HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-01Minutes
City Council/Public Financing Authority
City of Huntington Beach
Monday, April 1, 2019
5:00 PM -Council Cha mbers
6:00 PM -Council Chambers
Civic Center, 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, California 92648
A video recording of this meeting
is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and archived at
Based on the lack of a Study Session and time needed to cover the Closed Session items, the meeting
was called to order at 5:00 PM
Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy
ITEMS (Received After Agenda Distribution) -Non e
A motion was made by Posey, second by Semeta , to re ce ss to Closed Session for Ite ms 2 -4. With no
objections, the motion carried.
1. 19-413 Mayor Peterson Announced: Pursuant to Government Code§ 54957.6, the City
Council takes this opportunity to publicly introduce and identify designated labor
negotiators Fred Wilson, City Manager and Lori Ann Farrell-Harrison, Assistant City
Manager; also in attendance: David Segura, Fire Chief, Mike Baumgartner, Marine
Safety Division Chief, Gilbert Garcia, Chief Financial Officer and Michele Warren ,
Director of Human Resources who will be participating in today's Closed Session
discussions regarding the following: Marine Safety Management Association
Council/PFA Regular Minutes
April 1, 2019
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2. 19-395 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(2), the City Council recessed into
Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding potential litigation.
Number of cases, four (4).
3. 19-396 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54956.9(d)(1), the City Council recessed into
Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding the following lawsuit:
AKM Consulting Engineers, Inc. v. City of Huntington Beach, et al.; OCSC Cas e No.
30-2017-009027 40.
4. 19-412 Pursuant to Government Code§ 54957.6, the City Council recessed into Closed
Session to meet with its designated labor negotiators: Fred A. Wilson, City
Manager, Lori Ann Farrell-Harrison, Assistant City Manager; also in attendance:
David Segura, Fire Chief, Mike Baumgartner, Marine Safety Division Chief, Gilbert
Garcia, Chief Financial Officer, Michele Warren, Director of Human Resources
regarding the following: Marine Safety Management Association (MSMA).
Brenden , Carr, Semeta , Peterson, Posey, Delglei ze , and Hardy
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by City Attorney Gates
In permitting a nonsectarian invocation, the City does not intend to proselytize or advance any faith or
belief. Neither the City nor the City Council endorses any particular religious belief or form of invocation .
5. 19-382 Marsha Rechsteiner of Saints Simon and Jude Catholic Church and member of the
Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council
Mayor Peterson called on City Manager Wilson, who provided supporting information for Administrative
Item No. 13 (lease agreement for 5770 Research Drive -development and operation of a 50-bed
navigation center). Manager Wilson addressed the City 's legal obligations to act on securing a property
for transitional housing for the homeless. He asked if the Mayor, in response to the negative feedback
from the community on the Research Drive site, would consider withdrawing Item No . 13 from tonight's
agenda and consider an alternate property for approval at a future date .
Mayor Peterson provided his impression that the court would allow the City additional time to s ecure an
alternate location in the very near future, and concurred with Mr. Wilson's sugg e stion to take no action on
Agenda Item No. 13.
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April 11 2019
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A NNOUN CE M E NT OF S UP P LE M ENTAL COMMUNICATIONS (Received After Agenda Distribution)
Pursuant to the Brown "Open Meetings" Act , City Clerk Robin Estanislau announced supplemental
communications received by her office following distribution of the Council Agenda packet:
C on sent Calenda r
Item No. 11 (19-406) Communication received from Shirley Dettloff entitled Interim City Manager.
Administrative Item s
Item No. 13 (19-394) 45 Email communications received regarding the proposed Navigation Center,
including the following communications from: Duane Dishno , President of the Huntington Beach Union
High School District Board of Trustees; Jessie N. Marion , EdD ., Principal, Marina High School; Kevin
Fairman , Assistant Principal , Marina High School; Brenna Jimenez-Orr, Assistant Principal , Guidance ,
Marina High School; Corey Rasmussen, Teacher, Marina High School and Natasha Souders, Teacher,
Marina High School.
Item No. 13 Communication from Administration entitled "Navigation Center Fact Sheet."
Item No. 13 Commun ication received from League of Women Voters of Orange Coast.
Councilmember Items
Item No. 14 (19-409) Email communication received from Phil Burtis .
