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Annexations - Miscellaneous documents - 1963-1988
y+ y .. ,C'•. :'' r4ti1.,' , ,t.-. "11' i ! ,.2!/itil-�i'4Ma.. w•......._,_ ,. rlr•. ••�-. ...'nt�.i 3•W Tt 1 N •�%i'••�•7! �1! 1j , 1 �.. =-''LOCAL AGEVCY M�L FGRW.4TION C i) SIAy FILING AND HEARING SCHEDULE January through r4cember, 1.9 FILING DATE HEARING DATE i December 17, 1.971 January 12 December 31, 1971 January 26 January 14 February 9 January 28 February 23 ' February 11 March11 `• February 25 Ftezch 22 " March 17 April 12 March 31 April 26 April 14 May 10 t April 28 Hay 24 May 19 June 14 JPne 2 June 28 ' i June 16 -July 12 June 30 July 26 July 14 AuEuat 9 July 28 August 23 AuGust Is Sept mbar 13 September 1 p2"7 September .: Sepember, 15 'October 11 September 29 October 25 October 13 November 8 i ' gctober 27 Novembox 22 November 17 December 'j.3 D+eec©�r 1. Daceioiber;�? : , I ' CNAIRNAN LOUIS R. REINHARDT COUNCiIVAM Clrr Or M�rt.lt�ro� VICE-CHAIRMAN STAN NORTHRUP COUNCILMAN CITY ar SAN CLEURNrt I, t ROR'ERT V- SATTIN scrtAVISCR IVIIIST DIs1RICT 1.ONALD W. CASMERS surtltvteo� '> ►IrT.1 cISTR,cT j ' CHARLES A. PEARSCN 11trnESINTATIVt or GINERAL rUALIC 1 e WOMAN RAI tN R CLARK nvr�ovltoc jI ALTtCRCTt t . A. ).'Coco ' MAVIN 1 CITY Or Tustin t ' �f,ipMAf[ WILLIAM V. MARTIN " RarltutMr�Ttvc o/ r OtM[N1L 01.18LIC .I RICHARD f. TURNER rsttvlltrt Gr►ttt• TY Q F ORANGE COUNrir ADMINIMATION ©UILDING L O. 69X 1677 SANT.A ANAL CALIIORNIA 92102 ARCA CODS 714 LOCAL AGENCY FOR14AT10N COMMISSION December B, 1971 To: All Cities and Special Districts From: Richard T. Turner, Executive Officer Subject: Local Agenc Formation Comissaion 1972 filing and hearing schedule The attached schedule has been prepared for your convenience in filing pro osnls with the Local Agency Formation Commission during the M2 calendar year, The dates listed in the left-hand column represent the latent dates material may be tried with the Commission in ordek to be. heard on the corresponding date shown in the right-hand column. It should be printed out that pursuant to, Bylaw No. 40 the Executive Officer shall set as many matters for a rroeeting as can be heard within a thre:; hour. period, Any additional matters eligible to be set for hearing shall base[ for the next succeeding regular meeting, or special meetins$ The Cotmrd.ssion meetings ' will tie held in the Board of -Super- visors Hearing Room, County Adminfatration Building, 515 North Sycamore Street, Santa Ann at 2s00-o'clock P.M, i cAlt of Huntington, Beach. .V,.) go P.O. Box too CALIFORNIA 92643 c 0 U rd :. 14 IA Ik #4 'too 11.1ft vIt %lot" 11. AOgus t L.,)) 1�"7i Mr. 16,.J1ard F. Turner, Executive Officer c n cy 1: u r ma t irrri (_'o ra I:. s s Santa Allap IC a I I A ri,aila 92702 Stt:dof the Ma,,T.Aia "Ir--morial 11iiH. F .. . ev 11 Cumeter% District Ao D -ir Mr. Ttirner: Q L As -a re S,j r c f the C i t y of C N, 1 cis' n i c i t i. n? i fscYret? com:-,is.-, 1 oil t C. 'Lie tach certain 1) ropclc.; In th.-I t, c I fro'm the Ic 'Mi La 0 r i a a r K C'c- ii c r co ry s t r i c t , c u r t i i i t! r - stalldir,;.- th"t LAFCO Will r C ct " r t h co I ,I, I t t c .. to a c 0 t t!t, c t i nvest i f i r co s 1) c; c., to y o u v r c q u-Z-- s f f o r a m 1) co r a f o. o r a 0 :1 1 S t in 3 z'.Etjdy, 11 havc, asked cm, City Lle-rI., tiir. Paul .)OM!5 to co, opf-ratoc with your group. Ina-swuch as Mr. Juacs hand"Ics .1-11 And Ocannexatiotis in the City Of 14L ' ITjtiII$;t0R e-,!;ACh, it is r;y feeling tha,: lie will Im,'able to be of aFsistancv. to your staff. Please feel fr. to CaL.1 rm Mr. Jotves Co- sif free: you rm i g4 t:, jic e 6, in the City of Ifuntingto:1 Beach Yours very truly, Dbyle W Dor G' AdmJnist*rator-cI,,,` �Ir.•, Paul ..'Janes 'C C LIK140 0 64 tf Ii i%w4t#*.vt'f -A pi C'SA r 16 Ali \aa. SUPFRVIbOR. 3fC10MO DISTRICT DA.V'ID L. BAKER ORANGE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION 9U1WING � Q SIS /4 MM SYCAMCRE. P.O. IBOX $M SACRA ANA. CAUCORNIA P*MLA IM-32X (AREA LADE 7141 January 27, 1969 :1 i Paul C. JGnes r City Clark City of 11untingt on Basch , P. 0. Box 190 I, Huntington Beach, California 92648 Dear Paul: Pursuant to our telephone conversation, here is the opinion I requested from County Counsel. I truet this may be of help to you. X 3incarely, fi Riebard P. Ruix Executi.ve Asot. to DAVID h, BAM R'PR: is+ A� �-- ... .. .• w \• .ram-iJ1....�.� iti J' .i •�^T\�1 1... ._.1.1 J'nH M.. .i A•\a1�1� 1� 1Mww.w��_^ . era _ •_ _ _� �FfW\Tr \waw�Ya�1 .�•.0 OF ICC. OF THE COUNTY COUNSC1. MEMORANDUMIN R&:VLr MCF114 T04 c-410 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 03 lid JAN January 17, 1969 p1� Your llama Dated January 17, 1969 Regarding. Transfer of Contiguous City Territory to City of Huntington Beach Richard Ruiz Executi` a Assistant David L. Baker, Supervisor County of. Orange Adrian Kuyper County CounBe ,OUESTIatr Mr. Paul C. Jones, City Clerk., City; of Huntington Beach, has requested An opinion whether territory. may be ,.trans» ferred from one city to a cont.iguoas cit;in the same count y + pursuant to Government Cody; Section 35270•. l CONCLUS1014 The territory may be so transferrer. DISCUSSION Government Code Sections 35270 of seq. provide a procedure.. whereby a city may transfer its territory to a can» tiguous city in the same county These sections ware enacted in 1967 ands were partially amended in 1968. La. ....... . . .... 'VTB : s c January 14, 1969 David L. Bal•'nr, Supervisor ' County of Orange P.O. Bcrx 838 Santa Ana. C:a tifornin 92701 Attention: Mr. Richard Ruin. EX.�ut:iVe Assi©tant s Dear Dic: ,- : 4 Through cur telephone conversation of this morning, l are requesting that you get a determi.ratlon .from .the"County Counsel t or other sources as to whether a c tty may transfer, Ce. rl tox:y frc�m one City try aconeiguous city in the saie, count y -as ..et forth In ArCicle 4.5, Section 35270 of the Government Code 'tif � the Stain of Cal.ifornts. StAd section and following Sections set: forth o proceduret:o .."to be usnd in thl.s instInco, and if Said Sec tious here been repeEiled or euperneded, x era not aware of It. The Cite of Hunt:xngton Be9ch lips Legisglattve consent; .frcm P1 adjoining city for the transfer of car. to tei territory in that city to 'Huntington Bench in order to estobltsh :n definite boundary line between the Ciao cities. 's 1 - In view of the ci rc utnstanens connected _.with such tVas,e.fer of ' territory, it would be -advantageous for 'us to be ceed` along these linen, and trey of courses hope, tF cry., are in -5 effect.. I wcsld appreel ate -your hati�iz��; this m�tkter -Xevi��ed, `� nd hope, to recelve a Teply within a reasonsble* tx a Sincerely your, _C • V mle s C(ty, C.le, rIcJ. PCJ Pa . - :, December 24, 1973 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Huntington Beach Post 0ifice Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Gentlemen: l- j nD R, r: i� 0EG;;G1973 CITY OF HUNIJINGTON EACH ADMIRISMIVE O� S IV': The Local Agenclj Formation Con nission, on December 12, 1973, took an action which should be of extreme concern to all !' cities in Orange County. The Commission; withaut an agendixed notice or hearing on the matter, deleted almost one-third of Tustin's approved sphere of influence in the: unincorporated ;- area. This unilateral action set a preced6nt which can have I, rave cohi � uences For ton ran a tannin and 9 q long-range e planning projections for future community development by any city in this County. Previously, it Attasst, 1971, after several hearings, and%sing' # the guidc3ises:� and cri teria set by Lhe CarmLssion f.or esE.ib- lisping spheres of influence, LAFC(,, determined that a.portion of the surrounding County area (the Marine Corps Air Station I (Helicopter)) was within the sphere or influence of Tustin. The �Ccmmission heard pre,sentntions by the Cities of Santa Ana and -Tustin, and. received testimony and correspondence from other agencies. Final action was taken by LAFCO on the: sphere det erminat�ion to Tustin by adopting Resolution No. 71-102. :# Now, over two years later, the Commission has "removed thJ,3 area from. the Tustin sphere of influence wit:itout; any advance notice or any restudy' of the criteria that established the . sphere in the fir:=t place! The item or the ag, nda was ,, a determinatlon of the sphere of influence fo:;,the Gitu of Santa Ana. After Santa Ana'fi sphere was adopted (which did not in-- clUde the Air Station)', the Comminsion thr:n, mewed into TustiiAl s sphere and took the above action. No info miation 'was,'presented • to the Commission that was new or differerst.'than presented a.n 197.1, and naGhing cert�ainl}� whet: would c1ic Late ''a change ,,in the sphere.,status of the'Aor station. Even if newfacts'were.,now ' , -available, ' howe'4er, the least 'that- good .government and due process of lair dfY-Mete is that eskak,lishinq or:'.changing the } .. here of - •inf luenc,. a� a city be • a, ne arate. agenda ,F " � Y P 9en3s` `i #�e�r. • £bra, s . that ci _ , arid nott t' ched as �a "rider" on scme, otl;er matter . �-Y', 3 e re LAF CQ . 4 'C Y "CA 4 )tI �rfr�., a bAfiM +tE�f' 34 4.1rYry r 4!i A Y. i♦ ' ' 1.4 4 Y 1t x • ,6 Ci (.• L► N Ik N,'Y' It ?: N,x' , . �r u it _ Hano ;able Mayor and f:i ty Council Oecemher 14, 1973 '.i Pave two By removing the territory from Tustin's sphere, and returning the Air 5tation.to the status of an island surrounded by three cities (Irvine, Santa Ana, and Tustin), the whole pur- pose of establishing spheres for planning purposes and logical community growth has been defeated. From tha above action by LArCO on December 12, the sphere of influence of air city in orange County can be changed or deleted at an time, without notice or hearing,of that speck- fic matter' for the city involved. We trust your Honorable Bcdy agrees with the City Council of Tustin that there i.s ' potentially a'dangerous situation now facing Orange county cities. It is respectfully requested that your city determine whether this type of action by LAFCO is of sufficient concern to you that you should join with us in demanding tha*.LAFCO comply fully with the laws of this State, and revoke the action rela- tive to the Tustin sphere. Express your costcern, by resolution te- LAFCO, that there shall bv. no change to your city's sphere of influence without notice to your city with full public hearings. Very truly yours, l � 1 i ... tfti••AM MMW �AM (' 121 State Board of Equalization SCHEDULE OF FILING .AND PROCESSING FEES Section 54402.5, 'Guvenirrient Coda Fiscal year 1973-74 1. C"cNE-RAL APPLICATION. The fees set forth in this scnedul+e shall apply to all filings made p►irsuant to Sections 54900 to 54902 of the Goverrunerit Cade. The provisions and definand serve as given u des to. insure ac a tance6 f filed de used to interpret and apply"the fees, g ? o I documents. Fees shall accompany the filed documents. See Paragraph 3 (h) 2. DESCRIPTIONS AND.MAPS. a very escr Rtron must be s:"Vif-sufficient within itself and without the nr.►c sity of reference to any extraneous document When a description'idea to o deed of rei;ord the deed should b, used only as a secondary call . (b) When writing a metes and bounds description of a contiguous annexation all details of the contiguous portion(s) of the boundary zSculd be omitted. The points of departure from the existing boundary must be clearly established. (c) A specific parcel description in sectionalized land (e.g. The SWI1 4 of Section 22, TIN, RIAJ is permissable without a metes and boun& description of the perimeter boundary. (d) A parcel description making reference only to a subdivision or a 110 within a subdivision is not acceptable. (e) Every map must clearly indicate all existing streets, roods and -highways within and adjacent to the subject territory together with the current names of these thoroughfares. (f) Every map shall bear a scale and north point. If a�ieduc.ed reap is to"be filed, the original map must have a graphic scale affixed to it before the reduction is made . (gy beginning 9descriptioni The point of b innin of the legal must be shown on' the'mcp. The boundaries of the subject ter ritery must: be distinct ively shown on the reap without obliterating any esiential geographic or political (oats#es. The use of colored lines to denoto the boundaries is recommended. 3. FILING FEES AND PROCESSING FEES -;GENERAL. � a , TOGO " means any sepa tro a geographical area. A "Parcel" can include dne or more ownerships as lang'as they are contiguous to each other. (V) "Zone" includes temporary zones in highway lighting districts, other zones, improvement districts or- any other su�.mit of a city or parent district. (c) "Reorganization" includes and single action that involves two or more citi", i . y ioo. d transfer or wage of territoty betrva41a cities, districts or zones in an cambtnat' �ccl districts or zones would therefore be a "reorganization" under this definition. T:r_� c00% - solidation of districts or zones does not come under this definition. (d) If the subject territory is described entirely by wtions or froctional portiotdt of sections (see Parogroph 2 (c) ), compute the processing fee under the next smaller sire category given below. For example, the aiviexratlon of one wiion (640 acres) would 6e canaute'd under the 20 -- IN acre c . 'Vory . (a) If an "island" is created by the exception of territory, each island shall be eonsWered lobe one- "Pumel". (0 The fees in Section 5 of this schedule are based on the concept that any given action is contained within one cour+ty. If more than one county is involved, add S50 for the second and each additional county involved. (g) The fee: for adding an existing district to the tax roll shall not etxc' end $1000. W "me filing and processing fee shall accompany each statement un'iess prior arrangoment for quarterly payme:nu has been mode. The use► of quarterly payments shall be limited to those govemmental entities that normally file more than 'twenty- five statements each year. (i) If the January 1st statutory deadlina for filing statements is wctende:d by a special validating act, the fees in Section 5 shell be doubled. - � F1�..�!C. FFS, •" All filings•,'• • 5. 'PROCESSING f..EES In addition to filing,fees) a Annexal'ooni or deiachments, within'one county 'Under 20 acres, i `Parcel .. .. ...... $55 Under 21D acres, 2 nr more parce4si $55 plus $40 per pn;cel over numbeir of 1: 20 acres - 100 acres, l parcel , ... .... .... $135 20 acres - 100 acres, 2 or more parcels: $133 Plus S40 per parcel over number of 3 . 101 acres - 1500 acres, 1 parcel ... , . ...... Sao 101 acres - 1500 acres, 2 or more parcels: $280 plus • S40 per.parcel over number of 1 • Over 1500 acres, I p'"r"l w • .. '' $430 Over 1500 acres, 2 ca more parcels: $430 plus S40 Fer parcel over number of 1 (b) Dissolurions, per district or zone ... .. .... ... -$40 (c) Consolidations, per district or zone involved. . . . .. . . . • . S�0 (d) Norne changes, per district, per county .. . , (e) Formations, including zones, this addition of ey0sting districts to assessment roll, per district or zone: Add $bG to fee as computed under annexotions and detachmenh Yf the zone is coterminous with -.!:a parent district, the total processing f h S I b S70 S4G� ee s a e i (1) Reorganizations " Add per city, district or tone involved to fee as cornFMted under annexations and detarrhments• (g) Subse vert'related detachments of ci -annexed arefrom special diet tY' rictrs lighting, fan tot on� ttc) and cnnexations'of city -annexed artes,to ' ci:y districts, per detachmont or cnnexat on orr Muriel in'any combination filed in some calendar ycar'oi the annacation to the city $20. ... If a subsequent related detar hmant From or arnexation to a dlstrict is filed atlas shs''Calendar year in which the area waa`annexitl to a City' the Fee r .,, "i ;all be cors►puted as,,under arinexati4ns rod detachments . ' 'a �h) C6neurrint:onii"6tiora,,10 a p irenr cn a =parent O ty or district, at c;oncusrent'rannex Ions to o district tnc! 1s n per district of iarQef district er'ogfrfey or outh�or3f �40'ta s t t . „ . . re corr�pv p.' tad u er:annexatrans and detochin+tritY." ' `` - MAU OF CAMFORNIA STATE. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 1020 N SIRES, SACt/. M0. CAUFOU41A rcrn o! -'�+, Sw ie�.1,K• (P.O. VOX 179p SACIu APM, CA11101HIA 95t4) lOhti+ t , ltfKN i�ssw>i Dia:r'st, ,nw WMI JA K t! olii ` RIMU MID" IOW A Ql 11%. t NONST" ,: OLOUAWY dnhekw� 7 w. W, n1 # TO COUNTY a CITY AND DISTRICT CF11M= Enclosed is a copy of the schedule ►,f Piling. azd processing fees that was approved by the Board of Ecualizatioa on Hurch :O, 1973. Thia schedule eppl es to all statessents riled with us, beginning, on July 1, 1973. The fbei ct-%tainsd theerain a" C'W- siderao;y higher than those now in effect. ``she resaon for this is that vto grossly overestielatad the revanue that would'bo pro- duced by the present; -schedule. 7 or the f3seal 'yonr 171243. the budgeted cost for procanaing all statements w3a $320,473. As of. March 31, 1973, the existing schedule has produced only =I84,020, of which $158,900 waR receirid during the current fiscal. gear, far short or th.v The sak".1nated coat for processing all tte�temcnts ror the fiscal year 39?3-74 is �351,19C1• To devAlap a schedule that K0142 produce this e.aount, we tabulated all relevant data -m each of thce 272.2 statements that w(qre filed during 1g72. Because detailed acreage data ware ava labl.e► for on)r this hash year, we had. to an - sums that it was a typical, y4uar. We also reriewod the voik !unc- tions in the Tax Aria Servicen Section back to I96h, o drrir.., average, workload data by county over a Zaiva year psipiod of thee. Theti. A ees vere than tented by applying thee! to each of the 2722 filings that were received last year. Every effort vue Nado ` `to ', equttably balance ,the fees with the averego workload , to, the ,oz- tent possittle within the confinos of a unifeaut statewide Vahsduls. Please send any technical inquiries aM the pi-sparatlon of , state- Wnte or the* application of the fees in unusual situatiaan• ti+. Mr. Martin `C., hchrk-r at the address shown on this lettrrhoad oi:`pnate 916/44-5- 6950. f. t t PROCEDURE FOR ANNE';ATIONS (Cities and Special Districts) A. Preparation and Filing of Forms 'i B. Boundary Commission Action C. Action of the Local Agency For:;atlon Commission D. Deteminations of the Local Agency Formation Conmiasion CODE OR Rua .REFERENCE A. PREPARATION AND FILING OF VOMS 1. Proponents of the annexation may secure the following form: from the Starr Secretary of the Conunisnion, 363 Hall of Administration., 500 W. Temple Street, Loa Angelen 12, California: a) Notice of Intention to Annex b) .justification of P.rIcponal 54761.. 2. Proponents shall file a Notice of Intention and coma Sect. 24 ple "ed Juatificati.on of Fropooal along with 15 maps Sect. 25 and a legal description of the subject area. No proposal for annexation may be considered .filed unless accompanied by the Justification of Proposal completed in full . B. BOUNDARY COMMISSION ACTION. 54-r62 1. Twelve naps and legal descriptions, and one transpar- ency., along with a letter of transmittal, should be filed with the County Boundary Commission either at the same time or as soon as poBsible following the filing with LAFC. A Notice of Intention however, moat be on file Frith LAFG W ore i ng wi le oun ark uo^�m 63 ors . 2. As soon an, bmt not, befox*:, LAFC receives a, favorable report .from the Boundary Commiasion, the propooal is presented. at the next meeting of LAFC and aft for hea-in,g . 35002 (Thtz Boundairy ':erijrtission meet:a to revievr proposals within 20 days of the date of filing. If, the Commis $i.on doe►4 not report,,,. within 20 days, the boundaries of the proposal will be deemed correct. ) i MA, C. ACTION OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COM14ISSION 54763 1. Upon receipt of the Boundary Commission report, LAFC shah, set the proposed annaxation for hearA ng not more than 60 days after the tiling of the Notice of Intention. Sect. 19 2. .Prior t;' the time the matter .is set for hearing, the proponenta may, on their own action, withdraw their proposal; after the matter has been set for hearing., however, it may be withdrawn only with the consent of the Commission. 54763 3. At least 15 days before the hearing, the followi»g persons or agencies are notified of the date, time, and place of the hearing: a) the governing body of each city and special dintrict having jurisdiction within the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed; b) the governing body of each city lying within three miles of the exterior boundary of the subject; c) any interested party who has filed a written request with the executive officer of the Commission Por such notice; d) the proponents of the annexation. 54764 4. The week prior to the hearing, the staff shall have prepared a report on all matters coming before the Commission, This report shall be submitted to each member of the Commission for review in advance of the hearing. 54766 5. Persons interested in being heard on any matter are requested to inform the Staff Secretary st least three days prior to the hearing. D. DETEF011HATION OP _TILE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION 1. Any mattev coming before the Commission may be nppro'ved, approved with cond.tions, disapproved, or continued. The Commiu,slon iruBt• present its determinations within 30 days following conclusion of the hearing,. The Commission may also adjourn a hearing from tltne -'to time, but not to exceed a total of 30 days. 2. The decision shall be transmitted AZo the proponerita by way of a certified minute order fro;n the executive officer of the Commission. I I 5476 54767 Boundary 'Commission LAFC If the Covir:ission 4ppr0ves a proposed annexation, the proponents may continue with pros edings as otherwise provi%!gr by the governing luw. 4. If the Commission approves the Proposal with conditions, the proponents may cons roue procee ngs only in one Pl'.ance with such modifications 5. If the Conur,ission ding roves a proposal, proceedings must be terminated and no notice of Intention regarding the same or nubatantially the same territory may be Filed with LAFC for at least one year from the date of disapproval. Letter of Transmittal 1 SUIVARY OF 14ATERIAL REQUIRED Foil ANNEXATION FILING I -Saps Legal iranapa.ren::y Prints Deserip. Noti(.s of Int. and Justification 8 Please address communication intended for the County Boundary Commission to: Mr. Gordon T. Neuvig, Secretary County Boundary Commission 383 Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street T^0% A.\.vA1wn A-1.401AY._1- Ann'fA 7 • 0 Chairman WILLIAM 0. MAP.TIN 1' Aloref Laguna Boach Ip C. I1. FEATHERLY �• 3upsniear j First Dia.►itt { t CHARLES E. PEARSON Re'ee.enfati.c of 1 Geneml PYbI;C 1 Ir WILLIAJ4 J. PHILLIPS SY�af ri.0► Third D"Strict PAUL J. VISHEK More► aura Park i A1lefnet* 1 GEORGE D. 110WOLD Napof U N-r-Y C> V UzlN.C,-EE 4OR"AHGE COUNTY AbMIf4l-',TAA,T10N 9VILDING F: 0, Bak Ail , Y GNTA ANA. CAL1F0fv aiA TCLLPNPNL''r S�1•�iS�7 . ARVA CODI: 714 LOCAL. AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION December 14, 1964 City of :Iuntxngton Beach Paul C. Mnes,City Clerk P.O. Box 190 NUntington Beach, California Gentlemen: Notice is hereby given that the proposed annexation to the Midway City Sanitary District (Yockey No. 6) will be reviewed by the Locul Agency Formation Com- miabion of Orange County on December 30, 1964 at 2 ; 3 0 PM in Room 503,, Orange Count; Adlninis- t-ration Building, 515 North Sycamore Street, Santa Ana, Ca? i rornia . This notice is sent pursuant to law to the district or city to which annexation is sought., to all r;pecial districts having jurisdiction in the area proposed to be annexed, and to all Cities within, three miles of it. Any interested person wishing to appear before the Commission to support or oppose the annexation other than the proponents and the city or district to which annexation is proposed, must formally notlir in writing W. E. St Jahn, County Clerk, Who is the Executive Officer, forty-eight hours before the time of the hearing. Very truly yours, Game --I Grov• LOC L AGENCY F MATXON COMMISSION � W. E. ST JOHN EcCaJtIve Officer W C Q Tr%h., I - The undersi,gnedo as owner of an interest in the lands lersc.ribed an the attached EXhibi�:, pursuant to the provisions of law, hereby requests that you mall notice as required by law of any amexatio.n to or proceedings of your City involving said Iands. Name Address G. E. Kadane & Sons P. 0. Box 1487 New,Dort Beach, California The description of the land in which an interest i,E claimed is shown by th'� 17jxhib.it which is attached hereto. DATED this � , say of June, .19064. G . E . K,AD k%NE & SONS By �emtern Manager 1 ��„ � v�. / t its. 1 }, <,•,, ti� �.'� , t;,, /1 ,.14 ` 1 � 1� 1 1 ±.1.. )� 1 !� !1 �! � ` 'I 1• , � �' :i ,.1��. , 'y/ t +` S �•. _ 1-._ ...�_.� ' eI _I 11; It Partly within the City of Newport Beach, County of . Urange : Parcel. 1: A portion of Lots "B",,"C" and "a", all in the "Banning Tract," as shown on a man of said Tract filed in the case of Hancock Banning et al, vs. Mary H. Banning for partition, and being Case No. 6385 upon the Register of Actions of the j Superior Court of Los Angeles County, California, described as £olla-4s: a Corw.encing at a point o;t the boundary line be- tween Lots "A" and "B" of the Banning Tract, South 89 deg. 28 min. West 126.30 chains from the North- caste'rly corner of Lot "B" of. saki Tract; thence South 89 dey. 28 min. West 50..34 chains to a point; thence South 1 deg. 45 min. West 6.61 chains; thence South 34 deg. 15 min. West 7 chains; thence South 6 deg. 15 rein. East 16 chains; thence South 19 deg. 45 min. West a chains; thence South 34 deg. 30 rein. i west 7 chains; thence South 42 do,3. 45 min, West 6 chains; thence South 4 deg. 45 min. West 7 chains; thence South 21 deo. 15 min. West 3 chains; thence South 84 deg. 45 rain. East 6.62 chairs; thence North 89 deg. 45 min. East 31.50 chains; thence r South 49 deg. East 8 chains; thence Scuth 28 deg. East 13.50 chains; thence: South. 13.50 chains; thence South 43 deg. East 5.50 chains; thence South 7 deg. East 8.50 chains;'thence South 74 deck. 15 min. East ' 21 chains; thence South 52 deg. 15 rein. East 16 chains; theme South 81 deg. 15 min. East 5.36 chains to a point on the boundary line of hots "C" and "D11 of the panning Tract and land of dames 7rvsne; thence along said boundary line North 39 deg, 45 min. East 21.58 chains to an iron stake; thenc4 North 29 deg. 18 min. West 96.96 chains to a paint; thence North 1g deg. 02 min. F. st 16.1 a 6 chains to the point of beginning, containing 575,'22 acres of land, Moro or less, • .r 4, ! Excepting therefrom the iand conveyed to.tbe Newport protection District by deed recorded June 22, 1911 in Book 197, page�300 of Deeds. Also excepting therefrom hots,? and U in Mock 11 Lots -16, 24 and. 25 in Block 2; Lots 20, 21 and 31 in Block 3= Lots-15, 16, 21 and 25 in Block 4 of "TracE No. 3.5, Melrose Hesa" , an shown on a mip raeorded in Book 9, page 19 of Miscollan- eous Maps, records of Orange County, California. Also excepting therefrom Lot 2 of "Tract No. 46311 as shown on a map recorded Ln Book 32, pages 2 and 3 of Miscellaneous Mapa, zicords of Orange County, California. Also excepting that: portion thereof included within Lets Ill and 112 as shown on the Map of "Newport Mesa Tract", recorded in Book 5, page 1, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of ©range County, California. Also excepting the pc.rtions thereof included w%'.hin Whittter Avenue and 16th Street as shown on Map of Newport Meru Tract. Also excepting the portions thoxeof included within a strip of land 30 foot in width, the center lire of which is described as followaa 7 the Santa Via River through the N©wbaut Protec- tion District, %s conveyed to the City of Santa Ana by deed recorded April 14, 1934 in Book 670, page 147 of official Records. Alpo excepting therefrom that portion of Lot "B" of the Banning Tract, as shn%- n on a Map of said Tract filed in the case of ilanceck Banning et a;, vs. Mary K. Banning, Case No. 6385, particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Easterly line of the 300 foot strip of land for Santa Ana River channel, as described in the dried to the Newbert rotection District recorded June 22, 1911 in Hook 197, page 300 of Deeds, records oR Orange County, California, which point io North 71 deg. 20 min. East 510.47 feet from the Southwest corner of said Lot "a", which last mentioned corner is also Station 149 of the Rancho Santiage de Santa Ana; thence North 13 deg. 25 min. East along the Easterly line of said 300 foot strip of land 660 feet.; thence South 76 deg. 35 min. East 660 feet; thence South 13 deg. 25 min. 'Best 660 feet; thence North 76 deg. 35 min. West 660 feet to the po:-Ant of beginning, as condemn- ed by the city of Newport Beach in the action en- titled City of Newport beach, a municipal corpora-, tion, plaintiff, vs. Townsend Uind Company et al, defendants, (Case No. 3 .747) , a ce .,tified copy, of the final judgment having been recorded P,ugust 20, 1937 in Sook 910, page 19 of Official Records. Also excepting therefrom the portion included in Parcel 5 hereinafter described. Parcel 2. All that certain 'land situated partly with- in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a copper tack in lead set in the concrete pavement at Station 639 plus 79.91, as shown on Sheet u of 11 sheets, Division 70 Route 60, state Highway Maps, said Map on file in the office of the State Highway Engineer of the State: of California, and running thence North 15 deg. 4.3 min. East 95.93 feet to the true point of beginning of this description, said point being in the Northerly line of said highway; thence North 15 deg. 43 nin. East 396.68 feet to a pointt thence South 86 deg. 35 min. 30 sec. East 442.01 feet to a point; thence North 89 deg.- 43 min. East 2079.49 , feet to a painti thence South 49 deg. 02 mina East,. .528 feet to a point; thence South ,28 deg. 02 min Eaa� f g t .245.57 fact to a pdintt thence . South 69 deg. 45 min. ` E&et 51.32 feet to a point; thence South 23 deg, J6 , Hain, 45 ; seo... East 660 feet' to a' point; thence South East 19�3 38 ' fact , - a, & ,point,* 1 deg. 11' min. 45 sec,. ;. thence South,-43 3 de%. 02 min. East';: 313.1Q , feet to a pnxnts' thanes South 7 deg. 02 min, `,Xaat 507.11 feast 3 .;; , i to the Northerly line of thc•, State Highhway, as shown Upon -Sheet 8 of 11 sheets. ,.rji.yisAon 7, Route 60, State Highway Maps; thence, ',;,. th 83 clog, A rrin. 34 see. Best alone the Northerly li,Ze of said highway 271.01 feet, to an angle point ' in said higzrway; thence continuing along the Northerly line of said highway North 76 deg. 22 min. 10 sec. Wost 119.27 feet to a point in the center of the Santa Ana, Rifler, as now establisbedi thence Northerly along the center of vaid Santa Ana, River, the following courses and dis- tances, to -wit: North 10 deg. 47 min. 30 sec. West 136.39 feet to a point; thenco North 1 deg. 38 min. 25 Sec. cast 1205.19 feet to a point; thence North 13 deg. 35 min. 40 sec. West 665.36 feet to 1 point; thence :North 27 deg. 46 min. Weat 208.51 feat to a point; thence leaving said river and, running North 89 deg, 45 rain. West 668.99 feet to the cents+r of said river; thence continuing Southwesterly along the center of said river the following courses and distances, to -wit: South 26 deg. 06 min. 15 sec. West 408.16 feet to a point; thence South 44 deg. 5B min. West 252.54 feet to a point; thence South 73 deg. 23 min. 30 sec. West 274.17 feet to a point; thence North 66 dog. 42 min. 20 sec. Wvs t 765.73 feet to a point; thence North 78 deg. 02 min. West 517.61 feet to a point in the Northeasterly side of Summit Street; thence leaving the center of said River and running north 60 deg. 52 min. 34 sec.West along the Northerly line of Block "C" of "El Moro Tract", as showm on a Map recorded in Book 8, page 75 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, 151.04 feet to an angle point in said line; thence continuing along the Northerly line of said Block North 64 deg. 06 min. 50 sec. West 170.26 feot to the Northerly line of the State Highway as shown upon Sheet 6 of 11 sheets, Division 7, Route 60 State Highway Maps; thence along the Northerly line of said State Highway North 54 deg. 02 min. Wrist 470.73 feet to the true point of beginning. Excepting the portion, if any, includes: within Parcel x above described, Also excepting therefrom the portion conveyed by Joseph B. Banning, Jr. and others to C. R. Wood- ruff by deed recorded January 9, 1929 in Book 221, ruin^ AQQ of Offirrial Pornrda_ nnmhQrPd firgt! and 73 dog. 23 min.. 30 46c. West, North 66 de' a. 42 Min. 20 sec. West, as per map filed in and an- nexed to the complaint to the case of J. S. Banning, Jr. vs. Smither and others, being Gase No. 22797 in the Superior Court of Oranga Coun- ty, State of California, and bounded Northwest- erly and Northerly by the Northwesterly and Northerly line of "Tract No. 77211, as shova on a Hap recorded in Hook 23, page 6 of rliscellano- ous flops, records of Orange County, California, said Northwesterly and Northerly linea having bearings of South 88 deg. 25 min. East, North 72 deg. 45 min, East, North 42 deg. 06 min. East, and North 29 deg. 06 min. East, all of said lands lying between the banks of the Santa Ana River as designated on eaid Map in said Case No.2274197. 2nd. That portion of the Rancho Santiago de Sant& Ana in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersec- tion of the Westerly prolongation of the Norther- ly line of "Tract No. 772" as shown on a map re- corded in Book 23, page 6 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of grange County, California, with the center line of the Santa Ana River, as said cen- ter line is shown on the Map filed in, and an- nexed to the complaint in, the case of J.B.Banning Sr. vs. Smith and others, being Case No. 22797 in the Superior Court of Orange County. California; thence along the center line of said Santa Ana River as follows: North 20 deg. 06 min. 15 sec. East 184.18 feet, North 51 deg. 48 min. East 117.09 .feet, ?North 74 deg. 07 min. East 254.30 :set, South 45 deg. 20 min. 28 sec. East 298.02 feat, South 27' deg. 46 min. East 122.53 feet, to the F,ast- erl.y prolongation of said Northerly line of "Tract No. 772"; thence along oaid Easterly prolongation and eaid Northerly line of "Tract No. 772" and Westerly prolongation thereo:l. North 89 deg. 45 min, Went 668.99 feet to the point of beginning, Also excepting the following: k 288,02 feet :to :the Southerly, prolongation of ,the center line of that certain 300 ..foot strip , of land deacribad in -the deed to tho ileatbert Pro- ,taction District, recorded in Book 197, ', page 301r of Deeds, records of orange County, CaliXornia;, _thence along said Southerly prolongati n South 13 dog. 24 min, West 453.36 feet�to said center line of the California Stfnte Highway; theca along said center line North 54 ddg. 02 min.west 326.21 feet to the point of beginning, as con - to Jarres H. Macklin by deed recorded Janu- ary ,:9, . 1930 in Book 356, page 31 of Official Records. Also excepting.the portion or portions of said land which is or are not included either within the exterior boundaries of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, the patent for whicli was recorded Jwie 28,1864 in Book 3, page 387 of Patents, records of los Angeles County, California, or within tie exterior boundaries of Lot 1 of Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 10 latest, S.B.B. &M. , Lot 1 of Section 20, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B. &. M. , Lot � 1, of Section 29, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, S.B. B.&.M., the patent for which lots was recorded April 191 1893 in Book 1, page 66 of Pat:rnt:.a, records of Orange County, California, or within accretions of Maid Rancbo and/or said Lots. Parcel 3. City of Newport Beach, County of Orange: Beginning at the point of intersection of the South- erly line of the 80 foot right of way of the Cali - State Highway and the Northwesterly boundary of Irvine `s Subdivision, ao shown on r.. Map recorded in Book 1, page 8B of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, Californian thence along said Northwesterly boundavy line of Irvine Subdivisio.� and its Southwesterly prclongation South 39 deg. ',J ncin. 45 sec. West 252.26 feet to a point in the line of ordinary high tido of the Pacific Ocean in New- port Bay and desitmated "North Line" as established by the Decree in the action entitled City of Now - port Beach, plaintiff, vs. F. M. Srrobridgo and others, defendants, Case No. 23686, Superior Court of Orange County, California, a certified copy of which de.xee was recorded September 19, 1928 in Book 201, page 253 of official Records; thence along said tide line North 74 deS: 17 min, 11 sec. West 592.01 feett thence North 58 deg. 20 min. 28 Pee. West 1085.28 feet; thence North 66 deg, 44 mir.. 18 sees West 584.64 feet; thence North 60 deg. 19 min. 50 sec. , west 577.07 feet to a point in the South- e3rly -line,: of the 80 foot right of way, of the. Cali- fornia State Highway furor which point the `quarter. corms; ;between Sections 20 and 290 Township b BAuth, bears tlorth . 5 deg. *. 55 ain, dw �* it ' lg sec . ' Wes .. ' 1113.01 fee t � along the South- erl line `of said California Stette' Iiicjh,��.y tM y following courses and distances: thence South 83 jeg. le min. East 605.33 feet; thence on a'curve ,concave to the Guth having a radius of 960 feet and tangent to the last mentioned course, a die- tance of 290.98 feet; thence Soul?^_ ASS dog, 56 min. East 66R.17 facet; thence on a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 960 feet and tangenk' to the h last mentioned cou: se, a distance of 197.56 feet; thence South 54 deg. 08 min. 30 sec. East 387.06 feet; thence on a curve concave to the North- east havinng a radius of 1040 feet and tangent to the last mentioned course, a diwtanee of 289.51 feet] thence South 70 deg. 05 min. 30 sec. East. 494.84 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion conveyed to the Townsend land Company by deed recorded. November 6, 1930 in Book 429, page 414 of official Records, Also excepting therefrom tho portion included in Parcel 5 hereinafter. described. Parcel 4. County of Orange, State of California: All oil, gas and sixil ar hydrocarbon suk-ptan+ces in or under the following described parcel of. lands That portion of Lot "B" of the Banning Tract, as 97nown on a Map of. acid Tract filed in the case of Hancock Banning and others vs. Mary H. Banning, Case No. 6385, par'zicularly described as follows: Baginning at a point in the Easterly line of the ` 300 foot of land for Santa Ana River, 'cllannAl, as descriibed in the deed to the Newbert: Protection ! District recorded June 2:, 1911 in Book 197, page 300 of Deeds, which point is North 71 dog. 20 min. East 510.47 feet From the Southwest corner of said Lot "fit", which last mentioned corner is also Sta-- sloe 149 of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana; thence _ North 13 deg. 25 nin. East alOn g Ura F.astcrly.• line + of said 3U0 foot strip of land 660 fRet7 thence South 76 deq. 35 mill. East 66o feet; thence South 13 deg. 25 min. West 660 feet; thence -North 76 do+g, ' 35 min. Kest 660 feet to thepoint of beginning, together with the right to drs.11 for, ext�:act and produce the same under the conditions of the Final Judgmant of Condemnation rendered Auguat 20, 1937 _ in the actions entitled'City of Newport ee3eh, plaintiff, vs. Townsend Land Company and'oOiera, ' defendants, Case No.: 34.747, Superior Court of Orange County, California. ' R*reel 5. City, of, Nei► Yt Beach, County o,f Crahc�Q= a'1 � ! '�••f — ,. I is ti V r' paxcel of lard in Section 29, Township 61 8r, w t*h , Range 10 Weet, S. B. B. &. M.. more particularly- de -- scribed an follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly -line of State Highway U. S. No. 101 (100 feet wide) which is South 19'deg. 54 min. 30 sec. West.50 feet from Station E. C. 707 plum 87.80 of maid State -Highways thence South 70 day. 0:.zin. 30 suc.East along said Southerly line 180 feet- thence South- westerly in a direct line to a point in tIW East- erly line of Coast Boulevard (80 foot wide), said toint. being South 19 deg. 41 mite. 50 sec. East, measured along said Easterly line, 180 feet from the most Southerly end of. a tangent curve of 40 foot radius andconcave to the Southeast and d.e- scribed in the Agreement recorded August 9, 1927 in Boo'x 70, pare 408 of Official Records; thence North 19 deg. 41 min. 50 sec. Went along said Easterly line 180 feet to the point of beginning of the tar,4ent curve or 40 foot rad:Lus a %d co,: - cave tc the Southeast t tbonce Easterly along said curve 61,50 feet to the Southerly line of State ` rIighwray U.S. No. 101 ";1.00 feet wide) being 1 curve; thence Easterly along said curve concave to the North, whose. radius is 1050 feet and whose initial radius nears North 20 deg. 26 min. 37 *ec.. East, a distance of 10.12 feet to the point of beginning. ,....�..... _.._...... — __.._..._......�__......r.....,...._�.e._.__..,.,.,..............,......-.,.........,. �...,.L...w.. _........ _._..__.._ � _.._... ;.,......_..._....,..�..�,. �....,..._...� .._....,..__._��..._....r.,._.,_...._......_�._..,........_. __..,. _...,_,............._ MAW�M�NwI+M4w� I i i � it �,�? �•I✓�����;.tf`b�,w.�'i! .�«•� � �.,f ; t y l3enttt��IiiJ%a.141 '•` '�: .4 J TAPT1at SG:? . All art to amend Scclion SSR1 of the Got.-clrAment We rdMing to the unnexotion o berrilur'g too ritirs. jApproved tY Cori rwir .rune t l 1365. 1171tt 1 whim Junpil, SO.r-1,•tar7 tor 1:)ntn 3AfS.l TT:e people of the States of Caliloi-xia do enact as f6lotc:l Stx- toll 1. Sef;tiou 33311 of %I i- GovernmentCode is I' ` wi,en-lod to rd 2 X.-311. The ►.i y clerk of the mum -sing ci:r 'AP1.1 calve u C4j11" ne the lvt, i1.111iou to Ivs puMtshtnl tit tv'iep, bat,not afti-ner Omit nn%;%! a tteruk, in it 1re:r:+paper or Cae)4r l circula» ' ta,u publi'lled it. the t�;t , and inn neet,ihaper of Veueml Cirvttir)nw) j)ttt"ti-l)rft of the (':t}• but in the C-011uty in wldch if: la -at;, -I the tr:riiory propu,,-A,.l to he unite-i-M; pu))Iic1- tion io be comple-le at ltv&A 20 d.,i .k prior to 11w dale met for' tL+. fit-Arimr..1► Own, is no newsjAptr of s;tter,:l 67rcalalion 1111bliAxil tvithin the atiuc-.irig ri)y, be t,'rt,-tll 119:,t n Copy ',or Lite ti+�. t 11 fi Hi nt ,?tl div i lw ore the boruing in, nt least tltrcir eov,pienott; plrl^•w within tlu. t�,rr3tury. It proceed - it,; :; are initiat�:d by Imiti!`,il rf t1w owner er turner: cif all of tic tcrriir,ry v.► 1!e rtunexecl r,ublicalimA r)f the rent-Ititiou out- Fido or Ov ci!y N 111)t rtju;rml, tag Vt,� rite- Clerk of :l:c :tttn+roc►Ilea tit. Aftnll el.w rail. writ)eu notico, of slid; pr+►po"A rmlwiatku to bo mailrit to eadl pnswa to NOtcla 1;,,+51 wilhin the 1��rriwry- pn)pwr yl to he ttn:tex�-fi, i:::t•.s, >:;�,i irl It►L� lu,: �+jt),tjiz►�t1 R�utult}• +�,+�,r��)ur:)t - ;t,il :Avail:thle ('11 tl"A_• ,'at, IN, ts•em. ini?iated, at the :ilic:l't^ti "l.")- it ou :�,:li.l roll or as j nin it to mia c.irrk, )1)t�l to rift= pt-r-oa lum fikI hi!t vane Bend mblrt':+.s n1ll,; tUe-b-si-,nat4m of the lauds, ill whi1'l1 be !Am ary- fvtow%t, tidier le -al or vquitnble, Wkh omit= Merl:, fI ( hti 'tit the event :trly l.m ld wit1lill the tet•ritnsy prof oiwi1 to btu 11111 IA it) a 141y is (swig •d 1): a -, multy-, till; t ly clerk . of Ow--olntrxing vit,• 431i t•,lp) Caine' wri,t.rn ltr.)tice of %mb 1)m p)� Ni tomexntou to tr,, rurtileol to tilt bomd of mllervbkors o)' t 110h em illty . lei) fil Ole event ;tilt• l,t-4i11 tvitbill the tttrritory p:)p-fr-d to be annwwd to is city is HJl or submergNI latid: mmod by —tile tr,tc`, ticl� ri`s cler}: of tU-i tututmin city sl all oleo a rttwt Wit- ten lichee of midi held}h ell nnvexAlwz to N% nmileel'-+n'the r t 1 atittll he �*i�eti nUh 4twu :state Landa omtn,titlun. S notice t ' 1 �.: '. 4 amto Bm No 8`tl s a + (II1APTiit m Ait (let, to amerid 8rttiomr .73111.1 and 35311.2 6Cthv'Cot~,:rri- me0 Code, relating to annexation of territory by cities. (Arpratc,'. by Gwirnap.7unA 13 10U. F'it^d with i*4 aUr7 of Atats Jur.0111 list.) ;S Vic eo le the $tale o Cali or F �. f r f :,ia.tlo•(trtact a otta(�rr ULL-rim; J. Section J5121.1 of lha± Goverment .Co(e is nimmded to mvid : ,•, 7 35121.1. TLe city leg -.mire Ii0{j;' j6i'aii firt(I JLtjd (IC' Iare Jy rt�;olution 6dopted at the luvlring or Stifl}in 30 days After, { the ciosirsh of the ]resriup, oft prusrsls teh,;thcr or not a ma. t jowitti• pro -zest hn3 flefm iumle. iL it d0c:, Rot-ndollt Nuell"tt rew- lliti+s;t «fit}tin tii:clt 1)Crllltl• it uhall'be tIM'wd to"ht1vt adopted ` Oil t1:r. :inch day is rotultttiun that P. ruujcsrit? hrniertL Itta% bell made, f If a rev lution flu3in r and tf�.^li�ri!.� tiist it (tn merit t►rotr;;: l c�� p in Iradt, is a:loved or derm(Isi udop'U'd, no further.proveedin a for OwnnnoxaGon of any cu( the mme tcrritvey to the city'. shall be Wien for one year after tbo, (Into of tite adopt ian of the ��s,trlutit,,t. 21. ;tr_lini 3 ::s33.2 of ►�!i�I co�l�� li t11ilf'11r�htl !u rcacl Tho eitr ics,islatkre bm)), Mhnil t nd wid (fecin' }��• :�� c+iu:inti adupti�l at Ahe h(5iring or i,itliiu U'G days iift.er' thu •.{(►liag(if tilt' 1s+�.iriR�T on prowitr; irhrthrr or not u ipa;oritp ;. prott�..t bag IKett made. 1f it duvis not ndoptt -wuch n remlittic►a %vMdu mit-h I-K;riod, .it s;2sttil lio dtvint.ti to bave`adopttol OIL tile :;Otis ditV tl rt-:a►i1:ti0.-J tha a vmjorily prul;-A 117x bccu iulde. If it r0s-31utltun fintling wid dMariug ftiat a-mijorhy protest, is tnride is ndo it(.1 or cicen:rsi wdopled, no furt.lrer pteccedin�s for alto; :�mwxut;cn of our of tht. saran territory to the �citp skull b+s tnkrt( for mw year s:fler tl•,(t (Ittte of Ilse adoptfO of', the resolution. ., rl Q - ;1 , l ► A gcmbly Mal No. 238 VIA.PTER 899 it act to amend Section 35,120ol the Govern e7d Cade, relating to amnexatioru to'cities. a (,Aparovut by doter orJvno It, ilq. MmAwtfi' L�tss•ttxry c,: Mtst.+Juna rt,.t:76tt.� , The people, of the Stale of, California do enact,"o folIose$ St:a~rtax 1. - Section 35124 of the ©4Set'itrtt(mt Coclr• it! '. autendctl to read: 35100. At any time not lAtEr than the hour set for b :tr. ins, utip-ctimin to the eleetiun, any owner of property withltt` the territory rtmy make a irritten p:oted against the anreza• F- t:oix. If i,t the time Set for bmting obj"tion.s to the an:i xa. tion, pratC9ts linve bem, ftfetl'gbict: are in5uffl"Icient to tertnirate furtl.wr proevechugs, the inecting t}iall 1}e rm— ml f0. a period of ism- 1^m than 10 ditru and siipple'mental protests rorty Ire fik-A within xuch )voriod and until tim Lour i:et for ceacus vei h%4! the lwaring. If no l ►t4'St has bt'm Cleo' the nv"cLuir need not be rrre"oti to -allow fiuit; V'r mly mij,pl€mental prvtastq. The . prute+t shall Fame the tintttr. of the vz:rer of the properb'r �" nfYcct►tl a. -A the Pare'rt all►iruis or other d"cription of the proprt't)' wufi^ietit to idcntifti• it on the fait egttalizrd ass,-, ' m^nt roll, A nmett'i and. bonntfa deswrij)(k,ti shall not be -.0- ' quired if the prolr_rtr cau tie otheriviv: deti-:r 1),?.-1 in to manner stx riert to i(lr.titif} it: on the, loot c'rittalexecl L vent roll. t�Y used hi tbiN artiole, "O rorr" ttiC�mi; tha (► riu.---r as xl. 1 01) tile last erquAli ed ,yisr—mi :eut roll, or the or pers-om eiititl_il to tie dim-1-t+ as owner ou the c:irrent n:,t,:.''mmtnt roll who Otall be tie imwd the ember, or srliere m%t~h land i.s subjt--t to a recorded-wri:tett e"revineut to .buy, the purchaur under .;ttt:h agnem mt it) huy ,.;hall bu dees:ted tie +omie•r. Prctwiu j i:.:tiv 1-k trade ott iK-half of the owner by an aggent autharlustl in nvritivg Ly the kvwver fro act m. ngOUt with to ftoch'' , Lund, except that prottAt inns be mule on behalf of u prirat't eortwrcti,)n whial: ig an of urr of property by any onleer or, c'utplure+► of the corpora ion without irritten nuthoriuitlon tip the vorper:ttior. to act ate agent or make such protM,t. It proteits are made by 'petilloa, the pctltiou shall mntain _ the mime infomintion t: it'tired of InditiiJual ptoteits,�and there shall be attneh;Kt to tLe petition tan a1 ldvil a�ade by n rUt:ttr';:', , or orcr_cr of property within the territory dtsrribett bi . the petition, or an ugent of Other synch owner or-voter.`''fha:"af;1-.,-; darn r1all state that the Want circulated dint ;a, ��t.i►:ular . Asambly D!H N ' 1082 Y CHAPTER 991 lilt act M nlld gechL %R 3-TOOI3 10 f#ie Gover'Y:1:1D11(good + s rclaUng io tauzfeilml rarporvikis, "�� , _.,: _•� tAPPrrtr t by Gova"O." Juno i t 1BIk,'.MT4d with VAt-nW7 ci Stme inne 1. 1911, .The people of the Fate of Califon a Rio emel us foll010 : SF.'CItox Y. Scatinn 35 2a, is added to ttz . Clnter=ent: c_C,le, to rend a500 .2. The bnuitdary rommii Sian mny change the bound. arim subinittvd to it Won mAking its m-port, it: (n) The prunonenUi of th::'aiu mutiru rr the city initiatiltl; tllr fi1t11Cltthott COItRr7]t thcrr'1n, A1U� � (b) The Annt.xtttion of the netrlp dese-ribed tt"'itoly Will Comply in nll I-milrets '-eitli all (if Re pro•risloils ,of this' ar- ticle, and (c) The new Wundnries do nrii include any territory uhieft mold not htta•e beext irclu ft-I v.,hea tha original pror ai at(s . '{ filed. U nny portions of the mneii teal b)und.-Ties lie ,Nithin'thite miles of tLe te:`ritari;zl 3irli:x of nnp city to which i1rl1rtt of tlsL propped :annexatio:t 411.1.4 teat 1N"M giren, sriti1311 fig r. days :oft%r Et1rh chance in boulvlaries the Iv,+tndary ctluimi...slait Sball rotify the legiMative bud;p of -bunt r,ity of the propped annam- , ' lion. *p�. --1".. ,,. I'tr'l. �S{t.itlrrV.�.q+.w.R.t 1�'i ...--•--� � 1 i`'• 1 r L t 1 +� ` L� 1` 1 i s , 1 Assembly Bill 21"o;1784 j r. An act in amcnif ,section 3531.7 of the Gouern'iNt. Code, ` relating to city annexation, r' (Abprvrrd Lr uovemw Jtrje m isis. vilea will, txcrc.:ar7 uL Katt 1Nl5 i, 1Q67.3 J:� The prople of RAa State of colifornia c?r1 e40c: ux'tailoics. nu "5313 of ' the Quvernment lie lg' 111M zIM to read 3. At the time tct tour Iteiring prate ts, or to 'uhich the hwitting rimy I1iiv- Lem v.wtt1? wsJ, t?!a leg;LAutive INA _ Kl;rail l►mr ar,tl vws upon :ill prutci!s w uinrle in) If privf.tdy (ntm-d property and tt•a publicly atvrr-d prr.tl+(rly is pr•opx,.,t-d to be atinexc-u, lure -her prix-evditip shall not IA- is k!;i it prwmt is r vde by private owurrla of om!-Indf of lbe valtie of the tert•itory prr,pm-ed to bt Tl:e ^rut to , Iziv'II imh 1:roperty for proteit purposes Shall Iti! +t%lit. altuntl ( t}t! l:tf;t c>tclatirccl roll it tltt` prap(�rty ii not, t'?:E inlet, Ir—u triNation. If the pro brie- h eumpt ftoivi to un- tion, its mltte for protcst: purJnin.4 rhs,l be dvUrwined by tlut cWtut)• at:;=i'41L.tjr its flht� n-Atrty . tuovat ns lie moul.l ruch property if it u re iwt ese:v 1 ir(aii tamit.iun. (11) if privately (mvued 1trolvrty and publkly-j%mu.4t 11rop• :rt:- are prul:nsol to bo tutnextA in t1w aaaue pmLAin;. fur then proov-Ldiurz-, Omll tote W taken if pro ett is tt:atle by' publit.t alit) pri►•.'tte owimm (it Urf!^Lni£ 4f the vnNn +;€ the tct-ritivy. Tlie r+ttut-, liven prival.els- ou-tit J pr9pert;• sball bit tltrt�rrnirtctJ ltttir :tort;- to stibdivixim (a) of tl►ia seetiorz..The ;' vnItte gi'. ev p;tlflildy cm-itmd proporly for IrrvAkm,t purWsm :slxall f 1tR ;lcterin�nct� I:.• tlj;w c:ui�tttr rttc,�x ter in 1be ztime ]Dahmer i pre vid d its st:Ldiri.Kiuu (a I of this teet.it,, for priv.ttely' tlti'tlti�1 llrull, rtl', S'xL'iTllSt ii`dltt tttY.ilU4tlt �' ' ;' � `e) As uqi lI 41 this itrt t!k, -valise t,! the ter.,-itorl" MV41VA 0.- value o: Ia.ut) fold impr;)t!,:ner_t6 ibereou. (d) Tho.- rniur for pruttst purp {Its to be-givru prrilurl`• lidd in joust t ennney cr koim cy In trctiumou :tixofl he deter• _ > nnine"I by tltr lA';:MS tine lxxli- in prollortiart to the preportiou.� ata iutu:c�t of the protestant its sivb property. 1e (c)Vhru pro�vti_y� i:��:,a-l►}�;t its n �rrittcu recorr!til a»rrs 1OT-11 �f ��.�ri*crti nFtranv I-A.61t, , t e pur(��inxer t.zt rr J�ctrtca f of M r Ataesublp BW 176.110, 1 CMAPTFR 1093: An act to add Arfiele 6 (o'ommenci►,a tri(A 8rdiail 3-11o) 10' `• ,"`.,. Ci aph-r ),"o% fart h of Dit! yion 2 of 7illo d of,, 1h *Gor:rrri- -;:. rn.'ns colke reiotinry,toamtcx.-lion cjrnei�ued territory. tArr hived by ford-ur Xuae 29, 1941. IMIP4 wM, %f tturf or SULU Ju1S 1. 041.1 The people o "Me State of Ct►fiforrlin fro rha�t rl j.�tlat!sr :: t Sixi -4 1. article 6 i9 adurd to Civilor ] en' Por:: 2 of Division 21 of Tit to of the tioveriim,? :t 0)-i - to rF�nd; Artirle G. Atmexatitu, of kr,clnr.�d Terriiory Ae of 1363 351M. *ibis artirie ntuy be ritcd Pd thy. -Innerstirs of IN. eksed Territory Act of 11163, 3510I. W Ijen ►ructtalhirs for tht► annevition of terr'l-ory' to a city tire rommen"d purrumtt to this r+r6ele.-, 1110, 1)rrri- �iouw of I:,is; nrtir►r ant; of Artit;le I of tlii:r chi►pter alone -Ipply. '1•l,s-4 ,art;t'le ,pal apply ciniv to tmi!orc u+tildt ftri;:,M : tc..Tttmuiry 1, l9G:r, c�;x,,.,tittttt-1 "eutrIo ;:xl trrr,t,►r ;"' em c;t�llt3Mi in SCetion 1,15-10.►, 1` :rW32. The bounderics of tl;e city may Ve cl.ered nud ca. cltsrrl territory -twin-x,til to and i„corporlts,-,l wi,ltiiu it pin rsu- nut to thi. article. :35103. The l,rovisio-iis of R-vtirms h4xlr;'A 35 utttl :l ►tVn' %;ball wA hpl+ly to 13ny.,r40*,ntry intitutcci ii:.'rr thin r�rt3- 0e, ext-ttl►t titnt. nny territory vmns�ied pu.- s,m r,t to 04-1 nrtirL, tr not abut territory villiln t.l,r ells• at at )cml unc p int. .,154M. Real r:+trc•rlti• belun ►int; ts) a publir, agenq 7113; b7,- uutti med ltutsua ►,t to thin article. 354C,5- "Kiielosed h-rritory " for the ,�url►.�n:�4 of th-'R 1rt7cle .bnll ref ��,t1 all c+r nx,�• put �t ?nn+J� tens ti�arx Ih aer , in trftsl swa, Airh vnid ba;jdy Are courz►tetAi• 4urrumidr+i kv the annoming eity. Enclosed t,-rritniv watt ih an►.. excil purcu aw to ,,ltfs articb, tr;;ttrdlo i of wh►-tl.er thti noel+Aed territory, proprw cd to he auutmetl, is iuhublted trrrhory or uninl hilted writor,; trlthiit rljr mewiintr of !ilia chapter. Ii,S,tQs, I'r e"dita*K {ur tfw atimin'tiort of verritory may. lx� iltRirltcd by the city c"lluelt on its mr,+ n,oft-ga A)r uP611 tne' rcitut:+t of one or ntumr rrelterlr c;vcrs;�vi:bin.Utt+ ruelaietl tertitory. 1 ; IN A07.. Upon ' ruesrillq 'a written petitictt 'rttiuq ax1= nexation, co.utnlr,iti + d(*criptlorc : «i'the •,torrit t to be int�)rttleri in tl,e elt�•, atad dined by tht�'o`rlety o!. aia of tltc land ,i' iihin tilt ct:elu,et3 ie>;eitcrrq, the IquWlitivo V. prum'i Irdolution giciujg notice of U. t 33408. Vie 'legidati a body, of n'PAy tt ur 1fill laitc'proer*od. ;' in fix to annex the territory cit its ovni -motiluit W illieut `1V' qv. tr-' ?� ilia► a p+'rtitiur�, lf. it dticK, tht= resolution eMijt,► ootite shall,dtl- Onre Oust ter.it►erlinqs have Lin` initittilvci 17,r iI►-. 'ic±y:ialtire " bndi• and t;et 't,r tit its rci*ons for Aviriiig rittrxat 0n, 54W. Tito resottition Mmdl dei,cribe the. boundaries of'the kerritury s ifictxllr,'tle i€Hula it by an ap ropriatt rhino, murl vov:ain r: tiotice of.t.tce Uu�. and place the Lkxl will %� t ltr'u►! uritteii prn!ests Mili:nr,t Me rtiumtkii marle by Ally pertil.lti ur,iiitiv, real, prupc y within the terriivey.:tn they reve. "< lotion, the logi.sltttive boll;, may sit ri clnte vben; pursuelt,t to ? Srutiolt �li;i i, thi! mltic►i-flou vrill beron�p' fffecri �e :Jf, Llelt arinesatirm q completed. '1 3,1410. The i!.:iriug shall be sit not Uso tban 40 uSir motes 1h.,iu 60 d(tyF after the primge of the ri.nAtifloo; provit edf h(t ever, thnt if the owntr or (nmers tf 0I of the ttrritory to i he rtiturxeti have pl;titimed for nnuextslina or. MCA'thdr eun- _ wat to �;ttelt aimexation ill vrritin Frith i'' le{;isllttire tN�4,l•, ` the lergidutive htsdt• tidy Y,roc; M r9 set. foc.l' %" wctim 354I6. 345 411. '1'hz . city vlerk of Oe znuex) n '•cttf illinll' rauso . of %!opy of the rtv.11utiml to Le pl)bbsiied at bast twirl;, b"A hot (Ifumer Owl cmee, a wr+A,'Ina ntmpaper of &neral cirvula- tion publis)v.-d In tho `city, publication to be- elmmplete slat ivast 20 card prior tr, the drite set for the hoasritiv. 1f tttt!re is, uo Tlevv*varor of t,•enernl rimW atiott xitbin 10 . all il(•xilll; rity, lvo l,litill it Copy of Of: re=olutit'n 1111t ile&'% thaarl i �tl thins tf. ore th,7 lonirittg i.a at leas'. `Lime eompicuous plaety „ -; 'millil% tii, city. (r.) 3,111 city eleCk of the arlmexint,► pit}` n3n1I u66 urittm notice of such pmptw- d anuoxatieri t: bo :nnilmi 6 , rani pov%nn U, tilirm bind within the te4rritQn=l�rvp��ed` to' i>^ illiilr-X{`l,, !e, ;lt,R�`a�:r?t; lil t}1L'�.It�.t t'��i1�ItX1'll t''(�tit12� ��t!ix'i'JSZit4;1t '' voil ri:r_iltible: on the elrtte the p.tctter,ditlo it -ore lit ." „init:gttcl, tile± rid1117w . %limm eta mid ut-me--,ment roll or em knoww.o rtasld rierl:, and W rutty l,trrrr;aa %ho hii-q.tiled h3±e uatna; r�Iilt� r, six iYilllililt� IleltitY.'.'t ami dje of the lAndl ili -.1141 1 be; r !i.L.3 i)ir,1 itt;crNht, rillicr lctwl' or c quiti:ble, �r'ith etail7 Gltri►c, (L) lit the event mly 15Mi vv ithin the territory,, Itro,, l to t be unmmed t(S a city` If. mit" l ►ati a couxity, tilt city aterU\ of the anursing 'rity 41mll n.lva r-nuse t,;' irrlttrij uatice of {ett prolmse%1 aUti uil.ion to tie Ltittiltd tr) the board 11{ i1111Ea'TlS��'td r ` r' of such cout)ty. i� ' v? ffitt e,+ , 771�� /1��,! 6l ( �q'I[ 1.�.i�lJ '• �!7 • tf ♦ (T is `� ,'.i'l '; 1 ' ��.i,yd�,) t�.�'iAl '� I � -�� •' I i �� ,' 7'h� t:atiees rrf�Yt i to rn `aub�cc til;Int l,'n �uidt(bi �•sn trot Yc t};tus 20 da �s beiorrs: u' {i»t iubite,1jt9&t ' ,t, i.' 11&41 t./ `.dtwYxi Udiey�y prior to ttdal." ,� `'a` j i. �f, ►, ; �i S i 't11N VS@ u' �.tne>ratsaW ! SY:' . t 1 F p ar3trrsrir:��t'of,t a hx �� 2 ,+� t _in :a>z ro:�i�sttiy:;oanrY,ri�rivpert�r�,w.i:ii�� th+�-, rrl" nt E Meg'ittrsi;rrot�t,nguin>;L',U.ta 81>►arxatig(1. T�i�K,pst�U k `� ,` ►�`„ p r,lutll atntit the Warne ui. the owiii r hf ' ; . t}r� strt�E�c s,�dre� ,trr. other' �ics�r~libon'�of. thrlprn � rty►:'r;�{il ; "; �! ;' i -; 6rnt tn'idcntif?: itiouthe last r4uelue8 w5wMett, TajM A-1nO11t$ r i nrA bAinrls des6riptiar, 6311 ne bo' zFXjnirr�t',i!`tlta,? ctu'� ot.tiertr citcrib�*� i,� uaY�ner"aucilin.�t als !lie lust equalizcd nr^.'ritsSi�nt av�l.. ji wpi ,gill t;�ta ert "cmier'.• incans'.'thI 0-ner. u jsbtjin; oa tj,'' tnsj,t yr li; n s"nutcilt, ibu, exne�t thtit'the IV,-rwn nistitlf�3 0tC1,4r ,An 't}tC'.currtnt fi,YlSC45YRC'xit1�Mttlt�'t cwnec, reed escr:pti tbnt;'�rbcr,►'.t�s6'r�oSiertF; �Ycet�j�1 Ia`xtiL�cet `'-, to 6 grrma tritten'' rgzc�ctiient is I,uy ` t1di 1 r i u 'ltaser'uudre t�ucU n bu . Shall; be dirmed the, otvt,f 'r, Pr , to � a 'dint bye inaclt� ar aitUdmwn on' WhAlf of'trlo'rmioi,1 by'an nevi ntitlsorizml its �critint.by thA'ow'oer to iict nrs`ttstanit trith'�trt�Ji { `' to 'ouch' laud, eice'l,t Oat protest may, I►n'+rosdo_�i�x• �;il><iiri�wtt '' , `,' on•bel,alf of a private Oiporatiots' it ith is:atu 0wer d- pif err}� by a uy ctticcr. or' nratplrren ut tha .ceirporetson urittess ltutbortirat3an I►y. the 'icorpurntWp> to ii. as rt961 nr 111alte Aue'u prgtc. ,t. 8.1 tiM Prawn a m:i3• iie flied by the ri�kntr 'df 'tii,X �rnp�ity t' z nduded tritlsut 'thy,;tr r.rstory `rt�oi ' i! to by`''aunrx�:tl; ti' .eita• cotircii mny ot�fiticutw tuc! lii�nritt �.�rvus ti�sio 4o t:tiraaitnit �� the o�rncr' �f ;>auy.tlarypoerty sner' nt !sl►Y ttszt� I���stttdrt�� `the _�trotcat ou' irtis jtt�tpert ':''fur 1i1R;ptit' !Set nt'' hta w tiolz1ttto 4aatier" ahait:tilrttij:the'ptrwu, aitunEi' olt"t,1�ia"Iniw cq%11 ho' J af►�4muleu: u1i,'�ar the; lkrsou 6*nin L;F�a_'cgtJtaltic hit eirela in the suLjc.�:!: r�cal jiraperty. ` '�, ; t35at'!. "A'a,crttv legi�lativo body s,'uali.:fitv3:iand,dneliit'bs resAutlon edolftrd art the hcariiq ur, witiihi 110 +laix;attri''lhe hearing on � vic t,�tichetLec hr VOL a;MSJO, il,r-iroksi deli en made. If it dies uot, i%d pt'siieh a'rt�ao{utiott'r'ri sila,'aucks i�r:'acl, It syiitll f�e`t)%ern+.d to h..rC a�to ited ari' the lM,b dnlr a rCsgl i i6n that a m�ajoHty prolksa� i»+a bee u iiticlr ` l f :tt ,r:.�>i�ittti�)t1. i�r''Ar�ol►tt-il � Gr cl�+snt_tii �t1tuL�tM1 ilp�llu� ' nassl :� t , � , , ; . , dm-ls►rilig Ont ii pmtes-1.44 nindo 6y �Ijc C4111irg,ol,'rrfol }�rd ext� r; r 1' lwithiiitht territory nrvp, . -ci'ta Ue-rrni,txecj ti���'o.�rAc�t�cl ja-iilua ` u: ct' �sltl��ts, nti V114*11 1es tbt, ia4t,tituitli7.et#'Nt� r+±itrszt''r li!'cim gitufeA 211nrc_ 61ti►rr utt�hnlf',ot the'+.etnl 'QY�+e ;t1,�-altin ��i the rPol Yin!"=��rt�•;�rititUt'tho tcrriic►s' prnpr, to, Iw! nzzneaildr;ttU ' `� � ft,rt]ier ftra�e�cl,iitgK' tnr tlin; uctu�:xatl�u. ,b�{', itrit• �t' , tlit�; ssrarnc � � � ;•� territory to the +e.Iky shidl ba takatt ror unit �•oa i tcr;,d1{� dette, of the ndopt:ua j (1`r -( i �) � ,+� !r ; , y,. , ,T rJ,' 'S't > j , 7:` i St.,, � 'i'j is • Y.j,°r �, .