HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntington Beach State Park Annexation - Resolution 2088 - R r ^ ` -14 @<3 " . X Gtl.l FRANK M. JORDAN SECRETARY OF STATE 1� B 1 _ �f T, he Sea State¢ SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That on the----lltn----day of-----------..day__________________________-__-_-_--, 19---- pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No--------11.2_Z-------------------------------------------------------as regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the-----------5th---day of----------AP-vd-L-------------------------------------------- 19---6.5_, certified by ----------------------------------------------- City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF-----HUNTTNGTQN--BEA-CE---------------------------------of contiguous uninhabited territory, contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: _"1L,TrJTIl1GT0N BEACH_STATE_PARK_ANNEXATION." I ' i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hereunto Set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this-----llth_____------- day of----------------Bay--------------- 19-_6 5_. ---------------------- --- ---------------------------- Seeretary of State lvwrw 24645-862 6-54 6.'tOO OSP IP 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION HUhTI%TON BEACH STATE PARK ANNEXATION t ' A parcel of land situated partially in fractional Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, and partially in each of fractional . Sections 24 and 19, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, Orange County, California, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the existing boundary of the City of Huntington Beach California, said angle point having been established by the intersection of the boundary established by the City Charter of the City of Huntington Beach, incorporated February 17, 1909, with` the boundary established by annexation in Ordinance No. 541 of the .City of Huntington . Beach, said point being the intersection of the west line of above mentioned fractional Section 13 with the southwesterly line of the Pacific Electric Railway Company Right of Way as shown on a Record of Survey recorded.,in Book 51 on Page 15 of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County; thence southeasterly along the existing boundary of the . City of Huntington Beach as established by Ordinance No. 541, ,and along the southwesterly -line of the before mentioned Pacific Electric Railway,Company Right of Way, and along the following line, courses, and distances; South 520-45'-Ol" East 1,230.75 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 476.75 feet through a central angle of 20-229-07" along a tangent curve concave to the northeast having a radius of ll,532.36 feet, to a point of tangency with a line bearing south 540-27'-08" East; thence 3702.32 feet along said line to a point; thence southeasterly 848.35 feet, through a central angle-of 80-21'-43" along a tangent curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 5812.88 feet, to a point of tangency with a line bearing South 620-4,81-51" . East; thence 1000.92.feet along said line to a point; thence southeasterly 959.88 feet, through a central angle. of 90-43'-14" along a tangent curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 5657.81 feet, to a point of tangency with a line bearing South 530-05'-37" East; thence a calculated distance of 2764.49 feet along said line to- an angle point in the boundary of the City of. Huntington Beach established by annexation in Ordinance No. 541, said point also lying in the northwesterly line of the Santa Ana Outfall-.Sewer Right of Way easement granted to the City of Santa Ana, California by- the Pacific Electric Railway Company recorded in Book 668 on. Pages 159, 160 and 161; thence, leaving the boundary of the City of Huntington Beach, South 170-20'-23" West 688.52 feet, along the las4, mentioned northwesterly Right of Way line, to a point, said point being an angle point in the boundary line of the- City of Huntington Beach established by annexation in Ordinance No. 574, said point also lying in the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Pacific Ocean as shown on a map prepared by the Division of State Lands, State of California dated November '1955, said Ordinary High Water Mark also being shown on a. map of a Record of Survey recorded in Book 51 Pages 15 and 16 of Records of Survey, Records of Orange County, California; thence. northwesterly, along the last described Ordinary High 'dater Mark and along the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach as established by annexation in Ordinance No. 574, follow- ing the below described lines, bearings and distances; North 430-32'-59" r West a calculated distance of 105.45 feet to a point; thence North-870-42'-34" , . r . d (raged i 'West 50-04 feet to a point; thence North 650-461,2011 West 65.&0 feet to a point; thence North 430-401-21" West 3916-79 feet to a point; theme North 470-091-40" West 300-03 feet to a point; thence North 430-36145" West 204.41 feet to a point; thence North 480-19104" west 97.74 feet to a point; thence North 530-351--,',-)8,1 'Vest 99.40 feet to a point; thence North 460-121-07" Wast 101.14 feet to a point; 'thence North 540-291-43" we'st 201.46 feet to a point; thence North 540-.211-45" West 399.89 feet to a;paint; thence North 550-45145" Vest 87.09 feet to a point; thence North 56'D-59t-17" Weqt 101.67 feet to a point; thence North 630-261-060, Wpst lbP,86 feet to a point; thence North 480-13 1-m-28" Vle,3t 10:li57 feeV to a point; thence Vlorth 590-371-15" WeSt 100-85 fet't to a point; thence North 510521-2911 Watt 100.42 feet to a point; thence North 550-36148" West 798.55 feet to_ point; thence North 530-071-48" Test 100.00 feet' to a p6int, thence North 550-56'-39" West 300.57 feet to a point; thence North 1, 530-491-26" West 198.21 feet to a point; thence North 540-3`42" .hest 400.94 feet to a point; thence North 570-48'-0" IXest 2(X).37 feet to a point-, thence 'North 540-19'46" West 201D.V4 feet to a ;point; thence North 520-40'-23`1 72e." 100.60 feet to a point; thence North 580-Co'-26" 'vest 1,30.50 fee", to a point; thence !forth 520-57 1-27" West 190,20 feet to a ppirit; thence 'r.-crth 550-35'-41" pest 39ti-97 feet to a point; thence North 520-,4ol-23" =16�t 1CO.-:O feet to a point; thence Nort'l :56 0-0 4 '-13" 'Rest 198.86 feet to a point; thence North 57I-051-41" Wast. 101.24 feet to a point; thervae Porto 520-21 '-53" lNest, 98.411 feet to a point; thence North 54-o-57'-,40" -5e5t 200.30 feet to a point; thence North 570-411-2" ':lest 299.35 feet to a point; Lierice Plorth 50-36'-04" West 1j03.53 feet to a point; V. ence North 520-1.71-01" West (),y.20 feet to a point; thence North 550-tl40l-111, we.�t 198.160 feet to a point; thence north 530-211-161" `X-est. 102.20 feet to a point; thence Nort',i 550-591-1211 West 196.CS4 feet to a Poin-ID; theme North 520-"1.1 1-0611 Iffest 110 1.20 f�4-t to a point; thence North 500-031-11�" West 10L. feet to a point; thence North 'west 302.87 feet to a point; t'!ience Nortli 4SO-421-1711 nest 98.149 feet to a point; thence North 570-23'-59" West 102.' B feet to a point; therice North LL90-591-56ll Weat 300-.'-N fi-ot-. to a point; thence North 530-501-47" 'Nest 400-03 feet to a point; thence North 510-561-53" 'Nest 397.48 feet to a point; t."ellCe North 5'0-001-13" West 103.73 feet to a point; thence North 520-191-35,, west 199.62 feet to a point; thence North 530-391-51" 'ifest 300.41 feet to a point; thence `north 580-501-2 1 7" West 100.cO feA to a point; tfitmce North 520-01lf-55" -lest 533-32 feet to an angle point in the baundary I-Ine of the i-.-y of Puntington 4each, said point having been 4 estabrin-hed by annexation in Onlinance 110- 5711 and also by the boundary, description in the 7haiter of the Cit,, of �hmtin.,-ton 9each, said point also 2fing in thn ---er;t line of before mentioned fractional Section 13; theme ','.o-rth 00-171-)t�ll 7,ast W.12,52 feet, aloir- said west line of fractional Section 13 and alon,:- tlw- boundary line of t}-je City of %ntinr,:ton Beach estalbli,-.hed 1.).