HomeMy WebLinkAboutBartlett Park-Development of Public Nine Hole Golf Course an REQUEb f FOR CITY COUNCO ACTIO Date July 18, 1994 Submitted to: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Submitted by: Michael Uberuaga, City Administrato Prepared by: ROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Ron Hagan, Director, Community Services Subject: 7--109 19 BARTLETT PARK DEVELOPMENT //S /�/�'l��t/DEI, 10 Consistent with Council Policy? C1�YCLERK [ ] Yes [ ] New Policy or Exception Statement of Issue, Recommendation,Analysis, Funding Source, Alternative Actions,Attachments: STATEMENT OF ISSUE 17- ���� C:er7�imec�n��j There is a need to continue to negotiate with Bartlett Park Golf Associates for development of Bartlett Park as a golf facility and neighborhood park. RECOMMENDED ACTION Direct staff to continue negotiations with Bartlett Park Golf Associates to July 30, 1995 to allow the city and the proposed concessionaire to develop a plan and concessionaire's agreement as well as proceed with the required review and approval process for the development of golf facilities and a neighborhood park in Bartlett Park. ANALYSIS On July 19, 1993 City Council approved the concept of developing Bartlett Park with golf facilities and a neighborhood park with a concessionaire. The intent was to enter into a public/private partnership to allow the 30 acre site to be developed. The proposed project has been reviewed by the public, Community Services Commission and City Council. There are still issues that need to be addressed. At its April 18, 1994 meeting Council indicated that the project would not go to a Measure C vote until it has been through the Conditional Use permit process, public hearings, and a concession agreement was approved. Therefore, it is necessary to go beyond the original one-year period'established to negotiate with the developer. It is the developer's intention to move forward with a modified project. Public input will be solicited and the project will go through the Conditional Use Permit process including the environmental assessment. The agreement between the proposed concessionaire and the city will also be developed during that period of time. The last step would be to put the project on the ballot for a Measure C vote. The,following is a proposed time line: Summer, 1994 Public input process to develop plan. Fall, 1994 Environmental assessment prepared. Spring, 1995 Conditional Use Permit process completed; returned to City Council for final approval of project and concessionaire's agreement; Council permission to go to Measure C vote. June, 1996 Measure C vote. Plo 5/85 a, REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Page two Staff recommends the one-year extension to allow the concessionaire to continue developing the plan and go through the necessary entitlement and approval process. FUNDING Not applicable. ALTERNATIVE ACTION Take the project to a Measure C vote at the November, 1994 election (decision would have to be made by July, 1994 in order to place project on the ballot). ATTACHMENTS None RH:JBE:am r REQUES , FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Date April 18, 1994 Submitted to: The Honorable Mayor and City Council �� Submitted by: Michael Uberuaga, City Administrator Prepared by: Ron Hagan, Director, Community ServicesV cm Subject: BARTLETT PARK GOLF FACILITY o AND NEIGHBORHOOD PARK —� Consistent with Council Policy? [ ] Yes [ ] New Policy or Exception co" L T Statement of Issue, Recommendation,Analysis, Funding Source,Alternative Actions, Attachments: WOW STATEMENT OF ISSUE The proposed Bartlett Park concessionaire is requesting that the City Council adopt a resolution to put the issue before the public for a Measure "C" vote to determine if the public wishes the site be developed as a golf facility and neighborhood park. RECOMMENDATION Direct staff to prepare the necessary resolution and ballot language for City Council approval to be placed on the November 8, 1994 General Election Ballot regarding a Measure "C" vote for leasing Bartlett Park to a concessionaire for the development and operation of a golf facility and neighborhood park. ANALYSIS On July 19, 1993, Council approved the concept of a public/private partnership for the development of golf related facilities and a