than -1 -jenty- four (24) hours after bids on the project have been opened, and is liable to forfeiture If such documents are not so returned within said time, Such locuments are the property of Walker and 1,1,isen,, Architects , and are loaned to the Bidder until bids are due. The depbsit shall :cot be construed to be the purchase price of any part of the,Be documents, Bidders are recLuested, should they decide not to submit a bid,, to return such documents as soon as possible aftez such decision is made. PROPOSALS: 3. Bidf,., to receive cons:1.deration shall be made in accordance with the following instruct ions: (a) Bids shall be aide upon the form therefor obtained at the office of Idalker and Eison, Architects , 437 South Hill Street , Los Angeles , or from C. it. Farr, City Clark, City of E-antin on Beach, grange Q T gt ,e County, Californiat properly executed and with items filled- out ; numbers shal--,, be stated both in writing and in figures , the signature of all perkions signing shall be in long hand, The completed form shall be without interlinoations , alterations or erqatires, (b) Bids shall not contain any recapitulation of the work, to be done,, Alternative *proposals will not be considered, unless ca"i lea for,, lilo oral, toleepaphic or telephonic proposals or modifioat ions laill be considered. I (c ) Bids shall be accompanied with a certified or cashier's shack, or a bidder's bond, for an amount not lose than. five (5) per cent of the bid -made. payable to the order of the City Council, Huntington Beach, Granga County, California. If a bidder's bond aocompanigas the prop, ouaj, said bond ahall be scoured' from a surety company satisfactory to the City Council, Orange County, California. A list of svoh surety companies is on filo with the City Cielk Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, or Walker and Eisen, Architocts , 437 South hill Street , Los angeles , California. Said C� check or bond small be tgivan as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract if a%--jarded the work and in case of refusal or failure to enter into ';paid. Contract, the check or bond, as the case faay be, shall be forfeited to City Council, huntington Beach, grange County, California. Page 1 of Exhibit 1. (IRFOR11ATION FOR BIDR.LIRS ) (d) Before submitting a bid, bidders shall carefully ex- amine the plans, read the specifications ,, and the forms of other contract document cs, , 811all visit the sit of viork" and shall fully inform theMSelv0s as to all existing conditions and limitations, and shall include in the bid a sum to cover the cost of all items included in the Contract . (e) Bids shall be d-,elivered to the City Clerk, 11untin,,.,,ton Beach, Orange County, Cz.),lifornia, on or before the day and hour set for the openinp�, of bids , in the Advertisement for Bids as published, which bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope provided therefor, and bearing the title of the work and the name of the Bidder. It is the SOLB responsibility of the Bidder to see that his bid is received in proper time. Any bid received after the scheduled. closing time for receipt of bids shall be re- turned to the bidder unopened. "I'UTHDRAIIAL OF BID: 4, Any bidde'r may 'withdraw Ms bid, either personally or by telegraphic or written requeetD at a.V time prior to the sehed- uled closing time for reoeipt of bids. AGR',3_-2;2'NT A11D BO1MS : 5. The form of Agreement , which the successful bidder, as Con- tract or , will be re quire i to execute, and the forms of bonds which he will be requireft to furnish, Are included in the con- tract documents and should be carefully examined by the bidder. The agreement, and the bonds will be executed iri triplicatc. Ill'&;RPRETATIOR OF DHAVJI1QS AhD DOCUIJaMTS . 6. If any -person contemglating submitting a bid JP-or the pro- posed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans , specifioationa , or other proposed contract documents , or finds disovepancies in, or otuissions from, the drawings or specifications, he may submit to the Architects , 1.7alker and Eisen, 437 South hill Streetv Los Angelus , California, a written reciltlest for an, intor.,?ret'ation or correction thereof. The person submit- ting the re(.uest will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or correction of the proposed documents will be made only by Addendu-m duly issued and a copy of such &ddendum will be mailed or delivered to each. , o person reoeivine, a set f such do'cument3, The City Counel.1, Buntington Beach, Orange County, California, will not be xreaponsiblo for any other explanations or interpretations of the proposed documents, The words , "Work Per- formed" , as used in the contract documents shall be construed to include materials suitably stored on the site of tile project . ADD-:�NDA OR BUL13TIFS: 7. Any addenda or biallentins issued during the tinge of bidding, or forminC; a part; of the docurtients loaned to the bidder for the da ll be covered in the bid, and shall be preparation of his bid, .91 mode a Part of the Conde: 5t . Page 2 of Zxhibit I. (I14FORMATION FOR BIDDERS ) STATE AND LOCAL 1ABOR AND IUATERIAL RFCIlIRLM3I TTS 8. Attention is called to the State and Local Labor and hiater- ial Requirements, which form a part of the Agre3ement or Speci- fications. 011:uNIWG OF BIDS: 9. (a ) Bids `vill be opened and publicly read aloud at the time set in the Adverti cement for Bids in the Council Chambers in the City Hall Building, huntington Beach, Orange County, California, In cases where only one bid is received for a con- tract , such bid will be publicly opened and read aloud in the usual' manner. Bidders, or their representatives , and other interested persons, may be present az the opening and reading of bids. (b ) At the time and. place set :for the opening and reading; of bids , each and every bid received prior io the sclieduled closing time for receipt of bids will be publicly opened and road aloud, irrespective of any irregularities or informalities in such bids , The public reading of each bid will include at least the following: 14 Hame and address of Bidder; 2. For lump sum, contracto, the lump sum base bid and the bid for aach alternative ; 3. For unit price contracts , if any, the unit price bid for each item,and the total,if stated; d. The nature and amount of the security furnished with the bide If any bid, or security furnished thorewri.th, is irregular or in- formal, the facts will, b. noted and publicly announced at the time of reading thereof. . WARD OR. Rl&WEXTION OF BI;a3 10, The contract will bo awarded to tho lowest responsible bid- der complying with thesa' instructions and with the Advert i a ement for Bids, The City Council of xiunti:ngton, Beach, Orange County, C .i.forn.:i.a, how over, resorves the right to reject auy or all bids , and to walvo any ii:.Lformality in bids received® BIMORSRS IHa''E'R S-Ti_ D ITS TVi01W, T11AN 010 BID: 11. No person, firm or corporation, sha,11_1 be 41lowed to make or file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same viork, unJ ess alternative bido r.re called for. A. person, firm or cor- poration, villo has submitted a sub-proposals to a _Bi.dder, or who has Qxoted prices on Materials to a b i.ddear,is not thereby disc,ual® i fi od from submitting a F.ub-proposal Dr quoting prices to other bidders o Page oaf Exhibit I® $IR O IZtLAT IOii FOIE B.-M-R S � I BONDS 12. The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Agreement , will be x-equired to furnish a labor and 1-Iaterial Bond in axe amount Equal to fifty (50) per cent of the contract price, and a Faithful Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred (100) percent of the contract price; said bonds shall be secured from a surety company satisfactory to the City Council, 11untiftgton Beach,, urang,,,e County, California., A list of such sure- ty companies is on file with the Are hitect a Vlalker & 21,1sen, 437 South Hill Street , Los Angeles,,Calif or nia, or with the City Clerk, Huntington Beach, Orango- County,, California. SFIXIAL NOTICE: 13, Bidders are requillea to inform themselves fully of the conditions relating to c,)nstruction and labor under which the work will be or is now baing perfort-tied, and the contradtor must employ, so far as Possible , such methods and aeans in the car- rying out of his work as will not cause any interruption or intorference with any ot"ier contractor. ASSI MY OF COMRACT: 14. No assignment by tho Contractor of any contract to be entered. into hereunder oi, of any part thereof, or of !'unds to be received thereunder by the Contractor , ivill be recognized by the gwardipg authority unless ass such asaigzment has had the prior approval of the awarding authority and the Surety hao' been given due notice of aaoh ass ignmont in writing and has consented thereto in writing. 110 c.asignment vd.11 receive the approval of the awarding authority unless the instrument of assignment con- tains a clause to the ef.foat that it Is agreed that the funds to be paid the assignee under the aosiexn.ent are subject to a prior lion for servioes renderod or materials supplied for the performan,,ae of the work called for in said contract in favor of all persons , firms or corporations rendering such services or gapplyine :such materials. OT11- H RE�JTIR;­11111MITS : 15. The bidder's attention is a- 0 e pecifioally directed t th requirements of the contract doonmenta with reference to ins-arm anoe., maintmanoo of facilities at the site of tile Project for the use of PWA aedn:ts, th-_ erection of PW& s; �Ig p na and ,tho inspec- tion and teating of materials,, ----oo0Qo----- VJHr1,MWi1',R L!-AJJMT1RDJ1a, 1';,'ORKp _io'112HIAL OR 111WI2 T '40 lii; U. I-N TH_!A GOiSTRUC'�1011 OF ZMY PROJIXT , III.,T AF2IDAVIT , IN TJL� Fotad FOATH, 1JU3T BE -3,'",'CUT_D BY .V_4RY OR UA I SUC 11 ' 2 Rll�-S 20 THL3 01�4r,%�URO T1 CWIT.ill OR J;W SUBC0;UR1iGT0R URD,1,,'. 111i LIV AY 00i4iTilhCTC)a 111U6 T PROCAYR"L!', 031UGH, AVIUDAVIT 1�iij) JiL; O 4,2,L 2UBCW1TWCT_ ­AIMM, '110 !?ROCUR:v, A LIK AWFIDA- VJ%1 TiUJ1,,CJj. A114.14_us J?,D TC) �,jjj F11 LVI A14Y JES 0 LUNUFACTUa3a 0,j (q S1jC11 OR .'QIUMU,HT. T11,i,' CONTRACTOR Shia,iu, J;?1i1Oi�,,:p1y SUBL11T ALL sucii AFFIDAVIT S' BY Il T11& ovdiMj. 11M, OR " lly SUBCO.J(MICTOR U14MIZ III-11 TO Page 4 of Exhibit 1, ( J11Fo1:U.,11T2IO11 FOR BIDDI ,,IRS) NON-COL71JUSION AFFIDAVIT OF i,:tANUFACTU",ii UA SU21LIER STAT OF C,E LIFO MIA } ss� County of, ZO S ANGELE S The 'u.ndersigned, being. first duly sworn., deposes and says : That lie is authorized to mare , and is caking, this affidavit on behalf of BRUNZELL & JACOBSON tfull & corree name of mamifacturer or the party executing a coiitr-,-rct or sub-contract , or supplier making a proposal, bid or quotation (as tho case may be ) , covering the saleig manufacturer, installation or sup lying of electrical material or equipment in connection with th,; construction of Po:;oA Project Do,. 1167 D-S; than said party is a, PARTNERSHIP (C orporat-i on,Partners nips etc, and that affiant is the PARTNER (titie of of:fic;er�-p€:rtner,sol.e propra.etoreetce thereof , that .said contract , proposal, bid or quotation (as the eas'a may be ) is genuine and not collusive or sham; that said party has not colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly with tiny association or -,person, to put in a sham bid, or that such other parson shall. refrain .from bidding, and has not in any manner, directig or indirectly, :3ought by agreement or collusionAth any association or person to fix the quotation, bid or price of said party or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of said contract , proposal, bid, clu.otation or price thereof, as they case. may be, or of that of any other uldd.er; that all sta,te- Wnts contained therein:, fzrc true ; and further, that said party has not, directly or indireot;ly, submitted said contract , proposal, bid .or quotation (as the ora.so may be ) or the price or contents thereof, ar d:ivnlged information or data relative theroto, to any association of which the said party may be a, member, or tc any other €asooeiation whatever, or to any member or agent thereof. Subscribed .and sworn to before Rae BRLJNZEL,L, & JACOBSON this -Ist: dray of I)ECE-AABER71 FIE— _. g 1937 "?.y 1 I.'0-in 6 nd f or u he �cunt y tad LOB ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Stag$ Hof Cali forni , My Commission F ,Tuly 15;41V'* W Page 5 of Exhibit I. ( INI'0H:-;'1A'.IOT4 FOR BID:[ARS) BID FOl11 Bide will be received until eight o 'clock, P.M. ; Nov. 1.5t� 19379 in the Council. Okaambers in tho City of hadington Beach, TO T1 -1 HOTIOR!AKE CITY COMICIL OR NGZ; COUSvTY o CALIFORNIA I:A Gentlemen: The unde;roienedi hereby proposes and Qrees to furnish Any and all requived Labors material, transportation and services for the oonstructioA of a teach Pavilion and. Civic Auditorium Building, in strict con.foxmi.ty with the Plans, Specificatioas and other contract doeugents on, file at tho office of they City dlerk, Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, or with Walker & Eisen, Architects , 437 South Hill Street, :Los Angelee� Cta.l.:iforrda, for the sum of 9 ._, . .�___. . D LIARS They ainount to be d.ednatea :from the above basic bid ahoul.d oreo-- soted, Douglas fir plies be used as called for in Addenda peci.- fi.cati.on.s undej MMZ" in lieu of cement piles as speci.fi.ede deduct the sum of �.l te1 rnat e y The ,motnt to be ded,uct'tel from the above basic bid, if ra.11 cop- per flo,obln6x o o conducstcsra ant other ooppor work specified as copper under ,fT:xnnine aAd Meal. Work" Q changed to 24 gauge galvanized iron, Alt e rno,'t e ,"-3: The am4,aant A be UUCP deduoted, from 'f;,he above Bid should she taco forced air h ati,g aAd ventilating u1aitp, togother, with electrical triE3al work and gas to oa e3, fib;' specified, be om t too and, in lieu 'thaToof six V) Wilhiame War :ol,atea. , §57 , or eqqal, of 120 . .feed; of radiation eaeh9 with an ont;raut of 33,900 B�TN, per ualt, the$rmohati.c ally controlled, and with safety pilots, The above are in addition to the heaters specified :for the QwD dressing rooma, in csonnoction with the abovc, ran fuel gas to looations. of heaters. The heatars wi.l,l be planed one can each. side of tho Stage , one on each side of the westerly entrance, and one each on the north an? south of room, the exact location to bo- as hereafter direbted by ardhfitectso Add or deduct Doge 1 of i�xjii.bit III (BID �.OT Alt erna e A: a The amount to be deducted or-added, should conduit for public system be OrMi.rr ly omitted , MQer deduct DOWARS The amount; to be deducted from the above basic bi.d should all toilet fixtures on Aronnd or 2avilion floor , all roughing-in for these fixtures , they aaw4ge ejector , and all work connected wi.th the- sewags ejector , also the partitions separating the men's and womens ' toi.lots on the Ground .Floor (2a,vilion ?door) are omitt.a& induct r K 4warded the contruat= , the undersioned hereby agrees to sign Ald contract <anA furnish the; neceusary bands within, ten (10) dos aitor the award of said contract , to begin work within ten (10) drays from the t3..:to of mailing of written notice by the City Council, City of EAntY:i'.ngt on Beach, Orange County, California, to c;ommande work, and agroes to complete the work within az .peri.od of 151 walendrar daps command ten (10) days from and after the We of W ling of saW written mot i.oe, Ke undersigned has ax&mina d the location of they proposed work W is familiar with tin plans, specifications and other con- Kr ct documonts and the ioc:a.l conditions at the place whore the WK is to be done. :he nnder°slL�,n d has (3hec.ked oareful.l.y all the above figgres and ond.erstaud:s that they City Council, City of i_anti.nptcan Beach, Orange County, Caaliforr.i,aa, will not be responsible for any er- rors or omissions on the Fart of the uRde,°si.gned in makin6 up ' this U The undersigned submits bere'awith a current statement of his fi- na.n ial condition, of his technical abilityand of h e exper- ionce in construction k'ur o The undensigned agrees, if acvaried the contract , that there shall be paid by thy', undersF.gaed, and by all suboontra,ctors under him, to all. ?abo.ror°sk workmen and Luccha ales c3:nv:a...o_yed in the execution of such con.traot or any subcontract the eundery not .less than the gonerF_1.l pretioilinE rate of per d.d'.em wa'gn , and .aatos for overtime and. legal holidays in the locality in which the work is to be Performed, as a,3ae;rta.in od and determined, pursuant to State statutos or local law thereto aLF.pl able p by t4a public body a- warding this contract, the saho&alo thereof being set forth in the contract scumer ts. Tho andezzi.�nea hereby certifies that this bid, iz genuine and not shay or col.iusivep or ear do in the i.ntereot or in behalf of any 3;fovoon not herein named, and that they undersi. ned has :not directly or U.d:i neatly induced or sol,i.o:i.te d o.ny ether bidder to put in a sham bid � or any other QvsOnv firm Or c WPOration -t o refrain, from bidding, . a.nd that the undersigrgead has pact in any manner sought by Collusion to secure .for himself an advantage over any other bidder, The undersigned agrees that this bid raay not be withdrawn .C'or a period of thirty (20) days after tho date set for the openin6 thereof® Pace; 2 of jxhibit III (BID FORM) 4 Enclosed find bidder's Bond, C ertiflod Check oy Cashier's Check 140 o� t lit � Bank for rl ch is not less than five percent �,ayaij they City Counc ilq City of Iiuntingt on Beach, urange County, California,, and whiob. is givon as a guargn- tee that the undersie4ie6L will enter into tho contract it awarded to the undersigned. CwvRi"C'weoR l AD.DIRES T7 aT; S3 ` I IS la o f t Page 3 of Exhibit III !BID MAI) i AGR&M14T MIS AGIM'UZ112 , made and. entered into this 2_9day of November s 1937, 'by and between the City Council of the y of Huntington Beach, Orange County, California, 1-irst Party, sometimes hereinafter called the Oviner, and BRUNZELL and JACOBSEN Second Party, somatimes. hereinafter called the Contractor, 14ITIESSIMI: That the parties hereto have mutually covonan.ted and ag2� eed, and by these pra8ents do covenant and agree with eaoh other, 'as follows : 1. Tha Contract Documents-. The complete contract consists f`5_, t_o-wit : The Advertisemont "or Bids, of the following documen J_ the Inforpxition for Bidders , the Acoepted Bid, the General Con- ditfions;; the Agreement , the. Complete Specifications , the Com- plete Plans and Addenda. Any and all obligations of the First Party and the Contractor are fully set forth and described therein:. all. of the above documents are intended to cooperate so that any work called for in one and not mentioned. in the other or vice versa is to bd executed the same as if mentioned in all said doc- uments. The documents comprising the complete' contract are some- times hereinafter referr-ad to as the Contract Documents. 2. The V.iokk. Said Contractor agrees 'to furnish all tools , equipment , apTa—ratus, faailities, labor and material necessary to perform and complete in i3. good and workmanlike m. ,nne_-, the work of Concrete, oarpentry, E.3ement work, mill work, lathing and plastering, miqoellaneou,3 iron and metal ijork, glasis and glazing- , sheet metal viork, roofin6y, paintirqr,, , plw,.ibirW,, electrical work, finish ha-,rdware, elactriQ3al fixtures, heating., in fact the full and entire corytents of t.'i.ie plans and specifications, as nailed for, in the manner desig.-iated in, and in strict conformity with, ti-io Plans and. Specifications adopted by the City Council, City of 11un&ington Beach, urange County, California, vbic.h said Plane and Specif 1oat ions are entitled, respectively Beach Pavillon and Civic Auditorium, and ,wbich Plans and SpeW-fications are identified by the signatures of the parties to this It is understood and agreed that said tools , equipment, apparatus, Lacilities , labor and 'material shall be furnished gxka SRJU rjor1r, perfo=*L1 and -comploted as, required in said Plans, and 4,1,; A It is understood and agreed that. thealternates set ,forth as Alternates 2, 3# 4 and 5 are hereby abandoned, and that alternate #1 Shall' become a part of th. is Contract , and that the plans and specifications herein shall be amended. by the addition thereto of said alternate 2. ly 6 4. Mapiztes Pertairin- .tl;o 2 t for Work. Should aiV d is puts trae value oT=ny TjW—rk done , of any work 0c�itted, or of any extra work which said, Second Party may be re- quired to do , . or respecting ti-1p, si2,e of -any payment to said Second Party during the perl'orruanee of this contract, said dispute shall be decided by the Azchitects, Ualker and Eisen, 437 So,, Hill Street ,', Page 1 of Exhibit IV (AGR."�Ilidlfl AGREIMENT THIS AGRZiaZ,11.� , made and entered into t bis 29 day of November s 1937, 'by and between the City Council of the city of Huntington Beach, Orenge County, California, Yirst .Warty, sometimes hereinafter called the Oviner, and BRUNZELL and JACOBSEN Second Party, somatines. hereinafter called Tile Contractor, 14IT123SETH: That 'the parties k reto have mutually covonan,ted and agpleed, and by these presents do covenant and agree with each other, as fol ovas s 1. The Contract Documents. The complete contract conSistus of the f o 11 otfring doWurrheEta,to-wit -. 'The A dv e rt i s a me.nt for Bias, the informa,t iron for Bidders, the Aceepted Bid, the General Con- ditions, the Agreement , the Complete Specifications , the Com- plete I'laris and Addenda. ndrq and all obligations of the First Party and the Contractor are Aa.11,y set forth and described therein.. All of they above documents are intended to 000perate so that any work called for in one and not mentioned in the other or vice versa is to sae: executed the same ,as if mentioned in all said doc- uments. The documents comprising the coaAplete contract are some- times hereinafter referr-3d to as the Contract Documents. 2. The V,.iork. Said Con1cra,otor agrees to furnish all tools equipment ,app ratus, fa it ities, labor aand material necessary to perform and complete in :a Cood and workmanlike na.n;rier, the work of Corxorete, marpentr.,y, r3oment work, mill work, lathing and plasterira,, miacellaneoyx_3 iron. and, metal iiiaork, glass and glazing, sheet metal work, roofing,,, painting, plumbing, electrical work, finish ivir.dware, eloatri�3al fixtures, heating, in .fact the full and entire contenta of t�aes plans and specifications, as ca."Lled for, in the manner deas1g,:-vted in, and in strict conformity with, the Plans and Spec ifi.ca,tloxas adopted by the City Council., City of liuxgin ton .Beach, urange County, California, vt ioh said Plane and Sp cif"cations are entit*...ed, respectively; Beach Pavil,lon and Civic Aadrtor3.u,m, a.nd, ,which plans and Spec:�_a l.catioyur are identified by the: signatures of the parties to this aay6re;ement . It is understood and agreed that said tools , e(p ipmexat a T)jq .3:aTu.,;s facilities , ),.abort and .'material shall be fa.�.�iiishe€I k peg n -­f and completed as, re( irecl in said Plans and '4* _ :"'".cannons under `txte directi.vn a-ad sulervi:3ion f. of, and subjedt to the approval calf the City Council, city of tiun•t- ington Beach,, Orange Co't.-uity, Calif ornia , or its representatives. 3. Contra t. Brioe9 The First .Warty agrees to pay, and.- the Coaatracto re i ,si � el pt , in full. pa,y,cient for the work above agreed to be done, the pals. of FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY® Dt LLIMS (ti'48 882.�00 ? s aub j t c a,dd•: t i ens az�i deduct ic;ns as �T� ._ provided in the C67inx;so t Documents , 4. Dili trtos .'er ,a<ar ", tof'a�t .for Work. Should any dis.- puce aarise�, rosl)e�c'ti�ga hl true value of any work donee , of any work omitted, or of any extraa, work Yaa.l.ch aaid Second Party mety be re, c�i?re,d to don . or° respecting the sieve of -any payment to said Second Party durl e ti:ao perl_or agree of this contract, said dispute shall be decided. by the lam.*,chiteats f, Ua.l.ker aa.d Zifsen, 437 So. Lill Street p Page 1 of .Exhibit IV (AGR.i�E1LMT ) Los ' Angeles , California, and the decision of the latter shall be .final and conclusive. 5. Permits; Compliance with Law. The Second .arty shall, at his expense, obtain all necessary permits and licenses , ease- ments, etc. , for the construction of the project , give all neces- sary notices, pay all gees recurred by law, and comply with all Lars , ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the work and to the preservation of the public health and safety. 60 Inspection by Cwner. The .Second Party shall at all times maintain proper facilities and provide safe access .for inspection by the First Party to all parts of the work, and to the shops wherein the cork is in prepdration. 14here the Specifications re- quire work to be specially tested or approved, it shall not be tested or covered up without timely notice to the Architects , ' Walker and :risen;, 437 South Bill Street , Los Angeles, of its readi- ness for inspection and without the approval thereof or consent thereto by the latter . Should any such work be covered up without such notice, approval , or consent , it must, of required by the Architects , :7alker and risen, 437 South Hill Street Los A;rweles a be uncovered for examination at the Second Party ys axpense. 7® Eft ra and or Additional %i o rk and C ha peso Should said. first Parf-y atat a,n.27 tl r;�a durin he pra�ress of said work request any alterdti.ons, deviations, additions - or omissions from said Specifications or Plans or other Contract Documents it shall, be at liberty to do so , and the same shall in no way affect or make void the contracts but v,ill be added to or deducted from; the amount of said contract price, as the case may be, by a fair and reasonable valuation. The estimated cost of a ;?roposed change shall be established in one or more of the following methods : (a,) By an a.cceptaable lump sum proposal from the Contractor. (b ) By unit prices contained in the Contractor's original bid and incorporated in the Contract Documents or fixed by aubse1uent, i.3Lgreerient between the Ovine.- and the Con- tractor. (c ) By- a suppl.emew,;al, schedule of prices contained in the Contractor's original bad and :incorporated in the Contract Doenmontso (d.) On a cost-plus-limited basis not to exceed a specified limit . tJork a.a a aost-plus-Alimited basis is defined as the cost of labor. materials, and inuuraance, plus the percentage rammed in the Contract Documents , if any, but in no evanl�, to exceed to cover superintendence, general expdnso, and profit . A. chanUe figured on this basis wi,:l.l sta ,e the astima,te(3 limit of -total cost as a maximum paa,ymont by the O finer to the Contractor for the work conteriplazted by the change© No extra wore sha:11 be performed or cbaxWe be made unless in pursuance of a written order from the First Party, stating that the extra work or change is authorized and no e.ldm for an addi- tion to the contract sum, shall be valid unless so ordered. Page 2 of Exhibit IV (A GRE,!1L 10 ) 8. Time for Completion extension of Time. All viork under thiF-6-onl—rac:6­"shal-17-Te- completed wiT.'a-i—na period of 154 consecutive calendar days commencing 10 dayo from and after the notice by the first 2artj to the Second Party to begin work. If said Second Party shall be delayed in said work by the acts or negleat of said First Party, . or its employees or those under it by contract or otherviise, or by changes ordered in the work,, or by strikes, lockouts , firer unusual delay in transporta- tion unavoidable canual=**ies or any causes beyong the Second Party's control, or by delay autLhorized by the First Party, or by any cause which the Archl.tect2., IIialker and Eisen, 437 South Hill .street, Los Angeles,, shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Architects , F7alker and Eisen, 437 South Hill Street , Loa Ange- les, may decide. This article does not exclude the recovery of damages for delay by either pa:Lty under other provisions in the Contract docu- me nt s. 9. Employ mentt of Aliens. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 39j of the i-9171-11tatutes. of the state of California, no person, firm, partnership, association or corporation, or agent thereof, doing =y i,,iork c,z a contractor or subcontractor upon any public work being done fcr o I r under the authority of this State, or any officer or depextuiont thereof , or for or under the authority of ar.W county, city, and county, city, town, township, diatrict, or any other political subdivision thereof or any officer or department thereof,, shall lmowinaly employ or canbe or allow to be employed thereon any alien­meanirg thereby any person not a born or fully nat,uralized citizen of the United States - except in cases of ex- tro.ordinary emergency ca'ased by fire, flood, or danger to life or propert.,1, or except to work upon public military or naval defences or works in time of war; provided-, however, that within thirty (30) days after ayay alien is p3rMittGd to viork thereon due to extraor- . dinary emargenoy, thLe contractor doing the work, or his authorized agent , shall file with the officer or public body awarding the con- tract a report, verified by his oath, setting forth the nature of the said emergency and containinu, the name of the said alien and each date he was permittel to wook, and failure to file said report within the sold time shall be prima facie evidence that no such extraordinary nary emergency existed. Such contractor and each subcon- tractor shall also keep, ,fir cause to be kept , an accurate record showing the riames and oitlzarv3bip of all warkers employed by hjm,, in connection rjil'-Oh the said public work, which record shall be open at all, reasomble hours to the, inspection of the officer or public body awarding the oontra,-,"�; , bis or its deputies and agents and to the Chief of the Div,ioi(in of :Labor Statistics and La%,i E'llforcement of the State Department oi!" Industries s3elatiozas , his deputiee and agents. For each vlolation oJ' the above stipulation, said, contractor shall forfeit to the City Council, City of lbir4ington Beach, urange Couaty, California, as a penalty , the sw, of ten (10) dollaxa for each alien knowingly employdd in the execution of thlis agreement, by hipa, or by any aubdontractor under him, for each calendar day or tort ion thereof during Which such alien is permitted or reg-aired to labor in violation of this stipulation and the Provisions of said Chapter 398 of the 1.031 Statutes of the State of Califomia. P8.9e 3 of 3xhibit IV (AGR_-i�,,2jETV) 10. Certain Facilities to be. Provided and �'Iaintained. The Second i'ar y sha1;L provide and taza ntain until thc� completion of the eontravt facilities at tzae site of the pro je;ct for the use of those representatives or agents of the Federal Emergency Administrator of i'l blic 'kJorks who are assigned to the inspection of the project . Such facilities shall consist of i.dgquate quar- tors convenient to the work and for the sole use of such repres- entatives or agents. Su(3h quarters shall be provided with light , heat and telephone service, and shall be furnished with suitable table, desk and chairs. 11.. Ste. The Contractor shall f-o.rnish and erect, on the site of the project , at points and in positions to be designated by the First Party, sieps in such quantity and of such dimensions as -are set forth in said Specifications or other .Contra.ct Docu- ments as will be designated by the First Party, which signs shall bear the legend: "P. 111. A. FEDERAL =,R G NCY AD14TNISTR1,210N OF PUBLIC WORK BEACH PAVIL1014 AND CIVIC .AUDITORIM PROD ,:CT NO. 1167 D-S 1,. Inspection and Testinf; of Materials. The Contractor shall notify the Firs: P.-,.rty a sufficient time in adva=e of the manufacture or production of matoria.ls , to be supplied by him 'Linder this contrast, in crd-,r that the First .arty may arrange for mill or factory inspection and testing of sage. Any materials shipped by the. Contractor from the .factory prior to having satisfactorily passed such testing and inspection by the First Partyva representative, or prior to the receipt of notice from said representative that such testing and inspection v&11 not be required,, shall not be incorporated on the job. The Contractor shall also fuurnieh to the First Party, in tri.pli- ea.te® certified copies of al.l required factory and mill test re- ports. 13. Termination for Breach etc. If the Second Party should be adjudged a ankru.p or If he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on a.coount of his insol.ve.:ocy, or if he or any of his subcontractors should violate"any of the provisions cif ttae contract, the Uviner may serve written notice upon him and his surety of its intention to terminLta the contract , such notice to contain the - reasons .for such intention to terminate the contract, and unless within ten days after the serving of such notice , such violation shall cease and satisfactory arrangements for correction thereof be made, the con- tract shall, upon the exp:11ra,tion of said. ton "daSs, cease and termin- ate. In the event, of any such termination, the Owner shall imme- diately serve written not ice ""hereof upon the surety and the Contrac- tor, and the surety shall have. the right to take over and perform the contract , provided, however, that if the surety, within fifteen days Page 4 of Exhibit IV (AWu;.2,MhT) after the -serving upon it of .notice of termination, does not give the Owner written noti oe of its intention to take over and perform the contract , or does ,not commence performance thereof within thirty days from the date of the serving of such notice, the Uvindr may take over the work- and prosecute the same to completion by contract or by aM other method it may deem advisable, for the ac- count and at the expense of the contractor, .and the Contractor and his surety shall be liable to the Owner for any excess cost occas- ioned the Owner thereby, and in such event the Owner may without liability for so doing take possession of ,*tnd utilize in completing the work, such materialaq appliances , plant and other property be- longing to the Uontractor as may be on the site of the work and necessary therefor. 14. Owner's Right to Withhold Certain-Amounts and 1v1ake .:!Lppli- cation Thereof. In afi-d, tJon to theamount which the owner may re- under Para graph 38 of this Agreement until the final comple- tion and acceptance of all work covered by the contract , the Miner may withhold from payment to the Contractor such an amount or amounts as in its judgment may be necessary to pay just claims against the Contractor or any subcontractors, for labor and services rendered and materials furnished in and about the work.- The Owner may apply such withheld amount or amounts to the payment of such claims in its dis- cretion. In so doing, the Owner shall be doomed the. agent of the Contractor and any payment so made by the owner shall be considered as a payment made unde:r.- -the contract by the Owner to the Contractor and the Owner shall not be liable to the Contractor for any such payment made in good faith. Such payment may be made without prior judicial determination of the claim or claims. 15. Notice and Service Thereof. Any notice from one party to the other under the contract shall be in writing and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by a duly authorized representative of such party, Any such notice shall not be effec- tive for any purpose whatsoever unless served in the following man- nor, namely, (a) if the notice is given to the i4'irst -arty, by per- sonal delivery thereof 'Jo th6 ------ --City Clerk of said First -?arty, or by depositing the same in the United States mails, enclosed in a sealed env?-olop_r_,, addressed to the First .Party .for the attention of said . Cl: y Clerk postage prepaid and registered; (b) if, thei1o_tice _i`s­_given to the Second tarty, by per- --sonal delivery thereof to: said Second .Warty or to his duly author- !Z' ed representative at the site of -the Project , or by depositing the same in the United States "mails, enclosed in a sealed envelope, ad- dressed to said Second Party at2150 Princeton Avenue, Los Angeles, .,Calif. postage prepaid and registered; _and (_cTir the notice is given to the surety or any other person, by personal deiivory to su-011 surety, or other person, or by depositing the same in the United States mails, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to such surety or person, as the case may be, at the address surety or person last communicated by him to the party prepaid and registered. Vostag,3 16,, Assignment of Clontract. -Neither tho contract , D.�;r any part thereof, nor any moneys -flulgo I. to become due ther�-anai'or may be as- signed by the Second Par-.�y without prior written aPPI-'Oval of the First Party, Subcontracting,, No part of the contract may be sublet without th-e priorwritten approval of the Owner'. la. Compliance with specifications of 1.4atariale. Villenever in the specifications , any material or process is indicated or I speci-fied by patent or proprietary name and/or by name of m.,nufacturer, s ' Page 5 of -Cxhibit IV (ACR,_?,!2EVT) specifications shall' be deemed to be used for the purpose of faoili- tating description of the material and/or process desired, and shall be Oeemed to be followed by the words "or and. tbo Cor.,_ tractor may offer any material or process which shall be egial in every respect to that so indicated or specified; provided, however., -that if the material, process or article offered by the Contractor is not, in the opinion of the Architects, equal in every respect to that specified, then the Contractor must furnish the material , process or article specified .or one that , in the opinion of the Architects, is the equal thereof in every respect. 19. Contract Security. The Contractor- shall .furnish a surety bond (form attached i_n inn amount at least equal to 100. per cent of the contract pride as seourity for the .faithful performance of this contract . The Contractor shall also furnish a separate surety bond (fora attached) in an amount at least equal to 50 per cent of the Contract price as security for the payment of all persons performing labor and furnishing materials in connection with this contract. 20. Contractor's Insurance. The Contractor shall not commence work under t 1e c3ntraet until he has obtained all insurance required under this Paragraph and such insurance- has been approved by the Owner nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been so obtained and approved. (a) Com ensation insurance. The Contractor shall take out and maintain during, the life of the contract workmen's compensation insurance for all his employees employed at the site of the project and, in case any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide workmen's a ompensat ion insurance for the latter's employees, unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under the contract at the site of the project is not protected under the workmen's compensation statute, or in cease there is no applicable workmen's compensation statutes the Contractor ahall provide, and shall cause each subeon- tra,ctor to provide adecluate insurance .for the protection of his employees -not otherwise proteccted. (b) Public Liability and :property Damage Insurance. The Contrac- tor shall take out and maintain a.urin� t e �� ego the contract such .tublic liability and property damage insurance as shall pro- tect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by the con- tract , from claim, for damages .for personal injury, including acci - dental death, as well as from claims .for property damages, - which may arise from operations under the contract , whether such opera- tions be by. himself or., by any subcontractor or any one directly or indirectly employed by either 6f them,, and the amounts of such in- auvance shall be as .fol:lows Public Liability i.nsurar a in an amount not less than r;'-10,000 for injuries , includ.i.ne =, c:1_'10 ! 1 death, to any one person, and subject to the same limit for edoa person, in an amount not less than �20,000, on account of one accident , and property & mage insurance in an amount not less thw tir;i,0OO D 210 Froof of Carr,y,e of In-guranae, The Contractor shall fur- nish the Oviner with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance re ceui re d. -Page 6 of exhibit IV (AMBII1 T) ,.ualifioations for Zm loyment . Ho person under the age of six `een 1 ) years and no person currently serving aen- tellee in a penal or correctional institution shall be employed to perform any viork under this a ontract . No person whose age or physical condition ,is such as to make his employment danger- our to his health or safety or to the health and safety, of others shall be employed to perform any work under this con- tract : 1>.-a3VID&D, That this sentence shall not operate against the employment of physically handicapped persona, otherwise employable , where such parsons may be safely assigned to work which they can ably perform- There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color or political affiliatio=3 in the employment of persons for work on the project. All employees engaged in work on the project - under the contract have the right to organize and bargain collec- tively through representatives of their own choosing, and such employees shall be free from interference, restraint or coercion of employers in the designation of such employees' representatives in self-organization, and in other concerted activities of such employees, for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and no person seeking employment and no person employed under this contract shall be reciuired as a condition of initial or continued employment to join any company union or to refrain from joining, organizing, or assisting a labor organiza- tion of such person's own choosing. 23. Labor Preference and k1a, lo men'. Service. With respect 9 - led and u to all ski semi-skil ns workers on the project : (a) Preference in employment shall be given to persons from the pub lice' reli'ef rolls where such pcirsonb are available and qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates, and M To the fullestextent possible workers appropriate to be secured through employment services- shall be chosen from list of qualified workers submitted by local employment agencies designated by the United States Employment Service: FROVIDED, That union workers,- skillod, semi-skilled and unskilled, shall not be required to register at such local employment agencies but , JI.f such workers are desired by the em- ployer they shall be obtained through anion locals In a customary manner whiel-1 will insure 6ompliance with sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph. In the event , however, that employers who wish to employ union workers are not furnished with qualified workers by the union locals within 48 hours (Sundays and holi- days excluded) after request is filed by the employer, all workers shall be chosen from lists of qualified workers submitted by local agencies designated by the United States Employment Service. 24. Nondiscrimination. Except as specificially provided above, workers who are qualified by training and experience and who, as above outlined, ore referred for work under this contract, shall not be discriminated, against on any grounds whatsoever, Page 7 of Exhibit IV (AGRE&MET ) ,25. Iionrs. of Work. ,!bxoept in: (a) :emergencies, which are defined as unforeseen occurrences and combinations of circumstances involving, the public welfare or th6 protection of work already done on the illroject or which endanger lif,-, or property and call for immediate action or remedy; or (b) Special and unusual circumstances rendering it infeasible or impracticable to require adherence to the applicable limitations of hours herein set fort.'a, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers employed to perform work on the I'roject. under this contract shall not be permitted to work thereon more than eight (8) hours per day nor more than forty (40) hours per week; PROVIDED, That the- limitqtions of Uoure herein set forth shall not apply to executive, supervisory, administrative, clerical , or other non-manual workers as such. 3,81p, to 31.8316 bo'h, i7iclusive In accordance with the p:covisions of Section 6b5-& of the :fie Labor Code of the State of California, within thirty (30) days after any laborer, workman or mcch=ic is permitted to work over eight (8) hours in one calendar date' due to any sucj. emergency, the Contractor doing the work, or his duly authorized agent,shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach a- reportverified by his oath, setting forth the nature. of, the said emergency, which report shall contdn the names of the said worker and the hours worked by him on the said day; and the Coxtractor, and each subcontractor, ahall also keep an accurate record showing the names and actual hou.,,?s worked of all workers employed by him in connection with the work contemplated by this Agreement, whcih record shall bo open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of tLi6 City of Huntington Beach 0Y_:f_t_3officers -6-r—dgentS and to the Chief of the Division of Labor Statistics' and Law .12'anforcement of the Department of Industrial Re- lations ,� his deputies or agents; and it' is .hereby further agreed that the Contractor Shall forfeit as a penalty to the said City of Huntington Beach �t awe sum o:P in theexecution of 'chic contract by hic� ar by any subcontractor under mechanic is required or ,�jer�nitted to labor more than eigl2t {8 ) hours in violation of this stipulation® 26. 1,7age Rates . Pursuant to the Statutes of the State of California, or local law thereto applicable, the , City Council, of the City Of huntington Beach, Orange County California, has ascer- tained the general prevailing rate of per them wages and rates far legal holidgy. and overtima work in the locality in which this work is to be performed, for each oraft Or tYP0 of workmen or mechanic needed to execute this contract . (Cho Prevailing wages so deter- mined are as follows; TIUDE OR 4CCU21 TI03 Hourly W jilage-RateS Preparatory Trades Demolition & Removal of 1exlsting Structures: Air Compressor Operators Sand Blast Nozzleman Sand Blast Gun�,,!dan Jack hummer Ope:oator.9 Page 8 of Exhibit IV (AGR:,.U.,1E.NT ) TRADE OR OCCUPATION Hourly Wane Rate Chipping; i;a_zmer Operators .85 Laborers .625 House Movers 75 Truck Drivers .75 Teamsters .625 Excavating: Laborers .75 Drillers tCai song etc. ) 1.00 Shovel Operators (Mechanical ) 1.25 Shovel Firemark .80 Tractor Operators 1.00 Truck Drivers . m 75 Teamsters .625 ki le ,Drivers 1.00 Pile Driver Rrigineers 1.25 Carpenters (Including Installation of Metal Covered Doors & Steel Lockers ) : Carpenters . 1.00 Uardwood Floor Layers 1.00 Window Caulkers 1.10 Laborers .75 Plastics Trades:, Concrete and Cement : Cement Finishers. 1.25 Engineers (Portable and Hoisting) 1.00 Laborers .75 Mixer Operators .75 Gani,t e: Rodmen 1.25 Noz zleme n 1.25 Ground Men 1.00 Gun Lien 1.25 Mixer alien .75 Rebound Tien .625 Masonry : iso ns 1.125 Mixer Operators 1.00 Hod Carriers 1.35 Plastering, Including Lathing: Plasterers 1.50 i'lasterers° `iE nders 1.35 Lathers (Including V elders on Steel Studs) 1.125 Steed. Trades: Reirnf orci.ne, steel: Feiixtorcing Steel Workers 1:,�a Laborers .625 Structural & Miscellaneous Steel: ' Laborers 0625 Struotural Steel Workers (Including fielders on Structural Steel ) 1.25 Page 9 of Exhibit IV (AGF..&A,. NT) Ornamental Metal : Ornamental Iron ;;corkers 1.00 Lab u rers .625 Lathing—See Plaster & lathing Steel tads,:-See Plaster & lAthing Blat i ng Ste amfit tern . sbeotos WA kegs 1.00 Vont ilt See Shaet Ata1 Plumbing. -Plumbers IS125 Sprinkler Systems: Sprinkler F tt&rs 1.25 Electric Syotam in ta"l!,anions v Electrician's 1.10 Sbent Mortal (Inoluding Natal Rar loons) Sheet hatal Wor k3xs 1.125 Laborers .625 Yarb3o , Tile aN Terrazzo : marb3, k1oriars K00 composition Floor walkera Q5 Roofing; 4:'ocaieru 1.00 Lino palm Soft Tile, Blawktzoar4 ,, Cork Carpeto ; Soft Tile Layqrs iloo S.ILados and Venetian Blinde: and Decorating: Window Cleaneze G azio s � Laborers .625 25 All S .h�«i...fl L,2 W Labor n3 i,� et S•*..t P.�t&.oJ,,,ie d above 100 SJ 0 All Unskilled, Labor not mzut on d above 625 1. Tho rates per k;.o,,az, indicated above , area bawd upon the local pravai ne rates per day, being S timte;s tbu above sehedizlad rat; per hoar. Eburly rates of pay, based opon M hours per day, for a fta.l L day or a fractional part of a day. The per diam wages for a fractional part of a day shall be the appli aable rate per. hour MAltiplied by the number of hours worked Page 10 of Exhibit IV (AGRE ,Zr UT ) on said day other than for overtime and/or Sundays or Legal holidays. 2,, The wage rate per hour for overtime work for each of the above classifications shall be the hourly rates quoted above, multiplied by 1z -times the number of hours worked by employees *in excess of 8 pLours on any one calendar day other than Sundays and/or Legal Holidays. The wage rate par hour for work on Sundays and/gar Legal Holidays shall be 'the applicable rate per hour, as ' sched- .led above, multiplied by 2 times the number of hours worked by employees on Sunday and/far Legal ,Holi days'. Sundays and/or Legal Holidays as herein refer:oed to shall be deemed to be all Sundays, January Firstv February Twenty-second, Lilay Thirtieth, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving -Day and December Twenty-Fifth. 41 The wage rate par hour for overtime on Sundayand/or Legal Holidays for each of the above classifications ahall, be the hourly rate established .,:or Sunday and/ol, Legal Holidays work,, times 1- the number of hours worked, in excess of eight (8) hours on Sunday and/or Legal Holidays, by the employees® It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor and upon any subcontrac- tor under him, to pay not: leas than the said specified rates to all laborers , workmen aix,. mechanics employed by them in the execu- tion of the contract. It is hereby further agroed that the Contractor shall forfeit to the City Council of the City of huntin ton Beach, ®range County, Califon?nda, as a penalty, ten dollars �V"'110.00) for each laborer, workman or mechanic empic,yed for each calendar day or proportion thereof , such laborer, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the said stipa."Lated rates for any work done under the contract by, him or by any subcontractor under him. The Contractor, and each sub- contractor, shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record sho�.,ring the, names and becupa"tions of all laborers , worlaaen and mechanios employed by him in connection with the execution of this contract on azy subcontracts thereunder , and showing also the actual per diem wages paid to each of such workers, which records shall be open at q1l reasonable hours to the impaction of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Orange County, Cal- ifornia, ai.-iardlng, this contract, its officers and agents, and to the Chief of the Division of Labor Statistics and Law Enforcement of tht, Stata Department of Industrial Rel-ations, his deputies and -agents. In case it becomes neaesaa.4y - for the Contmetor or any subcontractor to employ on the Project- under this contract• any person in a trade or occupation (except exeoutivo' supervisory, administrative, cleri- cal or other non-mai,2azz-1 workers as auch�) . for which no minimum wage rate is herein specifiled, the Contractor 3.3oall immediately notify the Owner who i�ill promtp'.i.y thereafter determine the prevailing rate for such additional trade or occupation and shall furnish the con- tractor with the minimum 11?.ate based thereon. The minimum rate thus furnished shall. be applicable as a minimum for such trade or occu- pation from the time of the initial employment of the person affected and during the continuance of such employment . (*Por example, camp assistants, cooks ,, policemen v storekeepers, time- keepers, watchmen, waterboys and messengers) . Page 11 of Exhibit IV (AGRI;Z ZNT) Prostin--,� ]Ulininmiu= Wa .e Rates. The Contractor shall post JJnJ7s ncl__ the site of the project a schedule show- s or at conspicuous poin s or' ins; all determined m_inir�,um wage rates and all authorized deduc- tions, if any from nnp4aid wages actually earned. 28. .Mj2yeas. The Contractor and each of his aubcontractorO shaft pay each of his employees engaged in worl:.on the project under_ t1iia contract in full (less deductions made man- datory by law) in cash and not less often than once each we- ok. 29 . Convict-Made h,."ate-rials. No materials f2arufactured or producOd i—na —Ponal 6r correctionai ilastitution shall be incorpor- ated into the project under this contract. C. Domestic ;mid 212ign k1aterials. Only such uninariufactured articles , ma ials and suppliep as have been mined or produced in the United States, and only such manufa,atured articles�, materials and supplies as have been manufactured in the United qtates, sub- wtantially all from articleo , materials or supplies mined, produced, or so mannfactvred, as the case may be, in the United States of America, aliall be employed underthis contract in the construction of the project . 31. Accident Prevention. Precaution shall be exercised at all' tines ?_or _Yh­epFo_f,_eEYi_on of parsons (includin8 employees ) and property. The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and OonStrUot4on Codes shall be observed. -Machinery and equipment and other hazards shall be -g�,arded in accordame with the safety pro- visiol.is of the Manial of Accident Prevention in Uonst.ruction, pub- lished by the Associated General. Coata4aatoors of America, to the extent that a-ach proviaions, are. not in contravention of applicable law. 32. lnspection, The Federal ji-,mergonoy Administrat.o:r of I'ublia =Iis�authorizad representatives and agents., shall be per�iitted by the C.ontractov and by each .subcontract or, to ii-apect all work, rwterials, pay.ro,"Lls, records of personnel, 1,11Troioes of mvaterialo , and other relavanto data and records. 3 . Constig, ation Rapprts,, the Contractor ahall t,submit to 3 the -11'irst _28rt,37, c zedul.es oaf t1a.o costs Euarid, quantities of mat-e rials and of other items , �,hioh schedules sha11 be in sueh form and Ohall be s`ilpported as to oorEectness by such of the estimates upon which, they are based as 11dhe First Fart may rec ir fa c: The Cant rac- for Shall also snbm.it to the %� mner the following records on forms to be suPplied by the Qpnaj�- (a) Detailed and (b) Poriodical Estimates for rartial, Prvy-raelit 34. ROIDOe6s to U-S„ D artmant of Labor. The Coatr4ctor 311aIl Pura i 3 Y t o 7 the-7,H—te,T TF ia" early as prac- tiaable, the llanlos and addreoses of all of hio atCo,contractors . The Coatractor and each of laj,& subcontractoz;e, oliall report monthi�j to said De partr�,�ent, lots later than the nth (1 1 e h a- P ay fol .o_ viinp, the close of calendar !1110i-Ith, on forms and in accclldanca with i llstj°uct i oils to be supplied by the vjyrlar; the number of Ilexaons directly employed under his contrac-L , .who du,"i"S the 4 xlotiavlar calendar month, were on Isis pay rolls , the a6greeate =,o,_,IIt of each of said pay rolls , the m.un hours worked, and the total expenctiti.tres fo_" which ex- penditures 3ha.11 be, iteiritIzed. Page 12 of ",xhibit IV KamR a p outs o s to the Owner© The Contractor shall report monthly dire c-�y tFthe Ownor, not later than the fifth day fol- lowing the close of each calendar month, on forms and in, accord- anoe with instructions t.) be supplied by the Owner, the total number of persons who we.ce directly employed under his contract daring, the particular calendar month. 36© Pay' Rolle of Contractors and Subcontractors. The Con- tractor and eac ohis au_b_d_o_zflfY_a_6­t_6is -sha I prepare ills pay rolls on forms prescribed and in accordance with instructions .to be fur- nished by the Owner. Nor later than the 7th day following the payment of wages, . each ouch Contractor shall transmit to the Owner a certified legible copy and two conformed copies of each such pay roll. 3ach such pay roll shall be aworn to in accordance with the "Reeu I lations Issued Pursuant to the So-iCalled Kick-Back Statute", which Hegulations are herein el3eilhere set forth. The Contractor and each of hie subcontractors shall submit reports on forms as and when required by the Oviner, covering the pure!*iases of and re- quisitions for materials,, together with such other information as may be required to determine the progress and status of work under this contract . 37 . -Project, Data and Records. Promptly following, the pre- paration of periodical pE,.y rolls, of the Contractor and of each of his auboontractoxis, the Contractor shall furnish the Owner with such number as may be vaquired of certified copies of such pay rolls or forms to be supl!lied by the (X,.mer© Such certified c opi es of such pay rolls shall be accompanied by such substantial proof that all pay rolls for aexvices rendered and materials eupplied have been duly paid as he-rein required and by such other data as the Oinier ;,,ay require. 381, ' Payment u (a) Not later than the 1.5th day of each cal - ond.ar wont H77H-6Owner will. make partial payment to the Corlractor on the basis of a duly certified approved estimate of the work performed during the preceding calendar month by the. Contractor, but the Owner will retain 10 per cenO'of the amount- of each such estimato until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by this contract , (b ) - The Contractor Shall pay: (11) For all transportati:)n and utility services not later than the twentieth day of the ,,a'_JLez.idar month folloiving that in wbich such services are renderal, (2) For 611 materials , tools , a.nd other o-11 endible equipment , to 1p f ar.)) ,_ P �azit of the Bost ti,eroof not. later the extent of ninety k , per s, 1 than the tventieth day of the calendar month follolAng that in which suoh materia2.,s, too"Ls and eL.uipment are delivered at the site of the p.roject , and the bUanee of the co,­.t thereof not !eater than the thirtieth day followilig the com_I,at ioxi ( f that part of -he work in or, on which such [,iatorials, tools, and etuipmant are in- cor�po2ated or used, tuid (0) To aaoh of his subcontractors, not later than the fifbh day folloi!,ring each payment to the 'Contractor, the respective amounts allollied the Contractor on aocoan1t, of the work performed by such zliboontractors, to the extent of each such subcontractor is interest therein© *hOte : Retention of more than Page 13 of Exhibit IV (AGREME&NT) :LO;6' may be provided for if required by local law,, 39. Compliance with Kick-Back StatutQ ation.s. The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall comply with the following statute and regulations issued pursuant thereto : (1) KICK-BACK STATUTE. 