� ti-te des,-;-rllption in the darter of said cit7, to the True Point of Bei?inning. �41e�enme fn ` THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OVERSIZED DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH CITY CLERK STME CRY CALIFUNIA F1 -or 912MME FAM C. JM.MS being fig st duly a de passe and says: TT:mt 'he is now ead' ai ah tims hfmain mantic was the duly ap- TyAwtrzd, emlifted, and acting QLty Clark of the City of Huntington NlsachD a iclpsl carpmetim., an -officio Uerk of the City Gc,unci% of amlLd City. mat P=874ant to t1w grovis-ims of the "Ammxation of UnfimbabiNad Tarritory Act of 19 9 " and am- ndwmts thereof and ;Adltiaaa thereto, t6 City Comell did an the lot day of Fe 1965, paso and adopt selution NO. 2112 giving notice of the vwapaaal to an certain uninhabited territwy be, designated zip, RanUgg"Tan Batch stcte Park AMMMUOM", and an action belvg tail mn pursuant to a written petition that eaf. Tet amlft=tim Pro- tam istga warm campleted by said City Council of the 5th day of e it 19659 by fiml adoption of its ordinance No. 1127 said Oidimane-a bocomin affective on Ifty 69 1965. That by said pro- emed.,Rhgo an.0 City mnne=d the territa: referred to in that cartain o'-witi.,Ued copy of amid Ordinance k3o. 11,77 and a amp del at said ,aanvAod area is set forth in and nee No. 1127. That all mqMirements of the 2aW3 relatlas to such pro- -veadLings have been a ied mfth. T.Mt an the 6th day of My, 1965, a certified copy of Ordinance No. 1127. and a wp of terricmy described therein demite;=- ted as "Itmeington B"eb State ftrk hmm=tion 11 was transmitted to tha See ary of State mad vms weesived and Mad by the Secretary of, 3vate m 12BY 11., 1965. M Wig= IMERS07, I tereumto Set my hmw and affiz the WWI of the City of Bmtinstan Beach on Dfty 129 1965. CIE 3 7 WL a ft a f Met- of the City Council of the city of Rmtimecm Daach CaLfwnia Westminster Herald P.O. Box 423 TV/ 3-4501 WestrAluster, Californts 7902 Westminster Bivd. Date Uj fir (7,1 rt,,j T GJAY kiall t4VIC CIUTJU' t�l' ,cuntington oeacn, Milt .1 hesolutLon 1-4-umber 2112 367 Lines 36..615 Zquaves Y."eb. 11 lj�,4.00 pep square V73 2 3 Feb. 18 ` 1.50 per square 54.92 Total ,128 .15 THE METROPa .IT N WA-1 ER DISTRICT OF SobTHERN AII)FQ,$NIA Id 1 S'JNSET B, xj I I VAi I . LOS .ANGELES, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS POST OFFICE BOX 54153 LOS ANGELES 54. CALIF. OFFICE OF PHONE 624-9261 GENERAL COUNSEL AREA CODE 213 Mr. Paul C. Jones City Clerk MAY ?4 1965 City of Huntington Beach P. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California Dear Mr. Jones: Huntington Beach State Park Annexation Receipt is acknowledged of documents and map pertaining to the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach on May 11, 1965, of uninhabited territory desig- nated "Huntington Beach State Park Annexation" . It is noted the annexed area is within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Water District as part of the Original Area of Orange County Municipal Water District. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our office informed regarding the boundaries of your City. Very truly yours, Charles C. Cooper, Jr. General Counsel By George `. Flewelling Deputy General Counsel cc: Orange County Municipal Water Dist: Mr. Thomas S. Maddock, Gen. Mgr. Mr. Winthrop O. Gordon, Atty. 0 :L� - STATE OF CALIFORNIA - STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION GEORGE R. REILLY First District,San Francisco 1020 N STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA JOHN W. LYNCH (P. O. BOX 1799, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95808) Second District,Fresno PAUL R. LEAKE Third District,Woodland RICHARD NEVINS Fourth District,Pasadena ALAN CRANSTON Controller,Sacramento H. F. FREEMAN Mr. Paul C. Jones Executive Secretary Huntington Beach City Clerk P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California May 19, 1965 -- Dear Mr. Jones: This is to acknowledge receipt of the statement(s) , filed as required by Section 1:4900, et seq. , of the Government Code by which territory designated as "Hunt- ington Beach State Park Annexation" was annexed to the City of Huntington Beach by Ordinance No. 1127 adopted April 5, 1965: x Legal description(s) of boundaries __3 _Map(s) showing boundaries (with addresses) Resolution(s) No. x Ordinance( s) No. 1127 Other: The 1966 Board roll will reflect the action evidenced by the above statement(s) unless it is found to be inade- quate. If it is found to be inadequate or its validity for assessment or taxation purposes is questioned, we will bring such a situation to your attention. A copy of this acknowledgment has been sent to the Department of Business Taxes. If they need additional in- formation for local sales and use tax purposes they will notify you. Very y yours, zz -�--��- eo L. EASTMAN, Chief cc-Mr. Andrew J. Hinshaw VAL TION DIVISION Orange County Assessor cc-Local Tax Unit - boom 266 I May 3, 1965 Frank M. Jordan Secretary of State State of California Capitol Buildingg; Sacramento, California Honorable Secretary of State: The City Council. of the City of Huntington Beach at their regular meeting held on April 5, 1965, passed and adopted by an affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council Ordinance No. 112 , approving the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach certain uninhabited terri- tory designated as "Huntington Beach State Park Annexation." Enclosed herewith is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 1127, together with a map delineating the area described in the Ordinance and said area outlined on the map. Sincerely yours, Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCJ:sg Enc: 2 City of Huntington Beach County of ®range State of California of J. S. FARQUHAR Publisher Huntington Beach News Filed Clerk By Deputy Clerk ' i (Published Huntington Beach News April ® av,' �® 1127 � c�r��qg ®®n IR f ANl OR®NAA CEE rNF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AP- State of California rye. F T along fi�i`3 ias'4-mei`I'c�oneil"n"ortnwest-` County of Orange ss erly Right of Way line, to a point, City of Huntington Beach said point-being an angle point in the boundary line of the City of J. S. Farquhar, being duly sworn on oath, says: That he is a Huntington Beach established by an- citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, nek(ation in Ordinance No. 574, said unt- That he is the renter and point also lying h the Ordinary High lain P publisher of the Huntington Beach Water Mark of the Pacific ocean as News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published shown on a map prepared by the ons and circulated in the said County of Orange and elsewhere and Division of State Lands, State of rer- published for the dissemination of local and other news of a general California, dated November 1955, said of g Ordinary High Water Mark also being day character, and has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, shown on a map, of a, Record of :so- and said paper has been established, printed and published in the survey recorded'iri Book 51, Pages >ro_ State of California, and County of Orange, for at least one year next i5 and 16 of Records of Survey, ter_ before the publication of the first insertion of this notice; and the Records of Orange County, California; ch, said newspaper is not devoted to the interest of, or published for the eetll�ernc5aQfJhw�rrePaGv{3IB(I°,tag,i�sS„ ted entertainment of any particular class, profession, trade, calling, race No. 2088 in which it initiated on its qn_ or denomination, or any number thereof. own motion proceedings to annex the ;en The Huntington Beach News was adjudicated a legal news a above described territory in the County wn g ] g p per of Orange, State of California, herein of general circulation by Judge G. K. Scovel in the Superior Court designated as "Huntington Beach State Ion of Orange County, California August 27th, 1937 by order No. A-5931. i Park Annexation", or theretofore author- as- ized for the acquisition, construction or )ry ,completion of municipal improvements. ty; That the ORDINANCE NO. 112? The City Clerk shall certify to the :passage and adoption of this ordinance 13, .and shall cause the same to be pub- iur i lished by one insertion in the Hunting- ud Of which the annexed is a rented CO was ton Beach News, a weekly newspaper o- P copy, published in said news- ,printed, published, and circulated in p- a at least One Issue the City of Huntington Beach, California, to paper and thirty days after the adoption there- ig 8th April of, the same shall take effect and be in commencing from the dayof i in force. h 81;h April PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City, Council of the City of Huntington Beach,' s 19 , and ending on the day of California, this 5th day of April, 1965. DONALD D. SHIPLEY fi- 1965 , both days inclusive, and as often duringsaid Mayor 3� period and �ATTEST: it times of publication as said paper was regularly issued, and in the 'PAUL C. JONES regular and entire issue of said proper,newspaper p ' supplement, and said notice was and not in a City clerk published therein on the following 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA ° >, dates, to-wit: :COUNTY OF ORANGE � ss• n A17ril 8 y 19 h5 'CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH i I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, �s qualified and acting City Clerk of the L City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio �f Clerk of the City Council of the City, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the Publisher City of Huntington Beach is five; that er the foregoing ordinance was read to }I IV said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of March, s Subscribed and sworn to before me this — day of ,�•� 3' 1965, and was again read to said City ��' �" 19 _• Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of April, 1965, and .� was passed and adopted by the affirma- tive vote Lz e than a majority of all Notary Public the membf said City Council. I ` Orange County, California AYES: ilmen: r, Stewart, Lambert, Ship- F THOMAS 71E NOES: cilmen: s NOTARY PUBLIC PRINCIPAL ABSENT• cilmen:hORANGE PAUL C. JONESlerk and ex-officio Clerk My Commission Expires Sept. 13, 1966 city council of the City ntington Beach, California-paysiq.n awes aq ���, N r. A. * V F fj 1 • 2 RESOLUTION No. 2131 3 A RESOLU'LI N OF THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE 4 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MAKING A DET R- MINATIUN OF THE PROTESTS MADE AT THE 5 TIME OF HIRING ON "BOLSA CHICA STATE PARK ANNEXATION" 6 7 The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach does 8 ordain as follows: 9 WHEREAS, on the 1st day of February, 19659 the Council 10 of the City of Huntington Beach did pass and adopt resolution 11 No. 2112, giving notice of the propcsal to annex certain un- 12 inhabited territory to the City of Huntington Beach, said tern 13 story being therein designated as "3Bolse Chios State Park An- 14 nexation" and said Resolution described the boundaries of the 15 territory proposed to be annexed; and 16 WHV-IREAS, s8ld Resolution No. 2112 did contain a notice 17 of the day, hour and place when and where the Council of the 18 City would hear protests made by any person owning real prop- 19 erty within the said territory proposed to be annexed, the 20 time of said. hearing not less than 40 nor more than 60 days 21 from the date of passage of said resolution; and 22 4tHr2EAS, on the 15th day of March, 1965, at the hour 23 of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall 24 of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of 25 Californi=- , said time and place being the day, hour and 26 place fixed in said. Resolution No. 2112 for hearing protests 27 to said annexation, the said City Council did hear and pass • 28 upon all protests made to the proposed annexation. 29 30 Res. No. 2131 2 NOW, THIEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Hunt- 3 ington Beach does hereby determine that protests have not 4 been made by the owners of one-half of the value of the private - 5 ly owned territory pro-posed to be annexed as shown on the 6 last equalized. assessment roll,, nor by public owners of one- 7 half of the value of the publicly owned territory proposed to 8 be annexed, as determined by said Legislative body. 9 10 FA_�­'�Sk;D AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of 11 Huntington Beach, California, this uri;th day of March 12 1965. 13 14 Donald D. Shipley 15 Tieyor 16 17 18 A''1''TEST: 19 Paul C. Jones 20 City Clerk APP:-_I'OVBD AS TO FORM 21 D. PLUKKETT, 22 City Attorney 23 By GeoLEge Shibala _q�eorge Shiba to 24 Asst. City Attorney 25 26 27 28 29 30 Res. No.2131 1 • 2 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 4 County of Orange ) s s City of Huntington Beach ) 5 6 I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, qualified and 7 acting Cjity Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio 8 Clerk of the Citil Council of said City, do hereby certify that the 9 whole number of -:embers of the C ty Council of the City of 10 Huntington Beach is give; that the foregoing resolution was passed 11 and adopted try tl-►e affirmative vote of more than a i-x,ajority of all 12 the members of said %Ity Council at a regular meeting thereof held 13 on the 15th clay of March 1965. 14 15 AYES: Councilmen: 16 Welch, Gisler , Stewart , Lambert , Shipley 17 NOES: Councilmen: 18 None i 19 ABSENT: Councilmen: I 20 None 21 I 22 ; 23 Pawl C. Jones 24 City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the 25 City Council of the City of Huntington j B each, California 26 27 28 29 30 i 2 2088 3 R-"5GLtJT'N,N DEC Le',.BING TIN: OF 4 nds cnii OF C"ITY OF HUNT. TAGTON Bli'ACA- To INITIATE -..N IT111 UWN 5 MOTT4A PIW=ED11403 TQ A.K'NEX CSRTAIN 6 ( 'CUNCrL OF THC CITY 00 59 IT ]M*0M;D BY TI-I-E {CITY' C 8 HUNTINGTON BEACH& 9 10 zection 1. That the City Counell of the City Of 11 Huntington beach,, for the reasons hereimpofter mentlomed#pro- 12 poses, to Initiate on Its motion, $a soon as It can legally 13 do so$ proceedings to an.46z to the City of Huntington Beach 14 all of the territory hereinafter described$ as uninhabited 15 torritoryg under provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited 16 Territory Act of 1939 as met forth In $eationa 35300 to 35326 17 Im*lusivos of the Govemment Code of the State of California.[ 18 Uetlon 2. That then 'Council"o reasons for proposing 19 to initiate said marexation proceeding 4 ore as follows$ ghee 20 armexation of the hereinefter deaeribed territory will con.- 21 tribute to the orderly growth of the alty, provide the proper 22 oontrol of street leyout, dreinago, mon. 1tary sewer design# 23 and Insure the proper once of land in eonformity with the over.. 24 &ll goul'ng Pl*n Of the 01ty- 25 Section 3. Tb-- t ths territory :which the Council pro. 26 poses to annex to hereby Iden tip'lil,d an "Huntington kieseh --tate 27 'ark; hanexation" sn4 aot,laiste of i5ij th:!4 real property sit- 28 uste In the County of Orange, Mate of -w"aliforniss described 29 as follows 30 t 1 2088 A pro+el of land situated prtloll:y in fractional 3 :sretioxa 130, Town4*11p +0 , , - 11 react, and partially in 400h of freaQ ionael ��eotions Wand 19, Townshig 6 south,, 4 Bongo, 10 Vogt , ;ion Bornardino Bass Band Mierriri. ons rringe 1410untyo . alifornlo, - sold -,roel of :mare p��r inulvrly do.. 5 scribed an followa s 6 Begirring at an on to jut in the existing boundary of the City of Pluntin ton Lies eh, �ea11forniae, ssicl angle point 7 havljkq,, been a-ttoblished by the Intersection of the boundary e stabl i sh.ed by the 4 t Q e rteur of the W i ty of Huntington f 8 Beseh, incorporated ie rub' y 17, 1909 with the boundary so- tabl i shied. b annexation. 1n r+ lranae to. 541 of the City of . 9 Huntington oah, said point being the intersection of the west Il a* of above enttened fracti€nol eoti.on 13 with the 10 southwesterly lines of the Foolflo ileotrio %allwa,y Company Eight of Way ss shown on s fiecord. of Surrey recorded in Boot 11 �1 on Vegas 15 of Reaoard of Surveys In the off too of the oun.ty Recorder or Oren ear Co-ontyi thones southeasterly along 12 the existing- bottudary of the City of Runtington Beach as *a.. taablichad by rdkin-anae o. Wig, and along the southwesterly 13 line of the before mentioned Pianifle w .eactri,e Railway Company Right of 'goy# Sri along the; following line eouaresers, and dis- 14 tsnuess i +outh ?g03* 1 ' k aist 1 .7 "eat to print tk38nt3eesoutheasterly �►�.7 feet through s central angle of 20 ZV 07" 15 along a tan `fie t ourvo eoneave to the northeast bevia ; a radius Of 1.19 51 .�6 fe et, to a� point of tongeney with s line be eying 16 eo1,Ath 346 7• 060 y st; thenees 3?'0 .12 Feet aping sold line to a Pointl the ►ceea sbuthesote ly 848.35 feet,, through o can- 17 trek. angles of 8 r 211 43* along s tangent curves ooaeeve to the northemit la wing, a raftue of 581 '.es feats to a point of tesn•. 18 g'e?snoy with s 11no be rl South 620 481 51" stl thence 10 0.92 feet *long %*Ud line to s pointl -thence southeasterly 19 959-83 feet$ through s oontrel angle of qu 43 W aelang ae tangent curve Concave to the southwest having o radius of 20 g857.81 wart to s pint cif' torgency with s 11ftee beery Guth 53 05 37'" rsti theenoe s asl.ouleteed, 414tanoes of2764,41) 21 $set n1ong sold line to an vzgleae point in the boundary. of the -;Ity of Huntington 1. eeoh established O by snnexotion in rdinsn 22 O.541 sold point slur lying in the northwesterly line of the Unts An; Outfoll Sever Right of Way erase ant grented to the 23 City of '50nts Ana, California# by the Peolfte L4, 0otric Railway Company recorded, in book 668 on ages 139,16o end 1611 thenoob 24 les vIV the boundaer of the ter of Huntington eeeih, 'South 17 W West 688.. 2 foet, along the lost mentioned north. 25 westerly 81 ht of 'gay line, to a point, sold point being can angle point In the boundary line of the City of Huntington , 26 . eaecsh erstsblished by ananexotion in Ordinance Nei. 74, said in olaso Lying in the Ordinary High 'Water erk of the golf a uses 27 as show on a esg prespored by the Div i s i.on of State Lgn4s r 3ts t of Calirornio dated November 1955, said Ordinary High Water �Kork also being shro on s cep of '1000r�d. of Survey recorded in 28 Book �i10kneas 15 a r-, lb .of Records of Burney, leoo s of Orenge 29 ountlr, California; thence northwesterly, along the lost do- 30 Res. t'o. 2089 1 sarlbad -+rdiner r 'ul h -inter M-Ork is�d slang the bot�ndsry line 2 of tie "Ity Of Untingtan beach ear esatobllsahe-4 by onneacaetion in Crdixs aee . 574, following the below descarlbod lines, 3 bearings end distan aese; North 3' 3�".' 59" 14sat * caacu1 eted� distance of 105.45 feet to a poinnt# thence Korth 891 2 3t► 4 9*st 50.04 feet to sa point# tirwenco NOT 610 461 2'V �,ost� 6 r.90 feet to a point; thenee North 43� 40 21 'test 396,79 5 feet to a poiat.E thence Korth 4?0 09' 40" West 3 0-03 feet to a points thceneee Norlh 430 36' 45' west 204.41 feet to sa 6 points thence North 4V 191 04" West 97.74 foot to a Point$ thence North 530 35' 28"" test 90.40 feet to a point; thence 7 rth 460 12' 070 Went 101.14 feet to a point; thence North 54 29' t�3" West 201.46 feet to a points theenee Worth 4 8 01' 4 " 'Wesat 399.89 feet: to a pointy thence Northarth 55 �ses5t451* p est I?.09 feet to a paint t thence, Nort4 560 5`� 17 9 iol.67 feet to a points thence North 63 26 46" keeset 102.86 feet to a point= thence North48 1 ' 78" Vest 101*57 feet 10 to a polatt tbelmee orgh 5 �*> 15 ',goat 100.�85 feet to a points t�henae earth 51 5 29 tieeset 100-42 feeOt to g tnt; 11 thence �� rt!� 5 361 48" Weset 798.55 feet to a polntt thence North 3 0?` 3" Nest 100.E feet to pint; thence North 12 56 56 99 esst 300.6? feet to ae point; thence Nortg 53 49' 6" 't4est 1.98.21 foot to a pints thence North 54 18042" 13 ''O Ost 400.94 feet tO ac pixy t s tthenee Nor h 570 481 480 '6eest 200.87 feet to is poi.ntt then** 4NQrtb 54 19' 46" ,w-est 2000 LL 14 ftet to a point; thence or�h 52 4o' 28" n*at 100.60 feet to ae points thenese North 58 50' 26* 4esat 100,50 feat to ae 15 point$ thenee Nirth 5 5 t7' 7" '14est 199,20 feet to a point t thence . ' rth 5 35* 41"' t5ast 39.97 feet to a int; thecae 16 0 th 2 40' 28* West 100.60 feet to a paint; thence hosth 56 04" 3* ;eat 19M6 feet to a points theeno& North 57p 05 1 West 101.24 feet to s point# thonae No 52 2$ 53 17 kest 98.41 feet to a paint; thence Nor 40 57' 400 West 18 200.30 feet to a v.oint; thenee filrth�.5>9 �911 25� "aeset 299.35 feet to a poi€�t; thence horSh 5F 34 4e8t 403.58 feet 19 to a point; thence North $2 4�7 01 West 99.20 feet to s point$ thence ��rtrb 55 40111" 'k-set 198.60 feet to a point; theme �i rth 53'` 21' 16" 'esat 102,20 feet to a point;thecae 20 fro th 9' 12 'went 196.64 foot to a points then** North# 21 52 41 06 : Vest 401.20 feet to a pe►int; µthonae berth .51V03 14 eest 1a4.35 feet to a point, thence North 56`� ie"36"-'est 22 302.67 feet to a points thence �rth 460 4 ' 1`�" hest 98.49 feet to ae point;North orth 57 23' 59" Let 102*08 foot: to e point t�►encse North 420 59' g6o West 300.25 feet to a point t 23 thence onht53* 50" 47 *West 00.03 feet to a pixattth*n*e 24 oath 1106 536 West 397.48 feet to a pol att thence Worth 56 00 13 e q t 10343 feet to a Points then** North 520 19' 25 5" west 1 9.62 feet to a pot.ntt thence North 530 39' 51" west 300-41 feet to ea pint t th- ono North 58 50' 2?" West 26 1 s0.50 feet to a points thence north 520 041 55" 'test 533.32 feet to on angle point in the boundary line of the City of 27 Huntington Beach, sold point having been established by annox_ Ot t on in Ord ina noe No. 574, end also by the boundary iescrip. 28 29 30 3• . ao tion, In the Chesrter of the. City of Huntington Besoh, said 3. point also lying 114 the west line of teforee mentioned fraa- tional Section 134 tb*nrre North ©Q W o6w Beet 442.52 feet A along seid: meet line of fraotioual Sreotion 1.3 .and along the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach eesetabl i ahod.'by 5 tk�er dsaes�t�aripti:c xt ,fin the: hertelr- off' said Cityp to t tee . ruN ©ant. of Aegin.rrhr g. 6 7 section 4. Ths t the City Cleerk 'Of the City of Hunt. 8 Ington Bench is hereby -11reeated to file with the Boundary 9 commiasiba of t1eeCounty 'of orange, stet♦ of californie, this 10 : .: prof-pool to mitts+te, prooeeecdings to arn'ex the berelna'bov* 11 described uninhabited territory to the City of Huntin tent 12 Beechl and to request a r*p6rt by the Co= asaion as provided 13 for in tion 5002 of .thy, Government Code. 14 eatinn 5. That the City Clark of the ewity of Hunt- 15 ington Bosoh is hereby ciireoted to. file with; the Local 16 Agency ', ormatiors of the Q*Ounty of Orange, State of 17 California, this proVcesal to initiate proceedings to s +s« ] 8 the harerinobove described uninhabited territory to the City 19 of Huntington Besohq and. to reque-st a report by `thee co as 1no. 'i 20 ion as provid*d .for in 34' ation .54?61 and 54762 of the GoverA•• 21 Mont title, . 22 F ,:QED ; ADO�s��La by the City Council of,'the City 23 of Hunt inurtc,p lenah, Cal Iji'o #o at a regular meeting hold 24 lst Doc atbeer 4 on the ; ,.; day of , 1��,,..,• . ' 25 26 Donald D* Shipley i 27 s s �au1 C. joneas A WV 29 1ty MR GFQRGr aF-WATA eox ee >1h1bat r�sietent 301 citj Attgrner 0 • 2 3 TA 4 "W"'Ity of Huntington ",�*ech e -,lifted L JQN duly eieoteds �,uv 6 end ?-vatirg "'.O"tty %�14erlk of the Ctty of liuntingtor, "e-eeh- f Snd 7 ex-officto Aerk of t�, ' it y Uoun-ell of i.mj.d ""ityp do hl ,,.�raby 8 Certify that the whole numbAr of �nemtfrs of th"-,7 fI ty r""011 9 of the �Ity of ifuntlyigtor. '--esioh Is fivet, t,h-et tho forelrOlng 10 snC f',4optc4 by tsh�-- affirtoetive voto of Vim P rv-.Jorlty ov �?,,ij rhp membrrs of o3pt-I 'A'Ity Cotmoll, 12 ,e,t meetAim g thereof held on t1he dply of 13 14 15 16 counol"Imens Gisler, Stewart,# Lm&crtq Smpley 17 18 19 None 20 21 22 23 24 Paul C, Joues 25ItarVI ox-o f 1010 t of -he Ity I Of the I ty of "Unt tile-tan 26 1 m 11 r or-o I p- 27 28 29 30 MINUTES OR THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION' ^OMMISSION .ORANGE COUNTY, " CA.L-F h OR1TI4�= January 27, 1965 The m;::`ling of the Local Agency Formation Com,mi scion of. Orange County, CaI11'o---nia, was held January 27, 1965 at 2 :30 P.T . Members of the Commis- sign present were : William D. Martin, Chairman; C .M. Featherly, Chas . A. Pearson, William, J. Phillips, Paul J. Wishek and George B. Honold. In attendance : George B. Logan, Deputy County Counsel; W. E . St John, Executive Officer and the Secretary. IN RE : PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH STATE PARK ANNEXATION On motion of Commissioner Wishek, duly seconded and unanimously carried, the hearing on the proposed annexation designated as the Huntington Beach State Park Annexation to .the City of Huntington Beach, the boundaries of which were found definite and certain by the Boundary 'Commission, is closed and the proposed annexation is approved: AYES : COMMISSIONERS PAUL J. WISHEK, WILLIAM D. MARTIN, CHAS. A. PEARSON, WILLIAM J. 'PHILLIPS AND C. M. FEATHERLY NOES : COMMISSIONERS NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS NONE STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF OR } ss . I, " W. E. ST JOHN, Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County, California, hereby certify t::e foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the minute entry on record in this. office . IN WITNESS ITHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of January, 1965. W. E. S'T JO HN Executive Officer,, Local Agency Formation Commission of Grange County, California i y: MINUTES OF THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA The meeting of the Boundary Commission of Orange County, California, was called to order at 11:12 A.M. , January 4, 1965 . On motion of Commissioner Dickason, duly seconded and carried, V. A. Heim was appointed Chairman Pro Tem. Members of the,' Commission present were : V. A. Heim County Auditor-Controller Edward L. Jones Acting County Assessor Forest S . Dickason County Planning Director Bob Wise Deputy County Surveyor, and the Secretary Absent: Wm. Hirstein Board of Supervisors ' W. E. St John County Clerk IN. RE : PROPOSED .ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ( "HUNTINGTON BEACH STATE PARK ANNEXATION") The petition for the proposed annexation of: territory to the City of Huntington Beach ( "'Huntington Beach State Park Annexation" ) was received and ordered .referred to the County Assessor and County Surveyor for checking and based upon their reports, on motion of Commissioner Jones, duly seconded and carried, the Boundary Commission finds the boundaries of the proposed annexation- are reasonably .definite and- certain. as. tb, Section 35002 of the Government Code. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss ' I, W. E. ST JOHN, Secretary of the Boundary Commission of., Orange .County, California, hereby certify the foregoing -to be a full, true and correct copy of the minute entry on record in this office . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ?nth day of January, 1965. W. E, ST JOHN Secretary, Boundary Commission of Orange County, California DATE DECEMBER 309 1964 CITY CLERK CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY HALL HUNTINGTON REACH2 CALIFORNIA DEAR SIR: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GOVERNMENTAL CODE FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SECTION 35002-1., WE WISH TO REPORT THAT THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO YOUR CITY KNOWN AS: HUNTINGTON BEACH STATE PARK ANNEXATION ENCO14PASSES ALL OR PORTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING DISTRICTS ACCORDING TO THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S RECORDS. CO SCH BLDG AID HUNTINGTON BEACH ELEX SCH DIST HUNTING'TLN BEACH FIEN SCH DIST HUNTINGTON BEACH HI SCH DIST 11UNTING20N BEACH HI SC11,11 DIST OPIANGE COAST JR COL DIST SCHOOL MODIFICATION AID SCHOOL INSTITUTION TUITION TAX SCHOOL MENTALLY RETARDED TAX COUNTY FUNDS COUNT ml Y STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION' COUNTY LIBRARY DIST ROAD DISTRICT #2 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL ORANGE COUNTY HARBOR DIST ORANGE COUNTY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DIST METRO WATER DIST ORANGE CO MUNICIPAL WATER DIST ORANGE CO SANITATION DIST #11 ORANGE CO WATER DIST WATER AUESERVE VERY TRULY YOURS, ORANGE COUNTY BOUNDARY COMMISSION'\ MLC:,,IivW: lk MABEL L. CASTEIX, SECRETARY CC : BOUNDARY COlkli-IISSION FILE COUNTY SURVEYOR 'S FILE Y' R December 22, 1964 Boundary Commission County of orange Civic Center Santa Ana, California Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are reproducible copies of map and legal description covering a proposed annexation to the City of Huntington Beach which has been designated as "Huntington Beach State Park Annexation." It is respect lly requested that your. Honorable Body take this prpposed annexation under advisement and " con- sider the d finiteness of the boundaries. Sincerely yours, CITY 0 NGTON BEACH Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCJ:tr Enc: 1t' December 22, 1964 Local Agency Annexation Commission County of Orange Civic ter Santa Ana, California Attention: W. E. St John, County Clerk Gentlemen: The City of Huntington Beach prgp6ses to annex certain uninhabited territory .in 'the southwesterly part of .the City which has been designated as, tington Beach State Park Annexation. This proposed annexation is being submitted to the Boundary Commission on December 22, 1964, for approval of the boun daries, and we have atta feed herewith a copy of the legal description covering the territory. It is respectfully requested that your Honorable Body give consideration and approval to this proposed annexation. Sincerely yours, CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCJ:tr Enc: i=�, COUNTY OF ORANGE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION Justification of Proposal (Bylaw No. 31) r .... ; Chapters 6. 5 and 6.6 of Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code charge the Local Agency Formation Commission with responsibility for the review and evaluation of proposals for the formation of, or annexation to, local agencies . As provided in the sections of the code referred to above, the factors to be considered by the Commission in reviewing such proposals shall include but not be limited to : ( 1) Population; population density; land area and land uses ; per capita assessed valuation; topography, natural boundaries, and drainage basins ; proximity to other populated areas ; the likelihood of significant growth in the area, and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas , during the next 10 years . (2) Need for organized community services ; and present cost and adequacy of governmental services and controls in the area; probable future needs for such services and controls ; probable effect of the proposed formation and of alternative courses of action on the cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area and adjacent areas . (3) The effect of the proposal, and of alternative actions, on adjacent areas, on mutual social and economic interests and on the local governmental structure of the county. In order to facilitate the Commission 's review of your proposal, Bylaw No. 31 requires proponents of certain formations or annexations to file the following questionnaire along with a map, at least one week before the hearing. All blanks must be filled in, but only questions which you deem relevant need be answered. Where the question is not relevant to the type of action you propose , write In "NA" . 0 Proposal Questionnaire r-i 'VTI-W',T.N r`'F"T' �1 i 4�i Y,T.�ir -�.�.1'lX A,I- i` (Use additional pages as required. ) A. General 1 . Type and designation of proposal : Uninhabited 2. Statutory provisions governing proceedings . Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939 B. Physical Features 1. Land area: square miles acres 100 more or legs, 2. State general description of topography: All beach 3. Describe "natural" boundaries : (Rivers, mountains, freeways, etc. ) Hounded by Pacific Coast Highway on the north, 4. Describe drainage basins, rivers, flood control channels, etc . N/A 5. Describe major highway access to the area: Pacific Coast Highway (Route 101) C. Population and related matters . 1 . Population in subject area: 4 permanent residents 2. Population density (I.E. per square miles, per acre. ) : None -2- 0 3. Number of registered voters: 4 4. Number of dwelling units: 2 56 Proximity to other populated areas: Immediately across Pacific Coast Highway 6. Likelihood of significant increase in population in next 10 years% Norge 7. Likelihood of significant increase in adjacent areas in next 10 years: ao In unincorporated areas: None bo In incorporated areas: None Do Economic Factors 1, Zoning and related matters: ao Describe the existing land use in the area which is the subject of this proposal. Public beach ba Detail existing zoning: County A-1 General. Agricultural ca Describe proposed new zoning or changes in zoning, if any: City S-1 Shoreline 2, Assessed value in area: as land: N/A - See "Remarks" page 5 b o improvements: N/A - See "Remarks" page 5 co amount of publicly ovmed land in area: All publicly owned except stria of riglit-of.-way of former Pacific 1f� ctri.c t,ailwx;v k "c,4 by Hi.vit}.r.P tn Pao .fie rllr •F 3. Amount of Sales tax collected in area Figure not mailable - beach concessions only E. Governmental Services in area: (Describe in such detail as is appropriate to the area the existing governmental services and controls in the area including, for example, police protection, fire protection, health services, garbage and trash collection, libraries, parks and playgrounds, sewers, streets, street lighting, etc. ) Al/Q F. Need for additional governmental services or controls: 1. Describe those governmental services or controls which should be provided which are now not provided or which should be provided in increased amount in the area. W/A 2. Estimate probable future need for new or increased governmental services or controls in the area. N/A 3. Describe how your proposal meets the need which you have described in paragraphs F, 1 and 2 above. N/A 4. What alternative courses of action exist for meeting the need described above? Describe and evaluate: N/A G. What revenue will your proposal require for the accomplishment of its goals and what are the prospective sources of such revenue? W/A H. Estimate to the best of your ability the effect of the proposal on: 1. Cost of governmental services and controls. No increase 2. Adequacy of governmental services and controls. Present services completely adequate 3. Mutual social and economic interests. N/A 4. Local governmental structure of the County• S. Any other comment which you wish to make: Assessed valuation of right-of-way property owned by the Huntington-Pacific Company is set by the