+' f f Mi iY� .-e� •y,,l.. t..:l y i r,/; TFr S ��, } t•, 1 .'f % !?.r, r�. ,,..T ,.. 4,,, t ` �'���Z+`1 't 7 F i ;f 'r , 3W5 f thr:eltrWial,►t.ive way >gndabpte�olutiosioaq��stc��- purrowilOu Sectiou 354I4.`tbk'*i4q * iaty r ti st hie not Wallet All body. �ha1l nliA� roP; r disepprairn,,tie iF f : ,,.Aen6uti�is-;brntest:sIt�If't u ll�pisl tir�/lsald •'fnila. ai�3� t;.t�� g p ei y .. 1 ,. ordina(ucc '�csRhiu uch .period; it aliall h4 .dc `, �'adopttid,� i�n'iLe' 6t}ilx, clxy' a� 'nucls'j�erir�l,: ea;or<liciai�ce'dso•';�,�;,� :` ,`:�L;r+ t i ,4a41G,' .M nit'•i�intiv�; t t an 1. o.�tl o far�aing pri►a.ediiigt, the'erent'thutall of tbe' whiersaf land lactstcd�viWinrus etitrinsrd "�', territorj-`r4gnest at� count i:s•rit{u{r:to asaneztstion ref said land to tho cit3•, the city= lebislstire hnay sr,�iyt aftex`coiiiplj�inX; iritu' Section ct.�M. ; adopt. an bidl'nanco nn:7exing'vaid (nnd to Mil C1t1.. ilChrr• ' r 1 . ,• . n-rittesx .request shnJl tsoL be:,dtrnsed a'_ etitxon', `' r f �r � <<:� '+•, 1; S I within the meanili�`,t t�i euan' 3500".; .. t 35317. Vhen `ah crdintulee uppri;iing nnrlcsntrOrs' �•s�uN� !y , + j ; c(fieiti`P,. tlse eterl;' of 1be, •legi lati bod}- Shin.'imm.�j Meiy prepare, under Foal a rert'fiied; eoisyr'of the bsiiit�::ace, 'giv£ng : the dale of iih 1usaalc; `and 'transmit it `tn t4scSret�itar;�"of tatp ,171wn recript'oi't2�r• ecrtific3 enl;y of t;he,ordinan,e,; Alm Sreretl g of State shall file it nn;t;'trni4cnut:;CCltltitute Qt � Ming to lLe clerk -of the c�ty:legi�ahli�e"besly_tlncl th;e'bfiaxtl' `�`_ ; �` of supery imrs of tlsr toa sits• in ..rlaicti' tLe city, ia'gitt,t►t�i :' T 5 q 3541J,' . Froin ilio''dafehli'Ji Ming is f3eccianr� #s�,3tAto " �! ultnexrttion `.proca:iiin� &C ct�m3►Icte. T6e'ssaynexrd. territory' is, � � n part'of the cite- trom :iftio date' ftzed by rite lei��,�iatlre body iit the;Tc-h-olutiuts deq'iiUW an 3v �'J but`rat liiR; c thns� , ona V•e.•u rafter ttie duto of tilirnq fey tjio Secrctis'ry of Sti~�o or;tlie due doe of:prorerty tAr fig: iecl ,b�•. the iRy�.i!a'tltn t4rri'tory, Whid ever ocetsrx itrst xce ,t th at ,f�sr'th u �o4e rf. cvin li-`;' j alift Mth'.gei�ti+�`W 31050.an.d':49(�0�'4 thb cctde,,-ttztd 'Illy actaon rc1= 1red.for'the awsssaent and lcvy.;of'pivpert� t�.xca ,.the territery alien tie deCm d pnrt,of the,ciity fromlbe:dnto filing by ti); Seeretury of Sfatr: If'na date`is tined by tTsa'le luYivo ,burly in'. b-i rewhiti7n' cicseribe�i .tts- S ctir'u''351t7:1;'Ipe ` r+ ; terruery is a pir.t.vf the city for isli'pur,p` mmm r' rin the date, of, f3ihip by t1m of 'State a 'the'date of tile, iliiig'a their' 'Unrit with'the recor:3,er of t.hn cuuiii�• p�arenc�nt to 6ecistilz' �f ;'d : ,•',`ttliSl%'wbieherr�r, ocr'ttrs Inter.' "542J. , All prayer expts*% of , l�z»t(�tiirigq for..:+ar ttexation' jsu:�iiant to';i-his article shAll' Le raid by- the 41ty;aan7�.xing nitemptiacr to aruex the tez:rhorS,,. Nhec territory ls-ilisriezed to li`Cit� dirid� nta i�`trdr� ,ar "tn u e{ty-;it•lsteh Istrr dig ids itsk�7f -into �•atrYt, tba� ` ' r , `�(#, ale islatlrn .body, b�• orcliunnc�e, ,shall 'altor,�;,�tho1 b��autlaclta of thi city- nardrs to include'the'auile.vO WTittry in t>.no;or susri;`' .`, .,jq ,y•i ,�j �..:� , 2 1�,11 { �krl.�,.l �.. i � 5 �t fi 1r,� a r• .11 L R 1 ,l) t27��t � � 4 t.1�1i � � 7 ,.ram l , ,, i T + -� r /f� �( i TR �Sry,� , ! �.. i �. ' F ,. �� , }� ,fir• , aF '` t+Y, •.., rf jf 11.7 � ti'1 ,` '�� Sr tit: 'r�`„ r�:,f �(.. �,r! �r��C•2 ^sl !r •M �! t ;r�4 J ta'ii6\ p'��r j eve I.el� r; •. X1,11. ! r , t 1 rt � 5 �.� 5,.,'{ ,� i ; y/1 '1 l 4 � , r 1,,5,�v,•rY, i1t L� i l � �it"-"� �� +�.:'!t iif a i.� � t'T ,( , ,.•Yr r P.,r y. �, + t: ' ,,Sff 7 r,�4 +:f �.� I.* ! ,rr �} !�'r y ! rJ .^ } ItJ:' } r,,y / - i r` t{ tF'�: ,�"r/Yip > L � •{ iy l,.r./�/•t f, ` fr rl �,1 i t.lj� -!+ rr f +'. JF r• r '.f i Y Fi �� t�J 1 'Ir' ` ,a i the lwrr,'0f zmwi nne or, mor4" :dltb�irl;, � ,r�rdi dlo yh t _ 7 :.., 'naa�bax,T/tr'v�tS`ir�1 ti1L! #1A�tttil;i.,�t'Sli+¢1'j'. ���• P• R�� ! s.ilr �!•'���l�r•.r[ � �i ri�ir��f �t'c c�'���ajr, '•i, t +. ��! �JI ���,:ri.';�f rtuaugrilU titE3hay, tdi�riei f1f wsn or.C1'4l ti111� rnz r `� ti i rrs•yt "Wur41s `sa�b'•yr�Y't3 icbbll,�ilijB;:Aa� n+rlr,.p";,i 1�k, #n �q" i ` `'i��. `5';rw 4 untriber �iti nf.: Inhi►h(Z�ao;B "eligibic to r�e�vhip. a#23, r A►i,y'� nruci i�irag held ; pursmut ra t r I�r �tnt ttZ�er or ,sa:t'rct'thc bouT dmiiei ai 3>,nrf �siatarco►1 or iaa mb �r t�, +.:,r r,t ,, atxtcc. + 1, i , rr ��•, � ' t _ t 1 � , a % f j ``t� �t• r A ^t J • , r f, ' lhi IT ��Y 1 `. . ,i. 4 r 1 t .•'iln i O 5 t nr k ' � i r'i � sty d , ,,• t � ' rl t 1 • i 4� C ` l� 1 1 _ t i ' r ewy .�• • 4 1 1 t t�,� •.i i. t � t , r n �t, , �'t c, ,ti • 1 1 .7 � r�� i � � r ' 1= I�d 7 f+ f 4'. li1 1?- .`J t , ' r r 5 f: It , ;1 r =,i1••r !I ,�41 !' , rj.� �r'ti F'`3 � , t: + '' r r '� i i t 'i �•il tit{'� 1 tl '^7,'! '`, t` ,7 , '1S r .'t 't ,�,,,7 1 •r �� t i. tl, t I� 31 { { k sr :' • � , r '., � it f � , r � i rl , r `�t #J�`� lY: r�'; f ,:+r 1 ,;.: .i , s. �: �> I' •r .i�Zv � i' :;,t yii {+ t I { =1 �. A' �'f.l i 1 {t,.l '. I . r. _ +, t•. ! v.'11 r l'i1 1 '/f} 1.+, } '+((((�,,j. r Hr , t , I S t. ' � ,.f .if �i li •1 tt��Fl/ WL ANS CHArTER ' A* ect fo:ametid 8 alson 3��D1.5.oI E�a`(leroerMR�i`was## + reeding to the anrtexal"of it ��J`� to cal148, i `!'tsc�ro�.etry0otarwxrzstr», 1nwrw;�► stecrowy of stat+r j6y i , to( �Tha propto 61"M6 5talo' o/ CaTijara+ia iia �twcf tr`raiWfai: ` 7 } r. oil : I. 8eetivn: 3 7G2.5 of 'the', Ocrer.M me htGod6 ' M end6d to read � , tai�.g 35`-uI.5. i'crsls�nt to t27is zrtirlr, a' it�� r 'an iaac aQa } rs y C071ti!,u0U3 tlrZltOr) t exCcr+iIt3g 0a€ hundrad rep 21l'i6;1. er2tich llc 'in'°the s m* .round-b�-thx'��in :visicli=t]io,citp is, . �itnotcti nntl.�hych i� oRnod �y tlrc trtt►l `tau �xd far;aia�ut�to ' '"' ;�� pummo sxerpt th6t uo. teri-itary'may, ha' vune'xtd. pricier + , thC.jSr0�wlona Qf ibis ArtiClc ;tii At the time tb4 tarritOty'.tEt projv�ed .for..annxxation, one or taors rfgistered votL+t'a esids'' ° E' in, t.hc territory. If after, did ooxishrtion: oi•'indh, %mica dami, i :j.�t the City sulls ueh'tcr:itai7•::or asy;art thereof or''aue •'mare �,' rtg�atotetl s-ot�rs re e,t<hcraou, au�h ttxtit tory"or past 11 t cum to be a psrt of the `city. „ If t�rrittitixyl i8`anneseti'per,ntnnit to thistign; t24 stigr ing 60 uiayl mot. axnes un tt?rriLsry'not'aysuetc 'i,.b�' it'.soa oot Coutignoua io,-it'a2though rich tjirratorty ie �oiitiiva i toy tbeQ •t�Ci TitOf�'fAl1XlC]CCt�i j1Ur5n�t �. t� l� iSL'C�1Qi1. `%�-'; _ .-'`a jI , • � rr'r+ _ ��+;• •Notmthstandfn� ���,' Othrr pl,nrastaei ,ot• t�.�t: action to tha �' / +, . ccinErarS, a:.its svbtirl: A�antft'territOrr puxtnutnt ta't�tio'rice-f . 4 t•iort may., Annex a�y��s Wit. to "this` artlele� additional ,-tortHtir' y i'.Iss :tiro stair .#) CNlifattiiet' aril wltich' iq'cott• .: '_ tshich is `�• . tepiatm to sn h _fiiit ataiicxctl' irrrilethou tat11 erird ,c �f '4{ the itr ' enhc••xcxl and .tlio - isu'tucgtit ti;{, &an ' ;cil terrrit bry to ,�etLar J+c,�a w51..c�Cecd IOt'f, iivn of.`enab iuimequent'r�rrArxa eon, tha; it�► :Malta t�lltnP;nta6 ', ; „` flrat atuicteil rerrstx�rr ;or trap or morn thcreoa;:the suncntiy; :,nnrseci�tcrriturF,• a�Aca to;be pipit; , ` "" ' ot'th» city � tt �. t =' `+i. ! f i ! ;, h ..wayely ! , I D f+ .t..w.+•.•.t......w ++�..' "". 4 � �, ♦ : ` ! y�+� F 4 S .r. t Rr fir 1 •, ,• Tt �t ! / i' i •171 11 I v 1 ' ,i f3 - A,1i f rjkj Of ., 01 CHAPTER: I474 ��, .,.; •,' ..:• �.,. `,.ir • ' � '..`• ! 1 "dw act to' add' 8tct evn 35320,2 to tki' �o arn-01 Cade, rriiat• t`1 +` P C; i, no to the tt11�l6scttiOA of territory, to a;ttiera ' t• . I j [,Asvrove;� try Oorerziorr7+ut* 13,1DgL Flw utW r SuCntJ►lTOLstate 3WY4•-316i.7 Thi pcopts of the, Stdo of Cotiforteta da'4MM ma fOItows: Sjib os I. &Ction 35310.1 is Wed to the dt'AwnMent bode, to rear3: ; 35310.Z.Al the ktitloti ie'. aijttteA or -.6naeat baa• been tiled by the b�ctiera at all afthim land hi the timtoxy propbibd to;bo 1 } nnneae�i; the rrac�lutian giiiAg notice till dtclare ancU itt. No written ytrWesu• UM iw Mod ARMUSt the, siLW1esatlon `by perbOiis bruins property- in Eho tern eery propmed to`' be , nnnexc•.l. i t ' : Tb6 ' b eating. shall be • set, tiot -more thin 30 ' daxa of ter . Wb ; Pump � f the, y:' eilt of Nam& hziag� city ball of a eo riof'th6 rraolutitln P , to ba nbUakitxl '� at~ ieart � , t a.�e in;`a ncvMpaper, of �aeral elitWatiaa p'�bliabed is tthe R, Y city: Publication ball. be completa at lomt four deye .'V'*r ` to the.,Itato eat for tho ' lteari4.. It `then 'i4,ho' iur,}i: news par d cleric `Ala' -pod, z. pnbhabeo within tha.'anuesit� �cit'y, tha rltyt a copy of- the lrmlution innt' l�sa'tttar `acvru day^a bef-*e 'tha hearing ixi at least three COU5P UoOit'plAerA veIWn tba territory ` 21 to be 'nnalexed ,', ►t At. the bearing` on 6nexatiove tlbe'citr Jegultiti�a'i�i�rly abbll, ihes prottatts from. any*;`owuer' zt pro pertg,,t+rithisr -the: <: oily srhu does` not abo osn:' property In, the territory ;to be At the hearing, 6a olty' ljiWative body trekr mehe UA , ,s ; okinn in the' bonndtiriat'-ot tlis territory ,prapi to `.ba ' +, ounezed an it frnd�s. prx ar, but, it ahAli`.xrot'Indnda xnp, terra- tor��i�uWde , of: the boundaries' described "itt• the , reeuiutlan , v ' is . � jL•frlr gIvina uatitei of iha.prbjraecci aoiacsatlore eor:aitall it dymfai+�i► j t !• •': tha land area of the territors�r rapo&l to axe anncacd"bY;in� rs :`' ,its„ tbntt 5-, tkreent. 3rotlnn ' ' 1I3.6 is appllcable to. inyr , At 08 hearing. or -within .30 de�•a sf to thn eoaiplitiaa "nt ct the, hearing, 'the, att7 • lc islatiro ` E fy_ %bell, by n wlait#on. a "' prare'or tlisa .prone the hnnasatiau, If it falls,to:adapt`a Y. renoltttlon svithiit'isoa"period, It shall' ba'�deemed ',,bi'` fr adopted,; art . tho 30i.h dmy , of ' the lame;, ptrlod; of it;Q-lutlon disapproving tha anneYntion. i r di}�1 t,°,`i �1f .- r ( y.. .1 1 t'`t � 1 7 { a +t 'l{ �' j•'! } }" t{ rt '�i Jt' J (� f,/�7 ! .It fb:,'j 1�. ttr, r } (t t iS; rYf , v ..4 _ , + S! ' t '; i i t 1l.t ( Y ^' + S � t1 1 .lr � t' r r. � /, f }. t!`t� Zf ti' �� f i•f 1 � }1 ♦"�� 1- 't f r ', I r�! t , .• 3 �.+.1� 1 ttifr +. j ,� f 1 � _ � ft •., , t l , � 2j ;,+ t �'r r�' , 1 1 t � 3i rf��,� �� t� '� �� 1�, s. �'^`� „' �t r� �� r� il( ':h%�t��Ir1�" •ifl r�li ` +' d resotdtiaia' ra�1w #: `or'dissa �p t Ae i6iWdeied't sere meFan arcilu&am Wcr d tri A other arc • w oi�tbW.d3'1�C}�." r , )+M \y 't ( r t J e !' tL✓t �f 1 ` �eetiicm< �353�7;°,$5$Il; S3s1,, 851��� slsi3.2„'; Ala tit } 3b14 'da ]not ' rpj�l j► + b0 Aax�towl€oQ p�c'o0eai u,�' tint e � r ! ,�, +• � i 'fit( 1 � �_ , t�°':�I � � ��r , 1 t 3. f� SS ,' t1 �• t tt 1 i�jiF{� t 1f ',• ,�.la ;'t _ - •i.� v. 1, t4-. rt(' + '' {�!_'� Iy°. •10 ' t) 7 i• r t,' '� 715, tll rl i • \ � 1 �) ';,� a `4. •' ' r � li,t r �l t 1 ,Fr I�i A ! •' ` '1.` f 1i ,M 1 ): t �'��,�f * �' , ,fy 3 ° sa) 1. ' (,t 1 ,y,t ',`� !t-Y} .tI` 1; ., s t t f' ir•� v f r a i + '+, r 3 r i�� r r �) �{; y,} .� 'Y� l r A tr'iwti� , .i , .1 y ji S �` 7i3.r 2 i ,�� ! , {.. ��t •4" /CA,Ui r 1 if ji ,• `, rj4 t , r 'r �. .�, a{ 4 - i S ! 'e' a � j1t♦lr'}jr tf.S •p L✓r, 3fH,� r•: 1 ,,a : r ! y � r �r , t".S S (,j�, "� {.f,, �,. ` ,',�S F! i ,. f � i :•r �. ' yS� t .fit i +i . � ,•.•1 t.,.. VHt1P.1J'y[tir'1 am , ♦ t .j , Y it ti :�.: (,, ..�' Siy r '': t •.— !ti':;; �) t i•. .fSi .:f) r�'j + { !.', Ys 1 ,rtif d,x a ta'add O'itapler, tS,6,. fwtiton'eneirip!. tn!at �'tetfon 1C�17i'dj T a to Yar! _1; Div siot� �, Tifts 5 of W power 9iato# it';1a the forne�ttioti of ,cilkr ct d dirfricii: t `, ` }� (Apptaved by Oorviwr Saty 17 it13. ltlad �rlt�► ' ... s llacnef+u7► Ot btata uJTl.- !Ea The pearla�of the 8lala.oj,Califcrm a do.etiatt aas jsJla+ai: 1 , 6 rzox 1. Cheptera3.6 (commencingivath Smtiou't4776) is added to Part 1 M*Won 2$ TitU 5 'ot the Qosernmcpt'L'ode, to';ead: C>•iitr%rca 6.8: ;,oai�L`Aa�•mr l` o�citnoK�. /7�' ,� `; 547 7 5.: As used lu thle eba�ptn: (a) "Coramimlon" means a local ageaar ' formation eaaa ZzdWoIL (b) "Special district" meaty an agents of the'Stat:e :f ar the ltkal: petivruiia:ice a,f rnmrntal; ar pratrietai?'tatirrtioit�' ' ry, ,st Rithin 2iiuited l�oiinJarit . ``fipe ial districtr'_ bcti the State. s citq. & aOiltlth ar tt: eehnal''disttiet:`'!8pto�1>.dia" ' , txict' � dace ttut tYlclucio ls,, airedal s vcaenierit.ydiatriev tni .:under.,the r1=pmvamknt`not; o(_ 1911� � be. �[t nlcl,Pett ;Improve- usrnt Act'af IM; the ti+ect Qpeniz�g.:�1at'oi.l9t7�, .forking:"Di>�ctrict Lat+r ''4 1943,: the Parking'Datrint JAY 1951 the Fedswtriati . Uall' Law of 1960, ar..aitallar'ueei�inent t ; lair, dr ttimitar ;iracedu'ral'orditswice 6d6plGd by a� ehartared t ;° ,°;r clty.`," pc ial dtetrict" -dotes U*41ni elude ati iaiprortment din. trIeV or. ioue formed Jor 'the sole purpose of deaiguatins an a area which is to bear. a sj*dal tee" or ass anmer�t for an im• ; - y. ', ttra�ezaei�t 1encflting that arxvt ; (a) ,"Lotal Aphry'�"beatw city ir.�ec ldivtrlct . r 776.2 " frl77ti.�, ( ' ''•� . Tip?�.,.1► _;tat usrd �' In Sectionl� � 5-L�?f3, 54 County officer:;' meanx: I 3lf46Ur of the board of xu�er�ri�vo (2), `.County clerk. (3} : C,mint.v a wlitor'or coanIT contxvller. (4') •,County a&v%&%` . t (5)'',Count r ourveyor or county engineer.,,, (6)' tMinty rogistillir of VD, ter$. tb�; `'.Cit~ti�aft:er"'weanx wayor'or ttiemikr of a cliy rauncil Or lefalatira boclt� of the uty. tr:> .rb sat 4 < y „j �i4776.: T>aere; 3e ht+�zbp crcakd iu etch conntj► a 1ax:a1'ageuay:formsttoq c6iunlwlon.. ,� le xeeipt e►s:.pronideCin"”' Boctiona`'&>~776.1 and 4776,2, ion shall. comet•d7; $sa rnrinbcnr, aelectod iea'follat+Is r' "; (s) ;Two rcprra+ent tng ; tba `contit�' iL at rham 'sbsil be `1► Bounty `a12cer, iPlvinted by the' board of >fuperriswrs.:', (b) Two represwtiug`the eftleg in the;coanty,�e teh"off wliviu y ` riaall !►e a city: ahicer'a ittted la ahe ppo y City celeatiozi toatailttee. , ` .. �• /,a) Onr rcnrxntxug the Peneral public; appoint by the other faa* members of thr: cemnisdou. 1 f, 6477ti.2.. If"tbere.ia no "city in the,county, to a M muiesioa ; 4, shall Co'uilsf of :five weinbe* selccted'as f�lloms: :(a) Three rcprcecutiiig tha e:aary,' eacb'afsrlmru aliall a county officer, - appoin tcd by..tbe b6ard . of iertiwrs:' (b) Tw6 represtroting , tho general' pub11a, appototrd' 6yr the other threes members of the commLwiou.: F 54776.2. ' It'tuere is onto•;sae'efts in lha,county, tis$ coro mission aball, cousiat, of fire'members,-klected.ss'follows:; (a) Two'representing:the at Vbe s ,caunty,-each:of:wboau oounty.ofacer, apPainted by ,tho l oud of iuupeMsors: t (b).'One repnscuti�ug the city, rrbo' she be n city.'ofaccrr appointed by tbo lcgislativ o6 body. of tba cify.. t; (6) , Two,-reoreica�tiuR: An general; pabli�„ appointed by.tb'e other three members of hi Wianxsaaian. < ,� 54776.1 .� city or cousnty *Meer may serve as a wMi)er at x:y the commission whilo L'oldiug'- ufilca 'as a;city or: c aunty offer: fi1777:.'Except as.prosidMl:in;th4 *iitionAba't0w of oi- ?a ace of eath,member`shall be' four.., years.and_,wU1',`the flr>st L' l and yualifiestioa.oi bis nuece�eor.,The'f rest iriam- appuautrncnt s berm of the conimiwion shall: ��.assify thcroselves,by lot' wa'that s. the term of oalce nt yno member is one year," of one. member, is tiro yrark of tno.xncmlieis Is thres yews aznd'of:o ie membe ,. ;� �'%► is four years.' TLe power wbich originally appointed a rocmber o wbore: term has expired i1all nopalut his e�uectisor,, for'full <; term of four wa.rit. Any member umy be removi5d by tbi'powar` 41301nting h1nL .Lily in ihe,memberahip of tlio cotatri*a n., s>ssll be .vacancy. filed for: the anexplred ' tertri by,:appofutnneut fry this power which originnliry arpninlyd the mrmifc!r whaso pndtitian `comp vacant. : - . , :'. • , . . , ,•,; :, , Tba chuirmran of the 0' ammisaion shall be aoit�cied : bg Ult , , naembcru thereof. :. C%intniulon members nhall serve ,gsitbout comlxnmtioa' shall be reimbursed the wh6unts of thrle. riaw nabis" ,'actur►l aad necenary expenses incurred 'in attwiling pacetings pud.h% pertiirmfi)g the dutita of their ofila . 51773. ` For the purpmm of khia criaptar them shall' i�a a i ' ' city se?cction earriu,lt;rr for each raanty. Tho,znei her*"' of - "�F . �w�tyl n•r!^ yt�r 1 '.,a t .1 r; 71 ... t ..' ` ., f'. .• 1 ;tr `r �7: r l ire 1 i �. rr �i ` ' ' •: Simi, C0i»mltt04'AbAll ctnaia�t of-tba mayor' et ebb ci _:i tbia" :'xaah'; cognt or,'�uere'abcre: it na';ayror the cLairtramt ot; 1 `'' '; pleb{deny d the "cit7. ooanoft A majority,6f thq zaembers of erich' ty e)Wfon emmItUe r Phiu eoamtrtu �'.7iorutn.�' ^coanty'ihall'met.irithiv _:,',Tho eft3• selection catnmlttec of each i f�, dsy�e;ectter,tha etitctlr© data of this chapter for'thii nurliae 6f makisig . the'fine aprointments to ttn.,,Tho coils= mitte6"Of each,cbunty-.Ai tll,jhereafter `'meet neconci' } '1 htanda�f in 14iay'af each: year. that: it ian. to aiske. $utececiing- apPoitif nienta`'to . tho''coutuxissinn: 5477t.'.. R. a membe' ceasea t ' ibe' an `ofiHcci: the entity he aoPlrcincd to represent�on'tho commission; hip mpmbersh3l; on the:iioramission shall theictiftei*be'evn idered'vricant,� 5�1781).. Tihe.com'mfmiori 11all.hace'the tollatring`po�er= and ' duties itibject to the limitations upon its, jui6dictlo' a herein ' net forth; (1 j.'Ta; re�•iiar sacs ap rssve or digii prove witlx or. �alcont atnendtnent, Rhollr,' pnrttally;,or .eofidttiotiitlly,`The followings (n ; t'iropasals for;the incoruoration of dfles.• ,rs MJ-'ioposnls for. the creition of specialAistrieta. , ` (.�) ; To adopt stall , and , pvwc dutes fot , Ilse •evaluation f of prapomle to Clio crentWn ai:cities; or especial districtit, 537S1. ,. (a)'.' Before a 'notice of intc"6n' i s ti• . ;; ,dreulate tia'a necking tlie,incorporitia 'nt A' aa� eit3` ba. file 'the .tina3. proponents shall file a notice of intr>Ution to dorm the ner,�eity-: with, tbe, tiuzruniasian ilio' mtica, iihall 'cautnin" the; oqi aa'.' tmi0�riviOf the'territary,prciYuma to.bc�itkor0drated,' (b) Afterlhe provWous of SiAtf6ni 31305.5` rave tees corn= filled R,ith,, and idthin 10 dayaif to tho di<te the cleik of she baani of ittipexrirrors , �ccrfities; : ,piiia�ant', to �c�tloti 9�L ,. t)co, Ggrcrnmeat' Code, that a: petitiati;',13 prol+rrlj, signal Arid correctly, describes'.the boundaries'of the: proposed eity,`;tlia 1 elerlt shall nutlfy the couimwaon` at; ouch Lctlom N-b'!fnrthgr action shall he- talrmn concirnin � • - t the 'propAud: iuCotj:-ratiou;: Until, the communion bas renderrd f►.a dre3sion as prarided fa Section 54787. 'a'rc- r 54-182: ' • (A) 3cfore' pr, LKe4dings initiated te'larm `s spe• , vial dish -let. the''Vrap ncnts of the erretion 'of SUA O&W shill tlla uMice, of a Intent! to foiiu tlee al+Pciai'diatrict Kith'tba. t cnatmis�ioii. Tho 7 bticr shall, ccat:titin t1tC .cpiieiftc baund+tries of '� ' th'e proposed district ina a ciw 1ption of the,, W11 ,Df dlatrfct ` , t , pcvltia>sMl to be fot'tnr"& Fer'tbe hurpiucu:'of �thia aplxii�{iciou' r . prwrccdinga.a iitiitiaRo tha fortzAtio» s.¢ a a��tiAl di�tt[ct:mean: z (3).:7hc: clr4�nlstian .of a petit•ion to lorm`a apacfal'�lf:xlct ' ar the tiling of notice to circulate such a tit titiou if much is reqijirr t � , , + e � � t r y rrr .+. 1 S v t + t , : L~� , t"'•� + � � k ! t .� 44- v ,, > +Af t t ,_,tt ' _ i ' ';t t• t fy t ,,h ;t 't f; optiolia' n! a`tiolatlott br ard[aatacw;b�-tlif��osi'���. at tnpdrviiiii'a inStiuitisiR"tl> fer oration "bi' ti g'xPK" . "th`dMtrSwt: I , ,f illion of the boundaz�ea' of : the prapared 4is1 dietrict m te;cnutatp baandety=com nl�So for. zerievr hstve' been iaom- ' nlietl..,,�itb,'t azid':�►ithin` 10" day�r alter tht-d�tee�ciiaatioa by . ; _ ,' , .'; t , , '�• "the appropriate ottlecr' of body, as.`t0 tha`'sufRcienCs' of the petitiva or, f ,proceetlinga hsse notbcea;'hitiatl�(l br" pctluov; *ithin' 10;'day e.fter'the.bout ditrir.�''of-,.je pra ci"diabdat hate' been finally (Werin pd'bw t2'64genc k trn7g thc'poiii+erl r` to, aka.$ucL' deter niriatltsit;`,tLe,ofYi�et•, Wy; or a<geteay"> r;: iug such dete'li" nation ehull'-notify: the.-cotrimi�ah, "U=arch' r ,� action.. No' further eetift ahaU be, Wien cunceirning the prop' , posed formation' nutllthe commission ba,i reuderr.►d`rta deeiasiori' s aa' pcorided in Stction '64787► Tri78.1.;" r'olloviin$ rcccipt pt the : tiotiee ; preaariiied b�r I diriis:on b of'Rection 547A)1 or' sttlxiivWou b 'oi f ecdoa z 547819, the eo>nmis'inh aUall,set the 4te,'ti ' and'glace:for; n public heutyng on'tlie rroposnl. Thr, lotto of the heuring'All not be more than .60 days follo«%ing . receipt' bY7. tbe- cowmimio� of tha'notice herd 'fora�dcscrilied in: this section.- The:ennunis: ti aion`' BLnll `notifythe 8orerning; tiods..ai' car.h :eitp `ar; tiptci�il "; dl�tric, harir,b� �n�•ieci,otion; �ith3st: the tsortridxriaic otttsepto-; ; , ,� ` ; " t;; nosed city or; di3tx'Sct; tiie govarnira boils. of each `ait� jrithln khree mail 'oi the eziNrior baun�iar�cx _at:�rhe'prop cf aIty or. ' t ;rlt x district,' azi}•' interFsstrd p t2�- why hea IL a' �•ritteti• r�utxt with the excrutive`, ot>le'er of the cowzvia Wi for wish iiotle�s; nud the rroponenw of tha.f9 n,it:Pn 4tiltiun of the date; and pinec of 'tho hnblL+`. arinq, �tt.leatt iG dayK airigr;to.tho , date' ked tor,'the hearing: In ad�litiurit: notl ' 'a tl:n ;heuluk ky' x1iiill be publi%hed -'ptiriuunt to Sertian,'GOGI; in``n'`sie �iapper of,'peneral ,rircuiatiaai ici'c1 e j cite ar,snecial district -'gitltia tiic'lxtun{Inries,af the propose 'city or"zlistriei tit.lout 35 di F�rlor.to the chap the for h- hnaring, 'Clue hearing'KhAtt ield: at'the county ,seat of the courit�. ter' +he .uf,`tsto countir t ; iza �Khicb tliL cite: or rlistrtat is nropoas,f" to tte :totsnad;`or in; a city. or other plsctf in the courts dpil na►ted by tixr eatr� , t 59 i 85. At .tl►t - hesrin�g," the. conii £sxina-u*, s I L'ear"an� ttrrcuttdl pArth i having mada.'formal� rtyrtc•!<t to t►ppeat : ' , , { be' heardr, rood '-Jie,',repprt of the co:rinisslue'a st,i�'. ' tni�ion arid lta pt�asici.ut. o(iicer �l,nll' uritetlie" wer`,!o mskc`. �., �_+, 'r�`* nod enforce atach rult$ and , reguliaioiu ru': trill rsovida fac:: , <i'�' orderly and fair rur�ducC oi'.the 1ienrlug�. ', ,t., } 1 1 Il \ , , t I:r i a 4 t� � 4t 14 '7 • p ! -� i r' 1pF, (' y' , it _ !. j, -� t 4,t` ,, 11 }'�, . 1r� 1 1 7 i� -) ( + iY.l ,l, t , f.t fr i fir'•! ' �t •v r 1 J , 4 ; 't' j i Y, , ' � 7Y y J i , � �I•, •�{J�{1(41 n•aA 1 :` . , 1 � f , f f 7 1 , :',. jlklAe, 4 i 1 �'�'t G: ,) ti r, k. Y,afjY .! '•',�i�x �tet,.Yr !i{ii',i t y , 5 t,.'N,iYtj�<3'i. =:f7 m �.iarrad isrtrievv of pp t ' irn;�tbie,ereation oi'a r000se city r�r`: xict u4'al! �nciniie fait `, '� ,' }►tis� , f! i0i ci1pita:,Aftersed:.'.•alwtioi� i'topogrspb , 'rntorsl "tip, ; , bou»dnriex, and: dminusge , buns; pmriiaity, to other; popta= latctl''nreaa'c•'tl,e'likcliboad:bi aign'tdcanl�' rCjTth` iu the ire; atsd;ailjacen: incorporat-,d anci'tinninoorporatsd nrelali der• ,, ; ` ing",tbe` tiest-10 ♦ (2)', Ncezi tor, ornixcd cowtanniit* ;�rerviaaa� tha praKtit, cv;t and adfh uacy..ot go�erumpati►l �erinic��:sind;co�trala in, 'tlre 'a'rea; probable futare'neeiis for i+ ieb;,O.vict iim,conirglx probable, eSfeict of the Opp'Ose'd .furmiitl6u;aiid. o! tt`erriataxc , `' ` ► `� courses oi;action'ci s .tha, cad rnsd ndcq�utcy of gCrYiCCB 1d cia :A train is the, area iiia ailjacent (3),: The effect oftve'.prnd Lrr1riadon;'end of altcr�ati►,e ►� sasion�;'on-a'djaeeut'Rre&- aa,inutual sjcinl Inc cconerr, k;.in•: ter+ to acid ou -low, gorcrntt�ental: stJ�tttc�r of 'th6 4a XnW-' ' t 11 54767, .1a ii o»cluaiori'of the hu►rinj�, the cominieeian mrT_ s take the smatter under:cbnsidersti6n.s:nd aW; Klthffi1 t'daja following coiichiidail of.the-hci►ttng, prdrnt-Ijita'determinatica� The ,,,ih issue way.alao ,. idjo urnn bea ng ., lrow . tiwe 'but noti,,to eiceosi'n tntal �f 60�1 aty;a, , i 'If 1hu cominiiwlou:r+pprovre tila',fSlrMAsion of ;1be, ra�ass;d city or F11atrlet proceedin:'tar ortba►ttYbu inajr. be ennttnned t as other Up prodded 1yIfili a gar4rriin8 ia%r: If: ttie cbiaeakuon' i • {; diaaPpro the rraposed +�ormatlari=' .furt4j�r jirl Cs to forsa :ho city.or'dfatrict sball=termivat`aW Iz the,`cammiasion��s�ipp- proirea tbe; raps,: d .fcim=�.,;aa with'• inddificatioua cr;;ioiiciI P tsous,°further r�eed•.ngs: €nr thu iocmiifiou:m�iy.lie;e�nt�t►ed: , only iA compliance .vri',h 'iuch inodif ilAn.. ar: con iiciana. `5i7$3: Tea^ lx�arci `oi up�vviors shall 'iurnieh;{be' comrsis. f ~, eion, with neemomry Ruartmu;,igaipac�ent, .ci�d;euppllea, aarl' ' `{ the twual and ueeca�ary;.`dparatiag c�spetu3e t incnrrrri '!;3• tbe: ; L j 1 i=', ` t ;', couumis4i 4 sbal, be a, co"; b47ta9. If the oainmLsaioii;elirwprroves the 6rmstloq of,tb'a ;�mpmed city; no nbtira of :intcntic�n . to: or�n a p�;vr ;pity; e►ora ',1 `>," ,' ` ;1' "wd of the same or xubitant6lly.'the:P+rie tPal tory'maT:,he` ' , �• ��'r�i Oled with *the aonifi"Ion" for fat lesat' one' ;roar, offir, tbo date' If the 'coiriMmWon disb4prorn the foralation o4Aho prop�+i spe�;f.st;distrlat,no tro�i� nt intetiiiori'to 'terns;%`a ept�eiat'tll+rr `',; { tract, tinder bo ,ianir' prariaian� of `Inw' �+rtivmul ' for, t2ie' for ! matiott'oc the special district crhicw Rai` atNpprofecl � rt�=,� �r � tx cotrijinsrd 'of ' ti�a asrne , or substrintiallp` the . wtnte tetitiy . +' inay he filed'�rith, tb -M ,1ni"jon for at tjaat'un�;' ycsr il�ar ` the data of 'disap�irovil. ' t 5 ." t % � ' i r••`.,I•r ` 11 ,' ,' r! + ( �p 'I.1.`i jT � < '.r = 1 �, ,c ,r I -i` ', '.• '� r 1�'y '1 t/I'„r� i ` .; +A� SA 1t;(` lf�w:� 54790, 7ha 'county. i !andax • c nm eal ►� a�,rall xesyii �'` s` ' �sisuly;aer►i� to'thn lc�cstl;agencyr:.forruatioa caramire�'ti�ori ! ,�'1 , '' '� its request. 71a stag of emb'member of:,ih. commission .sluo►il .,ba available, to . tht lea-giuc7' #otmatiau 'c6imimi6u,to aaeict it in chrrgiug out ito fabtt3one la'd tbisn `13� chapter. :rl'9i. The c.►om`mievion "m S`� oP}�piat aa. axttintlee RiReei' 1 ;. �' ` y;�; rho.irball,Condl etrand Ii.:rfacM the'dn�:to4m' comminii ii , Zf thc' coicami iu� driest' aaL appoint �►r ;A:axu i+t t:'►, , t << � `' tha, ronnt •adQ�iwiltxatpr; county, elcr'k, sha aiaL sus ea ft—" qi �e bC& er`ior. • Lhe eoroasiwion. y , t F ,: " To the eitent. thit.'the imistnnee;renderEYt to. th6,tb1inafeaian under Section k790 is insuSitientr'tu�r;'�its xiced� the c rvnia• e , bion :mnr:appoint and aesfo Sta�'perzcnic ►l t�s essa�rT rifle: ib�e ,' perfarmanct 'of its -duties and fuz�e'.iotu+::and,.+..?ia.: cunu'aau ;ova ► '.';„ ;'�',r mcy e:nplo�+or;coatrnet'lcr.pccfcasians�l`o�;�an�ali�ng:�trrview , ,�� _ , ; to carry ou and effect the funetiont epecw-d in"'tibia The commission may also incur aauel and neersaary expeurr for the:accompliahinent of , iii #unetiorrs... • E3=. 2 1f this bill 7 and' 3�eData►' BM"No. Fb1.•. i 'e Notch actstl at the" l9Ga' Re plxr seed& � of the Uvi6glaw •; a :aY.ail , a' sgrticp for:tiatiau; cos'.ntiusiaa��nlu�lllbdforxar.� in°.r�ia%�:connir `fit ►., ; r, puquaut to Cheater;tl.6 (enni=a tnciag itb �kctiau 5C76)'a! fait 1, Dirisiop' 2,, Titic 6 o ` the ' EIo�on=ent' Ctiar:'bnd, nn ' lwal sgcurj-•'sarecrtiou' coini41vi1ian' �all'.be•farMC& in,,Aa}• :',� ' , i W nht • tirivara to Ch,i 1nr: G.n . tcommcnciu •with ,Scciion ?►, L;: :rgi.'SpE elf sAJcl' part: In Kjts�lt rsac; ; the iocat 'at;es�c; forms- , tion con�rnisslo;�' Aluall bati-e' e�li cif the; p6iaars',tcatrd in' ibt, COmrnissinn by mid C�iapt�r.a,as�cl,in mid:ttuny*EdAli in;'each COunty, nDt%%jfjatnnrling Ciorrrnment` Code tieatiaa �77;' Hare � , ; ;'► nil the ratvat� Tisted.lid„tca d (;hitptCr in.,a°1LCs .agciriey s arinegation rornudrsion '"' d' mid Cltiaptcr' G.b biiaU ripply i.n '° �� : Ot•C:y' county in tlse State. Ste. . This, act:ehnll. not'rpl:Is to PracresilAtorus. city ar speeiat aiatrict rb,i_h arc, iniciatiYi print• to tbe`,Lima t� {r when,the first inembera of'the co .cniudon created 6 ;this ;act fire. salected in; the roanRly, isi v;iei�h l:au ;the:;errttciry its be,, inelndrd' in'the propo i city 'ae opm iy1 In ibe �yo of i�ot edint's too' in�rm a nerr city, ra e�sn , 1t AM "a!O1 for the Porrnk of'tbe ac�ctrao bx:'tho iwnk oi.x notice of intenton to esrrulnte a petition eecbiti� th8 lucacjw• � � :'' t Is u ; , ' F t ` f �'. L`. r� a� r { � }...r t• l J r`t �' Lfi) r r tiA d f s,i, { _ ,• `. '�7 l � ' f+i, rr i '.;� �..�1 ' 1 •a �1 1.. .�f+ r r _ r s � fj t rJl� , .,- ^t ' ,r,,'/ `r 3.Li�>t fAi�14�•14 , .�i `r ,, i-' „ /- �.{ A,it act to ttd,�i {�crs�tsr B,� casriMol�c��►y iyth"Be�tiax I?3fl'1F; �l ``. ' lmq. f4 aii/4rta* oiling of ierrltOy 10'►0 Off litat . r " 'f r " F �►nM by Corwmr`t4t�Y ok ; seent"m *t state SW Sf, lt+pi.] • ' . ' i '' , L. E ! :;t �k� peapla 4.407 '1416, 4.ador»ia do enact as"frrlloyci: s } $Ctr I N I: a'Chapter -.6.5, (^omr eating *ith,Sedioa 34750);1 b Added to Nit 1, DiTWou S, 7116 b d tha Go`ernment'to rf;Ad: .. _ 1 ' •. , . ' ,. -;' ,` jam` �,Ct�er�a,`g.5. Lcrc�. At�cz �t`rrxrz��anN 'Cai�max ,rl�T� M754. , } As ttaeci in' tltia chapters (a) ''l,'ammisaUan" MCA �t It c �z+enr.3+ anacmatton cam- `' t! (b) ;!!Spe'dd,distU Mon" ricx" rae an Agt,ncy� of thti Ste o. tar tiie } , local; �rtrrtz?rwce 'bt 'at:r:�mcutal or try' "rirtx ftinct3atut ` `/ within 11mited boundarim "Spiitinl cldistild domnol`intk(je p ttto' $'A:e; u`city, a �o�unt�•,'ora`mcl;vli�trlpt. , � '4r '�T, ABt't7t;}','•': 54M.L As a 'ed in Se-dioua Sot )3, bpi tiS t15;. 54756, and /a) t'CountyC I) ;;�iamber of the�t3 ai eitperriaom 2Z County*krk (S) County auditor or county 6ontroiier f (4)., Coud ty (5) Ooanty Kur►e,}or or eouniy engineer. (g� Coula?'y, rtgI.l inti Or totem (b) ;''C it;t:oflircr!' m' eam mayar or" member of a ait�r, eottn• ell ur tc�iaZatfti body. of the 'elty. Ml151, n'Li:s chapter does• not tipple to +�iY eattuty is wl - the b rio°city or In which be" is only cu nits :: 64r52,, Tbi ,ia.2terrby:�cr.�ited. in:moh n^twt� of lhhe ante ii l .itI a_. no am lion 002iiai1wrin 54753:, he comwiWori "I 'consiet oc , five 'mom&eM. ne OY-1'irn' "Presenting the r61ciky, eirb of�perwbgm Abell be i ' - cnnnty of?lcer, aprcit�teci �,�; ihe�Y��rd'pt •:*:sora. 'ter: ,;R , Ali) T*o`rrpr�cutistg the r.hlcs in t:i�a'ranrilr, iesclw o!' RI�4iri: rt shalt he, o ufty o&6' abilol tcd by 1 rtty P;iIcctIQa smo, �' K , � cif ' ti•.r , „ s?1� }•- i i , ,.•� t 4 ' 'pit 1' t , '`! } �.�',L ti� Ya+r-�. �tF, �� i�`tj——;_T.--.,`r. ,! r f (e), 0ne`'repreimti*` the g+enerd piblie, alipaLotard by tlis �,' other;loar.membprnaft>tia'caintuf�i�n. '.;' ~" ' � S 53 Ua.: ; A city vr. eohntq' c/lOcer mw serre iv a. snerrtbar ' r, of he` ciommirasiou voile Loldi;ig oMc6 w &:Aty, `fir covn 54733J. Except As prfl-nded'in this SM' ion the `term` of . f ;tif6co.,r�i each tneaiLer`ahall J�+e faur ytnssc ewi' until' `tlaer�tat t►-jipphAllient ,and qualidcatiou of, his 4ttartvsoro The Snt,taterio- pers'of.the' cam-.hission iihili classify thiiiv �il's by lot aw:tlixt �7 , the term' of Wee' of oze, memb:r ac ana. vNnr, ;,f ane mt�mbQs ? ` is two years, of tam Mmbcra se three rows F. �d of owe ,=i6ber Is four years.. Tle power,srhich otigiitally appitir ed's► �acs•.mbi,�r 1: afiwe term teas espzrcti- hs�ll nppninL'kL'.a��egAwr. for .full teem of Appointing uhimnrs. do raeuiberm:s .bye rcusa rd;b thepo.r�ec ,. Any vacancy in this` `membership ; of the ci nar jxion: shill bo` t1Ued for the t�t ixcca term by ,spp.:iuttncnt by, the porvi•z �rhich otigtnally sppo{rated tlta'ineinher who*.-posittoB'b�u come vacant. M754. For tt,e, j urpwv ; of this; th'apier-tbcce, shalt beta a t c;itr selrctianrornmittee•for.ear.2i`county. Tht term rship`at �vncli cantmitteFt ahell asist 6f the tnayar of each city, withia such eounty,, or, wbere iJaer'e is�` no mArr,'.,tha ekMrman',or pnmldent of the city toandl. .A tna;ority of t& meaubers of cacti ctty melt+�tiou comanittee shalt constitute &,quorum. lf 5 4755. Tlta titp srletiion• eotnmitton of ex `Ia`oitnljl ,hall ' meat «itbirt,60i} after the_ettective data`of tL��'ehupter the purpose of making the amt appointment 10.0o days- tcion. The eominittwl of -'each; e6untp shall- thereafter, m t':on the rc.�ond Monday sit ' bias ` of each year that it ia'siexe�i ry to make aucckding appoinfin aia to the,c�orttnicdon. f+?,756. If ,a.member s?a-w to b_e� an'otncer of the ent, , tic ana ep1minlid to represent cm the cc�ntnYssica,.Lls`tursta� `; bemMp nn tl,e comm1sgion dill ti►eresfter ba cbtuidcrtsi ; 54757. The thdman of. the" `cvt�iinlieipa sbxll be pleated k�r the niembe<ra'thcricon a ,r b47S9: �'aniriiim7r�u'.incsnix�rit . hsl!'r,rvv. *ri'aibat.'etraaps r, sation but. xi-40, be reimburned`tre iwttiial Aimount='af their r Donztble ' rand, wwwndr�, acpe�y� in6areca ; in itt6diee<; iaasat` ,cr , Inge rind la performing tbe'duties of 4 The citySeketicn cremnAttoe al�aU apEia�at naG.ot .� hate: membKr. of Use' c�ummix+iian in: tbo.�eamo snuiner:aa; it;rp~ paints to relittlar rmember. ,'LC�en,tbr Camm%uIur�ia:caiahUd r •4 it' p: opwal for the nunezatir..ti of , 4iereitarai,'to a� pity ot; �rhk?� ' r ' '' {: one of the, izembent of the comtnWiM upF�+Irzt1,d inner' Q11 aian (b) ,�t Seeti; ,54753 is An n&er; t.hia irireimber ue d.�quali- A I n i 1 t ,S ,�i k a ,t iris + !1'.ii ` 73 ✓ .+* r ' � '. G • r i� f. � ' ; r '' I �.f � G �� ,j 1' a , � �� , � )'' if , f 't t', -5�t •,, r 't a s �4 i- rr t �`ie, '% r Si,ti a y y�•i ' i1 ii:'• i rw: dcd from jMttir ing' in , tho ,prottct iti; S of 'tb tosamisniase K:;h ; rrapcct; to tho prnp�r�aL and the' Mi"nat./r `0,%bat j"'J servo in his pUee for * pi 54760. 'The ctitz:ml Soa shall have 'tho i��ilav�ing povr+ex� and duties : j ;� , •'(1) ,To revlm,wd zopimi,oi dirb'ppj�rara, ►1t'� or +fitfaoa ,'} �; t�neitlntent.:'Who lly, .'Partially `or. cosiditiuou►x,} ` �r►rp e'• fpr } aho enaesat:an or tcrr:to , W local noitr�ea �.t>ltb � crttsaty. `; (2)' To'Ado+ t'rtrxr �itd procrdar ?fr�r lae a+itiom = ` of propotTals fog the 'anneicatiou of terrtt'sry, to octal *eneks within the:cowaty. 6G176'L ';ie titian . sEcldu the Anne tics y '.rt�rit�irv: to a lbcal 'sReucy r1alt"be clrcal ted or Filed, 'nor,4hall nnir pAl k ol�ces; uecept any, sti eh petition for"'(iling; ;nor,° ahal'E,'aitT'grr• ' errking body .iultlaie p6ceediug» 14 annex .,ua,'itx_mrrixao►.Ion ant lzaat til'iBIed a motive of intention to aiann1L%*lthAe b4mi mIrg;Ion.', The: notice x4all contain the, �` spikMa _ bitthd uiiii of r► tiro territory proposed 10 be annescdi ,t 54 i6:!. Kxcc;,t i liroi3drY1 in th; arntxan;j na' furCh�r acii�iu aball: bay taken coneernil>g lbe prvi[KW 1 nn:rigaetion ;t•ut3JhG , eoniuii9alon hxs rrnder(d ita eircuetart as py;oyided: in f3ktlou 54766.E other pMrislcuts �l` ln:�,tLirh (fit+;crzi_lhauntirr:s•, ''. lion' prkide for the sub ion if.' tha p're' ' retin,iari of the territdry - to be nnncx�d to the co4iiV b�iunutcy .cam• m�iacicin. for.`.reviea nnsi za►ort, surL pm"ri�zar�, ` of ; lain shri5l ,; be conipl.ic� � with attter ,the link tit a mot 66 of intent;ayt i%iih the local agency anncxatn c�tu;aiitit•tt~pu�xaez;t t� •fi+�ct.ian_ .%T61_ A'ca,y of the tv izt `if gV, ; shallim from►niltted ta'rlbe local artay aLciracaiitn t:orzucia+;itru rt7G3r . YoDowing rcrelVi of tljet copy of the report, if h'y ` of tht, coutlty boundary mmi.--Anion w: d of . the not;ict p;e4 mrib!:�l hs ertiun licit, the r+tmtu+.srricn shAl SeV the date, ' time, and place for a public hrminq on tt:e, propwal." The , ciat� of the:Imaring Oialt not to raaro thrui 60 dtys follow- •,_ ing. roceipt by., the comntimdan of. vau J: notice. Tho,coar,mWon xblll notify the Fo7crninl, °k Al: rrf c4A ),,rml sgeney having s x u. x it(Ur�rfi' of tltr, tezt•hors. pro ac d to ,t ~ u3icticu n-sihin thn he anumxed. M the'pvnrtiliig i�varly, of iijeVdty wi;lntj tbrie u priles of tha ",aterror. boundaricn of the', territory pivj) S ,,V to be rinnexcrl, any fotemied p6ly rco1AM filed,,7 tten re, . tlueAt with theof Chp cotatninim for suet notler., acid the, propotiwta'oi tiyc• anneintiou, q t ht date, euid' lilece of 'tke publie bearatig, at 11AS1 la days pri it ,tn lbe. date fixed for the hearhig.'. tr; . .; t34i��: :ltthehelrtrlK,the.rott:sitaa'ion_!tttt�li•�cae•stty,.Irtct- ' acted P+ Ftracs barlug'viade tartaal rdjtteatt to. tip Ratr,' and be 'heard, and: the report of •the ecaninixtion's staff,., lie commie• g he powvr tb t� a►ke and dos and its prcaidire ot�4cax shall bans t ; • i i 1: 'J t t. enfo"a sneh rules nrd regulatdann'stt,vrW pro'dJe lor tsrdraty ~` stidledr'coadmet,t'. lho bear'ltt 5i'(G5. Netots',to-Irr Ciituitfer�+c3 ils tJio'rGYir��. 61 ,. �. ueretityn pra m."Wsnil inrludp' but ?► A': be IItW� �i to; �1) Po uht# n'; Iropuiation'i►u�itr; laniI antii lsu"; per capitt>4; :A t sixi; :�• Iuationi; topcigrra�p>n�r, `'aiitussl ,�'`°� 'bounc3szis.�; skid ilrrinc basin�'proxinittY too athrr'popalatrJ arctui; the: 11VAslthcxxl'oi:i uiflcattrt fitrnrth'3u the'tues,'�ttci'it adj tnt-in.N,, rporaw�'Uha uuihebrporsted�are ;'sleruaC:t;bs nest ld 'years. h'ei far , organizst2 . commnnits 'i�enice;s; the` jrreactat .`. co t'o a3 t+drin�t:3• of services and rantrnlaIn t. o v' Fw�e:riemrntal arch;''pmbablo futuiv uced,Y,'A wleb . fitoiaes arxd ' m6tirnlb; , • probable, effict Of, tht:•';�rtrpo etl ,lormatiani atr�i oaf x1t&n611*tu AI court/ a�, action "on the cast' &n& ndelu.t of service a and ' ,{ e6titrola kn the ar6 aiud adj4'6*nt 4"" '. (3) . The Effect eY t:ir ruPasRd ntit ' atian;'end of altceins. SaSt hire action%; can Adjacent tu�ar,.on utual irocW tuul eeonotulr. ' interests and on the local I governmental mentalsirne:tiire of -the county.' 1 5-1 60. Upon .conelnsi6u of. 00 ' Eeariaq, Ahe commiesiort Y1 ms take the matter under cotts'Idernticn .and Aball; vithih HBO days folloRing c�3ocltLgiou � of thle hrarirrg, ;pt��eitt it' cit:tesmi• natiou. The commLs ivn nuty aliKi aciPurn a hearing from thine W time, but rat to exci;+�:d a Wirt] of 30 day If , Me, cvtataision :4pprores the , annaxati��n, , rr�rexliiiga� . ' �_' thefefoi , sny be �v tlnuv as 6thervrijie provide d by thx, ertrir3�t 1niv, If the commir:ri6n diznpprov". thi probes it au�'' necatit�n, further pr•.cccdinpi to a.7nex' the tex-ritory.to,Ahe� , local .#gene y P1,41 t.crrninate: If tl:c caamtxon .npprovv4 the , prrpottd annilz tliou with tn04ir �-s;inna or eonditiona, ,further "I pruceedinhlx Pr she annvxa4ion tnaiY W. routinued only in com• pli'mce with slmh Wodiilrntiotls or Conditionq. 5,1767. It the tolyv aknion cliwtpprnrrx .tiro artnrxatitn- of tcrritarr, to a city-, no. votPe.of intention en sn"Ci thr .or tiubKiniatialiv the xatmC ',territort' to thAt cif} nfrry' 1►e ,rith the eonarnaxaian for at leut.wono year, after the. iltte` of dhmp;i n1. ' If t a vom III n -d1M1tpr0vm 0e anuesiRiort of ler6l6rf• v I tef •1 >vptv:it�l eii�trlc¢, jig r:uti a of itstentlgr - to' t ntm tb tvtrne or .xnb4tartfialir the; same .erritars, t6 tl,sit yl. d(d districi inn), Ix Pled frith the ecau ni>> «n, ftsr nt 1,�34' ame :year. ;after thts date of dis4prnvat: � �' ssr :*titi3.l.f %lac tcrrit+srr of n xli�ciul;li�trict llrs.ln .more thall one county. the notick-of iutertiun to;tulnrx,'`re�n rcdr 1''' ,'` by 5ectton 54761 rl•.all 6, tilc l aa•ith;, tlra rurnaniza3trn`rat :tlra ,;: ctiawty (It whieh `tht territaz;t: in be tartroexed firs. ...{: ,r . kA ,Try. Mtt3Q1iA"on may, appoint W .�ammative offleer , who aha11 condsact "and perfotzu the day-tb dR; lausizi si of ; this cotrnisjsivts. it the COMMIS don does not eppoint au execs- if, theiv, i s noac,"tbe ti+�o ofllcer, the bounty adnriniatrator�ar.-r :flunty clerk, shall art ss�s exrcCave `ofor thc' comiall To tha cyicot, that, the aaaisst.atsre rendered w the commis. d0i,-under Section 54770 Is itixufllcient for ita'n�v..�di the com- 't .iaiss;ion map , I . * : and amign ` at>t!f `rersbnnel-a6:tt,�riry 'for the:performanre of its dutira rand functtor> `and the Cora- rM."1011 May Mnploy'46d contract :for prafewdonal ter scouiult- • in + , Aor"14 ca to carry out and effret -the, '.unatiotl ; Rp'tCitled in th�a'rlsariter. The eommiWon'ta81. also fnuur usual and nece sary jxnses for the n cumpliAnient ijf its funct.ione, ;s 54770. The .county tx,undarr co i TI;MOI abill render advisory services to the local agency ahmes' ation astnmlM10" upon itx request. The staff of each Yjtzlb:r of the. county boundary commission dwil be'4' ulcible .,o the. local` agenef nune,zation commivioa to asrist it in carrying out its Functions under this v1spter. 64771. The. board of anper��iaura s�hrtu farciiale the eornmis�' lion ~pith nc%,r~ssurr quazrtttrs, uipmesat., ltntl etlppliiee, and the ; r usual and neeecnary operating crrc•.saaes,inccurefl.by.the earn• , :;. MiNdatt ahAll be a'swt;ntr ditirge, Spa 2. This net ahnll becnma a*rativa only if, Axa�nrt,tr Bill No. 1662 6 o G3cted at tile, 826tloa of : ihe. 1Wgislatur,e'anti in such ra.W the maie tiana� as "''werubt; •at' Pill 'Na. 1662 takes effect, if tihiK:bill and -Alm rAly Bill :'lo:.;.. s 3662 are Loth cuacltii at dieID63 Regular 9*4ioti ai tho]Leg- ' laturc, no local la�clnsy rnsaexrtirn cotna:Ltivn' >!h all iKt' tornaPd ' puranant to Chapter VG (cuMulencing, with` Section trZ750)', 04 Part. 1, Iaiviltion 2, Tine 5 of the'Government Cede., but w focal „nPltc>r farruatioll cmiwi-aloe shall lN! fortuklln 6ch 'cilnnty pursurct;t• to Chapter GA r odmmcncing with `5ectioh 6075) .of tsald part. The loa'al Agtaay f-Innation 'commission. ' hall have sill of the pourer' rested hi the comm.iision by inid Chapter.6,6 anti,- In addition, ai•,a111'; in'tich county, bntarithsrtanding Gov- erUment' Code rx, 6Uou M7irl. papa all of the powem d br said Chapter'0.6 in n Its cal rsge►nc,;r annexratjort'camutiWOh Itud ' Chapter 0.5 elrall aplaly in each county. in'the. State. c` Say;. 3. This act r tall not 6ply to proceedsngs`toaunts territory, to a lowal agernsy if the annexation pndtlon hAs been, ' eirculated or Wed'or If t, `p'v*xriju 1►o3y, hm, iaitiatrd prii-,;' Mrdingi to antlrxOn its oXn mot:it3n, prior :o tbo* tirod;.When the firM members of, the 'com mimion created by: this act are selected in Abfr munty or ouuntlet ! a Ubich lien the • knnef ng loW al"uey find, the i4writory to be aiLuend. a„'1ooAI fat ri • ,' 1. �/���I t• getlata $M ft 150 Amact t0 QI~it, s(CteOtt 3SQ1 t (f!a t13i{T t q dtlit Ntj'/'f�'10f4f R anot, fJc0 GaQv rwr:,gt Code rdafiiil; to annts� ationq to ►tits; � �i�' rAOpcv-+d by GovtT=r July is 1)9t MV3 :pith . I , Bacretary of State Igtr }4, 1923.1 ' Tha pcopPo of the stuta of..Cal;lornia'do enud 6U jonatrrtc 1r Sccria: 1. Se,01on"350M.3 of tltr {iarsmmen t Code, IAA Nuread: X5002.3. Territur ; sbit'll not be nnnemrA to a' City if ag:a ,tin= suit of S�.Ch nn�lcxatiat�.:11) uninsorp3miW land Aenrttory; is , 'r r011121rletely aurroiwded by the r►nnraimg dty or, by Laird tern.' irmy of slteh '61y on. one or ziore Fbim anti the Parilia Ocean' on the rnmaninius; tU16;.(2) a !;trip of nvinaorporabA territory less tltnrl �Q(} f.�et nide:�otld'niur^ tb6 .300 fort laug is crc�tteit;' et-*(3) a strip of uliiijer,rj*o it�cd V rritory consisting eoTdy of ' . a ITt:is.Sect1� r � h 11�1tj �rc�it�is cr;�ritcd: prtx�tlltigx ft 1 �lti• pll►! tq 3tn1lewnt]ou' r~'�J . menerdi or lnatltstttil after the c;17t'Cttre rinta' of itts s� tiara tip h J amended by :he Legidaturr. nt it '1.G3 Rogulrr Scxs.ina: 4t_cz, 2. !ieoinu'*05014' N n(Ide l t' rode, tv,.td: )0I4. Nr. ti.lo or submer1 lartdR, in the Pa'd t: 4cean'�:, f,'S which are uUMNl;l,r Zbe Strife Ehall he itimrxt l to a city d-crept Hutt Portion of the tide or solimergMi Lizfdq ekempmed withit:i tl,n stut�an3,rxte'nsion",of ihv'cm-istin�'lnndl bo' Al arles'of the City, 'or r,f the propo4d land iiouijdariei of the ierritcrp poftR nrtn=xt��i r.i Swrt t.£ the :;airi�"prr>r t�liri�ma oxteAd d .froln`'titr� . r Ixlutt ulierelhe Infid iximi inrica bntorsect tko'46'r ]ine'atr ecarh an :tisgG� to M.A., ai�hlinc •ancl'1•oUan ink icuv a"eoiir>irs or �cour�� 11A 1wav Ve n r A 1 flt�.rc►l.hy the �k`rite'C:bsiti�:l�`rnnmiltaziin..�J.• The groltustil fray Inttt�xnt'tatt, t�:elutiinq za map nild lr,kat de-' � erirtiaa of -, h� bamidt,tridw P 21et tgrriiore caul! bo .alrtl a1th; the Sttitt3I'rnittls Ca1111uic i li .prijir to the illiltg' ot'Itto:prop r:�al Frith t6 bidry tornmkiian ,of the" County hi `;re�utred {� Section i. I,he State- I it:014, CetiiVINADit`i.`snll`'npnrpve, nr f ,�1i��ttirrn�rc of tin"a boll dtirt:� of thy.."c�itutxatian �topt> i,tir.� In ` 111'l�l:il,' fiilCli. t�."tt'rltl;tlttRlOrt'it > �. , � heri'Trisible,h 1t� gal thO )Arad be ti Aarit�; g the � rt, tt•., tedtnlre 811 }i (xtdtlS .ni of city to he at sur.itib rIn itt rtntrl�t tdi'tltc itlurrlilin,4t eachoinZ inter tsection o£ 'tho aitorrlime with that I�' Dd lr mdurita 0r the;ceity, .' 11 � t rr4l, Mtd ;tbnt; i1i the. intd'relt of i a stir and r) ` �d Ij i ri�CJS1� • ,., .,• W .-,, ., 7�'iIl•��"•ij"���� "i.,. \� �+ii`�'� iri �.'1Y'�� ,� �+^•'�' ��y �r C. � i{n1 . r i r,!s W� t./' � Cti �, ! ���,✓_ Z�. f `i' � � 7f`i/ f31,'" 3 ° "'',�, � 11' % S , r ti t J I Fi � .'r 1 Y . +t r+•. '�+i'� 7 4, S� � t / ,, ; 'a���L i f . ,'\r), j,q r#y. ,t ri + i , r ..+ ✓ 1 t it�� Y r, a r .,S + { 4' �.t , Ir ♦ + r �4 i j r. LJ'K♦ly �1�•.'i`j t , �' ,)�+P r4�i ,' ".� t y .. r � S �;Jt�a \ '. r � i t ! .'�, ► !L'. � � r j; r r r ij a ' •. •q I� + t yy�• f � :S, ., %`•� t ! .. r i+ t r, t r '/,�+'`!� ��p' t + t:! ,{tea ' aitf�ctA O�,pinii ilre anc3ine�,llt F. � t , r r :ta b1e flier clo iar e�Ib •dsiore i ` °an !. Vita R�Qh b' ItJCY�p� a Y' it nlnrity oC ihq 3 ; : AS l �► t�4Z'1Q D COhi!3 CAS V bo web y �' d ' 1(,`�'i�vre'!iDl; dth��tsi, taRb�c�el • „ r f �t • enddjntntn'A�,ti r r, -i: yxifdn� ot� a npTanc'.�,,ot' t of �lbrar ~ `'t � ,` • � tkTl'bOj1Ylt�Ar��- r �, `ut�ea`o Hnd;al=nt�i.^aonrp�i,, iis` dreio� toha The' 8tntt: Lnuiig Com�ai.��rr� sZ;�1t bite mini +. �3_tislc�4Q day ' iind its ;: f ''' , .> _' ` lc • islanr�'.bof of c Lion'af, tlic rt•ipet. •o bourul A}iteU deem ap• , • �1 j if'JA �i FAiIure to rem a` �ntliln ttie onto.. �..• S r I 1•.; �{+' i S+� 1 a 1010itl of the �ca�lea to re* d ► ,! ti I ' see tots i35 �r of � a339. �' 'Terri"ors' i6, �iiyt i�l�ducx�t� tO R eit9•A• Eck / .': this hrticls if ��.nr t�yvit ot• �va�ti� a�t;r�t�isiau. uncttce ra ' 4> >+tirilcwi byt uu+ch r:# • laid t+ezrhozy is cOwptex�3 A• trxs 'more ul a ,the Ya�if� L i t tcrxitt�ry of sup b �It On and car Ypccatt on'the tr..ntait�!i,g �d�' •:d coda la ��attl� t4 Kati; �� '4� �'• ` ; ''+ ; , exit '1w eltrtll ",w fihnesr�i: to a pit '. urea ',35 .�G.:.Tt rriOrr � ' ndrio alion .na£n�+or' �vrs•tc�d t , thisArticle► if 'A 'resulL of curb . � a td Iniac,:esiixory iA CumlIrtrxg. xariound�d bar such c1i� ei } 'an' q;DE pt more '4id' And ` f ( ltl� o� Old fr �� t. V t tft��lf j 1�♦ � ♦ t E�lsl y 1 + ! ,.,.. r1 +: i is •'( 'hI A r t r \} l iii •• + 1 ! Irk I ),,• • 1 IV ++, � , , + •d 'r t 1 1 1 ,, •, )f S{ `1,� tt J � . by � T' I 1',+ "1 t \ 'Yi ` {' ,. +.; �+ lY `� r \,, , tr t�.," i 11 i � �V •'+ir= ��c f � t\t l .� ` S, ! t' ,� �.. � t 1.:. r T � i ,, f .' ,i lY + .. i r j" I,i. ♦rc n,i ♦�, ('•. ,'� 1 {. },V. '. ,T •• t 't3 ,,�.+\. .!, .. rf .. F ,.S!:`� j! ;',.4f' 1 t 1 'r k, 7S: y. Itoembly IIM No.16 CHAPTVIR 1848 As &I to add CUptor 6.6`(coinmeiaorirp with Bsw i+ 64774) to Part 1,13ia irion 2, 3 lU 5 of the Govemsr Mt C04, redet- a+p to the formation of cities asd districts. O. b� 1on+1 lu1_r 11 1 Ated wttb t3�ctatur a! l4�.+tir nl,� ��, 11►ii•i The people or W 8101e of Qelifmmk do awl sa fdoast $sMox I. Chapter 8.6 (t>att =dvig with 8ectkn 56775) , Is added to Part 1, Division 2, T111A 8 di the Qatarument Code, to read: CRa►rnni 6.6. LocAL A axm crr F'aitu wx OoKxwM 54775. M need In this cba ptea s k • i4' (a) ''Communion" mews a U-W ogwT fanamLirnx crm- mirai ) "S ,eia1 t1krict" means an sonty of the State for t.be I" perfozn=ee of gorornravat or preprieWy fetwtioaig ; Rithits limit brjunda,riec "ep(c &1 clitWCO da-A wt bbdu& the State, a elty, a county, or a i1aQ14krieL "speaW dis- trict" does not inrludc a wpftW Nsww=tnt dkrUict '.f,-yr=M 71 undet the Improvtrment Act of 1911, the XUnWPal , Iw,mvrs- meat Aet of 1913, the Ate*et t3;x vlac Aetiof 160S, the .Vtieiele Paring District Loa Of W43, tbd PAC 'US Di:trirg UW 'Of 1951, thr' Pedestrian 1141 LAW of 1960, or phrZ tr wwa aam: lave, or 11wilar lrtocedttral ardiaance adoptiA by- a ckWer d city. "Special din�riot" does vet inclade an improves sM 41%. trict or tone formal for the rule psr uw of dulpatift an aves sWc)i is to bt*r a tpt eial tax or twwmewt for as 1m• provement benefiting tot or". (a) IIEw-al agency" mtsns city or spficiat dlttriaL 51775-2- As usM in 8ectiaus 64776, fA776A, 64TIC2, 547 7 63, and 0,1779 e►; �+Cdnnt�+aQicox�'ts�eu>a: 1) Measlier of tht board of anp•ervisrxrs. 2) County clerk. (3) C,onnty auditaz or county oontrouer. (6) County wumor. (5) County naraeyor or county enginrsr. (6) Cocnt7 regi'timr of rotern. , ('�) "C'ity ofaeer" means cnnrar or member of a siW ex+wO or lcgWad" twy of the +illy, t R't �JtL� l u i#77�t.�.1;?b�aM it 1*arebl acted is �h aoan� vt �e.8trrlr : - � - iaeet peach tgrwat#an cvnc:aieeina 3homPt as pstTUad; . Se-diour ,60-77Ba and MT762,' 'aK swiaaeiwa3ee�e .o.iis of A" meubtn, eoketed',u follows: (s)'T" wmt3a the eoanty, amb of ubaee'sUl be a `idetlaxT diAer, so by do bwd of superrisom -.. (b), I fir' alh+a'citia is the Bounty, oaci d witoen eW be a siV.aasrr, tcppoboteai by the City kleetion oommittft a Ono "Vviicting�LLtb4 Cebt�r�__a��l1v�rhli ca, ngpodnted by the �LL(a) r oUwr four _9f tiie :��.,.��4ii1. 647M ' ' • If thw a Is uo city, is the county, the commi+sdon A&D eoneirt of fivi MMbers, selk-W as folic rs : s , (a) Tim mprosaftir the wouty, ewl of whom ciao!! be a i ecsLty - olkari , appd utod by the bird of eruyvm i mm (b) Two rrpremmt* the general public, splroiatied br the t other thrft meraba a the mmmlacion. , tHT71t.S.' Us dwro is =." one city In the w=ty, the coca- lni=R M shaD 11041 t Of Ara tuambas, ealecsad s. followas (a) Two eytpea they county, each ,uf whom shell be a t covr-V r+tfkvMpsimWa br the board of supartiaora, (b) .taco 30" t* the city, vba abut] ba a dty officer, appaioted'b3r Um 1e atiee, WT of the city. (a) Two top the gsaes:al public, appointed by the ' otborr throe wambm of the comudadcFn. 547zQ.,!" . A easy -or county a18rtr msy serve as a wembw of the tznualssioo vhne Wiling office sis is city or county odlirer. ' 64777. Rzoopt as pmdded in We section, the terra of of floc of oath memtiar sbai, be four, pears and until the Arrt appoiaibnsnt end kiwMatian of blis suamsoor. The tnt meta• bm of tbs wmads4ts shall almLAy tbamWvtw byL. lot Ma that th4 *A= of +aia oa ate amber in mo y:ta,r, of one mes W k twos y vs, of Imo vociebtro is thm yun and of erne member UJgur jewL Tba pellet xbiah si1&4 y sppoiated a uwaUr - rrboee tars bar eiprrd shall appoint iris rJow wor tor.. tail vAm of foar VArL A*y samber may be remavW by the parr I*Aht iCMnaw6hip of thetCow ls6o ► be Abed for rm a uwapfred %aby ap„ mt by She pawar vr5► A vr1gk& ty eppotowd tie nsw cr Miare potation bias be-. • Sam i&ML iMemb el 1 1y 1��. • �MMtti �yr � .l�y.�1. � on �bm PUR Off/. • v ut wmpme- o bet + dug be rthAurwd tin stnat amounts of *We. "WV"11 ' and aoeeoearr "am bmutrMd i4 etteactip a ftU%-a cad In pfffarabofr ' the ctatir si 0hdk o&S. , , 54ITS. For the veuTctaea of thla ehepkr.tthe]ra. bs a •' eAstiou ten each -y 'Pb#► ► of �, ,; Y. {t,F �'• + -a. 'fir t 1 <' � y t t�. C't5�14+, �jl�• ,};, 5s i 1 I aaeb cowiWttem stwli W:Wd of tic roan o f Trek ttty:xi W rock County, or, when ibere So mo' m pr, " Um *wUm�m or president of the elty oonnra7. A majority of the membm of r►eh city uk dim c+oa ttra s OW e+onattIM4 a qqorcm # The city adeetion comtaitUe 'of awls a onty► thaU matt witbla 60 da aftei the elective date of this chapter for. the pzcrre. of tha ant sppocntme sts to the eommi sim The eam- mittee o tub county ,ah&U thereafter mat on tlm eetoad 3fouday is Nay of each year tkst it is ne"mewy to =*ka succeeding appointments to the a mialca, 64778. If a member team to b4 an offioor of the aztity hie was appointed to reptrsrnt, on the com=lm&n, Lis saembn enlslp } an the conimiasioo sball thereafter be canddered yncant. 54760. The comiuIaeion shall hart the followiag pawn and duties subject to the limitation upon its jariuiiietion berpin set forth: . (1) To resiew and approve or disap rote with or Wit3aalit amfendment, wboUy, p"aUy at miditionsUy, the following: (a) PropmLs for the Incorporation of eltim (b) Propusale for the errat:on of opecW d.Ltricts. (3) To adopt standards and promdurts for the a %lu&d= of proposals for the creation of cities or apt dirtsicta 64781. (aj ndarte a natkee.Of intention to Clmuuv 6 At, Peti- tion wtking the ivaorporation of a new city may be IW the proprments shall file a Ectice of intention to form the new city with Ate oommiimian. The notice ahaU contain the • speeiLe Nmndarlm of the territory pru to be Inmrporsted. (b) 'Alter tho Provis;msr of Section 3# OU have bim em. pled with, W within 10 days ahei thm date th4 t.Lerk of the troard of superti errors certi&-off pmamuit to Sactacn MW6 of the Qove m mt Code, that a pmUtion is property sUm d. and ; corr*ctly daribm the bmndirltu of tbe propowo col, the clerk akal3 i otifyr the oowraiasion o4 such'satim'N'a further ACV= shot be taken aoneeming the prOPCOed b a tparatkn until khe oonimfaaioa. bas mn4sred ite deeWon tit VtOmMod Su' Smtian SL787. 54781 (e), ,fierce s sere IrdtletA to I" a NPO ' i riat district the propontinte of tat ertatfou of mA distr#at Me a notice of iatrntion to torn tke spwW dlotat li4ct..rr4iit the eemmimlon. The colea sl&' eoWsln lhs a }ty0dsdrs .af the ,propoecd district mi i dtwriptioa of lho UW 4AWmiet prapaW to bt fars t3.' iler the p o! Proceedings to Wilxle the foM' at3onipdolrt 111t►�+ia: i (1).. Tht adrrmlati U O ,x petitlan !o' farm a ttiM�iret' co; the Mat of aat:im, to em"lrta nth 'a titianotU "A W41M • is tbgrodtwd. - , .000 �'` :, ti 4' ,, .- 1: '•' ,, 'i �:, +; t ..�^�, �`?1 �...j-fie 'c(' } ,.. ... ,.i: . .--, .. .�i •.L•�J r' .,. .,..,,.01. .r�il:i! ,+j . ..'f}'�rr7hwr+Y.a.-x. -T. .. .. .—' Fr'.w `"Sf"1•-: _ ..r.'.xiflillnri. 00 t i�laptiosr" of • rewla on or o race bj the bo+ud fib . , o Neoptrdwrs Utiating the format. ol,e sticcial dirtxfci. S (4) .AIltn"Ako lone, it ,yny, '� . . p�tl of .lax urnn the eutr- n►iriea of 0� Wazdarloa of , the proposed, ep"Wi dktrlct to , the ects 1ty- bovklatQ'; oomfor • review June been ' crow-' plied,` with+, and withi.a' 10'diys after the determiastilon by { tom. epproprtute ollieer or body as to the tb-01cleucT . of the ; petitlora, or ` it proetediu:ga have not brtn initiated by petition, within 10 after the boundcries of the proposed district, have been dnally determint1 by the agency, hAmg the po-wer to _mAke . such. dttern , In lon, the a4ccr, body, or agency auk- { ing Mob determination &hull notify tht eommWou of suca "oa. No further action shell be taken construing Cue pm i pr1eud formation until the cortnirsion hna read Ore d Its +isien to provided in Section 54787. 54784. Foliuvriag rewipt of the notice preaeriW by cab- divWau (b) of 8ectiou 54781 or aubdivi.aton (b), of Section 34782� tbo tmmi3dan shall set the daft, time', and pl et for A public hearing oa the proposal. The note of the hearing %hill not be more than W days following Ieccipt by, the conwclasion � ofthe mike hc-etafore dear i'W in Mi ft-etion- The commix. #dot &hail notify the governing body of each city or speeW district having jrrWiat:ka within for boundAries of the rya j ppeed city or siistriet, the goYerning body of each city althhr tbree trades of the exterior bounflarice of the proposed city or ` distriet, any interesteol parry who Ita�c filed A rittcn regtceat with the exccut!Yo aMeer of the comet lion for lmc'h notice, and the proponeutx of the formation petition, of the data, time, and place of the public hevi ing, at lew 15 days prior to the date.9Aed for the hearing. In additina, notice of the hearing ebillbe publiAed punmant to Bection WGI in it newspaer of general circulation in t neh chy or special district witf5h ` the boundaries of the prurKwd city, or district at least la'da _ V. prior to the date. �trd for fife blaring. Tlie'heaMg awl held at the coanty scat of t1,e counts or one of the ccuntim in wbieb the city or district is propm%l to be formed; or in j a dty or other place in the oountr dedgr►+ated by the eom- minrioa. 641785. 'At the hearing, the eom ilmlen &bell hear racy In. tateed poetise hariag made formal 'requent to eppoAr arul be beard, rid the rep1ort of ehe c0iminfolon's Meer. The tote. r eniedon &✓tali 14 pr"c&idZag ollieer shall' bare the power Lo make sn,d' Worse riurb' rides and reruletionx as will provide for w&rly ant fair conduct Of the hfAriDfX. ... •��:.:C1t`J t',; + ,jt ;.ir ., , �o;; �^�� 1.�� �!�„ {' s�i�l�r � r r, i➢ S; i t 11 t �j,�.l t .1 - E �rn..�.-.�..»�.. .mow..... r 7 5478& Factora 'i be mWderod in the review of a proporal for the oration of h propowd city or dixt.rict shaU includa but not be limitod to: (1) Populat3on; population density; land area mad lstad uses; per capita as:-4�mcd valce►tion; topagrapby, xialural boumhries, and drainage basins; pcorlmity to other pope. Intad areas; the likelihood of aWfiTaat growth in the arw. and in adjacent incorporaW and anincorporated areal, dur- ing the ne-t 10 years. (w) Seed for organizai community servicen; the prw.at coat and ads,{uscy of 4►avernmental services tad toutrols in the axes; probable future nmk for such ierriets and control&; probable effect of the proportd formation and of sltemasire coursed of Action on the cost and wicquacv of mrvicrs mid con• truls is the area and adjacent areas. (3) The rfl'ect of the prQpo�xi formation, and of alternative actions, on adjacent arts% on mutual :social an?t et-onomie in- tereats and on tht local goverumental structure of the county. 54787. Upon conclusion of tho hearing, the commistiion may take the matter under consideration anti shsll, within 30 days following conclusion of the hearing, present its determination. The commimiou may also adjourn : htariigr from time to time, but Lot to rsccn3 a total of 60 days. If the co=L&Lion approves the formation of the propc+d city or district, pnReedinp for its formation way be continued as otherwiso provided by the gurerning law. If the, commimko dimmplicvrea the proposed forsratiaus further pr,K--#diag+c to form the rity or district ahafl terminate: It the commi&.-don ap- pTeves the propoeei formation with modificAtious or cordi- tinns, furtbe.r proceedinlm for the formation asap b,o continued only in wrnplianco with such modMeAtions or efmditiora. 54788. The hoard of xuper iiwts obeli Nnutb the taania.- aion witL nsecesmary gtarte nt, equipment, and eupplice, and the nauAl .and natty operating (,spew% t incurred by the oamaaiWon rlssll be a vaunt, chargt. 5478D. If for eommimi= M sapprovef+ the formation of the prolM)-cd eitT, zto notice of ir-Iendon to fares a utx city cout- 11c*e4l of the mme or substantially the rstaa territory my bo a:ed with the comma-;zdon for at leant vae year aftes the data of dirappmral If the commission &approves the forma.tiou of the propasect rpecW district, no uotice of intention to form a spealal dia- tract. ender the same proricions of yaw proridivC for the for. matlor+ of the UpeeW, district which wL dimpproved. whkh is eomposed of thn game or subetantittlly tar sauu territory may be ©led with t.ba cca-act1mlon for at leaat wn yeAr after the data of &upprovaL Ilt i In tt� + 1 1 . cuTyo. Tlu tm3nty beux;c:rry aosmuS�dcn a�sli •YcnaGr �3- ! iiaary earfiaes to the local apmiy formation oosamf Wun upon its request. The staff of each member of the county boundary eommission shall be arsilable to the Ioea.I &Coney !ormatfoa commission tc &u1st It in carrying out I4 fanct{iom under this chapttr, 64791. The commisaion may appoint an executive oar who shall conduct ,sad perform the day -today bosinem of ti e eornmitsion. If the cow-i i6xion sloe& not appoint an executf" offxer, the county administrator, or, if there is none, the county elrrk, ahxll act an ereeutivo acnr fur the eomn jmloa- To the extent t5at the awidsinoe randerW to the cwmmiWeo agnder Section 54790 is inm !lulent for Its utbds, the eammis. aeon may appoint And assign rtaR ptraonnrl reetsaary for the performance of its duties and tuxetions aad the eomuisaion may e=ploy or contract for profs icnal or eowaldng servires to carry out and eHcet the functions ax-cilled in this ehopter. The aommieaituQ may also incur usual and nxbAvry expenneo fir the as omplisiment of Ita functions. Sao. I If t" bM and Senate BIN A. 661 are bath en- acted at the 19M Regular Sewl-ja of the L&gialai;ure, s local agency formation emumimion shall be formed In rich aaunty �ar�nant to Chapter 6.6 (c�am,=enefng with &action 54776) of '1 art' 1, Division 2, "_`itle 5 of the Govavnest Code and no lrpcx,l egency anneudon crommimlen shall be formed in any county pursuant to Chapter 6.5 (cornmenclar v►ith Section 54750) of said 1.4rt. In such uUe, the local agency forma - Con eominissior, shall have all of the powers vestal in the con L-Aian by said Chapter 6.0 and, in vidition, ahall in each county-, totwitUst.%ndbg Government Cade flettioa 54751, hap* all the -pcwars twted by said Chu t.