HomeMy WebLinkAboutEscheat $144.67 of unclaimed funds under $15 and $62,962,54 Il S,A71LJ t � f Council/Agency Meeting Held:1/—/ -a30/U Deferred/Continued to: `P Approved ❑ Conditionally Ap roved ❑ Denied 1&tl, � ity V erk's Si nature Council Meeting Date: November 1, 2010 Department ID Number: CT 11-002 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL. ACTION SUBMITTED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members SUBMITTED BY: Shari L. Freidenrich, CPA, City Treasurer PREPARED BY: Shari L. Freidenrich, CPA, City Treasurer SUBJECT: Escheat $144.67 of unclaimed funds under $15 and $62,962,54 of unclaimed funds over$15 to the General Fund per Government Code 50055 Statement of Issue: The City is holding $63,107.21 of unclaimed funds. Per Governmental Code Section 50055, unclaimed funds less than $15.00, which remain unclaimed for over one year, become the property of the City. In addition, funds that are not the property of the City that remain unclaimed for over three years and have not been claimed after publishment of a notice become the property of the City. Financial Impact: Not Applicable. Recommended Action: Motion to: Review and approve the transfer of $63,107.21 of unclaimed funds from the City's Unclaimed Funds JDE Liability Account to the City's JDE Miscellaneous Revenue Account #10000100.48550.10025201 in compliance with Government Code Section 50055. Alternative Action(s): Deny transfer of funds and do not comply with government code HB -67- Item 4. - 1 REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION MEETING DATE: 11/1/2010 DEPARTMENT ID NUMBER: CT 11-002 Analysis: The City Treasurer has developed a procedure based on Government Code Section 50055 (Attachment 1) for the escheatment of funds (Attachment 2). Under the procedure, the City Treasurer received a list (Attachment 4) from the Finance Department of unclaimed funds under $15.00 which have remained unclaimed for over one year as of September 20, 2009 and a list (Attachment 5) of unclaimed funds greater than $15.00 which have been unclaimed for over 3 years as of September 30, 2009. Pursuant to Government Code Section 50055, the City Treasurer published a notice on April 22, 2010 and April 29, 2010 in an adjudicated newspaper, the Huntington Beach Independent, with all unclaimed funds over three years old greater than $15.00. The City released funds on all verified claims which were timely filed. The remaining unclaimed funds total the amount of $63,107.21. Environmental Status: Not Applicable. Strategic Plan Goal: Maintain financial viability and our reserves. Improve internal and external communication. Attachment(s): Description 1. Copy of Government Code Sections 50050 to 50057 2. Escheatment of Money Procedure 3. Newspaper Publishment and Claim Form 4. Listing of Unclaimed Funds Under $15.00 5. Listing of Unclaimed Funds Over $15.00 Item 4. - 2 HB -68- ATTACHMENT # 1 Fe -69- Item 4. - 3 VI i? I) Vztge I M 'j G�OVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50050-50057 500 A. For Purposes of t-his article, "local agency" includes all districts. Cxce-pt as otherwise provided by law, money, excluding 1(-Sti-tUtion LO victims, that is not the prop(-�rty of a local. agency that remains unclaimed in its treasury or in the official custody of it--s officers for three y(?a3-!3 is the property of the local agency oft-er notice if riot c.l.aimed or if no va�rified complaint. is filed Arid served. At any time- after the expiration of the three—year period, the treasurer of the local agency may cause a notice to be published or)(--(- a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the local agency. Money representing restitution Collected on behalf of victims shall be either. deposited i-rito the R(.,,.stitutioii Fund or. Used by the local agency tor Purposes ot' victilin service's after, the, expiration of the three-year period. However, with rc>spc>ct to moneys deposited with the county treasurer pursuant to Scact.ion 7663 ol-' the Probate Code, this three -yc.,ar period to NAW money held by a local agency is (-3xt-,en(ied for an infant of person of unsound mind until- one year' from the date 105 or tier ty ceases. For purposes of 1-his section, "infant" and "person of unsound 111ind" have the same meaning as 91-wal to those Leans as used hi Wction 1441 of the Code of CLAI Procedure. !)00!)l - The notice t3hal I state the arnowit of imniey, the fund in which it is held, and that it Q proposed Lhat- Lhe money will. become the property of the local aqency on a designated dat:ce riot- less than forty--fi.ve days not: imre than sixty days ADer. I.he publication of the notice. 