'The so-called Kick-Back Statute is Public , No. 324, Seventy®third. Congress, approved June 1.3, 19Z4 (48 Stat. 948) . and reads as follows: All ACT to effectuate the purpose of certain statutes concerning `rates of pay for labor, by making it unlawful to prevent anyone from receiavJ ng the compensation contracted for thereunder, and for othea purposes. Be it enacted by the Semite and house of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whoever shall induce any person employed in the construction, prosecution, or completion�of any public building, public work, or 'building or work financed in whole jar in part by loans or grants from the United States, or in the repair thereof to give up any part of the compensation to which he is entitled under his con- tract of employment , by 'orce, intimidation, threat of procuring dismissal from such employment , or by any other manner whatsoever, shall be fined not more than ;,,15,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Sec. 2. To aid in the enyorcement of the above section, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Interior Jointly shall make reasonable regulations for contractors or sub- contractors on any such building; or work, including; a provision that each contractor or mjubcontractor shall furnish weekly a sworn affidavit with respect, to the wages paid each employee during the procering V 4e . (2) REGILY1,ATIODS 13SU". B PUW;UA.1 TO SO-CALLED KICK-BACK STATUTE. Pursuant to the provisions of .lubl.ic, No. 324, Seventy-third Con- gress , approved June lea, 1934 (48 Stag 948) , Concerning rate.s of Pay .for labors the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the interior have j0int1,Y rade the follovdag regulations; Section 1. (Thiv section quotes the Kick-Back Statute) Section 2. Each contractor and subcontractor engaged in e construction prosecution, or completion of any building ox N,Ork of the United Staten or of any building or work financed in whole or - in part by loane or grants from the United States, or in, the repair thereof, shall furnish each week an affidavit with res- pect to the" wages paid each employee during the precedine, week. Said affidavit shaal.l be in the following fopm: STATE OF ) ss. COUNTY OF ) (name of the pasty signing; the a.ffi.dav g Title ) , do \ hereby certify that Z am the mpl.oyee o (name of contractor or subcontractor) , W716 supervises the payment � Of the employees of said contractor Esubcontractor).; that the at- ;i j Page 14 of Exhibit IV (AG&I ILLTL; IT) taahed pay roll is a true and accurate report of the fall Weekly wages due and paid to each person employed by the said contractor {subcontractor) for the construction Of or the'-weekly pay roll period _from the day the 6f 0—day of 19317; to* 193 tit —no rebates or deductions from any W346es due any such person as set out on the attached pay roll have been directly or indirectly -made ; and that , to :.he best_ of my knowledge and beliefs there exists no agreement or understanding with any person employed on the project , or any person whatsoever, pursuant to which it is contemplated that I or anyone else shall, directly or indirectly, by force, intimidation, threat or otherwise, indaae or receive airy deductions or rebates in any manner whatsoever from any sum paid or to be paid to any person at any time for labor performed or to be performed under the contract for the above named project. Sworn to befoD) me this day of 1937. Section 3. Said af fi davit shall. be executed and sworn to. by the officer or employee of the contractor or subcontractor who supervises the payment of its employees. Said affidavit shall be delivered, within seven days after the payment of the pay roll to which it is attached, to the Govern- ment representative in charga at the site of the particular project in respect of which it io, furnished,, who shall forward the same promptly to the Federal agency having control of such project. If no Government representative is in charge at the site, such affi- davit shall be mailed wit.hin such seven day period to the Federal agency having control of the project . Section 4® At the time upon which the first affidavit with respect to the wage,& paid to employees is required to be filed by a Contractor or subcontractor pursuant to the reqirements of these regulations , there shall also be filed in the manner re- quired by Section 3 hereof a statement under oath by the Contractor or subcontractor, settizie forth the name of its officer or employee ii,jho supervises the payment of employees, and that such officer or employee is in a position to have full knowledge of the facts set forth in the form of affidavit required by section 2 hereof. A similar affidavit shall be immediately filed in the event of a change -in the officer or employee who supervises the payment of employees. in the event that the Contractor or subcontractor/1s ,a corporation, such affidavit shall be executed by its president or a 'vice president. In the event that the Contractor or subcontrac- tor is a partnership, suc:a affidavit shall be executed by a member o,f t he f ir' M Seat ion 5® Thec;e re6,ulat ions shall be made a pqrt of each contract executed af-',-er the effective date hereof by the Gov - eriiment for any of the purposes enuimerated In Section 2 hereof. Section 6. These regulations shall become effective on Jamary 15, 1935. (3) 001.1313TRUCTIOJi OF REGULA-T IONS. The clause in the pay roll. affidavit which reads that the attached pay roll is a true and accurate report of the full weekly Wages due and paid to each. person employed by the said contractor is construed to mean: Page 15 of Exhibit IV (AGREU,121'11T) (a) 'Wages due are the wages earned during the' pay period by each person employed by the Contractor, less any deductions reqnired by law. (b) At the time of signing the affidavit , the wages due each employee have either been paid to him in full or are being held subject to claim by him. (c ) Such unpaid wages will be paid in full on demand of the employee entitled- to receive -them. The clause 11* * 15 that no rebates or deductions from any wages due any such person as set out on the attached pay roll have been di- rectly or indirectly made" does not apply to any legitimate deduc- tions mentioned above which enter into the computation of full weekly wages due. The "Regulations Issued Pursuant to So-Called Kick-Back Statute" shall not be construed to prohibit deductions required by law. 40. Xbflnitlons. The following terms as used in this con- tract are respectively lefined as follows: "Subcontractor"; A person, firm, or corporation supplying labor and rmterials or labor for work at the site of the project. (b) "Work on the 2rojectf Work to be performed, including .work normally done , at the location of the project . IN WIT SS W1JUi',1C0,0F, -_three identical -counter- parts of this Agreement ,) each of which shall forall puiposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed by the parties hereinabove named, on the day and year first herein written. City f Huntington Beach Firs arty By iove F -Mayor ;V+c ial TIM7 � (SEAL) ATTEST:_-_ (Authorized Officer City Clerk ITitle T- BRUNZELL & JACOBSON and .1?arty By (!U-tli or' ce r sent at ive) (Official Title ) Page 16 of, Axhibit IV (AGREEMENT) S E C .; a I C ,1 T .s 4 iY U FOR A :BI'MH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITO1?ILT11 FOR CITY OF NIT I Ii'GTOl, BEACH O-RANGE COUNTY CALIFORMIA Prepared by w ova ALA Hi'•a S V, 5 Los Angeles, California Te e-ohone Mini,-7 78Qa rNDEX SECTIONS 2AGi- II-DE.X. TO DRAIVID GS. . ♦ ♦ • • • . . a . . 1 E ZALCO14-DI TTO IS a 2 TRLL31 1 7NAR1 WORK. a 9 JsCAV2l6RG. 10 C01'TC-1�1 E :IORV. . . . • a a • o o . ♦ a . a . ♦ 12 CONCI'Mii PILES . . ♦ • ♦ • . r • + a r a • . • 19 ALT.I.MliATE SPECIFIC1?TION FOR IWOOD FILING. . . 022�--� REINFORCING STEEL. a • s a • • . • 23 ORNAM1jeNTL , Alin III SCELLANJOUS IRON STORK a ♦ a 25 } .y �.311& .1i14:d�'l AL• e • . r • o n ♦ • s e • ♦ o a e e 27 CARIUNTRYa ♦ a • r . • a • O ♦ O a O s q • 0 30 R001-'.LNG. a . . . o . r . . e r 0 a a a ♦ • 0 • 48 LATHING AND PLASTIUMING . . . . . • . . . . . . 52 GLASS�AllD GLAZING• . . a ♦ • a . • . . a . 0 59 PAI1:d`TI NG o a o o . o o 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ • o o ' ♦ a 61 FORCED AIR. is LATIEG AIi:D V.UdT UTING . . . . . . 67 •L.L L.lMB I S�Y/iyd 1-�o A �qv��7�o 0 ♦ ♦ O x O a ♦ a ♦ tl O • • p y�(7 107 J3 I C���'1p1T.6.C�1,4,c t i0�}Ys-3y�L.,3�.:8t.Y1. . • . o a o a o ♦ . . . . a p! t LIpG��fl�.�l.�[ING FIXTURES. 0 0 0 . . . a . . a a o a . 84 . �i IRALE a 0 ♦ a o • a • o a • O a o o • . . s 0 86 INDEX T9 DR.A.WInGS ld Foundation Plan and Roof Framing 2. Ground Floor Man 3. First Floor Plan 4. Elevations 50 Sections 6. Toilet Details 74 Front r-ntranoe Details Oo Exterior and Interior Details 9s Framing Details 10. Truss Details 11. Standard Connection Detail E--1® Electrical Plane l to GO,VERAL C ORDIT 10113 TM WORK IN G&IORA, Consists in the erection and construction of a tvo-story Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium. G&12RAL- These general conditions form a part of each separate division of these specifications. SCOPE OF COiiTRACT : The work covered by these specification,-, and the accompanying drawings consists of the furnishing of all appliances , labor and materials of construction required for the erection of the build- ing hereinafter described. The General Contract shall insure the full completion of all work contained therein, exceptirg, only such items of work as are definitely specified as being furnished by the Owner under sep- arate contract , and all appliances, labor and m4terial needful for the proper performance of the work herein provided for, shall be furnished by and at the expense of the General Contractor, to- Sather with other miscellaneous items that may not be definitely specified herein, but that are obviously and reasonably re(.11ired to complete a building of the type and character indicated by these specifications and, the accompanying drawings. 3TA!21&' LIC1071SE: All contractors bidding upon the work, must be licensed under the State laws which provide for the licensing of all contractors, The Contractor performing the General Contract work on the build- ing must be licensed and the Contractor shall see that all sub- contractors performing work on the building shall be licensed in accordance with the provision of the State Law., INSURAN,CE: All Contractors shall carry compensation insurance, means ng thereby Employer's Liability Insurance and Contingent Liability insurance. The General Contractor , in addition to the above , shall carry all Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance necessary for the full protection of the Contractor and Owner during the progress of the work. All such insurance shall be carried with a company or. companies satisfactory to the Owner,, Receipts of promiums , or statements from the insu:cance companies stating; the work in this building is properly covered, shall be produced when and if called for b.y the Owner. See iuses In contract documents more specific- ally covering insurance. 'The twiner shall insure Vie buildings and their enclosures against fire, for an amount sufficient to cover all viork and matoria13 in the building and shall keep aame fully insured during the progress of tree e rjork. Policies shall be made payable to the Owner and Con- tractors as their intereste may appear, The Contractcvshall notify the Owner in wtiting . from time to time of the insur- ance amounts necessary to koop all work and materials in the building fully insured. DEZ1111T IONS : (a) owner: Shall refer to the City of Hantington Beach, or its authoriled representatives. (b ) Architects : Shall refer to Ualker & Eisen, Arohitdots , or their authorized representatives. (a ) Proved" : "As directed". "Proper", "Suitable", or other words of similar meaning and intent , implying exercise of judg- ment , discretion or decision to be i:iade , shall refer to the judgment , discretion or decision of the Architects or other persons duly appointed to represent them. DRAWINGS AND 32MMFICATIOUS : The General Contractor shall be furnished with four sets of plans and specifications. Additional drawin6fs or specifica- tions required over and above the amounts herein stated shall be paid for by the Contractor , but shill remain the property of the Architects. Largo scale and full size detail drawings, as required by the Contractor, shall. bo furnished in triplicate from time to time by and at the option of the Architects , and the work shall be done and materials furnished in accordance therewith, insofar as they may be consisten� with the signed drawings and speci- fications. The Contractor shall notify the Architects in writ- ing, at least two (2) weeks in advance of the time v;hen such details will be required,, The Contractor shall be :pesl.)onsible for the preservatLon and safokooping of all drawings and specifications entrusted to his care, and 31iall return same to the Architects before the work shall be deemed fin.f.shed and accepted. A complete set of plans , specifications and details at all times shall be on the premises and accessible to the various foreLiien, the Owner, Architects, or their representgtives , The drawings and specifications are intended to cooperate so that any work exhibited in the drawinps and not mentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, shall be executed to the true intal't and meaning thereof, the same as if both mentioned in the specifications and set forth in the drawings ; both being con- sidered as a part of uie Contract to the same effect as though embodied in the Contract itself, Work shown on drawings, the dimensions of which are not given, shall be accalately oopiod according to the' scale to which the drawings are made; but figured dimensions in all cases stall be followed, though they may differ from the scale measuremerl . Should anything be' omitted from the drawingo or specifications necessary to a clear understanding of the work, or should aay error or discrepancy appear in the various instruments or mis- takes in the work dono by any trade affeotion the worX speci- fied herein, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify immediately the Arobiteots for any action deemed necessary by them. In the event of failing to give such notice , the Contrac- tor shall make good any damage or defect in the work caucei t her ebym. SM DRAWINGS: When so directed, the various Contractors shall submit carefully detailed shop drawings to the Architects for approval. These shall be submitted in quadruplicate t0ough the office of the Odneral Contractor, not less than two (2) weeks in advance of . the time; same will be needed in order that work may proceed. A copy of such drawings , bearing the Architects ' seal of approval thoreono stall at all ti-'es be on the premises. It shall be distinctly understood, Vwevor, that such seal of approval, shall apply only as to the gensral design and construction of the work shown, and that the Contyactor only is responsible for alldimen- sions thereon and the reaults in contingent work affected thereby.. Under no circumstances Vall the ArMtectal approval constitute an aoceptarce of anythina not in strict accordance with the plans , speoifioations , contract and. looal or State laws. . SUMMUNDOGE: The entirs work shall be under the charge, suporintendanee and oontrol of the Architect ,, `?she Owner, the Archijectz and their representatives shall hare full access to the work at all times and be provided safe and suffiojeat facilities for the inspection of tLe work, Me Arohitcota shall, as the work progresses, give such inotrue- thns and directions as Pal be recesaary to further delineate and explain the drawings and specificationo . Such instructions may be written, verbal or graphical, as said Architects may decide , and the work shall be done , and, materials furnished in strict ac- cordance therewith. All ambieuities and all qqastions ao to tho true intent and, ,.,IeaMn6 of the drawings and spacif ications shall 'be re- ferred to tho Arohitects for dcCisioas , the Contractor being hold rosponsible for an, errors occurring th3on6h misinterpreataion, Within 2d hours after reaqivine written note. e from the Architoots , tho Contract or shall r8move from th6 premiSea any and all materials condemned Q the Architects , whathaT worked or unworkad, and shall takes down and romovo ail gortions of the work deemed by the Archi- tects ao unsound, imprope, or failing in any manner to conform to the drawings and s,-p cif ioat ions . All such work and materials so rejected and removed Wiall be replaced and reconstructed in accordance herewith, at no additional expense to the Owner, and before any payment t-*-on due or thereafter to 'become due is toiade . The, Owner shall, at all have the option of permitting such defective work to at and, and in ouch event shall receive a credit from the Contractor in amount equal to the difference in cost tif less ) of the vjo.ck as done and as specified. I The Architects Lliay reciuLt-a the Cq,,itracto_- to dismiiss forthwith any vlorkman deemed as in�,�ompetont or improper to be employed; all workmen, contractors and their representatives b:3ine, admitted to the premises for the pro,?, er execution of the work only , they hav- ing no tenancy. The Architects ' 3uPe:oint!--,,ndeP_t in charge of the viork is instruc- ted to give the Con- tractor all desired aosistance in interpreting the plans and specifioati,ons; however , such assistance does not relieve the Contractor f,-yom anm responsibility for the work. Any work that proves faulty must be made right , irrespective of the Architects' Superintendent. The fact that the Superintendent has permitted faulty work, or work not in accordance with the plans and- specifications to be installed , shall not prevent the. Architects from insisting that all such faulty work be made right at no additional cost to the Owner. RJA1-,XT13 OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall meavure , lay out and diligently prosecute. the work and give his personal attention ,rid supervision to same until aixtirely completed.; Wher. absent , he shall leave a O' ompet- ant, person in charge of the %�jork,, uto il.1ill be authorized to act for him. All portions of the work included in the Contract tint ma,i be b_-oken or dainagod by. aocidant or otherwise, or .b.,,, reason Of any owase whatsoever, during the time between the finishing of same anal th.e completion c,f the %%thole work, shall be carefully and neatly rGPa. J&Wed or r000nstructed ,and the ijhole left without blein- ish, It is not -inctim"beait, uz)on the Architects to notify the Oontractur 'or 0 to at"end to , or 11,ave in readinozss , such -��jork an ad ,.- t ial as the progress of the b . - ,uildil:ig L�,iay require; furthermore the Con ", o rjnsi ble for all dolays caused by his tractor shall bo, held ro�, ovin or his si:4,b-con-'Uractorls neglect , BUTLDING RISKII: The various contractoxs stall set out, "their work correctly and. at all timoo be resporusi',)Ir ,or the cozrO,ot location, elevatio.n .;� L ca and position ol-' -6heir respeot_Jvo parts of the vjorkA The General- Uontraotor., however, shall assumes fall rosponsibilit'y for all work done ilnder the Con1,1-act and for &xay misstakes , omission or improper OxGCUtion of the work dnt oa. by the sub-contractors, an(k shall hall J.�ersana.-Uy attend tD the core eotion of an4 such mistake, om'Ission 'or JJUipropi:�)r work, ADD IT IqLZ A A11D OLUSSIONS*- Should a change, addition or omission, in the viork provided for herein be ordered, the General Contractor 2hall not be authoriz- ed to comply therewith, -unless written authority therefore is pro- viously obtained from the Architects and approved by the xeublia I�forks Administration's State Director, and the Contract shall not be deemed altered thereby, either as to the time when the whole work shall be complete , contract price on work to be done, except as expressly stated in such. ��iritten authority. .positively no. charge for extra work will be recognized, except upon presenta- tion of such authorization. The execution of work especially detailed or explained, without a previous ziritten claim for extra charge, shall constitute an acceptance by the Contractor of. the detail or explanation as be- ing in conformity with the provisions of the Contract. COOYMATION: The various contractors shall activoly cooperate regarding all parts of their viork whic.Ii is in any manner related to or contin- en t upon the work of ot h-ors a l aa and shalrrnge and execute their I work in such a manner at such times as will cause no delay in the progress of the building, 3aoh Contractor shall be held responsible for all' damage to the work of other coritractora caused by his neglect or the installa- tion of his work, and aw such work or materials so damaged shall be removed and made good in a satisfactory manner. The various contracture t3h&il 'Land reasonable cooperation to any and all trades and craft.,i that ::lay be employed by the Owner under separate contract , du_-iY4-, the e)rogress of the building, The Contractor shall be hold liable for the illfrilip and all patents,, ement of any id ORE"t,"U'UT SHIP All workmanship shall. be gulbJect to the approval of the Arol-d- t,acts, and shall be of kf,nd .and. quality fneetine the best stan- dards of practice for oaoh particular trade employed. LIAT,ER 1AL S All mterials shall be of new stock and tic best of the kinds and qualities specified. 76-lateria-1.9 , the- make of which is as- pecially desi8nrated, must be as specified. All raalt;cr!i als delivared to the promises vALbh the intention of foriling as Part of tiie %,.,ork, shall be considered as the property of the Owm- r, and ahaall not be ;.,emoved ivithout Ilia consent. The various contractors shall provide, whenever required by the Ardhitects , all bills, statements and vouchers showing the quality and cost of all goods and materials used, and render all due and sufficient facilities to the jirchitects for the inspection of same. SIMSTITUTIO11 OF .'.aTE,TRIALS : Within these Specifications , certain definito makes and grades of materials are specified for descriptive purposes only. Should the Contractor desire to use materials of make or manufacture dif- ferent from those specified but of 'equal grade, lie shall be at liberty to do so; however, the Archit ects shall bo the sole judge as to the interpretition of what constitutes "equal grade". BUILDING ORDINANCES-. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work and =.terial conforming to the building laws and ordinances of the State of California, and of the City of Huntington Beach, the County of Orange, and to all safety rules and orders of the Industrial Accident Commission and the Board of Llechanical i;ngineers of the 13tate of Calif ornia, that may apply to the work; anything shovin on the drawings or herein specified to the contrary notwithstanding. MICORDS , P.3MAITS AND IRS1:111;GYIOjj-. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all permits and inspections i-aade necessary by work under the Contract , unless otharn,ise definitoly spetAfied ; likewise pay a."Ll fees in connec- tion,with recording coat ?act and filing; 11otice of Completion, The Owner shall pay for and obtain the plan check and :Permit from the Engineering Division, State of California. 2-L LAE, The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damages that may rosv.lt front any accident occurinC., durine) the progress of the work, or in the leaving open ul' unpro'14' aotcd portions of the streets , or areas bolov.,, sidevialks. lie shall properly pzotoct the viork with street lighto, provide all excavations vAth proper nelo u and 0 0 res shall exercise care and c.iligonce in bracing and securing all parts of the yxrk against storat and accident . SIGNS : No signs of any d6soription shall be pc_�rrriitted on the buildingue nr th.e anclosi% fences, exdapting those of the Architects and tho 0-3neral Contracto-, and. ouch additional signs as may be designated by the, Arch: teats and Owrer. The Contractor shall furnish aims as described in construction Regulations , aG' Per .Page Seven of the 2VUK Construotion Regulations and as f ollowa* r/ The PIA signs shall be designed, constructed,. painted and let- tered in accordal�ce with PIA Administration Order No. 154 (P.M. 58562) dated July 17, 1936, copy of which may be examined a",- the office of the City Clark, City of hunt ington Beach. SURWIY AND IL V_�LS : The Contractor shall, at his oa,.,n expense, do all on3ineeiing required for the Obtaining of elevations, altitudes and grades and shall faithfully preserve all survey marks and lines. GUARANTE,'ES: The General Contractor shall be the principal of, and shall furnish, signed by himself, any and all guarantees as called for in this specifications, and shall cause to be delivered or deliver same to the Architects before the building shall be deemed finished and accepted. MATE,R All. water used in connection with the performance of the Contract shall be paid for by the Owner, C13ANIZIG: The Contractor shall, from time to time, as dirocted by the Archi- toots, remove from the building and promi' ses all disueed imple- monts of service and all, rubbish and debris resulting from the v*rk He shall likewise be re3l)onsible for each sub-contractor leavine, the building and premiseo in a clean and servioeabie condition-upon completion of their respective t4aork. STORAG'] FACILITI,�­S) The General Contractor shall provide the various sub-contractors ample space. and facilities for the storage and handline of all appliances and materials roq7aired for the performanae of their respective work,, PLAN HO USE: The 06:atractor oliall pro-v-jr-le a suitable temporary office building as directed by the. Arch'-teots for tho use of the Superintendent of Construction, and the Architeato.7 Inspector. lie Dhail also pro- vide n Pemporary toilet building as directed for the use of dil worlwan employed on the v,ork,, The Contractor shall ,provides adquate office facilities for the Public "iorjrs Itaxiinistration Inspectoi,. Such quarters ha I be coriveniont to they viork and for lho sole iumqo of the Government Inspector, axid ,hail be provided with light , heat and te"' ophone Z_ jsergio *,,,,t�ndls,qU- bp- fux,nished ylith table, do-sk arkd chairs. as -j fic ,,mor pa.. ou ar y ca' Ifid f 0 j, nf,r,,a c T-_MP0mTIY �171RITIG: The Contractor shall provide service and inotall temporary wiring for all ligh t and power required du_-Ing, the 'proereas of the build - ing, also for lights in plan. house . TIPORARY T.�M IQ 1101,2,S : T telephone shall be pro-v i de d and maintained %,-ibero directed throue4i- A out the duration of the Gob. No av station 'phones will be allot-red. Run branch connection to office OF 2VIA Inspeotor. 2RELI-IIIIiARY"VIORK GBIPMAL COBDITIOUS: All work included in this section shall be sub joct to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifiod- tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections , thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other -oontractors. VIORK INCLUMM: Preliminary work consists of the removing part of cement walk,, lean-to sheds, women's toilet building, concrete stairs, small retaining wall at foot of bank and such other work as will in- terfere with the construation of the building. The co.nstrud- tion of fences , canopies, guard rails , plan houses, temporary wiring, and telephones, signs , etc. , and such other preliminary work as shown or specified. The sash wind break ,hall remain and shall be protected by this contractor ; replace any broken Class and upon completion of the building the entire premises around the building shall be left in a clean and orderly condition. OLD "I.UTER IALS All old materials , . taken from above buildings, ahall become the property of the contraotor and shall be removed from the prem- EXCAVATING GLIUMLL CONDITIO11s: All work included in thissection shall he subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these sDooifi- cations , and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections,, tbDroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other cantractors. ORK INCLUWI D.- This Contract shall provide for all general excavations of the lo", and all excavating J.or fov...ndation walls, footings, piers , and all other levels to. the depths shown on draviinUs and the rough filling and baokfilling of all excavations and areas necessary to bring all concrete floors I on earth, and other levels to the indicated elevations. COOPERATION: The 3xeavating Contractor shall closely cooperate with the General Contractor in arranging and execlating his work in such a manner and at such titaes. as will cause no delay in the pro- gress of work nor lack of safety while same is being, installed. CR IBBIRGi ,SHO MIG, TI-,-iLRw��.,R ,.iOfflI L IdID BRACING: in prosea'Aing, the exeavating, provide and perform all timber work, shoring and bracing necessary to retain the earth banks and prevent caving in and displacement of adjacent curbs , streets and soil, furnishing all the planking and sheet pilin,3 that may be required for the purpose which shall be left in place until direo- ted to be removed by the Architect. All earth banks and sides of all pits , trenches and other- excavations shall be most thoroughly braced and protected in a manner to prevent any settlement . All timber work and bracing shall be left in place until back 'fillin,, of walls is completed or until removal of same is approved by the Axchitects I Superintendent , G A VAT I N G All excavations shall be cut to. allo,,,j for forming, etc. , in ac- cordance with scale details and drawin'tgs, care being taken not to exceed the, indicated depths . . 2hould -the Contractor excavate too deep, the excavationa be carried down this additional death free of charge ai-d ishall be paid for by this contractor. Founda- tions , etc. , shall' be ca:cried down to on) ch depths as may be rep quired by such extra excavating, FILLIIIG AIID BACICFI.-ruLIJ.,,,G: Excavated materials may ire used where necessary for the purpose of filling and backfilling. Saine shall be free from rubbish and debris, de-posited in hor.-I-7,ontal layers', not exceeding twelve inches in thickness, and Shall be well puddlod and tamped to a hard, uniform surface of proper elevation. if) C"UNING; Upon completion of work, all surplus earth, rubbish and deb is resulting from the operatkono shall, be removed from the pre- mises, leaving the site and adjoining rides in a Cood, clean and serviceable condition without exception, i l"_ f_ COIICIUT.& WORK CONDI TONS : All work included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- oral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifica- tions, and thus Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections , thoroughly familiarizing himself vrith his work and its relation to that of other Contractors. Vlgla INCLUDED: The work included under "Conoretell consists of the furnishing of all appliances, labor and material required for the forming, mixing, placing and finishing of all concrete for foundations, certain walls, floors , and exterior cement steps and other de- tails indicated on drawings or herein specified. WORK NOT INCLUMED: Any cradles, pits and other details in connection with the mechanical system; likewise , hangers, sleeves and thimbles re- quired for the support and paosage of pipe, ducts , conduit , etc. , shall not be included under "Concrete" unless same are indicated on the Architectural or Structural drawings, or are herein specified; MATERIAIZ : (a) Cement.: Shall be an approved brand of 2ortlw-id Cement of American marufaoture , conforming to "Standard Specifications and Seats for Portland COmantll, adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials (Serial No. C-9-30) and subsequent revisions thereof, and to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. The Contractor shall construct and maintain a satisfactory storage place for tho cement when delivered to the job. The size of this bin shall be sufficient to keep an ample supply of cement on hand at all tiraes in order that the prograss of the work Nvill not be impeded, and shall be so located and so constructed as to be free from dampness and moisture. Each 200 barrels of cement shall be tested in conformity with the specifications , as described herein,, (b) Water: Shall be sufficiently, clear and free from' oil, acid, alkali or vegatable itatter, to be suitable for drinking purposes. (0 ) grerate : Fine aggregate shall be .natural sand of screenings from rough gravel or crushed rook and having clean, bard grains. All fine aggregate shall be thoroughly washed and free from injurious amounts of dust , lumps , shale, alkali and surface coatings and organio matter. Colormetrio test shall show a color not darker than the standard color. toarse aggregate shaell be crushed stone or gravel having clean, hard, strong, durable , uncoated, particles free from injurious amount of soft , triable thin*. elongated or laminated pieces, alkali, organic or other deleter- ious matter. Test reports from an approved Testing Laboratory shall be made of the a-gretgate,, as required by the Architect. U - Such reports shall be furnished with six copies , for the Public Works AdminiEtration Inspector, Architect,, Con- tractor, and others, (d) Grading of Fine Aggteg ate : Fine aggregate shall. range in size from coarse to fine within the limits indicated in the following table.- Limits of Gradings of Fine Aggregate : Percent by Weight Passing t hr ou gh. 3/4 inch screen 100 Passing through. 1/4 inch screen 90 to 100 Pas sing t hro uGh a 10 mesh sieve 65 to 85 Passing through a 50 mesh sieve 5 to 30 Passing througli, a 80 mesh sieve 3 to 10 Passing through a 100 mesh sieve 0 to 5 (8) Grading, of Coarse Coarse Aggregate shall be uniformly graded from the one quarter (1/4 � inch size' to maximum size and shall range in size from coarse to fine within the limits given in the following table : Limits of -grading of Coarse Aggregate: Percent, From a range of size of particles from a 1/4 inch to 314. inch. Passing a I inch screen 100 Passing a 3/4 inch achrean not less than 85 Passing, a 1/2 inch screen , 20 to 60 Passing a 1/4 inch screen not more than 3 Gravel Substitute : Clean river gravel may be substituted for the aggregate specified abovot if same passep test of the testing labor- atory horeafter specified and gives a concrete of strength specified. The approval of the testinp, laboratory to the gravel shall be obtained before gravel is used. Form Lumber: Shall be l Common '.Donglas Fir unless otherwise specified �`, - hereinafter, free from all -large or loose knots , twists,, shakes , waney edges and other defects that may render it unserviceable. Form Lumber in Contact with concrete shall.be SIS-2Z and all remaining, form lumber shall be rough Douglas Fir. Large section vence-. from material. may be used, if desired, (h) pro portion of Cement : There will be required enough cement in the mixture to produce a concrete havine, a compressive strength at the. age of 28 days of not less than 2000 pounds per square Inch, but in no event shall the proportion of cement to aggregate be lees than 1:5-1/2. Vniere gravel i3used If or aggregate, the proportion shall not be less th)an one part cement to 5.25 parts of gravel,, (1) ConsistenEL_And SluaT: The minimum slump permitted will be 611 unless the Con- tractor desires in epeoial cases to increase the slump and in which event , he will be required to add cement to tho mixture in order to produce the required strength. Viater cement ratio shall not be more than 6 gailons of water, per 94„' sack of cement. Surface water cortuained in the aggregate aholl be included as part of the mixing W ) StK28ath of _C2narete,: During the progress of the work, compression tests of concrete as poured in the forms will be made as indicated elsewhere. If these indicate strong-th less than 2000 pounds per square inch at 28 days , future work will re- quire a chaxk,,e of mix as above provided at the discretion of the Architects dn-d Testing Laboratory, either in the adding Of cement corr;ent . less water, or change in aggre- gate or the grading -,hereof, the primary requirements be- ing that conorete of retired strength must be obtained, 14. Should any of the 7 day tests A:ail to give a unit com- prea,sive et'rength oj-" at Least 1000 l.bs® per square inch, the concrete will b(.1 tentatively rejected. Should the 28 da.y samples of the fariia pour fail to give a co-mpressive unit strength ref at lea. t 2000 per s. q.2n. , the concrete work -represented by tho unqatisfactory test will be de- finitely rejected and ordered removed, or if the concrete in question does not , in the opinion of the Architects and State Ong ineerinn Department , andanger the structural stability of the bu:>,Idin�,!, sus a vhole, the Architects may, at their discretion,, allow such work to romain.* 'The minimum of 1000 lbs '. per aquare inch at 7 days and 2000 lbo. per scuare inch at 20 days, shall in no way be considered as a ,itanclard, the r-.iatorials specified and using one part cement to five and one-half parts of aggregate , concrete testing a minimum of 2000 pounds p4r 3q, in, at 28 days, should be obtained and should the results , of the compression test not consistently run over the 2000 lbs. in 28 days, tho Contractor will be re(iuired to improve the concrete , as autlined, above, ,,Athout additional cost to the Owner,, Hoiijever, if the concrete is properly mixed with a good quality, sizing, and grading of materials and t'L.)e slump recorxiended, this should not be noceosaryt (k) M i x f Conorate : Y,IJ.x in approved batch machine mixer, using a volume not eaxceedin�, manufacturer's rated capacity. Rotate mixer at peripheral speed of approximately 200 ft , per mantes, After all materials , including water, are in drum, mix for a minimum period of 1-1/4 mixrates , and ti).rn mixer a mini- mu-m of -1'-4 Oevolutione per ailnute. (1) Concrete C2ppri�.ssjcT -_sts -. The testing laboratory shall take from the concreto being ased on the �Frork otta-tridard 611 x 12." cylinders,' - Six (6 ) Gofapression cylinder-azi s"liall be taken from the foundation concrete , four (-4.) of 811oh samples shall be stored under utandard oonditions for quality determiInation of which two (2) shall be brol.ten at 'I days arid two (2) at 28 daya , and the rGciai-nder of the specimen shall be stored on the Job for ooyiotruation control., The Axchitacts may reqaire the pre paration of arIditional specimana to meat the strength M0,113'rements called Xoz in I-I8-9E3 sp.qcif ications or for other exceptional reason,-, , and, in such event , the Owner al-all sta- -x0t, t1he additional cost of those ci.xtra cylinders, A11 of the compression test specimens shall be rude and tested in accordance with the latest requirements of the American Society fo.c Testing Material:,; and "Standard I>teth.od of i'laking and Storing; Specimens of Concrete in the Field", (Serial deoignation Do. C--31-33 and C439-33) in- cluding the proper otoring of and shipping of specimens to the laboratory. (m) The Tasting Labora'}ory shall do and perform all necessary work as outlined he:oetofore under 'rtu3aterials" and "Theoryr:, "Proportions and Mi cin4;l: in order 'to determine definitely ,o the satisfaction of the Architects that the material specified is of the kind and .duality required by the specifications . lie shall li;tewise prepare all sieve- analyses required by the Architects and shall furnish all necsessar in.form€ation or advice to the Architects in reference to the quality and gradings of the material to be used on the concd°ete oonotruction work. The testing Laboratory shall be employed and paid .for by the Contractor for the one test as specified above and shall be a la.borq tort' approved 'by tho Architects. Two (2) cobies of all tests shall be sent to the California State Division of .Architectures One (1 ) copy of each report is to be fur- nished the 2ubli.c Ilorks Administration Office , the Public t'Iorks Administ rat i.oil' lnapetors Contractor, Architects and ttryry" •[�,}�'gy��pp{{((��yythe A--ohiteota ' Supori.ntendent on the Job . A�©A{� S i All forms and false ;-pork ohall be of auf.ficient rigidity and strength to withstand tho rnaximum loads imposed upon them and shall be se'ozrrely tied and well. braced in a manner preventing the spreading d.reading of Forms �°rl+ile ooncrete, is being, poured and the iarring of the concrete vthlle; setting. All forms shall be free from dirt , chips and foroign matter and shall be thoroughly wet down prior to the placi.ne, of concrete and kept wet at all times while concrete is being poured, Forms shall. be .free .from open joints, cracks or holes which permit the escape of the tiner particles of the concrete. ;All forme shall be provided with removable board on the inside to permit -removal of dirt and debris from same, .All. forms shall be strongly clamped in suitable manner at frequent intervals as directed. 1ILIACII Gr OF CONCRETE: r Concrete shall be deposi.t,�d in the .forms as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid. rehandling, and shall be deposited in approximately un;iforat :lorizontal Layers, the piling up of con- crate in the forms in suc:i a wanner as will nermi.t the escape of. the mortar ,from the coars43 aggregate gill not be permitted. Con® o-ete shall not be thrown into the forms from ouch a height that tho me.teri al will aepar at o. i .i i �1 i '� 1.6. All concrete shall be well spaded and rooded during placing to insure good, clean contact with forms and reinforcements, and must finish free from pockets, honeycomb and voids . It is im- perative that all steel be covered to the depths shown on the drawings. At inaccessible portions of forms, the concrete shall be assisted into 12ace by tapping or hammering the forms. CURING CON BETE: All exposed suriaoes of c..:Goncreto shall be kept moist for a per- iod of at least seven days after being deposited. iU­ IOVAL OF FORMS.: Forms may be removed in not less than b days CEII'MT TIME SHOLDS Run all cement thresholds. as part of the cement finish floor at all locations noted on the plans* R:�',TAIRING WALLS : Construct the retaining; malls where shown and reinforce as de- tailed. COIICR,3L;, STAIR" : Construct 'the conoreto stairs as and where shown, reinforce with 6" x 61'-/i`10=10 electric welded mesl.® the upper surface of stairs to have alundu�m or Cam borundum n same n amount as directed. !UILIING BLOCKS AND ARCHORS : The Concrete Contractor shall provide -and install all nailing blocks, anchors, seats, Docket and other details necessary for the support and proper fastening of subsequent work and shall consult with the various dontractors , irhose work is contingent upon same, and ascertain Their requirements in each particular ca.se� CQUCRET:14 PLOORS Oil EARTH: The Concrete floors on oar-th shall be of indicated thickness oompposed of one part coma-at to 6 parts of sand and rock, or arravol and specified abovi:r, and shall be ,laid over a well puddled, tamped and graded earth fill of proper elevation. All such floors shall have a �3mooth topping, marked off in squares as indicated on plans or as direated® All Floors to be of thickness as called for on plans, reinforced as detailed. Floors to be waterproofod as upeoified, under "Waterproofing". C :: 21'NT FINISH: (a) Floors (Cemant-) : All cement .fi.nisly 'floors shall havo a a bnoli.thic topping composed of equal pats of sand and cement and .troi-W3-ed to a smooth and glow.oy surface and marked cuff as shown on plans. Where marking is not definitely indicated or called for, the flooa°s shall be marked in 24" squares© 170 w Cement floors in toilets,, etc. , over mood joists slal.l be laid over raembrand wator-proofing furnished by others and reinforced with mesh as detailed. This contractor shall apply the finish cement floor and baise,also the trough urinals, including the backs and ends . The cement finish for all toilet floors , base and urinals shall be waterproofed as specified herein and troweled to e. smooth hard surface. There cement plaster wad.. rmcot occurs in all toilets, the cement base shall be run by this contractor as part of the finish cement floor. The plastering contractor will do all cement plaster wainscot above the base. Positively no materials of any kind shall be deposited on "green", concrete floors for a period of not lose than 24 hours after pouring. The csortraaotor shall erect barriers or other suitable forms of protection as may be necessary to keep all, crafts and trades off finish.dd portions of the work for a period of not less tImn 24 hours after finishing. VIATTERPROOFI.RGs Exterior concrete walls of finished, rooms , abutting an earth bank shall be given two coats ? both sides with R.I.W. or equal damp- proofing plaster bond. paint . `b' fl o;i9" 1111dt,:,r 'j oilet s and where noted in schedule ahal.:l be .laid o 1 saturated felt , and tho cement floor itself waterproofed by uoing Anti-hydro or Blue label Suconem or equal, mixed and applied according to manufacturer i s epecim .fioations. This felt is also described under "Roofings'. . TIi fi DRAI.N Furnish and install a 3" Terra Cotta tile drain at foot of bank as shown on plans . The drain shall terminate in as .dry well as noted on plans. Tile shall be covered with straw androck, all joints to be loose. PRESENT CM2T-ri? VIALKo After all exterior work for the building is finishedp this Contractor sha.l.l extend existing cement; wall from points where same was removed up to the building Nine and leave the exist- ine walk in good condition to the satisfaction of the Architects, i 18. " CONCREZE PILES G�ji :ORAL 0014DITIOIIS: All work included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these speoifica- tions , and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other contractorso SCOPE. OF ;7ORK: The v.,rork of this section shall include all labor, material, equipment and appliances required to complete the furnishing and driving of all concrete piles to form the foundations for the building as indicated on the darawings and specified herein.® MATERIALS g W4k2I'sUJISHIP, T:�STS 2 IWD I1462.�CTIORS: Shall be in accordance wi.th .the provisions and requirements of this specification unless otherivise specified hereinafter® Coarse aggregate shall be free from flat or elongated particles. 1MIT PRICs1S .AND BASIS FOR BIDS: The actual length of piles shall be determined by that necessary to secure the bearing hereinafter specified® The measurement of each pile shall be from the . tip to the level at whi ch the pile is out off at the elevat:ton indicated on the drawings. It is estimated that one .hundred and eight (108) piles, having a total length of two thousand nine hundred sixty (2969) linear feet in place, measured. from the tip to the -cut-off lines indicated on drawings, will be re quirod 9 Should the total number of linear feet of piles driven when so pleasured, be greater or less than the total number of linear feet estz :hated, the contract amount -oball be ad- justed accordingly and upon the basis .of un"Lt prices submitted in accordance with related provisions of the specifications. In no case will the Contractor be allowed payment for withdravrn, broken or injured piles Cr shells , nor for portions of piles re- mai ning above the cut-off, PIL S : .All piles shall be twenty (201-011) feet minimum length, cast.-in- place, .round and uniformly tapered their full length, The ,least lateral dimension of each pile shall be ten (10) inches, measured at the tip, and the taper shall increase the least lateral dimen- sion at the rate of not lees than one and one-half (1-e ) inches in every eight (S) feet of pile longtth,, Q i i I, SHiMLS Each pile shall be erase in steel shells of ample length to develop the required bearing, the shells being left perman- ently in place and filled with ooncrete. Die shells shall be sufficiently strong to withstand the pressure of the sur-- rounding materials and tight enough to exclude water during the placing of concrete. Piles shall not be spaced less than as shown on drawings, and no shell shall be filled ti-rith concrete until after all the adjacent sholis• within a radiva of f ive (5 8-011) feet center to center have been driven to the required bearing and the shell approved by the Architects or their representa- tive. Dad IVING: No shells shall be driven until excavation and rough grading in the respective areas they are to occupy have been com- pleted, They shall be driven vertically within three (3 rr) inches of location, not more than one-eighth (1 f 8) inch per foot from vertical; and the tops brought to or out off at within two (211 ) incheo of the elevation indicated. Shells shall be provided, Frith proper pile corer for driving purposes Piles shall be driven to a final penetration which .`rill safely support thirty (30 ) tons, as determined by the formula speci- fied herein. Single acting steam ham.iers shall develop an energy per blow at each full stroke of tIle piston of at least four thousand (4000-,;-�) pounds . ,later jets may be used in driving where the .desired results can best be obtained the:yeby. To secure the final penetration in such cases , the jets tiha.11 be withdrawn and the piles driven by the hammer. If a head of viater is found to exist in the pile positions which, in the opinion of the Architects or their representative might injure the concreto filling, methods acceptable to the Architects shai,l 'be provided to remove this danger, HEARING VALUES : The safe bearing values for piles shall be determined by the following formulas : P equa.la 2;M divi(Ad bi S plus 0.1 .for single-acting • steam hammier, and for double-acting steam 7.1aminere , equal 211 (111plus JU" ) d:s.vided by S plus 0.1, J.n: which: P equals safe bearing values in pounds. J equale weight in pounds of striking parts of haiwaars S3 equals height of fall in feet , e :S equals the mrerage penetration in inches per blow for the last tan (10) to twenty. (20) blows, 20 . } fix'. A equals area of piston in square inches, and .p`- equals steam pressure in 2ounds per square inch at the laamme r a The above formula applies only vvlien the hammer has a free fall. The penetration is at a reasonably .quick and uniform rate and there is no sensible bounce after the blow. TEST. PILES • " The Contractor shall drive enough test piles to predetermine as Par as possible the lengths of piles required to secure the specified bearing in the various areas of the work. These tests shall be made sufficiently in advance of the pile driv- ing to prevent delay in the progress of the work And to enable the Contractor to have on hand at all times, shells of proper length to meet conditions that may arise. R3COFBATION OF PASS : The Contractor shall record in virit3.nga the lengths of each and every pile driven (ixncludir = test piles ) , the average penetration under the last ten 10 ) to twenty (20) blows and sufficient computations for each such pile to determine its safe bearing capacity. Copies of such records and computa- tions shall be submitted to the Architects, PWA and others as provided for in the specifications. COTdC�.�flT� F7C1:,LT13Ca: All concrete filling for piles stall be twenty five hundred (25001 ) pound concrete' a3 specified in concrete work of this specification, aonveypd Lind placed in accordance with all applicable provisions of 3eation "Concrete Work" herein. STBi All Reinforcement steel >thal.l be formed and placed in accord.^ anae with applicable provisions of "Corso-ete Work" Specified herein. Each pile shall be' reinforced with 4-8/8 round bars extending .from top down to one half depth of pile. Bars to extend into concrete beam above with standard hooks. Top of hook 3" round bel.ovi top c f beam. Bars wrapped with 11411 round spiral.sm311 o®cv P C IRG: All such steel, shall be provided with r_aea,ns of maintaining same properly centered in the shells during the placing of concrete filling as approved by the Architects. DAMA E'D 211 S Should any pile be dammed in the course of driving; or Pound to be too short to develop the required resistance or otherwise' fail to conform with the contract require— ments, this pile shall be withdrawn and another driven in its -place. If it is not possiblo to withdraw the damaged or defective pile , it shall be out off below the .level of the cap and another pile driven as near as practicable to it. Any Pilo or shell that is diverted from its proper position in driving shall be removed, the hole filled with gravel, thoroughly tamped, and another driven as near as possible to the re.-.wired location. :very shell that has beea distorted by the driving of. suU- secluertly placed shells, or otherwise, shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Architects or their representative. 22. ALTiIMH 1TE OP;SC IFI GAT ION FOR °-XOOD PILING (To be used in connection with Alternate Bid for same) Creosoted wood ilin;: Wood piling shall be Coast Region Douglas fir, out from sound, live, firm growth trees, and shall be free from injurious ring shakes , rota loose or urmound knota, kinks , felling or wind shakes, and damage caused by insects entering the body of the pile. No pile with spiral grain exceeding one complete turn in foi7ty feet of longth will be accepted, The bark shall be removed, ends out square, and all knots smoothly dressed close to the body -of the pile. The diameter of the butt shall be rot less than 13" and that of the tip not less than 911. No pile shall have a sapwood thickness less than 3/411, measured on the butt end,, Treatment : Treatment shall be by the .full cell pressure process, using Grade � l coal.-tar creoso'be. The retention of preservative shall be not less than 12§ per cubic foot , and the penetration not less. than 3/4-". i I 22-A. 1. . A1,1 work included in this to tion shall be subjee't tithe CEO- ::aF'aA L COl y)I`. •.i ONS as attov)be d in the 2 oropart of these s ieci- fica,tions, and, this Cont actor shall read and examine 'them and all other sections, tphorough y farui"lliarizing himself with the work and its rcl.atio,,i to that of other contractors. The work inol.u.led wider -'she Reinforcing Steel Contract consists of the furnishing of all appliances , a.abor and. ms.teriala re- quired for the fabri.cati...ag and placi.ng of all reinforcement steel indica:tcci on the clowning., together with all dowelea atirrup3, chairs , mesh, Spaces and othor details nelessary for the propar placing of savae and the comple:3ti on of the entire work. (a,) Burs Unleos otherwise noI'-P sd, all ro-i.nforc,ement uhal.l be Struc- tural, grade round d3formed bars., of indicated size and shall be open hearth stee';. rolled from new billets and conform to the .-equirements of the Uniform 19uildi.ng Code and to the A.taerican Societ,,r for Testing .Idateri,al.s Serial designa- tion A-15-30,, (b ) I�efi i'ort em �nt wire oIta,ll: be of gaugea �ler� 2nsftex� specified and s1'.all.., oonform to the re:quiromen•ts of the Current Stan- dard .ec;T.fiaatiora.s for Cold Drawn Steal_ wire for concrete; Ro infc-NANe*raent of tho, American 6ociety for l.'estine, I'Jatovia.ls. - (c ) I.lesb All mash reinforcetzgonf sh.c L be Clinton, or equ...l.g eloo- trica.l 4 welded fabric (Hot Galvanized) o.f 'ga.uge Arad rzelsh Siza indicated on. d5�avlin8s, All rei.nforaeuien't ;a].Y�d_l, be free; -A,orss ;Mill Dale " without ROill"orGirlt¢ st{eel. tewta E hall be made s v the LeatJ. ,� Laboratory cog:3dL: "�.ne the vari,o;.aa 'tc-;'sts specified under "Concrete `ejorkfv sumh tests sha.)-1 ba ryaoco in acscrordoxLoe vjit�i Ith,,e veLui.roments of t zee UnIforrra BnUldi.ng Cade and ASS,,T. r Deai.gnation A-Ev,-3C, one 00rr2p`l.ete test being made f^'gHor oach 2-1/2 tong ,, Steel: tcat,,j u h,@.{1. be �IJ��.iy y�c,.v d ,f by tho LAo'ntra�.,tor. 23. Copies of test reports shall be made as provided for under concrete work. D::aidD117;:i G: Reinforcement shall be: formed oa.refully to the dimensions indicated on the dr'awi.ne-;s or herein specified. The ra.diva of the bands shall not be Less than four times the least diameter of the reinf ore em apt bar. All rai,nforcement shall be handled and tagged. with suitable identifications marks to faci"Utate sortinC, and placing and shall. be transported to the building and stored isa a, manner insuring no damage to the material. A sufficient supply of tagged„ approved, and pzo.per reinforcement , shall at all times be on the premises to injure no delay in the progress of they buil.dingd PLAC IR G: Rein oroement shall be a;cu.rately placed in a000rda.noe with drawings and shall bese,-furely tied with gauge wire at contact points, of fracuonce as directed,, Joint re:i.-Liforcemeit shall be supported at proper height and freclu.ent intervals upon galvanized iron F► TT ohai s- or other devi es as approved. , 24. \i 11!28SSr�..:A1'y�.tk.LJ d5S D dil.A. d:.: X.►�. 11'1..'a�UsJ I::�LJ�.Y 'ed()IZK VllalL:,'i. .t L C011DITIONS ; Rhe work included in this sootion shall be subject to the General. . Conditions as attached in the forepart of tbase specifications, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself laith his vaork and its relation to that of other contractors. WORK INCLUITED The work included under- this heading consist- of th6 furnishing of all appliances, labor and materials required for the installing of ,.all miscellaneous iron work. COOPERATION: This Contractor shall closely cooperate with the carpenter and Concrete Contractor in 13catin; and installing all necessary ties, anchors, in connection with ornaiie;ntal iron work, and other details required in the e3oncrete;' and carpenter work for the support and proper fastening of 'Jhe Iron Vlork. CARZi,'11T1JR1S IRON WORK: ''his z1ork includes all eWel and iron angles, all stirrups ,, joist hangers, anchors, clips, bolts, plates , ties, rods , dowels, shoes , bevel and plate washers, out washers , post caps and bares , .nuts , lags, drifts® pipe rails, straps, hangers and other miscellaneous steel and iron work as sho�-,,n, or required by the Ganpantet for framing his work and for anc:hori g, and securing same to concrete; r:as onry, :steel or other viork,, All mamifactured or fa.br .oated material shall be neat and work- manlike, of sizes, shapo.,i and di.mones iono called for, All bolts and such anchors , rods , Etc,, , so shown shall have nuts azla Flashers and shiall be of net req.af�.red or necessary length in all cases All of the above metarl.a shall be fu,rn ished to the Carpenter in ample time so as to c use no delay to him or to others, All,, ornart rctal and miocyeal lvneous &ron work -throughout of every doscription shall be ga]&.-vanized. a�L A K" Fiirn.ish u;n.d install the steel plate as shown over top of pier. All galvanized with joints flush and bolts cotonte;r sunk. The steel plate5s'rL''0.3. set in mastic over the pie:o. FLAG POLE, STRA2S .- Furnf.sh and ..install the flag poke straps as shown. The straps shall be made to hinge arld loolti. closed for easy romova.l. of Furnish and install the stool be w—D as sh.ovrr o This beam shall be given a shop coat of Red :Lead, 2a9 e PIPE RAILS : This contractor shall remove and reinstall the existing.pipe roils on the existing stairs which are to be removed. These rails shall be cleaned of all rush and reset in the new locations as noted. Do all work and furnish/ such new materials, etc, , as may be re- quited to fit these existing rails to the new locations. All Rtandarde shall be set in conciete sleeves ,ind ,routed vjith cement. € modal and rearrange arty exis "ink; ron ral s tV aocomo a e new work. PAINTING All the foregoing ornamcntal icon work :Mall be washed with vinegar and shall receive one (1) good shop coat of Red Lead Dutch Boy, or equal, 26. ,y SIE,AT 1MAL Lx::JN13L1AL COli L.A.T1ONS y ' All work included in this acction shall be subject to the, General Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifications, and this Contractor shall rend and examine then and all otherc. sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with the work and its relation• to that, of the other c;ontrac Fors. SCOPE OF The work of this section e.aiall be included of all labor.,i materials ecuipment and appliances required to .furnish and install all sheet metal Mork including' pheet:, metal conductors, dashing, baked enamel letters , .roof drains and c.11 other sheet metal work show or speei- fied. L1A ' 1 IAL a All sheets shall be standerd brands of sixteen ounce copper. All nails, rivets, and similar fastenings used throughout in con- n/ec7Ttio�n{ with copper work shall be made of copper. 41r VAldltiLt'3.1V J 13.L� Sheet Metal shall be accurately 'worked and shaped to fit the con- ditions as indicated, required or directed. Joints shall be locked and soldered, or riveted and soldered as directed. COIMUCTOR II&ADS ADD CQIl DUCTORS Furnish and install the conductor head€z and coixductors at ti,e poirtt s indicated on the drawings as Sheet LTetal . and as detailed. All joints of the conductor heads and conductors shall be locked and soldered. The conductor head shall ba fitted with a one• gaa.rter inch (1/411) mesh fourteen gauge coppe:v screen neatly cut to receive tine conductor from above and securely soldered to the sides of the con- duct or head. The conductors shall be neatly fitted to the conductor heads, ri- veted and soldered; shall Je fitted with slip joint into cast Iron pipe at the base. The conductor heads and th<3 coi'iductrors shall be secured to the walls with copper sheet rneaai at 4aj�s coxiforming in details and -number to the draijinss. 11 27. `` Where roof drains connect to steed, pipe drains , they shall be set with scree flanges v ith gaskets and made water ti ht steel or W.I. drains in walls ,in front elevation are inc uded in "Plumbing". QUTLIT BOX3S UR ROOF DRAIT'3S : Furnish and install all metal roof drains as detailed with wire basltet s o `.his' Contractor sh40_i. coo- rate with the 2lumber for the proper connections., etc . ENA:1:2,'LLM IRON LETTERS Furnish. and install the porcelain enameled iron letters ' over the entranQss as sao:�ao The letters shall be made out of jp118 gauge sheet iron in solid block form, all spot welded and/or riveted tight Clips shay l be gelded to each letter and the letters riverted to a continuous metal plate which shall be secured and flashed to W�,S:F d ��k ,4 `i'b�� plate shall be made in sections of each length as will. allow :four or five letters to be attached, After all Jett ar- and p.l,..tes are assembled, each entire section shall receive ca batted porcelain enamel finish in color as selected by the, Are.1alt,ects® 12aoh unit shall be set in place and securely held in position by pencil rod braces as directed© Letters shall be enamel,-d. tin all. eid.e:l and edges. fYeYmsr�vs W wr�wr'w'w ae�a+t1•m4�' Furnish and install overflow outlets on the building, at all drain ,outlets ® Uutlets si-z-1.11 extend through the full thickness of the wall and completely lino the opening. The top of the outlet shall 'be act on a line with tl,,o top of the roof flashing. Un the out - side face of the Nvall, the top and sides' of they outlet shall fin- ish one-half inch. (1/2" 1' on the surface of the wall. The bottom of the outlet shall prooecat one and one-half inches (1-1/2") be- yo4d the fade of the wall and shall be begat down slightly. on the inside face, the flange at the sides and bottom shall extend beyond the edge of the opening, not less than eight inahen (811) . The out - lots ots shall be suet at they time the roof is being; load. and in between tla.e layers of felt by tl.e Roofer=. Furnish and install all copper metal flashing around ,all window and door frames , as detailed. Roof flashings will be furnished and installed by the Roofing Contractor, INS2ECTIONS Before completing the work, the. Contractor and the representative of the .A.robitects shall carefully examine, and, if necessary, test all sheet metal work, an-1 the Contractor shall repair all sheet metal, work, leaving it to a condition satisfactory to the repres- entative of the Arc.hiteo--,so + �8� I PaintixW on metal is specified under the section,, "Ilaintix.,`ra of this Specification. 