-r 6.6 in a twnl aLmney arineratiort ooeniulrsziaan and said' Ihspter 6.6 ahs11 app'y in ! overt' county in the Stita. Sxc. 3. Tbia act shall not apply to proceredlop to form a city or special district wbkh are initiated prise to the tim when the drvt slumbers of the comniWon created by this act are We ted in the county in which lies the territory to Qs ;ucluded in the proposed city or special district. In the sane of Se to form a nee city prooeedbW are initiated for the purlooacvy of the smtlou by the flung of a r•sotice of Wentiox to Oimilate a petitl= amking ibe inrjorpo. t ration of a new city. a 1A%Mx) &AS 1It �.. ` CALIFORNIA L�lill�l.kTUi��--tr/i5 REGULAR IgENERP-1• SESSION . ASSEMBLY" D, ILL. INToo' 946 1, Introduced by 8ts=b pi, ,en Maixks, Bagley Gurigu, Aabt mfa ' ' Cl=cll; Casty, Ferrell, Harvey Jolinson, McMillan, Pettis, Pcwent, =d Shoemaker Ft.Gt .�ttry �, 1�G3 _.,.. • Rrrr:turz •..0 couUti m: on gQt'E1t,1 MENT t111tSA\II-M-7. 't i .In act to nsncnif grefion :►!9 7 0! anti to atl(1 b'celians 5•14511 and 5J937.1 to, the Governinctlt Coele•, relating tc- mcitings hj lcfirlo:irR bsi.'lica. . The prople of the Sinfe of California Jo enact as follows ' �.. 1 SrcTto:c ]. Sertion .549I.:3.1 ix nAMM W 'he 'GorcrtweAt Z Code, to rend: 3 r�l`.1�7?.1. ,1tt mcet.infi,�; of an cvmuiitlee or Futcotn„titt" 4 of a 14!"- islstti1't: l+'dY, 10te.her Air WA ct1T posed Of A clntirutn 5' of 'the tuclnbers of the It`gislntive body, sball be open and G pulnlie, nnil n11 pi�rsonN t.lttill 1•,e perusitt"I to attend and meet- 7 ins., of such carttttittee or +,ttl corimittee, elevpt (luring con. g s0ernt ion of the lnnitt�m r��t turtle in Sc'tian t,4967. 9 ' Stir:. 2. St4 titm 19 it i of mitt voile is stYlrlulrtl to read: JQ 54957. `tithing cocnitaiiied in IW.-4 chapter shoIt'fe zonalrueti' 11 to prevent Ac levislutit'e tw►tly c,i a )kWal 4!vtl:y fro►n holding Y.I:RY!?L.�Tt1'F: Ct?l'\��Uti 1)14T:r`'T ` All !fill, of lutrinlurV4. Marta 10.0, 1. lrnrtlev: ltt'*vsa Act. l mondw S+r. r►i:k'ri, nd4t 11scV. 'rt!k 1.1. ZA!67.1, (iG/.t7. Itrritalrt* all mert.iN1:s nt tv4tuntittrrs aalt tiulK•uta•.taittrrl of ItxlslAthr. lwtllro of IwAl aKlarlrs :o to thin 1,u1114- ticept .tnritic 1114t•11K1tU1t tit tvrialll 1W.rumliel atatt4*rf. Ites} until that an' t Moor or rmi,loyre lo- adtrn w4ttra nothn aft bl% rlctt to have ! a PLAT hrarinx rather than an rsrcutire wwlon with rratr•ct to c'/rtallt Ixr*1#9D'I ' taattRrw. at 01 I-drullfilfu it/ lio itic an a i►1`utire wvlon. DeclareA Dolt and toll tiny ' acti¢a takra.ach:Abt ilia) otrh: tir enlploym, If uatict Is not t;ltrx. Prnrits the lr talalltc tanlr of A Ic"I avract to babl rxrCai;IrN b1»riiaonr :)urInx a r^�utar ur at�tj trt•rlles to ront.ult Nslth it„ nlausrl, AlUt nal!!• K Onch rn�iv'.tnttna ltslatela to Iltlrati.►tt in which tor. akrner Is 1s lurt). a.td Public d1oc.lwu:v of thy! Walters maMilcr► I vmnllt tie drtritnsnthl to 17it putillt tntrrerl. Itr,�tiler�l t;1at o%evithe ""Iona ut the If-rsKlstirt NkIr or a local ocracr alllr Ix. hold unrinr A traulnr or arprrllal mretirst. Nrulhics that, tiled natter,' given lltr ■rein tu"itlnc inclmTa or., ananutimuttnt (it MR ntatterx to be d'e-rutord at thi fexerulbe ' 1 0"6131p alai om, 01"t, actions tal,�n la -imuilrt w *xlm tw., rmiftlM to -tht 'Minvtrll { of thip Tutrlt art' Ellectnl nwtlnc d %fez wk�irb Ito! Gtrtletlre'nreiurt Write heed. `�` ItM�r1ulrrn t>sat tulllters 0111rr tbnn lbolo, rprcl5ca) in lj+ret.Aoa 51w, tr! cout"'Ar Rvl . pnWlay at the rrgntar ur SjWdA1 tr -ilti . Us the care ruaf hv..'_ ; _rAnT 4 yy {AGal ��s�,�.e;�•kiv �+�"•Ja•# ,';K al'`'��� ,,+r,. T !S t �•� ��; �'l `• -1• l•'i ;fia. � •a1 C. ♦.+., ( .}'.fin r+' ' . l' +ti�; , �i ' �i� �. ♦ ' ti +a /1%di ..•,! °� , wJ!(. y, .. ,'! r,P. , _�! y r. • ',• �. - .•!y ♦ .+ J, '.�o, r .. y1 + ' �,! _ ,•►'�%''E'i +:'� L,,r*'�'"� ; +(_°'; ,': �it ., t t'y, i'— is 44,. -;1�oax4 zet-PIMItut�-to..Adjau=sntAli,'• pr,020nht exraept Supervisor', Ii %,Or;' mat` o' n of �"tu;porvi nor ii. 1�. Saith,cocondad br Quperviear Do ' S, ,�.Dinebarier, tho fallowing revolution and ardor was raguloxly panned and r , adopt ed=.. , ` hhoraaa, the Board of QupArvi,sore o: ftaiija Qcuntq, Calif 0MUa"at a� .'rd�ular.)aeotl ng of oaid Board, hold this ' 16th .dsy of February, 1:' V ;hks fully- cnnvaaaod, the votes cant at an election hold at Huntirgten Y ♦+`T.7n6ach,,_ 1n: oaia • County of Orange, on 'iltesday, the gth dx7 •. oU Fobru p,,:+ ; s ` ; ♦A009'+Lx6r.'th^erpurposo -of dotorminknLI.whothes-tho to ltorr' '-indluciod it •�. � ,e"boundarien horoinafter doncrihed. and boling a portion` of the, said, r. Vo' ut�ty' of Oranae', should b000rmo incorporated an a municipal corporv. `'trion�of,, the .Gth• alaso, to be known as the "City of lfuntington BeaahO j 01 ".-' and'upon .nuch canvaso it appearing that the Majority of the votes cast are for'thi incorporation teW,ffit;.. 94; votoo being for incorporation,, ard'05 votoo against incorporation; It:Ia,Hereby O.derod and Decl•asod, That the maid Torritcry hers natter= daecar ibed its k1ly 3ncorporit6d as a ?o .n1cipal, corporation ' othe Gth class, under the name and styla of the City of Huntington �A lleacj; the ' oaid territory being a portion of the Moounty of Orange and �8fat` o of Californis and bounaod and particularly described as follows$ r Commoncing at d point in the Ea©t line of Section w, T. 6 a, Re:11 W. So Be Be & H. 20,00 chaino Douth of tho North -Gnat corner of vtid ' �Soction, and in tho oontQx of Clay Stroat, thorco'Vast Mi1(ss'to fllo..: " aoct i.on lino running nurth and south through Suction 4, •T 6 0. Re. ,xw; ie Be B. Be & u. ) thence South, with the same to tho ordinary high tido 4=. ' :,of.' the Pacific Ooeaxi, •thonoo S. 4$ doge 17. , throo zi? oa -to'' a point"in.. 'tho. Pacifio Ooomn, thong© south oe►at'arly,parallel to and throe mileve •-from the ordinary high tide line of tho Pacific Ocean, four M.ilee tmora I, or lone to a point, S. 36 do&. W. of tho internection of the Fast 1•,:ne. ';• r...;af section 14, A". 6 R. 11 'We D. 13. Ile A U.- with tho ordtnazy high tide_ }; line- c.f tho Pacifio Ocean, thoncg it. 36 deg. X, thron niloa to said point of int or- oast ion, thence t+cr th cn the Tao; lino of nazi d •notion f 4:4•.42 grains a little Coro or l000, to lt-a i nt-or--oeoti on with a 1.{ ne running, S., H .do&. go frun, a point "20*70 chains Vent of the 8outhoast corner of,`,section 11, T. 6 0. 71, 11 n. Be R. Be & Me , thence ?_. 54 -d �• 25 ;r�aino zitt�l� core or loon , :o a point 20.00 chains-i�o'at � *' et�re north 1509 C�iui11! to the eouthr-east erly lino of land daaded-'to r, :''2. H•untiii toz, T ru st vo `L� A. it. Clut a an , g y , per de �d r+�oord�d i n boat, . 159 on -page 336, ,of deide, raeords of gram&* Coe Cal. r Thence. nor th.-snot©rly along the ocuth�-.eastarly line• cf la.nde 'den.;.. cribed in do©da rocozdod on pagoo 330 340, book 159, recordn of Or,ar. ;o. r county,,-�`CM •, to tho Emat lino of Sec. 12,0 T. 6 8. it. 11 We 0. D. 'B, _•. i n 1 thence north 3a 10 t. �.♦' 34A 'ohxin�c! ors . on t•h . �,;1 st.. &•it thence I•orth to a point 20 not trortti_ of the t;eo. o 11 ha. of a4 d ec. 1 s, , thsno�► ;36 f . -7.43 chains thence 21. 13" r. 4#23 chminbhiii`ti�;•� ' ;L c,o',.2s. GX` 30, w• t-;oVI *halns, 0henco tt• .21.10• chains o 0. M. 'N7`,�'� { Y ; `, Q ' .sea. '1 � T . • 4 . 11 lt. 8. Be B. �� Ro j thenn. , "I. 29 82 ' oho�,ns, Ft", '' ;tik ' n• Y , • 40* F 4a C4 chaine, thono' N 3(1�. �.�il, g� �. ehninss .h©nca:0. . f 3oOtiahRi.nn, th9nce )Torch 331' >:. 9.34%1ah&ir.e,tr.onae 11, 28*X. 0.t;6 ns' , •thonoe No 11 .30 F. l . P, chmi nap thence 1.% 7"6300 3, 0,61 ornirn, thona,a • l; 1-;'`(j'• L r i }�]f tl1 c9 .' t. ,'-• ', '! ,.. 's �. � .,.1 , �! Y ". �!;..♦. � � 1 •.�'••It1 1 1 rt 4E! Vt' ' , 3:4a. c}iainr;thenao ` Yt. C13" 301 ` X 4139! chaIzia, thonae at;•�,�'�" \►;IZ 01031,A6111kina thano4 '11 218 30Re-eZ.06 ohalne .thatlae':h`.TO '60'.1,01" ,►� ;'• ;� , �� 1�. hai`ne', thand's Its 't3 ` E: Gs oe chal�ne thohoeI Its , 2.104 : �: 4;00 Ohlij in a' ifs" i �t 1ittlaere'kor. Yoss, to, the North iste or the 8aU'h►4bat;;;af ' ►' �,r wti a� iota; TO "a•0, A 11 w. B.13413 & U,, thonca Want with-`oaad: iino Arr 1D•a0'chiinu, Wlittle-'r,;ore or, loaas to the -Want 1tnA';ox at%id �8ia.tiDn`.1 'thence North 2Osoo �h�ira� to the be tnn3nG s, 4 t.:•' �, ► • All.'.. eing ia- the County of 'Orange, Ctaate o� Cali fornj; a�y�t` �,�ili ilyi• ,,5ta[,�1 ,t„�) '�,• . .. ' + , , .r�s jt,j �a�t the ,port';ons raceivi ng reapootively; that hiehoat� number of&.votee ►,�� a M ; � , f":fsr:. them®7era1 oVicea 'ot said City. Q:f Huntington Beach` vxe,�deolared �'� ` �.• ` t6i' be:'duly=,elected to auc)v offioae anti ouch' peroona and their realfactlya: of'fices.,axu-, niuned 'as, follows; ta:.wlt; {�.i1t0WARn �y /� j s i •! 1��1WN•i+1u�EQMp`ai ERO f�lirittrt'�i4 f/-tDAVID'06 MOT . , ' i i t.` r, !i f�• i. y � CITY11ARDRATiT,. ti , CITY, MERR D. ROBEVISMOM ' - C • w *,,�.?t �, � 4 i,'- Ti. ,�. �tacKul l an, ' : - •� Chnirraa►n of_ th a 'zoard of jupervinors of .Orange r' County, Californlika r L . .:�' " • ,-f�ltteott ' �.A.Rillit:r�a, ,. •,. 1. ' , ,•-,ICourtty Clork and oxwoffivi4; �. try - • " •�t �'' � � r ''t �� t ',ri:• Mork. of er a roa rd of 6upervinors. = .t ' stata of 4rahrosnw 1, W B. W1Ll.IAAfS, Counly CIO, and Ex•ojJlclo Clerk of 1-V Superior Court, do hereby c<<t(/y , the joregolnq to be a full, true and correct copy of the or4g1nal on JNe In my'o 1Ice. �l ► .:' Wl ESS my hand and the seal of thr Superior Court this .'... .....t-� .,....................�.•, ; : ;'` day Qj ' ttt tj•� +� ��1 19 ,1 �r.''ra ,. + ': ;t, •,• •' � '`•1 tip i%tiC � ',3 � ....—...... ; Dirputy►.Cluk y`�rj I. e a _! M thy'" , �•'r. y ,, .. • r 11 •{ s.� ,1 it t• i r �� ��,3►' rti t ;.� / t.•'r - t it\,t + � + t . , �� I t ,+ :�1'r.\�'�•1J.wHi`>1.,.1'i,t• r t. a�.'�•. 11 ' .� ..� , �/... •..,. '_ �_ ___— _ _ rA •. . J �iNtl� O R r tC c 0 R tom O I T Y ATTORNEY ' t �,,.•c,� P. o. Box 2740 :rrq� all ►2000 MAIN STFIEET HUNTINGTON BEACH CALIFORNIA 92547 GAIL HU"ON rE�FrNONE tat•,? AsturntV 171s1 53E•G5E5 May 9, 1988 Mr. Bruce G. Kerr. Shell Western E & P Inc, 20101 Goldenwest Huntington Beach, California 92648 Re: Boundary Lines of the Cityof Huntinctor. Beach Dear Mr. Kerr: It was a pleasure to meet with you on May 3, 1988 at our offices in City Hall. This letter will outline our position concer.riing the city houndary line which includes the offshore areas in question. The City of Huntington Beach was ncorpor&ted February 17, 1409 as a sixth class city pursuant to the Municipal C', rporation Bill (CAL STATS 1883 p.83, 266) (30 CAL L.R. p.l, 41). ,'pie boundary was particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point in the east line of Section 2, T. 6 S., R.11 W., S. B. B. & M., 20.00 chains south of .the northeast corner of said Section, and in the center of Clay streets thence west 2 1/2 miles to the 1/4 section line running north and south thraug.h Section 41 T. 6 S., R. 11 W.:: S. B. B. thence south, with the came to the ordinary high tide of the Pacific ocean; thence south 48 degrees west, three miles to a point in the Pacific Ocean; thence southeasterly, parallelto and ''three miles frlim the ordinary high tide line of the: 'Pacific Ocean, four miles more or less tc a- point; south '36 degrees west of the' intersection of the east line of Section 14, T. 6 S., R II Sal.,_ Z. B. 0. b M,, with the ordinary higj,: tide line of .the Pacit.c ocedr:; thence north 36 degrees east three miles to said point ,c;f intersection, thence, north on the, east line of Laid Section 14, 32 chains, or a little more o: less, to its .intersection with a line running south 55 1`4 degrees east from a point 20.00 chains west of the southeast "cornier .of Section 11, T. 6 S., R. 11 W., S. B. B. 6 A1.s _thence north 53 1/4 degrees west 25 chains, a little more or less, to a point 20.00 chains west of the south --southeasterly line of land deeded to H. E. Hmntington, Trustee, by,A. H. Clute, as per deed recorded in Book 159, on page 336, of Deeds, Records or Orange count., California. Thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of lands described in deeds recorded on pages 338 and 340, Book 159, Records of Orange County, California, to the east line of Section 11, T. 6 S., R. 11. W.-, S. B. B. & M.; thence north to a point 20 feet north of the 1/4 section corner on the east line of said Section 11; thence north.32 degrees 10 minutes, E. 3.48 chains; thence north 25 degrees 35 minutes, east 7.43 chains; thence north 23 degrees,. east 4.23 chains; thence north 1 degree 15 minutes, nest 1.62 chains; thence north 61 degrees 30 minutids, west 6.88 .hains; thence north 21.10 chains to southwest corner of Section 1, T. 6 S., R. 11 W., S. B. B. & M.; thence north 2.82 chains;' thence north 22 degrees 30 minutes, east 2.90 chains; thence south 40 degrees, east 4.24 chains; thence north 36 degrees 50 minutes, east 3.00 chains; tnence north 33 degrees, oeast 9.34 chains; thence north 28 degrees, east 6.65 chains; thence north 11 degrees 30 niinu*es, east 1.36 chains; thence north 7 degrees 30 minutes, east 0.53 chains; thence north 87 degrees 45 minutes, west 3.85 c!;ains; thence north 28 degrees 30 minutes, :ast 4.39 chains; thence south 86 degrees, east 3.03 chains; thence north 21 degrees 30 minutes, east 3,05 chains; thence north 6 L ,.ees 45 minutes, west 3.70 chains; thence north 33 degrees, east 5.66 chains; thence north 2 degrees 10 minutes, et.st 4.00 chains, a little more or less, to the north line of the southwest quarter of Section 1, T. 6 S., R. 11 W., S. B. B. & M.; thence west with said line west 18.00 chains, a little more or less, to the west line of said Section 1; thence north 20.00 chainn to the beginning. All being in the COL: ,.ty of Orange, State of Cali: ornia. The description includes an area of ocean 3 miles out �s indicated on the map entitled Exhibit A and attached to this l*tter. Thereafter Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 53 in the Fifty--Secon3 S-ission (CAL STATS 1937 p. 7975) approved the City Charter which had been ratified by city voters on April 2a, 1937. This charter confirmed the existing boundaries of the City (CAL STATS 1937 p. 2977. ART.II) including the ocean Area described -;in the original incorporation in 1909. Then in 1964 the City Megan annexation of certain property described as: Section 3., ThA-t the territ-ory which, the Council. proposes to annMV is hereby identified as "Bolas Chita State Park "and consists of all that zeal property situate W the County of Orange,, State of California, described .as follows: .. 2 Beginning at a point on the north -south one -quarter line of j Section 41 Township 6 South, Range 11 West, Sari Bernardinr• Base and Meridian, Orange County, California, said point "bieing. the southwesterly corner of Lot E City of Huntington Brwach as shown on a Record of Survey Recorded in Book 3, Page .:A Records of orange County, said poin' also being the intersection of the northeasterly right of way line of Pacif?c Coast Highway as shown on a Record of Survey Recorded in Book 53, Page 40 Records of Orange County with the westerly boundary line of the present city boundary of the City of Huntington Beach; County of Orange, State of California, said boundary having ►,een established by the boundary description ,in the Charter of the City of Huntington Beach incorporated February 17, 1909, said point also being the True Point of Beginning; thence, leaving said boundary of the City of Huntington Leach, along the following hearings, distances, and lines of the before described northeasterly right of way line of Pacific Coast Highway; N 430 34' 01" W 535.69 feet to a point of tangency with a curve, concave :o the northeast having a radius of 5591.51 feet; thence rnorthwesterly 634.34 feet, along said curve, through a central angle of 60 - 30' to a point of tangency with a line bearing 14 370 05' 03" W 3001.11 feet to a point; thence N 37° 05' 00" W 2892.54 feet to a point of tangency with r, curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 5870.61 feet; thence northwesterly 549.02 feet, along said curve, through a central angle of 50 21' 30" to a point of tangency with a line bearing N 42° 76' 30" W; thence 2493.80 feet, along said line to a point; thence, S 470 33' 30" W, leaving the northeasterly line of Pacific Coast Highway, 90.00 feet to a point in the northeasterly right of way line of the Pacific Electric Company as shown on the before mentioned Record of Survey Recorded in Book 53, Page 40 Records of Orange County; thence N 42° 28' 13" W, along the last described line, 1816.06 feet to a point on the westerly prolongation cZ the cente. line of Los Patos Avenue, as -shown on said Record of Survey Recorded in Book 53, Page 40 Fecords of Orange County; thence N 890 12' 26" W 291.59 feet along said westerly prolongation of the centerline of Los Patos Avenue to a point in the Mean High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean as shown on said Record of Survey Recorded in Bonk 53, Page 40'..-Records of Orange County; thence S 500 06' 14" W Three (3 ) miles., 15840 feet, to a point its the Pa ific Ocean; 'therice along the following b=arings and distances which describe lines parallel with and Three (3) miles distant, measured at right angles, from the Mean Fligh Tide Line of the Parif,ir,. ocean as shown on saia"Record cf Survey Recorded in Book 53, Page 40 Records of Orange Countys S 390 53' 46"lE 704.08 feet to a point, S 451 20' 50" E 233.35 feet to a,point S,40a 56' 18" E 251.64 feet to a point, S 42° 25' 24".E 566,26 feet to a point, S 43 58' 42" r 515.56 feet to a point, S 40'-.34',! 23" E 659.56 feet to a pr :»t , S 380 5111" 4611 E 264.56 feet to ar point, S 400 47' 2,.E 1184.77 fedt to a point,' S 390 15t' 29" E 897.58 feet to a point e S 37" 06' 19" E 535.40 feint to a point, S 370 32' 45" E 1373.50 feet to a point, S 36° 57' 18" E 404.20 feet to a point, S 340 06' 38" E 378.04 feet to s point, S 350 49' 44" E 594.50 feet to a point, S 380 50' IVI E 500.70 feet to a point, S 3611 01' 19" E 763.89 feet to a poin`, S 390 W 47" E 216.78 feet to a pc.•irt, S 360 10' 5.l" E 1232.72 feet to a point, S 39° 26' 16" E 1196.40 feet to a point, S 380 29' 23" E 1209.88 feet to a point,. S 4011 20' 54" C 270.30 feet to a point, S 260 33' 55" E 223.61 feet to a p%:int, S 590 12' 57" E 164.12 feet to a point, S 4La 061 44" E 438.00 feet to a point, S 43° 45' 57" E 240.41 fees, more or less, to an angle point in the westerly boundary line of the present city houndary of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, said boundary having been established by the before mentioned boundary description in the Charter of the City of Huntington Beach; thence., leaving the set of lines parallel to the Mean High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean, N 480 00' 00" E Three (3) mixes, 15640 feet, along the boundary line of the City of Huntington beach, to a point in the Mean High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean, said point being the intersection of the Mean High Tide Line of the Pacific Ocean with the north-atouth one -quarter line of Section e, Township 6 South, :Range 11 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, Orange County; California; thence continuing along the boundary line of the Cicy of Huntington Beach N 00* 15' 59" E, along said no_th--south one -quarter line a calculated distance of 402.,96 feet, recorded as 392.76 feet, an shown on said Record of Survey Recorded in Hook 53, Page 40 Records of Orange County, California, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning. Pursuant to Sections 35014 and 35300-35326 of the Government Code. This annexation was completed and filed with the Secretary of State on May 11, 1965. (See Exhibits B-J) This area is outlined on the map entitled Exhibit A. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Deputy City Attorney, Joe Barron. Sincerely, GAIL HUTTON City Attorney Attachment cc: Paul Cook, City Administrator Aichard'-Barnard, Assistant to City Administrator ,..<i ty Clerk cm/ -4- ♦ r `�.. .� ORIG. H. B. L IM Ao iY led .` CRAY DAVIS (gantre'll,er of• ,111r o$tatz gf &Hfa nun 34CRAMUNTO. CA110•ORNIA 942!'YO (016) 322-5230 February 26, 1988 f TO: CITY CLERKS i Effective January 1, 1987,'Chapter 1242/86 amended Sect!on 11005(c).of 'the Revenue and Taxation, Code. The amendment changed the mRthad of determining a city's population, a factor used in the apportionaytnt of shared revenues to cities and counties. The amendment also node the Department,oi Finance f responsible for determining the population when unincorporated terr!tory is annexed to a city. The Department of Firance should be notified Imadiately upon the completion of proceedings for the annexation of:lerritory to your city. You no longer need to c.i. t.ify the State Controller's Office. Annexation proceedings are complete with the recording of the certificate of completion by the county recorder. Please send a copy of the certificate of completion to the Department of Finance as soon as it has been recorded by the county recorder. The Department ,J Finance W111.1nclude the annexation in its annual population estimate for your juri,adictki- The following Information is needed: 1. The date the certificate of completion was recorded by the 'county ; recorder and the recording number. 2. Tire effective date of the annexation if later thAn the date' of the recordation by the countyrecorder. 3. The name. by Uhich the annexation to known and the resolutiah number. 4. Whether the annexation is' des ignAted as inhah.'.ted or uninhabited. r i �•' ORANGE COUNTY � t�•�Lnt�',. HALL OF AW..IN1&�.t#,r10N WILDIXG 10 CIVIC CLUTCH PLAZA, 9004 { 4%* $A►rTA ANA, CALIFORreIA W01 GIE 41 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION CWArr IMON CHA111MAN V January 24, i984 NARMIrTT M. WIEDER SUPCKVISOil C,CC'Or!D nistnICT VICE•ClfA WAAN QONALO J. SALTARELLI City Council CITY Yus�lrl City of Huntington Beach City Hall aoa>: R R. STANT 7N 2003 Main Street Iatr is tP,c-. Huntington Beach, California 92648 TUEP►40UE. 1114) 434-MIS D E- CITY OF HU'N i INGTON BEACH CiTY COUNCIL OFFICE nosenT E. owrrn nEPRESCNTATIVCOF Ladies and Gentlemen: GrurnAL PUUL . JAMEST.JARAEIL As your elected representatives to the Local Agency Formation COUNCILMAN Comnission (LAFC), we would like to bring to your attention new { C11 V Or 6UE1IA PAnK 1.:gislation which will assist cities in annexing the numerous ALIIAINA'Tr unincorporated islands Scattered throughout the county. PHILLIP A. SC1tWARTZE Col, .vC IL V-Ari CiT OF sA►1 ILPAtJ CAPIST RANO When the t•'unicipal Organ ozatinn Act of 1977 went into effect in �I ; 1.►iail: 1978 there were procedures that allowed the dnnexation of JUAfA K. 3IDDLE unincorporated islands of less than 100 acres, inhabited or not, �1LtiNf�,I,rITA'IIV• r)r GENFPAL PI,T,..IL without an election if -the LAFC made certain findings. Th Is island annexation provision was for a three year period and AL7164NAi( OPUCENESTANDE expired on December 31, 1980. Assembly Bill No. 14 (Campbell) SL111fRVI,Qn passed by the 1983 Legislature reactivates the island annexation tr/1110 plSTniCT provisions, but -hider a little di fferect procedure. This I RIC►IARD T, ruwaR 1 eoisl ation, effective January 1, 1984, allows the special trxT.,.uTIVr OFFICER provisions until January 1, 1988. - These provisions may only be used for "islands" which existed prior to January 1, 1978 (35014). All references are to sections of the Municipal Organization Act of the Government Code. The ibI i:oving procedures apply: 1. Jrjrtfcatin.n tc.T ti::rncrl Fall nrtio►t t"ormianio►t Aplyli.r:at tuna ►niti be m.z(fe by pnt-i.ticn c r bit recctution of application, ; flMi lar to other city anremtionr,. If tlubf--ittorj 3q ?"7,00!ution, the Zant:nlative body j adoptinq tlta • rcuotution rmt : t ho"i d a publ i r., hr.,ari>'trt. At the ltcariyrg mot 2rnidit,nor nhal l bo given mt opportteif t l to prcacnt )tic or h..?1' vic',J ; On ► j![3 propuvc3l. ' �. Cs3:rt"rt.t7t; �111t F'1'L�c'rc'Cjt.>tf�lt • Vic r o mieniott mzg app=o vo cz►r island unn bons after not -ice and hcarl'V and =j uut,horil- the cz:)nducti)V agora» Sr) order whe annrmtio�t r�i tlri7:;t an claction if t.1•1 C4rrr ;iaa{o>r fintxa �..,:....._t 1ri.c2.lia. 1 1 that tiro territort contained in tj o propoaaZ Mcotu tiro To7Zinff �rit,rri��t i3.5ISO, tf11: �...... ...,,1,,..,t,•, , ;,,t ,� . ,... ..,.. .. , .. ...,v..1.>, � ••.�� "1; •.. •� YN !.MMJIM 1.�w,W111.'.i: �7 t� ti. .'� � < <�, � ij 'y ,SY'' .. .,.�� .. .,..... ..., ., rr � , � w�•. ,. ��'.; T.�i .,.,,�,,,.�w.�Meliiar....+�...y..•x,., 1, , �.... � .- i�. • M �R,,, i a. -jlIC terriio2n, [1oei; not- cxceed 75 ac14oa, thr tP.I.I'i*0171 ('O?t3tLi ittE::I t�1d entire island, czmi the icrilanc! &c'n not ^o► i tiltutC Cl of Wi wtin.-orporated area which icmorc than !00 acrer1 -.?I mrca. b. The tcrri to17j is atwi-17tn dcd or curs:oundeal' bu tho annaxing city, by the avincx-ixg city and at; oinin % L-v the raTVIC'a:t11? M*t-y a7id a county botaidary, or by the aw-,exing cit-y and the Pac.; is Cccaw r. Veto territory in az6otanti.allili/ dcv,7Zc-ed or deveZopina. d. The tcin•i,tory a not t-rimw agrirultw-al Zand; cmi c. Tho tt rri" Cory to bo roi?,excel L,t N bt"nE. f t 7'?YIl^, th <ir:t:4:.'1'It2vfc 01. is rccoiving bewf its f'117^I `;,c m:Jze--ir c*-'-'. Vie finding rcquii?'c bp i'o. " c aJ VIN7 13i:CI Z Z bO b=3 !d 01'. 011e. OI' T.` r-: fa(ItOVC, includbia, but ).7t: limfti%d to: cr. Availability of pid)It.c ucilit;i 009viccV; b. :'1'cewnce ,of public an c. Pracence of physical i.r.,pl ovomr—tta ul�91 c !.�;wc:eZ Or pM'CeIv Ul°thin rile area. 3. Cur.�::�etir �9Cnc'?I i'roc.ecdi7tr�a t1' b047'd o r.w7arv:ronu in Ttlhr C01f41-,40 N- 11-7.E'►:cY fV i171(VI.:i i:►IPIC=t *onL f3.•0.33). Vic board.,, r<�� : I ,.0 , .4ivaff hcai-n.)ig, ntuot: c7djpt- a revoZtt.~.im: tG�;L'Tt�j orl•:• Olf the follalwing action:.:: (7. If the area in iiI)I ibitcd, citht r faI proccediT;R, if protczt: has becrt filed by or Acre of thi? 1'I^gictcred votes or W order the territory anncxcd wi t;iout an o1 cct ion. b. If the a as ix uninhabited c i t?Icr ft11 tuirn:.na a praccoditlsya, r7r (b) order the territory ory annexed. The (]range County Board of Supervisors surports the elimination of the numerous unincorporated islands adjacent to city boundaries and will ccoperate with the cities or, the annexation proposals submitted under these special provisions, If you have any questions or need assistance in processing annexation r:aposals contact the LAR staff of Richard Turner or Kea Scattergood at 834-2239. Very truly yours OKI t S are � ounci man Mes 1•.� •e t.ourlc main na i J. t , Ci ty of Tu4i rt y ty of Buena r rk ol P--h111TP A Scllwartze.- Councl n 'x T + 0.,'.',1y of Huntington Beach P.O. sox Ito CAUFORNLA 49 `✓' ! , Y � f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK August 7, 1979 Thomas Brothers Maps 1326 So. Broadway Los Angeles, th 9001.E Attention: Norma Mar Jlp Source Data Controller Dear Ms, clar Ji.p: .In response to your request for a list of annexattans to the City since August 1, 1978, this to Inform you chat there has been none. Enclosed is a copy of our updated addt;zss locattan ii;sp book. I tryst thar it will be of some value to you. Sincerely yours, Alicia M. u,atuorth City Clerk AIU ,..... ,. ., ..... . .; :. ♦n�.w . , ..; Y., :....+:�-..we....w .ww.•�.rrmaar�i ........ .«_.,r ... -�- .. -. ..,. __, f M1 ^) 5AN rRANCIIZO • LOU ANCKLKS MAP PUBLISHERS SINCE 1910 August 2, 1979 City of Huntington Beach 2000 hta i n Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Attn: City Clerk SUBJECT: ANNEXATION LIsl Ladies or Ge.ntlenen: The updating and complete coverage of your County is a continuous process throughout the year for us. At this tine. , we would d 1 i ke to bring together all the da La we have collected and obtain last minute items. In artier to insure (this up-to-date information, we will need your assistance. Ile would 1 i ke to acquire a list of All t"e annexations that have been recorded since �,�-t.-_Ittcary� to t}le present of your ci ty, Alsa, ).Ole W01 d appreciate it if you coui d acconpany maps showing the changes, in your city bovnda ry rri t:h the list. Our deadl ine for bi- inging the vase naps to elate is very near. Ile would be nost grateful for the information as soon as Possible. CHAT ANIA11 DONALD J. S.4LTARirLLI COUNLILIAAN CITY OF TUSTIN VICE-CHAIRMAN PHILIP L. ANTHONY SUPEUVISOR FIRST WSTRICT DONALD A. WINNIS COUNCILMAN CITY OF NE,WORT REACH STAN NORTHRUP REP;ESEENTATIVE OF" GENERAL PUBLIC THOMA,S F. RILEY SUPERVISOR FIFTH DiSTnicr ALTLn'JATE ALICE J. l.t,cLAIN COU14MV-01.IAN CITY Or CYPkESS ALTCkf4A1E: JOAN K' RIDDLE nEPAESENTATIV-- tat GENERAL DWELLIC ALTERNATE LAURENCE J. SCHMIt SUPERVISOR SECC.40 DISTA IC T 11ICHAR0 T. TURNER EXECUTIYZ OFFICER U N7r-Y Imo► UF- ORANGE COUNTY ADIAINISTRATIOWIRUILDING 515 H-SYCAMORE STACET IPANTA ANA, CAWCANIA 92701 TE;.CPHOIIM 234.2.139 AREA CODE /14 1 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION q 1411717) October 7 , 1977 City of Huntington Beach P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Attn: Harriett M. Wieder, Mayor Dear Council Members: I have been informed that Governor Brown has signed into law AC 1533, as introduced by Assemblyman Knox. This bill repeals certain 7hapters and renumbers certain chapters of the Government Code relating to cities and enacts a Municipal Organization Act (MORGA) that provides the exclusive authority and procedure fcr the initiation, conduct and completion of city incorporations, municipal reorganizations or municipal changes of organization. The provisions within IAIORGA will be effective early next year. I believe your city will find KORGA helpful in initiating, con- ducting and completing annexations and detachments involving your city in the future. Further, I think certain provisions within MORGA can be of assistance 10 Orange County cities in reducing the number of unincorporated islands. In the next couple of months, the local Agency Formation Com- mission will have prepared and distributed to Orange County cities a report on the specific procedures and provisions within MORGA for each city's information and future use. This Commission and their staff remain available to assist your city in these natters. Please don't hesitate to call our office if you or your staff have any questions. Very ruly yours, nald J. Sa4a' rel l inD Chairman Omuta BM Wo. Sill t , CHAPTER 1E10 3n act to acid Chapter 64 (cor.:nt►ncing trith Section 541731) to Pori 1, Div' ' n ^, .Title 5 of the fr'oe��rrtrttett# Gana, rt=Git- . inp to annczations of dtrritory to tac¢I ;;mire. [ArProrM by Garazar July 17. 1141. riled ,W6th Ncromry Of out@ Julr Ib, rIto. I 4!"ile people of the Sta11 of California do enavi ai foNow:r b)rcrmrr 1. Chapter 6.5 (oommencinV with Ewtiou fr475O) is added to Part 1, Division 2, Title 6 of the Government Code, to read: ORAL- at 6.5. LonAL Aar--;cr Arrr runox Couact m►nu 54750. As nasal in this chspV.T: (a) "Commiaa:ou" anew t a local agency aanmtion eoz- mitsion. (b) "Special dixtrict" metens art agency of the State for the loiml perforulance of tro;ernMental or proprietary funcdaus within limited l%)undarj.e& "Special diatr;rt" does not include the State, a city, a county, or a school district (c) "Locnl agent"; " means city or +rpedal distrie�L 54750.1. %1 turd in Fxctionx 54753, 54753.05, 54750, and 54759: (a) "Ccrrrntp oi1lC.:r" means: (1) 11rml►er, of flit, board of sapersisorr. (2) %cvnty cler:.. (3) Cott►ity auditor or eaunty t-ant.rnller. (4) Oounty nsmwr. (5) County surveyor or county engineer_ (6) Counts r gistrnr of votera. tbj "City celecr" tnea.ns = or or member of a cirri- .oun- oil or le.gisintive body of the city. 54751. Thi.% eimpter does not tt-pi ly► to arty counts in vhfch ihere ii no city or. in ,rhii,�h there 6 only one eity. f4752. Thtre is hereby created in earb cocns;y of the Sinte 1& local agency nnns,=t►tion ccmmis:itan. 54153. The commission &ball consist of pro members, w. lected as follows (a) Two rrprmntinR the county, each of %rhotn abe.11 Ve a county onTerr, appointntl by the board of autrerriwm (h) Two rrl:re"Wing the citieA in the county, Path of whom 311hil b-3 a city c►rk-er, alt,"inted by the city sele,A'ton cvm. mitts - ---__ - _ _ _ -� -, ....�.�w.P'�-.� _..f'r�►�r..gw�.. '. ►. r........., :.N rrwHvV.W �l ti+�.4./!. j • (�) One repttw.ntinV the gtntrni publie, appointed by tha otbar four mwnbtre of the eor=Luinn, 64753.06. A Katy or wtuty oNctr mAy nrrL a u a mexuber of the corjnWar while holding ofUct as d -Jty or Manty U11:bisY•, 54753.1. Wrrept as provided in this uetion, the terser of . otiite- of each member ss►all b,: fot,,r yein and until the Ant appointnmat and yualiflcation of his sucrt r.'The first rums• beer of the commiss!on stall claaxify themselves by lot so that tbf, terms of oMee of one member is one year, of oun member is two y.,im of two me.mbera is three yexn &nd of one me -tuber is four yens. The power which origin4ly nppoinW a suerr,ber vhr%e term has MinA shah appolint hit succrsoar for full twee, of font yye".U. Auy cneml er may be rerno-red by the paovea al;pninting him Any Yaranr-y in the membership of the co;nmiss:ou gill bo tilled for the mnaxpi.-rd term bi' aprK intnfnt by the }sower which origitially appointed the nv-mbr-r 0ir-+e pmitiin hra be, - come racint, 1175A. For the pnrpaar9 of thit chapter their aball be a city e0e,!cion coimtnttt4�.; for r eh cout►ty. The memb-cmhip of nsrt► canvaitteCR sh►tll WMAid of the ranyar of tatty city- within rues county, car, wken, there 6 ws mayor, the chairman ter• presiSent of the City council. A majority of the mernb;:-r of Part flits s lection committee shall eorAtitot e a auornsn. , &47b5. 91he city Relsctian c*m.mitue of exeh onunty sAnll Me,*.! within W clsti-s Cf ter the rffceti`e d,%tc of thla caal,ter for t10 Rvrpvse of Making the drat appointment$ to the cOn MIS- J aion. The rummittm of each eouuty shali tbercafter m"t on the aernml 31..)dAy in MAY of taeh .year thAt it is r tzmry to makA at1"Mllirig s, gintrro nth to the rowmimion. 0756. If a mr;aar .:enwt to by-! 4n ot]i,-r of the entity he W" Appninte ! to reprnrcnt on the ermmisainn, his Mem•- berwhip on tLe r nnrnnimion tLall there eftex be coriUmd � cb!' etll t, c 54757. 'rho chaim.an luf the ceirmi!"ion thall tM celeeW i by the members therm!. 6 &171M. Commfwion rarmbers shall serve without oompen• action but ah" the reimbtmed the astvid amounts of their rea- sonable and nercoaary w1muses it,currrd its attecciing meat- s tng Aud :t% perhrming the datlm of their o.^ ca. 64759. The clty aelmtio . tvmmittet shall appoint uno aher• ante tz mbtr of the c mraioion in the s me manner at it Ap- polnte a rMulnr tnewbar. Wbta the communion b; co siderW a proposal .far the Anneantlou of tervitory to a dl# of which ' unt of Um mmbera of the tows asion appolnted tinder imbdlri- sion (b) of Eft-62a 54753 is as ofittu, the membtr 3s db► uU- t !6�A from participating in khe pm-tctkJinfiM of the commWioa -with mpect k, the proposal and the alternate mrmbtr &411 Curve in b1i pin,,e for such purpoAt. .4760, The corm union titiail have ,Ie following pavers and dutlej: (1) To resit yr and Approve or divay� prove, iritb or without anrr ilment, vbIly, partially or oonditioually, propvah for thu annexation of territary to i, 'al xgenci,m within the county. (2) To Adopt rtandnrds aad pryedures for the e-ralundan ul proFwim for the annexation of territory to kcal age.ncim Within U.") to-,fr.tr, 54761. No petition s-t-Piring Lhe snntxation of te"itury to a► Ireal m4;eney thall bt- cirrulntrci or filed. uor nhall Any publir. olicer sec,pt any mich petition far filinct, nor s+hal, any Pr• ` train j txxly initir_tP tiro, eedinFs to anzwx on itq over motion until it his `iird a im icy. of irtent.ion to -Tmex with the eom- rnisxion, The notice PILall contain the toandav'rs of Elm territory prupmoi to be urnrmcvl. :ri 162. Except m p-ov id -A in thiti Ft,-t i(m, no fa rt)-,r.r art ion sWl to tasacn con;Truing the projxwr*1 Mur;cxration until the ontomifaJon hxo rpndrrrd is.r decision x.4 pro -tided in Sectinm 51766. It other proviYions of law ntlirli govrrn the anrrra- Vcm Provide for the jubmi►z+ion of the propon(-A txiundaries i 01 the territory W i' ruinrs••,l to Ole Cuilntz bOt1UJAM.- c4/2a- mison for rvview anti rtpert, meb proviasio!,4 of law tLall I are compliod witA after the filirly, kit u notice of intention with the loca] Wney ar•n:a+:tion rumrnimlon pursuant to Stction 54761. A vopy of the rf hart, if any, shall le lranamittoi to the ' loenl agency am-uriation commieslou 54763. Fo'.arin; rcxfipt(if the copy of the rrlx7rt, if any, of the eoultit; kninditry- rorambi-%ion and of tl;e notice prt- wribed by Smt:na ;4761, the commission a1all va the date, time, raid plate for a ptcblie hearing on the pruIx)A 1. Tt:e date of the hosring &hell r-,A be mc-re thur 60 dx)-e follow. ing reNipt by the commimion of +such mitice. The com--nimiun e411 viot.ify ibi gaYemiug Wl} of each lue-al agenry haviog, jurisdiction vithi i the bourtriarm. of the territory pro d to iR srmevr {, and tiC.e pyrining body of rash city vdthiq thrca miles of rimy exterior b an larim of the territory prowl to be aauatod, aar irltertste, p4rty who hr.L Alai A written re- queset erith the ermati-re oflacer ul the cmmiuiou for eturb motioe, and the isimpmmysts of the &annexation, of the date, „ime, ` amd p1mic of Otte public b6tring, Lt kut 15 days rr;or to the dnto fled for the tcearing. 64764. At die hearing, the commismiou &hall bur any inter- tewd pe,ttim havirig imude formal rNueet to appo x etvI ba hata-_', and the report of tho commitsion's +rtaufg', fiho m. mrj- . j don ani its praaidisg c0tar A&U hAvoi the pamw to m4a ate! I 1' ! . i,• J. - 4 - g1orco such rulca e::d rttt; siienz Ai will pmvide for ordt.-ly and fah- M- nduct of the btta rin'.-p, 647W. Factors to tu! cansidirred in the rrview of vi an. t4a tiion ptVTK*al ahAll ;r wle but not txt limltrd to: (1) Poptttat.ion; I-opulation tlerLitr; )and area and land tom= per capita &L-ttwd caltration; tkpr,t;rt-hy, ratursl boundatrins, oral dralrtane buint; pre}aiwity to other popttlated atrem, the RtRwod of c-ttifwunt grawih in the arrA, *i in adjiecat. ImeorpormM and nnii:curporrttti areas, during tb.e next 10 yeam (2) Ne,•cl for orgranir.-M cat irmnity rytrricra; the prcaeut east and zdttclaacv u. t,Jrw r7,rurnt,rl mr�-ire►^ snA mntroly in the arrs.; i;tatablr futurt! os►cric frnr Anr!i rct-s-ioei oral Conttola; pruhabie M:7rn%�- it of the prapcl for vhtion and of a,ternatita aouracrt of atitlun nn lute c:nt rtnri rs,lc•lttaei- of Rcrr-icez and cantrola In the area and ar1jae'!1A veaA. (3) The cffect of the prr,pused anrexmian, aad of alterna- tive artlona, .tn adjat-ant nreai, on mutual fk%7120 And e!•auarnf e intermt,% and on the lo•;al governn, enttl structure the County. 547r,6. T.-pon t`rirJchmi-n of the Lvarinj:, the corz;misxion 7 fty take tho Tnattpr uu&r cona:cl-wou and hall, vithin :30 days follrra-ir,K conclusion of th , l,rairing, errs►.nt its cieterint- naation. qle aorrraivaion may clso adjr.,Jrn A heArin6• from t!wc (•) tirae, ?1Ot no; 1,3 P.Yrrkd a tol;tl nt 30 dtty-1. If 6--fl enmmiulora +tpproysy ' tt,i, annexation, •roceeditngs tber-f:i%,7'tu&y be wntinuN! aaA othcrwi.+�: p:r�•i+ied by the t;ov. erniag law,,_ If tho wnntia.,ion dirapprrres the prop ned an. neintic-n, far'!hrr prc-eKriinp to annex the trrritorx to the locaLt. age:rtr, Oull terminate_ i f t. tt n7v ntifmion apprvvm the prcprA^l aunrxCl m with tt=rulitirAtiotia cfr t•anditions, further proct,t4iinfis for tU annexAtlon nosy toe. cntttituted only in tout• pli4ocr with inch m(Aitjcatir,7., or s~onditior-k. U767. If the c--�nunicrinn dixappnsv es the annevition of irrtitnry to z3 ci: , no tlptic! of int-ention to to-cx the same of P.M lar'�iytirtliq the acantn ttrritnr±- to that c hY mar N 'Qled erith the csrumi ior_ for at lcma t o•rae ;rear after the date of dtcappmrai. If the commNifort tiimpprovty the annessilon of te-rAtory to a apreird 31itrizt, taw cif iut,-ttlou to annex the mme or ntthstarrti&Uy thi Rtt:to territory 'to than special d*,ttr!ct xuAr, e t-+ dh3 with tha c%immUdae for at lent ante y@,Ar atl'tor` ba dw. of dint tprova3, F4768.' 1� the trerr►tary of tr; xjwcial diArict bet fn"u"r* thus ono att mty' the notice of iuten ion to onk, q"gtdr d with the ccalintWon of the OAAU jr 11*'W6 the jc n-ittvy to bu-'a tnexed fiat. \. Sr.t.r -Ttaa.v ...__.. _. .��.,-... ..-.-,,...-•,rrwrwwWitir�.. f 4.f 54769. Th•y commikiieu may rtpceait,t, au axortstive or3t tier ` rho shall r.onduct and perfort-i the day -today buAiArtas 0 the CUYAuti,filun. if the cCUI ritMat1 1irit'9 1101 appoint tit P.xwu- tive o>;lrer, tLe eouutq- a l.-ninixtrator, or, if there it none, the c's,antr clf-rlc, hhull stet ar, exerutive of leer for tl;e eommk*ioa. To the �uten' that the rc°stcltred to the rornzrria- tsion under St-ctian 5177'' b irmuf elrnt for itx needs, the cone. mL1iion may appoint and wiipn rt,.ff p rrsnnael ucrcattry- for the periormr+rier of its dwi;•a lint! fur,;.t.ionr and tho corn- ;ni:xtau mnr employ and contuc-6. for proft%iiona or ronsult- • itiv itsrvi�tx to enrrr ,,ut imil r!"crt t}rep furetinn a weifle1 in thiw chapter. �a The OCIM'zli::;ion may al --a incur tt,eir,; and nr:c -.xrr rs- 1 ir." for the accomp!isnraent of its funf:Com, 54770. I'h(- t•nu:oi }roundary t" -antuion K:ail tYlltle!' 3dvisrer vrrice.i to ti.e 1>>ral r,r;e rv*y ;►nneintirm mniraizion upor, its rr<t ,r•yt. The stnf' of ilhrh wcnihrr of the counel• houndrry ror: mm%ion shall 1•.: ara.ilahie to the. 1ot�l agency arinfxation rvrtnli ..ion it.) amgist it in ca:r ing nut its functior;i under this ehhptcr. 5.1-71. The IKArd of mpcmi,tior khn:l furnkh they cntnrnis- Sion with necc_Susry qukrters, equipment., anti Fupplitt=, and tha usuld anti ne,�r:Enrj• t.)peyming experv"— inrt,rretl by the ce.m. �nir.�ion ++Itirell lr,• n t�r�uu!l chnrg°r.+ , Src. 2. Thi., rrt shill bvevine oirrratise nnlv if Awrrtblr Rill, i`e'O. 1GG2 is rmarted at the 1904 Rogulnr g+,-uslnri of t!rr 1'evillature Knd ill I-11ch At the mme bul arc A memblr B11 No. IOU tnk(-s e•f'r;•t. It this: hill •aud Aw•mblg Bill No. 1662 are lx:tli t—vtod ht the I;)Gil Re ttl.rr SmAdem of thr UT-4- lature, no lc•c-rJ zrtn,--v eba.il lie tows} i pursuant t.a Cletipter ti 5 (rerntn nwint with SmAiott 54750) of Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of tat (eoit-manr.rit C—le, L:A a local nKtrrO}' ShAli he forms--d in each enuvil purxunnt to ('l•.eiptrr ti i► (v„mra�wut:ing wit.}r aeeioh W713) to tuiid our', The vca1 ta,:vnu faro atiun cotumi uion sh-'ai tease all of the veers ceetcvl iu the com-wimion i1g' Kehl ('ittlpter 11.6 snd, in .' I;n, Ourill, in tl,•tch county, uatwiihrtxrding (lov• C-MMent Ci>de Si*,! :otl .54751, I.Mve &11 ct the lxTwers vextcd by mid C1)Apter 6 5 in a local agetiry anne Ation cummLwi--m And %iaapt:r 6.5 AY.All uppl; In thch c,.)urttY is Sbt ldtt'ter Ric. 3. Thix r"A hell r.LN% apply to prvctedino to iLnur:L tr, rritnry t,% rt l+:,tu►1 ttgv.w.,Y if the nnrre4xatioD Ntiticrn bas beta .r e-ircu1M#%:1 or :ilc4i, or it a sraverning L�.s.•:;• Imi initiAteii pra• reexlirirs to 4nnex on hx owu motion, prior to the timis whezi j the Ar•r:t nlew rat c of tho mitunti.sxion created bw Vhi+t set are rerlecW io the munty or munlie4 in witirfa 1ku the anutLdug local sgrwy rind the te-rritorp to tot nnaexol. 0 L:tc�� ��:� iatt • .. - ' i�, �; 7!1 ;+r ri;�.� fr f 1.t1Ft.t{t11i ..+ , •.i r 1 T5(1 a`"'� 4.1' :..l: i:.:?, 1......,,•....e. 9SN,wee^...M..r..+M.•.. _.�s�ow..r.. r_. CHaIR1AAN MILL:Ak J. PHILLIPJ su►tRrlio4t TM,10 DIS om I VICE•CFIA111MAN LOUIS R. REINHARDT CO9ACILMA■ CIT1 OT rOtl[ATp+N I 111 1. 6ATTIN SUPCOW1so• ►aelt D,1T.►cT I cLirTON C. WLL.ER WAro� CIIT Or TUATIN I STAN NORTHRUP Rt►fttt[K'atirt aT arNANm PUBLIC altti lyATK DAVID L. BAKER SMOVISCA stColto 0I3r11[t I ALTI�NAT& XEE BURHAP AIKPPIS121TAT1Vt Of bIMt11.1 PUBLIC 1 .� AlT[kMAT[ XOXERT J. NEVIL , COUNCILMAN cm or LA MA10A RICMARD I. TURNER e 6AtICHTIVI0MC110 T"Y C)I, F Y'T►1 V 43e CHANGE :OUPJTY ADMINISTRATION GLFIL.0040 Y. 0. rho X I17 SANTA ANA, CALIi'd:I011A 92792 TELEPtIONE: if4-lt3F ASKA V301:714 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATSGN COMMISSION December 11, 1972 To: All. Cities and Special Districts From: Richard T. Turner, Executive Officer Subject: Local Agency Formation Commission 1973 hearing and Filing gchedule The attached schedule has been prepared for your convenience in filing proposals with the Local Agency Formation Commission during the 1973 calendar year. The dates listed in the left-hand column represent the latest dates material may be filed with the Commission in order to be heard on the corresponding date shown in the right -hind column. rt should be pointed out that pursuant to tylaw No. 40 the Executive Officer shall set as many matters for a meeting as can be heard within h three hour period. Any additional matters eligible to be set for hearing shall be set for the next succeeding regular meeting, or special maeting. The Commission meetings will be held in the Board of Supor- visors Rearing Room, County Administration Building, 51S North Sycamore Street, Santa Ana at 2:00 o'clock: P.M. s LOCAL: AGENCY FOUVT10N COWUSSION FrLING AND HEARING SCHEDULE January through December, 1973 FILING DKTE HEARING ATE December 15, 1972 January 10 December 29, 1972 January 24 January 19 February 14 February 2 February 28 February 16 March 14 March 2 Harch 28 March 16 April 11 March 30 April ?S 6t April 13 Mny 9 I April 27 May 23 i May lg !June 13 June 1 June 27 1 June 15 July 11 ,tune 29 July 25 July 1? AuFust 8 July 27 August 22 t August 17 September 12 August 31 September 26 September 14 OctobeT 10 September 28 October 24 October 19 November,14 November 2 Novc�beT 28 t, November 16 vece `per 12 November 34 Decorber 26 4 . ill Y. e c f GOWITY OF ORANGE LOCAL AGENCY PaIMAT1011 C014MISSIOII JW'TrFICA110N OF PROPOSAL In mr-der to facilitate the Commission's review of the factors oet forth in Govemnent Code Section Vi796 you are rI. ,uired, purouant• to Bylaw No. 31, to complete the rollowing questionnalM to the beet of your ability. Along; with said questionnaire you are inquired to submit a reprodu; able map and legal, deacrlprion as exhibit, "A"s inoluding a location map. ,�.. .. � a-..:....r .. _ .a .: ... a .RR l�: _ V .r _� �. Mks +rMl�i ^• QOVERVMENT CODE SECTION 5479b 54796. Factors to be considered. factors to be considered In the review of q proposs.1 shall include but not be 11mited to: (a) Population, population density; land area and land use; per capita, assessed valuation; topography, natural boundaries, and drain- age basins; proximity to other populated areas; the or 319- niricant growth in tho area, arid In adjacent incorporated and unincor- porated areas, during the nei't 10 years. • (b) Need for orcanized community Services; the present cost and adequacy or governmental services and controls in the area; probable futures needs for such aervlcea and controls; probable effect of the proposed incorporation, fcrrnatlon, annexation, or exclt'lsion and of alternative cour3es of action on the cost and adequacy of Services and contra is in the area and ad.;acnnt. areas. (c) The effect or the proposed action and of alternative action: on adjacent areas, on mutual social and economic interests And on the ;local governmental structure or the county. (d) The definiteness and certainty of the boundaries of the re:.,, ritory,, the nonconformance of Proposed boundarles with lines or as- sessment or ownership, the creation of lulands or corridors of unincor- porated territory, and other almil;Ar matters affecting the prr:-»ued bounds. ien . ( For# merly § 54798, added S to t—s , 1965, c. 587, ;-, . 1021, 9I0. Renumbered § 54790' and amended Srats. '-nb5, c. 20451, P. 14779, § 20.7. ) i (t-roniormityj with appropriate cif n;- county general and epecifi.c plaza. I t 1 -nsTrFicATra j or TO: WCAL AGMCT FONUTION 00Pi UssrOif FnST FLOOR - R0011 101 OOUPTY ADN12USTRATION DUILDING 515 NORTH SYCAMORE 5TRWT WTI ANA , CALIFORNIA SLING ADDRESS: P.O. LOX f 8"/ SANTL ANA, CaLim .Rl9TA n(v SUBJECT: JUSTIFICATION OF PROPOUL "TITLE OF PROPOSAL A. GER10AL 1, TYPE AND DESIGNATION OF 11ROP;JSAL: 2. STATUTORT PROVISIONS GO!tF.RNING aria DIUGS : 3. TEE REASONS FOR THIS PROPOSAL ARE AB POLWWS °1 1 4. DESCRIBE DRAINAGE BASINS, RIVERS, FLOOD CONTRUL CPAWEL, ETC. ' 5. DESCRIBE MAJOR HIG WAY ACCESS TO THE AREA: 6. DESCRIBE THE LOCATION AND DISTANCE OF THIS PROPOSAL FROM ANY A ERPORT IN THE COWT'Y : C. POPULATION AND RELATED HAWERS. 1. POPiILATION IN SUBJECT AREA: 2. POPUTATION DENSITY (I. E. PER SQUARE MILES, PER ACRE.) ,.mow,, • �ry:'� JUSTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL 3. NUK ER OF RE- 01STEMD VOTERS 4. NtmER OF DWELLING UNITS: 5. PROXIM17Y TO OT}ER POPULATED AREAS 6. LIKELIHOOD OF SIGNIFICANT INCREASE xN POPULATION IN NEXT 10 YEARS T. LIKELIHOOD OF SIGNIFICANT INCREASL IN ADJACENT AREAS IN NEXT 10 WARS: A. IN UNINCORPORATED AREAS: H. IN INCORPORATED AREAS. C. DESCRIBE PROPOSED NEW ZONING OF. CHANGES Ill ZONING, IF ANY: Y 2. ASSESSED VALUE IN AREA: A. LAND: B. IMPROVEMENTS so- C. AMOUNT OF PUBLICLY OWNED LAh'D IN AREA: 3. AMOUNT OF SALES TAX COLLECTED IN ARSA : E. GOVERNMEI:TAL SERVICES IN A}L:A: (DESCRIBE' IN SUCH DETAIL AS IS APPROPRIATE TO THE AREA 111E EXISTING GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES AND COtrTROLS iN THE :,SEA INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE $ eOLICE i-RDTECTION, FIRE PRt3T'£C7I0::, }MALTH SERVICES, GARBAGE AND TRASH COLLECTION, LIBRARIES, PARKS AND PLAY- nRtlfr tNS _ RTZVp: iS _ STRVFT4 nTRF:RT T.Tr.141IYNP. vgTr I S JUSTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL 4 F. USED FOR ADDITIONAL GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES OR CON'TAlOLS : f 1. DESCRIBE THOSE GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES OR CONTROLS WHICH SHOULD BE PROVIDED WHICH ARE 14OW NOT PROVIDED OR WHICH SHOULD BE PROVIDED III INCREASED AMOUNT 114 THE AREA. 2. ESTIMATE PROBABU FUTURE NEED FOR NEW OR INCREASED GOVERNVZ�NTAL SERVrCES OR CONTROLS IN THE AREA. 3. DESCRIBE HOW YOUR PROPOSAL 1r:ETS THE NEED WHICH YOU HAVE DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPHS F, I and 2 ABOVE. h . WHAT ALTERNATI --�- COURSES DF ACTION EXIST FOP MZET1 NG THE NEED DESCRIBED ABOVE? DESCRI=- AND EVALUATE: t JUSTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL Z. ADEQUACY OF G0VEF1*(ENrAL SERVICES AND CONTROLS. 3. MUf UAI. SOCXAL AND ECONOMIC INTERESTS. 4. LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COUNTY. I. IS THERE ANY SERVICE N014 BEING PROVIDED IN THIS ANNEXATION WHICH WILL ICE PROVIDED BY THE ANNEXING CITY OR DISTRTCT' IF SO, DESCRIBE IN DETAIL WHAT STEPS YOU WILL TAKE UPON ANNEXA- TION TO DETACH FROM ANY DISTRICTS WHERE A DUPLICATION OF SERVICE AND TAXATION WOULD BE I?;VOLVED: L. TO DE COMPI ETED FOR FOR'IA'rIm PROPOSALS ONLY 1. SERVICES AND MAJOR PROJECTS TO BE PROVIDED BY PROPOSED AGENCY IN FIRST AND SECOND YEAR OF OPERATION: _ 2. PROPOSED BUD-,r:ET FOH FIRST TWO YEARS OF AGENCY'S EXISTENCE. AiT4CH PROPOSED BUDGET SHEETS AS EXHIBIT ` "B" TO PROPOSED REQUEST. ' 3. ESTIMATED TA �, RA-nr FOR FIRST TWO YEARS OF AGENCY'S EXISTENCE. ATTACH TAX RATE PROPOSALS AS EXHIBIT "C" TO E PROPOSED REQUEST. 4. ALTERNATES TO PROVIDING SERVICES OTHER THAN BY ' INCWPORATION OR FORMATION ...._..�.�._. r SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE FOLLOWING (3 MAXIMUM): NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS I CITY NAME TELE PHONE ADDRESS CITY 72 ORANG C COIJNTV 1 AQMINISTHA710141 NUILCnNGF �� � . l srts M. svcAlwoW� stneeT � ■ � 4400M 1o1 V N ` T C)�'�� �y 5AtITA ANA, CAWF ORNIA 92701 tELEPHOtlEi 834.2:J9. AREA COOL 7149 A►NGP. LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMSSION CHAIRMAN July 11l, 197 DONALD J. SALTARELLi COUNCILMAN CITY OF TUSTIN VICL-4WAIRMAN PHILIP L. ANTHONY SUPERVISOR FIRST ol,Tplc7 Alicia Wentworth,Ci ty Clerk .� DONALD A. WINNIS City of Hunx ingtol, Beach COUNCILMAN P.O. Box 190 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Huntington Beach, California 92648 STAN NORT14RUP Dear Ms. Wentworth:REPRESENTATIVE OF GENERAL. PU89-IC j THINIASF.RILEY As you are aware, for six months now I have been doing the. SUPERVISOR filings for completion of city annexations and detachments FIFT04 DISTRICT with the various government agencies. i . 11 HET RNAT P There has been some questions as to the effective date, of a REP$4ESENTATIV£OF resolution passed by a city council on annexations and detach- GENENALPUDLIC (rents. It is set forth in the Government Code that after an ordinance is passed by the city counc1l, the ordinance takes AL CEJ.MecLAIM effect 30 days after final passage, with certain exceptions. COUNCILWOMAN CITY OF CYPRESS Dorothy Anderson, Off'ce of the Secretary of Stare, has sub- � rotted to LAFCO offices several helpful hints for filing with LAURENCE`J.SCHwlT the Secretary of State. Hopefully, the following items will SUPERVISOO assist us in preparing documents For completion of filings on sEcoHoplsTs:ICi city annexations and detachments. EXEC as COFFICER TURNER "(1) Documents have not been stating whether annexed r<xfGVTIVC OFFICER territory is inhabited or uninhabited territory, (This information is given to the Office of the • State Controller, Bureau of Finaorial Analysis, for the apportionment of shared revenue.) (2) Document cannot be filed in this office until 30 days after final passage. Many documents have'been . held in this office for two or three weeks because they are being mailed toy early. (Section 35310.1 of the Goverrim. ent Code provides that A resul utivn approvin�_.the annexation shall be considered the same as an ordinance. SQ�:tion 35937 states that an ordinance takes effect 30 days, after. final passage.: This applies` to both Generul Law Cities and Charter Cities," unlrss the provisions of a city charter claims otherwise." If you have any.quesliians on preparing your documents for filing with my office, or if I can be of any assistance please give me a call. Yours truly, M Richard T. Turner Executive Officer RTT:ih - sTATc Of cAu101►1IA j�..-�.• STA7k,� BOARD : OF EOVALIZATION(1kORt:C R. REILL Y 1020 li;'STVEIT. UCUAMIN10. CAU408titA ��s� C.�(•,c�, i•� i�'.,t+sca (t_O. OX ,17P9. SXCRAMENTa. CAVIONNIA Masi , �,� ,Z 7 1. S Do 1.ta.1 .U,s►.ir1S.M i3.00 qti.�� O.�r.csr. Lam: if.ls•t May 16, 1977 Far�+h ta,ttr.tt, P::1•f�•r• KENNETII CORY C'anrroll•i Sac�.�•R�o DOUGLAS 0. OUL' C..arr,wr Soon+ Nor To The Addressee: NOTICES OF ANMEXAT ION FOP. STATE AMINIST".ATIM Or LOCAL SALES AVID USE TAXES EfcfeotiVn ;janunry 1, 1977, the last wan changed requiring Locale* :�f;ency Formation Ca-unissions to make �nx:exatiun filings with •' this Board's Valuation Division for pr ert tax purposes. In�--, addition cur, city Tiusl furnish: two`,: anla'Lwit.l: StrGot.� address ` i itif+omation for sales and use taN purposco. Please refer to Article II, Section J, of the contract between your city and this Board for State Administration of Local Sales and Use Taxes. jF I f Accurate maps are vital to assure proper allocation of local sales and use taxes. In many instances it is the only 'Weans to identify the jurisdiction in which a bi:,=.inesB is locat d. Presently, an many nnne•,ation filings %%-e ore not receiving; the nisps required to ndninister lacaL sales And use taxes. Since LAFC01s filing requirements do not include the maps for local E. tax purposes yeu should send them directly to this Board's LOCAL TIV UIZIT at the post office box given oti this l,etterhead. -.�-,. ---, .- - �th Qtr'. . p fixers should .:�nckr�d� :. .'i'��z�' and s.• of. i,h� ��nexcd � !��� .ceC: -�asidrFsts - , numbers'. ;Street,. ranai ,alga � or renumberi ngs 14k:n Il.d .lie fti'5 4a as they oMcuro, if the area LS undeveloped, the. reaps should so state rn'd the street names and numbers sent vhc1n r ailab1G. Your city will recei.'ve ;)nly the local taxes cultic ted fro-,, sellers with places of business within the city � Lmits w}so are properly identified and coded to the city, vajy trul yours, I:Ubart M. Honking Supervising Auditor P1 IH: db June 181 1970 C. E. Wood :3 i ,na l Oil sind Gan Company P. 0. Idux 1'il 4(tinLi► ;toj► Beach, Cal 926118 Pear Bill: 7 ai-: crx losing copy of sect 1, R , �79A7.1 the •Csavernment: Code o, the ;tntc o`i' Cali forr;l-n PeYt tc, nrn,exntlon of territory o-;nc'cl :n t: rely by onelf�rui :�r wr, be ). t.cye;: tt In�,clt'-explanitury tuil ,'ell thn.G ;you might Mk e thci In i`orma tior, at hgrid o r 'u tura re. Yost 1 a re Yo1 o to t11•a.t tha I.A FC Can %pprove ni-AA ►wthorize the U!:3l.sV of the City to apnex territory without notice and hau,. 4g b ht. A:gl.s la t lve DOAy :and w 1 thout an alectior:.if 3uah L equi r1 , Al!,c) "or your inl' ��.33t r`, t! l.ieve the bd.zt procedure ►could be to : Ll.�: +►� ith th 4-t'y Cale ► s.- originnl copitiq of n letter request- ing Annexatlorl. .she C rk wl 1.1 then have Ckounc :l pass a re:4olu- t i_on o f .intent t Anne , s ub j o-.- t tO A PT�"iV41 O � tha L�FC, and wi11 submit thi, h r ;dint one copy oO'the oz%141nn1 letter :reque3ting anise o TAFC COr proces3Jj,,;,,. The whole thing Call be p,�x•formed in something lusa thar► a onnth nort:a1ly. If you have other quet t io � Y ot-A the tuttte r, 1 w111 be happy to, to supply ar.swax s for you. PFL U 1 C. jcrlet 5 City Clerk PC.;: pa Ex:r� •tos ti re , G/aVi1 �r aJ.L k7 VL-.9.V N iLl L VGl► .Lo %C;L 4 The kind of chance of or gani.sa Lion completed is Q an annexation. a detachment. The short title; if any, of the annexation o: detachsnenti proceeding is The legal description of the terrLtory annexed or detact ed is Pet forth .in the attached. Exhibit A. The terms and conditions, i£ .any; of : the ohange o organiza-ton as set forth in the resolution ordering the change of organization are contained in the attached Exhibit B. . The change of org6..i2ation was Y L7 ordered without an election and the resolution ordering -' the change of: organization was adopted by the governirig boi rd .. ;KI or the Diztriet on , conti.rmed by the voters and the resolution confirming .th(i change of organization after conrirtnation by tha. votera ,, was adopted by the governing board of the District on The name' o*f the county or counties in which the entire District is located is (are) The kind of change of organization completed is an annexation. Z7 a detachment. • The short title, if any, of the annexation or dot&-.' iment proceeding 1s The legal, description of the 'territory annexed or detached is set forth in the attached Exhlbi t A. - ,Me terms and conditions, if artchange'., .. ` Y, of the of . organization as set forth in the resolution ordering the change of organization are contained in the attached Exhibit B, ; The change of organization was :ordered without election and the resolution ordering, ,an change f or antzation was xo g adopted b the overnin P Y B F► board , or the District on Confirmed by the voters and the resolution confirming the change of orEAn.ization after confirmation by the .voters was adopted by the governing board of the D1str.ict on • „ fr i ISTJIT� i50ARp OF EQUALIZATION.. SCHEDULE'OF PROCESSING iTATFJr<ENTS`AND >►tA1'S FILED f'URSU. 1` 4"0E17 SECT•,OF THE' G4YSIECTERNMN Effective Moth 4, '19r1 Foes are to accompany statement2 filed pursuant to Section 54900 e1 `soq of the Government Cole,, , unless prior orrengement iw periodic payment has be#n mode. i. ' 1. Cis Incorporations, district formations or addition g i Y N � OR Of Q><:{ti:f rlll7flCtf to sett follsi • .. Reorganizations including the fo►mation of districts a i»corts�otion of cities. $100 t So-so ptf acre (1)i21 2. Annexations to or detachments from districts S30 SO.,iQ trer acre ', 3, Annexalions to or detachments from cities J^• $40 i '. 0-9) ref acts OEM(. EM(.l r d. Creation otterneoraly tones within highway lighting aisttiicts S10 per ' "C"e In a4ditiusti to onreato0on fee' 5. ac aion of zones or improvement districts concairentlf with formsttsiin of "Pofent", district ' "`• S25 pet :nna at imptcrvan�ent district ;1)(�) E �, 6. Creation of zone w imixovement district subsoquetit,to lairnation of 'Parent" dixtf6ct t $50 $0.50 Pat ".(10) 7, Reorganizations not includirtj formation of district-5 ^r incorpWatiao of cities � 3fIQ } per acr0,'+)�2% 7' -' S. Name changes Cr formation of dimficis Cr TMIas that aft coittroineuti with axieting t:itf+at::or districts; Dissolutions +�5 i $20 per covnly (1) No fire sholl exceed $350 excopt i.•hon 01ty cctidn covered by the t.+nfer+,ent involves male.. t: tfson one county. In soc1, coif;s, acff S.K.O frN site bece4d csr each ivbs:equtcnt totmty..' i (?) Ift3�e cctiart cavart:d br thh statement Involvest+�o or more nont"11gWous area:, sxfd -• ��` $i0'per oroa to fee. (3) Ue fee for onnexationn to cities oisu covers related detachnm!nts frsr,'t %peclal districts ?Fire pto'tnrtion, iglhting, etc.) Thrc6o,,:. fees -will befoubled)f'thestatttlorydendlineal.lanuarylstfor flteng:state- 4''� i •." .., meats ti wx*+�nrind 6Y legsslost+++! +tttton. ,•r+ i s,, i REV. '41"7t N f . ,,_ iI r •.a i - .