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25 Annexations - List - Maps - Copies of All Ordinances and
�41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MAP ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK i OP";INAL CITY - 3. 57 Sq. Mi. 1 ANNEXATIONS TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SINCE INCORPORATION IN 1909. 1 Annex. Ordinance Annexation Name Date Certified Square No. No, Sec. of State Miles i 1 488 - 12/14/45 . 10 2 489 - 12/14/45 . 11 3 541 SOUTHEAST EXTENSION 7/14/49 .93 4 558 NORTHEAST EXTENSION- TIDELANDS 4/5/50 (This annexation invalidated by a court decision)(f�'-3c,)-s5 z 5 574 SOUTHEAST EXTENSION 7/30/51 �3"'�''°(laL�••--1 j 6 667 NORTH ANNEXATION 8/2/57 7. 65 ' 7 669 EAST ANNEXATION 10/7/57 6. 34 ' 8 683 HARPER ANNEXATION 4/4/58 .n5 - 9 685 NORTH NO. 2 ANNEX. 5/9/58 2 . 95 ' in 686 NORTH NO. 3 ANNEX. 5/9/58 . 94 ' i 11 688 NORTHEAST NO. 1 ANNEX. 5/27/58 .46 ' 12 732 WEST ANNEXATION 10/26/59 . 28 ' i 13 748 WEST ANNEXATION NO. 2 4/6/60 .03 ' i 14 784 NORTHEAST NO. 2 ANNEX. 8/22/60 . n2 ' 15 800 SUNSET HARBOUR ANNEX. 12/9/60 i 16 802 NEWLAND NO. 1 ANNEX. 12/23/60 . 12 ' 17 815 NORTHEAST NO. 3 ANNEX. 4/t7/61 . 02 , 18 858 CALLENS REVISED ANNEX. 8/21/61 .09 ' 19 905 JAY ANNEXATION 6/21/62 . 01 ' 20 919 HUNT. HARBOUR CORP. 8/21/62 I #1 ANNEXATION . 07 , ' 21 920 HUNT. HARBOUR CORP. 8/21/62 #2 ANNEXATION l 22 926 SCHONLE ANNEXATION 10/8/62 . 02 - 23 934 HUNT. HARBOUR CORP. #3A ANNEXATION 1/10/63 . n3' 24 944 BOLSA CHICA ANNEX. 1/18/63 .046 ' 25 949 SUNSET HEIGHTS #1 2/25/63 . O1 26 967 NEWLAND #2 ANNEXATION 6/21/63 . 015• 27 982 BOLSA CHICA NO. 2 7/25/63 .046' i 28 983 SUNSET HEIGHTS #2 7/25/63 .022 ' rt9/C� , 29 993 SUNSET BEACH N0. t 10/2/63 30 1040 BOLSA CHICA NO. 3 3/23/64 . 117 ' i 31 1042 BOLSA CHICA NO. 4 4/6/64 .•03 j �1 1053 SUNSET BEACH #2 6/5/64 .009 I''' { 1 ,, G11 � �•r Annex. Ordinance Annexation Date Certified Square No . No. Name Sec of State Miles . 125 ' 33 1078 Heil Annexation 9/22/64 34 1089 Sunset Beach #3 1.1/6/64 .0008 35 1095 Sunset Heights No. 3 12/21/64 .28 36 1119 Sunset Beach Annexation No . 4 3/19/65 .0038, 37 1126 Bolsa Chica State Park Annexation 5/11/65 .083 38 1127 Huntington Beach State • / fin Park Annexation 5/11/65 39 1188 Bolsa Chica #5 3/24/66 . 177 ' 40 Res . 2548 Garfield Annexation . �1_6' Parcels 1, 2 and 3 4/6/67 .248 ' � 41 Res. 2633 Fountain Valley- Huntin ton Beach Boundary Adjustment M5/67 42 CRP, 1379 Newland Annexation #3 1/24/68 .005 43 1576 Newland Annexation #4 6/10/70 _./44 Res. 3359 Signal Bolsa No. 1 9/15/71 -45 Res. 3366 Newland No . 5 9/29/7170. / . • ;e 46 Res. 3489 Huntington Harbour Annexation #4 6/8/72 47 Res of B of S Huntington Center Annexation #1 10/30/74 g No. 1313 (Land exchange with Westminster #54) 21 Deannexed to Westminster 10/30/74 ) Heil-Magnolia Annex. #54 ) 48 Res. 5030 Sugar #48 - From Westminster 9/2/81 i V ' f Santa Ana, Cal. Feb. 15th. 11M Board met pursuant to Adjourx-rent. ?%11 presF-r-It exoent Supervisor Angle. On Notibn Of Supervisor H. F. Smith, secnnded by Supervisor D. S. Linsba.rger, the following resolution and ord¢r wnc re:-ularly passed and adopted;- Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Cr uz,~e County , California at a regular meeting of said Board, held this 15th day of February , 1909, has fully canvassed, the votes oast at an election held -i.t 1untington 4 Beach, in said County of Orange, ' on Tuesday, the 9th day of February, 1909, for the purpose of deteraining whether the territory included in the boundaries hereinafter described and being a portion of the said County of Orange, should become incorporated as a munioipal oorporm- tion of the 6th class, to be known as they" City of Huntington Reach"; a and upon such canvass it appearing that the majority of the votes oast are for the incorporation to-wit;- 94 rotes being for corpor•.tion, and 25 votes against inaorportAlfei It is Eereby Ordered and Deolared, That the said Territory here- inafter desoritied is duly incorporated as a municipal corooration of the 6th class, under the Wse and style of the City of Huntington Beach; the said territory being a portion of the County of Orange and State of California and bounded and particularly described as f of Lowe , to-wi t i ti. �4 Oomr-onoing at a point in the east i ,:.e of ection 2, T. 6 S. , R.11 •. , S. B. B. a V. , 20.00 chains $out.-. of the northeast corner of said 3eeticn, and in the venter of Clay street; thenoe west tiles to the j section line ruching north a ad south through Seot on 4, T. 6 S. , R. 11 W. , S. B. B. & M. ; thence south, with the same to the ordinary high tide of the Pacific C'o,`an; ttienos south M lagroee west, three miles to a point in the Peoifiu Oeeana thence southeasterly, parallel to and three rilee fro,n tree ordinary high tide line of the pacific Ocean, four axles more or less to a point, `. south 36 degrees west of the interseotion of the east line of Section 14, T. 6 S. , R 11 r. , S. P. P. .a If. , witty the ordinary high tide line of the Paoifio ocean; thence north 36 degrees east three voiles So said point of intersection, thence north or: the oast line of said Section 14 42 chains, or a little more: or less, to its inter.w section with a line running south 551 QWreeFR saet f . om a po�nt Z0.00 chains west of the southeast oo #�r of section 11 T. 3. 0 R. 11 W. , S. B. A. b x. t thence no � devPees went h chains, a little more or less , to a poin o%ains west of the south- east corner of said '!action 11 thence north 11->.98 chains to the southeasterly line of land doe&ed to R. r. Huntington, Trustee blr A. H. Olute, as op deed reoesW in Book 1;9 , on �age- 336, of Deeds, Records of Orange County, California. Thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of lands described in deeds recorded on pages 338 and 340 Book 159 Ro6ords of Ornn le CouXty,Californla, to the east line of 1ect1r,n 11 , T. 6 S. , R. 11 •. , S. B . 3. i V. s thence north to a point 20 fept north of the 4 aeotion corner on the east line of said Section 11 ; ;thenoe north 32 degrees 10 minutes, Z. 3.49 chains• thence north jdegasses 35 mtnutee , east j. 3 ohainsi „ thence north 1# dog seal east . 23 chains; thence north 1 degree 15 mlt4�uttes, west 1.62 ohains; thence north 61 degrees 30 minutes, hat 6.68 chat I s3 thonoo north 21.10 chains to southwest oorner of Section 1 , T. lot R. 11 W- , S. B. B. & P. , thenoe north 2.82 shainso thenoe north 22 do sea 30 minutes , east 2.90 chains• thence south 40 de roes, east 4.24 chains; thence north 36 degrees �Omin.. sites, east QO ohaine; thence north 33 degrees , east 9. 34 ohainsf then** north 26 6W*oe, east 6.65 chaina; thence north 11 degrees 30 misuses, east 1.36 ohains• thence north 7 degrees 30 minutes, east 0.53 chains; thence north d asgrees 45 minutes west 3.85 . obaina; thence Morth 29 degrees 30minutes, east 4. 31 chains; !,hence south 86 degrees, east 3.03 chains; thenoe north 21 degrees 30 minutes, east 3.05 chains] thence north 6 degrees 45 minutes, Nat 3.70 chains; thence north 33 degrees, east 5.68 chains then" north 2 degrees 10 minutes , `eaat 4.00 obains , a little gore or less, to the north line of the southwest quartes of 8ection '1 T. 6 S. , R. 11 K. , S. B. R. i Y. ; thence went with said line west 18.00 ohaina, a little more or less, to the west line of said 3eo. Sion 1; thence north 20.00 chains to the beginnin7. All losing in the 0ounty of Orange , State of California. kp S •1 L 41 T-hs.t `'ic pe:aonm raareLviag res teclirely I t::e highelt ..:.ri;t_r O rotes SCr 4whe reyzris._°_ at foes of saki city ct F'=IT.-Inclon 136&Cbo are da-clared to be &a1y el acted to Such off l r -%, euch persons and their arespootiae cffices &re nosed as ft�'Ll wm ' to-wit;- Tarwstees. ONAR S R. 40WARD. MUND NARAI ACC. 0LUMU W. AARPM. DAYZD 0. 8TTWART. BATRZW a. KrLUI. CITY YARSHALL. fD1tOSD C. WRIGHT CITY CLYRT, 1[ MY D. ROSIM"IRGER. CITY TRZAMMER. RALPM s. ORARES. D. A. Yaevullan, Ohai,roan of the Board of Superb so ri of Orange County, Oali'ornia, Attest= W. B. Willlaaans Couatr Olelk and ew-o r f l oio 41erk of the Board of Supervisors. !sate of California �98. County of Qraage 19 W. B. Williams, County Clerk and Lrx-offioio Clerk of the 3tu a rjer Courig do hereby oertify the foregoing to be a full, tarty aawd cor'areet oe" of the original on file in op o:'fioo. WlUoes my hand and the seal of the Tuperior Court thisAjAA419 day of 1a�►vari 141Q /1 Hy Deputy Clerk } r I IN i U Q�f -4 the ;( Stcreta* of State I, TBANK X. JORDAN, Secretary of State of I the State of California, hereby certify: That on the 14th day of December, 1945,. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of the I Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of I 19390 (Act 5162 of Dearing' s General Laws) , li there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No. 489. as passes by the City Council of the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH on the 17th day of September, 1945, duly oerti- fled by the City Clerk of said City. I further certify the said Ordinance set forth approval by the said City Council of the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach of uninhabited territory therein described. j I ( I 4 IN WITNESS WHTREOF I hereunto 1 set my hand and affix the Great Beal of the State of California this 14th day of December, 1945. 11 ,'p.p. /,5. Gam,{• . ae"' lay i, .g' � rot, R8E RET VTATE s r 4i (i a j NAN NO. G IN AGE OF THZ 017Y COUNCIL bps{THE CITY h'L ` I "` O RUCR, AND CC°�TT(�Qt7B k.- WHEPJW, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Californian did by unanimous vote on tho Bth day of August, 19450 at a regular meeting of said body, early and duly adopted Resolution Ito. 971 entitlodg aA Rea— ry olution of the City Council of the City of Hunti -'gym ton Beach Cilifornias proposing to Annex Certain � - uninhabited -and Contiguous Territory to said City, Declaring that said Proceedings have been Initiated of its own Motion; Giving Reasons Therefor; Dieing sf`o Notice of a Nearing of said Proposed Annexations' WA ; g'HEPJWp the proceedings initiated by said Resolution were initiated by the City Council of the City of huntington Beach of its own motion and said Resolution did so declare, and WKCRWq the territory described in said Resolution was not at the time of adoption of said Resolution nor since then a pest of any municipal corporation, and e i IhERNi Sa the,, Ql v, ;_'Ie t. of , v'.*' Y of Huai t 1.r4 to*: B6a'h did cause copy of eald Reeoluzioza �. f Mal, t- ,be published eLt :least once a weak f 6r tw.o s .coP,sB�ve al, era .: sr or ' the 'k'aa F.,Lr ng t1w r—ci n provided 'Jar,, In the , intIPRton•`B ach Nees, a newspaper of general eircu2tLt.iori,, printed. and publIshed in the City. of Hun Huni iri ton �a c a, to"wit; or August 92 .� , >r r August 16, 1945 and August 23, 1i 44.6 a WHER—E.&B,° said R,.eeolution contained a not toe �. that on the 4th day of September, 1945, at the homer of 7:30 P M in the City Council Chambors at the City h Hall was the time and place when and where any pardon 4 owning real property within said territory proposed ti x i to be annexed and havin g any objeotione to said , v proposed annexation may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory sh uld not v K. be so annexed, and z FHEM". no protest was made by the owner A' or owners of the property hereinafter described m and no one made any protest whatever. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City " 2 of Huntington Beach, California, do ordain as follows: YrR.2_b•" �.t t C•ti +1. n e Section l : Tit the City Council does hereby fi�,A, determine and declara that the facto wnd each of them set forth in thrs preamble hereto are true arA correct. Section vs That the City Couusi?l of the City of Huntington Beach, California, being the legislative body of said City, loess hereby approve of said annexation and that the boundaries of .-said City of Huntington Beach are hereby altered and the said territory Is hereby annexed to, and Incorporated and Included within the City of HuntUWton Beach, Calif- ` a. Said property so annexed is hereby described r as follower Coaaseneing at a point on the South line of notion 11, Township 6 South, Range 11 Resit, S. B. B. d M. said point being 1320 feet went of the Southeast corner of said Section 11, Townshi 6 South Range ' . li Wsst, S. B. B. A M; tFance Ner6 E 1054968 feet to a point on the Bouthe"terly line of land deeded to H. E. Huntingtout Trustee, by A. H. Clute, as per deed recorded In Book 159, page 338 of Deeds, Records of. Orange County, California; thence North- easterly along the Southeasterly line of V ' lands described in deeds recorded on pages 338 and 340., Book 159, Records of Orange County, California, to a point on the East line of Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 11 Vast, S. B. B. do M; thence South along the East line of said Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, S. B. B. S M. to �. a point of intersection of said East line of Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 11 Wes3st, S. B. B. & M. with the Northeast corner of Section 14, Township 6 South, Range 3 I l:a Y5 c • line { r iwJ) ri • L. a � ^ a i#r'. i1,i� �'j1.. Z. .. S� • - • l: Tovnehip 6 South, Rangnl 11 `ost� L� 5x f MF thance North .550 16 mirtuti3O Wont 156 feet more or less to 1,.ha point -6f r.: Seotion 3: The City Ca>ark sh"A ctr—V1.f to the passage aAd adoption of thi, a eP€i.i .nam shell cause the *am to be published bf one Ine.artion is the Huntington Beaoh News, a ekly,'x�e��laag���`, - pri n t ed, -pull i shed and o 1 rout a test In t D s City of Huntington Beach, Orange County, Callfa,rala., and � thirty days after the adoption hereof the s shall r, take effect and be in foroe. 5t: PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City V4 C ounc i 1 of the City of Huntington Beach, California, at a regular aeeting thereof hold on the Aira day of -i September, 1945. WOR ATTEST: ty �I e r 4 N•¢, '~ ' •tan. . ' •�• i 'jam+, " iunt;r 6f Orange a 3 "Ity o:' Ku,-jt ngton he.ich r , C. R. FUHR, the duly elected, ,•-P,.; . , led k and acti:rg' 01-ty Clerk of the "�itv of Kunt1ri;t•- A-i Reach and ex—of tco Clerk of the City City of Huntirigt,on Beach, do hereby certify thRt the whole number of members of the ,itj► Counotl of the City of Huntington Beach, Is f i;tre; tlu t the foregoing ordinance was first read to Laid City Countil at a regular meeting hereof head on the 4th day of September,, 1945, and was Ag in read to said City Council at a re ;lar meeting thereof held on the 1_.7..___.. day of September, 1945, and was apesed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council as follows: AYES: Councilmen: T- NOES. Councilmen; None t t r i FRANK M. JORDAN `f11 j; SECRETARY OF STATE 1 ht Secrets �Of State SACRAMENTO si iI I, FRANK M. JOBDAN, Secretary of State of the State of the State of California, hereby certify: s� That on the 30th day of Julys 19519 pursuant to the provisions of the "Annwmtion of uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Goverment Code, there Was filed in vW office: i A copy of Ordinance No. b74 of the City of Hunt y Huntington Beach as passed and adopt } 'So City Council on the 26th day of June, 1951, j duly certified by the City Clerk of said City. fi I further certify that the said ordinance sets forth approval of the annotation to the �Cit� of Huntington Beach i of certain uninhabited territory descrrMe ereEn. IN WITNESS WWREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal j of the State of California this 30th day of July, 1951. {, F ( ii i f 'i ,i ., 1 . 2 ORDINANCE NO. 57lt .3 4 j AN ORDINARCE OF THE CI'ar W IIUW'T1VvGTOK BEACH CAL IFOR 4IA AUNEX-J JG CERTAIN 5 UNITKbITED Al Is CNTIGUOUS TERRITORY TO SAID CITY. . i 7i Wherelas, the City Council of the City of Huntington s . Beach, California! did by unanimous rote on the 7th day of 14&y4 9 I 10 1951, at a regular meeting of said body, regularly and duly I adopted Resolution No. 1149 entitleds "A Resolution of the City 11 Council of the City of Huntington Reach, California,, Proposing 12 to Annex Certain Uninhabited and Contiguous Territory to Said, 13 City, Doolaring That Said Proceedings Have Been Initiated of 14 Its Dvm Motion; Giving Reasons Therefor; Giving; Notice of a 15 Rearing of Said Proposed Annexation;" and 16 17 1.41hereaai the territory described in, said Resolution was not at the time of adoption of said Resolution nor since 18 then a part of any mmicipal corporation; and 19 20 Whereaaq the proceedings initiated by said Resolution 21 were initiated by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach of its own motion and said Resolution did so declare; and 22 23 Whersaal the City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach did cause a copy of said Resolution to be published at 24 least once a week for the two auccessive weeks prior to the 25 hearing therein provided for, in the Huntington Reach, dews' a 26 1 27 newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Huntington Beach# to wit: On May 241, 1951, and on 28 ` sty 31 19 5-1; Wid ,. 29 9 mod. fi ! 1 whereas said Resolution. contained a notice that- C% ;: - 2 the 4th gay of Tune, 1951, at the hour of $mot) o'clock P.M.f in the City Council Chambers of the City Ball, City of Hunting- 4 1 ton Beachy Cslifornia g was the time and place when and where 5 any person owning teal property within said territory propo"d 6 + to be annexed and having objections to said proposed annesatioA 7 may appear before said City Couneil and show cause yhy such 8 territory 3hC4uld not be so annexed; and I , 9 Whereaso no protest was made by the owner or owners 10 of the property hereinafter described and no -one mate any Pro- - I 11 I test whateva;r; and 12 Wher"sy the territory described in said Resolution 13 l i unin1mbited territory and is contl euous to the City of 14. Huntington Beacht California, 15 NOW `P FORE-9 the' City Council of the City of 16 Huntington Beach,, California% does ordain as follows: 17. Section 3s That the City Council does hereby find$ 18 determine and d!► lore that the facts and each of them set fart. 19 in the preamble hereto are true and correct, 20 I Section 2s That the City Coxvicil of the City of 21 Huntington Beach$ California, being the legislative body of 22 said Cit does hierob a rc of said annexation and that th* y'c y pF 23 boundaries of said City of Huntington Beach are hereby alterod 24 and the said to tort' is hereby annexed to and incorporated 25 and included within the City of' Runtin.,gton Beach, Californlaa 26 and. said City shall have all rights and. powers in„ to and o"r 27 said ,property as are provided by law. 28 Said property so annexed is hereby described as 29 $o11. r�s c Ord.0 574 1 i - ., 2 I Beginning at as point on the east line of Section 14,1 T 6 S.j R. 11 W. 2 S.R.R. . ' said point being at 3 ( the intersection of said line with the line of ordinary high tide of the Facific Ocean; thence 4 Southeasterly along said line of Ordinary high tide to the intersection of said line of ordinary high 5 , tide with the northwesterly line of the Santa Ana I Outfall Sewer Right of Way, said northwesterly line 6 - of the Santee Ass► Outf'all Sewer Right of Wait basing described as the northwesterly line of the strip of 1 7 land 30 ft. In width described in "Parcel -e-n in Us I complaint In that certain action in the Superior Court 8 of the States of California, in and for the County of Ui°angey entitled "The City of Santa �� vs. J. No 9 Hearn et Al N being Case No. 13753 in see:d Court, said atri p.. 01 land 30 ft. in width being sic era G 10 the mag a tacked to said cozplaint sMd said North. westerly line of the Santa eta Outlell Sewer Right � 11 of Way also being described in the order of possession entitled "Order" made and entered in said action an 12 Rc"mber 219 1: 21 said "Order" being recorded in � } Book 18361 P& �.9 Official. Rocords of Orange Count I 13 Cal;if°orniml thence Routh 40 degrees West three miles � more or less to a. point in the Hacific Ocean said 14 point being.three miles from the said line U ordinary high tidal th4n** horthwesterly and parallel with the 15 said line of Ordinary high tides and distant three 1 miles tnesre from to a point, said paint being South 16 36 degrees nest three miles from they Intersection of the east line of Section 140 T. 6 ss o t R. 11 W. y 17 :. S.B.B.&M with the lino of ordinary high tide of the Pacific 0ssanj thence North 36 degrees East 18 along the boundary line of the City of Hitington beach three aailees to the point of beginningo 19 20 Seet on 31 The City Clem shall certify to the . 21 passage avid adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the 22 23 ,same to be published by one in ertion in they 11untington Haas . News$ a weekly newspaper printeada published and circulated In 24 the City of HUntingtcM Beach" Orange County,, California, and 25 26 thirty days after they adoption hereof the same shall take ' effect and be in for", 27 PABMD AND ADOPTED by the City council of the City 28 29 j I 2 lob` Huntingtbn Beachp Q�Iif©rn ay this day of .roue 3 1951; 4 5 6 1 VEMON LANOEN3ECK 7 Irayor 8 9 ATTESTS 10 11 I JOHN L. HENRICKSSN 12 U dlerk 13 14 BY BETTY L. DIHKCI" Deputy 15 16 17 �. 18 19 1 20 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 ,> 27 1 28 29 '�hiw; ,irk• ;, "� ti 1 ` STATE C'IF CALIFORNIA ' 4 } 6qounty of Crane 89 2 �,ity, of Huntington B*64h 3 I 1, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN9 the duly elected, qualified 4 I and acting City Clerk of the City of !Huntir4ton Beach and 4 5 ! a%-offic o Clem of the City Council of said City$ do hereby i 6 1 carti.fy that the whole number of .members of the City Cou=il 1. 7 of the City of ftntington Beach is five,; that the foregoing I� $ ordin-inco iias first read to said City Council. at �a regular � - I 9 meeting thereof held on the 18th day of J11ne � 1951, 10 and was .gain -read to said City Council at ��meets '11 1 thereof hold. on the day* of June , 19 , and was � 12 passed and adopted. by the affirmative vote of more than a 13 majority df..all the cambers of said City Council zt, -follows; 14 15 AYESs C4une11nehs 16 Grass Les ud 5�abridge, Ian6phbecke 17 f.. I 1- .NOES'* counallums 19 20 NorA i. 21 ABUNTa councilmens 22 . 23 Talbert. 24 25 i JOHN L. HENRI CE SEN 26 City leek <.an.d ex-off cio Clerk of the City Ccunall of the City 27 of Hunting tonBead,s California. 28 i BETTY L. DIEKOIFF 29 j Deputy .'a r u; ( f FRANK M. .JORDAN f (� SECRETARY OF STATE t i m he i{ ecreta of State ii it SACRAMENTO � I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby + certify; '11� fi That on the..___iltn____day of__----------- Na-y_____ _________ __ pursuant ! ii to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more i� particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: ? s A copy of Ordinance No--------1127-------------------------------------------------------as regularly }: passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on j the-----------5th---day of - - �d-•L ---- ----- -- - --- -- - ---- ---- 19--_55_, certified by 1� it Pain-�,-�Iones----- ---- -- - ------ --- -- - ----- -. , City Clerk. it I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to (j the CITY OF-----Hi1RT1 GT-QN-_3EA.CH.--______..________________-____of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: x " tj��:rT�J�IQl_BECH__STATE_PFif2K ALVNE_'nt�TION." -- '' l �+ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this._.__llti?___--- _ day of------- ------P).ay------------_, 19__6 -, Secretary of State r t ! 24543-062 8-C2 S5Oo OSF _21, (Published Huntington Beach News April Beach as established by Ordinance thence North 521 47' 01" West 99.20 ?: 8, 1965) No. 541, and along the southwesterly feet to a point; thence North 550 ORDINANCE NO. 1127 line of the before mentioned Pa- 40' 11" West 198.60 feet to a point; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY cific Electric Railway Company Right thence North 531 21' 16" West 102.20 OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AP- of Way and along the following feet to a point; thence North 550 PROVING THE ANNEXATION OF line, courses, and distances; South 59' 12" West 196.64 feet to a point; CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRI- 521 05' 01" East 1230.75 feet to a thence North 521 54' 06" West 401.20 TORY DESIGNATED AS "HUNT- point; thence southeasterly 476.75 feet to a point; thence North 50° INGTON BEACH STATE PARK AN- feet through a central angle of 20 03' 14" West 104.35 feet to a point, NEXATION." 22' 07" along a tangent curve con- thence North 56° 18' 36" West 302.87 The City Council of the City of Hunt- cave to the northeast having a radius feet to a point; thence North 480 ington Beach, California, does ordain of 11.532.36 feet, to a point of tan- 42' 17" West 98.49 feet to a point; as follows: gency with a line bearing south 540 thence North 57° 23' 59" West 102.08 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions 27' 08" East: thence 3702.32 feet feet to a point; thence North 49° of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- along said line to a point; thence 59' 56" West 300.25 feet to a point; ritory Act of 1939", the City Council of southeasterly 848.35 feet, through a thence North 53° 50' 47" West 400.03 Huntington Beach did, on the 1st day central angle of 81 21' 43" along a feet to a point; thence North 510 of February, 1965, pass and adopt Reso- tangent curve concave to the north- 56' 53" West 397.48 feet to a point; lution No. 2113 giving notice of the pro- east having a radius of 5812.88 feet, thence North 561 00' 13" West 103.73 posal to annex certain uninhabited ter- to a point of tangency with a line feet to a point; thence North 52° ritory to the City of Huntington Beach, bearing South 621 48' 51" East; 19' 35" West 199.62 feet to a point; said territory being therein designated thence 1000.92 feet along said line thence North 531 39' 51" West 300.41 as "Huntington Beach State Park An- to a point; thence southeasterly feet to a point; thence North 580 nexation" and said action being taken 59.88 feet through a central angle of 50' 27" West 100.50 feet to a point; by the Council of said City as the 9° 43' 14" along a tangent curve thence North 521 04' 55" West 533.32 legislative body of the City on its own concave to the southwest having a feet to an angle point in the boun- legislative by the adoption of Resolution radius of 5657.81 feet, to a point of dary line of the City of Huntington No. 2088; said Resolution of Resolution des- tangency with a line bearing South Beach, said ,point having been es- No. 2g the boundaries to the territory 531 05' 37" East; thence a calculated tablished by annexation in Ordinance cr proposed to be annexed to said City; distance of 2764.49 feet along said No. 574 and also by the boundary and line to an angle point in the boun- description in the Charter of the dary of the City of Huntington Beach City of Huntington Beach, said point WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 2113, established by annexation in Ordin- also lying in the west line of before did contain a notice of the day, hour ante No. 541, said point also lying mentioned fractional Section 13; and place when and where the said in the northwesterly line of the thence North 0° 17' 06" East 442.52 Council of said City would hear pro- Santa Ana Outfall Sewer Right of feet, along said west line of frac- tests made by any person owning prop- Way easement granted to the City tional Section 13 and along the erty within the territory proposed to of Santa Ana, California, by the Pa- boundary, line of the City of Hunt- be annexed, the time of said hearing cific Electric Railway Company re- ington Beach established by the des- being not less than 40 nor more than corded in Book 668 on Pages 159, cription in the Charter of said city, 60 days after the passage of said Reso- 160 and 161; thence, leaving the boun- to the True Point of Beginning.. lution; and dary of the City of Huntington Beach, The boundaries of said City of Hunt- WHEREAS, on the 15th day of March, South 171 20' 23" West 688.52 feet, ington Beach are hereby altered and the 1965, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., or as along the last mentioned northwest- said territory.above described is hereby soon thereafter of said day, in the Coun- erly Right of Way line, to a point, annexed to, incorporated in, and included cil Chamber in the City Hall of the City said point being an angle point in within the City of Huntington Beach, of Huntington Beach, State of California, the boundary line of the City of California, and said City shall have all said time and place being the hour Huntington Beach established by an- rights and powers in, to and over said and day and place fixed in said Reso- nexation in Ordinance No. 574, said territory as are provided by law. lution No. 2113 for hearing protests to point also lying in the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Pacific Ocean as The City Council of the City of Hunt- the said annexation, and no protests, shown on a map prepared by the ington Beach does hereby furtherr or- either written or oral to said annexation dain that the territory above described having been made; and Division of State Lands, State of shall be subject to taxation equally WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous California, dated November 1955, said with the property within the City of to the City of Huntington Beach, and is Ordinary High Water Mark also being shown on a map of a Record of Huntington Beach to pay the entire uninhabited territory in the County of Survey recorded in Book 51, Pages bonded indebtedness of the City of Orange; and 15 and 16 of. Records of Survey, Huntington Beach outstanding on De- WHEREAS, the owners of more than Records of Orange County, California; cember 22, 1964, the date on which the two thirds of the value of the territory thence northwesterly, along the last City Council of the City of Huntington have heretofore filed with the City Clerk described Ordinary High Warter Mark Beach passed and adopted Resolution written consent that the property in and along the boundary line of the No. 2088 in which it initiated on its said territory be after annexation, sub- City of Huntington Beach as estab- own motion proceedings to annex the ject to taxation equally with the prop- lished by annexation in Ordinance above described territory in the County erty within the City of Huntington Beach No. 574, following the below des- of Orange, State of California, herein to pay the entire bonded indebtedness cribed lines, bearings and distances; designated as "Huntington Beach State of the. City of Huntington Beach out- North 43° 32' 59" West a calculated Park Annexation", or theretofore author- standing or authorized at the date of distance of 105.45 feet to a point; ized for the acquisition, construction or the filing of the petition for annexation thence North 87° 42' 34" West 50.04 completion of municipal improvements. for the acquisition, construction or com- feet to a point; thence North 65° The City Clerk shall certify to the pletion of municipal improvements. 46' 20" West 65.80 feet to a point; passage and adoption of this ordinance NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council thence North 43° 40' 21" West 396.79 and shall cause the same to be pub. of the City of Huntington Beach does feet to a point; thence North 471 lished by one insertion in the Hunting- hereby approve the annexation known 09' 40" West 300.03 feet to a point; ton Beach News, a weekly newspaper as "Huntington Beach State Park An- thence North 43° 36' 45" West 204.41 printed, published, and circulated in nexation", the territory of which is here- feet to a point; thence North 481 the City of Huntington Beach, California, inafter described, to the City of Hunt- 19' 04" West 97.74 feet to a point; and thirty days after the adoption there- ingtgn Beach, and does hereby further the North 531 35' 28" West 99.40 of, the same shall take effect and be ordain that said territory be and it feet to a point; thence North 46° in force. is hereby annexed to the City of Hunt- 12' 07" West 101.14 feet to a point; PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City ington Beach. thence North 54° 29' 43" West 201.46 Council of the City of Huntington Beach, feet to a point; thence North 54° California, this 5th day of April, 1965. That said territory, the annexation of 21' 45" West 399.89 feet to a point; DONALD D. SHIPLEY which to the City of Huntington Beach thence North 551 45' 45" West 87.09 Mayor is herein approved, is all that territory feet to a point; thence North 501 ATTEST: situated in the County of Orange, State 59' 17" West 101.67 feet to a point; of California, and more particularly des- thence North 631 26' 06" West 102.86 PAUL JONES cribed as follows: feet to a point; thence North 48° City Clerk LIFORNIA A parcel of land situated STATE OF partially 13' 28" West 100.57 feet to a point; COUNTY OFF ORANGE ss. in fractional Section 13, Township thence North 591 37' 15" West 100.85 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 6 South, Range 11 West, and partially feet to a point; thence North 510 in each of fractional Sections 24 and 52' 29" West 100.42 feet to a point; 1, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected,. 19,Township 6 South, Range 10 West, thence North 551 36' 48" West 798.55 qualified and acting City Clerk of the San Bernardino Base and Meridian, feet to a point; thence North 53° City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Orange County, California, said par- 07' 48" West 100.00 feet to a point; Clerk of the City Council of the City, cel being more particularly described thence North 561 56' 39" West 300.67 do hereby certify that the whole number as follows: feet to a point; thence North 53° of members of the City Council of the Beginning at an angle point in the 49' 26" West 198.21 feet to a point; City of Huntington Beach is five; that existing boundary of the City of thence North 541 38' 42" West 400.94 the foregoing ordinance was ,read to Huntington Beach, California, said feet to a point; thence North 570 said City Council at a regular meeting angle point having been established 48' 48" West 200.87 feet to a point: thereof held on the 15th day of March, by the intersection of the boundary thence North 541 19' 46" West 200.64 1965, and was again read to said City established by the City Charter of feet to a i oint; thence North 52° Council at a regular meeting thereof held the City of Huntington Beach, incor- 40' 28" West 100.60 feet to a point; on the 5th day of April, 1965, and porated February 17, 1909, with the thence North 581 50' 26" West 100.50 was passed and adopted by the affirma- boundary established by annexation feet to a point; thence North 521 tive vote of more than a majority of all in Ordinance No. 541 of the City of 57' 27" West 199.20 feet to a point; the members of said City Council. thence North 55° 35' 41" West 399.97 I Huntington Beach, said point being AYES: Councilmen: North 52°N thence ence or the intersection of the west line of feet to a point; Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Ship- above mentioned fractional Section 40, 28" West 100.60 feet to a point; ley 13 with the southwesterly line of thence North 560 04' 13" West 198.86 the Pacific Electric Railway Com- feet to a point; thence North 571 NOES: Councilmen: Book 05' 41" West 101.24 feet to a point; None Record of Survey recorded in B Reny Right of Way as shown a thence North 52° 25' 53" West 98.41 ABSENT: Councilmen: i 51 on Page 15 of Record of Sur- feet to a point; thence North 541 Welch eys in the office of the County 57' 40" West 200.30 feet to a point; PAUL C. JONES I Recorder of Orange County; thence thence North 57° 41' 25" West 299.35 City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk southeasterly along the existing feet to a point; thence North 551 of the City Council of the City oundary of the City of Huntington 36' 04" West 403.58 feet to a point; of Huntington Beach, California I . f f OMce4 the e>rYetar " of State I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of if the State of California, hereby certify: That on the 14th day of December, 1945, i! ursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939" (Act 5162 of Deering' s General Laws) , there was filed in my office: if A copy of Ordinance No. 488 as passed by the City Council of the- CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH on the 17th day of September, 1945, duly certi- fied by the City Clerk of said City. r if I further certify the said Ordinance set ;{ forth approval by the said City Council of the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach of uninhabited territory therein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this 14th day of December, 1945, j SE RETARY TATE 1, L l q 4� `�• 11 OR- _ � -- -- -- 1 ' ORDINOCE NO. 3 4 AN ORDINANCE OF TWE CITY COWICIL 5 OF THE CITY OF HUNTI NGTCN BEACH# CALIFORNIA, ANNEXING CERTAIN 61 UNINHABITED AND CONTIGUOUS � TFMI'fORY TO MAID CITY. 71 i i I 8 j WHEMW, the City Council of the City of 9 Huntington Beach, Californi,ag did by unanimous vote 10 I on the 6th day of August, 1945, at'a' regular meeting 11 l of said body # regularly and duly .adopted Resolution i 12i No. 972 entitled, wA Resolution of the City. Counall 13 i of the City of Uunti zgton Beach, California, propos- i 14 Lug to Awwx Certain Uninhabited and Contiguous y 4 15 T# .tory to -said City, Dealuring; that said ?"- { 16 ***dingo have been Initiated of its own Motion; 17 dung Reasons Thsrefor; Giving Notice of a, Hoarin 18 ' of said Proposed ,A nation", and I 19 1UP40l the pro"941ngec initiated by saeld j 20 Resolu.t:ion were Vitiated by the City Counoil of 21 the City of Huntington Beach of its ovn notion ar j 221 said Pasolution did see d*&rr, and 23 ( IA5e tber territory described in said 24 Resolution was not at the ti o , of adoption of said 25 Resolution nor sines 'then. a part of any municipal l 26 ; corporation, &M 27 ' I 28 i 29 I OrAinano . No. s Y r 1 � 21 3 w 4 WHEREASj the .C3ty Clerk of the City of 51 Huntington Beach did cause a copy of said Resolution 6 ; to be published at least once a. week for two suoosesive 7 i weeps prior to the hearing therein provided for, in 8 the Huntington B*aoh News, a newspaper of genera 9 cairoulation, printed and published in the City of i , 10 Huntington i�eaoh, to-wit; on August 9, 1945, August j 11 Up 1945 #end August 23,9 1445, and � i 12 ASIO said Resolution contained a, notice,,, 13 ; that on the 4th day of September, 1940, at the hour i 141 of 7:30 P g In the City Council Chambers at the City 151 Hall was the time and place when and where any person 16 owning real property within said torritory proposed 171 to be annexed and hawing any ©bje©tions to said 18 j proposed annexation W op pe ar before said City ; 19 Council and show eause why such territory should not I 20 be so annexed, and 21 R"St no protest was made by the owner 22 or o*mrs of the Property hereinafter described 23 and no one x* o any protest whatever. 24 NOW THEFMVO Zp the City Council of the City ; , 25 I of Huntington boaaht California, ego ordain as 26 i follows s i 27 281 29 f ; 2 (),rdin ms, No. 2 Section 1: That the City Council doso hereby I 4 findo determine and declare that the facts and each 5 of them set forth In the preamble hereto are true 6 and correct. 7 Section 2; That the City Council of the City 8i of Huntington B6&ohp Ca:_- Ifomla, being the legislative 9 body of said City, does hereby app-love of said 10 annexation and that the boundaries of sold Pity 11 of Huntington Beach are hereby altered and the said 12 territory to h oreby annexed to, wA Inoorporated and 13 Included within the City ofhuntington Beach, Calif- 14 OX%14L- 151 $aid property so annexed Is hereby described 161 as followst 17 A pleas or parcel of land lying and being In Section 13# Township 6 South, Range 181 11 Wosts S. D. H. & U., situated In the County of Orange, State of California, 19 more partioularly described as follows: 201 Beginning at it point of the West boundary line of said Section 13, 3215.49 feet south 21 ! Of the Northwest corner of said Section 13, thenoo easterly on a line which has a 22 j course of South W/O 450 300 East a diatangs of 2WO-16 feet a little more or lose to 231 the Worlthwest oornor of the South one- half of the Northwest quarter of the 24 Southsa*% quarter. of said Section 13; thenos East along the North boundary line 25 of the SoUth one-half of ,-'he Northwest Q"rter of the Southeast quarter of said 26 i Section 13 to the Northeast corner thereafl thenes South along the Fast boundary line 27 of the said South one-half of the North- West quarter of the Southeast quarter to 281 29 1 - ---------- ---- 0MU 3 MEW Akkie� 2 ' 31 the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast (quarter of said i 4 Suction 13; hence South alone, the Ust boundary line of the Southwest Quarter of 5 ; the Southeast Quarter of said Section to the South line of said Section 13; thence 6 West alon the South Boundary :Line of said Section 13 to the Southwest corner 7 ' of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 8 13; line along the West boundary ne of the Southeast 4uart+er of said Section 13 to a point on said line, 9 ! 30.08 feet South of the Northwest cozy- � ner of the South one-half of the North- � I 10 nest darter of the Southeas�t Quarter of said Section 13; thence Westerly on 11 a lime which has a course of North 870 46e 309 West a distance of 2665.16 feet 12 a, little more or loss to a. point on the blast boundary line of said Section 13; i 13thence Northerly along s�.-id I e c t line of said I Section 13 a distance of 30.08 Feet to ' 14 ! the point of beginning. 15 i 16 Section 3: The City Clerk shall certify � 17 to the passage and adoption of this ordinance snd 18 shall cause the same to be published by one Insertion � ' 19 in the Huntington Beach Nerve, a weekly newspaper, 20 printed, published and alroulafed in the City of I 21 i Huntington Reac.he, grange County. Calif ornia, and 221 thirty days after the adoption hereof the same shall Ii i 23 ! take effect azsd be in tome. 24 PASSED AMD AUOPM by the City Council of 251 the City of Huntington Beach, Calif ornia, at a 2s regular ■meting t2artot bald on the day of 27 8epteasber 194l3.. TE28m..r.+�i• Ad 4P _l.�.ri rrsr► ATTEST: MAYOR 29 1 C I i 4 Ordinance No. 2 #TATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange sas 3 City of Huntington Beach 4 4 It C. R. DIM j the duly eluatedo qualified 5 ; and sLoting City Clark of the City of Huntington Beach 6 1 and ex-offlolo Clark of the City Council of said 7 City of Huntington Beach.# do hereby certify that 8 the whole musber of members of the City Council 9 of the City of Huntington Beach, Is five; that the 10 foregoing ordinance was first read to snld 'City 11 Council at a regular meeting t roof held on the he� 12 j 4th day of September, 1946 13 Was ag&in read to 13 i said City Counoll at a meeting 14 thareof hold on the day of aeptember, 1945, 151 wA was passed and adopted by the affirmativo- voto 16 of more than a n4ority of ash the members of said 171 City Council as follows& 18 ; Counallmnin 19 20 211 NOBS counsilualat 22 231 241 251 26 27 Clerk and ex-of f 1016 Cl** of the City Counoll 281 of the City of Huntington 29 Beach, California* 6 Ordinance No. ASL;, �I 4 • '. ' FRANK M. JORDAN I SECRETARY OF STATE he F� Secrete of Statt ? SACRAMENTO { I, FRANK R. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: �! That on the 7th day of October, 1957, pursuant to the provisions of the „Annexation Act of 19131" more particularly Sections 35142, 35144 �( and 35145 of the Government Code, annexation papers were received in my office and filed in the official records thereof, as follows I 1. A Certificate signed by John L. Henricksen, City Clerk I� of the City of Huntington Beach, showing: I August 6, 1957, as the date of the special election held in certain contiguous territory on the question of annexation thereof to said City; August 19, 1957, as the date of the canvass of the returns of said election by the legislative body of said City; 11� The result of such canvass, from which it appears ik that of the 15 votes cast, 15 were in favor of adoption of the annexation proposition and --- were against adoption thereof; A description of the boundaries of the territory. f 2. A certified copy of Ordinance No. 669 as regularly 1 passed and adopted on the 3rd day of September, 1957,setting � forth approval of the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach of that inhabited territory in which the aforementioned a ec on was held and designating such territory as.- "East Annexation." t I �I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal I� of the State of California this 7th day of October, 1957. • t FRANK M. JORDAN Secretaapy' of State f waltor C. Stutler i Deputy Secretary of State i ].e^_C.::6 ]M SIC (Published Huntington Beach N Sept. S, 1957) ORDINANCE NO. 669 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF HUN- TINGTON BEACH OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "EAST ANNEXATION," WHICH IS COW TIG000SE TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH UPON THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THE gUESTION SUBMITTED AT A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID TERRITORY ON THE 6TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1957 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Leg- islature of the State of California, known as the "Annexation Act of 1913," and pursuant to Resolution No. 1308 adopted by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach on the 6th day of May, 1957, a special election was held on the 6th day of August, 1957, in that certain inhabited territory con- tiguous to the City of Huntington Beach designated as "East Annexation" and which is hereinafter more particularly des- cribed; and - WHEREAS, at said special election the following question was• submitted to the qualified electors residing in said terri- tory: SHALL THE EAST ANNEXATION BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH "TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PRO- PERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, 'TO. PAY THE ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE ✓ti;' CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, OUTSTANDING OR AUTHORIZED AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THE NOTICE OF ELECTION, FOR THE AC- QUISITION, CONSTRUCTION OR COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? WHEREAS, it appears from the canvass of the returns of ihe.votes cast at said special election that a majority of all votes cast in -said territory on the question of said annexation and the assumption of said bonded indebtedness favor annex- ation upon the terms contained in the question submitted; and WHEREAS, it appears that said special election and all proceedings .relating thereto .have been conducted strictly in accordance with law; NOW THEREFORE, the People of the City of Huntington Beach do-ordain as follows: Section I. That the annexation of that certain inhabited territory contiguous to the City of Huntington Beach designated as "East Annexation" be and the same is hereby approved upon the terms contained in the aforesaid question which was submitted at the special election held on the 6th day of Aug- ust, 1957. Said territory is described as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach as now established, said point being in the South line of the Northwest quarter (NWT/4 I of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range I I West, San Bernardino Meridian and distant thereon East 1188 feet, more or less from the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of said Section I, said point also being the Southwest corner of the East 4 Acres of the Southwest quarter (SW'/4 ) of the Northwest quarter (NW`/41 of said Section I; thence North 1320 feet, more or less, along the West line of said East 4 Acres to the Northwest corner of said East 4 Acres; thence East 132 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter (SEA/4 ) of the Northwest quarter (NW V4 I of said Section I; thence Northerly along quar- ter, quarter section lines to an intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 30 feet North, measured at right angles from the South line of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range I I West, San Bernardino Meridian; thence Easterly along said parallel line to an intersection with the West line of the East half (EV/ ) of the Southeast quarter (SE1/4 ) of the Southwest quarter (SW/4 1 of said Section 36; thence South 10 feet along said West line to an intersection with a line drawn from to and 20 feet North, measured at right angles from the South line of said Section 36; thence East along said parallel line and its Easterly prolongation to an intersection with al- a line o, n parallel to ,and distant 30 feet Easterly, ' measured at right angles from the West line of Section 31, Township 5 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino � Y, Meridian; thence Northerly along said parallel line to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and distant 30.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles from the South line of said Section 31 ; thence Easterly along said parallel line and along a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles from the South line of Section 32, said Township and Range, to an intersection with the Westerly line of the Santa Ana River Channel as shown on a map Recorded in Book 12, Pages 25 to 31 inclusive of Records of Surveys, on file h `,'•{_- in the office of the County Recorder; thence Southwest- erly 2.25 miles', more or less, along the said Westerly 2 line of the Santa Ana River Channel, as shown on the Records of Surveys Maps, hereinabove mentioned, to an intersection with the boundary line of the City of Costa Mesa, as now established; thence Westerly and Souther- ly, along said boundary line to a point in the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach as now established in the North line of Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Meridian; thence Westerly, Northerly, Westerly and Northerly, 4.5 miles, more' or less, following along the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach, as now established, to an angle point s6 in said boundary line in the South line of the Northwest 't - quarter (NW I/4 ) of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range I I West, San Bernardino Meridian and the oint of be- P �. . -ginning of this description. Section 2. That the boundaries of said City of Huntington { Beach are hereby altered and the said territory above described is hereby, annexed to, and incorporated and included within the City of Huntington Beach, California, and said City shall have all rights and powers in, to and over said territory as .are } provided by law. Section 3. That the territory above described shall be subl'ect to taxation equally with the property within the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of µ the City of Huntington Beach outstanding on March 27th, 1957, or theretofore authorized, for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in the City of Huntington Beach, California; and thirty (30) days after the adoption thereof, the same shall take effect and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this 3rd day of September, 1957. VICTOR TERRY .:... Mayor ATTEST: JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk F. STATE OF CALIFORNIA r County of Orange ss City of Huntington Beach J I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is five; that the foregoing ordinance was first read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of August, 1957; and was again read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rdn Ao day of September, 1957, and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council as follows: AYES: Councilmen: BRYANT, LOCKETT, BARTLETT NOES: Councilmen: NONE ABSENT: Councilmen: IRBY, TERRY JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California PECEIVEP f ;M1. ..... ..... FRANK M. JORDAN {, SECRETARY OF STATE 0)fr6 01he ' Secret atc of State ! c I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Sec�,etary of State of. the State of California, hereby certify: i ' f i That on the 14th day oaP July, 1.949 , pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of ?� the "Annexation of Uninhablted Territory Act j of 1939, " as amended -- Act 5162 of Deering'.s (� �i General Lairs -- there was filed in my office: f A copy of Ordinance No. 5.11 !{ passed by the City Council of the , f CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH on the i 6th day of June, 1949, certified 3 by-' the City Clerk of said City. I further certify that said Ordinance No. 541 sets forth approval of the annexation to li the City of Huntington Beach of certain unin- ! habi.ted territory of which the bound..3ries are therein described. f �r IN WITNESS 1v?'Hh'RL04, I hereunto '$ �j set guy hand and affix the is Great Seal of the State of ii Californ't.a this 14th day of ' July, 1949. i f! r $fi 1 i ; 2 � - 3 ORDINANCE lC3. / 4 51 AN AItDINAME or TNT CITY COUNCIL 4y THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, 61 CALWORNIA, ANNEXING CWi IN UNINH ITED AND CONTIGUOUS 71 TERRIT01M TO SAID CITY. 81 t ; ML4*0 the City Council of the City of 9 � the City of lihmtington Nea:ohv Califomie, aid by . l0 i ' uieus vote on the nth day of August, 1943, i at a regular meeting of said body, regularly MA12 dull adopted Resolution So 6T1 eAtit3led, "A Rei- 13 j *I on of the City Council of the City of Hunter 14 i h L I ton Brach :Cilufornlar proposing to Ann*x Certain 15 is l' inhabited wad .Gan't1g ous Territory to said City,f 171 boolar U&J; d Froos#41 o have been Irdllated of 4t :6VA motiou# GivUW Reasons Therefor; Giving toties -of ♦ Ora ng 'of *aid Proposed Annexation", and 1.9 ! � '�20 JUWl, t o ►a*edinas initiated by said 21 � 1sio1 ►t au were b tlsted by the City Council of � G�l�f 1. . .,y' of :jtnl1AgtoA Reach of its own notion 221 and #aid P.***3.utj= did. to dsolare, and 23 J1 UO t*"Itory deacribed in said x 24 j ! Resolution was... Pot at then time of adoption of iA,c1; 25 ' R*sols►t RAr fins* then a part of any murA01pol. 26 00rporat om. and 27 I 28 i { 29 j :! l ©rdin ms No t 2 WHEREAZO the City Clerk of the City of .3 Huntington Beach did. cause a copy of saki Resolution 4 ' to be published at least once a week for two successive 5 weeks prior to the hearing therein provided for, in 6 : 7 the Nntington Beach Newso a newspaper of general circulation# printed end published In the City of 8 Xun,tlngto.n' Boaeh# to-wit: on August Ol 19450 9 10 August 16y 1946 &W August 23, 1945, pack 11 VMUA69 said Reeolution contained a notice that on the 4th day of* September,, 1945,, at the hour 12 13 of 7: 30 P V in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall was the time and place when and whore any person 14 owning real property within said territory proposed 15 16 to be annexed and having any objections to said 171 proposed &M*xatloa W appear before Bald City Counall and show "use wbj such territory should not 18 be so anno"d. and 19 WRE)WAS# no protest was made by the owner 20 or ownsrs of tb* property hereinafter desciribed 21 22 and no one made *Ar protest whatever. 23 NOW TMMVOU# the City Council of the City 24 of Huntington -Beach* California,, do ordain as follows: 25 26 27 28 29 Ordinarma, No. Vlp! _--_ . ---. -- t 2 aection 1: That the City Council does hereby' 3 � - f1ndt detcrmine and declare that the facts and each 4 ' i of them set forth in the preara'ble hersto are. trots and 5 correct. I 6. ; Section 2: That the City Counall of the City 7 of Huntington Beach,. California, being the legislative � body off' said City' does harety approve of sM-Ad 9 annexation and that the boundaries of e_id. City I 10 '; of Huntington Beach are hereby altered and the said 11 i territory : is hereby annexed to, and i morpsursted. and 12 ; ineltded within .the City of Huntington Beach, Calif- 13 14 : 15 i Said ptopesrty so annexed Is hereby described as follows: 16 Comeneing. at a point c . the South lime 17 6f Section 11, Township 6 1101outh, Range -11 ! { e sto 8. B. B. & B. said point being 181 13RO feast Vest of the Southeast corner of said Section 11, Tovnehlp 6 Southl Range 19 ; 11 Most, S. B. 9. & M; thence Morth � 1084.68 foot to a paint: on the G*utheeasterly 20 liter of lid deeadrrrd to H. Hunting tort, F Trusto*j bV A. K. Clute, as por deed recorded 211 In Book 1591, pag e 336 of Deeds, records of Qr<a a Cmu�nty, al ifart l.e; thence forth- 22 i . easterly slong the Southeasterly l Ina of larAs described In deeds recorded ded on pages 23 ; 338 and M. Boole 189, Records of drama County# Wifornlat too a point on the Lana 24 ' liars of Section 11, Township 6 South, Range ! 25 11 tst, S. B. B. & 9; tbenoe South along the East line of aald Section 11, Township B South# Range 11 Westi, a. B. B. & U. to 26 a point of intersection of said. East line of Section 11, Township S Routh, Rang 27 i 11 Vesta S. B. B. & U. with the Northeast ! 28 core+ter of Section 14, Tovnehip B South, Range 29 E � I } - Ordiai As die. 2 3 11 West* S. B. H. tM; thence South on the 4 East line of Section 14,, Township 6 South, flange 11 West, J. B. B. & M. 916.71 feet 5 to a point on s aid East line of Section 149 Township 6 South,, Range 11 the stv S. B. Bo 61 & M. thence Worth 500 15 minutes West 1650 Feat more or less to the point of beginning Seotion 3: The City Clerk 5hall certify 8 ! to the passage and adoption of this ordinance and 9 "1 cause the sam to be published by one insertion 10 ; In the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper, 11i printed, publiabod wA circulated In the City of 12 Huntington Beach# Orange County. California, &M 13 thirty We after the adoption hereof the a '&me owl i i141 take of Peat and be in foroe. 15 ! PARS ED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of 16 the City of Huntington Beach, Caiiforniat at a 17 1711 regular meeting thereof hold on the 4th day of 181 September, 1945. 19 i. 20 Tj I 21 MAYM 22 ATTEM 23 243.ty Cl e rx 251 26 27 � 28 '1 291 I 0" I *13TATE, OF CALIFORNIA } 2 ! County of Orwwe ? as 4 City of Huntington Beach ) 3f ` 11 C. R. b'URRO the duly elected, qualified I 4 I and attic City Clerk of the Clay of Fiuntington3eroh 5-' ; and ear-offieio Clerk of the City Council of said 6 City of Huntington Beach, do hereby certify that 71 the whole number of members of the City Council 81 of the City of guntington Beach, Is five; that the 9 foregoing ordina ear was fit-at read to said 'City 10 Countil at a regular meeting hereof held on tb* 11 . I 4th day of- Septeabor, 1946�'� was again road to , 12 j said City Coio .1 at a meeting 13 E themof held bn the day' of September, 1945, 14. ; I and was &posed and adapted by the affirmative vot:e 15 of more than. a► majority of all the members of said 16 City Council as follows: 17,1 i, 18 ,�; GAt91 i 20 i 21 NOES: Counolkwon; 22 t - . 23I A,BS ITS Couz*ilsent 1 241 25 ' 26 27 1'Cy Clerkand ex-o lolo Clerk of the City Council � y of the City of Huntington 28 i Detach, California. 29 w 9 r" I An 1 { FRANK M. JORDAN e I SECRETARY OF STATE 5; !' � •.�,� Of "r �'r ' tht i Secretar 'of State III, SACRAMENTO it iI, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: 58 _ That on the---4th.------day of------------------April--------------------------., 19-.------, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more } particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: ! A copy of Ordinance No. 683- ----- ----- --- --- --------of the CITY OF =i HUNTMTON_BEACH- -- John L, Henricksen -- ---- ----- - - --- - certified bY- - - -- __---- ---- City Clerk. k I further certify that the._3rd day of__.__ -arch --------------- 19-_5-, .1 is stated in the certificate of said City Clerk as the date on which said ordinance was regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of said City and That said ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF HUNTINGTON-_BEACH,-..____------__- -_-of certain uninhabited territory, a description of the boundaries and the designation thereof as: I " Annexation." 1� Harper l ---------------------'---- - --------------------'-------------------------------------- a a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto � set nay hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California 4th - this- - —'---------------- ---------- April 58. } it o f----- -�-------- - - - 19-------- i1 r t� t�iir J Se rota y of state 1 f i 1 �I ..; �. I" •blished Huntington Beach News March 6, 1 Q68) ORDINANCE NO. 683 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHAB- ITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "HARPER ANNEXA- TION" TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Califor- nia, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach did, on the 23rd day of December, 1957, pass and adopt Resolution No. 1328, giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of untington Beach, said territory being therein designated as "Harper Annexation" and said action being taken by the Coun- cil . said city as the legislative body of the city,' pursuant to a written petition therefor, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said city; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1328 did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the said Council of said city would hear protests made by any person owning property within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than 40 nor more than 60 days after the passage of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, on the 17th day of February, 1958, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolu- tion No. 1328 for hearing protests to the said annexation, the City Council of said city, did hear and pass upon all protests made to said proposed annexation and did determine and find that a majority protest- had not been made or presented in ac- cordance with Section 35313 of the Government Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS; said territory is contiguous to the City of Hun- tington Beach, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; and WHEREAS, the owners of more than two-thirds of the value of the territory have heretofore filed with the City Clerk written consent that the property in said territory be, after annexation, subject to taxation equally with the property with- in the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded in- debtedness of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding or authorized at the date of the filing of the petition for annexa- tion for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Hun- tington Beach does hereby approve the annexation known as "Harper Annexation," the territory of which is hereinafter des- cribed, to the City of Huntington Beach and does hereby furth- er ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Huntington Beach is herein approved, is all that territory situ- ate in the County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: "Beginning at the point of intersection of the East line of the West half (WI/2 ) of the Southwest quarter (SWI/4 ) of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range I I West, S.B.M., with a line drawn parallel to and distant 30 feet North, measured at right angles from the South line of said Section 36, said point being in the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach as now established; thence North 2630 feet, more or less, along said boun- dary line to an intersection with the North line of Ellis Aver" 40 feet wide, as now laid out; thence leaving the ndary line of the City of"Huntington B, A, East .� 330 feet, " more or less, along said North line of Ellis Avenue to an intersection with the boundary line of the City of Fountain Valley, as now established; thence, in a general Southerly direction following along said boundary line of the City of Fountain Valley, said line also being the boundary line of the Talbert Drainage district, as now established, to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and distant twenty (20) feet North, measured at right angles from the South line of said Section 36; thence West 115 feet, more or less, along said parallel line to an intersection with the West line of the East half (E'/z ) of the Southeast quarter (SEA/4 ) of the South- west quarter (SW'/4 ) of said Section 36; thence North 10 feet along said West line to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and distant 30 feet North, meas- ured at right angles from the South line of said Section 36; thence West 660 feet, more or less, along said par- allel line to the point of beginning." The boundaries of said City of Huntington Beach are here-. by altered and the said territory above described is hereby annexed to, incorporated in and included within the City of Huntington Beach, California, and said City shall have all rights and powers in, to and over said territory as are provided by law. The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby further ordain that the territory above described shall be sub)'ect to' taxation equally with the property within the City of. Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- ness of the' City of Huntington Beach outstanding on December 16th, 1957, the date of the filing of the Petition for Annexa- tion of said territory, or theretofore authorized, for the acqui- sition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. The ,City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly news- " paper, printed, published and circulated in the City of Hun- tington_ Beach, California; and thirty (30) days after the adoption thereof, the same shall take effect and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this 3rd day of March, 1958. VICTOR TERRY Mayor ATTEST: JOHN L. "HENRICKSEN ' City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange ss City of Huntington Beach I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex-of- ficio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is five; that the foregoing ordinance was read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of February, 1958, and was again read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held .on the 3rd day of March, 1958, and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council. AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California x �, , , r A, j! FRANK M`. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE 11 kr �t 1 � , l Off- the Secreta1rA Of State SACRAMENTO J i I; FRANK M.,JURDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California; hereby �+ certify: i 17th A_ri1 - 61 }� That on the - ------ _:_.day of -- -- - ---P- -- --- - - - - 19 - -- pursuant :-to the provisions of the"'Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939,"-more. j) particularly Section 3 5 31 T'of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: + PY 81 -- ----------- as regularly A co of Ordinance'No -- - -- - passed and- adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinzfter named on the 20th-- - day'of---- - February---- - ----- ---------- -- 19__61-., certified by PAUL C. JONES , City Clerk. i - - --- - -------- -- - - --- -- ---- I .further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF----hUhiTTMGTOA[_MAM------------------------------- of contiguous uninhabited �! territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: II " -------_"_NORTHEAST_N0 ------------ ----- -- �i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the 1 112 State o f California ornia thrs ___._17th iE q 1; } v � Aril !; .fig 1 ui� _ -A f I' n :�I �� retary of Slane �f 1` ♦figi L.1�:1 1665 7-69 6M SPO r,;* F � ORDINANCE NO 815 >N (;rtD�Niv C� OFTHECITY OF ���;1�'`�I�fGTO�Y BEA_CE CAII PROV);TNG THE A�i�ti-rN�E�YAT-1014 �J:.� CER_ 2- .., J.AISV �..)19I�.15'FkBiTEV TER LI3OR.f DESIGNATED, 2, p a!�b x v2' `!,iTEA,S`_T` NO, 3 TO 'THE' CITY- OF hITN` - IT`GTON DEACHo j - . BE IT ORDAIN!,_'., B '. tip' COU17CIL OTF THE Cl"f-± OF �FUl`7TIr10TON BEACH: WHEREAS, on the 21.st day of November, 1.0, 0, she Council of the City of Huntington Beach did pass and adopt Resolution No., 1442, giving notice of the proposal to annex_ certain unia-Aiabited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said territo-r.>y being, therein desig- nated as f4North`ast No. 3" , said Resolution describing' the boundaries ` of the territory proposed to be. ,annexed; and WHERE'S, said Resolution No,, 110 2 did. contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the Council of th.e' City would hear protests made by any person owning real proFaorty within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than forty nor more than sixty days from the date of passage of said reso- lution; and WHEREAS, on the 16th day of January, 1961, at the hour of 8 :00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Huntington BeachD County of Orange, State of California. said time and place being the dray, hour and place fixed in said Resolution No. 1442 for hearing protests to the said artsiexation, the said City Council did hear and pass upon all protests made to the proposed annexation and did determine that protests had not been made by the owners of one-half of the value of the privately owned territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized assessment roll, nor by public owners of one-half of the value of the publicly owned territory proposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative body; and WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of Huntington Beach, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby approve the annexation of the territory hereinafter de- scribed to the City of Huntington Beach, and does farther ordain that the said territory be and Iis hereby annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Huntington Beach is herein approved, is all that territory situate in the County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described as follows "Beginning at the Southwest (3W.1 corner of the Southeast one quarter (SE4) of the Northeast one quarter (NE�) of the North- west one quarter (NWg) of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, San Bernardino Meridian, Oranges County, California, said point being an angle point in the existing boundary of the City of Huntington Beach; thence Noo° 1.11 10" W. along the West line of said Southeast one quarter (SE'-) ound along the boundary line of Huntington Beach 660-07 feet to the Northwest 01a) corner of said Southeast one quarter (SE',�-) ; thence N. 090 461 11'# W. along the North line and the Forth line produced of said Southeast one quarter (SEA-, ) and along the boundary of. Huntington Beach 679,81 feet to a point in the Ea3t right of way line of Newland Street 1�0 feet in width as now .laid out, said point lying in the exi ting boundary line of the City of Fountain Valley; thence So 00 529 1.1" E. along the Ea s U right of way line of Newland Street and along the boundary 'Line of Fountain Malley 64390 feet more or, less to an angle point in the boundary line of Fountain Valley; thence So 140 309 W. along the boundary line of Fountain Valley 21�0 feet more or less to a point; thence ND 890 1, k ; 1. s, 7° " _' a_ a,_; the :youth line 'o£ the ve mentioned South east one e;u ;`.�: ( F; ) cT' the NarthcasC �t-.o quarter (NEB) of the Northwest, ;ne quarter (NW.-' ) of Secticya 360 667.7 feet more or less to 1-.rue noint of beginning,," The bounda ra c:. of said <'-,L' of Hunt ijjg-1on �'oac_h -are hereby r altered and tha sai � torri '� �= { ��'�ove descry used is �r�reby annexed to,, incorporated _L i and 1ri u'+;in the Cite of 11 n-tinl!�rlton Beach., California,, e.nd Bald C-1.t y shall till right'.-3 i'.nd ,.;carers in, to and over said territo;�y as are p -o-!Idar ! by 1€ wo The City Council o-f the: C it-t u£ Huntinto n Bea, h does hereby further ordain that the •i orri tory� above described, shall bo subject to taxation equally with the p-ro-ca ty within the 01'.1"� of Huntington Beach to pay the -entire banded indebtodnuss of the Ci_yo.t: Huntington Beach outstanding on Noverraber 9-11, 1960, t'_-ie .date, of t1-,e filing of the ~etitioa� for t�?�nc� at .a_, r� ' staid 'erritory oa .i;. .Y;:t4 z c�x�� authorized, for the acquisition, ce~ust.ruction o-..-- complet-.cii of � -,rzlicipai 1:marove- ments. The City Clork shall certify to the passag , and adoption of this ordinance and shall cause the saiaa to bs pub _ished. `v one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspapeiL-, printed, published and circulated in the City of Huntington Beach, C�uliforn.iay and thirty (30) days sifter the adoption thereof; the same shall tare effect and be in force.. PASSED AND ADOPTE3) by tho City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Cal iforniag this 20th day of February, !9616 E NEST H. GISLER ATTEST: PAUL C, .TONES yCer STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Orange City- of Huntington Beach ) I, PAUL C. - JONESO the duly elac':ed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said Citye do hereby certify than the r hole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Brach is five; that the foregoing ordinance was read to said City Council at a regular meet- ing thereof held on the 6th day of February, and was again reed to said City Council at a regular meeting thc,rcofhold on the 20th day of February, 19619 and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Cotuzeil. AYES: councilmen: Wells Lambert. Ste.watt, Gisler NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite I ' PAs 3T1 C , JOKES City Cork and ex-offidid Clerk of they C-ty Council of the City of Hunt,irag;'on Beach, California 2. -x 4 '' l is as� i 1 �0.. FRANK M. JORDAN — h SECRETARY OF STATE a he .ettreta. of State SACRAMENTO I, FRAIFlC A. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: i } That on the 2nd day of August, 1957, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation Act of 19131" more particularly Sections 35142, 35144 and 35145 ,of the Government Code, annexation papers were received in my office and filed in the official records thereof, as follows: 1. A Certificate signed by John L. Henricksen, City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, setting forth: June 4, 1957, as the date of the special } election held in certain contiguous territory on the question of annexation thereof to said City; June 17, 1957, the date of the canvass of the returns of said election by the legislative body of said City; The result of such canvass, from which it appears that of the 419 votes cast, 303 were in favor of adoption of the annexation proposition and 116- were against adoption thereof; A description of the boundaries of the territory. 2. A certified copy of Ordinance No. 667 as regularly passed and adopted on the 1st day of July, 1957, setting forth approval of the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach of that inhabited territory in which the aforementioned elect 1 vas held and designating such territory as: I "North Annexation." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set �{ my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this 2nd day of August, 1957. FRANK M. JORDIlN Secretax pr of State 14alter C. Stutler Deputy Secretary of State ' a:ac sae aw sro yy 01-3INANCr� No. AN OJRJI�.qiLNCE )F 'THE, OF HUN'!'1N(,TGN APPROV11`G TH3 ATMEX .r_1014 TO 11"ITY Oi`Ydf,' INGTON )F C:E.RTA1,1%! DE`)IGNAI �;_, A�= "NORTH ANNE)CATi-1,114" , dlli iC.H ?.r'- CONTIGUCJS' IF( '1"1"112 CITY 9F 1PJNT_1w4(.iTuN UPON TH.E TERM GONTAINED 11*41 `,'H;: Q,0°'- w311� ITTF_,L_ AAA. A 3, ^,CIAL �i i TERRITQRY Ulf ' iE Ott} Dt1 T' JUN _ ' WHEREAS, pursuant to t' VrOvlsluilt3 of 'AN tof tf)c Le.- -s!&ture of the State of Californl& known as the L,-;. 3", and pursuant to Resolatior No. ' 3ul af t b-! ae :_"ItyG of ► the City of lhunt Ington Bea- ft or, the 15th as April special election was field , n the klth�clay of Tun,6 j_c;51 , jr, lit&j certain inhabited tuerrltor,, oontiguoue to ":ity (-'.f 'hunttat -,: . Beach designated as "North �.nnexatlori,' an , ia fiereinaft�y more particularly descrlbec� , and WHVIKASO at said special election the qju_-9t:Lcn waK aub- mitted to the qualified eleL.%tors residin.6 In saic' tarrttory, SHALL THE NORTH i-MVEXATION BE ANNt-."*V1 "IM Tlik CITY OF' HUNTINGTON BEACH MD TE P IN 3UCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH AJMEXATIQN, 6VB- JECT TO TAXATION E14UALLY WITH TH.E PRQPM� Tl WITHIN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TO PM Tlir; ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTUNESS OF THE VITY OF HUNT- INGTON BEACH OUTSTANDING OR AUTHORIZED AT THE DATE OF Mig FILING OF THE PETITION FOR Ai�NzJ.- ATION FOR THE AC(4UI3ITI0N$ 'ON3,'TrM ICTI oh 0, COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IJAPRL)YfNr�1411.13? WHEREAS, It appears from the CUnVaSS Of 016 M tUrlla :it the cast at said special election that a majority of a''I- vo-,es '4n said territory on the question of said annexation and the assuwkt,4_4�44 of said bonded Indebtedness favor annexation upon tQ-6 terms OoW"P*,I"G in the question submitted; and MWMEAS8 It appears that said special elect.'.of. and al-I prc�(.. relating thereto have been conducted strictly 14,n accordance NOW THEREFORE, . the People of tlie City of Hurt CIngton Beaan. as follows: Section 1. That the annexation of that oerta.In Iju-iablteu contiguous to the City of Huntington Beach djasignated as &%ion" be and the same hereby Is approved upon the terms oont4*,-, the aforesaid question which was submitted at Vie special hold on the 4th day of June , ,957.. Said territcry Is dasori .,jw* follows., Beginning at the 5outhweat corner of the Norte. half (NO of the Northeast quarter (NE ) of Section 3, Township 6 South, Range I! W&est;. San Bernardino Meridian, said corner being 4, r the North Boundary line of the Cite of hurit.-kr.g.- ton Beach, as now eat4blishad; thence Ncr�: 1290 feet, more or less, to a point In t6e South line of Garfield Street, elxLy feez, wide as now laid out; thence Wes; 20.CY:, fettz along said South line of Garfield 3%reet: thence North 2690 feet, more or less, alo' nig the West line of Edwards Street, Forty feet (401 ) wide as now laid out, and Its 3outhei-,,., prolongation, to an Intersectloji witt) ta� Nil t line of Fills Aver;ut ; Forty Feet (4-0 t:lcte as now laid ou** ; thence ,,;aat 20«00 feet, along said Forth line of nllis Avenue, to =a point In the North, youth quarter sectiors line through Se .tlon 34, Township 5 `x:;c.Lh, Ra,nre 11 west Sa.i Bernardino Merluialn; thence E North 2b2C) feet, more or less, along said North, South quarter section lire to the North line of said Section 34; trience �.#Ieet 2640 feet, more or lees, aloW, the North line of said Section 34, to the Northwest corner thereof; thence North 2620 feet, more or 16as , :.long the Westerly line of Section 27, Townsillp 5 60,ut;h, Range 11., Meat, Sun Bernardino Aerli::Ian, to a point in the South line of Slater Avenue , forty feet (401 ) wide as now laid out; thence West 1320 feet, more or less, alone, th.e South line of Slater Avenue to its �iesterly term.inua; thence North 20,00 feet to the East-beau; quarter seotion line through Section 28, Townehlp 5 South, Flange 11, West, San Bernardino 4erldlan; thence west 1320 feet, more or lees, along said quarter seo•- • . tion line to the center of said Section 28; thence North 2610 feet, more or lees, to an intersection with the South line of Winteraburg Avenue, Seventy feet (70! ) wide as now laid out; t:nenae West 20 feet alo said South line to an intersection with the outherly produoeLL west hire of Graham Street, Forty feet 14-01 ) wide as now ItU. d out; thence North 2650 feet, more or Ness , along eaid West line of Graham Street and its Soutt-.erly pro- longation, to an intersection with the mouth line of Gerhart Avenue, Forty feot (401 ) wise as now laid out; thence 'hest 2650 feet, more or lees, along said South line of Gerhart Avenue , to an Intersection with the `sleet line of Bolaa Ctilca ;Street, sixty feet . (60 ' ) wide, as now laid out; thence North 2630 feet , more C -_ lees, alone, said West line of Bolsa Chiea Street; to w-i intersec- tion with the South line of 5meltzer Avenue, 31xty feet (601 ) wide as now- laid out; thence East three (3) miles, more or lees, along said South line of Smeltzer Avenue, to an Intersection with the East line of Huntln ton beach Boulevard, One hundred thirty two feel (132` � wide as now laid out; thence South 4590 feet , more or leas, along said East line of Huntington Beach Boulevard, 'i to an Intersection with the North line of the South halt (3j) of the Southwest quarter (3W- ) of the Southwest quarter (SW- ) of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 11 beat, San Bernardino Meridian; thence East 1232 feet, more or less, along the North line of said South half (SI) of the Southwest quarter (SWJ) of the Southwest quarter (SWt) of said Section 24 to the North- east oorner of the South half (Sj) of tLv South- west quarter (9WJ) of the Southwest quar per (SW;) of said 89ation 24; thence South 3M feet, more or lees, along quarter, quarter sectlo-a l.Lnes to an Intersection wi tr, the North line of Slater Avenue, 6orty feet (401 wide as now laid out; 4 thence East 1340 feat, more or leas, along said North line of Slater Avenue, to an intersection with the East line of Newland Street Forty feet (401 ) wide as now laid out; thence South 1340 feet, more or lose, along the Last line of Newland Street, to an Intersection xitIl the C:asterly produced Southerly line of the North half Uij) of the Southwest quarter (3W.,) of :Sea tl on 25, s L� `i, South, : arj;e 1.1 lest, _'�:: fsNr ria:�diro Mer .d ,i.n; thence West 080 'feet., more or .lese, aloalzz eald -Southerly 1-ins, e d Its iasterly pro- lorlkfL ,ion to th* Northeast oor,,o; of the West { hal . (' ; of the So&,.thobLat t 3Rj- ) of the Sout west gnparter iSte ) of eaiu erection 25; thertae Suutb 264-0 feet, more �r ICss to the a oRathea.s t c ', r;'tr of tws We n t w%li. z 4t ) of the � KGruhearst qL ter (N ) of they No'4•14hwet;t quarter ( } o f Seotijtd 36, To ship 3oywth, age 11 Vest, San Bernardino rldiw"; tneroe hest 660 foot, more or lees, to Qe Northeast corner of %he Southwest quarter (SWi ) of the Northwest q",ter (NWJ..) of said Section 36, thsaoe South one (1) mile, more or leas alvn4 quarter, guar- ter section linen to the ��etle a.,;,t oornar of the Northwest quarter (NWJ) of. the Northwest quarter (NWj ) of Section 1, Townshiv 6 South, Range 11 Test, San Bernardino kerllla.n; thence Meet 132 feet, more or loge, to the Nartk4wsst corner of the cast 4 Acres, of tree iouthwest quarter (SW;4) of the Nort4west quarter (.NW ) of said ,Section 1; thence South 14,320 feet,. more or lees, along the West line of said .r.:a.st 4 Acres, of the Southwest quarter (3w ) of .ttie Northwest quarter(NW; ) of said Section 1, to the Southwest corner of said Fist 4 Acres, here- tofore last mentioned, said poinnt being in the center line of Yorktowm Street, said. Doint being also in the boundary line of the C;!ty of Huntington Beach as now established; thence West 1188 feet, more or less, to an angle } point in said boundary line; thence North 1320 feet, more or lees, to an angle point, in , the said boundary line; thence :iget one and one-half (1j) miles, more or le8a;, a7 o% said boundary line of the City of Huntington, Beach to the true point of beginning of this deaorip- tion. . Section 2. That the boundaries of said City of HLwtington Beach are hereby altered and the said territory above described Is hereby annexed to, and incorporated and included witxin the City of Hunt- ington Beach, California, and said City i3h ll teve all rights and powers in, to and over said territory as are provided by law. Section 3. That the territory above described mall be subject to taxation equally with the property within. he City of Buntington Beach to pay the entire bonded 1,ndebtednees of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding on February 18th, 1957, or tt.eretofore authorized, for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal Improve- ments, Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the paesage and adoption of Vile Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the Huntire ton Beach mews, a weekly nuts aper, printed, published and oirculated in the :'.'LLy of HuntiiCton each, California; and ttl.irty ( 30) days after the adoj�tion thersof ,, the same shall take effaot and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED 13Y THE City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this let day of July, 1957. VICTOR T,1RRY �Ia:>tax• ATTEST; JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk i F STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange ) as City of Huntington Beach ) I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly elected, qualified and acting,City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and e4- officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of • t'hs City of Huntington Beach is five; that the foregoing ordi- nate was first read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of June, 1957, and was again read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof -hold on the lst day of July, 1957, and was passed and adopted by the affirm&- Live vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council as follows: , AY�Bt Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOW: Councilmen: a None ADe�lR: None ,TORN, L. HEWU'CKSEH City Clerk and ex-offioio Clark of the City Council of the City 3 of Huntington Beach, C&Uf, t 1 sy i FRANK M. JORDAN � p �C ij ,�,j �. . SECRETARY OF STATE ,�p�nj,,a t- n� AIN Q�ffr�r 9fi`the Secret aY I"of State SACRAMENTO i i I I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That on the----Z2ad----day of______________Aup t_------- __ _________ 19_.60.-, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more J particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: i j A copy of Ordinance No--------------------7.84_ __ _______ ._____.______.__.__ _ .___- as.regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the------15th----day of------- -----J'QI --- ---------- ------ - 19 64_._ , certified by JQn�s-------------------------------------------- ------- , City Clerk. i !� I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to !� the CITY OF_-_HUNiINGT01d BEACH __------._____ of contiguous uninhabited j ---------------------- - !� territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: i "Northeast No. 2". j IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my �I .. haiid and affix the Great Seal of the . State of California this 22nd i r. day of- Aug i s.t , 19 60.. ' r. •` �- -- --------- - i n t r � � Stale i, a*�... 1665 7-59 SM SPO l 2 3 RESOLUTION Not 1421 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF J UN-rINCaTG.X jlr`ACH GIVING O`�'ICE OF PROP05- 5 SD ANNEXATION TO CITY OF NTIN"TON BlEA.CH OF 6 TH4T CERTAIN UNINHABITED TS RITORY M-SCRIBED E&'MIR AND DESIGNATED AS "'I QRTM-AST No. 2" 7 .ANNFUTION, AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIC: AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF 1,AQTFSTS TH61ETD. 8 9 BE IT RMSOLVED BY THS COUNCIL OF ThT CITY OF to TIAMN BLACHs 11 s: 12 1. That pars a tot parovi s ions of the "Annexatioe 13 OU':Uninhabited Territory Act ot.; 19399" a petition signed by Y 14 orrnor s of not lose than on*- omr—th of the land in the here- 15 isaftar described territory by area and by assessed Yalu* 16 as sham on the last equaii od Assessment roll of the County 17 of Orange, vas filed with the Oouneil of tb City of Hunt- 18 ington reach on May 16 19W, requesting annexation of 19 the hereinafter described territe,ry to said City; that said 20 territory which said petitioners request be annexed to the ' 21 City of Huntington Beach and vhiesh said City and its Counail 22 propose to annex to the City of Wintington beach is situa►to 23 in the County of Orange, State of California, hereby desig- 24 ! dated *Northeast No. 2 .Annexation", and described as followas 25 'I I 26 "I Beginning at the point of Intersection of the West line of the Southeast Quarter (SEA) of 27 I the Southeast Quarter (SF,) of the Soutbvost Quarter (SWJ) of Section 25, Tovnship 5 South, 28 Range 11 West, Sate Bernardla# iseridian with a line drawn parallel to shad distant 30 loot 29 Jab 1. Res. X* 1421 1 2 3 North, measured at right angles from the South line of said Section 25, said point being in 4 the be 1ndary line of the City c-f Huntington each1 as ncrvi established) thence South 690 foetq 5 more or less, along said boundary line to tho Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (ME*) 6 of the Northeast ;,quarter (ftj) of the Northwest Quarter (N W-J) of Section 36, Township 5 South, 7 Range 11 West, San 6*rnardino Meridian; then**, leaving the boundary line of the City of Hunting- 8 ton .Faa:rh, fast 680 fe et more or less, alonr the South line of the Northeast quarter (D of 9 the Northeast quarter (NEj) of tho Northwest quarter (Mk) of said Section 36 to an interseo- 10 Lion. with the Nast line of Newland Street, 40 feet wide as now laid out, said point also being 11 in the boundary line of the City of Fountain Valley, as now established; thence forth 690 feet * 12 more or less, along said boundary line to an intersection with the forth line oP 'halbert 13 Avenue, 60 feet wide as now laid out; thence,, leaving the boundary liner of the City of Fountain 14 Valley 'nest 680 feet, more or lows, along the North line of Talbert Avenue to the point of 15 beginning" 16 17 2. That the CounW Boundary Commivsion of Orange 18 County, California,'-did in session duly assembled m 19 April 13, 1960, approve the proposed annexation boundaries 20 of said "Northeast No. 2 Annexation", as above described, 21 and as submitted to said Cotmission by tkw proponents of 22 said annexation of said territory to said City. 23 3, Thee Jtly 5 , , 19609 at the hour of 24 or as soon'tTereafter as possible, 25 moo., o'clock P.N./of said day, in the Council Chambers 26 in the City Sell in the City of huntingtrn. beach, County 27 of Orange, Californiss, is hereby fined as the time and i 28 I i 29 2. ties, Nta• _ 1 2 3 place w1 er and w i re any person ©whin property within the. 4 uninhabited territory a-.Jove described %nd prd Josad to be 5 annexed to the City of Ifunntington beach and having &M ob. E- 6 jection to the proposed annexats on nay appear before the 7 Council of the City of Huntington Beach and show cause vhy 8 such uninhabited terr4 tort' should not; b+e so annexed to said `�. 9 City of Runtingtor .beach, such protest must be in writing, 10 may be filed at any time before the kic:ur sat for hearing aX . 11 objections to the proposed annexation' and shall state the 12 naae or names of the owner or owners of property affected 13 and the description and area of such property in general 14 terms, .. ,. 