29. t' CARPER TRH' IZI RAI CORDITIONS: All w rk included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifica- tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other soot ions a thoroughly familiarizing himself with his vrcr k and its relation to that of other contractors. SCOPE of V-10 C: The work of this Section shall include € ll labor, materials, equipment and appliances requkred to complete all of the wood framing, rough and finish O.arpentry and mill work indicated on the drawings or herein specified. Tho Contractor shall do all wood framing necessary to construct the building indicated on the drawrings or hereii*pecified or required to comply with the intent of the contract. The Contractor shall provide and install all intdrior and exter- ior wood finish, frames , sash, doors, and cabinet work as indi- cated on thedrawi.ngs, or herein specified or required. MATERIALS : Shall be the best of their respective kinds. STRUCTURAL LUMBER ARD T L:II3 M: All timbers shall be structural grade Douglas Fir. All lumbar shall be ill Dimension Douglas Fir. All sheathing shall be ,, Dimension Douglas Fir Boards and sheath- inpo All timbers and lumber shall be trell seasoned, free from large loose knots , pitch. pockets , rot , splits or any other mechanical defeat which in the opi.n4-on of the Architects renders it unser- viceable -Unless otherwise shown, all exposed columns shall be rough® •FIM31.1 LTYLIB R: .All lumber for finish and. mill viork shall be B & Metter :Douglas ,Fir .vertical gram., Prue from all knot a , sap, pitch pockets, checks or other defects which in the opinion of the Architects will render it unsuitable foxy use . All finish lusgbor shall be kiln dried,, MUD S ILLS : All mud sills shall be redwood and treated as specified elsewhere and bolted to the concrete foundat$on walls. The sills shall be set in one (1") inch of cement and mortar composed of one (1) part cement to three (3) parts sand. All sills shall be set level and square with all corners and intersections lapped,. Bolted with 1/2`r bolts 9 61-Uff eta, i 30. All surfaces of all, lambOr and timbers including nailing blocks , stude, Joists o Plates, grounds $ backs of door and window frames or other similar members which contact or are set close to concrete or masonry, and all lumber and timber used below the main or upper story subfloor, including such sub-floDr, shall be pressure treated. vvith Dolman sa.ltap Reilley`s Tra.nsparant Creosote or Chromated Zinc Chloride, or equal,, All exposed wood after 'cut- ting shall be givox tvo (2) coats of above tuo (2) hours before installation Whe lever necessary to ctxt , notch, or frame treated lumbar, as above ;.peci.fied, such nevily-out surfaces shall be thor- oughl,y painted O.th preservativo material used in the pressure or brush coat treatment. MMut'2' FRAbTlI•P: . The Contractor shall provide all necessary shoring and bracing necessary to properly and safely construct the timber work, as indicated on the drawings and herein specified. . All lumber and timber f,•aming shall be accurately save-cut and fitted into its respeot;.ve position, and securely nailed, spiked, lag scsrewed, or bol Wed together as Indicated, specified, or directed. IA1,13 AND SI'1 4 V&erever lumber or timbez is shown, specified, or required to oe nailed or spiked together, common lvvire nails or spikes shall be used. Nails or spikes3 shall be of such a length t hat , when joining one piece of lumber or timber to another, the penetra- tion of the nail into tho second or farther piece shall not be less than one half (1/2) the length of the nail. REd le shall not be driven closer .together than one-half (l/2) their length, nor closer to the edge of the piece of lumber or timber than one-q,ueurter (1/4) their leileth, Vihenever necessary to prevent splitting, holes s.bal.l be. bot:ed for nails or spines. The diameter of the hole shall be bored eAial.ler than the diameter of the mail or spikes, All nails and spikes shall be galvanized All,. nail heads on painted sur.Lacsejs shall be set, LAG, SCRRIVS s Wherever. timbers are i,ndik.a,ted, 'Specified, or required to be fastened together with la,,?, screwo, the lag screws shall be screwed-and not driven ixya,o place® Lag screvis fastening timber to timber shall, have a penetration into the timber connected to of not less than ,67 of the length of the Jae, sorevv measured under the head All lag screws shall be galvanized. ROOF TRUS S%a a The roof of reorea.tIon roam shall be supported by wooden roof trusses of bowstring tyke Aroh-rib manufacture, or equal, as per details. Any other trusses which iA ll function similarly to that specified may be used, if approved by the Architects. All plates, straps. bolts, dowels , and i:ietal work of any nature whatsoever shall be installed as fully detailed. till such metal work shall be galvanized. The Contraotor may at his option install other makes of roof trusses proed the consent of the Architects is first obtained. The Contractor may, at his option, construct roof trusses as de-- tailed. BOLTS AND ANCHORS Wherever timbers are indicated, speoified, or required to be fastened together with bolts, the timbers shall be clamped to- gether, holes the same diameter as the bolts, bored true to line, and the bolts driven into place with a tight fit. All bolts shall be fitted with steel. plates or standard malleable iron washers under heads and nuts as indicated or specified. All bolts and a,nohors shall be galvanizedA FLOOR JOISTS: Wooden floor joists shall be of the sizes indicated, spaced as detailed on drawings and laid with the crowning edge up, shall have not less than a four inch (4") bearing at all supports. Two inch (21t ) by three inch WI) cross bridging shall be pro- vided between the joist if the .span is greater than eight feet (81 ) , and the distance between bridging shall not exceed eight feet (81 ) . Cross bridging shall. be the-nailed to the joist at each bearing with not less than.tyro (2) eight (8) penny nails . The bottom ends of the bri %ing shall be wailed to the joist after the subfloor has been laid. All header joist over iour .Peet (4' )leng shall be doubled and hunn on steel joist hangers. Alltrbmer joista,over twelve f eat (12 ) long shall be hung on steel joist han ers4 All trimmer joist reoeivi.ng header joist over six feet M`) long shall be doubled. All hangers shall be galvanized. SUBFLOOR; All .floor ,foists shall be solidly sheathed with one inch (1") by six inoh ' (6") $13 2E Douglas Fir laid at a forty -five degree (450) angle to the -joist, driven up tight end secured to the Joist at each bearing with, not Ness than three (3) eight (8) penny nails. The joist in aub-floor shall occur only over and parallel to the bearing and shall be ;staggered so that there will be at least tvo (2) bearing beti�veen joints and at least two (2) boards beti+jeen joints at any one bearing,, 32. WOOD STUD JA.RTITTOUS AMD FURRING The studs shall. be of sizes as noted and spaced sixteen inches (1.6" ) on centers , single plate at bottom and double plate at top. The plates shall be the same width as the studs ; single plates two inches thick, nominal thickness; double plates four inchoo 'thick, nominal thickness. The joints in the upper and lower mombers of the .top plate shall be staggered .not less than four feet. All wood stud partitions and wood vertical, furring shall have one U) horizontal row of herringbone bridging not less than two inches in thickness emd the same width as the ahudn fitted snugly, and spiked into the studs at midheight of partition or furring, 2rovide and install wood backing on top of top plate, wl.-ierove.r ineoessary to receive the nail.iAe o.f veta.l. lath, Angles at corners aad ""ihfll o ssta partitions s and wood vov-^ t i cal t-c�`ring met shall bo :formed of triple studs, or as de- tailed. Openings in woo? ;stud partitions shall. be; .formed around with double suds at each side , and r.T.oubl.e headers across the top rooting on the short studs at each and. The double header shall be placed on edge and shall be cussed above, except whore dia6onal wall sheathing is used. 3 MA'L'.'r I D G a Over the exterior studs and backs of all fire walls furnish and install I x G" SIS-22 .No. I Dimension Douglas Fir laid, diagonal and nailed and elpl.i.ed as detailed. The ;sheathing shall be nailed from the bottom of foundation plates to the top of, parapet walls, HOOF SHIiITHINGw The .roof joists shall be solidly sheathed with fine inch' by sic;. :inch Doual.as Lair SlS, laid at a 450 angle to the roof joist , surfaced side exposed, driven up tight and aeoured at each bearing as indicated. The sheathing. shall be as spocifi.ed for sheathing, The joints in a,l,l diagonal sheathing Mail oocur only over and parallel to the bearing and shall be staggered so that there will be at least two bearings between Jointe ana at least trio boards be- tween joints at any one bearing. Roof she,t?;a.i n6 over trusses shall be laid at right angles to the D SSII: G TOM STAILS a t rue se s. Constraot dressing room Sial.ls as detailed, sedured to the floor and Wood framing. Construct wood louvre vends in partitions and walls where ohowIn on plans l ! C tO UBTE RS n Construct counter with shelved below as detailed, with. hinged panel doors €above� The doors shall_ be hanged at top and hold in position while c^ountor is in service,, WOODEN LAMM.- Furnish and install all wooden ladders secured to the: struc- ture where note& The -a addai s shall be constructed of 2 x 4 rails and. 1 x 4 cleats , all Douglas FiT. The Mats shall be lot into the rails said wall nailed with G I, no.i ja� All l wood shall he sur- fao,cea Asides. es. BArnish aid install betvaen $:ho rough and finish floors of ON auditorium a layer of 15 pound fe It m UMILATIM GRILLASJTV Do all Araming to receive ventilating grilles, panel bards, etc, , as req;iredh ConEult with all other contractors as to Me and location, GAV au P Faa.rnish and install all g6tes as detailed under counter. ROOF SCUTTLES : Do all framing for scuttles to rood' where shown. The opening in the celline below shall be finiehcd as detailed with re- movable panel, etc. The scuttle cover on _roof shall he made large enough to allow a for the roofing materials to turn up under the cover. See detail of sou'ttl,eo Construct the pigeon holes in check rooms of 1 x 12 Douglas Fir. The shelves ahall be bet i No the stand Ms and nailed into places A:l.l such shelving shall be gor trusted .ridged and rith toe space under. Cover joints at wall with eoribi.ng mold. TOILET S All 'toilets are cement plaster. WOOD RAIL: Construct the wood rail around promenade as detailedm All standards or post, shall be d1'? Dimeno lon Don gl a.s Band sagaad as ahown and bolted to °tAe decV Rails shal.l, he round wood, rails run throe h the posts in as !one l ngthe as practical, ;� 34. KNEE BRACES : Furnish and Install band save knee braces of 11 Dimension 'IF Douglas Fir , all as detailed in rough aerial. The braces shall be blins bolted to the, posts and beams above with wood plu6s set into the holes over the bolts . PLANK FLOOR: Construct plank floor of 2 a 6 S132B #1 Dimension Fir for deck of Promenade,, The clank shall be spaced to allow a 1/41' space between. All spik3d with galvanized spikes, . The face of promenade shiail be as detailed with I x 12 & W. ship laps Vote that par! of promenade will have a soffit as detailed. FLOW BOXIO Construct the flower box is as detailed of clear Redwood 21, thick. The boxes Nall be constructed with bottom and end joints set in white lead pasta and In hnies bottom for On es4ppe of water, The bones shall be metal lined by the Sheet Motal Contractor. FLAG FOLIPS:. E'urnish and Install the wooden flag poles with base as detailed, the poles shall be appronimately 251-0" long set, in woodbase which shall be seourely blind bolted to the structure, The pole shall be of stock design and nade so as to be easily removed from the base and .9hall be made from clear straight grain thorov3hly seasoned Douglas Fir and given a good coat of hot ram linoeed oil. TRIMMUGS : (Flag Pole ) The oap block shall be 6" in diameter and 2" thick of LiginaLlIM Vitae with two holes not over 3/4" diameter about 2-1/2" on centers , connected on top with a groove in which balyarm are runny The oa-P blocl,: simll. be thorouehiy soaked in hot van lin- seed oil. The ball shall be of spun copper and size as noted and gilded with gold leaf, The ball shall be oet on a copper pipe and set Wo the pole with white lead paete,,, The halyaras shah be of the bust, special grade of 3/8 manila Me for this purpose and watorproofed with two 00ats of lead and oil, Fuxnish and aet galiranized iron cleats where direoted to secure the halyards., Construct the wood marqvine bolted to the structure as datallea, WOODEN FINS I Furnish aid install the wooden fins made of, 2 X 3 D.Fa . Molded and secured to the frames as detailed. INTERIOR SIBATHING,. The walls of the first floor above the heads of windn!w-s shall be sheathed with flush 3, x 1211 ship 14�p 'of Redwood or Oregon Pine aq iletail0d. All jOintE, shall be flush and all nail heads shall be siknk, RUB STALL DIVLJONS: Furnish and install bets-eon till booths a rope rail fastened to the columns and walls with a bronze ring. The rope shall be 1-1/211 manila rope with hooks of bronze secured to each end by braiding with cord. The hooka and rings shall be 'furnished with the rope a-ad shall matoh the finish of finish hardware, WOOD24 STAIRS : Construot all wood stairs of 1-1/811 treads and 7/8" risers to platform supported upon 2 x 6 rough strings at the sides. I-VOODEM TIM1415,11OLDS Furnish and install all wooden thresholds as noted on the draw- ings as detall-3d, PROT,&CTION OF WOOD FINISH: All exterior wood trims, molds , etc. , shall be protected by this Contractor with 'papergand wood to the satisfaction of the Architects until all plastering is finished, All. such ;hood trim shall receive a pri;riing coat before such Protection is placed. NAILING STRI23 AND Provide and securely faoton in place wooden nailing strips, ii,jooden. Plates, , blocking., etc . , indicated on the drawings or required to complete thc� work. IVTAHIOR W'AINSCOTS: All interior -walls of ground or lower floor shall have a 5 ft . wainsetit of I x 4 V Jointed T &- G o,,p. capped as detailed. Plas- tering may ba omitted back of wainscot . Provide all blocking, etc. , to receive the 'ejainsoot. FIIUSII IFLOORING: The finish floor and stage platform as noted in schedule sheal have a finish floor of x 2-1/4 T & G,, stock, fix-st grade Dicked for color all whita I-Iaple floor, to' be smoothed, soraped and nmo.ohina sanded and finished ijith one (1) coat of filler , one coat of shellac and two 112) coats of wax. Al'! 0.2. floor 4-,, be Stuck #11 IIA-4 O.P. flc�or. WOODAM BACKIHG: Provide and install wooden backing to receive the plumbing fixtures where and as VOquired. Provide and install all required wooden furring at all points indicated or required tc. conceal piping, structural metal work, or other iinfinished viork. The furring shall be constructed of two inch nominal thickness studs of the required width or other members as required or directedl Do all furring for plaster beams , parapet i.,,alla , rounded corners and such other furring as indicated on the drawings. GROUIMS : Wherever work is. to be plastered, provide and set wooden grounds at all points where woo& trim ooc'urs. Grounds shall be made of Douglas Fir SIS and shall be 3/411 thick,net o Grounds shall be seourely nailed to the wood backing at each stud or bearing. MILLWORK: All interior finish and millwork shall be as ap3cified for fin- All interior and exterior wood finish, frames , sash, doors and cabinet work shall be manufactured by skilled mechanics using standard methods of manufacture and workmanship. The panels shall be set so as to allow for free movement inoase of &ielling or. shrinking. All interior mood finiob, sash, doors, and cabinet work shall be smoothly dressed, belt sanded at the mill and hand sanded at the building until. all defacements are entirely removed. Any material showing machinery, sandp4per, or other defacing marks,, will be rejected. Ca- a for top of fire walls shall be of INSTALLEUG 1,100D FUMSE: Interior wood finish., sash, doors and cabinet work shall not he permitted in the, buildine, before same is reasonably dry,, All door and window frames, interior and exterior wood finish, sash, doors , cabinet viork and other fixed wooden equipment and finish shall be properly i.i.istalled, level, plumb and true. 1*111erever required, the m)mbers shall be neatly, accurately scribed in place, maintalning fall widths of and members where- ver possible. All trim :3hall bu, )ytrt in -full lengths without piecing,, except Where the� use . of single leng"'hs would be im- practicable or impossible. In general, pieoing shall be beveled and not butt jointed. All exterior angles shall be mitred and the interior angles of t,,ae moulded parts coped. All nails shall be set for putty,, The surface grain and color of adjoining in- terior wood finish shall be selected to match and harmonize. 37. Any door and window frames, interior and exterior wood finish, sash, doors, cabinet viorkp and other fixed wooden eq.,uipment and finish showing hammer marks, or other damage caused by careless- ness or faulty workmanship will be rejected. All exterior finish shall have all joints set in white lead paste before nailing or assembling. POOR 2 WIPTDOVI 1.1iD TRAIvIS01.1 FRAIMS : All door and window frames shall be of D. Fo and shall be accur- ately set , plumb, level and true. The space between the frame and the nailing blooks and back of qll butts shall be solidly blocked and the frames rieourely anchored in place as detailed. See schedule for sizes. All door., transom and wndow frames shall be milled from Douglas Fir. The frames shall lie dadoed together at the head, transom bar housed into jambs , and all joints Bet in white lead paste. All sills shall be WhitO Pine, or ReC od. All windo'W frames where shown shall be milled from the following kinds and grades of woo('La ,, in accordance with details, Heads and side jambs, pExting strips , transom bars, mullions and other similar exposed .ambers---Douglas Fir, as specified for finish lumber. , Sills ,, blind stops, moulds and other axterior trim, clear Redwood or white pine. Sills shall be saw kerfed; head and side jambs Bills., transom bars shall be housed toeetheT in an approved manner and the joints set in white lead paste. WOODEN SASH: Sash: All sash shall be of the "Upeg size, thickness and detail indicated on the drawings, No. 1, clear--Sugar Pine. The atiles , rails and muntins shall be made from solid stock, moulded to detail, and Vlie Joints squarely out and accurately fitted. The joints betwaen the stiles, rails and muntins,, shall be mortised and tenoned; those between the stiles arid rails shall be through mortised and tienoned, Wedged and pinned, and all con- tact surfaces filled tho:?oughly with white lead paste. All glass in exterior sash shall be bedded in putty and "putty Arid point" set. All glaas in interior sash shall, be bedded in Putty and secured in pla,,�e with wood stops. W.O.ODEM DOORS Furnish all doors shown on plans and of sizes as indicated. o The stiles, rails and mu.-ritins of all doors are to be madd of Douglas Fir and shall be trade from solid stock, moulded to de- tail and the joints squarely and accurately fitted. . The joints between the stiles, rails" and muntins of interior doors shall be blind mortise and tenoned or doweled as hereinafter specified for veneered doors and all joints glued up vdth waterproof glue,, The Joints shall be through mortise and ten- oned, wedged and pinned joints between the stiles and rails of exterior doors, and till contact surfaces thoroughly filled with iiihite lead paste. All panels shall be lam`�.natedo five ply, face veneer not less than one-eighth inch thJ.ck before sanding. Flat panels shall be not less than seven six-teer iths inch thick before sanding. All solid doors shall be built up of strips glued together and covered with cross band veneer on both sides. The edges of all stiles and rails shall be -made in one length of solid mateilal well doweled and glued to the core. The finish suriace shall be straight grain D. F. 1/4" tbJ-ok glued to the cross band with waterproof glue and set in press until the glue is set and hard. All such doors shall be made in accord with standard practice folloviing the details acO shown and to the satisfaction of Archi- teots. In the construct ion of exterior doors as noted in schedule,, all rabbets for pancle , all edges of panels , and the backs of ap- plied moulds shall be Pcinted with white lead paste, before as- sembling. After outtine and fitting, the ends of applied mould shall be similarly treated. All glass in doors shall be bedded in putty and secured in place -with wood stops. The rebates and. the backs of the stops shall be painted black before the glass is set, The stops shall be secured In place with ovalheaded, countersunk brass screws spaced not to exceed twelve inches on centers. FITTING AIM Tji111G114G DOOFS : Each door shall be accurately cut , trimmed and Xitted to its frame and hardiriare , vith due oalowance for painter's finish and possible swelling and shrinking. The clearance at the look and hanging atiles and at the top shall not exceed one-eighth inch, at bottom shall exceed one-quarter inch. All arrises shall be rounded to a one-sixteenth inch radius and the look rail edges shall be slightly beveled. The screws for hardware shall not be driven;, merely started by driving, and screwed home. All doors shall operate freely, 'but not loosely, without stick- ing or binding, without dingo-bound conditions and with all hardware properly adjust--,--d and funationing. SXT �',RIOR WOOD F111ISIj_ q JG1 All. ex"Gerior o:ood finish shall be Douglas Fir unless otherwise specifiedo post. , knee braces, ate, FLY SCR.. ­314S - Vurnioh mid install on a- 1 toilet windows bronze fly screens set in wooden frames. `scree as shall be hinged at top. Bronze screens shall be given one coat of Valspar varnish. 39. INTERIOR FIHISH: The interior finish generally consists of base and shoe, eas- inggs , trim, moldings and all other interior finish shown or specified. ROUGH AUD VI1,11SIT IWJD�'JAIU All rough hardware consisting of nails , spikes, bolts , screws, -tacks and hinges , etc . , and chains for windows shall be gal- vanized, furnished and -"nstalled fully in accordance with the recliziromente of the drawings and specifications. Furnish and install all Finish Hardware. All hardware shall be accurately fitt6d in every instance, and with the exception of butts, all surface applied hardware ouch as escutcheons,, c.oa door catches, etc. :-, shall be removed by the Contractor before the Painter's finish is applied and subsequent to oom- pletion of Painter's finishLe shall permanently replace all such hardware. FINISH 1URDIVARE The Contractor shall furnish and affix all finish or Builders ' Hardware. Such shall bo as per the following list , and shall be of a make and grade zipproved by the Architeots. The following list covers all necessary finish hardware to complete the building® The numbers and symbols are taken from Catalogs of the following maxuifaoturers : P. F, Corbin Co McCabe Stanley Works Glynn Johnson Go. Bommor Spring I31.nge Co. Soss Manufacturing Co. Rite Ilardware Cob These mamifaoturersl cate'3LOg numbers are intended for des- cription purposes only; any other make of equal quality may be used if approved by the Axchitects. 1. 1 set folding doors- on platform 26 M, opening -- 8 doors 2 Pr pivots IIoCabe 40ch or equal 26 Ft . McCabe 405 Floor track or equal 26 Ft, McCabe 405 overhead track or equal 4 bottom moriers 405 or equal . 40. 4 top gaide rollers 405 or equal 9 pr butts EB 101 1/2 - 4 x 4 or equal 4 bolts ZB 2859 - 1217 or equal 4 bolts BB 2859 - 3011 or equal 2 pulls EB 2973 1/2 or equal #2 2 pair doors a pavilion to exterior 6 0 7 - 0 x 1 3/4 6 pr butts 4B 280 A 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 1W x brass pin or equal 2 sets panic bolts M 02344 x ZB 02352 or equal 2 sets dummy trim as outside of !0 02344 or equal 4 closers 4 1/2 G - 104 4 brackets G 26-4 or equal 4 kick plates EB 02316 10 x 34 1/2 or equal 4 holders GJ111 or egi.aj. 2 doors g3 - juvillon to exterior 3 - 0 Y: 7 - 0 x 1 3/4 3 pr butts EB 280 A - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 2 sets panic bolts EB 02044 or equal 2 closers 4 1/2 G 104 or equal 2 brackets G 26-4 or equal 2 kink plates EB 02316 - 10 x 34 1/2 or equal 2 holders GJ113 or equal 1 door --"2 - exterior to dressing, room 2 6x 7 0 x 1 3/4 1 door 4 exterior to rest room 2 2 x 7 0 x 1 3/4 1 door 4 - platform to dressing room 2 - 8 x 7 0 x 1 3/4 41. 4 1/2 pr butts EB 280 A m 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 3 sets looks LB 740-520 x 0567 1/2 or equal 3 cheeks 3 1/2 G 103, or equal 3 brackets G335 3, or equal ai 5 1 door ,1-3 - exterior to storage 3 - 0x7m0x13/4 1 door 3 m pavilion to storage 3 - 0x7 - 0x13/4 1 door - exterior to storage 1 door 4 - pavilion to storage room 2 - 6x7 - 0x13/4 6 pr butts B 280 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 4 sets locks BB 740-520 x 570 1/4 or equal 4 stops SB 365 1/2 or equal fr 6 1 door 4 ® exterior to man's toilet 2 - 8 x 7 - 0x13/4 1 1/2 pr butts OR 280 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 1 push plate LB 2340 - 4 x 16 cut- or a gaa1 1 pull OR 4459 out or e qua l 1 dead lock OR 138 1/4 x 1/.&B cylo or equal 1 chock '3 a* G or eg7al l bracket G 335-3 or equal 7 1 door 4 restroom, to wormen's toilet <, - 8x 70x1. 3/4 1 1/2 pr butts OR 280 - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 FBT x brass pin or equal 1 push plate EB 2340 - 4 x 16 or equal 1 pull CR 4459 or equal 42. 1 cheok G 3 m or oqual o 1 bracket G 335-3 or equal. 6 8 doors - Dressing rooms T & G 2 -p 6 x 6 8x11/8 8 pr butts 1B 101 1/2 2 1/2 x 2 1./2 or equal 8 pulls EB 9296 o a equal 24 hooks3B 01.034 a./2 or QC,ual. 8 latches 10 274 or eW al. 1.0 doors - open in women's toilet 2" concrete part. - 1 1/811 woad door 10 sets hingas OR 596 x OR 0596 reverse spring or egaal 10 bolts Gil 599 l/(1 or equal 10 striI;ea OR 661 or equal. 10 hooks OR 2421 op equal. #10 1 door 5 p:lpe space to women°s toilet 2 t? X7 - 0x13/4 1 pr butts OR 275 a 4 x brass pin - BT or equal 1 latch 0R 274 or equal. 1 par doors 7 - pE vil.ion to exterior (center pr) 5 - 0x7 - Ox21./4slab I Pair door. 9 - pavilion to exterior 6 - 0x7 - 0x. 21./4 slab 6 pr butte 13B 280 A - 5 x 5 x btaes pin FBT or equal 2 seas panic bolts LB 02344 x LB 02352 or equal 2 sets dummy trim as outside 111B 02344 no laver or egLLal. 43a 4 oloseri, G #4, or eqnal. 4 bracket-- G -26-s, 2 holders GJ111 or equal 2 holders G,7113 or equal 4 kick Plates -'0 02316 - 1011 x widtli of door -.,Lef,,3 1 1/211 or equal. #12 2 pair aOOM- "I - Tavilion to exterior aside prs ) 5 - 0x 7 - Ox2l/4 slab 2 pair doors 8 - pavilion to exterior 8 0 x 7 - 0 x 2 1/4 slab 12 pr butts EB 280 A - 5 x 5 x brass pin FBT or equal 8 panio bolts 13B 02352 or equal olosers G #4, wl! equal.- 8 sets dumnVN trim as outside of 02344 a no lever or equal brackets 26-4 solid bronze or equal 4 holders GJ111 pax equal holders GJ115 or equal 8 kick plates .13B C2316 10" x width of door leso I I/211 Or equal 2 pair doors 6 - pavilion to exterior 5 - C x 7 - 0 x 2 1/0/4 6 Pr 'batts EB 280 A - 4 1/2 x 5 x brass pin F,13T or equal A panic bolts EB C2362 or egae.1 4 Closers G jJ40 or equal 4 braokoto G 26-4, or equal 4 hol&ers GJ11-1 or equal 4 knIck plates EM 02.316 - 10 x width of door less, 1 or e qual 4 80tS d-I-IMPY trim as outaide of 02,344 no lever or equal 44. 2 doors 3 toi let crest a to exterior 5 - 0x7 - 0x1. 3/4 .3 pr butts EE 280 A. m 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 brass pixy FB`2 or aqua I 2 plates OR 2340 - 4 x 1.6 - out or equal, 2 pulls Ts, 4459 4 : 1.6 - out or equal 2 dead looks EE x 6R 138 1/4 or equal 2 &-La cI:s G-3 ptd a alum. solid bronze or e qua l 2 bra,cl:et s GID26, or equal 1 door - toilet "u,e3ste to men' s toilet ,t7 co-.:-reto) pert,, 2 :1 pr h .iges ^ . 05r96 o equal, 1 pz p'.ia'ue i'M 234.0 - 4 x 1.6 or equal 1 door 4 toilet vest. to vonien' s toilet 2 - 8 7 - 0x13/4 1. 1/2 tar bratty CJP: 260 -. 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 brass pin I+'BT or equal ., 1 iolate OR 2 340 - 4. x 16 or equal thecI: G §3, or aclaal 1 bra c -e t G 335-3 b or e c1p.m, , ;r 17 1. door -4 - T en's toilet to restroom 2 - 8 x 7 - O x 1 5/4 1 door 4 - men" s .toilet to smoking room i 2 8 x 7 - 0 x 13/4 ; „ - brass F pr butts rE 280 � 4 1/2 x 4 if 2 brvas pin . ET or eq«.I 2 pulls �,B 4459 or equal 450 2 plates CH 2340 4 x 16 or equal 2 check G j;39 or etilwal 2 bra,cIIet G 335-3, or e qa al 1, door 4 - pavilion to smoking room 2 - 6x7 m0x13/4 1 door 3 '- pavilion to rests oom 3 - 0 x 7 •. 0 x 1 3A 3 pr butts :TB nM - 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 brass pin FBT or equal 2 pulls 7B 4450 or equal 2 plates 13B 23,110 - 4 x 16 or equal 2 c�l w 7.s G k3 l. , or equal y "-an;s 2 6.1� s t2`"'e335 g or agaal , � Wd J 6 trahs ores sash A, '4 11 P9 Ft , 5 47 93 V as n H as L as tt F t t rt 29 pr butts BB 101 1/2 3 x 3 or egvza�1 29 catohes 2278 1/2 or equal 50 Cha.lns TM 200 1/2 -- 12" or equal. „ 20 2 transom sash B toi lets 3 " D toilets 5 pr butts CE 10). 1.f2 3 x 3 or equal 5 catc'ries C.' 2278 1/2 or equal 10 chains Tj 200 1/2— - 12" or equal 460 ;r21 4 top hinged doors at concession counter 6 pr butts RB 101 1/2 ,- 3 x 3 or equal 4 fasts M 021164 TA or equal 4 friction sta5is- GJ325 or equal 2 hinged gates w daps at check: room and concession 2 sets hinges 711 Dormer or equal 2 pr Suss hinges 112 or equal .. 23 3 top hinges doors at stage 7 1/2 pr Mutts EB 101 1./2b2 1/2 x 2 1/2 or equal l 5 lifts EB 9296 or equal 5 small :L* ite friction catches or equal a24 ails ce llaneous 6 master keys cyl© locks 4 poles and hooks 1.06 4 hangers TM 1290 or equal. note i5pecial Hardware, on plans, for folding stage doors® Conclusion of Hardware The above list is inte.aded as descriptive of the harlware to be used. Should additional hardware be needed, not specific- ally itemized and noted on above list , the Contractor shall furnish and affix same,, It being; understood, that such ,hard-- ware shall be similar eb.n type, design and finish to that noted above, i i { i t 47 RO OER IT G G711MAL C011DITIC;M: All work included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the foreoart of these specifica- tions and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thorou.[-.;hlW familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to thz-t of- other contractors. All work. included under this Section of s-necificu-tions consists of the furnishing of all appliances, labor and imterials required for installing a corapo,,sdtion roof all over roof surfaces of the building so Indicatedi also for -6 a oilat a. d V iash room floom, C;7 T T 11P. 0,T 0 All work under the `Iooflng Contract slr-, ll be executed by a Con- tractor acceptable to the ardhitects and duly authorized by the , ,nanu_facturer vfl-h-ose roo-"Ing i-.iaterials are used. 73efore xoofi]��g coiit:L-,act is executed t1l.e Co.-tractor shall file the �"Irchitects a letter of ar,proval of Roofing 0-ontractor, fro,.- the 1.'oofi-ne, iranafacturers, whose prod acts are to be used. The mahufacturer of roofing materials shall be a recognized manufacturer of IloofinC Materials, who shal]. be a-pproved by the Irchitects In writing. INSPECTIOPTi Before co:,menairip work, the 0,3ntractor shall inspect all sarfaces t-hat arc t-o receive roofing, flashing reglets and other details,, and assure hir.,self that same are in every way satisfacto- ry for the -i,,roT)er installation of his vyorh, hie shall notify the Goneral Contractor :for correction of any, defects in work manisldp or nia- torials 'that Y,-iay prove detrimejital to the installation of such rooflng materials. .after such inspection that'--oofiiag Con- tractor shall be held r_f3s-;.�o_nsIble for any defects that may later a�-c,-.oeotr In his aTork. All work zwnd. i-iateri,,_ils instal. "led under the Itoofi.,ig Contract shall be sab-'cct to the Inspeotion,, direc--'tion and supervision of the Inspector for the mahafactarer oi' the roofing materials. BYZEBAIRATIOIT, All surfaces to receives roofing materials shall be thoroughly dry and swe-;I; clean ane' smooth before materials are avplled. iITMUUAT.9 AIM -L, PLLC )X -All flat roof decks and inclines of less than _J_'OLLr inches (41T) to the foot sliall be co*Fercd with a composition roof as follor.s: 480 The roofing must be specification roofing of the vitalized type with the surface double coated. Zach layer must 'weigh forty pounds (40# ) to each one hundred and eight (108 ) square feet. Rolls must bear the first quality brand labels , company furnish- ing same. The cementing materials to be asphalt or recognized asphaltic composition of the best grade. The finished roof must include the following materials : One (1 ) layer of 6 lb. Rosin sized dry sheet . Two (2) layers of forty pound (4011 ) vitalized roofing over entire roof. One (1) extra layer in angles, sharp valleys and out- lets. Seventy pound (701111) Asphalt or approved asphaltic comet Y" position to each one hundred (lOO) sq.ft . of roof area. Three hundred pound6 (300,�) clear, dry, roofing sand of approved size to each one hundred (100) square feet of roof area.. Special fabric seal outlets, pipes , vents, and edges. Ylashings at walls and coanterflashing may be 24-i galvanized iron as de- tailed, lower edge doubled where clamping roofing and well secured in reglets and properly caulked. Flashings shall be of copper and shall be furnished and installed by Roofing Contractor. Cement all layers of roofing togethu.- �D*nunl�v wit.-In hot aaphalt . Turn up walls four inches (411) at high points and eight inches (811) at low points. Side lap not less t-."ian itdvqo la,,drj.Fjs (21) and lap four inches (411) , Bail solid to prevent movement . Apply twenty Pound (2'0 of asp,nl:'.-"U� cc-,rapaund par s,,j!aazD batweon all .1 J6 layers and fifty pound (501j) per s(faare on top for gravel. As- phalt applied hot 3500 F. to 4000 -F. Gravel or ro.-Oxc to bfz) hard, dry, clean and size one-fourth inch (1/4") to one-half inch (1/211) Seal outlets, pipes , vent,,3, and roof edgeato a.all.s viiith asphaltic compound or 2leatine. All roofs on steep inolinos or inclines of four inches (411) to the foot or mars shall be laid as folio-as: The roofii�-, must be specification roofine, of the vitalized type with the surface double coated. The first laver of smooth roofing i e must weigh forty pounds (40jf) to the one hundred and eight (108) V U square feet, and 'the top layer of Mineral surfaced roofing must weigh eighty-five pounaB ('65-jIl',') to the once hundred and eight (108� square feet and have as smooth two inch W) Selvedge edge . Rolls must bear the first quality brand labels of manufacturer furnishing same. The cementing material to be Asphalt Grade B. The finished 'roof must include the follovin6 materials : One layer of 6 lb.. Rosin sized dry sheet. One (1) layer of forty pound (4071,7-) vitalized roofing over the entire area. One (1 ) layer Of eigh.ty-five round (85if) vitalized minor- al surfaced roofing over all- 491, One 1) extra layer of forty round (40W) roof Ing at angles and shapr valleys,. Twenty pound (20") Asphalt to each one hundred (100) square feet between laVerso Special fabric seal all outlets, vents and edges, counter- flashing, to be as specified above for flat roofs. Cement all le.7)ers of roofing together evenly with hot asphalt. Tarn up walls ::our inches (411) at high points and eight inches (87) at low points. 5.1de lap not less than t,.,o inches (2") , end lay) four inches (41" ) Nail solid to prevent movements. 1pply twenty round I ' (20;. ) 'of asphaltic compound per square foot be- tween all Urjers., applying hot at 3500 F. to 400' F. Seal out. lets, vents and -pipes r..,,ith -"sphaltic compound. The top layer of laineral surfaced roofing to be black, green or red special rolled in r,,ranules. she seaw must be well cemented, nailed but with- out nail heads exposed. Layers must be uniform Mid lay flat, On flat dech-s rlhere' inc lines is less than -four inches (417) to the' foot , appi,-V one additional layer of forty (40;;,.) pound roof. ing mid tr.--ney pounds (20;,.-) of asphaltic compound to the square in addition to .above materials, All r,jof laid over wooden sheathing shall have a dry sheet of 1.0 paper. All flashing and counterflashing and etc., shall be furnished and installed by roofer. after the metal counter flashingshave been installed and the cer.,acnt m,3rtar has thoroughly set and become dry ; begin- nl.ng at a point tvo indhes f2") above the counter flashing and extending dour to ti'lae roof line the Roofing, Contractor shall a; ply a heavy coatin[,,,, of Fibre Roof Coating. 14'arnish any minor flaang required to rml'a a thorough waterproof job* FIRE MALLS: All fire wells shall be covered with various la',yers of roofing and carried up and over top of parapet and under the, finished i&.,00d cap. All exposed inside faces of par8pe"t walls shall be covered vith rook surfaced roofings INS PTIC T i The roof Jilig contractor shall notify the oofing 1.1anufacturer in 'L ample time before starting the roof to have their inspector on the -iob conti': uousl7 during the time the roof is being laid. I ON Before roofing 'will be accepted, the roofing contractor shall furnish three ( ) co- pies of a written statement from the mane facturer vhose materials are to be used stating that the roofing contractor received -their written endorsemex,it prior to commencing the is.ark, and that the de el: to be covered was inspected by the r.mnu-13acturer' s inspector, before, during, and after roofing ras a, plied and thao roof as installed is in accordance with these t sT)eoifications and the manufacturer' s requirements for roofs of this type. 'I,Ithout the above statement the roof will not be accertedw 500 Contractors before' takire the work. vill w scertain in advance f ron, manufacturer whose materials they intend using as to whether they will furnish such statement as outlined above. LVELIBI-ARE VIATMZI:�.';�MWI-IG Furnish and install a membrane rvaterproofiiLg conrosed vatex7Lroof- ing composed of two layers of felt turned up on alli�all Sur- faces and cement together with hot asphalt and then given a floor coat. -,:un membrane up and in back of urinal stalls as detailed. This membrane shLI1 be laid under all cement finish floors of toilet rooms of first, o.r main, floot.& GUARA14TEE: The General Contraotor shall furnish .a guarantee on roof, flashings and conductors, against leaks of aay nature whatsoever for a period 1-1 o , %f one ,, VeRr. Tbp. 1"orrz of (-4isrO-rtons slil.eO.1 be accepta-ble to the Arch iteat.O.. LITHI i:G :':Idly Za"''T",",J1 G vorl. included in the s ,section shall be subject to the c�c;yzeral Conditions as a'�tached in the forey�art of these spec- iiications,, and this 0ontra.otor shall rend and examine them and all other sections thoroughly fa.r-iliarizing himself with Ills Cork and ,its relation to that of otxior Contractors. The work of this section shall include all labor materials scaffolding, equipment turd appliances necessary to complete all interior and exterior lathing and plastering„ metal lath and blaster toilet stalls vv;ith raccompanying steel, .°Muds, and all other plaster worm. :3hovvn on the drari-ngs or herein s- cifiedo Sioace back of wood wainscot will not be lathed and plastered. Ceiling of Auditorium under truss portion and veil- ing of Pavilion proper will not be plastered. yiITD ik IRK'AITSH.� Shall be of the best of the several hinds and. In all cases meet the aoproval of th€: Architects, (a.) 'Lath All metal. lath used for it rior plastering where hereafter specifie� as metal lath shall be large diamond Mesh weighing not less than three and four-tenths (3.04) pounds -f)er snivare yara after exnand.irjg and paintingo 1 . 1he r::esh of tho lath shall be a-,rproximately 3/8" x '-/4" in size and the lath shall be sainted after expansion rith a �:.aint that will resist corrosion, and the action of alkali and lime, 2, ",lle lath shall be cat and expanded from uniform gauge, o-„esn hea-rth co,-;Der bearing steel; c o--. per molybdenum iron or ,,-,ure iron sheets complying v:ith the following ~eciu ire r�ex�ts e If co ,per boar ing met 1 is used , the c o,-_;-er con- telit shai l �Denot, less t1lan two-tenths of one -oer cent (0 @ 2 o) and not more than three-tenths of one 3.:er cent (0.a,A by weight. Other ire--.-urities sha.l:i not eNcee'd seventy-fi re hundredths of one per cent (0,>75;�} by weight m 1f i:QA,y;er 1. olybdenura Iron is used, the cov%-;;er content v ill not be less than four tenths of one per cent (0,4;�) and, not be more than .five-•tenths o one per cent (0.5 �) by weight. The con,�ent shall not be 'Less than six hundredths of one per cent (0 o06h) and. riot More 'than ten hundredths of one per cent (0,,10 ) by velghty the total impurities shall not e_cceed twenty-five hundredths of one per cent (0 .25;a) by vaeight4 If pure iron metal is used it be ninety-nAe and eight tenths per cent (99.0) pure iron by re ight n 5�0 (b) Plasterboard: Plasterboard used for the interior portions of the build- ins shall becorkposed of not less than 75% of nonimflam- mable materials and not less than 0/811 thick, and pro- vided with a mechanical key bond on the fade thereof. Any plasterboard proposed to be used Lust first be ap_ roved in writing by the Architect's, ( c) Steel Pabric: The steel fabric for exterior stucco rork shall be Steel- crate or equal weighing not less than 3/.6 pounds per sqaare yard. iill steel fablo shall be baci.:ed with felt V eip .,via V hing not less than 1-5 -lounds, 31 nailed with nails as speoified, (d) Corner Beads: All corner beads shall be made from steel or iron sheets and shall be galvanized by the hot dip process. Srall nose beads shall be twenty-six gauge and shall be of the ew,)arided wing or the solid flange type. The ring or flange shall n - t be less than two and one-quarter inches vide. The metal that holds the expanded cuing to the rail of the bead shall be a rdnimum of three-eighths Inch wide at each point of contact. (a) Base Screeasa Furnisha dnd install at all points bct�een cement plaster and Hardwall a rietal base screed as detailed, (f) Me she The mesh reln-"orcemeiit - for toilet stall ,"artit ions shall be 1/211 mesh #ilvanized hardware clothe (g) Channels : For toilet partitions, shall be 3/4" cold rolled. (h) Tying Wire. All wire for fastening together the metal framing for toilet stalls shall be sixteen gauge galvanized double anriealed steel tie. r°lore® xvire used Al"I for U i tying the lath toget'--or shall be eighteen gauge galvanized double annealed steel tie wire. All nalls used to secure metal lath to wood vertical surfaces for interior -'-:Iasto­ ing shall be six tinny barbed, galvanized common nails. Ill nails used to secure cum-osition lath to wood sur- faces for Interior plastoring shall be galvanized barbed roofing nails not less than tr o inches long Diode of tvelve gauge steel r1re, having a head three-eight inch in diam. ter. All nails used to secure rire fabric, expanded metal, or other metal reinforcement to good surfaces for exter- ior plaster shall be made of twelve gauge steel wire and shall have a head three-eighths inch in diameter. The nail shall be fitted with a steel furring device having four prongs to grip the reinforcement and secure it in position not less than one-fourth ,inch from the wood surfaces,. The nail and the furrilig device shall be galvanized; nails used over solid sheathing shall be one and one-quarter inches long. Nails used over studs shall be tr-o inches longs �) Sands: oral shall be clean, screeral sharp sand, containing not more than five per cent t 5 1 by vo lu:::e of clay loam, organic mm tters, or silt, and shall be -,.roperly graded for plastering, ( h) Cement : 0er,f,nt for exterior plaster shall be a domestic brand of ort land Cement wnforming to the standard s ;ecif i ca- tions and tests for ,.ortland Cement A.S,T.M. Designation 0-9-30. Cement for plaster wainscot as noted on drawings shall be "Peens", or equal. ( 1) 21psum Plaster: All Gypsum Plaster shall be a standard brand similar to Arden, 'Em.pire, Blua Dlunmond or. equal. 1. Storage• Gypsum "laster shall be delivered and stored in the storeroom or rooms on the site in such a runner which will �-.,rotect t-he planter from dampness. (m) Plaster of Parisi All plaster, of -orris, if used, shall be a standard brand comply1n- rith the "Standard S-ecifications for Calcined Gypsy Designm^t ion: C-23430, number one size as defined in Section `CBS° thereof. r; :T�.TIC�Ib Oil' „'TAL LAILT N 'D CCU:.' t7S1TIOTC 2 TII All com-j-position lath sha,11 be rell nailed to all joists and. studs with nails as specified and s-paced not over 1211 ctsa { `2he joints sha11 be staggered and leaving a small space between each sheet. I.Ietal lath shall be a;?'died ri th the long dimension of sheet across the furring channels or studs, e,ids of sheets shall be staggered ,,ne above another. Lathing shall commence at the top of i:artition or furring, and shall be carried down, the edge of the lower .sheet lapping over the upper sheet. 54m Fua La The lathing Contractor shall provide and install all plaster- board furring over good studs, pilasters, and other detals, and tmherever necessary, for the concealment of pipes, conduits, vhether shown on dravin s or not, etc. , in the va.lls and partitions. at points or corners where plasterbodrd partitions dontact ex- teri.or walls, a strip A lath shall be bent .into corner from floor to ceiling and nailed to tLe walls over the -o taster- boa.rdo hun a 12." strip of .lath bait over ceiling to the wra.11 lath on all sides at least G" o size furring for u:11 new work as shown on the drawings shall be covered with metal lath as s.ecified., Ae lath shall. foll6r, ` the profiles as detal.lecL and shall be secarely nailed to the Voo d framing. Small nose; corner beads shall be installed over all exterior vertical plasterled corners, from the toy of the base to the ceilings, and on all external angles of .-Mastered beams , sof- fits, on ;jambs on all interior plastering. Orner beads shall be set Dlumb ax:d shall form true a.rrises for the plaster, shall be rigidly fastened .in rizzce z t the ends and secnr.eQ nailed to the furring as herein specified. she nat is shall occu e in va h v'ng of the bead d and sha 1. be sTacerl not, to € xceied twe ve inches on centers. Corner beads shall be neatly mitered and dgwe l.ed with close-fitted joints at all cornors.. 011„`s.i..J.:'i :a...:eP.J. ^dld=.? E:.1. STEEL 1.eJ All exterior cbmeht yla. tier on the exterior of the btza_lO= shall be do :Q over steel-fabric as specified bBrai.nbefore . ilo dd gr ounas v i l.l. be r rov ded and set, as specified under Carpentry. Zurnish all information seces`>ary to insure the setting of tr,e gr'oand;s in the proper location, and of the proper th.c.',aiess for the kind: o1 pl.a.stex speci:i Wa. Failure . on. the A ,:c�°t: oi": 'tt3.e plasterer to furnish such information at t.,ko required ti. .e, will necessitate his rectifying suoh in- correct work as s"i2ap be installed to suit cond ?ti�,ns;, Without extra cost. t 7 e,.,,N..n.�,n«.,....�.>a...�.*w.,...m.:......w....oc,..,..«.�m.-.....:.<...®.,.,.....„..�........Rm.-..���laa The i--,�allo and. edil..i.ngs of all ropms noted in schedule .are to be; lathed r:ith DlastprboaM and plaster aa. The toilet stallpartitions and other spaces as noted d in j schedule shall bt metal lathed and plastered with CS^I"i ent plaster, i including All toilet zoom Eainsoot. i 55. Thd remainder of the interior of the building as noted on scahedulo, excepting ceiling of main portions of auditorium and pavilion which are not plastered, shall be lathed with composition loth and plastered with gypsum plaster, sand finish.. Note the low portions on both sides of Recreation Hall shall have plaster ceilings . The 2avi.lion ceiling will not be laathcad and plastered. Nall back of wainscot in Ilavi.l- ion need not be plastered. :solid plaster toilet pe r titi.one shall be built up as detailed. A cement finish wains cot 7 ft . high Lh.:all be carried around all toilets. Auditorium to have a cement wainscot . 1R} OP e The oeraent urinals, fi.n ah floors Paid cement base in all to-i- let rooms and elsewhere, noted as cement plaster finish will be done 'by the conarete contractor.' but this contractor shall do. all other cement plaster finish not specified to be done under the concrete specifications. PILROR BACKING: Install a laminated water-proof paper with di.bres embedded back, of all interior metal, lath which is to be cement; plastered. MIXING €F 2LA.STER .A.T D dPPLICATIOUS o The materials alia,lla be mUed and applied in strict accordance with the printed directions of the manufacturer,, The ingre- dients sha,l.l be thorough:iy mixed togetha*°, and no more shall be mixed at any time th.a.a can be used within one-half hour after mixing. No materials shalll be allowed to remain in the mixer and mixing boxes over ni ht a All plaster shall be measured, in calibrated boxes or suittiable -measuring devices to assure the . correct propartioning of materials. Tha, soratch. oo4at of come :is plaster shall consist of one part; Plastic 2ortl.ana Cement and t 1wee and once-half pavts . sand mea3ured by volume , shal 4.. thoroughly cover the base on which it is applied, and shall be applied with suf.ficia3nt pressure to ob- ta- in a goad key. Where blaster is applied on: metal lath., it sqall be well. forced tlir,ough all:. spaces or openings in the lath to farm a good meth ica._. key. The sus:faco of thca scratch coat shall be thorou.gh:Ly scored, 6oiYCb()d, or soraatchad, in tibo directions at approximately rie t angles to each rather, in a manner to form', fcLrrows or c iannel..a in the aoat.z, in onder to form a good, moohanic a- 1. bond for the . sec ond, coat,, The so catch avat c:f comexit pIAstex'., shLal.l be in place not less tl. Ull te-11 days afo.:F. the second coat is applied thereto , and, shall be ap.t foist durir;sg the fi2st twexily-f6ur (24) hour j) k. i.od. m ae brovin coat of camen..; plaster shall c onsi.at of one -part plastic Portland Cement and fcau.r parts- sand measured by volume; aaj) lied as { speci.fied above and bro€am;z. d to form a key .for the finish. coat . 56. The scratch and brown coat w& co-. ,y. 1-aster over plasterboard shall consist of two is sEnd and one port ypsum plaster measured by volume, ;:o which si,,all be added not less than :dour pounds of fiber to each cubic yard of mortar, eveAy distributed through the mortar . co: t h ll be rodded to a straight, true;, and even surface and ba ught to the thie3>ness of the grounds less not more than one sixteenth inch, and shall be lxroomed to form a l.ey for the finish coat. A-PLICAs ION C:' + iITISH C G� 4 The finish coat of gypsum plaster (Sand a inish) shall consist of one part unfibered gyy sim ;,plaster acid one Dart sand measured by volur;e. "The finish coat shall be brought to tkze full thick- ness of ehc grounds and' given a sand finish, using a brush and. carpet float, leaving it in perfect condition, free from cracks, cat faces, or otkior imperfecti o gas Q 'he finish coat of cezient, rlaster shall consist of three parts lirre putty two parts. Cel- nt and three parts sand measured b; vo lurne. his coat shall be a.rpL=ed as sooir as the brown coat has dried. If the sucti ii is zoo great, the brown coat shall be sprini:led lightly with clean 'muter fr:-,,m a cle.ln brush. _.'he blaster shall be brodght to the full thickness of the grounds and trowelled until the srLrface is smooth aiid- true and free from lair cars nc:4 ait;htly s-prink-le t.Ith rater from a, brush, while trovellin -. °°orb: top and bottom of the mall at tlia :arise time to avoid �of ning. fill. interior rla;.ster5.nig shall. be finished to true planes, with- ou�, i.rale xec tins and, square with adjoining work, and sha.11 Loxmn proper foundation for wooden trims ;saint and other finish in rrlu E� ^ices. .�llw in'torior plastering nhich does not cor _Dly vith the require- ?ae nts of those s-pecifications shall be removed and. replaced w it hplaste:riitg vhich complies with the syecifications in eVer^ respect. Beaorc the; pLintirc is eta-rted%, all damaged portion: of the in- terior p .a.sterinL, shall be ;repaired as directed by the repre- senta.tivo of the: •Lrchitects. s1.1 patching and repairing s oII be neatly aid aocurat.ely done and shall exactly Imatch `the; finish of the adJoinin fors:. Upon, corr:plet.,on of the In- ter'ior plastering, the interior of the building shall. be thorou.ghl.y cleaned of a.; 'i surplus , lasteri.ng materi.a.?s and debri v, ish ch sha.l i be removed from t lie, site All rmid plaster as shown shall be run with a gutty -fi..nish to follow ,:,rof i les as c?eto iled. All run work shall be straight, true a2id even w}its? pil n.i,ters greatly made (;o the satisfaction ia:of the 1. l.rh sec ts. �'d 0 All exterior surfaces of the build ng, except ti.e back of aaral�et galls shall be p last Bred After the walls have been passed by the .IrchitectL , 4pply follow- scratch co ;na rhe ing coats shall be a�ppliedas hereinafter s--eeified. 'Ohe second or brown c,,,at shall c,) sist of one part plastic :.ortlL,,nd cement aj. I four parts sand measured by volume, mixed with wator in a batch mixer to the; proper c 'nsi:tencya The blaster shall be ap— lied with sufficient pressure to create 2 ood bond with the fabric. 1Jhen this coat has stiffened -sufficiently it shall be dry floated zith a. �=ooden float and lightly and evenly cross scra.tnhed to form a go.od mechanic 1 bond. for the finish coat. :As soon as the plaster arrears to be drying out, It shall be thoroughli sj rInl:ledv. she plaster shall be thoroughly S.-prink- led thereafter every morning and evening for three da,,,vs,, then alloyed to dry uniformly for at least ten daJs before the the f inish coat shall b!o of :stucco finish® Submit sr riple of color and a:inish for -architects a-, izoval before starting the wuek, .w. E J. .i A'•."+.O.;J.r4 L.I.aJ±4�..L: .�.wcum>.uw�m.nmtiurrr. ee�m .a .aas'Y - t Igo all run plaster on t#?e exterior of the buildig as shown and detailed. 1k11 run work. slaa ll. folloi the ?)rofi les as mill. be d.etaf.i le d" straight true a:.?id even to till-, satisfaction of the '.phi test . The stall, �,,irtitions s f"a.11 be constructed of 3/4" cold :tolled s I c ?4 is spa i aced t.nrtically 1G'° on oen ear and rich 3/4 channels laid f izat 29 -01' on c on ter s, all l v.-i red together at the inl;vrsec-ions n 2he vo;,.,itcal channels she$11 be embedded into u e concrete; floor anU all .dory dons: as detailed® Over both sides of 4 he channels E tretci7 1.�2'� dire mesh galvanized hard Ware cloth. The ; esh Shall be wired to the . studs not more than 1211 centers. 'phe sire cloth shall be extended onto the walls and riad.e securee All damaged portions oJ' the exterior plastering shall be re- paired as directed by 'ilhe representative oil the yirchi tect 0 All patchinF,, and re airing shall be neatly and accuratel, done and " slz-11 exactly t l y match the; finish of the adjoining work. LT1on 4ca:: letion of the exterior I)lastering, all roof':, deems, 1-ndii?gs, platforms, r4,mi s, s V IT- , and the building site shall be thoroughly cleaned 01 all surijus plastering materials and. debris, which shall be removed from the school site* 580 ,a GUI.SS AND GLAZING GrTl11�`.T.� CCIw�DI�I�:-_.Se All worn included ii'l this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart of these specifications and this Contractor sh? 1.1 read and examine them and all other section, thoroughly faniliarizi.ng hip self with his work- and its relation to that of other contractors . 11 'g1asS sha11 be a standard domestic brand of clear, flat dravmg double strength h clUality sheet Ulasss ;ill glazing may be done at the mill- or on the job, at the o-oti.,::n of the contractor. -Lll glass shall be graded. teach place of glass slzll .be labeled shoving the name of the manufacturer and the grade or q,.aa lity thereof a The Contractor shall submit to the Architect for ai proval dupli- cate sram-t:,1es of ;.processed glass, rolled figured sheet glass, ribbed or obscure wire glass, and other special glass specified for the -work. ' here samples shall be large enougl. to fairly Illustrate the figured pattern, design or finish. ,ifter approval, one sample will be retained by the zirchi.to ct, 'the other returned to the Contractor. =any :raterio l not conforming to the appro-v7ed sam- ple will be rejected a3id shall be immediately re;. laced with ac-„ t c Te i;tgab le r.�ter ia1. Iffg I LS. J111 mirrors shall be :_.=,ude of polished -pl.a to g�a-ss one-fourth inch thick, seconc' silverilig quality. -.11 mirrors shall have all - edges cut; straight aid true and painter b 1ach or gray. 2he si lvorIng shall be of nitrate of silver her ica.11y sealed v.1th an imper- vious, '-Zotective coating ofcop.per electrically fused to the silver and finished with a coat of s ::ecial cor.. osition hard yaint all 1'.1i rrors shall be gu.a)ranteed against silver .oxidation, said. sW.1 , have :nanufa.cturer' s label on the face and identification stamp on .the back. All mirrors shall be set in 16 gauge brass chromium plated frames complete with self as detailed. ,T TY. y utt Zi shall be a standard brarA complying with the "Standard .� ecificati.ons of .' ure Linseed Oil. _utty t'or for Glazing" E1aSoLallm Designation. D-317-33, shall not be caged or hardened in iPh con ta.iner, after Tvorking in. the hands shall have good, plastic qual- ity t:itllout s trig+ng tc the hands, a.nd shall V>,ork readily a.nd. smoothly under the hnIfe -without crumbling or cracking. zifter being moulded in place, ,it shall hold its shape until :veto .ill putty for Glass Set in Wood shall be natural color, complying with the "Standard Specifications far -are Linseed Oil `ratty for Glazing, " A. SAS .11. Designation: D-317-33 for Class B, white lead whiting putty. 590 GLA : All glass shall be set true and tight b;� skilled glazers. All glass in doors and' transoms shall be bedded in putty and .secured in place with stops as specified for doors D', rood finish, All glass in exterior wooden sash shall be bedded in y;,utty- point and putty set a.s specified. > Glass set in doors shall be set EZith wood molds and back puttied. All class throughout shell be set with zinc glazing =.ointsa 3:Z.tya :��GE a This contractor shall r3plac;e all broken glass and lights and leave all glass in first class condition to the satisfaction of the Architects. .CLk, IdI TGa- Upon cor: pletion of the entire bulldi)ig this contractor shall furnish professional ul.ndory washers to clean and l.olish all glass throughout, removLng all ;paint spot, signs, etc ., to the satisfaction of the Arc:.Iiteetso , j µ�% PAINTING r G&IiFRAL CONDIT IONS a .All rrork included in this section shall be subjeot to the Gen- .erral. Conditions as attached in the forepart of these Spaoifica- �..ions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other contractors. SCORE OF WORK: Lxcept- as hereinafter otherwise specified, all labor, materials, equipment , permits and services, necessary for furnishing; and installing the complete painting and finish, shall be included in this contract. The shop and .flold coat on all other metal work in the -building �uc11 as ornamental metals m-isoellaneous iron, sheet Metal, will be applied by the Contractors furnishing these materials. There shall be no painting on brass bronae work. WORK M(WIR D: It is required that this Specification shall cover the painting throughout the building oh wood, metal or other surfaces, as required, to make a thor nghly oomplete job in every respect ,, whether every item is hc;;?.vei.n specifically mentioned or not . tihere items are not mentioned, they shall be finished the same as spocified for similar work. The Painting Co�trac:tor, to. avoid all possible confusion, shall exwni.ne the apse if'ica,tio as for the vari ous trades and shall thoroughly familiarize hLmseli' Frith .all of their provisions re- garding painting and .he shall understand that all, materials ins stalled throughout the building, which necessitate painting and which are left unfinished shall be painted under this Contract, This contract shall include any back priming of trim or finish wo odworko The .interior plastered of"the Pavilion on Ground Floor -drill not be painted. IMRDWOOD FLOORS: The ba.rdi-rood floor finish is specified under the. Carpentry work. PROTECTIOR OF l'IORK- The Contractor shall furnish and lacy drop cloths in all areas where painting is being done , to protect floors and other work from damage during. the Prosecution of his work. ', 61. Et'here it becomes necessary, in order to execute his own work, for the i'ainter to remove temporary eoveririg plv.ced by other Contractors in any branch oi' the work,, he shall replace same In a pro ::er mamic.lr o , In case th-se coverings cannot be replaced the i`ainter shall protect the work in some other satisfactory manners j-11 �materials used in the building shall be stored there directod by the --rcilitects® Oily rags and c a.to must be removed from the buildinE; every night as under no circR:n.stances will they be allowed to accu- mulate. . .. � awn, F' a�amn.