� t.r lYYlr A. WWACE po ea ` upon , the '.city, .eleick , (fee _ Stints aaoexation�leks impose,.se �� numerous duti ., Chapter1 }. It is, therefore, necessary to be='concerned.vith' uuux- I; anon of tirri.tory.:to the city, 'since the -cityeLerk' a' duties "are- am lmwrtent pert of the process. '. 13. INMETED t The 8=exation of inhabited t�errito is acc= liahed under'_t' Anarx� soon Act of 1913 which . appears is the Government Gods`; Sections 35100 ; through 35158. The fol.lc%rina outline rei-eaents a general outline whereby aanexaticag are successfully accomplished. No effort hero been• I made to include a detailed breand7an of all the ,hazards and pitfalls as t esc:h ' particular proposed annexation vill have to be independently evat-, uated. The follcrving are the general steps: , I. The proponents should request the Bounda y'Cca iacion to approve ' the boundary description of the territory proposed to be annexed: (Govt. Code Sec. 35002). This step is now actually necessary until prior -to the circulation of the petition, however, to avoid con- fusion) it should be the first order of buBinesa. 2. The proponents request the can -sent of the City Council to commence. proceedJmgs. (Coot. Cade Sec. 351--)6) • CityCount matter • to the.Planning Camisci' 3• r it moat refer the ins on ; I reportrecomaenciration prior to ' Council Consent' (GC 35-108) for and cannot not until after the Plaonina Comisaion submits its re- co=endati,on 'or : 40 days elapse oXter the reference to the Pldnning Commission Ot 35109) ; 4. The PlamAna Camiaaiou makes its report and reco=endation to the 1 City Council (GG'35108). l 5. The City Council, by resolution, coruents to the commencement of a proceedings (GC 351o6). '. r 6. The proponents publish a notice of intention to eircul te,petitiaas which shut]. be accompanied by a printed statement containing rem n sous annexation exatirn (GC 35121) . The notice aunt be published once in a newspaper of general circulation ui.thin the City (Elections Code Sec. 4002). ;r The proponents, within 10 dayo after publication, file a, copy of the notice and an affidavit of the publighing of same %iith the City Clark (V. 35112) ► , ' :I;; 8. The City Cotmell adopts a resolution aclzowlcd,3i g receipt of'the .: ll ,, notice and approving circulation of the petition (00 35113) ; 2tda I ` should be done within b; day a after the notice Luid affidavit are is on filed vith the City Clerk. he'effect of cu•ch a re�soluiten , reeluda, inoonsfatent steps Involving incorporation or, mne p p Q � xs�tien for u pariod or 50 dkya • ' 2EOM,. L:cludas, um.onc'acenta enacted at 4ha 1. �i. Ta:ala'lative ;,ea7 Ors. i ' r -9,� :lrbaty: ouQa „e�#`ter :the' pu�blfcdticn o! hotid3 taw petiti,00 ,; say :bo. cii•cul�t�ej(;d ( 3514 W !M6):. 1+D Witbia 5a "daiye `(aC 35�-3� the :peti�io C. sh6WAL end Withih six �,antha ;the potitfcex. m�uet {GC;;35001�{ be' rsturnd ,to' the City_ C3.er}. �+ith :the ot, At. lesst' oineMfourth `of 'tht regis'- tered'',roters �liv3ng � .thin the � territory: piccpmaec!' to be. 'aanex- x" �•' Qa: (CC; 3.].6�. ; Petition' si21 uot' coate3a any date pr to ?° 'six aionthe frt+�i date o a@Y { ,. 11. Ifthe propexty to be. annexed in to bo tusked for boaded iedebC4, ness of, the City previously, incuzxed, or issprovecaents of the': City reviousl�� onstructed, then the petition should contain reSerenCa ' r• to'tbi4 (GC 35147)- 22. When a petition siped by, not leas than 1/4 of the qu"ied'elea- tore "of . the . area to be snnexed is recoived, tho ' City Clerk and Ccranty Ree,atrar of Voters n=t ' check . the I *ition and certify its sufficiency within t;m weeks (GC 351161• 13. If. petition is insufficient, supplemental. petition my be filed }. within 10 days (GC 35116)• i 140 if the -certificate shows petition Is sufficie"apt deiYshall so a resolut�.oa of intention tocall. a apec4el elect on' (GC 35ii6). Rbe resolution or intention uhould provide 1 " t less. -than for a hesxing ,oa protests noea.than 15 nor more tlasu : t+0 clays after the passage and adoption of the resolution (GC 35118)•, 15. ' U a school district ,6hange. is to be included in the &=exetlon, a' deteminatioa auat be made g' prior to adoption of ` resolution ' or intention. only tinder certain conditions- is it possible. for territory, to ibe annextd to becac n part of any school district ' within 'the -City to which it is annexing. (Educaticc Code, 8ca• :,. . ! kt2l 1M) • �� rl" .ei�ll cacao a, co of the recol. �� ut�.c� to be ,tblis..e d 16. the di c P,! F' r ' the weeka� r at least once a week for a two prior to the hearing ,4. i7. The Clerk, obtL11 null vrit~ten notice of the proposed a=ex:ation to each aver of equitable or, legal . Luterest in land vithin the teriitory',�to be annexed who has f13e d hie Cane and address and descrlptian of the laud %dth the Clerk. Such notice ahall rbe : zaled not les© than 20: "ya be£or.3 the public heaxlad. (GC ` 35119) • Note; It is not recesaKry to mail such notice to property owners except` ithere they have filed their na=a and address itith the City Clerk. 18. 'Written protest to proposed Annexation mV be, filed, by ; cvnern `. of pro'r�ty yltbin the area to be annexed until final adjourn-_ meat of hearing.- . TS protests ,a.re' inaui•ficient' Council recoosen ' for ].U; Ys to.,al lav , for` the filing - of oupplcmental , protests. ( �5 �.,': ntin be' uitk�dmn b 'Berson malci. 15me at {uc j a n, for to fiLval adjoumment of beciring, ram; 35.12 . :!fats: 2bequo stion,of, protects hao'became i'ercosingly ccmpli• , citt d uid in ehnckug and`nreparina a report on ,protests, the Clerk, shov.14 consult, with tuff Cit f' d irgal advisor in miking d�rtezt.ix��itiono on validity of nrotestu. M63 ' l9. Couac.a.i Ftaalutlon of : fittdia� r� wficiency ". r dAy of 'proteste at� the: p A lic, i,earing or .vithin 14 '~ .. :. - yR 'to do: so prota'sta are eoaaaidered au�C- lriof,�heari�g:' cient . to terrdUmate ,furtber pxwceedinds. E� 35�.•1) t�'� ; 4 .,2A • If there is a �pa'jority, protean., that is� if protests are filed ' ++ y _ terr"6 ( lard tje„rr��eed �roceue ef �a "8bu1].' to be e�nnexed tthehe 'btexYaitwte P tea$ (GC 35M). '21. • If there i no ran jor.iiy protest, sad it the Council it A. to • V proceed, the Council may reduce the area proposed'to be annexed by not more than 5% (GC 35121- 5)• 22. if Council finds by resolution' there iana MaJOrity, protest, delay Council aha].1 ca1.1 tt special eZectian without or adopt a . o resolution teerrminating .the pr�ceedinGs If ,'•vWxe aP terri- . ,, for ' to' be .'ahn • , ed " equalg •. one hewl.t or more of that Within t e ti City,, or nvzber of electors. of territory to be .Unexed eq%mis (new) . one-half ormare of electors vi.thinthe .►C _ty,.,a apccial election shall be called srit2�ia the City coacurrcntly with I election in area to be' amexed.. (GC 35120 The electioa shall be held not sooner than 5 da,ra and not t .23. later than 75 days after the tenxine-ion of the hearing on protest (GC 35122) .. , r�. 2�t. The City Council shah. cause, the notice of election to be . published at -least once a week for. the •four Weeks prior .to the election it'a newspaper outside of. the City but ir. , the `.ctactioi required to be held (new) r >; z County; and i a s eG al iu r ram.► inside the City AB Well, publication quail. also be mate in a. City, (GC 35123) ne�rspaper of Cenersl circulation isasidP the 25. Proceclurc for conducting election. (GC 35�+-35132)• 26. Ccr•rncil resolution declaring election resulta. (GU 35133) • , �7. If a majority or votes cast is for annexatiOn, the .legislative ,: (GC 351.35). ;< r a rove the annexation by ardic=C#3. body, may 17P ; 28. Nhaa effective, ccrt3fl.ed copy► of ordinance . together with the , g City Clerk's certificate chwiing the date, time and result of the canvass Wnd deacriptian of the territory aluxU be trat�zmLtted to the Gecreta_rly_ of State. (GC 35142). 29. A=ex•ation is complete upon date the ordinance i� file i by the Secretary of State. Te-rritc:ry becrrmeo a part 'af the City for ' gal purposec on the ante of tiling by the ;ecret+ary ,of $tate the 'date of the filing of the arfidavit of campl,eti.oi lit2� or the County Reaorder, Whichever occurs laic;;• (fit a51tf5-3�tk'll 3o. ' an rent to County Recorder (CC ;���U$��•31). Af`fidavit of completion 31,. Statement of boundary cheu�gt w-it1Y lego� deaar�,ptior� and rv�p of .-., . ! 4 c�nnnelcd area went to Cc=ty Assosaor and State Board oS �'.que3.ize- ' end 6%Mty t1cn: Also., to Gti rintendeat ,of 1, bl Incrtructfon ' Superintendent "of Schools it annexuti n 9.ne`.iuQAdl uhaq,�;a i.0 aa�ol • 4iatrict. (GC .54900«54905), J ,414 • - " �t�•�„ /�/t ;. :: Csa�aas .'by t31 e Cortiticate re'�,,ah,aent , voters FrC See.1 1 4) f k /'w.�a4.,,f t,+�, : 41 _ •5l 1 �'r'• ,t+lj.i :if t .t 1, ', j r, ia= Ct - i .,r 1 • - a 1 Ry,� Aftt.'ro unused baote (EC Sec•1439) J.1 j Council rr�olution declerissg eleatioa `'results adopted",trX Sec: ;3 `' Ordiaaince ea � xestigt� yeti afirvt re.�ti PPS n8 (GC sec.• 35135) ,` Ordinance'approvina amexation'given second reWUrig' Ordinance #approvingsnucx$tion sdo �: ►1 Ordinsnc,approving annexation effective ; . approving annex ion published in (newspaper) or posted} When 'efferctive, certified cq-f of ordinaaa cent t4 Secretary of State, -together with Ccrtii-;,cation of r Election Returns (Gc Sec. 35142) J3ate; certiSf.E;d copr�T of. ordinance filed by Becrntary of 'State (GC See. 35145) Stu' u ent of boundary climge, ordianace ,,*ith Segal d - ;criptlon and a map sent , to County Asseasor and Board - cf Equalization (GC sues. 549C`, 5h.905) � �%p and. legal ,de:acriptioa to State Divialoa of Hinhv&ys Affidavit of - emwitctnce sent to c:ouuty recorder r zy aC SecD. °. ( 34080, 35146 ) statement, : crdiaance • and/or imp cent to city ar d 6OUZty '^ � dr pvmi x nta I and to` local dlatrict office of tha State Division or HIghvdys, Utility Cox►panien, Pacific Five Rating .11u.:eeul Census Bureau, etc. Cowiail =coolutioas withdrawing annexed area from special districts" (vbere applicable) Resnlutlax&s' ,sent to proper' authorities ,..�xnuiug Cctt�i.anscin far 'rP�aning Couaci.i refers to P" - ; D.l1iiII�iABSD s ` uelie persons who have been registered to vote -(new) ].f,.lhaa than t+' within, the -territm £or at leant are& at the :tiw ' of the riling of the ; petition. -for 4nnezation, , the anaeXation ie accc .iisbea uodex the Uninbabited Territo ► Act or ' 1939 Coovermwnt Code 353W tt.— oush `326) amd &eo ' , .not ' :require 'an. blection. The 'tolloviing ralme aeatu a' gerter*:L- Ou-t- IW whereby ions, may be under .,the �ubabi tad a►etfi�aAdl the, c de citati��ot d uhotb ba re�'ori- .to for empletQ datQi?>3: The :'o rin,3, ate, -tire ger�e�re1 , ,ed • �.. .. .. ..r.y... rr.r .�. aww�ww. A R.�..�sw�www W •7 `.►w«+ww"sv+. :]...• i�roponEntc of a»nc::atici� or legislative - body shculd reu*it pro• : y` s ' posed descri tfon of boundfries of annexation to, Couaty ,Eourd- a y Cc=lssrion. ' Comaiebion has days U act. (VJC Sec: �-YJ2):. 2. Ii' ' _titioa �'a signed 4 the owners of not. I.ero` thaw ona-fattrth p e: xritory. by'area �by a' . ' of the nand in the: to ss�eseetl walna an . ahovna on t :. , he �srs;t �equnl.ized r�ese'assciErt roll. of the � county 3S3o5) oY= if .le lelstiYe body dec de$Ao �iiAii to , a Aion, an' its own mor i7c► (GC 'Gee'. 35310 ), ti,e mnexaiion .' (GC Sec*. 35306)and he�iring 'thereon not - lese' tha6i � 40 , '(7,5 caws if aU. owners consent) nor more' than CO days after 'paeeage 'of resolution(GC sec. 35307) ME: ... Jn an uninhabited am nexatioa, it it; not necessary that the matter be referred to the PlP'-=iug Coc aigsion: 3. If a school. district change i.s to be included in the annexation, ` ar determination - must be made prior to 'adoption of res 616tiosl. Only under certain conditions Is it possible for t-'-ritory to i be annexed to become a part of any school distriet w 'shin the City'.to which it is ama;d g. (Education Code Secs." 1.721, 1722) h. The City Clerk sball publish resoluticas twice -.not oftener Js than once each week - in a newt g p a ere ofcgeneral ,J i published in the City wand* alvo inF® newsy 61t �p cif-` culation published outside the city, but,,in the doianty' ,publica- tion to be complete at least 20 days before date set ,for hear- inG. • . (aC See. 35311) f N —E: If praceedings3 are initiated try owner or ot► erg `of all of the territory to'be annexed, piblicalion of Yeeolution out- side`elty is not required. 5. The City Clerk shall mail notice of proposed annexation to` each F£ xaon to ;whom land within the territory. propoeel to be mmexed , in eszesa d in : the Last equalized count,- ass:easment roil, unleea all owners ' have petttioaed. (OC Sea. 353W 6. Writter. protests to proposed aLnexatlon may be filed or 'vith- (nefr) drawn by owners of property within the arrea .to be annexed at any time prior to find: adjournment of hearing. (GC Seca. 35012, 3531?) 7. -Jf there is .; majority protest, that 'is, if protessta, are, filed by,. the owners, of -me half of the, value of the territary, (land r _� wd .improv=ents) proposed to be.anuexid, :further proceedings 'r shall not'he taken. (GC Sec. 35,313) �3. if there is no n~ujori.iy protest, ,and if the. Council .elewts to proceed, the Ccunc`1 ray seduce 'the area proposed to be annexed by not more than (GC Sec. 35313.5) 9. If tbare is. ao majority protest, the Council shall approve or disapprove the annexation, by ordinance, within 60 days. (G 35314) .• Nt?. Worn 'orcll.tYwnce 4s effective, the City M%. rk atln 1i. 'triii2aait certf ficd copy to the Fecretary or stat,i (4C See.-35316) 11. Anaiwmtian :ta cemplate ufioa ;'ante the 'arctir!A'nca in rile Y � ' Secretary of,State., Territory, becomes'a part of 'tho cif}+ nA tfsa date off' filing the ftcratery of strata .ar at i].ing f aaapl w a with' i;i county areoord x vcs flaw -'o :cure Tatar. " CC;, Secir. 31�t0a` 3531�1 0. rr■..�■wrrAYw.rw■rl r.. ' ►Yit .0i CO�1tt tiCn Qfmt :'tA . CQuur.ty, ; rcoY�ler. (0 ,- S-cz 3'a� • A 3 hie �.xlt'a13;.� 1de�tsptiott� 1 , b'ttmrent'af Cory c zge & :at�d. : ' m►ap a,�:'+bnx�exe� area e+gt;+to ; Cauaty,rr�eaeor , and' Stat& s:�srd off,q;a3lzstiou.so,topf;Public xn- stru�ct on `'f Aa � 6%mtr &i lezimi�miiitf` st. ; Jci 0018 'if, aa- _• ncxatioa� ia�tX,iidrd chacigr ,in e�k�ool <riiiietric wa. 3sce.+s I CQc nib' :h 1 do a ie me to ,`Sta Boa of u I _ - /1 J1'• C u op Vc 1►{i i�M�' fly t i^a�tion 'aho Nc :aarnea ant` adiresee.� of Atreets. or-" ar1j' ' within aiseexed. area'for aeles;i*wc;collection • psirporseB. �'� + ' .M J '.. 1. , .. ,; • . _ •. r,egril descripbl,on �irrd wed. ehou],d bo seat 'ta utiuty cap +' 1 ' ,ii rAes . aad local- district oi`fl ee -,of, $`fate Division o"' , • i' t 15. ffotify city departments of c=pl.etion of annexation eieI # jsend map. - , !.6Council ehoul,& apt renoVitions witbdrawi annrxcd area frost special. dia�,ricto. ' ,17. Council refers to PlaanitL5 Coaxaisaion for ioning,rer ` tiG'I'�: if, the ' Froperby ,,ta be miexed . is, to :be tuxe&L ;Por bon -led indebtedness c�r' liabilityof the cit• , contracted t pr�.o •o,r exi sting at time of Qan+cxi t4 on, 'the` uritt< rt +r can�ent o� the: etimers of =re than 213,..o1' tha Valve of #v. terrl tc ry. must +be tiled �si.th;the City. Clerk at saw ; trine duA ig the. proceedic�e prior to 't.U►e : adopt'ion of .the ordinance approving. the awzxaticon ;�tiC: Sec:-353i9) 1 '1"h#s _m Yld -be a art of .t2le oribriz�al. petition requesting ' annexe Son. ' Unlabt. sitod '.A1YaGXstlon '� iL difke' en 'type,toi tiiJlK:v.S►1o�1 t.'l tom staid be set . up as follows for an ; unit�Si ted as . ,Y nexleai.on procedure r `: A=exei►tiori of Jtiiohabiterd•• Terri "Annexation o Uainha its Terri tore Act of 19397 I -' De A igp6 tioa ■ ■.. �ra.ww...�■..r.r.rr. ■ 1. : Petition requesting . anxtexRt.icci •' written coisse�nt P.■� Y +�r to . pa j� arcy, prior �■`r h Y ' r '�a { ia+icblte aes�,ar::ia 1;■it_t of:the city , R�ceiveit.'$ Clerk. (CC S1�C 353V5) 1 omall• • :riled ,�y C Cauntyr Batty Cc�aaenl.aalm approval (ltr. )Dated • i tfileti by Council '. 3• arotmcil,aolu¢+icws }7o. ini.tlating a�etti94 ti4Har ,s ` 3�530% s5 j 353�t) ' 'te .�t, ,1 t ' (:. .. „' •'.1! ., t � CI 1. .1 O,;' ,.1;,; .. ,,.. I: 1 tr. `'. �, 1 1 . 1• .\,. . .. 1,/ A.. 1\A1 1.. .% .,- .t .... .lt �... .. ,•'l .1,I ,,..�•, y� l.'1 . 11` . '{'.I,i I 1 ... . ' r jam: i .•r . r �� V r,bed %n �(ue'►isp�per� (oue ek- <, , , r for 2 `uee1w at eat or, ,, 20 �dayn pri: to , � ng ( `35311� hemr.� GC sec. in' bed Publ , ,a b. PuixYiahed:ln �aewipaper) unless'pet- t r _ tip , ts' initadtcd b;�. crr�erQ a£ a31. . r i/�r tp.�tol • • ` Q�G � (r� nauat''be bmde in a newspaper, pub. Usbed o teidc .the' city out iu the israrucityj'. '(.'�C "See. 353L1) Fabl'ished t 4. Maif l ' notice" a `or . kaeering to each • property aaner territory ua] ess' ct11 ovaR: s have .petiti med (act least 20 days before , r j heasII, (GC See- 35311) Mtailec�. 5. Keening held (mot less that 44 nor.more them 60 days after passage oP .•resolution. Fielding by, the council dean mining no Received majority protest filed. by Clerk '6. 6.4irence. No. iappr; im) (dial appm-ing) annexation given first read- ings (GC Sec. 35314) , Srlcand Reading ., Adoption Effective Nti Aished in (newspaper) (or posted' 7. Certified copy of ordin'arce approving unnexat3on sent to Eecr+ct&ry•. of Statue %rhea effective '(CSC Sca" 353i5) Mailed Filed by Secretary of &tote (GC ` See. 153111) ileci 8. State of: Bauadary, change, ordinance t vith , legal r des Cr iption and a uap sent , to cavn►ty, assessor sad ,to State Hoard Cr • oi' ue.lizoitiau CzC. �cg. �+� 4 � ( 5 �, 5 905) Mailed, g 'Ai it o£ cc isuce , oent ,.o County Fl ty ;. Pe.corder (C€C ;;ec�. 3Go8G, 3537.8) Mailed ..�......... S. 10. 3t %teaent., ordinance, and/or -map, sent to city, ,sand county mad, toAl loeal, ftsatriat ofUces of Stnts: Division � . t o£ IIi�,hwgys, Utility c Fire Hating'Bureau Cenc 1%wewva etc.. �t41 lr:d ; 11. Council reaoluti.on wdthdrbavin mmexed area £roe .' eP+ecial district Vbera r eajrrxl.cable) 12. F4enotttiir�cn .s'tx�buted. td prqperr , I led' r i t St7LIi H.5RN COUN r. � 0 � t��1�l JAA1V llr' • 'r �eeembvr —3, 196.6 Dear City Clark: t. As it past years we would like to request a 2 — st of ' a12 annexations made are: incor rorations completed by your city during the ca enda.- year of 1.966. y ;Auld ;you kindly include the following information on your if st t ' r resignation of annex C dinance number Effective date (date filed with Socretary of Stage or County Fscordor/ we wGuld `1-rreci.ate receiving your list as soon a3 it is available an it has been requested by our cwntral off :.ce for u3a in deter.-ining :ranchise takes for l9:�d. A.return envelope has been enclosed fors ya~sr aonvonienco, Thank you, Scuthorn Counties Gas Co unany Map Section �1:' /,r' ��T��%..�j� . Il�.% ��� u�ir %(rh`'�� ., .`..�i .%�ffV•'y� �.»t:%�vl•�Xa i•�'�'4��C�' � ` �i. , . � '' .. /-..I� 1���%1 / i��� '�.. /�/�C"-�L%�� ✓ LJ' �.f'4'i•''�..J �rf'S.., L"a{r�•r .�r �r�'�` .. %r13�~ ��/i�/ ►�... �l,t;'f'r �:ii'�Ct*::,C'' s''�•r.�.�.=~ :rye'+ �.:.,,T✓ �t.1f' I'?'�' .►�,�.RF'..5' �,;! - a _ r � ..�. '` %�C �/`'�C?/�C��',t.1 /�.t..r•t�e�:l'��I%t-rJ f�,�i',�'rJ . r�r�'L'�... /°r��"�%r: 1 G'lJ�c/!'/G�!J 0;•+3 ' t•�,��G� �.�'-f'�'=.1, ��' �/�.G,,i' 1.�:�' �.?r,�,w .�.�a�rr.� . lZioa'.1l , %-� ; _ ,�, .�Sr+1�C%5� 'L t".r- :►c..�-1y l.Gaif.sl , ,-.«' .cam:-s-�rrar /.s . _ .? .. /���,�r.►,, ;•,mot;. ........ .. ...... ..: •��l�ii/G�� IC � /-s�a/�'.J . � �t,``xJ , /.� _ . 4�1" vit�+"� ... ��G?i�° .G yr?,... err - . . l . �� I �r" . Ji�� I- I • C�'r( f•� � I' 'SS ♦ 1 � �M�, ��i��1 A �' ✓��� ,� G•�+S' t.'��%fE' rt l J��l.�:!!'�' /�j!)�'ii. e!� %� / .i:.>� _ ., %`�i�i{�I'�ir' , ��� ♦✓Srs'1n/ G�./.%�t.� . ��,�iC��Tr ,%�i�t,'a'"��� �'!-.C� �/�O • f:,f� �,/.�r�t't�l�� �%' ',rirt� ,��%:��f*ti► .:.'.'�' �C'�,�� dam'' /r?�y� �f,.. 77 ... ,rJ'+ ., ����/`'� .^=i'��'�• . =�' `" ►�: �r'Ctrt.�,"�. �%�r .7r•5J!�!f�"r+�i��! r"�;t1�' 4 � rr �' �•' .. •,,�.�ti.W` /r't"'i�i !l.�C:.tr��+-,���7.+ltr� ?fi;�.•%�j�,i'r/L'-. ,'-: r ew 'o ' r f1 s . t`. X �Cl�,�, r7"o,��,.t lJ.•�Jif.S ��;�� c�rr./�.'�' c�1� �i.�' : ,,�? weo i` 1l✓ri: G� ��', j,�� �'i'i Alt/�/' ir�,j' '•/-lid` I•,� � � t• _ iii -.-.,err rr L.•tv'T .�/+� I L 1,/�1i� r�«'"r+ �r'I/'I�y I�i� �i✓�r.1��. ,�G�l�'i+%is� ��r��/•��t�. ., ���t,i•�Y I�i�%%�'G� eC " i-W 2 / •"�[,9/�'�S.•�✓ . �� r.��.�G�. l��/r/�/''iGt%r:(�✓� 'fV I/�.yv� �j7Y��,� 1 �r7 V 4'�'•!`Y � J 7 f`./ y �f �,7 •�'�W ✓��.+�y.•i..' ��/�/ /' ! �.�Ws.�'/ ���J/ �L+'�f /ww7 ..,. , . tS /.�!`/tL' Lrr.�W r�{,��%•t;'.� (,•P/',+•/W'. /A;%t.,j{�;r�Cy.>��r�. ./'err/����irLrlr► i ��L:�"4/'•. {..r�Iri'�� ,dl��t� �ji'/,����ai',.•�Y/�"'+���C�� i�G.r ,��i..�•�+����� ',.`_ I . .. _., r t 1 Y . � F I y i �� _ i • lye n I�F _s T4 '. t•. • Tx. , r f r j{. %/�� `ram /'�. �t1/�%y/�/'yfw�� ��i��C•�`T �`�7v(,�S �'1 `�4Js"�_ r _' ... .. 4 1 . 1 • �%,�,/ � � (%�G+�ii�� `ate, � r ' ���',�. �f�i%"t./,�� .�i��Nx6•i�l..R�'d:/r� � (1, � _ r ' ' _ ._ .,.. .. .. �i�-J�"�"'Ci�',+�'c� ��.L.y. • D:.(��t/�°I...., . d lU�..... «C.,�.r.t� �;�„�>��•`� �sct'c�; , ...... ., . , . C.JL��G+� �i!��G.=irC , ��'�!/�%�' T/.�1 �'�;'� .. �`r��" ./C4r!=y,.�••~ r_ ._'•-�/��!1��"'i �"�'�.�, C' �T. _-y"'-,.'� .:• `ram �• '���`�-,••s/ r`" er'Y�"._ -. _ --... ._. _. .. ., .. _c � l /�� • .. it ,TI�. .. .. ... _ r1♦ti r i • r �`' r._ ! TI f II 1 Y . 1 .I r .,' 11 1 11\•� A I.ti <<\�'i 1r Au ust "4 i9$fi S , The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council The City of Huntington Beach +; Huntington Beach, California E Gentlemen: There have recently been a number of newspaper articles which have indicated that the City of Seal. Beach is actively enga8ed in the annexation of the areas known as Sunset'Beach and Surfside.There' have alsu been newspaper articles that indicated that the City Council of the City of Seal Reach was involved in lawsuits affect- i ing the water system serving the aforementioned areas. Please be advised that at their regular meetin4,of August 1, 1966, the Seal Beach Cit Council adopted a motion that stated that the y P , Citv Council is on record'as having no current plans for annexing the areas known as Sunset Beach and Surfside, and that the records should shod► that the City Council has had no discussions with ' residents of the area and'is not involved in any lawsuits affecting the `area. 'The Council further directed that -this information be transmitted in writing to the City of Huntington Beach, The `Sunset . Reach Chamber of Commerce, and the Press. r VEry truly yours, THE CYTY OF SEAL BEACH ` x Lee Risner City Manager LR fh PAW';' ©-1 Agenda �y �4j CITY OF --w--w----•--w---- ww«ww_w--w----.--w-- CALIFORNIA City Council City of Huntington Beach Gentlemen: July 27, 1966 IV U -Fgt X 7-4 t:ra 0 /� ... . AUr 19� Suk,�;, +aSstM 'Mi'nset Beach Roadway and Ocean Annexation In cooperation, with the Public Works Department, Finance IkiFart- meet, and Planning Department, we have taken a look at the advantages and disadvantagen of the above mentioned subject. Based on present oil production of leases contiguous to the area, we estimate a yearly incorae of approxiinately $30,000 from tidelands oil. Inasmuch as the area t..�ing conaider.6d is a county road and three miles of ocean, we arould not anticipate land use problems. We find, however, that during the February --March storms of 1963, in four days, 24 hours each day, the Orange County Highway Department and the Orange County Flood Control Dintrict. spent $6,600 in labor and equip- ment alone to protect homes in the area from total demolition. We find an estimate for beach naintenanee costs in the area 'f $15,464 annually, plus an initial capital outlay of 117,250 in { order to adequately maintain the beaches. Although this is puzely an assumption on;t-he part of the Administrator, I feel that the Local Agency Formation Cou nissioii action, based on existing State statutes regulating annexations of ocean in front of beach communities, would be unanimous denial of a request to annex Chia area. Inasmuch as efforts are now being made to establish bntte_, 'communii ations and ilb bettor understanding between our two coannunities, it is my recorcmendation that. this study ba receiived: and fUed, and the Administrator instructed to take no further action. yl ler. . f -bwo Ci.t Adminiit:rat:or s �. WV March 23, 1966 i •� Frank 11. Jordan ji Secretary oI State Stain bf California t Capitol ballaing aoraiRtrdaita, California Honorable 5ecratavy of Statrt -; The City Council of the City of Ilvatta?Ston Roach at thair regular matting bald Monday. February 21, 19666 passed and adopted by an allirraUve Tote of scone than a najority of all the nembers of said City Council OrdIr-onee No, 1188, epprovIng the eunexation .of oertsist unlabbbited territory. dv.AiAgaatid As "Bola& Chivia NP, 3 r Amnexatica" to the City of CiuAl*'±ngtosa Beach. / 2naloeed herewith to a oertifled copy of Ordlaftnes No. i ,•` 1188l together xilh a nap delineating `t.he area described In the Ordinance and said area'. o• MLOd an the Wtp, do r It is requested that ynn rend as ivo coples of •tbo Corti' fleatien. Sincer:l) your*, CITY oil HU TINGT ON WACCI .; IL Pout C. c1quo's My Cleric I:cj al fte. A r lJ' 1 ✓ r �� I�, aa jri �+ 2 3 R.E. Uuriwi No,, 2309 4 1iES0LU t'ION Ce T = CITX %utl;i+l;;I1 OF THE CITY GF :tUNTINOTON BRACyy CA.i.Ik't IA1 `s 5 LUTING Utz" HE-SULT OF TNR CANVASS OF ELEG11UR SETUHN S OF THE 31 ECIAL A2+lNEX-✓�' E A,TVA MECTi ION RMI! JANWHY 250 19660 A3 CERTIFIED TO 11z'M BY THE CITY CLER114 7 l a 6-HEREASv the City Council of the City of xluAtinat►en Beach, Celifornlag by Resolution No.2268, duly oel.led, end 10 provided for the holding of s Special Anzo xenon Flc+tion i 11 an Januorg 23tho 19669 in the territory pro.psed too, he an- r 12 nesed in the annoza Lion deslgnsted .';18olr6 Chloe Ito. Any- { 13 { nexetion" to the City of Huntington Eesehl 14 15 WHEREAS# due notias of the holding or salQ Special 16 &nnexatlon Electlan ttas herotofore been SiYVA At the tin* , 17 And in the mezin.ar Frov idol by tow l and . . 18 WHEEBAS9 the City Council of the City of Hunt aStanr , 19 Beach, wir rnie, has duly essembled at itir usuah :splase or 20 seetLma to receive the certification or the rety'ra.s Of said, 21 election as determined by tho City Clark aondweti4 ss,d y� 22 canvass for the City Counall i 23 24 NOW THERE ORE, the, City Council of me city of liwit» zR 25 ingt•on $saahs Carl trarnie g goes hsretr RESO MV't, DEVRP.�4I E and DECLARX an tollowst ! 26 2y 4li,a► 1. (a) Mist tfit prOP081tvat aibskit4t to ;y 28 the rotars at 91A*h 016 iGS ,xea. s to 1"t a ,. 29 30 .,' ,........� 1. 1 5 r• 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 221 Rae# Ras 2309 "Xik.-L THE BOL.SA CHICA No. 3 ANNEXATION �Ik ANNEXED T09 I NCOR:ORATID IN AND :BADE .A PART OF THZ CII'Y GP HUNTINOTON B ACR AND Idr --'A1B0' 1TY IN SUCH T 4.a- ITURY BE, AFTZR SUCH Alih-EX T ON, SUBJ. -CT TO Ci.X - TION F,`UAI,LY �,[TH THE 1ft0i BTY dTTHIN THE CITI OF HTWI NOTON EF.ACA H 9 TO FAY WE EWT IR E BC NDED 1 NDUT- EDNE3S 4F a-w CITY OF HUA-rINGTON 'A.�ACF1y OUTSTANDING 03 AUTHORIZED AT THE DATE OF VI T:ILIENR . OF THE PE- TITION FOR A'.]:E:XATIUN F011 'INE ACczJISITIo , CONSTRUCT- I011 OR CML�'TIGN OF XVJCIPAL (b) That the whole number of vote's coat In the area designated to the "Bolee Chios No.5 Annamfit.1 0 at said Spoelal Annexation Eleotlon, inaluding absent** votese is ?�. {o} That the ram" of the Annexet'lcm voted for, the number of vatea given in the prealnet to the "ho, eye Chloe No. 3 Annexation," together with the whole nvra- bar of votes wh1oh the acid "Boles Chloe Moo 5 Annexation" received in the entire ores, are me follower. W �i1 : _ N N N N N N . N : ►-� r-j " ►-• :-+ t-� F-� 1-1 ►-+ Q tR +'� - W N ►-+ A co - V C i.lt �` W N !-+ C �O Oo V. T - ow ri +p"b'"t-12 A.._._amtse votsl, 1a10 Vow �, _ - HOTS o s' a �r i irAr�IW�r�I Foci Aaiaats r r re For: h �iaat: CAST 0 21 75 _50 21, 3 a 59 21 i i z*.,6;,L ja'S'}`-,..•.?, ��+^, {.: �..l.:.V�Y3J, '�f l:'Yv .7 ':..i: i•43��2 y_`�✓•• - -:JL�.. - - - .. Has. No: 2309 • r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tp 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3 24 25 26 Section 2e It is hereby fount and daalarod that the area knOwn sa the "BOIS& Chiopa Not S &nnesstica" wen votod to be annezea to th® City of Huntington Beseh by a majority of the rotes cost. Section 3« The C1 , Clerk in hereby di.rectoA to Qatar on the reoords V♦ ,;ue City C:ounail a ntataa4mt of tha result of said election rs required by law. Secton 4. That the City Clark shell fittest +sM oertify to the paesege and sdoption of thte 3asolution: by., s � majority of the votes of the members of the City Couzzil of the City of Hux,tiangtoa Besoh, PASSED AND AWFTEi? by the City Counoi), of. the Litt, of Huntington Beecht Califoralas by a vote of more t1sa s m®garlty of all its mesberst at a reguler meeting of Mold City Counoil Yield on the 7th day of FebruarJi 1966. A'r a d:k! t �p.Ll....d.��.Y....,,...........�..,.... T �M STATE OF CAI TFORNIA ) COUM OF ORANGE ) ss : CITY Or HU•NTINGTON BEACH ) 11 PAUL C. JOB ES, the duly elected, qualified and acting Pity Clerk of the City of Huntington Dorsch, and ex- officio Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify thnt the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach is Live; that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than a ma;jori y of' all the inembers of said City Council. at a regular meeting thereof geld on the 7th—day ofFgbivarj.—, 19_fifL, by the following vote - AYES: Counci linen: Weleh, Gisler, 'Lambert, Shipley !FOES: C:,;unci.lmen: Nor e AMEN"]': : Counci'.men : �eawax t _ ti Y w 2 3 j 4 6 i 7 0 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27, 23 N �` r �7 25 26 27 28 �9 30 6TATWENT OF CITY CLF.RI( AI I, Ysul C. Jone sp the duty elected, quoliflei and eating City Clerk of the City of Hwitington Eesch, and Ex-offlato ^° Clerk of tho City Council or said oityv do hereby co rti.-- fy that, in socordance with direottoW from sold City Council set forth in Hesolutlon No. 22939 did conduct the canvass of the returns of tho Special Annazatton, Else t-W ion held in said City on January 251 1966, tubnittinS ' t6 the qualified voters in esid area to be annexed tide proFo- sition sat forth in Neaol.ution No. 2268, snA stated ep Follows t "SHALL THE BOLSA C►1 I CA No-5 A NI(£XATION BE ANNEXED 7; TU Ir'C� K ' aA'1`Gfi It+ 1. `'L GE A �A�rr ()F -rHE crTY `` OF HUti"I'INOTON aFA,"H Alit? THw r40 'iSTY XN sUCB T i3xTuRY BE, AFTEF ZUCFI AIIN AATIONs ►iUEJECT TO TA'XA,TIGti � ..tlA1LY i lTH : H�: 1 r.O r_PITX WITHIN THE CITY u F i1 NTll 1-'*TQ : B4ACHj TO PAY THE £N T IBE BOND- ED - ED OF Tim CITY OF HUHTINWI)N HLACH UUrS'rAhD'I,N-U Ui �.ltTHORIZED iT ;THE DATE OF .TKO. FIL,IING OF T:i PETITION FOP. ANNEXATION FOR THE AC�'UISITICM, CUI�STRUCrf�;�ii US i:UMPLETIUN OF MUNICIPAL T1i�WiEUN'TS?* I further cortify that the abtentee voter belL")ts hoe been duly canvassed ansi counted as required by law and the re - gull: of such count to hereinafter stetedi that I have du'!,y cenvess ed the returne of said aleatGion and from said re_ turns It ©:pears that the total number of votes cast in the precinct estab] iohad for sei;l election upon said propositlonfil and the number of votes tharoln for and agatnat sold prop- osltion, the L,)tal number of absentee votes oeat .in' the � eleotion precinct entablished for said election upon sell �.ropositlon., and the nuabsr of votes therelu for and sgelnvt said propoeltion, the total number of sbsente e voter cast of sold elaotion v or said proposition for and againat sold proposition and the totaal numbeer of votes oast 1,n said City upon said proposition and for and against said prop.. ositlon, ara an follows: TOTAL VoTF-S, Frealnot N'^. jest... S NO CAST 1 16?93 Green St 1 50 .11 72 Abou-1e9 Ballets Cast TOTAL VOfih$ BAST 1. Y, 2 3 4I fulthe3r oc rtify th!'t the vote3 of a m ariority of all tho voters voting at said eleotxon were csst In Savor -.of the S adagtian of said k.roposition. 1 Paul C.- ' JonAx 8 y clarli a.n sa,.a t a B Mark of the City C6unobl ofee th''Citr 9 or Huntington Beacslf Cell,f0 io to 11 Bp: ' !, nrr.kr. . '. Deputy, cSty c3arlc 12 13 =� 14 ,s 15 v 16 17 c 19 ` 2: 21 22 y 23 24 . 25 26 277.8 p 30 I January 11, ' 966 Crest Homeo%�neru Association 18432 Goodwin Lane "Huntington Beach, California Re: De -anne xr tioti Gentlemen: Your informal petition for de-annexatioa was presented to the Governing Board of the Midway City Sanitary District at their regWar meeting January 6, 1966, The Board by official action nuthorized their Attorney and Engineer to draft a reeolution. to the Loral Agen y Formation Commission to de -annex the area outlined 1.n your plan and legal description. Aisa, by offichal action, the Beard voted to relieve the property from the Bond Indebtedness what. ,,te--annexation is completed. The District has been advised by ibeir legal counsel that in order to be rel;eyed from being tasted by the Midway City Sanitary DlWir..t for the year 1966-67, the de -annexation would have to be accomplished b"r January 1, !966, if this de -annexation is approved by the, Local Agency Formation Commission prior to January 1, 1987, the property owners will be relieved of the tax charge to the Midway City Sanitary District or the tax bill far 1.967-66 and henceforth. The Governing Board considered and agreed tlsr,t a,px•ocesaing tee ` should be charged to hebo defr-ay, the expensen of attorney, O#IoOer;and publication c i do-nnnex' ation. 'By i iinu'te, order, the oats in connection with the Board authorized the District to submit Uic enclosed invoice for $326.00 processing [en. Whcn thisi fee is receivod, the Mtstri; t wiu notify their fir. attorney and engineer to proceed wlth the de-nnnezatlon' . ,.j Yours very truly, f; r r hiiD�lr1�►►.�' CIT'Y�_sA1�I'I'��1�Y,t�iS'.C'RxC'�'. L,:, ti rat INVOICE MIDWAY CITY SANITARY DISTRICT 7/31 -- 13TH STREET WESTMINSTER. CALIPMNIk _'Croat.$_ot�c_mwq ra-Association Lanc Rg-nti tan B,*ach California DESCRIPT10N Processing fe` for de -annexation of flunthagton Bench property I - DUI AND ►ATAXLJ< UPON IRKRMIA?IQM Affic ivit of Pub icatio State of California County of Orange s ._.. City of Huntington j J. S Fanluhar, boing duly sworn on oath. says: Tbat he is it till -en of the United States, over tt:e age of twent}-one ;.'ers. That t►e is the printer and Iublisher of the Huntington leach News, a weekly n#s w•!-p:rfn r of gencral circulation printtti, nt.blished and cittialated in the s.rid Counly of Orange tend eiat.-where and published fur the di.r-:;emin.ttinn of Irwal and other news of a general character, and has a t.►na fide suh-;crilttion liat of paying suhscrilen, and said r^iticr has Loin estabiishsA, printed turd publi!%ed to the State of California, ,and County of Orange. for at reav are year next before +he publication of ttu• first insertion ,f this notice; and the said ncwsh.•tlx-r is trot devoted to the inten•st of, or published fir the enterviinment of any Lnrticular ci;►ss, prof"sfon, trade, calling, race or denomination, or nri% number thi—root. The 1Iunt►: ptun I1c•nch Seas vans strijutli-.aled a legal new•spr:per of gereral circulatit► ! Ly ,liult;e G K. in the Suj ritir Cut,:l of Oranj:c County. Califorma Augu-it 27th. 1937 !ry ortler No A-5971. •That the RESOLUTION NO. 2268 of which the annexed is a 11 inisti copy, ss;u pubiish^d In said news• piper nt ir.st ____ _. fin? Is_Bue . co=nencing from the �Tla�.Tda.•ofDecember _�.� ,f 65 2nd December er 19 and ending on the � �__ _ 19 65_. both dn1-.s inclusive, and as often during said period and times of publication as said pal-r -xas n,cul-irly iasuml, and in Ott• n-gular and entire issuo or said nr s•st►;j-vr pn► w:', rind not lie a supplcr?;ort. and said notice wits pulslisht•d therein :•n the fall -wing dates, tu•a•it: Publisher 'Sutrcr.nbcd tind sworn to Oefare me this day of •.. S9 Notary Public t'lranL. County. California THOMAS D. WYLUE NGTARY PCJ UC • CALIFCghlA FAIMIPAI ofrlcf IM 9R11t U rd IWI t y art,- on ExpiteA 5cp. 13, I966 y,tip 74Lr•v j �H'Jh'�tdGZti�+i;. 11I�N ,�C�•.tit1'�l'', f • )ir'it3JtrtYt t1S:, `7LIS7Al�i�i�Ytt l44'� ,� NflAt:OR , TO TSK Cr;lt pf`µzr"1 Ni1tt7{1+1t+TpN .�i0L3CH. .:�*,-:1�'R;�i WN.iRE'M'. ti'fc he Csty C4..no (* tit GlIl��., Of , 1: If1�!�^tt Ba1,Y'1 IC�lLtlftfd �tS''nT�+►+. � '. in?t a 'spacial ' Ei++Ct;tYt In�4rfsilr'� , :t�'tai tlkrftsarll'"►/Olt�'K�4� "'ib';' c,tlr 'Aft C-ty,' far va�(tsttyt !e'> rtutWft- C.Ms �h►e awiifigrj. 4:cclwrs . {fri cts►tif,ln; erf3d. �.krrit;arp tt,9 ,riuttt'eon rl�.ttfil�T t1i 4Ci>f %a:d ;1t1ES A l;t veoy of -ieu�' lossahrtisrin wad A'd=tgfl�i•' Is�ti'►ttt';'bi0l ltwi,;sod +�iN!'RCAR,� tit' (:ity COvttitll hna} d►+jli ft1 .L'>'9 );+fli � tfLk'�*atn �tiili:��►bti' sa W si-d "CSwat,t» ih+aa� eb• iiLbrk"ta tCcCf�l, COOP, fsct ktta►• t>t .1 b whk1, tt W t 144ofi<M-�w,7i�. 1.vil lat .. iiii �t i Of oraf. MF05) ►ra4a tri< tbe�r, rt ►tNlal{� ma. Iratur s� t.�e*,.art cir,• ps•,Y�� M . "m as as VA10 b!' yCr 11, Mrp ilea aYtstaa? ,loll, +tat and :tag: Dmtssts�r� �04P CrrvilAt V*44,R,try �a."!C .tl►� e q aT t r 0144AV t I• ti,ar Vats:} v! ,>1ttA•!•eAlias .4 L =�4 P , WNEOEAS, irtt' ��rrcct ees�i�t i It(<Vft"etltrt :*.ado b1 at:•asMU t 0Wtth'!AWWTOW ['Fis•� Von slid thi +►lttflisatloea-lat s:te�Q tt►slttor'"'ha��'i;eki�l'>~1tiG0' _t4' fst..�( kc''i7arttCu'lats•t•_': '. ��i.�t�} M1riV, '.'t'Ft`'crt;FLir2E.`'• i'iE t! • R�I.d'Eti by the City VAsr419 #3f t,)ei,C10'Pi! HUM- Sts;ttt'slt' t:.' A .7p+�+;:11i R�Stl+o� t•.reeY is r-slito W ." bee; im.-JiM I5th.d3if el 1, tnseary, IeQ. ` Srs ttn C•Ytjto l"hme- i^title +Ctrxrfaes< !!tits •p i.1 tea a�re><td to ttr,f Ct:T o/' �.itrttxnslml O4,iCh, for the''puroove of"t,±tmittiA t? ih� OuittlSetf t4Ctnrf ttskl:pl: ;/il "A 1wrikrr, i *4 04tPvI iat: str!►+t'JItr'•4� riot ♦erLh 1"tilmy sh4lt bs artnertlsd, io, ' it+cor sled in.. &M pn20 lit p�eft: of raid City of Hut:tir,Retnis. VIP~ or not the �Rntt�14T-�1'•:litf;f 11� fit7ry s;att, i:'ttW 611cft 0ltrftdultlain, t::DjAa to latttrion, e4tllllr..othh' STA� pp�ralrf pf witch t�•,Qty•gf l4stntinsom 844ch. to ply the sntitq ppreach tat; iebtednesis r t that City at RuntJnror: :!er~:ri a�tatanAte� t,• etrttlu+lttr! rtt ire date of the M01 of . 1he : tlatltltxt Oct } tlle,zl:t•h Pf t dtTtlrtK:Gn , atrP-aft: Vie) ImMore7»nts. s aal•nn•nd at the Ir,.eraar,!Son d 7 the s:eutA .'t„nt of w.r line of lfbl A.tntte fb W fret 11 ewfdlh it►t 1�1f t4,tr Gut. w,th tat *till tWd W ►qoy 1^4 to "44 trh.oq fftroct•' 94.tl0 . loc; in whin at nger leis! tsar SAV4 Mint •ita Munn, Lt:r iattr sac tsn : � Od thta e►��vltr, tf11A pt. i�r :.1.: Oust•tri t31�'1'vf:tiltilricl' 10; �' ,• San lhttriat.alrn is !#te W"i6% t r , 01orla Cavnty: fa*nsnfitr,`!whh:tl�";,'; "*St IttW a(- ale fassi �`aAR tt�lft•IfT::r' gild M,rote+Zst AntNyttar�rs► �St' .�' i said , W10 lei 4, biiia'tE • aHt+,;�;t �' y f n+it In '011 rvt no*vlr line tot. tAtrtt n. 1411 v! iittntfajttorl' tact. a! 11D• `? z"f if-1o: R r , that sttar*18; r , fit Stint .. , sr1 the fiul,`s to C.stllarria .6M .ZtW i tilt i,1W.•- alto as tnt><tslim"I "1 h " Nett , loin 0*aLwai: P46. 21. ct - bliod ty Ilwr Towiviavy of ' It"td of twe Stat• of Csrif roiji are A;5,11 tieL IV% u►+1 Alta Ws **tsalW.nd tt•f "0o4w China N:s 2 Annafl7i?n", r Ceetif,&Z hl 1h1, tlftVatify W ,Vy(W 04 1", State of caf,/rrrni0 on )%" n IDe). S44 ar.tint 4110 t•rinat 12" T tuq tv'rt t fit !lt'a; ^%$f4t� tf Tticte frat'tf; 91 ed' Ot 040 L^N, ly t Mbtt,j i171 eMCK,. 0101 of t4Ar lift c,f 14,61.• cmr* :treat x,R it" Ptv 1r+1stlrT% bM01%mly tin* ot'IM r:lv 04 to-1 — ,Affic: � ivit of Publicatioj". State of r—Ilifortiln Coutity of Orange ss City of lltlntington ik-ach ' J. S. Fnnwhar, twang; duly sworn on oath, days: That he is a citivml of the United St:,te,, u��'r tho age of two.'nty-one yenra. M-mt he is the prinier and put,lisher of the Huntington leach - -4, a weekly tiv%%sir ri"'r (;f g antral cir.7ilatirwti printe:i, puhllahc-6 and circu!_ltcri in this glad ('ourity of 0rar,g v and elsewhere and publish ;1d for tl:e (L%svrnin irion of ltval and rith.er rK•ws of n general ch!(racter, rind has a Gana fide sit •criptiun list of raying; suliicribert. nevi said pajwr has lvon e tatviihvd, phritcti and puhlishcrl in the State of California. arld of l.)ratig;e, for at Ieast one ye"r next before the pubUcatlon rif the• tirst inscrtinn of this notice; and the said newspapt-r is not tie-. oed to tl;o intvrv.-,1 uf, or publishord for the entertainment of any ll:xucular tia��. prufi,stnr., tr,,dl•, calling;, race or deno tnrnatiutt, or ,tti%' rwmlN r 1},r teat, Thy lfu:ititiplon l;r•;)r•tr Ne,,ts %%;a adj;ldirawd a legal newspaper of general ctnu:at ?n ley Judi (.� ti in the Sur.!nor Cuurt of (lrani:v Cu> nty, C.ihlurr;i:i 27th. 1'.)17 !w c vier So. A-5931. 'AFL) L) CI j 117 j ..b '�'tlat the 11.. c cif whicil the unarm.-4 is .1 printuA Logy, t(as p,iboshmi In sall news - One Is siie conirrcncing; from the fly.__�t?c�'albt'r �n.j-._(t:ry December and enihni, on 111, _ ofL1PC 5_. 19 Iw)th days itu•lucive, and n, ;,'Cris dur;ri %..Ad p,!rirxI and times of ;Uh1irvir1G 11S s;ii.i a;u rr>~:ri„rlv tied, n!ct in the rvs-,ul:ir raid en!i7v i«ut- of sead riwx%vi;wr tins;` • nrd tint in a SI:;:pier:ent, itnil c,ad riolice N;ks pub,N01I-,1 rltt'"t"'! on 111^ following dates, :o-slit: Publkher Sut:scr,b,-d antl shorn to ik•forr nit, this _._..- -- - _ __ _ day of Notary Public Orange County, Callforttia �- 1HClf.fa.S �. `'►'Yt.l' y.. MGT,ART PLINtit, .Lira S\;A C7tJl+•I;.f Get}yt` , tl'ubl'*4itihM ,Nur<lasjl� (A�et►tltt (airy " 1llifTl�'I�t�'�,r 14UNTINGTON iotU� �t.ALt iYll� tir•.� t /►;;Il<a�ctnt, P-rttiaR,�T� IANf)f. i Ilp, `i�c,hrutitak ra ;'; TH6 0014A. C1tah lose. -'a AN+ NEXATION' TO: THlt � WT Qf 'r 14UPMUCTOR lYwN +�. I WHEREAV, try tteaa+ir001119• llrs:m 21'iR. it:e citr Council of Itti¢ton ee.aYh ISKI Nd `lrs .snipe>�ion•'itl� — rAll a tP tisl ' `lactlon .; In ' cotairs' •':rt» tusaitsd t:xrji.•Vy . tAri'��it:ui�`' 1r�' .�'4m c:ty tzratsatM W ,tie pWWxed' *.:t( w rity., fw toter purou t�: , RttIIRLi Flit , to th+e Cu�iifitC . 9tkK.tKvs ►ICiidlnq,, :lft•'ta�t tesistory th�:'�'Qir�itturt �wt+atMt` br`_.;nc! tab? tcriii�Y"*•h!'I ti6t ttKtfedtil� tl!'.ix� . crt): r,d r` w►tCH1 A�. `s cop•Y of ' tali`. IrmoluiiEis Nei pl."Slit<tre>i ss 1,imulf* lTr lafarr2lfid ,>:N�s:r..�5, Cite sr� Cc�:i-r:t{_,finysrtj►i►t At i.4 t'me nth little�tttiiJ1: ttY�l' set by said Rrsolul;4't for ll3etin,e(0- ls:tkv1% 'to- ff"#~Ptn d"-+1'eCit+sri, 'a'+d not. Istes t!ttt a rq wAft� > tMor ni3..wat tfa�t Val- tislther; otl"" of crop p-atwi. t>r'-st id ittiaclian -%tote rraeit+ py the,;Si', 'V1.�144,&I Qu, the valve Qf tha ; to / 'pftK,oslt i tt> @e annesed, rtl•i htTttl OY`;!ft's'Z/i►t tt}ral` Iron) asseycrnitit hill;".ever 'WOrs, fwrftlats and veal p►at fpts erode tty PeAgM ' a►td vrivr;e`o+►ttrr7 isous► N, w!t)dt1t1 qI tOtrt vslutL ct'.L'ta; xr'tn,y; tend ;`• *'• W H Ea fAS. , All Prot*udinS /lAsis t been made in accordance MW ISId retolvt}on a�+C t.►te Ar►++o.:otia� � i4?t �` s9i.y;��►E+r.+- t-tce theme' I*My, beift made Iv furtrset '�tettltutltst � . r, NQrYr 7�t[►t FpRP.• BE rr ArSCV40 by the efts 6Uhdi'a1'the"C'ty',0 Hunt• Ington S[CTIr)►t 1. A ipstlat electk%n hereby iS called to .be hit`-d on 'trio 25th deg of 1anu-4ry. T4f5. In tHf1'twtit" tMe- matte• ddscrrbtel wind Iriiad to ;, 1 onneied to ire City of Huntlncrt tiaaclt, tar tot putimm of sobmihing to the aualili9d dmtvs residing In rsid ternwY. the question whatitor of rep u.ch fe:ritory shall bye antiesad, tu, Incrrpooled in, and embdo A pstt. of said City of Huntindtch each, nActi whrintr or not it's vrol:Srfy In Nld ttfM1 rocry shalt, stler such onnexatlon,_ lit ts5ltct to ts:etlon, elu,altr wi111 tttA tsm,neety within the Cily fN Hivstingirm 9*40•, to car thev rnllro bor►lad Ira, dctttd.,%*s► of the C.ty of liuntu±irtrrn t?r. ach tsar ,tandinA or sulhorited at lie dr;te tt1 it%$ 'song of the Petitlon for annar2Gon for th , twgwsitirn, taxi• struction cr canpletien CA munirirvt impreverr,entR. Ac,tinn,rs at the intersection of the south ri;tht rif way lira of Half A-.enim. GJ d feet In :.vitlttl as now said out. -with the west rlt;rt M way line of UnisA Chic1 Street- MOO . tent in -mittm as mw laid aus; sa:S point also 46rit the India ac{.teslt; of the south pins of 'the ' nonS. M•M rQtlt of thii' ssnrth,tatl cn*�' quarter tsr-1;l of"Se,Ct4rslt tab; YewYs• Yrriq S .".oath,• tla!►�y, 4,t"tktst. ' San o v-101- 1no 8:SU afi'd Wit Ti IUA; O-anRa Wunty. Clifo+Alis, rtth the watt line Ql 1112 *A*t kbo felt at .i mid *%.itniuitt on"teertc+ tt wig acid point oleo heir_R sn Pfli13, poitit in the tmvndary Is(* cf t" City of HunGnl±t"`'tleucb, tablrnhed by • Pirmth Mf•eraYc:n••, L _ I cetlifler9 by the f-aciefary of State► . 1' Of the utatr Vt Csiitor'nla tift Aug- utd 1. 11M. a1w as ett)syl Mhd•, ; Ry 'Yrn►t Antnwst;INt No. 2^,'c4t• Nri,ry t y the 5f-clatary of EtAt1 ' ; of the State Or C+tifolln,a tin Aptittt•. ? 6, t),t, 0144t 00 of rtstiltrtPfhN tllrls"# f "fya`sa Chica ►fa. t Ann tlffltvn",vi;s Lertr' ad by (ire Gwrsltgrry k, 5lster tij fit the Stato Ui colirfrr)a on luty,`-c ?S. IR�)t t.wid tginl lerr� t`kirr, il+o � True f'ainl a/ hriltnror.g, th*ewa •i esu:h Df Atl, r11t` Rt1+1 Ihkt(1/ feet t alor:R the welt rtltlit 01 Way f(py i t1 Q7141 �hi(� Ctt�gt 11•;ti a" ,• �t!pr t:�,:r..•.rt ar,t 1.rr:CSr1 6` ts�' 1 el i t4 0 :•.—•t.;A4104 i or n��, r,>. tot ft•4 t.I ttr..A: xtwle t•, it it +i..a.a t•-1 r:,ti , i1, r trwy All td„1 t�u•cr.►►' ors rr:.atr:+ys wrht...N t:I .. � r � , r�`1 r,te+h le•fr;:r,r/ lF6.'f Cw iA".(ftr� tl. _. .. _�. _. . � _ 1�J1,lt1h. t ,r,tc•�t-�ratr.: in, A .� rnsOri a Fart trt� � Sl d Ltd �i tip+t�*�tt.•rt Etta-;�+. far^4 {C ' ...r..ar; as far r-t.t t!-a< i�'�^.•N•r }, tt1.� )Nt• ` I111�CrI►ifrl and th.(itit to (-07i1it: r v 011s 11ny of � r.tr;rf S"W". bitar t.r',ft af.rfTtl��, tt i tr'./1tr.t i+i 1404111.tAt., 09Iift a;.!), tt4 i pntta.Ktt —it-* Ira cite+ co H.1^40%U1. 1) A',h. tq r•s! trn `t•t rs IAN..Sace 4 i' ! r:4v1 +Sat-_t 4f the C'.tr 0 Nlrnt,nfi fro W'r i'»1:IIr i tifbr.h truli°.fl c! RL Gt NfT�hG'tii� Mt tole �... "., date V $he n% rt� o1 mo om-L04 pu ()t't.r.l;rt' t.4Al,tlty', f,'.11l1[IrilSh ; gw14140M CoDdu �rntnll"nn l:.X ifs, aC n,.!►�.�w.�•.+►..�.e�-j--+r+�..��-....w�....r. S slu:t:tin t:� ca+rrCl�tJan e�f ' nr.Wlki�at 1HOMA� .). Wyi p imlxmarrt4•,C/, r Utd nniftg f6! tftilt IMAfst�tt:n c9 iMARY iUIL IC CX I; V w%A Ct1l llt' Ath IsltAt Of x►J i UA;a 4zt itt+! '� t'RINCIPJII tifFlrl 1N Ar. r-wr. UCd Ott ill W4124 As M07 tsul Mt, Wrth L-0 r.tzt 10011 d MI ' CILLNU CM1141Y titr6 CA 4-7ko co -ors sfrsat.• 4)As' loft "1 *6 Viva tfiej rM4 •Iri4 "Wt •tA t>b.Tsd v1t l.attrtml-in i'rx,j C,t:'' H•'« .:.1 LAI irc :it�.i, i.7, or iRt ti.*t h Orlie rif tha r+.Wth left of in* %4:utistatl oKa- r:U.ir! f tYit`„} 4t %-Action M YOI✓'t� p i yC+.ifl_ ktr-Re it V1'et,t. Sir, acrne+dlna eii• fin4 fJiria77rn. , Ct&mota C„U.Ify, t:alifornla, v►iih I" aJ•.1 Iona cl t`t1 Cott PW tall M ►+Ah1 s*-utttkatf me-q artw tUVJi said Cent tlsp all 4th414 Ct�yi in (Alt t�7:]nCe!)' I1rb of ►f•A,.' City M I113ntin6tvt t{ vi%. th vs-, ta0isiltd !rr -NV11- Ater MOW, 1 ceffilles by the SW,:vItry of 1111112. of the Ctsts of Cat]larme on iAug- 1 W L M)1 ',a of 1i13AG004, ^. by "vast AtsnetaiiLA too. '. mt t.;,1A ty teal 5004tary of 5W31 el Ire State of Cal'.f& nit ett Apil ', 6 1910, ad o` KIW ♦s Alta9Jis`t� of ` ` 'Sct:.s chica N* 2 ,t�►nQcatJC41^,.', cest-firJ by Its soc:att►,r vt State Of IN Stata of c44if Kmis ode Z. lt',51: sJ;d taint also ReiKd fle Ilva Romt of Dclinhin4. 0,ance, s�v'n 00 0' M' fs-A tA`) % till " a':.r1t tap ". t Nth( of pay .l!'Ra, , of I,n=ss CM11.1 SL-•stt old vftrd the 1Sxi9fr'Q bourrabey iel# 0 t:1e C.ry Gt ► v.r1!.ML1rut D"ch, R* ar trrb!i 1t, J ry h7!o►e "Wohomd ' A'r1.'st r41nepult"G1 Nm .2". for an a�� a tooirt ih the 0oulda'y line C1 the grey of eluntirttton U-Ath';s a e,rn1-r41htd :y t-ripre mentiy4d ' iirot Rnr,�xpA�^h No, 2't. ' id I i•1t `r.ng in tre t'tg&mg txra=14sty lint: of -the City 01 HUnt;rtstpq '. tac,crr a: «.ttaorthe-d S.y' "Raise' Gmeiite ita. 4 Amttytlian'cl'ttl• ' tied tsy M!p SOVIM:/ CO $tatl/ 0, ` 1 tho SW'd of C.t46mia 0" A0211 a,`. .i 1 IV— to .tot 1 r%vth I4ie ct 9kxk is 0'ra t ,eta. 16 016 tho di n on s frill) mordt J I In t3:;c1t 14 FA%cs 19 am a 'X N=','? !.fis:ceiarlM.t' AY:fp9, ittL7r.7dt .'Qt: G (hsnge county, C:040a, 41- %%emit ; ? fact. al.wc the vAUP 111 bounder/ line of t'ta cite► d "%k iurtion Oo4:h .is astaAlit► ed t:y Uaf9f$ 1 t7tetsiW.�ty "pw" ' ch;c4 iMO.. 'JI r, Anne6stlbn•' and 41mc the Hearth i l:Jae d. said Gk)Ck If of hart ¢la. 84. to the nort:n6!!.t Cromer 41f "id Brock IS of Trail NO tt, uid t`oint vtlns an villa ,,Dint In that exisvr•4 trattrl,Cary find a. We't:ity. , y or ►lunlinKtc;tt Ir. h as 4otalbtishod } bt bnlote crtflstt'4srr4 "6attt+a Ch;ct: y f:a. 14 A,,dr puUc 4t"r thoh:a 4min 0' 42' CO" atsi UN44 Poet. th4 •voifAt 10191 of allid?•l iclr: AC1 A of irAct No. 66 and ' saHit i. iM ,'.. custinp bvorOary. Me of the C $y' pt i{untirf;tsn (larch •s t1tatuaf.W W W(We mentioned "ffoIW `c*-il No., 4 An-148atiaw" to a Pure ir1' ` ere canlarlio4 of Wamrr AM4rfufl. OW teat 14 vlovi all' t Ave Laid out: tJlc,.co atrtr 1,11 ar; 15' taut . 3��'a+s4 at�1M tnxrtU�.RtKliti=' Mary tine 01 tii f4UJ .Yeti "• plat'f • l0 r .741 IblAll" by '14".t I ttrl+ttitlst slt�t:Ilka lope 4 pe norar.;m� �.�41i-A lot !fie %W% ltaht of j It ,44 kart, , A+tt4r* , sltitt, :dt�� blra4�c %toot,; ilotlllwa t , Na .`.a emist to I bout�.ilerr ' hi;r.• e,, thee CI 3 aj.iMm ti4tClr, � aittltr',tlarir� ��'s� tAW.7' t i4til�fi uj."ilu�ars I:fl 'i Arrrttr<a;�er1' t. Kf rt.adiad ,�At Ji4�d�trtry:et ihN of ter® 3t)Il1f i`t pfj'Ybtfi►a'int 1�tlt 4 „1 •ry lR ".3>,'f thmc+ tit71P +Ar.r.AN . ;. ` 75' over JAISSJla Kest free ra MO., i ;r4a f+ta, �"lot. • ARd alc>':r`; !!►o '1w.,• ',i Istinn 4av+4fs'uY 4a1.4 the' 1CIVY: or, Huntr.$tCn t}evclr • ,ri ', n><tt� i ;} t,!• harona ntkr�t>l� •+'9o1u Arinattav64-q".gyp `i>t ett3et;hx ilai;4s8i►y' di(t' grli4 C►r! af.''HYrhlryf,rxt.'.tiatiieT� 4 t l polnt Mena t!l vooh** t oP 6tactz iQ.as Ft✓ owl 7at� 00 north ►1xt1j'. j&0 a ;FootAi1t 1 ; NAUf ki1atTIJ4, is 4MMrR'4rt'"• tt rMp c4 xrstt kw'tot, �sld W l6�rr havrfK t*+tn 1� , ;' >zoletd m11: �i>irrtrtvutis.4� : reel :.� r� . C4t1'�ty ' t�ttlo►tuie f. f aK M Jti►r JA- 1 W lit .. t�►eglt �; MI nape t�f 64'1i111tt1t Atse�da.� ,• � r.nn � cr 1 u.a G;tI o. N•.Atlydtgit 4 sir,: „. ♦+,.� �.�re t>..wn rrat�r>. 3 •+..Vsw ul `'taafsa cn►rt AnRr�saflC.re" = `` t cees;rulss l+y, tr,4 �rewr�:�! �+ttltr - ; of IttiM`SWdNorio to. ff%j th"16 N�,",�1'11y►ilrt,r:t}A,Serw• IS' satt,`57�61tt i:at. •�1' �+�; Tract 1fa , �' east! a�+Y•' tR�r tlx-' "`i� iat nd fJ�x++tdrry ; ct ttt4 is "Iftsmitive t•t' RRlbrB rttQnt'+?nfA ^Daoh'. NCd ;i A.'1nCNattaff. a^.` to Oanti it . 1' if M.n� eft .'.1 try, r<=esG�K, a::rt+o►�* 3v►+s ai ;`�tt ,.•,;. ' G;!}' a1 k.•ntrragtat! pej:1►. , y.e;0 ,�o:nt te:r.0 t>ta st'ttthMiYt-�r1t�r ` c! 21,OCk tit as khOon oft N1 +n:P o/ Treat Not "W' s: 7►IsP !r nQ are trt rrath rt¢At of way X.na of feat reap of Na. $$$ s#io tight of war hatin to la+t iral;ittd bj the tlao'rf M relp"Isers C► "Ptiinrjre cturitY ClilornN''a+: a'rasrfvOC" r"ordrr! July 1%. im in Sam I197 past A.I c1 41t;atL lttpt►rCt, ' f:ero1's a CrttnP "'irty.. CO. fe�•nlsr tKwize tenets east WAS Ic41. tiara tlr4 414s:ir a =c:.*CXry line of the twiny .4 l:Rtr_n eea.h. at''et"Itt.ledr•by: t`or4.•f ' r^ter<pahhi' � psi ' I;.t�+tA ,LnnexJ!{art"t'to a Srytmt Cy,: ibi► tali• tsri:r.e or sotta C"�Ca' Simi at town m tat`--dmap of ; TtwMt tio. 1*i1 ris*ht M 't rilj "11 aYirss be e» rs.-t_w by the OaLd' 40 5s.•lwtr. ii+ars of Qeertya Cauritr, tAlifornia :n a msolOon mcorcted in pooh SDI Paso Ut of QM PO& Reeords. Ae;,nn:9 of drllnSre. C"AW.. C&V- ►i"ia. Isst doter fatd _ point +1`�41 , ;)rr.r ca #Pete "palrlt I t'eka� af t- irt royral"I ,hnt Pr Ito Citte of w6` rrt nrtan` Ilaych trt''tt.tZithed by '•Buttsc, 14cipsts `N(v 3 Anna;. 2:?ti". Crrrt:fi� by fhP �eCrfjtfftt��,�Ct` Elite df tM. U1105 etf C44'tytklt ' ',_A!i,:'iry��'C•+.'�Ir,�,+�}i�i.l�!�ili�ii+�.� a a•••si i4 `nat� g4.A0. fN4ytti1 t:n �� anpLle prit►t to ttha�,00w:�r`� ay oat t e , ty`"� a' ttert►ttred .' ! unaN f 04mil t,RG. it3011'f, , thrncet ttar:nC t.+:e a+r,Jitit►g tse�th ' derr' I► , of • tha" Cltr- of (Sttrtl� )r4ld+l bravh, tat:th O".IerW eeeAt X100 lcet.'arenit tfe'Ctntc+r U" C4 , said vicstad VOSS MC#% ZI:*t% to a. panl In tA# aaath !.ae pt L04 flat:Te A►olive. as showts --vi, tttid may of 'Fraa r4m M..aal4 tivtt r,f wsty hellf,x Won Maca x+t In the potrd of -$+?t4+riwCr{' ii C1r anC& C,aunty. Carirofnta let, a t*10 futon, recor4#4 In Owk 13fy' PI4a 4;t, Rotord%, Aacatdi "of Crara4 Ggvtt �. CaUtort`;>"i • tltitni;st . "Uth 04 Q, Sri' feet, rionl last da-."Ibed twr►ette hno of tot Pploa Aw"mus, wacattd Dy boom mentioned tes Wary t;id tin• also be1ng th4 64tuU 11no of Inc fleet.,, bow fem of t" ♦oath ora•haii ISM of G.'►a r.arth- east on"unrtar itlf:V•I ' of Sec- t;an 29; jawfuh)o c $Cunt, X.Or;pft It \vast, Stan 94%,narCim lfaae and Atorfd�an. Orar#tt Courtr; Calte- r ia, to a point in tote SOVIf►" prolongation of Ina Wrest' finis ' of flrock M. trtct No. 415, as show" on a nap rleeordtd fst . 0044,_ IJ .. racy, l4 of , V is:OtitWa tyl >�a+nt. . Rrrords of 041m. tufRj'} GrtYt•'' twrgia, � eald . siiylni ' b ' d!N+flt; tiMh . brttfd ptrins In thtt ft►!tl h4ui't= • dory tat of the COV Of o 14WR l04ten legion Nertradc t�xellon' �gtea�2as= •': t1e71 � penal ,iA"•'ter:ttlttd Ucretsry of 91610 at : tare ZIA% at Latitxn+s oft 1anu3 'tO. mi i thence rKr1h a• ` tU 17!it'mti 13ie.e+l'if3RI, a;deit s>irkt wlbt'tiAlc" .. j end I A - hwtlsva4 r ptottC*Vtign. "04 . { i skett µ 64Irt,rt Ma; 4m and It" tha Nw4 nt+ of Okkii; 3; tit Nrf. W, *a Ow" tat • ;ria rill► j1 catdM to Soot 13; 110 mj*. ta►1a++r t enm! cotilttye. QNI ♦rtA a City tt eluriNVIpt ; I writ ea4tbhM bl. ttuhr3 'mrtrtl+wr�(,r' ,. OVAIMyayt' �RibQbiC+4~�rrtt�r -,' - N.ihe to ewe #.terry. •{w•e .N -1.601 atilt county,' CAtticrttla,,*W Riwa the vittina bouWAr' line of iM ? City of HvnU"1A3A poach is H- tablithttd br 6OWS MOMI01184 •."Unttnrim xarbow Co WA04" Arntaatton • Pamal 3A~r to t pp'.nt In 1ft$ b0thi. flint ►�S.vrey. ln4 cl W&mw Awtnuo. a4 t rn aft slid rnap of Tmat Na. 10, th4atf south 1W ", W wvst )"03 'fart. ai,zeg the oath kn• At womer Anmua and alonit 'the oalsting boundary tine of Ine City of Nunf• in;tan Basch es estabti•it4d ty $aw -'Huntington 144fr wr Gvoaw,.: . tim Jnntaat�ort o Parrs) 7-A" ta' a iroint In thta eat right at 'wa linv of Alia+r,;+iry Suest. 143 point fyl+tt at the eaat Il,-t1 of tho, vaest 2040 ?Wt "tf t.1s southvast tinlequutaw (SEQ of Stition ,20 :v+Reship 3 Satary Rango 11 WttA San tlemardiroo Hate and Ata)ttitan. Oran24 C<vjrrj, Caltlywrila, sold (nint ala:+ bairA an enAls point in the 4111t;04 bp4etdary G" cl tre citi of Nuntiagtan 8401th 4% nstsal'sr*� Ry SiAmAt hsrmu( Anne•Atian, erAiCed try thtsa Sec- War-, of Stale of the state of C41sfwnis co tisternw !, I%Ii; tnt++cr r►artn 0' 40' or west 2PLr� fat. atprrg Bald et{t line lA Ah ttnqrin Strait, void tirt.t being trie nest Wu of tltoclt 1). Im ' Na. as at chowrt to a fowls fecardtd In Book 10 Pogo.1 IS and W of laircc)�neovs G!t+vs. Ktawordi 4f Ar. "a County. CANfWnia, silo line sfto -,m "C tht twisting bmmdAry itno of tpe City Of Hufdisigun , boach as astaUttthad by said'.`Sutt- ! sat • Hortvar AwrvxaWn^.• t1v aft ` wtga♦ point in Ino exiftintl bays t . doryof the r itir or Huntington, be&rh as "labtishad by. 160114 1 Chica Hn. 3 Annrxatwn". CorW,ad jt by trite secretary Of stalk of the state of CoNforfUe en ; Hatch 23. '1W. said' "PI at►o beffiv. the nmth**Zl cam" of lot`Y"t:f Vkck + 1) W 'i414 Tact t10. 44. and aa'r! point Wso lying an the .south lie4 1 pf o "".19 loot' pllrato' rostl gay �"; I IACWn On ,sold Irma of ,pact No. Vttlea rtlKh *70 31 ' bi"'isJit 2 i1503'!Hitt, aattY E♦[ 7ltbrth;ling r a lots Y anA' ! of Stack li of sail , Tr> ct t�ty. f�; 't,ald lialt .tatfls chef :. f arttn l�lp at as�d'ptFvilt`►rsiul: any' xaa! ISne tr4itt� mo t•tiiq t100' ' d!ry t►he,tt' iifa �.,,ty'of kwillt+tttOrt . ••.1 Reath at" t�tabtit;hA: Lq bCtoto matik m60 "paf" `Chfres frt1.' $ Aft f sw Attnr►7, Iv, the nmtiwet t;Olr, - -� jj ncr at t.at t at SAW tdk k a' Will ( point being � an angle 'nl In ", t evi-3ttnir' t4utt4tiy Aw ow, city of by t -"e T k1mv fie 2 ittintr•ai ' ; ';sue •'pbinl Nr.+ IYiril t 4Mit- 4?i to 1, line, 01 a ' S0.{l� toot. �-r 14fa ,tale sMwn on th* 'n)rt,i °a"eats Tfact '. No. 114; tAtmee Louth 0• ,C O90,, t'•tlit G" fe►t, cueing the anit Inb'.O said Lot' 7 of dtock 11 ef' x:act Nca- AM. VIORS: ths' r•ett (kt+t of prld trrwatn t443, anal atonR' ft wolyt, ling - `undirr fine � *' R'rs Citi' w Huntin,roh; Vieth �A"ttlflrflshlr� 't by Wimp mMoiictke� "F}l�l C1iIG! No, a Annexillon . to a pisrtt, $144 , point. lyl11R'In `ltfa"taotr!!� ' line of ' &aid Le.' 2 riloCk 14' ka1s pottlt. aloe• bliMR an� arsrf. trolnt Mate: e%1a11nx botu�Wryry !Intl 121.1he lib of Nur%tengtatl t3ieth'e1' tntebtttA. a� 'b?' ale" j"Cntia to "drag Chico fta-2'Artn„ratiaAwi .Lhwr. t hactlt rIt� »r tp• Ott �161Wdq'1+4tes.; 1tatr►►�� Iha' tau 7 (#'*$ a: 2 tl12 17 i nd its aes+tltrlr prptonSa• Ilon'` Ah� ' iNdn/' tha ewt�� I tta we 1 7 pro�fi i rf '(tint 3'i1!Oittlf. of s,�iei ttx i'jlrKt! rt, a a� the, b peach its o, no +e' , ir, � trantionad , 1.t±tlCe' Ma 2 'A.�• ltflsahan "to me Mtiaw4altt , Na`' lw, aatU "MtM " �f0 Ralrtt'Zrf' tftlr iftixCe�,. iiftyf t of jmw city, m lik"1 fw as est,umpotA by 11htlAt ►�I "Defoe . CpiC4 Napa ' 0UVP,$ j~'%' ....� • v, trw,tr �r�.p , it0. ii. alert p'Oth{ Ot�.Rr�' b� arigfe •; Doint'fn`:ht) nRirti/tREgaitnlSY�Y (1tw; ; Of 'tho' Cit/ o/ 'Nur.{t>i;fort'' i,'Nc os tstabtlthat•by before'Ynenuaned �- "11(,44.. Cf+ica Rw- a AArinwation"1',` tho to north R*, 43' QV )volt 6tW tt", A%ris � the "111,I+Ae of tN� Lot 1 cH • pb,k 04' TOW Mo. AL u-%d On thg eRistlnyl biu►sdarr tine of the City of Huallgetan Vsach' as • 10-t sighed br b0h" rronVoned 1,84(oa COIca ?kL s Anricxat»►t... to this' otMettt lot rAr or • aaltl Lot 't , td mt 14 'tract , Nc, ti, slid point 'fylnd on' tfw' "Im right at, w0y:line 'uf a %*) foot p►ivrte rpstif " xhoiCm an.sa d trap of Troct tsq. ft . wct t�olnt Oita Aeing-or inge trii�Rt'.l 'rnN eai3tinY t>ow70arlr 11ns' M' Lne City or tturtington 84ch as estsbil s4tits ppt' petcs� • mastsihttl "AoiN" Grii+u kQ. 'kuwst *q r thxsch norm oil 13' W cost =-I �Ibtt. Nicol Pit rxxth kne at • let ; Pw* $4 0 3i,d `Irate Nar_36. Alois` the tooth lice of said WM toot prjYets ►+re4,' xn; 4tong, the !g%P44et b+t- 4811, !a� of thl CttX U. MMtlnatom ; sloth 43 t3IaD14.40 by' t'vf ra nlenticoto `VC44 Cr4o'Ne.,s Ar•. ntsttta+'", to s. point.' tat? h•i"I biting tho nc marest'comer Cl .ot 1 "15 of said .jta4t•.ttc� sis. �sid paint IYt °'+e`eeu"b Ikie ; of a N W .tout jarOmte mad and +on 'he east t,na of a SOM •coat• pri- Yat ale feboth at sfiawn '", 1it , M10 o►, Wd'•'IrAct' lie." tt4.•• ,e,e a ttiainl heir being tut a41R pulpt In the tttt3ti�g'bt►uedlly fill} 61,1111 Citr ai Humfing'ton' aesch as ,Qo•, tahi:she: by telore m4mtitxv)d "8ot3e' t;hie ffa.`: �'Aetnatsii!?(1"I tr►tnce nortiv ' QU 4,y' QC''' Wait LIM64 fart; alont'Ahe mxirtherry Paton;ate C4 the Most Tina of tat 1 et N,4 exT.R ISM a¢ot►st �t�N nest I.na V. - its. setuitteds otat "nhorly FrolenCalisns. of �tw} i of t at Sa. " tM:'Le.T t twi oil iaS ► n t � � • _ii� lWtiMiMF _ todtl'li+t'iiNt►vt' ! IhA Reap M.lmi'f .Tractr`Nf�t► d, .'end efret{. �lN;�tt3ry�i `Isting tr0undtKr -11ete `Gtf reel! C3'tY •� . '"ar litxtti,,�tt+t tsNcn b• sstabrtf+a0'�• `q"t:Ntve► metittsctn►!*�tlsfctfd•t',t�aeF� 1'ta 1 jinn" .eliem", to a PtirdIll the wulh right 0 way Iine Of Otil A%essue: 40 Timt in w;dth a$ mw laid cut, said ant b9t►�l .in • the souttr unq of trw north ?D.00,. leer ct the southa'tt te+"vi tear ISEVal of %oettaa M TOWMIMP S•.;i,� 5oulm, Range 11 west. San Bern-. . Rrdino gas* and Meridian, tltld point also ►ache an V6gWpptnf- 10 era ousting bour4ary Vn4` of the City of Wmheil;zon I;ractl as ss- tablisAed by bores ' atmtio-old `** r" Chka Na I Anneastnstt' and by "Delia Casco Ito. Z rL►naxj,* iicrr" certlfwd by me Ew"iwtvy o{ State a; the State Of Coltomw an 1utY j!. tt61: thotre , tMirth hone the With VAR Of Wort 40121, trLbtd Hail' Aw.ve, and 95ortg'thtt. tsistinit boun4a►Y tend' elf the Cltlr t Hcetlrtgton Rath Rf 011AWW144 y bet ,vo mentiwed—Ufahll hies : • .. A.tneeation". tC the T.•ue Point at IllomAirg, 1 SECTIa.N Z"iI'*C OF Vf%J4IING .ANC `CLOSING OF jquS. ' T►• OMN Pt s+11Q 410c l iart tale U t+b tie p+ed at i1f� O C t j XU. or the day twoln hied . for the i "ima at sold elact,19a and . shall ` * k t t'oitn UnId 740' owmw NJ1 a t same day, fomm . the 00t1 om bd i ";t;;.TtgH x tl!U.ttT:'l: ratrarr tree t>ee� kits to b t uted at :ta►A - Vairtibm i 11111 ►11 001 be ' Priwt+ad ' "- 1110011%m r i i �'..'�t1AL.L :T1iY.l�iif► tNK� JW.�,>! �tlkf.74�TttN�1 ' PG • AN>y1t1tQl, X�,,, ; tttCtr♦lh3TiAtTst k% Ali 0 ' W94r' A PARt 4UP "M'MTr tW!io4vsWf'd/lp• t0ft 11TJ,t;H AND THR P*9MTV, 04' SVCH 11*%n OW A1"tolt vxm AlC11fCtNi11YiK>rt..tltJt3t>GT to TAAATffirat SVU#LlV "M" TOO "OP CRh 1AItt'Mth • 1'04t, C", q3W ?f31N'f"ITC4 IMACt1. 