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1960 - 1964 West Orange County Water Board - J.A. Woolley C
TO-0 Mr. J. R. Vheeltr, Director of Public Works, Huntington Beach SYi J. �Ai. Woolley, Consulting Sng-ineer and Associates RE': Latest --Revision to the Edinger Street Water'Line. Relocation at the San Diego Freeway Crossing Submitted Uevewith and tee (a) copies of the latest revisions to the Edinger street Water Line Relocation at the San Diego Freeway Crodsing at; requosted-by .Mr. H.6. Brophy of the Uivit of way Clearance section. Division of Highways, %t is understood by this office that this latest revision, has bens approved I by the Division of Highways and; further* that the earth sur-charge on the 'northerly side of 'Edinger Street has. been removed by the Division cif highway COntracto r (Guy FAtkinson). 9 Soot) as jht contraet A Or (Deaert Pipeline Construction Cb,-) furnishes this office with an estimate of additions and/or dediietions in cost for the ravisions,, this office, WillL submit a letter and cNinge -order for your cion§L44tation and for the 4ppr46v4l of the City Cat nal.1 it Its j:jqu4sted, that all other previous copies of 'planifor the Edinger Street Water Line Relocation either be destroyed or in some other way be made inaccessible for use so that there will -be no chance of using the,wrong set of plans forLconstruction purposes. 3,AW/AHB/wlk April 21, 1064 Encl cc: Mr.. --Ed Hall, Desert Pipeline Constru�c ion Co. Mr. Paul Jones, City Clerk, lark, City OfLHuntin8ton Beath ✓ Mr. Ii. G. Brophy, Right of Way Clearance Section, -DV%i ii Highways AFFILIATED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LUNDY & WOOOSIOE, CIVIL JOHN C. MAcFARLANE, ELECTRICAL J. A. WOOLLEY CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ASSOCIATES April 17,1964 State of California Department of rublie Works Division of Right4ays, District VII Permit Seciion Box 2304. Terminal Annex Los Angeles 543, California AttOntiont Mr. F. �L. Reado District Permit Engineer 308 WEST FIFTH STREET SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA PHONE, K[mBE:RLY 2-3987 6ubject-. Application for Encroachment Permit for the City Of Huntington Beach Dear Sir: Subw4ttad herewith is an application for an 'Encroachmnt Permit for the City of Huntington Beach for waterline relocation In Edinger $treat at the San Diego Pro aWa7 Crossing. Also enclosed are four (4) copied of the final plat and profile of the Edinger Street Waterline Relocation. The &dingeir Street relocation is covered by the Division of Highways, Right of Way Clearance Section6a Notice to Relocate Utility Facility. No. 7-4154.' This En o,aeh n Permit should be made in the name of the City of Huntington Bedcho This offive o as congulting engineers to the City of HUntington Beach, will be 4vailable-to lend assistance in connection with the enclosed applications 40 YOU any require. Very truly yours,, J. A. WOOLLEY CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ASSOCIATES R. D. Woodside for J. A. Voolley JAW/AHS/wlk Incl ." cc: J. R. Wheeler, Director of Public Works, City of Hunting n Beach Paul Jones, City Cle ** City of Huntington Beach a I r TO: Mr. H. G. Brophy, Assist ritRight o ,By:* J. A. woollc Y,# consul 'ilia RE-: Bdinget Str Crossing Clearance Agent at the San Diego �reoway She ubmitted herewith are two (2),sets of tranopa'' rei� etas of t latest Athivd) rie'vision to the subject waterline r4location, as per your telephone request, as of this data. 'It'is understood by this office. tbat the lotation now.Wng substitted has been approved and thatbe earthsurcharke an the northerly side Of ZdInger StrGOt; at, the Freeway has -been removed to sub grade. There- fore,., tof delivering to 6d' contractor (Desert Pipeline, COO hsoi copies of the plans so that he may forward the to his pipe fabricator to start shop dravinis and pipe pvob tion. 7 Further, it 'is undsystbad that the reontractot may begin construction as soon as M'atittals are delivered, And work, scheduling has been 'cleared with your utility engineer and your freeway contractor. April 17s 1964: RDW/AHBI*Ylk Encl. cei J. R. Wbselet# Director of Puhitc, Works. Huntin ton Beach ch Paul Jones$ city Olark; Huntington Bea Ed. Hall, Desert Pipeline Construction Co. MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Ed 411, Desert Pipeline Construction Co. M., J. A. Woolley$', Consulting'.Engineer and Associates RE,: Waterline Re -location in Edinger Street at the San Diego Freeway Subinitted herewith are three (3) copies of the latest revision to the subject waterline relocation. it is understood "through, Mkr. Brophy of the Right of Way Clearance Section, Division of Highways, that this revised relocation has been approve,d. and that their freeway contractot (Guy-Fi Atkinson) has removed the earth surcharge on the northerly side* of Edinger Street at. the Freeway. It is requested that you transmit a copy of this plan to-yolut pips fabricator and, ask for shop drawings to be submitted for approval ad soon as possible; also sore indication of their projiosed delivery date. It is further reauested that all other previous copies of plans for the Edinger Relocation ocation be destroyed or in sores. othtr way be made inaccessible for use ad that there will be no chance of using the wrong set of pldns for construction purposes. April 17, 1964 .RDW/.AHB/wl,k Encl., cc: J. R. Wheeler, Director of Public Works, Huntington Beach Paul Jones* City Clerk, Huntington Beach vl-� H. G. Brophy, Right of Way Clearance, Division of Highways Ilk, AFF`ILIA ED 308 WEST FIFTH STREET PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SANTA"ANA, CALIFORNIA LUNDY & WOODSIDE, CIVIL PHONE: JOHN C. MACFARLANE. ELECTRICAL KIMBERLY 2-3987 J. A. WOOLLEY CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ASSOCIATES harth 36o 1064; t4iles' & Sons� �Conqtructioh, Division P: 0. Box 859 Plerced, California Subject; Section 10-3. 