HomeMy WebLinkAboutSunset Beach Number 1 Annexation - Ordinance 993 - Resolutio FRANK M. JORDAN ` SECRETARY OF STATE . f the Serretar ®f State SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That on the---Eth-------day of------.__September----------------------------- 19-_5.3--, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939,"more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No-----------9-1 -------------------------------------------------------as regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of the City hereinafter named on the---6t-b-----------day of---------A.itgjlst---------------------------------------------- 196-3_-, certified by --.Paul--Z.__J_one-s----------------------------------------------- City Clerk. I further certify that said Ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF------HUN.TITIOTON-1EACH_---------------------------__of contiguous uninhabited territory,contains a description of its boundaries and designates the annexed area as: "SUNSET_BEACH NO. 1_ANNEXATION!'r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my x, hand and affix the Great Seal of the t State of California this-----Eth------------- day of-------EQptQmher -------- 19---6,3. �r r' --------------- - - --------------- SeCYetary of.State 5 4 66912 6-63 3500 SPO CORRECTED COPY AS FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE 10/2/63 PROPOSED SUNSET . UDUCH M® I ANNENAVON TO' THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON MEACH EXHIBIT "B r may\��\�6; �..__ _-_ _ _'T ____- _,__• o LEGEND � b BASIS OF BEARINGS arc \ f - � - J.fi'�'',0 PREPARED BY Pay\Ca\w� h`� 9A'xo A' Sa�'�a Ara,Ca\��a d^ c d' PI.S. 5 S-2_ LJ � ��\ � ✓ Li �,a�sar\s � - 1e. } g \J 1 �s\ 151 - ` s�sva�� OEM ►.�� -� _r_ 0 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLETION OF ANTEXA'TUrN STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COMM OF ORANGE PAM C o JONES Q being first duly sworn, deposes and says-. That he i; now and at all times herein mmtioned was the duty appointed qualified, and acting City Clark of the City of Hunting. ton Beach, a municipal corporation, and ex-offici.o Clerk of the City Council of said City. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 19 901 and a ndments thereof and additions thereto, the City Courncii dial on the 3rd day of June, 1963, pass and adopt Resolution No. 1786 giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory being designated as "Sunset Beach No. IAnnexation". and said action being talcen pursuant to a written petition therefor. That annexation proceed. in s ,were completed by said City Council on the ath day of August, 19630 by final adoption of Its Ordinance No. 993a said Ordinance becoming effective on September 5, 1963° That by said proceedings said City annexed the territory referred to In that certain certified copy of said Ordinance No. 993 and a map delineating said boundarya which Ordinance and map are annexed hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. The boundary description of said annexed area is set forth in Ordinance No. 993° That att requirements of the laws relating to such proceedings have been complied with. That on the 4th day of September, 1963, a certified copy of Ordinance No,, 993 and a map of territory described therein designated as "Sunset Beach No. t Annaexation" was transmitted to the Secretary of State and was received and filed by the Secretary of State on September 6, 1963a That on the 27th day of September, 1963, a corrected copy of Ordinance No. 993 and a corrected map of the territory described therein designated as "Sunset Beach No. t Annexation" was transmitted to the Secretary of State and was received and filed by the Secretary of State on October 29 1963° That all requirements of the Laws relating to republish. ins of Ordinance No. 993 have been complied with,, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, L hereunto set gay hand and affin the seal of _ the Cite of Huntington Beach on October, L6, 1963. City Clerk and o f f is i.o Clerk of the City Council of the City of Hunttagton Beach, California '(Corrected Copy) ston Harbor Corporation Annexa- of said ition •No. 7, said angle on No. 11" in Ordinance No. point being . in the northwesterly (Published Huntington Beach News Oct. 919 of said city, said angle point line of the City of Huntington Beach 10, 1963) being the intersection of .the north- boundary as per ''Huntington Harbor ORDINANCE No. 993 easterly line of the right of way of- Corporation-Parcel No. 1, Ordinance AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNT- Pacific Coast Highway (U.S. Alter- No. 919 of said City, said angle point INGTON BEACH APPROVING THE AN- nate 101), 100 feet wide as per deed being on the common line between NEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED recorded in Book 410, Page 165 of Rancho La Bolsa Chica and Ranchos TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SUN- Official Records of said County and Los Alamitos; thence South 49' 28' SET BEACH No. 1 ANNEXATION" TO the common line between Rancho La 00' West along said City of Hunt- THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH. Bolsa Chico and Rancho Los Alami- ington Beach boundary and the com- The City Council of the City of Hunt- •tos, said angle point being in a mon line between Rancho La Bolsa ington Beach, California, does ordain as curve concave to the southwest and Chico and Rancho Los Alamitos a follows: - having a radius of 1060 feet, a ra- distance of 481.74 feet more or less . WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions dial line to said angle point bears to the point of beginning. of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- South 25, 53' 18" West; thence north- Above described land is shown on Re- ritory Act of 1939," the City Council westerly along said curve and along cord of Survey Map, recorded in Records of the City of Huntington Beach did, on the northeasterly line of said Coast of Survey Book 14, Page 36, Official Re- the 3rd day of June, 1963, pass and Highway right of way, through a cords of Orange County, State of Cal- adopt Resolution No. -1786, giving notice central angle of 20 45' -18" an arc ifornia. of the proposal to annex certain unin- distance of 50.97 feet to the end The boundaries of said City of Hunt- habited .territory to the City of Hunting- of said curve; thence tangent to said ington Beach are hereby altered and the ton Beach, said territory being therein curve and along said right of way said territory above described is hereby designated as "Sunset Beach No. 1 An- 'line North 660 52' 00" West, 215.02 annexed to, incorporated in, and included nexation" and said action being taken feet more or less to the beginning of within the City of Huntington Beach, Cal- by the Council of said City as the le- a tangent curve concave to the north- ifornia, and said City shall have all gislative body of the City, pursuant to east and having a radius of 950.00 rights and powers, in to and over said feet; thence northwesterly along said territory as are provided by law. l written petition therefor, said Reso- The City Council of the City of Hunt- territory describing the boundaries of the curve and said right of way line Y Y territory so proposed to be annexed to through a central angle of 60 02' ington Beach does hereby farther ordain said city; and 46" an arc distance of 100.25 feet that the territory above described shall WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1786 did more or less to the end of said be subject to taxation equally with the contain a notice of the day, hour and curve, a radial line to the end of said property within the City of Huntington place when and where the said Council curve bears North 290 10' 46" -East; Beach to pay the entire bonded indebted- of said City would hear protests made thence departing from said curve ness of the City of Huntington Beach by any person owning property within South 24' 30' 00" East and along outstanding on June 3rd, 1963, the date of the territory proposed to be annexed, the said right of way, 11.70 feet more the filing of the Petition for Annexation of time of said hearing being not less than or less to the beginning of a curve said•territory or theretofore authorized for concave to the northeast and having the acquisition, construction or comple- p nor more than days after the tion of municipal improvements. passage of said resolution; rovements.tion; and a radius of 957.00 feet, said curve P P WHEREAS, on the 15th day of July, being concentric to last mentioned