HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Activity 20140045 - Page0 TAP No UtLf OL15. Application.for TemporaryActivity Permit CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 Start Date of Activity:(mm/dd/y yy) 11511-oti-I End Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy) Description of Activity: Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are awed as depicted on the diagram below for activity4luration only)o Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): 11—L,0••••• • Business Name:_ bec t Applicant or Author - ized Agent (Please Print) T- Mailing Address piTIN VöNJ City —114 Telephone Number sAlsi_b_w( property Owner (Please Print) Lcrz rti-4-,ci- Mailing Address Lf f•rON 6t-TAcki- CA- City State W50 1---14(p— Tel. hcre Number ga3Of State Zip E-mail Address Zip E-mail Ad ress nde stand the r qv ements of this per itI a ad an Signature of Applicant 1...0 4P1 Date Signature ?t.Pro etty Owner Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures..j1 NJ11 put-LiPv(f kNA.1-tIAT CLOS)411-E- qt-t) -115-1H jetAP`k,pw,‘ V\ 0404-\ U. -711-1ILI • • Ito akt,-14. "MfgLt5,'PVF- rEM i?-6Q-e-4-(LEJ 5i0eutaul 3 id u 1 14-6A11 51- 12-8 41 -Le.pA-7-;:o FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to 4 Fee Receipt # Bond Required: NO YES # grm- 1:.Dted A Approved: Planning Dept. Initials ate Planning Mgr. Initials Date (If Neighborhood Notification•required —See PP — Fire Dept. Initials Date — Public Works Dept. Initials P 5 Date )ll 4- ...–••PoliceDept. Initials I:10 Date Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goloenrod DL%k/t-ICOotn,L, (Planning) (Fire)(Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\pIng\TempAct_Permit