50052. loon or. prior Lo publication, a part-.y of interest- may file a ('Ja3m with Lhe treasurer which n1u,,,t includo the claimant's name, address' amount of claim, the grounds on Which the clai'111 J-'3 founded, and any other information that may he T-vrquired by the, treasurer. The -aiffl shall be filed boforc the data the unclmirned money becomes the property of the local agency an provided under Section 50051 and the tweasurer shall accept to rejew that claim. if the claim is rejec-Led by the treasurer, tAhe party who submitted the claiin may f-ile a vc�rified complaint. seeking to recover all, or a desiqnat(_�d part, of the money .in a court- of compf-,tent jurisdictJoii wit-hin the county in which the notice in published, and serves a copy of. the complaint and the summons issued thereon upon the Lr(----a surer . The copy of the cc:)iziplaint and summons shall. be served within 30 day.-3 Of IKA--ice that', the Mhrr was The trea.--urer withhold the re3ease of the portion of unclaim(.-!d money for. which a court action hca-s been filed as provided in this sect ion until a decision is Yc.-xnd(--'Xed by tho court. 50052.5. (a) NoLwitApRanding Secl-ion 50051 the treasurer may rEnLease to the depositor. W the unclainvA money, their heir, be-neficiary, (Dr. duly appointed rept-esont-ative, unclainled money if claiwed prior to the date the money the propert-,y of the local aqoncy upon zsu�.)ndt.t inq proof satisfactory to the treasurno unless the unclaimed money in deposiLed pursuant to sc--c-t.i.oj) 7663 of the 1'r--obate (b) NoLwith:'it.andinq Section 500!i2' tho trea3kil-(11' Iffily release ur-icloimed money deposited with t-ho county treasurer pursuant to h UWAnAsen,ca. iolv----I�oV& 10()()&file-50050 6/2.3/2010 Item 4. - 4 HB -70- section 7063 of the. Probate Code, Lo any adult blood rel.aLive of either t1w decedent or the decedent's predeceased spouse. (c) Section S00S2, rh<, treasurer may release unclaimed money deposiu--A with thee county treasurer: pursuant to Sec""on 7663 of the PrObatel Code to the parent who has legal and physical. CL)3tody of a minor who is a blood relative of cithei, tAie decedent or the decedent's predeceased spouse without the need to appoint a legal. guardian for Lhe minor as follows: M if the value of the unclaimed money deposited with M comity treasurer is five thousand dollars ($.'i,000) or less, the trea�iurer may release the money according to 133ection. 3401 of the Probate Code. M If. the Value of the unclaimed money deposited with the county treasurer, is sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) or less, and the money d:, not. released under paragraph (1), the unclairlied money may be released by the treasurer to the parent who shall, after payment Of any costs incurred in making the claim, hold the money in trust, to be used only for the care, maintenance, and education of the minor, and the parent sball be liable t-herefor to the minor under tbe, fiduci-ary laws of 1:11is uCatC. The money hold in trust' shall be released to the minor, whian t.hc minor reaches the age of majority- (d) The claim s1ia]j be presented to the county trea.siarer in affidavit form and signed under penalty of perjury- Not.withistandl.nq Section 33101 of the Probate Code, the clainiant, to lie erltitle-d to tho entire-> (-�!scheated estate, needs only to wJth documentary proof Lhe existence of a blood relationshi.p to the decedent. or of: the predeceased spouse, if any, and the docwtinntary proof, if r(-:igklA.ar on its face, need riot be cerLified. Notwithstanding Section 131.01 of the Probate Code, the claimant. shall not. be required to that. no other person has all equal. or superior claim to the e!7;clleated estate. The county treasurer may rely in good faith on 1-he sw r,s o 11 !3t lt(MeT11-5 made i.rr the claim and sliall have no duty to i.rryui.re into Lhe