The City Clerk shall certify to the pas- 1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the curve and 1 being on said highway sage and adoption of this ordinance Council Chamber in the City Hall of tl:e right of way line a radial line to the and shall cause the same to be published City of •Huntington Beach, State of Cal- beginning of said curve bears North by one insertion in .the Huntington Beach ifornia, said time and place being the 281 40' 02" East; thence northwes- News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- day and hour and place fixed in :;aid terly along said curve and said lfshed and circulated in the City of Resolution No. 1786 for hearing protests right of way line through a central Huntington Beach, California; and thirty Ito the said annexation, and no protests, angle of '170 51' 58" an arc distance days after the adoption .thereof, the of 298.41 feet more or less to .the same shall take effect and be in force. either written or oral, to said annexa- PASSED AND ADOPTED b lion having been made; and end of said curve; thence .tangent to P Y the City WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous said curve and along said right of Council of the City of •Huntington Beach, to the City of Huntington Beach, and is way line North 431 28' 00" West; California, this 5th day of August, 1963. 100.40 feet more or less to the most ROBERT M. LAMBERT uninhabited territory in .the County of Mayor Orange; and westerly corner of land conveyed to - M Y WHEREAS, the owners of more than Nick Katsaris per deed recorded in ATTEST: two-thirds of the value of the territory Book 5196. Page 425 of Deeds, official PAUL C. JONES have heretofore filed with the City Clerk records of said County; thence along City Clerk written consent that,,the property in said the northwesterly line of said land State of California territory be, after annexation, subject to North 46° 32' �00" East, '113.94 feet County of Orange ss taxation equally with the property within more or less to an angle point in City of Huntington Beach the City of Huntington Beach to pay the said property; thence continuing along I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, entire indebtedness of the City of Hunt- said property South 53° 00' 00" East, qualified and acting City Clerk of the ington Beach outstanding or authorized at 101.48 feet more or less'to an angle City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio the date of the filing of the petition for Point in said property; thence con- annexation for the acquisition, construe- property North Clerk o the City Council of the sold q tinning along said pro ert City, do hereby certify that ,the whole tion or completion of municipal improve- 46' 52' 00" East, 208.25 feet more number of members of the City Council ments; or less to an angle point in said pro-, of the City of Huntington Beach is five; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of perty, said point being also in the that the foregoing ordinance was read the City of Huntington Beach does hereby northerly boundary of Location No. to said City Council at a regular meet- approve the annexation known as "Sun- 141 of State Tide Lands, described in ing thereof held on the 15th day of July, set Beach No. 1 Annexation", the terri- Patent issued April 4, '1901, said 1963, and ways again read to said City tory of which is hereinafter described, point being also in the southwes- Council at a regular meeting ,thereof in the City of Huntington Beach, and •terly boundary line of .the City of held on the 5th day of August, '1963, and does hereby further ordain .that the said Seal Beach as per annexation No. was passed and adopted by the affirma- territory be, and it is hereby annexed to 7 by Ordinance No. 589 of said City; tive vote of more than a majority of all the City of Huntington Beach. thence South 44° 15' 00" East along the members of said City Council. That said territory, the annexation of said City boundary and the norther- AYES: Councilmen: which to the City of Huntington Beach fs ly line of said Katsaris property and Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Walch, herein approved, is all that territory si- the northerly line of said Tidelands Lambert. tuated in the County of Orange, State of location a distance of 77.58 feet to an California, and more particularly des- angle point; thence continuing South NOES: Councilmen: 73 45' 00" East along None. 0 cribed as follows: g said Seal ABSENT: Councilmen: Beginning at an angle point in the Beach city boundary and along said None. present city boundary of the City of Tide Lands location Line and said .PAUL C. JONES Huntingdon Beach, County of Orange, Katsaris property a distance of 654.33 City Clerk and ex-officfo Clerk State of California, said boundary feet more or less to an angle point of the City Council of the City having been established by "Hunt- in .the City of Seal Beach boundary of Huntington Beach, California. at (Published Huntington Beach News June tance of 298.41 feet more or less to terms. 13, June 20, 1963) the end of said curve; thence tan- 4.The City Clerk of the City of Hunt- RESOLUTION No. 1788 i4ent to said curve and along said ing�ton Beach is hereby authorized and right of way line North 430 28' directed to ,cause a copy of this resolu- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 00" West; 100.40 feet more or less tion to be published at least twice, but OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH to the most westerly corner of land not oftener than once a week, in the GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED AN- conveyed to Nick Katsarfs per deed "Huntington Beach News", a newspaper NEXATION TO THE CITY OF HUNTING- recorded in Book 5196, Page 425 of of general circulation published in said TON BEACH OF THAT CERTAIN UNIN. Deeds, records of Said County; thence City of Huntington Beach the city to HABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HERE- along the northwesterly line of .said which it is proposed to annex the afore- IN AND DESIGNATED AS "SUNSET land North 46, 32' 00" East, 113.94 said territory, and also in the "West- B E A C H No. I ANNEXATION" AND feet more or less to an angle point minster Herald" a newspaper of general GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE in said property; thence continuing circulation published outside the City FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO. along said property South 530 00' 00" of Huntington Beach, but in the County BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- Bast, 168.55 feet more or less to an of Orange, California,the County in which CIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON angle Point in said property; thence is located the territory proposed to be BEACH: continuing along said property North annexed to the City of Huntington Beach, 460 52' 00" East, 208.25 feet more said publication to be complete at least 11. That pursuant to the provisions of ,or less to an angle point in said twenty (20) days prior to the date set for ;the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory ;property, said point being also in hearing. Act of '1939", a petition was signed by the northerly boundary of Location 5.And the said City Clerk is further owners of not less than one-fourth of No. 141 of State Tide Lands, des- authorized and directed to cause written ,the land in the hereinafter described cribed in Patent issued April 4, 190'1, territoryb area and b assessed value P notice of such proposed annexation to be Y Y said point being also in the south- mailed to each person to whom land with- as shown on the 'last equalized assess- westerly boundary line of the city in the territory proposed to be annexed is ment roll of the County of Orange, was of Seal Beach as per annexation No. assessed in the last equalized county filed with the Council of the City of Hunt- 7 by Ordinance 'No. 589 of said City; assessment roll available on the date �ington Beach on June 3rd, '1963, request- ,thence South 440 115' 00" East along the above proceedings were initiated, at ang annexation of the hereinafter des- said City boundary and the northerly the addresses shown on said assessment cri�bed territory to said city; that the dine of said Kaitsaris property and roll or as known to said Clerk, and to said territory which said petitioners re- the northerly line of said Tidelands any person who has filed his name and quest be annexed to the City of Hunt- location a distance of 77.58 feet to address and the designation of the lands ington