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2000 MainStreet
Planning Department
(714) 536-5271
Applicationfor TemporaryActivity Permit
Shall notexceed 96consecutivehours(except agriculturalsales)
Must displaya copy of thispermiton premisesof activitylocation
A maximumof four events/activitieseachcalendar year are allowed
Violationof anyof therequirementslistedonthis permit issubject to immediate
issuanceof a citation
Permitted:outdoordisplay of goods(banners,pennants,streamers,and flagsare
allowedasdepictedon thediagrambelow for activitydurationonly)
StartDateof Activity: (mnVittUyyyyl 8/27/14 End Date of Activity:(rnmidd/yyyy)8/28/14
Description of Activity: Boudin SFGrand 0 enin - "BreadWinners Event."Pleaseseeattached
overviewforadditional details.
Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN):FivePoints Plaza- 18541BeachBlvd.,Huntin ton Beach,CA92648
BusinessName:Bou in S
Danica London
Applicant or AuthorizedAgent (PleasePrint)
221 Main Street, Ste. 1230
Mailing Address
San Francisco CA 94105
City State Zip
415-287-1756 dlondon@houdinbake
Beach Center Partners do Evolution Wcst Mana ement Services
PropertyOwner (PleasePrint)
18301Von KarmanAve.,Ste.850
Irvine, CA CA 92612
City State Zip
.00111 n rossman@ewmsvce.com
Telephone E-mallAddress Telephone mber E-mailAddress
n un rstand the requirements Ct
-10 /
Signature of Applicant Date
er •
Sig toe Pro er Bate
Ih e r
Please providea diagram in this space,showinglocationo ac y, directionalarrow showingnorth,streets
and/or landmarks,i.e. structures,and layoutof siteand temporaryevent fixtures.
*, Fee •AcCeipt #
Bond No. .YES- #
Planning Mgr.Initialate
(IfNeighborhoodNotificationi 'red-See
.'ak Fire :Dept. InitialS*4: Date
PublicWorksDept. Initials ate
PolicC Dept. Initiali kt • Date
Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenrod
(Planning) (Fire)(Appficant) (CodeEnforcement)
ez111151iiiiiiIiitiliji'!I!I'AX:•!:III* 111 IigIi;4 e: it!ctti ile1I9R;11\r;'0iiirgoliorivphilipm1;411011911dug!illi- --dmiiJi Ail .iA- 411._„Nig011111,,12;tiLt g 1 t I9gi !di' i !4111!If i I1cll* —0i:1 i 1ih il 10e8if>t 1; .c,c;!!1IiE3CARMI g3VBREAKPAST•LUNCH•DINNER•SOURDOUGHFIVEPOINTSPLAZA 16541BEACHBOULEVARD HUNTINGTONBEACH,CA 92648II 12>CDiflit
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Event:Bread Winner's Event
Location:Boudin SF - Huntington Beach —5 Points Center
Date/Time:Start 8/27 @ 5PM; End 8/28 @approximately 9 AM
Boudin SFis pleased to be coming to the Huntington Beach community and we're
proud to announce a unique grand opening event. Boudin SFhosts our "Bread
Winners" event the day before our grand opening. San Francisco Sourdough
enthusiasts can begin lining up on August 27 at 5 PM. The first 100 "Bread
Winners" who enter the restaurant at approximately 7:30 AM on August 28 will
receive free bread every day for a year. The restaurant will open to the general
public at 10:30 AM.
As part of our grand opening events, we partner with a local community food
bank, as well as a local non-profit. For this event, we're scheduled to partner with
the OC Rescue Mission and the McKenna Claire Foundation. The first spot in the
"Bread Winners" line will be saved for the OC Rescue Mission and they will
receive free bread for a year.
The "Bread Winners" event will involve 12-15 hours of fun and entertainment
that will take place outside of the restaurant starting at 5 PM August 27 and
ending at approximately 9 AM August 28. Boudin will provide private security for
the entirety of the event. Please see tentative schedule of events below.
Scheduleof Events:
5PM-6PM: Check-in at Boudin SFCommand Center for line assignment
6PM-7PM: Dinner
7PM-8PM: Boudin Pub-style Trivia & Master Baking ClassTutorial
8PM-10PM: Movie
10PM-6AM: Bed time
6AM-7AM: Breakfast
7:30AM-9AM:Bread Winner's Ceremony
BOUDNISFat Huntington BeachBread Winner's EventThank you for participating in our BreadWinner's Event. Weare very excited aboutthe Grand Opening of our newest restaurant, Boudin SFin Huntington Beach.To ensure that this is a safe, pleasant, fun-filled event we ask that you adhereto a few simple rules:You must be 21 years of age to participateYou must remain in line from the time you arrive until the doors open toensure your spot in line. Don't worry. We'll be surprising you with treatsto help make your time in line more enjoyable.Participation is limited to the first 100 people in line; one bread rewardper household.You cannot "hold" a place/spaces in line for others.Alcohol or any other illegal substances are not permitted.Sorry no dogs allowed except service animals.I hereby grant Boudin permission to the rights of my image, likeness andsound of my voice as recorded on audio or video tape without paymentor any other consideration.Bread cards have no cash value, and cannot be resold or exchangedfor cashPer property maent, off-site parking is man a oother'nesses int in a towed vehicle.Security will be on-hand to help us oversee the event and restrooms will beprovided for use until we open the doors.Last but not least, please be respectful of your neighbors in line as well as thesurrounding businesses and thanks again for helping us to make our BreadWinner's Event a success.Name:Email:Signature:BOSPEventBreadat Huntington BeachThankyoufor participating in our Brevent. Weare very excited aboutthe Grand Opening of our newest restaurant, Boudin SFin Huntington Beach.To ensure that this is a safe, pleasant, fun-filled event we ask that you adhereto a few simple rules:You must be 21 years of age to participateYou must remain in line from the time you arrive until the doors open toensure your spot in line. Don't worry. We'll be surprising you with treatsto help make your time in line more enjoyable.Participation is limited to the first 100 people in line; one bread rewardper household.You cannot "hold" a place/spaces in line for others.Alcohol or any other illegal substances are not permitted.Sorry no dogs allowed except service animals.I hereby grant Boudin permission to the rights of my image, likeness andsound of my voice as recorded on audio or video tape without paymentor any other consideration.Bread cards have no cash value, and cannot be resold or exchangedfor cashPer property managementing is mandatory while otherb • esse •p exen. Failure to coaft-iTra towed vehicle.Security will be on-hand to help us oversee the event and restrooms will beprovided for use until we open the doors.Last but not least, please be respectful of your neighbors in line as well as thesun1ig businesses and thanks again for helping us to make our Breadent a success.Name:Email:Signature: