HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Activity 20150063 - PageTAPNo. 5—•63 Application for Temporary Activity Permit• Shallnotexceed96consecutivehours(exceptagriculturalsales) Mustdisplayacopyofthispermitonpremisesofactivitylocation Amaximumoffourevents/activitieseachcalendaryearareallowed Violationofanyoftherequirementslistedonthispermitissubjecttoimmediate issuanceofa citation Permitted:outdoordisplayofgoods(banners,pennants,streamers,andflagsare allowedasdepictedonthediagrambelowforactivitydurationonly) StartDateof Activity:(rnm/ddiyyyy)11—28-1S End Dateof Activity:(mm/ddiyyyy) 2--2B— 15- DescriptionofActivity:e.e. Locationofproperty/Address/Assessor'sParcelNumber(APN): 0 C•11-' Business ame:e rYtZS Mailing Address Mailing Address 1-017 qm5-arm °or/d4 City State Zip City State -6 153D TeJe one Number E-mail Address Telephone Number CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 PlanningDepartment (714)536-5271 Applicant or Authorized Agent (Please Print)Property Owner (Please Print) E t'2.ncira ci 9 o723 Zip E-mail Address I have read and un nahlre of plicant tand e requirements of this pe ' Date Si tu of Property Owner I 6 t Date Pleaseprovideadiagraminthisspace,showinglocationofactivity,directional and/orlandmarks,Le.structures,andlayoutofsiteandtemporaryeventfixtures It M05}cbt4fn on operc.hon<41permityKlitc, COY ci kilt.over L4b St * cfre en5o r most.be p14r-e0 So no+. 13oldirlg arrowshowingnorith,streets z 6 1 7-i--- 0 i t_ vt TS tl i f- ..8 A Pa -X a 1 iypet ao eNce.ect 75: (7) si805Nowvv.)14.1nshnn Cr)••c.4t..corhef$oF ,kreet cAr•I'd:P ce-Dts ee-5 Ge0fAot•5c4ama "tatiis. Distribution: White Yellow (Planning) (Fur) Pink Goldenrod (Applicant) (Code Enforcement) (-3aciid Ave GAfortnApIng \TempAct_Pcrmit " bait-_ 'Planning Mir.' Initials- Date (U"keighbnrhoodizotificano41S-reniiirOJ,,teeP.P,-107).-;, ,15. "iii/20*-,s+Dcip.L 15-:J_ olideDept.- Initials TAP No. Application for Temporary Activity Permit !A, City State Zip City State -cr330 Telephone Number E-mail AddressE-mail Addressne Number Si tu of Property Owner I have read and un tand e requirements of this pe • nature or plicant Date nal- * A Ftre •xtin501 must be picgood so e.Nceect ittyet d6Fttnc.c do DI C 701-"r , >..-r Ekyr (4‘dr7v.4.Ze?..7.4/20et.ti, g) Ty da i3Uldirn Per.f. Pink Goldenrod (Applicant) (CodeEnforcement) Distribution: White Yellow (Planning) (Fire)GAforms\ping\TempAct_Permit Locationo pro rty/Address/Assessor'sParcelNumber(APN):0 CV• nictS ern es Mailing Address Mailing Address Lon &,1 61OW3-arG2 Oi)irf Business ame: Applicant or Authorized Arial (PleasePrint)Property Owner (PleasePrint) e or 2-ndra ci 9o7a3 Zip Please provide a diagram in this space, showing location of activity, directional arrow showing notith,streets and/or landmarks, i.e. structures, and layout of site and temporary event fixtures. MUM.obtatn or operahonql petrylotry_io, For 4 Fentover 514 . 5 t`i° l'''*°1i•ln51%rnosF.be co- CA corrters • piR 412a4. 63arCiald Ave CITYOF HUNTINGTONBEACH 2000MainStreet HuntingtonBeach,CA92648 Planning Department (714) 536-5271 Shall not exceed 96 consecutive hours (except agricultural sales) Must display a copy of this permit on premises of activity location A maximum of four events/activities each calendar year are allowed Violation of any of the requirements listed on this permit is subject to immediate issuance of a citation Permitted:outdoor display of goods (banners, pennants, streamers, and flags are allowed as depicted on the diagram below for activity duration only) Start Dateof Activity:(mmiddiyyyy) II-28- EndDateof Activity:(mmkwyyyy)15- Descriptionof Activity: ejSik, Or, I 6 t Date reA 3a 1--- 01°,(lcs‘f,-( Dwy cc- 1FOR_OFEICIAI.:USE()NIS :Pee-•Receipt !! Bond-It:di-quire&NO YES -it': _ E. Approved: Planning Dept. Initials DatesAy_ Planning Mgr. Initials_.L_Date n (IfNeighborhood:Notificationisrequited See PP-1(17) ._ ire Dept. Initials St bite-41-Oile IS . Works Dept initials-Date..014:fri/.5 Police Dept Initials Date -- ..