Beach and which said City and its an angle point; thence continuing in which he has any interest; -either Council propose to annex to the City of South 73° 45' 00" Bast along said legal or equitable with said Clerk, such Huntington Beach is situate in the County Seal Beach city boundary and along notice to be given not less than twenty of Orange, State of California, hereby said Tide Lands Location Line and designated "Sunset Beach No. 1 An- said Katsaris (20) days prior to the life set for nexation", and described as follows: property a distance of hearing. ,654.33 feet more or less to an angle 6. In the event any land within the BEGINNING at an angle point in point is the city of Seal Beach boun- territory proposed to be annexed is the present city boundary of the City dory of said Annexation No. 7, said owned by a county, the said City Clerk of Huntington Beach, County of angle point being also in the north- is directed to cause written notice of Orange, State of California, said westerly line of the City of Hunting- ,such proposed annexation to be mailed boundary having been established by too Beach boundary as per Hunting- to the Board of Supervisors of ,such "Huntington Harbor Corporation An- ton Harbor Corporation-Parcel No. County, such notice to be given not nexation-Parcel No. 1"in Ordinance I Ordinance No. 919 of said city, said less than twenty (20) days before the No. 919 of said city, said angle point angle point being on the common first public hearing on the proposed an- being the intersection of the north- line between Rancho La Bolsa Chica nexation. easterly line of the right of way of and Ranchos Los Alamitos; thence 7. The said City Clerk is directed to Pacific Coast Highway (U.S. Alter- South 49, 28' 00" West along said cause written notice to be given to nate 101), 100 feet wide as per deed City of Huntington Beach Boundary such other persons as may be legally recorded in Book 410, Page 165 of Of- and the common line between Rancho entitled thereto in the manner required ficial Records of said County and the La Bolsa Chica and Rancho Los Ala- by law. common line between Rancho La Bolsa mites a distance of 48'1,74 feet more PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Chica and Rancho Los Alamitos, said or less to the point of beginning. Council of the City of Huntington Beach, angle point being in a curve concave Above described land is shown on Re- California, at a regular meeting thereof to the southwest and having a ra- cord of Survey Map, recorded in Records held on the 3rd day of June, 1963. dius of 1060 feet, a radial line to said of Survey Book '14, Page 36, Official Re- ROBERT M. LAMBERT angle paint bears South 250 53' 18" cords of Orange County, State of Cal- Mayor West;thence northwesterly along said ifornia ATTEST: curve and along the northeasterly 2. That the County Boundary Commis- PAUL C. JONES line of said Coast Highway right of sion of Orange County, California, did City Clerk way, through a central angle of 20 in session duly assembled on June 3rd, State of California 45' 18" an are distance of 50.97 feet 1963, approve the proposed annexation Ito the end of said curve; thence tan- boundaries of said ".Sunset Beach No 1 County of Orange ss gent to said curve and along said Annexation", as above described, and City of Huntington Beach right of way dine North fib° 52' 00" as submitted to said Commission by the I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, West 215.02 feet more or less to the proponents of said annexation of said qualified and acting City Clerk of the beginning of a tangent curve concave territory to said city. City of Huntington Beach, and ex-officio to the northeast and having a ra- 3.That July 15th, 1963, at the hour of Clerk of the City Council of said City, dius of 950.00 feet; thence northwes- 8:00 o'clock P,M, of said day, .in the do hereby certify that the whole num- terly along said curve and said right Council 'Chambers, in the City Hall, in her of members of the City Council of the of way line through a central angle the City of Huntington Beach, County of City of Huntington Beach is five; that of 60 02' 46" an are distance of Orange, California, is hereby fixed as the foregoing resolution was passed and 100.25 feet more or less to the end .the time and place when and where any adopted by the affirmative vote of more of said curve, a radial line to the person owning property within the unin- than a majority of all the members of end of said curve bears North 29° habited territory above described and said City Council at a regular meeting 10, 46" East; thence departing from proposed to be annexed to the City of thereof held on the 3rd day of June, said curve South 240 30' 00" East Huntington Beach and having any ob- 1963, by the following vote: and along said right of way, '11.70 jection to the proposed annexation may feet more or less to the beginning appear before the Council of the City of AYES: Councilmen: of a curve concave to the northeast Huntington Beach and show cause why Wells, Gisler, Stewart, Welch, and having a radius of 957.00 feet, such uninhabited territory should not be Lambert said curve being concentric to last Aso annexed ,to said City of Huntington NOES: Councilmen: mentioned curve and being on said Beach. Such protest must be in writing, None highway right of way line a radial may befiled at any time before the hour ABSENT: 'Councilmen: line to the beginning of said curve set for hearing objections to the pro- None bears North 280 40' 02" East; :thence posed annexation, and shall state the PAUL C. JONES northwesterly along said curve and name or names of .the owner or owners City Clerk and ex-offici,o Clerk said right of way line through a cen- of property affected and the description of the City Council of the City tral angle of '170 51' 58" an arc dis- and area of such property in general of Huntington Beach, California. AFFIDAVIT OF COME'TION OF AMEXAT ION STATE Off' CALIFORNIA } SS COtNI TY OF ONCE ° PAIL C. JONES being first .duly, sworn v deposes and s ays o' that he is now and at all times herein aasei)tloned was the duly . appointeda qualified, and acting City Clerk of the City of Hunting. ton Beach, . a municipal corporation, and ex-officio Clerk of the -City Council of said City. That purstwnt to the provisions of the "Annexation of inhabited- Tdrri.tory Act of 1939" and amendments thereof and additions. thereto,. the City Council dial on the 3rd day of June, 1963 pass and adopt Resolution No,, 1786 giving notice of the proposal .to. annex certain uninhabited territory being designated as ¢°Sunset; Beads No. 1 Annexation". and said action being taken pursu t. to a written petition therefor. That annexation proceed@ in s 'were completed by said City Council on the Sth day of August, 19630 .by final adoption of its Ordinance No. 99% said Ordinance becoming effective on September S. 1963. That by said proceedings said City annexed the territory referred to in that certain certified copy of said Ordinance No. 993 and a map delineating said boundary, which Ordinance and map are annexed hereto and by this reference Incorporated herein. , The boundary description of said annexed area is set forth in Ordinance No. 993. That all requirements^ of the laws relating to such proceedings have been complied with. That on the bath day of September, 1963a a certified copy of. Ordinance Vo. 993 and a map of territory described therein , designated a 6 °'Sunset Beach No. i Annexation-" was transmitted to the Secretary of State and was received and filed by the Secretary of State on September 69 1963. That on the 27th day of September, 1963, a corrected' copy of, Ordi.nance No. 993 and a c®rrected map of the territory described therein designated as 89Sunset Beach No, I Annexation" was transmitted to the Secretary of State and was received and filed by the Secretary of State on October 2, 1963. That all requirements of the Yaws relating to republish. ing of Ordinance No. 993 leave been complied with. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set icy band and affix the seal of the City of Huntington Beach on Octobet~169 1963.. City Clerk and noffi.cio. Clerk of the City Council of the City of Hunt4ngton Beach, California CORRECTED COPY AS FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE ON 10-2-63 DESCRIPTION SUNSET BEACH No. 1 ANNEXATION EXIBIT "A" TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH BEGINNING at an angle point in the present city boundary of the City of . Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, said boundary having been established by "Huntington Harbor Corporation Annexation-Parcel No.l in Ordinance No. 919 of said city, said angle point being the intersection of the northeasterly line of the right of way of Pacific Coast Highway (U.S. Alternate 101), 100 feet wide as per deed recorded in Book 410, Page 165 of Official Records of said County and the common line between Rancho La Bolsa Chica and Rancho Los Alamitos, said angle point being in a curve concave to the southwest and having a radius of 1060 feet, a radial line to said angle point bears South 25° 531 18" Nest; thence northwesterly along said curve and along the northeasterly line of said Coast Highway right of way, through a central angle of 2° 451 18" an are distance of 50.97 feet to the end of said curve; thence tangent to said curve and along said right of way line North 66° 52, 00" West, 215.02 feet more or less to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the northeast and having a radius of 950.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve and said right of way line through a central angle of 6° 021 46" an arc distance of 100.25 feet more or less to the end of said curve, a radial line to the end of said curve bears North -290 101 46" East; thence departing from said curve South 24° 30t 00" East and along said right of way, 11.70 feet more or less to the beginning -of a curve concave to the northeast and having a radius of 957.00 feet, said curve being con- centric to last mentioned curve and being on said highway right of way line a radial line to the beginning of said curve bears North 28° 40' 02" East; thence northwesterly along said curve and said right of way line through a central angle of 17° 511 58" an are distance of 298.41 feet more or less to the end of said curve; thence tangent to said curve and along said right of way line North 430 281 00" West, 100.40 feet more or less to the most westerly corner of land conveyed to Nick Katsaris per deed recorded in Book 5196, Page 425 of Deeds, official records of said County; thence along the northwesterly line of said land North 46° 321 00" East, 113.94 feet more or less to an angle point in said property; thence continuing along said property South 53° 001 00" East, 101.48 feet more or less to an angle point in said property; thence continuing along said property North46' 521 00" East, 208.25 feet more or less to an angle point . in said property, said point being also in the northerly boundary of Location No. 141 of State Tide Lands, described in Patent issued April 4, 1901, said point being also in the southwesterly boundary line of the city of, Seal Beach as per Annexation No. 7 by Ordinance No. 589 of said City; thence South 440 15' OV East along said City boundary and the northerly line of said Katsaris property and the northerly line of said Tide Lands Location &-distance of 77.58 feet to an angle--point; thence continuing South ?30 451 00" East along said Seal Beach city boundary and along said Tide Lands Location line and said Katsaris property a distance of 654.33 feet more or less to an angle point in the city of Seal Beach boundary of said Annexation Noo. 7, said angle point being also in the northwesterly line of the city of Huntington Beach boundary as per Huntington Harbor Corporation e Parcel No. 1, Ordinance No. 919 of said city, said - angle point being on the common line between Rancho La Bolsa Chica and Ranchos Los Alamitos; thence South 49° 280 00" West along said city of Huntington Beach-Boundary and the common line between Rancho La Bolsa.Chica and Rancho -Los Alamitos a distance of 481.74 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Above described land is shown on Record of Survey Map, recorded in Records of Survey Book 14, Page 36, Official Records of Orange County, State of California. WHEN RECORDED° . , PLEASE RETURN To CITY CLERK OFFICIALS C��NTINS TQHb i DOYLE MILLER f�,,��.�O v(A of N ,a� leaex un�in�ton ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER lr 7y C I T Y O F �j� BRANDER D. CASTLE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR ` JAMES R. WHEELER vy Fe�� „Po�OQ P. O. BOX 190 C A L I F O R N I A ENGINEER G'F Isb9. � TY CPS JAMES D. PLUNKETT CITY ATTORNEY HOWARD ROBIDOUX COUNCILMEN POLICE CHIEF ROBERT M. LAMBERT, MAYOR ERNEST H. GISLER DELBERT G. HIGGINS JAKE R. STEWART September 27, 1963 FIRE CHIEF THOMAS H. WELCH VINCENT G. MOORHOUSE LYNDON A. WELLS, SR. LIFEGUARD CHIEF CITY CLERK OLL►N C. CLEVELAND PAUL C. JONES BUILDING DIRECTOR TREASURER WILLIS C. WARNER BETTY DIEKOFF PLANNING DIRECTOR Honorable Frank M. Jordan 1963 Secretary of State State Capitol Building Sacramento, California Dear Sir: On September 11, 1963, we transmitted to your office an Affidavit of Completion on Sunset Beach #1 Annexation to the City of Huntington Beach, together with a copy of Ordinance No. 993 of the City Council ordering such annexation. We find that there was an error in the length of one dimension as shown in the legal description for the annexation in said Ordinance No. 993. This error was also carried on the map which accompanied this Ordinance. However, upon investigation we find that the map and legal description approved by the County Boundary Commission was correct and the change in this one dimension was inadvertently made following such approval. It would be appreciated if your office would make this change on your records to the one approved by the Boundary Commission. , We are transmitting another copy of the Ordinance and a map with the correction outlined in red. Upon receipt of approval by your office of this correction, we will re-publish Ordinance No. 993 in its corrected form in compliance with the statutes of the State . Very Sincerely Yours , Dear Mr. Jones: We substituted the corrected ordinan � n Paul C. Jo map as re ested_above. O`v 4` °�•'` PCJ:ED sc.C.� Enc. 'wsiant Certification icer 10/2/63 � TgRY RUBY MCFARLAND - J. WYLIE CARLYLE COUNTY RECORDER _ CHI6r DHPUTY REGISTRAR OF TITLFS Ceuamtv Of 010(amge SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA Oct. 18, 1963 No. 0 Paul C. Jones, City Clerk P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, Calif. We are returning UNRECORDED Affidavit of Completion of Annexation naming Sunset Beach No.-1 Annexation Cash together with your remittance of $ „_ Check M.O. See Assembly Bill No. 1150, Chapter 1093 of the Government Code. Amended Section requires that the Certification by the Secretary of State must be attached to the Affidavit. before it is filed. Ruby arland) Recorder 1 B3T, U u/U Deputy . l t k November 18, 1963 °a Paul Calvo 1833 E. 17th Street Santa Ana, California Dear Paul; 3 am transmitting herewith the bills covering the charges for the excess Printing and publication which was required as the result of the incorrect legal description in Sunset Beacon ft Annexation. A am sorry this occurred, but 1 feel that it was corrected with a minimum of difficulty. You informed arse that you would assume the Oa anent of any cost incurred in this matter. Please make payment directly to the businesses involved, on behalf of the Cityoof Huntington Beach. Sincerely yours, Paul C o ,Tones PCJ:aw City Clerk Enc. Q [PY f 1 THE METROP!LITAN WA-`ER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN ^�ALIFQRNIA 461 SUNSET BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA r MAILING ADDRESS POST OFFICE BOX 54153 LOS ANGELES 54. CALIF. OFFICE OF PHONE 624-9261 GENERAL COUNSEL AREA CODE 213 Mr. Paul C. Jones NOV g 7963 City Clerk City Hall P. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California Dear Mr. Jones: Re: Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation Receipt is acknowledged of your Affidavit of Completion of Annexation transmitting corrected documents and map pertaining to the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach on October 2, 1963, of uninhabited territory designated "Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation. " It is noted that the annexed area is within the bounda- ries of the Metropolitan Water District as part of the Original Area of Orange County Municipal Water District. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our office informed regarding the boundaries of your City. Very truly yours, Charles C. Cooper, Jr. General Counsel By J2 r George ��. Flewelling / Deputy General Counsel cc: Orange County Municipal Water District: Mr. Cecil C. Wright, Secy. Mr. W. O. Gordon, Atty. October 29, 1963 Mrs. Ruby McFarland Orange County Recorder Civic Center Santa Ana, California Dear lairs. McFadden: Enclosed herein for recordation is a certified copy of the Certificate of the Secretary of State, as requested, together with the other documents to be recorded with it. Sincerely yours, Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCaJ:aw Encs. 1 RUBY McFARLAND � J. WYLIE CARLVLE COUNTY RECORDER CHIEF DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF TITLES Yof on%mg(V SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA October 28, 1963 Mr. Paul C. Jones City Clerk Huntington Beach, California Dear Mr. Jones: I am returning the Completion of Annexation on Sunset Beach #1, as per our telephone call this morning, which I offered to photograph and attach the copy and return the originals to you. I believe that these copies should be certified that they are true and correct copies of the originals on file in your office and that I cannot do for you.: The other City Clerks have been handling it th&s way. I hope we have all these new changes ironed out now. Yours very truly Ruby McFar and, County Recorder October 25, 1963 Mrs. Ruby McFarland Orange County Recorder Civic Center Santa Ana, Califfornia Dear Mrs . McFadden Enclosed herein for recordation is the certificate of the Secretary of State you requested, together with the other documents to be recorded with it. Sincerely yours, Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCJwaw Encs. Westminster Herald 0, Phone TW 3-4501 Offices at P.O. Box 4-98 7902 Westminster Ave. WESTMINSTER. CALIFORNIA punt 20v 1963 City Clark City Hall 'Huntington Beach, _California RESIDLUTIOT1 WO. 1786 299 11nea, 3b.666 squares June 13 1 50/mq 46-00 79- 73 September 27, 1963 Honorable Prank M. Jordan Secretary of State State Capitol Building Aacramento, California Dear Sir: On September 11, 1963, we transmitted to your office an Affidavit of Completion on Sunset Beach 'lfl Annexation to the City of Huntington Beach, together with a copy of Ordinance No. 993 of the City Council ordering such annexation. We find that there was an error in the length of one dimension as shown in the legal description for the annexation in said Ordinance No. 993, This error was also carried on the map which accompanied this Ordinance. However, upon investigation we find that the map and legal description approved by the County Boundary Commission was correct and the change in this one dimension was inadvertently made following such approval. It would be appreciated if your office would make this change on your records to the one approved by the Boundary Commission. We are transmitting another copy of the Ordinance and a asap with the correction outlined in red. Upon receipt of approval by your office of this correction, we will re-publish Ordinance No. 993 in its corrected form in compliance with the statutes of the State . Very Sincerely Yours, Paul C. Jones PCJ:ED O Enc. t t, AFFIDAVIT' OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ° PAUL C. JONES, being first duly sworn, deposes and saysa That he" is now and at all times herein mentioned was the duly appointed,, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Huntington Bea6h9 a municipal eorporationg and exoofficio Clerk k of the City Council of said City. That pursuant to..the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939" and amendments thereof and- additions thereto9 the City Council did on the 3rd -day of June.Q 1963, pass and adopt Resolution No. 1786. giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited 'territory being designated as "Sunset Beach .Noo 1 Annexation"e and said action being taken pursuant to a written petition therefor. That annexation proceed® in 'were completed by said City Council on the 5th day of August, �.9b3, by final adoption of its Ordinance No° 993j, said Ordinance becoming effective on .September 56, 1963o That by said proceedings said City annexed the territory_referred to in that -certain cerciffed copy of said Ordinance Woo 9 anc� a map delineating said boundary, which Ordinance and map are a mexed hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. The boundary description of said annexed area is sew forth in Ordinance No(, 993. ___--- - That. all requirements- of the laws relating to such proceedings have been complied with. That on the 4th day of September, 19638 -a certified copy of Ordinance No. 993 and a map of territory described therein designated as "Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation" was trans. mitted to the Secret ry of State- and was received and filed by the Secretary of State on September- 6, 1963. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the City of Huntington Beach r On September llfl 19630 City Clerk and x©officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California 0 0 (Published Huntington Beach News Aug. "Huntington Harbor Corporation An- point in the city of Seal Beach boun- 8, 1963.) nexation - Parcel No. 1" in Ordinance dary of said Annexation No. 7, said ORDINANCE NO. 993 No. 919 of said city, said angle point angle point being also in the north- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF being the intersection of the north- westerly line of the City of Hunting- HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING easterly line of the right of way of ton Beach boundary as per Hunting- THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UN- Pacific Coast Highway (U.S. Alter- ton Harbor Corporation-Parcel No. INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED nate 101), 100 feet wide as per deed 1 Ordinance No. 919 of said city, said AS "SUNSET BEACH NO. 1 ANNEXA- recorded in Book 410, Page 165 of Of- angle point being on the common TION" TO THE CITY OF HUNTING- ficial Records of said County and the line between Rancho La Bolsa Chica TON BEACH. common line between Rancho La Bolsa and Ranchos Los Alamitos; thence The City Council of the City of Hunt- Chica and Rancho Los Alamitos, said South 490 28' 00" West along said ington Beach, California, does ordain angle point being in a curve concave City of Huntington Beach Boundary as follows: to the southwest and having a ra- and the common line between Rancho WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions dius of 1060 feet, a radial line to said La Bolsa Chica and Rancho Los Ala- of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ter- angle point bears South 250 53' 18" mitos a distance of 481.74 feet more ritory Act of 1939," the City Council of West; thence northwesterly along said or less to the point of beginning. the City of Huntington. Beach did, on the curve and along the northeasterly Above described land is shown on 3rd day of June. 1963, pass and adore: line of said Coast ,Highway right of Record of Survey Map, recorded in Resolution. No. 1786. giving notice of the way, through a central angle of 21 Records of Survey Book 14, Page 36, proposal to annex certain uninhabit-cl 45' 18" an are distance of 50.97 feet Official Records of Orange County, territory to the City of Huntington Beach. to the end of said curve; thence tan- State of California. said terrflory being therein designated gent to said curve and along said The boundaries of said City of Hunt- as "Sunse! Beach No. 1 Annexation" and right of way line North 660 52' 00" ington Beach are hereby altered and the said a-tion being taken by the Council West 215.02 feet more or less to the said territory above described is 'hereby of said City as the legislative bodv of beginning of a tangent curve concave annexed to, incorporated in, and included the City, pursuant to a written petition to the northeast and having a ra- within the City of Huntington Beach, there!or, soid Resolution describing the dius of 950.00 feet; thence northwes- California, and said City shall have all boundaries of the territory so proposed terly along said curve and said right rights and powers in, to and over said !o be annexed to said city; and of way line through a central angle territory as are provided by law. WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 1786 of 60 02' 46" an arc distance of The City Council of the City of Hunt- did contain a notice of the day, hour 100.25 feet more or less to the end ington Beach does hereby further ordain and place when and where the said of said curve, a radial line to the that the territory above described shall Council of said City would hear protests end of said curve bears North 290 be subject to taxation equally with the .lade by any parson owning properly 10' 46" East; thence departing from property within the City of Huntington within the territory proposed to he an- said curve South 240 30' 00" East Beach