HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Activity 20130034 - PageTAP No. Application.for TemporaryActivity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of any of the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Start Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy)0 On 2. i End Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy)0 Description of Activity:LaJ S7' Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN):0 1)4 U 6 Business Name:071 5t0 414 L. 13w -RDas-16Z 11-r›54cA'T 1-Av t.> A-5,7171 buck 06V. Applicantor AuthorizedAgent(PleasePrint)Property Owner(PleasePrint) -2A400 rAACit.115L,11k Z-;1. MailingAddress tiVr./11 (A/rt)/)cfr City -Notiz.Lt evtgajter,..ARI tub) 0, 11 -&t ik4 FA-1 TelephoneNumber E-mail Addr c`f Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layoutof site and temporary event fixtures. 0 2. CITYOF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000MainStreet HuntingtonBeach,CA92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 4k 7 0 Mailing Address 4...0 nil CA 9002 City State Zip 3/0 —gle-V7‘7 Telephone Number E-mail Address aV read and understa d the requirements of this .•2—ci.I natur ofApplicant Date Si ature ofPro tyTer Approved: Planning Dept. Initials Date b.1 '(3 Planning Mgr. Initials Date (IfNeighborhoodNotificationips%ired —SeePP-107) Fire Dept. Initials/L Date 4—/3 Public Works Dept. Initials D. Date Police Dept. Initials _7A Date FOR FggIAL USE ONLY Fee eceipt # Bond Required: NO ES # /21-5206 Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenrod (Planning) (Fire)(Applicant) (CodeEnforcement) G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit TNT FIREWORKS NEWPAINT SALES ASSOCIATE LAURA LIRA CITY HUNTINGTON BEACH LOCATION# HBC0xxx ORGANIZATION EDISON HS BAND BOOSTERS SIZE 8 X 32 TYPE OPM BACK DOORS 1 A-FRAMES 0 SET-up 6/25 DOWN7/7 LIGHTS ADDRESS 9045 ADAMS AVENUE INTERSECTION NEC OF ADAMS & MAGNOLIA THOMAS GUIDE - COUNTY OC PAGE GRID SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PUT STAND ON MARKS. D TRIM— 7 • 4# •.• ;