HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20150032 - PageCITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2000 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 TSP No/O4,5*002-- HUNTINGTONBEACH Exp.Date TEMPORARY ANDPROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $78.00 CODE PROVISIONS: Section233.04FoftheHuntingtonBeachZoningandSubdivision Ordinance(HBZSO)statesthataTemporarySign Pemit maybeissuedforupto 30 daysto establishormaintainidentityofabusinessuntil a permanent signcan be erected. Section233.18(HBZSO)statesthatpromotionalactivitybannersand pennantsmaybe permittedfor grandopenings, specialsales,changeofownership,and othersimilarevents fora maximumof 90 days percalendaryear. These types of permitsare notrenewable.A promotionalactivitybanner: Shall notexceed onesquarefootof banner areaforeachlinearfoot of buildingstreetfrontageand shall notexceed 100squarefeet,whicheveris less. Shallbeplacedonlyon the buildingwallorattachedtoapermanentfreestanding sign. Shallnotbe in a conditionof disrepair.Disrepairshallinclude torn,faded,orsaggingsigns. • Sites withelectronicreaderboardsandvehiclesalesbusinesseson BeachBoulevardshallbe subjectto seveial other standards.Referto Section233.18Gand11(1-1BZSO)forfurthersigncriteria. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS NAME:S t I 00} -rUITE #: APPLICANT:WI WOObtu ADDRESS: TELEPHONE #:-'3 - I0 CITY:STATE:ZIP:et96q7 Has the business been issued a Violation Notice by Code Enforcement for temporary signs within the last calendar year? Circle One:YES Date of Violation Notice:Date of sign installation: SCHEDULE FOR DISPLAY OF TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS FROM:(5—TO:-t =1:12=7Z-NUMBER OF DAYS:0 11-01-1g (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE, IF APPLICABLE)TOTAL: DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicateheight,width,copy,andnumberof bannersandpennantsproposed. i>cor (AO boor SITE PLAN Diagramthe locationof allbuildings,widthofthe businessfrontage,streets,driveways,generalparkingareas, and locationof allproposedtemporarysignsandpennants. propo5eJ SIckiNner IndicateNorth 1-tr Direction Thepropertyowneror authorizedagenthas reviewedandapprovedthis request. I herebycertifythatthe above informationistrueandcorrect.If approved, a copy of this permit must be posted on the premises during display of temporary and propptional activity signs. n14-rcr '7-12-1(5— Si ature Title Date FOR OFFICIALUSE ONLY APPROVED BY:PERMIT NO.: it-631-- RECEIPT NO: • tepl IP DATE:RS*1 (g:\forms\planning\tspapp) EXAMPLE DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicateheight,width,copy,andnumberof bannersandpennantsproposed. 2' 0" 12'0" 0 Note: Bannershall notexceedone squarefootof area foreachfootof buildingstreet frontage Frontage 24' 0" SITEPLAN Diagramthelocationof allbuildings,widthof thebusinessfrontage,streets,driveways,generalparkingareas, andlocationof allproposedtemporarysignsandpennants. proposedbanner Parking I I • IndicateNorth Direction (g:\forms\planning\tspapp11)