to pay the entire bonded indebt- nexed, the time of said hearing being and along said right of way, 11.70 edness of the City of Huntington Beach not less than 40 nor more than 60 days feet more or less to the beginning outstanding on June 3rd, 1963, the date after the passage of said resolution; and of a curve concave to the northeast of the filing of the Petition for Annexa- WHEREAS, on the 15th day of July, and having a radius of 957.00 feet, tion of said territory or theretofore author- 1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the said curve being concentric to last ized for the acquisition, construction or ^ouncil Chamber in !he Citv Hall of the mentioned curve and being on said completion .of municipal improvements. City of Huntington Beach. State of Cali- highway right of way line a radial The City Clerk shall ,certify to the fornia, said time and place being the line to the beginning of said curve passage and adoption of this ordinance day and hour and place fixed in said bears North 280 40' 02" East; thence and shall cause the same to be published Resolution No. 1786 for hearing protests northwesterly along said curve and by one insertion in the Huntington Beach !o the said annexation, and no protests, said right of way line through a cen- News, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- either written or oral, to said annexation tral angle of 170 51' 58" an arc dis- lished and circulated in the City of Hunt- having been made; and tance of 298.41 feet more or less to ington Beach, California; and thirty days WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous the end of said curve; thence tan- after the adoption thereof, the same shall to the City of Huntington Beach. and is gent to said curve and along said take effect and be in force. uninhabited territory in the County of right of way line North 430 28' PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Orange- and 00" West; 100.40 feet more or less Council of the City of Huntington Beach, WHEREAS, the owners of more than to the most westerly corner of land California, this 5th day of August, 1963. two-thirds of the value of the territory conveyed to Nick Katsaris per deed ROBERT M. LAMBERT have heretofore filed with the City Clerk recorded in Book 5196, Page 425 of Mayor written consent that the property in said Deeds, records of Said County; thence ATTEST: territory be, after annexation, subject to along the northwesterly line of said PAUL C. JONES taxation equally with the property within land North 460 32' 00" East, 113.94 City Clerk the City of Huntington Beach to pay the feet more or less to an angle point STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) entire indebtedness of the City of Aunt- in said property; thence continuing County of Orange ) ss ington Beach outstanding or authorized along said property South 530 00' 00" City of Huntington Beach ) at the date of the filing of the petition East, 168.55 feet more or less to an I, PAUL C. JONES, the duly elected, for annexation for the acquisition, con- angle Point in said property; thence qualified and acting City Clerk of the struction or completion of municipal im- continuing along said property North City of Huntington Beach and ex-officio provements; 46o 52' 00" East, 208.25 feet more Clerk of the City Council of the said NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council o! or less to an angle point in said City, do hereby certify that the whole the City of Huntington Beach does hereby property, said point being also in number of members of the City Council approve the annexation known as "Sun- the northerly boundary of Location of the City of Huntington Beach is five; set Beach No. 11 Annexation," the terri- No. 141 of State Tide Lands, des- that the foregoing ordinance was read to tory of which is hereinafter described, cribed in Patent issued April 4, 1901, said City Council at a regular meeting in the City of Huntington Beach, and said point being also in the south- thereof held on the 15th day of July, 1963, does hereby further ordain that the said westerly boundary line of the city and was again read to said City Council territory be, and it is hereby annexed to of Seal Beach as per annexation No. at a regular meeting thereof 'held on the City of Huntington Beach. 7 by Ordinance No. 589 of said City; the 5th day of August, 1963, and was That said territory, the annexation of thence South 440 115' 00" East along passed and adopted by the affirmative which to the City of Huntington Beach is said City boundary and the northerly vote of more than a majority of all the herein approved, is all that territory line of said Katsaris property and members of said City Council. situated in the County of Orange, State the northerly line of said Tidelands AYES: Councilmen: Wells, Gisler, Stewart, of California, and more particularly de- location a distance of 77.58 feet to Welch, Lambert. scribed as follows: an angle point; thence continuing NOES: Councilmen: None. BEGINNING at an angle point in South 730 45' 00" East along said ABSENT: Councilmen: None. the present city boundary of the City Seal Beach city boundary and along PAUL C. JONES of Huntington Beach, County of said Tide Lands Location Line and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk Orange, State of California, said said Katsaris property a distance of of the City Council of the City boundary having been established by 654.33 feet more or less to an angle of Huntington Beach, California. r • DESCRIPTION r SUNSET BEACH No.l A11EXATION EXZBZT "A" TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH . BEGINNING at an angle point in the present city boundary of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, said boundary having been established by "Huntington Harbor Corporation Annexation-Parcel No.l in Ordinance No. 919 of said city, said angle point being the intersection of the northeasterly line of the right of way of Pacific Coast Highway ( U.S. Alternate 101), 100 feet aide, as per deed recorded in Book 410, Page 165 of Official Records of said County and the common line between Rancho La Bolsa Chica and Rancho Los Alamitos, said an,--le point being in a curve concave to the southwest and having a radius of 1060 feet, a radial line to said angle point bears South 25' 53' 18" West ; thence northwesterly along said curve and along the northeasterly line of said Coast Highway right of ways, through a central angle of 2° 45' 18." an arc distance of 50.97 feet to the end of said curve ; thence tangent to said curve and alone said right of way line North 66" 521 00" West) 215.02 feet more or less to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the northeast and having a radius of 950.00 feet ; then.oe northwesterly along said curve and said right of 'way line through a central angle of 6° 02' 46" an arc distance of 100'.25 feet more or less to the.end of said curve, a radial lire to the end of said curve bears North 29° 10' 46" East ; thence departing from said curve South 240 30' 00" East and along said right of way, U-70 feet more or less to the beginning of a curve concave to the northeast and having a radius of 957.00 feet, said curve being con- centric to last mentioned curve and being on said highway right of way line a radial . line to the beginning of said curve bears North 28" 40' 02" ' st ; thence northwosterly along said curve and said right of way line through a, central angle of 17° 51' 58►' an are distance of 298.41 feet more or less to the end of said curve ; thence tangent&_(_ (to said curve and along said right of wa*yy line North 430 28' 00" west,_ 100p40 feet more or less to the most westerly corner of land conveyed to Nick; Katsaris per deed recorded in Book 5196, Page 425 of Deeds A`records of said County ; thence along the northwesterly line of said land North 460 32' 00" East, 113.94 feet more or less to an angle point in said property; thence continuing along said property South 530 00' 00" /a/4East, -1-68 feet more or less to 3n angle point in said property ; thence continuing along said `property North 460 52' 00" East, 208.25 feet more or less- to an angle point in said property, said point being also in the northerly boundary of Location Pdo. 141. of State Tide Lands, described in Patent issued April 4, 19011 said point being also in the 'southwesterly boundary line of the city of .Seal Beach as per Annexation No. 7 by Ordinance No. 589 of said City ; thence South 44° 15' 00" East along said City boundary and the northerly line of said Katsaris pro,erty and the northerly :Line of said Tide Lands Location a distance of 77.58 feet to an an,,710 point ; thence contluin South 73° 45' 00" East along, said Seal Beach city boundary and along said Tide Lands Location Line and said Katsaris property 'a distance °of 654.33 feet oftore or loss to 3n angle point in the city of Seal ,Beach boundary of said Annexation N0.7 , said angle point being also in the northwesterly line of the city of Huntin ton Beach boundary as per Huntington Harbor Corporation- Parcel No. 1, Ordinance No. 919 of said city, said angle point being on the common line Between Rancho La Bolsa Chica and Ranchos Los Alamitos ; thence South 49" 28' 00" West along paid city of Hunting ton Beach Boundsmy and the common line between Rancho La Bolsa Chica and Rancho Loa Alamitos a distance of 481.74 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Above described land is shown oa 'Record of Survey Map, recorded in Records of Survey Book 14, Paue 36, official Records of Orange County, State of California. r PROPOSED SUNSET MEACH M® I ANNEXATMN TO THE My OF HUNTINGTON BEACH EXHIBIT B <, G LEGEND: awe G BASIS OF BEARINGS �ra\nat�oy�Sl;`I�CSJ�Ca��C4�\4C\�oa, a� �.Cori\ua�rcaa�as�+c gQ�or�oCSccvay, ,moo" pka Q St ceh`QS44 CF.