HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20160008 - Page0 JJ CITY OF HUNTINGTONBEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 2000MAIN STREET HUNTINGTONBEACH,CA 92648 (714)536-5271 TSPNo./ 4 HUNTINGTONBEACH Exp.Date j2--•7 1.1 1.• TEMPORARYAND PROMOTIONALACTIVITY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $78.00 CODEPROVISIONS: Section 233.04F of the Huntington Beach Zoning and SubdivisionOrdinance (HBZSO) states that a Temporary Sign Permit may be issued for up to 30 days to establish or maintain identityof a business until a permanent sign can be erected. Section 233.18(HBZSO) states that promotional activitybanners and pennants may be permitted for grand openings, special sales, change of ownership, and other similar eventsfor a maximum of 90 days per calendar year. These types of peimits are not renewable. A promotional activitybanner: Shallnot exceed one square foot of banner area for each linear foot of building street frontage and shall not exceed 100square feet, whichever is less. Shallbe placed only on the building wall or attachedto a permanent freestanding sign. Shallnot be in a condition of disrepair. Disrepair shall include torn, faded, or sagging signs. Sites with electronic readerboards and vehicle sales businesses onBeach Boulevard shall be subjectto several other standards. Refer to Section 233.18 G and 11(HBZSO) for further sign criteria. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Pd--ece-7BUSINESS ADDRESS: / SUITE#: Lo APPLICANT:LA,e.j...4"t1 D TELEPHONE #: (-7(47 Bt4D--(/-It ADDRESS:—70-C) 45."':44-ry:STATE: eA s ZIP: 7-96 LI- Has the business been issued a Violation Notice b nforcement for temporary signs withinthe last calendar year? Circle One:YES Date of ViolationNotice:Dateof sign installation: SCHEDULE FOR DISPLAY OF TEMPORARYAND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS BUSINESS NAME: FROM:TO: 14 ,P11457I 2.,5 -169 - NO-69 (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE, IF APPLICABLE)TOTAL: / ice ii/1113c> NUMBER OF DAYS: elAY DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARYAND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS - Indicate height, width, copy, and number of banners and pennants proposed. PO, rittor- P‘ie (f /5 dor SITE PLAN Diagram the location of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, generalparking areas, and location of allproposed temporary signs and pennants. RA-6re-- I 4.- PazAil eiv IndicateNorth Direction The property owner or authorized agent has reviewed and approvedthis request. I hereby certifythat the above information istrue and correct.If approved, a copy of this permit must be posted on the premises during display mporary and promotional activity signs. t Signature APPROVED BY. Title Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PERMIT NO.: /6---OtgRECEIPT NO:DATE: