HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20140009 - PageHUNTINGTONBEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING&BUILDINGDEPARTMENT 2000MAINSTREET HUNTINGTONBEACH,CA92648 47_1415.16 TSP No -ooq Exp. Date TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGN PERMIT AP IC ON $78.00 CODE PROVISIONS: Section233.04Fof the HuntingtonBeachZoningand SubdivisionOrdinance(HBZSO)statesthat a TemporarySign Permitmaybe issuedfor upto 30 daysto establishor maintainidentityof a businessuntil a permanentsigncanbe erected. Section233.18(HBZSO)statesthat promotionalactivitybannersandpennantsma erminedforgrandopenings, specialsales,changeof ownership,andothersimilareventsfor amaxim calendaryear. These typesof permitsare notrenewable. A promotionalactivitybanner: Shallnot exceedonesquarefootofbannerareaforeachlinearfootof buildingstreetfrontageand shallnot exceed 100squarefeet,whicheveris less. Shallbe placedonly onthe buildingwallor attachedto apermanentfreestandingsign. Shallnot be in a conditionof disrepair. Disrepairshallincludetorn, faded,or saggingsigns. Siteswithelectronicreaderboardsand vehiclesalesbusinessesonBeachBoulevardshallbe subjectto severalother standards. Referto Section233.18G andH (HBZSO)forfurthersigncriteria. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS ADDRESS: ) BUSINESS NAME: APPLICANT: ADDRESS:CITY: SUITE #: TELEPHONE #: TATE:ZIP:_45qh_Lf Has the business been issued a Violation Notice by Co&eEnforcement for temporary signs within the last calendar year? Circle One:YES Date ofViolationNotice:Dateofsigninstallation: SCHEDULE Y OF TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS FR 2.1 TO: (itk i`t-( ( (SEEATTAC DULE,IFAPPLICABLE)TOTAL: NUMBEROFDAYS: DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicate height, width, copy, and number of banners and pennants proposed. (f?) (2 X (2,\) 3-L zq csteLo(ri-o-r Isom). SITE PLAN Diagram the location of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, general parking areas, and location of all proposed temporary signs and pennants. fg\-\0(r60 -rov--rpi-0 (7,-)14 4 6A-4-m`PErL, Indicate North Direction The property owner or authorized agent has reviewed and approved this request. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.If approved, a copy of this permit must be posted on the premises during displ mporary a prom tional activity signs. -7 fr4 — Si nature Title Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED BY:PERMIT NO.: t - RECEWT NO: (2"-cl 00 DATE: (g:\forms\planning\tspappl]) PREMISEWarner AvenueCDEALS-Story Office Tower06-Level Parking StructureSycamore BoulevardjEleachBoulevard•:17L31 Dosch SaulavardCiro rasa Avesue L./I.. . .'6) —17! I -II•(0, kC.,Q.ka-. •1...71er