2-inch at Line i "Relocation Of Ekisting Line,lntert -t4ith,the-, Construction, of. ZZ-in�Ich 'Water ferving, the- , Freeway,Embankment- Vroject.at.Nevland Street." 1.56"cMs, PnV,. rintia, Wtir.,B,. (Vew.V1J-(bra-405), Federal Aid proja+�t 1-405-2.(85)105 Dear Sirs: This acting as the own.arlo. (0ity of llunt.ing,'ton lleach) representatives, will be doingthe in-plaot. inspection of the, Oipe.,f6riqAtio'n, as viell as the job site inspection,and zupervizioni� on, the Stub, ect, pro4 Ject., In accordance with this offites plans and -specifications which were incorporated in the D i ivision of 11 gh"ysl�, 9 pedal Provisions, (Section 10-3. 22-i-n0h wat ar line) and plans (sheets l4, 15. 16'and '17 of 26% you'v sub- contractor for the,224nch vatei line re,loc6tioh wb,*,. 11 be required to� suWit the following to this off . i6e - for' approval i- 44 IG-3.Oi,(h) 45 10-3.94 46 10-3..03(a). 46 - 10-3.03(d) 51 10-3.07(a)(4) 55 10-3.07(9) 59 10-3.10(b)(2)''a-k.b 59 lb-3JO'00(3), a,bic&d - 68 i- 10-3.100)(29) a &I b - Item 4ujic,Jt. pl4p of dpe.ratiot, rziati,.,rial del, iveiry date$,, etc. SubiDii se4U_-nce_ of cc , ingtructidn operatidog, for app"'roval. SubiD,it'corolaide. ;shop.'ass ably and 1 a yo4' t , _dravoingb fdr approval, 'eitic. Furnish 0�ng_iftd I er'duplicate'c&pie's of ordt . ts, inv'Oiqes',- bills 6f. ladlog and lists, etc.. 'Submit shaap, dratAngs for all pipe assemblies for, ap'prioval prior to., fabrication, subtit'vAlva , shop drawings k6r approv4l Valve inspection abdfiotificafiotf of a strt of,t%aoUfaCtUre. ftrnish test reports on hydrostatic tests, cbemiczl tests And Physical testa of materials 1.10, 16 & ,Sony, C6nAtruct1bn Division Marcba.9b► 1,,964 -Pa4 2 f i • p�cial attention i .hereby callers to,eetibos 16-3.07faSt4d' an t -..07(b) (116, le, of 'thq, Special PrgvisioM in regards to design and .. tes ui eci ,hysl r tat e ..rest. A. the steel p3p4, specials and/or Angles or bends r qr 'to,.,cement-garter liking anA coatin The contractor`i' hdreb' reriin&d that it shill be his zesppnslbili.tY to require: the pipe, fabricator to proVide the engOeer *48 bdurs'potide, jo r to t .rti.ng i�bx�icafipn -to, enable Elva, en ine6r' eta arrant;® for detailed' In -Plant inrpej�tion, of said,fabricetion' ( ection ye. ly yours, J. A. FvOOLLE sane Wheeler Director of 'P'ubl.i p Vorks, City of Hvntington Beach, Mr. Paul Jones City Cterk, Ci,ty of fluiitin, ton Beach xr. H. G. Brophy Division of HigIhWAys, Right di ay Clearance Section AFFILIATED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS_ LUNDY & WOODSIDE. civiL JOHN C. MACFARLANE, ELECTRICAL J. A. WOOLLEY CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ASSOCIATES ("ateber. 21" -1963 D Departmett of'"Fublic Wqrlts 'Box �304' Tsvv'dnal. Amrax L-pp A, ngel6s 54. Califortia Attentim Mr. LT. 0. :8rpp1'r y 8-ubject: Plant-, Vlewlana Street fverpaza Pipo Refer Your File ',No: V114y?-A,-0i5S- Street ml Denr sitt , Re"I odat ion San 1310go Vr4oeWay 308 WEST FIFTH STREET SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA PHONE, KIMBERLY 2-3987 Transid,tte4 herewith are the :,criginal pl'ans- for the subject relocation az s�pproved by 9r. WIweler, Ctty Vrgitevv far Untie ton lloa6h &nd by #r. J. Voolle;pr, V6voxAtlng BrigpI.Aes-rf fror said, 0i't'j, L11 this matter. This office hotto �de 4urUcate 0epim� of those plans era tiley. will. I'-e pt On file fo-r future ve6ronco. Tt 1s 'hereby re -quested; that Wpoz issuance of the fihol'pl` it 4-nd $beet fi�' '&t i ons' for t'htz jproje(,- ' t, oat your office aorA tvo (F.) copi,eo -daoiz to tL* -tittontim of, the und-,6rsigne'dj one set for uzO,, In 04it dhco, 4nd cnO bet tp be f6rwar6od t -o t Beaa 46 City of 11 C4 h vor tr�xly- yourm'. By ,bA.V/,ARB/vlk cc: Mr. i7aiAes A. Wheeler n m I .0 0 t..3�0�1 , r? :(D / 'CITY OF" PUNTI NGTON BEACW; WATEZ EPA _ A80 Q 70 } {/ -�STAh F0Q© QESEAQCH . iiC M� , GO `� in Dr- ' �i NUN`TkNG`iUN EACIu I"ZEP SzT } ' / ;BASED ON AtZEA D 8c E. 0 (1� i r t j ' t - �� . 20 , -- - - -- -- -- - - - - f-- -� ro �_ _ t , 10 19t00 19(05 1970 1975 k9SC1 a m Y E AZS o Z o tAS1S : 19.2 SQUAVZE MILES OF NEW Uf2eAN DEVE1_C)PMENT. 0 p 0 p u L 4. T I 0 N 0 E N T y A c rn (p f%) Li .2000 POP. 120'000 10 �9GCD 25.7 C.F. S - 1980 - 27.9 C.F.S. POFI. c)^f ,-(00 POP. 10(0,000 CITY OF HUN-riNGTOW 1-5BEAGH,WATECZ DEPT, s7A, N F- 0 r? C) 707 A, k- u r= C.F.S, 1g7g = twas C.F.S. (ImporztEc)) (Uw0sfZGIZ0Umb)'---' POP. 45,500 4- ORIGINAL H U N 7) NG-ro m MTE: P120VI510W FO(Z A,00ITIONAkL IMPOTZTEO V4A-TEQ 5U?PLY' "CON51 DETZEDI N--T�4 -1 S QECOMFINDATION AFTEIZ 119'79. TOTAL USE LF-55 WAl"TEQ- (h 0 0 > ILI 0 m 19GO ici . G5 1970 19-15 19'BO 19 B 5 1990 99S 2000 I Y E A Z, NOTE: (ZUVZVE'E, BA, -,so oot-4 IZ,'aBb Acqes or- NEW UQV'yAN DEVELOPMENT coo ic 0 .rri m .z H -n! .0 :4- irp:C :V:E. 0 .z ➢:0 lz!z :rTl- :(),rTl:m i> i0' U i--i IQ :F:-< i i :z im AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT r,-1ade and entered into thi s day of 2 July 1962, h and between WEST ORANGE COUNTY 3 WATER BOARD, acting on behalf of the City of Garden Grove, the City 4 of Huntington Beach, the Ci-,;- of Seal Beach, the City of Westminster and 5 Orange County Water Works District Number Five (being duly authorized 6 so to do by resolution of the City Councils of said Cities and the Boards 7 of Directors of said Districts, duly passed and adopted), hereinafter de-- 8 signaled "First Party", and J. A. WOOLLEY, CONSULTING ENGINEER 91 AND ASSOCIATES, 308 West Fifth Street, Santa Ana, California, herein- p® after designated "Second Party. " WITNESSETH: --------------- 12 WHEREAS, the First` Party is preparing to provide for the construc- 13 tion of a water distribution system in the western_ portions of Orange 14 County, California, consisting of, among other things, pipe lines and 15 appurtenances for the purpose of distributing water from the West Orange 16 County Feeder of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern ,California 17 to certain areas within the boundaries of the First Party; and 18 WHEREAS, the Second Party has prepared and submitted to the First 19 Party a preliminary report and modifications thereto setting forth cost 20 estimates, tentative sizes and locations of required pipe lines, and other 21 pertinent preliminary data necessary for establishing .and distributing costs 22 on a use basis, for the proposed water distribution system; and 23 WHEREAS, it has been decided by the parties hereto that it is practi- 24 cable to proceed with the construction of the water distribution system, as 25 described in the above mentioned report of the Second Party, or as that 26 report has been or may be modified, it is the desire of the parties hereto 27 that Second Party is to complete, as hereinafter set forth, the final design, 28 preparation of construction plans and specifications, estimates of 29 quantities and costs, contract computations and such other engineering 30 services as are required to enable First Party to award a contract or 31 contracts for the construction of the above mentioned water distribution 32 works; and - 1 - Ii 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, First Party has no organization or facilities for super- vising the construction of the works herein described, it is the desire of the parties hereto that Second Party perform this service and that they provide all engineers, inspectors, surveyors, laboratory tests and shop inspections, and such other engineering services as are required to assure the construction of the entire project in strict accordance with the plans and specifications ,therefor; all upon the terms and conditions and in accord- ance with the agreements as hereinafter provided; T'% A n T P1TTT The Second Party agrees to immediately proceed with the work herein referred to, and shall. prepare detailed plans and specifications for the construction proposed in the Engineer's Report, or as said report has been or may be modified, together with detailed estimates of the cost thereof. The Second Party agrees to proceed with said work, and to prosecute the preparation of said plans and specifications diligently and continuously thereafter, and to make detailed reports thereof to the First Party, said plans and specifications to be completed and to be filed with the Board within a reasonable time after the execution of this Agreement. The First Party shall pay for all outside geological investigations and test borings considered necessary for design and bidding purposes and neces- sary boundary studies and surveys for rights of way and property acquisition as outlined in the following paragraph 4 and as First Party directs in accord- ance with the schedule of fees set forth under Part. Two herein. The Second Party shall incorporate the information and results of the said investigations, borings, studies and surveys in the plans and specifications under Part One of this Contract. 1. The engineering services to be performed by the Second Party under Part One, shall include, (but are not limited to) the following: Preparation of specifications for, and office advice concerning, test borings or other subsurface investigations; Preparation of detail plans and specifications for construction; Estimates of quantities and costs; =2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Assistance in securing bids; Analysis of bids; Assistance in letting contracts; Assistance in securing,. and professional consultation concerning, boundary and topographical surveys for rights of way and property acqui-si- tion; Consultation on shop and working drawings furnished by contractors, if such shop and working drawings.are in general conformance with plans and specifications. Professional consultation and advice during construction; Preparing of estimates for progress and final payments to. con- tractors; Professional consultation in tune-up and test of .equipment; Preparation of record drawings; and Final inspection and report. .2. The plans, drawings, and specifications shall be in sufficient detail in all respects to permit bidders to truly understand and intelligently interpret all phases of the work intended to be performed. The Second Party shall furnish to the First Party ten (10) complete sets of approved plans and specifications. Additional copies of said approved plans and specifications will be furnished to the First Party at the cost of repro- duction plus twenty percent (20%). The original drawings, .plans,,, specifications and survey data shall be the property of the First Party and shall be .delivered to the First Party upon corcipletion of the work. 3. All expenses of advertising for bids, legal costs in connection with the letting of construction contracts, and the procuring of bids from contractors for units of this project shall be at the expense of the First Party. 4. The First Party shall apply for and obtain all necessary permits, rights -of way and/or easements for the work at it:s expense. The Second Party as directed will prepare and furnish to the First Party all maps and property descriptions and do all other work required in obtaining said - 3 - 1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 W 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 permits, rights -of -way and/or easements. It is understood by both parties hereto that in the event appraisals, legal proceedings, or other special services are required to obtain such permits, rights -of -way or easements, the Second Party shall report the conditions found in their preliminary survey and studies and give recom.- mendation thereon to First Party and First Party shall direct Second (and/or other parties) Party/on such services above ennumerated regarding the required pro- cedure. Failure of the First Party to provide such permits, rights -of - way and/or easements for reasons beyond the control of the First Party shall not make them liable in any manner whatsoever to -the Second Party, but any delays to the Second Party occasioned by such failure shall be added to the time of completion dates set forth in the time schedule. 5. It is agreed that until the actual total cost of construction has been determined the parties hereto shall agree on an estimated cost of the project, which amount will be used in determining the payments to the Second Party. The payments on the Second Party's fees are to be adjusted when the construction contract or contracts have been completed, to take care of the difference, if any, between the estimated cost.and the actual cost of construction. 6. It is mutually agreed that the percentage :lees outlined in Part One are based upon the construction cost of the en-cire work or portions of the work contemplated to be awarded under any one contract. If the First Party so directs, the project will be broken down into smaller contracts by the Second Party and separate plans and specifications prepared for each part of the work, and where separate contracts are awarded at the direction of the First Party, the percentage fees for Part One shall be computed for each set of plans and specifications for each contract. 7. The amount of the fee payable to the Second Party is hereby fixed in the sum equal to the percentage shown on Curve "B" of the fee schedule designated on Page 18 of the American Society of Civil Engineers Manual No. 38, Edition of January 1959 times the actual or estimated cost of construction, as hereinafter provided. Typical percentage figures - 4 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 shown on said Curve "B" are as follows: Net Construction Cost of Work Percentage Fee Under $100, 000. 00 To be negotiated 100, 000. 00 7.00 200, 000. 00 6.30 300, 000. 00 5.91 400, 000. 00 5.64 500, 000. 00 5. 42 600, 000. 00 5.25 800, 000. 00 5.01 1, 000, 000. 00 4.85 2, 000, 000. 00 4.50 5, 000, 000. 00 4.20 8. Modifications of the final plans and specifications shall be con- sidered as extra work and the Second Party shall be paid for same as such, if such modifications require re -design or realignment. The amount of the payment shall be in accordance with the schedule of fees set forth under Part Two of this Agreement. Minor modifications will be made at no cost to the First Party. 9. For engineering services on any unit or units of work to be done under Part One as above provided, the First Party shall pay to the Second Party, (a) A sum equal to thirty (30) percent of the total estimated fee for said unit or units, as determined under paragraph 7 above, payable within thirty (30) days after the submission by the Second Party and approval by the First Party of the preliminary plans and specifications for said unit or units of work; (b) A sum equal to ninety percent (9016) of the total estimated fee for said unit or units as determined under paragraph 7 above, less the amounts - 5 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 previously paid under sub -paragraph (a) hereinabove, payable within thirty (30) days after submission by the Second Party and approval by the First Party of the final plans and specifications for said unit or units of work; (c) A sum equal to the percentage of the actual final cost of construction of said unit or units of work as determined under paragraph 7 above, less such pay- ments for the work (not including payments for extra work as defined herein), as have been previously paid under sub -paragraphs (a) and (b) above, payable upon completion of the plans and specifications and award of contracts for said unit or units of work and when the terminal costs of construction are determined. In case contracts are not awarded within sixty (60) days after completion of plans and specifications, the pay- ment above referred to shall be due and payable. (d) Payments for all extra work or work performed on a schedule of fees basis or work performed under Part and hereinafter Two as hereinbefore/described shall be made monthly after billings for same have been submitted by the Second Party and approved by the First Party. 9 8. Any reasonable time required by the Second Party to prepare modifications of plans and specifications shall be allowed by the First Party. 9. The Second Party shall, at its own expense, furnish the necessary experienced engineers to assist in the preparation of said plans and specifications and all necessary means for the performance. of their. obligations hereunder promptly and efficiently. PART TWO As soon as construction contracts have been awarded and construc- tion work has started, the Second Party shall immediately provide the - 6 - 1 2 3I 4' 5 6 7 8 9! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32- necessary engineers, inspectors and/or surveyors to lay out and .supervise the work of .the contractor and shall continue this supervision to the com- pletion of construction of the unit or units of work involved. 1. The engineering services to be performed by the Second Party under Part Two, shall include, (but are not limited to) the following: Lay out the work, including establishment of construction lines and grades; Adequately inspect all. construction operations to insure' compliance with contract requirements; Provide inspection of materials or equipment at. the _source of supply, if required; and check shop and working drawings except as otherwise provided for under paragraph 1, Part One: Provide necessary laboratory tests of materials as required; Provide daily inspection records and reports; Supervise field tests on pipe lines and/or other equipment; and Make final inspection and make recommendation to the Board relative to completion and acceptance of the unit or units of work, except as provided for under paragraph 1, Part One. 2. The First Party agrees to pay the Second .Party, at the times and in the manner hereinafter specified, for the supervision of construction of any unit or units of work, on a per diem or hourly basis and incidental costs as outlined in the following schedule: Professional Consultation $16. 00 per hour Design, Supervision and Conference Registered Engineer $12. 00 per hour Intermediate (Junior or Associate Engineer) $10. 00 per hour Field Inspection and Drafting $ 8. 00 per hour Records, Accounting and Secretarial $ 7.50 per hour Auto Mileage $0. 10 per mile or $2. 00 per day minimum, as applicable Direct Costs (including - but not limited to - reproductions, printing, public stenographers, telephone and telegraph .tolls, - 7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 postage, survey parties, and/or work as set forth in paragraph 4 Part One, laboratory and/or field tests and/or inspections, and outside engineers or specialists, when required) at invoice costs plus twenty percent (20%). 3. Time of Payment: First Party shall pay Second Party for supervision of construction on a monthly billing basis for such work as performed after the award of the construction contract. Every possible means consistent with good engineering practice shall be employed to bring about the completion of the entire projectin the minimum period of time. It is agreed that the Second Party shall perform its obligations hereunder in compliance with all the laws and regulations of the.State of California, and any. officer or department thereof, and in compliance with the lawful ordinances and regulations of any public agency having direction or control of any portion of said work, and that it shall comply with the lawful directions of the officers, agents, or representatives of the said First Party. The Second Party shall not transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract or any part thereof or portion of the work to be done here- under without the written consent of the First Party. If for any reason, during the preparation of plans and specifica- tions, it becomes apparent that the entire project cannot be completed, the First Party may terminate the employment of the Second Party by giving written notice to the Second Party at the office of J. A. Woolley, Consulting Engineer and Associates, 308 West Fiftil Street, in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, and in the event. said- ' notice of termination is given, the First Party will thereupon pay to the Second Party a percentage of the estimated fees'for the preparation of said plans and specifications determined by the Second Party's estimated - 8 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 proportion of completion, in full for the work done and services performed by the Second Party as of the date of termination, and thereupon employ- ment of the Second Party shall end and terminate. It is further agreed that the First Party, as contracting agent, may have the option and right to decide upon modification of the work,. if such modifications may be efficiently made and may be advantageous to the said First Party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. West Orange,County Water Board By Willis H. Warner Chairman (SEAL) And Paul C, ;hones Its Secretary First Party J: A. Woolley