�ncsm The 1-dater shall be responsible for any damage done to the. stork of other Contractors , repa.ir;eng.. same .to the satisfaction Of the =Lrchitects and 3ie shall at his own expense, replace any materials damalged to such an extent that they cannot be restored to their urigi.nal condLti.ono At the co.'ipletlon of the wori:, this Contractor sl-,all clean off all -paint spots, oil ai:d Mains fr:,m floorV woodwork„ glass, hardware, etc. , ax.�d leave the entire building in ;erfect d.or_di- t i on as far as his r:on Is c onerned,. SCAPPO DIi1iC n The zai.nting Cont:r.ctoa, shall provide all sca,ffoldiiig, staging, etc., required for the pro4e•r execution of his work, >caffolcling shall be ;':_aced so as not to il:terfere with the z-ork of others, should: ti. be necessar;y to clove a scaffold to permit of the installation of other worm,, the scaffolding shall be m Tied without u.dditi.on`,..l expense to t-ie Owner. All 7., toria is required for painting shall be delivered in an- broken packages, bearing the brand and none of r..anufacturers and shall be sub- ect to inspection and approval. .&ll materials sriall be orde;re:d sa-L'fi.ciei:tly in advance to be on the -job when needed and shall be' delivered at- the building in suffi:ient qugntitios so that the work rill. not be dela.yedm No clan, 'by -thy: Contractor coilcerning the unsuitab'ilivy of any mz:terial s _;ecif*led or his inaltl i ty to produce first - class work with same will be entertained, unless such c7_a.im .is _ia.de in 7rit!M to the Architects be:L'ore t.ie contract- is signed. 1� All t ':,it� lead sha U be strictly rjux°e carbona,' e of, lead, Old Dutch process' or equal. 2. Zinc paste shall be- pure oxide of zinc ground in pL=e lin- seedoil® •U Rem Jersey; Zinc or equal. 3. C)i l shall be pure 'thoroo ghly settled linseed oil and shall conform to the specifications of the American Society for iestiiig Llaterials for materials of his i:indo :.his Oil s3.izLl- be ram, or boiled as regaired to produce the best- results. 62. 4. ,ill turpentine shall ba of the best grade of pare gum spirits Of turpentine. . 5. Driers used shall bra the poduct of an: apTr owed manufacturer cnd :hall conform to the Standard ,4`re0ficati.ons w28 of UnAed States Government. G v Stains shall be: W. R. T�,ller' .S Sherwin 0 13.=6 CO- , or equalo 7® Allpare colors shall be e 2. Fuller' s, a.lasury or equal. 8. :'fi ller shpI l be bees;'; grade of paste; wood filler, 9. Shellac shall be b loached white guru shellac and shall be disoolved in alcohol in the proportions of lour pounds of shellac to one gallon of alcohol by measure. ..11 alcdlol shall be ,cure grain alcohol of 1.88 proof and shall conform to the United states .Internal Revenue Formula ,;'7, for sTecially de- natured alcho'l. 10. Ail paint used shall be branded ready mixed paint or Eami- Ls to py in t, as mqnaf a.ctured by W. r o al.ler, KYWIn A Il lams or egna l m 11. All varDish shal:? be U. i. Fular, ittsburg, Sherwin wil.l,- ie m, or egsaa.W 12. Patty shall by composed of whiter lead base, mixed with Linseed oil and whiting, to the proper consistenoy and coloaed to match stain, i la sha b le Iiall x'a ixa All 7 shabl.e wall paint to be 0. P. Fuller' s 'Pittsburg or equal, applied, over pigment wall. seal as manufactured by the art;i cula:; ua,lel paint „ena.fa ctu.rer q Semi-gloss or plat as de- sired. i;il:./ iNG; / The Gontracto'r shall be as/ri ned a room or y ce in which to mix and store all materials. ITT empty containers of any :sort of description bea.rino the name or brnnd of any, manufacturer shall bo brought tupon. the Dremises f e; mixing mixing of apint; unless l:abel.s are cancelled ,and con- tainers - - _:riming coat for wood wh'?.l.l be mixed in the proportions of � gallons of ;lure boiled linseed ed oil to 2 gallons turpept, ine to :a:ch 00 W. of lead. .*11 other paint chaff .l. 'ter; mixed according to manufacturer' s directions and of colors selectee by the Architects. No distillate shall be allowed upon the premises, exce�t by siscia.l architect apprnva r R3 63. 'OLKLU1`3411P fill worhmanship s_.all be of Lhe very best, with all, r,,a°int evonl.y spread and ^moothly floved on without run or sagging. sap wood and knots shall receive a thin coat of shellac after priming coat. .111 inside and outside r.001T° or1b shall have all nail holes and imperi:ecti.ons u-ticd up after the first coat of paint 'and the -^utty for work ,here a finish is called for shall. match the color of the finished. Woodwork, If the surfaces are not in i}ro.,.er s?1111-:e for painting the Con- tractor shall notify the, Architects before r:roceedi.ng t,ith the work otherwise he will be held responsible for any poor work caused by improper surfaces. The application of the first coat of 7v int by this C .ntractor shall be construed as an acceptance 'by him of the responbibi.li.ty for the base. 1111 surfaces to w1alch paint is to be a,, plied shall be dry and clean. Re 1m inting shall be done oats Lde, in extreme cold., fresty, -L'ogjy, or damp weather. .No painting shall be (lone in U.sty room. If required by the j.,rchitaets the �'ainte•r shall sprinhle floors, etc. , to lay the duct. NO coats of paint shall be applied or, eit :cr stet or damp sur- faces and in no case, unless the -rnceding coat 16 dry and lard. ll slarf,aces boiore priminf� shall be: thoroughly cleaned of all ,irty oil, crease, rust, sc. and other forei.�a matter. `'his cleaning .hall b: done with sand paper, steel scraper, or gin:i.re x Lash r:I�l necessary. 1i11 surfaces be fir:'t izashed r;ith benzine to re- move any dirt or grease before a.p"ply.ing materials . gill mnta.i li.c surfaces z'here solder f l aids have been used shall be 1hor()LaC-Illy cleaned ii.Lth b ensol be- ore any �,,a inn, is a`prliL^-d a All rai.nt shall bo evenly :_-read and shr�:ll be thorouC:hly brushed out _ll sa lvoLn _oed. iroza world s:1.al1 be cleared zdth vinegar before paint is a.,-:plied. _.11, finish roods orh for stain and. varnish shall be ^ .onged i ith. csleaxl water and -Go dry and sand;_aa-;ered l aoTe stain- ing,,, ry ...l.l. edges of call v god d.oo rs aid sash sl.,al l be , ca il-fted ,"5.th tM o coats of daUnt b:thcrc tho races of the doors an« sash are painted. :'his rvorl :?all be doi.e in all cases after .-the cloorshave been .41 Litt,e.d and are rca(17 for J i nal hanging. Ido toilet receptacle shall be used for zrashi.ng brushes. All rags must be removed from premises uA3on completion of each days IT or h a The Contractor shall slbmit samples of all 'painted v.ork, var- nished work, and other iter,.s tiz,I't are called for 150 the Archl— tests for their a;r._roval before l;r oceedinc frith the work. C4� PR rd, 111 G: The Contractor shall prime all wood frames ar4 sash, also all exterior moulds, parapet oaps, etc . , with one coat of paint of color selected on all surfaces, both Surfaces exposed and those that will be concealed after the installation of the frames . All interior finish woodwork for stain and varnish finish shall be primed on the back and on all surfaces which will be cone sealed, after erection}, with one heavy coat of stain of color selected. All interior and exterior finish woodwork for painted finish shall be primed on all surfaces with one coat of color selected by the Architects. OUTBID WOONIORK: All outside woodwork throughout the entire building shall re- ceive , in addition to "Ghe priming coat , two coats of -prepared paint of colors selected.. OUT 3 ID34' LUOITAL VIORIC: All metal work on the exterior of the building, but excepting, bronze, bake enamel letters , and copper, in addition to the priming coat shall be given. two (2) coats of lead, and oil paint Exterior galvanized iron shall be thoroughly cleaned with vIne- gar to remove. grease before painting. The first coat of paint on all galvanized iron shall be an approved galvanized iron primer. VIROUGHU IROYI: Exterior wrouGht iron su:'ofgaeo, unless otherwise specified herein,, shall. first receive a coat of Pioneer Red Lead or equal, followed by t,a,jo coats of paint . INTERIOR V"OODWORX: All wood interior finish, unlees otherwise specified, shall be stained, filled, shellae'lloa- d and, varnished two (2) coats, ROUGHT INTERIOR I700D`w,,'ORK-. All rough exposed woodwovk in both, fluors, including trusses, rafters, beams , posts, joiets , aheathinLY,, etc , shall be4prayed t'wajo coats of oil stain oolors as selected bj 4rchitects. .hi lap sheathing on walls of Wit'" .corium shall be s ained and shellacked I coat . 11-ITERIOR -PAIETAD IWOODIWORI;-;- All interior wood surfacc-ts noted on schedule to be painted shall be given a priming coat of lead and oil and two coats of washable wall paint, color as directed by the Architects. INT."I"RIOR :,UITAL'VMRK: All interior metal work, excepting where bronze or aluminum, Shall be painted same as interior woodwork. 65. FLOORS; Floors are specified under "Carpentry Work". WALLS AND C:aILI14GS m All plastered walls and ceilings,, axeeptink; walls in Paavilion, shall .be given a coat of pigment wall ,seal and one coat of washable wall paint , color as selectod by the Arehitacts. Pavilion toilets the same. CONCLUSIOR OF PAINTING: This Painting, work shall include all and everything necessary and fully complete the paintirrk; and finishing whether ju rticau- larly described or not, axcept:ing the plastered walls of the Ground Floor or Pavilion throu(hout the interior portion there3f will not be pain-4'ed. Toilets arui iwashroom, however, shall be painted as specified above. r 66. .n FORCED AIR BEATING AND Y&IITILATTMG GIZIBRAL C014DITIOUS: All work included in this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attached in the forepart, of these Specifica- tions , and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing hims'elf with his viork .and its relation to that of other contractors" SYSTiZI: The system of heating and ventilating as described in these specifications is intended to show and describe a,. complete sys- tem of thermostatically controlled forced air heating and venti- lating accomplished by means of gae 'fired forced air udt heater,, blower , motor , filters, thermostat , valves, ducts registers and grilles, all as hereinafter described. Should any omissions oo- our, necessary for the completion of the system, the Heating Contractor is to furnish same without additional cost to Owner. INSTAMLATIOR: The Heating Contractor s.,,.ial1 provide all labor and materials necessary for the installation of the system, complete inevery detail and in strict accordance with all State, County and local ordinances and with the drawings and the following speoif ioat ions, removing all r*abbish frog the premises, turning, over the system in a neat , clean condition, ready for use, and explaining the operation in all details to the Architects or Owner. ORDIRUICE AND IDEM ITS : The State, County and looal ordinances shall be followed and where any disorepanoy exists between plans and specifications, these ordinances shall be in force,, Thio, Contractor is to pay for all permits and Inspoators required under these ordinances,, 17ORIC NOT IRCLUDED.- The folloivirk,,, is a list of work not included in these Specifica- t-T or)s 1® Gas supply lime E to furnac a, 2. Line voltage wiring- for 110 or 220 volts. 3. Water lines to humidifying. unit , if required. 4. Excavating. 5. Cutting; and notching of woodwork. 6. Holes,, ohasesQ etc a , in concrete. FORCED AIR UNIT MATMS; Provide, install and conned; up complete two (2) No. U-6 blueller, or equal, Unit heaters Each of these unit Ire titers sha-11 have an air capacity of 49000 and 202,500 B.T.U. por .our A.G.A. Rated heating capacity. 67. 'lie units shall be constructed with a heavy gauge rust-proof sheet steel outer casing vri th baled enamel fini sh both inside and outside. she combustion clamber to be constructed of gray cast iron, sealed gas tight. 'an shall be quiet o.-erating mu.ltibl. de, vee-be:lt driven with a quiet o ,erwting~single phase motor* .she entire unit shall be �urnFslxed Yyith complete under.:-Aters4 approved automatic controls, c,)nsist Ong of -15 gas valve, boil-net limit control, tzo safety pilots, room thermostat, all to be wired on a 3--position switch which controls sinter heat- ing, summer ventilation operation.. Phe entire unit is to b� guaranteed quiet in operatiori and to be ap:::roved by the Almerican Gass Association* The entire unit is to b, guaranteed quiet in operation and to be approved by the American Gass Association, V'11P,S The vents shall be 2-6" 'Tents and shall be constructed of Enderle and Galv., or equal, as required by local ordi._aiicese Vent stack shall have a. minimum area of 28 square inches each. Horizontal vent connections shall.be graded to rise not less thah one inch per foot of length between furnace and vertical stackv. Hori- zontal vent connections must not exceed the height of the verti- cal /� s 1Lt rya-c k* 1T' {j Tpyy�/?}� .m-'.nmce.M All warm air ducts and :Littings shall be made of first grade 100-pound coke tine or t;a.lvani zed iron, Ori roped and fitted air- tight between furnace outlets and register openings b Horizontal ducts and fittings to br; covered ni.th 1/14 inch corrugated Air- Cell asbestos paper. A"-I seams to be covered Lath 3 inch strips of plain £i-pound asbestos paper all Air-Cell and plain asbestos 4 er to be pasted on iii a iie;at and work, nlil manner. A11 riser sta:c_:s ai+d fitting s shall be of the same material as the heat ducts, but shaall be covered r 1 th tr:o layers of 8-pound asbestos , a•,er pasted on in a neat and secure rimnnera j?4ttingg sha l be of; a design having minimum internal frictional resist- ance. Ducts to be ;arov,.ded and installed true to line and grade, end in locations and of sizes as shorn. Velocity through ducts not to e:lceed 600 F.P.M. All ducts to be securely and r igld 1. y hung and braced so as to prevent any vibra.tiono i,U .I4 STD .�R."_.'�H AIR DUCTS ARO !I+'T1�:CT�e Same specifications as for the warm air ducts and fittings vi.tth the exception of omitting the coverir.,g* Fresh air ducts to ti;. made of best quality galvanized steel sheets with slip joints in the direction of the air flog, rectangular ducts to have standing seams, and vifLe ducts to be stiffened by angle irons where necessary* 68 Ducts up to 1811 largest side -- No. 26-gauge. Ducts up to 30" largest side No. 24wgauge. Ducts ilp to 60"; largest side No. 22®gauge. Ducts to be of sizes and run as per drawings. , ri; .i Alt REGISTIi°�tS: All rearm air. registers to be s tamped steel of approved designs of sizes and set as shown on schedule. 1,,Y2URII AIR Gi ILLE : All return air grilles if placed in side v.11s, to be of fabri- cated type finished as specified. C-CHEDUi,E OF HTMI '`.i'—RS�GRILLES AI;D DUCTS: War, LI5__ Retain Air Grille 1-141" z 00" Fabri- 1-14" x 301' Fabrica- cated Grille for ted Grille for 'ea.ch each furnace at 61 -611 furnace at the base® Height each furnace;. board each furnace® .I2,6D11"01_'G aZD ADdUSTII',G. This contractor shall balance, adjust, and thon test the system, making all necessary ad justments- to obtain correct amount of air to each room on system. GUsa IRAITT EE: This contractor shall guarantee the entire system, when completed. to be free from any ard alldefects and. shall guarantee the fur- nace and all equipment against defective materials and t;.orYranship for a period of o n a1vo that the system is capable of heating the ooris to T _ich the waxn air -pipes lead to a. tempe- rature of 70 Fa , Vulth an outside tamDerature of 4.06F.9 and five (5) changes per hour to each roomo C9. PLU ABING Ga11,1CRAL CONDIT IONS z .All work included iA this section shall be subject to the Gen- eral Conditions as attacl:.ied in the forepart of these apecifioa- tions, and this Contractor shall read and examine them and all other sections, thoroughly familiarizing himself with his work and its relation to that of other Contractors. SCOPE, OF WORK: This shall include all labor, materials, tools and appliances and transportation of same, that may be required to furnish and install all the plumbing„ drainage, eater supply e plumbing fix- tares and gas a all w.i. or steel oonductors, ate. ,, in the build- ing as called for on the drawings , and as specified. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM The sanitary drainage sy8tem for the new building shall be car- ried to the present sever at a point near the Pier and existing men`s toilet and connected therewith. Exterior roof leaders sha,ll discharge to the grounds as shown, and, are under "Metal Work% "Water service for this b1,.ilcling shall connect to existing water main on the pier. Gas service for this building shall connect to gas main in the street. These connections sell be made by the Plumber,' complete. r:UZER A10 .AND I OR W SHIP: Shall be the best of the several kinds 1'm1MMI1S , INSPOC`1'ION AND SEeRVICE ChA.RG;-S The 2lumbing Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all per- mits and inspections regUred for this work and File with the .Architects the certif'icat3s of inspection issued by -Municipal Authorities,, This Contractor.shall pay all services, connection charges and permits required for the ,ompl.ete service connection for water and. gas., It being the intention that the services for water, be connected to the existing service in the pipe rail on edge of pier. ORDINMCES A11 . plumbfng and gas .fitt:i.ng sha,l.l be made completely in accord- ande with the rules and rogu.lations of the City of Huntington Beach and should the mannor of installation,, as shown or specified, be in conflict with suo h re*qutrements, it shall be the duty of the -Plumber to notify the Architects of such discrepancy, but he shall nevertheless be rec -,o crake the installation as required by ordinance without additional cost to the owner. I 70. �j F# SUU,i=ORTS FOR -:I PFS All horizontal. piping shall be supported with the 1..ro„er fall u-,-on galvanized iron rod. hangers or brackets of design as r Droved by the Architects. Vertical runs of cast iron pipe shaft be supported at intervals of five feet (51 ) . Water sal..-.ply lines sha 11 be supported at i iterva.ls of ten feet ( 101 ) The main sexier from first floor fixtures shall be connected di- rectly to the existing sewer as specified. The see:}er from fixtures of the ground. :floor shall be run to the ejector and hence to the existing main sever. All to be C. I. pipe 4" diameter. O TM IN .'R Cl.eanoazts shall be provided in aa.11veste U..es where lines change (1.1.rec-io,n and at such points as will make the system easily acces- sible for cleaning; clean- at locutions shall be a.f.proved by the :.rchitects before any cleanoa?ts are Factually installed. itA.�So All fixtures in accordance with the Ordinance shall be independ- ently Provide twelve inch. ( 12'1) air chi :,bers at all fixtures ; tor; of such air chambers to bal not less than six inches ( G") abov-e' faucets© w'rovide till air chambers necessary to insure no h�.mri2er.ing in pipes. ray Ida t"1 � :'ia VENTS The -l.ui:iber shall run all loll, waste and vent lilies conceaa.led in val.l.s, partitions, faa.rred coiling; spaces and beneath floors, in a--' oroved locations. i'Lll horizontal soils aand wastes shall ;je �Drovided wi th starida.:rd fall of not less than one-fourth inch ( 1/4" ) in twelve inches ( 12") , necessary cleaanouts in accessible D ces and all ang l.es sha,11 be formed w R th long sweep curve bend fitti.-.gs and "Y" branchos. lul1 fixt�_res shall be vented into stacks of ro er size, 3haal.l be collected into yipes in the at tic s;;ace and ej tende(l- through roof to Ordinances he ir;ht, and shall bE lead fl.aslaed ao hereinaa.yter specified . The size of soils and viastes shall be in .accordance with the requirements of the Plumbing Ord.inanc,es All exposed piping and :.itch gs for the vaas ious fixtures shall be of solid brass,, chromium, plated. Fee the Tollowing specifica-- r ti,ns covering "Pl.unb l'njr Fixtures'-to. lIY?JI�OST��i`IC `i`l�`>T o .,;.fter worl: has been "roughed-In", same shall be plugged, filled with water to tope teotc3d and r.a de tight in the; preset?ce o�: the - lumbing Inspector and to the satisfaction of the Owi—r° s repre-- sentaativea ri m ::.Li.�~ .0 ITT ICrS rl,1iD V:i?iVES: ..s,71 .,1u.........�n Pipe for all cold vater vent and g Lo r shall be stands:xd ve ight galvanized steel pipe of the i ational Tune Company' s or equal manufacture. all .ipe for hot neater shall be standard weight, Dyers or leading or equal, genuine wrought iron. Valves and flanges shall be of Standard 14alworth 11anufacture, or equal with best grade of cast iron fittings. Fittings for iron pipes shall be galvanized beaded malleable iron, one and one-:fourth inch 41-1/4") and below. and t ough grey cast iron one and one--half inch ( 1-1/211) and above. Tripes for drains, waste and soils shall be standard weight dipped cast iron of the C:entrgl Foundry Company' s or equale All fittings shall be of type and shape s ui tc..ble for the tork to be performed. `>T',. LW TE SHUT-0117 VALVES: Every su;')ply to each fixture throughout shall be provided with separate control valves vithout exception. See the -following sreci£ications covering "plumbing Fixtures". HO"11 WATeR E STMI From heater location on plans run hot rater piping;'to all i'ixtuxed in concession stand.. Reater to be installed by others. All gas T ipe shall be of required sized installed in strict con- f'ormitq with the rules and regulations of the Gas Company and l unic' 1. Ordinances, and inspection semi-fic:otes shall be filed. with the �trchitec;ts before the a orh shrill be deemed finished and accepted. GA' SEEICE: This contra ator shall cause to have inst€:lled. tr,o separate gas meter services, one meter. service for all gas iping in the concessi. an booth and the other to i:urn.ish g-.s to the hot air . heaters, gas plate locctions and elsev,;,here noted . syhe gas mains shall be Jarge enough to su rply ample gas to all Fixtures . All fees,, c:arges and east for such deters shall be laid for by. this contractors •=etex s shall be located at directed by the Utility Company supplying gas. i+LI(7FTITG CG 1.%ARS The Ilumber shall furnish lead collars and sleeves for all vents and extensions of Sipe through roof surfaces. :.here shall be set by the J-�oofing Contractor. couch lead collars and sleeves eo-all be of :lour found. (4 1bs ) lead extending out eight inches (811) on to the roof surface and shall be; carried up to 'the top of the -=:ire aa:d be turned in securely, 72. K IB TO All exposed piping and fittings of every il� to j except i.g those which are chr ora_u.-Lm plated, shall he thoroughly cleaned andpainted two ( 2) coats of lead and oil., tint as directed... Urgers Or fiz-Lures shall he lag screvs or expansion bolts, not Ness than 1 4`T in. diar.ie:ter, all uo he &alranizeda in no case shall wDod.en l lug s be used . CUTTI.TTG 4 the 1 l.umbatr shall do no cutting of concrete or wood . The Gen- eral, Contractor is regLlred to do all cutting for all the zYpechavic, Chases made for the ti Lumber by the General Contractor will be filled With convent by the General Contractor. The Plumber Mf3liv at a in advance of the work, furnish aetailed in- struction to she General CantTacfor as to his requirements for openings, ra esses and chases in walls , partit jo.hs, framing or openings. Ohoul.d t:urnishing this information be neglected, de- layed or incorrect, and additional putting is round to be required, t'he cast of same will be charge to the k1.amber.. No studs,; -pla tes etc. , in sheathed. walla or partitions gill be allowed to be cut a TRAPS: Every 'fixture, unless C G^f:,7"v:l. se specified, shall be supplied "L.'?t h a cast 'brass trap. uriaL l ea-id Flour dr€K5, shall have standard Cie 3 ght cast iz on "P" traps. T oper bs.el;.ing must be installed for hanging of planbing fixtures at the tine the roughing in is done. he. roughing in shall proceed as soon as the building is ready to receive i t, and it hall be camyie;te;d and tested before the bu.ilc ins; is ready for lathing. SICK'''' OF .:'I:?ING Individual branches to fixtures shall he as follows- Fixtures: 1e ld 11 `% Sewer Vent where Aown) Urinals 1/2" to tank 41T 277 Toilets V? 2rr Hoses lack. Sink IZ2" " 211 2n Heater • It�G7 Height of ixtLuces: Toilets 7 KaVa L'�7O'''7r�i.7'e��ttrSct ``jj t� �T �,,t nn FT-HE .Ll.�i.r.MS 1�i�(.ED HOSE !a(J.C:J 4 - Stand pipes shall be p Laced at le-St end of hose rack. recess. Valves shall be 2T' heavy, f inished chrorlium -pla4ted angn pattern hose valve with soft rubber discs. Mach hose outlet hshall. be -xovide;d. s,,i.th Shand an�l ju.rs, � or egaal, clzomiums plated hose T11110E., with loose hoe -ack ni-pples and Underwriters' liellor label, unlined liner: hose, ,ri ali bass chromium plated couplings and nog_ ides,, lengths as c;allecs for one dramingsoSILL COCISS: Sill c ocl:s shall be. 5/811 loo Fya ke-S type, vhene,7er called ;for on drawings terior cooks on building shall have long shank valves with access frog, outsii,.e of building. V a l:Tes and piping shall be installed when walls a .,e. in coarse of cons traction. `,-U'.i Oi,IATIC G�Lr' .sIL-TE Fiii Tish and install on house side of gas mteter, an alatomatic 7as vLi lve On „as service r.in-In. Autoi7.0 t.i c valve sl.a.l l be 1"Ire-Exiake type, 'as munufactared I)7j National. Safety Valve Co.-porau ion., or equal 1, and. shall be cori.M'l.ete: with au ton.atic ball shut-o-'Cf manual. throw-off, and eme3rgenf; y quick, ope;n.ing valve, size 1.-1/2 TI C, A l valves i:c,r toilets aad Other -fi %.tures shall be concealed within the; way is or f rring alloming, only the handles to ,,rotr,,0e. This Shall a-,-)Ply to all fixtures �:s":;.ere --ra G't1.C.;C`l" FurniShand invtal l 3=fs? gall r ;yam,# 4-roughs a � l4c4Abrass pipe faith. 113.6" dUar..e-ter holes drilled iu a. stra i ght line a the bottom w�nc1. connected to the flush tank,,, '2he pi.;.e shall be; full 'length of t1ne ari m ls Le cared e to the l'a l l w i't `t br"c,'.",s lc i.'pe c l.£:i. ps 47 the ends ow,' the ipe to be '2he clumps slzal i be bolted to the -M with ar.ra. Is bolts with "G e; nuts so Pixe<d that re;:gova1 vi ll beq^i.rma,ogssib{l . 'Be y IZ -213e co,-ntra ctor shall remove, the pi a rail on pier to a point as directed amd r xoate th.o water supply which rwis in the pipe rail, all, as di_:rectuod. -�Do a l l -emrl_ required and furnish a.l.l mat;ria.ls neciessarS to pl et e uae lns calla"41P,ion o:L th.e iratea:, Une in the nett location and reconnecting it to the existing pipe rail, arise, all wor' required to co°:.plete the J. ,ipe z,ail -where the rail. and bUi ld i no, r;iee't g ,C ONDUCT Oii i n All concealed crux dactora shall be pure rroaFht iron or steel pipe i ed ,AN,; this contractor a.na co drei.n. across si.dewa.l.ks to curbs. DIVAW IN GS m It is the intention of these tia o and specifications to cover complete plumbing installation, using pipe of proper size and , arad%6 to .f+�.z�r��(i^�sh the r,��cess ry amount o pater andCgs to the several y The Plumbing Contractor shall, upon receiving the Pi.unbing Con- tract , furnish to the Aachitecta for approval three sets of pinmb°ing diagrams givina the runs ana sizes of all pipes re- Wred to install complete a first class p0mbine system. After the .Azahiteots have approved thB nhop crawinge , tha Viumb- 7 Contractor shall ca?law auah approved drawings and install all work as t horn there o n,a DESCHPTION OF FIXTURES Finish BRASS Finish brass of similay tape, shall be of one approved manufacture tb onghout building, All finish and exposed brass throughout shall be chromium plate& PAVILION OR GROUMD le—LOOTZ "STASiDARDu T#-3086 aide Mat bowl with integral seat A tr apes ay to pass (('RR�":���1/4"}} C�iJ ball, a¢ �`�atrous _�mDer.ial 1 634 �a.�.` �`�.ush valve, bolts and capo, odot eal is 113TLiJ.1DJTD1" P=38617 d7iii: t. °:i 3t 20xl 8n enameled wall lavatoriez ;, fit- ted. with GE cook hole oo er on left-hand side;, Chicaeo kwuoet Cure 's 333 B"ad alaw- 010sinj MOO , 010 J001 angle stop, tubAnZ sup- ply, Ti-50 Fiemine 3" .ryalleablo cast iron "`loon drain or equal. aki':li$S T01—FL?T Toilets same as Woman na 901je t511 Lavatory same as Womeh?s , FIRST FLOOR WOWBIS TOIJII&T TOILETS : Toilets Name as speoifiea above, LAVATORIES a Lavatories same as spea��.�'ed �.�ove. - DRAINS: wtvwsq�pwmrwyon kt-50 - 2" F1.€mine drain Le specified above ,, Vz CONCESS1011S S UK "STA NDARD" P-7020 24x.2011 "ACID-RESISTING" enameled flat rim oink, X-759'-Y AUiC strairer, Chicago §444 CP swam spout Faucet less soap dish, .1-1/211 CP 1A "P" trap, or equal,, DRINYING FOURTAINS rt a`TTAINDARD" Torio - F-629--D "Vitreous china Drinking Fountain, D"809 Regulator, concealed trap and loose key straight ship., or STORA.Gi� RUOM SLOP S IMS r'STAZ'MAJIDII 2-7201 22 x 2011 enameled roll rim slop sink on enameled- inside V-7295 trap standard, Chicago Faucet ,1'305 C2 faucet , or equal,, 1 AV'AT'OR 3 "STANDARD" P-3905 Ir "Hl LVGNII 19x,175r enameled shelf-back lav- atory, complete, as sho a,, with C13 fittings, and 1 -1/2" 02 D.4. lip" trap, or equal. Toilets as above speoif3_d. Lavatories as 1YIen's abo ir) specified. HOSEE 14'13 O'CETS a As indicated on plans. remoT,:ab:l:(-,, keys. a.E+W12 E y C T OR; II-ECOVII)M`. " . or 411 non-clod sump pump su.bmerged type ejector 50 gallon capacity per .nnte standard depth 42" inside diameter complete unit Tra .txa motor, switch base and co er,or equal. URIVAL FLUSH TANKS : Sball be enameled iron 11,z`T'AIJIDA10" 11-9285 - 1.2. tank complete with top supply automatic f 4.tt l ng; Or equal GAS T1EATE,15 P3oce 3.xa dressim room On First Floor and dressing .roam in Base- ment , one 1,7illiams Warmolator ,, o.r equal, r'155 with 3.05 scup. � of radiations 24600 B.T.U. per unit , commercial -ini.sh, 76. �f,F,,Ci TR C ILL S'S'1 MMI All uora;.`q.iMnry/c3i.0 ey9dry in this secion s'ha+�lll b,forepart toy �tyhe Ge-�eral. ^'oAYd �1.�'ons s attached n :+he -�io I dJis�.Ft o these Es.pCP`, c- lficationsa ci..nd this OntTaator shall read and examine them, and all other sections tla'ou hly familiarizing himself with his wore and its relation to that of other Contrt_ct,orsa :she cork included und.e; this heading consists of the furnish.- jn o! all a.pyliancek, labor and materials necessary for the installation of the tlectrica.l system ccmplete with conduit, wi_rep outlet boxes, switches, panel boards, lighting fiztures, and other details noted on drawings or herein snecified.. All vorl> and materials shall be in full accordance with the ru s of the iaa ti ona l _ oa rd of rive Underwriters and all other Boards or Departments having j€ isdic ti on. The Contractor shall procure all the necessary and usual permits and certificates Or all cork installed by hi". , gay all fees and charges oon- nected th'erevith, and deliver same to the Architects before his work uIll be deemed fi.nisaaed and accepted. (a) The entire system shall be in all ways satisfactory to the Service CoMpany, and all la o, and materials nec- eosar y to secare to approval of such company pant' shall be furnished ed and installed- by this Co21tnatory, whether o: not s oc;:irfled or shown on drawings. ll services charges to be paid by We ContrE.?acto ro (b) Tonstfiuctiona The crtire v,.,irirg distributing sWstem, including feeders, shall be in conduit and shall be run conga.led whF. Te possible. 01 sre ction: This Contractor shall furnish the Services of an expe - i.once d f o:t°e.n.an.,, rvh o e)a l l be cr ons tan t l l in charge of he work, during installation. The drawings show t ne ,q t roxi:.,.a to location outlets, swit- ches , anel board and other electrical apparatus but the permanently determin; d upon 'loc tior=, of these ,�terials� sha, 11- be subject to the approval of the Architects, who reserve the right and privilege to male any reasona.bl changes in the to- c'r!n ns i��c�io ted, prior to ��:t�tU installation of 'ia1i aS material, and without extra cost to the C';rner.. 7 7,, This Contractor bef�r e starting the T-:orl: shall furnish the .:,rcizitects for their L.,)proval an electrical layout shoeing the si v and runs of all. w.i.ri ng and condaits for light and ;'.oT- er heats after the =rch tects t,ve app roved such diagram tl:e Electrical Contractc)r chill follo�} this arJ?rovod la3iou�a In ever;� detail. �CCVIS''IBILI Y u This Contractor shall inform himself regarding; any r.,ecul.lar- !ties and limitations of the space available for the instal- lation of his and, shall see that all his equipment, such as ,;unction and --ull b--xes, switches and controls and other a---v,aratus as may be j3eoessa rLi to be rea,cl,ed fror.. t ! .e 'to -I me for oa era,ti on and -maij itenance, are made quieLfty and easily accessible. �n c . �€ Y'ires and Al.l sirs acid cables shall bea' it spew; or equal, code wire a llo sr alter v.i_re tl..an ., 1.2 B sly Il be used, al o ire larger than ,,43 B &- S must be stranded. (b) Conduit: All eond.ult sha.l_l be galvanized metal tuabing of z?,,_.roved Manufacture 9 of si.sRes meet.in requirements of Ord?zlanves Laid -eat.-Laval lect::ics Code. hall be of sta.mpea st:eel type of not less tlia.n B Py r gauge with remova,b*:�e cover. e€ sha l l 'Do t:horouC_hl- and heavi l-y €, a.lva. i ed and of a,j7.T owed. make. Mach ou-t lc°t box sh,,i ll bo, o:- s i 7,e aand. form adaptable Pr Its particular _�;� ,t .•gin rot' iho kind of i'1 to r`e to bo used, anc foa" the, €ts t.iJ�P''em-1 ,At oz,, and conylec'tiull to, conduit and s t.F:a t.Ure o ';.hey shall o$ "being rt3c'3. d'Lly set, Lind irmly joined.. sails shall. not be L,sedin any manner whatsoevex, on inside of out-let boxes.. The cover shall admit of beau: removed vith,';ut disturbiing the rest of tlae ont-let boar of any coly.uit connection. All v,ll and aeylirlg; futures£ and outlet ooy.es ,shall by provided v ith f.ixt..re stud„ syL1 b-:axes shall be rovided 'with plaster rings wrere required. (d) Panel Board Cab s F,aoh -omael board shall be -placed. 3_n a suitable enclosing box of a-,n% roved mar-lu.factt-.re. Same shall be constructed of galvanized sheen metal.. ..anel boards sba,l.l be flush try re. 76, (e) Hangers and Supports: The conduit of smaller sues shr`1 . be secure ly fastened by galvanized iron clamps or clips of ample vvei [_;ht to :fold conduit in place. In ease of heavy conduit as tM inches (214 ) and above, if used, shall be supported by tvroue;at iron rods, firmly secured to the structure. Strong; supports shall be used to hold in place all p€uiel, junction and �,.0 ll 'boxes. '�Ihese boxes are to be independ-- ent1-.7 su-,.1n.orted to the building s tructuure by suitable framUng so that they 7111m1y entirely on these supports and not upon any conduit enter ii g same .. (f) Disconnect "_"witches' All switches of t is nature; used in the Electrical `'ystem shall b e of hea�,vy .aonstruct-1 or! built of cold rolled or drop forged copper of not Less than 9�o conductivity, .these switches shall be suitable enclosed arid of the externally o-pera.ted type ,, (g) Local LSwi aches o All local gall switches shall be ten a.rkoeres 125 colt sir:gle pole, Bryant Tumbler hey stvitch tape, or equal; switch plates, eoii-Tenience outlet plates, shall be brass, (h) Insertion Rece )tac Les'. All insertion rece-;:tacles shall be of at least ten ( 10) amperes, 1-:;5 volt V oapa.ci u-y v All s ng l.e w.a.l l insertion receptac-les shall ',)A Bryant wa.talog 11b. 790, or equal „ set ten irIche s ( 10") above floor, except where noted or required otherwise . (i ) Panel Boards,. All ?anc l boards t'dr oughou.t s1n,-.11 be of the s inc le -.lug Rape sa fet:7 type, �t,ith one doox° and -trim. dell steel or irun r:a.rts of pcuie"_ boards and suitches shall be gal.w- v'a.n zed 4 is 11 pan 's shall have 1 s .a re 1000 7aat t ci r- cult. lanel boardB arsd stritch hoards shall be bui't b-; one of the; follov.1,lig ma3naftacture: s-. Square D or equal : l,,�.imond 2,�lectric Company or equal- Prank Adams Company or equal_ C�'estingh,)ase Electric Company or equal. Bcn,,am, an 131ec` e Company or equal ( & ) _-:'uses a Provide and install after testing a cor:plete set of all ruses necessary. : uses both cartridge and plug type shall be of the Union, Econor y, or Indicator G Multinle fuse; or equal, 79 l jOR la tA'TT rli?P (a) In General : The Ea,in Light `',ervice f5witches and disconnect; switches for the various feeders small be located on the main switchboard in store Room chore indicated on plans. Q Plac!DR o:i ;sire and Gables : No hires shall be pulled until after all conduit and outlet boxes are jermanently in place and approved. Do fish wires or strings shall be inserted before conduit is installed. PbWered soapsture only shall be used as n lubricant More necessary o ( €) Tagging of Wire and MOM: Where two or more circuits :dun to, or throu h a si.agle outlet box, the tires shall be plainly ..ar hed for fixture c;onnecti ,)nsm all feeder; and rains shall be tagged in all pull boxes and in r.,c;.ne is to which thel connect. All tares suallba sufficiently long at ends for convenience in making connection: With fixture tiring, sockets, receptacles and outlets. (d) placinR of Gond€xis, : All conduit shal be ran conceied in the walls, part! tion.s, furred s,pa cas, cnd in floors and ceilings €here pousible„ etc., while same ore in the process of erec- tion, and shall be of such size and so installed thoit the required conductors a<ra.F be drawn in without injury or excessive strain. Conduit in coiling of Auditor- Am shall -Fr, run cajosed on Over truss member and in pavilion on boi,tom ro4 h floor. Conduits shall be sufficiently braced or anchored to ;properly resist displacement while wires are bIng -,;ailed dnd where eenter inS panel boxes, support boxes and outlet boxes, shall be secured. in .p'_ace bra galvanized lock nuts and bushings . Real each end of each conduit with --rs ner Seals or equal as soon as placed to prevent filling z i.t is foreign material. All corrdauits shall be dry and clean before tires are pulled. The ends of all conduit and where screwed into outlet boxes shzall, be reamed off of finished free kom burrs or sharp cutting 'edges. All conduits and wires ran to l.o.cati;:,ns noted on pltins ,:or neon or other siGns shall be ran to locations shown. The wires shall ire palled to points noted, of required ired size, sealed and capped with watertight fittings, etc. , as directed, 800 Ce ara ; of Outlet 3o as �pe✓caa 4 xe sraa it be tta.r'.ela to set ��l boxes correct, square, a.ricl txue3 c i.th the building finish. yhe edge of the Cover sl..aml -Maish :lush tsitil the plastor or other finished surfaces. :i'he exact loci:+ion of all outlets ans sc�itchec in �irri_shed roams shall be obtained fr m tho =Irc:ai tuts ana J final rcad,.-*Iu?st�,-�ent mra�de of boxes, i 11e3C�f:Ss3r�Y'w to g"Lve s:rO_:..O centering C f Placilig �an�; 4 Junotio n and _all Boxes: The panel, junction End pallboxes .:re to be In de?e rndent l- supported to the building structure by strong, Wrought .Cron cons tructi on, and these; boxew TPLIst be so ,at . uy,- that theF will rely ent.a_rely on these su-pports, and nut u 'on any c onda its enter: ng sable o (g) .-'he height of allwnll :UxtLzes outlet boxes shown can draEi«gs or heria e7 specified shall govern.,, and there such heights are, not covered •ihe;rbZI, the ratter shall be referred. to the t rchiteots for decision. : l? Insertion rece ?tac?.e outlets sr ll, be located dust above the baseboara, except ,-Jicre Otherz:,i se noted on draw- ings or herein speoif ied m -all. switch b ;.mes shall be cerutered _"Our 'feet six inches W -G" ) frum the �ir�ish�,tl s1.00:Lx, .here heig.:t; of receptacie outlets from, door is not given or, drriw.lrgs,, they s;ra ll be located as directed' C h j El.ectr:ic "-titers Th.is contractor s"f alu'1 cause t.,o dseparate electric service motors to be inst;,alled.. ,'xie nneter sl cll c�,ntrol all light outlets in the; booth o.r.d also LrAc ladink the signs above. the r°the r s zal l Cont•rol all other elec- tric outlets. Outlet boxes shall-I ILl'rldi+�sJel_ with 1C i'SASi.11�i=1 in p ewithh a suitable strap :€.�"of:' �JIarlL ers and sn"-_'ports .ort s a L0cIEr,U"I.s t?n cor-dui t s ze?11 not be, c ,)Yts i de re d. as _'al.i'i ll._ing t ,-;s rep, it'd rement o C Zaca�z of Local, '_Twitches -arid insertion Pj!�ps a .booal switches sha'...I log installed In su.eh a. ,osition that the-,y slua.l..1 bear even Z? and tr a.l.'t a,nd be secured on the axis of tlae suppor'.5ing r',er ibers . Under no circumstances shall uvood.en wedges, shims or blocks be used in trussing up I=I switches. Should outlet bo:,,e,sx in any case, r�Ome too Rae back of the finished saxfae;eg recess boxes and screr;,s of the :le:rzgth o t reach b .Dx sl all. be used., and each. shall. ha.vr, either a brass riang or a length O�re brass tubing of such a size, as to corm a shoulder at exa,ctlS the -,ro-per point to retain the witch in position 4 k) Joint in ,kondait: Slia 11 be made liquid and gas ti[:ht i--.,ith an :t-,_,-..Jroved mols- 'g, , -(:aint. :'his i,a iro.,�l insulating shall Aso be used to cover any iron in this system -fror", which the coo.tinig Joias been se-�.ar�.tled or removed,, I'Lanning threads are absolutely yprohibited; use Iricl-son joints, L Qoupliaigs or equal. Joints in ;"'ire : All stranded condu+,,tors shall be furnished with finished forged. tube co- perco.­nection lugs, drilled or reamed the -� fall diameter of t ae bare conductor, "In all -,)all boxes land cable su-p-port boxes each con&-dor of each feeder shall be taped with asbestos tairie and thien painted -,Ath a silicate, of soda. is no case, shall ioints in branch c-IM-ults be left for 4, the Fixture %'d'ontro-,,--'Uor to i-iahea joints in branch cir- cuits and in solid conductors shall 'be ".'estern Union Tji -ne or equal. All joints shall bo, ,-::,a)de nnechanic,,ally strons- before solderilrig and must be carefully soldered without the use of acid and taped :Atuh a coveri,,,.g of Chonite Compa' d ul un tape or e qua 1. -t. o 9 thickness e qua I to t ha t of the i n- s "' ation and then ­;ith a covering of 11unson, o2? equal, . U -L Ad.heslve `Ilape in t-,%,o ( 2) laz7ers,, 1; 1�a iri tiDz,- This Contractor sha'.11 pai-nt all exposed conduit frames, s,np ports, ,:tine 1 arzel pu 11 boxes, t wo (2) good coats of lea& and o,il, tint as dl.rected.. (n) Te lephonw, YTo provisii-n for t,-Dle-:hone wires or conduit is contempla- ted Ila tMs ,-1o1at:ra,,t. PUBLIC ADDRZSS SYSTIZI-, .Ln dtFn- far . . 0 ';Lddr;E"ss There shall be tr,,,o m_ic3_-oz_,h,_,ne outlets, one on the main stage in A the Y_ad2itor_'Lumfl install-3a in center of the stage, one foot from front edge -Flush with f"'Loor. The other s1nall be installed In the )_`ise of the top step of the outside -platform. I'liese conduits L­h ill termkn­te In one :L"Insh Itypee outlet, box (4x4x2) in the 1"anel, Board 11,00M. on the soutia wa-,,11. Three speak.O::c out!ets STIall Lr:, -nrov.tided in the :W.` ditorlun on the top floor, one each sidat of It'h J e stage 4-1/2 feet from the -pres- cinniam arch, and 15 fe= t from. the lLud-itoTiam floor, and one in the center of the arch 17 feet from the floor. These boxes s3liall be of the standard flas'.,I tjpe cond�-tiit box. One conduit shall conect to each of the t.1-zee outlet boxes in "series" fashion. BPI. fourth s^reaper outlet boy: is to be provided in the south Fire wail of 'UhC1 roof ( inside edge_-Ca.ci)l- roof) midwa,,j frori each side oti roof, '.�hese conduits shall be of the "/4 inch sive and shall termira4,te alongside the MicrolDhone outlet box in the Panay. Board room. One 11.0 volt outlet plug shall be pro ided" alongside the other boxes in the ianel Board room and shall be on a se-.zra.tely fused dine Two shelves shall be ,, ra7lded on the south gall o." the -ane l hoo.rd room, one 22 inches :from the floor, the other 40 inches from the floor,, These shelves shall be 18 inches . long and 14 i aches vide© -The bottom, edge of the outlet plugs, in the - anel .hoard room shall be 42 inches Urror the floor. '21-le antenna silall be of the all, gave !-..CA S-Pidervveb tyre ;,"3685 mounted oil supports , poles or towers, 15 f;et high (minimum) and �7 yeet apart, furnished and installed by t 1is contractor. The lead-in wire may be run in If= inch conduit fro-,-.: any Oint convenient on the roof and shall terminate� in a standard outlet box alongside Sze other out is ' 1'.0, .e s in tale _�asiel. Buard lcoom, It is the intention to install conduit only for Public Address tittT12TS FOR MATERS a Run outlets to hooter locations and of capacity as called for in. lleat6r Specification,, 1da? N LIG-1A21;14G: Run the circii is for lieon Lightl.-n6 as shown on '�aarinp, Plan and switch from ruin tablet boast,. FC1OTLI`' ITS e lristall foot- lcht rac4eptacles ,- shown on Plans, operated from panol board and in a bright metal. tr ueh as detailed; insta.l.led. by El.ectrica"l. Contra.cstor.. r I: `` y l 'ta rti= included in this scctI.)n sh-va,1 1 bo subject to i;1'e General Ion- +`°.t.itio,ns as at1;4t•::'hed in the :.bre"pa?.r t of these shecificati ons: ti'.i d this Contractor shall read and enumine then and all o]aer section, th.or- ccaC ly f ; _.l.iax s i }•,.. himaelf :r:i:h his we l_ and its relation to th-t of other stont,raytop,s�. ixt.ita r.int.c:actor ha?•ll furnish and install all of th.o fo1 lo ing light- ing fixtures w`.)?}.De!* ad coi'.p1.ete e oe )ting for .he .L.':;ht b111'C3FJ. 1.4ain _nuance 2 Brackets Fe berg Go. 0131 Ox. Brass o r equal ' Brass ..,=:1vi. UO."I 8 MIKE liars A Wood . 4065-Brass canopy and holder, Rolid bras`.` Win, _ hoenix class unit , Z55 16 X 10 x 6 Ba.: IroFnze pia rl ur s I n, 2 2 Ceiling i..:{-y R%e.i g Dom . 1138 O.•`i`:a Brass or equal 'EnirNs 5 A 4 2 Ceiling _'1ame 1. Avr.00d 4055-Brass #older v.i--th Zhoeniz Blass anit •, 555 12 x 8 x 6 or equal Rest Room 2 eilinS nelberg M 1138 Ox. Brass or equal .: M.,: -i3i.let ?Lens to tt rt rr ;¢ re tr 2 i to to T¢ rr' to e¢ rr 9to rag e 1 Pore. t:eWless v ohm's _azalr ing ,: 1622 or eqAal Dress. Ems. 2 'k• rS to ee re _.`aUIding se �g orPC$C?� Storage 1. YP a"{ eF ., IT M ald i ng 2T or eC711a Platform 2 f6 }'i tzme n Atwood , 11,.055 Brass holder or eqaal H 23 14 !� ?e . AM or equal Promenade 4 3rac!e t s r¢ et "1`.s0 9 or equal von:.Oss oe3 2 0011?Il.E: lame A :.'4r'u(?od „ 055 Brass holler ti::3t _, hoenix glass unit . 555 14 x 80 x 6 or W()I:Y.t:a Toilets ,p. Same e as above best loom Samne as above `'Vorage PC.7rcC Leyless jCJ.a n L. Ya ld._i_pg . 16i 622 or equal :Dress 1.own I Flume A Atwood I: 4055 Wass holder uith _ hoen i x glass unit .. ,555 14 x 02 x 6, or equa l mok i r2 , I s above6wxc�e; .-2; 16" Class e.:en toilet 1 ?! As above, 14" g.i.a s Vest . ra(.3me&Toi te, t 1 ¢ ho bee 1,";.or 01126 Craw Brass 01' equal ='? 'F fo .rM _°lame i .`itvood 4055 Brass holder wIth PhoeKx Wass unit a EXIT LIGHTS: Instal i conventional. Exit Lights over doers in auditorium in ac- cordance with Urdinance, operated from tablet board and with Exit signs as approved by Ar-chi.te is,, C014CLUS)ION OF FI: URES Shpuld any fixtures be lackine in the above list to provide a fixture for each and every outlet in the building, as shown on p4ns , the Contractor shall provide such fixture, of type, grade an4 finish correspondiney to those described above. F I N A L E This Contract shall include everything for the construction and completion of the building Ravil.i.on and Civic Kuditorm inn) as shown or specified, excepting only the following items: 1. Gas pirates in favillon 2. Chairs and COO Tracks 3.• not water heater in concession 4. Telephonns W Light bulbs 6. window shades 74 Sidewalke on public streabs, excepting repairs of same 8. Neon tubes on exterior of building 9. Public a.Wress system €arid wiring kGonduit only to he installed) IQ 1`rratem n duMnE aonstxuati.on 11. No be ati.r g is contemplated in Pavilion on droun? Floor 2. *10 flay screens are contemplated, except in toi.:1eta amd lavatories. PJaanJNJ O I hereby certify that these specifications are in aacordance Y� nail.h the Riley Acts t �.ng�neer 86. 1DF,RF0R11WiC.E BOZM /l jJOI;1 ALL '.1;N BY NIBS:� 2IMBETS: That ''t`;riIsaPiaA , Ithe City Council, city of I3untin,to�9 each,- Urange o n s ty, State' of California, by Resolution No. passed . th 193 7 has awarded to NO VMMER, 2 9 _. .. ., .. .__.,,.a ..�._.�._......, ` her e �" ssignate�d a the �'�ritncipal i, a contract for con.- structirtg a Beo S Pavilion and. Civic Auditorium; and I i'dI R AaA �, saiiA vrinc3ipal is required under the terms. of said contract t fu ni'sh a bond for the faithful performance of said contract ; f ti; , wet the Principal, and THE OHIO CASUALTY NOW Tl� i ZFOC ' INbURA DICE C 6T&ANY , as Sura y, re held itd firmly bound unto the City Uoursc 1, Ci y of 1Ianti.ngton Beach e Durango County, California hereinafter called the �iOivnevl, in the penal sum of FORTY EIGHT TkOUSAND EIG7h HUNDRED AND EIG?iTY TWO DO .s S {� 4 , e lawful mar�ey of t he ni ed States, for the ?aymen of vihich surd well and truly to be +� made-; we bi nd ourselves, our J�eid s, executors, admirsiata�atars , and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Tb:<< CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the above , bounden Principal, his or its hears, executors, administrators, i successors, or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by - and well and truly Deep a.ad perform the covenants, conditions and agreements in the said contract and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part , to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein speoi.fied, and in all res- peots according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indem- nify and save harmless the City Council, City of Huntington Beach,, Orange County, California,forn.ia its officers and agents, as therein stipulated, there this obl,,;-,ati.on shalt become null, and void; other- wises, it shall be and remain in full, force and virtues And the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change , extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed there- under or the specifications accompw.,ying the same sbl in any wise affect ita obligations on this . bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such. change , extenzd can of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. c III WITl�E aS �l3Fa+4DF identftml counterparts of this t instrument , each of whi,-h_ all shfor 4ill purposes be deemed an orig- inal thereof A I-xve been duly executed by the Principal and auret;,7 above na,rraed, on the lst �day of December , 193 BRUNZELL. & JACOBSON Pri nc i.pal By 'i'HE: OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE 00I2)ANY - .�... Page 1 of !!,�'IBIT v 1'-�1,R ' a IdC� 01"j JOF0 P. 1 :: .£ ' �#n#r ,af (IIslifvrnin (10un#H n g dos Angel s 1st; December + ._-..7before me, � On khis. .............day of....................... .--- .......................................... A.D. 193--- JOSE'H CiHA7"=S HOOK a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, g duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared JOHIT P. LYNCH Attorney-in- Fact of THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the within instrument, and,he acknowledged the same, and being 6 by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and the seal affixed to the within instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and that the said corporate seal and his sig- nature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he0eunto set my hand and affixed m official seal at my office in the City ofLOS AT?GELES, County of LOS AN the day and year first abovewritten. ..... ......................................................................... .........4 Notary Public in and for the County of f 1 1 State of California 2y COMM4sion Expires July 15;1q4. 1 LABOR AND L ATERIAL B014D IWOW ALL i,,130 BY MMISE PR&SFTITS, that m'b'I�4R:�Aa , the City tlG+aA:3A ,b, Xd,f County, State of California, by Resolution too 790 , passed NOVT'TABkR 29th 1937 , has awardsd to Ear@ ¢1fi 9Ie� 96®gna ed as the ���.,Ii r pa 11, a 5°sO�,11� 1° ot for con® strutting a Beaah 21av-111.oaa and Civi Audi Vard , and; 102R23AS , said Principal is vaquired to furnish a bond in connection with said contract, providing that if said krineipal, or any of his or its sub-contractors, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies or teams used in., upon, for or about the perfor ,noe of the work contracted to be done, or for any vozk or labor done thereon of any kind, the Surety on this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set forth; 1401a, TII:+;T MiU, We, the Principal and THE ORIO CASUALTY INSURANCE MMPATff as Surety s are 1a®ld and fi�°�aly bound unto he C i�py C��ura�t�.I � C;I ry of s[.j?jLijl'"'*!?n j3e-a3h, Orange County, California,, here:natter called the Ckyner, in the penal slim of 1211T lY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY ONE DOLLARS (� 24L441.00 s lawful money fl he United-States,Sa4be9, ffl�° the paylent of %4Fhiflhu[Il well and t�`tb�.y to be made, we bind ourselvesm our heirs, executors, administra- tors, and successors, jolatly and soverallys firmly by these pres- ents. TII3 C014DI'lIOE OF THIS OBLICATIOR IS SUCI, that if said 2rin- cipa,l, his or its heirsfl executors , administrators , successors , or assigns , shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions , proverAer or other supplies or teams used in, upon for or about the perforce ante of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, as required by the provisions of an act of the of the State of Galifc.°a iaU t �, secya-ve The pa<yaent of ola', m., of :persons employed by contraotors zapon public works , and the claim, of persons who furnish materials, supplies, teams , implements, or machinery used, or consumed by such contractors in the parfo2.,mance of such work, and prescribing the duties of certain public cff.icers with respeot thereto,,, approved, Icy 10, 1919, as amended, and provided that the persons , companies or corporations so furnishing said material's , provisions , provender, or other supplies, teame, appliances or ponder used in, upon, for or about the 1 performance o.fn� the work contracted to be executed or per- formed, or any peTs���7ld I.°ov.panj or ion g'.0zit, gng or hiring teams or implements or imchinery or ponder for or contributing to the same, or any persona w10 supplies both work and materials there- for , shall have complied with the provisions of said Act then said wi 1..]. p,�.y tY1; _�r an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove not forth, and a?so will pay in case suit is brought upon this bonds such reasonable attorney °s fee, as shall be fixed j by the courts awarded and 'aa.xed as in the above mentioned Statute provided. Page 1 of &xhi b it Irl t 1d BOR AND r.!A NN RIAL B WM) AMWW' This bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons companies and corporations entitled to file claims under. said Act, so as to, give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. And the, said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change , extension of time, alteration or addi- tion to the terms of the contract or to the vork to be performed. thereunder or the speoifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such chars. ea extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. IN 17ITIOSS 1.7MIL&W identical counterparts of this instrument , each of —fo-v all purposes be deemed an or- iginal thereof, have been duly eateoixted by the Pr' of I and Surety above named, on, the 1st day of e r 1937 . EdMp�al B THE 0Z 'ASUALTY IIINSU-1-I&NCE COMPAN Sure .. ............ T, T. Para 2 of Exbiblt VT (LABOR ADD BOL' J Otttr of Talifornin TgUntg ni'LOS ANGEL S_ Ont this 1st da of .... lle C Pt11b e r A.D. 193--7 before me, yy JOSEPH CH'� LFS HUOK a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared 101M P. L)MCFi , Attorney-in- Fact of THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the within instrument, and he acknowledged the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and the seal affixed to the within instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and that the said corporate seal and his sig- nature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the City of LOS XMIZE q g ounty ofLOg ,jG?' S the day and year first above written. . � _f . ..... --- --...... _.r.• ...c. L' Notary Public in and for the County Hof RTPires.ally 15, 194, 5, 194 State of California I�.W.votm X-23 Sheet __1._. of 1_... sheets. (Itovlaed 86-= nB" FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS California PERIODICAL ESTIMATE TOR PARTIAL- PAYMENT NO. _._59________ DOCKET N0. _-13-6 7-DS For the period A4r i 1-1- _-19 38 A ri 1-- 1 8-_ - z - - -- ----------- tO --� - - �-�----�3 ----, inclusive. T pe of project -:-------,---- ------ Munlcipal Pavilion a Location Huntiraton Beach State California________________________ Givta__Auditorium Cit of Aunt in - - - --:------------------ Symbol No. ---------------------------- Borrower's name and address ___________.Y____________________ __OI1_$ei3.CY1 ---------California------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No. -----------i name and address _ 1 RUNZE'LZ__5 sTA -0-OB, QN______________________________ Estimated cost, $---------------------- --------2150__Prine_eton-_AverLuq Lost__Aageles-p-__Cal_if9ra-&-________ Contract price, ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) Estimated physical Item percent completed No. Units or lump sum Detailed estimate This estimate To date Uncompleted Period To date Percent Percent 100% 100 2 Number 108 - 0 - 108 -i 0 - 00 Sq.Ft,� 5000 � 0 - -3J0' -0 � `- 00 5000 - 0 60 00 Cu.Yds. 270 5.40 270 - 0 - 2 00 Sq.Ft. 8000 1200 8000 - 0 - 15 00 7 Lbs. 20000 0 - 20000 0 - 00 g Lbs. 9000 0 - 9000 - 0 - ©0 io � 135 - � 45� 195`� r 0 50 45 5 � 11 Sq.Ft. I 1 95.1 855#9 10 10 12 L.Sum 95 - 05�- 100� - 0 - 100 13 L.Sum - �5% ;5% 65 0 35 14 L.Sum 0/o 500 ;01 1 6 Squares d 4000 2000 2400 -16o0 y o 1Q60 _ 5 Y Sq.Yds. 3830 1915 -3638." 1g1.5 19 L• 20T 10005 - 0 - 20 100 20 L.Sum 95% 950 5% 95 95 21 L.Sitm - 0 - 95% 5!a 95 22 L.Sum - 0 - - 0 �. 24 z•S� - 05% 100% - 0 w 5 100 2 L.Sum 0 - - 0 .. 29 L.Sum 0 - 0 ., Jig _ t REMARKS—MATERIALS STORED .. 0 i ORDERS I Estimate CHANGE d percent completed No. Additions Deductions I This estimate To date n Unused balance Period To date Percent - percent W 5176.62 ° - :o - 10-35-�32- 5176.62 ^ - 0 - - 20 ioo 3 366.30 - o - 366.30 - 366.10 - 0 - - 10 0 - 1a o Taal, 5542.92 - 0 - 14oi.62 5542.92 - o 100 Less deduction orders, Total—Change orders, Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935,reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United Statea makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief aid under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than I year,or both." Section 35.of the Criminal Code,as amended,•provides a penalty of not more than$10,,000 cr imprisonment o�not more than 10 years,-or both, for knowingly and willfully making'or'causing to be made "any false or fraudulent.sfatemeh&— * * * 'or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * account, claim, certificate, affidavit; or deposition,knowing the same to contain any.fraudulent or fictitious statement- relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATION OR THE CONTRACTOR-OR HIS DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE To the best of my knowledge and belief,I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos. of this Periodical Estimate are correct; that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between ____git-v_Of Huntingt Ori B each_____________________and (Borrower's name) BRUNZELL 8e J_AC0BSQA__ � dated _________________________ approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the (Contractor's name) State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: ( � �{� nA. (a) Total due based on the S lump sum contract ---------------------------------------------------------------- $--`0-,9,95-90 (b) Total additions beyond-scope of contract-----'-------------------------------------------------------------- -----5-,-542i7-@-------------------- (c) Total earned,original contract and additions(sum of a and b)_________________________________________ __46_t_538_J12______________________________ (d) Total percentage retained including this estimate_D_f__ 57� as12--------------------- }C� �L2t�.----------------------------- (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage____________ �C1S1 ;9.4_____________________________ (f) Total previously received(from last estimate)_______________________________________________________________ � ( - ,i25-___________ (9) Balance due this payment on contract and additions______________________________________________________ $-----8 i_44&,69________..____________________ (h Advance on materials stored this "' '� ) Period---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- (i) Total amount payable this estimate — - - $ '4g*69------------------------------ I further certify that all just and.lawful bills against-------3RUNZ1MT-___&_:iTA_G._-QBaQx______'______'______^_________for labor, material and (Contractor's name) - expendable equipment employed in the•performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance,witli *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. Contractor `4 I---------------------==-'---- Place _2156__TzincBtQn__L yentLe-----------------------`-'=-------- ..1 __ __-_____ ____/ ____________�_____________'___ _ By ---- ---- - �0a9__Ange1Za11f6!mia-------_- - Title Panel' r ---_ Date -�-•f 13 � -- - V� -- ------------- - - _ CERTIFICATE Off';THE.BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE :. I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and,that'to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a•trl a and correct statement'of work performed and material supplied by the.contractor,and that the contractor's certified statement of his accountand-the amount due him is=correct and just,and that all work and material.included'in this Periodical Estimate have been' erformed and supplied in-full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding coristruction�contract documents and change orders appro� c�bytl�St�t��irectar. WALKER & iSF1 Name --- ' -- --- � .'