70,11KV 041 �. •,' LN1Mt fl►tah�il ttttglT4ttMtt"A.� :`. rj of !tom =Qjoa vot0 +itiJni lfy, ��►r :'af st+L 'art e�►:t Iry fh !.hl� bt,�� ttyy,fs 0r0 y0 j /4•"1i ayf�tr7jt��t'� N11" . t • p,�ro Apo'. . (6) i 'L 14 i�11 � � hid. 91►K lryv ?. 1 kE1�� rnt 0 two r i �' �1 In I !ty-fin 0 /;4ft 4 Jlhyts*az�LX+t of Y q.J sn �tr C4 IOA + �rf off 47 ,'wte ,hri.t�'V � ti t, O Q t 0#4 h «,°�'t�trrf�r NA Coy 1* r � ►*` 4 Matt o lt�,Crf Cv COY � trt li d► ,�f C' �4tYr�jgr !ftsc'Er' >` y` wt �%,� the ("Ei* of Nrottitinster CITY 144 ll. 141111 4UY[ {Tpl'Cf i M[8TW11117104, CAUT04`:1A 92101 714 CODE Na•Abll - February 11, 1966 City Council' City of Huntington beach ; r-�' �--• f/� ,� Huntington Beach, California � ES Gentlemen: Tho City Council of Westminster fee.`.s that the Local Agency Formation Ctxrtnis9ion could render more prompt and adequate service to the cities o£ Grange County by holding their meet- ings twice a month. if you will recall, when the Boundary Cammission was in exist- ence, this body met every Monday and the boundaries of an annexation could be approved in a two week period if the legal description and map were drawn up correctly. It was our understanding when the Local agency Formation Corrmisslon was formed it was for the purpose of having more control over the orderly establishment. of city boundaries and to offer a comprehensive and effective ser*lice. With only one meeting per month, if tha legal description and crap are not submitted to the Secretary and approved by the County Surveyor fifteen days prior to the Ccuvission's ineet- ing, there is a whole month's delay, which in the case of an annexation involvina a develover, could be costly and cause Dear City Gl ejrk : ns in past years we would like to request a list of all anne.�tions made and incorporations completed during the calendar year of 1965 by your city. Kindly include: the following inforaation on your list: Designation of annex Ordinance n=ber Effective date (data filed with Socretary of State or County Rccordc. ) We would appreciate raceivir.6 your list as soon as it is available as it has been requested by our central otfice for use in dete mining franehiGe taxes for 1965. Please use the enclosed envelope for your reply. :hank you, �i fnI January 6, 1966 Sauthera Counties Gad Company Map Section 311 Main Street Runt .ngton Beach, California Gentlemen: In reply to yo►at request for a liar of all 19+6S crnaxatione made, um arm sending you the follovinr, information. A rberarivn 036, Sunset Beach 04 01119 Annexation 01137, Dolsa Chitca f1126 State Pare Annexation #36, Huntington Beach 01127 State park Eff. Date 3/19/63 5/11/65 5/11/65 :4 'F If you desire any further information, planae contact this t office. Sincerely yours, PAUL Go JOUES City Clark prjt jh fnI January 6, 1966 Sauthera Counties Gad Company Map Section 311 Main Street Runt .ngton Beach, California Gentlemen: In reply to yo►at request for a liar of all 19+6S crnaxatione made, um arm sending you the follovinr, information. A rberarivn 036, Sunset Beach 04 01119 Annexation 01137, Dolsa Chitca f1126 State Pare Annexation #36, Huntington Beach 01127 State park Eff. Date 3/19/63 5/11/65 5/11/65 :4 'F If you desire any further information, planae contact this t office. Sincerely yours, PAUL Go JOUES City Clark prjt jh ff 4: ,j x "i 3h6 CaTVon Vi" Drive Los Angeles h9, California - April 13, 1964 City of Huntington Beach City Rall Attention: Mr. ,Jones, City Clerk Huntington Beach, California Subject: Lots 16 and 18, Block Hp :Bract 349 Lots 1, r, 3, and 4, I;lock I, Tract 31149 Dear Sir: Friday, I called at your office to ingiiire whet procedure would be neceasaj-y for ne to have the abcrm des- cribed lots incorporated into the City of Itsntington Beach. Ono of your courteous represeritnUves ndv'..sed me that; there were now pending Bolsa Chlca No. j and No. 4 annotations and suggested that t co:rmanicateg directly with you to ascertain whether zV lots 16 and 18 in Block H cdght not be included in the Bolsa Chtca No. I., the boundary of which adjoins rye. Also, since water and sewage .facilities now e;eLat on Warner, p^rhaps my actrrercial acre on the north side of Har•nerp hetween Lynn and Hoskins streets, would not require any special procedure for its inclusion into the city. All of the above described property in vacant and I am desirous of giving early consideration to .improving the Sa-Ma• I would spprccia:.e receiving your suggested outline of the Host expeditious method bo bu pursued in having these Iota included in the City of IPantington Beach. If you would detail they required }procedure And for►;ard the necenEary fona►s, I would approcint.e it. It Is V. understanding that stater and nevage .lines now exist on Varner And that kith the Bolsa Chica No. It annexation being comleted, like facilities would be avail- able on Green Street in front of rV Lots 16 arri 18. Yours ninceyrely#, 1 T. K. Steu'li �k�•1•+u r..r,�rn+. ••'td tt�R:•. �. aX-+C, ,'.1•' f;ti- � -p � -r '•Z•t - �.�. � r +.�' C"T 'r'.'�• # Y i Y:tty"�� 1 • '. %' �r�t�a i4ii. It j� ;I S: aR ��•,,. � r• �,,�.�i °x �+tti''� �t�,�,�U "i 3h6 CaTVon Vi" Drive Los Angeles h9, California - April 13, 1964 City of Huntington Beach City Rall Attention: Mr. ,Jones, City Clerk Huntington Beach, California Subject: Lots 16 and 18, Block Hp :Bract 349 Lots 1, r, 3, and 4, I;lock I, Tract 31149 Dear Sir: Friday, I called at your office to ingiiire whet procedure would be neceasaj-y for ne to have the abcrm des- cribed lots incorporated into the City of Itsntington Beach. Ono of your courteous represeritnUves ndv'..sed me that; there were now pending Bolsa Chlca No. j and No. 4 annotations and suggested that t co:rmanicateg directly with you to ascertain whether zV lots 16 and 18 in Block H cdght not be included in the Bolsa Chtca No. I., the boundary of which adjoins rye. Also, since water and sewage .facilities now e;eLat on Warner, p^rhaps my actrrercial acre on the north side of Har•nerp hetween Lynn and Hoskins streets, would not require any special procedure for its inclusion into the city. All of the above described property in vacant and I am desirous of giving early consideration to .improving the Sa-Ma• I would spprccia:.e receiving your suggested outline of the Host expeditious method bo bu pursued in having these Iota included in the City of IPantington Beach. If you would detail they required }procedure And for►;ard the necenEary fona►s, I would approcint.e it. It Is V. understanding that stater and nevage .lines now exist on Varner And that kith the Bolsa Chica No. It annexation being comleted, like facilities would be avail- able on Green Street in front of rV Lots 16 arri 18. Yours ninceyrely#, 1 T. K. Steu'li �k�•1•+u r..r,�rn+. ••'td tt�R:•. �. aX-+C, ,'.1•' f;ti- � -p � -r '•Z•t - �.�. � r +.�' C"T 'r'.'�• # Y i Y:tty"�� 1 • '. %' �r�t�a i4ii. It j� ;I S: aR ��•,,. � r• �,,�.�i °x �+tti''� �t�,�,�U �--- _�""- - -` 7.!►-w. '.t r-.,.:+.7tT'«:+.nd'aVrs',19Cb+n......�� zc'i::;�':'i"S'.GjR A'. ".it:t�. ti q''a ATA7! Of C;RItfMMA STATE E BOARD OF EQUALIZATION GIM01 t ARMY tb►l VIS010, Sov trend." tsrt*3 t4 stat;rr, a�c��.xr+o, c.11jGt.tttJ1 10+:N W. �rnc++ . (P- o, 96X t790, SACMAIiNTo, t�ttratNu isse,a) t�ccJ0 ;14 W., t, icH ►.u1 I [rut t►sty kxrnn auw C014310ti 303.4E.«�;.. s.v.►,r, CITY CLERK C IT L OF 11UN . I.NGTON BEACH P.O.B©x 190 HUNTI UG i oN aEAC11 , CALIi. 92648 JULY 42 0 _64 Section 54900 of the Government Code requires that statements be filed idth your County Assessor and with the State Board of Equalization whenever City Boundaries are created or changed. Your office has been filing the statements for annexetione to your city and in nome cases for the wi.t;hdrawal of these annexed areas from special districts. The 1964 Legislature, by enacting AB 148 into law, has Trade art Important change in this atatute. Chapter 95, Statutes of 1964, mends Section 54902 of the Government Code to specify a deadline of JANUARY1 for filings made pursuant. to Section '3900. find now deadline supersedes the long stand- ing February 1 date. We respectfully, urg9 you to mark this new date well, especially thi a .first year in which it i,a in effect. Vo rjrjt;ruly yours, L . EAS'I'l►iAN , Chief VALUATION D"IVIS1011 AVik IMPORTANT NOTICE t �e, STME Of CAMOMIA ^T'��' :t` .5.=•'.^^L•=s .:ts sR.� s�;.a� :Zr._+nri t "!1'■::uC.^6:y.L'2'aK^.vnfaa LJ YtYCMt Rt1t7KRbI/:... -STATE BOARD OF EQUAL17.ATION areO.Io e.lW4030 j 1irr+L�N1Id,SowlraeKr�a► , 3.13 rAST V;AtNUt sto r PAf$AMA. CAtltoowA imo lo+W Wmi . MACH ftK!.UAK .July 31, 1964 ctOMO:ten !aw to th•r+41, trndaa4 �, MAN k�MWMI From Itichnrd Nevimi, Member K, 1. FACEMAN i Stale Bo;? rd of E ltmli: ation r.r-rohe •+~�'•r , I S+.rbject: Uate Change fc+r Filing Boundary Ch:tnget; with State Board of Equalization; Section 5.190Z Gaverninent Code. and Section 1704 Education Carle,. 'rile following law c,h:artgce vas rv;irlce .at the 1964 lltdgot St.-s! ion of the California Legislature: An act to amend Section 1704 of the J:,tiuc ation Code and to amend Section 5,190Z of tile. Gove:rlirnent Code, rcl:ating to finaticial aulrpart (-if rcorg ani: ed school districts. The peopIc of the., State of California do ietaarY :t:e roilows- Section I . Section 1704 of the E(luc;atimi, Code is amended to rear.: 170 scept as provided in Section 1105 any iction to organize or reorganirc, a district :'hail bte effective for all purposea nn ttt2' elate .set firth below, whichever it3 applic;tWe; (a) Any sucte action completed cats or before Jana.-ery I of any school y,!z!r uliall tee; effective on the rrext miccereding Jtrly 1. (h) Ally such ;tctiott completed after J.wunry l of any School year shall bc^ca:m effec-tivcs Cm tile- second auce Wdirip..Jctly i. sectiurt 2.. suction 5•190Z of Ott. C.iovr�rr.na,_�tt Code ie :arrtcnded to read: 5�19,3Z. On or before Jamiary 1. of the year i;z which the ansenr.ment.a or taxetz .arc t.e b,� levied, :hce sttaiq�ment :and rule o. plat aliall be filed with c,_tlt :traounsor w1intse- roil in u .c:cl for Inc levy and with the state. Boa ril of Egn,ilization. As you c+'tea hee, tl1lF mi.astiree changet; tile enter whect a cflstrict. shatt file ito statement or rn;tlau from February I to Jame:-Iry I. `Ovith tileadvance mem of this date, our agoericy mrill be able to process ita workload and relca!e; the catimated iismetssed value (or puk.Iic Utiliticolf. in respect to districts, during July at. ;ettproximatelJr the s:arnt, time as tiles local norersor a"ell easen his information. .So Many di�+trictN -are affected by this law change that I fait, it Impeartatir to bring it to your pornonal attention. i hope that ysau will also prc:rrs the fi•formation along to the niece ssare/ �rar'tICA. - r I.at I fuTit f rt 5'w1r Elrylatti1'fl'1• I I ":/t Ifr$ F rttt P.SSt:�Sti, yniUt Csr c+)1lNTY-Ac�C'.aCh Tpru,irtt,i: r��:)r+�ut��. i•1t,) att;+ i"!54 (irt t1.,Jus�nJ<� r,f t34i34,1jr!0 cowtty 1 nlr ja ! "(t Maitre ., :11 z - `tt:r • ... - _ ... i 1, r A t 3 1 (! • ! S = ° i; u � 'j I1 F, 7 A1{Jitip _.._.-.. ..... i, 1 ! ! 1.: r t 1.11d C- t:utt -..__ _.......--• - t 3 s. r ; � t � :, :� .c ') + t �. • 3 t i �,; .. ` t Cn I tr. �.......... .. . ... b t. ? e; a . •t 1 ' � 1, 1 " ^ (:n,ttra t'as►,.t.-__....,.. ^ 9 r: •� 5 ; "t , i, � i , a i � ;�, 1;1 t)iirI,]o---- 1, Call . . _ . .. . . - .. . _ ... . . / �'• R ti ,l --------- - - - - -- :nyn-- ----- ---- .- - - - - -- 7 Z ti'inls ........._....... 1 1 ": s 1 =•� 1 1. L . . ... .. .... . .. .... . T 7 7 h S `J • + 1, i : < 7! S) • .......... . .... � s � �' . i l .� � t t' . i ..........IL '. „, .. " •, f •,t, r ,y;t . _ .......... I 71. 7, r• .. . .... _ ... _ . .. ! ? . r .' .. ' i I :, e 1 I ! •' .. ...... + i } r.,:1r<!I:to -_. I'Ct'tCiSCZ.__.. 1? 14L •�" :i(I t: .tt}a•1U jt• _. ...... _. j 4; i j, � . 1 'i ,. � 1 } } .Z s � i tis,•t !rrtrt•...............r _)! t,r: ;• ; "; ' z! i 7t1! ......._. :: -".'. "t t. ., :• ' } a ! 1 j+t Saa! i I-1.1C'i ..... .. _.._ 1 n C • S r, ; ' 1 . t ( 9 i) ,: Ilt9 �.rl.t. .....,.. .... .. ('i I ♦,'. ` f '" i 1 1. 3w) �*'... .:i - . .... ..... _ ... . i t � ! s �. � 4�• ', i t 1 7 � •� � t ti of 5t�•rrrt.... ___-._.... ... t ( jjJ{jj i �; d f u.i r? I. i Y (311 ..... . ......... Cf} 1 zm, ; f i i .t u } ... _ .... _ .... )! y i t J t t C f _ ......... .. _ . •t1 �1 ,� ! t �• ? c J t +{i ';-It �.w�• .. .. - .. . f+ 1 .7 � tr � ., y � f. i � � 1 �� t i l i 1'wi 7ri - ` i f , i t i t �; `ity.', _.,. .,._ 'fit1 rr 3(�n3n •i � J: i 1 Y i2 - ... ... . ,..... 4 s' t '} a i � ', ! � � 1 1, rt v �1 1 � : �.. Xnitt ._,..,., .._._ S I %�' J 7 1 :' , L .y f, 1 +.� t k• 1. !! ►nt�►1R.-.•-- t .. .,.M..r...r._. ,..4 r w....,...•.+...r ._ _w.w.._ •• _....,_�_.....r..w..•. _.r......_..........,,..__._ _..-_-w ,tr-• 1 w.w • -.__ M.. i._f.,.«_r,...._ «....-1... ...•..- •it Ir.1 I,Y Ct117'1(Y I;:Irf.>. } !,Y wrr..:>>t► h4.:.3'.�• 3: t 1rt'.c:�I^t .:31►;r of .;,tcr rfr'tix tr•tz;�s r.!Jic!i� x Iis' !c;:yi� t,r� Theforegoin,r figures exclude $29 million of bo :rd-assessed � yiiluc s 'u f rail road robs tocl: uwncd by y some 100 n©nrni l road companies A, I suas the Pullman Company and Pacific Fruit .Expresso . ti.hich will, Pay a state ad valorem tax of S2,M7,009 for GenernI Fund use. They also exclude $5.2 bill ion of state- and locally- assessed solvent credits, consisting nairil f of am-.urts receivable. These are taxed at to cents per IwIndred dollars and consequently will Produce only $5.2 millio;t of local property taxes. P r!-. ei r r F*b a ii it S t ft i I c s ASSFSSLri, VALUAtIOWOF SIATF-ASSEI)SEV TANGoInLE PPWIEPtY SUBJECT 70 L(t:AL I Ar7,%7 I V11, 3Y Cr)kr'#Tf, 1165 f1l' qf Coo.) ty m tj Lit uz- r! AI pi ............ t.J 1 5 7 Itt :1 ------------------ 2 7,2 7 6 2 5 9 ............ 2 - -------------- IL 50 =1w ------------------ CnIs I ul Col ta - - - - - - - - - - - - I r, c :1 3 5 1 4 1 7 7.1 r 'A. Dirado ---------------- 1 2. 9 5 li 7 7 1.7 ------------------ 10 r% c it, ------------------- (Itialln I d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I, c rf -i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . a L, n - - - - - - - - - - - [.,)r, Ajli,v i .. - . . . . . . . . . . . 44 dt. r.1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I r i I[ - - - - - l !o L In 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . t .................. IrCta, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v F7 t o - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rz; c 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . i " ". 's " 7 7 1 1) 7 4 7 9 1.4 7 7 t .'s 1.5 X A 5 J 01 j r A C 1 3 T- .1 - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sr'(,, Sol 3 9 0 r, 0 I t C b.1 m I ll 7 'i 7 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . *10 4 I%t -!+fw A- 7-10v f 3 i. ,,..�, w , oo If /--7 `/ Ile rt,4 ,"le. t .. s z•,'rt.. r n:t �d t��r,T:'s, i ..��iry t.... �,/� y •{v- ": - � �jf f ' t 17�. + r-.� ! } ,{t << vie S�,'•��� ! ��. f r`. ` M r`'�', � ,it¢ % `i'ir,.i t� tt.;',j 14 t .! � 1�� ,'.`_ .�l, ti �,l:>;i�r{T Yrty �x � ;t`',�ijt,s iu jv •�lM.��; t�;iS'iF '�. �k'�.: r r : f City Cif Hung dngton Beach tit, CaNOMIa Er. Theodore J:. ' to slin G Canyon Vied rive Lo:.; �►�L-clecs lsgt Cul-.forniti ► elf: ar .: it t 1 t ��1 r Let cat: extend ray apolc6iea for not havir.Z crn4niertd ycur !' j '.latter requent:irr irrcr.%aticr. cn rxnex.-itie.: bafeMe thire I .4ave bad yoc::- letter cri r,:y drt.k -11, thin tires a Vot huva hold i ofr of asnothe. annexatior► boing ii)rrcc:.;udVrIn tha area's and �zlcso becaur;e of other c=.plicaticoi, in yciir a cud 1 dan' 4 4now ie,:et.hcr yeu rrr far.i.L :.r wit), this cn`ire i .ctir�t;j pc,rr:u t .i.st v.,hlch yw• pro}>crt;• city, but there is a twenty acre_ y,-irccl, northe ant of you which r-tint be incli deg# :its a .: cp3ozed annexat4 an of your Trovorty. lliio i:3 duC► to the ct U:at the City car-no".ccu pl a tely c-r round =d r. atke z n I ta- and of i.e.:►_ of .'-o-,mty property. It ro hapl ova that the ci nerz c,f Lh1:.o tventy acr,-� :crcr: h-3ve been, up to thin tires, r. �'puced to .ny 6n ti result, we }save only two altc:rn.:,lives in mahinZ :urther annexation in that. area: (I) :n:lvavar to get Uic ()--nern or thin parcel to cenuenb cxid Ud a it in b 'tc-elf, }.Yigr to �i next::_ =y ether terri- tory -cuth of the parcel. i (2) .t1,,gOzt that property c:wners south of this par"ceil who trash to annex to the Citys bccc*%r I:ropo:sontu for such larger am e::utfon* ':"ls1.s will require t,hr�t you get t:tirtse;c4 of px�aparty. at r ufficisnt asneaned val,uat:i ct to approve much anne=tim to 'LLnount to more than :Ok (ar the total- aaaeanea vsamaticn of j tho area proposed to be annexed. is the latter aitunt:ion ,-` l f: wi11 rtude•r whatever anstatemce I can in tine natter, There are other property at.zera in that+ arcra Oto are,EL:ro + ;+ntereated in z>roceeding with attch annexutica, tut ire. this r s-c�,as�d, you ciF1t r;a.�tt3:ctlr.,z�l W. Gilliam, 411 Cceta';Lventi� i;vul. BcucU. Circe an ?)rst-:=%lien which would Includes pur 1-roptrty e.�ouSd iota -in to be .an ita'jitud m- nexation, it uoui ld" evantAl- ly t ;;et to an clertivn of the pe:apli its the areh, nad a zkopltr m jari ty 4 a required to , Hera, , i.. i.' .7�1.�,mod' iL( Y a.. 1,i�� h.�+,���+`,'.( y,'1l lr{�hF a�tfrir(�(��if'• 'f .,_:�. .e ,....,..,.>._.,�i�f ors+�ijfri�1S1GUi2�'C.,�A3��c►11t1►,3�CYF:11?Yf:la;w-r�oS!C' !i, �i�+31}"t!i��Xi�i%t11kS371C�3rtc'r,�:`xY§it�4� rIZi Thin i9y the bnpf,- intormntia:a Z 'can 7.vtr you at this two "E refit rliq; the a nexation prop ows Feel, aazourad that'.1 -tirM - cao�.eratit i i 07evy VVY ill any 'at tla, A you nay otart, and also t: feel freo to contact ce at any' tin*. I &vageat that* i0ou ; want to got tcgather with me you =Wxe an rappolntaent a iev, Jaya ahead due to the fact that ?' ar. 4.n and out of Via office ;. a lot,. }�^. } Incrrely youru# City Clerk. , t�. "k �Y ,j .a� �I ! Seal Beach, Cwl ifoimia 4.11 Oaarin Avenue August 2, '1964 City Clerk, City of Huntington Roach Huatinstan Beach, California Dear Sir: In '4he recent pant there was Bone talk of cumaxirW a portion of Block E Tract '-'Ag 3,aot Heiuiits, California,, I own Lot ,#3 in the area desigtated alcove which is also bounded by Simms, i:ilo ,Irid Krntn for StroF-it:9. ,•;otL.rl ;you �,�= ea ae 121f O.V M roc L n to file ��tct�ta o3' the annex- ation procodinga to date an I have had two opinions ax.- presced by people of come authority as to who'"ho.- the area has been, is in the process of or ever vri.11 be a noxed. I wculd appreciato a detailed answer if you will pleaoa... resar. ding Cho Homing of Oama rtory reBpootfUlly youro, Earl if. 613.11t)m 411 Ccear. %venvo :'Cal 11ca,:hq you own in tl,,., ricinity of --rupvrf- Y w;J.ch I= been annexed to the Clty of Livich, bvt haz not n.atua-1-1v bamm x=extd. I mr, vnclor;ini%erqwith a copy of a letter 1.1tich I have written ton-v to "r. Thccdore 1.. -tcrling of Lon htm a reaurc� of rjo.,--niblo actiorn which c.w4 be to au by rotlidevta cf th.c are.-,, to ap-ne.% to the City. 1,.czt of Q:a Infor.-vitien com- in tl-.e are :applicable to your cane zarso. n ry r., ot i n a ;,c, -n to �:!-ve you -i tic city -zcnim� infr;matimi on i1r,:perty vhich izi t,rc--cntly :troths County I ac we do nct- ti6olr treccrds ir. th-in r"Itter. 1t i., cvg;ei;ted that you +z%e Craniie ;;tj,;nLj i1anning Zcpartment for such informition# in the cao.c of ",r. sterling, if I ma be or aimintmico Ur zervice 406o you In advizing r.rocehxea 'tor ateji.,% Jn 1 ropc-n*-.1 =1111eyatlon o:C UVIn. tcrvitoryq please feel free to coAtnat ze. .inceraly youral 4 fl }# qw •Yt , ' rHnRi�wAtt r� o An:rrlc�� dtuRfi u1Aiz titc�A� ntarn` fr� ;1 '.. r1'rt r1 rS...'� •Ij yi tLtM M oix �• .£t�'+�M Akt,. SiSt4caiuro 7S1�. Sil�f'lfl�CEffEA 1 I ♦ ii r ^J �l "" _ I iAAc7fSON 4 44�4 t �. _.i ;,� �.:—i.:1S2t�s•hIi }�+��Li 1}�t �i�t �i.irs ' � 1 i�, 5 �", t Berkeley r, Ce�.itorrda November t f :I Tot City Attorneys, City Managers and 'City Clorky" Subject: 1963 ANNMTIO)i LWISLATIOW •::. Attached is a mLmaographed compilation of the aru mtlan otatutes as thoy rou read. . A complete set of the 19b� chap erect lat+ sft 4cting Rnnexatian prgegduro . may be Obtained by addreas..ng a request, to the Leagislative'BM rioora„ State Capitol, Sacramento, for copies of the So3? crAng chapters - 629 1079 18M :. 862 1082 1810 886 1093 .889 .1348 891 1474 It is hoped that this commpUation WM be of assistance, ` Richard Carp4ntor, Executive' Ddreator 4 ; and Gerseral Cauna*1: , r U: fn , , , 1 �� � , •ir � ,.�� sly � i}r � �'� ,A j i• 1 °', F �'•' nX, S I 1 "V2 � i�, � 4% t + ,} d tr .I � � r� 1 i� 1 � 1• 1 11 ` tl tl �'t' ����Sf�� ` a` t �`�r �jr s �' ♦ rt;- t ` 1 r `` 4% .+ �n ,Tc d' S.: 4 �1 �Y) � 4 ,+; r It f y � 1• I`. t 'I ,�s 41, i . .I I.l:. .,• � t.t _ yi l 1 .'... ��� }, �; j is �+ �' I♦ 1 :�,lf 1-�f,+r r<„�I:��,. t.. .i{ ,I. •,..;i Y7 ,....y i o♦ ,.-Y11��1 �: t '�• . ': ) r + �. � - T' ty•1 S }�.r 1 1 1 4.� 1 .y.,+ i IS ,, 3 S .1. %., i:';��,. F�-°,-..-��, {� r. „ _.:r,. �_,p ti r . ?ti? i .. ,.' t �. r•. 1 �s v � ^ xt � I ts:w'. rs [ - �'} ,�• {.. t.+,-�.;i�!: -�xti� i+a i+S� , =,I �r !F•,r ?.r '.r�`.112. .. ,.,.•..,,. `�. '�, f� •v-. ,.,. -'� S,•is ..;��1 c} ,t: �. } i�� 1cw +,dr`;rt � �•�• + 1,';„ lSi.: Z:: "- , ...::',. .,;'�.. •.t L,.�,.. Zs.. � .:4� j��2'a ,.,♦ „ „x , ua�1 `: �:y ,r it.':;Y �•'�.., y...+1 .}� 3. ..5.7 � rli.� ltkt..��... 1�i�q:� .;i• � „�-" i JC.;a ��.0 .�. �. ''.l�q,' -'r 'f..y,.:>~..✓. �''. • ,.1.?� ., „t 4t3+.v.t...,•.. w..+.+M1i:�i.w1.+; s_ 1_ ,..t, ...,•, .i �� I�-, _,..TL-r�'-'s1;_ ..f.l 5.�:—'-a *��-r'�'� . N=-. � ._.___:�>�_..Y.� — --- = r 1963 COMPILATION OF WiEXATION STATUTES .n r..rr..ra.rrraw+.rrrrr�r.rrr�wrr■�r■rrrr•wr..rarw+.rrrirr� Title h Division 2. Part. 2 of the Government Coda wr r■r�.r.�.rr.�r■rrtir rr.rw�4ii.rr�.�M Chapter 1. Annexation of Territory Article 1. General Sec. 35000. Each person signing a petition for the annexation of territory by a city shall, at the time he signs the petition; write the date upon which he signs the petition. Sec. 35001. A petition for the annexation of territory by a city shall. not be filed or accepted for filing if any da,•e required to be affixed under sec. 35000 is a date prior to aix months of the date of filing. Sec. 35002. No petition soek'ing the annexation of territory to a city shall be circulated or filed, nor shall way public officer accept any such petition for filing, nor shall any legislative bxAy initiate proceedings to annex on its own motion, until the proposal for the annexation of territory to a city, including a MP and specific legal description of the boundaries of the territory, has boen filed with the secretary of the boundary co=i.ssion of the county and the boundary com- mission has prepared, or caused to be prepared, a report to the proponents upon the annexation proposal with respect• to the definiteness and certainty of the proposed boundaries, the non-conformance of proposed boundaries with lines of assesa=nt or ownership, the creation of islands or corridors of unincr.porated territory and other similar matters affecting the proposed tourdaries. At the time of filing the proposal for the annexation with the boundary camatission, the proponents shall file with the county clerk or registrar of voters, if such latter office has been established, a map of the proposal area. If at the hearing set by the legislative body of the city the boundaries of the proposal area are changed by such bossy, the proponents shall within 10 days after 'he final date Pet by lacy for the boundary cozm=ission to report its findings On wich changes, furnish the cottnty clerk or registrar of voters a revised crap showing such changes. Notice of receipt of a proposal for the mmexation of territory to any cite shall be given within 10 days after the filing thereof by- the clerk of the boundary commission to the legislative bodies of all cities the territorial limits of which lies within three miles of any of the territory proposed to be muiexed. Such notice shall be given by mail addremsed to the legislative bodies of the cities entitled thereto and ohall in general terms indicate the area proposed to be annexed. Failure to, give such notice Shall not operate to invalidate an annexation ?."ceed:ng.' If the boundary commission does not report upon: the annexation proposal within 20 days after tho writ,tqn description thereof is tiltd with the aearatary of the bcx:ndw7 car -mission, the unnexation propooa7l shall, be deew.d correct. If an annexation proceeding is initiated pursuant to the Annexation Act of 1913, the .written description of the proposal for the Annexation of territory shall be filed 'with the secretary of the boundary comd.asion biter, ate. 35106 hsa been i complied with and before the .petition :for wmaxati.on is circulated. 1963 COMPILATION OF WiEXATION STATUTES .n r..rr..ra.rrraw+.rrrrr�r.rrr�wrr■�r■rrrr•wr..rarw+.rrrirr� Title h Division 2. Part. 2 of the Government Coda wr r■r�.r.�.rr.�r■rrtir rr.rw�4ii.rr�.�M Chapter 1. Annexation of Territory Article 1. General Sec. 35000. Each person signing a petition for the annexation of territory by a city shall, at the time he signs the petition; write the date upon which he signs the petition. Sec. 35001. A petition for the annexation of territory by a city shall. not be filed or accepted for filing if any da,•e required to be affixed under sec. 35000 is a date prior to aix months of the date of filing. Sec. 35002. No petition soek'ing the annexation of territory to a city shall be circulated or filed, nor shall way public officer accept any such petition for filing, nor shall any legislative bxAy initiate proceedings to annex on its own motion, until the proposal for the annexation of territory to a city, including a MP and specific legal description of the boundaries of the territory, has boen filed with the secretary of the boundary co=i.ssion of the county and the boundary com- mission has prepared, or caused to be prepared, a report to the proponents upon the annexation proposal with respect• to the definiteness and certainty of the proposed boundaries, the non-conformance of proposed boundaries with lines of assesa=nt or ownership, the creation of islands or corridors of unincr.porated territory and other similar matters affecting the proposed tourdaries. At the time of filing the proposal for the annexation with the boundary camatission, the proponents shall file with the county clerk or registrar of voters, if such latter office has been established, a map of the proposal area. If at the hearing set by the legislative body of the city the boundaries of the proposal area are changed by such bossy, the proponents shall within 10 days after 'he final date Pet by lacy for the boundary cozm=ission to report its findings On wich changes, furnish the cottnty clerk or registrar of voters a revised crap showing such changes. Notice of receipt of a proposal for the mmexation of territory to any cite shall be given within 10 days after the filing thereof by- the clerk of the boundary commission to the legislative bodies of all cities the territorial limits of which lies within three miles of any of the territory proposed to be muiexed. Such notice shall be given by mail addremsed to the legislative bodies of the cities entitled thereto and ohall in general terms indicate the area proposed to be annexed. Failure to, give such notice Shall not operate to invalidate an annexation ?."ceed:ng.' If the boundary commission does not report upon: the annexation proposal within 20 days after tho writ,tqn description thereof is tiltd with the aearatary of the bcx:ndw7 car -mission, the unnexation propooa7l shall, be deew.d correct. If an annexation proceeding is initiated pursuant to the Annexation Act of 1913, the .written description of the proposal for the Annexation of territory shall be filed 'with the secretary of the boundary comd.asion biter, ate. 35106 hsa been i complied with and before the .petition :for wmaxati.on is circulated. 1 'i 3n a county having a population of 11,000,MO or more, for a period of 45 daps .,.after the filing by a city with the secretary of the boundary cocam'~iasion of t' proposal for the annexation of territory to a city, no other proposal eha11 be filed hereunder for the annexation of any of the same territory to any city, or fcr the incorporation of any ok such territory. Sec. 35002.1. Within 20 days after a written description of a proposal for the annexation of territory to a city has been filed with the secretary of the boundary commission of the county, the boundary co=dssion shall. prepare a report containing a licit of all districts in which the property proposed to be annexed is situated, and transmit a copy of such retort to the clerk of the legislative body of the cite to � Which it is proposed that the territory be annexed, Sec. 3,5002.2. The boundary- commission may change the boundaries submittad to it before making its report, if: (a) The proponents of the annexation or the city initiating the annexation consent thereto, and (b) The annexation of the newly described territory Will comply in all respects with all of the provisions of this article, and (e) The new boundaries do not include any territory which co:itd not have been included whey, the original proposal was filed. .If any portions of the amended boundaries lie within trsee Mues of the territorial limits of any city to which notice of the proposed annexation has not been Riven, within five days after such change in boundaries the boundary co=ission shall notify the legislative body of such city of the proposed annexation. (Added by Chap. 891, Stats. 2963) Soc. 35002.3. Territory shall. not. be annexed to a city if as a result of such annexation. (1) unincorporated land territory is completely surrounded by the annexing city or by land territory of such city on one or morn sides and the Pacilie Ocean on the remaining sides; (2 a strip of unincorporated territory leas than 200 feet aide And more than ;00 feet long io created; or (3) a strip of unincorporated territory, consisting solely of a highway or portion thereof is created. This section shall apply clay to annexation proceedings commenced or instituted &rter the affective date of this section as amended br the Legialature at its 1963 &-eular Session. (Amended by Chap. 1894, State. 1963) Sec. 35002.5. Territory stwal not be deemed contiguous as the word llcontigu- ous" its used in this chapter if the only contiguity is based on a strip of land ova 300 feet long and less than 200 feet 'wide, ouch width to be exclusive of highways. Territory shall be deemed contiguous as the word 'contiguous" is used in this chapter if the area thereof is aeparated4' by territory within the boundaries of smother city or if such area is separated from the boundaries of an annoxi.ne city by territ-r.p within the boundaries of another city; provided, such separating territory b4canag ' within the bo ridaries of the other city, pr-fur to January, 1, 192$; and furthtr pxo�id ed, such separating territory is not in exreas of z00 feet in Width at all of its. separating points; and providing, that said separating territory within eaid aeparat-- ing point is uninhabited as defined in aec. 35303 of the 0ovornment Code. .. J .. ' A r Sec. 35003. Notvithstanding the provisions of sec. 35002.5, territory which is Wholly owned by a public, agency nay, with the consent of Chat' public agency be annexed to a city together with any street, highway or road which connects such -territory to the city. Sec. 350M. No territory comprising lards otrned by a junior colleee district and acquired by such district prior to July 1, 1952, through a coin eyance from the board of supervisors of the cuw%ty in uhi,ch such territory is situated pursuant, to sec. 25560' of the Government Cafe, shalt', be annexed to, or becoam a part of, any city without thd consent or the governing board of the junior college district. Anything in this code to the contrary notwithstanding,. territory surrounding lands owned by a junior college district and ac� ired by such district prior to July 1, 1952, pursuant to the provisions of sec. 2556G, may be annexed to a r.ity. Sec. 35005. - Repealed. (See sec. 53292, added to Gov. Code by th3 awn chapter). Sec. 35C06. When uninhabited territory owned by a city is annexed, proceed- ings may be had under Article 3 or Article 5 of this chanter. Sec. 35007. The legislative body shall have power to germinate annexation proceedings at any time prior to the date set for tho hearing of protests. Hovever, it protests against the annexation or the election are filed With the legislative body prior to the hour set for hearing objections thereto, the city legifilati.ve body shall proceed to hear and pass upon all protests no made in the r..inner provided for in rases. 35121 or 35313, whichever is applicable to the proceedings, even though the proceedings have: been terrdnated. The city legislative body sh-all, at the 11zearing or within 10 days thereafter, find and declare by resolution vhether or not a rajority protest is made. If the city legislative body finds that a trJority protest as therein provid- ed is made, no further pr oceedingn for the annexation of any of the territc; y ©Mon be taken for one rear after the date of the adoption of the resolution. If the city legislative body finds that a majority protest ue therein provided for is not =dn or it finds that no protects have been filed, new proceedings for 1."hu annerati on of all or part of the name territory to the city ►n-y be inst :tuted and, proceeded with as provided in this chapter at any time after the taste of the adoption of the resolution. Sec. 350W. The boundaries of territory proposed to be annexed shall, not be fixed without the consent of the cnn,er of the proporty so as to excludo ;he site cif the residence difell.ing of the owner of the property and to .include the remi-irdar of the property of such comer where the sits of the residence dunning is contiVaus or adjacent to the remainder of the property. If in any annexation proceedings ).vundary lines are fixedin viol,aticn of this section, the affected property owner m7 at any time before one year after the c:onplotlon of the proceedings file a statement of the violation of th r section with the clerk Of the legislative bode of the city snnaxln'g, or proposing to annex, such property and at its next neeting the legisl.attve body sh&.11 by resolution excludo such property frogs the territory annaxed. If the annexa- tion proceedings have been cospleted, the l.egislativo body nhul.l transini t a certi.flad copy of such revolution, describing the boundaries Lsf the annexed territory, na charged, with the Secretary of State, who shall file it and transmit a certificate of the filing to the clerk of the legislative body and to the board of evporvisorb of the county in _ which the city is situated. .% i t� ,t Boo., j5009.. Any land`,,vhir:h is by consent of the owners zoned &nd rostrict.ed for agricult!arer7 purposes exclusively pursuantto a ranter plan` for land use in any county shall, not, xhila it ir. ee zoned, be annexed to a city pursuant to Artiel a}. 2 or 5, -4thait the consent of the owners of !;" land vhich is prdpo5ad to ` be annexed. hand so zoned shall not be considered unincorporated territory .for purposes of soon, 35158 and 15326. This section sha1.1 apply only to counties which have, = or before Deemiber 31, 1954, adopted a master plan for land use which includes provision for the zoning and restricting of land for ezclusiveily agricultural purposes, and this section shmilll apply to any land which is so zoned and re otrictesd purEnaint to such plan before or after such date. This section shall not ie cor..strued and in not intended to provnnit the annexation of roads r and land so zoned shall not be included in computing the one-half mile lirii.tation under Government Code secs. 357.05.5 or 35?0h.5 as to any territory situated outside of the land so zoned. roc . 35010. AJiy t arritary which is zoned card restricted for aislpo:-t purposes excl_•..--iv�ly Firsusant to P. Lust -sr plan for land use in any county which is subsequantly annexed to a city pursuant to Article 2 or 5 of this chapter shall continue to be subject to such use restriction, notwithstanding any city conl.ng ordinances, unlesa consent to a change in use is granted by tho landowner of tho ;err• *.ary. Ser, , 35011, If a sit is brought attacking tho regularity or validity of walaxatier. proceedings completed pursuant to this chapter and the city which has aTmoxed such territory is enjoUed from exercising jurisdiction over such territory WIL fil the final di3position of such suit, such terri-tory shall be detmed to be unincorporated and county ordinances shall caitinue in full force and effect with respect to the territory and the colinty in which such erritc-N is situated shall cot►tirua to render the samo services in such territory in the aaxe canner as it raiders services to unincorporated territory ih the county, until the find disposition of sueb suit, and theze1after if it is determined that the muiexati,on pracerd{rV were invalid. Sec. 35012. Any person making a protest to an annexation or to an annexation e:? e3cticn may withdraw his protest at any tim prior to final adjournmao,it of the ho•aring c;„ proteat,3 by filing brim the clerk of tho legislative body of the anvexs:ng city .a written statemat,t 'that he withdraws his protest. If the withdrawal is ►jade dvwi+ng' the hearinc the written statement may be filed ulth tho legislative body' or with the dlerk. Sec. 35014. too tide or sutnerged lands in the Pacific Ocean which are emzed by t: ;c State shall be annexed to a city oxcept that porrti,cm of the tide or submarg-ed lands encompassed within tho m.oavard extensions of tho axisting land boundr►rtes a£ the city, or of the proposed lt.id boundaries of the territory baing annoxed at% Dart of the Aurae proceedings, extznded from the yoi.nt where the lend boundaries int,"aect the shoreline at such an angle to the shoreline and following such a course or courses at► may be approved by the State Lands Comrission. The propoDPI for anmexation, including a Hasp and 'legal descriptices of they boundaries of the te±rriUA-Y, shall be filed with the Stato Comigsion, prior Lo the filing; of tho propovnl with the boundary corx►.issi.on of the county an required by sec. 35OM. The States Lands C=mdssion shall approve or din&nprova of the b<m1naarieu of the annwwt:ion propoosl and in making such deterinInaticn it shall, whore feaniklo wu d appropriate, require such wdenolana of the land bourdariee of the city to be at _4_ • I right angles to the ohq, Cline at• 0-ach point of intereectian of the 'i2�.oral��ne;,xi��h the ' land bounder; es . a.(: the MiLy, ' prcrrlded that, in, the iritereat "tit , Szieu ding i►i 'cam .X end Y equithble ,pattern H of offshore bcundar`ces, it• ,i ay establ sh► , such ' athi r'. anE,l ' 's .h other: caucuses for •each, aY'a►�. � � y ..,• such offshore - bbundary•- U t it u�aay. dew,m , r:ecess axisi'darrin An , Irregularity, of ,the ahoreline, other geo& phical features, the effecr, 'of..: mich;ofTsbore ti annexations on the uplinds of she city arx', adjoining, territot.-►, tho''ezititinf potential boundaries of. other 'cities and, of uriincoilwated colmiiJnitle"B The State ZaNs Commission stvall report its dsci .{M aicx�. 'to the jlr�elsatitrd `� trudy • of the city iihthin 30 cAyv, and its detenuination of • the prolvr of.'feho1ne � b�indartev shall be conclusive. Failure to report within zhe time limit shall be dee sd , approval the boundaries. (Added by Chan. 189k, State. 1963) Articlit 2. AnnexationAct off Sec. 35100. Mia article may be cited as the Annexatirm Act of 1513. Sec. 35101. 41en any 'proceedings for annexation of territ ory to at city are cormenced. pursuant to this article, the provisions of Article I of 'th3e ciupter and of this article alone apply. Sec. 35102. IS any election author{ zed by this arbicie it: not �cal.led or held in the manner or irithin the time specified, all proceedings rillating I:o the I� annexation are void. Sec. 35103. , The boundaries of any city may be alter -ad and now te�x".itorq annexed to, and incr.Tyorated Within, it pursuant to this art7clia. I Svc. 357c14. To qualify for an..r exation3 new territcry shill be contiguous to: (a) The city, or (b) Contiguous territory where the electors have votsad for annexation to t•be, city. Sec. 35104.5. Real. property belonging +;o a public: agency may be annexed pursuant to thtu article. Sec. 35105. Contiguous Inhabited territory msy be anntixed as one, parcel although divided by a road, stream, or other natural or w. ti.fir!ii a birriev' or ' r1ght' of way. , Sec. 351.05.5, tlatwR,th tending the provisions o!I' wen. '-);4CO2..5, ;iirr1tory rF , consia•ting of prooperty abutting on a street, hi&,iay, or roa:l;, :arid #ruch o;;reet, highvny or road to tho extent that it rabuta such property together with si�y street, highway, or roixi which cmmects such territory to the city may;'be annexed to as city, t, pursuant to this article; provided, .that If any portion of such r territoi- or street, -•:�: highway, or road is situat•rd within three miles or the bou ndar,'Les of any athar' city the consent of the legislative body of such other oit:y ahall first be obtained. For the purposes of thin section, the 'road titrip" is l.'tr a street, highway - or road.Hhich connects ten-'itory, herein call.od the '",;,ropert.y to' be tinnaxed% donaiat?knZo of property abutting on a atTnet j htahxay, or road and such street, highv'af or road ';a ,the extent it abuts such property to the annexing city. dimtarice' Teerritory, fticribed, in the 2;fiist ,parseaph shall rat :ba atusexed sd bar Ahe ."road strip": is . t4ora thou .ore -half Ftdle lror� t?r�' point !. at I which -such: "road atrip" connects .with the elty boy, ndar:y to Abi,,point! ne�bt to? the, • y ,y Pi' l sit bowidiv, it which it . connects, xith� the n n operty`ac be atmrxed. • ' � *, c t ,4 4' Drf.territory , des bribed In the tirst paragraph -.,otfo, this station ' is, ed' herein.',%sailed the "territory first armsxed, " ; x citT shall ncyt annex , otbsr teccritorr► ; crnsirting 'ot propsrty abutting` on a stz'aet - highway, 9r road and vu6h'strsaf, or ircad'to ,the sxtent;,that iti abuts such property together with ` any- 46*et-, highway,"ar road thick cauieota such, territory to the city. if the point, at .1thich .arch ' "road strip" tionnects such city with` such "property to be_annexed" is a point loaalted=an r�Y bounder of the, "territory first annexed unless he "portion of the "territory-�Cirat y h j'Y , t �� , "road_ strip" 'of such territory is leas ;.than; done -bolt annexed . ;which eonsbitutea the; cry , tails, measuz ed in the same manner, as provided 1ii the' prey coding; paragt. aph, and ' in ' not more than one-half. mile when added to that portion of the other territory proposed' to be annexed. which constitutes the "road strip" of such other territory. { Sec..35106. The consent' of the city le:gielatire .body she.]]. be obtai.need. before any proceedings are co=.enced pursuant to this Article. i Seca 35167.; Subdivided territory shall not be°wmexed,to .a city without prior consent of its legislative body, if the design of the subdivision and the conatru'r2tim or buildings . or public improvements with.{." it area inferior to utandarda required by the city ordinances and regslaticna. See..35106. In cities, having a plaiuting cos�aiceian, , consent stall not be govon by the legislative body pursuant to sera. 351o6 and 35107 until it ra..5 receiverd a report or recommendations from: the co=iaslon , Sec. 35109. If, within forty (40) days from the date the matter ;, a referred to the commission, the report or recotamendation in not filed with the legislative body, it. may act without such report or recomendations. Sac. 35110. Territory fornine a part or any city, at the tlt e of the presentation of a petition for its annexation,, shall not be annexed pursuant to this article. r Sec. 35M. Before circulating a petition relating: to alteration of the boundaries of, . or annexatt on of territ Mr to, a city, tha proponents .' shall publish' a notice of intention to do so pursuant to tho Election© Codo.. The notice ahali contain the names of the propbr entsD intending to circulate the pet ,itfon ar..d the specific boundaries of the territory, proposed to be annexed, and sha11 be acco nied' by a pr -ited statemnt not exceeding 500 words in length, containing reasons for ` the ' petition. 5pc..35112. Within tez days' after publication the prgmnonta sWl f`i].e a copy of tbE notice and accompanying statement, if any., and an afridanvit, of the pubUshing or pouting, ui.th the city clerk. Sei. 35n3. Within 15 days after such f: ing, the ' leg-lels.t re body may adopt, a r+eaoLction r,-,knowledgi.ng receipt of the notico and approving -tho circj3at:4,.an of the petition, For a period of 50 day'•: arter the adopticu of csuch.a resolv.tion (a) na notice of intention to incorporate a now city ah&U be riled Includtng any of thb.' rtoi-ritory deacribed in the notice; (b) no notice of intention to circulate a peEiU1012 for the annoxntion of any estich territory under the pruvinions of thin "ticle ah&U. be "1 filed -riith or consented �to by=a lsgielat.ve ,body ," f' anlr `city (c) no` petition sbiill be filed .,.Vith, . asid : no � yroreedings shall be inatituted - by; ' tie legifaaviii body ot. ; any . city for the anmexation of any of such `terri,tiory ardor the provisi.oria of this division'. Sec. 3511i�, minty -ohs days after, , the publication' or, 'poati.ng of th►e notice and statevent, the petition � be circulated a�g the • trotern Wltbi� ttie„area 'Propofed to be annexed pursuant to the Election's Code. In`no event stud such petition ,.be circulated prior to eercuring the consent to circulate provided for in sec. 3$113. see,*35115 When a petition for' the snn ` y e,v terrtaarar, e:onta3n- . pe exation of mn n ing a: sufficient Number of valid signatures, has been received by its legplative body,. juridOtptior aver the proceedings 1a acquired, and until annexation to ouch city'has been defeated by the electorsof the territory or the ©lectors of the cityprovided in sec. 35122, or until procoedingo relating to the annexation becoma void er are othertirise terminated: (a) No other, petition provided for in this division anteing for the annexation of any of the territory described in the filed petition shall be Piled; prssented'.to or acted upon by the legislative body of =y ether city. (b) No. other legislative body shell consent to the circulation of a•.petition or initiate any proce+odinga on its cw-n motion � undor the provlolons' of , this division . for the $anerstion of any part of the territory describe. in the filed petition. (c) No notice of, intention to circulate a petition for incorporation of ant part 'of the territory described in the filed petition, shal]. be filed. Sac. 3511 .. .; 6. _• Upon rezeiving a petition signed by .not leas than'one-fourth of the qua13tied electors .residing within the territory, as shwM by' the cou.�ty.rekiatra- tion of voters, containing e'deecription of the new territory proposed to .be annex_i.S and, -arcking that the territory be annexed, they city legislative body shall 'xithout delay pass a resolution of intention to call a spacial election . and of its intention to gubasit the question of annexation to the electors residing in the 'territory and of its iris?d t �uantto an sectre � 122stiT�hetcitreale3rktorn of and th3the ccyuntt of.t`icerh%avintion chars requi p 35 Y Y ga of the registration of voters shall, ` within two ,weeko, check they petition and certify the mtff i,.iency thereof. If the cler. k ' a certi.fIcate shows the, petition to be inauffi- ci©nt, a supplemental petition bearing additional signatures `=y be filed xi.thin 10. , duyu of .-the date of the certificate of insufficiency. , _The clrrk and then coanty ; fiice . having charge of the registration of 'voters ah&U, within 10 days after the. euppleaeen tal petition is fjaed, examine it and certify the rafieieney thereof. TJ `the petiticci. Is not. signed by the raquisite munber of ©lectors, the Iegialative ' body is without jurisdiction to proesed further, r, and all prior proce odinge, including such petitiion., shall'be null and void. Sec. 35117. The resolution shall describe specifically the bcundariea of the territory propc:�rd to be annexed and designate the territory by some apizopriate name. by which it my be referred to upon the ballots used at the election. It shall eentain a notice or the dray, hour, and place any person owning real property within the territory mny appear before the legislative bcxiy concerning %Titten protest agaiitati tho annexation filed pursuant to soc. 351200 Sec. 35118. A hearing ahall be held riot lean than fifteen nor noro Wan f. as-ty dayn after the pasaage: of the: roealution. - 7 - i+li«Y$ f.�.s+,y. F, ; .,. - F;t••lrA+iwr.M:^-i. . ... :. a:.:�,.w.. � ..',.—�s.so.+r..... ......rw�..---- — - - . - , 4 ,, , ec 359 The city. clerk, cause . a c oft S . ; spy h4 reaalution . to be , published .. p+ursumt bo sec ...606 in ; a nenrspaper ' of general circulation publis�tad 3ii t'ne ;' tarp ito r egad , to be' circulation p lf� ,. � , . , esxepf+Per . of general eked in the . city.. If no such ' newrpapera areQ ubOl Isbed, a ,copy of the re p g in at least three resolution aha11� be:. oate!d not less than 14 days before the bearing blic'. acei* irithii the terriotory. The city: cle�. k shall al" o cause written notice of such. proposed anae►sation to be mailed .'to each owner of an equitable or legal, interest in land, other than. An easement or right of Kay, within the territory to be annexed xho'has filed his' name, I and addreso and a Serler+al` description of such land, sufficient to identify it on tha last egaali29d county assessment roll, with said clerk. Said nritice shall be mailed not lejs than twenty (20) dayu.before the first public hearing on the proposed ame3xation . Sec. 35120. At any time not later than the hour apt far hearing objections to the election, any .owner of property within the territory wiy make a written pt,otest against the annexation. If at the time set for hearing objectiona to the annexation, � protests have been filed which are insufficient,to terminate ,further proceedings, the r*eting shall be recessed for a period of not lase than 10 days and nupplowntal { protests may be filed within such period and until the :your set forreconvening the hearing. If no protest has been riled, the meoting'need not be recessed to'allow „ `filing of. any supplemental. protests. The protest; shO state they ' &me of the mmer of the property affected and the atreet address or other description of the property sufficient ,.to identify it on the last equalized assessment, roll. A netes and bourdu description shall not be required if. the , property can be otherwise' deecri.bed 3n a manner sufficient to identify It mi the last equalized a.ssevaraant roll. As wsod in, thin ,ir'ticle, "owner" means the owner as shown on the last equal zed assessment roll, or' tho person or pniv sons entitled to, be shaven as owner on the current assessment roll who shall be deemL-d the owner, or uhere. such land is si'oject to a recorded -written agre(;ment to buy, the purchaser under such agreement to buy shall be deemed. the owner. Protoasta may be made on. behalf of the owner by an agent authorized) in writing ,by the rs owner to act as .egant with respect to such land, oxcept that protcat micr be made on behalf of a private corporation which is an owner of property by any officor or j employee of the corporation without written authorization by the corporation to act as agent or take such protest. If protests are nsade by : petition, the petition. shall contain tfie same information required of individual protests, and there shall be attachad to the peti- tion m affidavit made by a voter or owner of property within the territory described in the petition, or an . agent of either such mar or voter. 'The arfidavit ahall state that the affiart circulated that particular papor, sax written the eignretures appended therato; that he resides at --------; and that according to the beat information anti ' belief of affiant: (a) Each is the genuine signature of the person whoan nwise is purports to be. (b) The signer is an owner or duly authorized agent of the owner of property f within" they territory - ilia city shall, on request and without charge, provide forms of protest petitions and the affida-vit required by thlks section to owners al property within the territory. (Am6nded by Chap. 8890 Stats.3.96.3) f Sec.: 35121.. At the time yet tor,. hea dng protests,' "or'to which "the .hasNrisag slay have been =continued, the .city 2egielative body shall hear and pier upon az]. protests:no xse�les fi {a) It privately ;awned property and no publicly orened proportjr-- ie proposed to be annexed, further proceedings shall not be taken if protest . is tide by private owners of onerhalt of the value of the territory proposed to be :annexed."` iU, Talus van; such property for protest purposes ehall' be that shown ion the1"' t 'oqualited . assessment_ roll if .the property is not exempt fion' Iaucation. - If the piL p y in exempt+ ' troeaY taxation, iws value for, protest purposes shall be determined bar the `ccuntr assessor, in the same amount as he unuld assess such property if it were not exewt from taxation. (b) privately property pv y , rt are' proposed to ?.f pr#.vate owned pro rty and blicl owned props y be annexed in she sama proceeding, further proceedings ahall not be takah if, pro -test is made; by public, and private owners or one-half of, the value of the , territor j The value given privately mined property shall be determined pursuant to aubdivi[don (a)' of this section. The value given publicly owned property for , protest purposes' shall be determined by the county assessor in' the sac* manner as is provided in subdivision (a) of this section for privately owned property, exempt from taxation. (c) The value for protest purposes to be given property held In joint tenancy or tenancy in conmon shall be determined by the legislative body in propo.Lion to the proportionate interest of the protestant in such property. {d) As used in this article, "value of the territory" manna the value of the. land, exclusive of improvements thereon. (e) When property is subject to a written recorded agreement to buy, the purchaser under the agre:ewnt may protest and the seller may' not even though he is ahown are the owner on the last equalized assessment roll. Determinations of the value of public3,v mined property, or privately owned property exempt from taxation by the county siaaesaor for protest purpoees shallbe obtained from the assessor by the protestant and submitted to the legislative body with the written protest. Sec..35121..1. The city legislative body s:`s.+ell find and declare, by reaolub,lon adopted at the hearing o. vithi.n 30 'days after the cloning of the herring on. protests whether or, not a majority protest has been snide. rf Itdoes not adopt such a reso- lution within such period, it shall be deemed to have adopted on the ,Gth day a reso- lution. that a majority protest hers been made If a resolution finding and declaring that a majority protest .is made In adopted or dee?wd adopted, no further proceedings for thfi annexation of any of the , sass territory to the city shall bo taken for one roar after the date of the adoption of the resolution. (Amended by, Chap. 886, Stats. 1963) Sec. 35121.5. xf the city legislative body finds by resolution adopted puravant to sec. 35121.1 that a majority protest W not been raado in accordance with sec, 35121 and it it elects to proceed it may =ko such Changes in the bous:darie3.o£ the territory proposed to be annexed as it finds prcper, but it shall not .include any territory, outside of the 'boundaries described in thn petition nor shall it diminish the land area of the territory proposed to be annexed by more than 5 percent. Sec. 351Z1.6. It:,the 3egi�latiTe:body of the�oitr,,'eakas anT'cis+ange'in the boundaries ,in accardanc• ,w th • he prorinionr of sec. `'35121:5; it .shall rtrti ii iit"tire boundariee" a .. r ... s changed to the county, botiridary cosadasion for report as to' detinitssa�:- ` and certainty. Upon receipt of the report the city legislative body, my, ''if neces's ry, aasand.:the `,bowidary,description.to make the'boundary description definite and certain. cma35 22.,A If it Tir�ds by, reeralut adopted, pursuant to s.c. 35121.1 flirt ion jority:piot6it is not made as'prescribed, in, sec. 35121, the city, legislative 7:160 emu call a spacial adoption , without, delay and subodt ,to the electors residing �3n,`t:om territory:'the cr�estion wbether it shall be annexed to and .incorporated x,.thiljL the city. Such election,aLpll be held not sooner than 54 days and not later than 75 days after the terodnition ,of the hearing on protest or mipplemental protests, halt.. or mots fi that the value: of the territory proposed to �be annexed aquala one - or it finds - ,' , as +IAmm by the,: last' equalized assesemrnt t within the , city, eleel.cro of the � terrlto s one-half, or Ru � � ogital , rolls or .that the number. , of, alif ic�ci nor:,, of ..the nuralier of :Led electors: within the . city,- as sham br the county regletiation of uotara, then the city, legislative, body shall also can a special election and subeit to,the electors reeidingg in the city the same question at the sans the as that submitted to the electors residing within the territory proposed to be annexed. The cityt legislative body, as an alternative to the foregoing, may by'"its resolution trervtxpon terc�iate the proceedings without the necessity of calling such � el.ection..,.If proceedings are terminated hereunder, no further proceedings ahall be taken for,; the annexation purauant to this article of anF of such territory by the city for one year. Sec. , 35123. The city legislative-.booy, ahall cause notice of the 'electionto be publ.inhed , at least once a week for the four weeks -prior to the election, ` in s 'news- paper of general circulation, printed and, published outside the city, but in the county in which the territory is situated, or if there is none, by posting it at least four Creeks next preceding the election in three public places within the territory, if the questian of .the proposed annnexation of the territory is'..required to be submitted' to the • elertora of the city as set forth in sec, 35122 ' of this --code) - then the city legislative body shall cause notice of teas election to bo'published once a week for .four,,veeks or ,to.,the election in a, newspaper of general 7 circulation, printed and published inside the city, or if there in none',' by posting it at -least four weeks next preceding the elaution in thtiee public places within the terri-V y-, ' See. 3512h. The notice shall: (a) State the date of the election. '(b) State distinctly the proposition to be submitted. (a) Describe specifically,the boundaries. of the territory proposed to be annexed. , (d) Mesignate the nasa by which tine territo- ry may be indicatod upon the election ballots, which ahall be that given it in the resolution of intention to ce11 a special election. (a) histruct electors as to the manner of voting. The notice may set, a date what, purs+.0 t to sec. 35146, to annexa- tion will become effective if the annexation is coapleted. Sea. 35126. The l+egialativo body shall establish and designatto in the notice the voting precincts and the places at which polls will be open for the election. Tho plaasre ahaU be those cor=nly used for votiiig, if there are any. a (771 Saa.'35127.: The legislative -body' shall, appoint trio ' judges and ` one in®p+�ator y for each-.♦otinar Olice as, officers' of .the election. Each"off;cer' sh iD be a quali�"ied elector of the voting' preatnet � i..n ' which.' he =is' apgoi.nted' to act. r Via. 35128. Upon the . ballot' used - at'.the election,' shall ba printed the , words: "$hall (insert the name given the territory in the notice'of election), be annexed io the city of, (stati4 name', of 'city)?". • 0pposite'these wardx 'shna be printed the'' words "yesn,and "no", with a voting square.to the right of each. Sec.. 35'129. If an elec Mor atwVa a cross in the voting square after the xdid "yes", his vote shall be counted for the annexation, and, if he stamps a cross in 'the voting square after the word "no", his vote shall be counted against annexatiozi. See. 35130. Except t as otherwise provided,`, the ballots used, the .opening acid closing of the polls, and the conduct of the election in the territory shall conform as nearly ae possible with the Elections Code provisions concerning general elections. Sec.;3K131. Immediately on the closing of the polls the election officers for each poillhg place shall count the ballots, cWK9 up, certify, and seal the ballots and tally sheets of the ballots coat, and deliver then with the returns to the clerk of the city Legislative body. Sec. 35132. At its next regular meting held at least three days after the election, the•city legislative body shall canvass the returns'. The canvass A. 1 be completed at the meeting, if practicable, or as soon as possible, avoiding adjourn- caents . Sesc.