truth or, credi-I-Ality of evidence submitted. in paying Out the cscheat(td estate, the county treasurer shall. be lle�ld harmless to all - Payment. shall act- as total. acquittance and shall completely discharge the county treasurer, from any Liability. If. Llle Coulity rojQC-1-13 any C-lZijill Made her(-ninder, the clahmnt may Lake his or her grievance to the Superior Court of the couray Ulding the emlinated estate. Any claim paid shall he paid without rylLere"A. 50053. When any Such money becomes the property Of a local lqaancy and is in a special fund, the .le gislatims body may tramfer. it M the genvral fund. 50054. Whenever any 01, or county or WAy and county renders cc)nsty-tic-tion or con-,-3tY,uct,,.i potAAc works for any city, counl:y, city and county or any other governmental agency below the lt-'vel of the state government, the price charged for SUCIL services or C-C)IIst.ruct.ion shii.) I be surf icj.crYjt to roiinburse the governmental body pc->rfor-mi.nq such serMces for the full cost thereof including labor, material, equipment costs or rentals and a reasonable allowance for one head. In computing overhead, without limitation on other fact.ors pt-operly includable, there shall be allocated to then overhead cost its proportiOnatO shal-(- of indirec--I: labor and admi.ni st rat i ve costs. 50W)l-1. Any other provision of this articlo not wit hstandi rig, any i-lidi-Vixinal items of., less than fiftemi dollars 01Y , or any amount if 1.he deposi,toir-'s narno unknown, which r(-miain unclaimed in the t :rca:.:tlry or in the official custody of an officer of a local. aclency f <,-)' tile, Period Of one year or. iqmn an mWer of Me court: may be I talltjfolred to t:he general fund by the legislative body Without the hiley/Anfra .,zc�n (,--i o tw/co i-hi n/d iz'T)1,)V i on-4)0V&0 nV M=9 ON I-'S I OOOX,I I SOO 50- HB -71- Item 4. - 5 Weer essi.Ly of P I I b I i ca I-ion of a not-i('e in to newspaper. 5 00 5(-;. The ro.,iPonsibi I.ities of the tro,tsiuer a,,.; provided under' thl5 articlo may be deloyated by the treasurer to tht' a(lency, d1strict, or clepart.inerit that niaintain.s the supporting rucordn of the unclai.wed money ba ed on the initial rcceipt or deposit of that money or both. 5 0 0 5'1. For individual. items in t�_he awount of once thousand dollars (;'1,000) or less, the legislativc body of any county may, by resolution, authorize Lhe county treasurer to per.form on its behalf any act required or authorized to b(a performed by it under Se("'Lion,; WOW, 500,53, and 50055. The r(,solution shall, require that the country y auditor be informed of <-�ach act performed under the 11 tip:Hill fo.sel1.C'1.gov/C'g I-bi n1di splaycod0sect lon---gov&group:---50001-51000&fi le-=5 0050-_ 6/23/2010 Item 4. - 6 HB -72- ATTACHMENT #2 n9 „ Item 4. _ 7 Escheat of Money Gov't Section 50050-50056 .............. 1. Operating Expenses — Under mininjuln ($15.00) hinanceDepartment• A) At the end of every fiscal year, identify all outstanding checks by check number, date, name and fund which are under $15.00 and which are over one (1) year old for all bank accounts. Provide list to City Treasurer. City Treasurer Department: B) City Treasurer to request Council action for approval of the transfer of these funds to revenue in the general fund. 11. Operating Expenses — Equal or C'reaterTban Minimum ($15.00) 1-.- Hance: A) After the response period has expired, identify these items as stale over one (1) year and remove them froin the bank reconciliation and transfer them into another JDE account entitled Unclaimed Warrants 11) At the end of every fiscal year, identify all remaining outstanding checks over three (3) years old including check number, date, name and fund and move to Unclaimed Warrants account. Provide list to City Treasurer. City Treasurer Department: A) At the end of every fiscal year, identify all outstanding checks by check number, date, name and fund which are equal or greater than $15.00 and which are over I year old. Send a letter notifying payees of outstanding check that has reached "Abandoned Property Status" allowing three (3) weeks for response. 