State Board of Equalization Utilities Division,, and the figure was not immediately available to the City. No assessed valuation has ever been placed on the property owned and controlled by the State Department of Beaches and Parks. However this property was acquired by the State for a public park in 1942, at a cost of 007,875, and they place a market value at that time (including improvements, ie: roads, shelters,, etc.) at $445,620. Market value, and of course assessed value, would have increased since that time in ratio to the private land in the immediate vicinity. Annexation of the Huntington Beach State Park will eliminate an island which has existed since tho early days of the incorporation of Huntington Beach, and will set the entire boundary of the City on the south-east side at the Santa Ana River. (Published Huntington Beach News Feb. Ordinary High Water Mark also being duly assembled on January 27th, 1965, 11, Feb. 18, 1965) shown on a map of a Record of hold a public hearing on said "Hunt- RESOLUTION No. 2113 Survey recorded in Book 51, Pages ington Beach State Park Annexation", A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 15 and 16 of Records of Survey, and after hearing any and all parties COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Records of Orange County, California; who were for or against such annexation, HUNTINGTON BEACH GIVING thence northwesterly, along the last did approve such annexation as sub- NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXA- described Ordinary High Warter Mark mitted to said Commission by the City TION TO THE CITY OF HUNT- and along the boundary line of the of Huntington Beach. INGTON BEACH OF THAT CER- City of Huntington Beach as estab- SECTION 4. That March 15th, 1965, at TAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY lished by annexation in Ordinance the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., of said day DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIG- No. 574, following the below des- in the Council Chambers in the City Hall NATED AS "HUNTINGTON BEACH cribed lines, bearings and distances; in the City of Huntington Beach, County STATE PARK ANNEXATION" AND North 431 32' 59" West a calculated of Orange, California, is hereby fixed GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND distance of 105.45 feet to a point; as the time and place when and where PLACE FOR HEARING OF PRO- thence North 871 42' 34" West 50.04 any person owning property within the TESTS THERETO. feet to a point; thence North 650 uninhabited territory above described BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- 46' 20" West 65.80 feet to a point; and proposed to be annexed to the City CIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON thence North 43' 40' 21" West 396.79 of Huntington Beach and having any BEACH: feet to a point; thence North 47' objection to the proposed annexation SECTION 1. That pursuant to the 09' 40" West 300.03 feet to a point; may appear before the Council of the provisions of the "Annexation of Unin- thence North 43' 36' 45" West 204.41 City of Huntington Beach and show habited Territory Act of 1939", as set feet to a point; thence North 481 cause why such uninhabited territory forth in Sections 35300 to 35326 inclu- 19' 04" West 97.74 feet to a point; should not be so annexed to said City sive of the Government Code of the thence North 531 35' 28" West 99.40 of Huntington Beach. Such protest must State of California, Resolution No. 2088 feet to a point; thence North 460 be in writing, may be filed at any was passed on December 21st, 1964 by 12' 07" West 101.14 feet to a point; time before the hour set for hearing the City Council of the City of Hunt- thence North 54' 29' 43" West 201.46 objections to the proposed annexation, ington Beach in which it initiated on feet to a point; thence North 54° and shall state the name or names of its own motion proceedings to annex 21' 45" West 399.89 feet to a point; the owner or owners of property af- certain uninhabited territory situate in thence North 55° 45' 45" West 87.09 fected and the description and area the County of Orange, State of Cali- feet to a point; thence North 500 of such property in general terms. fornia, hereby designated "Huntington 59' 17" West 101.67 feet to a point; SECTION 5. The City- Clerk of the Beach State Park Annexation", and de- thence North 63' 26' 06" West 102.86 City of Huntington Beach is hereby scribed as follows: feet to a point; thence North 480 authorized and directed to cause a A parcel of land situated partially 13' 28" West 100.57 feet to a point; copy of this resolution to be published in fractional Section 13, Township thence North 590 37' 15" West 100.85 at least twice, but not oftener than 6 South, Range 11 West, and partially feet to a point; thence North 510 once a week in the "Huntington Beach in each of fractional Sections 24 and 52' 29" West 100.42 feet to a point; News", a newspaper of general circula- 19,Township 6 South, Range 10 West, thence North 551 36' 48" West 798.55 tion published in said City of Hunt- San Bernardino Base and Meridian, feet to a point; thence North 530 ington Beach, the city in which it is Orange County, California, said par- 07' 48" West 100.00 feet to a point; proposed to annex the aforesaid ter- cel being more particularly described thence North 561 56' 39" West 300.67 ritory and also in the "Westminster as follows: feet to a point; thence North 530 Herald" a newspaper published outside Beginning at an angle point in the 49' 26" West 198.21 feet to a point; the City of Huntington Beach but in existing boundary of the City of thence North 541 38' 42" West 400.94 the County of Orange, California, the Huntington Beach, California, said feet to a point; thence North 57' county in which is located the territory angle point having been established 48' 48" West 200.87 feet to a point; proposed to be annexed to the City by the intersection of the boundary thence North 541 19' 46" West 200.64 of Huntington Beach, said publication established by the City Charter of feet to a point; thence North 521 to be complete at least twenty (20) days the City of Huntington Beach, incor- 40' 28" West 100.60 feet to a point; prior to the date set for hearing. porated February 17, 1909, with the thence North 581 50' 26" West 100.50 SECTION 6. And the said City Clerk bundary established by annexation in feet to a point; thence North 521 is further authorized and directed to Ordinance No. 541 of the City of 57' 27" West 199.20 feet to a point; cause written notice of such proposed Huntington Beach, said point being thence North 551 35' 41" West 399.97 annexation to be mailed to each person the intersection of the west line of feet to a point; thence North 520 to whom land within the territory pro- above mentioned fractional Section 40, 28" West 100.60 feet to a point; posed to be annexed is assessed in 13 with the southwesterly line of thence North 561 04' 13" West 198.86 the last equalized county assessment the Pacific Electric Railway Com- feet to a point; thence North 570 roll available on the date the above pro- pany Right of Way as shown on a 05' 41" West 101.24 feet to a point; ceedings were initiated, at the addresses Record of Survey recorded in Book thence North 52' 25' 53" West 98.41 shown on said assessment roll or as 51 on Page 15 of Record of Sur- feet to a point; thence North 540 known to said Clerk, and to any person veys in the office of the County 57' 40" West 200.30 feet to a point; who has filed his name and address Recorder of Orange County; thence thence North 57° 41' 25" West 299.35 and the designation of the lands in southeasterly along the existing feet to a point; thence North 550 which he has any interest; either legal boundary of the City of Huntington 36' 04" West 403.58 feet to a point; or equitable with said Clerk, such notice Beach as established by Ordinance thence North 521 47' 01" West 99.20 to be given not less than twenty (20) No. 541, and along the southwesterly feet to a point; thence North 551 days before the first public hearing line of the before mentioned Pa- 40' 11" West 198.60 feet to a point; on the proposed annexation. cific Electric Railway Company Right thence North 531 21' 16" West 102.20 SECTION 7. In the event any land of Way and along the following feet to a point; thence North 55° within the territory proposed to be an- line, courses, and distances; South 59' 12" West 196.64 feet to a point; nexed is owned by a county, the said 521 05' Ol" East 1230.75 feet to a thence North 52° 54' 06" West 401.20 City Clerk is directed to cause written point; thence southeasterly 476.75 feet to a point; thence North 500 notice of such proposed annexation to feet through a central angle of 2° 03' 14" West 104.35 feet to a point, be mailed to the Board of Supervisors 22' 07" along a tangent curve con- thence North 56° 18' 36" West 302.87 of such County, such notice to be given cave to the northeast having a radius feet to a point; thence North 481 not less than twenty (20) days before of 11,532.36 feet, to a point of tan- 42' 17" West 98.49 feet to a point; the first public hearing on the proposed gency with a line bearing south 541 thence North 571 23' 59" West 102.08 annexation. 