`35133. immediately upon'the completion of the canvass, the legislative body shall cause a record to be entered upon its minutes, stating the propositioa submitted, the number of votes cast, and the number of rotes east for the against annexation in the eleacticn, within the territory propasod to'be annexed and in the election within the annexing city, separately, if the e�llecticm within the city is required to be held as provided in sec. 35122 of this code. See. -35134. 11 in any -election required' to be held bythis article a majority of the votes cast is against annexation, a now petition, embracingany, of the same 1 territory,- shall not be filed with the same city within 12 months after the result of the election has been canvassed and declared. Sec. 35135. If, in each of the elections required to be held by this article t t approve votes cast are for aruiaxation he legislative ive bed a� r a a majority .ar the v e? , g y y a�rp the annexation by ordinance. Sec. 35136. If the legislative body fails to approve the annexation, it 6haell submit the question to the electore,of the city at the next general or special, municipal election, or at a special election culled for that purpose Sec. 35137. When the electors of two or more bodies of outside territory, have voted in -favor of annexation to the sarro city and the legislative:, body doyen' not approve such annexation, it shall submit to the electors the quonti.on whether each body of new torritory shall be annexed to wid incorporated within the city,.as separate prepositions, each to be voted upon without regard'to •the other. Sec.' .35138. khe�n. tk�e question of annexation of Awo. or more bodies of `new . state Azi l ' �arritox� fa:'aubv�i,tted' it a�t�, nart�.cipal ,electiaa, the aoiice, of the alect�ion ��the elections tbequeetian .: at,the�� �taziiexatineach olneNterritory, andhequestionaeo each of now territory A&U be, printed ' .. , . pr3n separately upon the ; ba1,].ote . .. . Seo: 35139. Whet► the question. ,ie auba:itted. it a sunicfpal election, it shall be stated in the notice of eleection `ind 'on, the ba3lote ;, and the, electora sha1,1 vote .on it iii! the acme =nner as in the election in the territory proposed to be annexed.. In all details not specifically provided for, the election shall be con- ducted pursuant to the Elections Code provisions relating to m uiici P pr g Pal elections. Sic, 351ho. Immediately upon completioa of the canvass of .any municipal election on the question of annexation, the legislative body shall cause a record to ` be; entered upon its minutes, showing the number, of motes cast upon the question and the number cast for and against annexation. See. 35141. Where ; the .question of annexation of two - or. pore territories has been submitted at a,municipal election, and one or more of.the territories In contig- uous to another territory but not to the, city, a favorable vote on the annexation of territories not contiguous to the city is not effective unless there is also a favor-, able vote on the territories that would hake the noncontiguous territories contiguous to the city. Sec. 35142, If a majority of the votes cast on the question Is' for annexa-"'. tion the clerk of the legislative body shall make, certify under seal, and transod't to the Secretary of State, a copy of 4the record of the canvass in the territory and ; in the city, with a statement shcreng the dates of the elections, the time and the result of the canvasses, and a description of the territory. j Sec. 3510. Where the question of annexation , of two or more te=ltorles has been submitted to the city electors the record and statement as to any number of annexations may be included in one domment, but the clerk shall. not include any ; record of the votes cast or the elections held upon tho proposition of the annexation of any body of now territory which is not effective pursuant to this article. ' Sec. 35144. If annexation was approved by ordJtiance, a certified copy of f;�,e I ordinance, giving the date of its passage, shah be substituted for the copy of the 1 record or the canvassers. Sec, 351h5. Imwdiately upon receipt of the document, the Secretary of State shall file it., and transradt e. certificate of the filing to the clerk of the. 3+eglo- lative body, and to the board of supervisors of the county in which the city ie 1 situated. Sec. 35.146. From the dame of filing by the Seerettu*y of State. r exation procoedinga aro, complete. The annexed territary is a part of the city from tho date fixed by the legislative body in the notice doscribed in sec. 35124, bU not 'Later than one year after the date of filing by tho Secretary of State or the due date of property takes levied by . the city in the ter ritcry, whichove ' occurs first, except that for the purpose of compliance with secs. .3hO8O and 549M of We coda, and any action required for the assesament and lavy, of property taxes, the territory shall be deered a Fart of the city from the mate of filing by the Secretary of State. It no date 1s fixed by the legislative body in the resolution describes, in see. 351.24, tho territory 2s a part of ttie city for all purposes from the data of filing by the Secret . of; State or - t ary he date - oS the fil#ne of tho aeftidavit with thec recQzr of the count y pursuant to aec. -3ij080, whichever occurs later. Sec. 35U6.1. As an alternative to ;airy procedure prescribed by lax for the divioian of t�►xen cvr a'ssaasnnente collected in a apbcI"' district lying partially or whally: In .territory) ainneied , by an incorporated city, ; the cit)r,- and the apecia � district Ma, anter into an agreement providing that the special district shall continue to perform services for such annexed territory until the close of the fiscalyear for vUcb the special district hag l.eviod taxes or assessments. � Sea. .. e 35147. oihEn any city, to which it is proposed to ahnex territory. pursuant . to this article ; has incurred, or authorized the incurring Of,' anp bond&dL indebtedness =`1' for. the ac aition, construction, or completion of any mmmicipal improvements, -'or i has fixed an amount of money to represent the value to the territory to be annaxed ' of ' i mnnicip al ravements already paid, for sit t P �P by Y .fir®, .the petition presented to 1 the city legislative, body may contain a request that the question subedtted to the shall Ue annexed, andctho8 rosertnginntheeterritoQyrtubhall ted,to taxationeai'tranny P pry 2'Y 3 er xt , equally s c kith, the property within the, city,, to pay any specified portion of such bonded -i indebtedness onitstancUng' or ' autharrized at the date of the first publication of the notice of election or the petition presented to the city legislative body W, either additionally or alternatively contain' a request that the question submitted to theJi electors residing in the territory shall 'be, whether the territory stwill. be annexW: :s r and the property in . the territory subjected to taxation after annexation to pity' the amourit of money fixed to represent tho value to the territory of mnicipal iWove- aa-zite already paid for by city taxpayers. - ;F 5 .sec. If such a request, or requests, is :wade in the petition, in r. addition to the matters required by sec. 35124 the.notice of election shall: (a) With respect to a request for asstuption of bonded indebtedness: 1) State distinctly the preposition to be submitted. (2) Specify the improvement or improvements tor which the indebtedness was incurred or authorized. (3) State the amount or av=nts of such indebtedness outstanding at the date of the first pi!blicati.on of the notice. (4) State tee amount authorized and to be' represented bf bond.-, to be Issued, f 5) State the raxizmua rate of interest psyab2e, or to be 4 payable on the indebtedness. (b) With respect to' a request for as tion of an amount of money fixed b .P9 � � Y Y ; i the city legislative bodyr (2) State distinctly the propoaitlon to ' be submitted. . (2) State 'whe amount of money, fixed to represent the value to the territory of municipal improvements already paid for by city taxpayers. (3) State the improve- ` mento already paid for,by city taxpayers, (4) State the total assessed value of all taxable property in tho territory to be annexed as shown on ,the last oqualized county asaeasnnt roll and the tax rate per one hundred dollars ($100) of asaesssed value required to raise the amenzsit of nonoy fixed by the city legislative body. (5) State the number of annual installrentn proposed by the city legislative body for coLlection of the ammant taxed by twmti,on of proporty in the territory. See. X$149. In all other particularB, tho annexation shall be conducted us if th{ire were no question of assuming an indebtedness, or tax liability for municipal irnva7rements already paid for by city taxpayers. sca4;,35150e inn the. armeration 'of 'territory. .�rotinr to ,aatauags 'rash, city in- debtedneas or fixed s iount, or both; has the Wvp�er r �ithin: tom, . anriexsd tex ilt'ory, ohan be taxed to pv the bonded indebtedness, or fixed asaount or bath out specified 3n the notice. Sea. 35151. ° (gerpealod by Cfsarpter 1079, , Statutes of 1963). sea.I 35152. - Except as provided in- this `• article'pra�aerty xsthin such annexed territory ohiii not' be taxed to pay any indebtedness or llibi2ity of thecity con tracted prior to or existing at the time or annexation. Sec.. 35'153. • Whare' territory is annexed to a city. divided into Kam, or to' a city vhich• Later, .divi doe itself into wards', the logielative - bWy, by.' crdinsnce, .shall ' alter the boundaries of the_city varda to inc3udo the a�nnexad territory► in CDs, or Mare Wards adjoining the territory, or make one cr-more additiortil wards out of the::wmexed: tarritory, The mx&er of wards !shall not: be increased to exceed the nuwber which the city is allowed by lax. see. 35154. In altering the .boundaries of wards, or creating new wards, eseh s ward shah contain, as near as possible, an equal number of inhabitant's augible to citizenship. , Sec. 351,55. Any -proceeding hold purauant to this article does not alter ,ox• affect the boundaries of any senatorial or assembly district. t Sec. 35156. Annexation of territory to a ' city' pursuant 'to this article ` dotal not, affect, terminate, or :invalidate any proceeding pending at the time of such annexation, under the Drainage District. Improvement .Act of 19191 or any act., rilat:t.ng to grroceedi,ngn for the acquisition of lands or rights of way for the •use of, or for ti the inprovemnt of roads, highways, streets, parka, drodn9, sewrro, or other public property, o: to pace®endings far the opening, widening; extariciing or chau�.o of grime of atreets or other public placos. Such procoodinge shall. be c(ntinued by the county initiating them as if • the territory affected were not ar�nexl. Sec . ; 35157 • A11 Menses ' of ' proceedir properxp -ja for annexation of territoz-r • • f puran=t to this article, vhajther `each ' procesdings ar i ,completed. or ` no•t, shall be ' paid by the city annexing or attempting to annex the territory. ` ry y' pumreuant to this Sec. 35'�.58. Taranto aha11 not be annexed to a sit a article if, ae a ,result of such smaxation, wzincorporated land territory it c6W.'etaly surrownded by such city or by land territory of, such city on one or, more sides and the Pacific Oceam: on the reva►iming sides. (Amended by Chap. 1894x Stata. 1963) Article 3. Territory Owned bZ the City or a Corti oue School District Sec. 35200. Conti mama territory cwnod a sit, - ga y by y msy be annexed to and in E corpoTated within it, pursuant to this article. See. 352M. Contiguous uninhabitod teiri.tory in the same county, not a part, of any other city, owned by: and located within., a school district which indludes any part of the city vALy be annexed to the ' city pursuant to thin article. 'Before procerl nes for the amiaxatim of sechool district property are care- awcmcod, the school district oha1L file with the city legislative body a verified petition desc vibing the territory, alleging , facta qualifying it for annexation pursuant to this sections and requesting that it ba annoxmi. r T, 35201 5i, Purnuanttto this;article, a city,. annex,nonc6btiguous t` territory. pat wcaeedii�g ane h• fired :acres :in 4rea i hicb lies in" ,the` sash catzt ty to 4 that , . ;in''if.ch the'.citq`ial eituiited ,ewd Which pia, awned` by Lb�s :titjr`d uetd ror a: m ni.Cips , purpose: except that no territiory may., be annexed under', 'theision a aP this `:artida if at: the: ties the, territ ie ro aed !or -' .registered votersr'; reside in ,the tarrito� ; :Ii'paSter: the cf: atutsxatian,'�.one-- ar; store � ry. astpY'et:lon` -of, auCh . arni�exation, the „city . se11a such territory or. any paz-t;- thereof or one ' or more registered ,fot�.*�e . reside' thereon, .'such territory or part thereof ceases to be a past of the city. :If territory is annexed pursuant to this section,,the annexing city.may not annex any territory not owned by i»t `�md not contiguous to it although such territory is contiguous to the territory annexed pursuant to thin section. Notwithstanding any other provision of .this secticn to the contrary, a city which annexes territory pursuant, to, this sect ion may annex- pursuant to tills article additional territory which "is"owned ' by. the ; State of California and which is contiguous to such, first annexed territory if - the total.,acreage of the first annexed and the subsequently annexed, territoiry.,4ogether doem not exceed 100 acres,in area. IT after the caVletion of such, suUmquenw annexation, the ci.ty-`C' Ens all of 'such firat' annexed territory or one or more rvLristered voters reside thiareon, the subsequently mmiexed 'territory ceases to be part of the city. (Amended by' Chap. 1348, Stats. 1963) 352Q3 Proceedings.: ed whon -the Sec. rare Initiated a ity legi9lative body tiles. a written' petitian frith the board of aupervisore of the comity in which the -city and the territory is Located, containing a deacription of the territory -and requesting its s, arnmexation to the .city, ' Sac.. 352204- Upon receiving the ,petition, tht, board of.supervisors shall' cause notice of the proposed annexation to be publiohed in a newspaper of general circula- tion, for ,five conaeautire days if a daily newspaper, or two. consecutive make if a weekly newspaper. The notice uhall contain a general deacri.pticn of the land sought to be annexed, and announce the time and .lace objections wM be heard. Sec. 35205. Any taxpayer in the county or. city may ob.jAct to 'the wmexat;cm ; by filing a written protest with the board of supervisa:0. ec. 35206 At the time.; ape cified' in -the notice, or fixed by poatponerment, the board of supervisors shall hear the protests,, The decision of the board, of supervisors upon the protest is final. Sec • 35207. After hearing the protests, the board of evperviaora shill vote upon the question of the annexation. A tam jority vote of the board is .anal .upon the question. Sec. 35208. If the hoard of uupervisors approves the annexation of the tern... tory its clerk shall enter upon: ita minutes, certify, and tranamit, to the Searataiy of State and the city legislative body copies of the remolution approving the anneXAft tion and the date on which it Vas passed. Sec. 352M. Me docents shall ba filed by the Socretar7 of State -and the , Clerk of the board,uf superriscre. "Sec, 35210. F: or, the date of filing the deuwrmnt by t1 a Secretary of. State, annexation is comp?ots, and the nn»axed territory is a pant of thv city for ail :? pturpceen . 2.5 aim y shall not ba •. ' Sec. 35711. •;Pr rt within the territ taxed Lo any, ; indobtedxioan or liability of they city contracts ,prior to or Casting of th��; time of annexation Sec 212 Where .territory is ann ,t .�.. :. 3 esxed !co a cif divided °into •.>wsrds er:: to a Y : t city which later. divides itself' into wakds, by'orditumea the,''city. lagia].Rti�e shall : alter. 'the ; hound"Iea of, _the wards, to includs ': the, annexed t;arritoz r in one , or. " . Mciii va�rds,,,Waining,. the tie Titory, • ' e�dditionail. a sift f . ltiei . arm�ced t:�•ritot-y. The number of �xarda shall. not t be increased to exceed the number ' . which the city- is allmed by law. , . Sec. 352.130 Iny proceeding . held purmmt to this article does not alter or affect the bocindaries of any ojenationa3 or assembly district. Article h. Territar► of an Adlscan - - a:Y►l.�lAt ■elm/�/ n -ALA ent , • i Sec. 15250. Upon receipt of R petition for the alterationof the boundarsea I by the exclusion of a part of the territory thereof and ,the . am'ation- of ;it' tu`4 f contiguous city,. containing a description of the territory,,,: snd:;signed b r rtc�t `leor than one-fourth-cf, the registered electors residing within the `:urritory prcpbaed to 7,1 a be excluded, . the legislative body of each -city may approve `; the , proNaed alteration, by a four -fifths vote of its nrsrbers . :. proP FP 8i • Sec..35251. If the coed alteratiars In a roved'b the le alative'tcxite3g;.'' f of both cities,. the legislative body of the city from which the.territo �' � Y Y ry its propi�sAd . to be excluded sra13 submit the question to the electors of the territory at; .a apeci� election'.;to be, held .£or that purpose. Except aft otherwise provided,,, the election shill. !_ be canduc;.ad pu-rauant, to .the Elections Code Frovisions' relating `to nunieipa?. elect.icana. Sec. 35252,'The legislative ` body ahallgive -ttoticsa of,the election by ptabli-` cation in a newspaper printed and publiehad in the city 'once each Ve" ek 96r the rout, • .: . to ha�b election..propoeit k o°be subcdtted.or apecificall the boeuzdariee nfthe t jte �, pr P6 t.* be altered, (c) :. Designate. the territory by oom's ipproMittte name by which- it W be referred to upon the ballots. M Instruct the electors how to vote 'on'the proposition. Sec , ; 352r3. Upon they tia�7.3.aa weed at tho alectien shall be • printed the w;*da f ' uShall' (insert . Mbs' name gAven the territory in the .notice of el.sct3on� ba a=Iuded lion. the c:it.r of (stating name of city) and annexed to (stating nomo of city;?". ` Sec ';5251 Tv a mu it rity of the dat$o cast „n the tip~ -it' ` is"' a�iiiiat exa usiony ari� election for the ezaLusion of any- of, the ewe territory nha-U not be held agcin ,vithin one year from the date of Oahe: elocti.an. See.. l 35255. rf a .taajorl-sy Of t1m votes cast in the teirritory to for', exyausian, 'f by* an ordeir enterrA upon its airiutne, the 'legi.alative body aha11 `ci►use its r.,lerk to transmit to the Secretary of State a certified abetrart of the v©to showing the numbeir of Electors voting and tto number of rates cast .for and against exclusion. Sea. MO. The Secretary of State shall rile the absit act and trat"nimit car- tificai es of filf.ng to rho e1r4-10 of both citr leigiel.ativ►ee 1M.1©a, and the' bcam or asup+stnrlsors of the county- in which tho cities are situated. Sac. 35257. The clerk of the le slnt'.ve b g3 !pdy conducting the el.ecti,cr. a►taill file ttse aft` OAvit of co*l.etion See.. 35258. '. From the date. of .`tiling'such documents, the,alterition''ef terri- t ito � to be a part"of :of the y 4hich'. it ' was . .a'y'.: oa�lete Z�ad the` tern ry cetses � cit ft•aa excluded. Sec. 35259. This article does not relieve any, part of; the territory from for'Oh", debts contracted,. 'riu �'cit" r 1i ability by:... y p for to; the �exclu�ion. - Pt tide to time, : � the wm llinilit for r any it find - collect ficia : the exc lv M territory it'sjuet proportion of flu�ain cif or' a y w t',, on' the principal arid' interest of'• such ;debte. Sec, '3s2fi0. When ary city to 'irh3.eh it ,is proposed to annex tprritoi�r hss ' conatru�cticxi,-- � completion o �` ri � Y row 'ts t a as *or the ecrYuisf.tion, '. thorixed the - incurrin i o f an bonded ` iMe' btedne , mpl on f any wins pal.; ie eaen , h petition' paree►eate& to ,v contain ,,a.,` request that the.'question .the : legis�:ative bodies, ms uaatian be aubaritteti' xhetiaer with ths:; rto in the the` cith�.l�be subject tocitiedtianorti�an►cof each bonci�.�! .mind �. pT� .. 9 territory' edne�a, , outstay - ps '� FSX , Y_ � P ebt= anding at the - drat© of the filing of the ` petition. - IS such a, re�ipest 38 conta3�aedt in -the petitiW the qurstion 'sha11, be ' aubo�itted to the electors with the gsestion Qf exclusion as :a part of the same question. Article 5. Annexation of t n' inhabited Territory/Act of 19 . 1wM�••�wM.l.•r.M��w.Y1t..YAM��.a�..1�1•y...IP/�i - .. Sec. 35300. Ttda article may be cited as tho Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 2939 Sec. 35341. When proceedings. for the annaxat.Lon of territory to ,A city;are co;wnced purfugnt to thus article, the provisions of this article and o! Artf cla 1 or thin chapter alone appxy, s • . '02 The boundaries of a city be alter6d and contiguous uninhabited �. � 3s3 y � � territory ann' exed to and incurporated within it, pursuant to this article. Sec. 35302,5: Real property belonging to a public agency may be &nnexed pursuant to this article. sac, 35303• Farr purposas of.. thus axtiolo; territto y ehdll. rbo .derwmed ur -AabitcA if leas ,than 12 pe-rams xtgo bare been registeredto vote within the :territory loz "at least - 54 days . reside within the territory at the time of the tiling , of the petition for vnnexrtion or the institution of proceedinga or. motion of the city legislRtii,;e to 'thin artic4e�.if .thee�riia� �� •bled of that uit s city may. be an.•iexed,purauant o in anotbar o LF Y Ca) Recei yes the xritt�m conaent of at. least .tomthirds of the owners of real i of _ at least two-thirds iri 'value of the realproperty-,,� the , territory.propertythe, (b) Cpnsanta'to the detachment, by resolution. Sac. 35304.5. Notwithstanding the proviafone of sec. 35CKV.5, tgrritorry, ccun- , - eisting of property, abutting on a ' street, higbwar= or, road at,d 'su6h st: eet, highway, or, road to, the extent traat- it abuts, much property together with any street, hlghray, or road which connects such territory to the city may be annexed to a city pursuant to this article if, the owner or,airnera of all much abutting property' either g!atitior for such anziaucatia�n or Silo their ocneent to each anmexation � uritirg with -;the governing body of .the city, provided, that is any portion ..of such ` torritvrr. or a meet,. hi hire or road is situated within three miles of the boundaarieo of any other,, city the ' consent of the legislative body of such otter city shaU first h6 , obtCm+ed.. . 17 Y n Yon the purposes , vt this section, the ."road strip" is -the a�treot, highway or.. road ,which connects territory,, heriAn called the `property to annexed,, consitsting -be' of property.abutting on -.-a, street, highway, or road and such street, hi8hwoq,, or 'rCWA to the ertent it abuts'each property to the annexing city, ?err3toxy deadribed in the', first paragraph ahe11 not- bo < vmmd if the ^I distancemeasui�ad by; t.ia strip" is Wore' than one-half, mile from the point at , xiLtch such . "read attL" connec to , xit;r the oink boundary to tba poi:�t nearest to the city boundary at which it conr`tecto with the p.bpex ty to the annexed. . ,. his .section is anne�ced, herein called ttzn "t®rri•- terriics rj deecrf tted in t ., ' t lust: annexed a cit shall not annex Ahertarritory. consisting of propert7 abutting on a artroei;, higlniay, or road and such street, highway*, lyr road to the extent that it , abuts .such .prope i y together frith any otredt, , high►gay, or road ictz Gannests . territory tot:rw city if the point at which such "road strip" connects such city au. ch , with such "property to he annexed" is a point located on a boundary of, the "terrritori y -, hrat v%nexed," unlees the portion of the "territory first annexedr whi.ch'conatituteo the "road strip° ct su'ah territory is less than one-half mile, , measured in the a+sme manner as provid&l in the preceding paragraph, and is not mare - than one -halt mile When ` added 'v that portion of the other territory proposed to be annexed which constitutes the 1hroad strip":or' auch other territory. Sec. 35305'. Upon receiving a written petition requesting annexation! Con- . Weaning a deacripticti of the territory sought to be included in the city, and signed by the owners of not loan .tban 'one-fourth .of the lend in the traTit.orS�' byarea,` and I� by ansesaed val+ae, as shoran on the laest equalized assessment roll of the county in which ,the territory is sstu-ated, the legislative body shall, without delay, pane a resolution giving; notice of tha propav6d annexation. The legiisl ,.%Ave body sbxll, . witbout delay, cause a oopy of .t-he resolution to be tr;nsnitted to tine goveiming board of each school district which, in part or in whole, is included in they territory sought to .be included in the city,.'and which has made written request therefor. c ' The resolution ; shall, des:.r bo th+e boundaries of tha barrit t specifically, dissiguate .it by an. ap;wvpriate haMe, aid contain' a` notice of thi -14m and place the lr gialative body vin hear written -, ; ote*ts -agiiimt the annexation Wade, by any person or'Oning real property, within ,the territory.' In, the resolution the - legialative body may set a date when, pursuant to sec. 35318, the annoxation wi31 become effective if such annexation is coMloted. The hearing stall be set not lean_ thwi �n nor , -Sec. '353t37. o .than �o d,yn after the postage of the ra9o.1utia1ts unlsaa the ormer or conews: of all . oC the terri�- . s to.`tv�.be rnnexed have ti,tioned tar -annexation or filed their coa�sent to such � . annexation in wrLtW with, the legislative body, in which s"nt the hearing my be set at any time after compliance with sec. 35.311. i�t•w..a valid . and sufficient .See. 35308 • .petition for the snnoatiim of any � territory to' A city has been i�ecaived by its body or its legislati" body - has initiated proceedings as .herei.nafter protided 'WW iuttil an 6rdinance diep;pruting . such annexation becosra eifectige (a) no notice cf Anti.1tion to incorporate a naw city shall be riled which includes any of the territory described in the annexation procesd- ingsl;, (h) no notice or intention to circulate a petition fur the amexation of W such ' territarry vnder the Amexation Act of 1913 shRU be filed or consented to bar the legislative body of any city; (c) no -petition shC.0 be tiled with, and no proceedings ehall be instituted by, ° the legislatira body ))T any city for the wma,xation o; any such t i.;,m.tarr under this division. - 18"_ w See: 35304. (Repeahed by Chapter 915, Statutes of lass)• S ic. 35310. The legislative body �of a Gity MAT it i'tiat� ' proceedi.ngs to ama ; the" .Urri o s own ooico without requiring . a -petitica. it'it does; the L`y tx� it " . resolVc.ion givis:g notice shall declare that procoedings have been initiated by thn legislative body end sot lorth itd reasons for desiring. arald atioit Sea. 35310.1 It the petition is eigad or consent has bean ail:aci t�3r this' owi�sa�s , of *U of tha land, in the territory proposed ,to be annexed, the rasclution giving notice 'shall declare such faez. No written protests may be filed against the annex&- ticn ,bar peraone owning property in the terriAbry groposed to be`; enaexed'. resolutions bearing aha]. k o e eo t no more then 30 days after t:hii A�a6 , s e---of the y r f he annexicity shall cause a of the resolution to be published at least once ina newspaper of general circulation published ' in the city. Publication shall be conplete at least 'four dayn prior to the date sfor the hearing. if there is no such newspaper published uitri,n the W''Mixing city, the city clerk nb&U post a copy of tho resolution not' less than; seven dam before the hearing in at least three conspicuous places within the territory, to be annexed. At the hearing on the annexatiau, the city legiv ative body shall beat protests from any owner of property within the city who dose not also own property in the territory- to be annexed. At the hearing, the city legislative body may msks such changes in the baund- arias of. the, territory proposed to to annexed as it Mda proper, but it shall not include, any territory vitside of the boutideries descril-ed in the resolution giving notice of the proposed annoxation nor shall it diminish the land area of the territory proposed to be annexed by more than 5 percent. Secticn 35:iz3.6 is applicable to any such Wundary charges. At the hearing, or within 30 days after tha cimpletion of the hearing, the city legislative body shall, by resolution, approve ar disapprove the annexation. ;If it faila,.to s4opt the resolution within such period, at shall be doomed to have adopt- ed, on the 30th day or the amte period, a resolution diaappr•oving the annexation. A resolution approving or disapproving the ,annexation shall be considered the same as an ordinance referred to in other sections of this article. 8ectiona 35307s 35311,'35312s�35313, 35313.2, 35A.3.5 and 35314 do not ply to annexation proceedings under this section. (Added by Chap. Wht Stats. 19631 Sec. ' 3;�311. Tte city, clerk of the annexing city shall cause a copy of the resolution L, U. published at leaz t, twice, but not; oftener than once a week, in a newspaper of; general circulation publ.i►ehed in the city, and aloo in a newspaper of general circulation published outside of the city but in tb+e county it which is located the territory proposed to be annexed; publication to be coMlete at Least 20 days( prior, to the date set for the hearing. If there is no newspaper of general circuUtio'n -published within the .annexing city, he shall post a copy of the resolution not less than 20 days before the heer3ng in at least; three conspicuous places `rthin the territory. If procotAings are ' nf_ti&ted by patition of the owner or ownere of all of the territory, to be annexed imubl.ication ok the rosol utiott outside of -the eitry ' is not recruired. (,a) The city clerk of tbo annexing city shall also cause written notice of such proposed a=eyation to be rwile d to each p"son to whom land within, the territory proposed to be annexed, In sasessed ir. the last a'qualized County assessment ro'L1 �19 available on the date .the-proceedings,were initiated, at, 'the. address Ahom on said assessment roll or ea kaim' to said clerk, and to any parson who has filed his name and address and . the, denignation of the lands, in XMeh he hats any, interest, either legal or cquitebley with acid clerk. ; zit :.a awned b a countt a xy 'pr po' ennexed to a event any 3xr d within the, Cerrito o sed to ; o�e y (b! my ewe a y� the city clerk of the annexing city shall also mse .v'ritten notice of such proposed. annexation to .be 'wAled ;to ,the board of supervisors of. such county, 1 (c) In the event any land within the territory proposed to be'annaxed to a city is tide or subaerged land awn©d by the State, the city clerk of the .annexing city shall also cause written notice .of such proposed annexation to be, mailed to, the State Landes Comidlision. Such notice shall be given not leas than 45 daya before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation. "'h.� a notices rnferrod to in aubsectiona (a) and (b) hall be given not less e than 20 daya , before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation; provided, that such notices need not be sent if, the saner or. own m of. all of the tarritory to be annexed have petitioned for annexation or filed their consent to such annexation in writing idth the legislative body. (Amended by Chap. 86210 Stata. 1963) f' Sec. 35312. At any time prior to final adjournment or the hearing vn protests, any owner of property within the territory may file written protest against the amexation. The protest shall state the name of the owner of the property affected fs and the street nddiess or other description of the property nuffieiwmt to identify it on the last equalized asssssua'nt roll.. A mates and bounds description, shall not be j; required if the property can be otherwise described, in a manner zri.iticient to identify. it on tho last equalized ssseasnent roll. ks used in this article, caner" ,me&no the owner as shown -on the last equalized assessment roll, except that tb a .person anti.tled to be shown as owner on the c-srrent assessment roll sha1.1 be deemed the owner, and except that, where the property, aVected is aubj,acL to a "corded written agreesmt to buy, the purchaeer under such agreev*nt to .buy ehalx be deemed the owner. Prot:eats na be made an' behalf of the ovner by an agent authorized in writingby the owner. to act as agent with respect to such land, except that protest may be made on.behalf of a private corporation which is an csnAr of property ry my officer or eaiploe of the corporation without writtenn authorization by tho corporation to act as agent or make such protest. t Sec. 357 313. At the tim set for hearing protests, or to Wtdch the hearing may have been cofitinuedt. the legislative bod7 shall. hear and pass upon all. protests so made t (a) if privately owned property and no publicly owned px"rty i.a proposed to be annexed, further proceedings shall not be taken if protest is made by private corners of one-half of the value ot;;the territory proposed to bo annexed. The value given such propert 7 for }protest psrposos shall be that shown on the last aqualized asseaement roll if, the property in not axeMt from taxation. If the property in exerpt from taus.- tion, its value for protest, purposes shell be det7r¢inedd by the county assessor in the carve amount as he would assess such property if it were not exompt from taxation, (b) If privately oinod property and publicly owned property are propocad to be unexa4 in .the aura procdading, further prc*tedings shall not b© taken if protest is mcadn by public mid pr; ivrzte o nnre of ono -half of the volue of th.a territory. Tht value given privately owned property shall be deterninod Pursuant to subdAvision (a) -20" of this mectimi. The value given publicly owned property for protest,- purposetat � ehsll be' deterwined ;.by the, 'aunty, assessorin then ,'same mnner, , as is prcTldod in aubdivtsi.on' W 6f this orlction for privately -owned property, @X' * v froa,tWMt1.*nQ +. (c } ks used in t? o article, `i 'value of the , territory" news, the valus of ;;Imid and i.aprorwintac thereon. (d} The value for protest purposes to be . give=n property held `in joist ten incy or tenancy, in 'coma shah �-e deterzined by the 'legislative body in proportim to the ` proportionate interest of the protestant In such property. (e) When property is subject to a written recorded agreemnt to buy, iho purchaser under the agreement may protest and the seller may not oven though he is ahm m as the owner on the last equalized assessment roll. DetermiaCiona of the value of Oublicl r owned property, or privately'; mmed property exet"pt from taxation by the county asaessor for protest pu poee shell be obtained from the assessor by the protestant and submitted to the legislative bod3r With Dher written protest. (Amended by Chap. 1082, State. 1963) Sim - 35313 J W"hen territory proposed to be annexed consists wholly or pa:rtl y of tide. or submerged lends owned by the State, the legislativebody shall deternnine the value of such.. tide or submerged lands for the purposes of this articlo For the purposes of such determination, the State Lands Commission shall fix the value of tide or submerged lends owned by the State aced shun notify in writing tho legislative body, of its determination, The legislative body Tray be guided by the valuation an deter- mined by the Stata Lands Commission, or it, may refuso to do co. If the logislative body refuses to accept such valuation, it :shall bring an action for dec-lar&tory relief, to which the State Lands Commission shall be a party, for a determination of the value of the lwWs. During the pendency of such acticn further prce:nedingas for annexations shall b© stayed, and tho valuation determined by the court shall be ccnclu- s3ive upon the legislative body. The provisions of this section s:hall not app1T to ;►nv proc6edinge for the annexal ion of territory cowenced prior to Jane 1, 1957 • Sec . 35313.2. The city legislative br4y nhaall find wW doclare b7 resolution adopted al the hearing or within 30 dW after the cNo©inf, of the hearing an protests whe�her car not, a majority protest bAw been moods.. It 3t does not adopt aruch a renclu- tioa withiin such period, it shall be doomed to have adopted on the: 30th day u re3solu. tion that. a ruajority protest has been wide. 1$ a resolution finding and declaring that a_ majority proto st in made is adopted CTde ftw'ad adopted, no further proceed -Ingo for the wmexatica of ,any of the ease tearr3tory to the city shall be taken for one year after the date of the adoption of the resolution. (Amended by. Chap. 8M, St.ats. 1,063) Sec. 35313.5• If the city legislativo body finsi;:a by resolution adopted par. suant to sec. 35313.2 that a =,iority protest has not boon presented in accordance with sec. 3537.3 " if it sleets to proceed it may make ouch cb-vged i.n'the boviWaatrden of the territory proposed to be annexed as, it finds proper, but St shall 'ntit include many territory outside of the boundaries deacribetd in .the resolution giving ma ice ` of the proposed aamexation nor span it dininish the lard arras or the tan-rltor7 proposed to bo annexed by r4re: th= 5 percent. a_ R t 1 4 { Sec. 35313:6 i. U. i;he legialative -body: of 'the city rakes, any changes in the boundaries . ir. at i ordance •.�rith the . provisions of a ' 35313. 5, ' it mhal l rseuTaNxtt the , boundaries a,I. c:hanged ,to nth@ . c*=tr.boundax7 condssion for report ' as to 'definitenieea and certiainty. Upon receipt of the report the city legislative body may, if neceseary, smnd !the boundary deacelption to , raaake the boundary' description, definite end certain. Soo. 353U, If the city -le4slati.ve body, finds bar resolution ar644 6d suant t-3 Sec.-35313.2 that a ma oiit *i j y'prorteet isa�o�tiant ba�»i aiad�� tt�s �legi.alatiwe Shall appro� or disapprove the- atnnexation, by crdinano. a adopted xlthin `CU'da /xs after the hearing on protests. If the legislative body fails; to Adopt the ordinance. within such period, iv shall be deemed .to have adopted, on the 60th dap of such `period, an ordinance cLsapproving the annexation . Sec. 35315. Tf an ordinance diseigproving the enneaxWon is adapited or deorned to have adapted, a new petition. or proceeding embracing any of the Saab territory sh41 not.ba,filed with, or initiated by, the city -for 12 months after the date of thF, adoption �of the ordi nanco . Sec. 35316. When an ordinance approving ammticm becoms effective, the di.t rk of the legislative body ohall imediately prepare under seal a certified cop} of the ordinance, giving the date of its passage, and trensai.t it to the Secretary of State. !� Sec. 35317. Upon receipt of the certified copy of the ordinance, the Secie tary of State shall•file it and tranan t certificates of riling to the clack o; the city legislative body, and board of Supervisors of tho county In which 'the city is y situated. s Sea. 35318. Fvow the date of .filing. by the Secretary of Statet annexation proceedings are conple'te . - 2ho annexed territory is a part of the city frets the date � fixed by tho legislative body in the resoluti.en described in see:. 35305, but not 7 later .then one year after the date of tiling by. tbo Secretary of State or the due date of property taxes levied by the citir in' tha territory, whiichetrer occurs first, except that for the purpona of compliance with secs. ; 34db and %9. M of this code; t and ..ally action required for the assessment and levy of property truces, the territvr, shall be; dee�t part of the city from the date , of filing . by the Secretary :of State. If no date is fixed, by the legislative body in the resolution described In -etc. 35YA the. territory ie a part of tho city for all purposes from the date of filing by.the Secretary, of Staten air the date of the filing of tho affidavit with the recorder or i the county pursuant. to sec. 34060, ishicheoer occurs later. ae ,an alnativotoay procedure -pre 35320.1. by lit" for the division of taxes or, aaaesonents collected in a spacial' district lying partially or �I wholly,!A territorwy annexed bT. an incorporated cit;r the city and the spacial `disrtl•ict tctiai► enter into srs agreement providing that thi special district stroll cantinra to perform sarvices for such annexed territory until the close of the fiscal year for wiaicb the. epecial district has levied ta=9 or aasesomts. mac. 35319. erty within the umexed territory shell not be taxed to Prop �'' pay anq indebtedness 'or liability of the city contracted, prior to or existing at the tim of annexation unless the written consent of the onrners of Moore than two-thirds of ttx: v4ua . of the, texritory is !Sled with tho clerth of the 2agialative body prior to the I adoption of the ordinuico approving annexation. i 22 bonds - or of SeC.:35320. Then a cit ly : y� y. an nexea territory forsztir included in another `cit ..any, her obligations then s lion on property within the territory rao�3n sn liens, 'but - Mability'shall not be ir#oaed on the -property byr the excludlng city- After it -consents to detachment. Sec. 35321. All I do�r exc�eeprocctet for annexat Son purauat: to.., �mting to annexthe LarriCgy, .this article 'hall be paid city annexing p ' Sac.' 30M Where territory ie annexed to a.`nitydivided-into wards oity which later div des itself into wards, the' 1p i3l.ative dy,'' by ca dinanee,• shall': r1. alter the boundaries of the city wards to insluda the: annexed territory in one or adjoiningmore wards eterritory, �s, . . vairds of the annexed territory. .,Thu xardahall not �edAXc�he number which the city is allowed by later. Sec. 35323. In altering the boundaries of win -de, or creating new wards, each ward shall contain, as nearly as possible, an eQuil 'number of inhabitants eligible to -. citizenship. Sec. 35324. Any proceeding held purtruant to this article does not alter or affect the boundaries of any senational or assembly district. Sec. 35325. Annexation of territory to a city pursuant to Shia rirticle dons not. affect, terminato, or invalidate any proceeding pending at the time of such annexation, under the Drainage district Improvement Act of 1919, or any act relating to pruceedings for the acquisition of. -lands, or rights of way for tho uoe or,' iwove- meet of roads, hieftfayo, streets, parks, drains, viewers, or other- public property., or to proceedings for the opening, widening, c+xtending, or change of grades of streets or other public. places. Such proceedings shall be conti:iued by the county initiating them as it the territory affected war© not clMoxed. Sec.-35326. Territory stall not be anneiced to a city pursuant to, this article if, na a result of ouch annexation, unincorporated land territory is couplatelyr surrounded by ouch city or by land territory of such city on cno or more aides and the Pacific Ocean on the re=Lning aides. Mended by Chap. iB94, State. 1963) Article b. Annexation of Enclooed Territ Act of 1 Soc. AM This article may be cited as the Annexation of.''ftclosed Territory Act of 1963. Sec. 354M. When proceedings for the annexation of territory to a city are conmnced pursuant to this ai-ticl�e, the provi6icr s of this article and of Article 1 of this chapter alone apply. Thi.a article ah'all apply only to tei:'-story with prier to January 1, 1963, conatittted "enclosed terr;tory'f as defined in : S icticm 35405. Sec. 35402. The boundaries of the city may be altered and enclosed territory annexed to and incarporated within it puirauxat to t Uis article. :;ec. 35lt03. The prcfvieions of ,3ections 350M.3, 35002:51 aril 35008 shall not apply to proeeadings instituted under this to yicle, except that; any torritory rmroxed parsuant to thin article ra:at abut territory within the oity at at leapt one point. Sec. 35404. Real property belonging to aq public agency my be annex&& purwu - ant tn this article. _ 13 _..: .mac 7 a .. ti .au.w.•. ram. .+.w....- n �'Yn r Sec. < 35kt •1aa cl6aed twTitt r .for the pcupoeee of.. this article shah mean part , ! bon , 3 acres in total area)' which ''s a`i d , lands are, ac+mpletay'. Burr ended by. the annsxin6 city. Enclosed territory. r.ay be arMexad'pwreu- ant to, this at't,icle regurdluaa of, whether the enclosed 'territcry,;'prvposed'tA be annaked., is inhabited territory or uninhabited territory within tbe' Ol ning of this chapter. } Sec, 35406. Proceedings for the . annexation of territory wtp be ini.tiati =,1 the ty; council tin its own action or, upon the request or one or atom property a7rners xithtn the ensl owed territory. • 35407: Upon,recoiving it written petition requesting annexation, aaataln- Sea. ing &.description of the territory sought: to be included in the city, arid'signed bar r the owacre of wky of the land within the snclos+ed territory, the legislative body my ,r pass a resolution giving notice of the proposed annexation. a Sec. 35408. 'the legislature body of, a • city n_ initiate proceedings. to amens the territory on its ourn motion 4ithout requiring a petition. .If it does, the resolu- tion giving notice shall declare that prccoodings have been initiated by the legisla� tive bock and act .forth its reasons for desiring annexation Sea. 35409. The resolution shall 'describe the bwxAvies of the territory r' specifically, designate it by an appropriate.na a, and contain;;& notice of the tines and lace the legislative protests -against p :body will. b�enr written onsets the 'annexation made'� by nny._prxson owning real property within, the territm7. In the "resolution the legislative body may set a date wben, pursuant to Section 35318, the aruteyation will bncma effective.if such amexation is coWleted. Sec. 354.0. The Bearing shall be set not lvsd than 40 nos more ti>8st dd daars after the pansage of the resolution'; provided, . hoarier, that ir,the owner' s or owe i of all of the territory to be annexed have petitioned for, annexation or filed theirconsent to such annexation ,in writing with the legislative body, the legislative body may proceed as set forth in Section 35426. .'Sec. 3=. The, city clerk of 'Aheannexing city shall cause a.'copy of the resolution to be published at least twice, but not oftener than'onee a week, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the city, publication to be.date at least 20 days prior to the date set for the hearing. If there . i.a nc < nexsp&Nr of general circulation published with -in the annexing city, he ahan post a copy of the 1 resolution not less than 20 days brrore the hearing in at least three conspicuous places within the city. (a) The city clerk of the annexing city shalt also cause -wit tsn notice of such proposed annexation t4 be mmiled to each person to whop land.withir:,the terri- tort' proposed to be annexed, in (Assessed .n the last equalia3d county anaesam nt roll available on the, date the procee Inge were initiated, at the oAdress show on aa.id assessment roll or as known to said clerk., and to ar. • person who has S' W hin' nazi, address, or mailing address and the desirpation of the lands in which he, has any interest, Rither logal or equitable, with said clerk. (b)' In the event many land within the territory proponod to to annexed to a city is owned by a county, the city clerk of the annexing city shall also craa:: a writtan notice of s-ach purposed annexation to be roiled to the board of suparviaora of such cotuitT. _24- I The notices referred to in subsections (a) an (b) rshall :ba .given not less 'than 20 daya before the first ,public hearing on the proposed wuuxation. Sec . 35422. At any time prior, to final adjournment of the bearing on,,pr6ieets, y p pe y it_ory may file Written protest against;the,annexa- an owner of ro rt trithin the terr The protest shall state` the nave of the owner of the: property af�ecte+d and ttcn. : the street,' i ient to. identify, it an equalized assessment roll A motes and bounds-desc address or other descript7on of the praperty euf! the la$t . riptioii._ shah' net be � required if the property. can I be 'otherwise described iu a manner, sufficient to identify' it on the last: equalized assessment roll. As used in this article, "owner"., means, the owner as Bhown on the last equalized assessment roll., except that the. person entitled to be shown are owner on the current assessment roll shall be deemed the owner, and except,'that., where the property affected is subject to a recorded written agreement, to buy, the purchaser, under such agreement to buy shall be deemed.the owner. Protests may be, made or withdrawn on behalf of the owner by an agent authorized in writing by the ovrner to act as agent with respect to such land, except that protest may be made or;withdrawn on behalf of -a private corporation which is an owner -of property by any officer or employee of the corporation without written authorization by the corpora- tion to act as agent or make such protest. Sea. , 35413. Protests may, be filed by the owner of any property included with- in the territory proposed to be annexed., The city council may continue the,hearing from time to time and the owner. of any property nip at any time withdrav- the protest on his property. For the purposes of this section, the "owner's shall maan the person shown on the last oqualized assessmnt roll, or the parson owning the equitable interest in the subject real property. Sec. 351aL. The city legislative body shall find and declare by resolution adopted at the hearing or within 10 days after- the hearing an protests whether or not a majority protest has been made. If it, does not adopt ouch a resolution within such period, it shall be deemed to have adopted on the 10th day a reaolutiun that -a najor- ity protest has been made. tf a resolution io adopted or deemed ado ted findin and declaring that a P P B protest ;la made by the owners of real property within the territory proposal, to, be. annexed the assessed value of which,, as shown by the last equalized`assessment roll, consitutes more than one-half of the total assessed velum I of the'real property within the territory proposed to be annexed, no further proceedings for the annexation of any `of the Fame territory to the city shall. be taken for one year after the date of the adoption of the resolution. Sac. 35415. If the city legislative body finds by resolution sdcpted pursuant to _Section 35tilti , that a majority protest hays- not been made, 'the legislative body, ahaZ1. ippr ova or disapprove the annexation by am nance adopted within 60 .da+ys after the hearing or: protests. If' the legislative body fails to adopt the 'ordinance within such pari.odl, it shall be deemed to have adopted, on the 60th dry of such period, an or- dinance disapproving.tho annexation. Sec. 35416. As sn .alternative to the foregoing proce edinge, in the event that all of the owners of land located within an enclosed territory request or consent ir, writing, tv annexation of said land to the city, the city legislative body may, after ",ftw..,7,4v%cr %A+.i, 'wnt4nn I9((M nrlr,r,F hn nM4momen.animarirta uaiA IAlid to the 'eity_ IZIIP, sec. -35417. clerk of the'iegislitivie body shall imaediatelp prepare u der.*sealaa, certified'c*7 of,. -,the. ordinance, ` giving the date of its ' passage, and transmit ' it to the Secretary of 'State. sec.: 35418. , rti.ried copy of, the ordinance,' the Secretary Upon':receipt �oi the ca of . ref � Mahe city stets grail file it and ti ar�amia certificates of.filing tiling` to the clerk - gi y pervisors'"oi' the county in �ehicb the -city i le slative ,bod and the board of su 'r situated. Sec. on. 35419 • .- From the date, of tiling by the 5ecretu�y of S' ate, .: annexati proceedings area complete.. The annexed territory is a part cf the city from th6 ,date fixed by the legislative body in the resolution delscrlbed .-.in Section 354099,tut 'not ' later. than one year after the date of filing by the Secrstsay'of . State cr the due:, date 7 of; property taxes levied by the,city in'the, territory,;vhiChever occurs first, except that for the purpose of compliance with Sections 3h080 and 54900 of . this codes- and a any action requited. Tor the assessment and levy of property taxes, the territory shin be deemed part of the cityfrom' the : date of filing by the Secretary of State. lf;: no date is fined by the legislative body in ` the reaolution descxiW in Scotian 35h09, the territory is a part of the city for all purposes from the date of filing by the Secretary, of State or, the date of the, filing of the affidavit with the recorder ` of the county pursuant to Section 34080, whichever occurs later. 'Seep 3542,0. All 'proper expenses of proceedings .far, annexation pursuant to this article shall be paid by the cite annexing or attempting, to annex the territory. See. 3.5h21. Where territory ; s . annexed to:,a city divided into w irds, or to a city which later divides itself into Wards, the legislative body,' by ardinance, shall r' alter the boundaries of the city wards 'to inel'ude the - annexed territory in oni e ' or more warda-ad1loining the territory, or make one or more additional wards wit, of ,the' annexed territory. The na=er of yards shall not be increased to exceed the number which i1xi city is allowed by law. Sec. 351:22. In altering the boundaries - o: cards, or creating,'new wards : each ward shall contain, as nearly as poosibl.e, an . equal number of inhabitants eligible to citizenship. Sec .,35423.- Any proceeding hold pursuant to this article does not miter'or affect the boundaries of any senatorial or assembly district. ( Added by Chap. 1093, Stairs. 1963) .' Article 7. Ranexation of County Hig�hv&Za, ur+.wrww!•�...�M rrrr r �i . rr Sec. .15450. The board of supervisors may effect the annexation to'any city or cities of contiguous unincorporated territory, consisting - ablely of a highxay or highways, or 'porticna thereof, bounded on both sides by city boundaries, puriuAM to the provisions of this article. See. 35h5l. , Proceedings are initiated by the board o:e supervisors of the county in which the highway. or highways or portions, thereof taco located passitle a resolution of intention to rauso the annexation of the iVII vLdth thereof, to one or more of the abutting ' aities, or to cause the annexation of 'part of the width thereat � to one or more, of the abutting cities and t,ho remainder of the, width thereof to an;r other abutting city yr cities. Such r:!aolution ahall, contain a daserlption or 26 rr descriptions of, the. territory to, be annexed a d i.nd# rate the'.. ' or .territories pra�,osec city or cities to which it �ris proposed' do be annexed or -to i;hich its resjkctive ; portions are to be amazed. Sec. A.52. The c2esk of the beard - of LNapsrrisarm shall' cause notice `ot'the nroFosQd;`annexation to be ,published in the couunty pursuant to: see... 6VA: The noticr 6 escr3ption'of the lamd �cr poA Ono thereof sought to be o�� 'Cities annaxed�thae city to which lt:`'or each . portion. thereof is�: pirapoaed 'to ;bs -, fi anrsexe�d, aiA announce'th� time and pl$ca otifOcticn+s will be he6rd. Ilse clerk shall mail a ' c: legislative s opy of such notice to .the le dative bodies .of all,, hourdarle - are ront.guous with any of the area proposed to be annexed at least 30 days prior to the date set for :hearing. See. A53. Any taxpayer of .the county or of any aity t.:j whir'. it is proposed that such territory be annexed, as well as any city whose boundaries "a:� r corstiguoua to ' the territory or'territories proposed to be annexed, may cbjeat by filing a'vritten protest with the board prior to the date set for the hearip.g. If a opt y . 6i. y ity . sib jeatiing to ,the resolution adopted b the le s1at,.we body or tt�.o c ,proposed annexation to that city is `filed• with the board of supezylsore prior to the date set for the heating; the proceedings as to that, city shall "he abandoned. Sec. r 35u5h. At the Une specified in the notice, or fixed by poetpotvenent, the board of vu ervisors shaI2 hear and p peas upon the protests. the deci ioa t.'st the board of supervisors upon the protest is fiscal. Sec. 354S5. After hearing the protests, the bored of cuperviccrs shall vote ` upon the question of the annexation. A majority vote of the board is final upon the question. Sec. 35456. It the board o£ suparviaora appT�res the arutex+�ti:an of the: tarri- tort' or tarritories to the city or cities as propoised, the clerk of the board shill enter+xpon i.tu minuten,, certify, and transmit to the Secretary of State and to the Zegislative body or ,bodies of the annexing city or oitie'a copiea of the revolution approving the annvr&ticxt and the date on which it was passed. See. 3540. The' documen' is aluill be filed by the Secretary of St tPe and from the date of tiling thereof the annexations is complete and the annexed tarritory a torritories :are a 'part of the annexing city or cities for all purposaa. •,.. I Sc''� a Q; - ..• a . 35h5 . The clerk of the boa,Md or supervincsre shall file the. affidi:Nit -,� of n,-mtpletion and the stateriont of boundary change required by M%ptor 8, Prat ` 1 • 24 7 Division e, Title 5, of th-J a code. Article g. Annexation. of Territory Dwhed by the Federal Government; �5.t7C. cr.Giguous taimitcry is county,,rot Sec. z 1the same county rot a part of iV ether '. cityp owned by the. Faieral Gmerm- tent or an agency the: eor may,'be annexed to', a city • r pursus ,t; to this article. -Soc. 35h71. Yf the Federal GovanuviWor agency thereof- owning suds `terr3.lcry' , ca 36-at -;, to the smexation, the city leglalitille body may initiate proceedings for anz:oxation '14 in the a+annor ;Tovidno by sec. 35203: Tho szcnaxatton'}sraaa�dinga ;fold Conducted :is7 -.!:o%, Anner preserlbyrl in neaa. '35203 to 35210•, ",Cluetve, and all' at tiro • ' provi.niona at eucr.•a"tion and of neon., 3521.2 rind 35213 xhtl3. apply to evch praceccQl and ,annexation. w 27 Ti'TLE 5 pM510y 1 PAn 1 9 CRAFM .1 of the GOVERXHMr. CODE Article 8, City Bm..idari.es Sec. 5M90. U the boundaries between cities or between a city and unincor- porated territory are conilicti.tg or incorrectly described, or if by reason of the resubdivision of land, the change in property. lines or for other cause, the lonatict of the boundaries becomes indefinite or conflicts with the establfched property Taxies, the boundaries may be corrected or relocated to fo3lox definite, established property lines pursuant to this article. Sec. 5M91. The corrected or relocated boundary lines sh9_11 confers as nearly as practicable to the former boundaries. Sec. 50192. Where boun6zry lines are corrected or relocated, the relocation of the new lined ohall be made in such a manner that the majority of the area of the parcel or property affected detamtnes the entity Within whose boundaries the parcel or property is or sha-1I be located. The purpose of this article is to authorize only minor corrections or relocations to be made, and no corrections cr relocations shall be made hereunder which relocate within the boundaries of another entity property in any parcel in excess of one acre in area. Sec. 50193. The legislative body of any city the boundaries of which are incorrectly described, indefinite, or conflict' with established property lines, or the board of supervisors of the county in which any au.-h city is located, May filo Frith the legislative body of any other affected city, or the county, a written petition specifically de3cribing the parcels or land affected and the propcsod loca- tion of the nfw boundary Une ;and requesting consent to the correction or rolocetion of such boundaries. Sec. 50194. Petitions shall be submittod to and reported upon by the boundary coradanion of the county prior to being filed or acted upon. sec. 50195. The legislative body or bodies with which ouch petitions are filed shall by resolution either convent to or disapprove each of the corrections or , relocations proposed by the petition within 30 days after receipt thereof. A cer- tified copy, of such resolution of consent or disapproval shall be forthwith filed with the clerk of the petitioning legislative body. Sec. 50196. The initiating legislative body ray thereupon, by resolution, correct, relocate or alter such bmndarieo to the extent to which aU affected legislative bodies have conoentsd. Such resolution shall accuratalY describe the corrected, relocated or altered boundaries► The enacting legislative body shall , cause its clerk to transmit a cert;.fied copy of ouch resolution to the Secretary of State, to thD board of supenriaors of the coxity in which the &ffected boundaries are situated, and to the ,legislaUve bodies of a21 affected cities. Sec, 50197. The Secretary of State shall file the resolution and transnit certificates of the filing thereof to the clerke of thy-, legislative bodies of aal affected cities and the board of supervisors in which -the cities are situated. Sac. 50399. The clerk of the legislative bdy, initiating the proceedin ogs stm l file the affidavit of ccxrplstion and thj statement of boundary change required by .r;haptar 8, Perk 1, Division 2, Title 5, of this code See, , 5t 199• . From the date of filing of the affidavit of completion,, - the correction air' ateration of botndaries is complete and effective for all pnTosea. sec,,. 