11) Upon receipt ol'a letter, a party of interest may file a claim with the City Treasury which must include claimant's name, address, amount of claim, the grounds on which the claim is founded and any other intbri-nation that Maybe required by the City Treasurer. (Copy ot"'Clain-1 form" attached) The City Treasurer will provide this to the Finance Officer for review and approval. If approve(], paperwork for issuance of a new check will be processed by accounting. Office of the City'Vrcasurer policies\eSclicat.doc 05A)9/2009 Item 4. - 8 HB -74- C) City Treasurer will provide list to City Clerk to publish unclaimed moneys in a newspaper notice. The notice is to be published once a week fin- two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City. The notice shall state the amount of money, the fund in which it is held, and that it is proposed that the money will become the property of the City on a designated date not less than forty-five (45) days nor more than sixty(60) days after the first publication of the notice. I.)) Upon publication, it party of interest may file a claim with the City "treasurer which must include claimant's name, address, amount of claim, the grounds on which the claim is founded and any other information that may be required by the City Treasurer. (Copy of"Claim Dorm" attached.) The City Treasurer will provide this to the Finance Officer for review and approval. If approved, paperwork for issuance of a new check will be processed by accounting. ls') After the second publication in a newspaper, the City Treasurer will prepare an RCA and request Council take action to approve the transfer of all amounts in the Unclaimed Warrants account over three (3) years old to the General fund or if it is restitution collected on behalf of vict.iiw,., it. shall be either deposited into the Restitution Fund or used by the City for- purposes of victim services after the expiration of the three-year period. 111. Bond Funds— Under Minimum (_$15.00) Finance Department: !1.) At the end of every fiscal year, identify all outstanding checks by check number, (late, name and fund which are under$15.00 and which are over I year. Provide list to City 'Treasurer. City Treasurer- Department: I3) City Treasurer to request Council action for approval of the transfer of these funds to revenue in the general fund. ><'V. Bond Funds— Equal or Greater Than Minimum ($15.00) Finance Department: A) After the response period has expired, identify these items as stale over one (1) year and remove from the bank reconciliation and move into .iDF account Unclaimed Warrants Office.of the City Treasurer policies\eselreal_doc 05/08/2008 Ng -75- Item 4. - 9 13) At the end of every fiscal year, identify all remaining; outstanding checks over three (3) years old including check number, date, name and hand and move to Unclaimed Warrants account. Provide list to City Treasurer. (:;ity "l reasurer Department: A). At the end of every fiscal year, identify all outstanding checks by check number, date, naine and fund which are equal or greater than $15.00 and which are over I year old. Send a letter notifying payees of outstanding check that has reached "Abandoned Property Status" allowing three (3) weeks for response. 13) Upon receipt of a letter, a party on interest may file a claim with the City "Treasurer which must include claimant's name, address, amount of claim, the grounds on which the claim is founded and any other information that may be required by the City Treasurer. (Copy of"Claim Dorm" attached) The City Treasurer will provide this to the Finance Officer for review and approval. It' approved, paperwork for issuance of a new check will be processed by accounting. C) City 'Treasurer will provide list to City Clerk to publish unclaimed moneys in a newspaper notice. The notice is to be published once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of gencral circulation published in the City. The notice shall state the amount of money, the fund in which it is held, and that it is proposed that the money will become the property of the City on a designated date not less than forty-live (45) days nor more than sixty (60)days after the first publication of the notice_ F) Upon publication, a party of interest may file a claim with the City Treasury which must include claimant's name, address, amount of elaim, the grounds on