•�:4 c�,c pC, ����c PREPARED BY: �a1\1 Say\a Aca,Ca\f�a vj A �• ������a ram` jt5 do 5 eta a\acbS�2�.c�oiot��papa G\ 3 S-Z �� R.S. r] s.� o L 41, op MAT d � i r,\o, Ll c�r\c Q,•q W ed � :� � v 1� ,, ;,J �� f�� �.� ;sue J,f r r a i ..� ; �� a _ �, ��;, 1 �, �° � i .. _ r .. �'� e�Ft� ,/ _ ` � � _ _. _ .. r . . f � � �' � � . _ - - oo 1726-1 V _ __ September 4, 1963 Prank M. Jordan Secretary of State State of California State Capitol Building Sacramento, California Honorable Secretary of State: The City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at their regular held meeting on August 5, 1963, passed and adopted by an affirmative vote of more than a majority of all the members of said City Council, Ordinance No. 993, approving the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach certain un- inhabited territory designated as 1°Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexa- t ion.' Enclosed herewith is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 993, together wit� ,a map delineating the area described in the Ordinance and said area outlined on the map. Sincerley yours, Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCJ:aw ENC: 2 O Fly PET I'T ION REQUESTING ANNEXATION "SUNSET BEACH NO. 1. ANNEXATION" To the Honorable City Council in the City of Huntington Beach The undersigned, being the Ckmers of more than one quarter (k) of the hereinafter described lands, in territory by area and by assessed valuation as shown on the last equalized assessment role of the County of Orange, in acc6rdance with section 35305 of the California Government codes do hereby res- pectfully request than the said hereinafter described piece of uninhabited territory be annexed to the City of Huntington Beach. The property which is the subject of this petition requesting annexation is fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto. The undersigned owner hereby consents that the territory herein sought to be annexed to the City of Huntington Beach shall be taxed by the City to pay any and all indebtedness or other liability of said City contracted or existing prior to the date hereto and the date of said proposed annexation equally and upon the same basis as property or territory now, heretofore or here- after included within the area of the City of Huntington Beach. j It is further respectfully requested that the Honorable . City Council pass a resolution giving notice of the proposed annexation at' its regular meeting to be meld on the day of rs � N � �>-� Address 6 �- ��,� �a✓�-f ate S 6 " PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION "SUNSET BEACH NO. I ANNEXATION" TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ORANGE The twdersigned, ' being the owners of all or a portion of the hereinafter described land, do hereby petition t1he Board -of Supervisors to annex the territory to Sanitation District No. 11 , ,and find and determine that the territory described will be ben-eTI'Med by the am-Aex- ation. The pro erty TJ-hich is the subject of this petition requesting annexation is fully described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The undersigned o-vmeahereby consent that the territory here- in sought to be annexed to the Orange County Saniti.tion District No._ shall be taxed by the County to pay any and all indebtedness or other liability of said County contracted or existing prior to the date hereof and the date of said proposed azinexation equally and upon the same basis as property or territory now, heretofore or hereafter included within the . area of the County of Orange. It is respectfully requested that the Honorable Board of Supervisors approve and proceed with ,the annexation of this property. DATED: -—Address Date P, ............... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Orange ) ss: City of Huntington Beach ) I, PAUL C. JONES, City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, 6tate of California, hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the names of the property owners or their representatives affixed to the petition for the annexation of uninhabited territory designated as "Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation" represents more than twenty-five percent by area and assessed valuation of the property in the area proposed to be annexed. It is further certified that there are not more than eleven registered voters residing in the area proposed to be annexed. Dated: May 29, 1963. Paul L. Jon , City Clerk MINUTES OF THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA June 3, 1963 The meeting of the Boundary Commission of Orange County, California, was called to order at 11 :13 A.M. , June 3, 1963. On motion of Commissioner Bergh, duly seconded and carried, V.A. Heim, County Auditor-Controller was appointed Chairman Pro Tem. Members of the Commission present were : V. A. Heim Chairman Pro Tem Hugh J. Plumb County Assessor Harry E. Bergh County Planning .*•Direbtor Bob Wise Deputy County Surveyor and the Secretary Absent : C.M. Featherly Chairman, Board of Supervisors L.B. Wallace County Clerk. IN RE: PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH (SUNSET BEACH NO. 1 ANNEXATION) The petition for the proposed annexation of territory to the City of Huntington Beach (Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation) was received and ordered referred to the County Assessor and County Surveyor for checking and based upon their reports, on motion of Commissioner Bergh, duly seconded and carried, the Boundary Commission finds the boundaries of the proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain as to Section 35002 of the Government Code. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss I, L.B. WALLACE, Secretary of the Boundary Commission of Orange County, California, hereby certify the. foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the minute entry on record in this office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of June 1963 L. B. WALLACE Secretary, Boundary Commission of Orange County, California r• • DATE 31 MAY 1963 CITY CLERK CITY OF HUNT I NGTON BEACH CITY HALL HUNT I NGTON BEACH CALIFORNIA DEAR SIR: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GOVERNIIENTAL CODE FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNI,A, SECTION 35002. 1, 1El, ?-DISH TO REPORT THAT THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO YOUR CITY *IKNOW]DT AS: SUNSET BEACH NO. 1 ANNEX ENCOMPASSES ALL OR PORTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING DISTRICTS ACCORDING TO THE COUNTY SURVEYOR 'S RECORDS. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2 COUNTY OUTSIDE INCLUDING CSFP SEAL BEACH SCHOOL DIST SCHOOL, MODIFICATION AID SCHOOL INSTITUTION TUITION TAX ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL ORANGE COUNTY HARBOR DISTRICT COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT ©RANGE COUNTY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DIST METRO WATER DIST ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL. WATER_DIST ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT WATER RESERVE VERY TRULY YOURS, ORANGE COUNTY BOUNDARY COMEISSION MLC :GRE:CG MABEL L. CASTEIX, SECRETARY CC : BOUNDARY COI 11ISSION FILE COUNTY SURVEYOR 'S FILE May 22, 1963 Boundary Commission County of Orange County Civic Center Santa Anna, California Gentlemen: We are transmitting herewith map and legal descrip- tion for a proposed uninhabited annexation to the City of Huntington Beach designated as Sunset Beach No. 1 Annexation. Sincerely yours, Paul C. Jones City Clerk PCJaaw Encs . C ( [PY D ,OQ C O THE METRO TfANO�W\DE R DISTRICT OF S©UTHERxNIP-U%CrAIF( IQNIA i iri�l SUNSET 9.'rvAR© LOS AN'GELES, .C' El RNIA MAILING ADDRESS POST OFFICE BOX 54153 LOS ANGELES 54. CALIF. OFFICE OF PHONE 624-9261 GENERAL COUNSEL MAYO 1963 AREA CODE 213 Mr. Paul C. Jon e s City Clerk City Hall P. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California . Dear Mr. Jones: Sunset Heights No. 1 Receipt is acknowledged of documents and map pertain- ing to the annexation to the City of Huntington Beach on February 25, 1963, of uninhabited territory designated "Sunset Heights No. 1" . It is noted that the annexed area is within the boundaries . of the Metropolitan Water District as part of the Original Area of Orange County Municipal Water District. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our office informed regarding the boundaries of .your City. Very truly yours, Charles C. Cooper, Jr. General Counsel By '� T• � ������`� ' George Flewelling Deputy General Counsel cc: Orange County Municipal Water District: Mr. Cecil C. Wright, Secretary Mr. W. O. Gordon, Attorney Reprised -8 61. DESCRIPTION ANM\,a_'u,.,rio,4 R.O. 7 ' TO THE CITY OF SE;81, BEACH Beginxiing at the Intersection of the West line of the Last half (Vj) of Section 13, Township 5 South , Range 1.2 West, in the County of Orange, State of California , with the Northerly boundary of Location No. 141 State Tide Lands , described in Patent issued April 4, 1901 , said intersection being also a point on the present boundary line of the (Aty of Seal Beach, California ; thence leaviiig saidd bourt(tary of Seal Beach and along said Niortherly boundary of Location No. 1.41 , the following courses : South 870 30 ' East 1148. 14 feet., ,.South 30 45 ' East 904. 20 feet , South 520 45 ' East 1069. 20 feet , South 440 15' East 495. 00 feet , and South 731 45 ' East 654, 33 feet to the Northwest- erly boundary line of Rancho La Salsa Chica ; thence along said Northwesterly boundary line , and leaving said Northerly boundary of Location No, 141 , North 491 -131 East 369. 37 feet— to an angle point to the present boundary of the City of Huntington Beach as established by Hli.,ntington Beach Ordinance No. 800 ; thence can- j tinuing along last mentioned boundary lute and along said North- westerly boundary 'Line of Rancho La 3olsa Chtca , north 49, 25 ' !. -_. st 1955.0�1' feet , more or less , to a point in the `Northerly, right of way line of Smelt ter Avenue , 61) feet in width, being also an angle point in said aresent boundary of the City of Huntington Beach ; thence East along last me rationed -boundary, and alon_z the c Revised Description Annexation No. 7 to the City of Seal Beach 5-8-61 Page 2. City boundary as established by Huntington Beach Ordinance No. 732 , being also along said North line of. Smeltzer Avenue 8749. 23 feet , more or less, to the West right of way line of Bolsa, Chica Road, 60 feet in width, being also a Point in the City boundary as estab- lished by Huntington Beach Ordinance No. 685 ; thence Forth along said West line of Bolsa Chica Road, and along said Huntington Beach boundary 7242.86 feet to an angle point in said boundary as estab- lished by Huntington Beach Ordinance No. 685 ; thence along last mentioned boundary line North 491 28 ' East 64.00 feet to an angle point in the present boundary litre of the City of Westminster as established by Westminster' s Ordinance No. 1067, being also a point on the Southeasterly prolongation of the mast right of way line of said Balsa Chica Road, 60 feet in width; thence along said South- easterly prolongation and along said Westminster boundary and along said East line of Bolsa Chica Road, North 181 30' West 750.00 feet, more or less , to an angle point therein; thence continuing North along said East line of Bolsa Chica Road and along said Westminster boundary line 2361.00 feet , more or less , to the North line of the I 40 feet wide Navy Spur Railroad right . of way; thence West along said Railroad right of way 10,290 feet, more or less , to the East line of the ;lest 300 feet of Section 7 , Township 5 South, Range 11 Nest , S. B.M. ; thence North along last mentioned East line 324 feet to i Revised Descript, n Anncxa t ion i"Co. 7 to the City of Se<?l 3each 5-3-F1 Page 3 the North line of the South 40 feet of Section 6 of said, Township -and Range; thence Last 10, 290 feet , more or less , along the North line of the South 40 feet of Sections 4, 5 and 6 of said Towniship and Range to the East line of bolsai Chica Road, 60 feet in width; thence North along said 'East line of Bolsa Chica Road and alone said Westminster boundary line 5200.00 feet, more or less, to the . South line of the North 40.00 feet of Section 4 of said,-Township and Range ; thence leaving said boundary line and along Last mentioned South line, and along the South line of the forth 40.00 feet of said Sections 5 and 6, and along the South line of the Forth 40. 00 feet of Section 1 of Township 5 South, Range 12 West , S. B.'-f. , o4est 13,415. 78 feet, more or less to the Northeast corner of a 2 acre parcel of land owned by the General Telephone Co. ; thence South 10 13' 19" West 348.48 feet ; North; 830 46 ' 41" West 250.00 feet ; North 11 13 ' 19 , mast 348.48 feet , returning to the South line of the Nbrth 40 feet of Sections 1 and 2 of said Township and Range ; thence . West along said South line 3009. 75 feet, more or less to the common boundary line of the Counties of Los Angeles and Orange ; thence along said common boundary line South 310 22 ' 501' East 243. 40 feet to County corner No. 5 ; thence South 271 12 ' 00°' Hast 2106. 10 feet to County comer No. 4; thence South 160 46 ' 45" east. 1444. 81. feet to County corner No. 3; thence South 20 48 ' 35" .;ast 1712. 54 feet to the North boundary of the said Railroad right of way, said I:orth boundary being 90.00 feet North, measured at right angles r ri Revised Description Annexation No. 7 to the City of Seal Beach Page 4 5-15-61. and parallel to the North line of Section 12 , Township 5 South , Mange 12 'Test ; thence , leaving said common boundary line , East along said Railroad right of way and parallel to the North line y of said Section 12 , 2902 . 81 feet , more or less , to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 340. 00 feet ; thence Easterly and Southeasterly along said curve an are distance of 253. 20 feet , more or less ,,-, to an intersection with the said North line of Section 12 of said Township and Range, thence East along said North line 1236. 39" feet ; more or less to the East line of said Section 12 ; thence South along last mentioned 1 East line 2640. 00 feet , more or less , to the South line ofIthe North half (Na) of said Section 7 ; thence East along last mentioned South line , and along the South line of the North half (NJ) of it Section 8 , Township 5 South , Range 11 West ; 7920.00 feet , more or less , to the West line of the Southeast quarter (SEI) of said Section 8 ; thence South along last mentioned `Jest line 2652. 54 I feet , more or less , to the South line of said Section 8; thence ' i East along last mentioned South line 624. 90 feet to said North- westerly line of Rancho La Bolsa Chica ; thence, along last I mentioned Northwesterly line South 490 281 West 7595. 94 feet to the Easterly line of Tract No. 893 , as shown on map recorded in Book 27 , pages 23-24, of Miscellaneous Maps , records of said Orange County ; thence North 400 32 ' West 250.00 feet; thence, ' i a , Revised Description Annexation Nc . 7 to the City of Seal Beech 5-15-61 Page 5 parallel with said Northwesterly line of Tiancho La .Bolsa Chica South 490 28 ' West 3513 . 13 feet to a line thet is parallel with and 250. 00 feet Northeasterly , measured at right angles , from said Northerly boundary of Location No. 141 State Tide Lands ; thence along last mentioned parallel line the following courses : Forth 730 45' West 455. 72 feet , North 440 15 ' West 446 . 80 feet , North 520 45' West 970. 56 feet , North 30 45 ' West 1014. 40 feet , an:i North 870 30' Jest 13F.4. 17 feet to said 'Test line of the East half (E�15 ) of Section 13 , Township 5 South , Mange 12 West , say West line being also on said present boundary of Seal Beach ; thence leaving last mentioned parallel line and along said boundary liine , South 00 261 17" Weft 250. 00 feet to the point of beginning. : j i • I I