0200. If preperty i3 e=luded from any city or included in arA7 city pursuant to this article, such property shall cease to be list}le fov taxer■id:- for the outstanding indebtedness of the city from which it eras excluded and shall become liable to ta4ation for the outstanding indebtedness of any other city in which it is included. Sec. 53292. Whenever a fire protection district or city Tire department is dissolved or the area It seraies is dera�essed by reason of a conaolidation, merger, Incorporation or annexation, and the Piro protection district or city fire department taking over the duties of the dissolved or decreaved dintriot or department decides to hire additional firemen, it shal2 give fir :t choice for the positions to be filled to firemen employed by the dissolved, or deceased district or departmnt. As nearly as possible such employees who are hired ahall, be given positions with a rank com- parable to that which they held in the dissolved ar decreased district, or depart-aant. No employee shall be hired who is over the mandatory retiroxent age of the .tire protection district or city fire department which is taking over the duties of the dissolved or decreased district or department. CHAmR 5.5. WCAL AGENCY A2 ' ' T I: C aWS3I0ti (MPK.+t 1, Division 2, Title 5rof the Goverment.o....riCode) om■ rrr �■i■�■r�■rr � �. e.rr.��r■.n.w� r.r �,f�■r .rrrr�� ■i+.�..�.�wfww■r■■ Sac. 54750. As used in this chapt:rrT: ta,) "Commission" means a local agency snneYation ca=dsaion. (b) "Special district" roans an agency of the State for the local pe.formanco of governmental or proprietary functions within limited boundarieu. "Special district", doss nct include the State, a city, a county, or a ©choo3 district,. (c) ffLocal agency" weans city or special district, SeG. 5050.1. AB used in Sections 54753, 5053.05, 547561 and 54759: (a) "County officer" means: (1) Member or the board of supervinors. Sec, 54751. This chapter does not' apply -to any County in Which there is no city or In vhich there is only one city. :►ec--. 54752. There is hereby created in each county of the Stat©a local agency annexation co=ission. Sec. 547.53. The cormission shall consist of five members, aolected as follows: (a) T�.ro rofpro3zenting the county, each of whom shall be , a county officer, appointed by the board of supervisors. (h) Two reprose.nting the cities in the county, each or whom shall he a'city officer, appointed by the city selection com-tittee. (a) One representing the general public, appointed by the other four meerbere of the commission. See. 54753.05. A city or county officer may serve as a member of the cam-"; mission while holding office as a city or county officer. SAG. 54753.1. Eccept as provided in thin; sa:tion, the term of office of eanli , w nbor shall be four yearn and until the first appu Intment and qualification of his successor. The first members of the comiasion shah classify, thomaleves by lot. so that the term of office of one member is orse year, of one member is two years,, of tvo members is three years and of one member is four years. The power which, originally appointed a member IdID3e term has expired shall appoint his oucceesoir for full terra of four years. Any member may be remo:,led by the pmmr appointing him. Any, vacancy in the membership of the comiscion 'Shan be filled for the un- expired to= by appointvmnt by the pouw which. originMy appointed the rrierler, uhoao Position has Izecome vacant. Sec. 51754. For the purposes of this chapter there shall be a city seL-)ction carnitten or each county. The membarship of such c�nittees shall consist of the nayor of each city within ouch county, or, where there is no mVor, the chairman or pTesident of the city council. A majority of the members ut each city selection armni.ttee shall constitute a quorum. Sea. 54755. The city selection cocrnitten of each county shall meet within 60 Agra A.ftar the effective date of this chapter for t1he, pu rgore„ of making the first appointimts to the cometission. The cowdttoe of each county shall thereafter meet ca the second Monday in May of each year that it is necessary to make Rucceeding appoint3ants to the commission. r Sec. 5475e. Gcmz.ssjon members araU Serve without compensation but. shall be reimbursed the actlial amounts of their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in attending meetings and in performing the duties of their office. Son. 54759. The city selection committee shall appoint one alternate zeTber of the con. -fission in the same manner as it appoints a regular member. When the commission is considering a proposal for the annexation of territo to a city of which one of the members or the cornioalar. appointed under subdivision (b} of Section 5b7.13 is an officer, the member is disqualified from participating in t.b& proceedings of the commission with respect to the proposal and the alternate member s1i11 serve in his place for such purpose. Sec. 54760. The eocmission shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To review and approve or disa. rove, with or without amendment, wholly, partially or conditionally, proposals for the annexation of territory to local agencies within the county. (2) To adopt standards and procedures for the evaluation of proposals for the annexation of territory to local agencies vi.thin the county. Sec. 54761. No petition seeking the annexation of territory to a local agency shall be circulated or filed, nor shall any public officer accept any such petition fo'r filing, nor shall any governing body initiate proceedings to annex on its own motion until it has filed a notice of intention to annex with the co=dnsicn. The notice shall contain the specific boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed. Sec. 5062. Except as provided in this section, no further action shall be taken concerning the proposed annexation until the com=ission has rendered its decivi.on as provided in. Section 5066. if other provisions of law vhich govern the annexation provide for the subodesion of tho proposed boundaries of the territory too, be a-mexed to be county boundary co=isaion for review and report, such provisions of 1AW sb,111 be complied with after the filing of a notice of intention with the local agency.,-. annexation commission pursuant to Section 54761. A copy of the report, if ruoy, shall be transmitted to the local. agency n nexatim cotgdesion. Sec. 54763. Following receipt of the copy of the report, if ony, of the county boundary commission and of the notice prescribe_ by Section 54761, the cor► dasion ahall set the date, time, and place for a pubic hearing on the ,proposal. The date of the hearing shall not be more than 60 days following reweipt by the commisoion of such notice. .The commission shall notify the governing body of each local agency having Jurisdiction within the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed'., and the governing body of each city with n th;°ee trilea of the exterior boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed, arty interested party who has filed A written request with the, executive officer of the casrLision for such notice, and than proponents 'of the annexation, of the date, time.. and place of the public hearing, at Least 15 day: prior to the date fixed for the hearing. Soc. 5ic764. At the t a!d.ng, the comission shall hear any interested parties having made formal request to Appear and be heard, and the report or the comission's staff. The comission and its. preadd.ing officer shall have the pov`vr to make and enforce ouch- rules and 'regulations as will prorride for orderly and, fair conduct of ,the hearings. 31 r tIt'� Sec. 54765. Factors to be considnred in the review of an nine xai Lion proposal shall include but not be limited ta: ' (1) Fopulaticm) population density; land area and land uses) per capita assessed valuation; topography, natural boundaries, and drainage basins; proximity to other populated areas; the likelihooa of aignifi.cant growth in the area, and ill adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas, during the next 10 years. (2) Need for organized community services; the present cost and adequa�7 of governzaental services and controls in the area) probable future needs for such services and controls; probable effect of the proposed formation and of alternative courses of actin . na the cost rind adequacy of services and controls in the area and adjacent araas. (3) The effect of the proposed annexation, and of alternative azti,cr,a,,on adjacent areas, on mutual social and economic interests and or. the local governtaental structure of the county. Sec. 54766. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the commission may take the matter under consideration and shah., within 30 days following conclusion of the hearing, present its determination. The commission may also adjo= a hearing from time to time, but not to exceed a total of 30 days. If the c000desion approves the annexation,- proceedings therefor may be aorritin_ ur;d as otherwise provided by the governing law. T-C the commission disapproves the proposed amexeticii, further proceedings to annex th9 territory to the local agency shall terminate. If the corraission spprores: the proposed annexation with modifications or conditions, further proceedings for the annexation may be ei;ntimued only in com- pliance with such modifications or conditions. Sec. 5067. Ii the cotwdsfsion disapproves the annexation of territory to a city, no notice of intention to annex the some or substantially the sam-ge territory to that city may be filed with the comnission for at loaat one year after the dote of d.i!!approoval. If the commission disapproves the annexation of territa'ry to a special district, no notice of intention to annex the same or substantially the name territory to that special district may be filed with the co=iseion for at leaxt one year after the data of disapproval. Sec. 547F68. If the territory of a special district- lies in no:O than, one county, the notice of intention to annex, required by Section '5061 shall 'be filed vith the commission of the county in Which the territory to be annexed lies. sue. 5069. The commission may appoint an executive officer who shall conduct and perfoOm the day-to-day business of the cowdesion. Ef the corma"asrion dsas not appoint faun exejc:utive3 officer, the county administrator, or, if theme is none, the county clerk, simll act as executive officer for the comissioh. To the extent. that the assist3nev rendered to the ccMwe-asion under Section 54770 is insufficient for its needs, the ccemdaei.cm my. appoint and +aaei:a staff persronnel necessary y' for the psrformnee of its duties and functions and the corrstaaion my, employ .and contract `for proresi vional or tivr malting sservtcee tr, i;arry Put ad effect the function specified in this chapter. The commiasion MY also incur usnal and necessary expenses fc�r tho sccoMP11811- want of its functions. r 32 r Sec . ' 54770. The col inty boundary commission shall render advisory eer�Aces to l the local agency annexation ,cornxiasion upon its request. The. staff of each member of the county boundary comdse;ton shall be available to the local agency annexation cm- miasion to assist it in carrying out its functions under this chapter. Sec. 5,4771. The bcc d of supervicora shall, furnish the commission With neces- sary cpiartera, equipment, and supplies, and the usual and necessary operating expenses incurred by the commission shall be a county charge. (Added by Chap. 1810, Gtats. 1963) (State. 1963, Chap. 1810, Sec. �2. , Thib act shall became olnrative only if Assembly Bill No. 1662 is enacted at the 1963 Regi3ar Session of the Legislatvre and in such case at the same time as Assembly Bill !to. 1662 takes affect. If this bill and Assembly Bill No. 1662 are both enacted at the 1963 Regular.Sescicn of the Legia- lature, ro local agency amexation commission shall be formed pursuant to Chapter 6.5 (commencing with Suption 54750) of Part 1, , Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code, but a local agency, formation ctemdesion shall be formed in each county pirsuant to Chapter 6.6 (commencing with Section 54775) of said part. The local agency forna*.ion commission shall have all of the powers vested in the cocmi.ssimm by said Chapter 6.6, and, in addition, shall, in each county, notwithstanding Goverment Code Section 54751, have all of the powers vested by said Chapter 6.5 in a local agency annexation corn- miasion and Chapter 6.5 sh_,11 apply in each county in the State. 5tats. 1963, Chap. A 0, Sec. 3. Thts act shall not apply to proceedings to annex territory to a local agency if the annexation petition has been circuUted7or filed, or if a governing body has initiated proceedings to annex on its own motion, prior to the -tire uhen the first members of the commission created by this act; selected in the c(rnnty or counties in which lies the annexing local agency and the tern. itory An be annexed.) CHAPTER 6.6. LOCAL A(iFM FORMATION 001OMSION ( Part 1, Division .2,__Ti tle �of the Qov+ornc►;ent Code) Sec. 54775. As used in this chapters (a) "Commission" means a local agency formation cu=issicn. (b) "Special district" means an agency of the State for the local pqrforrnance of, goverzuaental or proprietary frunctiona within limited boundariea. "Special district" does not include the State, a city, a county, os a 303001 district. "Special M.5tz int" doas,not incbide a special assessment district formed •.finder the ImprevemenL Act of 1911) the Y=icipal, rprnvement`'Act. of 19131the Street Opening Act o£ 1903, the Vehicle Parking District Y-iw of 194ji the Parking District U-a of 1951, the rfj4evtrian Xall TAW' of 1960,; or sini].zx assessment lair, or similar procedural ordinanca'adopted by a c iiitered city. .!'Sperm 03trict" does,not include. an impro-rement district or zone formed ,tor .the sole p�rposo of designating an ares which is to bear a speciai tour or aeaeasment for an icmprovemnt benefiting that area. (a) "Local agency" means city or s eclil district. AML (2) County;elerk. (3) County auditor or couiaty controller. (1) County assessor. (y) County surveyor or county engincer. (6) County registrar of voters. (b) "City officer" means mnynr or, member of a city council or legislative body of the city. Sec: AM-.' There is hereby created in each county of the State •a lfwal agency foration commission. Except as provided in Sectims 5076.1 and 5076.2, the cosinfssion chall consist of five members, selected as followss (a) TKo representing the county, each of whom -shall be a county officer, appointed by the board of supervisors. (b) Two representing the cities in the county, etic'i of whom shall be a city officer, appointed :-* the city selection committee. (c) One representing the general public, appointal-by the other four members of the commission. Sec. 5076.1, if there is no city 9n the county, the commission shall consist of five members, selected as follows: (a) Three representing. thee county, each of whom shall be a county officer, El ointed b the board of su ear . PP Y pervi g (b) Two representing tho general publi c, appointed by the other three seAmbarA of the comisesion. Sec, 54776,2. if there is ' only' cne city in the county, the comnissioz ,Bfia J. 1 consist of five members, selected as frllowss o (a,) Two rgyras-inting thg cowity, eaeb of whom shall ba a county officer, � r appointed by tho board of� supervisota. S ibl One x' p •roaentin 6 9, who shs3..1. be a city off ® 'the cif leer appointed by tho legislative body of the city. other t'' y r threr, pesnb$.Ms of the cot fission. � 6 � public, c 1wo re a�entr,n the general blic appointed b the Sec. 54776.3. A city 'r `county officer.! ziy' &erne as a member of the :'commis- ' $ion while holding office as a city or county ofticar. Sec, 51�777 Except sus• ��trnidad An ythin •sec ion, the teitn cf o�'lice, of 'each • rireallor shall be tour yeeers, and .until the first. appointment-, And quslificat'611 of • him , successor, ' Tt>m first suseres of the caaaaisaion shall cis aify thmcneltron bjr lov ` o that bho term o>`'', nP.O cE: of one member is year, of one member is two years, of two members is three yeas =d of one member ;fi ,four years. The gorier,whicb. originaXly appointed a member whose term has expired alhaLl appo.Lnt bis sucC,%7aor for !full tetra of four years. Any member nay be removed by the power appointing him. Any vacancy is the membership of thin covr&saion shall ba filled for the unexpired tern: by appointment by the power vhich originally appointed the member whose position has become vacant. The chairman of the comission. shall be selected by the moubers thereof. Cormisoion members shall serve without compensation but shall he reliAbursed the actual accounts of their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in atteviding meetings and in performing the duties of their office. Sec. 54778. For the purposes of this chapter there shall be a city selection committee .for • each county. The membership of isuch cc,mmitteev shell consist of the :nayor of each • city within such county, or, where there is no rayon, the chairman or president of the city council. A r%a jority of the menberu of each city selection committee shall constitute a qut�: urn. The city selection com. dttce of each county shall meet witlAn 60 daya after the ef£.ctive date of this chapter for the pi- 'i ;7ose of making the first, appointments to the c=tLision. The committee of each cour' ty shall thereafter meet on the second Monday in Nay of each year that it is necessary to make wucceeding appoint-ments to the cotwdsaion. Sss • 54779. If a amber ceases to be an of of the entity he was appointed to represent on the cerumi.ssior., his membership on the co=i.ssion shall thereafter be considered vacant. Sec. 547e0, the covrAssion shall hays the following powers and duties subject ' , to the limitations upon its ,jurisdiction heroin set forth: (1) To reviev and approver or disapprove with or without amendment, wholly, partially or conditionally, the following: (a) Proposals for the incorporation of cities. (b) Proposals for the creation of special districts. (2) To adept standards and procedures for the evaluation of proposal's for the creation of cities or special districts. sec. 54781. (a) Before a nctica of itit,ntiori to'circulate a patition'seeking d the . incorporation of a new city ray be filed the proponents shall file anotice of intention to ' f6in' the sex city with the coamisfAm. 'The notice shell' contain the apenific houndaries of the territory proposed to be incorporates! .; (b) 4ftar the provisions pf Sections 34303,5 chafe: been coWlied -with,"! and to secticm 73�;�.0,� the totrarn�ent Dade, thi�t a p►titiox: aproperx�r eignext �f pLLrausnt xi.thin-lo dfter.the, date the dark of the ,board of .ou rvisors caitifiea i LC9 C� oorra1ct'ly describes the boundaries of the 'propoasa , oit)r, the elaik ahall notit� she cceraiecion of ouch &otien. No further action -shall be taken ccmcerning !;he pr'opoaed 35 f incorporation until the corni©sion has rendered its decision as prWAded in Section 54787. Sec. 54782. (a) Before proceedings are initiated to form a special d{.stri.ct the proponents of the cre3at•ton .of such district, shall file a notice of intention to form the special district ,with the commission. The notice shall con+;ain the specific boundaries of the proposed district and a description of the kind o;e district proposed { to be formed. For the purpose of this subdivision proceedings to .'initiate the fowls tion of a special district mean: (1) The circulation of a petition. co form a specitil' district or the filing of notice too circulate such a petition if such notice is required. (2) The adoption of a revolution or.ordinance by the board of supervisors initiating the formation of a special district. (b) After the provisions, if any, of tau requiring the submission of the boundaries of the proposed special district to the county boundary connieaion for review have been complied with, and within 10 days ester the determination -'by the appropriate officer or body as to the sufficiency of the petition, or, if proceedings have not been initiated by petition, Within 10 days after the boundaries Or the proposed district have been finally determined by the agency having the power to make such determination, the officer, body, or agojncy mak3rg such deterrdnation shall notify the commission of such action. No further action shall be taken concerning the proposed formation until the cenmaisaion ryas rendered its decision as provided in Sections 5h787. Sec. 54784. Follat%ir receipt of the notice prescribed by subdiviaion (b). of Section 54781 at, subdiviaion fb) of Section 54782, the comdasion ahn?1 set the date, time, and place for a public hearing on the proposal. The'dutee of the hearing shall not b© mare than 60 daya fallowing rrceipr by the c=mission of the notice heretofore described in this section. The co=ission shall notify tho governing body of each city or special district having jerisdiction wi'4hin the boundaries of the proposed city or, district, the governing body of each city within three :wiles of the exterior boundaries of the proposed city or district, any interested party who has filed C. written request with tho executive officer of the corxAssion for eni-oh notice,. and the proponent' of the formation petition, of the date, time, and pL.co of the, public. hearing, at. least 15 days prior to the date fixed for the hear! Ong. In addition, notice of the hearing shall be publinheid pursuant. to Section (461 in a newspaper of general circulation in each city or special district within ►,ho boundaries of the proposed ,city or district at least 15 days prior to the date; fixed for the hearing. let hearing shall be held at the county seat of the county r,r one of the•countioa in which the city or district is proposed to be formed, or in a city or other place in the county designated by the commission. Sec. 54785. At the hearing, the commission shall hear any interested parties having Made formal request to appear and te- heard, and th%*report of the carrniasiontm staff. The commission and .its presiding ,officer, shall. hau% 11 the power to Dake and enforce such rules and regulations as will provide far'orderly and fair conduct of the hearings. Sec. 54786. - FActvrs v to ice considered in the review of a proposal for the creation of a proposed city'; ;T district shall include but not..to 1.1mited tot 0 I . i, �1) . i'opula�;fon; population density; land area arid land uses; per capita assessed valuation; ;topography., natural boundaries, and drainage basins; prvxir.lty to other.'populatid areas; the likelihood of significant growth in the area, and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas, during the next 10 years. (2) ?Need for organized cvm=ity services; the present cost and tdequacv of govornmental services kind controls in the area; probable future needs for such services and controls; probable effect of tha proposed fm-mation 'and of alternative, co�,rses of action on the colt .and i%dequacy of servicf.i and controls in the area and adjacent areas. (3) ' The effect cif the proposed formation, and of axternAtive actions, on adjacent areas, on mutual.social and economic interest and on the local gMerrMental structure of.the county. Sec. 54767. Upon aonclus! on of the hearing, the co=ission m q take the mattex under eons,ideration and sha11, ..'.thin 30 days following conclusion of the hearing, present its detexuination. The commission may also adjourn a hearing frca tire to titre, but not to exceed a total of 60 days. H the comdsBion appr eves the formation of the proposed city or di.atr, .ct, proceedings for its- forvatim.� may be continued as other --rise provided by the governing law. If the commission disapproves the proposed formation, further proceedings to form the city or district shalt terminate. If the cor=isaion approves the proposed forma- tion with codifications or conditions, further proceedings for the formation may be continued only in compliance with such modifications or conditions. Sec. 5088. The board of supervisors shall furnish the coadasion with necessary quarters, equipment, and supplies, and the usual and necessary operating expenses incurred by the c:om dession shall be a county charge. Sec. 54?89. If the corm -fission disapproves the formation of the proposed city, no notice or intuition to torn a now city composed of the eame or substantially the same tsrrW;r; rz,r be riled with the co=ieaion for at least one yaps aft or the date of disapproval. If the cosotgaion disapprover the formation of the proposed special district, no notice of Antention to form a special district, under the sane provisions of law providing ,for the formation of trhe spacial district which was disapproved, vhich Its ce:nposeAl of the'.ama- or substantially the sane territory may be filed with the com- mission for at leas+. one year after the date of disapproval. Sec. 54790. The, countr boundary. commission -shall render' advisory eexwric:ms to, the local agency formation, commission upon Ats request. The staff of each member of the county boundary comiusion shall be available to the local, agency formation commission to assist it in carrying out its functions under this chapter. Sec. `'54791. The commission `trrsy ippoint an executive officer Ao ehail conduct and perftrn the day-to-day business of, the commission. Yf the conviigsion does rot cppoint an executive officer, the'county adn Watrator, mr, if.there is none, the county clerk, shell act as executive officer for the cscmiselcn. To the extent that the, aar+iewunce rende�ed to the coraeissicn under• Section 54790. is insufficient, for its needs, the. can-isuian may Iappoint and assign ataff personal necea=7 for the perforrwace of ite ' .duties and functions and the' cormisnism 77 may employ or contract for professional or ccrault:Lhg f v 'vices to ca-rr out and effect the funetions specified in thia chapter. The comrdasion nay also incur usual and necessary expinses for the acr implish ment of its functions. (Added by Chap. 1808, Stats. 1963) (Stets. 1963, Chap. 1803, Sec. 2. If this bill and'Sonate Bill No. S61 Oa both bnacted at the 2963 Regular Session of the Legislature, a Local agency formation condsalon shall be formed Im each county purnuant to Chapter. 6.6 (coaaaencing with Section 54775) of Part 1, Division 2, ,Title 5 of Lho, Government Code and no local agency annexation commissinn shall be formed in any county purer, ant to Chapter 6.5 (commencing with Section 54750) of raid Part. In such case, the loca.'l agency forma- tion. co,=ission shall have all 0 " the powers vested in the eoaaisbion by said Chapter 6.6 and, in addition, shall in each county, notwithstanding Government Code Section 54751, have all the powers vested by said Chapt& 6.5 in a local agency annexation enm nission and said Chapter 6.5 shad apply in avory County in the Si;ate. Stuto. 1963, Chap. 1808, Sec. 3. This act ehal.1 not apply to proceedings to form a city or special district which are initiated.prior to the ULM when the"first members of the cormdssion created L, • this act are selectcd . in the �cfmty i.-. Which lies � the territory to be inclt+ded in the proposed city or special district. In the case of proceedings to form a new city proceedings are initiated for the purposes of the section .by the Filing of a notice of intenticr.� to circulate a Petition seeking the incorporations of a new city.) Sec. 1974• rFvr� , city organized before September 3.1, 1957, except a sengral law city, constitutes a separatto school district unless otherwise prescribed in its original city charter. The district shall be governed by'the board of educatiai or board of school trusteee of the city. Every chartered city organised on and attar t September 11, 195 e, unless otherwise provided in its original ehartar, constitute.: • a separate ' school district if approved by the State Board of ' £du"tion'. The, approval small' be by resolution: The State Board of Mu�cation� shall approve ouch .aM.a ict only if it hao received the The recommendation of the county cocaaittee and the county auperintendent of schools of the county in which. the city is aitua.,ed. Sections 230�t to 2306 inclusive, shall apply' :a army annexationof L territory to a city conatitutiiig , a separate school district under. this section. Zf the consent, `of'the 'governing board ` of the district is first obtained territorywithin the exterior boundaries of 'a cit 1 t may be withdrawn - i`rcv: the school district of that i city and Qmezed or transfOrre i 'co an adjoining school district in the %axnsar provided oloewhere in this cede for the change of school district boundarif o. (Axtded by Chap. 6:9, Stats. 1963) 38 t ,, r %I Sa 2304. Territory annexed to a city ;+pith is na�t cbntiguoua to a »chord a '. dis'brict ki•thti the city ahaYl not c-Ai matically kecmo a part rf saw school 6striet within such c1ty pursuant to Section 1974. %ten territory is annexed to a cit bu rnuRnt to type Annexation Act � Sac. 2305, of 1913 (comaencing with Government Code Section 351005 or the Annexation of UninhAb- ited Territory Act of 1939 (comwnci.ng with Government Cc pie Section 353W), the 'ner- ritory does not thereby become a part of tro school district of that -.I y- puroustrt to Section 1974 unless: the resolution required by Oovernnzant Coda Section 3,5U7 ar Sec- tion 35306, as the case may be, contains a statement that the annexed territory shCA2 becor_,* a part of the cckaol district of the city. A statement to tran:sfcr the P.nnoxed territory do the city P;hool district nhal..l not be included :in such a roisobitior, unlas.s the territory io contiguous to the school district of the city and th" governing boars of each of the districts whose boundaries would be changer have agreed in vritAng to the transfer. if th�# boundaries of three or more districts would be &ffected aivi only one of the di strict4 is not in agreement with the othe%%s, the rt.:.kt er uy be referred to the State Board of Flucation Whore decisic„ in the nattor will be final. i Sec. 2306. Territz�,,• innexed to a city pursuant co Articles 3 4, 7, ' and R (corcmencing with Sections 35200, 35250, 35450, and 35470, respeetivelof CbmPter 1, Pert 2, Division 2, I'I le 4 of the Governnent Code shall nob autozati cally tevome A part of any school district zdthi:t ouch ciL, pursuant to Section 1974. (Added by Chap. 62?, Stilts. 1963) rn --.^.—_--�-�-_-T ,, � ` ' + .+) `yj j ray"�..� h tr,•{� .r'� t� "� '� t f 1 �•tl i.. t Amembly BM lfJ. 16U ' f •'CIIAPTTR 1608 An act to add Chapter 6.6 &-nmmencir,g with Reefion ""s) to fart 1, Diuisian 2, Title 5 of the Gorert'altnt Code,•relat. ing to tho formation of eities and dijti*Is, _ SM.Ml; by 004remor Jnt� i1 15ts. 7111A With Srcretarr of Otato o'Y The people id the State of Catifomtia do entwl.as follows S>rrno.r 1, Mapter 6.6 (totumenciug with Sectiol9 SJ7'15) is added to Part 1, Division 2, i itle 5 of the Government Coda, tt, read C•jAmzn U.F. Low. Aarwax Fonx&Troh Cossuiwoy 54775. As used in this chapters (n) "C om11.1issiou " encases a local agency formation c=. 1 11115fiign. (b) "Special district" means an agency of the State for ti'M local performance of governmenirtl or proprietary iunctioni within limited houndarces. "Spftial district" does not includ. the State, a city, a counts, or a school tl1'striet. "Special dig. triet" doer Clot i-ielude n special ,assessmew. district formed -ander !he In)prn ',sru(--nt Act of 1911, the Rlunicipal improve- went Act. of ?'tl;i, the Street Opening Att. of 1903,'the Vehicle ParMug La%r of 11943, the Parking I3iBt ict'Law of 1951, the Pedestriaa Mall Law of 1960, or similar as4wment lour, or sitailar procedural ort inanco .ariopted by a ebartm-d cite. "t'j cri.'t[ district" does not irelude an improvement: dis- f rict or sine formed for the sole purphse of deeagna►tbg an arum whicr� is to bear a spacial tat or anseasment for nn im- firorenir.-nt benr sting ►;hat areti (c) ".i.ucal agency" means city or special dbtrict. ,5477 .1, As used in Settionn 5.3776, 54116.1, S1776.2, 4776.3, and 547 7 0 ; to) "Cimait • oflleer" weans: { (I) 3lember of the Itiaard of supervisors, (2) Countycttrk. (3) Coutlty auditor or county conttollar. (4) County wc-&-,or. ; (5) County- stirveyor or county engineer, i (F) County registrar of votcre. (b) City offlet.r" mesas mayor or number of &`city round cr "Irgislativo body of !.he city. (� (R) It-a&6 ? S I ,t 54776. There is hereby created in each county- of the Sla'A A local agency formation commmlou. Except toss provided in Sections 54776.1 and P776 0, the comini,sioz shah coijsist of five members, Weeted aa follows t (a) Two representing the county, each oa -sham shall be a county oQicer, appointed by the board of supervisox-, (b) Wo representing the cities in the county, earth of;vbow shall be a city officer, appointed br the city- selecdcon committee. (a) One representing the general public, appointed by the other four members of the eofmfi_tsiozL 64776.1. If there is no city in the coa.nty, the eommission shall cousist of fire membeM Frlected as follows - (a) Virr?.-representing the couuty, each of whom shell be a County; r':, 't, appointed by the board of superriwrs. , (b) I-tso representing the general public, appointed by 2be other three members of the coraminsion. 64776.2. ri t; ern is only one city in the county, the com- mission shall consist of Pico m. emberu, stelectAl a% folloxl: (a) Two representing the county, tw It of -whom shall be a county officer, appointed by the board of. h-uperti-,,at►rx. (b) One representing tho city, who AWL be a city officer, appointed by tho legislative hods of the city. (c) Two representing the general public, appointed by tae other three members of the comm.izina. 5,1776,3. # city or county ofiicrr may serve as'a tnember el the commission •cchile holding otiica as a city or county-. officer. 54777. Except as provided iz this section, the terns" of of - fee of each mralirr shall be four years and until the firzt appointment and qualWeation of his succes3eor. The first mem- bexa of the commimion thaU classify thamsft' ea by lot so that ea term of office of one member W* one year, of aae. member is tr►o years, of two members is three years and of one member Is lour yews. The power which originally appointed at memUr whose terra h-uk expfr,td Shall s_, paint W3 sucoesaor for f►W term of -four year*, Any mcn>�.,er may be removed by the power apPinting him -, AM -recancy W the mem bemhip of the commisslon ehail be filled .for the unMired term by appointment by the pourer which origin0ly appoint., i the member whose po3itiaat his be- come mcant The chairman of tho commission shall ' be selected . try the Members thereof, Comfnission members slzsil nerve without eompamation but shall he rehubtused the eetusti' amounts of their rt aucm 6le and neceisarr eapeuses incurred in attending mectings and in performing the duties of their office. 64778. For cl,e purpmi of this chapter there shall be 'a city selection commitfieuk for each coauty. The-wembershin ai ,: s Such commute" shall e4uzhi df tha mayor of tech city Wilhw :ueh. county, or, wL ,•e these is zta mayor, the ,chain m or ` prmident of the cltg caunell. A majority of tho cactzbers at c,ach city Wectfon oommiith-, aball constitutx a quonim. The city eelettina commi"" of each county shall Meet vciQla CO days after N1e elf'Gctiy u date of this chapter for the p'=pwe of making the fitzt appointments to tier ctammUsion. The Cow - mitt" of each couuxy &hall thereafter meet. on the +tecaad Xondq iu a[ay of each ye-ir that it, ix umcaary to make suceleding appointments to the c`otmnfarion. : 64779. It a member ernes to be an offleer of the entity he w&i appointed to represent an .lye commiUion, his rnembe:scbip on Oje conimiss-ion ah-ill tbrresfter he wuaidered vacant,. 6470. The commiuiott Bhnll bare the foLlalvbg yowerza and dutir_s ,.object to the limits,:uus upon its jutiNdletion berela set forth (1) To review and npprove or &sappr*ve vith or. without amendment, whaily, pertir4ly or rand iINuallys the foufiwiug: (a) ProNNals for the incorporation of cities. (b) Yropmla for the ereatiat of ipecial diitrictu, (2) To adopt btandards and prwedure& for the e-,Wuatinn . of prvposila for the creation of cities or spedat dlatrittt& 5.170. (a) More a notioe of intl ;tlon to circulatie a Pleti- Con �,vekizg the inrorporAtion of a ne%v city May bo file .the proponents shall On, a notiee of Intention to form IL-e netr city' with :he commission, 7be notice shall- eaathin tbt spec!fle boundar44 of the territory prorosed to be lacvrpomteri. (h) After the provisii= of ynctlan S4303.5 hart 4-Cn corn- }died with, and within 10 days after,'' -he data the- tierk of the board of ►uperrisars certr.ux, purafatnt to Section 34306 of �. the Government Code, that a pettiioa is properl, sigut4i anti ' correctly dmerilies Vie bonrtdari--v of the propo" city, .the clerk shall notify- the .onmis;aion of sileb action. No fuFther action shall be taken cone"nirg the proposed ln,orporation until ff-P cmruuslou ha9,,Y-tdered its derision as prgiided in Section 64767, 1 51-7S2 (a) Fleforc proemlings uro initinted.to foran.a arcs t~ial district the pruponeurs of th,� creation,of ouch district xhail flit, it notice oC intention .— ferry-., the �peclal district with tho Commission. Thex�.411 eot)t.�7►z the tlet`citiC 1Mtitxcituzits of : <. the proposr_d district and t dese.r iptiou of the hind o° dUtrfet Proposed to lie furrird. Fur t1t, 1�arWe of tida rubdiTidon rr:�:c=�=elfin to initiate the fern:ntion of a apccial district mean: t' (I) The circulation of a petition to ferret a special district or the tiling of nosier, to circulatc oweh a petition, if Kurh no" Is reilaired.. - , I - �� r�1 -- 1•xt � I�i iLral r � . 1•1 1 • 3 T � ;1.7 (2) The adoption of,, ra rc--soolation or ordinance bythe bearer of supery kart: initialWy tree formation of a special district.. (b) .After the provisions, if tiny, of law requiring the aa6 mission of the boundaries of the proposed ejx,eial dis-trict .tv tte caunty boundary commiulan tvr review have Wen a m. plied mith, and. within 10 dayx after the determination by " the tipproprinte officer t,r body as to' the suffleieney- of, the, petition, or, if prc+cmlingw iinre not bren {nio6nttn3 by petition, . crilhin 10 clays after the bouvdar:(-s of the propot-e2 diArlct hnre bem fi,t=lly deterrcincti by the rgenc3 harm- tl,e pomer '- to zaak-o Sidi determination, the offic<'.r, I)ody, or vl;euey mak- ing imeh deterutivation ahala notift ibe tomwLs l n of such 't r action. No t'nrther action ((hall lie tahmu coneemitig the pro- pow,,d formation until the mmmission hay rewlem 3 iu dftlsiom as provided in Section 5178; 54784. Poilowing teccipt of the notice prescribed by srb- division (b) of Section 61781 or ribdiviAon'(b) of Section 51782, the Commiisivn sl(al) set the date, tiutc, at}d MAC A for it publ.ie hearing on the propnral. The date of the het(riug asltau nit be inure than GO day6 folloving receipt by the commisaim . '1 of the notice heretofore tlescrilrld in this m4ztior.. The commis. Omi shall notify the govcraln4 body of eAch rity or special � district haring iurimliction within We bmtnd:aries of the pro- posed city or district, the governinh l:iody of rnch city Vithin three udles of the emerior boundarici of the tit r or district, nuy intermte.1, party who bm , filed a n•ritti n regueA mth the executive oflicer of the owmnliRsion for Ruch notice, and the pmptments of the: furtur(tion jwtition, of the (late, time, 1 rtntl place of tl;e ptchlir la-ering, itt Ivast 1 clayn prior to the dale fig-:,d for. Ow lwaring. hi addition, noliov e;rf the henting shell ha- lrttbliRh('d Immusnt to Sttittota 6061 iU :t nrYrypuner of renerul eirei lotion in mvh city ov rgiN tn! (iistrid witbiu the boundaries of the prnlu,y► d city or di.slriift at least 15 days prior to the thme tts l for titer ltttnrin Vies itegrirtg shall. lw ; hell at the convity *tnt of tltr county or one of the couuti Is in witiclt he city or district is prultiuKA to Im formed, or in r� a city yr uth•.z- pirwe in the county de.4 �rtated by the cotrs• 1ni5S:ut�. 51765. At the h-mrin , the commit lion shall hoar any la. (ere-Oud rvwlicst havinn r-mde- !urinal rzstut-A to taplit•rar and he heard, anal the re1wrt of thw stud. The com- RiLmion and its prt-4iding officer rluttl "ve the power to and onforve Nuch rule.i and re; ulati►,n.i ns ♦cit; proOde for orderly and fair tioaduct'Lit the heariutix. , is 54766. Factors to be cottzide'rtd ia.lbo reviem'of a propasal for tho ereition of & propoaerl city or di.itrilct shttll'Incl.ude bttt not bn limitc,l to: . -(I) f'opulatiuu; popultatiou densityt land, aren ,$std•-land uses; per capita a wvRxl val=tion; topography,,' natural botmilarics, and drainage basins; proximity to . other, P-Opu• lated areas; the likel.ihrW of xignitivant prowth In the Arno, and in ad jacen, hicorporatcd and voincorporatecl ,are .i dur- wg the neat 10 years. (2) Nod for organizes commur;-:y wertiilex; tim prment cost and adequacy of goverutnental aervices anti ruatnils' An the r:rea; probAli futuro reeds Inr cach Ecrvictm and controls; probable effect, of the proposed formation said of alternative Comics of aetiou on the rust and adminacy- of servicei anti con• gruls in the ►srem anti adjacent artus, (3) The Meet of the prup9stcl formAtion,'ancl of alttruative actions, on adjacent art-3s, tin znntttul -w-zial nrs,; e: mowie in- terests and on the lrrnl goicrumentat structure of the enunty.. 54787. Upon couclusian of .the hearing, the coounisxlon =y take the matter unticr con idrrni n And Aall, within 30 d2ys ' fr llowltit, conclusion of the i eursng, prtwnt ltr deteruivation. The commission rosy also Adjourn n hearing from time to time, but not to eiceed n tatal of GO days, It the cotntnLmiau apprortu tite formation'of tha propoKd city or district, pri eedin.; , for its formation ntay be continnNI as othenv,," p►ridded by the p-arerning lase. if the commiliau dixipprovei the proposed formation, further procecdingw to form the rity or district shall teminate. If the committraou ap prortm the pro"ed forniatitm with mtxlifzraMonsx or. eont`i- ,funs further prceo-Jitip for tbe'fonwition mAy k continued onlr in routplinnre with such modifications or cotxciitioaL Ai 54768. The board of sulwsoison :,hall furnish eip coatis• Won with ntcesv►ary tluartrre, equipment, end cupplit*slid the %wial utttl nee "%ary o1wrating expenses Incurred by the routmiSlion eball In a coanty charge. i 547E.q. It the commission ditopproven the formation of the propuit'd city, ro nutlae of iutetatiou to form 3 new city cacti- rosMi of the sarou or Kuitstantlatly the same territory runs be filed trio+ the communion for at lewit one year,after the datrl c. ziixapprat:til, • ,: � If the votamit;<ion dLvapproren the foratation of the proposed special district, zzo sabev of intention 1-: oitu a special tract, undrr the same provisions of lair �:Tovlding for the for- ntat.iot; o" the special district which wa% climnpprovW, whieb is cotztl owd of the s, ine or miWantisAy the t;arne 'territory uttsy be Glen with the commix on for at lout ono yzar after the dote of d6approval. 1�1 1, Senate Bal Ka. 801. 7 An act to add Chapter 6S (eai►:irlercinp u:tf4 Stetivi3 �47�D) z y 1;= to fart .1, i k6fion 9, Title 5 oy fhf Govarnanant Codt,'reiat- ing to annexations of territory tr.ZvMl agencies,. � (AWrovM Mi Governor drtrr 17, 100. r0ed with StWeUtrr Of UAM Jiiiy Is, Ibis.) . The peopts of the State of Celifornia do enact as tau"- is Srcreoi; 1. Chapter GX (commencing with &etfzaa 5475n. ) Ia added to Part 1, Dit�i%in 4,11"1 to 6 of tlxo Qo:l�rnmhnt �.de, " to rksa s cmrm 6.5. Lordu, AGS.ticT Aimmurzou t%uiem wi 54750. M used. in this chapter: (a) "Comrnl"lou" tme= a 10-W agency anneUtlon cvm - (b) "Sp<ti ul district" means rn imgcume of the State for time local performance of pvernmeutal nr proprietary functions within limited bounda-ins. "Special district" does not indude the star", a nits. % coumnW, or a sch<ml dLvtricL (e) ageeney'' meamx city or Rperial dintrieL 54754.1. As ivied is Spetions 64753, i>1753.05$ 54756, and'' 54 7 59 . (a) "County oMcer" means: (1) Mcmbrr of the board of biulwrvisom �2) County clerk. (3) County aziditor or cs unity controller. .c (4) C: anty massor. (6) County surveyor or county engiueer. (6) County rogiorar of votc.m'ta. (l)) "City officer" means runyor or ireraber of ':s city coon. ril or legislative tK,ciy of the city. 54 75I. ViLs ehapter does moot npplr to any county In Wli�CIS there is no city or in'Whlch there ii only one city. 54732. Then Is hereby, treated in each county of t,bo State ti local age ncyannexation comxmnsMou. ri47u3. The cvmnm�i�fott shall can of five McMb+:re, ic= lcc,ted as follow: (a) Tao .rel,resentitg the county,- each of h,-.�`, slj;dl be it county otileer, appointed 6yy the board of isupervisora. Two citie" to the eaaii of Vhom 1'b) reprvvzting tkie county, ` a 01 be a city 'ofGtrr, appointed by the city �aelcetfun e m ., mittc�. . (Rj L•alaC6 r~.I t (c) One representirg,tba general publie, app"Clinted by the' other Sour members of th;a cowmUc Ion. ?; ' 54753.06.. Q citf or t10anty Otiicer may seem ris a member Of tb6 soMrnImiou while holding oMee ea a zit r or county of ker. ,a 54?83.i, Fxeept aa',xxrmrided in this imetion, the termof oIIice of each tnl!mber ahall he four ,J yearn =4 itntil .he . frst .appointment and qualACA1oa of ris sucemor. The $rat tem. hers of the commisaioa ahrJ1 classify themselves by lot so that . the term of o81ce of one uiamber is one year, of one xamnber is two yeara, of two members is three yeirs and of tine member is four sears. The power which originally appoi11W a inembor `' ' wbose terns has expired 51111 appoint his sueeeasar' for fall term of four Sears. Any member may be removed by the poorer appointing him. Any v.caney in the 1 oembernhip of tLe ommission ,shall be flllcd for the +nn,,Apired term by appointment by the power which originally appointed the tuember whose position !Lu be.' , come Vacant. 64764. For the purposes of Ofa chapter there abate be a city selection committee for ear,; cou, ty. The niembcrahlp', of snch comaraitttCs strati consist of the Mij+ r of each city* witldn such county, or, where there is no u�syvr, tho chairman or president of the city eolmoil. R majority of the memNra 'of each city selection committer shall constitute a quoram. 64755. The city selection cominittea of eleb county shall, meet within 60 dasa after the efrectivo date of thfs chrptcr for the purpc,.sd of maidng the first appointments to the cbnnnn6 ' aion. Tht committee of each county shall thereafter mart on the wcrd Monday in May of -tah year that it is neemary to make succeeding n pointmerits' to tho eamznisvon."� 54766, I4 a member ctams to ba an officer of the entity he nhs appointed to represent an the Commission, leis mem- bcrship en the comtniasion ObOR thereafter be 'considered vaclini. � 54757. The chairman of the mmmimiou shall be ee3eeted by the members thereof. 51755. Conimission members ,hall servo without conipen- aion but All be reimbursed the actual aaiounln of their rea- nznable and neemary eapenaea incum d in attending meet- ings and is performing the eludes of their oillee. 54759, The eity selection committee comittee ahnll appoint one iter.' mate member of the commission in the «time .manner an it tip- jminta a regular member, Wben the wanaLfiason is considering a PmPosal lrr the annexatfiln of territory to s city of which olie of the inernbe-re of . the eommission appointed under subdivi eiou M of Section 54753 is an officer, the member Is I i 7` 7•. Oda from participating in the Proceedings'af the• comm' Ission s; : with 'MV--ot to the proposal dtid thn alte;rr�at' mein r shall v.rve in his place for such purpose. 647GO. The commiraIon shall haj,Q the following xonerA and dnif ea a (1) To review and approre or disapuroti e; with cr Mi A,Out arnendment, rholln partially or couditionaliy, proposals for The annexation of territory, to local eiencies critbin tht county. (2) To adopt standards and procedures for the evuluatiox► of proposals for the &nnisution of territory; ro. local agencies Scithin the county, 54761. No petition seeking the annexation of territory t« a local agency shall be circulated filed, or not shall aqy public officer accept any scrh petition for filing, nor shall any Vv- erning body initiate proceeding to Amex on its o,%•n motor + until it has Sled a notice of izctentien to nnn" with cUm. .the mission.. The rwtice shall Contain the specific bouscdaxies of , the territory propo�vd to be stunaxed. 5470-9. Except as provided lit this srctiun, no farther actiom. tahall be taken concerning the proposed annexation' until the conunissioa has renderri its decisiGn as provided in Section 6476C. 11 other provijiotw of lair which vovern the,anasia- tion provide, for the rubroiwion of the riropmed li n=lc HVA the of territory to be &lanexad to the cwznty boundary-'cclm >l6%ion for review nacl report, such proNiidatu of lrw ghali be com lied Ivi n ith nit .r the e� f fin rt a� notice i R t ce' of frateattOG Wltli the local agency ann xaticu mmfatissiouparnnnt to Sey:tton , 517f 1. A cop), of the report, if smy, &hall br trarumlited t o the , loca! agency annexation commission . 54763. Follovritir receipt of the copy of the repart,'if any, of the cauutr bol,nclOr Gurnmiryion and of the notice pre. s^_ribed by Section 54761, tlae c,-onuniixlon &ball set the slate, time, Wald p?nce for a PON,! hearing on tho proposM, Tha date of the hearing %hall not Lv more than flu days lollolr ing receipt by the carnraissiuu of such notice. The commision � tihR11 nO:,Ufz' the governing body of rael,`local agener ba`itR . jurisdiction vrithin the boundaries of th•c territory propQse.�d to Ix annrxral, send the gov-ruing L(-#I,v of each zityr within three milts ^f t.be exterior boundnr,f:Y of the Territory proposed to be xtinczed, ails• 171terested ` part• irl,o has filed• a writteu rtl-- tjUest with the "r.+c"tiu c Of1:LM 0" the eoBIwi.%ion for, such notice and tlse pral'yo gents of tsc arl�iFxation, rlf tlte.�3ate, txfur, wed x:are ref the hearing, public ut least 16 dap prior to thin dote fixed for the heriring: y P 54764, At the I'Varirig, the roU'imission &ba)l hear any hater. ' estod parties baring made formal relur=, to appear and ba heard, and the report of the -ta11-jji;iOn's i staff. The Con6imW sloe and its pre&ding officer shall l,av it :he pourer to mrse and � j 4:1iforce such exiles wid regulatiotsi ai trill provide: for Orderly and fair coitAuct of the, hearingm. 'an� i :ztlf;a. lift^tnr3 to be ransidered in the, review of an nexation prormsal shr.11 include but not be limited to; ; (1) 1'-3pulr,tiazl; I;oPtrint5o►i domily: bind area t,nti lauct' use,-5; per 43011' OASO,xed v;ti(Intion; topography, stratural Wundari•;s, aud, drainage- basin%; prnxi-nit-y to other populated area ; the likE-iihaxi of significaztt growth in the area, and in. Adittcent inewervmted lanai unincorlmrated areas, during tilt 'T tzcst 10 you.-S. (2) S-,,40 for ore. -mired community aacr6w; tllr. prrstnt ro;; and t dviltx1e.► of f!overaunciltal t�crviees end es)ntmis in the nreii; probable fixture needy for such svrvice3 aria coutrols- r probable efit-et of 1?ler proimsrd forwAtion find of alternative courses of action on thy %NM and ndegvacy of scrcices. and coutrolQ in the area anti adjacent areas. (3) The effect of 0:0 Propw-ed annexation,and of altetna.' tive act.ionu, nn adjacent nreas, on tnntual social and ewoaotnic interest, s.tttl oil the: local f;oyerainental structure of the county. N76G. UPan cor,clusi)u of the hearing, the ent--•rai,;,siwn may t.'tke the matter under consideration and i1all, tcithfn 30 clat•a foll(wint; eanclusion of the hearing,. prr,ent its :ideml- nation. The somwNsion writ nlso adjourn a henring from time to tirltc, halt not to esmed a total of 30 darx. If the commission approve-, the annaxaticn, prweedl-ugs therefor tray be eoutinued so, otherwise provided by the gov- ' erniiag 14% I.f the eonimi-ksion dianpp ores the pr -pos&1 an- nesation, further proceedings -:r. onn" tilt' territo;-y to,the IONA arefley shall Urrninate. It the cummiminn approves the pmposcd anu+_xtstion with modiflcntiors or coziditiontt, l atther preceediazus fqr ,he nsanexatiort zeav 1W tontinued onl;r in cam- pliancs xrith stich malifleaticnr or conditions. f►tiG7. �C ;l+c ron;n,i.-.Sion clisjtprov&,q the anttpcat:iou of tcrz'ito;y to x rite-, r.0 alotiN of iratcntion to anitrx the awn a rr sub-itantialli, the warm! territt►rr to tint city mny be filed with the enrnnlLmlon for at icr.z:t o:tr yrAr aftir this date of di. -Approval, If the commititiion discappl-virm the atinextltion oCterritory to a sPM'ial dktrid. no notiee Of intt'lxtlon to enll(i.',tlla titrlxe or tilt Y-nme wrritony to 0101 special disirirt vin ` lzc filed With the ct►mnl7r�iiou for at 1onrt ove roar, tatter the difttr! of (llsappl-oval. A768. if Ole territr*• of a slteeinl dktrict _11044 in m►)rc , Owl otle ooutlty, Q%% notice of intention to atlttex, re'quire:►d by Scelion -W-6l filc•cl with the clommission of tilt county ill tie}rich the territory to be annexed lice. . .I • t W69. The co=mis.4}an may a Point an o�ccutit•t: o6Ic�Pr 'who shall eondnc. and perform • the day-to-day busium 'of t}it: cotnn�iaiit�n. If the coma, j&fr}on does eat lsppoirtt on Pxecu. £ive officer, the county administrator, or, it there is none, the courity clerk, shall nd na executive'atiicer for the coinatissiorL To the extent that the asoi.�stance rendered to the COMMIS., sion under SeTtion 51770 is insisfticielit for Its needis, the cam: mission ntny appoint and as:igtt stuff personnel nese;.mry for the performance of its dutit~s and functiou9 and the com- misaion MAY employ slid contract for professional or consult- inF serviet-s to carry Out and effeet the function speelfied in, this chapter. The commission may also iacur usurl and tiftesary, cx-,, peules for the accomplishment of its runciions. 54770. The county boundary commission shall render adrisary scrrices in the local agency a.2nex4t:on commission upnn its request. The stair of each member of the county boundary catrimiksion shall be &vdilable to the local agency annexation corirnimion to artist it in carrying out its fttnetioos uuder this chapter. 54771. The board of snpta•risors shall furnish the commix x siOn frith necessary quartceM egtupuient, and. supplIes, and the usual and necewixy Operating expenses incurred by the Coin- MIA3ion shall be a county chtuge SFc. This ad bha)l become operative only if Ari-4mbly ' Bill No. 1662 ii enacted at ilia' 1:163 Regular Bcmiou of the Legisipture and in sueb case ct the same time as Asp mblq I Bill No. 1662 vibes etYiMt. It t1dit bill and Anembin Bill No. 1CO are both rn3cted at th! 1963 Regular SeSsian of Legis. lnttire, nt, loch) ++gemcy rcnnexatiun cornnutnton shall bs formed' rur9uant to Chnatcer 6.5 (,vn menring with Stvthm fr1750) of Port 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the 0overnment Code, but a local nt,•el".y forrn»tiou commission shall be formed itt egab county pnmuant to Chapter 6.6 (Corntaencing witli Section, 54776) of -(aid part, The Ic,ea.l agency forrnn.ion cotoniisslon aball lure All of the patrera rested in the mmniicsior. by said Chapter 6,G and, in Addition, Shall, in each county, nottrith9tanding Gov- Urnment Code Section 5-1751, Dart all of the powera vmmted by mid Cimpttr 6.5 in a local agency- anueaation commiarion snd Chapter 6.5 ,;hall apply in tticli county in the State. St e..1. This Act &hail not apply to psveeedings.to annex territory to a local agency if th ti�nexatiou prtition has been circulated or filed, or If a goveraing body has initiated ,pro- cvinas to annex on its own raotiart, prior to tbo time when `+'1 the first rnetubers of the caaAmion creatud by this ac.t . tiro fici etMi in the county or coanticq in Which 13E. the stout*sing ' locenl agency and the territory to be anue-zed. 0 o tNOWNWA.I 341193 Leagae 01 CP I If orma Cities 4 .W16rt 40nrr(can AdunkipalA1joad ion "Wellfrn cur" D,�firialPkbScati�+� 702 51A11Et CEN1Et IOS ANGEUS I MADtSflt� 4.4934 This is is joint bulletin of the County Suptrvisora Association of California mnd the j league of California Cities. It is intended to assist county and city officials in i.nterpret:.ng the 1963 legislation which creates a Local. Agency For.-Ation Co AW.ssiCM in Every cowty to review p=ceedings for formutlon of new cities and Apecial Iurposo districts and wnexations by either cities or specie. districta. We hoe that it nlso will be helpful to the Sirst co=icsiou =mberss who will be anvint"ed an csc ai'tor September 20. The two measures 'Chap. 1808 - foroation; Cho. 1810 - ,annexation) axe essentially identical with respect to pourers and duties but differ aliebtly as to trwedure. The differences and similarities will be noted in the following analysla. Copies of the tu'o acts are included sus a part of this bulletin , Please note Par- ticularly Sec. 2.. page 5 of Chap. 181.0 which mAej inoperative Sees. 54750.54758 of Chap. 1810 relative to the ennmncation co=dsaion but vhlch does not chmge the duty of the city selection co=aittee to appoint an alternate =mbex to the formation aoz- rdjoion far the purpose stated in sec. 54759• i TACAL AGENCY FORT MN COLMSSIO11 Scope. The law applies to aU xrc yosals to incorporate cities or to create spec!nl districts. It applies to all proposals for the annexation of -territory to a t2ty nr. special district. It doges not apply to consolidation of two or •more eitiea or specs-il' j districts; it does not apply to exclusion of territory from a city or special district; and it does not apply to e, ehaMV in county, boundaries or a correction of city baan L- caries, If territory is excluded from one city or district and annexed to another city or dletx'ict, the annexation uculd be oubject to co=iacsion consideration. The law does not apply to special disstricto formed Tor the sole -puryuse of d;esignatitig en area which is to bear a special tux or asseoarent for an improvement benefiting, that area. It does not tpp3y to special ab scssmaent districts forted .under varioun epecia7. Masensment lawn or ohms.' procedural special annaeaamcnt or lAdices. It isms apply generally to special pvxpocse districts bsvir.3 a Savoralza body, ' provi3ing a Sovera- mental or. groprietsrj cerviae and operating within a certain juri8d3ctional Via. ! h r 2 w w. Zori. A 1s�crrl agencX formation cos isssion (hereinafter referred to 'a c.oWl t3s ion"each ) 13 creatrd in eacounty. Their: is no separate annexation coUdas!-On and the format•.; on commission exercises ail of the poweZa and, 3utiee which .,tmld have been perfor=d by the sannexati.on cosonis el on. I Composition. In all counties hating two or more cities the coszisaion will be cozL- posed of two county of`iicers, tiro city officers; and one person oeiected by the other four mmbez-n . IY there is no city vithin the county the cori ssaion conaicts of tbree county officers rind two selected t�Y the other three to re esent the general I.uubli,c If there iS only one city within the county the co=dasion consists of two county &- ficers one ity office_^ and two reroonc selected by the other three to represent. the i getier sri publ c . Atternete 11ember. The city seleet:icn corrd^ttee not select onr. altercate wamber to serve in the glace of a, regular city officer menbez when the co=ni8DioU is; cOuBider{Ing annexation of territory by the city of such member. If there are only two or leas cities in the county no provision is s:.adc for the s�pperintxx:ut of an e>rnh�.e. Selection. The county officer members of the c:o:ortission are selected by the beard of supervisors;. The County Supervisors Accocietion reco=r-nris that : mb rs cf the board of ss-uupewiosrrs the=elvcs uarve on the co=insicn. However, the board mW uUo aeleut as a .*=ty member ear cef the following: cotnstry clerk, auditor, controlled Pr.ieaisort surveyor, engineer or registrar of vatere. The ci*y officer members, except %.