which the claim is founded and any other information that may be required by the City Treasurer. (Copy of"Claim Dorm" attached.) The City"Treasurer will provide this to the Finance Officer- for approval. If a claim is approved, a new check will be issued and the amount removed from the Unclaimed Warrants account. G) After the second publication in a newspaper, the City "Treasurer will prepare an RCA and request Council take action to approve the transfer of all amounts in the Unclaimed Warrants account over three (3) years old to the Gencral Fund. Office of tile City `1-rcasurer policieslcscheat.doc. 05/08/2008 Item 4. - 10 1-1f3 -76- Notice for Paper: NOTICE 1S HEREBY G1VE'N THAT, the'Treasurer of the City of l luntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California,declares that the following monetary sums have been held by the City'Treasurer and have remained unclaimed in the funds hereafter indicated for a period of over three (3)years and will become the property of the City of Huntington Beach on the 1I"' day of November,2002,a date not less than forty-five (45) days nor more than sixty (60)days after first publication on this Notice. Any party of interest may, prior to the date designated herein above, file a claim with the City'Treasurer which includes the claimant's name, address,amount of claim, the grounds on which the claimm is founded and the date, name,amount, and heading shown in this notice. The City'Treasurer may accept or reject the claim. if rejected by the City Treasurer, the party submitting the claim may, within 30 days o1`receiving notice of- rejection, bile and serve on the City 'Treasurer a verified complaint seeking to recover all, or a designated part, of the unclaimed fiends. Office of the City'rreasrrrer fx>h6C.v\csc11Ca1.doc 05/08/2008 HB -77- Item 4. - 11 ATTACHMENT #3 Item 4 . ,z „a ,a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, the City Treasurer of the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, declares that the following monetary sums have been held by the City Treasurer and have remained unclaimed in the funds hereafter indicated for a period of over three (3) years and will become the property of the City of Huntington Beach on the 23rd day of June, 2010, a date not less than forty-five (45) days nor more than sixty (60) days after first publication on this Notice. Any party of interest may, prior to the date designated herein above, file a claim with the City Treasurer which includes the claimant's name, address, amount of claim, the grounds on which the claim is founded and the date, name, amount, and heading shown in this notice. The City Treasurer may accept or reject the claim. If rejected by the City Treasurer, the party submitting the claim may, within 30 days of receiving notice of rejection, file and serve on the City Treasurer a verified complaint seeking to recover all, or a designated part, of the unclaimed funds. Claim forms are available at www.huntingtonbeachca.gov/UnclaimedFunds_ HB -79- Item 4. - 13 CITY OF HUNTINGTON REACH r ' OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER _ SIIARI L.FREIDENRICII,CPA P.O. BOX 190 ,d'imot_ HUNTINGTON BEACH,CALIFOIINIA 92648-0190 TELEPHONE: (714)536-5200 FAX: (714)374-1603 E-MAIL: city.treasurer(�surfcity-Itb.org CLAIM FORM UNCLAIMED FUNDS OVER THREE YEARS OLD Original Payee Name: _ Clailn►ant Name: Phone 4: (if different) — Cuirrent Address: DI_.#: WITIN: P110ne#: (individuals attach copy) Address when check was written: Reason for original check issue: FUBd (leave blank ifnotknown). 11ienerial ElFrust Original Check: Date:: Amount: In order to process a replacement check and claim these funds, the City of Huntington Beach, City Treasurer must receive this form no later than June 23, 2010 In consideration thereof; it is agreed that the undersigned, the heirs, executors, successors or assigns of the undersigned, will indemnify and hold harmless the City of Huntington Beach, or assigns, from and against any and all claims, liability, loss, dainage, expenses, counsel fees and costs arising through or by reason of any endorsement, Presentation, negotiation, collection or any attempt at collection or negotiation of the Original Check or the Replacement Check by the undersigned, the employees, or agents of the undersigned. In the event the Original check shall be found, the undersigned agrees to deliver to cause the same to be delivered to the City of Huntington Beach for cancellation and to reimburse the City of I IuntIngton Beach► for al expenses incurred by reason of the issuance of the Replacement Check. Atithorized Signature: _ �- _ V� Date: Nasue(Print): __._.. _ 'Title: --- Please snail back to: City of Huntington Beach Attn: City"Treasurer -Claim 11.0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-0190 city or Huntington Reach Use Only Its n_�iicc. t;sty 7'r�.