neighborhood park on the thirty acre Bartlett Park.site. The site is located north of Adams Avenue, south of Yorktown Avenue, east of Beach Boulevard and the Newland Center, and west of Coldwater Drive. The developer has incurred significant project expenditures to date for design and environmental studies. Prior to expending any additional money, the concessionaire would like to know if the people of Huntington Beach support the proposed development on Bartlett Park. If the citizens do not support this project, the concessionaire does not want to expend the substantial amount of money required to go through the plan development and entitlement process. Consequently, the concessionaire is requesting City Council put the issue before the voters at the November 8, 1994 General Election. Under the Measure "C" Charter Amendment, a majority vote of the people would be required in order for the city to lease the space to this concessionaire for the development of a golf facility and neighborhood park. If the voters approve this development, it is the intention of the concessionaire to then proceed with the plan development and entitlement process. On August 25, 1993, a public hearing was conducted at the Newland Barn in Bartlett / � I PI O 5/85 v r REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION PAGE TWO Park. At that time, there was no consensus from the approximately 75 to 100 members of the public present as to the facilities that should be developed at the park site. If there is a favorable Measure "C" vote, public hearings will be held to determine the final design and facility development. FUNDING SOURCE General Fund--cost to place issue on the General Election ballot on November 8, 1994 is $10,000 to $15,000. ALTERNATIVE ACTION Direct the concessionaire to proceed with the entitlement process first before initiating a Measure "C" vote. NOTE: The cost for a Measure "C" vote on a General Election, i.e., November, 1994 or 1996, is $10,000 to $15,000. The cost for a Special Election at any other time is approximately $120,000. Therefore, time is of the essence if it is Council's desire to place the issue on the November, 1994 General Election ballot. ATTACHMENTS Golf Facility and Park Plans Location Map • i N ®s � - - emir ' -. � ri����� •• •r llil� . — �► I ri111!_� � � „-tea: . � sW■ � � �11�■/� ��H �C�iii■ C . C: �l�li1 tinlT• �.�- ��I�IIII . ►ill �: �' i1111■, �u�1':i■uiN. S�r111�1�1� I/�� : 111■In ` r! W !■e■■m■ir►� ::;Illr► �� 1� �� �, ! ■= �\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfII ppHUMERONNIE .� Q� Q �.■!!!!!lllr�►�� �� ■11111111111�/Iy ■; �� ■�;111i�1111111■ e+� �I�� s ■■!■■■■■■■■■� CC:11�1111!!1!!!� �� ■ go . I/1lIIIIIINI!!11 � � \iiili■uiiORION llr,MINN oil � �1111111111!ll/��� N ,., ��II�11111°.�1�/ it■l■ ■!!!l111111t.��;� NINE!!■!!! ■■■O MIEN 1I �/I! IIIm111m11� 1!lm1�Il�i►� ■�� ,��111l11! ��llr"r!■1!�■�1� �' N!llmilllNll/ �� ■!lll� � ■!I �� 1!!11lllll■llnllll■ �I� i allil ,a1/■ �r 1111Ir .MM C �If1! CM On C lllll i� ■�i� ■'iiloll �■r � ■1!N■ r' pp a1i1n��� I��ir►�Iii!!! loll milli . .� ��\�IIIlIi■ . mill!!■!!!■■■!■,■■r�. .!r .��q . ■ ■ al■ -� .. �. ■Gil■ • ��■II111111! �� HilWINl 11/11111!■l111�! �i �i "�%�N ♦ � 1011112 MINI IN-- Mill111111 MW llill!!ll!!l!!1l��. .. ■ � r r CLUBHOUSE GOLF ACADEMY/ -'� REST NEWLAND PARKING HOUSE BARN 1 - _ E " rii- 1 - K - 4 PRACTICE L NETTING O �otpWATER -_ i PUBLIC PARK VaM TOT LOT DiTENTION BASIN TWO LEVEL TEES CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PUBLIC TRAIL BARTLETT PARK r� N U V I S SITE PLANLAMSON PAR 3 GOLF COURSE PRELIMINARYIM;71 l.'Ms111=G CO1G.1A•CA160[A11A IN:711.71 A.7111 0 40 80 t2O 200 A1AlIDl18 BiA RLDI s�q C,0 REQUES i FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION Date September 8 . 