HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Activity 20150059 - Page/-,27-24916- End Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy)- •24, -wee skLEs Start Date of Activity:(mm/dd/yyyy) Description of Activity: C R 153-21- 06.Location of Property/Address/Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): ictto m NOLA Aukrn SEA(2AA MIDIMs DU ST Business Name: ST /7 Applicant or Authorized Agent (Please Print)Property Ow r (Plea Print) 17 21C fi-l-E Mailing Address &IL State Zip I have r d and understand the req 'rementsof this permit 16- eolO 041Pitt* It r Sigtlatu of Applicant at Signature of Property Owner ets Gar-fieloi 47- le.)–* Plea and/6.41-elk' 4. Leic-(c.X.6s6 • 1 01,34 IuY,loi ez.Kel t-tsfi:;.) pa iff(44t.ii-i-12-tcec.ari-(p ,642041 Pa I \ htar 1.-0 1.-(o 5 ./ie,i 6.' • NI 43 traat) I.ortistcl iat.Itiri riCt -OD 44orkt-e._ ,SC71 •I 143 Ar)ti C-t aaten et. 5111-i-c-( 1 Distribution: White Yellow (Planning) (Fire) Pink Goldenrod (Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit TAP No. C —05q 16.16Application for Temporary Activity Permit vzi.ac, Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted: outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) City O•.P7 412,2.2i2- Telephone Number Date b0-7 =3-4 Irrtaadjapi4a4s14.15iwnfoul.c.ON c=3. S'tralic isS 113'3 sa 241 ot /2.'r.r4 FORpFFICIAL USE ONLY Fee 4t 2se,J Receipt #S53 Required: NO YES # Approved: Planning Dept. Initials Date 10- Planning Mgr. Initials Date (If Neighborhood Notificatio Fire Dept. Initials Public Works Dept. Initials s equired - See PP-il07) f Date l't t-11 Date Police Dept. Initials pate • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 Mailing Address City Telephone Number .State Zip 11 e-A14,ei.arri E-mail AddressE-mail Address Q.2 TAP N o . Application.for TemporaryActivity Permit Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of anyof the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted:outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Start DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy)fi-.174i9/5-End DateofActivity:(mm/dd/yyyy)-,24 IS" DescriptionofActivity:RI Mors,—Mee Vt-1_,C, Jut lin Du City State Zip -71 1c4 O ra 0 .10 01,-)41,-21i.,2-RP040 Telephone Number E-mail Address Telephone Nuirriber E-mail A d d r e s s I have read and understand the requirements of this permit 0 to Signatureof Applicant ifate Signature of Property OWner Date _A;rarttiLarrowLshowingnprth,streets Garki of 4—I,t) CITY OF, HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 - Mailing Address 14-TA.U5 City LocationofPropertY/Address/Assessor'sParcel Number(APN): I 2t - )q tot tni4NO1.14bisTr.,1-11.1vmxOPJBeliciA civAto BusinessName:-my r or s-re.A-rr 4 Applicant or Authorized Agent (Please Print)Property Own0 (Pleasarint) 17 26- Mailing Address 7 P? 91 4 U State Zip a —8 WA:Ai riCfly'eriftp traat, kviac,K3 N_601.7 = ir,143 f1-4 4 °c1 SO:19 itif -4021APON E:==zs• 7.1,11C Itn.11V 74VVb‘•-i ,4-ornE 1).6-Po-r Zim t.MATV67 Approved:PlanningDept.Initials t!!.-t... Date 10- - PlanningMgr. Initials Date (If Neighborhood Notification-is required —See PP-,107) Fire Dept. Initials W.' Date i'"t% 1 , 7 1 r - PublicWorksDept.Initials (../1_ Date /0/Zil / 5 — -PoliceDept. Initials f Date Distribution: White Yellow Pink Goldenrod (Planning) (Fire)(Applicant) (Code Enforcement) G:\forms\ping\TempAct_Permit FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY —Tee 0 2-cr51 Receipt#f1_ BondRequired:NO YES # alOSI.•c='•d_ PifitcOlt ••-'•4•7• iA_4itei•.74r10.B•ige- •-.OW*SW:1.V • •••"Ce.. tr.,*•y •• .- . *L411