- -`------------ =- Place -- - 0 "A21�_el es :- C_ 1 Porn a--- - -- --- Title 4'ui1C1A Aig ----s-�--- Qr . . ty En in eer Date d ` g 3 '- -- - -- -- -------------- CERTIFICATE OF` HV'P,UBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION'ENGINEER INSPECTOR IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor,+' T ^=P m1 nccecci�car;�f +nzyae f paymP r h +> s+11 just and lawful bills against hi kP 'rl,� dim ^l-�i Y• r at- -PleYed rl P nPrfn_m r, P f t,i + e;ter ivil-acc rdaffee-w1th=Eara- graph 11�12,.B.WrA- o ons,that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me or my duly authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents and change_ orders approved by the State Director. Name------------ - - - - - --------------- PlacelltltQn_ P.dSi�t s �tf�l l�_ 2Z'21i;� - - TitleResicient Engineer--Inspector ______ Date___________K z-___ �_ ;:: Strike outnumber not_applicabh.- — __ Total physical percent complete, 6• - .8 - - AMOUNT Estimated monetary Descent completed_.= No, - Unit price - Detailed estimate This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date Percent Percent $ $ ' $ - $ - = . 7�3..00 _� 0 ?33.ao o -. 100 2 7 4.00 0 3?22.00 0 = 100 3 ?400.00 - 0 - 1400 .00 - o - 100 r•:"1Z.. T - 50 :00 a-_ -_ 1156.00 2661.00 52.02 2661.00 o 2 100 100 7333.00--- 109_�95 3 - 100 9i4.00 - a 914.00 . o = 1205 00 �,: :o i205.06 "o ' .ram 100 11 s .00 o _ , I13g .00 .' 100 10 g3b2:oo " 25o2i 52 �3.90 278:10 45 g5 11. ::, ;:. 19 5.00 3 199,.50 _' ,1 9.50;.---- 1�795 i 50 • _ 10 lo. 12 15.00 _ - • a_.. 1 5.00 - 0 loo 3141.00 . 10 �;_3 ._ -1a99.55 . 2041.65 35 35 13 14 610 .00 - o - 17_:a0.�05.00 305.00 50 i �•: 617.00 -- a - _ : .. - 0 _ 100 1 1470400 735.00 882.00 588.00 50 60 i 85.00 0 - e,.o ' a. .85:.0:0 4504.00 225Z.00 4278.8o 225.20 50 95 1gg:o0 39.8a99.aa: : 1 o` __ 20 100 20 95b.00 9088.20 9088.20 47.80 95 95 21- 1517.00 - o - 1441.15 75 5 93. 22 1 4.00 - 0 0 . 1� 4:0 23 667.00 - 0 - - 0- - 6 7.00 24 176'44.00 88--;20 1764.00- - o - 5 100 . 2 1 9600 - 0 - - 0 - .1596.00 - 527:00 - o - - o - z?.0a - . - w ♦` 1 _ _.. _. _. ... 1. . . - l '.� .. - , Totals, 48882.00 7986.92' 40995.90 7886.16 16. 3.86 Total-Change orders, 5542.92 1401.62 5542.92 - 0 - 20 100 Materials stored;if all Q r. "'6 1.0 U rs I. 886.. Grand total, 54424.92 . 9 8$•' - U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING JFF1U 16-4256 , / r 6 April I t 1936 X. A. Goaxin or mo.witai6l-w virootor,, PAY. tom It Inge . $ calif try DoAr Sirt PIOMW be t tho City fro&furer Oltj ASA on 'ih* 20t of AprU, p do -fitan WlAitioftl "'00W.00 on "*sun% OtWoabov� llerewtth o lA or oil authorUlng and d1rootIngdark; Tours wory , ,. xv ' of April the ol or to Ohm * �.. " .. ammoi VA ti% �11 . '" . . DOW Wo . ". IiF pNht.'§ .. LL f a Vilert bv� Or W.LMOAMA of olru. r4v- of 3. Awltivt" B6043 � . at the OsAA GUM CIA * 4 � 'o( .+ .s;;, .,�':� .:: :.., ;,•,c. w�:. ;,.,:,, -r;"u"^ .q _ _ ,--- .k...;w .�w.aiM?�",.�' —Ri�i?�u�t}c����,�'r`...a'r. x r.�".�az � .: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TREASURER'S RECEIPT :hv ' 6928 - fHunfington Beach, C,alife, Received of ✓__ _ the sum of -- / '- ___----- --- _ ----- - .sr" tollars� * General ________________ ____ _________ __________________ $ j._. . �._ I_._. Fourteenth Street, Ocean to Palm -__- Gas Bond Fund ---------------------------------------- $--- I---- ---- -I----!---- California Avenue ------ ----- --------- $ I Music and Promotion ______________________' _______. $___I___I ,__;.� ;_.�__._ Orange Avenue, Lake to Eleventh ______ ____ Library ---------- ------- -------- --------------- $---- ----� -- I l Eleventh Street ----- ---- ---------------------- $ ----+ -- -I Street Improvement Fund ' $ I - I----I-- -(- Sixth Street -------- ---- - ------ I Wharf, I. & R. __.- ________ __ ______________ $v'I I"`w., � Walnut Avenue, First to Eleventh ------ , $ --� Sewer, I. & R. --------- ----- ---- $ -- I I I --- Eighth Street --- - ------------ $---- Gas No. 1 I. & R_ ____________ --- Fourteenth Street Palm to Main ---------------------- $--- ----i--- I -------- $-- i Gas No. 2, I. & R- ---------------------------------- $--- I- I ! -I----i---- Seventh Street --------- ------ $ iIIII I I City Hall, I. & R -=-=------- - -- ---- - $ - - i I--- I Palm Avenue -------- ------- -- ----- - ---- $ -I --- - --I- -I I I I I I � I --� Public Hall, I. & R_ __ __ ___ __ ____ ___ $ - I--- I I i- i -- Orange Avenue, Eleventh to 23rd _.. I - Municipal Bonds, 1923, I. & R. ------------ $ ._I --i --- ..-I-. .I.___I Twelfth -Street ___._ -.-._-_ _ ______ __________ $ __i Wharf Repair Bonds, 1930, I. & R------- $ _ I I..-_ --- Iu+ Walnut Avenue„ Seventeenth to 11th_- $____ Wharf .... -- Extension Bonds, 1930, I. & R. $ ...I .-I. _1_.__I_ I-__-I Olive Avenue _______ _________ ____ ____._____ $__-_I. Street Impr. Revolving Fund ---------------- $_---I---- .---i----i--- - ---_I East Side Sewer, 19-B _...__..---.-----------___-- $_._i1.--_I-------_I-- Third Street, L & R. ------------------------------ ___.__ $---- Thirteenth Street Fifth Street, I. & R- ------------------------------ $----i---- ----I---- ----I---. Huntington Avenue ------------------------------- $---I-_ (- I Tenth Street, I. & R. -- $--.I I--- I II I----i Sewer, Geneva et al ------------------------------- $----I I----I----i 4- Fifteenth Street I. & R_ _____________ -_-I --------- $----II---- ----I- i----I---- Sewer, 24-B ---------------------------------------------- $----II----II---- ----II----�--- Sixteenth Street, I. & R- ---------------------- $----I---- --- -I I---- ------------------------------------------------- -- $-------- ----`----I I I - ._�._..I . i f ----- - - --- ---- - -- . . ---- ------ --- ---------------- ------------ - - ------ $--- I I I I Total--------------- -: ------ $--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- f� v =- '� --- -------- --------- --------------------- - ------ - -- --- -- --------- ------- `_:_ ., _- , �. . � --- , --- --------- ----- --- - - = = - ------ - - - ------- --- ----- -- --- --- - - j - -- --- - - --- ► ;---- --- -- ------ --- , _ -_ ---- - - -- -- -- ---- - --- - - ---- -- - -- - -------- - --------- -- --- - --- ---- - --- ----------- ------- ------- - --- ----- -- - ---- - - -- - - ----------�-��-- --- - , . -- -- ------ -- - ---------------------- ------ ---- -------------------- - - BA CITY TREASURER City Treasurer. NT c CIiA. I0, ORD.&R TF3 Docket Calif, Noe 1167-DS Appl• ISo• Dated: March 28, 1938 Name of Project : BEACH P ,VILION kJID CILIIC a,UDITORIUM Location: HUNT-2INGTON BEACH, ORABI,,I COUNTY, CALIFURVIA To: BRUNZELL AND JACOBSOV General Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the Plans and Specifications: 1e The dry yell shown on the drawings is, to be omitted. 144 3 civare l,'oet of. Itedwood Q '�35o UO L . a 5m4O 2 Cubic Yards of excavation C yUe00 . • 2.00 2 - Cubic Yards of lock ;:. �1.50 • • . . • o 0 3.00 Labor. 2. 99 �l3.39 Blue: Compensation and Tax 14c,� • .87 Bond 1:. 0 . . am • • . • • a • • • e • e e20 2, orl GR&DIT a m . a • e m 4e15.46 REASON FOR Cllid`": Drain vias run to culvert Requested by Architects. 2.4 Size of cantilever girders on south side is to be changed from 8°' x 161, to 8" x 14i4e Difference of 174 S q• Ft. ��75m 00 11 a . l3.05 Plus Compensation and Tax C 14 J e a 1683 Bond e��vaos m a • • e mo00000 • • ogO .,k�2®.03.� CREDIT Z1AA301i FOR CILWC :: Lumber was ordered from Seattle, . and to avoid, delay. Requested by 1�rchitects• r 3. Rough :fin. for sink, as per eat imate from Rickman Bros. . . . a . a . . . . . . . �23.64 Plus: Prof it and Overhead 15c10 • . . . : . a �' .55 Bond k.: 1 io . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 3.00 ADDIT IOU . . a . . . . . . . . 52( .54 REASON VOR OHANGi�: A pink was recuired. Requested by City Engineer. 4. additional reinforcing, a.n.ele iron supports above wall ad- joining stairs to beach: 'Angle Iron & Bolts 1117.08 Compressor & Drilling by AWCO 21.30 Blacksmith work 3.75 24 hours common labor 7 per hr. 18.00 16 hours skilled labor '1.00 per hr. 16.00 Welding 1.50 17.63 Pluz : Componoation & Tax on 34.00 �C 141jy 4.76 Overhead Profit , 1511:, 12.36 Bond< 1 e� 1944 ADDITIOU REASON FOR CII ME': To add greater st reneth. Requested by Trustees and ;Arch.itect. 5. Install meta.- flashing on top of beams and cgntilevem brackets , as per instructions of Architects $12.00 :flu s: OverhoLd Pic 2r of it , 15"a . . . . . I.80 Bond, 1�, . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 6. . .21 2.01 liDDI.i.IO . o . o o . . o . g 14.01 REASON FOR CLIANG'L: To better waterproof. ;Iequested by i1rchitects. i•f 6. Mop with tauterproofing compound, c'locAtine, or similar substance on the sides and .around the flashing of the cantilever bears and bra.chets, and r the direction of the �Lrchltects. /� f a . o a • s • o e o o • o o ,� o e i�30 000 Overhead (."+ Prof It e lio . . a e • e a cA ZO e� Bond, 1�,0 0 . • • • • • o a o e a o o • o • s'o s .52 5.02 i�DDI IOZi • �.'. 35.02 1trA.c0Z3 101," OHATZG73: To better waterproof. i:equested bj Architects. 7. Install 1 x 6 finish Oregon_ :"ine with moulded edges on SOIL 'Ct of all trusses. ® • . a ..a45.73 Plus: C ompons€,:3.t ion &2 T w c 14,0 o e:a R: i,�2..60 Ovorhea.d rrofit, o o3.5 7.28 Bond, .85 10.93 ADDITION a . . . . .: < v"56.66 -,Z,EAS011 F0; CjL,'. ,G'�: `.Co present a better appearance . Z-equested by Trustees . 8. .Additional windoc-:s in 1:ayil.ion Hull, Louth -all: 1 :Double "came: 2-3' 6" :; 5' , mi l It ork� - '15 .00 Carpenter Labor 14.00' Fainting 8.00 Flashing 1.00 Hardware 0.00 *l.00 Plus: Compensation "Tax 14,L 2 0 24 Cverhead Profit, 15,0 7.45 :3ond, 1`, .77 $10 646 ADDIi I01-TAL a • , 1.) REAS014 101: C110G": 10 provide additional light• I.Le que sted by Trustees. 30 • ;raZZ adjoining Stairs to 13ea.ch, 8" x 3' x 7' 14 GU- 'to concrete 4re34 oue .L,t. 4.76 I12 sq. Fte norms e22 sq. ft• 9.24 Plus: OVerhea.d -'r of it, 1- '2 e 10 .Bond .25 2.35 10D1 ZOJ ° • • • • ° • • • Z6 e35 : :'�SO,I p0i� CIi:�PJG";: To retain vi , dera lh t o be installed by Cz.,ners of property. ' C equosted by .trustees. ZOe SU/I�,1.1e To con7ert -unit specified so that same will pump l50 GOB°.,:• against ZZ ft . head . • e • • 5r,-�5 a 50 Overhea d W 2rof i t, lJ;;; • • • ° r12•£33 Bond, 10/� ° • ° • • ° e ee • eOOO 1•28 14.11 pp F • a1. r ,• to provide more Positive .action. i,eques ted by -architect. 1Z e PLAT-312 iBO; D & ZllTH e chwga c mil -r a from .2" nails sipced IVon centers, to Z.1Dlasterpboard bearingblue ria3,le 4" on centers at each stud. the heavy mesh specified to be Changed ed to 3.4 copper bearing lath over cornices & moulds.. PTO EXMIA - NJO Cl,"MITe R11,1SON -100h CiLr i' U " G he me�,L s° lath trill bind better over O..,rnices Moulds. Requested by .rchitectse COz'e}t:.fiCT TIi. '; S[UiLL 17E Ew�TrnIDDiD lied (2) TOTALS GP A3CV73 CTIXTIG"OS) IDDIT IOTA' GEM IT Change l7amber 1 15 a4G a . 2 15.01 3 $27.54 4 9Ga19 14.01 6 -35.612 7 5Ga6G 8 51 m46 9 16.35 10 99.61 � 11 y�396 .84 � 30.54 NETADDITICIIS . • oe • aa . • c gooe • • • • . s • ses000 • .a • . 00 PLUS 'llEC III-z,C`2Ul,'lAL 'Y C� 6,o TOTAL OF THIS CHAMR, ORDER . . . . . . • S368.28 CITY OF 110"T IT+G ri O iLT 7-AC It WATu:r-1 All D S g�ul, III T`30 1.`•' ;.lyar c i ee ILA UQ'T';iilu'Y*'I� E. Ae FVt�IIS ul-tengine struefural Mng aneer `fi BBUIIr'.3+TjL AID JAC OBSCIT. By, City UlerE Ueneral `ontrac for I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance "vrith the .iley Act. a A. Ea S9 Structiara.l =.n sneer 5, nCowtloN NO. s A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .HUNTiNGTOR' 'BEAGH., GALIF.ORNIA, . ACC EPTIHG THE LEACH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM AAD AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND RECORDING OF A NOTICE OF COUPLETION THMFOR. WHEk EAS, a PublIc 'worke Administration Pro jeot, was approved and a contract let, fdr the construction of 'a Beach ) avilion and. C1vio,Auditorium, and further. identified as Public Forks Administration Docket No. P. W.A. 116P—Ds, and WHERFAB, the said contract has been performed and said, Beach i'avllon and Civic Auditorium completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and approved .change orders., and to the satisfaction of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, 1'OWO THEREFORE, -BE 'IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Beach avilion and Civic Auditorium be, and' is hereby accepted, as of the 26th day of May, 1936. BE ITFORTHER. RESOLV , that the. time bet�eei n the oontraot completion. date and the date of the adoption ,of the acceptance be and is waived and no wee rassemsed; and, that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Huntington. Beach be and they are hereby authorized, to execute and record a Notice of Completion. PASSED AND ADCPT�z by the City Council of the City ©f Huntington Beach, California, this. 26th day of ay, , 1939. U. F . McCallen Mayor ATTEST: C. H. FURR My MR. f 5TAU OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange City of Huntington Beach ) is C. R. Fuwio the duly elected, qualified and acting City. Clerk of the City of Huntington i3d:aeh .and Lx-officlo Cleric of the City Council of said City of Huntington Beach, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beaoh is , fItre; tixat the foregoing Ae olution was passed and adapted by -the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all .the members .of said City Council, at re6ular adjourned meeting of the City Council held an. the 2Eth day .of laay, 1 36i, by the following vote* AYES** Councilmen: Morehoune, Chamnes c, lienrickedn, UoCallen NOLS Councilmen: None ABIZXT: Councilmen; Talbert C. R. FUW1 "L�,y Clerk and ex-oc��'�"�cio. e,rk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California. County of 16ran e s s; City of Huntington Beach . FUli, the duly elected, qualified and acting City ` Clerk of the City of Huntington .Beach, California, do .hereby certify 'thiA the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ,804 of the City Council of said City at their regular adjourned meeting held on the 2 th day of t4ay, 1936. ��`.''.°�.VE'5 i my hand. and sell of the sa.Beid City. of Huntington aca , C7,,Tlf cs nis, this the 2 th day of May, 1938. itir +Cler an ex*—b ficsia Curic of the Uty Council of the City of Huntington. Beach, California. M.C. RICHARDS B. H. OSBORN Telephone o Telephone Long Beach 647-43 Long Beach 831-59 LONG BEACH FLOORING COMPANY, Inc. 247 QUINCY AVENUE , LONG BEACH , CALIFORNIA AU91-I s t. 139 1938. Brunzell & Jacobson and or City of Huntington Beach re Civic Auditorium Ball room Floors We hereby guarantee the finish on floors as follows: Ankerite on wings, and Pratt & Lamberts' O'Keene on dancing surface applied according to manufacturer' s specifications against defective materials and work- manship, for a period of one year from date of in- _ stallation, July 159 1938. x_ LONG BEACH FLOORING CO Inc September 27, 1939 T.qe Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. , Hamilton, Ohio. Gentlemen: v,'e 1111ave you- inquiry of September 12th, 1938, relative to Bonds 'o.iO1934 and 101935, Brunzell and Jacobson, construction of a beach pavilion and civic auditorium for the City of Huntington Beach, California. Please be advised that the above named building was accepted by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at a regularly adjourned meeting thereof held on the 26th day of May, 1939. Certain defects in the floor construction developed shortly after .this time which were repaired by the above named contractors satisfactory to the City of Huntington Beach but they have failed to furnish the city with a satisfactory one year' s guarantee as promised by them. Therefore , the City Attorney has ordered this office not to accept cancellation of bonds until satis- factory guarantee has been received from Brunzell and Jacobson. Yours very truly, CRF:h a. R'. FurT, City, Clerk 4- EXTRA ORD&M rY4 Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS Appl. Bo. Dated April 18, 1938 NALM OF 2R0J:.,'CT: BILGH PAVTLIW ARD CIVIC AUDITORIU:: LOCATION: 1X14TINGTO.14 B AC11, ORA14G.� COUM;eY, C.AL.Iy'ORLI1A TO: BRUR "LL ADD JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the plans and specifications. 1. All windows in the easterly elevation, that is, on the � street front , are to be glazed in Solite obscure Mass. The addruional price is : 024.00 Profit and overhead 3.60 Bona 1'is .41 TOTAL REAS014 FOR CHMIGE: To avoid necessity for venetian blinds and requested by ovme:?. 2. The sheathing of the side walls on the interior of. the Auditorium is to be carried out above the beam to intersect with the roof sheathing. The additional cost is: Sheathing to the underside of roof sheathing boards : 720 " ineal 1,t . 1 x 12, clear. d..f. run to detail 082.80 Sales Tay. 2.48 TOTAL for Materials 0z.2 Carpenter Labor 53.45 TOTAL for Materials and Labor 8`.7� Profit and Overhead, 15;0 20.81 OTSM 57 Bond, 1ej 2.43 TOTAL2 mod REASON FQR rlxd'iit 'E To present a better appearance. Requested b,y owner,. 3. The man's toilet and women's toilet: on the floor are to have a Spanish the floor as made by the Valencia Spanish Tile Company, 4031 Elenda Street , Culver City, California. rRhe urinal in the men's toilet io to be entirely formed of. the ;rit;1 the back 41-611 high of tile, returning bath side walls t4i k 2a�"e 7'2 3.0« more or less. All floors to be properly laid on concrete base provfde:d by the contractor. This is to be complete tTj'ath base and cove. It is not the kitent ion, however, to run the base around the intermediate toilet petitions or stalls as these are cenz ent plaster ana are carried to the floor. The additional cost of this is : Urinal. lien's Toilet floor 168, base and cove 69,237.00 Ladle's toilet floor 224, base and cove;, 92, 31.6.00 Plus profit 15 � 91.95 Bond 1 js 10.57 MOT AL Ru AOOT3 FOR CS:[.OIRE: To pre sent more sanitary appearance. Requested by oviner. r 4. Omit all rope encl.oeur es on the ttx= floor with hardware and fixing same. CREDITS . rope and hardy'are, divisions between booths in Auditorium. Credit 24.00 . REppS R FOR CE Al Requested by oi e . 5. Omit roof hatch. Credit �12.00 Bond 1 .1.8 REASOD FOR Ch( ,.INGU: Requested by architects TOTALS OF ABOVia C.VIR rS : Addit ion Credit 1. 50128.01 2. 1.62.00 3. 71.5.b2 4. t?24.36 12.1.8 TOTAL O E v<3 TOTAL 73-6 Less credits : 36.5 Net adcl it.ions : Pl ua are hit eatura.la f ens 6cja' 52.13 TOTAL OF ri.'YJ.S CHARG:� ORD.�h'.: �3921 .12 5 P8e ' 3 CITY OOF/h'UNTINGTON BEACH WALKM AND EISEU, ARCZIITECTS By GC/" By Mayor rc c HARRY OV..a AYLR u. A.' 3 VADS y .rn ne�er Struotnrdlngl Weer BRUI.IZELL AIM JACOBSON B erk neral an roc c"r I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the Riley Act . dSTS ru.6tural Angineer 0 k e ]Form No.P.W.C.A.2i-Ca D. O.Voucher No. ______________________ Form approved by PUBLIC VOUC�IEI2—PAYMENT OF Comptroller General U.S. Contract No. October 19,1935 FINAL GRANT Requisition o. _ ocket No. S --- FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS --------- - ----------------------------------, 19 - (Date) PAID BY Appropriation ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- TI3E UNITED STATES, Dr., CITY OF HUIiTJNQ'r0.�--B jG ------------------------------------ Huntington �r QQa Calif. Address ______� --------- >EL%_ ---------- 1]�K------------------------------------------------------------ (For use ofPaytngOtSeer) +_ ¢ Proje L---- --f --''-f-----,+�'�-�a�• .,{--- -- ..+' -------°�+'--d�1�----�'-`j'-�=_`�`� .. Project Symbol No. ------------------------ Offer ed _ ______ _ _}___L__�___ __ __ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved Requi n for final payment of grant based on 45 percent of the actual cost of the project,but in no case to be in excess of the grant allo I Xc,tual cost of project Loan Grant ------� Previous payments Amount of this payment $ I CERTIFY that the above is a true statement of the cost of the project above mentioned,in accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretofore approved therefor under the above offer and acceptance covering the grant, and in amounts stated above;that the work upon said project has been performed in accordance with said plans and specifications; that no claim has been presented to or payment made by the United States for the items for which payment is claimed; and that these and all other conditions prece- dent to the payment of the grant imposed by the terms of the above-mentioned offer and acceptance have been met and performed. CITY OF HUNT1iiGN14 bgA4A ------------- A= `�'=1--- I CERTIFY that the workmanship and materials covered by this requisition have been inspected by me and conform to the engincer- ing and architectural requirements of the plans and specifications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I IJnyh?eer PnsPeetor. Approved: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved: --------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------- Yate Director. Yak Engineer Inspector. (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Fstablishment, if deemed necessary) Differences ------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------ ----------------------- 'I -- ------------------------------------- ----I — -- ----------- --------- ------------ �I Account verified; correct for_________ $_--------------------- ____________ �i' (Signature or initials)------------------------------------------------------ I MEMORAN®UM — ------------- ------- Paid by check No. _______________, dated_____-------------------------- 19------- for.$---------------------------�On Treasurer of the United States in favor of the payee named above. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended.provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * accoant, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ` ` "'relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE iA_Aass P.W.A.Form No.168 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS (Revised 4-22-36) CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS t Requisition No------------------ t Fines {Gran Name-of-applican't :_City_of __ nt i i g' q4 BeBCh------- --- ---- --- ----- Docket No. ---- -i -(APPLICANT DO NOT USE) Address __City Hall.Huntin tOn Beach,Callf _- - _ -- '---` Contract No, ----- ----------------------- 10 micipal 'Beach avillon and Auditorium` Typeof project-- ------- ------------------•---------' Date--- ----- -------=---- 1939_ O.-P-No- --------------------------------- (See ieversc for instructions pertaining to entries in'cofumns shown bclow5 The follownig is the status of the above project as of the dates indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form, P. W. C. A. _22-0_ _________ will-be expended for the purposes shown in column 4, subject to changes (21-13;'21-C,or 22). approved by the Federal Emergency Administration of'Public Works. PREVIOii9 P.w.A. COSTS NCURRI Amol;NT SII R° CLASSIFICATION LATEST APPROVED QR:ANT-LOAN REQUISI- TIII9 REQUISITION Q� ��p ESTIMATE, -TIONS-OR PAYMENTS ®F _ _t1-9138 �,J{�4illiT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES--------------I----3.5QO-Q-------------------------------------------------- -------107!2Q--- -----1079 20------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------"-------"-- ------------------------- ------------------------- TOTALS--------------------------------350,_00------------------------------ -------107�20_--..-----1'07.24------ 2. LANDSI RIGHTS-OF-`VAY, AND /1 :EASEMENTS----------------------------------------------------------------- 5-5764-•-71----- 18,.21-�54� 5*.212.46.- - 5. 3. GONSTRUtiTIGN____=__-_________________ 569.-2T ---y-70 0179115_ 4. ENGINEERING, ETC.: Engineering Fees-------------------------------------------------------- 3,491.41 39491.41 Architectural Fees__________________________________________ Applicant's Forces--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------$-t--25.00 --------- 825.00 _______________________________________----------L----------______-__._____-____- __ ____________________-_____ -------------------------- TOTALS----------------------------- .-91.! -- ------------ ----- -------- ---4t- 6-.-41_-"- 5. LEGAL, ADMIN., ETC.: Legal Fees_ - ---- ----- --`-------- ---- ---------- ------ LegalCosts__ -------- ------------- -- ------------------ ------------------------ Admin. and Overhead----------- --- ------/-------------- ---- - ------------------- --- -- -------5.i7--- -------------5_..1.7_-- TOTAL6---- ---:- - --r--- _ -' __2OQ.-AtlQ-- -----r- --'-=-- --- i - -- ---:---- ----- - -- ---:-5-*17_- -- ------- 59_17--- 6. INTEREST________________________________________________________---------------------------------------------------- - . 1-. T. 1�'TISCELLANEOIIS------�-----------------------210,0----------------------- —-------------------- ---- — GRAND TOTALS---------------6o,4�6 oo- - 8.243,54 -----5,212.E+6-- --59_,92 o5-- -;;4 44r5 FUNDS RECEIVED AND DISBURSED APPLICANT P.W.A.LOAN - P.w.A.GRANT TOTAL Funds required and allotted------------------- ------------- ---2e)g669-.-Qo- ------------------------- -- Funds deposited and source____________________________________ ___ 0 4.-1- 6._ _ 1 24 4- 7_ _ 3.5—-55 037.70--- Funds disbursed, per column 6, above--------------=---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 93 ----------------- - ---- Balance in Constriction Account-Applicant's books-----------------------__ _______ _________ _____:__ __ _ 91.77 Total outstanding'checks=---'- -- •---- - -- -- --- - :__ ---------------------- --- -- -- ---- ---- Balance in Construction Account—Depositary's books----- _w____------------------------------------------------------------- 891-J7 16-5194 CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in the,approves-4pgliontion and estimated cost of-the project; except- as the same shall have-been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, wben tadvaxlced, will b,e��.upod,if�or,tlhe purgg(�o�se or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and.that all infor- &Ation coiitauied in this P; W.,. T+'orm 1e§is tru rrect, and complete 51 bscrlbed an sworn to be,f,ore me this___!__ ___ 4f" O L ------- --------- --- 193 ,AV �_'_� -- � - -------- ------- w (N APPlicaut) a i (Place) (Co my (State) (S tur t d u bor ed officer) ' [SEAL] - _ (Notary Public) ALI ley commission expues------------------'---- ------' -- 193---• PENALTY.FOR FALSE CURTIFI,CATSON.—Section 35-of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty,of not more than,$10 000 or imprisonment of not more than-10 -years,or tt��qq��Ii��, o$-knowingly-and willfully malting or,catiSipngg to be made"apy false or fraudulent statesiortts.-i • "`_'or we or cause to-be made or usedany false account., certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knp"wkng the'Saute to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement * "'relating I?o$ny,matter within ttte,Or�,dittion of any governmental department or agency. - - ' CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY " we'certify that tlilbt�n uction Account of the above-'named applicant has been credited with deposits total- ► g une 4th 8 Ing$_ �[ and had,a credit balance of$____��-s_77_________ at the close of busm ss ___s� _ __________193___ r'f F K -__ c (Place) (N depositary) -- ------------------, 193__ By - D�te (Title) BANK SkAzj'., r • a t-r A.PPROVALS FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS - - APPROVE'D. - Resid&ht"Enorn,eer Inspector. Sate Engineer insp,ettor --- ---- ----------- :---- ---------, 193--- --- -- ----- ---- ------- -------, 193--- rf ,, ------ ---- -- ------- -- - - -�-- ------ --- - -- --- -- - --- - '--- -----.- --i. � State Director. ----- --- -- --- ------ - -- - --- _..z --- --Date) 93 , 193 IN9+RUC'nON3 L'The'summarization of costs as described in column I shall be in accordance with the standard classffieatioKof accounts prescribed by P.W.As(Administrative=Order 145): 2. Entries in column shall be based upon the mosfrec&t ttsthnate-of project coats as apprAved'by P.W°A.ihron0h the State Director. 3=,I;i4tnesy!kn coluilhi3.bhall consist of the aggregate of ah prevfous loan andlor,gmiit payments or requisitions,accordth to their statur4,,a3 follows: oo��ppynlojs�,necei tl�n"pr";requjtio�s,,�,,,,,jjj n§,ow items req�osted on pending requisitions. 4:IPubjies�If!payi�reAG4-rLCfS�vedflAoll l�rt reyixs�E'ib'bs�teiti8powttit3 eupptirl(Rgstt' , en3 . ,. ( If the situation is a combination of(a)and ) then the figure shown shtlll a det rtnined accordingly. fn colc> ts("t, ull a,S44jtbnl 1<hc}aliibpg cu[ate'><ttl.i.4;, [14tio",0 covered by,.FJo�''-?.W.C.A.21-13,21-C,or= i_. t - 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid acid unpaid)incurrgd on the profit as rthe date of the requisition,or as of the cloaipg date of fhe gppligant's last accounting period. a. .. ... 6,'Entries'in celuma G,shall'retclt'a6ival disbursements onl.,y Tilt the?VJod-c?igf0 tig,with that covered by cofumn 5. 7. Entries opposite"Funds Required and Allotted"must at lea&t equal the total d'fi the latest approved estimate as shown iri column 2. lrntries'for"Funiis`Deposited and Source"must be subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. The succeeding entries are self-explanatory. S.If more detailed instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A„Washington,D.C. 7 -, - f i iU.S'"'GOVERNMEMT PY1* In G^p Bil e• ]b p]4,�'n, 117 I w � FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building ,N REPLY PLEASE REFER TO San Francisco,California. May 26, 1938. Admin.KMD:HL Docket No.Calif.1167-DS Construct Beach Pavilion & Civic Auditorium, Huntington Beach, Orange County,Calif. Mr. C. R. Furr, City Controller, City of Hum- ington Beach, Orange County, Calif. Dear Sir. In conformity with your request of May 19, 1958, relative to Final Grant Requisition, we are enclosing the following forms to be filled out by you. 1 Original and 8 copies of PWCA 21-C —Final Grant 1 it " 9 It " PWA Form 168 - Certificate of Purposes (revised 4/22/36) . 1 " " 4 copies PWRF Form 106 — Statement Concerning Construction You have already received Project Change No.8-Proj.-4, dated April 26, 1938, showing latest approved estimate. Please prepare the following.- 1. Original and 8 copies of P11VCA 21-C (making two runs through the typewriter so that all copies will be legible), signing the original and 2 copies; 2. Original and 9 copies of PWA Form 168 (making two runs through the typewriter so that all copies will be legible), executing the original and 2 copies; 3. Original and 4 copies of Form PWRF 106, executing the original and 2 copies. Please retain one unsigned copy of each of the above forms for your own files. Please forward the following to this office: 1. One signed original, 2 signed copies and 5 unsigned copies of Form PWA 21-C; 2. One signed original, 2 signed copies _.plus 6 unsigned copies of PWA 108; Mr. C. R. Furr City- Controller 5/26/38. j 3. One signed original, 2 signed copies, and 1 tansign.ed copy of �R'Y Ford 10a6. If you desire sdzrice in the preparatim of these xequisition forms, it 1s suggested that you consult ,t?xe Pro,*ect.:Auditor,PWA, as- signed to your project,. regarding * om you, ay write to. ' . H._. unson, Regional Project .Auditor, P.W.I. Room '400 Curio Auditorium, San Francisco. . Your ver?y tru 1y, f Acting. glonal Director. f For the Adxni:nistrator. Enclosures. l cc Munson FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS REGIONAL DIUCTOR IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO 1210 Hewes Building EN(T x; CAT:Gm San Francisco, California Docket : Cal if,1167-DS Pavilion June 28th, 1938 Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach -01alker <� Eisen, Architects 437 South Hill Street Los Angeles, California Dear Sirs: We have not received the final periodical estimate (I-23) in the amo ant of $55,569.27 for Brunzell Jacobson, Principal Contractors on the above designated project, The last Periodical Estimate (I-23) submitted did not take into consideration credit change order (the last issued) in the amount of $5,34. Please ha?e this I-23 prepared (itemized),properly signed, and submit to us as soon as possible. r Your ry tr eaionel -rector For the Administrator 1 x'I 3 July 7, 1935 Brunzell & Jacobson, 2150 Princeton Ave. , Los Angeles, California Gentlemen At a meeting of the City Council held Judy 5th, the City Clerk was directed to write you to furnish the city with a 41,000.00 surety bond guaranteeing the correction of the defects in the municipal pavilion dance floor, same to be held by the city until the floor has been repaired to the satisfaction of the City Council and the City Lngineer of the City of Huntington Beach. The City Councilmen were of the opinion that if this is. dune it will not be necessary to delay your final payment for the work. We would however, ask that you refer to our letter of June tth asking that you prepare in the usual way your final statement, I-23, taking into account Change Order No. 6. This will be necessary before the P.W.A. will release final grant payment to the alty and must be done before this office tan releaser your final check. Yours very truly, CRF M W. PUr". My Meif BIZUNZrLL & JACOBSON DENCRAL CONTRACTORS 2150 PRINCETON AVE, NOrmandie 4542 LOS ANGELES July 5, 19 2,8 Long Beach Flooring Company 247 C�ui.ncy Avenv.e Long Beach, California Res liuntin ton Beach Pavilion and C v c Auditorium Gentlemen: We have written to three on you,y previous occasions , June 4 , June , [and June 27', 1938 , about the serious condition of the floor at the Hunting— ton, Beach i?avil.ion troy Civics Auditorium. Up to date , this oon6iti.on has not been remedied. We ,received a letter from Vialser & Eismas the architects for this pr€jeot , on Juiae xC , 10-�6 , in which they pay that these defects d.evelopea less than three clays after the building was acce�,)te€, I Aedording- to your verbal agigreei ent you promised to correct this floor ri ;ht after June 1 , .10�8 , and get a %: ri.tten O.K. from Mx. Overmeyer, the City Engineer of hun ingtun Beach, and forwa:rd it to us. In Walker & Eisen' letter of June 70 , to the City of Hunting to z Beach,. . they stated thz-�'t -they, as the architects , would. refuse to sign our fiscal payment request uhtil this floor condition is entirely remedded. v e , as the General Contractors for tkis project , will have to see that tale de- fects-' iai the floor are reiried.ied i meu.iately. Ex. Eisen feels twat the cupping of the floor will at le of requl.r,e resexaping. If you de not have this cund.:itic ren*iedi,ed by Fridays July 8 , 1938 , and ser:d us a written notification to this. e.ffe t , we will h4v.e to take this -;tatter into our ow,n hands rind hive some- other- floorine company correct this floor; and cha.rce the costs to you, holding ,you firlanci.ally resp,on,- sible for anything in connection with ttie floor, job. Yours very truly , by y °"" yt V r 3`s1 J..d°..v r Zip can o City 0 'wat ,.' ton Beach,/ i P. A. EISEN A. R. WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ' %r___�� ` - p� F ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building -437 South Hill Street LOS-ANGELES Telephone TRimty 7808 -. ••�:�} j June 30 19 38 . City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Leach, California. Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of letter this day sent to Brunzell and Jacob- son. Wge had hoped that this matter might not develop into a sit- uation. As we have informed you, we have visited the P.1 .A. in San Francisco, and :Fully advised them of the fact, and their sug- gestion, --although unofficial -- should be follozvaed , and I might add that it is likewise ray suggestion, that since these defects occurred three days after the acceptance of the building and were due to causes which could not have been foreseen and provided for, that you have your Attorney notify Brunzell and Jacobson and like- wise their bondsman that you are withholding any further payments to them of any nature wl�2 tsoever, until this condition is ade- quately and completely taken care of. The P.77.A. in San Francisco likewise would appreciate receiving a copy of this letter. They are very vitally interested themselves in this matter, and it is entirely likely triat they will not honor any certificates until they have received notice from me that these conditions of which I advised 'them have been entirely remedied . I think that these matters should be cleared up immediately for your own protection as well as that of the contractor, as it is entirely possible that it may have serious consequences in your receiving the last portion of your Grant . The above are simply suggestions on my part as your Architects. Your City Attorney will undoubtedly advise you further , and its, more detail as to the best legal position for you to assume. I might further add that from my own standpoint as Architect of the building, vthether legally supported by law or not and whether it receives your concurrence or not, I shall for my own part refuse to sign any further certificates or delmnds for any payments whatso- ever until this condition is entirely remedied. Yours very truly, VIALIOR AND MS EN, ARCHITECTS By PAE:EH cc : Brunzell. and Jacobson: b P. A. EISEN A.R.WALKER WALKER AND EISEN r ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 y �'ioze M g 19ZA8 s i i Bruxazall and Jeoobson 0 Princeton Avenuo :Loe Angeles, 0alii ornie. Gentlemen: e have noti;Ued you on. 411 Oth, of a very earioue floor eondl-0 tion upon -the mw audio tpr iaim at .li: n Bepoh �. Ue X10or over its. entire area is bath -bulging and c�pping, ale mated in letter of . ' Otho We had advised you of this both vearball, a 41 by j letter,,, and had hoped that this muter im ght not deVel. into j 'situation Ij dt,her words, we believe that a matter V hi a type ,should reeeive adequate and prompt end �=aed ;a ette :kvr you k1G wl I had moor a 0—te visit , a job an advised me Pally a e to dond.itio eq, -end I Ai You that • , see de» fe t,d oodurred three days efte ° ld ea see"ep and jjre oondit'ions that could not he � een esoon end provided for, at the ttmd off' eeoept A06 We now find that some kS ; end it thin bondlitt On e re sir ec vet meld ere et ►ton a not the jarotnpt gttention a Latter of mome ' , we a', one has goner down end taken Up .a •ipe baear at the edged to r4liev'e the pires- eutt in t add 6 of, and thereatter"no ones, eiceptitig p6natbly self ha . vi sit d and paid any. aerioub attention to ,he Job ept.i. upderotabd 'aome no' from, the noori. eonoerms, aid passes , w itter vear Lightly Wa f i. d the the City, of UuAtj,ngto n,Bea eh has been subject to grist orit oi.am on eslaount of the badly supped eo di.tion of, the floor also due to the faot ' tha.t. the -floor, while -temporarily re- lieved by the above l�enti one d; method6, has gree3tly o1. .e to e eater extent l promainont ' plQ0e_a in frW t o. the 4oaroy off. thou I °+�rhlol�.e' >frip it 'eannot be t r is tad� sad, should not be allowed t4 •ga on low a e it he .- a are very ' dl� d i0appointed, that this .matter was not rei dlod 'at enoe� si the it vraa not a are encsl4a i •le tter a to -the City Of lblntingtbt Beach in order that th#Y My ilii,sa endear the ayeil tbemsol*os of wbatever remedies are pose I eii� etaneea P. A. EISEN A.R.WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 Brumell and Ze-oobsOn Fags Two Walker andhet o`� T19 , 1g3� We fe is 1 t Im tp t o buildiiig of the Aoor will hoVo to be vt;'ttdoto . . d h cap pi will a 1.e require, eaora �«. Very traLiy you'ra 1jAZXq1R AND RV3 ,• ARCHITECTS bit /:qt Bosch . I I i I I i I �tP � f f MOL'T 1011 140. 787 .RESOLUITION OF TWw. CITY GO=CIL OP TENN M Or, HUNTiMTOR IMCK =AZILIS1I'M T E IRIME RM I RATE r- WAGIM FOR ZkCH CRAFT OR TYPE OF ?;'Q.-RUAX OR MECHAVICNEEDED IN THE CONSTRUCTIONOF 71M MACH PAVILIONCIVIC ITOK M, IN THE CITY Or HUNTIM-TON BEACH the City, Council of the City of Huntingtorn Beach has eonduated a hef�rlm for the purpose of €e-t l s irz the general prevailing rate of wages la thUs l�a- ll for irk- n needed in the oonstruction of a Beach Pavillon and GIV1.0 seta 1n t1w City ;of Runt ington ,Beach,, has oonsidlered evidence prese eds SOT( �,,MF0 X IT _5(LVXD¢ that to City . nCll Of the City ,or Huntington Beach does here )y. find., establIsh and detemine that the genera-1 prevailing rate of vmges In U'als locality for *omen needed In the construction of aad Beach avllioa anal_ GilvloAudltorlum within the City of HuntingtonBeat, and the nera.1 prevailing rate. of legal holiday and overtime TAADE O . C U A a IONAft Hauri Wage e Preparatory Trades Demolition & Re-n-oval, of Existing Structures: Alr7 comkvresaor Operators � � wd last' dazzle 1.25 hand Blast Gun- en. 1« Jam Hamer + orators Q 6 Chipper flammer O erators .'- Laborers .62 . Rouse0lovers . �'.qk Ver Teamsters ers Excavating*, Laborers . 5 Drillers (0als',80A Lite. 1.00 haves. Operators echan-i l) 1,.'�j alovel it Tractor Operators � 1.0-0 Truck Drivers Teamsters Ile Drivers 3 . Pile Driver Engineers 1.25 .r OR , Wet C .p Mere (Including Installation of eta1 Covered Doors ateel Locker*)-.. 1.00 Mardwood Floor Layers 1.00 Window Caulkers 1.1.0 Laborers _ 5 Plastic Tra4as: Concrete and Cemeatt inisers. � Lararg: _ - ' . Kizer. Operators -7 Dune. e 1.2 Ground 1.00 Rey 1.. mixer men 'bound Men ', € 1.12 Mixer Operators �. Hod Viler .-j , Plastering Including Lathing,: Plasterers 1.5 Plasterers' Tenders 1035 at era (.1neluding Welders on Steel ' e) 1.12 Steel Trade Relnfor Steel*' ReAntoreing Steel Workers 1.25 La rera. d 625 Structural steel. Structural Steel watt- (Including welders on Structural- Steel) 1R25 t rnmen Metes. Ornamental Irate Workers 1.0 Ldborer .62 Lathing - See Plaster -6 athl Steel $tuds, k ee Pla er Lathing: seal Trades Heating, Steamfittere ly Asbestos Workers � `RA" OR OCCUPATION UbML N e Rate Ventt t .. See Sheetmetal: 'lumbers . Sprinkler ys a e: Sprinkler Fitters 1.25 Electric 3yatem lnsta latl.a a%, Electricians 1.10 Sheet Netal (Includingget" Partitions)': 5 heet Beta l Workers 1.125 . Laborer Uarble, Tile and Terrazzo* Marble Workers 1.00 Karbie workers' Helpers 0625 File Setters 1a2 . Tile Settera l elp*re .80 Composition Floor ox-tiers •' ol ', Laborers .625 Linoleus Soft Tile,, Blae boar s, Cork Carpets-. Soft 'Tile Layers 1.00 Window Ohad ee and Venettah aiaads Window Shade Workers 1.0 aintl g and eeorati: window Claaaers w625 Glazing., Glaziers Laborers *02 All Skilled ]Labor not mentioned a tvov"a 1.00 All Unakillei Labor not mentioned above 6625 1.. Ue rates Per !-.our, indicated above, based u n the local prevailing r ttes per day being 6 th ee. the move scheduled rite per how'. Hourly rates of pasty, bases:. upon 6 h ,:era per day., for a fuIl day or a fractlona l part of a day. per dits wages for a fraotlonal art of a day shull be t ae a p liodb e mte per hoar multiplied by the axtwber of sours worked; can said day other than for overt n and/or Sunday* or Legal Holidays. 2. The wage rate per hoar for overtize work for. each of the above a lasel;�ierations shall be the hourly rates quoted above,, ciult 1plied by 1 j times the number of ours worked by employees In excess .off 6 hours on any one calendar day other than SVndays and/or Lega,11 Holidaya. The wage rate per hour for work on Shays and/or Legal Holidays shall be the a -ppli n-b e rate per hour, as scheduled above, multiplied by 2 times the nuWber of hour; .. 3 fted 'by employees or, 3urdlay an4/ r Legal. Holidays. Sundaya and/or Leg&3 U011days as ht-re n referred to a�,. 1l be deemed. to be all Sundays, Jal--guary Pirzt.. February Twenty-sett., May Thirtla .: July ours, Labor . ,- Th&'nkGZI'vIr4 Day and. Deeenber T enty fifth. . The zage rate per fur tsar overt 'Me on Sunday Wor Leggy. Aoliczyx for each of Vhe above classifications shall be ths haurly rate astablished for Sunder -or Legal Holidays wor'k.,, times 1j the number of hours, worked, In exzeas of eight ( ) hours on S=act'` and/or 14gal HolIdays, by tho adopted. by the CI,,W Council of tl-,w City of Hunting-ton Be ch s. California,, at a regularly adjourned eet,ing- thereof held can t1he 13th day of October, 1 37. `��wofig�'ta+3d�nr�t�W.L�Y^CIF gypTT k < i . STATE OF CALIMMIA, Comfy of Graxige city of Auntington seach"V 1, C. R. Milt, City Clerk and ex�-offlalo Clerk of the C iti Couna, 1 of the 0ity of H"t-Ing't n &-a0h,, do hereby ot1'ify that the foregoing Resolution was read to the- City Council €f, said City- at a "-gul rly adjourn6d aejeting of aaid City Council held on the 13+,ki day of octobert 1937. and was 4y said City Counal. aeeed &-na Sao-{tea by the following rote: M cor allsens Korthou*e,,Quamess jalbert KerwlmX Urner NOES Counol3mer-.1*1 -Nano ex-orrIM0 dlerx of the City Ciomicil of the City` of Hun Mr e ch Caen.ifo r»i a BY _ r V ► . STAFF O� CA41"IFORNIA, County of O.r6ai e, *E. City of Huntington Benea 1 ., O. R. FO. L,, thi duly elute ,, qualified and acting City Clerk a,-A ex-officio Clerk of the City Coti-ne-11 of the city Of Rfunt Eton off,, California, d heroby Certify tbat the,. att*fn ad and foregoing solution No. 797, entitled, *A RE LU?ION Or 'THE CITYY COUNCIL_ Of AIt +S �TYy HUNTI p� y CK {I� G 0:3.t4�"i RAL P�WA.�.LI %A- OS WAGES FOR EACH CRAM TY t OF WORIXUR OR ULCMUIC NIXDED IN THE CONOTRUCTION OF T119 B PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM IN THE CITY OF HU14TING N SACK* , s ae true,. correatll &ad compared oo y of the original Rosol Lion paseed and adopted by the City Ceufte.i i of the City of Rantington Beach at a regularly adjourned ae.eting of said City Council held on the **L3th day of October, 1937, vh1ah Pesniut ion Is on file and of record. WITSEW my hand and the ee&l of the said City 'of Huntington each, Callf(rnias. thale 15th day Of October .01 .37. City Clerk ejr- idlo -lerk. of ', �t the City of Huntington ol .J ST n OF-aurORNIA. County of Ore e: City of Huntington beach � .n this 15th dgy v:P October ,' 7, before mee,. Unria.P. Pann, a NotiFiMbl"o In said for said County and State, peraonally appeared Helen '. evland, known to o be the person whose 'fie Is aubeoribed to, the foregoing instrument and ackw1e4e to ae that she exexted the same. my han4 and official *aal. € t i in car ee my An �tede. LMEN INGT(fN M. M. McCAOL EN IMayor g AT �� T. B. TALBERT, Councilman FO 9�f L S. CHAMNESS, Councilman V y A. L. HENRICKSON, Councilman City o Huntington Beach A. W. MOREHOUSE, Councilman v 7zrrrr�ccc,. a C a' California OFFICIALS LC� eij'190g,P `!�� C. R. FURR, Clerk-Controller BAYARD BUTCHER, Treasurer COUNTY GP RAY H. OVERAKER, Attorney C. P. PATTON, City Judge H. A. OVERMYER, Engineer and Supt. of Streets May26, 1938 H. L. GRANT, Chief of Police iw J. K. SARGENT, Fire Chief Honorable Mayor & Councilmen, City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, California. Gentlemen; This letter is to certify that we will install the sewer ejector motor as soon as it arrives, same having been telegraphed for today from San Francisco, and complete this portion of the work in accordance with plans and specifications. We will also complete the cleaning up and touching up the paint this afternoon and tomorrow. Yours very truly, BRUNZTLL & JACOBSON, Contractors BY; C 0 P y TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, A PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PROJECT was approved and a contract :let for the. construction' of (name of structure) and further identified as Public- Works Administration Docket No. (Give docket and unit (if any) , and whereas, the said contract has been performed and said (Name of structure) completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and approved change orders, and to the satisfaction of the . (Board of Trustees , Supervisors, or governing body for the Grantee and give Grantee's official name) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT SAID (Name of structure "BE AND I5. HEREBY ACCEPTED" as of date BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 6°TIMEE BETWEEN THE CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE AND THEDATE OF THE ADOPTION OF THE ACCEPTANCE BE AND IS 'WAIVED, AND NO DAMAGES ASSESSED.°" And that the (President Secretary or Clerk) of this (same as above) be and is hereby. authorized to sign a "NOTICE OF. COMPLETION" . and to certify to copies of the above "RESOLUTION OF ACCEPTANCE" . On On motion of _, seconded and carried, the above resolution was. adopted. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy` of a resolution passed at a (ReEular or Special) meeting of the (same as above) held on day. of 1938. SIGNED DATE (Designate whether presi- dent , Secretary or Clerk) CHANGE ORDER #2 Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS Appl. No. Dated: March 7th , 1938. Name of Project: BEACH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM Location: HUNTINGTON BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA To: BRUNZELL AND JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton .Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorised to make the following changes to the Plans and Specifications. ELECTRICAL CHA1GES 1. Omit the one 150®watt outlet in the ceiling of the Rest Room in Pavilion, as Boom is reduced in size by Heater Room. 2. The lights in the ceiling of the Pavilion floor are to be grouped in circuits and switched from main switchboard. Gen- erally, the outlets are to be grouped for convenience in switching, so that the outside outlets are on one switch and the central outlets upon one or two switches, as the case may be, it being the intention that each circuit or group is to be controlled by one switch. 3. The vestibule lights upon the north side are likewise to be switched from this .main switchboard, and not from local switches, as shown on Plans. 4. The four 200®watt outlets placed on promenade at a point approximately eight feet (81) above the promenade floor are to be operated by one switch from panel board on main-,or audi- torium floor. 5. The 150®watt outlets in the ceiling of the low roof portion of the building on each side of the main auditorium are to be operated with each circuit switched from main tablet board on auditorium floor and not by local switches, as indicated on drawings, excepting that one outlet opposite East entrance and the one outlet in North vestibule, shall be in local switches as shown. 6. The exit light switches are to be grouped and controlled by one switch from tablet board, and shall comply with Ordinance governing same. de 7. The ceiling outlets in the ceiling of the auditorium are to be grouped into circuits with each circuit switched from tablet board. 8. Remove one base receptacle from rear wall of stage and place on exterior off and above open promenade eight feet (81) above floor at southwest corner of building. 9. The two exterior lights of 75 watts each on each side of the northerly main entrance are to be' operated by separate switch from tablet board. 10. The two (2) outlets in ceiling of stage are to be con- trolled by one switch from tablet board and not by a local switch. 11. The two (2) floor plugs in the auditorium shall be placed one 4n each side of column. 12. Omit one of the 500®watt outlets for sign lighting of marquee on side entrance, and place the remaining 500-watt outlet in the center back of the letters and switch, together with the one 500-watt outlet on the northerly main entrance, on one switch from tablet board. 13. The main switchboard and meters are to be changed to a position on the wall of the northerly storage room on the pavilion floor at a point satisfactory to the lighting company and arranged for connection to conduit service. The conduit service will be run to this tablet board by the lighting com- pany or the owners. 110 1z galvanized conduit 19.13c 21.04 .10 11.00 2 12 e11s & couplings 112.89C 2.26 .40 .80 330 ;�2 IBC wi r e 58.10m 19.17 1.-3/4 5. 178 Hd,s e. 42.47 27.58 122% 3.017 21.65 Labor 21.65 64.12 Comp. Ins. , P w L, Labor Tax 1.69 Sales Tax 1.27 67.08 10% Overhead 6. 71 73. 79 10% Profit 17.38 Sub-contractor 's Bid 81.17 Change main tablet board to comply with above. 2. 4 w ' All local control switches to have bakelite plates. ,_. Excepting for the above described changes, all of the require- ments of the General Plans and Specifications are to remain in full ,force and effect. Change requested by irchitects and City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. No extension of time to contract. TOTAL OF ABOVE CHANGES 081.17 Contractor 's 15% 12.18 Plus Bond Premium 1.42 $94. 77 Plus Architectural Fee - 6% 5.69 TOTAL OF CHA1'TGE ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.46 CITY/OF ,HUNTIl'JGTO .BEACH WALKER A11D EISEN, ARCHITECTS By ��i By Mayor Architect HARRY .'1VEWYER E. A. ETWIS Cit Engineer Structural Engineer A S o BR UNZELL r11JD JACOBS0Ir _ B� City Clerk: Contractor I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the Miley Act. E. A. 1;VA113, Structural Engineer 3. 4A.rorni is o.i3% Revised 7-23-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE NO. --------- C B To ---------------it---y-of-----Hunt-ington-Be ach each-------------------------------------- Docket No. (Name) Type of -----------------City Hall, Huntington Beach,_Calif._____________------ Project ---------Pav_ilion______------ (Address) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol No. ----------------------------- (Address) Contractor _Brunzell & Jacobson---------------------------------------------- Contract No. _1__(General)__----_ (Name only) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated June 7, 1938 , requesting approval of the following contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FROM— THIS CHANCE To— (2) (3) (4) (5) 1. Preliminary, 350.00 350-00 350eOO 2. Land and right-of-way, 0 0 0' 0 a. Commitments 55,574.61 -5,34 55,569.27 3. Construction, 55,764-71 b. Estimated items 0* 0* 4. Engineering, 3,931.29 3,931.29 3,931.29 5. Legal and administrative, 200.00 200.00 200 e O0 6. Interest, 0 0 0 7. Miscellaneous, 210.00 210.00 2lOeO0 TOTAL, 6o,456.o0 6o,265.90 1 -5.34 6o,26o.56 Calendar days -- NEW COMPLETION DATE ITO change Description of change: Three items Of changes as described by Owner's request attached. Awarded Contract amount $48,8820'00 Changes, including this change 6,687.27 TOTAL 055,569.27 This Contract Change is approved. The Public ?forks Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost hereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated by approved change. L Date --------------------------------- Ervin T. Smith All requests for change, whether approved or disapproved, shall be recorded. Res. Eng. Insp. Orig, r; cc Di Eno .; ccR Aidr. ec Reg. A�d. • cc.REIN se rev rse side i ee a fo deseriptl an exlPanatlon o change) U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-4694 Too K. A. Godwin RE: ENG; RFS: pan Acting Regional Director Docket: Calif. 1167-DS 1210 Hewes Bldg. , City of"Huntington Beach . San Francisco, Calif. . Pavilion Huntington Beach, Calif. Revised estimate of the cott .of project, In 'connection with cha nge order No. 6, dated May 25, 1939. OWNERS SCHEDULED COSTS Clas alf icat ion Oven Estimate ee From This Chance To Preliminary 350.00 w0+ 350.00 Land and R/W -0- -0-- -0- Construction 55o773.61 Credit 5.34 55s768.27 Engineering 40ol6.55 .0.0 4,ol6.55 Legal & Administrative 200.00 -0- 200.00 Miscellaneous 210.00 -0-» 210.00 TOTAL .6o o.16 Credit 5 4 6o 44 S2 Funds Available Loan. _0.. Grant 23P456•00 By Owner 30,000.00 530-5b.UU Owner adds Jan. 19, 1?38 5,000.00 Jan. 21, 1,000.00 ra Apr. 18, a 1..000.00 ro May 19, 94.16 Total to date A � 6o,550.16 � 0 ty . ontro ler - l ClUJIG!, ORDER J6 Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS Apple No. , Dated May 25, 1938 TA ICE OF P.ROJ`:3CTa 313ACIE PAVILIO11T AND CIVIC A DITORIM241 LOCATION: HUi`I:i'I NGTON B I'ACH, O:Ra SIG J COU TY9 CALIFORNIA TO: BRUINZ ML :i 11D JACOBSON General Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized. to rake the following changes to the plans and specifications. to The finish of hardwood floors to be changed from as specified to 1 coat shellac - 1 paste wax. Polished with steel wooling machine and powered wax finish. To creditT no extra. Change requested by City of I!unti ngton Beach. Reason for change- 11'eco mendation of .flooring Contractor . 2® Credit For hardw@7-,e as per the following: Item ,HIV 3 Pro Butts., 30 280 A 4j" x 4L" changed to M 1820A 3• TT 3�" g 2 only G3 Checks changed to G2 r 4.75 Item rV 3 I'r e Butts, uB 280A 4 iT X 4 re changed to EB 1820A 3-2t x 3 20 55 Item #VII JULPro Butts, CR. 260 4.1-" x 4-1a," changed to BB 5100A 3-;-�G x 2TT 1 check G3 & Bracket changed to G2 & Bracket 2.37 sub-total .9 e 67 . Pale ;-2 �"" sub-total £oriverd 9.67 Item luX 1 Pr. Butts, CR 275 411 x 411 changed -to 1820A Z.111 x 3 j 1r .38 Item ,#XI 6 Pr. Butts, EB 280A 511 x 511 changed to BB 5100A 4.�" x 4?11 3 . .70 4.20 Item #XII 12 Pr. Butts, SB 280A 511 x 511 c ha r_ge d to BB 5100A 4 `" x 4 T1 `, 070 8.40 Item #XVI 11 Pr. Butts, CR 280 4?1r x 4;1-11 changed to BB 5100A 3 rr x .3-n r1 CR 2.37 1 cheek G3 Changed to G2 Item #XVII 3 Pr. Butts, EB 280 4j11 x 4ry 14 changed to BB 5100A 3-�" x 32;11 2 Checks G3 chang;,�d to G2 4. 75 Item 1XVIII 3 Pr. Butt s9 SO 280 Q rr x 41 1r changed to BB 5100A 3 °' x 3 1r 2 Checks G3 changed to G2 4.75 Item rXXV 1* Pr. Butts, EB 280 4;" x 42 changed to 1820A 3p x 3 11 1.27 35.79 3. Two speaker boxes at the east end of auditorium wall as ordered by the City of Huntington Beach ;3 lump sum price of �15.00 each Bond .45 EXTRA 30.45 -TOTAL CR7i'D '2 TIHIS ORDER .s' Page #3 Ito change in completion time of Contract. Reason for Change: Requested by City of IIuntington Beach. C Ii tsAILTTC�;Ic 1'. 'U �13 N,, ARC HIT 3CTS By B;y AYO;a Archi ec . HARM f j'V/./^.J� U• A. LAALS►d i y angin S ructura 7Y7-ineer BRIJNL aLL AM JACOBSJII By .�.....®.v -� .- y-- Mirk ontra�c oF I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the Riley Act. T. A. Jvans, StYucturaT Jn ineer D l P.Sx' .Form No.194 --" 8vised 7-28-36) " FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE No. To -----OITy--9F-LMIT-JjTjGTA1X--Bj;A_CH- -------- ------------------------------- Docket No. (Name) . Type of - -------------- -- - ------ Project -- - (Address) ---------4a7--8aut',11--Hi- 1--S.r--er s F Ange—lLs�- Oat 'ernia.- - --- Symbol No --- - ---.-- ---- - (Address Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated -_,t u_ t-_19,-_1.935 _-__ , requesting approval of the following project change: APPROVED ESTIMATE CLASSIFICATION r3tODi— THIS CHANGE To— T. Preliminary, 350000 ' 00 350a00 2. Lad and"right-of-way, 00 00 00 3. `Construction, 490081a00 1 5,176,62 54,257,62 4. Engineering, I 4615a00 310e60 3,925*60 5. Legal and a.dmuiistrative 200000 00 200*00 6. Interest, 00 I 00 I 00 7.`IVZ`iscel]antous ,: 23:0000 00 210*00 i To,rAL, 53,456.00. 10 5,487*221 58,943022'— .Description of change: Ov.mer adds the sum. o.£ 5,487*22 shaire of the coat of the project as evidenced by revised es.timp.te dated IDecember 30, 1937, submitted to: Public Works Adhninistratioxi by letter datad January 21, 1938. This Project Change is &pprovedo The Public. Works Administration, in approving any change, .assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the ex�te►mn to which the sane may be paid out of finds espmssly:contracted for by it, and specifically makes no rco.Oesentation concerning any additional 'cis r��cc.,essitated�li3 any approved €;hau e. - l Date'' ---- - r - -- ------ - ""' !' �- K.° 0�1INc xig Rego ona2 sE Darector. All reclnests or change, whether approved or disapprove , s a� 6l cor ed. . ,. (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation-of change) U.S.GOY ERNIICVT PRIN[ G OFFICE 16 Fi I07 :.n^.Fafifi4%.wR-.w�'=y'aKT+4. +!3" .,..v.. •' .. Orige er,. 1 Architeet.o 1 EngeDive,, 1 R.E.I., 3 Reg•'_'roJQ.11udn, FILE FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS -ST-A"f E-D+f K-GTQf- REGIO1vAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO Sara Francisco, California ENG.RFS=m Docket: Calif. 1167mDS January 26, 1938• City of Huntington Beach Pavilion Huntington Beach, Calif® Walker & Eisen, Architects 437 South .Hill Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 19, 1938 relating to Owner's Change Order No. 1, in connection with the above identified projecte The above referenced to Change Order No® 1 was received by this office in part on Jarm ry 5, 1938, transmittal letter dated January 4, 1938. The balance of the data (statement of funds available and revised estimate) was not received by this office until January 22, 1938, Owner's transmittal letter dated January 21, 1938• The Change Order is approved as of (PWA Form No® 34) our Contract Change No. 4 m (1-1) - 1, dated January 26, 1938. Very truly yours- K. A. GODWIN, Acting Regional Directoro For the Administratoro Dated: December 30, 1937. CIuiNCE, ORD"R 110. 1 Docket Calif. Do. 1167-DS Appl. No. 13ame of .2ro ject : BiUiCli PAVILI011 15.11D CIVIC iXDITOAIUTli Location: I1UUTIi%TGi'W; .6;,LCII, U!L•'d G-�; COUi�' .'Y, CL1,1PORD A To: BRUid' .