HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemporary Sign 20160054 - PageCITYOFHUNTINGTONBEACH PLANNINGDEPARTMENT 2000MAIN STREET HUNTINGTONBEACH,CA 92648 (714)536-5271 TSP Exp.Date• HUNTINGTONBEACH TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $76.00 CODEPROVISIONS: Section233.06E. of the HuntingtonBeachZoningand SubdivisionOrdinance(HBZSO)statesthat a TemporarySign Permitmaybe issuedfor upto 30days to establishormaintainidentityof a businessuntila permanentsigncan be erected. Section233.18(HBZSO)statesthat promotionalactivitybannersandpennantsmaybepermitted forgrandopenings, specialsales,changeof ownership,and othersimilareventsfora maximumof 90days per calendaryear. Thesetypes of permitsarenot renewable. Apromotionalactivitybanner: Shallnot exceedonesquare footof bannerarea foreach linearfootof buildingstreetfrontageand shallnot exceed 100square feet,whicheveris less. Shallbe placedonly on the buildingwallor attachedto apermanentfreestandingsign. Shallnot be in a conditionof disrepair. Disrepairshall includetorn, faded,or saggingsigns. Siteswith electronicreaderboardsand vehiclesalesbusinesseson BeachBoulevardshallbe subjectto severalother standards. Referto Section233.18G and H(HBZSO)for furthersigncriteria. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: BUSINESS ADDRESS: 7/71 W-hgva SUITE#: BUSINESSNAME:lit)11---1761k9i. 0/4011 APPLICANT:aval4A1-3-1:7771,(66 TELEPHONE#4/1/—Z.69-057 ADDRESS:0/kt/Agisrdr—CITY: J ildOTOP&e/Gf STATa ZIP: 17-6 Has the business been issued a Violation Notice by calendaryear? CircleOne:YES e Enforcementfortemporarysigns withinthe last Dateof ViolationNotice:Dateof signinstallation: SCHEDULE FOR DISPLAY OF TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS FROM: I .Weinerk. IP *RI TO: r)cceintafr NUMBEROF DAYS: 2. (SEEATTACHEDSCHEDULE,IF APPLICABLE)TOTAL: DIAGRAM OF ALL PROPOSED TEMPORARY AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY SIGNS Indicate h e i g h t , w i d t h , c o p y , a n d n u m b e r o f b a n n e r s a n d p e n n a n t s p r o p o s e d . COM IN Cr (;.c,r.) WIL.1) 0 1 1 2 v S ( M b / M I -rep 12.`" SITEPLAN Diagram the location of all buildings, width of the business frontage, streets, driveways, general parking areas, and location of all pro p o s e d t e m p o r a r y s i g n s a n d p e n n a n t s . A-- t l f - - - b • 134P1hrre- VVVWIAIA Zq FiaakiA)G- Indicate N o r t h DirectionAi2NEa- The property owner or authorized agent has reviewed and approved this request. I hereby certify that the above information is true correct.If a p p r o v e d , a c o p y o f t h i s p e r m i t m u s t b e p o s t e d o n t h e p r e m i s e s d u r i n g lay t p r d p r o m o t i o n a l a c t i v i t y s i g n s . / 7 4 ature APPROVED BY: (gAforms\planning\tspapp11) Title D ' t e FOR O F F I C I A L U S E O N L Y PERMITNO.: f/b'..60AECEIPT NO726/41S-6 DATE:\