27' 08" East; thence 3702.32 feet feet to a point; thence North 490 SECTION 8. The said City Clerk is along said line to a point; thence 59' 56" West 300.25 feet to a point; directed to cause written notice to be southeasterly 848.35 feet, through a thence North 531 50' 47" West 400.03 given to such other persons as may be central angle of 80 21' 43" along a feet to a point; thence North 511 legally entitled thereto in the manner tangent curve concave to the north- 56' 53" West 397.48 feet to a point; required by law. east having a radius of 5812.88 feet, thence North 56' 00' 13" West 103.73 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City to a point of tangency with a line feet to a point; thence North 52' Council of the City of Huntington Beach bearing South 621 48' 51" East; 19' 35" West 199.62 feet to a point; at a regular meeting thereof held on thence 1000.92 feet along said line thence North 531 39' 51" West 300.41 the 1st day of February, 1965. to a point; thence southeasterly feet to a point; thence North 581 DONALD D. SHIPLEY 959.88 feet through a central angle of 50' 27" West 100.50 feet to a point; Mayor 90 43' 14" along a tangent curve thence North 52' 04' 55" West 533.32 ATTEST: concave to the southwest having a feet to an angle point in the boun- PAUL C. JONES radius of 5657.81 feet, to a point of dary line of the City of Huntington City Clerk tangency with a line bearing South Beach, said point having been es- STATE OF CALIFORNIA 530 05' 37" East; thence a calculated tablished by annexation in Ordinance COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. distance of 2764.49 feet along said No. 574 and also by the boundary CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH line to an angle point in the boun- description in the Charter of the I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, dary of the City of Huntington Beach City of Huntington Beach, said point qualified and acting City Clerk of the established by annexation in Ordin- also lying in the west line of before City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio ante No. 541, said point also lying mentioned fractional Section 13; Clerk of the City Council of said City, in the northwesterly line of the thence North 0° 17' 06" East 442.52 do hereby certify that the whole number Santa Ana Outfall Sewer Right of feet, along said west line of frac- of members of the City Council of the Way easement granted to the City tional Section 13 and along the City of Huntington Beach is five; that of Santa Ana, California, by the Pa- boundary line of the City of Hunt- the foregoing resolution was passed and cific Electric Railway Company re- ington Beach established by the des- adopted by the affirmative vote of more corded in Book 668 on Pages 159, cription in the Charter of said city, than a majority of all the members 160 and 161; thence, leaving a boun- to the True Point of Beginning.. of said City Council at a regular meet- dary of the City of Huntington Beach, SECTION 2. That the County Boundary ing thereof held on the 1st day of South 17° 20' 23" West 688.52 feet, Commission of Orange County, California, February, 1965, along the last mentioned northwest- did in session duly assembled on Janu- AYES: Councilmen: erly Right of Way line, to a point, ary 4th, 1965 approve the proposed an- Welch, Gisler, Stewart, Lam- said point being an angle point in nexation boundaries of said "Huntington bert, Shipley the boundary line of the City of Beach State Park Annexation", as above NOES: Councilmen: Huntington Beach established by an- described, and as submitted to said None nexation in Ordinance No. 574, said Commission by the City of Huntington ABSENT: Councilmen: point also lying in the Ordinary High Beach. None Water Mark of the Pacific Ocean as SECTION 3. That the Local Agency PAUL C. JONES shown on a map prepared by the Formation Commission of Orange County, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk Division of State Lands, State of as established by the State Legislature of the City Council of the City California, dated November 1955, said during the 1963 Session, did in session of Huntington Beach, California 1 (Published Huntington Beach News April Beach as established by Ordinance thence North 521 47' Ol" West 99.20 8, 1965) No. 541, and along the southwesterly feet to a point; thence North 55° ORDINANCE NO. 1127 line of the before mentioned Pa- 40' 11" West 198.60 feet to a point; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY cific Electric Railway Company Right thence North 531 21' 16" West 102.20 OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AP- of Way and along the following feet to a point; thence North 550 PROVING THE ANNEXATION OF line, courses, and distances; South 59' 12" West 196.64 feet to a point; CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRI- 521 05' 01" East 1230.75 feet to a thence North 521 54' 06" West 401.20 TORY DESIGNATED AS "HUNT- point; thence southeasterly 476.75 feet to a point; thence North 501 INGTON BEACH STATE PARK AN- feet through a central angle of 21 03' 14" West 104.35 feet to a point, NEXATION." 22' 07" along a tangent curve con- thence North 561 18' 36" West 302.87 The City Council of the City of Hunt- cave to the northeast having a radius feet to a point; thence North 481 ington Beach, California, does ordain of 11,532.36 feet, to a point of tan- 42' 17" West 98.49 feet to a point; as follows: gency with a line bearing south 540 thence North 571 23' 59" West 102.08 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions 27' 08" East; thence 3702.32 feet feet to a point; thence North 490 of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- along said line to a point; thence 59' 56" West 300.25 feet to a point; ritory Act of 1939", the City Council of southeasterly 848.35 feet, through a thence North 531 50' 47" West 400.03 Huntington Beach did, on the 1st day central angle of 8° 21' 43" along a feet to a point; thence North 511 of February, 1965, pass and adopt Reso- tangent curve concave to the north- 56' 53" West 397.48 feet to a point; lution No. 2113 giving notice of the pro- east having a radius of 5812.88 feet, thence North 560 00' 13" West 103.73 posal to annex certain uninhabited ter- to a point of tangency with a line feet to a point; thence North 520 ritory to the City of Huntington Beach, bearing South 620 48' 51" East; 19' 35" West 199.62 feet to a point; said territory being therein designated thence 1000.92 feet along said line thence North 531 39' 51" West 300.41 as "Huntington Beach State Park An- to a point; thence southeasterly feet to a point; thence North 580 nexation" and said action being taken 959.88 feet through a central angle of 50' 27" West 100.50 feet to a point; by the Council of said City as the 90 43' 14" along a tangent curve thence North 521 04' 55" West 533.32 legislative body of the City on its own concave to the southwest having a feet to an angle point in the boun- motion by the adoption of Resolution radius of 5657.81 feet, to a point of dary line of the City of Huntington No. 2088; said Resolution of Resolution des- tangency with a line bearing South Beach, said point having been es- No. 2g the boundaries to the territory 530 05' 37" East; thence a calculated tablished by annexation in Ordinance cr proposed to n annexed to said City; distance of 2764.49 feet along said No. 574 and also by the boundary and line to an angle point in the boun- description in the Charter of the dary of the City of Huntington Beach City of Huntington Beach, said point WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 2113, established by annexation in Ordin- also lying in the west line of before did contain a notice of the day, hour ance No. 541, said point also lying mentioned fractional Section 13; and place when and where the said in the northwesterly line of the thence North 0° 17' 06" East 442.52 Council of said City would hear pro- Santa Ana Outfall Sewer Right of feet, along said west line of frac- tests made by any person owning prop- Way easement granted to the City tional Section 13 and along the erty within the territory proposed to of Santa Ana, California, by the Pa- boundary line of the City of Hunt- be annexed, the time of said hearing cific Electric. Railway Company re- ington Beach established by the des- being not less than 40 nor more than corded in Book 668 on Pages 159, cription in the Charter of said city, 60 days after the passage of said Reso- 160 and 161; thence, leaving the boun- to the True Point of Beginning.. lution; and dary of the City of Huntington Beach, The boundaries of said City of Hunt- WHEREAS, on the 15th day of March, South 171 20' 23" West 688.52 feet, ington Beach are hereby altered and the 1965, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., or as along the last mentioned northwest- said territory above described is hereby soon thereafter of said day, in the Coun- erly Right of Way line, to a point, annexed to, incorporated in,and included cil Chamber in the City Hall of the City said point being an angle point in within the City of Huntington Beach, of Huntington Beach, State of California, the boundary line of the City of California, and said City shall have all said time and place being the hour Huntington Beach established by an- rights and powers in, to and over said and day and place fixed in said Reso- nexation in Ordinance No. 574, said territory as are provided by law. lution No. 2113 for hearing protests to point also lying in the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Pacific Ocean as The City Council of the City of Hunt- the said annexation, and no protests, ington Beach does hereby further or- either written or oral to said annexation shown on a map prepared by the Division of State Lands, State of dain that the territory above described having been made; and shall be subject to taxation equally WHEREAS, said territoryis California, dated November 1955, said s contiguous Ordinary High Water Mark also being with the property within the City of to the City of Huntington Beach, and is shown on a map of a Record of Huntington Beach to pay the entire uninhabited territory in the County of Survey recorded in Book 51, Pages bonded indebtedness of the City of Orange; and 15 and 16 of Records of Survey, Huntington Beach outstanding on De- WHEREAS, the owners of more than Records of Orange County, California; cember 22, 1964, the date on which the two thirds of the value of the territory thence northwesterly, along the last City Council of the City of Huntington have heretofore filed with the City Clerk described Ordinary High Warter Mark Beach passed and adopted Resolution written consent that the property in and along the boundary line of the No. 2088 in which it initiated on its said territory be after annexation, sub- City of Huntington Beach as estab- own motion proceedings to annex the ject to taxation equally with the prop- lished by annexation in Ordinance above described territory in the County erty within the City of Huntington Beach No. 574, following the below des- of Orange, State of California, herein to pay the entire bonded indebtedness cribed lines, bearings and distances; designated as "Huntington Beach State of the City of Huntington Beach out- North 431 32' 59" West a calculated Park Annexation", or theretofore author- standing or authorized at the date of distance of 105.45 feet to a point; ized for the acquisition, construction or the filing of the petition for annexation thence North 871 42' 34" West 50.04 completion of municipal improvements. for the acquisition, construction or com- feet to a point; thence North 651 The City Clerk shall certify to the pletion of municipal improvements. 46' 20" West 65.80 feet to a point; passage and adoption of this ordinance NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council thence North 431 40' 21" West 396.79 and shall cause the same to be pub- of the City of Huntington Beach does feet to a point; thence North 470 lished by one insertion in the Hunting- hereby approve the annexation known 09' 40" West 300.03 feet to a point; ton Beach News, a weekly newspaper as "Huntington Beach State Park An- thence North 431 36' 45" West 204.41 printed, published, and circulated in nexation", the territory of which is here- feet to a point; thence North 481 the City of Huntington Beach, California, inafter described, to the City of Hunt- 19' 04" West 97.74 feet to a point; and thirty days after the adoption there- ington Beach, and does hereby further thence North 530 35' 28" West 99.40 of, the same shall take effect and be ordain that said territory be and it feet to a point; thence North 461 in force. is hereby annexed to the City of Hunt- 12' 07" West 101.14 feet to a point; PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City ington Beach. thence North 541 29' 43" West 201.46 Council of the City of Huntington Beach, That said territory, the annexation of feet to a point; thence North 54° California, this 5th day of April, 1965. 21' 45" West 399.89 feet to a point; DONALD D. SHIPLEY which to the City of Huntington Beach thence North 55° 45' 45" West 87.09 is herein approved, is all that territory feet to a point; thence North 50° Mayor situated in the County of Orange, State 59' 17" West 101.67 feet to a ATTEST: of California, and more particularly des- thence North 63° 26' 06" West 102.86 PAUL C. JONES City Clerk cribed as follows: feet to a point; thence North 48° STATE OF CALIFORNIA A parcel of land situated partially 13' 28" West 100.57 feet to a point; COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. in fractional Section 13, Township thence North 591 37' 15" West 100.85 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 6 South, Range 11 West, and partially feet to a point; thence North 511 in each of fractional Sections 24 and 52' 29" West 100.42 feet to a point; I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, 19, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, thence North 551 36' 48" West 798.55 qualified and acting City Clerk of the San Bernardino Base and Meridian, feet to a point; thence North 53° City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio Orange County, California, said par- 07' 48" West 100.00 feet to a point; Clerk of the City Council of the City, cel being more particularly described thence North 561 56' 39" West 300.67 do hereby certify that the whole number as follows: feet to a point; thence North 531 of members of the City Council of the Beginning at an angle point in the 49' 26" West 198.21 feet to a point; City of Huntington Beach is five; that existing boundary of the City of thence North 541 38' 42" West 400.94 the foregoing ordinance was read to Huntington Beach, California, said feet to a point; thence North 570 said City Council at a regular meeting angle point having been established 48' 48" West 200.87 feet to a point; thereof held on the 15th day of March, by the intersection of the boundary thence North 540 19' 46" West 200.64 1965, and was again read to said City established by the City Charter of feet to a Point; thence North 52° Council at a regular meeting thereof held the City of Huntington Beach, incor- 40' 28" West 100.60 feet to a point; on the 5th day of April, 1965, and porated February 17, 1909, with the thence North 580 50' 26" West 100.50 was passed and adopted by the affirma- boundary established by annexation feet to a point; thence North 520 tive vote of more than a majority of all in Ordinance No. 541 of the City of 57' 27" West 199.20 feet to a point; the members of said City Council. Huntington Beach, said point being thence North 551 35' 41" West 399.97 AYES: Councilmen: the intersection of the west line of feet to a point; thence North 520 Gisler, Stewart, Lambert, Ship- above mentioned fractional Section 40' 28" West 100.60 feet to a point; ley 13 with the southwesterly line of thence North 560 04' 13" West 198.86 NOES: Councilmen: the Pacific Electric Railway Com- feet to a point; thence North 57° pany Right of Way as shown on a 05' 41" West 101.24 feet to a point; None Record of Survey recorded in Book thence North 52° 25' 53" West 98.41 ABSENT: Councilmen: 51 on Page 15 of Record of Sur- feet to a point; thence North 54° Welch veys in the office of the County 57' 40" West 200.30 feet to a point; PAUL C. JONES Recorder of Orange County; thence thence North 571 41' 25" West 299.35 City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk southeasterly along the existing feet to a point; thence North 550 of the City Council of the City boundary of the City of Huntington 36' 04" West 403.58 feet to a point; of Huntington Beach, California