-•+surer EJ Omfirmed item on outstanding cheek list Name/Dmc._._-- . _---------- ❑Check if O/S at bank__--_ -- ...... _._........_ I� luixu& Processed clam: NanielfJate: ❑Void check at baok Replacement Cheek: Check# Check Date: U Authorize reissue or check 1 Item 4. - 14 HB -80- ATTAC H M E N T #4 rva -81- Item 4. - 15 Summary of Funds Under $15 To Be Escheated Date Amount Check# 09/30/04 $ 0.88 31050 09/30/04 $ 1.35 23973 09/30/04 $ 1.38 28180 09/30/04 $ 1.66 23930 09/30/04 $ 2.39 25651 09/30/04 $ 3.69 31401 09/30/04 $ 4.39 17512 09/30/04 $ 4.71 28820 09/30/04 $ 5.00 13114 01/31/05 $ 5.28 37356 09/30/04 $ 8.14 2038 09/30/04 $ 8.67 10691 09/30/04 $ 9.75 10969 09/30/04 $ 11.70 8826 10/29/04 $ 11.93 36217 09/30/04 $ 12.14 7888 09/30/04 $ 12.75 1173 12/18/07 $ 5.09 56181 3/4/08 $ 0.33 57263 11/14/08 $ 8.65 731173 1/16/09 $ 11.00 733749 2/6/09 $ 1.89 734742 5/29/09 $ 1.90 739449 8/7/09 $ 10.00 742534 Total: $144.67 Item 4. - 16 HB -82- ATTACHMENT #5 Hae3 Item 4 : ,, 178- aH g - .V WE)JI OVTZE 6F.'8S $ VO/OE/60 SUET 98'LS $ VO/OE/60 FZ68 9L'LS $ VO/OE/60 MEW ZS'LS $ VO/OE/60 L9S8 9V"9S $ VO/0£/60 M EE 81'95 $ VO/OE/60 LTEZ VQ'9S $ VO/OE/60 TSZ8 TT'SS $ 170/0E/60 96VTZ L9'VS $ VO/OE/60 STSLT LV'VS $ VO/O£/60 6Z68 LO'VS $ VO/OE/60 V9LV 917'ES $ V0/OE/60 VO£0T L6'ZS $ VO/0£/60 V5E9 68'ZS $ VO/OE/60 LT90T SV'ZS $ 170/OE/60 0Z80Z 60'ZS $ 170/OE/60 68VZ 9Z'TS $ VO/OE/60 UVOT EL'6V $ VO/OF/60 LZT£E TE'6V $ VO/OE/60 ZTEOT OT'8V $ VO/0£/60 09LE OT'8V $ VO/OE/60 ZZZOE ES'LV $ VO/OV60 V960Z 9V'LV $ VO/OE/60 SUEZ T Z'LV $ 17010£/60 8V68 TV'9V s 170/OE/60 69VLL 917'VV $ VO/OE/60 V69SZ ST'VV $ VO/OE/60 SSV8 OT'VV $ VO/0£/60 OTZS L£'EV $ VO/OE/60 VVOSE 8L`ZV $ 170/OE/60 L91L L9'ZV $ VO/OE/60 6LSVZ ES'ZV $ VO/OE/60 Z98ST S9'LE $ VO/OE/60 06EV SZ'TE $ VO/OE/60 98TT ET'LZ $ VO/OE/60 E6ZVE LZ'SZ $ VO/OE/60 69V61 O8'EZ $ VO/OE/60 96ZVE TL'EZ $ VO/OE/60 680SE 08'TZ $ VO/OE/60 6Z66 L8'OZ $ VO/OE/60 09EE 96'6T $ VO/OE/60 9ZVL TT'61 $ VO/OE/60 S66S 8E'LT $ V0/0E/60 SUR £8'9T $ VOIOE/60 #)P345 ;unowv S4-e pajeay:)sHj aq of SE$.rang spun]jo kiew ins Date Amount Check# 09/30/04 $ 58.49 5828 09/30/04 $ 58.56 7504 09/30/04 $ S8.97 35351 09/30/04 $ 60.82 1961 09/30/04 $ 61.14 13323 09130/04 $ 62.58 7057 09/30104 $ 63.86 4309 09/30/04 $ 64.19 27913 09/30/04 $ 64.64 35748 09/30/04 $ 66.61 34003 09/30/04 $ 66.99 9044 09/30/04 $ 68.15 27329 09/30/04 $ 68.50 20382 09/30/04 $ 68.87 13344 09/30/04 $ 69.77 1781 09/30/04 $ 71.11 7463 09/30/04 $ 72.02 16649 09/30/04 $ 72.56 19530 09/30/04 $ 74.57 10449 09/30/04 $ 76,06 6015 09/30/04 $ 78.99 7920 09/30/04 $ 79.20 5863 09/30/04 $ 80.01 5193 09/30/04 $ 80.52 3281 09/30/04 $ 81.00 3476 09/30/04 $ 81..15 1.0114 09/30/04 $ 82.76 31682 09/30/04 $ 84.47 34772 09/30/04 $ 84.88 5105 09/30/04 $ 98.14 7686 09/30/04 $ 100.68 17110 09/30/04 $ 103.82 1521 09/30/04 $ 103.99 26079 09/30/04 $ 110.04 4525 09/30/04 $ 111.43 6816 09/30/04 $ 1,1.1.97 26330 09/30/04 $ 112.31 33101 09/30/04 $ 112.80 4837 09/30/04 $ 114.1.7 7704 09/30/04 $ 121.62 2039 09/30/04 $ 124.73 5127 09/30/04 $ 126.74 11294 09/30/04 $ 128.2.5 1511.4 09/30/04, $ 128.46 7502 09/30/04 $ 130.68 27465 09/30/04 $ 131.89 10410 HB -85- Item 4. - 19 -98- 8H oz ' 'tl WGII VEZTT ZS'ZEZ $ vO/OE/60 ESblc 0s'Vzz $ tO/OE/60 £60L EO'TZZ $ 170/OE/60 VILS SS'8IZ $ vO/OE/60 9SsT SZ'sTZ $ v0/OE/60 S90vT SS'LTZ $ vo/OE/60 19ZEE £9'£TZ $ v0/OE/60 ZZLEZ L8'OTZ $ v0/OE/60 ZSE9T LE'0TZ $ 170/OE/60 EV90Z vV 6OZ $ 170/OE/60 00LSZ 8T'LOZ $ VO/OE/60 LOTVE Z9'SOZ $ V0/OE/60 6ILOZ Lv'OOZ $ VO/O£/60 TIL9Z WKI $ V0/OE/60 ZVOVE sv176T $ v0/OE/60 T88S 8v'LS"T $ vO/OE/60 OST9 9S'981 $ v0/OE/60 SOT 6v'I8T $ v0/O£/6O 92Zb 99'08I $ v0/OE/60 866v ZZ'081 $ v0/OE/60 BLVL L9'6LT $ v0/OE/60 V909 98'9LI $ VO/OE/60 BLSL 6S'tlz,c $ v0/OE/60 906v 6L'ZLT $ v0/OE/60 9L66 I6'L91 $ vO/OE/60 MR zZ'L9I $ bO/OE/60 S6ZZ 9S'6ST $ v0/OE/60 09Z9 1-8195T $ VO/OE/60 ZS68 E6'SST $ VO/OE/60 Ms 68'SST $ v0/OE/60 £TVEZ 99'SST $ b0/OE/60 ME WEST $ vO/OE/60 LL89Z SS'IST $ VO/OE/60 OSS81 ZL'OST $ vO/OE/60 99691 89'01 $ v0/OE/60 SsSZE EU'6VT $ v0/QE/60 S68EE 68'LVT $ vO/OE/60 9VOLT 66'9t7l $ 170/OE/60 T699 8E'SVI $ VO/OE/60 E£ZV 00'ZVT $ v0/OE/60 £991 Z6'TtPI $ v0/OE/60 LZSST 8Z'6E1 $ vO/OE/60 9T661 LE'LET $ v0/OE/60 999SE V69ET $ VO/OE/60 9LOL 68'SET $ 170/0E/60 £6E8 OE'SEI $ VO/OE/60 #43040 junowv a;eq Date Amount Cheek# 09/30/04 $ 239.86 7509 09/30/04 $ 233.93 5769 09/30/04 $ 233.94 7273 09/30/04 $ 234.20 6678 09/30/04 $ 242.68 5187 09/30/04 $ 245.24 8563 09/30/04 $ 254.99 28165 09/30/04 $ 258.06 6424 09/30/04 $ 258.56 19129 09/30/04 $ 260.75 2.6728 09/30/04 $ 265.13 9818 09/30/04 $ 269.19 1035 09/30/04 $ 271.11 4088 09/30/04 $ 271.97 19192 09/30/04• $ 273.12 6862 09/30/04 $ 276.43 28505 09/30/04 $ 281.59 7306 09/30/04 $ 281.87 33103 09/30/04 $ 283.37 2697 09/30/04 $ 285.13 7757 09/30/04 $ 288.61 5768 09/30/04 $ 292.69 5800 09/30/04 $ 294.83 25058 09/30/04 $ 296.01 28115 09/30/04 $ 297.32 4350 09/30/04 $ 299.51 7543 09/30/04 $ 299.84 10357 09/30/04 $ 306.89 9871 09/30/04_ $ 311.63 27809 09/30/04 $ 314.24 1286 09/30/04 $ 317.36 10306 09/30/04 $ 319.47 7934 09/30/04 $ 326.22 6417 09/30/04 $ 331.59 23.409 09/30/04 $ 335.21 21044 09/30/04 $ 337.35 9067 09/30/04 $ 343.35 4217 09/30/04 $ 350.06 712.0 09/30/04 $ 355.70 8309 09/30/04 $ 358.35 5190 09130/04 $ 372.99 19917 09/30/04 $ 381.68 24853 09/30/04 $ 383.94 5690 09/30/04 $ 390.07 31757 09/30/04 $ 402.52 8005 09/30/04 $ 403.33 8820 HB -87- Item 4. - 21 -88- 8H ZZ - '1, WaIl b866L9 6S'99 $ SOOZA7VOT OE66L9 ZZ'81, $ sooz/trT/o1 4Z66L9 L.6'8b $ sooz/tIVOT 6T6649 86'99 $ SOOZ/VT/OT 8166L9 ZS'99 $ Sooz/bT/oT TZ86L9 00'OOZ $ SOOZ/trT/oT 8186L9 SS'TS $ Sooz/bT/OT 9T86L9 TEES $ sooz/trT/oT 96L6L9 E6'616 $ SOOL/trT/oT L8L6L9 L8'LOT $ SOOZ/VT/oT tr8L6L9 L6'6Z $ SOOZ/trT/OT TLL6L9 WES $ sooz/trT/OT LSLU9 ZO'TL $ SOoZ/bT/oT 6trL6L9 9£'ZE $ sooz/trT/OT 6EL6L9 9T'Ltr $ sooz/t,T/OG 8£L649 98'SL $ SOOZ/17T/01; EEL6L9 ST'S6 $ SOOZAIVOT ZOL6L9 TS'ST $ SOoz/tr1/oT 86SL£ 00*009 $ So/6Z/170 6617LE 807EE $ SO/6Z/ti0 96SLE ZE'9TZ $ SO/6Z/tr0 Z6SLE ZVOST $ SO/6Z/t70 T09LE oo'osT $ SO/6Z/ttr0 E9SLE L8'9S $ SO/6z/bO 9LTLE MOLT $ SO/TE/10 MSE U'Etrtr $ tr0/6Z/01 LSZ9E ET'OSE $ b0/6Z/OT SEBSE EO'88Z $ t70/6Z/OT Z89SE £S'LZT $ b0/6Z/OT 0819E E9'£ZT $ T OAVOT SS19E TT'E9 $ t7O/6Z/OT 064S£ 68'8E $ t7Ol6Z/OT SZ8SE 64'8E $ t7O/6Z/OT 8S09E Lh'8Z $ tr0/6Z/01 ESTLZ trTUCT $ t7O/OE/60 T89S 8E'866 $ t7o/OE/60 TSE9 9E'006 $ 170/OE/60 4800E SCOU $ t7o/oE/60 ST9Z EL'6E9 $ 170/OE/60 9S98 OS'SLS $ tO/OE/60 UZ8 LL'ZTS $ 170/OE/60 ZVEZE t+o'ZLtr $ t7O/OE/60 6SOE 917'99t7 $ t7o/OE/60 69017 LT,otrb $ 170/OE/60 8666Z ss'9Zb $ b0/OE/60 69EZE ET"Zztr $ t?O/OE/60 t#>Ioa40 3unnwd 51eO Date Amount C gck 10/14/2005 $ 60.00 680028 10/14/2005 $ 26.79 680061 10/14/2005 $ 115.31 680068 10/14/2005 $ 20.50 680074 10/14/2005 $ 61.68 680080 10/14/2005 $ 53.36 680104 10/14/2005 $ 38.84 590723 10/21/2005 $ 27.85 680226 10/21/2005 $ 266.52 680269 10/21/2005 $ 147.87 680281 10/21/2005 $ 36.43 680292 10/21/2005 $ 51.10 680308 10/21/2005 $ 124.98 680324 10/21/2005 $ 36.52 680328 10/21/2-005 $ 150.09 680360 10/21/2005 $ 153.82 680365 10/21/2005 $ 71.06 680366 10/21/2005 $ 65.86 680369 10/21/2005 $ 262.70 680452 10/21/2005 $ 27.40 680541 10/21/2005 $ 28.67 630547 10/21/2005 $ 23.59 680555 10/28/2005 $ 75.00 680627 10/28/2005 $ 92.06 680658 10/28/2005 $ 91.00 680727 1.1/25/2005 $ 50.00 682063 1.2/9/2005 $ 50.00 682361 1.2/9/2005 $ 31.00 682402 12/9/2005 $ 29.17 591630 12/9/2005 $ 37.83 59171.0 12/23/2005 $ 96.00 682903 1.2/23/2005 $ 70.66 682917 12/23/2005 $ 68.87 682932 12/23/2005 $ 67.79 682952 12/23/2005 $ 56.89 682984 1.2/23/2005 $ 334.00 683129 12/23/2005 $ 68.45 683182 12/23/2005 $ 159.22 683188 12/23/2005 $ 64.95 683191 2/3/2006 $ 138.00 684477 2/24/2006 $ 50.00 685507 3/3/2006 $ 53.00 685583 3/10/2006 $ 77.35 685909 3/17/2006 $ 33.78 593415 3/17/2006 $ 19.30 593461 3/28/06 $ 26.20 47650 HB -89- Item 4. - 23 -06- 9H Vz - 't! WaIl £6LT69 61'SS $ 9ooz/bt/t Z6LT69 6T'9S $ 90OZ/17T/L 9VLT69 