HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20150054 - PageCITV OF HUNTINGTON IWACH PLANNING & EIt!IIDING DEPARTMENT 2000 MAIN STREET • HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92648 (714)536-5271 ISP Nu 15751 Fm:.Date 744/MIK. LIP4St 4CH TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGN PERMIT A.ApPLICIVIA0 S:18.00 CODE PROVISIONS: Section233.04F of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance(1-1137S0)statesthat a TemporarySign Permit maybe issued for up to 30 days to establish or maintain identity of a businessuntil a permanentsigncanbeerected. Section233.18 (H137...S0)states that promotional activity bannersand pennants may be permitted for grandopenings, special sales, change of ownership,andother similar events for a maximumof 90 daysper calendar year.These types of permitsarenotrenewable. A promotional activity banner. ' Shall not exceed nne square foot of banner area for each linear foot of building street frontageand shallnot exceed 100 square feet, whichever is less. Shall be placed only on the building wall or attachedto a permanent freestanding sign. Shall not be in a condition of disrepair. Disrepair shall include torn, faded, or saggingsigns. Sitft with electronic readerboards andvehiclesales businesseson Beach Boulevard shall besubjectto several other standards.Refer to Section233.18 G andH (HBZSO) forifkicquir4tigngrNiyfr rri COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING:A1 BUSINESSADDRESS:4 SUITE if: BUSINESSNAME: APPUCANT:TELEPHONE#: ADDRESS:\r CITY:STATE: CA- ZIP: e l.2S44 . Hasthebusiriessbeen issueda Violation Notice by Code Enforcement for temporary signs within the last calendaryear?Circle One:YES NO Date of Violation Notice:Dateof signinstallation: F R DI P ' OF TEMPORARY AND PROMOTI N ACT V1TY 1GN - FROM:TO:NUMBEROFDAYS: /3 / N 2. (SEEATTACHEDSCHEDULE,IFAPPLICABLE)TOTAL: OPOS 'D EMPORAR AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVI "Y IGN Indicate height, width, copy, and number o f b a n n e r s a n d p e n n a n t s p r o p o s e d . rilk0X404706N-kif kir3J1_40.1 SITEPLAN Diagramthe location of aHbuildings,width of the businessfrontage,streets, driveways, generalparking areas, and locationof allproposedtemporarysignsand pennants. r tr‘J:r") 1< v17 A tF4.4 IndicateNorth Direction The property owner displa f tem or authorized agent has reviewedand approvedthis request. I hereby certifythat the above acorrect.oved, a copyof this permitmust be posted on thepremisesduring p orno on tivitysigns. Lel rsature . APPROVEDBY: (I/\forms pianning4spHpp11) /P-il C/5".Title Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PERMITNO.: ir-51 RECEIPTNO:.55.47 2-&DATE://I 0 - -