J. A. Woolley Consulting Engineer and Associates 0 Second Party - 9 - I AGREEMENT This agreement mode this 24th day of April 1961, by a between the WEST ORANGE COUNTY WATER BOARD, hereinafter deal% party of the First Parts and J. A. WOOLEY, Consulting Engineer 308 West Fifth Street, Santa Ana* California, hereinafter desigi Party of the Second Part. Whereasv the party of the Fir -at Part teas proposed the employ- meat of the party of the Second 'Part to undertake certain engineer- Ing studies and a report thereon; and Whoreaso the party of the Second Part has made a proposal to-, perform ouch services as requested in accordance with a letter dated March 29, 19611 and Whereas* the party of the First part by minute order dated March 29, 1961 has agreed to such proposal and has authorized the preparation and execution of this agreement; Now, therefore, it is mutually agreed as followat The party of the Second Part hereby agrees to (1) make studies and analyses of present water uses and needs of the West Orange County Water Board entities and such other entities as may participate In future procurement of additl000l supplemental water supplies for these entities and the general area south of Katelle Avenue and westerly of Verano Street* to the shores of the Pacific Ocean-12) to prepare preliminary plans and estimates of costs for procurement of addit- ional supplemental imported water supply; (3) to consult with re- presentatives of Orange County 'Municipal Water Dtstri6t and The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California with regard to any plan or plans for additional supplemental water to obtain rea- sonable assurance of cooperation in such plat or plans.. It is eareed and understood that particular emphasis will be AGREEMENT placed on the needs And rejuiroments of the present entities com- prialog the West Oraoge County Water Board, but e0pralsal of any other sources and other probable users will be made. The studies and recommendations and report, including prei• liminary plans, will be presented to the party of the First Part In the form of a preliminary draft for discussion and comment, and such other use as.the party of the First Part finds desirable, which shall be submitted promptly and within a reasonable time after the execution of this Agreement. The party of the First Part agrees to pay the party of the Second Part Thirty-five Hundred Dollars ($3#500.00) In payment for the first phase of said study upon presentation of the preliminary .draft as proposed in said proposal of March 29, 1961. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the party of the First Part has caused this agreement to be executed by Its officers duly authorized thereto, and the Second Party has executed the same on his own behalf, all on the day and date first above written. WEST ORANGE COUNTY WATER BOARD BY Cha I r1hr an Attest Seeret"A J. A. Wooley/1", 11 2-3967 PHONES, KIMBERLY 2-3988 308 WEST FIFTH STREET SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS W. P. LUNDY, CIVIL G. M. PARKS. CIVIL C. SAND, JR.. CIVIL R. D. WOODSIDE, CIVIL DAVID FIRTH, MECHANICAL JOHN C. MAc FARLANE. ELECTRICAL ASSOCIATED PERSONNEL J. A. W O O L L E Y A. H. BANCROFT CONSULTING ENGINEER PAUL J. SERRYHILL AND ASSOCIATES November 23, 1960 Honorable Board of Directors West Orange_ County Water Board City Hall Huntington Beach, California Gentlemen: At your September 21, 1960 meeting Mr. James R. Wheeler, Huntington Beach City Engineer, requested that a revision of the metering station at Smeltzer Avenue be nude to include a larger meter and a pressure reducing valve that would permit the Huntington Beach portion of the line to be used as a low pressure distribution line. In accordance with your instructions we have been reviewing and analyzing this meter station and are herewith reporting on our findings. First of all, a study was made of the area that would be served from the West Orange County Water Board line from the Smeltzer Avenue metering station. These studies indicated that considerable change has occurred since the original engineer's report entitled Proposed Additional Water Supply and Facilities for the City of Hunt ingto n'Leach,dated June 19 , was submitted to your Honorable ody. At that time it was antici— pated that the area of the City would be about 3.75 times larger in 1979 than in 1954, and that a supplemental water supply to serve such an ex— panded area would be required. However, the City limits to date, not including pending annexations, now encompass an area more than five times as great as the area of the City in 1954, and any supplemental water supply requirements on an area basis would be affected accordingly. Also, it is noted that the City has expanded into areas that the original report contemplated would be served from the West Orange County Water Board lines northerly of Smeltzer on Newhope and on Westminster Avenue. Next, the overall area composing western Orange County was again reviewed in its relatiomship to the City of Huntington each and the affect of the area in relationship to water. After the areas were reviewed, study was given to the population growth that could be anticipated in the annexations made to the City of Huntington Beach since 1954. In general, three population surveys were reviewed. First of all, the original 1954 report studies were reviewed and revised for