15 4. The City Clerk of the City of Huntington reach 16 17 is hereby authorised and directed to cause s copy of this x 18 resolution to be published at least twice, but not oftener 3 19 than ones a weeks in the"Huntington Beach News". a newspaper 20 of general circulation published in said City of Huntington 21 B*atehv the city to which it is proposed to annex the afore. i 22 said territory, and also in the "Westminster Herald". a 23 newspaper of general circulation published outside the City 241 of Huntington beash, but in the County of grange, California , 25 the county in which is located the territory proposed to be 26 annexed to the City of Huntington aeh, said publication 27 j to be complete at least twenty (20) days prior to the date � 1 ...-. 28 set for hearing, 29 3• i 4 M. -- . NO& ZT 1 2 3 Ar:d the sal.d City Clerks is further authorized and di- 4 rested to cEactse r. r. it,ten novi.ce of stsch prole=osed annexation 5 to be :rL.ai.led to ,ct. person to -whom within the terri- 6 tort' 're osed to ,)e, annexed 'is assessed :-r t;hke last equalized 7 county asserement roll a`all able or, thv data the a'bOve pro- s ceedinrs were Initiated, at the addr-��ses shown on said 9 assessment rcil or as knovn to said Ci.frk# and to any person 10 who has filer, his name and address &f,,d Vie designation of the 11 lands in which tree has any interest .1ther legal or equitable 12 with said Clerk, such notice to be given not less than twenty on 13 (20) days before! the first public tie rind*/tbe proposed anneaa- 14 sties. 15 .And in theevent any land w4lthin the tartitory proposes 16 to be annexed is owned 'by a county, the said City Clerk is 17 directed to cause written notice of such proposed annexation 18 to be mailed to the board of Supervisors of such County, 19 such notice t4 be given not less than twenty (20) days before 20 the first public hearing on the proposed annexation, i said 21 And thee/City Clerk is directed to causes written notice 22 to be giver, to such other persons as may be legally entitled 23 thereto, in the manner required by law. 24 I PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Cite' Council of the City of adjourned 25 Huntington oachs at a regular/ meaeating thereof held an the � ! 26 2 Ird day of 1960* I 27 ERNEST H. GISLER 28 ATTS t Mayor i 29 PAUL G. JONES City C1eZt - - -� i w y C_ i ri 1 FRANK M. JORDAN •[CRQTARY OF{TAT[ Q�f the Secrete of State SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: i That-on the-----21st---day of------June----------------------------------------- 19----63, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No---------96-7---------------------------------------------------------as regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on i the---- Qth--------day of---11ay------------------------------------------------------- 19--6 - certified by -Paul___C___L1ane&-------------------------------------------------- City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF------—HUXT-MGTE_11EA0-H-----------------------------of contiguous uninhabited territory,contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: " —---------------------- "NEWLAND NO. 2 ANNEXATION." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this-----21st_- day of-----------June-------------------- 19.63.- ----------------- - - - ----------- Secretary of State A i E— ...C2 7-92 7000•►O t is (Published Huntington BeachNews May feet wide); thence leaving said exist- 23 1963) ing boundary, S 0° 12' 09" E, along ORDINANCE No. 967 said easterly boundary of Newland AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- Avenue, which is also the existing INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN- boundary of the City of Fountain Val- NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED ley, incorporated tune 13, 1957, 656.08 TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "NEW- feet to the easterly prolongation of LAND NO. 2 ANNEXATION" TO THE the south line of the Northeast quar- CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. ter of the Southeast quarter of the The City Council of the City of Hunt- southwest quarter of Section 25, Town- . .. ship 5 South, Range 11 West, San ington Beach, California, does ordain as Bernardino Meridian; thence leaving follows: said existing boundary of the city of WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions Fountain Valley incorporated June 13, of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- 1957, N 89' 54' 02" W, along said d:tory Act of 1939", the City Council of South line, 679.60 feet to existing the City of Huntington Beach did, on the boundary of the City of Huntington i8th day of March, 1963, pass and adopt Beach as established by said O-.d- Resolution No. 1741, giving notice of the inane No. 667; thence N 00 11' 43" proposal to annex certain uninhabited W, following said existing city boun- - territory to the City of Huntington Beach, dary, 655.02 feet, to an existing said terriory being therein designated as angle point in said city boundary; "Newland No. 2 Annexation" and said thence S 89, 59' 34" E, following action being taken by the Council of said said existing city boundary, 679.51 City as the legislative body of the City, feet, to the point of beginning", pursuant to a written petition therefor, The boundaries of said City of Hunting- said Resolution describing the boundaries ton Beach are hereby altered and the of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said City; and said territory above described is here- WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1741, cl annexed n incorporated in and in- did contain a notice of the day, hour eluded within the City of CityHun s td l Beach, California, and said City shall and place when and where the said have all rights and powers in, to and Council of said City would hear protests over said territory as are provided,by made by any person owning property law within the territory proposed to be an The City Council of the City of Hunt- nexed, the time of said hearing being not ington Beach does hereby further ordain less than 40 nor more than 60 days alter ,that the territory above described shall the passage of said Resolution, and be subject to taxation equally with the WHEREAS,on the 6th day of May, 1963, property within the City of Huntington at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Beach to pay the entire banded indebted- Council Chamber in .the City Hall of ness of the City of Huntington Beach out- the City of Huntington Beach, State of standing on March 4th, 11963, the date California, said time and place being of the tiling of the Petition for Annexa- the day and hour and place fixed in said tion of said territory or.theretofore author- Resolution No. 11741 for hearing protests ized for the acquisition, or to the said annexation, and no protests, completion of municipal constructionl improvements. either written or oral, to said annexation The City Clerk shall certify to the having been made; and passage and adoption of this ordinance WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous and shall cause the same to be published to the City of Huntington Beach, and is by one insertion in the Huntington Beach uninhabited territory in the County of News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- Orange; and lished and circulated in.the City of Hunt- WHEREAS, the owners of more than ington Beach, California; and thirty days two-thirds of the value of the territory after the adoption thereof the same shall have heretofore filed with the City Clerk take affect and be in force. written consent that the property in said PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City territory be, after annexation, subject to taxation equally with the property with- 'Council of the City of Huntington Beach, in the City of Huntington Beach to pay California, this 20th day of May, 1963. the entire bonded indebtedness of the ROBERT M. LAMBERT City of Huntington Beach outstanding or Mayor authorized at the date of the filing of ATTEST: j the petition for annexation for the ac- PAUL C. JONES quisition, construction or completion of City Clerk municipal improvements; State of California ` NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of County of Orange ss the City of Huntington Beach does hereby City of Huntington Beach approve the annexation known as "New- I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, land No. 2 Annexation", the territory of which is herefnaffer described, to the qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and does here- City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio by further ordain that said territory be Clerk of the City Council of the said and it is hereby annexed to the City of City, do hereby certify that the whole Huntington Beach. number of members of the City Council That sand territory, the annexation of of the City of Huntington Beach is five; which to the City of Huntington Beach is that the foregoing ordinance was read to herein approved, is all that territory si- said City Council at a regular meeting tuated in the County of.Orange, State of thereof+held on the 6ih day of May, 1963, California, and more particularly des- and was again read to said City Council cribed as follows: crt a regular meeting thereof held on the Beginning at an angle point in the 20th day of May, 1963, and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of existing boundary of the City of Hunt- more than a majority of all the members ington Beach, as established by Ord- inance No. 667 adopted by the City °f said City Council. Council of said City of Huntington AYES: Councilmen: Beach July 1, 1957, and certified by Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, the Secretary of the State of Califor- Lambert. nia on August 2, 1957, said angle NOES: Councilmen: point being the intersection of the None. easterly prolongation of the southerly ABSENT: Councilmen: line of the north half of the southwest None, quarter of Section 25, Township 5 PAUL C. TONES South, Range I West, San Bernar- City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk dino Meridian, with the easterly line of the City Council of the City of the present Newland Avenue (40 of Huntington Beach, California. I .•n r I Arm A 1 FRANK M. JORDAN .•� Y �� 1 ERETARY F ; � SC O STATE �l�yi1, ` �. - t � t k E ecretar of ASta#e SACRAMENTO 1 I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby ti certify: f � f That on the--23rA----day of.------------------------De_cember------------------ 19_bQ_, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more t 1 particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in .my office: j 1 � A copy of Ordinance No----------------------8 2--------- ---------------------------- as regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the----21,ati------day of---------------Novem4er----------_------------------- 19 bQ - , certified by 4 E _F_aul_C.--J-Q-npa-------------------------------------------------- City Clerk. f i I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to H[INT l: the CITY OF______ MTON_-BEACK--_ _ _ _..--_ __--__-_ __ _-- of contiguous uninhabited territory,contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: I I "NewlandNo: 1rr _ }---------------------------------- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set gray. hand and affix the Great Seal of the 4 State of California this---23rd-.. ------ . i day of-------- _December --- 19.-64.- j I � f Secretary of State • f 1665 7-59 9M 6P0 E f `s 4 1 j 1 t'; (Published Huntington Beach News Sept. 3. That November 7th, 1960, at the hour 29, Oct. 6, 1960) of 8:00 o'clock P.M. of said day, in the RESOLUTION NO. 1437 Council Chambers. in the City Hall in A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL the City of Huntington Beach, County of OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Orange, California is hereby fixed as GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED AN- the time and place when and where any NEXATION TO CITY OF HUNTINGTON Person d tern property within the un- BEACH OF THAT CERTAIN UNIN_ inhabited territory above described and HABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HERE- proposed to be annexed to the City of IN AND DESIGNATED AS "NEWLAND Huntington Beach and having any objec- NO. I ANNEXATION," AND GIVING lion to the proposed annexation may NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR appear before the Council of the City HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO. of Huntington Beach andd show cause why such uninhabited territory should not be BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- so annexed to said City of Huntington CIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON Beach. Such protest must be in writing, BEACH: may be filed a; any time before the hour 1. That pursuant to the provisions of set for hearing objections to the pro- the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory posed annexation, and shall state the Act of 1939," a petition signed by owners name or narnes of the owner or owners of not less than one-fourth of the land in of property affected and the description the hereinafter described territory by area and area of such property in general and by assessed value as shown on the terns. last equalized assessment roll of the 4. The City Clerk of the City of Hunt- County of Orange, was filed with the ington Beach is hereby authorjzed and Council of the City of Huntington Beach directed to cause a copy of this resolution on September 26, 1960, requesting an- to be published at leas' twice, but not nexation of the hereinafter described oftener than once a week, in the "Hunt- territory to said city; that said terri- ington Beach News," a newspaper of tory which said petitioners request be general circulation published in said City annexed to the City of Huntington Beach of Huntington Beach, the city to which and which said City and its Council pro- it is proposed to annex the aforesaid pose to annex'to the City of Huntington territory, and also in the "Westminster Beach is situate in the County of Orange, Herald," a nowspaper of general circula- State of California, hereby designated tion published outside the City of Hunt- "Newland No. 1 Annexation," ind des- ington Beach, but in the County of Or- cribed as follows: ange, California, the county in which is 'A portion of the North half of Section located the territory proposed to be an- 25, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, nexed to the City of Huntington Beach, San Bernardino Base and Meridian said publication to be complete at least in the Rancho Las Bolsas in the twenty (20) days prior to the date set County of Orange. State of California, for hearing. as shown on map recorded in Book 5. And the said City Clerk is further 51, Page 13 of Miscelleaneous Maps, authorized and directed to cause written Records of Orange County, described notice of such proposed annexation to as follows: be mailed to each person to whom land Beginning at the North quarter corner within the territory proposed to be an- of Section 25, Township 5 South, nexed is assessed in the last equalized Range 11 West, San Bernardino Base county assessment roll available on the and Meridian, said quarter corner date the above proceedings were init- being the centerline intersection of iated, at the addresses shown on said Wintersburg Avenue 60 feet wide and assessment roll or as known to said Clerk, Newland Street 40 feet wide; thence, and to any person who has filed his South 0° 15' 35" West along the name and address and the designation centerline of Newland Street a dis- of the lands in which he has any interest, tance of 30 feet; thence, South 890 either legal or equitable with said Clerk, 31' 25" East parallel with the center- such notice to be given not less than line of Wintersburg Avenue a dist- twenty (20) days before the first public ance of 20 feet to the true point of hearing on the proposed annexation. beginning, said point lying in the 6. In the event any land within the east line of Newland Street also the territory proposed to be annexed is owned west boundary line of the City of by a county, the said City Clerk is di- Fountain Valley; thence, South 0° rected to cause written notice of such 15' 35" West along said east line of proposed annexation to be mailed to the Newland Street and west boundary Board of Supervisors of such County, such line of the City of Fountain Valley, notice to be given not less than twenty a distance of 2591.00 feet to a point (20) days before the first public hearing in the north line of Slater Avenue 40 on the proposed annexation. feet wide, said north line of Slater 7. The said City Clerk is directed to Avenue also being the north bound- cause written notice to be given to such ary line of the City of Huntington other persons as may be legally entitled Beach; thence, North 89' 31' 25" thereto, in the manner required by law. West along said north line of Slater PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Avenue and the north boundary line Council of the City of Huntington Beach, of City of Huntington Beach a distance at a regular meeting thereof held on the of 1338.75 feet to a point in the east 26th day of September, 1960. boundary line of the City of Hunt- ERNEST H. GISLER, ington Beach, said point being an Mayor angle point in the boundary line of ATTEST: the City of Huntington Beach; thence, PAUL C. JONES, North 0° 16' 07" East along the said City Clerk east boundary line of the City of STATE OF CALIFORNIA Huntington Beach a distance of COUNTY OF ORANGE as. 2591.00 feet to a point in the south CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH line of Wintersburg Avenue 60 feet wide and also the south boundary 1, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, line of the City of Huntington Beach, qualified and acting City Clerk of the said point being an angle point in City of Huntington Reach, and ex-officio the boundary line of the City of Hunt- Clerk of the City Council of said City, ington Beach; thence, South 89° 31' do hereby certify that the whole number 25" East along said South line of of members of the City Council of the - Wintersburg Avenue and the south City of Huntington Beach is five; that boundary line of City of Hunt- the foregoing resolution was passed and ington Beach a distance of 1338.35 adopted by the affirmative vote of more feet to the true point of beginning, than a majority of all the members of said point being an angle point in said City Council at a regular meeting the boundary line of the City of thereof held on the 26th day of Sep- Fountain Valley. tember, 1960, by the following vote: . 2. That the County Boundary Commis- AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Lambert, sion of Orange County, California, did Stewart, Gisler in se. .:on duly assembled on September NOES: Councilmen: None 19th, 1960, approve the proposed annex- ABSENT: Councilmen: Waite ation boundaries of said Newland No. 1 PAUL C. JONES, Annexation, as above described, and as City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk submitted to said Commission by the of the City Council of the City proponents of said annexation of said of Huntington Beach, California territory to said City. a. '>' � d X i 1 i FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE L .� Z .lS X11the Sur a Of Static SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: i That-on the_._2__7_t_h___.._day of_----------.--------- --------------------------)OW 19�-__-, pursuant to the provisions of the"Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No.__688-----_-----------------------------of the CITY OF NUI MTON_B_�].�S__ _-. certified b JP2iR L._Henricksen------------------ City Clerk. I further certify that the______ ____day of_______________-.-April , lat__h 1 ----------, 19--�-- is stited in the certificate of said City Clerk as the date on which said ordinance was regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of said City and That said ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF Ht1r�Il--Tt13J--------BEACH ___ _...._of certain uninhabited territory, a description of the boundaries and the designation thereof as: uNorthmot No. 1 Xnnem4tion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this -27th - - ----------------------day of------------- ---------------- 19--R!-- ----c ----------------------------------- �ofjil;at;e -- Se et Xrw 49094 1-57]M&PC (Published Huntington Beach News April 24, 1958) ORDINANCE NO. 688 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHAB- ITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "NORTHEAST NO. 1 ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Califor- nia, does ordain as follows: ° WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939", the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach did, on the 17th day of February, 1958, pass and adopt Resolution No. 1339, giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said territory being therein designated as "Northeast No. I Annexation" and said action being taken by the Council of said city as the legislative body of the city, pursuant to a written petition therefor, said Resolution describ- ing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said city; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1339 did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the said Council of said city would hear protests made by any person owning property within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than 40 nor more than 60 days after the passage of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, on the 7th day of April, 1958, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolu- tion No. 1339 for hearing protests to the said annexation, the City Council of said city, did hear and pass upon all protests made to said proposed annexation and did determine and find that a majority protest had not been made or presented in accordance with Section 35313 of the Government Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of Hun- tington Beach, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; and WHEREAS, the owners of more than two-thirds of the value of the territory have heretofore filed with the City Clerk writ- ten consent that the property in said territory be, after annex- ation, subject to taxation equally with the property within ,the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- ness of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding or authorized at the date of the filing of the petition for annexation for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improve- ments; NOW TEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Huntingg- ton Beach does hereby approve the annexation known as "North- east No. I Annexation", the territory of which is hereafter described, to the City of Huntington Beach and does hereby further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Huntington Beach is herein approved, is all that territory situ- ate in the County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of a line that is parallel with and 15.00 feet Southerly, as measured at right an- gles, from the one-quarter section line running East and West through the center of Section 24, T. 5 S., R I I W., San Bernardino Meridian, with the Easterly right of way line of Huntington Beach Boulevard, 132.00 feet in width, said Easterly right of way line also being the City Limits of the City of Huntington Beach; thence Easterly along said parallel line, a distance of 2558.00 feet, more or r Jess, — the intersection of a line that is parallel ..4h and 20.00 feet Easterly, as measured at right angles, from the North and South one-quarter section line running through the center of said Section 24; thence, Southerly along said parallel line, a distance of 5.00 feet, to the intersection of a line that is parallel with and 20.00 feet Southerly as measured at right angles, from said East and West one- uarter section line; thence, Easterly along said parallelq line and its Easterly prolongation, a distance of 2650.00 feet, more or less, to the boundary of the City of Fountain Valley; thence, Southerly and Westerly along said boundary to an angle point in said boundary, said angle point being in a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Southerly, as measured at right angles, from the South line of said Section 24; thence, Westerly along said parallel line to the boundary of the City of Hun- tington Beach; thence, Northerly, Westerly and Norther- ly along said boundary to the point of beginning." The boundaries of said City of Huntington Beach are here- by altered and the said territory above described is hereby annexed to, incorporated in and included within the City of Huntington Beach, California, and said City shall have all rights and powers in, to and over said territory as are provided by law. The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby further ordain that the territory above described shad be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding on February 17th, 1958, the date of the filing of the Petition for Annexation of. said territory, or theretofore authorized, for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in the City of Huntington Beach, California; and thirty (30) days after the, adoption thereof, the same shall take effect and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this 14th day of April, 1958. VICTOR TERRY Mayor ATTEST: JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange ss City of Huntington Beach I I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex-of- ficio. Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is five; that the foregoing ordinance was read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of April, 1958, and was again read to said City Council.at a regular adjourned meeting thereof on the 14th day of April, 1958, and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority'of all the members of said City Council. AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California I � 1 !: FRANK M. JORDAN J" t ii SECRETARY OF STATE it A. off the �! ecYeta 'of State z i SACRAMENTO �i I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby 5 certify: f! That on the----2.2nd----day of-----September------------------------------ - 19-64---, pursuant i to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more j particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: I� A copy of Ordinance No.-.____.__-103B--------- ._____. ___- ____._._- -----._. _.as.regularly 4 ! passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the------1-9th------day of__ ---August--------------------- _- ---------------..---_-:_, 19.. .64, certified by +� Paul__C�__Jones----------------------------------------- _. , City Clerk. !( I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to iE i the CITY OF__HUNTIN_GTQN._BFACH___..______________________.._ ______of contiguous uninhabited lterritory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: it 1 � i i __--— ----------- j H t f IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hercaanto set nay y } hand and affix the Great Seal of the f State of California this____ _ 22nd____.___- ;1 144 day of-------------PP_Temi_ex_----- 19---54. � i � q I ���i. �k« '1 .> a•. 1 Asa'-''� ti �. { :o �t f #+ii1' �r� .r ip � . f I I' I -------------- k1 z �ee� fi r .` ��`� ec�etary of State i Via, yY ;1 PP912 6-P3!`o0 SPc 1 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1078 Beginning at an angle point in the drawn parallel to and distance 30 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- existing boundary of the City of feet Southerly and measured at right INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN. Huntington Beach as established by angles at the North line of Section NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED Ordinance No. 686 adopted by the 24, said Township and Range, which TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "HEIL AN- City Council by the said City of Hurt- is a;so the South line of Edinger NEXATION" TO THE CITY OF HUNT- tn:gton Beach April 7, 1958, and cer- Avenue (formerly called Smeltzer) 60 INGTON BEACH. tified by the Secretary of the State feet in width; thence S 89° 23' 35" W The City Council of the City o! Hunt- of California on May 5, 1958, said a distance of 132.00 feet which is angle point being the intersection of also the City boundary of the City ington Beach, California, does ordain a line drawn parallel to and distance of Huntington Beach as established as follows: 30 feet southerly measured at right by Ordinance No. 667, and the South WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions angles from the north lire of Section line of Edinger Avenue (formerly of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Terri- 23, Township 5 South, range 11 West, called Smeltzer) 60 feet in width to tory Act of 1939", the City Council of San Bernardino Meridian, with a line the po:nt of beginning. the City o1 Huntington Beach did, on drawn parallel to and 30 feet West- The boundaries of said City of Hunt- the 4th day of May, 1964, pass and erly measured at right angles from ingto❑ Beach are hereby altered and the adopt Resolution No. 1959, giving notice the Easterly line of said Section 23, said territory above described is hereby of the proposal to annex certain unin- said Township and Range; Thence N habited territory to the City of Hunting- 0° 46' G" W a distance of 1349.91 within the City' of Huntington Beach, ton Beach, said territory herein desig- along a line distance 30 feet Wester- California, and said City shall have all ton Beach, said territory being therein ly measured at right angles from the rights and powers in, to and over said designated as "Heil Annexation" and said Section 14, said Township and territory as are provided by law, said action being taken by the Council Range, which is also the City bound- The City Council of the City of Hunt- . of said City as the legislative body of ary of the city of Huntington Beach ington Beach does hereby further ordain the City, pursuant to a written petition as established by Ordinance No. 686, that the territory above described shall therfeore, said Resolution describing trio to the North line of the Southeast be subject to taxation equally with the boundaries to the territory so proposed quarter of the Southeast quarts. of property within the Ciy of Huntington to be annexed to said City; and Section 14, said Township and Range; Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1959; thence leaving the City boundary of ness of the• City of Huntington Beach did contain a notice of the day, hour the City of Huntington Beach as es- outstanding on May 4th, 1964, the date and place when and where the said tablished by the City Ordinance No. of the filing of the Petition for Annexa- Council of said City would hear pro- 686,. N 89° 23' 35" E a distance of tion of said territory or theretofore au- tests made by any person owning prop- 132.00 feet to the East line of the thorized for the acquisition, construction erty within the territory proposed to he West 102 feet of the Southwest qucr. or completion of municipal improvements. annexed, the time of said hearing being ter of Section 13, said Township and The Cit- f not less than 40 nor more than 60 days Range, which is also the City bound- Clerk shall certify the Y Y passage and adoption of this ordinance after the passage of said Resolution; and ary of the City of Westminster as es- and shall cause the same to be pub- WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of August, tablished by Ordinance No. 1089 lished by one insertion in the Huntington 1964, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. or as adopted by the City Council on Jan- Beach News, a weekly newspaper printed, soon thereafter of said day, in the Coun- uary 27, 1959; thence S 01 46' 0" E a published and circulated in the City of cif Chamber in the CityHall of the City distance of 1289.91 feet along the y Huntington Reach, California; and thirty of Huntington Beach, State of California, east line of the West 102. feet of the days after the adoption thereof, the same said time and place being the hour and Southwest quarter of said Section 13, shall take effect and be in force. day and place fixed in Said Reso- said Township and Range, which is PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City lution No. 1959 for hearing protests to also the City boundary of the City of Council of the City of Huntington Beach, the said annexation, and no protests, Westminster as established by Ordi- either written or oral, to said annexation nance No. 1089, to the North line of California, this 19th day of August, 1964. having been made; and Edinger Avenue (formerly known as ROBERT M. LAMBERT WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous Smeltzer) 60 feet in width; thence N Mayor Pro-Tern to the City of Huntington Beach, and 890 22' 20" E a distance of 2551.27 ATTEST: is uninhabited territory in the County of feet along said North line of Edin- PAUL C. JONES Orange; and ger Avenue (formerly known as Smelt- City Clerk WHEREAS, the owners of more than zer) which is also the City boundary STATE OF CALIFORNIA , two thirds of the value of the territory of the City of Westminster as estab- COUNTY OF ORANGE have heretofore filed with the City Clerk lished by Ordinance No. 1089; thence CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH written consent that the property in said S Oc 48' 30" E, a distance of 1350.34 I, PAUL C. JONES, the du] elected, territory be, after annexation, subject to feet along the East line of Newland qualified and acting City Clerk le the taxation equally with the property with- Street 30 feet in width, which I. also City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio in the City of Huntington Beach to pay the City boundary of the City of Westminster as established b Clerk of the City Council of said City, do the entire bonded indebtedness of the y Ordif hereby certify that the whole number of City h Huntington Beach outstanding aspen North half o to the South line of members of the City Council of the City or authorized at the date ti the filing the North half c the Northwest quay- of Huntington Beach is five; that the of the petition for annexation for the fez of said Section 29, said Town- acquisition, construction or completion of ship and Range; thence S 89, 22' 35" foregoing ordinance was read to said W a distance of 2550.93 feet along municipal improvements, g City Council at a regular meeting thereof NOW THEREFORE, the City Council the South line of the North half of held on the 3rd day of August, 1964, the Northwest quarter of said Section and was again read to said City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does hereby approve the annexation known as 24, said Township and Range, which is at a regular adjourned meeting thereof also the City boundary of .the City held on the 19th day of August, 1964, and "'Heil hereinafter des the territory of which Y Y °{ was passed and aidopted by the affirma- Hhereinafter described, to the City of Westminster as established h e Ea by Ordf- tive vote of more than a majority of all Huntington Beach, and does hereby Furth- Hance to Rea to the East line et the members of said City Council. er ordain that. said territory be and it Huntington Beach Boulevard 132 feet is hereby annexed to the City of Hunt- wide, which is also the City bound- AYES: Councilmen: Welch, Gisler, ington Beach. ary of the City of Huntington Beach Stewart, Lambert as established b Ordinance No. 667; NOES: Councilmen: None That said territory, the annexation of Y which to the City of Huntington Beach thence leaving the City boundary of ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley is herein ¢ roved, is all that territory the City of Westminster N Oo 49' 40" PP Y PAUL C. JONES situated in the County of Orange, State W a distance of 1290.76 feet along City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of California, and more particularly de- the East line of Huntington Beach of the City Council of the City scribed as follows: Boulevard 132 feet wide, which is of Huntington Beach, California All that certain land situated in the also the City boundary of the City State of California, County of Orange, of Huntington Beach as established described as follows: by Ordinance No. 667, to a line 1 i' FRANK M. JORDAN r I SECRETARY OF STATE M ' the secrets of State i SACRAMENTO a I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That on the___ ------day of-_________________ _____, 19__ _, pursuant ------------------------ to the provisions of the"Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No.____s86------------------------,----------of the CITY OF — -1 aN P CA_--- certified by-_John-L._-Hawicks-ea J City Clerk. a I further certify that the._?tb---day of---------------- P_ ---------------------------- 19--_��8-, is stated in the certificate of said City Clerk as the date on which said ordinance was regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of said City and That said ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF HUNTDWM BEACH ____- -_-_of certain uninhabited territory, a description of the boundaries and the designation thereof as: "North No. 8 At WMtion.w { ------ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this--------- 9th--------------------------day of----------------]! -------------- 19--58. i --------- - - - - - - 1 cretary of Statc Walter C. Siutler, Deputy 40004 1-6)SM S►0 ..�... --•41SRt F_ ,I (Published Huntington Beach News April 10, 1958) ORDINANCE NO. 686 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHAB- ITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "NORTH No. 3 AW NEXATION" TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Califor- nia, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach did, on the 29th day of January, 1958, pass and adopt Resolution No. 1331, giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said territory being therein designated as "North No. 3 Annexation" and said action being taken by the Council of said city as the legislative body of the city, pursu- ant to a written petition therefor, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said city; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1331, did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the said council of said city would hear protests made by any person owning pro- perty within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than 40 nor more than 60 days after the passage of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, on the 17th day of March, 1958, at the hour of 8:15 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California, said time and Place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolu- tion No. 1331 for hearing protests to the said annexation, the City Council of said city, did hear and pass upon all protests made to said proposed annexation and did determine and find that a majority protest had not been made or presented in ac- cordance with Section 35313 of the Government Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the Cif of Hun- tington Beach, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; and WHEREAS, the owners of more than two-thirds of the value of the territory have heretofore filed with the City Clerk writ- ten consent that, the property in said territory be, after annex- ation, subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- ness of,the City of Huntington Beach outstanding or authorized at the date of the filing of the petition for annexation for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improve- ments; Alm- I I . f ' A � I NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Hun- tington Beach does hereby approve the annexation known as "North No. 3 Annexation," the territory of which is hereinafter described, to the City of Huntington Beach and does hereby further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Huntington Beach is herein approved, is all that territory situ- ate in the County of Orange, State of California, and more par- ticularly described as follows: "Beginning at the point of intersection of a line drawn parallel to and 30 feet South, measured at right angles, of the North line of Section 22, Township 5 South, Range I I West, S.B.M., with the Southerly prolongation of the East line of the Southwest quarter (SW V4 ) of the South- east quarter (SEA/4 ) of Section 15, of said Township and Range, said point being in the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach as now established; thence leaving said boundary line Northerly in a direct line to the North- east corner of the Southwest quarter (SWI/4 ) of the Southeast quarter (SEA/4 ) of said Section 15; thence Westerly in a direct line to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter (SWV4 ) of the Southeast quarter (SEA/4 ) of said Section 15; thence Northerly along the North-South quarter section line extending through the center of said Section 15 to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and distant 40 feet Southerly, measured at right angles, from the North line of said Section 15, said point of intersection being in the boundary line of the City of Westminster as now established; thence East- erly, Southerly, Easterly and Northerly following along said boundary line to an intersection with the North line of the South half (SV2 ) of the Northeast quarter (NE'/4 ) of Section 14, of said Township and Range; thence leav- ing the boundary line of the City of Westminster, East- erly along said North line to the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter (SWV4 ) of the Northeast quarter (NEB/4 ) of said Section 14; thence Southerly following along quarter-quarter section lines to the Northwest cor- ner of the Southeast quarter (SEA/4 ) of the Southeast quarter (SEV4 ) of said Section 14; thence Easterly along the North line of said Southeast quarter (SEI/4 ) of the Southeast quarter (SEV4 ) of said Section 14 to an inter- section with a line drawn parallel to and distant 30 feet Westerly, measured at right angles from the Easterly line of said Section 14; thence Southerly along said paral- lel line and its Southerly prolongation to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and distant 30 feet Souther- ly, measured at right angles from the North line of Sec- tion 23 of said Township and Range, said point of inter- section being in the boundary line of the City of Hun- 1 i i i I i , tington Beach as now established; thence Westerly along said boundary line to the point of beginning." The boundaries of said City of Huntington Beach are here- by altered and the said territory above described is hereby annexed to, incorporated in and included within the City of Huntington Beach, California, and said City shall have all rights and powers in, to and over said territory as are provided by law. The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does here- by further ordain that the territory above described shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding on January 29th, 1958, the date of the filing of the Petition for Annexation of said territory or theretofore authorized, for the acquisition, con- struction or completion of municipal improvements. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in the City of Huntington Beach, California; and thirty (30) days after the adoption thereof, the same shall take effect and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this 7th day of April, 1958. VICTOR TERRY Mayor ATTEST: JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA l County of Orange } ss City of Huntington Beach J I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex-offi- cio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is five; that the foregoing Ordinance was read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of March, 1958, and was again read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of April, 1958, and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council. AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California I I v 1 1 I ' I i i .. FRANK M. JOROAN .} ! `s.1^ SECRETARY OF STATE Q9f r ' the ecreta of State SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. ORDAN Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby J y y certify: f That on the---8t-------day of--------------_-----H-Y--------------------------- 19_r�._ pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more ! particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: i i A co of Ordinance No.__§§5____-_ _____ o the CITY OF ��ppyy - - -- _AUltTINGTdN BEACH certified by___------------------------------------------------------ City Henrie en _8__1 Clerk. I further certify that the-_?tO-__day of------ ------------- W-4-------------------------- 58-_ j is stated in the certificate of said City Clerk as the date on which said ordinance was I regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of said City and That said ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF AUNTIlNGTOI1 BEACH______________________of certain uninhabited territory, a description of the boundaries and the designation thereof as: "North No. 2 A,mwmtiou.• 1 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto !! set my hand and affix the Great ! Seal of the State of California (� this--------- Sth - ---------------------day of--- ---- Hai ----------, 19--58' I� ---------------------------q - - retary of State � "p, r x YJaher C. SmIer, Depot --_— 49094 1-57 9M 6PO I I 1 AF2T 7DAVIT OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION STATE OF CALIFOt?T'I A S SS COUNTY OF ORAN IE .70HN L. HENRIUKSEN, being first duly sworn, deposes and says : That he is now and at all times herei.r_ mentioned was the duly appointed , qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, a municipal corporation, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of said City. That pu.rsua.n.t to thp provi c-i ons of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of lq39" , and amendments thereof and additions thereto , the City Colzncil did on the 29th day of January 1958, pass and adopt Resolution No . 1332 givinn notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said territory beinn desi7nated as "North No . 2 Annexation" and said action being taken p>>r.siaant to ,�ritten pe- tition therefor. That annexation proceedings were c^.mpleted by said City Council on the 7th day of April , 1958 by final adoption of its Ordinance No . 685 , said Ordinance becoming effective thirty days thereafter. That by said proceedings said City annexed the territory referred to in that certain certified copy of said Ordinance No . 685 and a map delineating said boundary, which Ordinance and Map are annexed hereto and by this referenceincor- porated herein. The boundary description of said annexed area is set forth in Ordinance No. 685 . That all requirements of the la,�.°s relating to such proceedings have been complied with. I' WITNESS my hand this 8th. day of 1958. 6ilty Cler a d ex-officio Clerk -0 k the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California 1 i I (Published Huntington Beach News April 10, 1958) ORDINANCE NO. 685 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHAB- ITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "NORTH No. 2 AN- NEXATION" TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Califor- nia, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach did, on the 29th day of January, 1958, pass and adopt Resolution No. 1332, giving notice of, the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said territory being therein designated as "North No. 2 Annexation" and said action being taken by the Council of said city as the legislative body of the city, pur- suant to a written petition therefor, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said city; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1332 did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the said Council of said city would hear protests made by any person owning property within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than 40 nor more than 60 days after the passage of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, on the 17th day of March, 1958, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolu- tion No. 1332 for hearing protests to the said annexation, the City Council of said city, did hear and pass upon all protests made to said proposed annexation and did determine and find that a majority protest had not been made or presented in ac- cordance with Section 35313 of the Government Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of Hun- tington Beach, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; and WHEREAS, the owners of more than two-thirds of the value of the territory have heretofore filed with the City Clerk writ- ten consent that the property in said territory be, after annex- ation, subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- ness of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding or author- ized at the date of the filing of the petition for annexation for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal im- provements; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Hun- tington Beach does hereby approve the annexation known as "North No. 2 Annexation," the territory of which is hereinafter described, to the City of Huntington Beach and does hereby i i I I 1 further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Huntington Beach is herein approved, is all that territory situate in the County of Orange, State of California, and more partic- ularly described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet Southerly, measured at right angles, from the North line of Section 20, Township 5 South, Range II West, San Bernardino Meridian, with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles, from the East line of said Section 20, said point of intersection being an angle point in the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach, as now established; thence, leaving the boundary line of the Cif of Huntington Beach, North along said line, parallel with the East line of said Section 20, and along a line parallel with and 30.00 feet West of the East line of Sections 17 and 8, .of said Township and Range to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 30.00 feet Southeaster- ly, measured at right angles, from the Rancho Los Ala- mitos Line, said Rancho Los Alamitos Line being also the center line of Rancho Avenue, 60 feet wide as now laid out; thence Northeasterly along said parallel line to a point in the boundary line of the City of Westminster; thence Southerly, Easterly, Southerly, Easterly and South- erly along said boundary to an angle point therein, said angle point being the Southeast corner of the West 50.00 acres of the South one-half IS'/2 ) of the Northwest one- quarter (NW'/4 ) of Section 10, said last mentioned Township and Range; thence, Southerly along the South- erly prolongation of the East line of said West 50.00 acres to an intersection with the Southerly right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence Easterly along said Southerly right of way line to the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and 20.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles from the North and South one- quarter section line running through the center of Section 10 of said Township and Range; thence Southerly along said parallel line and its Southerly prolongation to the intersection of a line that is parallel with and 40.00 feet Southerly, measured at right angles from the North line of Section 15 of said Township and Range; thence East- erly along said parallel line, 20.00 feet to an intersection with the North and South one-quarter section line run- ning through the center of said Soctionl5; thence South- erly along said one-quarter section line to the Northwesf corner of the'Southwest quarter (SW V4 ) of the South- east quarter (SE'/4 ) of said Section 15; thence Easterly in a direct line to the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter (SW'/4 ) of the Southeast quarter (SE'/4 ) of said Section 15; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of the Southwest quarter (SW'/4 ) of the Southeast quarter (SE'/4 ) of said Section 15 and its Southerly prolongation to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 30.00 kY feet Southerly, measured at right angles from the South line of said Section 15, said point of intersection being in the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach; thence Westerly along said boundary line to the point of beginning.' The boundaries of said City of Huntington Beach are hereby altered and the said territory above described is hereby an- nexed to, incorporated in, and included within the City of Hun- tington Beach, California, and said City shall have all rights and powers in, to and over said territory as are provided by law. The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does ' hereby further ordain that the territory above described shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding on January 20th, 1958, the date of the filing of the Petition for Annexation of said territory, or theretofore authorized, for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspa- per, printed, published and circulated in the City of Hunting ton Beach, California; and thirty (30) days after the adoption thereof, the same shall take effect and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this 7th day of April, 1958. VICTOR TERRY Mayor ATTEST: JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Orange ss City of Huntington Beach I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex-offi- cio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is five; that the foregoing Ordinance was read to said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of March, 1958, and was again read to said City. Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of April, 1958, and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council. AYES: Councilmen: Bryant, Lockett, Irby, Bartlett, Terry NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None JOHN L. HENRICKSEN City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE o Fa t i* ht jeCr�ta Of State ' 1" SACRAMENTO �l I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of. California, hereby certify: 1 That on the_.26th--------------day of-----------------pctaber----- - ' 19- 1.9- , pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No._� ____--------_---_- _. --------------of the CITY OF ;! HUNTI GIMN PEACH certified b John L. Henricksen City Clerk. ept en°, } I further certify that the__2�t__day of----------------4__.__-'_-- r...-- ----___-.. __ 19. is stated in the certificate of said City Clerk as the date on which said ordinance was regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of said City and I ' That said ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF HL�ITIN'GTON PEACH _ __of certain uninhabited territory, a description of the boundaries and the designation thereof as: ! „Test Annexation.El 1 ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set any hand and affix the Great. Seal of the State of California �! this-- 26th . .. ------- - .--day octobE.'r i 1 i n� f__ - - - ----- P Lr('faryof SIa:P —CGJ 09 6 6-59 3N S 0 ' ,. low �. (Ilublis'ned H,ritingtop Beath News July why 2. July 9. 059` not b, so C:!,.. of Hun- RESOLUTION No. 1381 Tl-;,i _.,,t must F,o in A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL - :,:q, niiy f��e(i I! time before OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH t�i� �r,.: :; !,-I to GIVING NOTICE Or PROPOSED AN- the -,:ui --nntion. and runie NEXATION TO CITY OF HUNTINGTON th- r,', r. ,i the or REACH OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY o,,-i.eis c; •n:::,- oi!,,'! 16 the DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED dc�, fi.uti.n A 2a.h prov,,ty, "WEST ANNEXATION- AND GIVING in NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR �. Th- C.:, C i fiu,,- HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO ttv"t"11 boncll .1 ncrl-y d BE IT RFS()LVED By THE CITY COUN- d: ! ,!ed f, ,u�� a py th s rt:s CIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON liii;on to lie at least twice, BEACH but :lot oftener t`lc.lj �. '.. i�-. the 1. That. pursuant to the prov'sloris of Huw;T1(jt,�.n f'or; ij, a the Annexation of Uninhabiled Tert;tory a! geilel..i ;1A Faid A--t of 1939, a petitiorr signed by owners Cliv of Hun-'1� 'e.a--l!. the city ' of not loss than one-fourth of the lrrd which it is P, ' :,i the -"-in the hereinafter described territory, by said tei,i'ory, a:,, oi, V-1,1111- aip.c; cnri by assessed value as shown on ster HeIld a ntsj�tip of general c.I- !he 1-:st e,iuohZCd assessmentioli of cul.:on Pii*,,ish;,! i, i,% the City of the ('�,,,Inty o! Orange was filed, with Huntl:natoll n. ltc County of the Council of the City of Huntington Orariqe, Calv)i ,ri,,. !11e ty in wlii--h Eea::h on June 24. 1959, requesting an- is ioratt,d tho To he nezo!ion of the horeincrfie,, described ter. jr.nex,d to the City ii-ir �,-v-in F-w B,i-h, ritory to said City. said puhli-at--ri t" least 2. Thai the ierri!o!y which the pe'i- t-.I!y !20) days !o the dare sc-t tioneis request be onnexed to the City for lic,,na of Huntington Beau: and which said 6 Tit sa C:,v is fluil-e, City and its Council propose to cnnex, a :orzc` ..i to cause wr".torl I.,; in the County of Orrangq. State roti A such annxi1;,n to of Califnzn�a, hereby desirrnaitd ''West be n to wh-r. land it Anneximn." and described as follows- w.:hin the :ri;,;y r7:s�d to he or-- "CommIericing at the Northeast corner ricz,.O w-as psi-ci equ,liz-d of section 20, Townsh;n 5 South, county ass -oji ai-aic e or, the Rangr 11 West, San P,rp.crdino Base dc', the oc,e !i,i ,r,en I i,gs W-e and Meridian; thence Northe.:y along at !' sh,wn a,,, srd the East line of Section 17 T. 5S., r'll n 1r, Clerk. R. 11 W.. S.B.P. & M., 30 ieet to a and to -my wh, tics iilcd his point; thence Westerly 30 feet to a na,,e and address :ri the Iiesiqu';!!on point in the West line of Balsa Chico of the !ands in wl,i-1. he lias an interest. Street. 60 feet in width as now laid either loaaz c, with said out, said point being in the exist- Clerk, such no!i,-e :^ he qi-,,,n no! ),Iis ing houndcry line of file City of Him- than t,nzy (2') t�)'c-,ys the first tingior. Beach and said 'point being public hrnriq, i�r_ , proposed annex- also the true, point of beginning; ation. thence Westerly aloha the North line 7 in the cvr-jit env Land wiihin the of Smeltzqr Avenue. 60 feet in width terri,ry proo,_- d to' he arin.-cd is as now laid out, said line being 30 o'r-I'by a county Ilin ci,y C!erk is fet North of and -parcliel to the H;rei:ted to car;- w-i'trii n,,zillo of such Noerth line of said Section 20, 3930 proposed lo he mailed to feet more or less to a point in the fl- E�Daid of of su-h county, northerly prolongation of the West sU_h notice IQ be ar,1,11 not less th,in line of the East one-half (171/^) of the tNVI-It, (20' days "ef— fl- !:T3t public_,� rthst one quarter (NWV.I) of h,;,�, or, c• o:nnxntion. sold Section 20, thence Southeriv 8. T!,.: f7;tv C.1-1, IF, dl,ect-td to cause along said West line of the East written to be q;,ic,% :o such nfher cne-half (F',.) of the Northwest one- n-IsQns cs :iliv he le, entitled quarter (NWI/i) and its Northerly th--to in the manner rvoured by l7w. prolongation 2010 feet more or less PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City to a point in the North line of th,? C.o,no;i rf 0:e City oi JIi:n!4n,,!on Bea.,11. Sei th one-half (St',) of the South California. at a reg,iiar -mr,!iricr thereof one half (Sit,) of the North one-half held on the 241h day of Tlzrc, 1959. (NU,) of said Section 20, thence EARL T. 1911Y. Easterly on said North line a distance Mayor of 3930 feet more or less to a noin! ATTEST: in the West line of Balsa Chirit TOHN L. HENRICKSEN. Street, scid point being also in the City Clerk existing boundary fine of the City cT AT r OF CA1.11'011IIIA I of Huntington Beach; thence Norther- COUNTY OF ORANOF ss. 1,r along said West line of Balsa CITY OF HUNTINGTON Chico Street and said boundary line 2010 feet more or less to the true I JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duty roint of beginning.', elected,. I cualified and acting City Clerk 3. That the County Boundary Com- at the City of Hur;:nqtnn fi-ach, and mission of Orange CounIv, California, ex-off:,io Clerk of the City Col.3nc;! of did in session dulv assembled on arch said City, do hereby 1-T,ifV that I he 23rd, 1959, consider the proposed an- whole number of mtrillers of the Citv nexcrtion boundaries of said "West An- Council of the City of Huntinaton B=ach nexation" as above described, and as is five; that the foienoinq resolution submitted to said Commission by the was passed Ind ado;te-] by o offilul- proponents of said annexation. I at;ve vote of more than n joritv of 4. That August 17th, 1959, at the all the members. of City Council oil boo, i 8:00 o't:l.ck P.M. in the Council a," c, rl�qul mc-ting th,e�f held on Chambers in the City Hall in the City the 24th diy of !uiio, '1959, by the !ol- of Huntington Beach, County of Orange. I.-inq voi-, California, is hereby fixed as the time AYES: Coi.in,:'Imeri- Lambert, Bryant, and place when and where any pe,-son Ter, Waite, lrlc� owningreal property within the unin- Nlr)�q CQ,in,ih,n: Nor-' habited territory above described and Cou,0!^en None proposed to, be annexed to the City of L. FENRICKSEN Huntington Beach, and having any ob- City Clerk oral ex_officic Clerk jections to the proposed annexation, may of the City C-Heil of the City anpear before the Council of the City of Huntington Beach. California of Huntington Beach and show cause ;+ I AN �. II FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE ja ini ` ` ecYeta>ru� of Mate j� SACRAMENTO f ii I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby 'I certify: That on the---9th.------day of------------------December......................... 19.60_-, Pursuant !: to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Cody, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No-----------------------8-- _ _ ._ -_-._ ._ as regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on ithe------7th------day of-------------------_Nov_e1�?ex----------------------------- 19--60--., certified by �! --Paul-L.-Jones----------------------- -------------------------., City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance,sets forth approval of the annexation to �4 the CITY OF------- -WTON_ H---------------------------- of contiguous uninhabited i territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: "Sunset Harbour Annexation". --------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- I IN WITNES$ WI-IL-REOF, 1 he)"E`tl'11t0 set y11y l hand and affix the Great Seal of the i State of Calif ornia this 9-th _ -_ day of December . ._ , 79600 { { r Secretary of State M' .I !665]-59 5M 6P0 Published Huntington Beach News July the Northeast Quarter (NEt/4) of the 21, 1960. Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of said ORDINANCE NO. 784 Section 36 to an intersection with the AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUN- East line of Newland Street, 40 feet TINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN- wide as now laid out, said point also NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED being in the boundary line of the TERRITORY. DESIGNATED, "NORTH- City of Fountain Valley, as now es- EAST No. 2" TO THE CITY OF HUN- tablished; thence North 690 feet, more TINGTON BEACH. or less, along said boundary line to an intersection with the North line BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL of Talbert Avenue. 60 feet wide as OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH: now laid out; thence, leaving the WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of May, boundary line of the City of Foun- 1960, the Council of the City of Hunting- tain Valley, West 680 feet, more or ton Beach did pass and adopt Resolution 1e39, along.the North line of Talbert No. 1421, giving notice of the proposal Avenue to the point of beginning." to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said terri- The boundaries of said City of Hun- tory being therein designated as, "North- tington Beach are hereby altered and the east No. 2", said Resolution describing said territory above described is hereby the boundaries of the territory proposed annexed to, incorporated in and included to be annexed; and within the City of Huntington Beach, Cal- . WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1421 did ifornia, and"said City shall have all contain a notice of the day, hour and rights and powers in, to and over said place when and where the Council of territory as are provided by law. the City would hear protests made by any The City Council of the City of Hun- person owning real property within the tington Beach does hereby further ordain territory proposed to be annexed, the that the territory above described shall time of said hearing being not less than be subject to taxation equally with the forty nor more than sixty days from the property within the City of Huntington date of passage of said Resolution; and Beach to pay the entire bonded Indebt- WHEREAS, on the Sth day of July, edness of the City of Huntington Beach 1960, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in outstanding on May 16th, 1960, the date the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the filing of the Petition for Annexa- of the City of Huntington Beach, County tio❑ of said territory or !heretofore auth- of Orange, Stale of California, said time orized, for the acquisition, construction and place being the any, hour and place or completion of municipal improvements. healing protests to the said annexation,fixed In said Resolution No. for The City Clerk shall certify'to the pas- the said City Council did hear and pass sage and adoption of this Ordinance and upon all protests made to the proposed shall cause the same to be published by annexation and did determine that pro- one insertion in the Huntington Beach tests had not been made by the owners News, a weekly newspaper, printed, pub- of one-half of the value of the privately fished and circulated in the City of Hun- . owned territory proposed to be annexed tington Beach, California; and thirty (30) as shown by the last equalized assess- days after the adoption thereof, the same meat roll, nor by public owners of one- shall take effect and be in force. half of the value of the publicly owned PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City territory proposed to be annexed as de- Council of the City of Huntington Beach, termined by said legislative body; and California, this 18th day of July, 1960. WHEREAS, said territory Is contiguous ERNEST H. GISLER to the City of Huntington Beach, and is Mayor uninhabited territory in the County of ATTEST: Orange; PAUL C. )ONES NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beabh does hereby City Clerk approve the annexation of the territory STATE OF CALIFORNIA hereinafter described to the City of Hun- County of Orange ss tington Beach, and does further ordain City of Huntington Seach that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the City of Huntington Beach- I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, That said territory, the annexation of qualified and acting City Clerk of the which to the City of Huntington Beach is City of 'Huntington Beach and ex-officio herein approved, is all that territory sit- Clerk of the City Council of said City, uate in the County of Orange, State of do hereby certify that the whole number California, more particularly described as of members of the City Council of the follows: City of Huntington Beach is five; that the "Beginning at the point of intersec- foregoing ordinance was read to said tion of the West line of the Southeast City Council at a regular meeting thereof Quarter (SE1/4) of the Southeast Quar- held on the Sth day of July, 1960, and ter (S£y*) of the Southwest Quarter was again read to said City Council at a (SWIregular meetingthereof held on the 18th South) of Section 2 , Township 5 day of July, 1960, and was passed and South, Range 11 West, San Berner- adopted by the affirmative vote of more lino Meridian, with a Itae drawn than a majority of all the members of measured at right angles s from the parallel to and distant feet North, said City Council.South line of said Section 25, said AYES: Councilmen: point being in the boundary line of Lambert, Stewart, Wait*, the City of Huntington Beach, as now Gisler. utablished; thence South 690 feet, NOES: Councilmen: more or less, along said boundary None. line to the Southwest corner of the ABSENT: Councilmen: Northeast Quarter (NEI/s) of the None. Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of the NOT VOTING: Councilmen: Northwest Quarter (NWl/,) of Section Wells. 36, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, PAUL C. JONES San Bernardino Meridian; thence, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk leaving the boundary line of the City of the City Council of the City of Huntington Roach, East 680 feet, of Huntington Beach, California more or less, along the South dine of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of 2 tP ORDINANCE No. 800 AN QRDIi,ANCE OF ice; CITY CF HLINTINGTON b,%ACH APPROVIN3 'I. -HE A .'NEXATIGN CF CER- TAIN UTr'IN'HkbITED 'TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET iARBOUR" TO THT CITY CF :'iUNTINGTON bE.ACH. the City 'Cou icil of tiie City of riun -ington Beach, California , does ordain as follows: WHEREAS , pursuant tc the ,)7-evis:cns of the "Annexation of Uninhabited. Territory Act. of 1939" , the City Council of the- City of Huntington. :.;each did , on the 25th .day of July, 1960, pass and adopt Resolution ho. 1429, giving notice of the proposal to annex certain ::ninhabited territory to the City of Huntington reach, said territory being thereir. desig- nated as "Sunset Harbour Annexation"and said aetfon being taken by the Cc..:ncil of said city as the legislative body of the city on i-ts own_ motion, said resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so r oL osed to be annexed to said city; and WhE?Lz,kS, said Resolution :ic. 1429, aid contain a notice of the day, r:c,ur =-nd place when and where the said council of said city vo_il(1 he !r pro"-srs made by any ;,arson owning pr•o,.ert.y within the territory prcposed to be annexed, the time of said ',a&ring being not less than 1+0 nor more t:,an b0 days after the passare of said 'It solution; and 1. x era. No. . I � I 1 � WgiEREAS . on the 19th day of September , 1960, at the hour of 8:00 o° clock P.r''. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Huntington ieach, State of California, said time and place being the day, hcur and place fixed in said Resolution No. 1429 for hearing protests to the said annexa- tion, and said hearing having been continued to the 17th day of October, 1959, a she hr,ur of 8:00 o' clock P.M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach, State of California , and the said City Council did hear and pass upon all -rotests made to `he ,roi:,osed annexa- tion and did determine that protests iiad not been made by the owners of one-half of the value of the ;privately owned territory proposed to be annexed , as shown on the last equali- zed assessment roll nor by public owners of one-half of the value of the publicly owned territory proi::csed to be annexed as determined by said legislative body; and -FE REAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of Huntington :each, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange ; and WHEREAS, the owners of more than two-t birds of the value of the territory have heretofore flied with the City Clerk written consent that the Yrocerty in said territory be , after annexation, subject to taxation equa ' ly with the proper- ty within the ';ity of Huntington Beach to lay the entire bonded 2. Ord. No. 800 i indebtedness of the City of Huntington Eeach ' outstanding or authorized for the acquisition, construction or com- pletion of municipal improvements. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Hunting- ton leach does hereby approve the annexation known aw "Sunset HarbourAnnexation" , the territory of which is here- inafter described , to the City of Huntington Beach and does hereby further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the City of :;unting-ton Beach. That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Huntington. Beach is herein a, prove? , is all that terri- tory situate in the Ccunty of Orank e , St-,te cf California , and more particularly described as follows: "Commencing at a point in the City boundary of the City of Huntington Beach, said boundary having been established by "West Annexation" in Ordinance No. 732 of said City and having : den certified by the Secretary of the State of Ca � fcrnia on October 26, 19[9, said point being the point of intersecton of the North line of Smeltzer «venue , 60 feet in width as now laid out , said line being 30 feet North of and parallel tc trga North line of Section 207 T . 5 S. , R.11 W. , 5 . _ . S� M. , with the northerly prolongation of %he Yestline of the East one-half of Aorthwest one-quarter of sai<7 Section 20, said point a7 so beinS t"ie true F oint. of 'Leginning : THENCZ, westerly along- said )arallel line a dis- tance of 'l.20 feet , _:ore or less to the 'west line of Sect'- on In of saiO ownship and Range ; T.�MhCE, ccntinuint; westerly along a line parallel with and distant northerly 3C feet ,.easured at ' right =.ngles from the ';crth line cl Section 19 of 3. T� 4 e81,.•,y,:, Ord. No. g00 s said township and range , a distance of 3526,82 feet , ir.ore or less , to the line common to the Ranchos Bolsa Chica and Los Alamitos; 4- TBENCZ 8.490 30e 00" W along said Rancho line 1955 fevt , more or less , to the common boundary between the property conveyed to the Lomita Land and Water Company per deed recorded in Book 1609 page 282 of Deeds, Records of Orange County, California and the property conveyed to the Sun- set :.leach 6o any as described in a deed recorded in Book 108, pare 46 of said Deeds; THENCE S 160 301 00" E along said common line 1465.2 feet to an angle point therein; THENCE S 420 45, 00" E along said common line 2727.12 feet to an angle point in said line ; THENCE S 470 30' 00" E along said common line 1320 feet to an angle point therein; THENCE B 380 15t 00" Fs 901.44 feet along said common boundary to the North line of that certain 1,334 acre parcel shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 7, page 20, of Records of S.irvey of said County; THENCE N 890 421 45" E along said North line 307.48 feet to the East line of said parcel; ;j THENCE S 00 179 150 E along the East line of said parcel 1`0 feet , to the north line of the Southerly 30 feet of the North one-half of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 30 of said Township and Range, said North line being also the ;forth line of Los Patos Avenue , 60 feet in width• as now laid oft : THENCE easterly 3008 feet , more or less to an angle po :nt in said North line of Los Patos Aven- ue , said angle point being in the North line of the Southerly 30 feet of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of Secticn 29, said Town- ship and Range ; THENCE, continuing on said street right-of-way line , Northerly 15 feet to a point and thence Northeasterly 877.44 feet on a curve , concave to 4. j. x V T, the Northwest and 555 feet in radius , to a point thence Easterly 15 feet to a point in the West line of Algonquin Street, 50 feet in width as now laid out said line being 30 feet West of and at right angles to "he East line of said Northwest one-quar- ter section; T.HENCB Northerly on said '.test line 74,8 feet more or less , to the North line of Wlntersburg Avenue 60 feet in width as now laid out said line also being the North fine of the South 3 feet of Section 20, said Township and Range; THENCE 'Easterly 1+0 feet to the East line of Algon- quin Street, 1+0 feet in width as now laid out , said East line being parallel to and distant , easterly 20 feet, measured at right angles from the East line of the West one-half of said Section 20; THENCE Northerly 2610 feet , more or less , on said East line to a point in the South line of the North one-half of said Secticn 20; THENCE West on said South line 1341.39 feet more or less, to the Southwest corner of the East one- half of the Northwest one-quarter of said Section 20; i j THENCE North on the 'Nest line of the East one- half of the Northwest one-quarter of said Section 20, a distance of 2679 feet, more or less to the true point of beginning the Northerly 2016 feet, ' more cr less , being in saiA boundary of the City of Huntington Beach." i f I f 'ae boundaric s of said City of Huntirg ton Beach are hereby altered and the said territory above described is hereby annexed to, incor; orated in -.nd included within the City of Huntington :each, California, and said City shall have all rights and •po4fPrs in, to and over said territory as are provided by law. The City Council of the City cf :iuntingtor. Beach does 5. i S Ord. No. 800 hereby further ordain that the territory above described shall be subject to taxation equally with the property with- in the City of Huntington Beach to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of Huntington Beach contracted prior to or existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adopt- ion of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be publish- ed by one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in the City of Huntington Beach, California; and thirty (30) days after the adoption thereof, the same shall take effect and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, this 7th day of Dlpveob�r, 19600 . r Mayor or ATTESTS City cixok 6. .d, rr,a i 5 J t S a. Ord. No. 800 STATE CIF CALT()t�IdZA ) County of Orange ) ss City of Huntington Beach ) Y, PAUL Cl . i ONES, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach and ex- i I officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntingtor, Be-ach is five ; that the foregoing , ordinance was read to said City Council at . a regular meet- ing thereof held on the 17th day of October 1960, and was again read to said City Council at a regular meeting i thereof :Meld on the 7th day of November 1960, and was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of -...ore than a majority of the members of said City AYES: Councilmen: ! WELLS, LAMBERT, STEWART, WRITE, GI3L_7R. NCESS Co .ncilmens N =NE. i ABSENT: Councilmen: NC ICE. City Clerk and exworficio Clerk of the City Council of the City of huntington peach, California 7. _ r?t lwr fj 1 .i ` FRANK M. JORDAN �( SECRETARY OF STATE \f ' j mff k t a•��the SccretArif 0f State SACRAMENTO �j n 1 I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby i[ certify: i That on the----23rs1---:day of----- -- -.--------August--__ ---__ - ---.__.., 19_�2...-, pursuant 1 to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 193.9," more i particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: 1j A copy of Ordinance No—.--,---Q19 ----_ __------ -- --- - ------- ----- ------as regularly �i passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on [, _ -, 19_.-_b _, certified by the-----23rd-------day of--------------------Jam- --- - ---..-.. - - ------------------P_au1__.0 .-_�InnQa-------------------------- ___-_, City Clerk. II I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to �[ the CITY OF-------- liETT1rd=-BEACH------------------------------of contiguous uninhabited 1 territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: i !t __��xuntTlt�tTQN_t�AREt�R__�ftxPC:itiT1QK__A:_ � TZCIy— PARCEL ##1. MR ! n � ' a � � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hereunto Set my 4 hand and affix the Great Seal of the YQ. 319 State of California this----23rcL_____.-____ ry; day of----—----------August------- 9--62• f A I � N ---------- --------- ---- -- ---'---- -`---- 1 S tart'of State W. i * i i err k.+ E.:...� - seaos 7-e2•aoo sPo -„ s .a e! { 2 3 UESULUT10N No. 1596 4 A 1h-:6'(jL'UT QN OF THJU' CITY OF THE 'ITY UP 1riUKTIN-TO14 113,LAC11 GIVING 5 OF 11RUPOSED Ar;1l't','nATIUN TO ;'L'i-IE CITY OF TING TON V I TON B,,ACH OF T1,,"2 CiL.'t-kTAIN LININHAB_ 6 ITED 11770'.diiITURY DE,30!1IBLeD 1*i,_hEIN AND DESIG- !1,ATED AS "HUNTINGTON 11 ,iBOUR V'0,`,A,- OAAT1ON 7 A,14F,.'L'L"XATI0N PAACEL #lm , A.,':''1) GIVING I Tf.1 j� i!,. � �OTICE (.-i' Tj. - ii,� D 1-ILACIE t" OH Re�"IING OF 8 PdOTESTS ;1""'ERST0. 9 10 �!,$E IT ii. SOLVED BY ThE CITY i Otj.X! IL OF TIIZ� CITY OF HUNT- 11 INGTON BEACH: 12 1, That pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation 13 of Uninhabited Tef,ritory Act of 1939, " a Petition was signed 14 by owners of not less than one-fourth of the land in the here., 15 Inafter described territory by area and by assessed value as is shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of 17 Orange, was filed with the Council of the �Ioity of Huntington 18 Beach on .*June Atho 1962, requesting Annexation of the here- 19 Inafter described territory to said. City ; that said territory 20 which said petitioners request be annexed to the City of Hunt. 21 ington Beach and which said City and its Council propose to 22 annex to the City of Huntington Beach is situate In the Count3 23 of Orange, State of California, hereby designated "kiuntin,',,ton 24 Harbour Corporation Annexation - Parcel ffl" , and described 25 as follows: 26 27 Beginning at an angle point In the City r3oundary Line of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, 28 State of California, said Boundary having been 29 here. No. 1596 - 1 2 established by "Sunset harbour Annexation" in Ord- 3 dinance No. 800 of said City, said angle point be- ing at the intersection of the southwesterly prolong. 4 ation of the line common to the ;rancho La Bolsa Chica and. Las Alamitos rgith the common boundary be. 8 tween the property conveyed to Lomita Land and Water Company per deed recorded in Book 160, Page 282 of 6 Deeds, records of said County and the property convey- ed to Sunset Beach Comp as described in deed re- 7 corded in Book 108, Pag 46 of said Needs; thence 8 along said southwesterly prolongation, leaving said City B-;undary Line and following along the City Bound- ary Line of the City of Seal Beach as per Annexation 9 No. 7, Ordinance No. 589, S 490` 34' 33" W 975.18 feet, more or less to a point in the northeasterly-line of 10 the Bight of Way of Pacific Coast highway ( .S.Alter- 11 nat• 141) 100 feet in width as per deed recorded in Book 410, Page 165 of Official Records, Records of Said 12 County; said last mentioned point being in a curve con- Cave to the .southwest having a radius of 1060 feet a radial line of said curve from said point bearing 260 13 051 340 W; thenoo southeasterly along said curve and along Braid right of way line through a central angles 14 of 2do' A* 50 a distanoo of 380.17 feet, more or less; 18 thenoo tangen to said curve .and along said right of way line B. 43 21 21 8 389.02 feet more or less to 16 the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the south.. west havi ; a radius of 1060 feet; thence southeaster- 17 ly along said last mentioned curve and along sa'ld right a .Hass through a central angle of 18 27'12" 18 a distano of 341.•40 feet, more or less; thence tangent is said oUrve a along said right of way line B 24 19 541 i3" g 63.84:14at to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the *b theast having a radius of 940 feet; 20 thoaee southeasterly along said last mentioned curve and aloe said right of line through a central ankle 21 of T® 10 23" a distance of 117.68 feet, more or less; theac4 .tengsnt to said last mentioned curve and along 22 said right of way 1io* 8 320 04' 38" B 35.23 feet, more or less to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to 23 the northeast having, a padius of 940 feet; thence south- easterly along said last mentioned curve and along said 24 right of way liiee through a central angle of 11020' 58" a distances of 186.20 feet, more or less; ; thence tangent 25 to said last mentioned curve and along said right of way line g 4r 231 360 g 56-3.44 feet, more or less, to the 26 beginning of a tangent cua. ve conoave to the northeast having a rwUus of 90 feet; thence southeaster ,-.along 27 said last mentioned curve ang _alon said right of way line through a central angler of 8 20' 6" a distance . of 28 29 2. 1 2 3 6. j ref—A, --ores or l ,xs; thtmsco vm.. ent to said 3 last t�entione L 1�urva <<; A]Lona- said right of mW 11ne a 510 4,6' rt 2' E 179.2$ f*et, ire or le -sec,taa 4 t�A :-orthw#stE-)rly 41nea © ' ` rapt 1 ax " pap rye-morde d in :ti ook 9, 1' e '2e of 7�19ee17.aMOW 5 PAI)s, records of said CourAy; tijenoo ale "Id raot line S 460 39' 08" 323.43 fe -t; ..,or* or 6 less to the most northerly coianor cl� said ract Nd. 21 snd to said 'itty Joun.ury 1,inet of t►gym Pity of hunt- 7 in. ten !& uch as �,e*r =xuuaet Harbour Annexation.. Oral- 8 arul Al a xa.i.d, each b-ouaUry between land covive yed to te 14nd nYA Water C'c. :�ny mind land norvvyed 9 to -+e:ei set beach v 'ate N 420 14,31 67' W 100S.96 !boot SO * or lose, to aM an 10 mint In .e..a. d ���t�► �ot�ne ry 10 Luw; the*" Gontimaing ,xlom& Said "it a ry Lime e�tt a1 said Q� �3ow ary 160 %, 401, W 140. .Z$ 11 f-jet, oeare or leap,is, to tho point of b j.rming.,- ` 12 13 1>'t+ot'i s0 2. TM tr %ho County fAoVDdU"'� �:: :del es ee i cee: at` 14 (;*Mtr# California, did in ****+roan duly ats*mbled can P4W 2$th 15 19621, &r-prove the proposed annoxatton `mdvriea of told 16 'h t tt c6rf.'a rat on ?*xl mXatim .. Paroel idly 0, e 17 above d*xorlbod, x1fd eft Dubai fitted to era t d C"'o;n al see►! the 18 P"Pmeate of **Ad annaiation of said t.orritory to "id city, 19 20 eatie TbA# July 16th, 1962, they hour of $:Go 21 0*clock P.M. of said dayo Ift the Coumil =J:hawbers, In the 22 CIO ll- In t h* City of huntingt o . 31* h,, County of r*,". 23 C411fornia, Is kwmby fix et as the t 1 gnd place who and 24_ wht" SAY pOrstln aaening ProportY within the uninhabited torn. 25 Ito" ataote d*66 i d and proposed to bee arn#Aod to the iby 28 Or Amt1U9t01n B660h eland haves ony, objectl�on to the propose! 27 Modumti,apt MW sp► ~ b wfaree the CIDUn.ccil Of the City of rlunt- 2$ ixgt*n *Ask mW, B*M Csuxe %by much urdr ►bitod. tomi.'teary 29 30 ilea. No. 1594 1 2 3 should not be so annexed to said City of Huntington Beach. 4 Such protest must be in writing, may be filed at any time 5 before the hour set for hearing objections to the proposed 6 annexation, and shall state the name or names of the owner 7 or owners of property affected and the description and area 8 of such property in general terms. 9 Section 4, The City Clerk of the City of Huntington 10 Beach is hereby authorized and. directed to cause a copy of 11 ` tiis resolution to be published at least twice, but not of. 12 toner than once a week, in the "Huntington Beach Dews" , a 13 newspaper of general circulation published in said City of 14 Huntington Boseh, the city to which it is proposed to annex 15 the aforesaid territory, and also in the "Westminster Herald* 16 a newspaper of general circulation published outside the Cit 17 of Huntington Beach, but in the County of Orange, California, 18 the county in which is located the territory proposed to be 19 annexed to the City of Huntington Beach, said publieation to 20 be complete at least twenty (20) days prior to the date set 21 for hearing. 22 23 Section . And the said City Clerk is further authoris. 24 ed and directed to eause written notice of such proposed an. 25 nexation to be mailed to each person to whom land within the 26 territory proposed to be annexed is assessed in the last 27 equalised county assessment roll available on the date the 28 above proceedings mere initiated, at the addresses shown on 29 4. A 1596 .�. 1 2 Rt`sid as-!?astma'nt r?'oi' o* Via.•q own to 11o)r 3k, ftrd to any 3 4 5 of the I -mist in whion he has itr;y �*Ither legal or 6 e uita"Ae ..;aih spOld �1Mr'�: , much notice to :� ;irsr not leas 7 toari twenty (20) i1gyss 5efoir ,. '--he first. ..u�111- he"iring on the 8 proposed annexatirm. 9 oection ,. In the event any - ! thlln the territory 10 ;•ros osed to a mexod Is owned by c atinty , the said "Fity 11 Clere Is v"Irnotrad to eaus,* ri'Uton '�:#:ice of such vro owed 12 ann*xati..can to be mailod to the -If :upk, rv.iaor€s of such 13 County, nuc h m)tico to a given not 1^Fre tl,fara twenty (20) 14 days b'ef`orae the i"lt'mt public on the r roponed a,nnexa- 15 16 17 ..eotlon 7. The *kill city is Areated to aau3e 18 written notice to Vie &I yen to such sat;hor � raons ax dray he 19 legally retitled teie.reto In the m rrer re uf.r*ed by law. 20 FA. 'A�'D AND ADOMW by the City Cow,.oil of' the 01ty of 21 huntingtor ':'laaQh :.:t a r gular ma.4ting t; -,-,roof held on the 22 ..,-4th.... dgy of June, 1962. 23 24 � ob t er 25 !'fly or 26 A1`,k i 27 Paul Cm 'gm&.,.. .�___.._.. 28 9 i ter C,1 rk 29 k ' Res fir. 1396 � 1 2 a County of Oftzc* ) os 4 Ciiw of Hantinow 5 � 1, PAUL C. JC O the ftly ele cteds qualif laid wid a � I City (Aark of the CiIW of HuntingtAm *-N-Azxo arm vc-offlcla CI of 7 tA* City ComoU of said ym do ba-.*W certifIl tit Ue whole rambe r 8 of RaMwe of the Ci1r COU.ail of the, City of H t. 'gun Beseb Is fivoj 9 that 1a f'orospits reaeUtiau woo passed &W adoptod by the affirwtive 10 ester of :aoro than a rrAjori%r of aii tke neszbcaxs o said City CoAnOU 11 at a reegaUr aeetlu,-�. thereof J%*U 04 the 4th duy of JUM 12 13 19*,y, tv tk* ,itlIc"Ing votes 14 �t«fit uc}u�tt 15 Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Lambert 16 17 None 18 19 13tt Ccxett 20 f Katy 21 I 22 I 23 24 i � Paul C. Janes 25 26 I Ooxdl of UM UAW of H=UNtall 27 g 2 N I ! 29 ( I 6. FRANK M. JORDAN `3 ,I SECRETARY OF STATt - ! ' log, "the 1� Secrete of State SACRAMENTO �! 1 i! 1 )t I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: I{ That on the----23rd.-,-day of----------------August---------------------------- 19---L2_, pursuant ! to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939,"more particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No.---------920-------------------------------------------------------as regularly `! S( passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on !� the----23rd------day of---------------July-------------------------------------------- 19---62.-, certified by --------------------Paul_L..--,Tnnez---------------------------- City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF--------_1iU=TNr.TnN__BEACH--------------------------of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a'description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: "till�iTI1�TS?I�t_IIAB,H98_CQEPS?B�.TI�_�A1�IIIF.�X._�.�4N-_ i PARCEL #2.u IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix f ax the Great Seal of the State of California this----2,3nsi_____-_____ 5 day of------------ guest=-------- 19---62-. �1 ---------------- - - --------------------- cretary of State �I 66402 7-42 25OD 1.O 3 _i GLUT I ON N o. 1597 F'm 1iinG" _ S F _ ' te.tti.; fi r:1 11,f] Tuv BI ,AS "EII3aJTIIti�'r O11" tf ,:�.l OUa Oi— t�f_f .i��ifi t:�;..� s�tA.. A' Fs f� a ti'i L 2 l i i s, / �F alMLa kLGE, F +{ 0 T3 8' BE T: t:.i;.`sJI,UE D 13Y 1111Y . ;au`. "`;..t I, `O-F CITY 0? 10•.. "3 i:L ki`II f'i V r 4 .4N 57:�a 4tlY�i 11 1. That pursuant t© tile r:revi 5. o s of the "Annexation 12 of -Uz inhebit d Territory Act of 1.j39, " p?e,ti'Vion a- 3i ;-ned 13 by owhe3rs of not 3.ess than one-Fourth of the land in the 14` terei after described territory by aroa and by a se�i.3ed value 16 as a€ow on the la3t equalized assess2a!ent ro".i- of the County 18 of Oran-*, was filed iiith the Council of:the City of Hunting- 17 ton beaoh on ".'June '4th, 1962, requeztlng eamexat:on of the 18 hereinafter described territory to said: Lity; th9t said terr- 19 itory which said petition-:rs request be nrirexed to the, City 20 of Huntington Beach and which said city and its Council pro- 21 pose to a.rmoa to the City of fluntingtori �a,zaclj is situate in 22 the County of drax x e, State of Call f.�rnia, her easy Iasi€,�2. ted 23 ' *Huntington harbour Corporation Annexation - Parcel d2" , 24 and described as follows: 25 26 Beginning at an angle ..paint in this City Boundary Dine 27 of the 'amity of tiuntingtor) Beach, Go�.Anty of Orange, State of California, said Boundary having beer. e. tab- 28 29 1. iLt. 1 3 11 Shod by tmeet Carbour A era t i on,w , in *r--Urns 0. 800 of a &Ad (Atyr, said; art lle ,,mint b th'i 4 inters*oti on of the aomaan bolandary biet4ceft obi rip- . erty -_,jnveye to i-owita Land and t-er ..;car* psi �• 8 ds�+tL ra at zed in +�^9k 160 PAK* �2 Of ' r�e�o�� rs#tord 0 said w�+urty and the -prop rty ao very i to "Sunset } r} 6 Boaab Coa�:aw as detsu.r i bed In 4,etetci i ` 108, J?agd 46 of saJ4 Deeds with the. 'r,orth li�i 7 that Certain 1,334 aoro P,4rOO1 shoes. on _msp rw©�ded s . ' in bpok 70 -Pagie 20, of Haeord of tuf,`V4 Y, �S, .ree+9rd Qt= 8 said C;:aue t7•• htrnoo alvn said �i ty �`� c�e�r,�! .pia: i { : alone said as c boundary oundary 380 o 113 5. .. 9 feet to an a3e mint in ssi cf +i t.y. o Li�tA'i theanas ao tin�siz along Maid malty o�nd-,; < `in�►4°'� t �. . 10 ate► said comes boundary 4 ��0 13.r feet ::sore or less* to the -Otl t e� artasrl3� .,�r��sx►t a3: ��` 11 ` sett . 21 as per ma u�+es3or Od ft of i.rs+e .lesrets , retards Q' iad t� nyr; 12 leaving sa ld. City teary Lin* 'aetcl �' ' rah° the south4manterly IIre of said TT"reet fro, 1.2,'13 WOO 249.38 feet, t s kaa+A** 3 7 - ' 0"? V ''.�3, :.. a "?_a, or la~aas>r, gclnE at3� c,rL3asst.s� >1:T y 14 rst of wey 11rae of Pacific Coasti ., %'. � : Alttb 11 l ,. t ini ,tb 16ed' Or 15 IS is 4100 165 of Offlotal c,*jr ,s,, 40ordr of said- C.Ountynald point W-Ing n a c arvs '6wr� i. 18 th.0 noriboast having a rad-lus at 2940 foe{t, a rr1�1 li,r�aa of ae14 ouri -fts saidpoi nt ¢crt ` 1a 17 th o* so th�eastorly Slone sasi "CA"m 4at<3 01� . *a -ld right of way line tthr4 uf;,h ai oentr.al "410 of 1 18 } � 3 s a is i iae of 63,71 _fiats tnw^®a s irs c>1eitfg i84"14 0i.s�t e�"F. �' 1&",* 1*7a� 81" ��+' `�. 2?�. N. k 19 ta#iZ, ora a :l,iss. tsrthe ,btia^ :ih ,ati ` s: 1»at: ecexhr�► 20 o ..,oa'M►i !►o is t ar+�wt vest htavi a rafta aac ,i,�ttisly alarm said# 3,eatL sc;aiwn stvtt'tt! , and &J" saa , ri t of taraW $i tbr�au�rt. � agritr 21 # lff 'y8 di;t � of 19 .. f tieore or at trai.e3 last rsyat:l� id.`atuwas as 22 111"Ong 04,1 r1 z*% Of. � 4- 1:i30 21'-' 34 $ 1599.&z 23 ls+et,� r i! ;1.iae�i►.�•to th* h#�ira i of a to ours ooa si ta; > o a�e�W*oft inn-.i�g a rs d'Utas of 10 f," 3 .s the" k► aeouthO&S,tor ,r along so A Uf4 t. m4�A i odsQ ourri .- 24 s3 erns ,lrii ; i ►tk .pf l i a- through aaa a*Dtral 25 a 14e apt' ii ' # "' �" `Y$ l aata�noet t f 1 2 f oit, Sri or • lien; to that o ter3#fir at rear venue, f azsrr tea• s 28 it.Qa�oo_ !xi rei toll;, tt�►nae, 4loth said asef- tir).1 Se . �' 333,* 1 2803#t feet, ;ire or long to thi so tFta�aasst rly oleta aLi n of tb , asp, � ,1Ity. lkwndary 27 ►ins as r S"w A Fl*'rb~ *nnoxat i cm, Ordtiia o No.866 28 of told 901ty. :avd thli Routhwlsterrly. line of that aaersaxin 29 2. r . AU No.1597 �2 j 1 1.354 acre p<,,&eeel of land shown on I.Ap recorded in f 3 Book 7, Page 20 of Uecord of Surveys, records of said County; thence along said prolongation and 4 along; the southwesterly line of said parcel N 380 . :; 06' 22" W 418.61 fe,t more or less to the point of µ _ 5 beginning. 6 2. That the County boundary Commission of ®range County. 7 8 California,, c.Ud an session duly assembled on day 28th, 19b2, 3 9 approve the proposed annexation boundaries of said "hunting- to ton Harbour Aimexat,ion _ 'Parcel #2" , as above described.. and 11 as submitted to said Commission by the proponents of said aA- 12 nexation of said. territory to said City. 13 That July 16th , 1962, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock 14 of said day, in the vouncil Chamber!::, in the City Mall 16 in the City of1'axntington. each, C: zanty 'of Orange, California, 16 is hereby fixed as the time and place when ..and. where any g*r•. 17 • � .: son opening property within the uninhabited territory above 18 scribed and. propos" to be annexed to tlh'o city of aunt'ington 19 Beach and 04vt ..,w#,&.objeotion to the proposed annexation may 20 x appear before the Caun.ail of the City of Huntington Beach and 21 show cause . why such uninhabited territory should not tm so - 22 nexed to said City of Huntington beach. Such protest must be 23 In writing, may be Filed at any time before the hour set for. 24 hearing objections to the proposed annexation, and shall *tat* 25 the name or names of the ©wnear or owners of property affected 26 and the description and are of such property in general terms. 27 28 29 3. 5 S; „��Y •��,�a� __g r w d.a wee,,,,,�"�:.` ��"-'.,... .. ..<iu'i _.,_. ,. ,._ .. .. _ ._ t Re ts 2 �1 w 3 4. The "Ity Clerk of the City of t°kuntin ton beach Is 4 hereby authorized and di coated to eatiae a copy of this resol- r 5 ution., to be nubllshed at lea,,It thrice, but not oftener than �{ 6 once a seek, in the rhuntington Beach Rews,� � ,a newspaper of 7 general circulation published in said Zit;y of' Huntington . .. .ter Beach, t-he city tea which it to proposed to annex 'the afore- K 9 said territory,ry, and also in the ".Westminster f3ereld." , a mews.• . 10 paver of general Wlrculstion. published outci a the City of w. 11 Huntington aoach, but in the Qotmt ty of Orange, 0-alif brnta, 12 the County iii which is located the territory rproposed to be f 13 annexed to the City of Huntington Beach, said publication 14 to be eomplate 3t least twenty (20) days prior to the date 15 set for hearing. 16 17 5. And the said City Clerk is further quthor zed and 18 directed to taus* ;�trltton notice of Such protoosad annexation 19 to be me led. to each Pmrson to 'whom lard within the terri- 20 teary pro;:ostd to be annexed to assessed in the last equalized 21 001-Mty assessilent roll available on the dints the_ a -ove proceed 22 ings were Initiated, at the addreoses shows on said assess. 23 ( meat roll or an known to said Clark, and to any person who 24 has filed his name and addrins and the deli rria.tion of the 25 Lards in wh1+;h he hag any iatesrost; either legal or equitable with said CE; Kc28 ' ti Lex them twenty 27 (20) dAys befo re the first public hearing can the proposed an. 28 nexat i easy. 29 b. des. ti, 1597 2 3 t. . 6. In tie event wV land %, thin Lhe territeory rnroposed 4 { to be .annexed is .owned bya county, the .sal.l, City Cler) is r. 5 directed to cauae written notice of such pro�.�osed anneuation 6 ,. 7 to be mail to the Bo and of Supervisors of such Gouhty,such 8 notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before the � t 9 first public herring on the �,roposed arnexatt:on, 10 7. The said City clerk is directed to cause, written no- 11 tics to be given to such other w�ersons as ay be legally on. 12 titled thereto in the manner required bT yaw 13 X 14 PA;3SPED, D ADO1"'aBD by the City e:ounoil of the City of 15 ilu ttingtoii oeaoh at v. regular meeting tkit,-reof held on the 4th le ----•----- ' of June, 19621, 17 18 Robert M. Lambert 19 Mayor 20 21 t:TTE ST 22 Paul C. Jones 23 City erk 24 25 26 27 28 29 ��_. f.. 1 No. 1597 3 STATE OF (0ALIFORNIA 4 C©unty of Orange � ss City of Huntington Beach � k� 5 6 T, f AUL .1OW" , the duly elected, qualified and acting 7 vity Clerk of the City of Huntington aaa::t1, and ex-offieio' 1`S 8 Cleric of the City C unoil of said City, dp. hereby aertiry g tint the .whole number of membora of tire.. tAt yy Cav oil of the 10 City of Huntingtan aoh is five; th --t the foreg oing resolu- 11 Lion was passed Find adopted by the all irm4tivs vote of xore 12 ti'uen a maj9rity of all the members of said. City Council at 13 a regular meeting thereof held on the �', ,�, clay of dude, 14 1962-0 by the following Vote: 1a A.;a: Councilmen 16 Wells, Gisler, Stewart W�Ach, Lambert 17 18 No Counc�ilmes: 19 None 20 21 None 22 23 k 24 ; ; .....: 25 Paul C. -Jones Cllty :lark and ex-off icio vlerk of the 26 City Counoil of thle C i ty of Huntington Beach, California. 27 28 29 6. s ! Z e v n ' a _ 1 , FRANK M. JCRDAN '—'—i. ?* � SECRETARY OF STATE if d Q9fe' e'of`-the 3 Nerretar of State j SACRAMENTO � I, FRANK.M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, herebyi. p � certify: f That.on the__'__6th: ._-day of_:.--_-_.Nszxembe ______ _ ______ ___ ___ ... 19_-64_., pursuant fi (! to the provisions-of-the"'Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more �! patticularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office': f si copy . - _...a's regularly:A co of Ordinance No.._-____10.8.9__ _____________.. .. _. passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on. i the---52h ------- day.of ---October------------ _ _-----__ __ ._._ . 19-.64 _., certified by --Pa:ul_C.--.Tones =- ------ --------- - - ---- I City Clerk. 12. I .further certif that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to certify.that Pp if the CITY OF __:.HUNTIN_GTON BBEACH.-. _ ________ ______ _.__of contiguous uninhabited, } territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: ! ..----- -----1-SUXUT__kEAQH__XQ._ 3__ANnXATIO&-- ---------- - f f. r y � f t t, IN WITNESS WIiEREOF, 1 /JCY[l6'Ilto set roll fi hand and affix theGreat SCUT of thejn �{ u R d �f f4 :« r Ft h State of California this_.6th. day of--November.-- - ------------� l 9__6.4.• 1 � 1 3 P --'--- ----..- .—- -- SrCTetaryi of State �( .I ee912 R.ee rice sro 4. fir, 4 L s•' 4 i { (Published Huntington Beach News Oct. territory of which is hereinafter described, 55.00 feet, more or less, to the point 8, 1964) to the City of Huntington Beach, and of beginning. _ ORDINANCE NO. 1089 does hereby further ordain that said The boundaries of said City of Hunt- '> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- territory be and it-is hereby annexed to ington Beach are hereby altered and the 1NGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN- the City of Huntington Beach. said territory above described is hereby VEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED That said territory, the annexation of annexed to, incorporated in, and included �. TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET which to the City of Huntington Beach within the City of Huntington Beach, BEACH NO. 3 ANNEXATION" TO THE' is herein approved, is all that territory California, and said City shall have all '4s• CITY OF.HUNTINGTON BEACH. situated in the County of Orange, State rights and .powers in, to and over said The CityCouncil off the City of Hunt- Y of California, and more particularly des- territory as are provided by law. - ington Beach, California, does ordain cribed as follows: The City Council of the .City of Hunt- .3 follows: All that certain land situated in the ington Beach does hereby further ordain WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions State of California, County of Orange, that the territory above described shall of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Terri- described as follows: be subject to taxation equally with the tory Act of. 1939", the City Council of Beginning at a point on the City property within the City of Huntingon -the City of Huntington Beach did,.on the Beach topay the entire bonded indebted- 3rd dayof August, '1964, ass and adopt Boundary of the City of Huntington Hess of the ,Cif s4+ g p Beach, said boundary having been City.of Huntington Beach u„,,;•�;._, Resolution No. 2023 giving notice of the established by "Sunset Harbour An- outstanding on August 3, 1964, the date proposal to annex certain uninhabited nexation•' in Ordinance No. 800 of of the filing of the Petition for Annexa. territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said City and having been certified lion of said territory or theretofore author- said territory being .therein designated by the Secretary of the State of Cali- ized for the•acquisition, construction, or as- "Sunset Beach No.' 3 -Annexation" completion of municipal improvements. fornia on December 9, 1960, said point and said action- -being taken by the being the most Northerly corner of The City Clerk shall certify to the Council of said City as the'legislative. ' . . bod yof•the Cit Lot 1, Block 412 of Tract No. 21, as Passage and adoption of this ordin- , y, pureuant to a written, shown on a map recorded in Book 9, once and shall cause the same to be petition therefore, said Resolution des- Page 22.of .Miscellaneous Maps, rec- published by one insertion in the Hunt. ,p• cribing the boundaries to the territory ords of Orange County, California, ington Beach News, a weekly newspaper, so proposed to be annexed to said City: said point also being the intersection printed, published, and circulated in the - s and - of said Southwesterly line of I said City of Huntington:Beach, California; and - VMBREAS, said Resolution No. 2023, boundary with the Southeasterly line thirty days after the adoption thereof, did contain a notice,of the, day, hour - of ,Broadway, 80.00 feet in width, as the same shall take effect and be in : and.place when and where the said Coun- shown on said map of Tract No. 21; force. cil of said City would hear protesta made thence South 42° 45" 00" East along t ty by any person owning property within PASSED AND ADOPTED ng the Beach, said boundary of the City of Hunt- Council of the City of Huntington Beach, the territory proposed to be annexed, the ington Beach, 497.50 feet, more or �.• - 9 California, this Sih day o! October, -1964. time of said'hecring being not less than less, to the most Easterly corner of DONALD D. SHIPLEY 40 nor more than 60 days after the pass- Lot 8 in said Block 412; thence con- age of said Resolution: and, tinuing along said City boundary ATTEST: . Mayor ,p WHEREAS, 'on the 21st dory o P f Sa tem- South 42° 45' 00" East, 5.68 feet PAUL C. 10NES ber, '1964, at the hour'of 7.30 :P.M. or as more or less to the most easterly cor. City Clerk soon thereafter of said day, in the Coun- ner of Lot I of block 216 of said STATE OF CALIFORNIA cil Chamber in,the City Hall of the City , Tract No. 21; Thence South 750 30' COUNTY OF ORANGE se. 01 Huntington !Beach, State of California, 00" West along the Southeasterly line CITY OF HUNTINGTON:BEACH said time and place being the hour and - of said tot 1, 33.80 feet more or less day and place fixed' in Said Resolution to the intersection of said Southeast- 1, PAUL C. JONES, the duty elected, No. 2023 for hearing protests to the said erly line of said lot 11 with the South- qualified and acting City Clerk of the -- annexaiton, and no protests, either wilt- easterly projection of the Southwest. City of •Huntington Beach and ex-officio ten or oral to said annexation having erly line of said lot 8; thence North Clerk of the City Council of the said City, been made: and 43° 31' '15" West along said South- do hereby certify that the whole number WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous easterly projection of said Southwest- of members of the City Council of the S�a to the City of Huntington •Beach, and is erly tine of said lot 8 a distance of City of Huntington Beach is five; that uninhabited territory in the County of 5.77 feet more or less to the South- the foregoing ordinance was read to said Orange: and westerly corner of said lot 8; thence City Council at a regular meeting thereof WHEREAS, the owners of more than North 43° 31' q5" West along the held on the 21st day of September, 1964, - two' thirds'of 'the value of-the territory Southwesterly line of said lot 8, and and was again read to said City Council have -heretofore of (fled with the e t Clerk fix Northwesterly prolongation, 106.00 at a regular meeting thereof held on the feet, more or less to its intersection 5th day of Octoper, 1964, and was passed written consent that the .property in Said with the Southeasterly line of Lot 7 and adopted by the affirmative vote of _ territory be after annexation, subject„to in said .Block 412; thence South 460 more than a majority of all the members taxation equally with the property within ths.City of Huntington Beach to pap the28 45'" Went 15.00 feet, more or less, of said City Council. to the most Southerly corner of said AYES: Councilmen: j "+•' entire banded indebtedness of the City ` 04 Huntington Beach outstanding or au- along the Southwesterly line of Lots ley Lot 7; thence .North 43° 31' 15" West Welch, Gisler, Lambert, Ship. } tborized at the date e of the tiling off the' petition for the at for the acquisition, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 in said Block 4,12, NOES: Councilmen: •construction or completion of municipal ABSENT: distance of 3T5.00 feet, more or less, None t" improvements, to the most Westerly corner of said ABSENT: Councilmen: Lot 2, said corner being on said Stewart NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of Southeasterly line of Broadway; PAUL C. JONES the City of Huntington Beach does here- thence North 460 '28' 45" East along City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk by 'approve the annexation known as said Southeasterly line of Broadway, of the City Council of the City .. "Sunset Beach No. 3 Annexation" the of Huntington Beach, California a Yi yyµµ .A .'�... f ` 1 'K t a R� u,�( t'• vyy �' 5 r4 r eteP $ -3 t Y ' 17) FRANK M. JORDAN }' SECRETARY OF STATE Of ht 4 Secret of State !' SACRAMENTO ,l I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby, certify: l That on the--- ard-----day of-------- __.-___.___...----------------._----_, 19__6!i__, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more 1 particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office.: i; A copy of Ordinance No.---------1040------------------------------------------ _.as regularly i! passed and ,adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on +� the-_17th--------day of-----F�ruaIPY--------------------------------- -----------> 19 °`' -, certified by I� --Paul__�.__J_ones---------------- ---- ----------------------_, City Clerk. !r �i I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to S !!. the CITY OF_____HUFv_TINGTON BEACii.____-___-____ - _ ____________of contiguous uninhabited 1 territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: j F -----------I�41aA -- r i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set -rn-y hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California r � i d ay f .r�ia. .- -- v xT_` o i t l C _ a 4 ry,� � is ::,.�a a.. 1 �,xL(rGv�G /'" i".�"�""�-•---"� ri Secretary of State PR91�6- 3 3F00 SIC s (Published Huntington Beach News Feb. Orange County, California; said point corner of the land described in the 20, 1964) being also South 00 40' 00" East Bolsa Chica No. 2 annexation to the ORDINANCE NO, 1040 20.00 feet and North 891 39' 30" East City of Huntington Beach, certified ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 1345.12 feet more or less from the by the Secretary of State on July 25, AN AN ORDINANCE BEACH APPROVING Northwesterly corner of the South-. 1963 by Ordinance No. 982; thence « 'THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN east one quarter of said Section 20, along the Westerly and Southerly UNINHABITED said point being also the intersection lines of said annexation the following UNIN HABITED TERRITORY DESIGN.AS "BOLS CHICA NO. 3 of the Northerly prolongation of the courses, to the point of beginning ATEDANNEXATION" 70 THE CITY OF Easterly line of that certain private South 0° 46' 50" East 130.00 feet AN ANNEXATION BEACH road (now known as Lynn Street) more or less; North 890 32' 15" East 50.00 feet wide lying between Blocks 20.00 feet more or less; South 01 46' The City Council of the City of Hunt- 10, 11, 14 and 15 of Tract No. 86, 50" East 130.00 feet more or less; -ington Beach, California, does ordain as as shown on a map recorded in Book South 890 32' 15" West, 87.35 feet follows: 10, pages 35 and 36 of Miscellaneous more or less; South 0° 46' 50'' East, WHEREAS, pursuant to .the provisions Maps, records of Orange County, 130.00 feet more or less; North 890 of the "Annexation .of Uninhabited Ter- California; with the Southerly line 32' 15" East, 87.35 feet more or less; l ritony Act of 1939," the City Courrcii of of the land described in Bolsa Chica South 00 46' 50" East, 270.19 feat the City of Huntington Beach did, on the No. 2 annexation to the City of more or less to the Southwesterly - 16th day of December, 1963, pass and Huntington Beach, certified by the corner of said Balsa Chica No. 2 An- adopt Resolution No. 1894. giving notice of Secretary of State on July 25, 1963 nexation; thence North 89° 39' 30" the proposal to annex certain uninhabited by Ordinance No. 9B2; thence South East, 655.00 feet more or less along i territory to the City of Huntington Beach, 0° 40' 00" East along said Northerly the Southerly line of said Balsa Chica said territory being therein designated prolongation of the Easterly line of No. 2 Annexation and the Southerly as "Bolsa Chica No. 3 Annexation" and said private road and the Easterly line of said Heil Avenue to the point said action being taken by .the Council line of said private road 1325.66 feet of beginning. of said City as the legislative body of more or less to the Northwesterly the City, pursuant to a written petition corner of Lot 1 of Block 15 of said The boundaries of the said City of therefor, said Resolution describing the Tract No. 86, said point being also he Huntington Beach are hereby altered and t is boundaries of the territory so proposed on the Southerly line of that certain the samee territory above described to be annexed to said City; and private road (now known as Pearce hereby annexed to, incorporated to and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1894. Street) 50.00 feet wide lying between included within the City id Huntington did contain a notice of the day, hour Blocks 9, 10, 1'1, 13, 14 and 15 of Beach, lrihtsCalifornia, and said City shall and place when and where the said said Tract No. 86; thence South 89° have all rights and powers in, to and council of said City would hear protests 39' 30" West along the Southerly over said territory as are provided by made by any person owning property line of said private road 355.03 feet law. within the territory proposed to be an- more or less to the Northwester) The City Council of the City of ordain nexed, the time of said hearing beingY thaton e terrachitory does hereby further ordain corner of Lot 2 of Block '19 of said not less than 40 nor more than 60 days be the terr.tory above described shall Y Tract No. 86, said point being also be subject to taxation equally with the after the passage of said Resolution; and on the Easterly line of that certain property within the City of Huntington WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of February, private road (now known as Blan- Beach to pay the entire 'bonded indebt- 1964, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the ton Street) 25.00 feet wide, lying Council Chamber in the City Hall of the Easter) 25.00 feet measured at right outsta i the City a Huntington Beach City of Huntington Beach, State of Cali- Y g outstanding on November 16,Petition the rn4 angles from the Easterly line of Block date of the filing of the Petition for forma, said time and place being the E of Tract No. 349, as shown on a hour and day and place fixed in said map recorded in Book 15, page 17 Annexation of said territory or thereto- hour authorized for the acquisition, can- Resolution No. '1894 for hearing protests of Miscellaneous Maps, records of struction or completion of municipal im. to the said annexation, and no protests, ')range County, California; thence provements. either written or oral, to said annexa- ;outh 0° 40' 00" East along the The City Clerk shall certify to the lion having been'made; and 'asterly line of said private road passage and adoption of 4his ordinance WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous 635.33 feet more or less to the North- and shall cause the same to be published to the City of Huntington Beach, and fs easterly comer .of Lot 3 of Block 14 by one insertion in the Huntington Beach uninhabited territory in the County of of said Tract No. 86; thence South 69° the Norther) News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- Orange; and 39' 30" West along Y fished and circulated in the City of WHEREAS, .the owners of more than line of said Lot 3 of Block 14 and its Huntingdon Beach, California; and thirty two-thirds of .the value of .the territory Westerly prolongation 355.03 feet days after the adoption thereof the same have heretofore filed with the City Clerk more or less to the Northeasterly cor- shall take effect and be in farce• written consent that the property in said ner of Lot 4 of Block 13 of said Tract PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City territory be, after annexation, subject No. 86, said point also being on the Council of .the City of Huntington Beach, to ,taxation equally with the property Westerly line of that certain private California, this 17th day of Feb., 1964. within the City of Huntington Beach to Toad (now known as Sims Street) ROBERT M. LAMBERT. pay the enure banded indebtedness of 50.00 feet wide, lying between Blocks the City of Huntington Beach out stand- 13 and�14 of said Tract No. 86; thence Mayor f th ing or authorized at the date of the North 0° 40' 00" West along the ATTEST: tiling the petition for annexation for Westerly line of said private road lePAUL C. )ONES, the acquisition, constructionCity ction or oomple- 635.33 feet more or less to .the North- City Clerk tion of municipal .improvements: easterly corner of Lot 2 of Block 13 STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of said Tract No. 86, said point being County of Orange as of the City of Huntington Beach does on the Southerly line of the above City of Huntington Beach 'hereby approve the annexation known as mentioned private road (now known 1, PAUL C. JONES, -the duly elected, "Bolas Chica No. 3 Annexation", the as Pearce Street) 50.00 feet wide, as qualified and acting City Clerk of the territory of which is hereinafter describ- shown on said Tract No, 86; thence City of Huntington Beach-and ex-officio ed, to the City cif Huntington Beach, South 89° 39' 30 West along the Clerk of the City Council of the said and does hereby further ordain that Southerly line of said private road City, do hereby certify that the whole said,territory be and it is hereby annexed 615.06 ft. more or less to its intersec- number of members of the City Council to the City of Huntington Beach. tion with the Westerly line of the land of the City of Huntington Beach is five; That said territory, the annexation of described in "Sunset Harbor Annexa- that the foregoing ordinance was read which to the City of Huntington Reach lion" to the City of Huntington Beach, to said City Council at a regular meet- is herein approved, is all that territory certified by the Secretary of State on ing thereof held on .the 3rd day of Feb- situated in the County of Orange, State November 9, 1960 by Ordinance No. ruary, 1964, and was again read to said of California, and more particularly de- 800; thence North 0° 40' 00" West City Council at a regular meeting thereof scribed as follows: 1345.66 feet more or less along said held on ,the 17th day of February, 1964, All .that certain land situated in the noundary to an angle point; thence and was passed and adopted by the State of California, County of Orange, continuing along said boundary affirmative vote of more :than a majority described as follows: South 891 39' 30" West 1341.38 feet of all the members of said City Council. Beginning at a point on the South- more or less to an angle point in AYES: erly line of Heil Avenue (formerly said boundary; thence continuing Gerhart Avenue) 40.00 feet wide, said along said boundary North 0° 40, 001' Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart. point being South 0° 40' 00" East West 660.07 feet more or less to its Welch, Lambert 20.00 feet and South 890 39' 30" intersection with the Southerly bound. NOES: West 1295.12 feet more or less from ary line of the land described in the ABSENT: 'the Northeasterly corner of the South- "West Annexation' to the City of Councilmen: None east one quarter of Section 20, Town- Huntington Beach, certified by the PAUL C. JONES ship 5 South, Range 11 West in the Secretary of State October 26, 1959 Rancho La Bolsa Chica as shown on by Ordinance No. 732; thence North City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of a map recorded in Book 51, page 13 89° 32' 10" East along the Southerly the City Council of the City of of Miscellaneous Maps, records of line of said annexation 1990.62 feet Huntington Beach, California more or less to the Northwesterly ;:.. As ly f W FRANK M. JORDAN /=MffARY OF OTATZ i Of the &CT of State SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That on the__?Sth_-_-_day of____July---- ----------------------__-__, 19_63—_, pursuant to the provisions of the"Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939,"more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No.___—9.?----------------------------------------------------as regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the —ZAth_----day of_?APg-------------------------------------------- 19....6 3 certified by Paul C. sl4aes _,City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF— HUNTING= BEACIi_____________________of contiguous uninhabited territory,contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: BOISA MICA N0•L_2_ANNEXATION." _ ............ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seat of the State of California this-------25th —_ day of------J-U'------------------ 19--63. Sec►stry of Sr.re • x ..sou 7-.s MOO•ro ?_. n_ (Published Huntington Beach News July territory be, and it is hereby annexed tton" 680.11 feet to the point of be- 41 1963) to the City of Huntington Beach. ginning ORDINANCE No. 982 Th,rt said territory, the annexation of The boundaries of said City of Hunt- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- wh;=h to the City of Huntington Beach ington Beach are hereby altered and the INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN- is herein approved, is all that territory said territory above described is hereby NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED situated in the County of Orange, Stale annexed to, incorporated in, and in- TERRITORY DESIGNATED ' 'B O L S A o1 California and more particularly eluded within the City of Huntington CHICA No. 2 ANNEXATION", TO THE described as follows: Beach. California, and said City shall CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. Beginning at the intersection of have all rights and powers in, to and the southerly side line of Heil Ave- over said territory as are provided by The City Council of the City of Hunt nue 40 feet wide (formerly Gerhart law. ington Beach, California, does ordain as Avenue) with the westerly side line The City Council o1 the City of Hunt- follows: of Bolsa Chica Street (60 feet wide) ington Beach does hereby further or- WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions in the County of Orange, State of dain that the territory above described of the ''Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- California, as shown on map filed in shall be subjeot to taxation equally ritory Act of 1939", the City Council of Book 3, Page 21 of Record of Sur with the property within the City of the City of Huntington Beach did, on veys, in the office of the County Huntington Beach to pay the entire the 6th day of May, 1963 pass and Engineer of said County, said in- bonded indebtedness of the City of adopt Resolution No. 1768, giving notice tersection being a point in the boun- Huntington Beach outstanding on May of the proposal to annex certain unin- dary line of the City of Huntington 6, 1963, the date of the filing of the habited territory to the City of Hunt- Beach, as established by "North An- Petition for Annexation of said territory ington Beach, said territory being therein nexation certified by the Secretary or theretofore 'authorized for the acqui- designated as "Bolsa Chica No. 2 An- of State on August 2, 1957; thence sition, construction or completion of mu- nexation" and said action being taken by leaving said existing boundary South nicipal improvements. the Council of said City as the legisla- 89° 32' 10" West along said souther- The City Clerk shall certify to the tive body of the City, pursuant to a ly side line of Heil Avenue, 1920.12 passage and adoption of this ordinance written petition therefor, said resole feet to its intersection with the south- and shall cause the same to be pub- tion describing the boundaries of the erly prolongation of the westerly lished by one insertion in the Hunting- territory so proposed to be annexed to. line of Parcel No. 38 of said Record ton Beach News, a weekly newspaper said City; and of Surveys, as shown on said map; printed, published and circulated in WHEREAS, said Resolution 1768 did thence North 0° 46' 50" West along the City of Huntington Beach, Califor- contain a notice of the day, hour and said prolongation and westerly line, nia; and thirty days after the adoption place when and where the said council and the westerly line of Parcel No thereof the same shall take effect and of said city would hear protests made 27 a distance of 270.19 feet to the be in force. by any person owning property within northwest corner of said Parcel No. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City the territory proposed to be annexed, the 27; thence South 89° 32' 15" West Council of the City of Huntington Beach, time of said hearing being not less than along the southerly. line of Parcel California, this 241th day of June, 1963. 40 nor more than 60 days alter the pas- No. 23 a distance of 87.35 feet to the ROBERT M. LAMBERT sage of said resolution; and southwest corner of said Parcel No. Mayor WHEREAS, on the 17th day of June. 23; thence North 0° 46' 50" West ATTEST: 1963, at the hour of 8.00 P.M. in the along the Westerly line of said Par- PAUL C. )ONES Council Chamber in the City Hall of the cel No. 23 a distance of 130.00 City Clark City of Huntington Beach, State of Cal- feet to the northwest corner of said ifornia, said time and place being the Parcel No. 23; thence North 89° 32 State of California day and hour and place fixed in said 15" East along the northerly line County of Orange ss Resolution No. '1768 for hearing protests of said Parcel No. 23 a distance of City of Huntington Beach JI to the said annexation and no protests. 87.35 feet to the northeast corner 1, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, either written or oral, to said annexa- of said Parcel No. 23; thence North qualified and acting City Clerk of the tion having been made; and 00 46' 50'' west along the westerly f WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous line of Parcel No. 1'1 a distance of City o Huntington Beach and ex-officio to the City of Huntington Beach, Calif- 130.00 feet to the northwest corner Clark of the City Council of the said City, ornia, and is uninhabited territory in the of said Parcel No. 11; thence South do hereby certify that the whole number County of Orange; and 89° 32' 15" West along the southerly of members of the City Council of the WHEREAS, the owners of more than line of Parcel No. 6 a distance of City of Huntington Beach is five; that the two-thirds of the value of the territory 20.00 feet to the southwest corner of foregoing ordinance was read to said City have heretofore filed with the City Clerk said Parcel No. 6; thence North 0° Council at 'a regular meeting thereof held written consent that the propertyin said 46' 50" West along on the 'l7th day of June, 1963, and was rig the westerly here again read to said City Council at a regu- eq territory after annexation, subject t said Parcel No. 6 and the norther- lar adjourned meeting thereof held on the taxation equally with the property with-- ly ly prolongation thereof 130.00 feet in the City of Huntington Beach to pay to its intersection with the boundary 24th day of June, '1963, and was passed the entire bonded indebtedness of the line of said City of Huntington Beach, and adopted by the affirmative vote of City of Huntington Beach outstanding or as established by "West Annexa- more than a majority of all the members authorized at the date of the filing of the tion", certified by the Secretary of of said City Council. petition for annexation for the acquisi- State on October 26, 1959; thence AYES: Councilmen: tion, construction or completion of muni- North 89' 32' 15" East along said Wells, Stewart, Welch, Lambert cipal improvements; last mentioned boundary line 1940.22. NOES: Councilmen: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council feet to its intersection with the wes- None of the City of Huntington Beach does terly side line of said Solna Chica ABSENT: Councilmen: hereby approve the annexation known Street; thence South 0° 45' 45" East Gisler as "Bolsa Chica No. 2 Annexation", the along said westerly side line and PAUL C. )ONES territory of which is hereinafter described, along the boundary Lone of said City City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk in the City of Huntington Beach, and of Huntington Beach "North Annexa- of the City Council of the t:ity does hereby further ordain that the said of Huntington Beach, California. i� i FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OR STATE , ),j � ~ •Y tS. Of ht Secuta S'of 'State SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the St;ite Of California, hereby certify: That on the__23rd__day of. _ Larch __ __ __ 19 66 , pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of. 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No. 11Bu_ _ ._ _. _ _ _. _ as .regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the-. _21at____-day of- _-,,February _ _ -- -_ _ , 19 66 , certified by City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF - fi-lX-TINGT-ON &LhQ.ti _ - _ of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: "BOLSA--CHICA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set ml, hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this 24th day of March ' 19 66 /Secretar3 of State ..a.e.esz a-a•seo;csr qw (Publ`�hed Huntington Beach News of Block 16 Tract No. 86 as shown State of the State of California boundary line of the City of Hut Feb.`2!-1966)'., on a map recorded in Book 10 qn January 10, 1963; thence north ington Beach as established ORDINANCE NO. ti6a Pages 35 and 36 of Miscellaneous 0' 43' 37'" east 1384.11 feet, along before mentioned "Bolsa Chica h AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Maps, Records of Orange County, said west line, and its northerly 3 Annexation thence north 89° 7 HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING California thence south 89 39' 30' prolongation, of Block M of Tract 30' east 355.03 feet,along the nor THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY west 630.J6 feet, along the existing No. 475, and along the west line line of Lot 2 Block 14 of sa OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OF boundary line of the City of Hunt- of Block J, Tract No. 349 as shown Tract No. 86, along the south lil CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY ngton Beach as established by on a map recorded in Book 15 of said 50.00 foot private road, at DESIGNATED AS "BOLSA CHICA riefore mentioned "Balsa Chica No. Page 17 of Miscellaneous Maps, along il,e existing boundary line NO. S ANNEXATION", WHICH IS 4 Annexation" and along the north Records of Orange County, Califor- the Clty of Huntington Beach CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ne of said Block 16 of Tract No. nia, and along the existing, boun- estabiislied by before mention, HUNTINGTON BEACH, UPON THE 8b, to the northwest corner of said dary line of the City of Huntington "Balsa Chica No.3 Annexation",to TERMS CONTAINED IN THE Block 16 of Tract No. 86, said point Beaci) as established by before point, said .point being the nort QUESTION SUBMITTED AT A be'n at, angle point in the exist- mentioned Huntington Harbour west corner of Lot 1 Block 15 SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN ng oounaa;y line of the City of :;orperation A:inexation --- Parcel said Tract No. 86, said point lyii SAID TERRITORY ON THE 25TH Huntington Beach as established 3 A", to a point in the north right in the south line of a 50.00 to DAY OF JANUARY, 1966. uy before mentioned "Boisa Chica of way line of vfan,er enue. as i=r,Mile road and on the east lit WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions No. 4 Annexation"; thence south shown on said reap of Tract No. of a 50.00 foot private road bo of an Act of the Legislature of the 0 40' 00' east 1320.66 feet, along 349; thence south e") 39' 30' west ar. shown on the map of said Tra State of California, known as the "An- the west line of said Block 16 of 335.03 feet, along tl,e norin line of ;do. 86, said point also being t nexation Act of 1913", and pursuant to Tract No. 86 and along the exist- Warner Avenue anri a:on, the exist- angle point in the existing bou Resolution No. 2268 adopted by the City ing boundary line of the City of ing boundary line of the City of dary line of the City of Huntingt( Council of the City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach as established Huntington Beac!i as established Beach as established by befo on the 26th day of November, 1965. a u), before mentioned "Bolsa Chica by said "Huntington Harbour Cor- mentioned `Balsa Chica No. 3 A special election was held on the 25th No. 4 Annexation", to a point on porat,on Annexatior, — Parcei 3 A' nexation': thence north 0° 40' Oi day of January, 1966, in that certain the centerline of Warner Avenue, to a point in the east rri:;ht of way west 1325.66 feet, along the Wort inhabited territory contiguous to the 60.00 feet in width as now laid out; line of Al;;ongw i Street, said point eriy prolongation of the west lit h 0" 44' 15"' east 30.00 lying on the east line of the west cf Lot 1 of said Block 15, alor city of Huntington Beach designated as thence sout "Boise Chica No. 5 Annexation" and feet, along the existing boundary 2000 feet of the ,outneast one- the +e;t line, and its southerly at which is hereinafter more particularly line of the City of Huntington quarter (SE1,4) of Section 20. Town- n,ortlierly prolongations, of Lot described; and Beach as established by before ship 5 South, Range 11 West, San Bieck 11 of said Tract No. 8 WHEREAS, at said special election the mentioned "Balsa Chica No. 4 An- Bernardino Base and Meridian, Or- a',ong the east line of a 50.00 fo, following question was submitted to the nexation", to a paint in the south ange County. California, said point pnaate road as shown on the me qualified electors residingin said ter- right of way line of Warner Avenue. also being an angle point in the of said Tract No. 86, and alor the existing boundary line of tt ritOry: said point being the northwest existing boundary line of the City , SHALL THE BOLSA CHICA No. 5 corner of Block 20 of said Tract of Huntington Beach as established City of Huntington Beach as estal ANNEXATION BE ANNEXED TO, No. 86, said point in the boundary by Sunset Hari)our Annexation, hsned by before mentioned "Boll INCORPORATED IN AND MADE A line of the City of Huntington certified by Vie Secretary of State (-pica No. 3 Annexation", to a pon PART OF THE CITY OF HUNTING- Beach, also having been estab- of the State of California on De-' in the south right of way line t TON BEACH AND THE PROPERTY lished by "Boise Chica Annexation" cember 9, 1960. thence north 01 Heil Avenue, 40 feet in width If IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER certified by the Secretary of State 40' 00" wes' 1265.66 feet, along now laid out, said point being i SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECT TO of the State of California on Janu- said east line of Algonquin Street, the south line of the north 20.( TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE ary 18, 1903; thence south 01 44' said line being the west line of feet of the southeast one quarto PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF 15" east 1265.84 feet, along the Block 13, Tract No. 86 as shown (SE!'