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Use Variance 66-61 - Huntington Harbour Corporation - Reside (9)
TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ATTENTION: Huntington Beach Planwing Corn ion P.O. Do: 140 ��Pi'ROYEI) DY FY CUtic''iCl►. a" Ham' DEC 5 1966 Hur!4ngWn Beach, Callfomla --------�.......»... l,L,..., December 5, 1966 Z:e. I, E I' T E R O F -.n it 11 ~I Z T T A Z 110NO1LA.BM MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PlaruLing Commission Conditional Exception - UV #66-61 Doyle Miller, City Administrator Paul Jones, City Clerk Gentlemen: Transmitted 'herewith is the Planning Commissl on recommendation for approval of Use Variance No. 66-61. Avnlicant: Huntington aarbour Corporation Vocation: South of iiumbold t Drive, west of Saybrook Lane. Portion of the Wi, Section 20-5-11. UV Request: To permit the following: 1. "A" and 11011 Streeto to be less than 60 It. in width; Z. Waterfront lots 12 thru 25 'to:>be a minimum of 5000 sq. ft. in area; 3. Knuckle lots having less than 45 ft. of frontage and leas than 60 ft. of width at the 20 ft, setback line on lots 9 thru 25 alid between cul-de- , sacs on Lot 28; , 4. Area of Lot© 26 thru 31 to bey averaged t0 II1e8t : tk1H *' t � mum lot requl:r.ements p 5. Lots 1 and 43 to ��av© Ieae' `trian 60'- ft. , of .frontage; 6. Minizaum front yiid . 6etbaok,' o;C to ft. j vilth a 2.0 ft. setback for;gaIi!a ente'red'. directly a btro;bt; . 7. ,'from 10. ft. rear. yard t�etback iavink s than the rewired 900 sq, ft:' ef:: open � ...,space , Reasons gives by the applicant.: The setbacks proposed have been previously approved for development of similar subdivisions. The reduced setbacks allow architectural flexibility on these particular lots. 25% of Huntington Harbour's property ,is de- voted to public water areas, and lot owners will have access to these water areas for recreational purposes. Staff. Re-commendati,nn 'i 1. All streets shell comply with 'standards proposed by the Department of Public Works and appproved by both the Planning Commission (Pugtst 3, 1965 and City Council (September 7, 1965�. 2. The minimum front yard shall be 10 ft. except the minimum front yard for garages entLred directly from the street shall be 22 ft. This condi- tion of approval is not general in nature and a precise plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of any building permits. Said plan shall delineate the house location on each lot. 3. A tree, equivalc.it to a 30 inch box tree, as approved by the Park Supervisor, shall be planted in the front yard of each lot and in the exterior sidt yard of each corner lot. 4. The minimum lot frontage shall not be less than 50 ft. wide with 5000 sq. ft@ of lot area, An avers a lot u+idth of 60 ft. of frontaage wits 6000 91. ft. of lot area shaL be provided %r ekch six contiguous lots in a block. -2- El P1ann tnQ C1��L s ion Act n : Approv+rd and recommended for approval. by the City Council upon the follow- ing condition:: 1. ALL streets shall comply with standards pproposrd by the Department of Public Works and approved by both the Plan- ninj; Cammissi.on (August 3, 1965 and Cit3► Council (September 7, 1965�. 2. The minimum front yard shall be 10 ft. except the minimum front yard forgar-. ses entered directly from the street all, be 22 ft. This condition of approval is not f�eneral in nature and a pr6clse plan. sftall be submitted to the I'la)Ining Department for approval prior to issuance of any building permits„ Said plan sluall delineate the house location on each lot. 3. A tree, equivalent to a 30 i'nch box tree, as approved by the Park Super- visor " shall be planted in the front yard of each lot: .and in the exterior side yard of each cornea' lot. 4. The rear yard setback on waterfront late may be, 10 f t . and the 900 s'q f t . of open space on waterfront lots need not be provi4ed . 5. Waterfront lots 12 thru 25 to be a minimum of 5000 sq. ft. in area. 6. Knuckle lots having less than 45 ft. of frontage and less than 60 ft. of width at the 20 ft. setback 11ne. on lots 9 thru 25 and between"cul-de sacs on Lot 28 Area, of Lots 26 thm 3L to be . averaged to meet the minimum lot: requiremetnts Lots `1'�,and-:43 to ha',v* less Lt;an60 ft`; of. frontage.,