the present annexations. Next, the Stanford Research Report was correlated to the area in qua stion. And third, the studies West Orang a County ..ater Board November 23, 1960 page 2 conducted by the City of Huntington Beach Water Department were reviewed. These studies are summari zed by the population curves for the new Huntington Beach areas only, plotted on the accompanying exhibit No. 1 as population versus years. The population per acre density was also plotted against years on exhibit No. 2. With the population studies completed, water use studies were conducted. Recent reports show average water consumption in Orange and Santa Ana to vary from 145 to 155 gallons per capita per day. The Stanford Research report indicates that the average water use in .the Count y v.11 be from 166 to 196 gallons per cap ita per day. In general, the studies and reviews considered by your engineers utilized 170 gallons capita/day average use wit h minor modifications based on population density and other factors. Typical water requirements for the various anticipated populations are shown on the population density curves of exhibit No. 2. A review of the population curves shown on the two exhibits would warrant the following comments and thoughts regarding predicted populations. First of all, with the larger area now comprising the City, and with the outlook for the development of the County in general, and the City of Huntington Beach in particular, it would appear that the pre- dicted population curve based on the original report could be low. Next, it should be remembered that the population curve that would approximate the predicted Stanford Research Report growth for this particular area is predicated on a oo unty:wide growth pattern average of approximately 27,000 new residential units per year constructed from now until 1990 throughout the entire county. The approximate Stanford Research population curve plotted on exhibit No. 1 indicates that an average of approximately 1400 new housi ng units per year until 1990 for the 19.2 square miles under study would have to be constructed to meet the overall county Stanford Research expectations. Since the preliminary 1960 overall county figures indicate that new subdivi si on lots, which would app roxi mat a 1h a new hcu s i ng uni t s , wi 11 b e le s s t han 10, 000 unit s , compared with an overall Stanford Research requirement of 27,000 units per year, it would appear that the population prognostication based on the approximate Stanford Research curve could be high, rather than low. Lastly, the population curves based on the 97,700 people in the area by June 1966 is dependent on 5000 new housing units per year. This is a very high rate of growth for the 19.2 square miles area, considering that less than 10,000 new subdivision units will probably occur in 1960 over the entire county, which encompasses more than 400 square miles of subdividable land. West Orange County -,ter Board November 23, 1960 page 3 The curves also call for comments on water requirements. First of all, the larger area alone that now comprises the City of Huntington Beach, as compared with the 1954 report estimates, would indicate that an additi onal supplemental wat e r supply would be ne eded before 1979. Next, it is obvious from the curves that the time when an additional supplemental water supply will have to be obtained is dependent upon the rate of growth of the area in question. A clearer picture should develop as the growth begins to tape place. Consideration in our studies was given to the source of an additional supplemental water supply. First of all, the underground water basin will undoubtedly contribute a certain amount of water. Next, storage facilities supplied at off peak,use hours will be required to store supplemental water for normal and emergency use. Both the underground water basin and storage were stressed in the studies for the .original report of 1954. In addition to the underground basin and storage facilities, it was contemplated in the 1954 report that the West Orange County Water Board lines would be supplemented with other lines to increase the water supply as demand arose. Some of the supplemental lines were shown in that report. At the present time our studies indicate that there are other probable future systems that could supplement West Orange County Water Board lines with resulting benefits. Also, The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has indicated that the pressures on the Orange County Feeder can be raised and thus provide additional water for the various take -offs. It should be pointed out that the West Orange County Water Board line was tested at as high as 210 pounds per square inch pressure. The original report was based on the premise that at peak demands on the M.W.D. facilities 21.46 cubic feet per second of water could be obtained at Dale and Katella. However, it was contemplated that when M.W.D. facilities were not taxed with_ heavy demand. that with the resulting higher pressures the West Orange County Water bard lines could carry additional water to meet emergencies and to resupply storage facilities. The flexibility of hi gh pressure lines to accommodate additional water at higher pressures is an important factor to consider in any modifications or projections into the future. Basically, our studies on population, growth, and water require. mints would indicate the following: 1. The growth of the Huntington Beach area should be equal to, and will possibly be greater and take place more rapidly than, that indicated in the 1954 report. 2. Thought possibly should be given to obtaining additional water beyond that contemplated in the 1954 report. 3. The amount of delivery, the source, and the cost of additional water from M.W.D. could depend on the pressure that can be utilized in the West Orange County Water Board lines. West OraTC a Count; iter Board November 23, 1960 page 4 After completing the above studies on the population, growth, and water reauirement s we reviewed the operation of the entire West Orange County Feeder line. Our review indicated the following: 1. As intended in the original design, the entities northerly of Smeltzer Avenue are utilizing the line as a high pressure feeder system through the use of pressure reducing valves. 2. The City of Huntington Beach is utilizing their portion of the line as a low pressure distribution system and has presently made approximately seventeen (17) connections, the majority of which are "hot taps," to the existing line. 3. The City of Huntington Beach has constrActed a one million gallon storage reservoir on Huntington Avenue northerly of Clay Street and connected this reservoir to the West Orange County Water Board Feeder line. 4. The pressure regulation at Dale and Katella has been between 65 and 70 psi, which has resulted in pressures at Smeltzer and Newland of 90 to 95 psi, which is low enough to permit Huntington Beach to presently utilize the portion of the line south_ erly of Smeltzer as a distribution line. Therefore, our conclusions, co nsi dering not only population, growth, and water requirements, but also operation procedures of the line, vD uld be as follows: 1. Population growth with resulting increased water use dictates higher pressure regulation at Dale and Katella until it is eventually set at a minimum of 120 psi and probably higher. 2. Increasing the pressure at Dale and Katella would generally result in pressures southerly of Smeltzer and Newland considerably above those desired for low pressure distribution line use. 3. The use of the feeder line southerly of Smeltzer as a high pressure line as contemplated in the original report would indicate the following: (a) Modification of the City of Huntington Beach water system at the existing take --offs to provide needed' lateral pressure reduction. (b) A check valve installation at Smeltz.er Avenue toaprevent back flow northerly of Smeltzer Avenue from the Huntington Beach system. West Orange County ;ter Board November 23, 1960 page 5 4. Use of the feeder line southerly of Smeltzer Avenue as a low pressure reducing distribution line would indicate the following: (a) An opinion would be required as to whether it is legally possible to use the line as a low pressure distribution line rather than as a high pressure feeder line as originally contemplated, and the basis upon which bonds were approved. (b) The use of the line as a low pressure distribution line would eliminate considerable flexibility that might be desired in serving all portions of the city, especially in the southeasterly and southwesterly portions of the city. (c) The use of the line as a low pressure distribution line would 11mitwflows to very little over design quantities under practically any emergency conditions, whereas considerably higher than design flow could be supplied in a high pressure line under many emergency conditions. (d) It is probable that certain advantages may be lost -when and if additional water is supplied to the area by the possible future connections to the West . Orange County Water Board feeder line as originally contemplated. Our recommendations are as follows: 1. That the City of Huntington Beach carefully review the present use and proposed future use of the line in relation to its utilization as a high pressure feeder or low pressure distri- bution line. 2. That if the City elects to use the line as a low pressure line, either temporarily or permanently and the West Orange County Water Board agrees to such use, an opinion should be obtained as to .the legality to change the -use of the line from a high pressure feeder line to a low pressure distribution line. 3. If the City decides to. use the line as a temporary low pressure distribution line with ultimate use as a high pressure feeder, we would recommend that the required meter regulating structure at Smeltzer be placed parallel to the existing line for the following reasons: (a) Additional flows could be paased through the main line if desired. (b) The high pressure aspects of the line would still be intact and the switch -over to a high pressure system could be made immediately with a minimum of trouble. West Orarg a County -ter Board November 23, 1960 page 6 (c) The legal problems of so utilizing the line temporarily as a distribution line may be simplified. This study has also pointed up a question as to legal entitlements of water into areas that were originally contemplated as an Orange County Water Works District No. 5 service area from the Westminster Avenue feeder line or the Newhope feeder line above Smeltzer Avenue. Re spec tfully submitted, J. A. WOOLLEY CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ASSOCIATES By JAW/pjb Enc 1.