- w a there is oaly one city, are anointed by a situ selection cor=Attee composed of the mWors of all titico withi.0 the county. It, In our view that the zcsyor pro tenpore may act for the mnyor in a Q+'.mral 3au city nr , if the charter so provides, es z eAy charters do,, for the =Wor of a charter city when the mayor is unable to perfam his duties. 0emt:z&11y the =ayor ;zm ten has ai.1 tho pmv s and duties of the m yor. City officer members of the cc=njtssion mut be either m*-ors or ccPmcil=n. In my county where there to only cr.e city the legislativ - t*dy of the city appoints the city officer r+epneentative. 5 It :rosy be that in a few charter cities vhere the charter spree prohtt►itn a city ; officer fro© holding any other office (federal, state or count-., 1 thus r ar mWor or counciln= cf such city would net; be ellgibl.r for mppointment to the co=dassioan. 3:f such is the case thin aboiild be discusszed vith your city attorney. City Selectiaa Co=zdttee. The city selection cozmi.ttee mist met vit h:Ln 60 dasys inter the effc`tivM d� of Me new law (S-eytember 20, :063) to tax the f1"t e�ointz;�':s It is reco=ended that the county clerk be tasked to ca.0 tb;. forwa ssseetiug of the city selection ccmaittte as .r attar Gept eu er 20 in the boml chwba:ra at a specified tim � asrnd date so that ssu allicial record of the proceedings of the city selection coal- j mittee can be kept by the county clerl; said the n=eu of the me=bern uppizted filed in the clerk.'s off ice. This procedure vUl not prevent committees of ray=, cWja: s 1 conferences; etc. fz= ðug togetht►s befrnv such formal neeting in cxdj:r to Yeas:a agreement on the srayaM or colMellMn to 'bee appointed, A srri.1ority of the city s elcc- tion ccros:dttee conatituteS to quorux. It i:j recenwnde& that no two city wxbers be j s�el,t;cted fraaa.the some city b+at re a V!at the two wzbers wd the one sai,ternate tae chosen fron different cities. MAD appeWs to be the intent of the lery ew►cA though this intent in wt exrAmoved. Thereafter the city calection coamit"e meets on tfo sea:onsi Ibndvj in *r of ena2i year vMu :vccsaa yr to mvYx ssucceedfng e;W. Intmentus to the cozdss6io*16 Pu?slia Hea>imx« The pu=a ss>enter" (or nexbertu v#te'xb ,ttiexe: i�o as city ar^ •'*Y one: aSt;Y) be a s,,ectcd '!sy the atber rmberg vz' , the c a ados..acz a `ter the , �:c�xiss+sitar , mcak�xye hinro tic n pa► asd« ' 7aw the fit�t txwc3nsQ�sr a2 tksa £sari county �d ni*v i�ers� c� the cor ai.sslon till be to (6nmizit the ncsmber (or mrberu) ta' z aresent the ge►.r. ra3. Public. tiled aU =tubers ie the first cor~mdntrion bsr a been �7PFalated . the >;c+� l�sv io 'rul-'y operative. It " nr)t m caoresissian until BU of tttn first rears have been _ f ' tsppointCri . Terms rl'he: tL-m Of offi�4 of cnL'Z:1Gaioa members fG fate• yevM13, except that the fi3•st members shrill no clsasify thow,!2Ves by lot that thf: term cf one mm er is one year, of one member is tiro ;rears, of tvo mzbery is these years and of one mer.:ber is lour years. 14emb .ra serve until the appointrxnt nrA qualification of their success,-Tz. =z be:r, even though he serves for a texas r.W be remved by the agNintirg power. J Vucanclas . A vacancy Is fl l.:+ 4d only for the uAarpired tern. The appointing pmm r fills the vacancy. If theme: iu a vwanc7 an r,. co=d3sion O:rfice .find bjr a city oafficexo the city oelec;tion co=ittee uU1 reset ead select his successor for tine urA=- pired term. if other than on the f first Monday in 1;y the cotuety dart. uhauld be asked to call the reeting of m,Mmra. While a county or city ofi'lcer may arrvc both on the co=.suion and in the county or city office vbicb utde hies eligible for ap;ointmaat to ` the cor7 fission, he ceases to lbe e tlr'n!:�--r of thw co=.da3ic.n vhcn-w-er he cegoes to be a county or city officer. Comnnation and DcW- nscs. Corr.4nvion z« mbere nerve vituaut, cnxpetr ation but tine en- titled to reinbursenent for reanaaable axed zeaessary e; p n!aeu i=urrVd in mttuadln{; meetings a:d performing the duties of their office. air=- Tne chairrrmmn of the cox~ lseior. ahall be oe:l.ected by tr:i r~-mbers. This should be the first order of business for the arum ion. h�ee Me cc:.�^3.ission id.0 deterrine the tim, c," its ==tins eml these should be fraquent enough to frcilitrte the public hearings required b., the heir leak. Me boaxd of rruperrlso_ s moot furnish u meting place and it It; assumed that in resat cases this viU be a regular =acting p`. tce. So,.vvex, the co=I-saion can =at azryvbare within the count;; and there will be tires rica bighly controversial lwoIxraul.-s MIFh.., better be heed in the vit.:inity of the area iuvolved in tee controversy for the cou- veniens:e: of ;xopone.cts and opponents of the proposal. Diles for the conduct of its meetings and heerinv nhoulA be selapted at one of tte first weetins of the co=lsairan. These rules can etal uhould iya ou stantialty the saw w those Used for the condt:ct; of zmetings of athex boardn or co=.aF.Ionn. The co=dsslon im authorised to zaker aid erXorce such rules esrd rpgu ztions w wi11 prrvide for the orderly and fair conduct cf its heu ing3. The commission bbould inalude In its rules a proviaion that a =Jority vote of its rrz- bers (3) %.*il' be required to approve, ciicagpwove or act upcz any prap-.oaal. Vila •.-LU Irterert a mino_,dty (2) vblch =V be a rajority cf a quorira (3) .i*-r= thing action on importemt a=exation or incorporation p.apvaals. Fa vero and Duties Gene ram.. The comizsion has tira p over and, duty: (1) to M%V ev mini approve cm c epp= a with or vithottt mmnd: ent, partially *r corviitlonal.lr propoae)$ for the incorporation of cities: ametion c: upecieal. diattriets PAA the annmation of terrUvey to cities or special dlstrleva; wA (2) to adoyt ateiiArdS ana procedures for the waluatiou of V=pasalm for ouch incor pomtlotl, creation or g2n=atioa 'i Evalue►t:inzx of Inco . rat -,an cox :.%r.=atjo:i Fier aa?,s. Ttv: Tarr e. +so1y provldez thwt tip ccrr=1asion in e✓iraluxitimg lmlonstao r .r arporation of cities, credtAcss of .its- t.x icts or wmexatton of torn -story to ri Cher citien or Unt-ri.cto nhaU consider at ..cant the i ollovin', f tsars -ti tfi t f i) Pbsrulntion, po.Wlntion density; laad area next lt.ad VACS; Fex 101wits enaeeaed valuatiioa; toP etrnpblr, natural boundaries, end dzut 9p bns1w; , grm1xity to outer populated crew - the likelihood of slplticgnt �m4h In the urea and in adjacent incorporatcl and tulinctirporQted areas;r dt:ri sag the next 10 years. (2) geed for orgmized comity aprvices; ,the present cost ozd tkquwy of govex%mtentEl nervices a1 40ntro1s in the area; probable future r ` needs for such services and controls; probable effect of the propaced f. fox=tion and of alternative coursed of action on the cost end WLLquac I. y of vexvicen au& controls ir. the area aasi tad je,:errt wens, A' { (3) T e effect, or the propaaed e: nexati,on,, aar`1 of alte--native oct ;ons, on adjacent rues es, on =utusl social acid economic intereato wd on Ube local govem2mental tttructi re of the county. In order to f vilitste the co=misibionsn ierriew of such proposa+s a ouggeate& question- naire h.aa been prep�xed by George W. 11skefteld ChieS A;sistcnt County Counsel of if ;,S Angeles County and it is recor=nded that co=fLociou ruler, require the filing of this irforrmtion by pa-oponenta of any incomvration or amiaxatica as thSt the roM- miesia . moy properly evaluate the propoasl,. At:tachc-d is a copy, of a Worn ertitJVd, "Justification of P=po3al For Review by toed. Agcnxy Forcatlun Cc=ianion." It zW� ve12 be that Dow vJ_11 feel that completion of the JutLficctiun of Pro?osdl quenti.on- nsire vi 1. be too buvienaore on proponents, hm-ever, a per= -gent change in Cover.-m utal organization vith Its lasting effectn on gTowth and develop=nt of the arrctt VOWA appear to wtsxz'aat ea understanding of the informatlon required to be ftled, Ap!aro- 1=1ate modificationn in the questiozum1m caxz be m(de to ; it local needs Within each: � county► , Mr, Wake£iC1d al'o had rarepared and masts availeble q. `""oprir, Poa-.� to be used by proponants aurd others in order to eo= ly with the nev law. These auggeatesd x"aroma slrlo are tatt=hed. The intent, of the new lav in to provide fcr or,.'L r..ly powth wd c-velopcnt of., Callforrd,%Is urban arras. While; the new requiremnto w.�i.? cause cc= dcicWt: in rwlct. Lag procedures these cbtlays can be kept to r. eknirz= by provid-ing tb: corrd-vaion with as much relevant inforrixtion an possible.. Ci,::ies arc neutral ir. aan=at len Jeanoce-.dizV and the kinds cf inforzati.on generally ,given s city coup cii 1'ior �:o council. approval of snnexatiow also sh uld be made available e b r the city to the co=iasi.on prior to the date of the co=ivaioa'n hesrrize on the pvTcsal. FrAMED JRE. NOTICE. ltr =W, .Annexation. A noti: a or intention to an =twat be tiles, vith the ca=Iaaion prior to t: rcvlating or filing A:3y petition to anaex, prior to accepting omy such petition for filing and prior to initiation of annwation ;mceeedings by a city sound? on ita o•.m nation. A suSpsted. for.- is attached. `1 *r*pfter the porop44nl rust be filed with the serre-t aryr of the boundary co=f lesion for its, twusl import on defWteneee a-d certainty eland a cope of the bcu>zd, y com- rd.aaion report .moat be filed vith the I,ncal rZeacy Ywraati+zn •ea a'.r�aJ.�►n. NO ,'=rt�r action rzy be taken UmUr the• Mnexation lam until tla co:aaiaai.on has re:uicred its The co=iaadon,(after mceivirg -the boundary cc=aiuslon report) =t set the dot o, tine. wA ;place for u pubUc hearing on the ;ropos&k. The bt ring date cannot to mra than 6o days f'o?.lo• » receipt by the coo= fission or the prat Ice of . ir�teutioa► r.. lip razz ius:3fon, st least 15 dayu prior to the date of tho hausr iM, squat entity , t�'�er�aing body of eaci� city npeeia3. district hw4,z r, jurisdict = within he 1 } the terr itory to be aamermo (2) each city within tbre►b miles of such territory., ,(�u�y; ��of the date., time s3n,. te y vho has filed ilt�te of x�equubt Tor notice and the �. ` P he hea ing. At the hearingthe c=minsion shall hear any 3s:rtweated :parties vbo have saeciE: a urittazx request to be heard and the report of the co=danion atvff. . The hew:ing say W be a4- jovrned from time to time but net to exceed j0 days. At the conclusion of the boar,' 43 or vithin 30 days if takerx under edvis;eu:ent, the cc=insio;, shall rendler Its decision. Alltemstive Commission rAnn=ation Decisions. If the cwm:dsslon approver the an=ationj proceedings continue Y. er t c M la anew etion IBM. If the co=tanion disepprovea the proposed nanexation, further proceedings tercdnete and no notice of intention uoy be filed with rztepEct .to the n=e or aubstewtW3y the same territory to the sere city or diatrict for one year. Procuedin a could be =4 d xith respect to anneaciw3 the atlas territary ta) nnother city or district. If the corrsissioa approves the enxexatS.= With codlticationu or conditions, further proceedings for annexat'-'.on szr be continued only in eccpliance with such wdificationc or conditions. We are .sot prepwel at thin tine to sau:ggest uhatt these-=d1t'i.cotic as or cond 4iozj3 may be and the ef'fsct thereof an f trlher proceeclinga under tk. govereing law. For exemlle, may the com,:dsuian mdify the e=mcatlon by caj.arging ar derreastng the area to be mumed? If enlarged, a new descr'.nticn %muld be necessary a0d a nev report Yr,ra the boundary covrlos:ion 'ZoSether with rutice to interested .0,enclee or parties not notified of the earlier hearing. bks=Icatican or conditions "Adch en- large the territory wi, 1. present wre difficult ixrocedural problems than those uhich decrease the size of the proposed mneaation. Another question which cauao~t be answered with certainty is the riCht of the council or board of supervisor-i to decrease the size of the gropoae%l city or special district ans =ation (ccn•. C. FL -Gs. 351a-5 and 35313.5) after the. commission bas approved on crndition that all of the describe-6 territory be az;ncxed, At this time we will only suggest the new l04 be Civcn f%LU et.fect: con intent with the ]raw gove:rninE eannexati-nn prccedurea. We vish t< emphrnfze certain 1=Vinae a the new law as it tt,!r�+�j @s; to ��itrer ssnr�rxrx'>ton or innorporation: 111.4 the coaaai.asica rspproves the r=pased anney.at:Lon (or formation) with Lodifications or cond:Ltiozus, further proce:edinga for thM a:wexaticn (or formation) mra► -be continued only in corgairaace uitb suds modificat:iorw or conditions." It is the intent: of the lists that the s:omdsaion have 'broad discre::ian 6dth respe-.t to ouch zradtf~i,cai ionn or conditions seal this riv Ls flt discretion vested iu oeern under existin8 ].air. Incorporut•ion of Cities; or sspecl.-A diFst c fi N Ing to F1nr-exatkan. Greataon u: cie3 Districts. F-orzatiou x nev cities rolled by a ss ..c y, d Brent procedure from that G;TIY notice a intention to 1=0% r7a' a r�e�+ Dirty r,t be filed with t'ss caszadtiaion Frio to Ming such twtice Frith the board. of supervisors. After the. boundAry ujsrij= hcxv :t3ported on the ;-,mT-ousal raid the rltrk of the board cf aujery . sora hag anrertaimcd that Lha petitirm ban been alped. by the requ hits mbar of quaUfted signers and correctly dz ac:-Ibea the bou nda riea, the clerk rot' led tau` =-Te .salon F,oi no fzztber pavceaAixiF.p be tusken to inc.,xqprate until the co:'=1X.3ioa 'bas ren&xed its decision. Prorponentg of the rrr.,ati.cw of a ss cial disst:•iZt next lArst- file a notice of inten- iusi t3oa, irc2u3.jng 3 deecription of bcundaries ems, type of distr-ict, xlth t2�e caua�tio �a. M r aub7lswion �to the ho-sndiary co=iaslon, ad �rithin 10 days of the ' deterr�nmtioa of the ouiTirienr f of thus Pf-tltion, the W!acy cs&king the debarzinmtion sshau notify the cow..agion =I tt=eartlor no further ration shall be -aLTn to fam the spacial - 6 district until the cor=dlsion hats rendered its secision. ! " e co mmIssion a{ter receiptof entice ,of the uutficie ncy of the petition to torn s nev, city or speciiil district trust' set the dater, time' arm places for K public bearing. on the ovooel which date zmt be vithin 60 do" of receipt of such notice. Rt '1e: 15. davz ` prior to the date for haarimZ the: cozmiasion =s•t notify (1) cities or, apecisl districts having. Juria diction xitbin the proposed bmmiarles,, (2) existing cider, within three miles off the jiwpose'd city, (3) iutererrted partles wbo haw: tiled a written , reque:st for notice and (4) the .goponents. In addition, notice'of th. hearing mst be -pubUshed once in a revtpgper of general circulation in each city or special district within the proposed bouniaxies at Least 15 dv,,m prior to the hearing. F The hearing mwj be held at the county ae,st or in a city or other place in tba county desipated by the cc=lesian. The commission shell hear wW interested partier, who hm-,e mt*.,dc a written request to be heard and the repoa; t of the commission staff. ' The hearing =y be adjourned from ti= to tine not to exceed 60 doWn and trithin 30 days of the couclvsioa of the hearing the eorzAasion stet render its decision. Alte=ative Commission Foraation Decisions. }sere agates the Alternatives include; � 3prw,1, di.uapprovel or with no:ifications or conditions a. -A the language used is the new. as that described above un der anyvexation decisions. If the commission dl,BaWrovee: forretion, no nev notice of intention to imam-yArate a city Csed of the s=e or substential%y the sere territory or the sa= type of special dlstvict under the Ba2e lee., which is componed of the i3em or subatsntially thu same territory =V be: filed with the comudssion for one year from the data of dioappro;ral. Adrdnistration. The boars: of supervisors must furnish the aozr.a.asian with nececsmly quarvrra, equipment and eupp3lee . Operating rxpenaer; are a ;noaper county charge. The cornriaslon ar3y appoint on executive officer or use the county mihinivtrator nr, It there is none, the county clerk, ar. executive officer. The boundary coomiasion ruat 1 render advisory services to the co=dFoion and the staff of each mubezr of the bouadazy, c mission iti available to the eo=uiecion to masist it in carrying out its paver, and dutien. blhile other steft" or consultants mwj be esTtoy_d,, the clear intent of the 1W and of its proponente is that existing county frci.litien awl eMaoy-ces be utiiized- so that no new bureoucra y will be crested. Comsultants are uvt :necessary, lims is no cvnsultaut •.rho knows argr mom about this nee ? ew or its cdainiatration than do county or city officials vho bane ta):en the tine to read it. :M +exiating pearaorml ceatnot provide: aaristance .required to process awl proposals vithia a I aaonoble thew d within the t i � in the lase, �. t:�d the comissiou should consult with thr. board of supervisors to determine: whether WAtional personnel need -be exployed, ley an, existing Wncy of county gmmzzment or �� the caLB aloe t The corxaiaslo i eEtbul.d to in every respect a joint cit1-county v8nture and partnership va mgepent operated with the understanding and support of the county and citicu =A dzdazted. by zeith= . ' the county MW the citien . Etfective and Opera Dates of , ?ieu law. The M"d iav theca ef`te:ct 5epte2ber 20, 1 tyuntil all the first c;%�c- ! 3. It does net b�ecom fully opera' within es coon adseleners 1we been appoainted. The act deers wt opply to fo=%tion or *i1D&tion ptoce:edinga initlated prior to the U=e ate. the first members of Ylv-- coandeoion sav selected. Ann. ztion proceedings ere inities�d if, the petition` has been oix�culrst+ail tor 111ed cni .the goveraing body hw inLtiated yroceMings to == on its own motion.. Fo;.z&ticn V=cc-its are initieLt/ed by the filling of a notice of lntentien to circulate +a petition "seeking iw:eyxpaxstUCU of. a nev city. ^rtL:`y+i:�u','.'.�;f:+.."w7vw+1:.T% • •-ii a, L Z47CELi.IA [IrIYS• y,� wrwa�swv+r.•► j1 Sher 'i c�tinga of Co=dOgioners. Abrinintration of any new law le difficult at `'beat azd, this one tir, 51 G no acception. lee onticipate that -there will be'uwy query- tions.� not anavexea by thio bulletin or by the new or ea Isting lax. Tb nalte the ; adad-b tatration as uaifora and easy as posalbhe sad to avoid ar y lengthy transitlm period, tim . conferences are tQ be scheduled in the North (December 12) an& in the So`Ath (IMce er 13) for the ;urpoje of zvvieving the lau emd its ;,,'t .nistration, nnaxering questions and providing any nz-r aids which may be developed betv-een the effective date of the nev law and the December meetings. Notice of the time and p1we of the meetings ui3l be sent to all nmi co=d.Bsiorero at least 30 dayu prl"r to December 22 and as noon as are agenda has been doped. We wish to exImsess our appreciation to the following county =d city officials Who 13et for a full day in Sacrommto an August 26 to review the Local Aermay Formtion Comaiasion I,v: Paul J. Anderson, Supervisor, Riverside County; Robert 4, Beverly, CounclIzan, City of Manhattan Beach; C. Ire. Bradbury, Supervisor, Souta Barbara Gcvnty; T. W. Fletcher, City Manager, City of San Diego; Dudley Lgph=,v io%ty Administrator.. City of Garden Grcrie; kid %vin, &. ervisor, Santa Clzra County; ,Sherrill Puke, Assistant Executive Secretary and Coordinator of Urban llifa•ira.. governor's Office; Gordon Iiesvig, Clerk, Board. of Supemlaaras, Las Angeles Co=ty; Jock D. Mtal.teater, r}siyor, City of Stan Leandeo; Wes'�aay IScClure, City Leger, City of San Lcexxiro; J=ca W ianey, Fxoror, City cf Saarawnto; Arthur L. SeUwe) I hyor.. City of Fresno; E. R. Stallings, County Manager, San Hateo County; and George W. Wakefie3A) Chief Assistant County Counsel, Los Angeles County. We are particularly irAehted to I:eesrs . Wakefield and. Iteavig for preparing the en- closed just; ,'icablon questionnaLre and £orrs. Nis_Uam R. MacDougall. General Co=zel aA I'�anagcr County Supervisors Association Richard Carpenter r"yecutive Director and General Coruael leave of Cal,ifomia Cities Justification of Proposal For review by Local Agency Formation Commission Y Chapters 6.5 and 6.6 of Part 1, Diviaion 2, Title 5 of the Government Code charge ahe Local Agency Formation Comission with responsibility for the review and evaluation of proposals for the formation of, or annexation to, local agencies. As provided in the sections of the code referred to above, the factors to be con- sidered by the Commission in reviewing such proposals shall inelud►y but not be limited to: (1) Population; population density; land area and land uses; per cap; to assessed valuation; topography, natural baun&,cies, and drainage basins; proximity to other populated areas; the likelihood of signif- icant growth in the area, and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas, during the next 10 years. (2) Need for organized community services; and present cost and aderrsacy of ,governmental services and controls in the area; probable Future needs for such services and controls; probable effect of the proposed formation and of alternative courses of action on the cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area and adjacent areas. (3) The effect of the proposal, and of alternative actions, on adjacent areas on mutual social and economic interests and on he local governmental structure of the county. In order to facilitate the Co=ission's review of your proposal it will be necessary for you to complete the foLl.owing i 2. Statutory provIsions governing proceedings. B. Physical Features 1. band area: square miles ; acres i 2. State general descripttart of topography: 3. Describe "natural" boundaries: (Rivers, mountains, 2. Population density (i.e. per aquare miles per acre.): 3. Number of registered voters: 4 . Number of dwelling un.lts : 5. Proximity to other populated areas: f. Llkelihood of significant increase in population in c. Deacribe proposed new zoning or changes in zoning, if an7i 2. Assessed value in area: a, land: b. improvements: c. amount of publicly owned land In area: 3. Amount of Sales tax collected in area described in paragraphs F , 3 and 2 above. 4. What alternative courses of action exist: for meeting the need described above? Describe and evaluate: G. What revenue will your proposal require for the accomplialunnt of its goals and what are the prospective sources of such revenue? H. Estimate to the beet of your abl.lity the effect of the proposal on: 1. Cost of governmental services and controls. 2. Adequacy of gover=ent:al services and controls, ' a wMguilt, 29.0 it 5 { 1 ' - ,.zic�8itc�at=si'::iVi47cs7Qa1� Focal Agency Pbrmation Commission r Room 383 Hall of AdraWstratlan 500 west Temple Street j, Los Angeles, California 90012 Gentlemen: � �� w7:.a►.il1 }�.AI! atx.?.:wax�esia r%� ✓/i7� DRAFT t ti.. i .. { The underaigned, for and ,n bebalf of the proponents of the uub ject incorporation, hereby gives notice of Intention to circulate a petition seeking the incorporation of a new city to be krwjwn as the City of Then undersigned, for and on behair or the proponents or the subject formation, hereby give notice or intention to form a special district more specifically described $s follows Type of District; LQcs al Age+nc7 Formation Commission Room 383 Nall of Administration 500 Went Temple Street Lon Angeles, California 90012 gentlemen; Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 34306 of the Government. Code, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors reported to the,BoArd an that the petition for the Incorporation of the City of is Binned by � the requisite number of qualified signers an i correctly deanribes the. ;t r, boundaries of the proposed city, Very truly yourv., of the Board Cler►�r t. . , i August 2% 49fa3 { ol D ,1A Local Aginney ftr' nation CommiaeiOn ' Roach 383 ? Kall aPdn�ini a trat3an 500 Weat Temple Street ; 14a Argelea, California 90012 Clentlemem Notice ifl. hereby given that on,_;; the lneert name of a ro ria PP P �te oi*Piear or / _( body) dcitermined and round that the petifiion ``tlxer$t►fore i'i1 with �. (it) (laim) for ,the formation or (mme 'O'r des eilptlon of 'district) is sufficient under, the , provision or (insert:.Lppropriatte etatutoz" C .fi�rr.. I , I:1 Very trixly, youris, Clerk of body Or rippropplal a 'off ices �, r •, August '9j 1963 , D R,,A F T f Y Local Agency Formation Commission Room W3 Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Ibs Angeles, California 90012 Gentlemen: Notice is hereby given that on 'a ,. einsert name nP agency having power to make determinatitinnj'adopted • an order Fixing and determining the bouYidaries of the,prop,osed• �resolutian� inser., game of district). Ze' , bosun • { +� � darfte so fixed and determined are ehown on the attached map ana legal � i� deocription. IJ Very truly yours, I� -Orri6er Mdy or 4ency making determination e i 1 r 1 : •;Aug�iet '3t�; 1�3 � t •, T Local Agency Farmwation rommission _ R66m 303 Hall of AdmIrdatration ` 00' W'eet Temple Street 1 Los Angeles, California 90012 Gentlemen: Notice is'hereby given of intention•to annex territory to the ra2lowing. local' agency • a. r t ''Annexing city or district: i Statutory pr,ovioiong under which annexation'le proposed: legal description of the apeeiric A map and p boundaries oterritory.,,:.•' . P• • ttxe prop �� i e annexed ased to be are attached het a * Wo and made a1 part heraoff ,bf. y ? ° �hia reference. u Notices pro ce a and other oommunieatlona regarding said annexatfon may ba directed to the proponents Ats w•ww 1 I , S one 3 7r"'r.r..''1777f��.. Y �4• ` �� � f ,,f 5 , ,./ ,� ,� � N. O WHEEhER COMPANY it 1 " r lie�iviz Su�vp,`�es IIlO IGO. 1�IOUKROA Sit.1% Ldli .ANGt1.C� f . CALIFORNIA r MCApS( 1!y ,z w RTJ► •i , ' •, a 't •t i�HC�aRAtNiFRf+rR'IMISIERf � r �, '� , ,• �+'} �. OFFICE SUPPLIES + a CR No t As • ` ' ISO OUR ORDER n0• , ` cat 4 iMc Aa r , iNIpPiNa MEMO 140 _ •': ./ ! ' ,(„ It TERMS,. NCT 44, L ` ,�:YI.IY,: t'u4 r+,nry.•^.,�4v!YtN1,.,14 ef��v���'Kf y:c{„i�r y%��t-� � L�{�ys�m �1 :7.:�,ii. rn l<�t. , ...... _ .. �%twr, N r" •4' ! : `ri r?J.`.� �...I+M!�'J'J.'FI'edfMw'ir.,w. v .. �wr.rr+w..•�,. i � , 4 ... , .4 i AIN WE-` te dogtom., i&' Auf id • rh May 4, t964 +: Duam W. Wheezer, and Company CmWany , Division of Atdizw printing 1.160 S,. Figu oa i .Street Los A4e1es, Oalifornim 90013 Cent to wn: i i ,. Wd received ypux. revised pamhltt this morns . to C f f T 4 #- t 114 t i " axed Wrec i tK rst nM+ca am o err a c lowapp a gettlM this information. Would it be possible for, you to send its two. .&Miti6ni a'i copies, one to be retairwd 3.n. the Dmputy Mty _ C1*Tc#a office and other . orm for the,tt city Aa haves founa�. tbe* t9{0 ed! +tion of the � a l+tMo be c�►f as immnse v�nl'two and harms 'Used it cav�er awl'awtx« , Your consideration: In this satter will b* ° d9ep1.y appreciated. r S ilaCare ty yOtfrsR, Paul G. Jones Uty Clerk s .. + :. �'.'tr , r . ri'`', 1' y`t�. 'ij( »-!3 t!d}�l .rY k 4 rl•1'�prr r• 1r L ,� i :•._. =Ltt'LUf.Ji15�::L. 'C:�17.w1h:,9!.1J`!.`.S"tH' 1.',_,a �.{.w,t i+�5 i=��t '. '�,..�'1� t1"'s''""�e.,•Y.i? , +e,,�.; s , l `r r, "*hips Sfl} uthIwse n,IAAi� 1.1 Se T. , West i.n the Rancho I,a 1301 sA Ghica f County of Orranga, State oi` Ctaiifornia as per map''recorded in'F3ook 51' t�ge 13 of :�a • : . nA 1 fi r ' ous'-)Aa' ps in� the office of the County l ecorder 'o£ 'sadd County," y • tog'ether with . thAt portion ut Tract 'No. `86 as per, :reap recorded itn �. Book 10 p'age 35 of said 1fincellanerous Maps, desicr`ibed as a whole as ` ,follows : Beginning at an angle point in the present houndar of the Cit t; of Huntington Boach, said Angle point being the most southerl,.y southeast corner of "BOLSA CHTCA ANNEXATION" to the City of taunt- ington Beach, Ordinance No. 944t certified January 18, 19631 said angle point also being the intersection of the centerline. of;Holsa Chica Street ►with the North line of Los Patos Avenue, GOACO feet %vide, as vacated by the Board of Supervisors of. said.Orango County, fr a certified copy of which was recorded July 15t 1943 in Hook 1197., .page 42�4 of Official Records; thence: following the present, oundw ' y y of Beach and the boundary of said ar city Huntington of the 1113OLSA CHICA �LNNEXATION", the 'following courses: 1) North 0 , 441 30" West 1326.40 feet to tin angle point 2) North 890 37' `50".` East 295.Oo feet to .an angle point 3) North 0" 40' 00" West *-300.38 feet to an angle point 4) North 89° 37' 30" East 100.00 Pas et to . an angle pointS) North 0° • �40' 00" %rest 330.00 .feet to 'ari ' angle point 6) So'th 890 37' 30" %Past 64.Od .feet fo an anglia point And '-i 7) North 0° 40' 00" %Pest n:,..a8 feet, to an angle point, said', angle point being the south%'Ves t corner of "SUNSET HEIGHTS NO. I" Annex- tition to the City of Huntington Beach, Ordintarjec, No. 949, certi» filled February �51 1963; thence continuing gloa?g the 'present bound- ary of the city of Huntington Beach anti along the boundtiry of 'said tf' .. "SUNSET HEIGHTS NO. 1" Annexation, North 85P 35' 30" Last 331069 feat to an Tangle point; thence continuing -;along the' preltent bound- f4 ,. I , r,;©pry;` off' 'e;,City Huntinan Beach.rind slang the'bmunddrj► said SUNSET iIEIGt17S,�NO. 1 Arinexat.ion, 'North00, 528.OQ last t more ;'ur' less , to the � Northeast 'cornier of - srgici 'SIINSE'T ,rr . ,. 'If EIGHTS. NO. 1" Ann xution; thence -continuing along •the present boundary of- the CfLy of Huntington Beach and a1on the, boundory; . of "best flnnexation No, 2", Ordinance No. 748, "'certified April .18F 1960, f1 h .411, 35 best 1300.23 .feet to an bn le' y " Fort 0 .o o �� g t oint said :. angle point being the northeast 'corner of said "tfest 'Annexation _ r No . .. ''", said angles point being North 8911 351'•30" East 662.75 lest and South 00 41' 35" East 20.00 feet 1'rom the Kest quarter corner- of said Section 21 as established by slid "WEST ANNEXATION -NO. 2T, thence continuing along flic present boundary or t iie City or Ifunt,�! i " in ton Beach and "along t b g boundary 'of "NORTH ANNl~XATION" 0 Ordin ;`: once No. 667, Certified August 2, 1957, North 89° 35' 30" East 331.37 feet to an angle point, said angle point. being th' ";forth-- ;';, .•, +% west corner of 11.1AT ANNExivrION" to the City Hof lluntin,gto'h Beach, Ordinance No. 905 certified .'tune 21 1962;, thence continui6 ' along the present boundary of the City of ?luntington ileach'uncl. Along the boundary of said "JAY ANNEXATION" the following courses: 1) 'South .Op 421 25" East 640.48 feet to an angle point 2) Narth Brio 36, 00" &Ist ni.53 feet to an angle paint and 3) North 0° 43115.E West 64 0. ",4 feet to the northeast earner • of sAid `' "JAY ANNEXATION" r said corner' being o1.i the boundary of raid . "NORTH AN`NEXw ATIO thence continuing along the present boundary (;f the City,'' of Huntington Beach and nlong the buundary of said ".NORTH t1NNEXATIO.h North 899 36' 00" East 662.78 feet to the northwest corner of "SUN- SE'r 11MG11TS ANNEXATION NO. 2" to the City of ?lunt•ington' Bede' ora� i;nunce No. 983, certi.lied on July 25, 1963; thence continuing "lung the present boundary of the City of Huntington Hench and �ilong t.ho boundary of said "SUNSOr HEI'GIM ANNEXATION NO. 211 "'Sou th 00 491.1 , }} w '•!,A •�, } } ,i11 ,,, 00"r �' os maid � Est 94 out st; cpr.nor- ee o e .. ,80SET • , ' . 2"; thence i continuing uhong;+tiiaproa.e'nt �IEIGi� 1'S " ANNE.YATIOV ri10' .: boundary of the City ox Nuntin ton : Beach", land nlocg;` the boundary, Y. g of said: "SUNSET HEIGHTS ANNEXATION NO 2" North $9.04" . t said -"SUNSET Ul SET HErONTS . .ta East 642.10 lfeet ka the southeast corner of said S N : . , _ _ ANNEXATION iVO. 2" , said corner being a point on the: caurjdary.of , aicl "NORTH 11NNF�GITION• thence contin:xin alb s �� g ng the prt�sent , boundary of the City of Huntington ©each and alone; the boundary of said "NORTE ANNEXATION", South 0° 46. 30" East 10180'32. 'f eet to an angle point, said angle point beiiag,the northeast corner of "SCHONLE ANNEXATION" to the City of Huntington Beach, -Ordifi- unce No. 926, certified October 81 1962; thence continuing along. the resent boundary o£ the City of Huntington Beach and along P J' Y g the: boundary of said "SGEIONL.E MINEX� `10N" the following courses: 1) South 890 37' 00" West 975.52 feet to an angle point 2.) 'South ' n ° 441 00" East 660.59 feet to an angle point, said angle~ , point being on the South Line of said Section 21, and 3) Narth ' 89 37 50" East 976.00 feet to the southeast corner or said "SCHONLE ANNEXA'I':ONI'l, said corner being, on a 11ne that is parallel s7ith and West 20.00 feet from the North -South centerline of said 'Section 21, said corner also `being an angle point in the boundary of aAid "NORTii ANNEXATION", thence continuing along the present boundary of the: City of lluntAng'toa Beach and along the 'boundary of said "NORTH ANNEXATION", South 0° A61 30" East 30.00 feet to an Angle point in said "NORTH ANNEXATION"; thence contlnu' ln' g along the present boundary of tht.' Clty of Huntington Roach rind along the boundary of said "NONT11 ANNEKAT ION" , North 89,* 3+' :30" East 20.00 feet to art, angle point In snid "NORTH kC4&XAtjON" o' snid angle point being on the North -South centerline of said' i BIZ 28 � thence continuing along the present iaout�ctnr r of t.ho S c t c. J e K Y g � 44 - i t ? +'f } t it ` t • S .fit 1 ,' I ft rl•/,. , , f „ } i II r • iflr i } ,,. i, , 1\ 1• 7 r 1. �i J ` , ,•, _ Y „' 1 ,' '.' r.� �t 7{ S ; ✓ � 1 r } t' f f�, + , y +� f' `:. ' '1 !/ :, {' i ' Ly_ I .y �._ t ,'/ 1 ,! t 1^ 1r f [ ar Jf• ;.7 , ! I t l h r �� City `of Nunt n� t C 'd the 'boun'dary. Leach, ran Tong off' sa "NO] d ` 'ANNEX 1 �, " 1 �, " y Scutt) 0' dG 30 E. a8t �.L 90 00 re3ot, more 'or less tire': easterly proYongati.on of tlie:.cetit e�rlino of. se'1-d, Lba,:Patoe Avenue; thence leaving the present boun'daryog�.,th6. City oT3untw.� ` - ingto'n-Beach South,, 89' 39' 1 : West. 2670 16aLang s©i plro-� 01 ldlhgFation '�to said , cent 6rlins `'of Bc ina C ii•ca street ; ttienco ' al:ong lost said centerline North'0*4• 44' 30West to'tho pintoof beginning. Containing an area of 179.66'acres, gore or less." t "d. There is attached hereta a copy of the "Notice or ln- tention to Circulate Petition Relating to Annexe Lion of Certni,n Territory to the City of HuntingtonBeach'Under th'e ,tnnexAtidn Act of 1913" as r©t'juired by la'S, mnrke'd Nhibit ' a' which' is made a part, hereof the same ar, though incorporated herein. , St•atemeat of Reasons for Proposed • Pa t i t i,on : L- If said territory described in the 110ti+ce or, intontioh ,• to circ to etition tivh:Lch notice this Stntemortit accom of"-* Circulate '. 8 petition, P. -� : becomes annexed to the City of. Huntington Pleach, the inhabitants ,f 6f' the territory proposed to be annexed will be ' affoz riled: 'G 1.. Better assurance of' an adaluate water. supply. 2. Betier sewnge facilities:, r- - 3r Better Police and Fire Protection. , + 7 t • ..+. 1 _ , r , 1 r RESpLUTYC��t NO; 63-1�Bw11 1, , RESpLUTIOR. 'OP ' COUNTY DISTRICT `. S0,' 11 .SARITATIO A-POLTTONS�OT��fiDRRiTORY.ICY .FUTURE A Tt� �xHI:CbISTFI,t�NF.X�.- CT Y,: WHEREAS It is 3n the �, e public Interest to establish, vertein requiremeiits foir tcrritor y 7eeking annexation to thin District; NDW, THEAP:P4RE, . T I1' RESOLVED: r �� ra Sict, lbn l'. Tra w th� proponents of nny, ava cBLion for arineY .. _ atior, of territory to the "jistrie't. riled with. th.e Boundary or the County or Orange on or, after October 1, 1963 shell, as a con- dition to securing the approval of the direat;ore of ' the ` District, to -such annexatlon, comply with the following requirements: , (a; Pay or make secure arrangements to pay to the,Dletrict a sum of money equal to all taxes 'the territory proposed to be annexed would have ri'et had said rigid to the Diet been a part territoryr of the District from the time of the formation of said nistrict, together Frith a .sum: of . money equal to all cot;ts incurred by the ' District, in_ eluding determination of what the aforesaid` back taxe.e would be. (b) Dissolve and terminate any .public agency in the territory proposed to be annexed which exists for.the primary purpose ofProviding, • P '" P rovi,din g sews ge and ` refuse collet-- -, tion 'nnd or treatment for the territory proposed to be annexed (c) When additional District seweraSe fanllities 'will 'oe' direr.,t:ly required to serve the territory ,to be' annexed, pay an additional sum to the District equal to the costa of `proyidlnR such additional , eewera fao111tib, 8 - 5 PASSED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned ,regular meeting' on i September 172 1963, held in the Ccuncil Chambers, or the 01ty Hall. V ' In the' My of Huntin ton Reach Cellforn3 , 7 ,e_11 s ! RESOLUTION No. `63- r. _ RESOLUTION-: .'OF�. C6 XTY SARITATIONDISTRICT`, yo...11 ESTABLISHINGA POLICY CONCERNINGFUfiURE I!ANNEXA« r TIONS OF TERRITORY TO THE DIS TPIC?! WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to establish certein requirements for territory seeking annexation'to tchis District; NOW) THEFEFORE, BE IT P.ESOLVED: Section 1. That the An or proponents ro , lication P P ,V 0 � Por arnex�», ation or territory to the District filed with the Bounder rj Corrdnission of the County of Orange on or after October 1, 1963 shall, as a con- dition to securing the approval of the directors of the District, to such annexation, comply with the fol.l.owing regt irements: (a) Pay or make secure arrangements t'o pay to the District a sum of money equal to all taxes the territory proposed t i to be annexed would have pa.ld to' the District bad said ' territory been a part of the District from the time or the formation of evid District, together with a sum or r money equal to all costs incurred by the District, in - eluding determination'of what the aforesaid back tares would be. E (b) Dissolve and terminate any public agency in the territory proposed to be annexed which exists for the 4 . i I primary purpose of providing sewage and refuse eollea- ti.on and/or treatment for the territory proposed to he annexed. i (c) When additional District sewerage Pacilitiea will be directly required to serve the territory to be annexed,. Say an additional sum to the District equal to the costs of providing such additional eewerage tacilitios. PASSEO AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regular meeting On September I?, 19634 held in the Council. Charbers , of the City Nall In the City of Huntington 'Beach, C,lifornle. , r J ,l• r ' tj4At o r ' CAL FO STATE OF T �+3I1� _ ee COUNTY .aF ORANOE "I, FRED HARPER, Secretary of the Board of Director$ 'of County Sanitation District No.11 of Orange County, California., do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution No.��b�w1i was regularly passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting 'of ` 77 said Board on the 17th day of Se tember„ 19630 by the fallowing �., vote, to wit: iAYES: Diractorn stv art and Lambert ; NOES: ' ABSF� hfona Inlreetor Faathe: ;lsr .IN TaVIESS WHEREOF. I have hemunt,n sett my hand -and affixed � the official seal of County Sanitation District No. 11 of Orange... County, California, thin 1.7t►� day of 1963.. i F : d A . Harper,,Secretaiyrithe �' Board of Directors of County Sanitation Dietrich No. Zi. of Orange County, Cali.forni a i 4 i5 e .10 11. 121 131 141 Pol 191 201 21 2. 23 24 2s 26 27 28 29 30 C32 �w� I{ `� `nn� � tf�l?p,���•c,`1`'.�,�'t�;��t''1)1�gJ �+t� j��i'�;���` ��:�1� � f � r01" t r. L PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO, 21 ANNEXATION ts0. 7 Parcel A Commencing at an angle point in the boundary of County, y; Sanitaticn District.Mo. 11, said angle point• being, also the poln",of , intersection of the South line of Gerhart (Heil) Averue,,'said Street Right -of -Wa^ now being 40 feet in width and the West linA` of P,olsa Chiea Road, said Street Right. -of -Way now being 60 feet in width-1 thenca'leaving said boundary South on the Wert line of Bolsa Chica r Road a dis Lance of 1321 feet, more or less, to the .point of inter- section of said West line of Bolsa Chid Road With the prolongation r of the South line of Block I. Tract No. 86, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 10, Pages 35, and 36, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence East on said South line a distance of 693 feet, more or less, to the East line of said Block 1, thence North on said East 11ne and its Northerly prolongation a distance of L321 feet, more or less, to a point in said District Boundary; thence 'jest a distance of 693 feet along said District Boundary,,. moreor �. less, to the point of beginning. PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT N04 11 1 ANNEXATION NO. ? Parcel "B" , i That portion of the Southwest one -quarter of'Seotion 21, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, Orange County, California, being more particularly described as follows; ' Beginning at the Northwent ;i:orrer of the Southwest one -quarter of above mentioned 39 Section 21; thence North ° 35' 30" East, along the North line of said Southwest one -quarter of Section 21, 662.75 t feet to a point; thence South 00 41' 35 East 20.00 feet to a point, in the South right of way line of Heil (Gerhart) Avenue, 40 feet in width' ; 'i as now laid out, said point also being an angle point in the existing' ; boundary line of the City of -Huntington Beach, having been.ostablished , by north Annexation S.n Ordinance No. 667 of said City and having been � establiShed by West Annexation No. 2 in Ordinance No. 748 of said t city; thence North 890 35' 30" East, along the South right -of way line of bell Avenue following the existing boundary of City of Huntington Beach, 331.37 feet to the ' True Point of Beginning, said point also being the Northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 2, of Tract 86 'Coas;t Boulevard Farms as shown on a swap filed in Book 10, pages 35-36 of miscellaneous Maps $ Reoords -of Orange County, California; said paint r Mao being a point in the existing boundary or County Sanitation District No. II, thenoe 'continuing, North 89°, 35' 30" East,; along, the South right of way line of Heil Avenue; . along the North line o, above mentioned Lot 2, 4:; d along the existing boundary of the County Sanitation `r District 'No. 11,. a51.37 feet to a point, Bald point 'being_ the Northeast --__...ter..,.. .r. .r .. r.r, ,\...i....y•�..►.r•....rw+ti.r.ww.+i�_.r........n ►aw•r aw..� �,n.....��.. t corner. of said hot ,2, thence, leaving said existing city and district, boundary, South 00 .431 15" East, along the East line of 'Said .Lo+t 27 640.54 ,feet to a point, said point being t o.,.Southeast corner of said _ 331.53 feetCtosautoint� �sidWeointabein the the�Southwesouth e 'of said Lot: 2 a .� , p , p g t corner of said .,Lot 2; thence North On 42' 25" West, along'the West line of said Lot ?, 640.48 feet to a point in said' existing boundary and the Trua ' Point of% , Beginning. . .r. PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO COUNTY. ,SANtrATION DISTH04 N0.:11 ANNEXATION Na. Parcel "C" All that certain land situated in the State of California, County of Orange, described as follows: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter ofSection 21, Townshi:p 5 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho La Rolsa ,•.:., Chica, as sho-em on a map recorded in Boot 51, Page 13 of Miscellaneous , • .r Naps, Records of Orange County, California, described as follows: Commencing at the South quarter corner of said Section 21; thence South 690 37' , 30" West 20.00 feet along the Southerly line',of the Southwest quarter of said Section 21 to the existing boundary line of County Sanitation District No. ..1, said point being the true point`of`' J beginning; thence North 00 46' 30" Went. 660.74 feet along said existing boundary line to the Northerly line or the South half of the Southeast ' quarter of the Southwest quarter of sa'd Section 21; thence leaving said existing boundary South 89° 37'00" West 975.52 foet to the Northwest:, . corner of the East half of the nest half of. the South half of the South. ' east quarter of the Southwest quaff -ter. of said Section 21; thence .Sout'A 0° 44'Oo" East 660.59 feet to the Southwest corner of the East half, of the West half of the South half of the Southeast quarter of the.Southes west quarter, of said Section 21; thence North 89° 37` 34" East 976.00 feet to the true point of beginning. PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 11 ANNEXATION NO. ? Parcel "D" ; Beginning at a point in the existing boundary of County., Sanitation District No. 11, d-6 i.-d. p.o i nt being the 'South quarter corner of Section 20, Township 5 South, Range, 11 West, said_poirit; also being the the center line Intersection of Algonquin Street and Garner Avenue; thence North 00 43' 22" west 30.00 fact. to the iriterseotion of the Westerly :prolongation oft•the North: right Of ways line of said Warner Avenue and the center line of Algd6gUIn Streit; thence leaving said Dist;,•ict bourioary, i;orth- 890 39' 54w East; M.03� feat ,more or Tess to an intarsectlon with the Nor6erly extension! of the' East line of Sondr& Lees Street as shown on a map of T•raot No, 349, as rnoordecl in Hook 15, Page 17, records of said Orange County; thence South 00 43' 26" East, i . 1385.50' feet along the East line 'of Sandra Lena Street and Its pro- Longation to a point in .the Southerly: line of the Easterly prolongation of said Starner Avenue (Formerly Los Patos Avenue); thence South 89_", 51', 53" West, 3922.63: feet, more or less; thence North 011 43' 22".'. 'test, 30.00 feet to an angle point in said District boundary; thence North-89 '51' 53" East, 3567.56 feet along'said District boundary to an angle point therein; thence along said District boundary: North 0° 43' 22" West 1365.20 feet more or less to the point of beginning,.,,"., PROPOSED. ANNEXATrON TO CCUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT , N0. I ANNEXATION NO. 7 Parcel. "E" That portion of Tract No. 869 in the county of Orange, state of California., as per map recorded in Book 10, Page 35, of. Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the .county recorder of said county, described-.'', as follows: t Beginning at the intersection of the existing boundary of the City of Huntington Beach as established by Ordinance No. 748.with a line parallel with and East 30.00 feet from the c en terl ine of Bol sa ' Chico Str6et, said Intersection being distant along said existing boundary North 890 36, 00" East 60.00 feet from an angle point -in said boundary; thence leaving said existing sting boundary South 0� �0' 00" East 1170.33 feet- along said parallel line to the easterly prolonga» ' tion of the Northerly line of the land described its the lease between�� £d:;ard 111, Howell Company, lessor and Socony Mobile Oil Company, lessee recorded May 239 1962, in Book 6118, page 910 of Official Records; thence South 89° 39' 30" _West 215.00 feet along said pro-- longat i on and northerly line to the northwest corner of said land: thence South 00 40' 00" East 200.33 feet along the westerly line of said land and iti; southerly prolongation to a line, parallel with acid south .30.00 feet from the centerline of 'darner Avenue;- thence South 890 39' 30" West 475.06 feet along last said parallel line to the: Intersection of last said parallel line with the centerline of that certain private Road along the westerly line of lot 1 in Bookk 20 of said 'bract (now known as Green Street) last said centerline also, being.' the westarly line of. said lot 1; thence South 00 44' 30" East. 1'265.84 feet aloe last said centerline to a line g parallel with and North., 30.00 feet from the centerline of Los Patos Avenue as sho�irn on Auld man and vacated by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said Orarr:o County, July 13, 1943, a certified copy of which was recorded July 15, 1943, in book 1197 page 424 of Official Records; thence North 890 42' 301• cast 660.15 feet along last said parallel. line to the centerline of Bolsa Chico Street as shown on salt map and as vacated by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said Orange County, Jul 13 , 1943 , a certified .� Y copy of which was recorded 'Ju1,Y 15. ; � 1193,nbok 1197 page �i24 of Official Records; thence North `0`�k4430" 1 e t 9bOfeel along said centerline to the southwest corner, of. Section 219 Tovmshlp 5 South, Range 11 West; thence North 00 40' 00" West 30.00 feet; thence North 890 37' 30" East 30.00 Teet to the southwest corner of lot 3 In block .5 of said Tract; thence North 89a 37' 30" East 265.00 feat to the southeast corner of the land dos-r cribed 'in the deed to Ralph S. aerchner Jr., et ux, recordc,i 1 " r 5, 1959 In book 49.12 page 323 of Official,Records; thence ` North 00 40' 00", west 300.38 feet along the East line of said land. to the South line of the land described in the. deed to Delbert E. Schell, et ux; recorded November 20, 1946, as instrument No. 57101 of Official Records thence North 890 37' 30" East 100.00 feet along last a-ld -South line to the southeast corner of said land of Schell; thence North 010 40' 00" West 330.00 feet along the Fast line of last said _ Lard to the North line of lot 4 in said block 5; thence Soutr� .89° 37 ` 30" West 64.00 feet along last said North line to 'the :Southeast j corner of lot 1 'In. said block .5; thence North- 00 40' 001, -West 680.3$ feet► .along the East line of , said lot 1 in block 5 to said exiatl:zig : o City f Huntington Beach thence aloe said aiistI �;.. boundary f .the y o H g , E ng boundary South 8 E 00 West 01.b feet to the.point of be innln .. 3 3 9 p g g . . y 9 PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 11 ANNEXATION NO. 7 Parcel "F" That portion of lot 2, Block 5, Tract No. B6, as per asap recorded In book 10, page 35, of Miscellaneous daps, County of Orange, State of California, described as7 ollows: , Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 219 Township 5 South, Range 11 West, S.B.M. said Southwest corner also being the, - ..eenterline intersactlor. of Bolsa Chica Road and Warner Avenue;,. thence, a N. 00 40' 00=' W. , 1340.66 feet along the centerline of Boi sa Chlea Road to an intersection with the centerline of Pearce Street (a private street) said intersection also being a point in the existing boundary of the City of Huntington Beach as created by Ordinance No. 748; thence, N. 89° 36, 0011 E. , 331.60 feet to the true point of Beginning; thence continuing along said City boundary N. 89n, 36' 000. Be 331.69 feet to an angle point in said boundary; thence leaving said, boundary and along the centerline of Roosevelt Street to prlvato s treet) , S. 04 4:' 35" E. , 528.0 feet, more or less; thence. s- 89a 37' 00" 'W. , 331.69 feet; thence, N. 00: 40' 00" W. , 52840 'fact, more. or less, to a point in said existing boundary and the true point of beginning. PROPOSED ANNr..}:ATION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT INO. 11 ANNEXATION NO. 7 t Parcel "G" Beginning a6 the intersection of the southerly side line of Hell Avenue, 40 feat pride ( formerly Gerhart avenue) with she westerly side line of Bolsa Chica Street, (60 feet wide) in the' County of Orange, + gate of California, as shownon map filed in Book 3. Page ' s 21, of , i3c�.., cord o`' Surveys f y , in the office of the County cng$neer o� said County, said intersection being a point in the boundary line of the CIty of Nuntington Beach, as established by "North Annexation",, certified by .: the Secro tary of State on Augus t ' 2, 1957, said point also being a . 1 ' point in .the boundary of County Sanitation 01striet No. leaving said exi sting ' boundaries, South,.8910 32' 10" Wect southerly side ' line of Heil Avenue, 1920.12 feet to its ` ii with the. southerly prolongation of the westerly ,line of Ps of said. Record of Surveys, as shoran on said map; thence Ni 'West along said prolongation and lwesterly line, and the' wi of Parca3 No. 27 a distance o£ 270:19 feet to the nnrthwe • ty �: ✓ `.. l . Ott F'}•r 1 . i S thence, ,'brig said , intersection ;reel No' 38. ,rth 0046' 50" :s terly line' : t �drnr � of said Parcel No. 27; thence South 890 32' 15": West -along the south- erly line of Parcel No. 23 a -distance of 87.35 fzet to the southwest corner of .- said Parcel No. 23 ; thence, North 0.0 46' 50" West, along - i the westerly line of said Parcel No. '23 a distance: of • 130,oa feet to the northwest corner of said Parcel No. 23 ; thence North 89a32' .,East along. . the northerly line of said Parcel No. 23.,a distance. -of 87'35 feet to the northeast corner of said Parcel, No. 23, thence. North 01,461.50" 'Test along the westerly y line of Parcel No. 11 tr distance of 130, 00 feet to the northwest corner of said Parcel No*, 11; thence South '8910 32' 15" Weot,a ong the, southerly line of Parcel No. 6 a distance .of 20.00 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 6; then'oe North. 011 46' 30" West along the westerly 'line 'of said Parcel No. 6 • ' and the northerly prolongation thereof 130.00 feet to its, lnterseetion with the boundary line of said City of Huntington Beach, as established by "West Annexation", certified by the Secretary of. State .on ' October 26; 1959, and the boundary of said District; thence North .89° •32' . 15", East along said last mantioned existing boundaries 1940.;22--feet to, its Intersection wits, -the, westerly side line. of said Bolsa Chica, Street; thence South 00 45' 45" East along said westerly :side line 'arid along " 7 the boundary line of said City of Huntington Beach "north Annexation";. 't and said District boundary 680.11 feet to the point of beginning. ? PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Na, 11 ANNEXATION NO. ? r ;I Parcel I' M r Beginning at an angle point in the .existing boundary of- the City ` of Huntington Beach, as established by, Ordinance No, 667 ,adopt©d. by .. = . the City Council of said City of Huntington Beach ' Ju'! y 2,'19j?, and j, certified by the Secretary of the State of , California, on August 2, ` 1957, said angle point also being it the axisting boundary. of County Sani Ovation District No. 11, said angle point, also bel.rig': the inter.- section of the Wes Carly like of Graham St:^eet, ; E�orty Feet .c:�►0' j wi.dP, ' as now laid out; W! th the line twenty feet (20' ), south of, the centerw line cf Heil Avenue, previously called Gerhart Avenue; 'thence'; S. 00 46, 4.41, E., following said existing boundary 'of the Cit; of Huntington Beach as established by said Ordirazce No. 657; and .sand. ; Dis trlct . Boundary 940.74 feet; thence leaving said.. exl s tint City and said' District Boundary S. 890 40, 44" W,, 642.10 feet; thence N.. 00 491 Ofl" W., 940.64 feet to the existing boundpr�y of the City 'of Huntington Beach as established by said Ordinance No. 667, and said Ditt,riet Boundary vhich is also' 20 feet south of,;,; the cent�3rl� ne of l called Gerhs� , t Avenue; thcr ce 1i.., °�' ' ' . " y 89 4�i oo � E. Heil Avenue, pr�:vious . fallowing said existing City Boundary said District Boundary which is''' also twenty feet (201) sou.th of -whe centerline cif., Nei"l Avenue. pre- viously called Gerhart Avenue, 642.7,E fact to tree point of beginnI rg. 60 wr..+.rw+f«.'1'�".»1;"^^r'•'^r. . f... ., .,;"r�,�`'..7.witl..w.^........wwr.+rr.(,...riiw.wr..ar.r"'^w"..'"'• — - - .w.r•-•r«...-..vv r...�...' ---' . • •1 i PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CGUNTY SANITATroM DISTRICT 'NO. 11. ` ANNEXATION N0. 7 Parcel 0111 Beginning at an angle olnt .in the , r ff g g g p present city boundary of.: • , � ,: the City of . Hunts ngton Beach, County of Orange,,, 'State' o f California, said boundary having been es tabl fished by ."Huntington Harbor Corpora-'.'., tion Annexation -Parcel No. 1 in Ordinance No. 919 of said air-�,y, said anglepoint being the intersection of the north easterly^.lint;` 'o: the right of way of Pacific ,Coast Highway (U.S. Alternate 10^feet wide as :per deed recorded. in Book 410, Page 165 65 of Off! cidlrge'cords of ' sald.County and'the common line between Rancho La Bolsa Chica;ana Rancho Los Alamitos, said angle point being in a curve concave,to the 1 southwest and having a radius of 1060 feet, a radial 'line .to said , angle point bears South 25" 53' 18" West, said angle point also bet;ng a point in the existing boundary of County Sartitation District No. 1','.; ' thence leavlA4g said City and District boundary northwesterly along,,; said curve and along the northeasterly line of said''Coas't Highway right of way, through a central angle of 2° 45' 181, an are distance of 50.97 feet to the end of'said. curve; thence tangent tc said. cu.rve' and along said right of way line North 660 52' 00" West,, 215.0'2 feet agora • or less to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Lo . the northeast: and having a radius of 950.00 fret; thence northwesterly along said f curve and sai& right of way line through 'a central angle of 6002' 46" an are distance of 100.25 feet more or less to the end of .said •curve, a radial line to the end of said curve bears North 290 10' 46" East,, thence departing from said curve South 240 30' 0011 East and allcng said right 'of way, 11.70 feet more or less to the beginning of a cui,ve concave to the northeast and ravingr a radius of 957.00 feet, said • curve being concentric to last mentionci curve and being on said highwaiy right of way line a radial line to the beginning o:' said aurve bears North 28° 40' 02" East; thence northwesterly alnr,& said curve and said might of way line :.hrough a central angle of 170 51' 58" an are dis- tance of 298.41 feet more or less to the end of said curve; thence tangent to said curve ,and along said right of way 1 i ne North 4)' '28' DO" 'Test, 100.40 feet more or lesu to the most westerly corner of lfind conveyed.'.to Nick Katsaris per deed recorded in Book 5196, Page. 425.'610 Y Off�t Records of said County; thence along the, northwestern- I'Me Of, said land North 460 32' 00" East, 113.94 feet more or less to an angl's point In .aald property; thence continuing along said property South 530 00.' DO" East, 161.48 feet more or less to an angle point in ;staid property; thence continuing along said property North 46o 32` 00" East, 208.23 feet more or less to tin angle paint in said property., said point be:.xig also in the northerly boundary of Location No. 141 of S ta.,te Tide Lands, described in Patent issued. April 4, 1901, said uoSn t being r,lso in the =ithwes terly boundary line of the ,Cl ty, of Seal* as per Annexation No. 7 by Ordinainne No. 589 of said City; thexide South 44° 15' 00" East along said City boundary} and the northerly line of said Katsaris property and the 'nortbe'rly line off' said Tide bands Lonation e distance of, "�?.58 feet tc an an 1e point; thence, oontinutn o .. _ South 7� �5 �oo' .:as t along said Seal..Beaeh city, boundary 'and , a long said TIde'. Lands !.ovation Line and s a cl Katseris property a dl%�ta.nae of '644.33 feet more or leas to an angle point 1n tho City of Seal beae;h ' boundary of said Annexation N;o. 79 sal.d a )ale` point being also in the ; �I i „ • v i r i , ' `,I� . - _'♦Y ter'._.. _ �I. - __ ., .. _ __� __ � _._ � _ ___ - _- - +,� Zi tj -i- 5 Illy t0 4, t,;iv # %1' I.-M '-� Y , 1; ", ' I .- s. • . JA1o r Y, "t 777vo'n;v1,4 J1 Ar.nl 3 j 7A, 2 3 R All M &T 4L ILth d ol November 1963, at the hour of iiy .9 0 Go c1ock A. It. , btalv$ a tip not loan than 6irty ()0) dsye. af tty the Ut.-Vtion of this Resoluticm, in the Chambers of the 2"td of atipordil, visors in the Co=t Houme in thv City of Saisnta, Ana, County of Orange, 6 State of Callfornia, in hereby ftned as tha Um and the place 7 where objections to the annexation of said torritory co County Sanits"o tion Dintriet No. 11 of thn County of Oranae will be h"rd. 9 BE IT FURMER RE. SOLM MD OPMERED that tine Cotwty C'Lerk an4 10 ex-otf icio Mark of this Board he and he is haraby *rdersd to publish 11 this Resolution at length in at toast tea (2) succassive issuas In the 12 Huruin Ston Beach News v navqmpax of Sanaral clxcu.latlon 13 publis',liad withln tho Cam of Wange, Pvid vtblicstion to'bo unplated 14 not more than thirty �30) days mor less th*n tan (10) darya prior to th* date of he4rimg. AYES: SUPERVIS M. DAVID L WJMR$, WK. HIRSTRINI, ALTON X. ALLSY X 17 AND C.M: FUTIMRLY LS Nor% 9 1 SUP' VISORS )IMMI, 19 "S E NIT SULWV2SCW IrILUM J. PHIMIPS 20 STATE Or CA (MIA 2.1 COUM Cr OU"GH 22 19 W. E. ST JOHN, Caen ty,ClArok- 4nd ex -off iclaa ClArk. at , the 23 Board of SupervixoTg of Crangs Ccmty t Califamism l. EbyC4TtA.K*: that the above and flo"gol-nX Ranalution was �dul and roSularly sdaptia by 24 the said ftard at 4 rerAlar matLag &= MId = t1w & 0 .44y Q'f fttcber; 1963, and paisaid by A unoniums'vote of "Id ft&" moibers_ 25 proxnto 2N WITMES WIMIREW, I have hemseunto ast vq hand orld -, au'41 this 29 _i Sth day of Octobors M3. 27 28 29 30 321 we Cowty Clark aW ow-aftielo Clwk,4t'.. this Soard cof - Mptr , Afftle of ft*W t. 7 11WOU ly Rv • % _ l4iY,I , 11I 4 k I m t AMMUNITION X NET DEPOT 8000 SCALE IN FEET