HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Activity 20150054 - Page02 e TAP N o . 3 t g - - - V C - L 4 Application.for T e m p o r a r y A c t i v i t y P e r m i t Shall n o t e x c e e d 9 6 c o n s e c u t i v e h o u r s ( e x c e p t a g r i c u l t u r a l s a l e s ) Must d i s p l a y a c o p y o f t h i s p e r m i t o n p r e m i s e s o f a c t i v i t y l o c a t i o n A m a x i m u m o f f o u r e v e n t s / a c t i v i t i e s e a c h c a l e n d a r y e a r a r e a l l o w e d Violation o f a n y o f t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s l i s t e d o n t h i s p e r m i t i s s u b j e c t t o i m m e d i a t e issuance o f a c i t a t i o n Permitted: o u t d o o r d i s p l a y o f g o o d s ( b a n n e r s , p e n n a n t s , s t r e a m e r s , a n d f l a g s a r e allowed a s d e p i c t e d o n t h e d i a g r a m b e l o w f o r a c t i v i t y d u r a t i o n o n l y ) CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 Start Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy)-3115—End D a t e o f A c t i v i t y : (mm/dd/yyyy)J.I---- Description of Activity:e- ocation of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel mber ( A P N ) : -rN Business Name:_H-etbiep a.e e P.pplicant or Authorized Agent (Please Print)Property O w n e r ( P l e a s P r i n t ) 3 5 9 1 Mailing Address City Telep one Number Mailing A d d r e s s fa(0 .State Zip City E-mail A d d r e s s Telephone N u m b e r E-mail A d d r e s s State Zip I have read and understand the requirements of this per it Signature of Applicant Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directioral arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. cd-kcheA No tents Incficoted or cookir9 Involved cjith event. opercition perm;I revflyed. FOR OF CI SE O N L Y Fee Receipt # N A- Bond Requi ed: NO YES # Approved: P l a n n i n g D e p t . I n i t i a l s Date 1.2-S. / Planning M g r . I n i t i a l s Date sr.".(If N e i g h b o r h o o d N o t i f i c a t i o n i s r e q u i r e d - S e e P P - 1 0 7 ) 9-Fre D e p t I n i t i a l s S E Date 13 15 tSTPubl i c W o r k s D e p t . I n i t i a l s PS Date q-z3--/5 Police D e p t . I n i t i a l s Date Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenrod (Planning) (Fire)(Applicant) ( C o d e E n f o r c e m e n t ) G:\forms\ping\TernpAct_Pennit Signature o f P r o p e r t y O w n e r Date ftzt,.9 3 ii— - TAP No.2t)it--OCLI Application .for remporary Activity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted:outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) M Start DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy) Z Z End DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy)f') -•"" I-DescriptionofActivity:.1 — C.oIl T2Plt rh OA e..-eni3eir.9.'"C k LocationofProperty/Address/Assessor's.ParcelNumber(A N): fir r A6)- BusinessName: t Tcr- A :7 •MaiIiig Alldress".\-s- l VI crW.0 1•.^ CRY t.ate Zi • Cal*"—State Zip cr1/44 ,TelephoneNumber*E-mail Address Telephone Number E-mailAddress I havereadandunderstandtherequirementsofthispermit \i-rt cY 'z Acc---— • Vate---•1 Siknattireof Property Owner -Date . 7 • • , Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets tond/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. 5e alifx-Ched\ e•.4-:,f`r° • CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 PlanningDepartment (714)536-5271 - • 1 9 rleNivg,1 • ••• ••, *t • - • • C.1. (1)&e, '1 , PVoperty—OwnerPieasiFrint gddrets—*" * RJ • 7 No 4ehl.s inchco+ed cookinrj lAvolved ShvenL o pperciH0n pen-'1 .1'1t/11'c-c.f. Approved:PlanningDept.Initials Dttte 7.25'. , —Planningi Ae Initials .1' Date,- NeighborhootiNotificatiOn is:required —See PP-107) ,Fife Dept. Initials.51E Date , PrPublic WorksDePt'.InitialS'P5 Date 14-23 r/5"._ PbliceDept_Initials Date ; FOR'OFFCI 'USEONLY Pee Receipt# BondRequied:NO MS ' I Distribution: White Yellow (Planning) (Fire) Pink Goldenrod (Applicant) (Code Enforcement)G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit - • -• ••••-v••• • -- 022 TAP No. Application.for TemporaryActivity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of any of the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 Start DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy)'2 End DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy) DescriptionofActivity: '1;.41-r ." .1LocationofProperty/Address/Assessor'sParcel Number(A N): I R.. "•(--)t BusinessName:4.1 n, (""- • I I ) I •IC A kpplicant or A-ut orized'Agent ( lease Pim°Property Owner (Please Print) ctstc,,". .A Mailifig A dress' I MailingAddress 1-1,1 4- City 5. .•)e )(ad-Cf' "/ f If-e Rh ,1 a s-State Zip :4- "A c-- •‘- State Zi til• • ,-;•1 LI n ,.1(0 7 f Telephone Number'E-mailAddress TelephoneNumber E-mailAddress I have read and understand the requirements of this permit k ze.4. ( /Pa q/c9 3 bate -' SignatureofProperty Owner Date Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing north, streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. tkchEtA t 4.3n tird or I .:Attl- 1.Nvolvecl ,jith csient. l.lo-t-..1-w"t felOIVCY-J•71-23- If k • FOR OFFiCIAJASE ONLY Fee %)Receipt # Bond Requiied-7.NO YES # Approved: Planning Dept. Initials (0-3 Date I*/. . i • Planning Mgr. Initials Date s (IfNeighborhood Notification is required -See PP-107) Fire Dept. Initials c Date TPublic Works Dept. Initials Date q Police Dept. Initials Date Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenro d (Planning) (Fire)(Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit (sigliatiireofApplicant.'" 2015 Philharmonic Holiday Boutique Vendors October 23, 2024 VENDOR CONTACT PRODUCT SELLERS PERMIT PHONE GOURMETBLENDS KimCameron Balsamic 101-617335 310-320-7777 Vine-ar /Oils MARIETTEPENNEMAN Mariette Penneman Jewelry 102-561507 949-831-9893 GIFTS LEPETITJARDIN Kimberlee Martin Succulent 102-340301 949-228-5461 Arran ements TAMIBOUTIQUE Tami Trankiem Children's 102-787900 714-292-9378 Clothin GERIE'SFASHION Geri Davies Women's 100-872419 818-426-7631 CLOSET Cllothin LIFEHEARTHOME Cathie Petersen Home 102-311825 714-639-4678 Goods Jewel KSRASRAVINTAGE Roberta Kopp Vintage Glass 102-541987 562-260-1222 Art JOIE'SKNITTED Joannah Philips Hand-knitted 102-603735 714-846-7276 TREASURES Accessories CASCASIMPORTS Victoria Apodaca Vintage Home Pending 714-342-3354 Goods BEEDSUNEED Rukhsana Qureshi Jewelry 97-948528 714-989-0377 IISS PRISSBAUBLES&Barbara Logan Bags&jewelry 102-457207 949-283-2777 BAGS UGOGIRLPOPUPSHOP Michelle Kole Clothing &102-614952 917-554-3303 Accessories CLASSYBAGLADY Lea Karp Handbags Pending 818-430-1795 LITTLEMISSBUNG Julie Gealer Jewelry 09-02543 949-939-0680 BLING DESIGNERDETAILS Melinda Taddeo Jewelry &97000554 949-394-1271 Accessories ELEGANCEWITH Linda Buwalda Wreaths and 102-710968 714-281-3166 WREATHS Gifts SSHENTERPRISES Alberta Sturwold Apron/Wine 100-665718 626-357-6024 Gifts DALEMICHELLE DaleAsti Clothing 102-738978 310-488-0493 BOUTI UE MUSICALGIFTS LisaWeller MusicalGifts pending 562-431-8564 ACCESSORIESFOR RajSchindl Handbags &97-896218 818-207-7359 DIVAS Jewel CHARLESGREGORY Greg Chrispell Framed 102-804728 714-931-3012 7HRISPELL Ori 'nal Art ORIGAMIOWL IllliciaHigginbotham Charms and pending 714-423-8399 Accessories • 2015 Philharmonic Holiday Boutique Vendors October 23, 2024 HARMONYHBINC.Jan Palmer Yogaand pending 323-691-5223 ewel Internal Revenue Service Date: April 16, 2004 Philharmonic Society of Orange County 2082 Business Center Drive 100 Irvine, CA 92612-1151 Dear Sir or Madam: Department o f t h e T r e a s u r y P. 0 . B o x 2 5 0 8 Cincinnati, O H 4 5 2 0 1 PerSon t o C o n t a c t : Richard E . O w e n s 3 1 - 0 7 9 7 4 Customer S e r v i c e R e p r e s e n t a t i v e Toll F r e e T e l e p h o n e N u m b e r : B:00 a . m . t o 6 3 0 p . m . E S T 877-829-5500 Fax N u m b e r : 513-263-3756 Federal I d e n t i f i c a t i o n N u m b e r : 95-1805452 This is in response to your request of April 16, 2004, regarding your organization's tax-exempt status. In July 1955 we issued a determination letter that recognized your organization as exempt from federal income tax. Our records indicate that your organization is currently exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Based on information subsequently submitted, we classified your organization as one that is not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code because it is an Organization described in seotion 509(a)(2). This classification was based on the assumption that your organization's operations would continue as stated in the application. If your organization's sources of support, or its character, method of operations, or purposes have changed, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on the exempt status and foundation status of your organization. Your organization is required to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, only if its gross receipts each year are normally more than $25,000. If a return is required, it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end,of the organization's annual accounting period. _The law imposes a penalty of $20 a day, up to a maximum of $10,000, when a return is filed late, unless there is reasonable cause for the delay. All exempt organizations (unless specifically excluded) are liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social security taxes) on remuneration of $100 or more paid to each employee during a calendar year. Your organization is not liable for the tax imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code. However, these organizations are not automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes. Donors may deduct contributio n s t o y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n a s p r o v i d e d i n s e c t i o n 1 7 0 o f t h e C o d e . Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to your organization or for its use are deductible for federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code, -2- Philharmonic Society of Orange County 95-1805452 Your organization is not required to file federal income tax returns unless it is subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If your organization is subject to this tax, it must file an income tax return on the Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business IncomeTax Return. In this letter, we are not determining whether any of your organization's present or proposed activities are unrelated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. Section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code requires you to make your organization's annual return available for public inspection without.charge for three years after the due date of the return. 'The law also requires organizations that received recognition of exemption on July 15, 1987, or later, to make available for public inSpection a copy of the exemption application, any supporting documents and the exemption letter to any individual who requests such documents in person or in writing. Organizations that received recognition of exemption before July 15, 1987, and had a copy of their exemption application on July 15, 1987, are also required to make available for public inspection a copy of the exemption application, any supporting documents and the exemption letter to any individual who requests such documents in person Or in writing. For additional information on disclosure requirements, please refer to Internal Revenue Bulletin 1999 - 17. Because this letter could help resolve any questions about your organization's exempt status and foundation status, you should keep it with the organization's permanent records. If you have any questions, please call us at the telephone number shown in the heading of this letter. Sincerely, deAut- Janne K. Skufca; Director, TE/GE Customer Account Services opportunityprize tables0 0tableelectricoutletdoor doordoor Restauranttable table doordoorPHILHARMOIOFFICEdoordoorLONG AREAREDTABLESAYBROOK0zezt-THEDRUGGISTcabletableI-ALGONQUIN 51"REE1doordoordoordoor cleanersTRADERJOESdoar0011GWOsocmtabletablegardenFOgardenMEMBERSHIPTABLE HUNTINGTON HARBOUR MALL RENOVATION16847 ALGONQUIN ST, HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649NOMAARCHITECTURE500 PACIFIC COAST 111011WAY.REDONDO BEAM CA 00277TEL, 310.13.1627WhYCNOVIAMJCIIITECTURF-CAMNo. Description Date7.2015COVERSHEETRN.,RR.",HB 2015JULY- 15th 2015Dm. ByAJ + DRONER"AJ + DRA-00056 SEE DETAILaCRY REVISIONSCOPE OF WORK•• Ar.x.t., noirH,I...1 'n_.e..irrnutL___.:_4_--- \eI1\ \ '1\ner s• ,. -177,--,' II-\ ;I UIL2ING ,'-.•7, UILDINGa 1I1,..j PARCEL rikj I'A*. --e'i? .ORT-Tr•j-1-1r% i --1..1A.L.T.A.SURVEY'HUNTINGTONHARBOR MALL'EXISTING SIGNTO BE RENOVATEDALLSIGNSINCLUDINGTRADERJOEFREESTANDINGSIGN.ANDWALLSIGNSDEPICTEDAS'LIFESTYLEGRAPHICS'NIL RECOAREASEPARATEBUILDINGPERMS'.a,CRAP= SCALEIIfSHEET1.111TCOHT.CONTORT., LISTOWNER01124COARALSHEETHSTRodBEHI NowARCHITECT.ODOM. HOTEII.0 HIVIETAN STEELOAR PROJECTDETAILS1E1.1 PROJECTCETALSLE. OCOEEOFWCREADC.= 1.1/ A100110.1 HT,HidnINOTOR MACH CAMSCOLORAMATERIALSHEET1STTRACT8011111NESTVAOFSECTIONTRTOMER. SOUTHMIMEOWEST.RANCHO001.. BOOK01PACEIAOHO00.1.4PEOPUTIETEPEALI COLORSMATERIAL00A110LOTOa i0171..E. PERALTA8111...13.391 Sr.SCOPE. WOF00PROPOSEDREXCIVATICNTO MEMO RETALCENTERSCOPECf.WOREINCUR. EATER. ELEVATIONRENOVATONSETOULONCREMO1.2 NO3.... NOO.ORO. MAIM ORME= SF. TAM..ARMCO. BOWE Of WORKAlL0 NCALIDESEART. NIERIORCOMM. REMOVA1101. PROPOOE0EOM. OTRUCTUREAT11.0ErEln.F. MT. AMR. ATEMT. HUNITIATTM.00117 MALL/A,.PEETHEENCL.° DRAWNCIO.BUID1110AI . EMU. TO RE.11.100FROPOSEDAOCITONALORTOOEADOE00111.11.112 -11.1.0 TO REHM II... 1. HOST. PAM. TOREYNA. ISCARD11.13 . COMM TO REV. 1E00..KW. 1141.COMO TO HERM 2.10..MOE= NACHIAATIONOUT-0010116-Wenn TO RERAN .P0 OR OCOLIPARLYOROUR 01.OCHICIATICIICNTYPE VA6017.01. YES.3811. TOROMEO1/0.71•06110.1.0.0TOTALPROJECTOF.MOO ESARCHREOTIELAATREETLOTSHEAE01.11amamob..113100RATEPERVIEMLEARRALREOUREMENTOALLPROEM. BOWIE DITHAIPAC.. 0 BROWNFORCLARFICATIOXRIRPOSESOWEALAI. MUM. TRADERJOEFREESTANDNOBIONAND WAALHO. DEPICTEDAS9.11.0ELEORAPHICIEWLL REM.ASEPARATEEMONCIa6.A.1.0 EMT. OVER. WIEN.ARE 013.111.11 REOINOTIRTHISA-1.I EOM. / 0111.171011OEM O.K.PROPOSE0DEE. SITE1.1AATERMUSED RECVO.COVE. COLIPLEWTHTIE TITLEIII ORSTATEARE 1.01HA1L REOUREMINITIMI111LE11.10.1. TAOMATEO . IHE MEMO =ELF. ME CHTETS...00 OEM. . THECA10. I.E. SHALII.O.AZOMAC.. Oa/{.,11BULOORMA OW 130/10 IAR00.1.1.000P1.10....01101101.1. W.THEETVIE MATERIALHAMRETARD. OSHATIRE NAME. 12117,ASTI ESA01.5.11.•111.0.6111E1 MEMO ARROPOSEDFLOORALMFR00061.... OIRUCTUM AT(EIWATERKUM.ASSWIRTAINECHLOTESAFETIOU0.1110CONSTRUCT. ABPEEROA 0111.016RHOENO PROPOSSMOOP RANCHAPTERS,0.14.013.L.R. HOECOCO.2.0101631. OEPLACED011111EECM. OFTIE141.011./081101......0 PEEL.BU1.0010 RHELEVEDIEWAPERICATIOM 1.. MR.. ISICE.1 RAC. PI RI ELEV./C.0 sun mumeenMUSTBeLDGATIMOVI. BrIRANCE TOM,MO WM.= CFSUITENUMBEIRS r.KW. WARS 1.61. BUY. RIR) CLEVEDEMOCOMA. WITHMORRO...7 EA.. /3 CE113.10110100.14 MU. HI RM../ DEMOLAIRMUM. 1E1ELEE /011140ASS0111.0.1. MI ELEV./ DENO.1. DM. AI ELEVECIEMO0.1111010611E1ELEVEDONT0171.001.61E1 EWE DEMOWILCO MEITIELEVEDEMOA.T.0 PROPOSEVARCHITECEEHLOUALSARCPOSEORECHITECTIMALOETAASA-7.2 PROPOCEDERCHITELIIRORDETANJ PROPOSEDAMONTOCIERALDETARO ,E •IRV\• I BUILDING RICiAr\ \BOA DWALK DRIVEIss. _ - A -D ENP RT IVEortmI_ . - - _(E)ALTASURVEY11047.3.0.1 ST.1111117.71. REACHCAMASNNW ARCHITECTURESCASAIAITIOLWEINONDOBEACH CR 110277TEL 3.70.01.BITER. / PROJECTWOTH...ARCOH.TIABITRECIRRBAER181.911.1.110118.1 OITA0011RECTIME11110......ICATIONSVICINITYMAP64* - IMAO. ELEVATORPROPOSEDELMO.PROEM. ELEVATE.PROPOSEDELEV..0110008811.0.011PROPOSECH.VAI.PROPOSELERPJAT.PROPOSEDELEVATIONPROP78111.1.010/1PROPOSEDELEM.PROMBED ELEVATION