.;) of Section 20, Townshi HUNTINGTON BEACH, TO PAY west line of said Block 20 of Tract on a map recorded in Book 10 5 South, Range 11 West, Sa THE ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTED- No. 86 and along the existing Pages 35 and 36 of Miscellaneous THE Base and Meridiai NESS OF THE CITY OF HUNT- boundary of the City of Huntington Maps, Records of Orange County. said point also being an angl INGTON BEACH, OUTSTANDING Beach as established by before California, said line also being the point in the existing boundary lin OR AUTHORIZED AT THE DATE mentioned "Balsa Chica Annexa- existing boundary fine of the City cf the City of Huntington Beac OF THE FILING OF THE PETI- tion", to an angle point in the of Huntington Beach as estab- us established by before mentione TION FOR ANNEXATION FOR THE existing boundary line of the City lished by said "Sunset Harbour "Bolsa Chica No. 3 Annexation ACQUISITION,CONSTRUCTION OR of Huntington Beach, said point Annexation", to an angle point in and by "Bolsa Chica No. 2 Ar COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL Ili being the southwest corner of the existing boundary of the City nexation" certified by the Secr( PROVEMENTS? Block 20 as shown on said map of of Huntington Beach as established ary of State of the State of Cal WHEREAS, It appears from the canvass Tract No. 86, and also lying on the by "Bolsa Chica No. 3 Annexation" fornia on July 25, 1963; thenc of the returns of the votes cast at said north right of way line of Los certified by the Secretary of State north 89 39' 30" east 1265.12 fee' special election that a majority of all Patos Avenue as shown on said of the State of California on March along the south line of before doll.- votes cast in said territory on the ques- map of Tract No. 86, said right of 23, 1964, said point also being the cribed Heii Avenue, and along th tion of said annexation and the assump- way having been vacated by the northwest corner of Lot 1 of Block existing boundary line of the Cit tion of said bonded indebtedness favor Board of Supervisors of Orange 13 of said Tract No. 86 and said of Huntington Beach as estat annexation upon the terms contained in County, California in a resolution point also lying on the south line lished by lielvre mentioned "Bois the question submitted; and recorded July 15, 1943 in Book 1197 of a 50.00 foot private road as C:;,ca Nc. 2 Annexation", to th, WHEREAS, it appears that said special Page 424 of Official Records, Rec- shown on said map of Tract No. T,ue Point of Beginning. election and all proceedings relating oros of Orange County, California; 86; thence north 89' 39' 30" east SECTION 2. That the boundarieti thereto have been conducted strictly in thence north 89' 42'30" east 660.15 615.06 feet, along the north line of said City of Huntington Beach are h accordance with law; feet, along the existing boundary Lots 1 and 2 of Block 13 of said by altered and the said territory at NOW THEREFORE, the People of the line of the City of Huntington Tract No. 86, said line being the described is hereby annexed to, City of Huntington Beach do ordain as Beach as established by before south line of said private road, and incorporated and included within follows: mentioned "Boise Chica Annexa- said line being the existing boundary City of Huntington Beach, Califol SECTION 1. That the annexation of tion", to a point on the centerline line of the City of Huntington ind said City shall have all rights that certain inhabited territory contigu- of Balsa Chica Street as shown Beach as established by before powers in, to and over said territorl ous to the City of Huntington Beach on said map of Tract No. 86, said mentioned "Bolsa Chica No. 3 An- are provided by law. designated as "Boise Chica No. 5 An- right of way having been vacated nexation to the northeast corner SECTION J. That the territory at nexation" be and the same hereby is by the Board of Supervisors of of Lot 2 of said Block 13, said point described shall be subject to taxe approved upon the terms contained in Orange County, California, in a being an angle point in the exist- equally with the property within the aforesaid question which was sub- resolution recorded in Book 1197 ing boundary of the City of Hunt- City of Huntington Beach to pay mitted at the special election held on Page 424 of Official Records of ington Beach as established by entire bonded indebtedness of the the 25th day of January, 1966. Said Orange County, California; last before mentioned Balsa Chica No. 3 of Huntington Beach outstanding territory is described as follows: described point also being an Annexation, said paint also lying on Dccernber 30, 1965. or theretofore aul Beginning at the intersection of angle point in the existing boun- the west right of way line of a 'Led, for the acquisition, construe the south right of way line of Heil dary line of the City of Huntington 50.00 foot private road as shown on or completion of municipal impr Avenue, 60.00 feet in width as now Beach as established by "Sunset the map of said Tract No. 86; ments. laid out, with the west right of way Heights No. 3 Annexation", certi- thence south 0' 40' 00" east 635.33 SECTION 4. The City Clerk I line of Bolsa Chica Street, 90.00 fied by the Secretary of State of feet, along the east line of said ceit,fy to the passage and ador feet in width as now laid out; said the State of California on Decem- Lot 2 of Block 13 of Tract No. 86, of this ordinance and shall cause point also being the intersection ber 21, 1964; thence south 01 44' along the west line of said private same to be published by one inset , of the south line of the north 20.00 30"' east 30.00 feet to an angle road, and along the existing boun- n the Huntington Beach News a we feet of the southeast one-quarter point in the boundary line of the dary line of the City of Huntington newspaper, printed, published and (SEt/4) of Section 20, Township 5 City of Huntington Beach as es- Beach as established by before ,•a'c;teu in the City of Huntinl South, Range 11 West, San Bern- tablished by before mentioned mentioned "Balsa Chica No. 3 An- B,'ac', California, and thirty (30) , ardino Base and Meridian, Orange "Sunset Heights No. 3 Annexation"; nexation", to a point, said point ,after 'ihe adoption thereof, the s County, California, with the west thence, leaving the existing boun- lying in the south line of said Lot s;,all take effect and be in force. line of the east 30.00 feet of said dary line of the City of Huntington 2 Block 13, said point also being PASSED AND ADOPTED by the southeast one-quarter (SEt/4); said Beach, south 0° 44' 30" east 30.00 an angle point in the existing ouncii of the City of Huntington Be point also being an angle point feet, along the center line of said boundary line of the City of Hunt- a',forn,a. this 21st day of February, in the boundary line of the City vacated Balsa Chica Street, to a ington Beach as established by ROBERT M. LAMBEI of Huntington Beach, as estab- point in the south line of Los before mentioned "Bolsa Chica No. Mayor Pro Terri lished by "North Annexation", cer- Patos Avenue, as shown on said 3 Annexation"; thence north 89, �.i PEST: tified by the Secretary of State map of Tract No. 86, said right of 39' 30" east 355.03 feet, along the PAUL C. JONES of the State of California on Aug- way having been vacated by the south lines of Lot 2 Block 13 and City Clerk ust 2, 1957, also as established by Board of Supervisors of Orange its easterly prolongation and along STATE OF CALIFORNIA "West Annexation No. 2", certified County, California, in a resolution the south line and its westerly COUNTY OF ORANGE It by the Secretary of State of the recorded in book 1198 Page 424, prolongation of Lot 1 Block 14 of C!TY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH State of California on April 6, 1960, Official Records, Records of Orange said Tract No. 86, and along the PAUL C- JONES, the duly elei and also as established by "Balsa County, California; thence south existing boundary line of the City uuzli(ied, and acting City Clerk of Chica No. 2 Annexation", certified 891 42' 30" west 2285.53 feet, along of Huntington Beach as established City of Huntington Beach and ex-of by the Secretary of State of the last described south line of Los by before mentioned "Bolsa Chica Clerk of the City Council of the State of California on July 25, 1963; Palos Avenue vacated by before No. 3 Annexation", to the south- C�,,y, do hereby certify that the w said point also being the True mentioned resolution, said line east corner of Lot 1 Block 14 of number of members of the City Col Point of Beginning; thence south also being the south line of the said "Tract No. 86, said point being of tr:e City of Huntington Beach is 01 40' 00" east 1300.66 feet along north 30.00 feet of the south one- an angle point ,n the existing t',at the foregoing ordinance was the west right of way line of Balsa half (Sf/1) of the northeast one- boundary line of ti;e City of Hunt- .o said City Council at a regular met Chica Street and along the existing quarter (NEV,) of Section 29, town- ngton Beach as established by thereof held on the 7th day of Ft boundary line of the City of Hunt- ship 5 South, Range'11 West, San before mentioned "Bolsa Chica No. ary. 1966. and was again read to ington Beach, as established by Bernardino Base and Meridian, 3 Annexation thence north 0 40' City Council at a regular meeting thi before mentioned "West Annexa- Orange County, California, to a 00" west 635.33 feet. along the east eid on the 21st day of February, tion No. 2", to an angle point in point in the southerly prolongation fine of said Lot 1 of Block 14 Tract and was passed and adopted by the boundary line of the City of of the west line of Block M, Tract No. 86, and along the existing afhrmative vote of more than a maj Huntington Beach as established No. 475, as shown on a map boundary line of the City of Hunt- of all the members of said City Cot by before mentioned "West Annexa- recorded in Book 17 Page 19 of n,,riton Beach as established by AYES Councilmen: tion No. 2"; said point lying in Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Lefore mentioned "Balsa Chica No. Gisler, Stewart, Lambert the existing boundary line of the Orange County, California, said 3 Annexation , to Vie northeast N,0ES: Councilmen: City of Huntington Beach as es- point also being an angle point in corner of said Lot 1 Block 14 Tract None tablished by "Bolsa Chica No. 4 the existing boundary line of the No. 86. said point lying on the ASSENT: Councilmen; Annexation", certified by the Sec- City of Huntington Beach as es- south right of way line of a 50.00 Welch, Shipley retary of State of the State of tablished by "Huntington Harbour foot private road as shown on said PAUL C. JONES California on April 6, 1964, said Corporation Annexation Parcel n,ap of Tract No. 86. ;aid point also City Clerk and ex-officio point also lying in the north line 3-A", certified by the Secretary of reing an ankle point in the existing of the City Council of the of Huntington Beach,Calif 3 FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE � � k .i �1 TT A. 'Off to yf`the Isecreta q. of State SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That on the___lIlth__:_day of_. -January- _____ . __ .____ _, 19_L_3___, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No. 934 ____ _. _ _. as regularly 1' passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the-----5th_____ _day of___- November 19 "2 , certified by Paul_C.__Jones------ City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF---------HUNTINGTON._BEACH--_-__-_-- _----_--__-__-_-of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: is i` 1 "HUtLT.IKGIQK__kIAMQllK__QQFP-QRATI0Ii._ANNLXAT101.---PARCEL 3-A." � 1 I ` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my �y hand and affix the Great Seal of the f., ,y Stale of California this. .____.._____10th day of--------January n 4 . - � � Secretary of State 4.r . 60402 7-62 3000 svo (Published Huntington Beach News Dec. which to the City of Huntington Beach South 89' 51' 53" West, 3922.63 feet, 6, 1962) is herein approved, is all that territory more or less, along said South line ORDINANCE No. 934 situated in the County of Orange, State of Warner Avenue and its prolonga- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT. of California, and more particularly des- tions to a point that is South 0° 08' INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN- cribed as follows: 07" East, thence feet from the point NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED "Beginning at an angle point in of West 61 Urence North in G8' be07'- TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "HUNTING- the city boundary line of the City of ginning.'' g. 00 last to the point of ba- TON HARBOUR CORPORATION ANNEXA• Huntington Beach, County of Orange. ginning." TION - PARCEL 3•A" TO THE CITY OF State of California, said boundary The boundaries of said City of Hunt- HUNTINGTON BEACH having been established by "Sunset mgton Beach are hereby altered and the Harbour Annexation'' in ordinance said territory above described is here- The City Council of the City of Hunt- number 800 of said city, said angle by annexed to, incorporated in, and in- ington Beach, California, does ordain point being at the point of intersec- eluded -Hithin the City of Huntington as follows: tion of the East line of that certain Beach. California,. and said City shall WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions 1.354 acre parcel shown on a map have all rights and powers in, to and of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Terri- recorded in Book 7, Page 20, Record over said territory as are provided by tory Act of 1939", the City Council of of Surveys, records of said Orange law. the City of Huntington Beach did, on the County, with the North line of War- The City Council of the City of Hunt- 4th day of September, 1962, pass and nor A v e n u e (formerly Los Palos ington Beach does hereby further ordair. adopt Resolution No. 1605, giving notice Avenue) 60 feet in width as now,laid that the territory above described shall of the proposal to annex certain unin- out; thence along said city boundary be subject to taxation equally with the habited territory to the City of Huntington line and along said North line, North property within the City of Huntington Beach, said territory being therein desig- 89,, 51' 53" East, 2961.38 feet, more B=ach to pay the entire bonded indebted- nated as "Huntington Harbour Corpora- or less to an angle point in said ness of the City of,Huntington Beach out- tion Annexation—Parcel 3-A", and said city boundary line; thence continuing standing on September 4th, 1962, the date action being taken by the Council of along said city boundary line North of the filing of the Petition for Annexa- said City as the legislative body of the 0° 08' 07" West, 1S.00 feet to c !ion of said territory or theretofore autho- City, pursuant to a written petition there- point in a curve, concave Northwester- rizcd for the acquisition, construction or for, said Resolution describing the boun- ly having a radius of 555.00 feet, a completion of municipal improvements. daries of the territory so proposed to be radial line at said point having a The City Clerk shall certify to the annexed to said City; and bearing of South 0° 08' 07" East; l:cssage and adoption of this ordinance WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1605 thence Northerly and Easterly along and shall cause the same to be published did contain a notice of the day, hour said curve and continuing along said by one insertion in the Huntington Beach and place when and where the said city boundary line through a central News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- council of said City would hear protests angle of 90° 35' 15", a distance lished and circulated in the City of Hunt- made by any person owning propertl of 877.48 feet, more or less; thence ington Beach, California; and thirty days within the territory proposed to be an continuing along said city boundary after the adopt;on thereof the same shall nexed, the time of said hearing beinc line North 89° 16' 33" East, 15.00 take effect and be in force. not less than 40 nor more than 60 day feet, more or less, to an angle point PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City after the passage of said resolution, ant in said city boundary line, said angle Council of the City of Huntington Beach, WHEREAS, on the '15th day of October, point being in the West line of War- California, this Sth day of November 1962, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the ner Avenue (f o r m s r 1 y Algonquin 1962. Council Chamber in the City Hall of the Street) 50 feet in width and said ROBERT M. LAMBERT City of Huntington Beach, State of Cal- angle point being 30.00 feet Westerly, r mayor lfornia, said time and place being the measured at right angles from the ATTEST: day and hour and place fixed In said centorline of said last mentioned PAUL C. JONES Resolution No. 1605 for hearing protests Warner Avenue; thence continuing City Clerk to the said annexation, and no pro- along said city boundary line paral- State of California tests, either written or oral, to said lel with the center line of said War- County of Orange so annexation having boon made; and ner Avenue North 00 43' 22" West, City of Huntington Beach WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous 748.26 feet to an angle point in said 1, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, to the City of Huntington Beach, and is city boundary line in the Westerly qualified and acting City Clerk of the uninhabited territory in the County of prolongation of the North line of City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio Orange; and Warner Avenue (formerly Winters- 9 Clerk of the City Council of said City, WHEREAS, the owners of more than burg Avenue) 60 feet in width as now do hereby certify that the whole number "'39 54^ two-thirds of the value of the territory Laid out; thence North 89 of members of the City Council of the have heretofore filed with the City Clerk East along said city boundary line City of Huntington Beach is five; that written consent that the property in said 50.03 feet to an angle point in said the foregoing ordinance was read to said territory be, after annexation, subject city boundary line; said angle point CityCouncil at a regular heirs the intersection of the Easter) do meeting thereof to taxation equally with the property g y held on the lSth day of October, 1962, within the City of Huntington Beach to line of Algonquin St, Forty (40) feet and was again read to said City Council the entire bonded indebtedness of wide with said Northerly line of War at at a regular meeting thereof held on the the City of Huntington Beach outstanding nor Avenue; thence leaving said city Sth day of November, 1962, and was or authorised at the date of the filing of boundary line and along said North passed and adoptod by the affirmative the petition for annexation for the ac- line of Warner Avenue North 89, vote of more than a majority of all the quisition, construction or completion of 39' 54" East, a distance of 335.03. members of said City Council. municipal improvements; feet, more or lea, to an intersection with the Norther) extension of the AYES: Councilmen: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of East line of Sandra Lee Street as Gisler, Lambert, Stewart, the City of Huntington Beach does hereby approve the annexation known as "Hunt- shown on a map of Tract 349, as Welch, Wells. ington Harbour Corporation Annexation recorded in Book 15, Page 17, records NOES: Councilmen: —Parcel 3-A" the territory of which Is of said Orange County; thence South NONE. hereinafter described, to the City of 0° 43' 26" East, 1385.S0 feet along ABSENT: Councilmen: Huntington Beach,and does hereby further the East line of Sandra Lee Street NONE. ordain that said territory be, and it is and its prolongation to a point in PAUL C. JONES hereby annexed to the City of Huntington the Southerly line of the Easterly pro- City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk Beach. longation of said Warner Avenue of the City Council of the City That said territory, the annexation of (formerly Los Palos Avenue); thence of Huntington Beach, California -AOLF J r, g. t AN ii i F if FRANK M. JOFDAN 1 rK S ECR ETARV OF STATE "; 15{ Y i �I �� I � it Of r - the %cattaY" of Mate SACRAMENTO y' I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That on the 6th------_day of----- April-- 1------------------------ --_ --- 196�+ pursuant 1: to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of'1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: ;t A copy of Ordinance No------ '_ ---------.--_ -__ -_ . __ ____ ___ ___ __as. regularly E passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on :, . !! ;{ the __d___-_--_ __ ___-day of_---_Ma-r_ch _ -- .. --_.-____-- __-_ -___--___, 19_64._, certified by -------------- ----- ------ -- -- , City Clerk. �( I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF----HUNT1N_GT_M.BEACH_ ____ _________ _ ____of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: H jl ;I "BOLSA CHICA NO. -4 ANNEXATION." - - --- ------------------------------------------------------- IN,WITNESS WHEREOF, I here?unlo Set m1' JI hand and affix the Great Scal of the &' r of California this __ .6th _. IV y��� {r sa s t , day of - Apr_il------------ 19-54._ ij Sect eiar}'of Stale ° t- nssn e.ea 3vx�n.c ,r (Published Huntingdon Beach News Mar. by approve the annexation known as said territory above described is hereby 5, 1%4) "Balsa Chica Ne. 4 Annexation", the annexed to, incorporated in, and included ORDINANCE NO. 1042 territory of which is hereinafter describ- within the City of Huntington Beach, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ed, to the City of Huntington Beach, and California, and said City shall have all HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING does hereby further ordain that said rights and powers in, to and over said THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UN- territory be and it is hereby annexed to territory as are provided by law. INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED the City of Huntington Beach. The City Council of the City of Hunt- AS "BOLSA CHICA NO. 4 ANNEXA• That said territory, the annexation of ington Beach does hereby further ordain TION" TO THE CITY OF HUNTING- which to the City of Huntington Beach that the territory above described shall TON BEACH. is herein approved, is all ,that territory be subject to taxation equally with the The City Council of the City of Hunt- situated in the County of Orange, State property within the City of Huntington ington Beach, California, does ordain as of California, and more purticularly de- Beach to pay the entire bonded indebt- follows: scribed as follows: edness of the City of Huntington Beach WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions All that certain land situated in the outstanding on January 6, 1964, the date p of 'the filing of the Petition for Annexa- of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Terri- State of California, County of Orange, tion of said territory or theretofore auth- Cozy Act of 1939", the City Council of described as follows: orized for the acquisition, :construction the City of Huntington Beach did, on the Beginning at an angle point in the or completion- of municipal improve- 6th day of January, 1964, pass and adopt existing boundary of the City of ments. Resolution No. '1904, giving notice of the Huntington Beach, as established by proposal to annex certain uninhabited Ordinance No. 944, said angle point The City Clerk shall certify the territory to the City of Huntington Beach, being the intersection of a line paTal- passage and adoption of this ordinance said :territory being therein designated.as lel with and Southerly 30.00 feet from and shall cause the same to in published "Bolsa Chica No. 4 Annexation.'. and the centerline of Warner Avenue, with News, one insertion in the Huntington Beach action being taken by the Council the west line of Lot 1 in Block 20 Newa, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- of said City as the legislative body of of said Tract No. 86, said West line Hunts and circulated in the City cf the City, pursuant to ,a written petition also being the centerline of Green Huntington Beach, California; and thirty therefore, said Resolution describing the Street, thence North 0° 44' 30" West days after.the adoption thereof, the same boundaries of the territory so proposed 30.00 feet along the Northerly prolon- shall take effect and be in force. to be annexed to said City; and gation of said West line of Lot 1 in PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1904, Block 20, to said centerline of War- Council of the City of Huntingdon Beach, did contain a notice of the day, hour and ner Avenue; thence North 00 40' 00'' California, this 2nd day of March, 1964. place when and where the said Council West 1320.66 feet along the West line, ROBERT M. LAMBERT, of said City would hear protests made and its Southerly prolongation of Mayor by any person owning property within Block 16 of said Tract No. 86, .to the ATTEST: the territory :proposed to be annexed, Northwest -corner of said Block 16; PAUL C. JONES, the time of said hearing being not less thence North 891 39' 30" .East 690.06 City Clerk than 40 nor more than 60 days after the feet along.the North line of said Block passage of said Resolution; and 16, and its Easterly prolongation, to STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, on the 17dh day of Febru- its intersection with the existing County of Orange as ary, 1964, at the hour of 8:00.o'clock boundary of the City of Huntington City of Huntington Beach P.M. in the Council Chamber in the City Beach as established by said Ordin- Hall of the City of Huntington Beach, ante No. 944, said existing boundary I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected State of California, said time and place being parallel with and Easterly qualified and acting City Clerk of the being the hour cud day and place fixed 30.00 feet from the centeTline of Balsa City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio in said Resolution No. 1904 for hearing Chica Street; thence along said exist- Clerk of the City Council of the said protests to the said annexation, c.nd no ing boundary the following courses, City, do 'hereby cer.Wy that the whole protests, either written or oral, to said South 01 40' 00" East '1150.33 feet number of members of the City Council annexation having been made; and -to the Easterly prolongation of the of the City of Huntington Beach is five; Northerly line of :the land described that the foregoing ordinance was read WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous in the lease between Edward N. to said City Council at a regular meet. to the City of Huntington Beach, and is Howell Company, Lessor, and Socony ing thereof held on the 'l7th day of Feb. uninhabited territory in the County of Mobil Oil Company, Lessee, recorded ruary, 1964, and was again read to said Orange; and May 23, 1962 in Book 61118, Page 910, City Council at a regular meeting there- WHEREAS, the owners of more than Official Records; thence South 890 of held c-n .the tad day of March, 1964, two-third of the value of the territory 39' 30" West 215.00 feet along said and was passed and adopted by the 'have heretofore filed with :the City Clerk prolongation and said Northerly line affirmative vote or more than a majority written consent :that the property in said to the Northwest corner of said land; of all :the members of said City Council. territory be, after annexation, subject to thence South 0° 40' 00" East 200.33 AYES: taxation equally with :the property with- feet along the Westerly line, and its Councilmen: Gisler, Stewart, Welch, in .the. City of Huntington Beach to pay Southerly prolongation of said land, Lambert. ,the entire bonded indebtedness of the to a line parallel with and Southerly NOES: City of Huntington Beach outstanding or 30.00 feet from said centerline of Councilmen: Nona authorized at the date of the filing of Warner Avenue; thence South 890 ABSENT: the petition for annexation for the acqui- 39' 30" West 475.06 feet along said Councilmen: Wells sition, construction or completion of 'parallel line to the Point of Be- PAUL C. JONES, municipal improvements, ginning. City Clerk and ex-ofticio Clerk of NOW THEREFORE, .the City Council of The boundaries of said City of Hunt- the City Council of the City of .the City of Huntingdon Beach does here- ington Beach are hereby altered and the Huntington Beach, California. { FRANK M. JORDAN ���� � •}7 GD '' } SECRETARY OF STATE .•C ` �N1I f !i } Oft" the } Secreta of State SACRAMENTO ((} I} { I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby a certify: q - That on thel@th----------day of---------------January-----------------------_, 19---&a-, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more a „ l particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: - A copy of Ordinance No-----------.__-_--_444___—_________________________________________as regularly 1 passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the----17th--------day o ------De-c-e- bm_ ex----------------------------------------------19E2---_, certified by ------Paul C. Jpaes------------------------- ---------- -------------------� City'Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF------E1WTJNGT9T -J3E,& ti_______________________________of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: } "BOLSA CHICA ANNEXATION." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my �f hand and affix fix the Great Seal of the (� i State of California this------- Jf day of----------January-------------5, 19---63. jf "retary of Statc I�1 II _� II1I ` 66402 7-62 2500 SPO qW �r' n W (Published Huntington Beach News Dec. That portion of Tract No. 86, in Schell; thence North 00 40',00" West ' ,.. 20, 1962) the County of Orange, State of Cal- 330.00 feet along the East line of ORDINANCE No. 944 ifornia, as per map recorded in Book of last said land to the North line of ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- 10, Page 35, of Miscellaneous Maps, Lot 4 in said Block 5; thence South ' in the Office of the County Recorder 89° 37' 30" West 64.00 feet along INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN- of said County, described as fol- last said North line to the south { NE%ATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED lows. east corner of Lot 1 in said Block c TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "BOLSA Beginning at the intersection of the 5; thence North 0° 40' 00" West may"' CHICA ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY existing boundary of the City of 680.38 feet along the east line of Huntington Bosch as established by said Lot 1 in Block 5 to said exist- OF HUNT[NGTON BEACH. Ordinance No. 748 with a line paral- ing boundary of the City of Hunt- The City Council of the City of Hunt- lel with and East 30.00 feet from ington Beach; thence along said exist- ington Beach, California, does ordain as the center line of Bolsa Chico Street ing boundary South 890 36' 00" West follows: said interesection being distant along 301.69 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions said existing boundary North 890 The boundaries of the said City of of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- 36' 00" East 60.00 feet from an angle Huntington Beach are hereby altered ritory Act of 1939," the City Council point in said boundary; thence leav- and the same territory above described is - of the City of Huntington Beach did, on ling said existing boundary South 00 hereby annexed to, incorporated in and the 15th day of October, 1962, pass and 40' 00" East 1170.33 feet along said included within the City of Huntington adopt Resolution No. 1671, giving notice parallel line to the easterly prolonga- Beach, California, and said City shall of the proposal to annex certain unin- tion of the northerly line of the land have all rights and powers in, to and habited territory to the City of Hunting- described in the lease between Ed- over said territory as are provided by k; ton Beach, said territory being therein ward M. Howell Company, lessor, law. designated as "Bolsa Chico Annexation" and Socony Mobile Oil Company, les- The City Council of the City of Hunt- and said action being taken by the see, recorded May 23, '1962, in Book ington Beach does hereby further ordain Council of said City as the legislative 6118 page 910, of Official Records; that the territory above described shall body of the City, pursuant to a written thence South 89° 39' 30" West 215.00 be subject to taxation equally with the _ petition therefor, said Resolution describ- feet along said prolongation and property within the City of Huntington ing the boundaries of the territory so northerly line to the northwest cor- Beach to pay the entire bonded in- proposed to be annexed to said City; ner of said land; thence South 0° debtedness of, the City of Huntington and 40' 00" East 200.33 feet along the Beach outstanding on October 15, 1962, WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1671, westerly line of said land and its the date of the filing of the Petition for did contain a notice of the day, hour southerly prolongation to a line par- Annexation of said territory or thereto- and place when and where the said allel with and South 30.00 feet from fore authorized for the acquisition, cons- council o! said City would hear protests the center line of Warner Avenue; truction or completion of municipal im- thence South 89° 39' 30" West made by any person bwning property provements. 975.06 feet along last said parallel within the territory proposed to be on- The City Clerk shall certify to the being nezed, the time of said hearin line to the intersection of last said g g parallel line with the center line of Passage and adoption of this ordinance not less than 4j1 nor more than 60 days that certain priviate Road along the and shall cause the same to be published R` after the passage of said Resolution; and westerly line of Lot 1 in Block 20 by one insertion in the Huntington WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of December, of said Tract (now known as Green Beach News, a weekly newspaper printed, 1962, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the Street) last said center line also being Published and circulated in the City of Council Chamber In the City Hall of the the westerly line of said Lot 1; thence Huntington Beach, California; and thirty City of Huntington Beach, State of Cal- South 00 44' 30" East 1265.84 feet days after the adoption thereof the same - ifornia, said time and place being the along last said center line to a line shall take effect and be in force. - hour and day and place fixed in said parallel with and North 30.00 feet PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Resolution No. 1671 for hearing protests from the center line of Loa Patos Council of the City of Huntington Beach, to the said annexation, and no protests, Avenue as shown on said map and California, this 17th day of December, either written or oral, to said annexation vacated by resolution of the Board of 1962. having been made; and Supervisors of said Orange County, ROBERT M. LAMBERT WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous July 13, 1943, a certified copy of Mayor to the City of Huntington Beach, and is which was recorded July 15, 1943, ATTEST: uninhabited territory in the County of is Book '1197, Page 424 of Official PAUL C. JONES Orange; and Records thence North 89° 42' 30" City Clerk WHEREAS, the owners of more than East 660.15 feet along last parallel State of California two-thirds of the value of the territory line to the center line of Bolso County of Orange so have .heretofore filed with the City Clerk Chica Street as shown on said map City of Huntington Beach written consent that the property in said and as vacated by resolution of the Y I, PAUL C. JONES, the dui elected, territory be, after annexation, subject to Board of Supervisors of said Orange qualified and acting City Clerk of the taxation equally with the property with- County, July 13, 1943, a certified in the City of Huntington Beach .to pay copy of which was recorded July 15, City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the said the entire bonded indebtedness of the 1943, in Book 1197, Page 424 of Of- City of Huntington Beach outstanding or ficial Records; Thence North 0° 44' numty,ber r hereby certify .that the whole uncil authorized at the data of the filing of the 30" West 1296.40 feet along said number of members o[ the City is five; petition for annexation for the acquisi- center line to the south west corner of -the City e ingordinance Huntington Beach is five; tion, construction or completion of'munici- of Section 21, Township 5 South, that the foregoing ordinance was read pal improvements; Range 11 West; thence North .0° 40' to said City thereof held Co nc lhe 3at day ulcerof meeting, NOW,-THEREFORE, .the City Council of 00" West 30Ea feet. thence North Y 89° 37' 30" East 30.00 feet to the 1962, and was again read to said City the City of Huntington Beach does here- South west corner of Lot 3 in Block Council at a regular meeting thereof held by approve the annexation known as 5 of said Tract; thence North 890 on the 17th day of December, 1962, and "Bolsa Chica Annexation," the territory was passed and adopted by the affirma- of which is hereinafter described, to the 37' 30c East 265.00the feet the south- t c City of Huntington Beach, and does here- easorner of the loadd described five vote of more than a majority of all by further ordain that said territory be in the deed to Ralph R. Xershner Jr. the members of said City Council. et ux, recorded October 5, 1959, in AYES: Councilmen: and it 1s hereby annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. Book 4912, Page of Official Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Aeoords; thence North 0° 40' 00" That said territory, the annexation of West 300.38 feet along the East line Welch, Lambert. which to the City of Huntington Beach of said land to the South line of NOES: Councilmen: is herein approved, is all that territory the land described in the deed to NONE. situated in the County of Orange, State Delbert E. Schell, of ux, recorded ABSENT: Councilmen: of California, and more particularly November 20, 1946, as Instrument NONE. described as follows; No. 57101 of Official Records; thence PAUL C. JONES All that certain land situated in the North 89° 37' 30" East 100.00 feet City Clerk and ex-officto Clerk s State of California, County of Orange, along said last South line to the of the City Council of the City described as follows southeast corner of said land of of Huntington Beach, California. is , t . ZRi i a{ FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE I � q�. ht :secrata of Matt i SACRAMENTO i I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: 1 That on the----6th-- --day of-------------April--------------------- ----------- 19_.. - Pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No-- --------74$----------------------------of the CITY OF HUMJ_T1 _0_1L1UO-H___----_, certified by----John._L._-Henri cks.en._._________----., City Clerk. I further certify that the__12t1i-day of--------------.__Januaryt.____-_____-__-_-___---., 19.60-.__, is stated in the certificate of said City Clerk as the date on which said ordinance was regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of said City and i 1 That said ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF _B[TI4 MOM-MA I ----------------------of certain uninhabited territory, a description of } the boundaries and the designation thereof as: : -------------------- -•---------------------- : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this--------------6-th-------------------------day of--------------April_------------ 19-Bo 1 " ecretary of State 99350 a-!9 S.SIC r3 (Published Huntington Beach News Mar. Chica Road a distance of 1321 feet, 3, 1960) more or less to the point of inter- ORDINANCE NO. 748 section of said west line of Bolsa AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUN- Chica Road with the prolongation of TINGTON BEACH APPROVING THE the south fins of Block 1,thereof re- ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNIN- 86, ed shown on a agemap the:eo. 36, HABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS corded in Book 10, Pages 35 and 36, "WEST ANNEXATION NO. 2" TO THE Misan gcellaneous Maps, Records of east- CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. erty County, souCalthr line thence distance erly on said south line a dislancv The City Council of the City of Hunt- of 693 feet more or less to the east ington Beach, California, does ordain as line of said Block 1; thence northerly follows: on said east line and its northerly WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions prolongation a distance of 1321 feet, of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- more or less to a point in the city ritory Act of 1939," the City Council of boundary of the City of Huntington the City of Huntington Beach did, on the Beach; thence westerly a distance 16th day of November, 1959, pass and of 693 feet more or less to the point adopt Resolution No. 1398, giving notice of beginning." of the proposal to annex certain unin- The boundaries of said City of Hunt- habited territory to the City of Hunt- ington Beach are hereby altered and the ington Beach, said territory being there- said territory above described is hereby in designated as "West Annexation No. annexed to, incorporated in and included 2" and said action being taken by the within the City of Huntington Beach, Council of said City as the legislative California, and said City shall have all body of the city, pursuant to a written rights and powers in, to and over said petition therefor, said Resolution describ- territory as are provided by law. ing the boundaries of the territory so The City Council of the City of Hun- proposed to be annexed to said city; tington Beach does hereby further ordain and that the territory above described shall WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1398, be subject to taxation equally with the did contain a notice of the day, hour entire bonded indebtedness of the City and place when and where the said of Huntington Beach outstanding on council of said city would hear protests October 23, 1959, the date of the filing made by any person owning property of the Petition for Annexation of said within the territory proposed to be an- territory or theretofore authorized for nexed. the time of said hearing being the acquisition, construction or com- not less than 40 nor more than 60 days pletion of municipal improvements. after the passage of said Resolution; The City Clerk shall certify to the and passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall WHEREAS, on the 4th day of January, 1960, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in ingtofished by cause the same to be pub- one insertion in the Hunt- the Council Chambers in the City Hall aper, Beach Nevis, a weekly news- paper, of the City of Huntington Beach, State p , printed, published and circulated in the City of Huntington Beach, Cali- of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said adoption and thirty (30) days after the a Resolution No. 1398 for hearing protests adoption thereof, the cams shall take effect and be in force. to the said annexation and no protests, either written or oral, to said annexa- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City tio❑ having been made; and Council of the City of Huntington Beach, WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous California, this 12th day of January, 1960. to the City of Huntington Beach, and is uninhabited territory in the County of EARL T. IRBY, Orange; and Mayor ATTEST: WHEREAS, the owners of more than JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, two-thirds of the value of the territory City Clerk have heretofore filed with the City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA written consent that the property in said territory be, after annexation, subject to County of Orange ss.} taxation equally with the property within City of Huntington Beach J the City of Huntington Beach to pay the I, JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, the duly entire bonded indebtedness of the City elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of Huntington Beach outstanding or of the City of Huntington Beach, and authorized at the date of the filing of ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the petition for annexation for the ac- said City, do hereby certify that the quisition, construction or completion of whole number of members of the City municipal improvements. Council of the City of Huntington Beach NOW THEREFORE, the City Council is five; that the foregoing ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach does was read to said City Council at a hereby approve the annexation known regular meeting thereof hold on the as "West Annexation No. 2," the terri- 4th day of January, 1960, and was tory of which is hereinafter described, again read to said City Council at a to the City of Huntington Beach and regular meeting thereof hold on the does hereby further ordain that the said 12th day of January, 1960, and was territory be and is hereby annexed to passed and adopted by the affirmative the City of Huntington Beach. vote of more than a majority of all the "Commencing at a point in the city members of said City Council. boundary of the City of Huntington AYES: Councilmen: Irby, Sork, Terry, Beach, said point being also the Lambert, Waite. point of intersection of the south line NOES: Councilmen: None. of Gerhart (Heil) Avenue, said street ABSENT: Councilmen: None. right-of-way now being 40 feet in JOHN L. HENRICKSEN, width, and the west line of Bolsa City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk Chica Road, said street right-of-way of the City Council of the City now being 60 feet in width; thence of Huntington Beach, California southerly on the West line of Bolsa l: 7. ,P •I FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE Q�ff`►"tt yfthe I• CCYCf�>r 0fstate }t {, SACRAMENTO tt I, I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the St.ite of California, lu:rebt- } certify: That on the__215t.._---day of__.__-._ u.un e._-- , 1.9 pursuao, to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939., m '. { particularly Section 3 5317 of the Government Code, there: Nx as filed it7 m}- offi% t� i� A copy of Ordinance No._ as regui_, If passed and adopted by the legislative body of. the City hereinafter namt,0 the- ---21st------..day of-- - May------ -- 19 62 , cer.t,ta=.-; __P.aul._4___j.onez-- - ----- ------ , City Clerk. 1; I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexat,t: the CITY OF-------HUNTINGTON_-BFAM____ _..._-___ -_-..-____ .. of contiguous uninh:ti jterritory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed an ! I t� "JAY__ANINFXATIQN - ... i ►i ij i, !f IN WITNESS WHEREO_V, ( hei-eiwl(: 9 hand and affix the Great St wi State of Cadifor»ia this 21_i day of._ Jure !I j' r L ;t I; a y (Published H_tington Beach News May No. 748 of said city; rnence North 89' 24, 1962) 35' 30" East, along the South right ORDINANCE NO. 90S of way line of Heil Avenue following AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- the existing boundary of City of Hunt- AN BEACH APPROVING THE AN- ington Beach, , feet to the True NEGATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED point of Beginning, said point also TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "JAY being the Northwest corner of Lot 2, ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF HUN- Block 2, of Tract 86 Coast Boulevard k TINGTON BEACH. Forma shown on a map filedin Book 10, pages 35-36 of Miscellaneous ous The City Council of the City of Hunt- Maps, Records of Orange County, ington Beach, California, does ordain as California; thence continuing North follows: 89° 35' 30" East, along the South right of way line of Heil Avenue, - WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions along the North line of above men- of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Terri- tinned Lot 2, and along the existing tore Act of 1939," the City Councll o! boundary line of the City of Hunt- the City of Huntington Beach did, on ington Beach, 331.37 feet to a point, the 19th day of March, 1962, pass and adopt Resolution No. 1569, giving said ivin point being the Northeast cor- ner of said Lot 2; thence, leaving said of the proposal to annex certain unin- existing boundary line of Huntington habited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, South 00 43' 15" East, along Beach, said territory being therein desig- the East line of acrid Lot 2, 640.54 noted as "Jay Annexation" and said feet to a point, said point being the action being taken by the Council of Southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence said City as the legislative body of the South 890 36' West, along the City, pursuant to a written petition there- South line of said Lot 2; 331.53 feet for, said Resolution describing the bound- to a point, said point being the South- aries of the territory so proposed to be west corner of said Lot 2; thence North annexed to said city; and 00 52" 25" West, along the West WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1569 did line of said Lot 2, 640.48 feet to the contain a notice of the day, hour and True Point of Beginning. place when and where the said council The boundaries of said City of Hunt- of said city would hear protests made ington Beach are hereby altered and the by any person owning property within said territory above described is hereby the territory proposed to be annexed, the annexed to, incorporated in and included time of said hearing being not less than within the City of Huntington Beach, 40 nor more than 60 days after the pass- California, and said City shall have all age of said resolution; and rights and powers in, to and over said WHEREAS, on the 7th day of May, territory as are provided by law. 1962, at the hour of'8:00 p.m., in the The City Council of the City of Hunt- Council Chamber in the City Hall of the ington Beach does hereby further ordaip 'City of Huntington Beach, State of Cali- that the territory above described shall fornia, said time and place ,being the be subject to taxation equally with the day and hour and place fixed in said property within the City of Huntington Resolution No. 1569 for hearing protests Beach to pay the entire bonded indebt- to the said annexation, and no protests, edness of the City of Huntington Beach either written or oral, to said annexa- outstanding on March 19, 1962, the date tion having been made; and of the filing of the Petition for Annexa- WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous lion of said territory or theretofore auth- to the City of Huntington Beach, and is orised for the acquisition, construction or uninhabited territory in the County of completion of municipal improvements. Orange; and The City Clerk shall certify to the pass- WHEREAS, .the owners of more than age and adoption of this ordinance and two-thirds of the value of the territory shall cause the same to be published by have heretofore filed with the City Clerk one insertion in the Huntington Beach written consent that the property in said News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- territory be, after annexation, subject to lished and circulated in the City of taxation equally with the property within Huntington Beach, California; and thirty the City of Huntington Beach to pay the (30) days after the adoption thereof the entire bonded indebtedness of the City same shall take effect and be in force. of Huntington Beach outstanding or auth- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City orised at the date of the filing of the Council of the City of Huntington Beach, petition for annexation for the acquisition, California, this 21st day of May, 1962. construction or completion of municipal improvements; ROBERT M. LAMBERT, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of ATTEST Mayor : the City of Huntington Beach does hereby PAUL C. JONES, approve the annexation known as "Jay City Clerk Annexation," the territory of which is STATE OF CALIFORNIA hereinafter described, to the City of as. COUNTY OF ORANGE Huntington Beach, and does hereby fur- CITY OF H ORANGE BEACH ther ordain that the said territory be and it Is hereby annexed to the City of Hunt- I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, _ ington Beach. qualified and acting City Clerk of the That said territory, the annexation of City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio which to the City of Huntington Beach Clerk of the City Council of said City, is herein approved, is all that territory do hereby certify that the whole number situated In the County of Orange, State of members of the City Council of the of California, and more pdrticularly des- City of Huntington Beach is five; that the aribed as follows: foregoing ordinance was read to said Beginning at the Northwest corner City Council at a regular meeting thereof of the Southwest one-quarter of Sec- held on the 7th day of May, ;1962, and tion 21; thence North 89" 35'30" East, was again read to said City Council at along the North line of said South- a regular meeting thereof held on the a dap of May, 1962, and was peened west one-quarter of Section 21, 662.75 feet to a point; thence South 0^ 41' anndd adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members 35" East 20.00 feet to a point in the South right of way line of Heil (Ger- hart) Avenue, 40 foot In width as now AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Lambert, laid out, said point also being an Stewart, Wells. angle point in the existing boundarry NOES: Councilmen: None. line of the City of Huntington Beach, ABSENT: Councilmen: Welch, having been -stablished by North An. PAUL C. JONES, nexation in Ordinance No. 667 of said City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk city and having boon established by of the City Council of the City West Annexation No. 2 in Ordinance of Huntington Beach, California 'JA* 4M. 2`.aa. gym, to��.; .....,;: ,.....,..--;.. ..' ..;:::. ..;r.;- .,.,....•1:"3 a�drqstmay:,a,.-, .a..,.i:,,....d.n... ..-.., ,..._.-. ✓.tS _._.., a ( 1 i 1 li 1 FRANK M. JORDAN " SECRETARY OF STATE ;,, AAAlLL_ }li r' of the { Secretat `of State SACR 4MENTO �t 1, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary f,,(- State of the Stare of California, hereby ii certify: Jul t -- 19_ pursuant That on the__45_th------day.of- ._- ` IS to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of. 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: } A copy of Ordinance No. 1 3. .. __ ._____ __. _l _ -___-__.------ .._as regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on �s the_..-24tti_ ....day of___-Ju_ne ___.___ __._ __ _.___._., 19._ E3_, certified by Jones______ __ __ - City Clerk. ' ' E I further certify that said Ordinance' sets forth approval of the annexation to ffi the CITY OF__ _____HUNTINGTON_BEACH------------------------------------' of contiguous uninhabited f� territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: �4 "SUNSET HEIGHTS I40. 2 ANNEXATIOi+," j --- - ---- --- - ---- -------------------------------------------- ' 4 s 4- M, Iiv WITNESS WHEREOF, I hercacrr.to set my MA w d hand and affix the Great Seal of the Stale of California this. ':LSt.IL dal' of -- - - 1_ul� ' 19 ._ 4. Y �+ t ' �1 _ 601_2 7.s2 5_GJ C— q• (Published Huntington Beach News July of the City of Huntington Beach out- The City Council of the City of Hunt- 4, 1963) standing or authorized at the date of ington Beach does hereby further or- ORDINANCE No. 983 the filing of the petition for annexation dain that the territory above described AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT• for the acquisition., construction or com- shall be subject to taxation equally with INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN. pletion of municipal improvements; the property within the City of Hunt- NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council ington Beach to pay the entire bonded TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET of the City of Huntington Beach does indebtedness of the City of Huntington HEIGHTS No. 2 ANNEXATION" TO THE hereby approve the annexation known as Beach outstanding on May 6, 1963, the CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, "Sunset Heights No. 2 Annexation", the date of the (fling of the Petition for The City Council o! the City of Hunt- territory of which is hereinafter des- for Annexation of said territory or there- ington Beach, California, does ordain t- cribed, in the City of Huntington Beach, tofore authorized for the acquisition, and does hereby further ordain that the construction or completion of municipal follows: said territory be, and it is hereby an- improvements. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions nexed to the City of Huntington Beach. The City Clerk shall certify to the of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- That said territory, the annexation of passage and adoption of this ordinance ritory Act of -1939", the City Council of which to the City of Huntington Beach fs and shall cause the same to be pub- the City of Huntington Beach did, on herein approved, is all that territory si- lished by one insertion in the Huntington the 6th day of May, '1963, pass a n d tuated in the County of Orange, State Beach .News, a weekly newspaper print- adopt Resolution No. 1767, giving no- of California, and in o r e particularly ed, published and circulated in the City Mice of the proposal to annex certain un- described as follows: of Huntington Beach, California; and inhabited territory to the City of Hunt- Beginning at an angle point in i thirty days after the adoption thereof, ington Beach, said territory being there- the same shall take effect and be in in designated as "Sunset Heights No. 2 the existing boundary the City of force. Annexation" and said action being taken Huntington Beach, as established tablished by ty by the Council of said City as the legis- Ordinance it 667,sadopted by the PASSED AND ADOPTED ng the Beach, City Council of said City of Hunt- Council of the City of Huntington Bea��h, lative body of the City, pursuant to a ington Beach July '1, 1957, and cer- California, this 24th day of June, 1963. written petition therefor, said Resolution tified by the Secretary of the State ROBERT M. LAMBERT describing the boundaries of the territory of California on August 2, 1957, said Mayor so proposed to be annexed to said city; angle point being the intersection of y 4 Po� g ATTEST: and the westerly line of Graham Street. PAUL C.-JONES WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1767, did Forty Feet (40') wide, as now laid City Clerk contain a notice of the day, hour and out; with the line twenty feet (20') place when and where the said Council south of the center line of Heil Ave- ofState said City would hear protests made by nue, previously called Gerhart Ave- County of Orange ss any person owning property within the nue; thence S 00 46' 44" E, follow-. City of Huntington Beach territory proposed to be annexed, the time ing said existingboundary of the _ of said hearing being not less than 90 Y I, PAUL C. acting the duly elected, nor more than 60 days after the passage City of Huntingdon Beach as establish- .qualified and acting City Clerk of the . g ad by said Ordinance No. 667, 990.79 City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio of said resolution; and feat; thence leaving said existing- - Clerk of the City Council of the said City, WHEREAS, on the 17th day of June, boundary S 890 40' 44" W, 642.10 do hereby certify, that the whole number 1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the feet; thence N 0° 49' 00'' W, 940.64 of members of the City Council of the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the feet to .the existing boundary of the City of Huntington Beach is five; that the City of Huntington Beach, State of Cal- City of Huntington Beach as estab- foregoing ordinance was read to said City ifornia, said time and place being the lished by said Ordinance No. 667, Council at a regular meeting thereof held day and hour and place fixed in said which is also 20 feet south of the on the 17th day of June, 1963, and was Resolution No. 1767 for hearing protests center line of Heil Avenue, previous- again read to said City Council at a regu- to the said annexation, and no protests, fy called Gerhart Avenue; thence N lar adjourned meeting thereof held on the either written or oral, .to said annexation 890 41' 00" E, following said exist- 24th day of June, '1963, and was passed having been made; and ing city boundary, which is also and adopted by the affirmative vote of WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous twenty feet (20') south of .the center more than a majority of all the members to the City of Huntington Beach, and is line of Heil Avenue, previously called of said City Council. uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; and Gerhart Avenue, 642.72 feet to: the AYES: Councilmen: WHEREAS, -the owners of more than Point of beginning. Wells, Stewart, Welch, Lambert .two-thirds of the value of the territory The boundaries of said City of Hunt- NOES: Councimen: have heretofore filed with the City Clerk ington Beach are hereby altered and*the None written consent that the property in said territory above described is hereby ABSENT: Councilmen: said territory be, after annexation, sub- annexed to, incorporated in, and included Gisler act to taxation p within the City of Huntington Beach, j equally with the pro- PAUL C. JONES perty California, and said City shall have all within the City of Huntington Beach City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk rights and rig :powers, in to and over said to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City Council of the City territory as are provided by law. of Huntington Beach, California. h: j II 1 It 11f�if FRANK M. JORDANY (; SECRETARY OF STATEit t . r 3 1 the a SetYe>ta of State SA�CRAMENTO �i I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: am it bY�q it (' That on the____2.5_th_-_day of "rFeb nary_____ __ ____ ____ ______ _� 19 63 pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexationf Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more If particularly Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in m I! Y office: li A copy of Ordinance No------ __949'-------- -------- --------- ------ ---- -------------as regularly , it passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the ----fit - - day of- January ----- ---- --- -- ----- ----- 19.63- certified by '{ �� PauL_L.__lL�nPG---- __-, City Clerk. --- -- - - - ----- I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to �i the CITY OF----HUNT INGTaN__SEA.CH___ ------------------------------of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: E r if +! f � 1 -_--:_____"_SUNSET HEI_GHTS NU. 1 ANNEXATION." II K � _ _ _ _ _ __---------------------- if f � 1 # ` �g IN WITNESS WHEREOF', 1 IJCYP1s�tt0 set my A� IZ hand and affix the Great Seal of the ti 14 � a K„ afl � � r � w r: State o Cali Or11ia tI�ZS__ __2Sth_ �y day of - - - - ----- Fevruar, 19 -63. ---------� -__---------- .___ .. ._. .._. ___._ tJ t _¢s Secretary of State 68402 7-62.aeon Sr0 _ (Published Himtingion Beach News Jan. and Warner Avenue; thence, N. 0° 24, 1963) 40' 00" W., 1340.66 feet along the ORDINANCE No. 949 center line of Bolsa Chica Road to AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT. an intersection with the center line INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN. of Pearce Street (a private street) NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED said intersection also being a point TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUN- in the existing boundary of the City SET HEIGHTS No. 1 ANNEXATION" TO of Huntington Beach as created by THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. Ordinance No. 748; thence, N. 89' The City Council of the City of Hunt- 36' 00" E., 331.69 fee! to the true ington Beach, California, does ordain as point of beginning; ;hence continuing follows: along said city boundary N. 89° 38' WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions in saair. 331.69 fee! !o angle pains d boundary; thence leaving of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- said boundary and. along the center rito.y Act of 1939", the City Council of line of Roosevelt Street (a private the City of Huntington Beach did, on street) S. 01 41' 35'' E., 528.00 feet, the 191h day of November, 1962, pass and more or less; thence, S. 891 37' 00" adopt Resolution No. 1686, giving notice W„ 331.69 feet; thence, N. 0' 40' of the proposal to annex certain unin- 00'' W., 528.00 feet, more or less, to hobited territory to the City of Huntington a point in said existing boundary Beach, said territory being therein de- and the true point of beginning. signated as "Sunset Heights No. 1 An- The boundaries of said City of Hunting- nexation" and said action being taken by ton Beach are hereby altered and the the Council of said City as the legislative body of the City, pursuant to a written pe- tition therefor, said Resolution describing annexed to, incorporated in. and.,included Cal- the boundaries of the territory so proposed within the City of Huntington Beach, Cal- to be annexed to said city; and ifomia, and said City shall have all rights and powers in, to and over said WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1686, territory as are provided by law. did contain a notice of the day, hour and The City Council of the City of Hunt- place when and where the said council ington Beach does hereby further or- of said City would hear protests made Clain that the territory above described by any person owning property within shall be subject to taxation squally with the territory proposed to be annexed Hunt- the time of said hearing being not less the property within the City of Hunt- ed than 40 nor more than 60 days after ington Beach to pay the entiHuntire n ton the passage of said resolution; and indebtedness of the City of Huntington Beach outstanding on November 12, 1962, ,WHEREAS, on the 7th day of January the date of the filing of the Petition' 1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the for Annexation of said territory or there- Council Chamber in the City Hall of tofore authorized for the acquisition. the City of Huntington Beach, State of construction or completion of 'munici`pal California, said .time and place being improvements. the day and hour and place fixed in said The City Clerk shall certify, to' .the Resolution No. 1686 for hearing protests passage and adoption of this,-ordinance to the said annexation, and no protests, and shall cause the same to,.be,.pu6l:fished either written or oral, to said annexa- by one insertion in the'Hun irgton Beach tion having been made; and News, a weekly newspgpw '�p3nted, WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous published and circulated in, the City of to the City of Huntington Beach, and is Huntington Beach, California;;. .and thirty uninhabited territory in the County of days after the adoption thereof::the, same Orange; and shall take effect and be in force. WHEREAS, the owners of more than PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City •two-thirds of the value of the territory Council of the City of •Huntington Beach, have heretofore filed with the City Clerk California, this 21st day of January, 1.963. written consent that the property in said ROBERT M. LAMBERT territory be, after annexation, subject to taxation equally with the property with- Mayor ATTEST: in the City of Huntington Beach to pay .the entire bonded indebtedness of the PAUL C. JONES City of Huntington Beach outstanding or State of California authorized at the date of the filing County of Orange !. ss - of the petition for annexation for the City of Huntington Beach Ji acquisition, construction or completion of 1, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected,. municipal improvements; qualified and acting City Clerk of the - NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio the City of Huntington Beach does here- Clerk of the City Council of the: said by approve the annexation known as City, do hereby certify that the 'whole "Sunset Heights No. 1 Annexation the number of members of the City Council territory of which is hereinafter described, of ,the City of Huntington Beach is five; in the City of Huntington Beach, and does that the foregoing ordinance was r.ea,d hereby further ordain that the said terri- to said City Council at a regular'meet- tory be, and it is hereby annexed to the ing thereof held on the 7th day of - City of Huntington Beach. January, 1963, and was again "read to n `. That said territory, the annexation of said City Council at a regular meeting which to the City of Huntington Beach is thereof held on the 21st:'day of January, herein approved, is all that territory 1963, and was passed and. adopted,,by. situated in the County of Orange, State affirmative vote of more than a rndjority of California and more particularly of all the members of said City Council, •. described as follows: AYES: Councilmen: , That portion of Lot 2, Block 5, Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, Tract No. 86, as per map recorded in Lambert. Book 10, Page 35, of Miscellaneous NOES: Councilmen: Maps, County of Orange. State of None. .. California, described as follows: ABSENT: Councilmen! Beginning at the Southwest corner None- of Section 21, Township 5 South, PAUL C. J:ONES - Range 11 West, S. B. M. said South- City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk' west corner also being the center of the City"Council of the Ci.ty.'. line intersection of Bolsa Chica Road of Huntington Beach, California. - i I. ;l 4; I3 ,I Agh FRANK M. JORDAN b � Y(}�l ,�.< I' SECRETARY OF STATE[ Of i' he SU retaY of State SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: ;I 1' That on the---8th-------day of---Qctober-------------------------------------7 19_-62_-, pursuant to the provisions of.the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of. 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No.- - 926---------------------------------------------------------as regularly {f, passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the - - Y day of.----SeP_tember ----------------------------------------, 19.62 > certified by j I ------- am_C_.__J4D.e-s_-------------------------------------------- City Clerk. f I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to 7� the CITY OF--------- LiKTIKGTMIi__HFACH____--------------------------of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: I r4 "SCHONLE ANNEXATION." l --------------------------------------------------------------- ------- --- ew R _vo%14 3y,�'l�, ,�f ' v��QCy� 4 .&,Y�r`^P'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my r 2 :. Z; "' f hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this__-----8th-_-_______ a Gctoher------------ 19.42,_ �y5- rosy' b ggrY a� ._ tt>rk 'drrr�,2144 F k g ¢ L")ecretary of State 60402 7-62 2000 SPO Wr i .. -. � .:.. . r..s'_d�:�.,v ra9iklE:ivtin:.n...?w..sfk:.:�.tiu.....r.:....,... .. ..�•:r. t.._1_, _ .: r � ..' 2 3 ' y=t1�� WiS lie. 926 4 ;.�ya.� �.g5p�'�lrjs'�pWJA1 r•rn. 4 7 q«•t g N; �; "� fi'� i_ 4T:kb+1 • ,j. i.`..}x'1V i7 A •3 : -15�d D!•,i :.H 6:a Ait 3i1 e:,I)ra-'"I�i • S AIL Z Z NH A? I :�. r..'t el' :' i"`� t..: v��.F�A`ED 7 pt 8 Trio City i:ounoll of t:`ze City of "aE,ntirkaton 9 California, does ordain as follows: to WAXAS _ purauant to the prov19!')n.q or the "Annex. 11 - atias of %inhabited Ve.rritosp Aot of 1919" , the City 12 cow aj1 of •t" Cl.tq of - tingtsn D�a,ch did., on than 2nd day 13 July►, ' 19 t�, ' A adopt Resolution 14 st -the d r p. gal ,'to amwx certain uninhabited territory 'to ld the City .of, Huntlatton Beadh, said territory being therein 18 doss too -as " ►di 2� A exats.=' and said aotim being 17 tahee tr the .C*unall of said City._ras the legislative W 18 Olt:R: purestwritten petition to a writt pepetition thsnWor, said 19 Ass"utim deimm-ibUtg the boundaries of the territory so pro. 20 poste to •o saw to said cltW j and 21 22 Wh y, sold Reseltiation No. 1604, did contain a 23 11i0$l6e of the 4W, hour mA p1.mm when arai where the said 24 sounall of se,1.a$ Cltr would hoar mvteate aammde by mV person 25 mming proper" wl:We the territory to be annexed 26 the best of said hearing being not less Vaar 40 nor more 27 than 60 days after the passe" of said resolu►t i on j and t 26 29 1. i v `1�►� PROPOSED "SUNSET HEIGHTS ANNEXATION NO. 3" L� TO GRANGE COUNTY SANITATEW-fTIMICT-M.—Il 7 fix �' , _ f.-�,,! ::eat�j r=` - Ad Those portions of Sections 21 and 28, Township 5 South, Range 11 West in the Rancho La Bolsa Chica, County of Orange, State of California as per map recorded in Book 51 page 13 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, together with that portion of Tract No. 86 as per map recorded in Book 10 page 35 of said Miscellaneous Maps, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach, said angle point being the most southerly southeast corner of "BOLSA CHICA ANNEX- ATION" to the City of Huntington Beach, Ordinance No. 944, certified January 18, 1963, said angle point also being the intersection of the centerline of Bolsa Chica Street with the North line of Los Patos Avenue, 60.00 feet wide, as vacated by the Board of Supervisors of said Orange County, a certified copy of which was recorded July 15, 1943 in Book 1197 page 424 of Official Records; thence following the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach and the boundary of said "BOLSA CHICA ANNEXATION", the following courses: 1) North 0° 44' 30" West 1326.40 feet to an angle point 2) North 89° 37' 30" East 295.00 feet to an angle point 3) North 00 40' 00" West 300.38 feet to an angle point 4) North 89' 37' 30" East 100.00 feet to an angle point 5) North 00 40' 00" West 330.00 feet to an angle point 6) South 89° 37' 30" West 64.00 feet to an angle point and 7), North 0° 40' 00" West 132.38 feet to an angle point, said angle point being the southwest corner of "SUNSET HEIGHTS NO. 1" Annexation to the City of Huntington Beach, Ordinance No. 949, certified February 25, 1963; thence continuing along the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach and along the boundary of said •''SUNSET HEIGHTS NO. 1" Annexation, North 89° 35' 30" East 331.69 feet to an angle point; thence continuing along the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach and along the boundary of said "SUNSET HEIGHTS NO. 1" Annexation, North 00 41' 35" West 528.00 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said "SUNSET HEIGHTS NO. 1" Annexation; thence continuing along the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach and along the boundary of "West Annexation No. 2", r.. rid_---.,__ ; 1iFRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE_ EYC r r • ' �� ���,f, r! i�l� ` � �'� ..t., I; Offer yf�the E� it SecretAT of Raw 1j SACRAMENTO { iI, FRANK .M. JORDAN, Secretary of.State of the State of California, hereby i j certify: j That on the_21st_ -_day of-------------August----------------------------------, 19__61---, pursuant {� to the provisions of the."Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more !� particularly-Section 3 5 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: ! IIi A copy of Ordinance No._.._-._____._B- ___..______.__.._..__ ----------------------.--------- as regularly I passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on i the----17_th----.----day of---------------UU.1y------------------------------------------- i 9_bi--_, certified by I ---------------------------Paul --Jones------------- -----., City Clerk. (� l � I further certify that said Ordinance sets,forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF-------HUIdTIN.GTQN__BEAM_-..___.____I-.------------_______ of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: i • f --------------:------u�ALLEH�-RE�tISEl?_ANNEXATIQN." I! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hereunto set my {t haud aid affix the Great Seat of the State of California this._-.21st__________ f; day of_.___-.-- -August- ... ._.... , 19__61, .3, W /- i ecr•etary of State l 4} I r, i� i x "k t 41769 5.61 3500 SPO '. - - . • 1 i FRANK M. JORDAN - itSECRETARY OF STATE I r r ht Isecr ,, of Mate Ij SACRAMENTO ji I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby !+ 6 certify: :I ,I That on the__11til------day of--------tiaLy---------------------- - ------------ 19-5'-- pursuant !M�M to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of.1939," more if particularly Section 3.5317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: } A copy of Ordinance No-----------1126--------------------__ _ regularly - ---- ----------------- ----as re ularl +j passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on �f • the-------Sth--------day of--------Apri-L-------------------------------------------------- i9 �.., certified by -PPaul__C.__snnes________ , City Clerk.- y I} I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF------ BEACH------------------------ - --of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: , 11 I ---------------------------- "—---- - ry ( r yy Ei Y . i my se ,IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto t i} b a hand and affix the Great Seal of the i '�.u$, State of California this lltll ` t Y g x �. Y�� A day ofia 1 �ih J. t�y1 d9 l J X{ ..# y T•6y4 h`a,' � ti 4 4 V�FY WM -r .�t- �t'M n 1lpp S Z ppT I rrN 'nFf. .i'S {A, f t' ,,.`� .'th7' f++Zi v i2F �i � rt2w 5 �c ---- ------------- j� t - ` a r � �34pr i s7 Secretary of State R"o��r-y.�Y�h dP-{sr A'f p, •A.A`. f' JC :F i'[4 7 !4�'{off p`y', 7 jl ki l; iM.3. 24646-662 6-64 6500 OSF • . j t 4 (Published Huntington Beach News April County with the westerly boundary High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean, / 8, 1965) line of the present city boundary of N 48° 00' 00" E Three (3) miles, ORDINANCE NO. 1126 the City of Huntington Beach, Coun- 15840 feet, along the boundary line AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ty of Orange, State of California, of the City of Huntington Beach, to OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AP- said boundary having been estab- a point in the Mean High Tide Line PROVING THE ANNEXATION OF lished by the boundary description in of the Pacific Ocean, said point CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRI- the Charter of the City of Huntington being the intersection of the TORY DESIGNATED AS BOLSA Beach incorporated February 17, 1909, Mean High Tide Line of the ' CHICA STATE PARK ANNEXA- said point also being the True Point Pacific Ocean with the north- TION. of Beginning; thence, leaving said south one-quarter line of Section 4, The City Council of the City of Hunt- boundary of the City of Huntington Township 6 South, Range 11 West, ington Beach, California, does ordain Beach, along the following bearings, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, as follows: distances, and lines of the before Orange County, California; thence described northeasterly right of way continuing along the boundary line WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions line of Pacific Coast Highway; N 431 of the City of Huntington Beach N of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- 34' 01" W 535.69 feet to a point 001 15' 59" E, along said north- ritory Act of 1939", the City Council of of tangecy with a curve, concave to south one-quarter line a calculated Huntington Beach did, on the 1st day the northeast having a radius of distance of 402.96 feet, recorded as of February, 1965, pass and adopt Reso- 5591.51 feet; thence northwesterly 392.76 feet, as shown on said Record lution No. 2112, giving notice of the 634.34 feet, along said curve, through of Survey Recorded in Book 53, Page proposal to annex certain uninhabited a central angle of 61 30' to a point 40 Records of Orange County, Cali- territory to the City of Huntington Beach, of tangency with a line bearing N fornia, more or less, to the True said territory being therein designated 370 04' 01" W; thence 3099.18 feet, Point of Beginning. as "Bolsa Chica State Park Annexation" along said line, to a point; thence Hunt- and said action being taken by the N 371 05' 03" W 3001.11 feet to a The boundaries said City of Council of said City as the legislative point; thence N 371 05'00" W 2892.54 ington Beach are hereby altered anddhe the said territory above described is hereby body of the City on its own motion by feet to a point of tangency with a annexed to, incorporated in, and in- the adoption of Resolution No. 2067; curve, concave to the southwest eluded within the City of Huntington said Resolution No. 2112 describing having a radius of 5870.61 feet; Beach, California, and said City shall the boundaries to the territory so pro- thence northwesterly 549.02 feet, have all rights and powers in, to and posed to be annexed to said City; and along said curve, through a central over said territory as are provided by WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 2112, angle of 50 21' 30" to a point of law did contain a notice of the day, hour tangency with a line bearing N 421 and place when and where the said 26' 30" W; thence 2493.80 feet, along The City Copncil of the City of Hunt- Council of said City would hear pro- said line to a point; thence, S 470 ington Beach does hereby further ordain tests made by any person owning prop- 33' 30" W, leaving the northeasterly that the territory above described shall erty within the territory proposed to line of Pacific Coast Highway, 90.00 be subject to taxation equally with the be annexed, the time of said hearing feet to a point in the northeasterly property within the City of Huntington being not less than 40 or more than right of way line of the Pacific Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- 60 days after the passage of said Electric Company as shown on the ness of the City of Huntington Beach before mentioned Record of Survey outstanding on November 16th, 1964, the resolution; and recorded in Book 53, Page 40 Records date on which the City Council adopted of Orange County; thence N 42° WHEREAS, on the 15th day of March, and passed Resolution No. 2067 in which 1965, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., or as 28' 13" W, along the last described it initiated on its own motion pro- soon thereafter of said day, in the line, 1816.06 feet to a point on the ceedings to annex the above described Council Chamber in the City Hall of westerly prolongation of the center territory in the County of Orange, State the City of Huntington Beach, State of line of Los .Patos Avenue as shown of California herein designated as "Bolsa California, said time and place being on said Record of Survey Recorded Chica State Park Annexation", or there- the hour and day and place fixed in in Book 53, Page 40 Records of tofore authorized for the acquisition, said Resolution No. 2112 for hearing Orange County; thence N 891 12' 26" construction or completion of municipal protests to the said annexation, and no W 291.59 feet along said westerly improvements. protests, either written or oral to said prolongation of the centerline of Los The City Clerk shall certify to the annexation having been made; and Patos Avenue to a point in the Mean passage and adoption of this ordinance WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean and shall cause the same to be published to the City of Huntington Beach, and as shown on said Record of Survey by one insertion in the Huntington is uninhabited territory in the County Recorded in Book 53, Page 40, Rec- Beach News, a weekly newspaper print- of Orange; and ords of Orange County; thence S 501 ed, published and circulated in the City WHEREAS, the owners of more than 06' 14" W Three (3) miles, 15840 of Huntington Beach, California, and two thirds of the value of the territory feet, to a point in the Pacific Ocean; thirty days after the adoption thereof, have heretofore filed with the City thence along the following bearings the same shall take effect and be in Clerk written consent .that the property and distances which describe lines force. in said territory be after annexation, parallel with and three (3) miles PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City subject to taxation equally with the prop- distant, measured at right angles, Council of the City of Huntington Beach, erty within the City of Huntington Beach from the Mean High Tide Line of California, this 5th day of April, 1965. to pay the entire bonded indebtedness the Pacific Ocean as shown on said DONALD D. SHIPLEY of the City of Huntington Beach out- Record of Survey Recorded in Book Mayor standing or authorized at the date of 53, Page 40 Records of Orange Coun- ATTEST: the filing of the petition for annexation ty; S 39° 53' 46" E 704.08 feet to a PAUL C. JONES for the acquisition, construction or com- point, S 451 20' 50" E 233.35 .feet City Clerk pletion of municipal improvements. to a point, S 400 58' 18" E 251.64 STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council feet to a point, S 420 25' 24" E 566.26 COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. of the City of Huntington Beach does feet to a point, S 43° 58'42" E 515.56 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH feet to a point, S 40° 34' 23" E 659.58 hereby approve the annexation known feet to a point, S 381 51'46" E 264.56 1, PAUL U. JONES, the duly elected, as "Bolsa Chica State Park Annexation", feet to a point, S. 401 47'24"E 1184.77 qualified and acting City Clerk of the the territory of which is hereinafter des- feet to a point, S 39° 15' 29" E 897.58 City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio cribed, to the City of Huntington Beach, feet to a point, S 370 06' 19" E 535.40 Clerk of the City Council of the said City, and does hereby further ordain that feet to a point, S 37°32'45" E 1373.50 do hereby certify that the whole number said territory be and it is hereby an- feet to a point, S 360 57' 18" E 404.20 of members of the City Council of the nexed to the City of Huntington Beach. to a point, S 340 06' 38" E 378.04 City of Huntington Beach is five; that That said territory, the annexation of feet to a point, S 35° 49'44" E 594.50 the foregoing ordinance was read to which to the City of Huntington Beach feet to a point, S 381 50' 19" E 500.70 said City Council at a regular meeting is herein approved, is all that territory feet to a point, S 360 011 19" E 783.89 thereof held on the 15th day of March, situated in the County of Orange, State feet to a point, S 391 11'47" E 216.78 1965, and was again read to said City of California, and more particularly des- feet to a point, S 38° 10'51" E 1232.72 Council at a regular meeting thereof held cribed as follows: feet to a point, S 39°2611611 E 1196.40 on the 5th day of April, 1965, and Beginning at a point on the feet to a point, S 38°29'23" E 1209.88 was passed and adopted by the affirma- north-south one-quarter line of Sec- feet to a point, S 40° 20' 54" E 270.30 tive vote of more than a majority of tion 4, Township 6 South, Range 11 feet to a point, S 261 33' 55" E 223.61 all the members of said City Council. West, San Bernardino Base and feet to a point, S 59° 12' 57" E 164.12 AYES: Councilmen: Meridian, Orange County, California, feet to a point, S 410 06'44" E 438.00 Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Ship- said point being the southwesterly feet to a point, S 431 45' 57" E 240.41 ley corner of Lot E, City of Huntington feet, more or less, to an angle point Beach, as shown on a Record of in the westerly boundary line of the NOES: Councilmen: Survey Recorded in Book 3, Page 28, present city boundary of the City None Records of Orange County, said point of Huntington Beach, County of Or- ABSENT: Councilmen: also being the intersection of the ange, State of California, said boun- Welch northeasterly right of way line of dary having been established by the PAUL C. JONES Pacific Coast Highway as shown on before mentioned boundary descrip- City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk a Record of Survey Recorded in tion in the Charter of the City of of the City Council of the City Book 53, Page 40, Records of Orange Huntington Beach; thence leaving of Huntington Beach, California the set of lines parallel to the Mean t: FRANK M. JORDAN 1� SECRETARY OF STATE the `} Secrete of State SACRAMENTO !` !j I {{� I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby i� J' certify: lj That'on the------5th----day of---------- `�un-e--------------------------------- 19---.64 pursuant +i to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more �I !� particularly,Section 3 S 317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No----------1053-----------------------------------------------------as' regularly 1I 1passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on j+ the-----4th.---------day of---------May--------------------------------------------------- 19__-"-, certified by �! �I _Paul_.C.__dane&------------------------------------------------ City Clerk. t �I 4. � I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF-----HUHTINGTOH__BEACH----------------------------------of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: III i! j' - "SUNSET BEACH #2 ANNEXATION." - A - - -- - -------------------------------------------------- r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my ' 7 hand and affix the Great Seal of the I .vz.. arq..T State f California this.--.