1992 Submitted to: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Submitted by: Michael T. Uberuaga, City Administrat Prepared by: Ron Hagan, Director, Community Services APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Subject: BARTLETT .PARR DEVELOPMENT � Consistent with Council Policy? [ ] Yes [ ] New Policy or Excep ion crr �CLZ Statement of Issue, Recommendation,Analysis, Funding Source,Alternative Actions,Attachments STATEMENT OF ISSUE Bartlett Park is currently in need of development but insufficient funds exist in the Park Acquisition and Development Fund. A public/private partnership is, potentially, a means to proceed with the development of the site for recreational purposes. Conceptual approval and permission to seek proposals is required to determine if this is a viable proposal for a public/private partnership. RECOMMENDATION 1. Approve concept for the development of a public, nine hole, three par golf course, and neighborhood park on Bartlett Park site. 2 . Direct staff to request proposals from the private sector to design, build and operate a public, three par golf course on Bartlett Park with a provision in the agreement that the golf course concessionaire also develop and maintain four acres of neighborhood park facilities on site for the general public. 3 . Approve the demolition and removal of the two historical buildings on Bartlett Park, after taking appropriate action to document these historical structures as recommended by the Historic Resources Board. ANALYSIS GOLF AND NEIGHBORHOOD PARK: Bartlett Park is approximately 30 acres in size, located between Adams Avenue and Yorktown Avenue, west of Coldwater Drive and east of the Newland Shopping Center. It includes the Newland House and Newland Barn. Approximately one-half of the site is on a bluff and the other half is a catch basin that has been improved by the Orange County Flood Control to increase its water-holding capacity. Staff and the Community Services Commission are recommending that the site be developed as a public, three par golf course and neighborhood park. One or two acres of the neighborhood park would be in the catch basin, but the water-holding capacity would not be reduced. G 1 No 5/85 REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION PAGE TWO Requests for proposals will be distributed to select a company to design, build and operate the golf course to city specifications. As a part of the agreement, the concessionaire will build approximately three to four acres of neighborhood park facilities adjacent to Yorktown Avenue and Coldwater Drive to serve local residents. There is currently no park in the quarter section. The concessionaire would also be responsible for the park maintenance which is similar to that of a golf course such as mowing, fertilizing, irrigation, etc. The city would retain maintenance responsibilities for the children's tot lot since this is a specialized need not found in a normal golf course setting. Appropriate concessions would be made in the agreement to compensate for the development and maintenance of the park. HISTORICAL BUILDINGS: Several years ago, City Council directed staff to relocate a small church and house from the downtown area to Bartlett Park on a temporary basis. The condition of the buildings has continued to worsen over the years due to ongoing vandalism, even though the area has been fenced. There is also evidence of vagrants. Public Works is paying for rental of the chainlink fence and it incurs costs due to the ongoing vandalism. The- Historic Resources Board, at its August 12 meeting, indicated that the buildings are beyond repair and the city could, at its discretion, remove or demolish them. FUNDING SOURCE Concessionaire would pay development and maintenance costs for the golf course and park. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Do not include development of the neighborhood park as part of the process, but do move ahead with the golf course concept. This would necessitate the neighborhood to continue for the unforeseeable future without a park since adequate funds are not available. 2 . Do not put a golf course on Bartlett Park. This also necessitates the neighborhood waiting for development of a park until funds become available. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2 . Historic Resources Board August 12, 1992 Action. 3 . Park/Golf Course Conceptual Plan RH/JBE:am 1 wj� I■1111■ �� III. ,\IIII :..e\ �..e�■■- IN IN ME � p ■11111■e.��a1■ ..• . m ME CC�iee■� C WIN 1111 p r' :_ . ii1■I/� 1■1 •��ee■ MON si11111■1�:� �N i C /11111�■ ' rl■■ ■■e■■■■■■�r►� NONNI ��■il■I�i`� ��'�� Ii��11111 ..�11�1► �► I: :: :��� ii■ : ��111111111111111111►I �Cam ■/1!■1■■�■ �� G O i■1■iii/ i■�I!l111111111�� . C� ��*�\IIWI■ Y .'