LS'£S $ 90oZ/bT/L OOLT69 Z8'91 $ 9ooz/Vt/t b8bS6S 09•ZZ9 $ 900Z/LlL OE9T69 06'89 $ 90oZ/LIL 8T9169 ST'SL $ 90OZILIL £LS169 S9'E9 $ 90OZILIL 695169 ST'ZZT $ 90OZILIL EZS169 Sv'STT $ 90OZILIL VIS'C69 06'98 $ 90OZILIL ZOS169 8S'68 $ 900Z/L/L MIT69 Otr'9L $ 900ZILIL 681IT69 L9'SOT $ 90OZ/L/1- ZEV169 STU $ 90OZ/L/L EM69 00'OSZ $ 900Z/L/L LBET69 SZ'66 $ 900ZILIL 69ET69 9VIS $ 9ooz/t/L 9SET69 TZ'96 $ 90OZ/LIL SEET69 TS'E6 $ 90QZ/LIr. 91ET69 Lb'99 $ 90OZILIL OT£169 SEW $ 900ZIL/L ZOET69 SVO9 $ 9ooz/L/L TVU69 90'9ZT $ 900z/L/L OTZT69 89'ZZZ $ 90OZ/L/t LOZT69 TS19 $ 9ooz/1/1- V8TT69 o£'901 $ 90OZILIL T6TT69 IV SL $ 900ZILIL ZOTT69 Sb'bL $ 9001MIL ESZS65 ZS'Ttb $ 90OZ/OE/9 Z99069 bS'OZ $ 900Z/£Z/9 Z9SO69 LO'E6 $ 900Z/EZ/9 LTS069 OL'bTT $ 900Z/EZ/9 8V98b 60'SLT $ 9o/T/9 61S689 Oo'SSE $ 9ooz/9z/S 95b8b MOSS $ 90/EZ/S SLT689 ozV7 $ 90OZ/61/S 196889 0991 $ 90OZ/61/S 018889 OZ'8t, $ 900z/ZT/S 9TTb6S T£'LZ $ 90oz/8Z/b 6908b 9L'TOZ'T $ 90/SZ/17 SZ9L89 ST'LV $ 90OZ/TZ/17 T£TOT 00,000,E $ 90/9/b MOT 00'000'E $ 90/9/t MOT 00'000'Z $ 90/90 8LS£6S 68'St $ 90OZ/TE/E 0 45540 ;unouav a.Jeo Date Amount Check# 7/14/2006 $ 53.48 691794 7/14/2006 $ 56.48 691856 7/14/2006 $ 57.44 691866 7/21/2006 $ 65.00 692188 7/21/2006 $ 35.00 692279 7/21/2006 $ 30.81 692333 7/21/2006 $ 35.00 692337 7/21/2006 $ 25.66 692345 7/21/2006 $ 39.36 692351 7/21/2006 $ 47.46 692357 7/21/2006 $ 51.68 692359 7/21/2006 $ 22.44 692366 7/21/2006 $ 31.67 692368 7/21./2006 $ 48.42 692371 7/21/2006 $ 22.92 692372 7/21./2006 $ 40.65 692378 7/21/2006 $ 24.09 692379 7/21/2006 $ 33.05 692381 7/21/2006 $ 32.28 692388 7/21/2006 $ 32.83 692394 7/21/2006 $ 40.43 692398 7/21/2006 $ 49.47 692414 7/21/2006 $ 33.00 69241.8 7/21/2006 $ 42.53 692422 7/21/2006 $ 52.12 692424 7/21/2006 $ 47.87 692439 7/21/2006 $ 23.05 692454 7/21/2006 $ 42.52 692455 7/21/2006 $ 35.85 692467 7/21/2006 $ 35.19 692509 7/21/2006 $ 47.80 692516 7/21/2006 $ 26.98 692517 7/21/2006 $ 36.89 692521 7/21/2006 $ 42.84 692530 7/21/2006 $ 33.28 692531 7/21/2006 $ 50.14 692536 7/21/2006 $ 26.99 692537 7/21/2006 $ 23.85 692547 7/21/2006 $ 21.78 692560 7/21/2006 $ 40.90 692570 7/21/2-006 $ 37.16 692573 7/21/2006 $ 40.50 692578 7/21/2006 $ 30.03 692582 7/23./2006 $ 44.66 692.593 7/21/2006 $ 47.46 692607 7/21/2006 $ 34.84 692613 HB _91_ Item 4. - 25 -Z6- 8H 9Z - 'V WGII 081E69 667OZ $ 90oz/9Z/L ME69 t7L'OZ $ 90OZ/BZ/L ME69 T8'LT $ 90OZ/SZ/4 ZSIF69 00'0Z $ 900Z/$Z/L TbIF69 ZL-61 $ 9ooz/8z/L SOTE69 G9"oz $ 90OZ/8Z/4 L17OF69 OZ'9I $ 9ooz/BZ/L EZOE69 56'OZ $ 9ooz/8Z/4 9Z6Z69 Z9'8ti $ 900Z/TZ/L VEGZ69 9z'Tt7 $ 90OZ/'CZ/L ZT6z69 00'VZ $ 90OZ/IZ/L OOR69 ZL'EZ $ 90OZ/TZ/L 6LSZ69 £Z'9v $ 90OZ/TZ/L `LL8Z69 9£'SZ $ 9ooz/TZ/L 9S9Z69 OS'LZ $ 9ooz/TZ/L IS8Z69 6b'ZS $ 90oz/TZ/L LM69 65'TZ $ 90oz/IZ/L 0£8Z69 TL'6tr $ 9oOZ/IZ/L 6ZBZ69 S5'Et7 $ 90oz/Iz/L LZBZ69 ZS'ZE $ 9ooz/CZ/t SZBZ69 8t►'ZE $ 900Z/TZ/4 9IBZ69 6Z'Ztr $ 900Z/1z/L TTSZ69 LZ'ZZ $ 90OZ/TZ/L 170SZ69 ZS't7z $ 90OZ/TZ/L 96LZ69 LZ'trt? $ 900Z/TZ/L 994Z69 TT'SE $ 90OZ/TZ/L TSLZ69 ZS'EZ $ 90OZ/1Z/L 08LZ69 S9'6t7 $ 90OZ/TZ/4 64LZ69 Tz'6Z $ 900Z/TZ/L VLLZ69 09'SE $ 90OZ/TZ/L ELLZ69 Tt"SE $ 900Z/TZ/L TUZ69 LEW $ 90O'L/TZ/L 09LZ69 9L'OOG $ 90OZ/TZ/L 65LZ69 0o'sZ $ 90OZ/TZ/L ItrLZ69 OVU7 $ 90oz/IZ/4 OtILZ69 ZT'05 $ 90oz/TZ/L PUZ69 SOLE $ 90Oz/IZ/4 OZ4Z69 HIS $ 900z/TZ/L VILZ69 9Z'EE $ 900Z/TZ/L ToLZ69 Z17'St7 $ 9ooz/TZ/L 6s9Z69 OE'9tr $ 90OZ/IZ/L tit79Z69 00,9E $ 90OZ/Tz/L Tt79Z69 LZ'M: $ 9ooz/T'L/L T£9Z69 19'SZ $ 90oz/TZ/4 8Z9Z69 98,01 $ 90OZ/TZ/L bT9Z69 Z8'U£ $ 9ooz/TZ/L #I5a40 junowV a;eQ Date Amount Check it 7/28/2006 $ 15.40 693205 7/28/2006 $ 3.8.63 693213 7/28/2006 $ 17.63 693274 7/28/2006 $ 20.53 693296 7/28/2006 $ 17.02 693297 7/28/2006 $ 21.45 693304 7/28/2006 $ 16.56 693346 7/28/2006 $ 15.15 693352 7/28/2006 $ 16.48 693378 7/28/2006 $ 19.33. 693381 7/28/2006 $ 21.34 693404 7/28/2006 $ 19.79 693410 8/4/2006 $ 42.00 693762 9/8/2006 $ 70.00 695350 9/15/2006 $ 137.07 695503 9/15/2006 $ 25.00 695641 9/22/2006 $ 70.49 695924 9/29/2006 $ 47.58 696215 9/29/2006 $ 39.34 696259 9/29/2006 $ 15.77 696358 9/29/2006 $ 75.00 696363 9/29/2006 $ 28.38 696381 9/29/2006 $ 19.97 696401 9/29/2006 $ 20.13 696415 9/29/2006 $ 75.00 696466 9/29/2006 $ 19.96 696475 9/29/2006 $ 56.54 696484 9/29/2006 $ 27.46 696534 9/29/2.006 $ 31.89 696538 Total: $62,962.54 HB -93- Item 4. - 27