HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Activity 20150044 - PageTAP No.76'15 041 Applicationfor TemporaryActivity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted:outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Start DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy)6 III/8015 End DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy)1 11o/5 DescriptionofActivity: .5 ide-cval k sale LocationofProperty/Address/Assessor'sParcel Number(APN): Coq/I WarAev Aver,Lid 4 Oca_e_h c4 61.2 q BusinessName:a Lo+S .8. P (-)-e e 1-41e-411 As AAA rv,dwp Applicantor Autho ize Agent(PleasePrint)Property Owner(PleasePrint) °21A CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 ta 42S5 Set MailmgAddress A44xAe.-1 levN City P1 o i3ox- I q(Dfog MailingAddress OA Agfr r e c A State Zip City State 1Li 4133 -*1-3 0 TelephoneNumber E-mailAddress -3 Co.6g-q-5 TelephoneNumber E-mailAddress q 2C042.3-10(0S Zip I havereadandunderstandtherequirementsofthispermit lct Ii 4 e A-Ft/;cAfiee) —Signature of licant Date SignatureofProgerty Owner Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. A--0-11(p FOROFFICIALUSEONLY Fee Receipt ond Required: NO YES # Approved: Planning Dept. Initials Planning Mgr. Initials (IfNeighborhood Notificatio File Dept. Initials — Public Works Dept.Initials Police Dept. _ Initials Date Date required - See PP-)07)) Date 7rnis 5TI PS Date IIS-cx Date Distribution: White Yellow (Planning) (Fire) Pink Goldenrod (Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\PIng\TempAct_Permit 02 2 ki CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 PlanningDepartment (714)536-5271 TAP No. kt 0 -44-1 Applicationfor TemporaryActivity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) End DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy)(-1'7 11? 101015-Start Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy)b Iii kb I 5 Description of Activity:iota Gua k Sole Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): 6,q1i Warnev Avenue Business Name:al'1-04s eca c4 41j• PE.duv Applicantor Authdized'Agent (Please Print) .„4,55 Sercno 1,1 Miiiing Address /I o cA 9.1geici City State Zip ikt-5(040 'Ogq3 TelephoneNumber E.miil Address ei Ule,sit As el AA0r en eoep Property Owner (Please Print) pa 8ox /904S MailingAddress r tie' e c A q ;CoX3-i)0(0 City State Zip (4/33"'130 TelephoneNumber E-mailAddress I have read and understand the requirements of this permit /11 h .5*-r—E ATAXe't-tet> Sign'atureorApOlicant Date SignatureofProperty Owner Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fee 241 Receipt# QJLI .bondRequired:NO YES # Approved:PlanningDept.Initials Date '#-4" PlanningMgr. Initials Date (If Neighborhood Notification,isquired —See PP-107)1 Fire Dept. Initials -14; Date 7 PublicWorksDept.Initials VS Date 11611C PoliceDept. Initials Date Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenrod (Planning) (Fire)(Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 TAP No. ifliplication.for Temporary Activity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultufal sales) Must display a copy of this permit onpremises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Start Date of Activity:(mmicId/yyyy)12).7 6 End Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy) /1, / boi 5 Description of Activity: S r„4„,)a I ,( 6'ale s'tocation of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): adf..;('A'J74 J H It 1 I.ft 43 t^11. C A 11,0 Mailing Address City . 1'I 36,40 Telephone Number Business Name:IL L I s ç. Applicant or Authorized Agent (Please Print) !) I() State Zip City Ifr7i i; )4/13 - ' n—„ E-Mail Address;*Telephone Number R.) ; .44y A 3 .3 <1 merc eder Property Owner (Please Print) pc)o.4.2., Mailing Address cA State E-mail Address 4 P Zip 5106,S I havereadandunderstandtherequirementsofthispermit )"1`7/c,t Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Property Owner Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. Ti C Approved: Planning Dept. Initials Altp Date .".;1 'It3. Planning Mgr. Initials Date (If Neighborhood Notification is required -See PP-107) " Fire Dept.. InitiaN IV--7? Date ' Public Works Dept.Initials PI* Date TR IIS Police Dept. Ariitiag 'Date * FOROFFICIALUSEONLY' tiAliFee ft Receipt # WBond Required: NO YES # Distribution: White Yellow (Planning) (Fire) Pink Goldenrod (Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit -871v>,ZIVI J CY7 Y7d cr./dei, Wes* •'JUL.1.2015 3:56PM PACIFIREST O.376 P. 1 AssAcnaggemeftCoricriotn July1,2015 Attn: BongPaguyo,Manager BIGLOTS STORES#4263 6911WarnerAvenue HuntingtonBeach,CA 92647 RE: WARNERWEST,LLC 6911WARNERAVENUE,HUNTINGTONBEACH,CA BIG LOTS STORE#4263 SIDEWALKSALES DearMr.Paguyo: Ownershipof WarnerWest Centerhas approvedof Big Lots holdingsidewalksales over the weekendsef-Jely-4tand July11-12,contingentuponthefollowing: Citypermitswill be requiredforbothweekends. Wewill requirea copyof thepermits priortoholdingthesalesevents. Merchandiseisto bedisplayedonthesidewalkin frontoftheBigLots storeonly,allthe whilemaintaininganunobstructedpath-of-travelonthesidewalkforpedestriantraffic. MerchandisemaynotextendbeyondeithersideoftheBigLotsbuilding. All inventory,includingshoppingcarts,mustbe storedin the storebefore openingand afterclosing.No storagewillbeallowedinthebackofthebuildingorparkinglot. Pleaseindicatebelowyouragreementto theabove-mentionedstipulations,andreturna copyof thislettertoourofficepriortotheevent. ShouldBigLotsdefaulton anyoftheserequirements, Ownerreserves the right to withdrawapprovalfor the continuationof the event, including subsequentfuturedates. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleaseletusknow. Thankyou. Sincerely. PacificWest UnderstoodandAgreed AssetManagement Corporation BigLots#4263 SharonFerence 677 Vice President Bong Paguyo Date Store Manager SF/lsn MailingAddress •PostOfficeBox19068 9 Irvine,California92623-9068 3191IDAirportLoop 9 CostaMesa,California92626-3404 9 (714)433-7300 Fax(714)433-7330 2015-07-01 16:23 00074 714 433 7330 » str4263