�� ■■■l■■■11■�►�� := 11�111111111�/I� D canson ...i■1111d1111� _. �i � �ldllili ��� i ■■■■■■■■■■■■C �� �ili1111 11■i �� �. .. ./ �d1■■e■ i11d/, / oil in ■ens C -. �_ • . �r11■IIIdN1■1111� . i �� ���HIIIn■ ��l■111111 ■ l,� ■lIIIIIIIu11■I/Ii:� p �i►'���:►�enN■■ 1 111 n11111 ii' �I i1■ie ■■■1■eerlli■ �: ��y�,►,,�,��• - _' -' - ■�11111111-� ���■1■-■■■Id1�11■■.C:"� view■■-.• ■■i■■ 1 Ii��i ice/\�■1■Inm■ �i ■■■�■.■i r11111�■11 111��11 111■IIIIII IIHI IIu►� � ���� ,�IIIIIIII ��■11 11■1■■■/��e�� wWIHIdId■I •. 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Person outlined some of the concerns that have been expressed to him by the City including the liability issue, vandalism and the possibility that the property if destroyed by fire could lead to further destruction of the Newland House and Barn. Given that the properties have been severely vandalized over the last three years, the board concurred with City staff that restoration would not be possible. The Board felt that the historical significance of the structures warranted documentation prior to demolition. The board requested that the City take the appropriate action to fulfill its obligation to 'document these historic structures. After discussion, the following motion was made: MOTION: MOVED BY PERSON, SECONDED BY BINSACK, THE HISTORIC RESOURCES BOARD CONCURS WITH STAFFS RECOMMENDATION TO DEMOLISH THE TWO STRUCTURES (1903 CHURCH AND PARSONAGE) CURRENTLY STORED AT BARTLETT PARK WITH THE CONDITION THAT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION OF THE CHURCH STRUCTURE BE COMPLETED BY STAFF PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Respectfully submitted, ✓ ED CUNNINGHAM Chairman, Historic Resources Board EC:MM:bs 5793e cc: Michael T. Uberuaga, City Administrator Ron Hagan, Director, Community Services \ Jim B. Engle, Superintendent, Park Develop./Recreation Louis F. Sandoval , Director, Public Works Michael Mudd, Manager, Cultural Services Historic Resources Board INS 1 , - oy • ,��.""'�"w.•�,,.1 ,4� 'Y�.,: ;ice,�� �. tit A`, x �t S4- 1 '.'�., .- �/�M.i E�,K,.:�♦�`-• yr-\1 - ----;�$�°.'.obi ���.�� �►'�►1 � �. , • RCA - ROUTING SHEET/CHECKLIST INITIATING DEPARTMENT DATE SUBJECT te AGENDA DATE �— AGENDA DEADLI T 2-- (TO ADMINISTRATION) YES NO� PUBLIC HEARING [ ] [-, ] PUBLICATION DATE (Most FEES require a Public Hearing. .Seek the City Attorneys advice on fees.) DATE TO CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney (With Exhibits) (Initial when complete) INITIATING DEPARTMENT REVIEW/CHECKLIST REQUIRED BACKUP YES NO CHECK BELOW IF ATTACHED ordinance Resolution [ ] ( ] [ ] Signed Contract/Agreement [ ] (•� ( ] Negative Dec./EIR Insurance Bond/s Map/s [Vl [ ) [ Financial Impact statement (Unbudgeted Items Over $10,000) RCA - City Council [�[ ] [✓ ] RCA - Redevelopment Agency REVIEWED BY INITIATING DEPARTMENT AGENDA COORDINATOR: ADMINISTRATION REVIEW [ COMMENTS: PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearings are required on many development issues and most fees. If you need clarification on the need for a Public Hearing include a request for advice' in your -Request for Legal Serivice (RLS) i e al:-eQI X' - ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION To add to or amend the City Code, departments must submit a RLS describing the desired revision- so that it can be put in proper ordinance or resolution form and reviewed for any legal concerns. An ordinance or resolution is also needed to establish a new fee or revise an existing fee. An RLS should be submitted to the City Attorney for these as well. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT All contracts/agreements must be submitted to the City Attorney Office for review arid approval. With few exceptions, the City Attorney requires two signature$by the contractor before final approval can be given. NEGATIVE DEC./EIR All projects within the City require either a Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report(EIR) . Community Development staff should be consulted as to which is needed. INSURANCE Proof of insprance is usually required of contractors with the city as well as companies doing work in a city right- of-way. Seek advice via your RLS if you are unsure. BONDS Are required of contractors. with the City and developers. Again, as part of your RLS you can seek advice on the need for bonds. MAPS Maps should be attached to identify the location of all projects or tracts.