PUBLIC COMM ENTS (3 Minute Time Limit) -33 Speakers
The number [hh:mm :ss] following the speakers' comments indicates their approx imate starting time in
the archived video located at http://www. surfcity-hb. orglgovernmentlagendas.
Chris Kentopp, General Manager, Republic Services in Huntington Beach, was called to speak and
provided background information regarding Republic Services operations and good stewardship through
the years, and respectfully asked that Councilmember Item No. 14 (19-409) be reconsidered and that the
City Manager's Office be allowed to continue with negotiations . (00 :08 :55)
Clint Harwick, Superintendent, Huntington Beach Union H igh School District, was called to speak and
thanked City Council for pulling Administrative Item No. 13 (19-394) regarding the development and
operation of a 50-bed Navigation Center at 5770 Research Drive. (00: 11 :58)
Shirley Dettloff, a 55 -year resident of Huntington Beach and member of Homeless United, was called to
speak and thanked City Council for the ir work on the homeless issue, and encouraged Council members
to do the courageous and right thing when it comes to providing housing for the homeless in the City.
Pat Goodman, a 44-year resident of Huntington Beach and member of Homeless United, was called to
speak and encouraged Councilmembers to move ahead in providing housing for the homeless in the
C ity, and offered to assist in the process if needed. (00: 15:28)
Karen Carroll, a 45-year resident of Huntington Beach and member of Homeless United , w as called to
speak and thanked City Council for their work on the homeless issue , and voiced her support for
providing proper housing for the homeless in the City. (00:18:16)
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Natalie Moser, 40+-year resident of Huntington Beach and member of Homeless United, was called to
speak and thanked City Council for their work on the homeless issue, and encouraged Council members
to do the courageous and right thing when it comes to providing housing for the homeless in the City.
Ralph Bauer, long-time resident of Huntington Beach and member of Homeless United, was called to
speak and shared his opinions on several issues that need to be addressed when considering housing
for the homeless. (00 :23: 15)
Kathy Tillotson , a member of Homeless United, was called to speak and shared personal successes with
housing homeless youth and getting them self-sufficient, and stated that providing temporary housing is
the first step . (00 :24 :25)
Garry Troxell, drug and alcohol counselor for 32 years, was called to speak and shared his opinions on
the homicide of Dillan Tabares . (00:27 :12)
Galen T . Pickett, PhD ., Chair of the Site Council, Marina High School , was called to speak and shared
his opinions on what he described as the Council's mismanagement of Administrative Item No . 13 (19-
394) regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed Navigation Center. (00 :30:47)
An unnamed guest was called to speak and thanked City Council for their work on the homeless issue,
thanked Council for removing Administrative Item No . 13 (19-394) from consideration , and stated his
opinion that the homeless issue as a social service issue to be resolved by the City Council rather than
the Huntington Beach Police Department. (00:32 :57)
Anthony Tran, a Senior at Marina High School, was called to speak and shared personal ex periences in
volunteering with various homeless outreaches and other interactions with the homeless population , and
encouraged people to have the courage and dignity to provide proper housing for the homeless in the
City . (00:34:28)
Paul Busher, a resident of Huntington Beach since 1971 , was called to speak and shared his opinion that
being homeless provides the opportunity for crime . (00 :37 :05)
Jenna Dyer, 17-year old Senior at Huntington Beach High School, was called to speak and shared her
opinion that there is a responsibility to provide for the dignity and respect of fellow human beings , and
stated her support for the City proceeding with plans to provide a Navigation Center. (00:37 :47)
Grace Winchell , a 50-year resident of Huntington Beach, former City Councilmember and Mayor, and
Member of League of Women Voters Orange Coast, was called to speak and stated support for
Adm inistrative Item No. 13 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed Navigation
Center. (00:41 : 11)
Ann Hough, a neighbor to Marina High School, was called to speak and stated her reasons for
opposition to Administrative Item No . 13 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed
Navigation Center at 5770 Research Drive. (00 :42:44)
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Kevin Alt, a 20-year resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak and shared questions he would
like to see Council consider when looking at possible locations for the development and operation of a
50 -bed Navigation Center, and stated his opposition to using 5770 Research Drive . (00:45:55)
Tim Geddes, a 35+-year resident of southeast Huntington Beach , was called to speak and shared
various community and civic issues he has been involved in through the years to help mitigate negative
impacts to the residents, and stated his oppos ition to the Magnolia Tank Farm proj e ct. (00:48 :29)
Jenny Braithwaite, a 40-year educator, was called to speak and stated support for Administrative Item
No. 13 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed Navigation Center, offered her
assistance , and encouraged the City Council to follow judicial orders . (00:51 :57)
Dave Peters, Chief Executive , SCATS Gymnastics, was called to speak and shared his opinions
regarding Administrative Item No. 13 (19-394) related to the development and operation of a 50-bed
Navigation Center at 5770 Research Drive. (00:54:20)
David Geddes, a resident of southeast Huntington Beach, was called to speak and suggested using the
Magnolia Tank Farm area as a location for the development and operation of a homeless Navigation
Center, as well as a police substation, and low-income housing . (00:57:54)
Jim Knapp, a 52-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and shared his opinions in
opposition to Administrative Item No. 13 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed
Navigation Center. (01 :01 :35)
Robert McMahon, a car enthusiast who lives and works in Downtown Huntington Beach , was called to
speak and expressed his frustration at the lack of enforcement of speed limits and parking regulations in
the Downtown area. Mayor Peterson asked him to complete a blue card for staff follow up. (01 :04:46)
John Bostick was called to speak and shared personal experiences related to serving the homeless in a
neighboring city , and stated his support for Administrative Item No. 13 (19-394) regarding the
development and operation of a 50-bed Navigation Center within the City. (01 :05:54)
Rosalind Price, 41-year resident of Huntington Beach, was called to speak and expressed her opposition
to Administrative Item No. 13 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of a 50 -bed Navigation
Center and the 5770 Research Drive location. (01 :09 :09)
Gina Clayton-Tarvin , Vice President, Ocean View School District Board of Trustees, was called to speak
and stated her support for Councilmember Item No . 14 (19-409) regarding Notice of Termination of
Rainbow/Republic Services Evergreen Contract. (01 : 12:27)
John Briscoe, President, Ocean View School District Board of Trustees, was called to speak and stated
opposition to Administrative Item No. 13 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed
Navigation Center at 5770 Research Drive . He also stated his support for Councilmember Item No. 14
(19-409) regarding Notice of Termination of Rainbow/Republic Services Evergreen Contract. (01 : 16:04)
Luanne Shoup, 4th generation property owner in Huntington Beach, was called to speak and asked what
the solution will be for the homeless people that do not qualify to live in the Navigation Center, and
expressed her opinion that there are many loose ends not being addressed by Administrative Item No .
13 (19-394). (01 :19:09)
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Kathryn Levassiur, a Huntington Beach resident, was called to speak and shared her appreciation for the
Robert Mayer Leadership Academy, expressed support for Administrative Item No . 13 (19-394)
regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed Navigation Center at 5770 Research Drive, shared
her opinions about the potential sustainable revenue from Short-Term Rentals, and encouraged the City
to implement processes to regulate and tax this service which many residents are already providing.
(01 :21 :2 0)
Kathy Carrick, a 44-year resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak and shared concerns about
the need for more transparency and open communication from Council regarding Administrative Item No.
13 (19-394) for the development and operation of a 50-bed Navigation Center. (01 :24:29)
Kimberly Boren, Marina High graduate and mother of a Marina High student, was called to speak and
stated her opposition to Administrative Item No. 13 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of
a 50-bed Navigation Center at 5770 Research Drive, encouraged Council to expand the criteria used to
evaluate other potential sites, and to include proper security. (01 :26:45)
Ray Holt, 20-year resident of Huntington Beach , was called to speak and stated his opposition to
Administrative Item No . 12 (19-394) regarding the development and operation of a 50-bed Navigation
Center within Huntington Beach . (01 :27 :51)
John Earl was called to speak and shared his opinions and experiences regarding his requests for public
records from the City , and what he perceives as the lack of appropriate response from the City Attorney's
office. (01 :31 :09)
Councilmember Posey reported speaking with members of the Huntington Beach Police Officers'
Association (POA), attending the Assistance League "Treasures by the Sea" fundraiser, and a Vector
Control meeting .
Councilmember Hardy reported attending the Assistance League "Treasures by the Sea" fundraiser, and
that she has been appointed to the Seven-Eleven Committee with the Huntington Beach City School
District to help evaluate whether the District should close and/or sell school property.
Councilmember Carr reported meeting with representatives of the Municipal Employees' Association
(MEA) and Huntington Beach Police Officers' Association (POA), attending the Association of California
Cities -Orange County (ACC-OC) Workshop on Contract Management, and completing the University of
California Irvine 5-week Public Policy Making Academy.
Mayor Peterson reported attending the Assistance League "Treasures by the Sea" fundraiser.
Councilmember Delgleize reported attending meetings of the Orange County Transit Authority Board , the
Jet Noise Commission, the Santa Ana Protection Flood Agency (SAPFA), attending the Assistance
League 'Treasures by the Sea" fundraiser, representing the City at a Water Conference, and announced
that OCTA and WAZE have collaborated to create a new app, 1405 , which will provide current
information on traffic pattern changes due to the 405 Freeway construction .
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Ap ri l 1, 2019
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Mayor Pro Tern Semeta reported attending the first meeting of the new Harbor Commission w ith Mayor
Peterson where Bill Larkin was elected as Chair and Mike Vanvoorhis as V i ce Chair.
6. 19 -391 Approved and Adopted Minutes
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and adopt the City Council/Public Financing
Authority regular meeting minutes dated March 18 , 2019, as written and on file in th e Office of the City
The motion carried by the following vote :
Peterson , Semeta, Carr, Hardy, and Posey
Brenden , and Delgleize
7. 19-397 Approved the March 2019 City of Huntington Beach Strategic Plan Update
A motion was made by Posey , second Semeta to approve the March 2019 Strategic Objectives Update
as contained within Attachment 1 .
The motion carried by the following vote :
Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson , Posey , Delgleize , a nd Hardy
8. 19 -387 Adopted Resolution No . 2019 -18 directing the execution and recordation of a Notice
of Cessation of Special Tax -Improvement Area B of t he City of Huntington Beach
Community Facilities District (CFO) No. 2002-1 (McDonnell Centre Business Park)
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to adopt Resolution No . 2019-18 , "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Directing the Ex ecution of a Notice of Cessat ion of Special
Tax -Improvement Area B of the City of Huntington Beach Community Facilities District No. 2 002-1
(McDonnell Centre Business Park);" and , authoriz e the City Manager and City Cl e rk to ex ecute and
record the Notice of Cessation and other related documents and actions .
The motion carried by the following vote :
Brenden , Carr, Semeta , Peterson , Posey, De lgleize , and Hardy
9 . 19-371 Awarded and authorized execution of a Three-Year Contract with Pinnacle
Petroleum Inc . for Bulk Fuel Service -Jet-A Aviation Fuel in an amount not to
exceed $300,000 per year
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April 1, 2019
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A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute the "Service Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Pinnacle Petroleum, Inc. for
Bulk Fuel Services -Jet-A Aviation Fuel" in an amount not to exceed $300,000 per year for three years.
The motion carried by the following vote :
AYES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta , Peterson , Posey , Delgleize, and Hardy
NOES: None
10. 19-399 Approved and authorized execution of Cooperative Agreement No. C-8 -1882 for the
Orange County Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Disabled (EMSD) Grant Program
between the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and City of
Huntington Beach, accepted grant award and authorized expenditure and
appropriation of funds
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute
"Cooperative Agreement No . C-8-1882 Between the Orange County Transportation Authority and City of
Huntington Beach" for a term of October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2020; and , accept the grant
award and approve the expenditure of funds for three buses and transportation software as referenced in
Cooperative Agreement No. C-8-1882; and, authorize the appropriation of $50 ,000 into account
10345502.63230 to be reimbursed through Cooperative Agreement No. C-8-1882 .
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Brenden, Carr, Semeta , Peterson , Posey , Delg leize , and Hardy
NOES : None
11. 19-406 Approved the Appointment of Assistant City Manager Lori Ann Farrell-Harrison as
Interim City Manager, approved Amendment to Employment Agreement, and
adopted Resolution No . 2019-21 establishing compensation
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute the "Amendment to Employment Agreement Between the City of Huntington Beach and Lori Ann
Farrell -Harrison" for the position of Interim City Manager; and , adopt Reso lution No . 2019-21, "A
Reso lution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach Modifying Sa lary and Benefits for Non -
Represented Employees by Establishing the Compensation of Interim City Manager."
The motion carried by the following vote :
AYES : Brenden , Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy
NOES: None
12. 19-392 Adopted Ordinance No. 4178 amending Huntington Beach Municipal Code Chapter
5.48 relating to Taxi Cabs
Approved for introduction 3/18/2019 -Vote: 5-0-2 (Brenden, Delgleize absent)
A motion was made by Posey, second Semeta to adopt Ordinance No. 4178 , "An Ordinance of the City
of Huntington Beach Amending Huntington Beach Municipa l Code Chapter 5.48 Taxi Cabs ."
The motion carried by the following vote:
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Brenden, Carr, Semeta, Peterson, Posey, Delgleize, and Hardy
13. 19-39 4 PULLED FROM CONSIDERATION -Appro'le and authorize execution of a Three
Year lease Agreement for 5770 Research Dri\'e and adopt Resolution No. 2019 22
pursuant to SB 850 (Chapter 48, Statutes of 2018 and Go\'emment Code Section
8698.2) for the De'lelopment and Operation of a 50 Bed Na• .. igation Center
14. 19-409 Approved as Amended -Notice of Termination of Rainbow/Republic Services
Evergreen Contract
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta introduced this item by providing a brief history of the process to this point, and
stated that the effort is not to necessarily end the relationship with Rainbow/Republic, but simply to
renegotiate some of the terms, especially the Evergreen Contract.
Councilmember Posey confirmed with Mayor Peterson that this is the "future date for more facts" as
referenced in the minutes from a previous update.
A motion was made by Posey, second Delgleize , to continue the item for 4 weeks to allow staff time to
present the facts concerning where they are in the negotiation process so that a decision is based on the
facts. Discussion ensued.
Mayor Peterson clarified that Rainbow/Republic has not offered up anything during negotiations, and
stated that he believes that just giving notice is the most prudent thing to do at this time .
Councilmember Carr asked for clarification on whether this is a 15-year or 18-year contract. Mayor
Peterson explained that it is a 15-year contract, however a Notice of Termination would not be effective
for 18 years, and Rainbow/Republic can approach the City at any time during the next 18 years to re-
negotiate the contract, or wait 18 years to re -negotiate. In response to Councilmember Carr's question
about acquiring other bids for the service , Mayor Peterson replied that other bids could be acquired but
only for purposes of information because the City is obligated to the current contract for 18 years after
intent to terminate is presented.
Councilmember Delgleize stated that she is not aware that there was ever a report from the Ad Hoc
Committee that was looking at this issue , and that is the process she would expect to follow.
Councilmember Brenden asked for history behind the current contract; what conditions might be different
in the refuse business today which makes the Evergeen Contract not so attractive; and, could revocation
of the contract result in a reduced level of service? He further stated that in his opinion having more
background information and answers to his questions is necessary before the Council considers a Notice
of Termination.
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Councilmember Delgleize explained that back in 2008 Rainbow was planning to make big, long-term
investments to update machines and their facility to meet the demands of the growing recycle market
(which hardly exists today), and groundwater replenishment programs did not exist back then . She
stated her support for a review of the Evergreen Contract and presentation of facts.
Mayor Peterson explained that the Finance Commission years ago supported a long-term contract to
ensure that Rainbow had time to recoup their costs; however, the Commission did not recommend the
Evergreen Contract. There was also concern about the damage to the alleys and streets accessed by
three refuse trucks each week. Mayor Peterson reminded Council that Rainbow was a family-owned
business when the City approved the Evergreen Contract, and stated his opinion that going out for a bid
resulting in a purchase by Republic should have allowed City to re-negotiate the contract with the new
Councilmember Hardy stated that a lot has changed in the last decade, and if the Council decides to
terminate the Evergreen Contract it does not mean the end of doing business with Rainbow/Republic, but
it should mean going out to bid periodically . She added that long-term contracts are not unusual for this
industry, and suggested a compromise substitute motion asking staff to prepare the termination letter as
well as a report on the status of negotiations be set for the first meeting in May. In her opinion , taking
this action will provide an opportunity for the sitting Council 18 years from now to decide how to proceed .
Councilmember Posey stated that an Evergreen Contract is not necessarily all bad, as it can offer
protection to both the company and the residents . He further stated he is interested in having a staff
report that details the negotiation progress so a decision is made based on facts .
Councilmember Brenden clarified that at the May 6 meeting Council could ask for even further details or
clarification before voting on the Notice of Termination .
A substitute motion was made by Peterson, second Semeta , to direct the City Manager to prepare a
letter of written notification to Republic Services of the City's intent to terminate the current franchise
agreement pursuant to the terms of the agreement, and present that termination letter to the City Council
for approval at the next-scheduled City Council meeting, as amended to return on May 6 with written
letter of termination and a detailed report that includes differences in process/programs (then
and now), future of recyclable material, how the cancellation clause affects residents, and status
of current negotiations.
The substitute motion carried by the following vote:
Brenden, Carr, Semeta , Peterson, Posey, Delgleize , and Hardy
Councilmember Hardy reported attending the STEAM Expo at Marina High School and thanked
everyone responsible for putting on this exciting event for students throughout the City; the Creative
Visions - A Display of Visual and Performing Arts Created by Students, Public Opening Reception; she
thanked Fire Chief Segura and the Jr. Lifeguards for assisting with her last-minute CPR training so she
could take students to the HB Reads author presentation ; and provided a tour of City Hall for a group of
Marina High School Japanese exchange students .
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Councilmember Brenden announced that the Children's Needs Task Force is accepting applications for
the 2019 American Youth Character Awards with a deadline of 4 p .m. on Friday, April 5 ; reported
attending the HB Police Department 2019 Employee Awards Luncheon; meetings of the Public Cable
Television Authority (PCTA) Communications Committee to coordinate the withdrawal of Huntington
Beach from PCTA; a Jet Noise Commission; Beautification , Landscape and Trees Committee; the
Swearing In ceremony for new District 3 County Supervisor Don Wagner; Association of California Cities
-Orange County (ACC-OC) Advocacy Trip to Sacramento; Marsh Madness Fundraiser by the
Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy; Assistance League "Treasures by the Sea" Fundraiser; HB
Council on Aging (HBCOA) Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon; announced the HB Search & Rescue
Gala, A Night to Remember, on Saturday, April 6; and closed by sending thoughts of best wishes and
speedy healing to dear friends Steve Daniels and Don MacAllister.
Councilmember De lgleize reported attending the same events as Councilmember Brenden , and
expressed her appreciation to every resident who took the time to share comments regarding the City's
homeless issue.
Councilmember Carr reported attending the HB Police Department 2019 Employee Awards Luncheon,
and representing the City at the Volleyball Court Ribbon Cutting with Pro Kerri Walsh Jennings whose
organization p1440 donated nets for 25 beach volleyball courts near the Pier.
Councilmember Posey reported attending the Huntington Beach Kiwanis celebration to acknowledge the
65 years of Kiwanis service by Pete Jantz, a member who never missed a meeting in his 65 years ;
Swearing In Ceremony for new District 3 County Supervisor Don Wagner; leading the Pledge of
Allegiance at the March Madness Fundraiser by the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy; and
attending the Celebration of Life service for Lieutenant General George K. Muellner, a Huntington Beach
resident, former Boeing Executive, and community leader, and asked that the Council meeting be
adjourned in his honor.
Mayor Pro Tern Semeta reported attending the HB Police Department 2019 Employee Awards
Luncheon; representing the City at a meeting with officials from Westminster, Seal Beach and Garden
Grove to discuss the emergency homeless shelter issue; a meeting of the Public Cable Television
Authority (PCTA) Communications Committee; Entrepreneur's Organization presentation on Youth
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health; and the Assistance League "Treasures by the Sea" Fundraiser.
Mayor Peterson thanked the HB Police and Community Foundation for the outstanding 2019 Employee
Awards Luncheon; reported attending the 19th Annual Beachcruisers Meet on the Pier; the Citizen
Emergency Response Training (CERT) Class Graduation; Eagle Court of Honor for Dylan James
Michell; presented a City Update to the Greer Park Homeowners Association; and announced Council
will keep people up to date on the process for selecting a Navigation Center location.
ADJOURNMENT at 8:22 PM in honor of Lieutenant General George K. Muellner.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council/Public Financing Authority is
Monday, April 15, 2019, at 4:00 PM in the Civic Center Council Chambers , 2000 Main Street, Huntington
Beach, California .
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April 1, 2019
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Council of the City of Huntington Beach
and Secretary of the Public Financing Authority
of the City of Huntington Beach, California