---5th------------ day j 0 f 19 o June 64. --------------------- Secretary of State i 98912 6-63 3500 6�0 ..ate (Published Huntington Beach News May Orange, State of California, said Highway (U.S. '101) as described in 7, 1964—Corrected and Re-Published Aug. boundary having been established by Deed recorded August 12, 1947, in 20, 1964) Sunset Beach No. '1 Annexation in Book 1537, Page 319, Official Records ORDINANCE NO. 1053 ordinance No. 993 of said cite, said of said County Recorder; thence N AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT. point being N 44' 15' DO" W. 77.58 46' 32' 00" E. along said Southeast- ANGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN. feet more or less from the South- erly line, 53.76 feet more or less - NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED easterly terminus of that certain thence S 43o 28' 07" E 90.00 feet y TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS SUNSET course in said Southwesterly bound- more or less, thence N 46° 32' 00" BEACH NO. 2 ANNEXATION. ary line of Seal Beach Annexation E '139.25 feet more or less to said No. 7 as having a bearing and die- Southwesterly boundary line of Seal The City Council of the City of Hunt- tance of S 44° 15' 00" E 495.00 feet Beach Annexation No. 7 said South- ington Beach, California, does ordain as more or less, thence S 46' 32' 00" westerly boundary line also being follows: W along said Northwesterly bound- said Northeasterly line of Tide WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions ary line of Sunset 'Beach No. 1 An- Land Location No. 141, said point of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Terri- nexation 208:25 feet more or less to being S 52' 45' 00" E 219.01 feet tory Act of 1939", the City Council of an angle point in said Northwesterly more or less from the Northwesterly the City of Huntington Beach did, on the boundary line, said point also being terminus of that certain course in said 16th day of March, 1964, pass and adopt the most Westerly corner of the land Southwesterly boundary line of Seal Resolution No. 1933, giving notice of the described in the Quitclaim Deed to Beach Annexation No. 7 as having a proposal to annex certain uninhabited Sam Arvanitis and George Arvanitis bearing and distance of S 52° 45' territory to the City of Huntington Beach, recorded January 20, 1953, in book 00" E 1669.20 feet more or less said territory being therein designated 2439, ,page 488 of official records, thence along saki Southwesterly as "Sunset Beach No. 2 Annexation" and said point also being a point on the boundary line and Northeasterly said action being taken by the Council Southwesterly line of said Tide Land line of said Tide Land Location No. of said City as the legislative body of Location No. 1141, thence N 53' 00' 141 the following bearings and dis- the City, pursuant to a written petition 00", W along said Northwesterly lances, S 52o, 45' 00" E 850.25 feet therefore, said Resolution describing the boundary line and said Southwesterly more or less, thence S 44° 15' 00" boundaries of the territory so proposed line of Tide Land Location No. 141, E 417.42 feet more or less to the point to be annexed to said City; and a distance of 101.48 feet more or less of beginning. 4 WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1933, to an angle point in said North- The boundaries of said City of Hunt. did contain a notice of the dap, hour and westerly 'boundary line, thence leav- ington Beach are hereby altered and the place when and where the protests Council fng said t BeacestNo. boundary line said territory,above described is hereby of said City would hear protests made of Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation annexed to, incorporated In, and in- by any person owning property within along said Southwesterly line of Tide cluded within the City of Huntington the territory Proposed to be annexed, Land Location No. '141 the following Beach, California, add said City shall the time of said hearing being not less bearings and distances N 530 00, Coll have all rights and pourers in, to and than 40 nor more than 60 days after the W 67.11 feet more or less, thence over said territory as are provided by passage of said 'Resolution; and N 34° 00' 00" W 330.00 feet more or law. WHEREAS, on .the 20th day of April, less, thence N 490 00' 00" W 198.00 The City Council of the City of Hunt- 1964, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M„ feet more or less, thence N 581 00' ington Beach does hereby further ordain in the City off Chambers in the City Hall Coll W 367.st feet more f less to that the territory above described shall of the City of Huntington Beach, State of the most Easterly corner of the land be subject to taxation equally with the California, said time and place being described in the deed to Lincoln property within the City of Huntington the hour and day and place fixed in said Fidelity Corporation recorded Dec. 3, Beach to pap the entire bonded indebted- Resolution No. 1933 for hearing protests 1963 in book 6826, page 5'18 of offi- peas of the City Huntington Beach to the said annexation, arid no protests, cial records, thence leaving said outstanding on January 6, 4964, .the date either written or oral, to said annexation Southwesterly line of Tide Land Lo- of the filing of the Petition for Annexa- having been made; and cation No. 141, S 46° 32' 00" W along tion of said territory or theretofore auth- WFLEREAS, said territory is contiguous the Southeasterly line of said land orized for the acquisition, construction to the City of 'Huntington Beach, and is of Lincoln Fidelity Corporation 50.80. or completion of municipal improvements. uninhabited territory in the County of feet more or less to the most South- The City Clerk shall certify to the pass- Orange; and erly corner of said land of Lincoln age and adoption of this ordinance and WHEREAS, the owners of more than Fidelity Corporation, said Southerly shall cause the same to be published two-thirds of the value of the territory corner being on the Northeasterly by one insertion in the Huntington Beach have heretofore filed with the City Clerk line of the California State Highway News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- written consent that the .property In said as shown on a'map filed in book 14, lished and circulated in the City of terriory be, after annexation, subject to page 36 of Records of Survey, in the Huntington Beach, California; taxation equally with the property within office of the county recorder of said PASSED AND ADOPTED b the City the City of Huntingon Beach to pay the Orange County, thence N 430 28, 00" T y entire bonded indebtedness of the City W along the Southwesterly line of Council of the City of 'Huntington Beach, of Huntington Beach outstanding or said land of Lincoln Fidelity Corpora- California, this 4th day of May, 1464. authorized at the date -of the filing of tion said Southwesterly line being DONALD D. SHIPLEY the petition for annexation for the ac- also the Northeasterly line of said Mayor quisition, construction or completion of California State Highway 95.07 feet ATTEST: municipal improvements. to a tangent curve concaved South- PAUL C. JONES NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council westerly and having a radius of City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach does 5832.60 feet, thence Northwesterly STATE OF CALIFORNIA hereby approve the annexation known as along said curve through a central COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 ss. "Sunset Beach No. 2 Annexation", the angle of 10 03' 27" an arc distance CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH J territory of which is hereinafter describeld, of 104.72 feat more or less to its I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, to the City of Huntington Beach, and does intersection with said Southwesterly hereby further ordain that said territory line of Tide Land Location No. 141, qualified and acting City Clerk of the be and it is hereby annexed to the City said point being the most Northerly City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio of Huntington Beach. corner of said land ad Lincoln Fidel- Clerk of the City Council of the City, That said territory, the annexation of ity Corporation, .thence S 58° 00' 00" do hereby certify .that the whole number which to the City of Huntington Beach E. along the Northeasterly line of of members of .the City Council of the Is heiein approved, is all that territory said land of Lincoln Fidelity Corp- City of Huntington Beach is five; that situated in the County of Orange, State oration, said Northeasterly line being the foregoing ordinance was read to of California, and more particularly de- the Southwesterly line of Tide Sand said City Council at a regular meeting scribed as follows: Location No. 141, a distance of 50.39 thereof held on the 20th day of April, 1964, All that certain land situated in the -feet more or lose to a non .tangent and was again read to said City Council State of California, County of Orange, curve concaved Southwesterly and at a regular meeting thereof held on described as: having a radius of 5844.60 feet, a the 4th day of .May, 1964, and was Beginning at the intersection of the radial line from said point bears passed and adopted by the affirmative S 45° 57' 23" W (S. 450 57' 38" W. vote of more than a majority of all the Southwesterly boundary line of the present cite 'boundary of the city of Record of Survey Bonk 4 members of said City Council. 9, Page 36, Seal Beach, County of Orange, State Records of said Orange County), AYES: Councilmen: of California, said 'boursdarp having acrid curve being the Northeasterly Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, been established by Seal Beach An- line of California State Highway (U. Shipley nexation No. 7 in ordinance No. 589 S. 101). 100.00 feet wide, as describ- NOES: Councilmen: of said city, said Southwesterly ed in Book 325, 'Page 199 of Official None boundary line being also the North- Records of said County Recorder; ABSENT: Councilmen: easterly line of Tide Land Location thence Northwesterly along the arc None No. 141, recorded in book 1, page of said 6844.60 foot radius curve PAUL C. JONES 194 of patents of said Orange County, through a central angle of 1° 28' City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk with the Northwesterly boundary line 45" a distance of '150.89 feet more or of the City Council of the City of the present city boundary of the less to an intersection with the South- of Hunting-ton Beach, California city of Huntington Beach, County of easterly line of the California State s' FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE ht Ij i� t' ecreta of state SACRAMENTO i� �j I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: jThat on the____21st____day of-------December-------------------------- ------ 19___64., pursuant i ij to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more I `{ particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No.----------_1U95-------------------------- --.---------------.---as.regularly �1 passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on li �I the----2Ad-----------day of---- ove.mb_er--------------- ---------------------- -- 1964 . , certified by �; Pul_C_.__JQnes ----- ---------------------------- -------- , City Clerk. �! � � I li I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF____ contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: j IiI� � b:•�, �'s. "SUNSETHEI QjTSNO. 3ANNNXATION." ---------- . __ __ __ ._ IN �I FITNESS WHEREOF, I J7e1'PTClJtO Set yYt.y j hand and affix the Great Seal of the .L I ;1 State of California this. 21st _..... _ day of---- December.--- ------- 19_64.._ I Serrrlur o Stalr I F• I}�� 74449-84 6-64 8500 05P v f r�:,.�"' 7 u� -r 4��'{�3y*+y��'�..-��*�t��P" ,t`• ��-•'��v�i •�.t�ij � i � i � i � �i i � r7`�'y'��'v�,, �./4 _4�+`���a�r+��ry _xy i'i'Y w��f�.��t 1.;$r�� ��`,u' z I i I z • Si !'a+x �y .ai,7�1 N .� �'f 4a � ) 'EW ,��k G.L ��{!.c{`�t F i I • Aft,h f $ fS be AM, AligFA s f? to t, { .>� _V,'y�',#.y^(E.Ns� fI � .�a��E''kK v is Y Oy ��� • ~ '�. ..w+`..`. `} f (Published Huntington Beach News Feb. which to the City of Huntington Beach the True Point of Beginning". 18, 1965) is herein approved, is all that territory The boundaries of said City of Hunt- ORDINANCE No. 1119 situated in the County of Orange, State ington Beach are hereby altered and AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF of California, and more particularly des- the said territory above described is HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROV- cribed as follows: hereby annexed to, incorporated in, and ING THE ANNEXATION OF CER- "Beginning at an angle point in included within the City of Huntington TAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY the boundary line of the present city Beach, California, and said City shall DESIGNATED AS"SUNSET BEACH boundary of the City of Huntington have all rights and powers in, to and ANNEXATION No. 4". Beach, County of Orange, State of over said territory as are provided by The City Council of the City of Hunt- California, said boundary having been law. ington Beach, California, does ordain established by Sunset Beach No. 1 The City Council of the City of Hunt- as follows: Annexation in Ordinance No. 993 and ington Beach does hereby further or- WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions by Sunset Beach No. 2 Annexation dain that the territory above described of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- in Ordinance No. 1063 of said city, shall be subject to taxation equally ritory Act of 1939", the City Council of said point being also the intersec- with the property within the City of Huntington Beach did, on the 21st day tion of the southwesterly line of Huntington Beach to pay the entire of December, 1964, pass and adopt Tide Land Location No. 141, recorded bonded indebtedness of the City of Resolution No. 2087 giving notice of the in Book 1, Page 194 of Patents in the Huntington Beach outstanding on No- proposal to annex certain uninhabited office of the County Recorder of Or- vember 2nd, 1964, the date on which territory to the City of Huntington ange County and also recorded in Book the City Council of the City of Hunt- Beach, said territory being therein des- 3,Page 45 of Record of Surveys in the ington Beach passed and adopted Reso- ignated as "Sunset Beach Annexation office of the County Recorder of Iution No. 2059 in which it initiated on No. 4" and said action being taken by said Orange County, with the north- its own motion proceedings to annex the Council of said City as the legis- easterly terminus of a line bearing the above described territory in the lative body of the City, pursuant to a N 461 32' 00" E having a total length County of Orange, State of California, written petition therefore, said Reso- of 118.94 feet, said line being shown herein designated as "Sunset Beach Iution describing the boundaries to the. on a map recorded in Book 65 Page Annexation No. 4," or theretofor author- territory so proposed to be annexed to 28 of Record of Surveys in the office ized for the acquisition, construction or said City; and of the County Recorder of Orange completion of municipal improvements. WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 2087, County, said above described point The City Clerk shall certify to the did contain a notice of the day, hour being also the True Point of Begin- passage and adoption of this ordin- and place when and where the said ning; thence S 46° 32' 00" W along ance and shall cause the same to be Council of said City would hear protests last described line, said line being published by one insertion in the Hunt- made by any person owning property the northwesterly boundary line of ington Beach news, a weekly newspaper within the territory proposed to be an- the City of Huntington Beach as es- printed, published, and circulated in the nexed, the time of said hearing being tablished by hereinbefore mentioned City of Huntington Beach, California; not less than 40 nor more than 60 Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation, and thirty days after the adoption there- days after the passage of said Resolu- 113.94 feet to a point in the north- of, the same shall take effect and be tion; and easterly line of that 5.00 foot strip in force. WHEREAS, on the 1st day of February, of land conveyed to the State of PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City 1965, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., or as soon California recorded in Book 479 Page Council of the City of Huntington Beach, thereafter of said day, in the Council 326 of Deeds in the office of the California, this 15th day of February, 1965. Chamber in the City Hall of the City of County Recorder of Orange County; DONALD D. SHIPLEY Huntington Beach, State of California, thence leaving the boundary line of Mayor said time and place being the hour and the City of Huntington Beach, N ATTEST: day and place fixed in said Resolution 431 28' 00" W, along the northeast- PAUL C. JONES No. 2087 for hearing protests to the erly line of before described 5.00 foot City Clerk said annexation, and no protests, either strip of land 944.44 feet to a point, STATE OF CALIFORNIA written or oral to said annexation having said point lying in the boundary line COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. been made; and of the City of Huntington Beach as CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH WHEREAS, said territory is contigu- established by hereinbefore mention- 1, PAUL C. JONES, the duty elected, ous to the City of Huntington Beach, ed Sunset Beach No. 2 Annexation, and is uninhabited territory in the said line being shown as 50.80 feet qualified and acting City Clerk the County of Orange; and in length bearing N 460 32' 00" E on City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio WHEREAS, the owners of more than said g Clerk of the City Council of said map recorded in Book 65, Page City, do hereby certify that the whole two thirds of the value of the.territory 28 of Record of Surveys in the of- number of members of the City Council have heretofore filed with the City Clerk fice of the County Recorder of Or- of the City of Huntington Beach is five; written consent that the property in ange County; thence N 46° 32' 00" E, that the foregoing ordinance was read said territory be after annexation, sub- along last described line, 45.80 feet to said City Council at a regular meeting ject to taxation equally with the prop- to the northeasterly terminus of said thereof held on the 1st day of Febru- erty within the City of Huntington Beach line, said point being in the south- ary, 1965, and was again read to said to pay the entire bonded indebtedness westerly line of before described City Council at a regular meeting thereof of the City of Huntington Beach out- Tide Land Location No. 141, and held on the 15th day of February, 1965, standing or authorized at the date of also being an angle point in the and was passed and adopted by the the filing of the petition for annexation City of Huntington Beach as estab- affirmative vote of more than a majority for the acquisition, construction or com- lished by said Sunset Beach No. 2 of all the members of said City Council. pletion of municipal improvements. Annexation; thence, following the AYES: Councilmen: NOW THEREFORE, the City Council southwesterly line of Tide Land Lo- Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lam- of the City of Huntington Beach does cation No. 141 and the boundary line bert, Shipley hereby approve the annexation known of the City of Huntington Beach NOES: Councilmen: as "Sunset Beach Annexation No. 4", established by Sunset Beach No. 2 None: the territory of which is hereinafter Annexation along the following bear- ABSENT: Councilmen: described, to the City of Huntington ings and distances, S 58° 00' 00" E None Beach, and does hereby further ordain 367.43 feet to a point, S 491 00' 00" E PAUL C. JONES that said territory be and it is hereby 198.00 feet to a point, S 341 00'00" E City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. 330.00 feet to a point, S 53° 00'00" E of the City Council of the City That said territory, the annexation of 67.11 feet to a point, said point being of Huntington Beach, California r� V� 1\� 4 �j FRANK M. JORDAN ; ( SECRETARY OF STATE y ij 10 the Secretar of State Ij SACRAMENTO pi I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: ii �! That on the__Fith:______day of--------September----------------------------- 19__63__, pursuant f; to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more + particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: 1 A copy of Ordinance No------------asa------------------------------------------ -------- ___as regularly II passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the---5-tli----------day of---------August------------------ -- ----------------------- 19 6-3 certified by --Paul --C Jcnes---------------------------------------------- ., City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to j the CITY OF-----HUKTI GTOId_BEACH________________________________of contiguous uninhabited +i territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: 1 "SUNSET BEAEH NOt__1_ANNEXATION." 1 ' -.'"' ?,,`ter• �: 1',�'z a;;r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set rily I � � I ..Si l;�':; A ` �� "' hand 'and affix the Great Seal of the �Y�rd';;tt,,,, t,?�'k3, :s''.ss:,^�i,..:':Fi. s - ., .. fn.y',,,'4��i:,:,'i y..:i. k�•t rk,''� a F^'r`. i �'�.�•' j!�d.1s.�i�`� . sa r`'.� :��,� ......i, 3•. .',a�:�r,"sus d.7�,�.`.+ ,'� ... .. . � .. .;„ State f Californiah fith : ' o Itfo of n` 5M 1 a ,,gam w�i"''".'"da.•:,:a}+,« .�'�'.k�✓':.e,.�';.�: r ;k�; f1S?F} � _f„jaZ?'-' '.1�4 ,,iii -�l' yy,, 1 F' �.•?�': „ Secretary of State �'+ � � ��...; h wry, �.. �...,•r, '� 1�•�{� ti���ai:..:.t:.,�rg rtl' ;,r�,'r�.. .i'f�.'�''' �3:2:vsi','e Try 1 i V 60912 6-63 3500 9PO w � t (Corrected Copy) rg:on Harbor Corporation A.rinexcr- of said A tition No. 7, said angle iron-Parcel No. '1" in Ordinance No. point being also in the northwesterly ;Published Huntington Beach News Oct. 919 of said city, said angle point line of the City of Huntington Beach 10, 1963) being the intersection of the north- boundary as per Huntington Harbor ORDINANCE No. 993 eas'e;ly line of the right of way of Corporation-Parcei No. 1, Ordinance AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- Pacific Coast Highway (U.S. Alter- No. 919 of said City, said angle point INGTON BEACH' APPROVING THE AN- nave 101), 100 feet wide as per deed being on the common line between NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED recorded in Book 410, Page 165 of Rancho La Bolsa Chica and Ranchos TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUN- Official Records of said County and Los Alamitos; thence South, 49' 28' SET BEACH No. 1 ANNEXATION" TO trie common line between Rancho La 00' West along said City of Hunt- THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. Bois. Chic- and Rancho Los Afamr- ington Beach boundary and the com- The City Council of the City of Huns tos, said angle point being in a coon line between Rancho La Balsa ington,Beach, California, does ordain as curve c:oncove :o the southwest and Chica and Rancho Los Alamitos a follows: having a radius of 1060 feet, a :a. distance of 431.74 feet more or less WHEREAS, pursuant !0 the provisions dial line to said aaglo point beats to the point o[ beginning. of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- Sou?ii 25` 53 19" West; thence north- Above described land is shown on Re- dritozy Act of 1939, the City Council w� .sterly along said curve and along cor of Survey Map, recorded in Records of the City of Huntington Beach did, on tile. northeasterly line of said Coast of Survey Book 14, Page 36. Official Re- the 3rd day of June, 1963, pass and Highway right of way, through a r.o:ds of Orange County, State of Cal- adopt Resolution. No. 1786, giving notice central angle of 2° 45' 18" an arc if0rnia. of the proposal to annex certain: unin- distsnre of 50.97 feet to the end The beundaries of said City of Hunt- habited territory to the City of Hunting- of said curve; thence :ungeni w said said . Reach are hereby altered and the ton Beach, said territory being tho-in curve and along sa43 right of way said territory above described is heresy line North 66= 52' 00'' West, 215 G2 'aancxed to, incorporated in, and included designated as "Sunset Brach No. 1 F-.n- stir in the City of Huntington Beach, Cal- nexation" and said action b•_rn takers fee? more or les< to the beginning o: y gt g h i.`ornia, and said City shell have all by the Council of said City as the !e- a tangent curve concave m the north- Y gislative body of the City, pursuant ;,, east and having a radius of 950.00 r;ght.s and powers, in to and over said a written petition therefor, said Rena- feet; thence northwesterly along said territory as are provided by law, t curve and said right, of way line The City Council of the City of Hunt- territory describing � ington Beach does herebory so proposed the boundaries of the posed to be annexed ?c through a central angle of 6^ 0..' Y Luther ordain said city; and 46' on arc distance of 10025 feel that the territory above described shall WHEREAS, said Resolution No. i786 did more or less to the end or said be sub;ect to taxation equally with the contain a notice of the day, hour cmq curve, a radial line to the enriof ._.�fd property within the City of Huntington d Council curve bears Noah 29' le' 46'' East, Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- place when and where the said said City would hear p:aiaid d mad ?hence eparting from said curve ties. o: the Clty of Huntington Beach South 29° 30' 00" East and along outstanding on June 3rd, 1963, the date of by any person owning property within said right of way, 11.70 feet mare the filing of the Petition for Annexation of the territory proposed to be annexed, the said territory or theretofore authorized for time of said hearing being not less than or less to the beginning of a curve Y 40 nor more than 60 days after the concave to the northeast and having the acquisition, construction or comple- passage of said resolution; arrd a radius of 957.00 feet, said curve tion of municipal improvements. WHEREAS, on the 15th day of July, being concentric to last mentioned The City Clerk shall certify to the pas- 1963, at the hour o! 8:00 P.M' in the curve and being on said highway sage and adoption of this ordinance Council Chamber in the Cit.•y Hall of il:e right of way line a radial line to the and shell cause the same to be published by one insertion in the Huntington Beach City of Huntington Beach, State of Cal- beginningof said curve bears North yin ifornia, said time and lace beingthe 28' 40' 02" East; thence northwes- News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- day and hour and place fixed in .aid telly along said curve and said fished and circulated in the City if to the tion No. exa for hearing protesprotests, right of way line through a central Huntington Beach, California; and thirty to the said annexation, and no prorsts, angle of 17° Sl' 58" an arc distance days after the adoption thereof, the either written or oral, to said annexa- of 298.41 feet more or teas to the same shall take effect and be in force. lion having been made; and end of said curve, thence tangent to PISSED AND ADOPTED by the City said curve and along said right of Council of the City of Huntington Beach. WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous Califontia, this 5th dayof August, 1963. to the City of Huntington Beach, and ;s way line North 43" 28' 00" West; ROBERT M. LAMBERT uninhabited territory in the County. of 100.40 feet more or less to the most Orange; and westerly corner of land conveyed to ATTEST: - Mayor WHEREAS, the owners of more than Nick Katsaris per deed recorded in two-thirds of the value of the territory Book 5196. Page 425 of Deeds, official PAUL C. JONES have heretofore filed with the City Clerk records of said County; thence along City Clerk written consent that-the property in said the northwesterly line of said land State of California territory be, after annexation, suhject to North 46' 32' 00" East, 113.94 fee! County of Orange ss taxation equally with the property wit;tin more or less to an angle point in City of Huntington Beach the City of Huntington Beach to pay the said property; thence continuing along I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, SSA;; entire indebtedness of the City of Hunt- said property South 53` 00' 00" East, qualified and acting City Clerk of the ington Beach outstanding or authorized at 101.48 feet more or less to an angle City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio the date of the filing of the petition for point in said property; thence con.- Clerk of the City Council of the said annexation for the acquisition, construe- tinuing along said property North City, do hereby certify that the whole tion or completion of municipal improve- 46' 52' 00" East, 208.25 feet more number of members of the City Council ments: or less to an angle point in said pro- of the City of Huntington Beach is five; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of Petty, said point being also in the that the foregoing ordinance was read the City of Huntington Beach does hereby northerly boundary of Location No. to said City Council at a regular meet- approve the annexation known as "Sun- 141 of State Tide Lands, described in ing thereof held on the 15th day of July, set Beach No. 1 Annexation'', the terri- Patent issued April 4, 1901, said 1963, and was again read to said City tory of which is hereinafter described, point being also in the southwes- Council at a regular meeting thereof in the City of Huntington Beach, and terly boundary line of the City of held on the 5th day of August, 1963, and does hereby further ordain that the said Seal Beach as per annexation No. was passed and adopted by the affirma- territory be, and it is hereby annexed to 7 by Ordinance No. 589 of said City: tive vote of more than a majori*y of ail the City of Huntington Beach. thence South 44^ IS' 00" East along the members of said City Council. That said territory, the annexation of said City boundary and the norther- AYES:. Councilmen: which to the City of Huntington Beach :s ly line of said Katsaris property and Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, herein approved, is all that territory si- the northerly line of said Tidelands Lambert. tuated in the County of Orange, State of location a distance of 77.58 feet to an NOES: Councilmen: California, and more particularly des- angle point; thence continuing South None. cribed as follows: 73' 45' 00" East along said Seal ABSENT: Councilmen: Beginning at an angle point in the Beach city boundary and along said None, resent cif boundary of the City of Tide Lands location Line and said p Y Y Y Katsaris property a distance of 654.33 PAUL C. JONES Huntington Beach, County of Orange, City Clerk and ex-ot{icio Clerk State of California, said boundary feet more or less to an angle point of the City Council of the City having been established by "Hunt- in the City of Seal Beach boundary of Huntington Beach, California. i,, ITFtOP'OSft "SUNSET HEIGH- ANNEXATION NO.. 3" TO ORANGE C0V`Y SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 11 2 Ordinance No. 748, certified April 16, 1960, North 0° 41 ' 35" West 1300.23 feet to an angle point, said angle point being the northeast corner of said "West Annexation No. 2", said angle point being; North 890 35' 30" East 662.75 .feet and South 00 41 ' 3.5" East 20.00 feet from the West quarter corner of said Section 21 as established by said "WEST ANNEXATION NO. 2"; thence continuing along the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach and along the boundary of "North Annexation", Ordinance No. 667, certified August• 2, 1957, North •89° 35' 30" East 331.37 feet to an angle point, said angle: point being the northwest corner of "JAY ANNEXATION" to the City of Huntington Beach, Ordinance No. 905, certified June 21, 1962; thence continuing along the present boundary of' the City of Huntington .Beach and along the boundary of said "JAY ANNEXATION" the following courses: 1) South 0° 42' 25" East 640.48 feet to an .angle point ` 2)' North 89° 36' 30" East .331.53 feet to an angle point. and 3) North 0° 43' 15" West '640..54 feet, to, the northeast corner of said "JAY ANNEXATION", said corner being on the boundary of said "NORTH ANNEXATION'.';- thence continuing along the present boundary of. the City of Huntington Beach and along the boundary of said "NORTH ANNEXATION", North 89' 36' 00" East 662.78 feet to the northwest corner of "SUNSET HEIGHTS ANNEXATION NO. 2" to the City of Huntington Beach, Ord- inance No. 983, ,certifi,ed on July 25, 1963; thence continuing along the present. boundary of the City of• Huntington Beach and along the boundary of said "SUNSET HEIGHTS ANNEXATION NO. 2", South 00 49' 00" East 940.64 feet to the southwest corner of said "SUNSET HEIGHTS ANNEXATION NO. 2"; thence continuing along the present bound- ary of the, City of Huntington Beach and along the boundary of said "SUNSET HEIGHTS ANNEXATION NO. 2", North 89*' 40' 44" Bast 642.10 feet to the southeast corner of said "SUNSET HEIGHTS ANNEXATION NO. 2 said corner being a point on the boundary of said "NORTH ANNEXATION"; thence- continuing along the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach and along the boundary of said "NORTH ANNEXATION", South 00 46' 30" East 1018.52 feet to an angle point, said angle point being the north- east corner of "SCHONLE ANNEXATION" to the City of Huntington Beach, Ordinance No. 926, certified October 8, 1962; thence continuing along the present boundary of 4. obiR, s r (Published•'n;u...ngton Beach News July construction or comple unicipal )` ' 20, 1961) improvements; ORDINANCE NO. 858 NOW.THEREFORE, the Cii _,ouncil of AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- the City of Huntington Beach does hereby INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN. approve the annexation known as "Cal- NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED lens-Revised Annexation," the territory TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "CAL- of which is hereinafter described, to the LENS-REVISED ANNEXATION" TO THE City of Huntington Beach, and does here- CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH by further ordain that the said territory The City Council of the City of Hunt- be and it is hereby annexed to the City ington Beach, California, does ordain as of Huntington Beach. follows: (SE+/4) of said Section 28; thence t' WHEREAS, South, leaving the boundary of the pursuant to the provisions City of Huntington Beach, 1980.00 41 of the "Annexation of Uninhabted Terri- feet, more or less, along said West tory,Act of 1939," the City Council of line of the East half (E+/2) of the .'s;::5:• the City of Huntington Beach did, on the Southeast quarter (SE1/4) of said r : 15th day of May, 1951, pass and adopt Section 28 to the southwest corner Resolution No. 1495, giving notice of the of the North half (N+/2) of the South- i •r •t ' {r proposal to annex certain uninhabited Est. quarter (SEt/4) of the Southeast territory to'the City of Huntington Beach, qua t said territory being therein designated as thence East /2 of said Section less, thence Egat 1320.00 fee;, more or less, "Gallons-Revised Annexation" and said dlong the South line of :the North action being taken, by the Council of half (N?,z) of the Southeast quarter said City as the legislative body of the (SEt/4) of ' :the Southeast quarter city, pursuant to a written petition there- (SE/t4) of said Section 26 to the true for, said resolution describing the boun- point of beginning." daries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said city; and The boundaries of said City of Hunt- WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1495 ington Beach are hereby altered and ' `� did contain a notice of the day, hour d the said territory above described is >: Y, and annexed .to, incorporated in and place when and'where the said council included within the City of Huntington ' of said city would.hear protests made Beach, California, and the said City shall by any person owning property within have all rights and .powers in, to and ` -< y.r the territory proposed to-be annexed, the over said territory as are provided by `''F' i">`,•, time.of said hearing being not less than law. a__K 40 nor more than 60 days after the pas- The City Council of the City of Hunt- sage of said resolution; and Sr ¢' ington Beach does hereby further ordain tom. WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of July, 1961, that the territory above described shall at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the be subject to taxation equally with .the Council Chambers in the CityHall of property within the City of Huntington the City of Huntington Beach, State of Beach to Califon a, said time and place being ,the tedness o!he City entire bonded ington 3Bea h z ;,' ~�'.t•'- day, hour and place fixed in said Reso- outstanding on May 15, 1961, the date of : lution No. 1495 for hoaring protests to the. filing of the Petiton for Annexation the 'said annexation, and no protests, of said territory or theretofore authorized " either written or oral, to said annexa- for the acquisition, construction or cram- •:8�:.;.?. tion having been made; and pletion of municipal improvements. ;L? WHEREAS, said territory.is contiguous The City Clerk shall certify to the pas- ' to the City of,Huntington Beach, and is sage and adoption of this ordinance and uninhabited territory in the.County of shall cause the same to be published by Orange; and. one insertion in the Huntington Beach News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- WHEREAS, the owners of more than llahed and circulated in:th, City of Hunt- r two-thirds of ,the value, of .the territory '.' h Clerk ington Beach, California; and thirty (30) have heretofore filed with the City Y days after the adoption thereof the same written consent that the property in said shall take effect and be in force. territory be, after annexation, subject to PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City ' taxation equally with the property within r;g,•_ t,• the City of Huntington Beach to pay the Council of the City of Huntington Beach, ` entire bonded indebtedness o! .the City California, :this -17th day of July, 1961. �' ERNEST H. GISLER, '.` of Huntington Beach outstanding or auth- orized- - • ortzed at the date of .the tiling of the ATTEST: Mayor petition for.annexation for.the acquisition, PAUL C. JONES, That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Huntington Beach is City Clerk -r '•' hereto approved, is all that territory STATE OF CALIFORNIA situate in the County of Orange, State COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. of California, and more particularly den- CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH cribed as follows: I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, qua Beginning at the Southeast corner lified and acting City Clerk of the 2) of the South- City of Huntington Beach and exoffico of the North half a Clerk of the City Council or said City, east quarter (SEl/4) of the Southeast do hereby certify that the whole number r rro quarter (SEt/4) of Section 28, Town- of members of the City Council of the ? uS; ship 5 South, Range 'll West, said City of Huntington Beach is live; that corner being a point on the boundary ••:;'". p the foregoing ordinance was read to said of the City of Huntington Beach as : City Council at a,regular meeting there- : r now established and the true :point of held on the 3rd day of July, 1961, of beginning; thence North diet- rr y g; , a and was again read to said City Council ' - once of 1960.00 feet, more or less, at a regular meeting thereof held on the r along said boundary line of the City IAh stay of July, 1961, and was passed of Huntington Beach, said boundary and adopted by the affirmative vote of line being the East line of Section 2 , more than a maJozity of all the members Township 5 South, Range 11 West,S.B.B. M., to a point on the South of said City Council. line of Slater Avenue, 40.00 feet wide, AYES: Councilmen: Gisler, Lambert, as now laid out; thence West 1320.00 Waite, Wells. feet, more or less, along the South NOES: Councilmen: None. line of Slater Avenue to an angle ABSENT: Councilmen: Stewart. point in the boundary line of the City PAUL C. JONES, of Huntingtc-. _..ach, said angle point City Clerk and exofficio Clerk also being the West line Of the East of the City Council of the City half (Et/2) of the Southeast quarter of Huntington Beach, California h '• ' • . it 2 3 , on the 20th of August, 1962, at the b*Ur; 4 0 $:00 P.A. In the Counail a;ha Ober In the City Hall of this 5 amity 4jr HU iti>aaoas3 Ptah, .State of Callf ,rnis, oel,d time aM 6 pUWS belied the alit and .hWr any; plan" fixed in said Resel - 1 . tiot We ° 160 fair oaarisg protests to the sold a mwexaattaftm 8 amd no, preteista g either written or oral, to said, aastamMUoU 9 ftvim b4mm madoi and 10 WM IEW, art A torritory. is *Ontiaums to the City of 11 12 is 6a aid, it an,nrtbitsd torritm7 is the County . 13 14 liil, tOw ow#" of more than two-thirds of tko 16 •sfaotle of for te"i have hortwore fiiod wift. the City 18 cuWkI .Wittolft O""t, that the pr4wortyl is said t*rfttwy 17 be* after Simmumv a ubjeot to t47lGettlon equae►ll$ +with the 18 ""1w wit us, the ftty at ung"a beach to por the a"t 19 b r ` true ditY Of MURUM&W SON* Wt Staff• 20 or, , b m" at tke "to 0 the tilt" of Ww position 21 ter M W4W t w the &*quiatition, construstion or owelOpo 22 too Or 030401pa # womem atr; 23 24 *fit,.,'fK , tim city OMMA11 or the city at 25 ttbOw be&" do" Ptt approve the aeomawmtlon 26 ants 0 * ttikae the territory of which is heoelmr1w 27 40"VtWO A* t-b* '10iW at" tip ` aid duos bor*'W 28 IrW*kW asV461s that that amid %*vrl" beg ao A it to berebW 29 2. Ai Ord* No. 2 ay'umesed to the C:1ty of Fun4ing-ton 'eaoh. 3 `�g�3ic9tr 4 said t pritory, the a-,1-nexati of which to the 6 pity of Huntington '�vaoh is herein :1 proved, is all that territory situated in than s:ounty of Or .'.6, -it&te of a431for• 8 7 via, and r.jore --art icul arly desert-ed as follows: 8 All that certain land alWats-d in the b, ate of Cali.for•. 9 nie, County of Orange, descri ied as foliows 10 That portion of the -Southeast -quarter of the 3outh- west quarter of S*otion 21, "�ownsi:ip 5 Sduth, Rye 11 .11 Wedt, . i.n the Asnaho La iavls a G' Ua, as shown on a 24p record" in bo* 51 v 190 13 of 4isoollaneous I2 flapso. V0001 4 of 'a California, a Cot ty, d*s*rl; •d as fallows 13 'vsdiraina at the SolAth aerter corner of said Soo- 14 t iooe 21; theme South 89 37' 30" West 20,,00 feet along the Seutherly lime of the -Southwest quarter is of said Sootica 21 6o the existing `arum line of the City of Huntington Beach,' having been tahi.ished by Ordinene o go. 667, t'"eme biorth 0 16 461 30* West 660.74 toot along a-mid existing bmmd rf 17 line tothe Northerly lino of the South half"of than Southmst joarter of the Southwest quarter of said 18 eetim 21; theme South O 3?' 00" yeast 975.52 feet to the torttymt corner of the :ant half of 19 the West half of the Boutb lmlf of the Southeast quarter sal!' the Southwest quarter of said Section 21; t vut fie. �' 00* Est 660.59 too to the 20 theme Southwest Garner of the laet halt of the Best half 21 of the 39sth hW ot the Southeast qu"ter of the do thsest quarter of said Section 21; theme North 22 3 ' 34 Bast 976-0 t feet to the pint of i�ol�i�• 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3. s 2 Th4 boundaries of said City of iifiuutlrtgton Beach 3 are hereby alteredthe said territory al'oove desoribed 4 to hereby annexud to, inoorrorgted :n end included within 5 the (04gy' ofP Auntinoon, beach, t:alifornia, and said City shall a3 have all right#-and powetv in, to and over said territwT 7 8 as era 'pro.vidaad.,.by' law. . 9 11he"amity uo=911 of the City of iiuntingt .ri Bed 10 doe a here br.;fnrt,hor ordain that the territory a'?ov® de►srarib- 11 od ohs-,- 1 1 .'P'U,Sj*ot tai. taxat i cue equallk with the► rroperty 12 within the 'Pity ' of Huntington Bom_;,h 'to pay the entire borded 13 indabt dffieta .of the -City of huhtington I oaoh outstanding on 14 , aly 2nd,- 1962, .the ."to of they filing of the Petition for 15 lr%eaf€ton of- s'ald tarrit*ry or tnereto ore authorized for 18 tho a "sitiont oonstrueation or coirzpletiou of majolpal in- 17 �3revlSa+in168.' 18 19 The CI ty `leapt &hall oert iry to the passage and adept• 20 ion of this ordimono and sha�1 oause Vie same to he publish..21 ad by me. insertion in the huntingtm Besah Hewn, as weekly 22 D*Wsp&vtr Mead, pablisW and ci.roule tad in the City of 2 Hunti" beeaho Califem1a ; and thirty drys after the 24 8"Iption thoreof the saft Shall tako ffffaeot and be In force. 25 PASUD AND ADOPM by the %ity �;nvnoll of the City 2s ear N UnStm aeah, Californiso this day of S+�`�ra er`;19'h 2. 27 Robert M. Lambert 28 ATTS 0 Paul. r lfae s 29 ,.�.,. K�.............»... ALI ;J - - o. 9 e 1 1 � V 24 3 TF, 4..a.knt -oar 4 5 40t I ng, .Izy : leru Of the ,,it or74un t Ind .,y,to each, a ind ox+► 7 - 8 .serf idio �lork of the �:Ity �; �m.A1 gar"' V a tt:_}it< do heroby, t iv4t t°;e w1riole number of wembe s .")r the 9 10 fit . w + .sil or t ::sty of s.timtoa ra: i rites; that 11 the-roreiKoing ordietance as r ad t said uAty yo-!-,nell at � 12 a regular weattnq thereof held or, th,0 „ -- (%any of 13 I{?62* ;caul wa3 -A alr4 r awd, to ss.iif it 14 -:aavokl at .e taci ll. :" Y: Utz t ? r 3 ' hal<'° on the 4g 15 day Of ., ... �.�...._. 1962, of-A was pa,nod and adopted 18 by the aff lrmtitre 'tote off' , E:,t:,re t=tarp a majority of oll 17 tho, s ,erit, of uaiti •ity +:®i ►e11. 18 19 w-'JACllmen: 20 mail �laW, Nag, LlAwt 21 22 N 23 24' M�AV S. . ' o e� ►f l s 25 O tewwt 28 27 28 i1 C• Joe" City Clark and ex-off`alo sigerk of the 29 City Council of the 101ty of Him,tington Atill !` y 4