&LL i-iiD JACOBSOiJ General Contractors 2150 2rinceton Averue Los .1angeles , California You are hereby authorized to make the folloiAng changes : 1. i31;3V11T IUiI OY i'ltIVILION -LMO0R: The elevation of the pavilion or lower floor is to be raised in elevation, six inches (611) , that is, to be raised from elevation as shown on flans of fourteen feet eight and three-quar- ter inches (141-8-3/411) , to fifteen feet two and three-quarter (151-2-3/4") inches. This will result in reducing the story height betvee n t he f inish floors from f ourtee n feet seven inches (14 '-7 It) as shown on present drawings, to fourteen feet one inch (141-111) . Do all necessary filling under floor to accommodate new elevation. All concrete beans to be accordingly raised. Change requested by City engineer, City of izntinfton Beach. 1YEDUCT C"uIDIT. .k 27.30 2. LOCA ION OF BUILDI,iG i,.i9D 2jiVILIW- 2L00ii , 1&S t iZaVISZAD .tlidl: The location of the building is to be moved tvienty- four feet (24'-011) more or less farther Trom the pier, to points as not; indicated by city engineer, and as shocin on Revised clan-- She et J10. The floor of pier is to be extended over this tvanty- four foot (24 '-011) space , as fully detailed. rill concrete to have 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 mesh in same. The stage, together with exterior steps , on the pavilion floor is to be entirely removed. i'he framing of the build- ing, however, is to re,Aain the same as shown on original plans. Install doors across this end of the building as shown on revised plan, aheet ;'10. The outside doors, that is , doors marked "ll" are to have panic bolts of same type, design, and finish - 1 - A as specified. The inside doors , -that is , the five (5) doors laarked P11011 are not to have panic bolts, but are to Lave top and f loo r bolts, and locks. Install all changes to the electrical wiring, as indicated on Revised 21ans. Clia.nge requested by City Council, City of Lantington Beach. ADDITI UDAL COST. 2831.84 3. Z ::IIdIItG DiLIitia , 1.I4D rTiSC. Ctik%�'�' : On account of the building, being moved twenty-four feet (247-011) more or less from the pier, the intervening space be- tween the pier and building; on a Line with the retaining mall in the storage room is to have retain:ir.'p,' wa,Ll with earth fill against same as per detail accompanying this char a order. the cement floor at piper level and to the nortth of t i.,e retaining wall to rest on this earth fill, and south of this retaining wall to be of t i.aber construe- tion, as detailed on aheet A drain is to be provided with galvanized grille over sa:ae to a cement trap, and carried through eight inches (811) cement pipe to the large thirty-inch (3011) drain existing at or about the location where toA cats were removed. In connection with this wore, this retaining wall is to be plastered; also portions of the pier where toilets were re- moved, are to be plastered and repatched and finished in the same manner as is dxisting concrete work on the present pier, in order to leave all of this work in a neat and workmanlike ri=ner. tihere the small :shed roof at the south end of the pavilion and against the pier is out into.,, same shall be repatehed and joined to the pavilion in a thorou�;h and workmanlike manner. The entire floor of the twenty-four foot (241-0Tt) space bats^leen the pavilion and the pier for the entire frontage of the xvilion is to be paved with cement. `i'his refers to the beach level. Change requested by City engineer, City of sHa.ntington Beach. ADDITIOELL COST. . . . . . . . . . . s'1599.17 4. ROUTF I;G Oi,' COI';DJC'TORUS : The conductors at the easterly corner of the build- ing :narked to be carried to the curb is to bo, run to beach sand on south side of curb to walk. The conductor on the pier side of the elevation is to be carried ;l=n a,nd run to the thirty inch (3011) drain at beach level, hereinbefore refeanred t.o. Change reg?zBsted by City .engineer, City of Bunt ingt on Reach. ADDI^iIOV iL C06T. 4 50.00 - 2 - i 5. 7„O=saltlldG ';,tiT.�i� �II'�: The loner member of the pipe railing on the pier is a e inch (oZ") live galvanized iron water pipe. Such water pipei to be rerouted underneath the pier across the front pavilion and then to join vith the pipe upon the riAling at the south end of the pavilion. Change requested by City iLngineer, City of ikntington 3each. ADDIT I COST. . . • . . . 84.:99 6. i '.a116IOli Oi :DUL iU 0.1 LOCAT1013 02 BUI1;-I14G: The four inch (411) sewer is to extend across face of new retaining wall ana is to be securely affixed to wall. Change :required by reason of change oil' lee at ion of building. ADDITION-4L COST. . . . • . . . . . . . . 50.44 7. C11A11C✓ TO PU3,NAGA: The gas heater shown a: bei.n6 located in the hest -Zoom. on the first floor is to be placed in the Janitor 's Closet on the -oavilion floor. To accommodate same, this Janitor's Oloset is to be enlarged throe feet (3'-011 ) in width. Mhange requested by Architect , ADDI 101.4.aL COST* . y; 75.89 8. i10JD D PILING, TI&S jWD AUCHORS : The top of wooden piling to be secured to concrete beams , as per details accompanying this Jrder. Change requested by ,engineer. ADDITIOILL COST. . . . . . . • . 511.59 y� �r T T qT�, c nr�rr f1 c� TO`' �L It 2 i&BU 4 ; .f`1DDIT101M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 5 v 250 -I2 LISS WDUCTIOR • • . • . • . . • • . • • r • • • • • . a • • • 27.30 Plus j rchitect 's Fee - 6�� 310.60 MUDD TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5; 5,487.22 Complet ion time is extended two ( 2) Creeks. 3 Statement from City Auditor showing, funds are available accom- panies this Order. CITY OF HUN 'INGIOR B.ii-46H „ALey:; G11S By_ �-�-� � BY � r Lkayor -r i / .4.rchi ec lU itY &yid 1Y.M A. VLili S G City EXIL4tmer S ructur Jng; neer By City er vrt ractor I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the itiley Act.. AV y S rue Ural ;.;ngineer .. 4 .� W Ltd. ! . ..-W���.�/•__i�ni.�1Y�l�-....�. AllCoot," l. IfAmod 64rs X4 ub °�• IOio. c Ian'0 3 See e6w. ----� c:' r C a C? a•G _. '1-in" C OM C• TA9 N I M� y--__-(- .l,� No c ham. d© 0 1 Pile STrut .,. 9no �Ckorwg a in 'S e e �IiC�P t As S�o an . ria ' o Force vr.Q.3 f Q G to �� { bo Pile _ S T. A A , l rp PLAN T, � f �•r i d F-RT M AO 4 cr 0 STcF)AG: #:L ?,&Ax,n►rj WcJl See Da('a Slopl"c Ar t � o IT raT . Qtal �n �W A . . L T SwPLA R �AIAl �G ' con� 1A o Cl ihe nt e •Ao • • Py, OtN o,c, borti � g o /Jernave ibis or on TeAqbt vanes oil� slo?a f Ch1 hor-) s¢a Slopirl -rut as -aeta-te'i -xt 1nj cW;; vt St-cT ION Opposit end c� Yi►r;ihor . Sr—cTeom r qo9 P.W.A.corm No.34 (Revised 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS COl TRACT. CHANGE NO._Tn1-3----------- ------ ENG.:,AOA:kk To -------------Cityy__of__Huntington_Ee=h------------------------------------- Docket No. ---- (Name) Type of -----------------o/-a-W&]Jcar--&_.-Ei-sen., -Lrnhitacts--------------------------- Project ---pavilion.----------------- (Address) -----------------437--5.-IIi]. (AddrL-Street,-ess-Los--Angel-es,-Eallfnrnia---- Symbol No. ----------------------------- - - Contractor __ rumsel.l--&-dacobson---------------------------------------------- Contract No. _-1-------------------- (Name only) - Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated March 28, 1938 , requesting approval of the following contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FROM— Txis CHANGE To— (1) (�) (3) (4) (5) I. Preliminary, 350.00 350,00 350.00 2. Land and right-of-way, .00 .00 ! .00 a. Commitments 54,1530'39 366.30 54,519.6.9 3. Construction, 54,764.71 b. Estimated Items 100 .00 4. Engineering, 30931.29. 3;0 931.29 30931.29 5. Legal and administrative, 200*00 200oOO 200,00 6. Interest, .00 .00 4.00 7. Miscellaneous, I 210.00 210.00 210.00 TOTAL, j 59,456.00 58,844.68 366.30 59,210.98 Calendar days 14 (from 6-a�38 NEW COMPLETION DATE June 18, 1936 Description of change: Eleven minor changes, as fully .described by owner's request attached. Awarded Contract Amount '$48,882000 Changes, including this change 5,637,69 Total $54#519.69 This Contract Change is approved. The Public Works Administration' in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated by any approved change. 4Date ------- - April 19 193 8 ---- K,._A. GO]7Nf2N --- ---- - --- ---- ---- Aat'iifts Regional Directo �a� Orig.-Owner; 1 cc File; .1 cc-Dir.Eng.'Ai v ,Wash.; All requests for change, whether approved or alsapproved, shall be recorded. 1 cc Munson; 1. cc R.E.I. se reverse side if needed for description and explanation of c a= J W. BOURNIER U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1fi-:G93 ,Assistant Regional Director, V, kv Huntington Beach, California EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL " City Hall, Monday March 28th, 1938 "Pursuant to adjournment of Larch 14th, the City Council met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Warner. Councilmen present: Warner, Morehouse, Talbert, Henrickson. CounciLman Chamness arrived at 7: 4-5 P.M. Councilmenabsent% None. Change Order "Mr. Eisen, architect of the beach pavilion, appeared before, No. 3 the Council and presented Change Order No. 3 and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, Change Order No. 3 as recommended and presented by Mr. Eisen was accepted and approved by the City Council. Motion put and carried unanimously and on motion by H enrickson seconded by Chamness, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute Change Order No. 3 on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach. "On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Council adjourned. City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. WILLIS H. WARWU'A'R Mayor ATTEST: C. R. PURR City Clerk" STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange ss City of Huntington Beach I, C. R. FURR, the duly elected, �jalified and actint_:, City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct excerpt from Minutes of the City Council of said City. at their regularly adjourned meeting held on the 28th day of March, 1938, which Minutes in full are on file and of record. WITNESS my hand and seal of the said City of Huntington Beach this the 5th day of April, 1 City Cl �_k and ex-oiflcio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California. Tr i Docket Calif. No. 1.167-DS App l. No. Dated: March 28, 1938 Name of Project : BEACH PAVILION kiND CIVIC tXDITORIU1Z Location: HUIT2INGTON B10P CH, ORAN� COUNTY, CILIF()RVIA To: BRUNULL AND JACOBS014 General. Contractors 2150 Princeton Avenue Los Angeles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the Plans and Specifications : 1. The dry well shown on the drawings is to be omitted. 144 ' rivare .cet of Hedvood 04 Q35.00 M . . y1i5.40 2 Cubic Yai°ds of ]Xcavation Ur1.a00 . . 2.00 2 Cubic Yard: of Rock :. y?l.a50 . . . c . . . 3.00 Tabor 2.99 w13.39 Plus: Compensation and Tax Bond 3Ig .20 4 �`7 6OI�DIT o a s s . . . y,;15.46 REASON FOR CMU,,,G&, : Drain Baas run to culvert . Requested by Architects. 2s :size of cantilever girders on south side is t°o be .changed from 8 x 1611 to 8,1 x 14". Difference of 174 Sq. Ft . ,`. y�75.00 1­1 05 Plus : Compensation and- Tax 14cp Bond C. 1 J . . ® nn . . . . m . . . s . . . .20 0 2.03 CIU,DIrL REASON FOR CIII',TdG.�: .Lumber was ordered from -Jeattle , and to avoid delay. Requested by irchitects. O'_7S9t, 1. 4 3. Rough in for sink, as per estimate from Hickman Bros. . . . o . . . o . . . . . . 23.64 Plus: Profit and Overhead 15c, 3.55 Bond t.: 1 jo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 3.90 ADDITION . . . . . . . . REASON FOR CIiENGE: A gink vas recjuired. Requested by City Engineer. 4. Additional reinforcing, angle iron supports above gall ad- Joining stairs to beach: Angle Iron & Bolts -17.08 Compressor & Drilling by A143CO 21.30 BlacKsmith work 3.75 24 hours common labor J 7V per hr. 18.00 16 hours skilled labor 1.00 per hr. 16.00 'Jelding 1.50 77.63 Plus : Compensation & Tax on .N34.00 L:; 141j 4.76 Overhead & Profit , 15;1 12.36 Bond li.6d 1.44 ADDITION . . . . . . . 96.19 REASON FOR CIIAUG_": To add greater strength. Requested by Trustees and Architect. 5. Install metal flashing on top of beams and cantilever brackets , as per instructions of Architects . . . $12.00 Plus: Overhead .& Yr of it , lb(-) 4 1.80 Bond, 1 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .21 2.01 TT ADDITION r o 0 0 0 0 0 o a A' 14.01 REASON FOR CALL(': To better waterproof. requested by lrchitects. 6. Mop ivith r*�iterproofing compound, Floatine, Qr similar substance on the sides and around the flashing of the cantilever beams and bracs:ets, under the direction of the <irchitec,s• ry Plus: j Overhead 1w yrofit i OO ..® S`4O50 Bond, . • . . . . P . . . . ._... . • . • o . .52 5102 ADD tI01- . P 25.02 -EA SOOT 1!0'x: 011AUGE: To better waterbroof. . �egaested bit Architects. 7. Install. I x 8 finish Ore,gon:., y1ne i^ith moulded edges on so'-et of all trusses. �7 Plus: Compensation & Tax 1L. niol . ... . �12_a80 Overhead J, r'rofit . .15j�. . . a.�-,. 7.28 3ond, 1&/0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .85 OD1TIOId . o . �15.6.66 REASON PG= C1'-L;.'1G7: To present a better apvearsnceO z;equ.ested b.y Trustees. 8. additional z indot s in 1-avilion .all, 'ouch ; all: 1 :troub le; 1�ra.me: 2-31 6" x 51 , mi 11 or1. ti':15 .00 Ourpenter, Lwbor 14.00 Painting 8.00 F lashing 1.00 Hardware Z.CEO 4.1.00 Plus: Compensation .: 'pax 14d U2.24 Overhead Profit, 15,0 7 .45 :Bond, 1:;a .77 �10 .46 20DI ION iL P P . . a51.46 REASOlm FOl: C11<alG7".. To provide 'additional light O Requested by Trustees. 3. 9. :iall adjoining Stairs to 3each, 8" x 31 x 7' : 14 Cu. Ft. concrete , N.34 Cu. I't. � 4.76 42 Sq. Ft. P orms .22 sq. ft. 9e2�s w14.00 Plus: Overhead 133 2rof It, 15;j 4a2.10 3012c1, 1 'io .25 2.35 ADDIiIOId a6.35 REASOII P Oi cIUXG7: To retain si deva lk to be installed by Gin;ner6 of rropertV. 1 equosted by trustees. 100 SU11P. To convert unit spoecified so that ,sere will pump 150 G..P.., . against 11 f,t . head O . O f . O • 1`85.50 Plus: Overhewd ,w 2rofit, 15 " . • . . Z 1.2.83 /� Bond, 1o;L ce • oasaoos . ♦ o • • . 1.2 q.8 4.11 .,DDIT i-I; ♦ . 0 0 0, ♦ O ♦ REASON70' CII: iG'_- : To. provide more £zosititic .action. I=.equested by -1�rchitect. 11a PLIST.;�3Oi D w f '? 't'aD LATH. Change nail of plasterboard from 2" nails s aced 12)" on centers, to 1-176" copper bearing blue hails 4" on centers au each stud. .the heavy mesh specified to be changed to 3.4 co;per bearing lath over cornices E mould: R I',SOIv FOR Cil:1al9G'P;: the .metal lath t;,ill bi, . better over c;)rnices C. moulds. requested by "rchitectso 4. 4 TOTALS UP 1.23CV71, CII1liTG"�m ADDITIOT; C"'BDIT Chanr-e ?umber 1 15 .45 2 15.0 r) 3 �27.54 4 9G.19 5 14.01 6 7 5G.66 i3 51.46 9 16.35 10 99 .61 11 y)396 .84 30 .54 METADDITIONS . . .. . . . . . � . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . '5366.30 PLUS :120 i1IT EC`i'U1.A.L TOTAL OF THIS ClUUTC E, ORD_s $388.28 CITY OF IiIIIITING`i'OiT B7,110II rALI:' � ATTD. E "ITT; ARC,III'.''CT:' By �( � �ti— I3y tt7 Ta'q� Slay or 1 ec S truc turU 1 .,mincer IT 3tku I r4,TjL AIM JAICOBSG E ' i � lerk Ge eral 'ontrac or I hereby certify that the above changes are in accordance with the _:iley Act. E� A. ATT a9 Structural .anineer 1 5. 0 Aprill 5. 2938 ro imi For a W.pro C.ed A.by 1s:B PUBLIC V®UCI-IEIt=PAYMENT OF ADVANCE D. ®. voucher No- ---------------- Form approved by Comptroller General U.S. December 5,1936 Requisition No. _____ INTERMEDIATE EDIA E GRANTS Contract No. ________ i � h, q -------------------- FEDERAL . EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Docket No. 11 7_ fvA,j re /Uf al -p - -� ----- ---- APrll 7---- -- > 19 - + PAID BY Appropriation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE UNITED STATEs, Dr., ,* To ------------------------------------- itl__of .IL ntih ton ea0 City ,Hallr Huntington Beach Califof rnia � (For use of Paying Officer) Address - -- ------- -------# --= - --------------------------- lftniclpal Beaoh Pavilion and Auditorium Project----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ld ---------------------- Project Symbol o. --- ------------- ---- Offer accepted_ _ -- _ _______ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved ___ _ t____ -7_ ___________ t� cond _ Requisition for* ______ _________ __________ advance payment on account of the grant, being ___________ ___________%o of the estimated cost of the project, in accordance with certificate of purpose (P. W. A. Form No. 168) attached hereto, as follows: Total estimated cost of Loan Grant %of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment project $ $ $ 56,i 943-22 None 2 3,456a � lgsr_43.54 ! 23#031«04 5,12 12.54 f � Approved: �I I certify that the above is a true statement. I (Payee)_---------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Engineer Inspector. (Per)--------------------------- -------- (Title)-------------- Approved: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved: --------------------------------------------------------------------- State Director. State Engineer Inspector. (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) .,..: Differences---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------- ---- I Account verified; correct for_________ $---------------------,_____-______ I (Signature or initials)--------------------------------------------------------- MEMORANDUM Paid by check No. ________________ dated ------------------------------- 19-------for $--------------------------lL in favor of thee IOn Treasurer the United the named abboo eve. . 'First,Second,Third,or Fourth. NoT$.—Final Requisition to be made on Form 21. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements ' • ' or use or cause to be made or used any false • • ' account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ' " —relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. U.S,GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-431i .; TC0 APril 5 o 1936 iTof*n No.1Gs FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS o�sea"I-z2-sc) CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROM CT COSTS I� :_ equisiti on 1Vo ' .. [Grant Name of.a„ 'licant ------ --=clty--Of-Malt 1_ pp - - --- - --- ------_ ----'-- "---- -- -= Docket No. - - - ------- ., .._ (nl',PLI"CANT DO NOT :SE) . Address" -- -------------- - --- --------------- ---=-------- - - - ------- ---_ Contract No. ---- ----------------------- Type.of project Ja"246 aA*_ W1Date ----A► " (see reverse 1'orinstructions'pertaining to entries in columns slawii'below) ' The following is the status of the above project as of"the-dates indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form, P. W. C. A. -- ---------will be expended for-the--purposes-shown in column 4,subject to-changes (21 13,21-C,or 22) approved by the Federal Emergency Administration of-Public Works. PREVIOUS P.W.A. LATEST APPROVED .•,GRANT.LOAN REQUISI- COS INCVRR A]fOUNT DISRURS CLASSIPiCATION TIRE REQIIISITION - ESTIDIATR TION9 OR AS OF, - - S OF-_�__ � '' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (G) 1. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES----------_ `!�'"+"`�" ---7----- -- ------------------------------ - - --------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------ -.._TOTALS----------- --------------- --- ---- �-. - ---- ------ ------ --- --- - ----- 7A - - -- _--- -f-�fYr�I---- 2. LANDS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND xis 'E'XSEMENTS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- 3. CONSTRUCTION- --------- --------- --y_�___Yd___rt ---- -x3;r »_r-----ir.�'"!` 4. ENGINEERING, ETC.: Engineering Fees-----_------_____'_____ ±60__ -Architectural Fees--- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- 2*594--- --2 2�` 4- t- Applicant's Forces---=---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ /!00 � ---- -- ------ -- _ _ _ _ #47 TOTALS- '.. 5. LEGAL, ADMIN., ETC.: - ----- - - � - �• �--- - ;Legal Fees__ ti ,. ." --- -- -- -- - ------- Legal Costs- - =' _ 200,00. Admin. and Overhead--------- ----------P------------------ - - --- _ .00.00 TOTALS- - - --- --=--- ----- -- - "- -- `- - -- -- ---- --� G. INTEREST _----- - - - - = - - _ - -- _ 7. MISCELLANEOIIS -------- ------- --------- --------- ------- --1-------J`---- --------- -------`-------- - GRAND TOTALS----- 56o"3-2fwi---13--P%,.i ----- ��',i 11 -- � �!_ �'°7`� f+i:���__w�t_ • _.._ :-_ _ _-- FUNDS RECEIVED AND DISBURSED APPLICANT P.W.A,LOAN I P'.NV.A GRANT_— TOTAL Funds'requiied and allotted - --- '---- ------ --- -------- +� y Funds deposited and"source _ s s-031 - ` 00 Funds disbursed; per column 6, above---- - = =---------' --- ---- -------- -- ------------- --------- --- ---------- --a-- Balance in,-Construction'Account—Applicant's books m ,_,_____ _" _ Total outstanding,checks---------------- __ --- -------- - :. ------------ Balance in Construction Account—Depositary's books_.---- --------------_------____ ______ _ _______ ___ 16-519•I J ' CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in the approved,application and -estimated cost of the project; except as -the same shall have-been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, when advanced, will be,used for,the purpose or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and that all infor- matfon 'contained in this P,W. A. Form 168 is true, correct, and complete. Subscribed and sworn to before me this_---7-th______--_ Apl 193-------------------------- 193--- at City---Q-f---tii ntin -tc-_ �ea.cla_--------------------------- (Name of applicant) Hunt in tone Beach Orange - Calif- --------- --------g ------ -- ------- ---- ---Orange - ---------- By ---------- ----------------------y-------------------- -----=---- --- (Piace) (County) (State) (Signature of dui authorized officer Ci ------------------------- t v__Cl erk------------------------- (Title of-officer)` [SEAL] ----- -------- ----------------- -- (Notary Public) [SEAL] . My commission expires------------------------------------- PENALTY FOR FALSE CERTIFICATION.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years;or both,:for,:knowingly and=wilifully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements *- *°* or use or cause-to he made or used any,false * * * account,claim,certificate,affidavit,or-deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraadulentor fictitious statement " " *"relating to any,matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY We certify 'that-the Construction Account of'tlie above-named applicant has been-credited with deposits total- 1-1--'ating$ = t_Q _���-a,iz:ci had a credit Balance of the close of'business-__ .-, I-----_, 193 - Huntington Beach $ranch - Huntan.gton_Bea ____:___ch Ca7if__ SQQ1-1rity__TUrat__1datiDna__B_ank-_nf__I.to�_Angeles-- (Place) (Name of depositary) -----------At)LIth-19M---------- i93___. BY ------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------- (Date) (Title) [BANK SEAZ,]`- A$PROVAL .F®R FEDERAL- EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED -------------------------------- ------------- ------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------'----------------------- Resident Engineer Inspector. State Engineer Inspector. -------- - -- ----- ------------------ -i 193--- ------------- - - -- --- -------------, 193--- (Date)A. (pate)_ i ----------------------------------------------y---`---------- ----- -=---= -- J-------- --_i r; --------4----------- Director. - ---State; 193 (Date) --- Date) -- ------- -- 1 --- - --- --- - - -- - 93 ` INSTRUCTIONS . 1. The sammarization of-costs as described-in column 1 shall be-in accordance with the standard classifica.tion.of accounts.prescribed.by.P,W.A.-(Administrative Order 145).- 2. Entries in column 2 shall be basedupon the most recent estimate of project costs as approved by 11.W.A.-through'the State Director. . 3.Entries in column.3 shall consist of the aggregate of all previous loan and/or grant payments or requisitions,according-to their status,as follows: (a) If no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items requested on pending requisitions. (b) If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show items supporting such.payments. (C) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),then the figure shown shall be determined accordingly. 4.Entries'.in column 4 shall support the amount currently requisitioned as covered by Form P.W.C.A.21-B,21-C,or 22. .• - ' 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or as of the closing date of the applicant's last accounting period. 6.Entries in column 6 shall reflectactual-disbursements only for the period coinciding with that covered by column 5: - i.Entries opposite"'Funds Required and Allotted"must at[east equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shown in'column 2. Entries for"Funds Depositei and Source"must he subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. The succeeding entries are self-explanatory. 8.If more detailed instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A.,Washington,D.C. U.S.GOVERNMENT PAINTING OFFICE 16-5194 Conm. a by approved W.C.byA. za_ PUBLIC VOUCHER—PAYMENT OF ADVANCE D. O. Voucher No. ---------------------- Com or aptroller General U.S. AND INTERMEDIATE GRANTS August 26,1935 Contract No. ______ :f'__________________ Requisition No. FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS �x 1 Docket No. --- -- ------------------------- (late-----------1 19 PAID BY Appropriation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- THE UNITED STATES, Dr.,6- (For'�'zTo ---- -- --- - ------- ------- -- -- -- - - ------ - - - -- - --- -- - ---- t.it— ( L !/U( use of Paying Officer) Address - �.=-wry- �L l - ; - ----- - '- -- -------- Project_�e _� ;4 1C �h�__4l/yj-U_;l n G tI G�l�/t t�sti`�-------- Project Symbol No. -- ----- Offer accepted __ C 'D1 / 1' ____ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved _ P _ pp t - Requisition for* ___ ' -------- advance payment on account of the grant, being --------`"'_ 3______________%o of the estimated cost of the project, in accordance with certificate of purpose (P. W. A. Form No. 168) attached hereto, as follows: Total estimated cost of (project Loan Grant _%G of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment Approved: I certify that the above is a true statement. --------- (Payee)------------------------------------------------------------------ State Director. (Per) --------------- (Title)------------- ------ (Additidnal statements by Department, (Accounting classification) (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) Differences--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- I Account verified; correct for--------- $--------------------- (Signature or initials)--------------------------------------------------------- i MEMORANDRIUM I �Paid by check No. _______________, dated _______________________________ 19______,for $__________________ On Treasurer of the United Statesin favor of the payee named above, "First,Second,Third,or Fourth. NOTE.—Final Requisition to be made on Form 21. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or Loth,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements ° ° ° or use or cause to be made or used any false ° ° ° account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ° ' p"relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1e-4317 i �.W m xo.168 FEDERAL. EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS viad 4-22-36) CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS Requisition --- --- l t No .. .. -.. . ' ran ass �/�7 G Name of applicant =;- -----�- ---h-4-'-- 7 -_ --- ---� -:, -- - `Docket No. ---- -- ------------------ (APPLICANT�j - - ^ •. 3 DO NOT USE) Address _ _ ' n�i �"`"` - -- ---. - ------------------------ --- i"l� -- - ---- ------_.�� --- ��--� Contract No of project Ad-' �_ _ "J�a to : ---- 193_� _O. P. No. --------------------------------- Type (See reverse for instructions pertaining to entries in columns shown below)�� The following is the status of the above project as of the dates indicated. The funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form, P. W.-C. A. -------- will be expended for the purposes shown in column 4, subject to changes (2I-B,21-C,or 22). . approved by the Federal Emergency Administration'of Public Works. ` PREVIOUS P.W.A. COSTS INCURRED AMOUNT DISBURSED LATEST APPROVED GRANT-LOAN RE UISI- THIS REQUISITION CLASSIFICATION Q ESTIMATE TION9 OR PAYMENTSA9 OF AS OF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (�) 1. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES__________ �o' ! Dl ..- -TOTALS_______•_ --------'__ _d�•' 2. LANDS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND X X X EASEMENTS-------'---------------------'-------`---'------------------------------------ / 3. CONSTRUCTION- -------- - -t_, y /3�4 3�`zf 1 ,�� � ,sJ, ISO,-%g 4. ENGINEERING, ETC.: Engineering Fees---- -- ------------------------------------------- _�Architect'ural Fees--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---y �O . �a 7. `�^' p to -- - Applicant's Forces - ---------------------- - ------- ----- --------------- ---------- ---------- --- - --- -------- - ------------ ..TOTALS------------------- ---�- - -- - ------------- ------------ -- - ..� --------- S. LEGAL, ADMIN., ETC.: LegalFees--------------------- = -'- -------------=-----=------- ------------------------------ ---------- --------------- ----------------- -- Legal'Costs--- - --- = < - - Admin. and Overhead----------------- L�`.: _-- " '. 7I/7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- TOTALS--- -- -- " ----' --- ---------- ----- -- -- ------- -----` — ----- _ --- --- ---- s. INTEREST------------ - -- --------- --- _--� -- -- ----- ---- - ---- -- ----'-----` --- - - \-X-/-- - '---- -------- -` -- 4 7.'MI�SCELLANE OIIB____ _ ---- ------ ��• . .. - ---- X _-- GRAND TOTALS_____________________t_ _ ____ J_______ _ FUNDS. RECEIVED AND DISBURSED APPLICANT P.W.A.LOAN - P.W.A.GRANT TOTAL ._ - '.- . --- - - =�;� 06)6 0---- ''-l�oAx-------- - Funds required and allotted__ _ „_-__ �__ r_ _____ __K- _ �� .� �2�asL 13t 0 3 L 19t# 79,E Funds deposited and source---- ------------------------------ - e p' �``Do - �7 . Funds disbursed,;per column"6,'above---=-_-__-----==--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------�---- ------------- Balance iri Construction:'Account—Applicant's books:_'_________ Total•outstanding checks- --- ---- ---- - ------ T -- - - ---- - --- ------- ---------- -------------------------- Balance in Construction Account—Depositary's books_.'_ _— ___ ------------------------------------ --21J17!W--- CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in the,approved application and estimated. cost of the project; except as the same.sh,111 have_been revised, amended,. modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, wben advanced, will be used for the purpose or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and that all Infor- mation c6rCt61ned-in this P. W. A'. Form 168 is true,correct, and complete Subscribed"flnd•sworii to before ine this___________________ clay�of ------=-----'-----1----------------------------------r 193_ , at -_---- ------_--------- ------------------------------------------ Name of applicant) i - -------------= -------------------------- $y------ - ----- ------- ----------- ----------- ----- ---'---- --- -- ---------- -- ------------- - (Place) (County) (State) (Signature of duly authorized of lcer) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Titleof officer) [SEAL] -------------------------- ----- ------�------- ----------------- F (NotaryPublic t e_.a r [SEAL M� 'commission expires---------------------------------, 193__-• PENALTY FOR FALSE CERTIFICATION.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any-false or fraudulent statements ..., . or us-or cause to be made or used any false ` ' ' account,claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition;knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement ' " —relating-to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY .We certify that the Construction Account of the above-named applicant has been credited with-deposits-total- _ _ _and had a credit balance of ------------- at the close of business j __- "______- -----------=--=--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------- ----------------------- (Place) (T_vame of depositary - ---- - - --------------- 193__: By ---------------=--------- -- ------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- (Date) (Title) [BANK•SEIiL]. _ _ 7-1 APPROVALS FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC 'WORKS APPROVED- -------------- ----------- -----=----------- - ------------------ -- - ----------- - ---------=------------------•------------------ Resident ingineer Inspector. State Engineer In",ector I ------------------------------------------------ 193--- - ------ --------------------, 193--- (Date) (Date) ------ - ------------------------------------ -------------------- - State Director. ---------=----------------------=-----=---- =--- 3--- -----------------------------------------------t 93--- (Date),- ';+ (Date) INSTRUCTIONS 1. The summarization of costs as described-in column 1 shall be in,accordance with the standard classification-of accounts prescribed hy_ .W.A.(Administrative Order 145). 2. Entries in column 2 shall be based upon the most recent estimate of project costs as approved by P.W:A.through the State Director. 3.'Entries in column 3 shall consist of the aggregate of all previous loan anal/or-grant payments or requisitions,according to their status„as folicws: (a)If no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items requested on pending requisitions. - (b) If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show items supporting such payments. (c) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),then the figure shown shall be determined accordingly. 4..Entries in column 4 shall support the amount currently requisitioned as covered by Form P.W.C.A.21-13,21-C;or 22. 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or ag-of the closing-date of the applicant's Iast accounting period. , - G.Entries in column 6 shall reflect actual disbursements only for the period coinciding with that covered by column 5. 7. Entries opposite "Funds Required and Allotted"must at least equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shownin coi-mun 2. Entries for'•Funds Deposited and source"must be subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. Th--succeeding entries are self-explanatory. S.If more detailed instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A.,Washington,D.C. -"U,S,GOVERNWENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-5IE4 � FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building, San Francisco,California. ,N REPLY PLEASE REFER TO March 18,1938. Admin:ICiID:HL Docket I'lo.Calif.1167-DS Mun.Pay. & Auditorium Huntington Beach,Orange County,Calif. I11r. C. R. Farr, City Clerk, Huntington Beach, Calif. Dear Sir: In compliance with your request of March 18, 1938, relative to Intermediate Grant Requisition, we are enclosing the following forms to be filled out by you: 1 Original and 8 copies of Form PTXA 21-B - Public Voucher ,c 1 " 10 it it " PVA 168 - Certificate of Purposes (4/22/36). Please refer to Proj. Change Order No. 3-Proj.-2, dated January 26, 1938, already forwarded to you, showing latest approved estimate. Please prepare the following: 1. An original and 8 copies of Form. P711CA 21-B (making two runs through the typenrriter so that all copies will be legible), signing the original and 2 copies; 2. An original and 10 copies of PirA Form No. 168 (making two runs through the typewriter so that all copies will be legible), signing and acknowledging the origi- nal and two copies. Please retain for your files one unsigned copy of each of the above documents and forward to the Resident Engineer Inspector, at your pro- ject, the following : 1. One signed original, 2 signed copies and 5 unsigned copies of Form PI CA 21-B; 2. One signed original, 2 signed copies and 7 unsigned copies of P?+LA Form 168. If you desire advice in the preparation of the requisition forms, it is suggested that you consult the Project Auditor (F;VdA) assigned to your pro- ject, regarding whom you may write to H. R. Munson, Regional Project Auditor, nTk, Room 400 Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. At any rate, please notify LIr. Munson of the date on which you expect to have your Intermediate Requisition Mr. C.-R. Farr - 2. 3/18/38. ready for filing. w Your veW truly, Acting Re onal Director. For the Administrator. Enclosures. l cc Munson Tot GA l wit VIOUAft U ��. o " # �F 0 AR X1,00 W N L_ . 0 � « UU MA LOW A *. OEM 00 ommov 1. It A total ti i To: X. ems• God-win Y It;kG a +n� Mn Acting Regional Director Docket: Calif. 1.157-D 1210 fleves ld ., City of Huntington Beach San Francisco, alif. Pavilion Huntington Seach, Calif. Revised estimate' s.t :a.te' of the cast of project, .in connection with change order No. 3,. daPted' arch 28,: 1938. SCREDULID COM Classification z tot rom This Channzge To Preliminary 350.00 -0- 350,00 Land and R - -0- construction 54,352.39 366.30 549718.69 u ix erin 3,9931..29 21.98 i Legal Administrative 200.00 -t 200.00 TOTAL 5,9 043._68 388-28 5,9.431.96 Funds Available -: Loan -0_ Grant 239456.00 By Owner $-53:456 Owner adds Jan. 19 1. 3 5,000:0C3 V y r rr J . 1, � 2.000.00 pity Pantrller. i' P.�1P.rd.Forin Lo.L68 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS .(Revised 4-22-36) CERTIFICATE OF Y-U RPOSES AND STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS Requisltlon .- ---------- { rant �> N' ! i .. it I ;. .• fj a Wame':of.,tpplicant -= f✓t __% � - ----- �9!Ldt- --- ----- ----- - --- -- - - - --------- - __ _____ Docket No. � ' r - (APPLICANT DO NOT USE) . Address _-- ua` -� ------- -.= ' -- ), -- --- - --- Contract No. ---------------- -- - --- { <�; ra. Type of hzo�ect -- ' . r r Date - ---- --'- 193 - O. P. No. -- ----- - :-- - -- -- -- �• - •v r +; (See"r,ie'rse foi•-instructions pe t�a,ning'to ertries!inicbliimns shown below)'' The following is the status of the above project as'of•the&Aes indicated. The.funds requisitioned on the accom- panying form; `A. ___=___-will.-be-expended for-the purposes shown in column,"4 subject to+changes _... (21 B,-2iC,•or 22) approved by'the Federal Emergency Administration of'Public Works. PREVIOUS P.W.A. COSTS.INCUR ED AMOUNT DISAU tSED CLASSIFICATION LATEST APPROVED"',.I.'GRANT-LOAN REQUISI- TIIIS REQUISITION (�'- I/� �/' (�/,� /J �J --- ESTIMATE TIONS OR PAYMENTS - - - - AS OF A.OF (1) (2) (3) (4) ((5) U(6) 1.. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES_________----___���` --7-------------------- -------------------------------- TOTALS_ -. f:.l.= _ .I _.. __ __ ,! -"- _ 2. LANDS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, .AND - y Y. ._.,..., /1 .EASEMENTS------------------------------------------------------------------- -3.XONSTRUCTION-- --- ,-- =,<u` l-b-G- --- - -- `----- -- y O 4. ENGINEERING,ETC.: / Engineering Fees-------------- -------------- '••�"-Arcliitectural Fees________________ Q e) ! Applicant's Forces________________ ;�5 - /ry? •6 0 • ------------- ------------------- ----- TOTALS____________ ____ e _7. __ __,__ __ ____ ______ ______ _ _______ ____ - _ �_ _�__ __ ___ ________ 5.,LEGAL,..ADMIN., ETC.:• - - ". ..Legal Fees------ ---- ----- - -- � ----- - - -- - - ------ --- ---- ----- ----------- I egal (vOStS - 7+ d n -_-DTI i ! :- --------- -- ---- ---- -- -- r . Admin. and Overhead-------------------- DU_t�f> --------- ---------------------------- -----------X X------ I TOTALS_• __ _ _ 6. INTERES _______ ___ _ x •--. _ •v-.. _ t _.. _.._ `7:`MISCELLANEOUS_-____'____________ ____ - ____d _'_______________________ --------------------4`------ r GRAND TOTALS___________ _ __ ____ - . __. ' -. �--.- �-----FU-N-DS--RECEIVED AND DISBURSED APPLICANT P._AV.A.LOAN .P:P`.W'A:GRANT TOTAL a, ioo Funds required and allotted_______ __-______ _ _ _ e--- - i _-- - ------ - ------ ------- (� � d L9 f'G' ,; .._- /G®aC G LSOd-,'66. Funds"deposited and source - ----------- f -- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---------- -------"----------------- Fun S disbursed;per column 6; above--------- ' ' / o ------ ------------- -------------------------- Balance"ixi Construction Account—Applicants"kiooks ,,__ _ __-_ __ __ _r_ ,____ ___ ____ ____ °y_ I . Total outstanding checks - - - ---- - =;-- ----- ----- r ----- Balance In Construction� . , ",:�;:. :. 'c , +� • ' •; i ? Q Account—Depositary's books --_ _ -_ -- - - _------ --- ---- --- ---- - _�/+ '.�♦♦�! 4r - -- --- -- _ CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in the approved:application and estimated cost of the-project; except-as the same shall have been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now,requested, when advanced, will'be used for the purpose or,purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse.of this form, and that all infor- mation colitainecl in this P:W.A. Form' 168 is true, correct, and complete, subscribed and`swo ir'to'before me -.. --- ---, 193 , at - � i'1€.�r �✓w ✓�f i` Lh�' 9r' y \u •a da of -= --- --� ---- ---- --- . JI p v _ -- �0 -- --(Name of applicant ---- --------- --- ---- ---�' t-'�--- --- -- - /�- B ------ ---- - -- ------- (Place) (County) (State) 7 y (Signatu_e of duly authorized officer) - J( (Title of officer) [SEAL] ---------------------------- - ------- '=----- - -- (Notary Public) [SEAL] Mi commission'expires--------------------._________-----, 193__-• PENALTY FOR.FALSE CERTIFICATION!.Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 year`s,or both,for knowingly and willfully rnaking'er causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * account,claim-,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or iictitious statement relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. .. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY We certify-t�t the Coilstriletion-Account,of the above-named- applicant has been credited with deposits total- ing JZ-96-61l 0X_ __ _an:d h9d a credit balance of$__2�•_�!` E _at the close of bu mess`_ . .__ ___ ____, 193_ J, - --------------- -- ----- --- -- (Place) ! (Name of depositary) ----- ---` -- -- Y ------ ---------- - �r date) (Title} ,,; (/CFI' ;��rr.'i`i�,•�'��` �. BANK! SEAL]' APPROVALS FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED:. ------------------------- - --------- ------------------------------------- -------------------------=------------------------=-9------------------- Resident Engineer Inspector. State Engineer Inspector. -------------------------------------------------, 193--- --------r-- --- ----- -, 193--- .. + (Date) (Date) ---------------------------------------------------- ---- --- ------ ------- .. +State.Director. . --------- - ___ ______ ___ .. . (Date) 9(Date) . INSTRUCTIONS 1. The summarization-of costs as described in column 1 shall be in accordance with the standard classification of accounts prescribed by P.W.&-(Administrative Order 145). 2. Entries in column 2 shall be based upon the most recent estimate of.project costs as approved by P.W.A.through the State Director. 3.Entries in column 3 shall consist of the aggregate-of all previousioan and/or grant payments or requisitions,according to their status,as follows: (a) If no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items requested on pending requisitions. - W If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show items supporting such payments. (c) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),then the figure shown shall be determined accordingly. 4.Entries in column 4 shall suliport the tenount cui-icutly'requisitioned as covered by Form,P.W.C.A.21-13,21-C,or 22, ' 5.Entries in column 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or as period. of the c➢using date of the applicant's,last.accounting - 6.Entries.in column 6 shall reflect actual'disbursements only-for the period coinciding with that covered by column 5. • 7.-Entries opposite""Funds Required and Allotted"must at least equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shown in column 2. Entries for"Funds Deposited and Source"must be subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total funds deposited. The succeeding entries are self-explanatory. S.If more detailed instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A.,Washington,D.C. II.S.GO`JEP.NMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-5194- Ce A,� pMI I r nCrr Foegx�ctnt F sees QFFICIAL BU$1NO � � 1ABKOF IYERIN 131.�7 ��.'J' 'a'rwrr.r+."?�ia. OFFICE ; REGISTERED R 1. •. INSURED P{ARGEL No Return to----- - - -A-.----- --- SEND0 Sireet a`nd Number, or Post f Box __ce -- -- --- --- ----- - Red 3 2,4 ' 0 8-611977, -- `te ,�; RE-- URN ,EC`EJ'P'T" Received from the, Postmaster the Regg,cre or°insured"�lrlicle, the original xzuinbcr,of wTzich"a dears`orz tltd face.vf fl�is Card. , ___-- --- --- ------ (Sigpature or naln rof a dr,osseei s *-------------- (Sign, c o8 addresseo's I�ale.of lelirlerJ_ , 19_ -- *Or7)L1 3813 q 1 @9t*.Nurhi exrozw...... a a f 7 .^ October 180 1937® Federal Fziergency Ar inistzmtIon of Public Works, State Director 805 Washington Building, Los Angeles, Calif. Legal,* Mom*-nb Socket No. Calif. 1167-D Applicant, City of Huntington Beach . Project; Municipal Building. Gentlersen: In accordance with terms and conditions of acceptance of grant to aid in construction of Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium, we enclose three certified copies of Items; 1 Resolution No. 787, entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF' H(JNTING TOW BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GEN RhL PREVAIL- ING RATS; OF iAG S FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC NEEDED IN THE C014STRUCT IO14 OF THE BLACH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM IN THE CITY OFARUNTINGTON BEACH'1 . 2 Extracts from the Minutes of a re--ular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, field can the l3th day of October, 1937. Yours very yy,,truly, try Cl . 1 C. It. s�'S.�.rr, City Clerk, By »»�� Deputy. C ,l Form 3806 (Rev.Tan.21,1935) POSTMA3K OF)90 `\ Receipt for Registered ArtideNo-------- _.`. `5_ ell __ Registered at the P t Office indicated in the Poet—Arkrl,„ _C t,•.- Fee paid---1 � cents Class Postage__ - Declared value_. 6 nrcharge paid,5___________ Return Receipt fee__ -h SPI.Dol'y fee---------- '�1 October 16 Delivery restricted to addressee: o 1 937 � in person________,or order_ _—___ Fee paid_______.. a? ` Accepting employee will lac � itials in space indicating restricted delivery. » r POSTMASTER,ps - __ _ _ _ (i14\iLING OFFICE) ' The sender should write t e name of the a dr, ee o back hereof as an identification. Preserve a I submit this receipt in case of inquiry or applies'on for indemnity. Registry fees and Indemnity.—Domestic registr fees range from 15 cents for indemnity_not ceding$5 up to S1 for' lemnity not oxoeeding$ 000. The fee on domestic registered matter without intrinsic value and for which indemnity is '_ paid is 15 cents. Consult postmaster as to the epeeific domestic registry fees and su ch 2es and• to the registry fees chargeable on:registered Federal de ray Emergency a yti cy Adm,y n is t m to i parecut.to packages for foreign count s n d in... registered C.O.D. 1. r o from A' b Ia1Gb tiW 1 # cents to P.k. Indemnity claims ric oc filed wit one year ter O.D.six months)from date State Director h irec` or of mailing. 0.5.GOVERNMENT PRINTIN OFFICE C5-0852 805 Washington Building, 1 ..�.w •��. �- �_,� L-os Angeles, Calif. Leal: U `T-nb : Docket No. : Calif. 11 7—rt S Applicant: City of Huntington Beach Project: Municipal Building, Gentlemen: In accordance with terms and conditions of acceptance of grant to aid In construction of Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium, we enclose three certified, copies of Items: 1 Resolution No. 787, entitled. "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE; CITY 01" HUNTING- TON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL f' ;WAIL-- I G :RATS. OF WAGES FOR EACH CW"T OR TYPt OF WORKMAN OR MECHANIC HEEDED IN THE CONSTRUCT ION OF THE H, ACH PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM IN THE CITY vF ,THUNTINGTCN BEACH" . 2 a Extracts from the minutes of a re> ul.ar adjourned meeting of the City Council. of the City of Huntington Beach, held on the 13th day of October, 1937 Yours very truly, C. R. "'urr, City Clerk, By Deputy. �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS REGIONAL DIRECTOR IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO 1210 Hewes Building Sai Francisco, California ENG: AQA:ra Docket No. Calif. 1167-DS April 21, 1938 Pavilion Huntington Beach, California " City of Hunf in.gton Beach C. R. Firr, City Clerk Huntington Beach, California Gentlemen: e acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 16, 1938, and received by us April 20, 1938, in which you request that permission to pay employees by check be granted to the fol- lowing employer Principal Contractor: Branzell & Jacobson Type of Work:, General Classes of Employees: All classifications Permission_ is hereby granted to pay the above designated employees by check from the cormencement of the work provided such method of payment involves no risks to said employees and further provided that arrangements are made immediately to cash the checks of such employees as so desire without inconvenience and expense to them. This permission is revocable at any time. Very truly yours, I K. A. GODNIN Acting Regional Director By: � . J. BOURRIER • Assistant Regional Director C For the Administrator i Original and 1, cc to applicant k 1 cc RE.I 1 cc Munson 1 cc Walker & Eisen f } t �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following described Insurance Policies have been issued by the American Motorists Insurance Company, and are in force on this date: Nameof Assured----------------- lc If 7 -. fi €3lt .................................................--- ----------------•---•---.--..----- Address-- 1 - *4 P' p�rt.-, ar«-s►�'•`-tj.....7,S 13w�rrm.�v,a r4' f�`••��ffi-------- KIND POLICY EXPIRATION NUMBER LIMITS DATE WORKMENS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY 'w " h PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION LOCATION OF OPERATIONS i Covering all operations at State of Chaliforola.; the Assured. J , Bqaoh Pavilionand j Owls Auditorium. i XV is a yr eratood and agreed %tat the polley to, Whlc# 'this endo sel e ., I ta0hed may not be canoe'll ed nor the amount of coverage, t .a reof reduced, until r as i if ter reoeipt by the Insured of written notice of such camoollation or reduction It t In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said Policies the American Motorists Insurance ompany will notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the Com- pany assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. Dated this--- !i-!Rt ----_-------------day of.................................. WO WAM4 ---- AmE-Rlcm M=-Rim Insu.R.Ance Cowanw 0"Ity of- HuntingtonBeach: Issued to. --- or"n e. as OUT l;� Wifl o nl Address---------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- By.................. -- -------------- -----------------------• ------ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CM3 4.37 4M PRINTED IN U. Gf � CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following described Insurance Policies have been issued by the American Motorists Insurance Company, and are in force on this date: Name of Assured --•-----•----- i Address Is; - tsMlwc �► * $ -.-._ 4 , ss» �rrr tswlax«sulra4 -•--• .r,.-..�. z n• .,.�.. .a. „ KIND POLICY EXPIRATION , NUMBER LIMITS DATE WORKMENS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY , ., t PUBLIC LIABILITY i PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY i DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION LOCATION OF OPERATIONS ' i I � , al" -amieAns of 01" 0 .. to i i . y the P0.11,07 VW Whio owe-ores off* ta 0)*4 y not �, 401 * nor the *cunt of to* I e h,rw, f oo t� �; t *a ,k t W tho i of orl'tton motive or such mmoellaltrm or y'* u0 1'*n If, In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said Policies the American Motorists Insurance Company will notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the Com- pany assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. I Dated this-- - -----. --------193---- • ------.day of---------------------------------•Y' .---.� ... ��.--------•--------------- Am€ ucan moToRws Insn -Anac Compam Issued to-.. .....................................ge 0ou 'V, Address.--------•--------------------•---------------------------------------- B3'......--------------•-------- ------------------------------------------------• AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CM3 4.37 4M PRINTED IN U.S.A. ' I CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following described Insurance Policies have been issued by the American Motorists Insurance Company, and are in force on this date: Name of Assured...................... �a ! ,t ................ Address ". wStik#*0s�k.+ t,Tt.,iil,Artt .. g-M--;�t�}rt+�w>�'""t�"�__--•-,4�'su.'�.+t;gMldk..it�+.►�+k. i ,...,::>�... '!@..na .. s" ,.r��. r,�..,�y, ros�,�a.*.nz,�+y ,-w.r,'�m�•� wn?' ven: :. KIND POLICY EXPIRATION NUMBER LIMITS DATE WORKMENS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY � . ,Y4r'Y" d€k-sk I*.iA V 11 PUBLIC LIABILITY 3, ` � i PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION LOCATION OF OPERATIONS i all opor tiawl of � * ok ° o4144-41TIet aid tho ; , ew' U A y��y �yqy� �'(��'; �y ��.�yS' :�y'g p9ptio �p9� p ar�Ip�t , � ^5 +""�'M MIN 1F �'msj�'' �9i '. YT �'�+,}� � fiB-➢.VA' �vf �{ ��44'' or {f "fF 'k.7u i• " "0'r In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said Policies the American Motorists Insurance Company will notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the Com- pany assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. � Dated this--- .. -----------•--•---.day of-----•-------------............... % ± "l� 'I# I Am -RicAn moTomm Insua.Ance Com pan4 Issued to...-.. ...... .... ' Ott *111flimU - ---- --"--""--- -- ---- -- ------ -.......--------'('�.......... .... ... ....... Address--------------------- -------- BY-------- AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CMS 4-37 4M PRINTED IN U.3.A. � �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY ® FAMERICA SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Hereby Certifies. -that the-following described policy has been issued and is in full force and effect. Name of Assured-..--- g - y Lf '7 A!1BS 5 ba -TAR. JACOBSOIN Address of Assured ......No-----_-------P 150 Pr n c et x ; ........................................................... City............L 4 um ilia ...........:. State- cla 111 n—Vit I Policy period from .....: to. . .M PublicLiability Limits........... r --_ _ -.............................................................................................................................................. Property Damage Limits...............S ... PLC ,%rn rs <alid i- r ac or's Contingent Lid .tL�11 t Limits. PelioyAicmber �. -tea/ y z - ¢ <,i� '�&! V tea¢#.:�. $.,$r Ca. 6Y 4�L.d�C. 6u•J io4�,i. Ad P.,�F f� Y Q, (.-/a.D w�i.k'mA• U:L X 13 t j--. Age Location Covered-. �rsT as 8.• aw ..:. .a fb°.- ,•z^a• .n vvsse? a a- t r rs �aaF t* {{� _ �a DESCRIPTfON IIF°OPERATIONS, WORK OR PREMISES COVERED Classification Code No. y$�? yy�.�!±���� }�/�� p covered. p ��^ /� q Par § {y �?� 4"�3A� _$ 'p �y/y.¢r Vote Tkie, ,I oIII.cy Cell K.�r . by A.3ia Pa it'4 as e is �Vt 4Ji»�?J�kY49}. to ecince 11,nt ion or reefUctlion. in amount by the Insurer Until. �� a ( t. ys ,tft' :r rocei,pt of writtep r�otice f C;+gcc:flat .OI tfie lIl. l"1rt-;:d. In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said policys,- the GENERAL CASUALTY COM- PANY OF AMERICA will make every effortto notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such . change..or cancellation, but the GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA'undertakes no respon- sibility by reason of any failure so to do. Dated this ----------------------------- day of•-•••--•-----• .n GENERAL CASUALTY,COMPANY OF AMERICA This Certificate issued to: } .PRESIDENT 1iwatingt�m3 fe el California Countersigned by............................................... �G Authorized Agent. FORM L-4I2C 5M 5-36 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OFAMERICA. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Hereby Certifies that the following described policy has been issued and is in full force and effect. i Name of Assured........... ....JACOBSON----dba...BBMIZELL...& JACOBSON _ Address of Assured .-----Tjo................. 1�5C...._-Pr� �.eet=!�'�---Aventa.e-•-•---•----------......----..........-----------.......... � City..............105..Ann± les-•--•--•---••---•---......--------------------State--•--------.......C i`'ornii?................... Policy "period from...------•.October... 9th. 1937..................... r r7 Public Liability Limits------------ - _.. ............ -.... PropertyDamage Limits--------------MEE---BELOW................................................................................................................................... PLC-2081 - Owners and. Contr .ctor's Contingent Liability - LiMzts P,lk 2R Its°-..- o .. ..y° f r � , " ` iilal cC ci�.�... .... 07i cat:t; iY'.S-..T ci:'•s:x�1 J Limits PL 1 Y25' - c�perty mage �> /�5, �?�Je Location Covered.. .. . i lam -3 r, l:%In ga.��7.. ^,$ Hun n-Q-tc?�---8=�>° _wa�..3.�a::-��•� -c12 49TPTI�nI 1`OPERATIONS, WORK OR PREMISES COVERED Classification Code No. ° .,s I Any and all work in connection .with general Contracting. lote00 The pnlcr covered by this Certificate is not subject to cancellation or reduction in amount by the Insurer until live (5) drays after receipt of -ritten notice of cancellation by the .insured. t j In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said policys, the GENERAL CASUALTY COM- j PANY OF AMERICA will make every effort to notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation, but the GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA undertakes no respon- sibility by reason of any failure so to do. Dated this --------------Pnd.---------------------------------------------day of--------------------1D-.sc-e_ for..-----------------, 19.--a7 1 GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA This Certificate issued to: PRESIDOn Cite - 1�ntzzc� ................. : Huntington Beach � California --- ------------------•-•------•-•--------------•-----•-----------------.............. Countersigned b .......... ............n---- ------------------------- Authorized Agent. FORM L-412C 5M 5-36 f Py state unt It I fled that . f It1w. Payrollsof 411A Um -aloe of waps to tho teat * 14 in a pooltion to a ; full- the ftota got forth the payroll, Affidavit *AdhhP is to execute vith fuUh Epp OU ,€ tifte 40 ,t1w wwaralg,:104ar'w Vile aovarno Mont a new oorti o ' sons o for the or, Cf�A l n rlb" this ' . „ e.. Aires Zee the if)" or a w1w) b1iy Yo F 4u 4 ° . l poasesao4s of the Ol This afti"Vit to to be emtuta4 for Vw firat Mrallonly I anwiee in made lit t1w parson zapd to sixparviso therWI '. WhichCast a now W requirsA aovoring that p4raanr i �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK t �k' +s$ '•��1'�'$'C�a�,�.�'".�4'`�'����'i`�`�,84£�a��, �P�# �`<'u�'��umh�9�f�Ik !'�� �t � `��: .'t�s�6rtf;�S �k�k°�nz' `aaq�'�`�waYi#�4.a'�'��">`�in+�r,.rt'��i"sr ta��rk `��hy�.��-1�s��a^fis4tt�"�34s` 'Oro A. 00� 'n ZUG t I A Ott PS In 0 ha Odor astea. q} +�' j;,� +����69�x.V.� �+���' '#'' �w�` `���`�' ',.�." �wawx�aa p . v " WiN4 +H!]aaisKtSva�+A�YtlnSt`>,.iYfJtraef��'kat . }+5 330*00 Ark' s % +tY` .WT 0 I t ..,; too am 1 �. ClUiNu3 ORDER J-6 Docket Calif. No. 1167-DS Appl o 110 0 Dated May 25, 1938 OF PROJTCT; BMW PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUi4I LOCATION: WA.I'INGTON B'`+.ACHP ORXUM�], COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TO: BRUNZ ML A 11D Jr.0 OBSON General Contractors • 2150 Princeton Avenae Los Ail;eles, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the plans and specifications. to The finish of hardwood floors to be changed from as specified to g coat.sshel/fao. Llcpaste wsr;iv. . Polia •e,d.with Estee o�lin LmAch ne &nd•,,powered wag, finiehm t F Vo credit, no extra. Change x°ec,,uested `ay City of Huntington Beach. Reason for , change•--lRecoumendation a:E' floori,rg Contractor . .2, Credit for hard`Aaa:�_°e as per the following: Item #IV 3 Pr. Butts, 3B 2i30 A :�" x Q-" changed to B 1820A "QTT � ITT 2 only G3 Checks changed to G2 4.75 Item §V 3 Pro Butts, 3B 23.OA 4-TT x 4 " changed to BB 1$20A 311 3- it 2.55 Item #VII 11 Pro Butts, CR 280 4.1.11 x 4'LTT changed to BB 5100A Sin x 31TT 1 check G3 & Bracket changed to G2 & Bracket 2.37 sub-total 9. 67 ShX i Page ��2 sub--total forward 9.67 Item ffX 1 Pro Butts, CR 275 changed -to 1.820A' 3-�" X 3-!.,-T' .38 Item #XI 6 Pr. Butts, 10 280A 5" x V changed to BB 5100A 4•j'v x 4 It .70 4.20 Item 7XII 12 Pro Butts, :0 280A 5" x 594 changed to BB 5100A 41 �� 4s TT J a 70 8.40 Item „XVI 11 Pr. Butts CR 43 ' x 4.%"E changed to BB 5100.A 31 TI x aill CB. 2.37 1 check G3 Changed to G2 Item #XVII 3 Pro Butts, 12B 280 4-j 11 x 4.�'f changed to BB 5100A 3- TT x 3111 2 Checks G3 changed to G2 '4. 75 Item rrXV'III 3 Pr. Butt s, EB 280 4 n x 41ty , changed to BB 5100A3 T' x 2 Checks G3 changed to G2 4.75 Item #XXV 1. Pro Butts, TB 280 414P X 4-PI changed to 1820A 3 T' x 3' 'T 1.27 r �5o'79 qd e. Two speaker boxes at the east end. of auditorium wall as ordered by the City of Huntington Beach Q.) lump EmM price of �15000 each "�30®00 Bond 45 . EX RA 30.45 1 Page "3 NO change in completion time of Contract. Reason for Change: Requested by City of Huntington Beach. CITY OF aMd`rITTO::i 13SACI3 A.YMTR a's�T� jI °'�B9, ARC HIT ACTS By By Payor Archi tech HARRY 0 f M - . A. EVATTS City gin;sneer S ructural ,ngi nee r ATTEST: BIUT.111aLL AM) ACOBSJN By CI Ty perF7- neral Con red or I hereby certify that the above chargea are in accordance with the Riley Act. �30 �-n: . �U110.V1LOn.AO a al i deer a v �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN V�1TINGTQ,� WILLIS H. WARNER, Mayor �R4ORglFO�F9 L. S. CHAMNESS Councilman _ A. L. HENRICKSON, Councilman V _ y Cy ty ®f Huntington Beach ead A. W. MOREHOUSE, Councilman -�-- li 111111 ��a• Q CaliforniaOFFICIALS C C. R. FURR, Clerk-Controller BAYARD BUTCHER, Treasurer COUNTY GP RAY H. OVERACKER, Attorney ! C. P. PANN, City Judge H. A. OVERMYER, Engineer and Supt. of Streets H. L. GRANT, Chief of Police '. n Ali 040 ftax Sirs Tout UIt- M.11 r idto waavi* Uo . . �» SOON 041110 elf" th .0004ta ano a vo usta. for tho 0 't " of tho A"** "*od 01follik".. vory tree Mow '" ; - o , 1. * �� n th , 1 No� � WaVF *f* r� +. . 4rA ' ;:'01M , 23*ASSAOJan _. o 21 . T. � , fi hunt sn bes h. 44aitornIs ry OWN= CIVY tall U0ft4AYj May 1 th Y. 193 ALravaunt adjourment Of A' .sae 31.9 #, tbA + it 00.aloll met wid s "1104 to owder at It3o .U, , Mayer wla.l lm. n absent; gal,'qrt.. The Cle Wosaa$ntscl and roa& OhaAgs Ordor W*. , s beingan appUaatlan to tho P,*.A. for r ay*,ton to tiako eortain .t*rastim*. in V29 oons truat Xon of the be4ah pwi ltan wW si.via sm)Altorlum Xhown as PeAket V Pavilion aA Q!*io AwUt*,Au*) HmAt ngton Bw o O'X notion by Oar ►.5 ww ap r ot. trUm put wtd oarri*d urmimo x j-. On xoticn tT manssa eeoorAod by` t*hri sloe the 0ounci l ad j otrm*d until TOO P.U. s, Tom ® th, .i 9, t . fork xic ` . 1mty of Orwwo �tatc 01 ty of Uuntington t 1 10. R. Purr eleaUd., qualified and anting city Olerk of tho citi of HuAtIr4ton , CalitomisLo d ItOra r oomwt ify that the cgs un4 fortgWaW In a trat and rr wxmsrpt from .Mlnuss of the. City. t unail. .*t said City at, their regularly adjourned sstl;a h*1 on tht' . 6th dv !V AV hand sm4 ssaa l of tho sr>z.14 C;lAy of HuntIncton y clew 7mm sx—o * 6 a th-0 city WUA011 of V14* City of HWItingtoA +s» a, 4411 : rya » Saw, a".Ilk a- , dl _� U to oartiry ttuit I #; : ► am o ,Wt in tho aftowitywrw" . or ungum a o'* e on 4000mt or 40 UAW '" . AVAOWA too A , . O t J. I ; IM a ,. J A.Form No.84 (Revised 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE No------9-1-4-------------= ENG.AQA,gp C of Huntin To ------i-�------- ton-----------g-------Beach------------------------------------------------ Docket No. (Name) - - ------ ---- Type of c/o 1'tal er__8 Ei_sen�_Architects _ _ Project __-____:_Pavilion_ '________, - - -------- --- - : - (Address) __ --_-_437_South_Ifill__Street,__Los_,A_nzeles¢_California_--_- --- Symbo'l No. -------------- ------------- (Address) - - - Contractor ------------------ ---------------------------- Contract No. -------_---.I------- (Name only) - Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated April 1801938 ; requesting approval of the following.,contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED .COST' ` CLASSIF ICATION ' APPROVED - ESTIMATE'. FRom— THis CHANGE 'To— ' (I) I (2) (3) ( .) W 1. Preliminary, 350.00 3500-00 - 350.00 2. 'Land and right-of-way, 01001 0.00 0.00 am Commitments 549519.69 868.99 55038808 3. Construction, 550764@71 bi,Estimated .Items 01,00 oe00 4. Engineering, 30931.29 309314.29 3,931a29 5. Legal and administrative, 200.00 200,00 200.00 6. Interest, I 0000 0.00 0000 7. Miscellaneous, I 23O"O-Q - :2I0.00 2.lO�Qn TOTAL,- � — 60 456.OQ. SIC 9}0098 R6Ro9°' 600079.97 Calendar days NEW COMPLETION DATA, Description of change:, Five items of Change in Construction as described on Owner's instruction to Contractor, attached® Awarded Contract Amount 48,882600.. Change; including this, change 60506068 Total $.55,3884166 This Contract Change is approved. The Public Works Adnunistration, in approving.any change, assumes no-obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same maybe paid'out of funds d✓expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds_necessitaterla�by any approved change. Date - --- ---- Ya3'-ae-_1938-------------------- --- - - -- ---------------- A. -- ------- ------ T K. GODYVIN; Acting Regianal `�i�recorb All re uesis for change, whether approved or disapproved, shall be recorded. (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) . Y.S..G Y NMENT PRINTING-OFFICE 16—'4(jQq - 0 0 'Owner; .eci Eng.Div., .REI, Munson, Fileo Tr Ocrawoll City Karl, monk April wasc :l t :+ . ! for �yy�p��y etlnen .yy.am+ O m Wo� a rl k at 1 F- . Tba Ole O-W Or4e OJ..!'1 itl*4 Xxtra Otte Uo• j on t i Ta Xpe "oon"d bjy Oudwels, the Oounell rt ai.: : --off `o ate, fi tt.y counell. AA OmAty of arwacity or, muntlywtollft Dow* as City Cleft crt the altar of Kuntlmgt*h Bow: do her*by O*rtlfy that tie and f*VWOUW is a t and rz a ., -U tas of the City Ooumll of said .ter at tielr ra ulaKy &O*u ftewtlM lwld can ' ha 16 h ,p Of 4ril, 1"936, vh1ch Vlmt eau in : `v.11 are on fIle and of reeor4. " hAA4 And aaa .. Of the Aald City apf Huntington boaahl. Wit as atCln*i of, 6yt le City �I �., yf the�¢Ol 1 CHANGE XX ORDUIR r4 Docket Calif. No. 1.1.67-p2 Apple Iao. Dated April. 18, 1938 OF I30JUXz: T3.uACR a?ASP?'L10ii AND CIVIC AUpI.LUFbIMA LOCATION: HUUT11--M-00I4 BAACII, ORANGE" COU!,,' 'Y, CALI'A'WP,' aTA TO: HRUI1::Elh -111,1) JACOBSON General. Contractors 21.50 princet on Avenue Laos Aneelee, California You are hereby authorized to make the following changes to the plans and specifications. 1.a .t°al w inn6ows in the cast erly elevation, that is, on. the street front , are to be t lwFi,zed in Sol,0te obscure glass. The add it its nal, price is :: 024.00 Profit and overhead 3e60 Bond 111350 TO T Fe.P.L rr � E.ik °OIL FOR G`KAHM, To wood necessity for venal ia.n bl nd.s and requested by oar n r u 20 The sheath: ng of the side walls on the interior of the Auditorium. is to be carried out above the beam to intersect with the roof sheathing., They additional, cost is : Sheathing to the; underside of roof sheathing boards : 720 Lineal Ft . I x 1.2, clear. da fa run to detail. 82.80 sales Tax 2®48 (R gg ry�pyy�y yyw�..��.. nn}��TQ�°T,dc�t'}Le for 1.Lat erJ.�,�.s TO"s',!L for 1.1aterials and Labor s, Pro f r t and Overhead, 1�5,3 20,81 Bond, �? a r.43 s.OTAT.+ T .SON FOR CHANG11,': To present, a better appeora.noea Requested by' o vner o 3. The .men's toilet and women's toilet on the fdZsp �:1oor are to have a Spanish tile floor- as rrade by the Wi.] encia. Spanish Tile Compar�y, �4031 El.enda street , Culver City, California. The ur;inal.. In tho men's toilet is to be entirely ormed of tJ-le with the back: 41-611 high of tile, raturnine. both :3i0.e walls .Laa 1811 more or less. All floors to be properly laid on concrete base provided by the contraotor. This is to be com-Dlete with base and cove. It is not the kitention, however, to run the base around the intermediate toilet petitions or atalls as these are cement plaster and are carried to the floor. The additional cost of this is : Urinal y�60.00 1illen's Toilet floor 168, base and cove 69,237.00 Ladie's toilet floor 224, base and cove, 92, 316.00 0M.007 Plus prof it 15c, 91 V5 ,I-e. Bond lLs-jo 10:57 TOTAL RZASOV FOR ClWiHGE: To present more sanitary appearance. Requested by owner. 4. Otudt all rope enclosizros on the floor with hardware and fixing same. CR2DITS: Rope and hardware, divisions between booths in Auditorium: Credit Q24.00 Bond .36 R,�Q-M.14 FOA Ch.ANGE.- Requested by owner. 5. Omit roof hatch. Credit12.00 - Bond !Lx i REASON FOR C1ii.NGE: Requested by architects TOTALS OF ABOVE ClEARCES : Addit ion Credit 1. $28.01 21 162.00 3. 715.52 4. �Q24.36 5. 12.18 TOTAL OVO-575-3 TOTAL Less credits ; 36.54 Net additions :. F3,M w Plus are hit ectural fee 6 s 52.13 TOTAL OF MS CHARGL.' ORDER: I!,921.1P, l OR t Fate f3 CITY/�OF HUNTINGTOU MACH VALMIR AIM EMU , ARCHITECTS By_..1.& ay or Are . 5of HA OTMMIM B o A. &VAYdS y ixrr truc ura er BRUNZZL UID J' COBSON By —city Gee . ra biwraa o I hereby certify that the above changes are in. accordance with the Haley Act v s!,Vlis S, 71-6 ru+ u—:Fa— si e e a � � e I A.3+arm No.194 !Revised 7-28-36) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF-PUBLIC WORKS ENG:AQA:a rmi To 0t of__Huntington_Bead --------------------------=- ---------- Docket No. -1z .--1ro' " ---- _ (Name) Type of -------- e�o Warr S�_-E3oz� .Architects- - --- --------- ------- Project ------------ . :.:(Address) -- - - _437- South Hill Street . Ange;gs, _Galifornia�, Symbol No. _ (Address) _ -- -------` - - Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated -4-21-3 ___ ___ -_ requesting approval of the folloNving`project,change: APPROVED ESTIMATE CLASSIFICATION FROM— TaIs CHANGE T0— (3) (4) 1. Preliminary, 3500'J 350.00 2. Land and right-of-way, 00 00 3. Construction, 540764.71 1,000`,00 550764.71 4. Engineering, 30931.29 5. Legal and administrative, 200,00 I 200,00 6."Interest, 00 00 7. Miscellaneous, 210 900 230*00 TOTAL, 1 $59,456.00 4,000*00 $60p456*0Q Description of change:,' Records the; addition by Owner of $1,000,00 to project funds,, as per 'Resolution. of April ll.k I93S; attached Funds Available Grant WaI456 000 By Owner, 11-16-37 3Q,000 00 et ee 1-39-38 5,000000 n n 1--21-3; 1,000 00 . 4-11-38 l,000.00 Total 460`0456.00 _ r This Po}ect,Change is rsec�rdddi�` The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to.which, the..same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it and specifically makes no representation concerning anyT additional funds necessitated by any approved change. K. &, 'isOD' 'N, ketin� Regional Director Date -_April 26,--1938 ------ ---- -- ------- By ----- -- �-- J. v� 0{ TI�a R Assistant - xw=obr xx All requests for charge, whether approved or disap�provW, s is >e recorded. Regional Director (Use 5everse side if needed for description and expianation of.cisange) ` V.'S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16 5197 - Orig. to Ownepf�1 ese Ding Div,a 1 ea, RBI; 1 06 Reg. Proj. Aud.,; 1 .cc File.: -Form No.P.W.C.A.21-C D. 0.Voucher No. ----------------__--- Form' approved lCemptolleGeneaU.S. PUBLIC VOUCHER—PAYMENT O Contract No. ------------------------------ October 19.1935 FINAL GRANT _________________. __ U Docket.No. _____ nip FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS (D to PAID BY Appropriation --------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------ THE UNITED STATES, Dr., - i To ---------------- ---------- _-- ----- -x-'- -- `:` Y_+;r' ,✓"` ---------------------- AdClrOcg J s-f�a rt-t --- i- g #' a }=-- £ a (For use of Ysying O(ftcer) ----:M'-- ----- ------------------ Project d �r-va` t" "_ � sr �"t _a Project Symbol No. - --- Offer accepted-_ "a __ 't__' ------------ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved_____---=`_- _ > 2 -- - -- - - - Requisition for final payment of grant based on 45 percent of the actual cost of the project, but in no case to be in excess of the grant allotted. Actual cost of project Loan Grant ___%of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment I CERTIFY that the above is a true statement of the cost of the project above mentioned,in accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretofore approved therefor under the above offer and acceptance covering the grant, and in amounts stated above; that the work upon said project has been performed in accordance with said plans and specifications; that no claim has been presented to or payment made by the United States for the items for which payment is claimed; and that these and all other conditions prece- dent to the payment of the grant imposed by the terms of the above-mentioned offer and acceptance have been met and performed. Payee1% --------------- 4— -------------- ------------------ Pe- ---------------------- Title 1=- -------- i I CERTIFY that.the workmanship and materials covered by this requisition have been inspected by me and conform to the engineer- ing and Architectural requirements of the plans and specifications. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineer Inspector. I 'C Approved: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved: -------------------------------------------------------------------- State Director. State Engineer Inspector. (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) Differences ---------------------------- -------------------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------I--'-------------------- ---------- Account verified; correct for_________I 's--------- ____________ (Signature or initials)--------------------------------------------------------- i j It is hereby certified that all requirements of the offer and acceptance covering the grant have been fulfilled by the applicant and that all documentary evidence required by the offer and acceptance has been received, examined, and found to be satisfactory, and has been filed at------------------------------------------------------------- and payment is authorized. (Insertloeation) SIGN Approved for $------------------------------- ORIGINAL ONLY FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS, I By ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Assistant Administrator. Executive O icer. Paid by check No. ---------------, dated-------------------------------- 19------- for$---------------------------jOn Treasurer of the United States ll in favor of the payee named above. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement * * *"relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1E-4e88 FEDERAL EMERGENCY'ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Regional Director 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, Calif. February 4, 1938 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO ENG:AQ,A:cm Docket: Calif.1167 DS Municipal Pavilion _ Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach, City B611 Huntington Beach, California Dear Sir: This office acknowledges receipt of the following li.st' covering subcontractors as proposed by Brunzell & Jacobson, Principal Contractors. Permission is hereby granted to"you to authorize Brunzell & Jacobson, Principal-Contractors, to sublet the work described to the subcontractor listed. Subcontract No. Subcontractor For Amount 1-1-F John H. Clary Cement $234,93 Finishing I Very truly yours# K. A. GODPdIN, Acting Regional Director e �a BY:, J. W. BOURNIER, Assistant Regional Director For the Administrator cc: REI KV 1 P,;,-A. EISEN A. R.WALKER for- WALKER AND EISEN ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 December 7 1 9 3 '7 Tr .. Harr%7 Overmyer City Engineer Huntington Beach, California Dear 11r . Overmyer : I"le are enclosing, hererlith letters received from the .Acting regional Director , in v,,hich approval of the Contract Documents is given. ;As you will see from these letters, the Contractor may now start Mork. 1-indly give proper notice to the contractor, as required, sending ttivo copies of said notice to -the _, cti.ng Eegiona l Director, F30iu7-A We will deliver to you tomorrow the Contract Documents referred to in letters from B. I.A. bearing their approval . Vie will also send 'to you all drawings now in our office, excepting five sets, vvhi.ch vie will '1eep for reference . Very truly yours, WALKER AIM :RISEN,- ARCHITECTS l'AE: MH By Enc , � apt VA FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Region No. 6 ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, California December 6, 1937 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO ENG:RFS:ami Docket Calif. 1167-DS City of Huntington Beach Beach Pavilion (Civic Auditorium) City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, Calif. c% Walker & Eisen 437 South hill Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: In order to expedite"the approval of sub-contractors on the above designated project and insure their proper clear- ance prior to their appearance on the site, it is requested that hereafter whenever a sub-contract or a group of sub- contracts is let, the information relative thereto be immediate- ly communicated to the Resident Engineer Inspector assigned to the project who will enter it on our Form No. 17-c in order that the approval of this office may be expedited. Each sub-contractor must carry the character and amount of insurance called for in the contract. between the owner and the contractor. It is necessary that all of the insurance re- quire.d of the subcontractor be .procured by you and presented to the-Resident Engineer Inspector at the same time as your request for the approval of the award of the sub-contract. Yours very truly, K A. GODWIN Actin; Regional Director For the Administrator cc: REI s FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Region No. 6 ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, California December 6, 1937 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO ENG:RFS:ami Docket Calif. 1167-DS City of Huntington Beach Beach Pavilion (Civic Auditorium) Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach c% Walker & Eisen 437 South Hill Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt by this office October 4, 1937, of two sets of executed. Contract Documents and three conformed sets thereof as hereinafter listed, covering the contract between the City of Huntington Beach and Brunzell and Jacobson for the construction of the above designated project: Advertisement for Bids ' Information for Bidders Bid Form (blank) Agreement Specifications Performance Bond Labor and Material Bond Plans under separate cover The above mentioned contract documents are hereby approved. You are therefore authorized to order the contractor to commence work. Two copies of your notice to the contractor to Commence work should be sent to the Acting Regional Director, P.W.A., whose address is 1210 Hewes Building, San Francisco, California. Such copies should be mailed at the time the notice to the con- tractor is mailed. Work should not be commenced by the contractor, however, until the representative of the Acting Regional Director, P.W.A., has arrived on the site of the project. In case this representative has not arrived on the site of the project by the A FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OFOF PUBLIC WORKS Region No. 6 ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, California December 6, 1937 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO ENG:RFS:ami Docket Calif. 1167-DS City of Huntington Beach Beach Pavilion. (Civic Auditorium) Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach c/o Walker &: Eisen 437 South Hill Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt by this office October 4, 1937, of two sets of executed. Contract Documents and three conformed sets thereof as hereinafter listed, covering the contract between the City of Huntington Beach and Brunzell and Jacobson for the construction of the above designated projects Advertisement for Bids ' Information for Bidders Bid Form (blank) Agreement Specifications Performance Bond Labor and 11aterial Bond Plans under separate cover The above mentioned contract documents are hereby approved. You are therefore authorized to order the contractor to commence work. Two copies of your notice to the contractor to conmence work should be sent to the Acting Regional Director, P.W.A., whose address is 1210 Helves Building, San Francisco, dAlifornia. Such copies should be mailed at the time the notice to the con- tractor is mailed. Work should not be commenced by the contractor, however, until the representative of the Acting Regional Director, P.W.A., has arrived on the site of the project. In case this representative has not arrived on the site of the project by the City of ,•- ` Huntington Beach - 2 - December 6, 1937 time the contractor desires to commence work, you should telephone or telegraph this office to that effect. when the contractor actually starts work on the project, please advise this office of the date thereof promptly. In giving notice to the contractor to start work, it is essen- tial that you consider the requirements of the Government and of the construction contract as to the time of completion of the project, so that the contractor shall be fully informed that the project must be completed in any event by the date of completion fixed bya� the Government for the project. We are returning to you herewith two approved executed counter- part sets of the contract documents; one set is to be retained by you and the other set is to be delivered by you to the contractor. Very truly yours, K. A. GODW.IN Acting Regional Director For the Administrator Enclosures: 1 cc Munson 1 cc REI FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION 0- OF PUBLIC WORKS 1210 Hawcs Building, IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO San Francisco, .Califor•ni4�* December 6, 1937 ENG:RFS:ami City of Huntington Beach Docket Calif* 1167-DS c% Walker & Eisen City of Huntington Beach 437 South Hill Street Beach Pavilion (Civic Aud.) Los Angeles, California Huntington Beach, Calif* Dear Sir: For your information ane guicaree, we present on outline of procedure in securing labor for your project and you should sac that contractors amployoc1 for your pr-::J ect are fully infonned of this procedure* 1, GENESP1 - - (a) The procedure outlir_c"l bolo-w for the rcforral of labor to :E�71 non-Foc.'.aral pro Jccts govcrnod- by PV;TI. Forma. .No.230 has been ap?rovod by the Public ..Torks lc'.rniiiistratio.^ an('. the United.-Stctcs Jlnploy;lont Service. 2. labor Ei:iP1,0Y_,:EP T SEILVICE -- ( .} �s_hc:nCvc:r a crLpl ycr of, desires Arsons�ap prop rioto t,-: be soci;rc '. through the cmployrr.°nt service, he <<vill rcqucst such persons frown off ieas d.esigr_ tc�'. by the United"States npl-�, ant- Sory ice e He will indicate the. ni ibor and the exact classificjl.tion of the persons roquircd. (b) The agency dcsign,.tcd by the United Stotcs 1�nploy-mcrit Service, wha;- filling; roquisitions for labor, i,Till give profcrance in employra(2.nt to persons fro i the public reli!lf rolls. (c) Intro ucti.)n cer'',. F';na .j.'_.!� .S. 320, i�FJ11 be used for nakirg such refc.rrz>.ls. Tha ic.u� tificrt 1 -i nu,�bar of thr,, rt.f rrac' worker sh^..11 be : ntc;red irn .t; '.ir.taly after such wori;or's naxae. '(1) For the purpose of ir_. ic<..tir_L which persons arc froin th,_; public r,;•licf rolls, the local o*nploymun.t office vdll stt,s,ip or .-_other-iris,.; sh )w o the face of e,,.ch copy, -f Fonm U.S.E.S. 320, a largo "C" when refarrii-tt such persons. Thu certification number of r(;licf parsons will be 1)r(Jco.cec. by tho Iottors "C-ii" t:.rc' krill be ontcro(. o th;. f->rra -,.ftur the title of thi, ppsi"Cl.-�ii. (2) F-ria U.S.:El.S. 320 iwhon user' for the rafarral of n)n-roliof persons wwill not bear the largo nor will it ba,::r the cortificatiDn nwiibc:r (.)recur ct.I by the letters "C-1 ". (FL-R-28.-P*1 R-28 ii/1/37) y` t� 3. DISTRIBUTION -- (a) One copy of Form U.S.L.S.320 will be delivered to the contr�_ctor by the person referred. if the person so re- ferred is accepted for employment, the contractor will retain a copy of Form U.S.E.S. 320 in his files. (b) If the referred person is rejected by the contractor, the Form U.S.L.S. 320 will be retu.mod by the contractor to the office designated by the 'United States &nploym;�r_t Service. (c) A second copy of Fonn U.S.E.S. 320 will be mailed by the of- fice dcsi n,_ted by the United States Lnlployilent Service to the Public ljirorlcs Ac.'uministration Resident 3n�-in_eor Inspector. 4. USES - 320 - {'- A-L -- (a) Poriodically the employment office will sub::.it to the: contractor on. Form USiS - 320 - l'":A-L lists showing th!., names of persons referred, the i":,nti�,ication_ nivabors, the rof�xred. parsons' Occu- pational classifications -nd certification numbers, if such exist. (b) The contractor will irdicat,; in the, last column. of Form US`�S - 320 - P4A-L the acccptar_cc or rejection of c,.ch person n_tz;zed on the form. He will return the form to the; office do sign .tr;d by the Uni tcd Stites Employment Service. 5. UNION LOCALS -- (a) Persons appropriate to b�, socurcd through union locals may be secured in c, customar^,r manr,cr irhich will insure prefer- Once in omployment to -aombc,rs of the union_ fron thc� public relief rolls -There such persons arc c.vailable ^_nc qualified to perform they work to which' the employicnt relates. (b) Unless otherwise provided in construction contracts,. re.fcrral cards are not required for union membf)rs who are employed in th, custo_iary rzann_er. `fours vc;ry truly, l�. 'A. GO DIA lIN, Acting Rc;cioi—nl Director. For the Administrator. (FL-R-28-2 R-28 ll/l/37) I� FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO San Francisco, California January 14, 1938 ENG:CAT:ami Docket Calif. 1167-DS Beach Pavilion-Civic Aud. Huntington Beach, Calif. City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, California Gentlemen: Re: Subcontractors' approval This office aclmmvvledges receipt of the following list cover- ing subcontractors as proposed by Brunzell & Jacobsen, Principal Contractors. Permission is hereby granted to'you to authorize Brunzell & Jacobsen, Principal Contractors, to sublet the work described to the subcontractors listed. Subcontract No. Subcontractor'.] For Amount ' 1-1-D Trojan Steel Inc. Rein. Steel $872.00 1-1-E Shamel Electric Co. Elec. Work 2250.00' Very truly yours, K: A. GODINTIN Acting` Regional Director For the Administrator. 1 cc REI /j FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS rT-A-'-E--0ifREfi-FOR OFFICE OF ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, California January 7, 1938 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO NG: CAT= Docket:Calif.1167-DS Beach Pavilion-Civic Aud. Huntington Beach,Calif. City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, California. Re: Subcontractors Approval . Gentlemen: This office acknowledges receipt of the following list covering subcontractors as proposed by Brunzell & Jacobson, principal contractors. Permission is hereby granted to you to authorize Brun- zell & Jacobson, principal eontractors,. to sublet the work described to the subcontractors listed. << Subcontract No. Subcontractor For Amount 1-1»A Ansco Construction Co. Pile $30102.00 Driving 1-1-B °' " " Conc.Cutting 450.00 Excavation 1-1-C Hickman Bros.Inc. Plumbing 3,200.00 Very truly yours, e J ) r K. A. GOD?NIN t- Acting Regional Director .� For the Administrator. cc R.E.I. o..,K / l i AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, . made and entered into as of this day of October, 19372 by and BETWEEN CITY .OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated as - CITY, A N WALKER & EISEN, 437 So. Hi11 • Sti4z,. Los Angeles, Calif. ,. a co--partnership, hereinafter called the Architect. F WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City intends to erect a BEACH PAVILION and CIVIC AUDITORIUM in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Architect, for the considera- tions hereinafter named, °agrees as follows: The Architect agrees to perform, for the above-named work, professional services as Architect. The City agrees to pay the Architect at the rate of six per cent (60), hereinafter called the basic rate, computed upon the cost and as more fully described hereafter. The parties hereto further agree to the following: ARTICLE l: The Architectst .Services. The Architect's professional services consists of the necessary conferences, the preparation of preliminary studies, working drawings, specifications, large scale and full size detail drawings as determined necessary by them only; the drafting of forms of proposals and contracts; the issuance• of certificates of payment; and keeping of accounts, the general adniinistration of the business and supervision of the work. It is not incumbent upon the Architects to furnish shop details, models_, or .patterne. .1. PRELIMINARY SKETCHES: This service includes the necessary conferences, inspection and study .of the building site, preparing studies of floor plans and elevations, and preliminary estimate of cost. 2. WORKING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATION: This service provides the necessary information for obtaining bids, letting contracts and constructing the building. This includes the preparation of floor y� plans., elevations and interiors, large scale and full size archi— tectural and structural details, complete typewritten specifications and the furnishing of .five (5) complete sets of blue prints and speci— fications. 3. SUPERVISION .OF CONSTRUCTION. This service includes the obtaining of competitive bids from reputable general contractors, pre— paration of contract documents, the general supervision and inspection of the work, -the approval of all bills for payment to the Contractor, the keeping of .accounts and exercising of all usual precautions to protect the City's interests during the entire building operation. The. Architect endeavors to guard the City against defects and deficiencies in the work of contractors,. but does not guarantee the per- formance of their contracts. The supervision of an architect is to be distinguished from the continuous personal superintendence to be ob— tained by the employment of a clerk of the works. When authorized by the City, a clerk of the works, acceptable to both City and Architect, is to .be engaged by the Architect at a salary satisfactory to the City and paid by Architect,-- the City shall re— imburse the Architect monthly for salary payments advanced such clerk of works. ARTICLE 2: The Architect' s Fee. The fee payable by the City to the Architect for the performance of the above services is the percentage hereinbefore defined as the .basc rate, computed upon the cost of the work in respect of which such services have been performed, subject, however, to any —2— modifications growing- out of these conditions of agreement® ARTICLE 3. Extra services and Special Cases. If after a definite scheme has been approved, the City makes a decision which, .f'or its proper exe— cution,, involves extra services and expense. for changes in or additions to the drawings, specifications or other documents, . or if the Architect is- put- to labor or expense, by the delinquency or. insolvency of the City or the Contractor, or as a result of damage by fire, he shall be equit— ably paid for such extra service and. expense. The Architect will endeavor � -to use such materials and' to incorporate in their structural engineering �t and mechanical- engineering drawings and specifications, such systems, ` forms, materials, and methods as may to them seem most :.practical and appropriate. If, at any time after the drawings are finished in pencil, ready for tracing, the City desire. substitutions or changes in or of such systems, forms, materials and methods, and if the substituting thereof should entail extra labor and cost to the Architects, they shall be rem imbursed a sum equivalent to actual. drafting cost plus overhead, for such additional._work; -provided however, that before_ .entering into ,any. work or changes that will require additional cost, the City shall be notified in writing of such necessity® -ARTICLE 4; Payments: Whether the work be executed or whether its execution be suspended or abandoned in part or whole, payments to the Architect on his' fee are to be made as follows; Upon completion of the preliminary studies, a sum of Seven Hundred dollars ($700.00). the receipt. of which is hereby acknowledged. .-Upon completion of specifications and general working drawings (ex— clusive of details) a 'sum sufficient to increase ' xayments, on the fee to 60fo of the rate. or rates of commission :arising from, this agreement, com— puted upon a reasonable cost estimate on such completed specifications and drawings,. or if bids have been. redeived, then computed upon the low— est bona fide bid or bads, or approximately Sixteen Hundred Fifty Dollars, less any payments previously made. Upon completion of approximately one—half of the construction work, a sum sufficient to . increase payments on the fee to eighty per cent (80%) 3— of the rate or rates of. commiesion computed upon the contract price, less : all. payments previously made. , .Upon .completion of the .entire woxk, the balance to complete payer ments on the fee -computed upon the total .contract price. No deduction shall be made from the Architeetls fee on account of penalty., -liquidated damages,. or other sums withheld from payments to d;ont rac t or s ARTICLE 5 The CiIV s Decision. The City shall give thorough consideration to- al'l sketches, .drawings, specifications, proposals, contracts, and other documents, laid before him .b.y the Architect,. and whenever prompt action is necessary, they shall .inform the Architect ,of their decisions in -such, reasonable time as not to delay 'the:work to the Architect. ARTICLE 6a Survey, Borings and Tests. The City shall furnish the Architect with a complete. and accurate survey of -the building site, giving the grades and lines of streets, pavements and adjoining'-properties; the rights, rests ctions,u easements- 'boundaries, a.nd contours of the build- ng site, and 'full, information. as tosewer, water., -gas and electrical service, The .City is to 'pay for borings or test site' and for chemical, . . mechanic al, or .other tests when required, ARTICLE '7 Abandonment . of Project., Should this project .be abandoned' or de— layed., for any reason, after the undersigned- has been authorized to pro— ceed, there shall then be due and payable to the undersigned the part of the fee proportionate to the amount of work completed- to date of said abandonment or delay., -based on the payments outlined above. ARTICLE 8t preliminaxy Estimates,. When requested to do so, the Architects will rake or procure .preliminary estimates on'the- cost of the .work and will endeavor to keep the aotual cost of the 'work 'as love as may be con- sistent with the purpose of ,the building. and :with proper workmanship and material, but no.- such estimate can, be regarded as other than an approximation. —4 ARTICLE 9: Definition- of the Cost of the Work. The words "The Cost of the Work" are ordinarily to be interpreted as meaning the total cost to the City incurred for the execution of the work, not including Architect's fees or carrying charges, but including elevators, lighting fixtures and hardware, if purchased separately, and any fixtures or partitions or landscaping, designed by him; No deduction shall be made from the Architect '-s fee on account of penalty, liquidated damages, or other sums -withheld from payments to Contractors. Should the building be constructed under a contract with the contractor or contractors providing for a fixed fee, with a guaranteed excess cost and with a savings clause, or other form of contract providing for a bonus to the contractor for any savings under the agreed cost of the work the Architect 's fee shall not be reduced on account of the decreased cost of the work, accruing by reason of the operation of such savings or bonus clause; neither shall the Architect 's fee be reduced by reason of a time- bonus clause, but -shall be computed on the maximum. amount of the contract. -ARTICLE 10: OwnershiR- of Documents That all. plans, specifications, maps, estimates and reports, including any preliminary data or report, shall be at all times the property of the City, and at the conclusion of the work herein contemplated, they shall be delivered to said City,, ,ARTICLE. 11: The Rules for "Professional Practice of Architecture" , as adopted by the American Institute of Architects, shall govern the services as herein proposed toT'be rendered. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto annexed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereto duly authorized, and the Architect has hereunto set his hand as'•.of.:t:he day and year in this Agreement first above written. .CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, MAYOR ATTEST: Ci Clerk r WALKER AND. EI N, ARCHITECTS By Archit 6— P. W. 76500-176 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADI,INISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Washington, D. C. , Dated: D A _193 Docket No. Calif. 1.167.DS. City of Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. 1. Subject to the Terris and Conditions (PWA Form No. 230) which are made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby offers to aid in financing; the construction. of a municipal beach pavilion and a-adito-r.ium (herein called the "Project") by' making a ;grant to City of Huntington Beach (herein. called the "Applicant") in the amount of 45 percent- of the cost of the Project upon completion, as determined by the Federal Emergency Adminis- trator of Public Works, but not to exceed., in. any event, the sum of $23,456. 2. By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project as early as possible but in no event later than ten ,peeks from the date of this Offer and to complete such Project with a1.1 practi- cable dispatch, and in any event within eight months from the commencement of construction. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Emergency .F_dministrator of Public Works By _ For the A strator. Form No.P.W.C.A. 21-13 Form approved by ,. PUBLIC VOUCHER—PARENT' OF ADVANCE D. 0. Voucher No. ---------------------- Comptroller ugus General U.S. AND INTERMEDIATE GRANTS Contract No. ______________________________ August 26,1935 Requisition No. -----one FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Docks No. 1G�'f 49- 1 (Date) PAID BY Appropriation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ j THE UNITED STATES Dr. , To -----------�p------------------- ------�------------- .Huntingtonty of ---- _------, I Li �,� 63 iU ?J' rr V ..4. (For use of Paying Officer) Address-------=----------- ---$-- -------------.-- -------- - ---�' --------------- -------------------- Municipal Beach Pavilion =----Audi-' �'VI --- ------------- Project Symbol No. - � - Project -------- ---l-- --- ----- - ----------------�-----a-i�-- ---- 9 tt��ee��vg Wc3 °s °" 13' d.st3P D --------------------------------- Requisition .8s�c7 . Offer accepted__ _________ _ --:A___ ____________ Plans, specifications, and estimates approved----- for* ______________________________ advance payment on account of the grant, being ___-__-__-------_-__-__--____% of the estimated j cost of the project, in accordance with certificate of purpose (P. W. A. Form No. 168) attached hereto, as follows: I Total estimated cost of project Loan Grant __%of total cost Previous payments Amount of this payment 53s45640 None 230456.0 1 ,,9031a , None 13P®31®0 4 - Approved: I certify that the above is a true statement. ------------------------------------------------------------- (Pays - -----_ ----- ---- . C3 ------- State Director. (Pe /--- -------- -- ---- - (Title) 0 (Additional statements by Department, (Accounting classification) I (Payee will NOT use this space) Bureau, or Establishment, if deemed necessary) Differences--------------------------------------------------------------------- I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account verified; correct for---------I $---------------------------______ (Signature or initials)--------------------------------------------------------- A Paid by check No. _______________, dated ------------------------------- 19-------for $--------------------------�On Treasurer of the United States in favor of the payee named above. *First,Second,Third,or Fourth. NOTE.—Final Requisition to be made on,Form 21. Penalty for False Certification.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended;provides a penaltyof not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years,or * both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * * or use or cause to be made or used any false * * * account, claim,certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement * * *"relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16-4317 J,kX1-'3d4-22_36)m No.168 FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFICATE OF PURPOSES_AND' STATEMENT OF PROJECT COSTS Requisition N ''Ong �f'�� Gran Name.of. Zz applicant _ _ V� ----------------- Docket No. --- - -- ---- _ (APPLICANT DO NOT USE) _ Address att_ _ _ _ Contract No. __ __ Lam. �t� ��l . ti-----:=- ------------- --------- Type ofpro'e•t' -•�+. .� _ ��-5_� idyl py Date ---'� ----_ 193___ - O.,P. No: ---- ----- - --------- -------- ..SY..,.:.n �..wa. ..,a. . . {{�� .. - (See reverse for instruction;pertaining to entries in columns showhobelow) - - The following is the status of the above project as of-the dates indicated. The funds.requisitioned on the accom panying form; P. W. C. A: _ 21_B `_ _ will"be expended for"the purposes shown in coluin—h 4; subject to changes (21_s;-zhc Dr 22) approved by tbe'Federal Emergency Administration of-Public Works. . PREVIOUS P.W.A. COSTS INCURRED AMOUNT DISBURSED .LATEST APPROVED GRANT-LOAN REQUISI CLASSIFICATION' � THI9 REQUISITION ESTIMATE -_ TION9 OR PAYMENTS - - - • AS OF _: ___mi" AS OF F_" __IM .gam (1) (2) (3) (4) el� jYl Ru t3�g I. PRELIMINARY EXPENSES — — v =--- {J� ---- ------ t ---------------- ----- -------- ----- - ------ -- TOTAL$ --------- ---- --- ------aer :n ----- -- _ 2. LANDS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND EASEMENTS---------------------`---------------------------------------=--------------- 3._CONSTRUCTION----- --- _ _ - .. - : ?_ ';4___ ______ _ _______ __ _ ______. __fi_ .i __ ___ - . 4. ENGINEERING, ETC.: _�- � - Engineering Fees----------- ----------`3--s-61-J5-i•g_Q---------------------------- . Architectural Fees-------- ------__ _______..__.._ ._____ --I 916._69_____'_ 1 916.69 ---- --------- ------- ----- - - -- - - - Applicant's Forces - ---------75._00----- - 75-.04. ----=------------- _. TOTALS- -------- ------ ---- J. LEGAL,ADMIN., ETC.: ._.. - Legal*Fees----------------------- ---- --------- -- -- - --- ---- --- ---------- -- - „ t Legal Gosts: -- ,. --- -- --------- -- ----- Admin. and Overhead----------- ----- O�1<<"+ - a ? av��b.9 C'___ _ . TOTALS------------------------- - --�;^-- --- --- ------ ---- ----- ------ ----- -- --i ---- --- --- - ----- 6. INTEREST-------------- -- -- -- sv aa ------------------- --- ---- --------_ ---- ------- ----Z -------------- - — -- - ---- 7. MISCELLANEOUS------ ---------------- fpiA ---------------------------'------ ------ -------Zr ------------ -------- �---- . - �e...-�---'- ---A°�c.'x -- GRAND TOTALS----- - _ .ry �- - -- -----..�°-- Ps - 4 - --- -- --- ---- .`�'$-=• '-T--YTf FUNDS--RECEIVED AND DISBURSED- APPLICANT P.W.A.LOAN `" P.}V.-A•GRANT TOTAL. _ Funds required and'a]lotted ______________________ _________ ____ 'vim-�F� c� `� �1 ref c ����c * :'_:00 Funds deposited and source---- --------------------------- " __;i --- ', r:a N% �^= — " v6o - a� :i+3 Funds disbursed, per column 6,above--------------------------=---------------------------------------------------- -a'9�4—.0v�---- ----------------------- - - Balance in Coristruction,Account Applicalt's'books___ ____ __ '___ __ __ ______ ______ ________ ____ _ __ ____ ' � Az____ Total outstanding.checks:----.:'---- ---- - --. -- = = = - - - y ------- Total in Construction Account—Depositary's books----------------------------------------------------------------_____________-______ +hy_ 6. ____ CERTIFICATE' OF APPLICANT , The applicant certifies that the purpose or purposes stated herein are included within the purposes set forth in ,the rap'proved:application and estimated cost of the project; except as the same shall- have been revised, amended, modified, or otherwise changed and approved. The applicant further certifies that the funds now requested, when advanced,.will.be,used for the purpose or purposes stated in column 4 on the reverse of this form, and that all infor- mon:contained m th Al is'P. W: A:Torm 168 is true, correct, and complete, '`Subaeribed anti S'Wbrl to before me this------ ___-______ day of -------'---J_�I13 T------------------------------ 1935-� at G t -of--- - nti Eton_Beach-------------------------- �j _ (Name of applicant) Bu4t1n on,B ch Orange,, California (�/_"l ' -------- ----- - -----`-------- ------'------ - - -=----- - - -- -- - --- - --------- - ----- ------ ---- --------- --- Place) (county) By ( y) (State) (Signature of duly authorized officer) - City Clerk - - ---------------------------------------------------------------T-,------------ (Title of officer) [SEAL] .. - (Notary Public). - ,_.. CZa. [SEAL 1VI commission expires__________________________________, 193___. PENALTY FOR FALSE_CERTIFICATION.—Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 -" years,or both,for knowingly and willfully making or causing.to be made"any false or fraudulent statements * *- * or use or cause to be made or used any false account,claim;certificate,affidavit,or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement •* * —relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITARY 'We'ceitify-that-the Construction Account of the above-named applicant has been credited with deposits total- in $'_309 000.®O____slid had a credit balance of$_279 8v95•94 at the'close of business -Jan.___6_______, 1938 funfington Beach Braacm iUntingt`on Beach -- Securit�r__F'irat­Nat ionba Bak_df'_Loth...... -- ----------------- -- - -- ----- --------------- (Place) (Name of depositary) JanuaryAngeles _ ---" 1-9 -- By =------------------------------------ ------------ -- ------------------ (Date) - - (Title) T'�rlila Per [BANK"SEAL APPROVALS FOR FEDERAL. EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED:' ------_____ _________..________-_______--______.___--__-_--_-________________ ____-________-__-___-__-_-_____-______-_____-_____-__________________-__-_ Resident Engineer Inspector. State Engineer Inspector. -- - ----------------- ------------------ ------ 193--- -----------------------------------------------, 193--- (Date) -- "(Date) i -----------------------=------ --------•-----------=___-- ----:-- --- - ---- - --------------- - - State-Director...;: ------- ---- ---------- -------�_ ----- ----r 193 2-- - -------- --- -------- --------------- ---r 193--- (Date) - r- (Date), ti INSTRUCTIONS 1.The summarization:of-costs as-described'incolumn-1 shall be in accordance with the standard classification of accounts prescribed by P.W.A.(Administrative Order 145)r 2.Entries in column 2 shall be based upon,the mast recent estimate,of project costs as approved by P.W.A.through the State Director. S.-Entries in col t aknn 3 shall consist of the aggregate of all*previous loan and/or grant payments or requisitions,according to;their status,as follows: (a)I€no payments received on prior requisitions,then show items requested on pending requisitions. (b) If payments received on all prior requisitions,then show items supporting such payments. (c) If the situation is a combination of(a)and(b),then the figure shown shall be determined accordingly. _ 4.'Entzles:in column 4 shall support the amount currently requiset seoned a eoveaed by Form P.W.C.A.21-B,21-C,or 22. 'ems ,%- •• 5.Entries in columu 5 shall cover all costs(paid and unpaid)incurred on the project as of the date of the requisition,or as of the closing date of the applicant's last accounting period. 6.Entries in colu run'G stall reflect actual disbursements only for the period'coinciding wiilf'that-coSeied'by column 5. - 7.Entries opposite"Funds Required and Allotted"must at least equal the total of the latest approved estimate as shown in column 2. Entries for"Funds Deposited and Source"must be subdivided according to source of funds,and their sum must equal the total fands deposited. The succeeding entries are self-explanatory. 8.If more detailed instructions are required,address inquiries to the Chief Accountant,P.W.A.,Washington,D.C. - - U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1e-5194 December 1, 1937 Bayard Butcher, City Treasurer, Main & Ocean, Huntington Beach, California. Dear' Sir: At the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council held November 29th, 1937, a motion was made by Councilman Henrickson seconded by Councilman Chamness authorizing and directing the City Treasurer and ON Clerk to transfer from the General Fund the sum of 30,000.00 to a fund to be knows as " Construct- ion PVIA, Calif. 1167-DWI . The motion was put and carried unanimously. For your information the purpose of this action Is pursuant to requirements of the PI VA for financing the new beach pavilion and civic auditorium® You will please have this transfer made as of December lst, 1937- By Order of the City Council of the city of Huntington Beach at its regular adjourned meeting held on November 29th, 1937- Yours very truly, CRF:h City Clerk W r.W.norm z-za _ _.Sheet _-- _ of _=sheets. -35):(Revised 8-6 - J , r FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS ~� _ PERIODICAL ESTIMATE f OR PARTIAL-PAYMENT NO -___ _:__---; ®OCKET- N0 _ t EoT the period _ � ' a 119_ T______ to inclusive. . Type of projeci ____ ------------ . ip4vili On Location ----��11± Aff-_tW 1_ sa;n ------- State------Ita-1 t FaT, •L. -------- 1' Borrower's name and address -- "�q � +_L F?trt3-_ a ' � _x? 4 �: Symbol No. -- ---- --------- ------= Bo f t_ --------------- -------------------------------- --------- --- --- --- -- Contract-- -- -------- ------ Contr t o N Contractor's name acid address_ - ____ _______B jr_T!,t,T-t_1, �i��:m w`________________ Estimated cost;'$ _ __________________r j . -----------------------�1- _ - . _�. �"� _c'�_: .�__ � Contract price,; �-- i ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) }: { Estimated physical Item Units or lump sum - - percent completed No. .. Detailed estimate i This,estimate To date Uncompleted. }. Period To date , Percent Percent Dig - _ ;'� Ct -' fz* :tt zp o) 7 . REMARKS—MATERIALS STORED None I I � 1 i CHANGE ORDERS Estimated percent completed No. Additions Deductions This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date Percent Percent I Total, . Less deduction orders, Total—Change orders, 16-4256 1 Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935,reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief aid under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year,or both." Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or both, for knowin0y and willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements * * ' or use or cause to be:Wade or used any false * * * account, claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement relating to any hatter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATION OF THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE To the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos. of this Periodical Estimate are correct; that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between __0_ ty__Qf___H_unt4nf;r ton__Beach-----------------------and (Borrower's name) -.__ ___������ -_---- -- --� 4- __, dated _________________________ approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the (Confus tor's name) State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estir ate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: IMWice o tr - (a) Total due based on the 4 , lump sum contract ------------------- (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract------------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------ (c) Total earned,original contract and additions (sum of a and b)----------------------------------------- -------- , .Z]--_-___ -_--------- (d) Total percentage retained including this estimate-----3. __of_- 9-5.2-.-------------------- ----------- 9.. 2_ (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage------------ -------- .----_____-_____-----------_-- (f) Total previously received (from last estimate)--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- {S. $- --------------------------- (g) Balance due this payment on contract and additions-------------------------------------------------------- S;__------bftb_s_ 9._____ (h) Advance on materials stored this period-------=------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- (i) Total amount payable this estimate----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S---------k845.6 - ---------------------------- I further certify that all just and lawful bills against ________________ al twLI1110f1+_+0-t---_-__---___--__-_--_. for labor, material and (Contractor's name) expendable equipment employed in the performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A, Construction Regulations. ` (1 : ------- ----------- --------- ---Contractor ---- - � i wly -- - -- --------- Place By --------- ---------- ---- - - ----- -- - - ------- ---------------------- ------------ Title - - --------------------------------------------- i Date ------thL13l1l `---c-3.__ 93 - CERTIFICATE OF THE BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor,and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due him is correct and just, and that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been performed and supplied in full accordance with the terms and;onditi ofthe corresponding c nst ur ction contract documents and change orders approved by the State Director. Nam -- - - --- - - -------------- ---- --------------- - Place-- €- ------------ Title- -All ------------------------ '----- ate-------t3anw'=1: -------�k��a - - - - -- -------- f I CERTIFICATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENGINEER INSPECTOR IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor,that.I-knave in-my-pe�ssessiow-s�tis£acton�eNidc�ace ef-ga3zmPn*ht*the conic or of all just and law¢fuLbills-against him-f-er-labor-r-rnater-ial;and-expendable-equipment employed in-Vise-gerf manse-a&his-eentrac-t i4a iul acco-darer : r wi h Para- gr8ph 11 U,_E._'v'W A.-etmstructian32-egulatieas,that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me or my duly authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents and change orders approved by the State Director. Name-------- - ---------------- Place------ ------------ n Title------ a 1 =°- r" a j rs;;!p04* r---------------- Date------- w ------- --- ----- ------------- *Strike out number not applicable. 1 Total physical percent complete, AMOUNT Estimated monetary Item Uait-price - percent completed No. — — Detailed estimate This estimate To date - Unused balance Period To date — 5 YCTCeni Pereent 115111%, 856'.50 855.50 29 . 0 75 7 38596. I Totals, _ -----_— --- — (--- Total—Change orders, Materials stored,if allowed, Grand total, - — — —I - ry M'! U.S.GOVEA1 jR11}Tjli 6.1 110E 16-4256 -------------- .W.Form I-23 Sheet'------ of--=----- sheets. (Revised 8-G-35)-- FEDERAL EMEiRGENCY ADMINISTRATION.OF-PUBLIC WORKS PERIODICAL UUMME'FM PAR 1A For'the period `�{lt - -� - -''"f- ----- t� 3" - ---=r inclusive. ype ofro�ect __7----------- yp - - :. hr 91 Location €xLtj_ can Beaph. -- =-- ----- stat'G llfo nib---= ----- - ------=----= and_.-kal-itoxA i ,,g0 - - t - Borrower's name and address _ ---_ _�c�* * -g ---- "- • -------- Symbol No. ------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------ ----- --- Contract No. ---�---- ---- ---- - ---- ---.-- -- COI -.-- - -- Contractor's name and addressW __ __ * }' _______:____ ____' Estimated-cost, $_------_------.------ a . .� me-, - .i3 �a Contract price --- -- ----- ------------- ---------- - ---- --------- ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) .. Estimated physical percent completed Item Units or lump sum - No. ! Detailed estimate This estimate: ,To date .Uncompleted Period .a To date Percent Percent '10100 -oar _ 66, ,qT. Fto 3. 000 _ 0 - - UMW . 9 1(yi..25 101-25 1.75 75 5- .107 - 17 1 a aura q'arq i .. Siva g V.. 30 3D '199 20 I :►s . � 5 ► 22 Tr Sum 23 Lw it 's � 2 : -a- I 25 Sum REMARKS—MATERIALS STORED IN 0rl @ N. 'ter p percen� CHANGE ORDERS Estimated comple . No. Additions —I Dcdncticns This estimate To date Unused balance er d To.data Percent' Percent. $ $ $ $ $ i i i j 1 Total, Lirw ant .✓'""i�.. v c,. � as wE..w x{�a. a kr �.�n.�.�3"._ __ �: ����x. —''v�'w Less deduction orders, Total—Change orders - --- — — -- is-4256 Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act.of 1935,reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relief aid Y under the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting fcr the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by this joint resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by rneans of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year,or both." Section 35 of the Criminal Code,'as amended,provides a penalty of not more-than$10;000 or imprisonment of'not more than 10 years, or both, for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements e * " or use or cause to be made or used.any false * # * account,-claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATION OF THE.CONTRACTOR OR HIS.DULY AU.TIIORIZED. REPRESENTATIVE ;To the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos. of this Periodical Estimate are correct that all wort:has been performed arid materials supplied in full accordance with theterms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between'__G____it of Unto n9ton Beach_______________,__-________,and (Borrower's name) _____?j LTT_�?F7I__r�__JWf! �� ____, dated ________________________, approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the =atractoi's name) i State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate imd that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: (a) Total due based on the{4=J t 2 ?A�7 '---- lump --------------------------------------------------------------- $-- --- ___ --------------------------------- (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract- - -- - 1'L a .7f) —--------------------------- c Total earned,original contract and additions sum of a and b 4 8S•6 (d) Total percentage retained including this estimataD_,%__Q_f-- __265W.62 2658.86____ (e)'Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage____________ __ �_ � _C`'________________________________ i (f) Total previously received(from last estimate)----------------------------------------------------------------- _1241_346 W Balance due this payment on contract and additions______________________________________________________ $___1_-�916.60 (h) Advance on materials stored this period-------- -------------------------------------------------------`------ `"9�------------------------------------- (i) Total amount payable this estimate-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- $---13516- '5Q — — - I further certify that all just and lawful bills against -------=-------- ---------- __________for labor, material and - (Contractor's name) expendable equipment employed in the performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. Contractor----- R7t?Sf_7,BI`7•, R �T S i9 - Place 1'j _tQ2 __ f�E21t By ------------ ------------- - -- ------------- - - --- -------------- T, An-g-eZe.a_:__Ga_lif ornia--------------------------------------- Title --------= - 1 1'---------------------=-------------------------------- Date ---- 24I}C3 2__ __19 -_ CERTIFICATE OF THI, BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement: of work performed and material supplied by the confractor,and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due him is correct and just;and.that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been performed and supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents grid c ange orders apptove by the State Director. WALKER & OSEN, � � 'VAR 2 jr� Name ---- - ----- ----- - ------------------------------------ Place---- Title_fitai�_di» II1 iI Qr = � s `nF ±? fi ' Date r�,X+�e' i L �---:9-k -------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION.-ENGINEER INSPECTOR IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material sup plied;by the contractor,t' n-s3Ysfartrry evidence of payment bv_YhA cnr frar�Ott ;,,ter anti lavvft�l-1�rHs-agafst'him ndq�eq _ frost ' r an r ara- -�� all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me or my duly,authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents and change. orders approved by the State Director. Name ------------------- --------- ---- ----- Place -- r Title-i?�a_ _' '1 �' ,M-T, . n_ffp_ _eL0 i_3_'--------------------- Date-----YAX-eI, -----D-- ---------------------------------------------- •Strike n„t m,.,,h�-...,a-,n„1:��1.1� Total physical percent complete, 22-25 45,92 AMOUNT Estimated monetary percent completed Unit price No. Detailed estimate This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date Percent Percent 1 733.00 733.00 100 .2 3722.'00 3722.00 100 3 1400 .00 1330-.00 70 .00 95,' 4 1150 .00 1150 -00 r 100 n 2661.00 2548.98 5 2.0 2 ?8 733.00 b23.05 l09,95 5 7 914.00 91-4-00 100 8 .205,00 96 .00. . io8 .5Q 12&-5o 8o go 9 113 5.00 8546.25 854 25 2848,75 75 75 10, 55 2-00 111 -24. 111.24 545Q .76 2 2 11 1995•04 1995•Q0 12 1b5.00 123:75 123.75 41.25 75 75 13 314-1.00 3141-00 . 14 61uxo 61o,00 1 617.00 61 ..00 19 14 0,.00r 73.50 7 3:50 13 b-50 5 5 1 05.00 5.00 1 4504.00 4504.00 19 19 ..00 199.00 20 95?.00 _. 95 00 21 1517.00 75.85 1441:15 5 22 154.00 1 _4-00 23 667.00 6 7.00 24 17E44.00 1958;.40 1411. 20 352,DO 6o 8o 2 159'6 2 27.0-0 27.00 Totals, 48882.00 10877.14 22447-3 �6A 4-h , z2.45 2 Total-Change orders, 76 A 141 -30 E �� � Z� -$¢_ -80 Materials stored,if allowed, Grand total, , � � ry 058 '� Y AT U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING JFFICB 1674256 P.W.Form 1-23 Sheet -------- of___----- sheets. st�;er FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Cal ifornii 11E- PERIODbI. ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. -____-_------_- DOCKET MO. ______-__7_--_' For the period _�"'43YKU:Ply- t_19V---- to VebruarY 28 19_ -_, inclusive. Type of project ---- - ---------------- -- - - Muni eipa.l FaVIla©h Location Hunting�o1__Deach Cali=orx�ia -- -- - ---- -------- and :Auditorium -------------- State -- - - - -- --- - Borrower's name and address __city--of--H t'in on_Beae ,__Ca.-jforn a Symbol No. ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---=------- -- --------- Contract No. ------1---------------- Contractor's name and address PRUN_Z _�__&-__'SAC-OBZiON_ ____________________ Estimated cost - - - - ---------- - 2150__Briaceto avenue, Los_ 1 ales ,--Cal if $882.U0 --------- - ------ - - - - - ----- -- ----- - - -- Contract price, ---- ------------ Estimated physical ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) percent completed Item Units or lump sum No. Detailed estimate This estimate To date Uncompleted Period To date Pe7,ee9lt Percent 1 L.Sur 100 100 2 Number 108 108 100 3 , 4 Cu.. Ydo. _.,300 60 285 15 �- 4 ' sq. Ft - 5000 1250 5000 1� Cu. Yds. 270 265.6o 4.40 8 . t. 8000 680o. 1200. 5 Lbs. 20000 20000 100 Lbs. 9oo0 7200 8100 goo 80 90 9 MFBM 1.35 101 25 101..25 3 -75 75 75 10 L.Sum 2% 2* 9 2 2 11 Sq. Ft. 12. L.Sum 951 75% 75% 925% 75 75 13 L.Sum 14 L.Sum 1 Squares 96 96 to Sq. Yds. 4000 200 200 3800 5 5 18N L.Sum Sq. Yda. 3830 3830 19 1.Sum 20 L.-Sum 21 L.Sum 5 95 5 22 L.Sum 23 z.sum �y r� 24 L.Sum 6o�; 8o% 20% 6o 8o 29 L.Sum 2 L.Sum REMIARKS—MATERIALS STORED None ' r 3 - i -- - :Estimated.percentj CHARGE ORDERS - completed No. - Additions _Deductions This estimate To date - TJnused balance Fesiod + To date .. ,Percent Percent 5176.6'2- 414.1•30 4141.30 1035.32 80 8o Total, ,, • -- ) Less deduction orders, Total—Change orders, iC—azsa Section 9 of the Emergency-Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, reads as follows: "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any false statement in connection with any application for any project,employment,or relic'air; under the provisions of this joint'resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,or assists in diverting for'the benefit of any person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- printed by this joint'resolution,or any services or real or personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott, deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts'so to do,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty' of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than X year,'or both. Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty-of not more than'$10,000 or imprisonment of.rtot more than 10 years, or both; for knowingly and willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements * * * or use or cause to be made or used any false " * * account,.claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. _ CERTIFICATION OF THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE To the best of my knowledge and belief, I-certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheets Nos. 1, of this Periodical Estimate are correct; that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between __0— ty__of__Unti - - - - to- - --Beac---------------------------------------and (Borrower's name) RUN"Ica L � .J'lt(;P.I$- 0-Y__, dated ------------------------- approved by the State Director, and all change orders approved by the -- - :.�- -- (Contractor's name) State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the period covered by this estimate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate has been received: uprgicecatr7crt(a) Total due based on the - - ------------------ ---------------------------------------- �_' --------4 f *34 - -------------------------------------------... lump sum contract (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----4141--30 -- - -- - - - — - - c Total earned, original contract and additions sum of a and'b �" (d) Total percentage retained including this estimate14*_or_7`_2§5"8_:"'_ -________...__.___-._ 2658`_8 (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage------------- __2 2 -_.€"'_________________________________ (f) Total previously received (from last estimate)_______________________________________________________ _ - - ------ bo(g) Balance due this payment on contract and additions------------------------------------------------------- __ '-' ------------------------ -- -- - - - (h) Advance on materials stored this period---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------l0-l----------------------------------- (i) Total amount payable this estimate-------------------------------------------------------------------------- - $ �� _r —---------------- -------------- I further certify that all just and lawful bills against: _.Df11.Rz-E �__t�_S-3s-C-a_" -----------------------------Q�()A _______for labor, material and ------- (Contractor's name) _ expendable equipment employed in the performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. Contractor � tZ iL A J`�4.GOBS %. 21 c' �GCl� fIVIEf�U� --- --- -- ----------- -- --------- ----------------- Place nia ----- - -------- - - - - Calif-� - -- --------- . 8 ` - ----------- Date ----kar¢h--'2-'----1 .. Title -'- --- ----- -- ----- ------- -- -- - CERTIFICATE OF THE BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT° IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by the contractor, and that the contractor's certified-statement of his account and the amount due him is correct and just, and that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been performed and supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding con ^uc io ontraet documents and change orders ap roved Uy t e Statejregq_or. orb Name . ---- - ---------------- - ---------- Place-- 't{!1$,_-t�31,� e1 -a- CallfQ�'_'l°1.ia-- - ------------------------- Title 1 . ,R.i-- - --------- -- - ------- � -`�-- -- ----in------------ Date -----k-T---- --- - z ��5`'-------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENGINEER INSPIECTOR IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and material supplied by ti:e contractor,thak i..ha*e it Aa3r poss���n�szt s£ i t�nrF ,�gey�lj. -1„ roe 4-rar9-n_�f�t, o- and *.x1•-lail}e-ega�.� , en Q �-� ® pexfo dance..n'r..?�ra- g' +-X� p u A C.1r c4r+irtinr ;^ s,that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me-or my duly authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract-documents and change orders approved by the State Director. `?Name-------- - -- -- - --- -------------- Place _RLfl L tr4'I'i---Rcaa --------------------- Title ----- -------------- Date-- l� _ -- - - --------- i Total physical percent complete, _. AIM 0 U N T Estimated monetary - percent completed Item No. __Unit price — _ Detailed,estimate I This.estimate To date Unused balance. Period , To date . ^Percent Percent 753-00 ii 3 1400.00 30 I 1-150 a00 �_ 111� Cat 52-02 109.-95 �y5 RID 9 9%'54 1Q- I 1 2.0000• 3A1•24 •225 5450.� , 11 19 3.30 1995.00 11 j i 1 .00 Iz 1 ris++yyr:��T i Ili 121 I � l at it i • 14 -15 5 22'. 1 154-0 �23 I 7: I ;41*6 s .00 3.958-40 14,11-20 3;1-40 !60 . 15924 176t.40 15 .00 2 j 27.00 27.0 0 � i i i I I ` I i I • � i j , I I - ` Totals, I - - --i —1 } i Total—Change orders, Sti" " yx t= — 4a.s �x� 035*"k�rA. �"i_ I - - — ��'_�' Materials stored,if allowed, AA _ _ I Grand total,' r: 62 470*00 U:5.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 16-4256 } •S Section 9 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935,reads as follows: ' " "Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States makes any:false statement m°connection:dRth any application for any project,employment,or relief sic; ruder"the provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,-or assists in-diverting for the benefit of,any'person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro- priated by_this joint resolution,.or any services or'real or personal.property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,,by means of any fraud,force,threat,:intimidation,.or boycott, ' �Laprives any person of any of the benefits to'which he may be entitled under-the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts so to do,;or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not5more-than I year,or both."„ :$ Section 35 of the Criminal Code -is amended,provides-a-penaity of.not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not more tl an 10 -ears, or both; for knowingly and,willfully making or causing to be made "any false or fraudulent statements * or use or cause to be made 'or used any. false * * * account,claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. CERTIFICATION'OF HE CONTRACTOR OR HIS -DULY AUTHORIZED RE,PRESENTATIVE , To the best of my knowledge and.belief,I certify that all items,units,quantities,and prices of work and,material shown on the face-of Sheets ,Nos.-i of this Periodical Estimate are correct;that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents betweeGWi ---o _�� ?tor a-ae -------------------------------and . : (,3o-rower's name) ... e LTL &__J t S ___, dated _ ____:__ _ approved by l:h State Director, and all-change orders approved by the . (Lontractor's name) - State Director;that the following-is a true and correct statement of the contract account rup to and including the last day of the'period covered by this that and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: (a) Total due based on thew�.BuL. - - -- -- - - - - - ------ ------ �'-- -------- - - - -- -------- lump surn contract 111 (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract -------- 01 — - -- - - - -- - -- -- - --- - ----------- - -- ---- -- --- -------------------------------- 'tract (C) Total earned,Original Co and additiollS (slim Ot -a and b)____ _ ________------------------------ ------------------- '- _ __.___ _ (rI) Total percentage retained includingthis'estimate_ 1�! _ E'___ *LR�n"- ____._-__ __.. ;__-________ _______ ,a-t ------------ (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ________ _______ (f)•Total:previously received(from last estimate)-------- --- -- ------- -- - ----------- -- - --.__ .--- _ _- — . (9) Balance due this payment on contract and additions___ __ $__ -_.___ JI +3�' r --- zs . 7- 4 ----- ---- -- h Advance on materials stored this ..:e ..( ) period--- --- - ------ -- ------ - --- --------- -------------- ------- ------ i Total amount c (') Payable this estimate-- -- - - - - -- — - = -- ------------ + - - - I further certify that all just and lawful bills against ___ __ --.a __________for labor, ins erial`and >- ------ ----- ";- �, .. . .. expendable equipment employed in the performance of said contract have been paid in'full'in accordance 'with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W.',A. r Construction Regulations. Contractor_ Yt1Ot----€-- --1 T ---- - - --- -- Place n s - w , s - = - - 7. y - - - - - - ram-------------- ----------- --- "- ens* 1 x -- w lint: ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- -- Date ----- �wc�s� r��r 'lr--t' .CERTIFICATE OF THE BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief,it is a true and correct statement of world- performed and material supplied by the contractor, and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due hini is correct " and just,°and that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been performed and supplie'd'in full accordance with the terns —,and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents,gnd strange ordersi pproved b_ y the,Sfate Director. WALKER & El PIa`irie --------- - -- -- --- --- - --- Place- v t+► R:ih a#,* : - £`SAE -- -- -- -- ` + s — Title ' A�.R-.�.fii.t..5t�, .t��r�fa>wsat 4� *,y aurr�.+.x+�x✓va y ---«. :wzc.cs:� --f--�-�„`-�-� ------ - ------ ---- -- CERTIFICATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ;ENGINEER INSPECTOR ,IN CHARGE 1 certify that I.have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct staterient of work `• performed and material supplied by the contractor, by the conti v7_­ wf, a_>, ' ns,that all work and materialincluded in this Periodical Estimate have been inspected by me or my a duly authorized assistants and have been found to comply with the terms and'conditionc of the construction contract documents-arid.change,orders - approved.by the State Director. YName --- - - - -..'/ _ t - Place --- r a.•; - - zi w <��. - i� .I;1-E�.�rM'--- --- -y ar-v<cw 4 I - t; - Ax•'„�, - 1 T+tie m _ x --- = 2 Y 1_y,�an �► - - "Date- /F '!`a`` 11[. # d -:-� - `,Strike Dui number not applicable. - , I a a .. Total physical percent complete, AMOUNTI Estimated monetary .Item . . - .. _. 'Percent completed .N,o.,. Unit prce - IDetailed a -Hate This es r a e Tpdite us cd balance Period f To date «... .a, . Percent .1 ercan' 1150 .00,- .29�4.50 '1150400 29 100 2g46-98 25 *58 8 00 I - g�S .,00, 10 1-15 -00' it i ✓' ..6 '. .i$ _.. I .' A!'" i.:- - ! . ! 3� 2 ay { % I PUTUO �.I I I i I I i I I I • ! i I . I I I I I I I I I I . - .� I I I ! •�. I I i I • • . .--=----�I— ----- is---- ------ --- 1- —:-- — i ------ I -- -- I Totals, _ - x _ f !3 't i 1. i ? — I" �' iz: s—I -Total—Change ore.-rs, I ! I A3aterials stored, if allowed; U,Sr GOVERN,ENT'f RINTING^v FFICE - 16—•425G } Section 9 of`the-Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 193",reads as follows: 'Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud the United States males any false statement in connection with any application for nny project,employment,or relief a"C", rander the:provisions of this joint resolution,or diverts,or attempts to divert,er assists in divertingfor the benefit of any,person or persons not entitled thereto,any moneys appro'= priated by this joint resolution,'or any services or real or,personal property acquired thereunder,or who knowingly,by'means of any fraud,force,threat,intimidation,or boycott-; .deprives any person of any of the benefits to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this joint resolution,or attempts"so to do,,or assists in so doing,shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than$2,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year,or both.". Section 35 of the Criminal Code,as amended,provides a penalty of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment of not riiof e<than 10 years, or both; fcr knowingly-,and willfully making or causing to be-made"any false or fraudulent statements * *' * or use or cause to be made'or used any account,-claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition,knowing the same to contain any fraudulent or fictitious statement'* ,relating to any'matter within the jurisdiction of any governmental department or agency. . CERTIFICATION OF THE CONTRACTOR OR MS DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE - To the best of my knowledge.and belief, I certify that all items,units',quantities,and prices of work and material'shown on the face of Sheets Nos. of this Periodical Estimate are correct; that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms city of uwthl r t m- Atkoh and conditions of the corresponding construction-contract documents between ____ ___ ____ ________ ________ ___________ ___________=and . - ((Borrower's name) . - -- + * _____, dated ________ _________; approved by the State-Director, and all change orders approved by the (Contrae a'a nme) - State Director;that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and'including the last day of.the period.covered 13 this estimate and that no part of the"total amount payable this estimate"has been received: (a) Total due based on the {lump sure contract; (b) Total additions beyond scope of contract--- ------ - ---- -------- - ------- ---------- ------------- - -- - -- - - - ` -- - - =- - - (c) Total-earned, origi51a1 contract and additions (sum of a and )___________ ` „______ -- -- -------- -------------- --- -_ - - - ----- --------------__ (d) Total percentage retained including this estimate_ � �` + °f1 10411 .16 (e) Total due on account of original contract plus additions and minus retained percentage____________ ------------ ___ ____. _________ ___________ Of Total reviousl• received (from last estimate * 9 -previously (� ) ----- - - ---- --- - -- - -- --- - ---------------- (a) Balance due this payment on contract and additions__________ ____ _ __ __-- fi_ _ 61.47 (11) Advance on materials stored this period--__ ------ __: _-.----------- -- - ------- ------ _-..--__ ----__ - (i) Total amount payable this estimate---------- ------ -------------- --- ---- -- --- --- ------------ -------- 456- ---- -- ------------- ------- I further certify that all just and lawful bills against - -----__ -- ____-- ----_ ---- -- --- ---- - ---------- for labor, material and . (Contractor's name) expendable equipment employed in the performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with *Paragraph 11, 12, P. W. A. Construction Regulations. Contractor__ r� :t � � � 1 . r1r,06toll, 4 �'�:9tie -- - Place --- 0000 By Los S itle r no------ - p - - - - - - -- --------- Date ---- ---------- -�------ - - - - --- -"--��'--------- --- - -CERTIFICATE OF THE BORROWER'S SUPERVISING ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT IN CHARGE' I certify that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of wont, performed and material suppliedby the contractor, and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due him is correct and iusc ,and'that all work and material included in this Periodical Estimate have been performed and supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction con ct d cum is and change orders pproved byby t�Director. WAL ER &-Fa�E — � �. „ Name Place-- ar A. l a # l a* - Title--- �A?11 ' - 4_o'l#rA ` #Ie r Date-- ----- OYV�Ia'_ ` l 193 CIeRTIFICATE OF TrsE PUBLIC WORKS .ADMINISTR.ATION ENGINEER.INSPECTOR:IN CHARGE I certify'that I have verified this Periodical Estimate,and that to the best of my,knowledge and,beliefa'is,a true and correct statement of work{ performed and material supplied by the contractor,.tha444.4a "_�- �.m„ ..-�=-rn'�•-e�o'y-$izc-c�vxrcra�etii ^1�. 1,�,,�us�c"�,.^,tid ,ltrwf h— aiirst-1litrtf , hle_ z= ea lc ed-is�-£}ie-geFf�rFz�ana•�®f-rri sd *sue =**_, ;Para- j1,12 ' grann P W �.'onst ti -I az?aci xs, that all work and material ineluded in.this Periodical Estimate been inspected by me or my duly authoriied assistants and have.been found to comply with the terms and conditions of the construction contract documents,and•.change;-orders. appro,v,qd,by the•;State Director. Name-- ----- ; --------------------- ----- Place------- 1 �--ts� - ter - - --- ' Pr .°:s a ..<��., •�..-�- - - - - --------------- Date ---- . 7 ;. .Sirike out numL r;not applicable. - ' Total physical percent complete, Estimated monetary - -- - - A11F-�JUNT _ percent completed - Item ;Unit price `� D to„ed estimate I This estimate d o. ate Unused balance Period-—To date I " $ w.0 1n_' w $ hn PercentZ , 3722, 0 72 ,00 r ! 1 €0 1.09 �. 1 623-05 ri f r n 1441-5 14 , " 4�,Q f 3 I 2 ' I i -� 60 y' � Totals, -I --I ---- - I---- -- ---- — Total—Change orders, ..tored,'ifa.11owed, .� Lsrand'-total, - - u-s.GOVERNMENT VOtrim:c oFFiCE "16-4256 _ T 0 . g.W.r vrart g-ra 'Sheet of_e4, sheets. (Revised S-r-35) FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION:-OF PUBLIC WORKS California PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR- PARTIAL- PAYMENT 140- ---- ------=® DOCKET H0 -- - -------- January 1 , 1938 For the period -_-. _ ___-- to __• "' --''-- - _-, inclusive. ;']L'y o£ p ject a __ --------------------- - Tf Location, ', rai nti3 gton each �.�:.ifom�. � •- ��� �3��C --- - --- State - -- -- - - -- ----- --------------------- ------- ----- - -------------------------- Borrower's name and address - ---____-- -. ----- - ----- ------------------- ------------------------__ Symbol No. __------ -----_--__ l --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------=--------------------- contract No. ---------=--=- Contractor's name and address _ �_RUNZ]� ` OW ________________________ ]Estimated cost, $-------------------__ -- 15Q r e-t �. v eri�: e, Los-Angeles, California - ------ contract price, �_ � 2.00----- ESTIMIATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) 4 Estimated physical Ite m ` percent completed to Units or lump sum -� I Detailed estimate - Thus estimate 'I To date Uncompleted Period To date - -- i -- -- Peree2dt P e%ce7d L. Sux 1004 1 100 . Sq. Ft- v I I .- 0 - : --100 9000 goy: , 8100 10 1-0 i FUTURE t 0 20 one. 05 i 1 � I. REMARIKs—MATERIALS STORED Nome CHANGE ORDERS - Estimated.percent completed No. I Additions I Deductions This estimate To date - Unused balance Period To date $ $ Percent Percent i I _ -. - ' � I Less deduction orders, 1 Total—Change orders, - - - 20--1255 - ----. x w.Fo m I-23 Sheet -------- of-------- sheets. FEDERAL, EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS .. � `1 4i1 it��¢.•.[�.l.f s� PERIODICAL ESTINMTE FOR -PARTIAL--PAYMENT D. - - - ---- DOCKET No- --- ----- 1938 Jarawwjr IQ For the period --- ------- ---------------- to -------- ----- ---------- -----------s inclusive. ype of project --- -_--- ------------ Location-- --- -- --- - -------= --- ---- --------- State --- - - - - - --- ------------- - ity of i.0 tiragtc w Beach', California Borrower's name and address -- -------- ------- ------ ------ ------ - --------------------------, Symbol No. -------- ------------------- ' --------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No. - --------------------- Contractor's name and address --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimated cost, $----__--------------- ob - = -------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------------ - Contract price, ESTIMATED NUMBER OF UNITS (Quantity) Estimated physical percent completed Item Units or lump sum Item Detailed estimate This estimate To date Uncompleted Period To date Percent ' Percent L. Sam 100P,u.- 14.8 27Q 12?50 - - - -44a- ( , 95 If*$. 60 ;95 . 15 4 6&9 1,200. -00 jf3 ? - S 9000 90; goo 610 10 ' .110-. I t'. ­514 i { j 5 bozo iapi. -2,5 i I j I: { I i REMARKS—MATERIALS STORED CHANGE ORDERS Estimated percent . _ completed No. Additions .Deductions I� This estimate To date Unused balance Period To date i Percent Percent i Total, Less deduction orders; LTotal—Change orders, 1E-48aa .. i P. A. orm No.194 ( evi d 7-28-36) jj FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE No. To __________vziy_-_of- Huntington Beach_______________________________________ Docket No. ____Calif*-1167-_DS- (\arne) Type of - - -- a e-_Walker_ & Eisen, Architects- - ------------------------- Project ______Pavilion_____ -- - ---------- - -------- - (Address) -------- - -- 437__South Hill Street. Angeles, -Californi.e Symbol No.__ Not rece�fired) -- (Address) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated __Nov_ember 16. 1937 requesting approval of the following project change: APPROVED ESTIMATE CLASSIFICATION FROM—, Txis Cxa.xUr To— (I) (2) i (3) (4) 1. Preliminary, 350,00 -o- 350.00 i 2. Land and right-of-way, —0— —0— too— 3. Construction, 47,750.00 I 1,331.00 48,081.00 I 4. Engineering, 3#6151,00 —ow 3*615,00 5. Legal and administrative, 200000 ..0" 200oOO 6. Interest, Mow ,•om —o— 7. Miscellaneous, 210.00 -o- 210.00 TOTAL, -� $52*125,00 I 10331*00 $530456*00 Description of change: owner adds as of letter from Ce R. Furr, City Controller, dated November 16, 1937, the sum of $1,331. Funds Available Loan -0- Grant 23,456.00 by Owner 28 669.00 Grant base ;500 ' Owner adds 1*331.00 4r Total to date 453,456.00 i This Project Change is approved. The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional fvnds necessitated by any approved change. y Date - --Nnv-ebex--2-Qt--1 P'�7----------------- -- � RFS a i Kl." A GOT�N, ACTING REGIONAL 1�'aYrdM)r U All request or change, whether approved or disapprovea, slid e recorded. DIRECTOR (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) U.S.GOVERNMENT �RINTING OFFICE 16-5197 Orig: ' erf loc File;; 2 Rege Proj. Auditor, 1 REI: 1 Dire Eng, Dive (Wash.) i P. A. EISEN A. R.WALKER WALKER AND EISEN ARCHITECTS 708 Pacific Commerce Building-437 South Hill Street LOS ANGELES Telephone TRinity 7808 November 24,1937 City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, Calif. Gent 1 emen: We have received approval from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Vorks of your resolution to accept the loan bid, copy of vh ich is enclosed. We are also including copy of Project Change Order §1. The instructions require that (1) you mail a certified copy of the Resolution accepting the lowest bid to the P.W.A. , but since you have already prepared and adopted such Resolution subject to P.W.A. approval and it has now been approved by the P..�Y.A. , I presume the copy you sent becomes automatically approved and answers the purpose. (2) Notice of Award of Contract must be given in writ- ing to the successful bidder, and one copy of this Notice of Award is to be sent to the State Director of P.W.A. This can be done by any authority such as Clerk, etc . (3) Execute two sets of the Gontrgot Documents , together with bonds, and have three additional sets filled out , complete vdth copies of bonds, but which need not be signed; in other words, they are tdrmed "conformed copies ." All of these sets--five in all--are to be sent to the State Director, P.W.A. , and when he has examined same , he will authorize you to proceed with the construction. In connection with the above contracts , it will be neces- sary to incorporate an Addenda slip on the Contract to the effect that all alternates are abandoned excepting the use of Alternate 1, which alternate Alis to be incorporated in the Contract. Yours very truly, WAI MER and EI SFN , ARCHITECTS PAE:EH By Eno . FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS r region No* d:= amens �%ildlxks IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO Van sto FxW101, rnovmmber # 1937 f&mtinet 7: Beachs Calm# V1*11wr b Sloan# Arehiteato Aiaoloa o cartifted o-ortoo a f This of, Olds ray-ab 4 by you i Tho ,p - 4ommuts bwe, been o=mimed 'by thj -o . .00# Yaw pro* posed "solutim. is- app vvd.a► " u sr. o authorizod to dXtmito tbo gmoraz oostraot losoXltermte Nay* I with 2rmsell Z4, wo ;kl i ou A - a r Lot .�' s 0411ra r4a In tho mmomt 01.0 *W* A io at tU r Vt $ ` , .dal � : to ma the Adomm9.av w4bD ta raft... Section IV R# m, d e 3lan V.S, e1 ete4' oam t I thoy v411 be exar4md i by, t*hia offtoo aud it Upy art approved you vill be watharlwd to" -, aced with theworko- We imote your sUUmmt as to the 4;vaileblUty of ftnds to awploto the, rrojoat,wtu : gout* 'Aa U.- yaw attentiva to Rules and � Ve&platiom raquirDagbtfora mv rAsita for `t a mUl ,hanorad all roqidW fti s othwir � a ,_. _ . b p, i . ohou not � az the oz�a� o "t fuWs fUotal you umva deposlw in tho couttruoumcoma ail.1 Quer revired no obugation. U' 140"me vA grant alb e ow tho 08U.4ates I Vary truly ur o � A. 00 Minos For ftbo Aftwsuoat4w C a P Y1_11- FOR CITY OF HUNTINGTC.N BEACH PWA Jo rm :No. 214 a PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION z APPLICANTS REPORT (This report to be brought up to date on the first of each month and also when a change occurs and sent to the State Director of the Public [Forks Administration of your state in duplicate) DOCKET_:` I .n 1_16 1-n- --- TQ .. LOAN---------------------------------------------------- _ GRANT--- '��, �6.� APPLI CANT--0 '�` ` OP`- "T` --�M .'_3�:�Q &Q1 ------ ESTIMATED COST AWArd- TYPE OF PROJECT- _ Ca3tract 045 350.REPORT NO.----------ate-------------------- DATE OF REPORT_010tOer..P2,,..1937 ESTIMATED DATE ACTUAL DATE 1. Notice of Allotment ALigaat,.. 2. Receipt of Offer C?et tier---2.,-.._ 37 3.- Offer Accepted --------------------------- Cc-t Ober—-N, 19.07 4. Architect or Engineers authorized to proceed with Plans ------- October..5...... 3. Final Plans and Specifications to Hovember 4, 1936 be completed and submitted -to State Director - 1,1evised and resubmitted 6. Advertising for first construction ,, _I bids to start cn � _- , f1 i�' ' ' '� I,-' �. 7. First bids to be opened 110-ve!' 'bpx__1--5,190 ______________________________ 8. First construction contract awarded t3vt ?%_ '__. ;._ . '! ____________________-____--_. 9. Construction to Startc3v� e�. ___ a_,a: '7 10. Proj-ect to be completed , -- ,--_ ` 3 ............__________________ 11. Submission of Advance Grant Requisition ------------------------------ ------------------------------ (over) ESTIMATED DATE ACTUAL DATE 12. Applicant's funds to be made available (when derived from sources other than P.W.A. ) -------------------------------- Row..011.1 U0, 13. * Bond transcript to be submitted to State Dire6tor ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 14. First3Loan Requisition to be submitted to State Office ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 15. Elbotion to be held .................... ...... ----------- ......... REMARLS*- ---------- - WALIMIR. AUD NIM ------- ------------ ------ --------------------- - ------ Signature Date-- --------------------Arahl-tec.ts--------------------------- Title �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK P.W.A.Form.No.84 (Revised 7-28-38). - FEDERAL. EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE NO._4-�--�1��--•----1--- ENG*MnS mtm To -------GIT.Y__4)E_BM_1NGTQN_J3EACH------------------------------------------- Docket No.. Galif.--11fiZ�.]' S-- (Name) Type of Eisen,_-Arnhitects---------'----------------------------__ Project --------Pavili.dn------------- (Address) -----------43?__Southr33i-1L-�tr�et, _Las,__Ange1es_,--California.----- Symbol No. -----_------------------------ (Address) ' Contractor --------------Bruiazell-&-Jaoahsan--------------=----------- -- ---------------I--- Contract No.L �Geraa�-------- (Name only) Receipt is acknowledged of your communication, dated January 4 & .21', '1938. requesting approval of the following contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FROM Tail.CHANGE ' To— (3) (4) (5) 1: Preliminary, # 35Oes00 350000 '' .`,00- -350*00 2. Land and right-of-way,, 00 00 00 00 a,Commitments 48,882v0Q 5,176.62 . . 54,058.62 3. Construction, .54,257.62 b*Estimated Items 00 00- 00 4. Engineering, 38925060 3,.925.60 00 3,925.60 5. Legal and administrative, 200000 .200.00 00 200000 6:, Interest, 00 00. 00 00 ;.:<... 7. Miscellaneous, 210:00 210.00 00' yin900 TOTAL, 58 943 U Calendar days 14 after May 21, '19e38 NEW COMPLETION DATE JtlYt$ 4- 19�8 Description of change:- : (1) Raise ground floor of Building .6" by reducing 1st stay ceiling height 6" add fi11 below floor. Deduct from contract price" (-) 2740 (2) Move Building 241 inland, .extend pier to west,. change Floor plan as shown by`Blueprint .sheet #10,add to "contract price 2,831s8 (3) . Construct retaining walls from pier to'new .building location, provide drain and pave beach level` to 'pier, width of building, add to contrat 1,599917 prTce (4) . Reroute rain water conductors . 5000 : (5) Reroute water pipes. 84®99 - (6) Extend sewer line'to new building location 50,44 (7) Change location of:.heater in Janitor's Closet ? ;89 -(8) Anchor strut beams to piles 511*59 Add to contract time to complete, for. thi§ change 14 dayse r. i The above listed changes to conform to Owner's Change Order #l, dated December 30, 1937, and accompanying Blueprint sheet No. 10, dated December 23, 1937, attached hereto* This Contract Change is approved. (SEE OVER) . The Public Works Administration, in approving any change, assumes no obligation to,finance the cost thereof, except to the.extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessitated by any approved change. Date ---------Jamary_26} 1938--------------------- --# -----�-'---- 3 -- ------ .• K.�'A.. GODWIN,,,�.oting' All requests for change, whether approved or disapproved, shall be recorded. Regional Directors (Use reverse side if needed for description and explanation of change) U.S.GOVER.. Zl�.Tl.,C�O FFICE 16 1694 - • : - Orig*Owner, 1 ec Arch' .. 1 Eng.Div•s 1 R'E,I•, 1 Reg.Prod•Aud., 1 FILE P.W.A.Form No 84 (Revised 7-28 36)• FEDERAL.EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE ENG.RFS:m To --__C-1TY__9>'__RUN-TINGTOR_B .Gti---------------------------------------- ---- Docket No. _Cali£_1�16-7°'TJu--- (Name) Type of' ---------n/®--Walk eir_-&__F t.sen,__Axahitaatz------------------ - -.------- --- Project._--. --1'& li .i ou- ----------- (Address) ----------437__South_33i ------- Symbol No. ----------------------------- .. (Address) - Contractor --------------------1hn_ tell_A_Jacnhson---------------------------_ Contract No. _.__{fa r:al_ :------_ (Name only) resolution Receipt is.acknowledged of your communication/dated November 15, 1937 , requesting approval ' of the following contract change: LATEST SCHEDULED COST CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ESTIMATE FRO&i— Tnis CHANGE To— (f) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 Preliminary, 350000 350000 00 �" 350.00, 2. Land and right-of-way, 00 00 00 a• Co:mmitmeixtx 00 48,882,00 48,882e00 3. Construction; 49D081e00 b, 'Estimated Items 450360,00 45,0350000 00 4. Engineering, 3*615e00- 3#615*00 00 3,615000 Z. Legal and administrative, 200000 200*00 - 00 200007 6. Interest, 00 00 00 00 7. Miscellaneous, 210e00 210.,00 OQ 21n:00 TOTAL,'_ - - _ 2 Calendar days 164 after December 8, 193fNTEW COMPLETION DATE'. .M 21, 1958 Description of change:: Memorandum pertaining to General Contract for building construction in the amount of. 48,882.00; approved by Public 'Works .Administration November: 20, 1937; contract time to complete- 154 Calendar Days,' commencing..10 days after notice from Owner to Contractor to conmienee eonstruetion work, whivh' notice in this..case is dated December 8, 1937. .Actual construction work started December 14, 1937, . There is no bonus 'or forfeiture elause in the contract rem " gating to actital completion dates This Contract Change is approved The Public_ Works Administration, in approving any change,.assumes no obligation to finance the cost thereof, except to the extent to which the same may be paid out of funds expressly contracted for by it, and specifically makes no representation concerning any additional funds necessiitated;.by-any".approved change. Date -------- --- -- ` - -- - -- - :-133$-------=- ------- - ---=. -- - - ---- ------------- K,. A� GODWIN; .,Acting +��t�z, All requ is for change,..whether approved or disapproved, shall bc_recQrdedRegional Director* (Use reverse.side if needed for description and explanation of change) U.S.GOVERNMENT P TING OFFICE 16-2694 - - - 0rig.Ownero, 1 'Aroh®, 1 Eng.Dive, 1 R.EaI,s 1 Reg,ProjeAudes' I FITS FEDERAL EMERGENCY AIMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS sYe�PE-PIREgWeR OFFICE OF ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1210 Hewes Building San Francisco, California January 6, 1938. In Reply Please Refer To V ENG: RFS :mn V/G7 Docket -.Calif.444-6-DS City of Huntington Beach Pavilion. Walker & Eisen, Architects, Huntington Beach, Calif , 437 South Hill Street , Los Angeles, California. Dear Sirs : Your letter to this office under date of November 16, 1937 sets forth that the Owner has funds on hand in the amount of $2,200 in excess of the estimated construction costs of the above identified project. As the total estimated cost was set forth in the Control Estimate dated October 7, 1937 as $47,750, adding to � this amount the $2,200, would bring the funds available for building construction to $49,950. This sum would take care of the contract price and leave �r1,068 for contingencies. The Owner's letter of the same date by C. 'R. Furr, City Controller, advises that the City had set aside $30,000 to its construction account for the project. We, therefore, issued a project change order No. 1-Project-1, datedll-20-37 , showing the City had added to its share of the grant base 1331.00. This brought the construction account to $48,081 which is $801 short of the amount of the contract . .-- pr Please prepare a revised estimate of the cost of the ojee�' based on actual contract costs, architecture, engineering, inspection costs, and such other items of expense as are or will be incurred, and cause the City to deposit suf- fieient funds which, together with the anticipated grant, will complete the project. Five copies of such statement of costs and funds available to cover should be submitted to this office with a request for a project change approval. Yours very, truly, Signed . K. A. Go dwin Acting Regional Director For the Administrator. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TREASURER'S RECEIPT M 6778 *eac Cal f Received of r f `< A-- - , t __ �. r ''' Xl/ !,+"'f .: �f fs'F �.,"� "u'`.i F'✓ .`r•;*f, �. �fi .r � G l•-. -----"`` ' Dollars General -_-_--.__-_•-__-_----- ------------------------------ $----I---- -_. ---- -- Fourteenth Street, Ocean to Palm _--_ IIII Gas Bond Fund ----------------------- ------ $---- I---f I----I---- California Avenue $ f -------------------------------- I I I II IMusic and Promotion __________________________-_- $___.;___- .-_. _.I_-_- -_-_ Orange Avenue, Lake to Eleventh _,_-_- $___L-_I_---I _-_.I--__ I I I ---- Library __ _-,__.. Eleventh Street _____________..___-- -_-_-._-__-____$ I ' I ilil Street Improvement Fund ----------- ------ $--- I I-=-- Sixth Street ---------------- - $ I I I Wharf, I. & R_ ---------_____________ $. I._._ - I .__I_-__�. Walnut Avenue first to Eleventh _ i - ------------------ --- li II I Sewer, I- & R- -------------- - . $--- I -i---- Eighth Street ----- ------------------- $----I--- ---- ---- Gas No. 1, I. & R_ ---------------------------------- $__ I_-._I-__I__-_I---_;.___ Fourteenth Street; Palm to Main -------- ( _ . ---- $ Seventh Street ---------------------------------Gas No. 2, 1. & R. --- $ I I l I --_1 City Hall, I. & R. $--- I I ! I Palm Avenue ---------=-------------------------------- $----I !----�---- Public Hall, I. & R. -------------------------------- $---- -,--I - I I I Orange Avenue, Eleventh to 23rd -------- $....i I I I I ! I I I I Municipal Bonds, 1923, I. & R- ---- ------ $--- ! I I I Twelfth Street ---------------------------------------- $- l ' I I --i I I I I I I I Wharf Repair Bonds, 1930, I. & R------- _ I I- I I ,_-_. Walnut Avenue„ Seventeenth to 11th_- $--_ _ Wharf Extension Bonds, 1930, 1. & R. $--- I Olive Avenue --------------- -------------------- $ I I- I. I I I I I Street Impr. Revolving Fund ---------------- $- - i- +----+----f.-_.+__-- East Side.Sewer, 19-B __.------------------------- $---- _-_-I--..(....I -_ _-_- Third Street, 1. & R- ------------------------------ $---- i i i Thirteenth Street -------------. --- I Fifth Street, I. & R: -------- ------ $---I I - I I I---- Huntington Avenue ------------------------------- $ 1 1 1 1 1 I I Tenth Street, I. & R- ----------------------------- $--- I I I----I----I---- Sewer, Geneva et al --- -------------------------- Fifteenth Street, I. & R. $ I I I Sewer, 24-B - I----------- ------- $ I L i I ��� Sixteenth Street, I. & R. ------------ -------- $- - -- - ----- --------------- -I - ! ! f- I 1 Ii---- Total-------------- ---------------------- -- � . M;, r ----- - -- - ---- --- $ - --- -- - -- �� --=--- �y t ;fr`'- !�;° c g' j' = �y-:lam .............. � r r --------- --- ------ --- ------- ------- -- ' ---- . f s ,lam. �.+� ' - ' �- ` ---- ---- --- ------- ----- ---------------- -- ------------------------------------- -------------------------- r "" ' ' ------` - ---- --- -- r. ---- ----------- ------------- ------ -- --- - ---- ---- — ------ - -- --- - - - City Treasurer. NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contract heretofore awarded'by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,' California,' to . Brunsell and Jacobson who were the contractors thereon for doing the following work to wit: The construction of .a. Beach Pavilion and. Civic Auditorium a and further identified as Public Works Administration Docket No P.W.A. 1167—DS,' in the City of. Huntington Beach. That said building was completed by said contractors according to plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Huntington Be&ch,. and that said building was accepted by the City Council of the . City of Huntington Beach at a regular adjourned meeting thereof held on the 26th day of May,1939: That upon said Contract The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company was surety for the bonds given by the said contractors as required by laws Dated at Huntington Beach,'California this the 26th day of May,�1938. C y Cler —and ex.o c o State of California, Clerk of the City Council of the County of Orange as City of Huntington Beach,-California*' City of Huntington Beac4 I, C R Furr,` the duly elected qualified and acting City Clerk and ex—officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington BeachCalifornia,5do hereby certify that I have read the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION and know the contents thereof,' and that same is true of my own knowledge, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County by said City Council*' Dated at Huntington Beach,'California this the 26th day of May,1939 :7 1 City Clerk ex-»o c o Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach,-Cali forniao NI TADLTIATI5LN OF BIDS $taAt0n-Ita04 Company, 916 Wo 5th St• , Los. ,AASelea, Callforni*- Ayl+tornparto #1 , . • .3,1 2.00 At rnatJAB' #2 •- •' 0 13 1, Alternate # • • • • }yj . Fi 11S-3SR:f9 i, • • • '• • - • • - • • • / ♦ Li^7"•010 Alto at* #5 0 0 . . • . • 337•00 The. bid w&s acoom i.ed by & bid.d. r' s bo d in the mount of 03,OOO• ?, Written by VIdelIty and Deposit Company of Uar.ryland.. . Harry Itriodman, 23101 West :Vernon Ave. , Lee A welee, 0alifornla. Us J,,c bid e .`-. . . . Alternate #1 0 0 i►It rrni4 e0 0 • .700.03 ;. h r bi€i use � :l8fapa2l, ed by a-bid4orI r, bon, in Us amount , f. $3,500. 0, *w tton Uy Royal, IndemAIVy Y 0f New Y ,2° • Vk- J•y, birl.eY, .�724 1i• Vermont Ave. , 9 A�.y�p�yl�y,& California. ' / �iyt �d.,q�� •� • o- • • • e • s • • • j^+ � y G•j�"+�RJ - - H fl iF..T. • _• • • • • • • • • . • • • ".• •0 . Alternate .00 Alternate 05 • •' Y iF, 61• The bid w acemptin.444 loy a i4iclderl a borA in the amount of'. $5,000.00, it on by k-assa,Chuetts. nd..ng l.n trsnoe Company, fi�ir�. {J. DAUM ►, 0;SOx � yde .per t,�lon, Loa A.- e�. /r�4, California. Alternate # . . • • . . • . . • . • • • • • j�50.00 0.00 The bid was aeazaponl#d by a bidaar' a bond in the aif owit of 3,000--'00, r i -ten 7 the *tna da.sualty a-id agar ty (Ioupa ' oaf Z. Allen) 745, W• loth St. , Long Beaeh, California. ./�aa Eagle b-idy ••yy• • . '♦ s • . . • • e • . • •#5'Ig°'a.00 Alternate . .. • 4.00 Alternate . . • . • • . • 1.j 6 0.EEO Tho bld a 'ace p i:ed 'by a b d4osir *.­bond In th UYIt o 43,500•0 , written by U. S. Vid.elity _+ Guaranty COMpArzy of Baltimore, John C. Bly'stont.. Oardt.n Grove, Ca"I"Ifernia. Ha!Lsle bid .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0590 , Do Altarnatt o #1 . "• . . 0 9 Alternate 0! . •' . 7 ,3�4.G 4< •. 112R, : - +�$$y4yt ry��' a#Ww�w ,,,r •'..,'r • e •� • �a i f n • !. •�fi�.i 0'y' The btd—Plia Aermate to64paAied- by " ' nt Of nut LO qp,�1' y A � � fall lord- • 93 - _ ik'�iw #Nr i s •! �i • r e • . • s e • ' • • p��3'✓�'iY�.. - . Alternate '05 ia The �"a`y� we, ��g+'lVt, '.;,�,d 'ir[��:,+ .,�y p «a.�,:tk��� 7N...�y..7,'-F,i�4. 4'.d��g yd vm"."•�^1�y k"l�R�.`e. �4�R✓�w(���r�(i'Yg�,ao , + � i "l , `. ffi•4 i 4. .#RR Yam`i� «ieYtS a W. s Bopd lRg z aT+.t C• E of ;. W* 1y3t4G i • a. .'• • ! •e s. a, • s. ! •: r • e `°';,'Ci M A It The bit w#.a Atagmpanled, by a, .bid i.r'4 hd. in 1-ha avount. ;SF'�m1` °�Y# ^�' ,iM i t • f •. f a. 1 •'.. f i. • H 8w.00 The bid was i a d. �*, a .biddarl bond #. 1me.. cu4t.' f ' rat .�i.tt y+�y•,c+m;k y s >• a • ! e • e.• • f • a •' ^4 0'}�'g4.+i� t°�"�:+t•' • ,,, ,. 5.43 r4 i.k C.k �C7: •. • f� i. •,.' a s; .• • .. • i .3.�j •\z. . : r'a bo�ml p, tlxel AmmInt. of erwa 340 a, ; � „ ' '. Thl� t.-, � .eta, �p 1 �iq . t"r lie • • - ! e ! • ! ! e • • ! ! ,! s ,,,,t"4', .�y••J ^'. s ' '• '• ♦ .. : • a • ' • e • ,�2V AlVer +at • • •• _• • m• • ! • •. '• a e. r I,�yy . ..6' a :i�rc - '� • s "s. .i • • r • s' a •;., • • - oaf - . . . - •�� »;�s" isp .' c • f �• : • a • .. • • s f - 4 ,3,4pd, - oi Alterna ' ' . m i .elder z Gond - $tjuo rt . Of, , Alt erne",6 ill 00 !,rr-, Tea id ,a ' ' � � � �dart* bond Lf .the 03 *00o.fro, °r t ton. °; . •' . i'del 3 ?company, Aro.* fi rig. } 165 0 00 ' g4,'.+,ey&y"'yy��gw� p' • -1 f ♦ • • • • • • f • • • , tom !�`}y,, .. .. �i.'$IG Sw�T+ibiAli•�'. • ..-•. • r • • • • # • • ..e • Y �.dw.�•TJ�.` �w'3 It TIC 'The �y {,�q y +y : ai ad, by l , '�€ d4r# "' A aiS«+'bt•L'V p 6tA `. r w 1 ' i• e 4. �'w=ia '� s i.+ u..�..tie i `e y a 4� • ,. � ' fit„ 3T► ni, :• 18, 00 ,d%•7VM�.{. .+. � f • • i. • • • • • # # • f • • 4 �s 5 may, p�;�y .. - . (.1...rs.`�c�c'3'ta'. ".. ' iy o f 's ,f • ® • s s. '• f • r. !.. s00 '..' �YW 3 Z& 7. T ?f • • • • e r • • • f s ,f * 1 `ri 547 � e in s Q,tnt � 43,&fit '.00Cali . :.•k 'iqR,' .6}:.7. s •, y• s •. r ♦.. a f • •'. •, •. ♦ s r s s ,,,,r+ l •X�+ /�y ,iR p•,7Y�st.'v i n.#."p� "•6 a s, • f ♦ - r ♦ • s • w - w • 4. Y j 10-5.t�.�'C.7. - - - . +„sh•^{Yp`#y '•+'�S�"yar RY 6�P =#k. -f • i • • -w • • • • • f '.• 8 f Y 1fA3 • ,{0� , Wag oert,If le4 e e 6k An Alta a -1,01t } copy Or v0sub w x 0044N ��'.4 r t .2 U JAM* cr .85 . as E .1 � ► 1.25 .00 Tftot Oriltors Pit* Vtilvove 11.00 UO oft 1"i"Ove ' . tors Unoiudi Instal lattm of 1.10 441=1noorm (P67tablo &04 1101irting) 1.00 Milos O "**xa ami to; 00=4 Man • 11r 04 s *is*:*- O"rat1400 Had O&VTiovs ,. $114SUrins T )' DI 10Y.P ZA Stood. T atinfarclug Stool' , Rtixfovoirc Stool " r) T $tool VoT e (Ualuding Liborort . s mrs .. Van th at , . a Soot 4041 3 Sys 1c east Metal (Inoluains act . P rtAtIOU s sty fir►Metal wortcre Seth 1.25 File goners' Relpors &SPOU V Floor TOXkars ac Lino Satt Al t 31*4Xboazdar Oork Cargalst Sots Tide LwVoro iAdow 134hads Workers 1,_, .V U= MOUZ box U paint i and Do overt i 1. 00 �� s �31eea +r�rer Alas Ac Ulastors 1.00 Les►baaxerrs .625 All Skilled Laboraot se nti aaeed above 1.00 All Unskilled Labor not mentioned above .628 1. The rat** pear ha", lndieaUd above.* a based upon they 19"1 prevuling Fates per day b*lag 0 times "thee abovo sobodulod rater per hour. fturly yratoo of pay b *d upon 0 hint per day, for ar full day or a fractional pair$ of a day. ft por die* des for a faraotio paw., of a day sb&U be the &ppliouble cater per hour wlti- plied by tbo, number of " wostod on said day other tban for ova%-- times sm4lor layer or Legal U 0lidays 2. 0 rat# Per bMT for cave'2tl0 for eraeh of the eve alas illeatiwons *hall be the hourly raters epu*%A tova' multi- plied d by l4 Uses the n bw r of hours va2terd by Wlayses in *=wen of 8 hours on any one: waondar day otbhar than Smdays wWloar Legal, Rolidays. 3. Tho *W rat* pax hOr for walk on %=d:ay* wd/O r Log" }holidays *hall be tblr applicable sat* per bmr,, at ashodaled above, tipl.i 0 Use* t* wmbov of bours woOod, br lof s on V%wday and/or Legal Holiday*. SwIdays eu o rr L ys as h arein aref`ws� slosh be deemed to be all Legal January Firs$* Y*bv; y T-Tonty-04406d, may lrslsth July rourtht, LAZ Day, Thanksgiving Day a W ersab*2 Twewa►ty�- i fth. d. The ' gate pear bout for overtims as Sway end/or Low Aolld for *wsh of the above a asst-ftestifts shall be the h0fi rly at* #sttrbl #herd four �"y and/or Loq^l no LZO(a) *o f ti mers if tho somber w�edt n ass of h rs on Sunday ear Legal 11*11daeysa by the oWleyee s, October 14, 1037. z Federal Sinergency Administration of Public Works, State Director, 05 Wa sh'.I n ton Building, Los An eles , C l„lf. Legal nb M Docket No. : Calif. 116' - s AJ)Plicantso City of Huntington Beach Project Municipal Building Gentlemen; In acccr ante with terms and conditions of aocep'tanot of grant to aid in construction of Beach Pavilion and. Civic Auditorium, we enclose three certified oopie g of items, i Resolution Inc. 786, entitled "A RE50LUTION ACC)CPTI C THE C F ?. OF T!E UNITED STALES TO THE CITY OF HUN ING` ON BILACH TO AI BY WAY Of CANT IN FI . MOI G SHE CONSTRCC °1ON OF A CK PAVIEL ON AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM" . Extracts from the minultea of a regular a .t of rned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, held on the 13th day of October, 1937. M-. Eisen, of the firm of Walker and, Eisen, Architects, will contact your office with respect to preparation of f'i.na� plans and s .eci��C��t�ons an the advertisement for bids. Yours very truly, C. ., Furr, City Clerk By Deputy. „ Form 3806 (Itev.pan.21,1935) '� !�1'� ���`Z� O Receipt for`Registered Article No. tjl____ �'� Registered at the Post Office indicated:n the 1 y F� Fee paidw- — cen s Class nosiagc_ o_______ an Declared value_ _ Surcharge paid,$___________ Return Reepipt fee__ � Spl.Del'y fee________-- Delivery restricted to addressee: in person_________,or order------___ Yee paid__________ Accepting employee will pl'co 1 als in space indicating restricted delivery. POSTMASTER,per__ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ (MAILING OFFICE) The send-should—its the name of the addressee o Uack e ,f as a xdentxlication. Preserve nd submit this c'pt in case of inquiry or application r indomniiy. ,, r -� a Registry FeeR. Inderni oy.T>omestic registry fe• age frmn 15 cents for,'t e ed my•not' exceeding$5 up to$1,for indemnity nqt exceeding$1,00 r'Phe fee on doinestio registered matter yrr�c� J!' without' trinsic value and for whioh indern. is not p..d is 1ugxscentet C: sult pp t ate a to ' Federal i mergency Admin.E �3 tlxo speciSe domestic registry fees and surchar es and s t the re try fees:ha g abl registered J parcel-Yost paokages for foreign countries. Fees on dom tic registered G O.D.mail rnngefrom t +t 7'A�f yy�py .d+�+yy I ..r cents to$1.26. Indemnity claims must be filed within no year(C.CI li sis months)from date S it Director, e c o of mailing. U.5.GOY RNM ENT PRINTING 0 FICE c5-6852 6C Washington Building, , � � \ Los Angeles, Calif. m HE: Docket No. : Calif. 1167-D5 #�%Jtljcant City of 4�tantIngton, Beach Pro jest t Municipal Building In accordance with termas and conditions of acceptance of grant- to aid in construction of Beach Pavilion and Civic Auditorium, we enclose three certified copies of Items, 1 , Resolution No. 786, entitled. '4A. RE30LIOITIO- ACCEPTING THE OFFLA OF THE UNITED STATLZ TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BDkCH TO AID BY WAY OF GRANT IN FINANCING THE CONSMUCTION OF A. A(X PAVILION AND CIVIC AUDITORIUM” . 2 - Xxtrr c s from the minutes of a regular adjourned Meeting of the City Council of the City Of untington. Beach, California, held can the 1 th day of October, 1937. r. Eisen, of the firm of aIker and Eisen, Architects, will contact your office with respect to preparation of final Dlans and specifications and. the advertisement for bi(fs. Yours very trtz ly: C. 11, Furr, City Clerk By Deputy. "SOLUTION No. gE. 'O A2,020WIPION ACCE71ING M OFFER UNIUM STATES TO THE C17X OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TO ,AID SAY OF IL N 114 F1.VPX#C!X0- TIM CON5TRUCT10, 14 OF A BZACH PAVILION MID CIVIC 1YP1T0 UM.* Be it resolved vy the City Counall of the City of Hw%tington bet-oh, California-* SeotIon 1. That the offer lof the Untted atate of Amerloa to the City of Huntington berich to aid by way of grant n financing the eonstruction, of Beach Pavilion and. Gi+° u tori e copy of whidh after reams fool OF, PUBLIC WOMS Washington, D. C. October 2, 17 Docket N00 Calif. n67-Ds City of Huntingtone c , Huntington Bead.:, Orange County,, California. 1. Subjeet to the TevAs and Conditiona (PXX Form No. 0) tCioh are made a par'tt. hereof, the United States of Amerlea laer,eby offers to aid. in financin the eonr- structlon' of a manic pal beach pavilion arL4 auditoria therein €al e the * roJe tw ) by making a grant to City 6f' Hunt ington Beach (herein cad ed the "Applicant" n the amount of 45 per cent of the oast of the Pro je t OX Ietion., as determino4 by the Federal Lmeretency &M.nistr t r of Public Works,e, but not to exceed., in any evert, the sum of ,45 . it acceptance of this Offer t,�te Applle,,-ant covenants to begin work are t to Project as early as-possible but in no event later than, ten wee° a from the date of this Offer and to complete such Project with all pr tic . le di sp tc , and in any. event within eight months f rom the .0a ence tnt- of construction. ew � w1- UT41TED STATES OF UCA Federal F, mergency Administrator of Public Works By E. W. Clark Fo-r-Tlii WT-711-MiEr-ator be and the same is hereby -in all rt;ispects ac�;e�pted. Seettion 2. That said City of Hunt ln6� n Leach. agrees to a1,,ide b)i the terms and conditions relating to such grant, a co,,y of VUch tome and conditions were annexed to the 0overnment's offer and made apart thereof. Section 3. That tj-ae Citoy Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Administration of Pub-lie Works three certified copies of this J esolutlon and three certified copies of the proceeding of tihis regular adjourned meetIng In connection with that adoption of this ResolUtion, and such further dooments or proofs in connection with the acoeptance ol said offer as may be requested by -the Federal Emergency Adminletration of Public Works ATTEST: vity Urir-k-__ By STATE Or CALIFORNIA, County of Orange as City of HntinZ. to n Beach I, C. 11. FURR, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was read to the City Council of the said City of Hunt ing'Wri Beach at a regular adjourned meeting held on the 13th day of October, 1937, and was by said City Council passed and adopted by the following votel: AYVS*, Councilmen Morehouse., Channess, Talbert, Henrickson, Warner NOESt Councilmen None ABSENTI, Councilmen Noes City-ffe-FFIK&ae;tr-6f_rnfedio er of the City Council of the City of hunt L� n- beach, C toMZ7�� alifomia , 2 STATE Or =-1FCRX1A,, County of Orange, City of Huntington BeUch, 1, io. A. rwtj the duly eo t ed,. qualifleLl an acting it Clams and ex-of"'10 0 Clerk of the 01ty Council of he City Of Hunt ill'� , llfo a,, -r . c rtify o above and 'c * ip ' is a t"te &n4 correct copy of Aesolu ton No. ( 6 %s jc:h -*as passed end adopted by said City ooigieii at a regular ad4ourned. mee-ting thereof hold on the t day c ' October,,, 1937. Dated this the l4th day of 00tc f c a -of the ctity council of e City of Hunt n n c ow . By UTE OF CAL17ORN'TWA, County of Orange, as, on tr'i s ,41th day of Oetobei, 1937, before Chris. P. Vann., a Xotar7 Public In and for aa-ld �County and btate, personally a an ppeared know to me to be tbe person iMhose name i au cribed to the foregoing instrii,oment and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. -al seal - c f Dui state. ff g 'HUNTINGTON Zft= T RI 0 THV VILING OV AN APPLICATION T ? D 'BATS, Of W IA PUBLIO WOWS" MR A aft: ? AID FINA90130 TUX 0 'sSm. -O I Of 4 BUCK PAVILION A T 09510VATING SATZ'S 00YMUNT MAY RY-019PT. at ilt RWOLM, by .#sae City CI Un l Of the City. of' R tlngt' , Bii4dh tb&t Willis V Warne , _Mayor of the tail a p iotttion on bobalf of the City of ftati,nzton Beach, Municipal Oorporatiouj to this United Statts of Amovica for p4mil an. of said 0 ty of A=tlngtooeast • bo an4 h* 1A b rag authorized %tid directed Zo fix'i sh such inf ormati or, �►� � � Of kme'r ca tbrough t o oder*1 Xwergency Adwinl4trativri of bl*c 'Works, ;at'atty reasonably request in ,vormeetio a with the applinatim which to horeby autborized, to be fil faor d &ad a dop—ted at a regular go*tIng of the city council Of 'than City Of Huntington Boaab held the of dap . l ow" 00=tv of "r*tic * : litt + 0 0.11"Irk of the City Oounmil of the Ctt of HunitiWtoa do MosTeby art �t that tut toro t ,olut io *as T044 to t�* 01ty ouaojj of said MY of mutt latter e # & gu wt 06'eting 1,10,14 n the lot day of Junco 19 t, &ud woo b *&I . City Oauncil, passed mod adopted by .the fsIj*wJ vo N+ � _. .. 1937 B1"'unzall a obsan 2150 Princeton, Lost Angeles, Ccurornia. e tle en Please be advised that we are this date in reoei t of notice from the r6deral ZmerseneyAd ini#tr tion of Publics works, Region no. 6, Aoting Regional Director, 1-210 Houtis Sull4inCt san, rranoiseo, to the effect that oontr et dooments between yourself and the City of Huntington for the oonetruet ion of a Beoob P&T- ilionivi.o Auditorium) have been approved and eooe ted by the Aotin Rogional Director. You are hereby notified that you may eta vork immediately on the above named project and that same must be completed in ac ordanme with the provisions o your contract on or before Uay 21et, 1936 and in any event not later tkuwn sigh *alendar stonthe from an4 after date of oowen*emam of the wotk. You are edvUed., ho`! o" ero that work eh :ld not be oomenood until the rep- resentative of the Aot,in Regional. Dlraet r PWA has arrived on the site of the feet. l , e be &4viao4 further, that oaah suboontraotor under you t oarry the eharsoter and amount of Um- uranoo lar4 for in the rxtr of between the avmer and the oont dto , 'tours very truly, ` sea- ZoMe cf e City Council of the (;J ty of Huntington 2 Qoples of the Beach,, California. above to toting Regional Director, PWA. 1 Copy to Walker & Eisen, 708 Vac iflo Cowteroe Bldg. , Igoe Angeles, Calif. Novomber 30th,1937 Brun.aell and Jacobson 2150 Princetop Ave Los Angeles, slif Gentlemen:. Please be advised that you have been awaided t'ze contract for construction of a pavilion at Huntington Beach, alifoxnia in accordance with P W A Docket Calif 11 7"DOr at your bid Of 50o$92.00 lees Alternate No l.nakix g a not bid of $ g,892*00 for the completed work in accordance with contract to be executed. herewith we hand. you THREE (3) copies of Contract documents arid. three certified copies of Resolution No 790 awarding you the contract. You may retain 1 copy of the contract document and 1 copy of the Resolution No .790 to be filed with your bonding agent. The other contract documents to be executed by you and returned together with the 2 copies of Resolution No 790 to be executed, by the City of Huntington Beach and forwarded to the P W A office at San: Franc 000 for their approval Kindly furnish us with d, ti€, 1 cc��rits of your bonds in addition to the requirerd nNSer- CRiGIM all of which we are required to furnish to the P W A. By order of the City Council Yours very truly We hereby acknowledge receipt of the above Chas R Furr City Clerk this the-LL-2day of t? 1937 Brunzell and Jacobson FEDERAL EMERGENCY rLD11INIST-14-TION OF ?T13LIC WORKS STATE DIRECTOR 805 Washington 3-cilr7_ing Los :_Qgel�s, California February 6, 1937. F Il T A.T CE - :'IC/mb Re: Financial Information on Grant Only kn--�lication. .Au-,D--)li cant: City of Huntington Beach Docket- No. Calif-1167 Willis H. Warner, Mayor City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, California. Dear Sir: It is essential to a farther consideration of the application mentioned above that we be furnished finr-,.ncial inform- ation definitely indicati--Ig that the ap-_91icant has or will have funds available to p�^y its share of tne cost of the project. We are therefore enclosing herL_;with three (3) copies of PUPA Form No. 218 (Financial Information Supplied by Applicant for Gr,7nt Only). Please co-ii-)lctc the said form -,promptly and for- ward th-, samo, with the substantiating documents reforrod to there- in, in duplicate, to the State Director as soon as possible. T�iis letter is not to -�c regarded o.s on assur.--nco that an allotm,_;--it will be i-,qaEu for tho project, as the financial inform- ation requested is intended sol,31-v to aid us in our consideration of the ao-')lication. , Very trul y 7ours, - A. D. "JILDER, State �iroctor (California) For the Administrator. Stencil No. L.A. 19 No. 113 2-4-37 •_ �ti 1 1 PVIA FORS NO. 218 FEdA.�€.aRAL�cE1,4}��".grxg�ytyk.��^:3ya���y1C gY^li�.}+^4�d.L�s�I ADMINISTRATION L{"4'.3.ION Feb 33 19 Huntington Beach.- California sty State FIIN NCIAL IT.,T ORTIATiO14 SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT FOR GRANT 011LY STATECalf �. STATE FILE NO,. 1167 ,. APPLICANT City of HuntiriRton Beach 2. PROPOSED M 7 0D OF F11 ANCIZZ THE, PROJECT Total estimated cost of project ,009.'t ..g P.W.A. ..._ � . Less the amount of .W.A. raa�t requested Balance of fads to be fuy nJohed by apple � . cant from sources other than Government— .� 24 0.00 30 STATE FRO11 `J ?'0H OF THE FC'LLOrIMG SOURCES THE APPLICANT'S FUNDS ARE TOBES,'U'FR' 3,L.'�a�. i.l.=' A..T.D THE Ati01PHS TO B DZRIVED FROM4 EA0 SOURCE: Cash on hand yes 24 0.00 Sale o� Secu lti.es Pw, Future Revenuee or Receopts 4. IF APPLICANT'S FUMS ATIE TO BE PROVIDED FROM CASH ON IWID (a) In what account (general, bu3.lding,et . , ) are; the funds now on deposit available General L(b Sabit a aew%if-led °staent: f a h ,..diao , try of BitehP funds, i.ndicating that the am.nuAt OhOVM abaue Is available at the time of appli.ca.ti.on In the account indicated, (c) Submit a copy of resolution making appropriation for this project. AVI II AilIT CoRcr ago Willis H arner $b�ing first, duly sworn, Says: 1. That -the a,ff .ant has been authorized by the above-yawed applicant, to furnish financial information to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Corks to support the appli— cation of said applicant, date 2. That the information ton suppl led 01*1 the abovw farm, and 1n the attached exhibits and statements is true, oorrect, and complete to the best of his knowlek�e_ and belief. Sworn to before me this ... y of 19 commisai.c;n. eatpi.rea _ 19 -Notary . �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MAP ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MAP ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK