HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Activity 20150026 - PageTAP No.IS"--112 Application .for Temporary Activity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of any of the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Start Date of Activity: (mmiddiyyyy)0-7 •zo S End Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy)0 2 0 s' Description of Activity:6 --CA e r."1/a6WA Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN):ciG Al NEL tie; 4-59 -03 Business Name:ea_00 0 S Ca:WA: Applicant or Authorized Agent (Please Print)Property Owner (Please Print) filar +- Mailing Address Run+,13,1, City 1-1—— State Zip City State Zip arhu_Q-kbkil •coa —3oc) Telephone Number E-mail Address Telephone Number E-mail Address I havereadan understandthere uire entsofthispermit CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 q Oc.04-/J Mailing Address 41 76) S t-e-Ac q ature of Applicant Da Signature of Property Owner Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layoutof site and temporary event fixtures. sEe AirrAcilE P etz•*-trt- ‘e iç4 14t;-' c.rrt?o 4 nAtm3l*AUp44VP-41,friZ1,4 et.4 .1" .51-.A•%4 5 FOROFFICIALUSEONLY Fee 7/4°1 Receipt # Bond Required: NO YES # Approved: Planning Dept. Initials 0-1 Date Planning Mgr. Initials Date (If Neighborhood Notification is required —SeeFP-107) Fire Dept. Initials Date Public Works Dept. Initials T>5 Date Police Dept. Initials Date Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenrod (Planning) (Fire)(Applican,) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\pIng\TempAct_Permit Application.for TemporaryActivity Permit CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street -Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271' Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of tliispermit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of any of the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor,display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Stari Date of Activity: (mmlddiyyyy)0-7 0 * Z. 0/ S.—End Dath of Activity:(mm/ddiniyy)8 041 20 ** Description of Activity:W‘:. •SAi- i SAMe i C.L000 Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): qt.w laea. At/ 4-59 -A I OS;b. WAWde.65-r'L1D S i4A400 A 41 1 IA 5 Business Name: 0 e M011 a_i 0.1( IT) Applicantor AiTthorizedAgent(Please Print) ts;lol Ofhara I 1MailingAddress fitAfif ,Bock Property Owner (Please Print) .c Atx.04x)Aqa'MailingAddress Or 0Aitor....4 CA-oY City W 3 1- SighatureofApplicant Dais /SignatureofProperty Owner ' I have read and understand the requirements a this permit 6 ". qui S-A4771k,PiD TelephoneNumber E-mailAddress State f Zip City State meitAdiartaLa hbtill5CI.C64/k,7/ 41-133-73oo TelephoneNumber E-mailAddress — r Date 5-q Zip Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. #6.-r-rok.4t6P ,31-v4 14ar errki) Nara_ VOR 9FFICIAIL ,Fee 1124 Bond Requi'red..NO USE ONLY Receipt #: ApProved: P1anning-Dept.Initials —1'‘el Date t'Q' ,Planning,Mgr.. Initials - - Date' ' (If Neighborhood NcitifIcittionis iequired —See PP-107)*' Pire Deipt.:' InitialS,' Date/ Public Works Dept.InMaig."-:"'DS: Date Airi I IIS' ,:' 'PoliCeDepi. , Initials': ' Date- DiStribution: White Yellow (Planning) (Fire) Pink Goldenrod (Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit TAP No. (C-- Application.for TemporaryActivity Permit• Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted:outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Start Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy) " •L0/ C.- End Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy).6 20 Description of Activity:O1 SAr -i sam FTar•c Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN):ec CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 Mailing Address un+.13ck City -jL}3j.g Telephone Number •••• Business Name:t •.)14 Mona.ar Applicant or Authorized Agent (Please Print) 10 1 iefilara ,c1 c. krr AO Ai .4_4 State , Zip City 1)1 AIA (II ebUii •c d 714/-/37- 730o E-mail Address -- Telephone Number E-mail Address EIJde- -w 65, r 5 r444.60 rt.ELths-1/4 Property Owner (Please Print) <I C oc.c:44.)Avd: --111615 Mailing Address State 0 0 Z. Zip I have read and understand the re uirements of this permit / 5-5,riAJ C /et; / Signature of Applicant Dat.Signature of Property Owner Date • Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. cE AtrrAt-ttED -.-.>(Aott 1-0 14k7 irk? oF -^2o 17;raz.,..1..ra A-At r4I t-4 ivt.4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fee 1"--;1 Receipt# Bond Required: NO YES # Approved: Planning Dept. Initials t.1- Date Planning Mgr. Initials Date (If Neighborhood Notification is required —See PP-107) Fire Dept. Initials Date Public Works Dept. Initials 1.":". Date C,; I Police Dept. Initials Date Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenrod (Planning) (Fire)(Applicant) (Code Enforcement)G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit INSPECTION DATE 6/30 TNT F I R E W O R K S NEWPAINT SALES ASSOCIATE BRAD HUDSON Cry H U N T I N G T O N B E A C H LOCATION# HBC0102 ORGANIZATION OCEAN V I E W H S C H E E R SIZE 8 X 32 TYPE N N BACK D O O R S A-FRAMES 0 SET-UP 6 / 2 5 DOWN7/7 LIGHTS M c G I L L S ADDRESS 6967 WARNERAV E N U E INTERSECTION NWC OF WARNER & GOLDENWEST THOMAS GUIDE — C O U N T Y O C PAGE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PUT S T A N D O N M A R K S . GRID 41•16 es n a r— _B 3 — „ 1:w 0- .1, 147-7.7 7 - 4 " • 358'e 2v.. 1- 178' Th; .A ° • LL